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The annual meeting of the New Zealand District Board of the Hibernian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society was opened in St. Joseph's Hall, Dunedin, on Wednesday morning, February 20. All parts of the Colony were well represented. Bro. D. Flynn, District proair)p T i(- ) opp^p^j the prooppd ing-s with prayer, after which he welcomed the delegates, and expressed his pleasure at meeting them once T.ore. He tm«teH that rhe greatflut, good would result to their excellent Society from their laborß, and begged them to give close attention to the items on the order paper, and, considering the amount of businees to be transacted, he asked them to be as brief as possible in their remarks. The following telegraphic message was received from the Right Rev. Dr. Lenihan, Bishop of Auckland : — ' Please convey to brethren Hibernian meeting my hearty good wishes.' The president was directed to wire a reply thanking his Lordship for hie kind message. Bro. M. F. Dennehy was appointed assistant-secretary to the meeting. The following is the list of delegates who were present : — District president, Bro. D. Flynn ; D.V.P., Bro. M. O'Sullivan ; D.T., Bro. M. J. Sheahan, J.P. ; D.8., Bro. W. Kane ; district trustees, Bros. John Patterson, J.P., and P. J. Nerheny (president Auckland branch) ; district auditors, Bros. O'Kane and J. B. R. Stead. Delegates from the following branches were also present : — Greymouth, Bro. W. Beehan ; Charleston, Bro. J. O'Shaughnessy ; Grahamstown, Bro. C. Little ; Dunedin, Bros. J. Marlow and J. O'Connor ; Onehunga, Bro. Edward Carroll ; Christchurcb, Bros. G. J. Sellars, P.P., and F. J. Doolan ; New Plymouth, Bro. James Casey ; Waipawa, Bro John Hally ; Leeston, Bro. John McUabe ; New Headford, Bro. D. McVeigh ; Timaru, Bros. M. F. Dennehy and P. Kane ; Oamaru. Bro. P. G. Duggan, S. ; Milton, Bro. P. Walsh ; Auckland, Bro. P. J. Nerheny, P D.P. ; St. John the Baptist (ladies' branch), Christchurch, Sister Burke ; Wellington, Bro. Stratford, P.P. ; St. Mary's, Wellington, Bro. Power ; Santa Maria, Auokland (ladiea* branch), Mrs. Kane. The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed. THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT. The district officers' report was submitted, and the secretary explained that had the several branches forwarded their returns the figures would show to still greater advantage. The report was adopted. The balance sheet was read by the secretary, and showed the credit balance of the funeral fund to be £4450, being an increase of £220 on the year's transactions, although the sum of £80 was paid away in funeral claims. The statement of the investments in oonnection with this account showed the society to hold securities to the extent of double the amount of its various loans. In this conmotion the meeting passed a unanimous vote of thanks to the district trustees for their lucid s.tat< ment of the investments, and for the evident tare b stowed upon them. The district sicretary moved — ' That with a view to the better government of the female division, the branches now in existence may amalgamate and be incorporated with the male branches in their respective localities, and female candidates may be admitted to membership in any male branch in this district, provided they are duly qualified according to law.' The motion was seconded by Bro. Nerheny, and supported by Bros. Beehan, Dennehy, Duggan, Hally, and Carroll, and was opposed by Bros. Sellars. O'Connor, Stratford, Marlow, Power, Doolan, and Sister Burke. After a reply by the mover, the motion was carried. It was moved by the district secretary — ' That in order to place branches on a more satisfactory basis, the district executive shall, and is hereby empowered, to send a properly qualified district officer to Fee that branch books, etc., are properly kept, and, where necessary, to arrange matters in connection therewith.' Bro. Dennehy seconded the motion. The motion was approved of by Bros. Sellarb, Marlow, and others, and was carried. The following motion was also moved by the district secretary — ' That a movable meeting be held every third year, commencing with M)O4, and be styled or known as "The Triennial Movable Meeting " of the New Zealand District, No. 3, H.A.C.B.S.' Bro. M. J. Sheahan, district treasurer, Beconded the motion, which was spoken to by nearly all the delegates and passed. It was moved by the district secretary — ' That in the event of any branch being unable to send a delegate to a district board meeting through distance or other satisfactory cause, it shall have the privilege of being represented by a duly qualified member of the district, provided the district executive had been supplied by the branch concerned with written instructions to the delegate. The foregoing motion as amended by Bro. Marlow was carried. The meeting rose at .) p.m. and adjourned until next day. SECOND DAY. The meeting opened on Thursday at 10 o'clock. The Rev. Father Cleary, editor of the N.Z. Tablet, entered the room, and was heartily welcomed. He invited the assembled delegates to visit the Tablet Company's premises during the afternoon. The invitation was accepted. By direction of the District President, Bro. Dennehy read the leader in the Tablet welcoming the Society to Dunedin. It evoked loud applause. Bro. Stratford (Wellington), moved — ' Consideration of an application from St Patrick's branch, No. i).">, Wellington, to reinstate a member, some time full benefit member, struck off for being in arrears, and later joined as an honorary member, which he is, under clause 2 of general law 1013.

