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Irish News

ANTRIM^-DMfh^a V&'i" The death is-^announcedepf Mr.-. Jqh% Justin ;Pender, eldest son of -the-fanrbus-Irish:. authoress, Mrs. -^ JVI. , T. . Pender. The deceased, who was only a little over ,30 ,- years of age, and r -had married^-recently, , had been for . many years assistant, inspector- -of ""factories in -'Belfast^ ' and was for the past three years senior inspector- in\ the (Same department- in Glasgow,. . r Launch of a Ldrge Steamer -^ *"',! , : . ££ ' x - The list of o^cean leviathans the cre-dit *of the Belfast shipbuilding yaTds was~ increased recently/ when' - the new White Star liner 'Adriatic,' Hhe "Seavies.t ,1 ship in the world, .left the stocks at JVLessr,s~ " Har- " land and Wolff's,- Queehls Island^ and -, entered upon ~her >s " seagoing career amid the plaudits of a Sig assembly .* The launch, whilst not marked by any formal ceremony,' - was 'made "the- occasion for- -<a general 'holiday;-- an"- the '. yard, and there was a numerous gathering . of the public to witness the proceedings, the crowd being^indeed^.,-< one of " the -largest -aver seen at Queen's Island 1 . _ -JThe ' Adriatic ' „, is.a "worthy successor of- ,the. nianyv fines 5 --, large steamers previously launched at " Belfast for" this" ' famous line, and will be an important addition to one ; , of the finest fleets in the world. '1-he '-Adriatic,- is 725 feet long, 75 feet beam, and about ~^o feet deep,Her gross tonnage will-.-be about 25,000, and her - dis- . placement will exceed 40,000 tons. DUBLIN— A Nonagenarian '•::•' T" Dr. Henry Tweedy,' who died -at his residence in Rutland Square on September 21, had all but completed his ninety-sixth year.v He was born in. 'i'Blo, atfd^ ' was the oldest of three nonagenarian Dublia. physicians—the two others being Sir John Banks, 1C.C.8., Physician-in-Ofdinaiy -to the King, and "formerly Presi-'"-dent of the Royal College of , -Physicians,- and Dr., George Ellis, of Lower Leeson street, Fellow'of '/the'"" Royal College of Surgeons.. . '-[ The Archbishop in Poland •'-.', A press* message from Siedlce, Poland, unaer date.~ ' September 23, says : A deputtfctjon, accompanied by a ' large number oE horsemen, -met the Archbishop r6f Dub.--lin on his arrival here and presented him with a magnificent cushion, on which was worked the national emblem of the.. Kingdom of Poland, a one-headed white „ eagle with -Ted bean. The emblem" also appeared on the'^ ; ' Polish national costumes of the riders <and their banners. In all the places he passed through the-. Arch-/; bishop was ' presented with bread and salt *by - the' Jewish inhabitants. ' •- -j • --->•<—-,-,- GALWAY—A Bye-election A "'cable message received last week stated that Mr. " Stephen Gwynn had been elected for Galway City ;in 1 place of Mr.- "0. R. Devlin, who-4s abo.nfr' to re-enter '"' the Dominion Parliament* as member for Nicolet, Quebec. Mr. Devlin had sat" for i Galway- since. 1903. Mr. Gwynn's opponent was Captain Shawe-Taylor, a devolutionist. " - — - The Archbishop on Education - ~ -'* - Most Rev. Dr. Healy, Archbishop of Tuam, presided at the annual distribution of* prizes to- the f students of St. Jarlath's College^ and referred to '-thegreat success jfhich attended - the college " during the year, and, continuing, said— What are we. to ..think of ' the successive Governments that have such-brilliant stu--~-dents at the portals n o£ a university career, but close the door against -them- except they enter", those^" yersity colleges which their conscientious convictions forbid them to enter? Can such .Governments of^ Ire-, land be called just-pr liberal or 'wise? "Nearly, all our. ~*. students come from' Gal way or Mayo ; some ot " them " from the -mountai,ns around the great la>\esi from •which almost" entirely the Provost of Trinity "College, for his own private purse, -derives an mcome- of -£ISOO a" year, not .to 6f v some "£I7OO more which " the ' same official receives- from* other sources Fifteen hundred pounds, for , the;Rio,vost, 1 pf 4 trinity College from,, t-he blood and sweat "of" "the"* parents"'^ 'these" poor- ' bpysj *ut^.fo^them»jto. help them on their. onward' 'career >;- not a sixpence, except they p 1 ace" themselves under" the intellectual and mprXltfguidancpJof .^thecrsaid 1 , Provost and finis Protestant staff. But I believe 'ihey will at any sacrifice keep their conscience and their poverty father Jr^J.-S^SUi 11 lhe i"-sotten goods of Trinity Collea;e Dublin. ■« .Th^y-do-nofcV' "want-to share its prestige . If • they can get fair, .play, they can. create a higher Stores- 5" tige for themselves: - 'Phe State- may help to givd you '*

