' ' . '" " ' ' ' s ~ L "Remember, she has been - with' us five^ years'- ~Grl&' cia. Why . - .-\-. j»_.' ..,.',.„ ' She is too siow.' -•" - - ,' ,r-xl.- , "But all of her work is accomplished.' ■ * ' She is cranky," Gratia went on, without heeding her father's justification. "'She won't" ever let /me fuss in the kitchen. I ought to "know - -somethings a*bout? housekeeping,- father, ami if she won't allow me" to learn with her, I'll have -Ho ~ instruct " v myselff* -- : ->' -.- -V 'It sounds well. 1 "'>" '-"',-• -"■■ ■*~<*:\ :•'./-"; 'I'll do just as you say; r of bourse. » -Let.' -me" try two weeks, then school will "'open v and 'I'll" get -another •maid.' Gratia had yet - Uk -discover 'that >maids-x*were--becoming almost ,as raxe as— well.v.buffaloes. •'■ In -' the ( , fall I intend ,to take domestic science, " you— know.-V? : 1 'Oli, imleeri.' , - — - - . * Yes. Just two weeks, father.. .1 (know ;*Bow .to cook meat and— cake; and ; I have aiwaysJ klon&'ttifefoxdS eting. Brother Bob won't be any trouble. The^house is small, .and there are only three of \is. Please, father.' This having to - beg- for any things shocked' land v Surprised Gratia. ' Besides _Alartha— Martha -is -.such - a ,;-._ slow-poke.' • , , "' t _ f ' Slpiv-poKe ? We used to call heir, the -" JeweJ '' 1 Slow-poke!' . \ ' " •" s^-" 7 ',-;,', '- "■ They were breakfasting, at half-past seven. Mr. \ Hobbs lovingly contemplated l*s cream gold coffee and the biscuits, which were "so4i£ht" -bhey,-,nug-hiy)& cajlod 4 -An idea occurred^ to -him; his v f a ce" bright- „ ened, and he suggested:- ; -■:--... - -:■ --•;-,>- - r 'May I dismiss Martha myself, i dear.? You secjUwe. ' have had her so long,' he apoLogised. . . •..;-'
•'■ ~'~&* 1 $ 9JS i : ?>l : £, racia assented graciously. •- Still,-, tffc ■< would be be.ttcr ,for. me toilet hei know ■the*reas6k of her dismissal-. ■ A sort of -kindly I, advice, you -know, ' to enable \her**l!bskeep her next pla(fe,'r4of.tily. - - - "- Arl. Hobb s'- smiie was - buried -in 1 his' newspaper-, s l l After. breakfask-Gracia ; retired to* the Verandah to"' read new .magazine* Awhile Mr.- Hobbs . warily approached, the , kitchen. -•< " ' v t •-- '^d. €%-iz ' C-;Ah,:, good-:m6rning, Martha.-, I --_,.^c « , * Morning, -■ Mr. Ilobbs.' - * ' '"-'■ *'- -' ' 4 , r -j : Martha,c ho,w"wb,uld -you like to have a' littlevva^,; cation ?i . i ',*' ■ .1 -••:• „ < 1 What, sir ?;;:;..- '.-J;^-; ;/- f-;|- ; . .- .,- ' . ~ -'A vacation.- It. would 'do you.good. Besides, Mis& Gracia , believes, she would like to housekeW -Tfo'f %s 'a. " : '' week jpr so.'l'C'X . "' '/ i■> V ' ' "' " ' *'-"' -^^^ ! Miss' GfaCia * s Houseircep;:? > ior'Mess'-you, ".sii^° sb'e -'- ain't ever done ,a ? stroke of work- in -her -life"/!: U slrc»T ' She thinks she ought. to begin. |To^ tell->the -ii'Uth.,?.-v .Martha, she 1 wants" to" 'dismiss you .for 'some ( iriv.i'al reason, I'^forget/'wh'at, it 'is.- "I" want^you^/tb 'pretend 1^ toc-^o,,',but toj -beCready" to - come back— this is" Monday—say, Friday "morning.'" -'--£- ' ',Three .daysjrsiie'll . want.. mc back-4n>ane.