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The Catholic World

The, Right Rey.p.'Stephen.Kyne^ D.D., hai|§|e4^*fiß pointed' Vicar" Apostolic of- Liberiafi Africa. ;|l&K3£yne,r«? wjao has been recently- honored by Pope PjUs^^:, is<s£ a Mayo. man-«--» ( He ( joined^ St. Joseph's • Sjffcy^j? foi^ African" ariissioiis-'- and \ made-, his© preparatory?^™d^s. _atuv r th'ei£. College-.., of-,4>he, QrjJert. Cork,,- conr^e;tririglJus'^" CQ.urse,Jn J-he inothcr. house ""of the 1 Order ij^^^yohs,-;? lie was for tteii v "ycaL"§' iiV 'pi*o'fe"ssor"'-ih^'-the sejbiiiajry 6,i\f; the Ortler 'itf^Jfflßyp't/'^Th'e ..missions .ayer Dr&£. Kyne f is preside as Bishop is a temto,rj^;fw|ce as^'j large as Ireland;, -aiiil itv is called; -the; Am&^s^~Gfc~-yAf-y: rica, from the jtact that .it" "was "colonised .fry^ntericair slaves set free, yin 1&20. They carried with ;fthen> --toAfrica the "American- Constitution and," a rep^]ali.c*>was-"' set '-up "and ""still:.- exists; -on- -lines of ' tli^ifoCiyeJa^terr-. -- Republic they^ /left.^ They ..have two legislative MianibW^;; and a president. " """ '" "- 0 " v ■' /;^M c 'T url tK. - CANADA— An oblate.JfltlssiQi|ar^ 6 .-. ,; / '&£ '"i The -_ veteran _ . Oblate- 1 :missionary7 Father A . ' G7 r-<'r -< ' Morice, is< » one,., ojL "the mo'stf" "interesting "figures among the "many' men", of "science who have been tcpUected at Quebec to assist at the International Congress" ""of "" owe a great -debt to> this broad-minded Frenchman.' ' -A' ' gre^tf "pa'rf" bT ■hfs"life~h"as'": been spent in the interior of British Columbia, many miles awa/7; from civilisation," among the^Carrier;,:lndians, so.called. called- because,>ibefore ihe* advent £ qfv white men and Christianity, it lwas ? the ' cujstotrx't 1 |o'r-V?.t'he widows among theni to" carry"" on -< their :-persbn'ss: -persbn'ss for." a . definite period of mourning, portions of their husbands' bones." Besides " "evatrfgelising""- this -"-jpeople, ' Father Morice has given years" to:-studying :^iheir- manners and traditions. " - y ENGLAND— GoIden Jubilees Monsignor Provost Clegg.^bf^Mooionp, pHesh'ii^'.M'aiHl Canon Duckett, D.D., Norwich7~--havV- jusiClha'Td^'tneiiv' 1 ' golden jubilees. The two events were enthusiastically.'" 1 celebrated, presentations being made to the-~jiiDilariansf Death cf a Jesuit ' i * A distinguished and very able. Jesuit has passed"' 1 away in the person" of Father -Peter Gallwey, who died 1 in - London on - September ,23-; in his eighty-sixth .year. The "rev. gentleman filled' the highest offices in the Order, and was well known, throughout the United Kingdom. ,|Born in, 1820' at r-Killarhey, -"he was a brother J 6f* Mr. Thomas Gallwey, itwho for "many years acted 'as land agent to Lord^, Ken-mare, . : and whose name is still deeply' respected' by' the "people of the town and neighbourhood as that of a man whose heart was full of : kindness. Father Gallwey entered the Society of Jesus in 1836. Catholic Conference. >f:i^ r The Catholic Conference, which took - place at Brighton during the last week" -in "September was decidedly one of the most successful annual meetings ever held .by the English Catholic .Truth Society. The , Bishop of Sou thw ark, and all 'the 1 ecclesiastical' authori-' 1 " ties ' of the diocese; -encouraged; i toy ' his"" Lordship's V practical - zeal, did everything , that was possible to achieve success. In' the attendance, the papers ,xead, ' ithe speeches and the v proofs of Catholic unity which, the-",Uonfcre,nce afforded,' the Brighton gathering gave splendid' evidence of the power~ of the Catho- - he., body. ; Pastoral by the Heirarchy ".| -r The ArcKbishops and Bishops of the -province o£ Westminster have addressed a -Pastoral" to',- the , X clercy and laity of England A and ,; v Wales.: oiiiHhe Veducation question, in the course of which -they" - say 4* -In. the half of .our, schools all -public aid is re- \ fusea^., though rates^willHs.till-be-demknde^of us, part of which will be devoted to a religious' teaching alien from and v in ,many/r.things .opposed to, the teaching of the Catholic These s Schools will be starved to , death by the action of the Liberal Government f" 1 --.,^?? 106 - o^.^ 11 the^. principles to f , which it* -owes its fappel^tion.^^hcti^h^he [areas wherettund^sthe^c cir-«umstances,,-no ft ' Ci'tho'lic public elementary: 4cnoo{ can t any longer exist, Catholic parents may be left under % compulsion^ of -4ihe v^law^4o;_ send their children • to 5" non-Catholic . schools in opposition to the dictates of " t*eir consciences jTJiet Government .4s thereby creating^ - a fituatioii J.dt' ffroculiat difficulty aria> delicacy, in whieil Catholics, may- ibe'vobliged to disregard 'a law whioS^