This was referred to the district officers to deal with. The delegate for Christchurch branch (Bro. Doolan) moved — • That in the opinion of this meeting official visits of officers of branches, one to another, should take place where the location of branches are within reasonable limits, for the purpose of interchange of ideas relating to the Society, and for the purpose of instruction where necessary,' Bro. M. J. Sheahan, district treasurer, seconded the motion, and after Bros. O'Connor, Duggan, Stratford, Beehan, Kane, Walsh, Nerheny, and Sellars had spoken the motion was carried. Bro. Sellarc muvcd and Ere. Stratford "ecoMM— ' Thn*- tVi« archbishop and bishops of their respective dioceses be approached with a view oi eulialing their .-ympathy, and, through thorn, thf cooperation of their respective clergy, in advocating and advancing the interests of the Society.' Bros. Sheahan, Doolan, Nerheny, McCabe. Walsh, Marlow, and O'Connor spoke in favor, and the motion was carried. The delegate from the Timaru branch, Bro P. Kane, moved 'That on the death of a full benefit member 12 calendar months after admission, and financial on the books, his representative shall be entitled to a funeral allowance of £30. Providing that the requirements of the Society's laws and the laws of the Friendly Societies' Act have been complied with.' Bro. Nerheny (Auckland), seconded the motion. Bro. Doolan (Christchurch) moved as an amendment — ' That the funeral claim be increased all round by £10.' Thia was further amended by Bro. McCabe (Leeston), — ' That a member shall be five years in the Society before being entitled to the increased amount.' Both amendments and motion were lost. Bro. O'Connor (Dunedin) moved the following motion — ' That in order to facilitate direct representation and other important conveniences, and equalising the distances as near as possible of the northern and southern branches from the district executive, the District Board office be removed from Auckland to Wellington.' The mover explained that he had no other motive in moving the proposition than the advancement of the interests of the society, as the transference of the District Board office to a more central place would be of considerable advantage to the whole of the branches. In fact the Otago and Canterbury branches had been practically disfranchised through the District Office being located so far away. In bringing forward the motion, he did not in any way wish to disparage the excellent work of the Auckland members, but merely to get more direct representation for the southern lodges. The motion was seconded by Bro. Stratford, Wellington. Bros. Doolan (Christchurch) and McVeigh (New Headford) supported the motion, and Bros. Kane (Tiniaru) and Duggan (Oamaru) opposed it. On the motion of Sister Burke (Christchurch) the discussion was adjourned until next morning. THIRD DAT. On resuming on Friday morning Sister Burke spoke in favor of Bro. O'Connor's motion and said that in the opinion of her branch it was desirable the district executive should be located in Wellington. At this stage of the discussion Bro. O'Connor asked permission to withdraw the motion, which was granted. Bro. Marlow (Dunedin) said that the motion was brought forward on theoretical grounds, but upon mature consideration it was found that practice was better than theory, therefore he acquiesced in the withdrawal of the motion. The district secretary thanked the delegates for their kind eulogy on the management of the district by the district officers. He urged the great desirability of branches sending in their returns in time. Bro. Dennehy (Timaru) moved — ' That the next triennial meeting, in 1904, be held in Timaru.' Bro. O'Connor, seconded the motion which was carried. Bro. Sellars (Christchurch) moved — ' That the secretary be instructed to write a letter expressing sorrow at the illness of P.D.P. Bro. D, O'Sullivan.' Thia was seconded by Bro. Nerheny and agreed to.' Bro. Beehan (Grey mouth), moved and Bro. Xerheny, seconded — ' That the executive be instructed to present Bro. Dennehy (Timaru) with a souvenir as a token of appreciation for his invaluable services as assistant secretary, at at this meeting.' which was unanimously agreed to. FREEHOLD INVESTMENTS. In reply to Bro. Dennehy, Bro. Nerheny, one of the trustees, Grave a very comprehensive account of how the f unda were invested. Having had a good deal of experience in valuing properties he devoted considerable attention to those on which the Society had lent money. The following table would show the security held by the Society :—: —

ELECTION OF OFFICERS, The election of officers resulted as follows : — District president, Bro. Michael O'Sullivan ; district vice-president, Bro. J. B. R.