- Though: I m "not" .:soi' sure' ;rihcofue' 'back at all.' You see,^Mis^ f ' -Gracia' s very _ -fiagefcbearin' -at^'times ;' always ' telling me how to cook •and'' _' make jelly and" Fedsy ~nie~""tirat'"s~ " done: 'em' since' -I "' w&s "'khoe' higlv to aT duck, and her that> been re"adiii'*iri jthe noosepapers II 11I 1 Howvtohause-.V keep.'- V If" she'd only tell r nw "tlikt she didn't--know.--anything,- I'd -like"-to "^teacli .her. She—' ' That's enough, Martha. Just accept, .this.4>Ul-,and^ return • in- time" Tor- breakfast Eriday ..jnorning-^ iS^OrZA-^ ,_ cl .ar c " an "~ exist without you~ till"l■heli,^slhei^adde■a»aiiplb-<'.. matically:- ' •--.-■- -=--_- -—--_■• , . .-^ ,-^»^r^ &6 .- - . i Ofi, thank,, you,, sir. Y&ifdLc, I'll be back Fri-— day- mornin' sharp. ■■'Thank you- kindly, siVS.-LZ^ gc[-,* iiAt- 5 o'clock "MarWia 1 , - having prepared thetievenijig*-. tea, was about to x depart, when Gracia overtopfe her . in the back hallw:av. Her farewell words were^'ftf" al^a 1^ rather haughty Character. - "- -*- ''s.-'jur-llzPy.. 'A moment,^' Martha,' : she ' began in ah Uv&r-tlig-"^ hills-and-far-a way' "Hone ;,';! would like' 1 "torx say-la^bod^j. by to you, and" before you g6:to imform-you"^ w li'y . I 'am dismissing you;- First, you are-'tbo^slow^sed^ ond, you become angry whenever I assert my position- • as mistress in the slightest Sometimes your- -■ aprons aren't all • that a. maid's should :be; .and-Sah-S'' goodnbye, Martha, goo~d-bye, ' " she ' ended -abruptly ,-;,-. -as Martha's face progno3tical*ed a^stojrin. '"The blew, over, however, for JVTartha ' bent over hcr-^alfe^'" her shoulders shaking slightly but suspiciously. ' Good-bye,- -Mi'^s" Gracia. 1 In another moment" the" Jewel ' was lost "to sight. It was something of a novelty for- Gracia-. to- riseh. at six. The early - morning hours, she assured" u'lver-~--self, were the. little-known best:" t»Line . of tne-Hfa'y ;" v " bracing, invigorating they were— but-, still - Gracia yawned. Breakfast, .she. weiit oh, .was simpler-fruit,-,y%k-cereal, rolls, cqflee, and bacon [perhaps. None o-f these" ' things was "bjcyohd"" Grazi'a, for^lbe it understood'-' thaV' 1 ' she could cook in a .cerl/aiu small degree. '-*%_■■- C" '>"" Seven o'clock saw ; GraciaMn the kitchen/r'Th€rel truly her . head saved, her- heelss nothing, 'and .at e3'gh.i,H ocloclc, wlien,she was survey ing., with" s>tisfactioif^b#^ ; well-dons breakfast, - she was. suddenly-struck by%'r4kic:t- ' ■ that she had not set- the table, leaving. the~.4kcori?" to frizzle in "the- oven, she -hurriedly arranged *' thep" breakfast plates.- .Never b€f6xe-'ha<i' she real^spd th§ number of smalL. things, necessary to a perfectly W~pointed table.- Back- and forth, fo-rth and baclc she! dashed. At niner.o'clo!ck..-.they breakfasted.-, '-) I believev that / slow-poke ' Martha had. served 'the^'same- "iheW ■' at half-past seven the day "before. No one mentioned the fact, of course. As soon as Mr. Hobbs was ~ on"'" his late way to . town and Bob in the yard -- playdriig^ temus, GraJia yawned, glanced at the dishes' to bl x washed, yawned more than ever, then sleepily "maidfe*" . her \ way to the. davenpoijt. * For one little minutjg?'^ she expl-amed to her conscience. " One , little minute — was. ticked, away.