-js-- m.anifestly unjust, - and to.. obey.,,. rather, t the law- of God, which no Legislature has power to-aftfogaTe-'br " set aside. those schools in which it may, accordthe^BiU,~Jie .posaiblajto teach WOwihoiics . %M&Li£l&. J-P.^-to,; irusU ifo U tlie^|Sadwill^ntdlfaffn%s^ of t ofc; se..riqus Mcgisr^iioiiv^.Elsl^^p%v®thtv,which the j > t C !l hu.rch,^^ias r^ial wa'ysl^lllm^^n^Goji^-ejDtfon i mW, th e;reii'gious;: teaching fatd'fin^eirceS«>Wlfif|lner LW n are -' e 4^ u stedsft'i3qcei^i*s) no^l m'ognMi^mMMny Hand ; yuh, like" the:rappointm6h&-vd'FSteito^^^ -absolutely- .^o ■■tXwsc;,^hor4f>tlrey^;a I rJ^^ ' fv^ r! i 1 ' 1 P- ac^o>lcdge;?tl}a^ l>^£<eal .with : sa«rto state the /pbsi^pnf at '^iifteSr^lfeth^Oifi^flalms " .aTO- : v3vcll^.3vno wnj :,t.g;i^ir ■ -■wh6 s: f':b^r'>V ibT 'ifrioTOSSTem. Their ;■ ]usticc is - clp-ar'.Tt'o- ul £.'-' thb&C.wlto'^^-iiirca^t f pre-judice-froin- ,1/hcLi; niindsi ;<-Tliey" ilrave-ibeeii'^^; -foi&hs on •,, I?^I ?^L i y^9c c asions\ajid^o^;maiiy>>p^ft6rinst*^^ • mof^.eloqucntly .-or.^nibre. ' 3oxß@fy?ifraxZ"> 6y*'ilifi. JJt^tho--.H < s>-'" Me -? lbc ? s -J u - Jl i»e^436use^f^oaimiis,v;^OufHpli'blic - -upon-' theySffierabers- ot^ mxl^Hmms m^i&MV/ii&£; in-■.■-treatn^eM.,!^ meted 6ur^o^air^pa?eMs^alike,'-^with'out violating^,! he .pIMP^S-iCOJivbtibis^lo^ai^ - *" *"** "n rNDIA^A.Nun Honored \ * the" "Lleut'enanf "~G overnor ~oT~Burm^-^ --f ew^-=wec x :s - presented to the' Rev. Mother St. Vincent, Superi- ' oress or the' Rang<j«ff ■ Convumt, -the-Kaiser-i-Hind-.Silver ■ Medal, which was conferred on her'by the: "Government- of India for 34 years.. of :t f ait hful and devoted^ service in the cause of -charity-'and education?;>---.,, ~ ~ SCOJLAND^CathpHcVTrdt^^Society n jb P^efdlngs- >*t;ili(f, 'meeUn^of the Scottish Catholic -.Truth boqibly; rfm^M&im^ Aberdeen this .yeaj^werev marked wij& great/ e A thusiasm^ Whatever^subjecl was- ,takfeh.t. up .'(.says Hate" "Catholic Times") -^whether -atr was-, the- situation-'in^F^ance^ and the rights ■i° f ' .yJ*??? . b^-- layrhelpr/the .connection of tbjr Holy ■; See , with Scottish -TOe;rsi ties, or CatholicrapologeUcs■lt was-r dealt with^in^Hhorougli ahdJip^JiSarCg Mknner. The spirited^ and kindly words /in which-^Bishop Ohishokn-wiio is such an invaluab^^suaport-er of the Truth Society-'convcyed to the A i^hbistfop; "Bishops, and cLergy- and^ laity of England and^'ales whole-hearted . sympathy from their Scottish brethren in the fight for the schools will be cordially appreciated, and we thank the Bishop, and the Catholics of Scotland foe their cheering message TJi^was a peculiar appropriateness in the fact that the Catholic Conference and'the centennial cele-brations of Aberdeen UniWsity fell at the same >time, for the U^iveisity is a ; . Qatholic foundation and i,t was also fitting->;th'at the i Very Rev David Memmg. should by his presenftp -in Aberdeen at the iuncture^Jave renewed, the tics that oncetyttund the Francis- . cansno ,;the city. \ k^, •-, Honorary Degrees "H^~. \ " ; -V\ iJAmong those on whom : -B6ffo^av^degr,eekwere confer- \ red -in, connection with the celebf apon-^ of Hhe Aberdeen University Centenary are-RigSs Efevt. Mg r . Robert ."Gerald Molloy, Vice-Chancel l o r of "the Rdy'al University of Ireland, atod Rector of; the Citfefic diversity of Dublin (Doctor^of Laws);' \.. \ \ A Work of Charity & j **** \ \ more self -sacrificing or noble 'work is^per formed Vk< I (writes a Glasgow - co%espo^ent) than that by the Sisters of,, Nazareth, the majority of whom S2h IV £\ lad YeSV eS - ?* nc^ h^f the good Sisters have dono> ,muqh : to assfiftwyoung : orphans and the aged poor. S'fo.'extcnd tlTeir labors still further they have erected % new/K'bnie at ' Halfway ' at a Costg££i 8) 000. was opened on %£ S WITZERBA^SI-the S|, Bernjrd Monks ' cav^^Ti^V^^'^^*''^^ 1 " date SeptcmbbrlS, says The bt. Bernard mada . their first trip this week from Martigny t o>. the St. Ucnard hospice with their new / .motor-:^i.''ansport car, which has been specially congt^ucJedtQv carr^y qieavy-weights on steep gradi-' enis.- The.-car^ which Ms . J of 40-WoiWpovyer, is - fitted " 5Jv JP c , clar i tuc tp^ji .tfte' show and ice. - ?> Y = . monks ? from vlhe . hospice; recency veiit, to Milan .to f leam the", ail" of 'drii-ing^a 4.mort»r-ca¥ and are now expert- chauffeurs., ;P W ; O inoiiks, jWins £ c usual habit andrcowl, Id rove, the f heavy car^loaded f,ith provisfons an-cP firewopd -up life- mountain iroad» the hosnice ' will ltrl hG ■ > l % { ™ li d P^^.X«<PeM?h the Sks to tS al hotp cc -^^ Vl^ f ° r toUli fr £r^Martigny