V ,■ t «. v - >. -v. :7^ •.,/;" " ~ > / Knowledge"/' bub ib can vnever -teach these manly -iChHsJf ;tian£ -virtues^ tha£ .„ are v r bet ter • possession > than -anything tlwUState, . can-,;' give "' therii. '' l) -The, ' iixiute is r yours. •> Without them/ no matter what may J>e *youri -learning, your lives will .be. ,'a- failure.' I~ again- congratulate you all .-on your spleh"did jind, '.pray- God 'to bless your efforts in the: future. Theses/efforts may "not' al- rways/be'..equally 'successful, but- -they/ can alway.s '•be made equally meritorious. > " -'- l .\ '.. J ' - LIMERICK— No Half Measures \ 1% \ - A-t^ r a great National demonstration held at'-Qrange, County -Limerick, .' on. September 23,vJWr John Redmond, M.P., referring to " the promised .Irish legislation^ "/Of next year, said nothing short of'> complete Home ; " Bute woul-d ev-er bring peace, psosp.erty,.-and contentment Vto 5 Ireland. , .- <"7 ._,„ _.>, '•* . /" ■■.f --L. ' . : RO?COMMON^Th& O'Connor: dories Estate ; \~;% ' .- The Right-lion. . Charles. G f p6^py/""ljnW'^6ol*feffoln' j of Clanales' Castlerca,- County y Kbscbmn}bn/P,C., : Xl£Dl, - J.P. /orfCpfinty Rpscommon', andr"4escehda>t^of£<Rode:r-t^lck,-QlCpnor, ttie.,lasjr 'King -" of* C>nnaugM ? CtemM'M-75/), - and' who .^died bn-~tne-30th"- "June last;" agWT6Br"SOn"~ of -..the .late/ Denis O'Conor.^M.P., left personal * estate in the United Kingdom valued at £33,272 14s "4d, of' r which £G337=ass 4d is English estate* _„. Ths testator - left his estate 7 " in the.,-* C'oiiivty of R6sc6mmo*n in trust for his son " Denis," with' " certain " sums r t9 about £20,000, and he left certain funds to which -: his son -Roderick,-, Joseph would have been entitled to -' take- to- his sons, Owen, Felim, and Charles Hugh; and he left his real-- estate -at in trust 'for- his , wife for life, with power of appointment ~ to his cbil- .- dren, or- in defjtultrof ;;appointmentvrt;o-hjjs said eldest son^ Dems. He desired -that his funeral should be v as simple 'as "possible;: and- any sums which would have . jotherwise been spent on mourning to be distributed ,- among «>poor at Me discretion of his said eldest son He .left ,£3OO to, the Catholic Bishop of Elphin for .";the, convent recently established, there, and.. £200 to be * distributed' among 'such '* charitable* 'purposes'" Or for , Masses^.as.his .wife shall determine. Sho^ld,ei'ther ofhis - sons,, Owen: or Charles,- : entef &\ religiouV ff * v Grder, he is only to- -receive ,. £4COO as being; ampler. sproyisionjfpr5 proyisionjfpr him Subject to other- provisions, "the 'testator 'lefT "the residue of. his estate " in.