- by geandfather's ' clock;' rthe'tf 1 "- "two w -little minutes and three. Gracia was iost" *'tb" ; iw J orldiy' >i ' time. JVlonotonously- the. cloc^inUtoW'-me^oufe'eieW/^ . and : finally -twelve. - - '' ; - 't'f'",. /u.^ves M M ' Gracia i wake: , "P-- rwant~:some'lunbh;' ..^lt^wa^" brother .Bob's gent Id "--voice. ■-"":•- • " ' J v -• ' What? r ■Oh/Marilia-'U have lunch »in aJ^w^min-^ W« . bomfortably. ;^D6 /go " away '* and let ''Gra'cia~~ (Sleep. * ' L ±.1 <" '.r ~.- ' ;-;; 'Wake, up ;..,. Martha isn't here and? 'I'm -ihungryf'pcr-'^-sisted Bob.' ■ _ . . , ,c-U- v v; "?.«'•■ -r? m* •f -+*l*i^ n ?\^*l- Hasu '»' she ? cleared the^break-i: . fast table; yet remembranoe,br o ke m^'upon her— ' : dh; v it i^i'riate^ is Hi ? ' *-**$**'* *-?"«: "Twelve and I'm hunny,' Bob reiterated.*-:- v , . J7'7'' > '^Twelve ? I-why , .- IUI .have luncheon immediate y ' What, would you iikej » .she- pacificated. " • ' Pears and pie and lob—'
O SJopf I--riusure;^;n6^er>tliouglit'aboitt it. I haven t ordered the groceries 1/^-'TlieMast''1 /^-'TlieMast'' words were- '" ft, • v h \ wondering. 80b,, , as.. Gracia ' had . gained -me. phone by the- 'time they'Svefe- uttered.' Ak a whirl,,wimL .she rushed back-- to ' the- dinin>g-room ; and- in the vortex she carried .breakfast . dishes ;to.<l/he /kitchen — X^'^Styte ., did ,' nol bring' ~tfi« groceries,- so' ishe humbly asked the famishea^Tfor-'iftr ixmclTori bread and , r milk. -., .When her- order ..did., arrive" G.ra"cia .resolved on .reformation, pro;videutialiy J prepared the Vegetables for -'dinner; for she; was -not- to ~have~a- spare- moment that" atterttopn. Jt- occurred to/her/during -the washing- and peeling - andi shelling of the Serious"" that .- Martha- .had-- always, before breakfast' too, dusted the do wnstairsv- rooms.-. Accordingly: she .hastily finished, her ■ « H epa ,^W f <> u nd a-rdustei-',, /';anU". faced ' the ' parlors. The -formal process over, Gracia^ensconcedVherself in a cnair, a -last evening's paper- in- her hand. She turned " fs'f 5 ' "? u^^ to *^ er Hln ' ts '" o^:U-9'usekeeping;' so despised by -.Martha-.- v The first sentence to meet her horrified eyes raja ..thus :, " * " "/ " . , ' When making bedV^G/.Beds^bedsT-I 'didn't make any- beds. ,Wi(/h her usual late Gracia sped -up "the stausj-as^- the old clo'clv^accusiffgly "struck" ;"six. VVhen-'Gracia -was-*huiy:,yiug <ovei:^the- last .«becL, _she . heard ncr neglected 'brotUeK rush towaids tiie-i*lront , 'Father; ' ,she exclaimed,'" and deliberately advanced 10,~ lock the bedroonf/dotfr. *? tf here? was- a-j:ap t i<as ■ she anticipated: " ; '"■' '■.-"•' v ' >:": "~ .:■'- *"•-'*■ '■ '~-*" v^ ' Gracia, . I'm home, dear.!' <'i ■ . - - _' Yes.''.,' »—-,-• •;. " ■ " /Well?''/; ' ,_ r . t . ...".'/"l ;/~ 'Good evening!' "*'* '"'*■'" -■'"-,- > r --"- " - - - ' Good evening. , -Gracia, .J/ devoutly, hope, -you aren't' . papering .or "talcinriniiig'an-.* there'?;'- - - --■ ' " -/•'No,' sir; I am ; .not".'/""* j.T" ; ■ r 'You aren't crying?"' anxiously. '? '-'■ x ' "' NO.' "■ y '•"_" ' - .- .-I Well, what are you doiSg''? >vv ' ~- ~ '- '■^ . - ,' Making the bed.'Vr " ■ l--,< .-,- w >;;. ., '.*, -. \ ..... .