tFNITED STATES— Sermons in Many Languages "At the recent blessing of the corner stone of the Cathedral of St. Boniface, "Winnipeg,*. Manitoba, sermons were delivered to" the assembled people "in- English, r Frenchy Polish, German;-- and -Rutheniafl. ; .r. r . r , ;i'-'-_ '-} In the Cause of Charity At the laying of- the corner stone of the Ilos'pitai'de " Santa Maria, in Rosweli, New Mexico, the other day, the Governor of the territory,. Mr. ;Hager-man,' was-^pre- - sent and paidr r a- fine tribute,- in •>. his- address/ to"- the * work- of- the Church -in the field of charity.- ' He 1 said that this charitable endeavor of the Church- '- is"- a~ per- '" ennial source, of, admiration -to the- Protestant, world.' :-■ Parochial Schools in Chicago ' A , :a . The growing popularity" of parochial ' schools in -Ghi- % " cago is one of the most striking, signs of the -times (saysthe '.New World 1 ). The people seem to "be.awakening'--from the cataleptic trance into which they were castby .the alluring" fantasy of- State,^education. .The", biennial school census presented by Secretary Larson -to - the - Board ,of Education is a document of the greatest sig- - nificance and value. 'Since 19 04 the attendance-in t-he - public schools has only' increased by 27-70, while the- at-- '- tendance in the private, which practically mean the Oatholic schools, has increased by 9595. Thus, io quote the analysis of -the ; Chicago ' Record-Herald ' r' » The' public school attendance has increased but little 'more than, one per cent, in the last two years, while ' the private schools have increased "more than 12 per cent.' " The total number of pupils attending the' '< public schools last June was 248,503, while the number "at- ■ tending the private schools was 81,612. There are, ihere- ' fore, almost one-third as many pupils in the parochial as in the public 1 schools. - " Charitable Bequests The will of Patrick J. Sullivan, which was filed for probate in Boston recently, contained bequests amounting to £14,000 to different Catholic institutions.. . He left £1000 each to the Catholic University^ Washington, the trustees of Boston College, St. John's.-Semi-nary, Brighton district, the Boston Public Library, the Little Sisters of the -Poor, the House of- the Good ' Shepherd, the St. Mary's ' Infant Asydum,- the; Carney Hospital, and the Free Home for Consumptives.' His gift to the Public Library was for the p-urchase of standard Catholic books.

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New Zealand Tablet, 15 November 1906, Page 31

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The Catholic World New Zealand Tablet, 15 November 1906, Page 31

The Catholic World New Zealand Tablet, 15 November 1906, Page 31

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