^equal'" shares" -to" ''-His three- sons but .directed' that certain sums advanced", to^ : his son Charles-, should be :br ought int<x' account. ;-;"' '•■- ys TIPP^ERXRY-^Death of a Noted Soldiier^ c -^ The death has tak~en place at" Grantstdwri Hall g°" n te Tl P^ ar^.-^ £ Lie,ut -G(}nejual^Denham Massy U.-13.', D.L.. "^The deceasedi b'elengl&d ;Jtb^ an ancient Tip- - perary^ family that always tb'ok a pride in their native, county -as well as a -deep interest in its public .affairs, and ' The General, 1 as he was popularly referred to, was not an exception to his ancestors.' He was elected to "-every.; position -that-ifr Was?<n the?Speople's v ,power_ to bestow; upon" ' him, - and.-itf -"rec6gnitiT>n of ■their -good-- faith,, in liiin, he- ~unhesi*a?tJiigly made^his .. tenants.- peasant :p.roprietpr,s_. at Jjthe ,%ception of the recent iand . Act v .- His .^pppularjty , .was, ,un;do jilted, and his 'death comes 'as a" serious loss-'to " the HoVality "When* only a boy of sixteen he displayed? much more than ■ conspicuous bravery at the Redan, in his conduct there , f and t-earnedt -earned v for himself., the-. sob^auet, of "the Redan Massy.' 'He-.wa^ihen^bn^an^^srgiiPlfis^l'ast mili-tary-employment-was - that •'■as-(3omman'fleE-,of JJuuForees in Ceylon. Since the passing of the Irish Local"Gov--ernment Act* he has held the position <of,- amongst v other - thangs, ; Vice-Chairman of the County Council of the South Riding of Tipperary, as well as bein#- a ;/™J? m : ber o£ the_ Asylum CommitteeV Tipperary Technical Instruction" Committee, -and numerous other Boards. - A Prjest Honored . ; >. ; <-. {v „ ( ; , xr 1 ~ The congregation on Sunday, September 23 it • ;CappawhitojwsLs addressed by, Ahe Rev. Dr. Treacy Dixie _a; native ;p v L>- Cappawhite, who said he had'the honor of a private audience with his Holiness Pope 1 ius^Xv on "'September:: 5; ■ aiid?t6dk^ advantage of the ocA casion to present the literary works 6t their parish '.pr-iest/ Fa-ther o,'l^eftfTe, tolifils-: Holiness. These were Moral Discourses,.^-, "' Sermons at Mass, 1 and ' Selfteacher of Music and Singing.' The Pope inquired of . him ■if ?-,the v ;g9pd 3agtor;-cliad -ftqen^aojl^ to;-- write these books and still was able to perform his parish duties .'l and he replied, 'Yes, your Holiness, and you will see '-Sf^ft^-v 1 " 88 ™ B *^! th^ ? c ? lesi astical authorities given ■An .-the-.ibooJcs-^notably. Oardmals Newman, Mannine and Vaughan, and also s Archbishop Croke— how strongly they are recommended -to ' th& public. r-*Th& Pdpe? then carefully examined them and the criticisms. . The 'Musical Chant- , .-'Said he. is .a most., <.importaut subject in our >. time etc.; ,;one, which 4 deemedu% necessary to write about recently in" an encyclical letter" addressed to the