-• s < tra -| n^ d ,t, their lo? the^- listening. Gracia was 'borne-; m "the. sound" "o_f^a halESjippressed-'cljuckle, ' Fora__ niomcixt:; Gracia ■ffown'Sdf *$$&^^-tKe^perlisi'enf "chuckle ..was' soon. ; supplemented .by her wholly unsuppressed" laughter: Suaderily -she? stopped^ and sighed. - «■ Oh .Martha, Martha:,' then ; added aloud, 1 : C'f"' ; 'We'll have a late sup/per, father. 1 ~" '"" ' * V All t/lig more fashionabfe, my dear,' "cheerfully . responded the schemer. - r : - - c -,- . ' -, .; At the cost". of some 0 V ,; Gracia' s sleeping hours ™ YolkY olk resolv ? d " Into' somewhat' "better lines •Jlie beds were made in.ihe morning, v and the breakfast dishes were washed imineoTately after -that' meal . .though she - deliberately abandon^ tlie.! pa"ffors,to their - .dust.. In the evening she. was "triumphantly" sittine; down to a seven o'clock v wlien_ "she observed Bob -beaming benignly at, her". .Jn " justification^ she looked, at ■ her father.- <.. .■ ." , ";- - ..- '■> ' W- 11^ w «at : s the •matter ivitlf me; ' "anyw&y ? You both are staring ' - .- -- ,_, . . _%-„..,- - , "^Her father gravely led* her" to ' the pier glass'in the N .;hall. A- queer reflection truly, .f or^her. .hair,, dishevelled fell coyiy towards her left ear, her "shoe' ribtoiis— - -b.ut .what- only was their. interesKwas, her once ■ im- _ maculate' "apron. ,It had become -'a whole library "' of . ?^y el ?^ . stove Polish, berries, .and other articles .had Jeft their story .there. <.Wors.t-.of all, there was-~a big . barn-door ' -tear: " Surely Martha— but one must -sup--press 6>ie's deepest. longiELgs, fi one.. must smdle for.aopearanee sake, while- inwardly -one- says- ' Poor ' Martha ' ' v- Thursday afternoon Gracia- 'rushed in .where the pro- - -verbial '-angels woul-d ; ha^e 'feared ' to -•tread.- She de- . cided , to .make, a cake, that she could not make •good cake, but she -had not- acquired? velocity - -'enough. , £o: carrjc'her- through all- -the>bouseworj<;,.aml bake the s.c.aKe, r too. So, cheerfully, she avoided the dusting: ; again.' " ' " '- ~*'<*~ ■■- l~l ~ - - b '"i In h i e . l i pinl< S iu Sham, starched . and fresh, and nor v ciean ..wl.Ue apron, standing, qv^er -the.: big. yellow bowl *c&racia . Ayas% a - pleasant Phyllis; ' site was &^°J9T? -surrounded by the uncalled-for . mes'siness which an ■: amateur T always causes *in -a "--kitcheji.. " " -Amid - the .-■greased .pans, the dabs_of butter; and-'the^sTrtinklin^ d« cJlour ? appeared the hospitaller <Bob; ' bring-irig '^- com- - Aipanion 1 of :his, just as -Gracia" discovered' /some j.-, traces^ol. egg splashed on hei^ fresh *plnk gin-gham. It 1^ was .-rather an inauspicious^ moment.^. J^oufelesT-^veiv - - come singly,' Gracia... grimly , obseryed x -to. ■ herself* as^fie " ;, tjWo- boys s entered. „ -: . . _ ,-; , - __ r .-. s -0- - - 0 , f - % . v ,r \i ' ; CTo-be.''eoiicluded;-)J- v v "" :^'J^'-i
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New Zealand Tablet, 13 December 1906, Page 5
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1,706THE JEWEL New Zealand Tablet, 13 December 1906, Page 5
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