Universal --Church^ V rTeH r xliim,f;i:pni me ,that+'J>less : 'thim ■ and his «wi>rksy .parisbioneTcs,^ and to show mjr approbation, I hel.cby give Che Apostolic Be- - nediction.' He then jook, his gold pen, and- with his own hand (whicKtoetJrarely _did> c^wxot'e in, Latin :— To our son and to his works *from our soul we: (impattC? the,j.Apostpnb;'X:BenMiction.?-^Pius <:X. Pope. '"' ' TYRONE— Searching fo/ an* Tiefr ; r For some time past the Mayor of; Wellesviile; Ohio, U.S.A., has- been. searching for. Irish' heirs of one General James :W£ -the't-CiVilAWitr.,- r: who died^a- 1 -f ew-^years— ago^leaving" a~ loTtune~of over 201,000 dollars: Geneiak Reilly^ha^ practised ~. as . a., lawyer -at'-'Wellesville^ for-* years 'before his" death, ' •" and ' when he died it was disGov.ered_,that he had no relatives in' America. The mayor pf the town? communicated'- s jAvith\, scveial "-' JueniDers^'oE •^"l-hes -Irish v -: National Party, the mayors of Irish cities, and other-prominent-Irishmen, and sinGe then the search. for relatives' in"' .Ireland has been, carried .Jon, unceasingly.,- and^many claimants hav'e^been^hfenXio'ned'; William ■''Reillyv'a well known ..resident in ..Dromore, -County Tyrone, -has- -the *-- best chance of proving himself the 'nearest relative and * direct rheir/ ; ;" , ,*_; ?>,""'-•-' > -■" '; ' ~-''\ ' r WATERFPgP— A.New^Cpnyent of Mercy^ On September 24 the,.MostJtev. ,Dr..Sheehan, Bishop of Waterford and'-Lismore;- opened-'a 'new- Convent.,-, of Mercy in Waterford j'- andj delivered an address -regard- :• ing the admirable work done by. the members of* theL Order: ;•"■-/- *- ■■"v^,> = .•>, i-;: t -.-^ ; y QENERAL; • Increase o\ Insanity l-l ' -- '- --" A Blue^" Book- Was f^' published hi -September containing a special report on: -the alleged increase of insanity in Ireland^, , the -inspectors' of lunatics' summary of.-Svfiich- - states that the census statistics for a number" of'-de-cades- past show that while,;the r population* ,of. Ireland has continued *to decrease 7 " the " number of "registered 'in-'" sane has largely increased, and ;this has giv.en-rise to the widespread- beiief^that -an- actual increase of- occurring insanity vhas ." taken placeman Ireland./' Whether ornot this "belief is well founded it is impossible to state positively, j as available-, statistics do not afford - that precise' information' on- which a- definite "conclusion ; can be based. Without veriflTring^td" affirm :• that ■ there has been no increase of.- -, occuraing^ , insanity, notwith--: standing the great numerical Increase, we can bhly: conclude that thc_ very great increase which has taken^lace in the ratio of insanity to the -population is largely due " to the accumulation which"- -is taking, place , in- public' asylums. .: The emigration of , strong and healthy members of the community, amongst whom if they had " remained at home the ratio. of insanity would 'have' ! beeh - very small, not alone increases, the ratio "6f- : insane" left ." behind to the general population, but also - "lowers^ the general standard of mental .and .bodily health by elimi-" nating many of -the lnembeis of the- "community" best fit- ' ted to survive and propagate the race. Teachers' Grievances . . , • . - Speaking at a largely attended "meeting of National teachers in Ballaghadcrih, Mr. John Dillon, M.P., said ' he had strong. Jpeasoiis--for conndently&i3elieving that the present Government Would" without delay apply a remedy to the grievances of Rational teachers. He •urged, however, that- vigorous * agitation- should be started, and meetings ' like .that held all, o.ver the country He. called for the -sweeping 'away of "the Boards that ..were now ruining. Irish- education. - The Most Rev- Dr~Lyster- presided, and Dr? i>6iiglas ri -Hyde, P,. A. M'Huch' * M.P. ; J. O!Dowd, M.P, - X Canon' O'Haraj-and Father, Keaveney, P.P., a iso addressed "the "meeting. " "'" :-

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New Zealand Tablet, 15 November 1906, Page 27

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Irish News New Zealand Tablet, 15 November 1906, Page 27

Irish News New Zealand Tablet, 15 November 1906, Page 27

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