Stiad ; district secretary, Bro. W. Kane ; district treasurer, Bro. M. J. Sheahan ; auditors, Bros. F. J. O'Meara and P. O'Kane. The meeting then adjourned until «s p.m. During the interval the revising committee met and considered the rules. Upon re-assembling in the evening the report of thiß committee was submitted, and the amendments made were passed. Bro. Dennehy moved — ' That this annual meeting of the N.Z. District Board, No. 11, of the H.A.C.B. Society, held in Dunedin on February 22, desire to place on record their great gratification at the complete vindication of the Marist Brothers from the gross charges levelled against them in connection with the Stoke inquiry, and express their severe condemnation ot those who in I'arhaineut and in the Press used every means to arouse an adverse publio opinion, thereby prejudicing the cause ot innocent men, and calculating to defeat the ends of justice.' In speaking to the motion, Bro. Dennehy said that all would agree with him when he said that an injustice had been done the Brothers. Members of Parliament even went behind their privileges, and condemned the Brothers before they were put on their trial. Gold watches were even presented to those people who were instrumental in having the charges laid, and every attempt was made to injure the Brothers. Certain persons appeared to be carried away with excitement. Bro. Sheahan, district treasurer, in seconding the motion, characterised the whole affair as a disgrace. The motion was agreed to after remarks from Bros. Beehan (Greymouth), and Nerheny (Auckland). On the motion of Bro. Kane, D.S., seconded by Bro, Sheahan, D.T., Bro. P. W. O'Shea, of Melbourne, was nominated aa correspondent secretary for the next annual term. It was also moved by Bro. Kane that Bro. T. Whelan be nominated aa chief treasurer by the N.Z. district. The nomination was seconded by Bro. G. J. Sellars, who said that the unity of the Society would be assured by the appointment of these brothers. P.D.P. Bro. Sellars, at the request of the district president, installed the new officers in a very impressive manner. Upon resuming their seats the new executive officers were loudly applauded. They subsequently returned thanks for the very high honor conferred on them. Bro. Selbrs congratulated the P.D.P. Bro. Flynn upon the able way in which he had conducted the meeting, and though present, he said, at many such gatherings he had never attended a better meeting. Before dispersing the officers heartily thanked Bros. Marlow and O'Connor, president and secretary of the Dunedin branch, and the members thereof, for their very kind treatment of them during their stay in Dunedin. The delegates, by invitation, visited the N.Z. Tablet office on Thursday afternoon, when they were received by the representatives of the directors, Mr. J. B. Callan (chairman) and Mr. C. Columb, Rev. Father Cleary (editor) and Mr. J. Murray (manager), and shown over the premises. Later on an adjournment was made to the manager's department. Mr. Callan, who presided, formally welcomed the delegates, and expressed the pleasure of himself and co-directors on receiving such a visit. Several of the visitors returned thanks for the courteby extended to them, by the company, one and all paying a tribute of praise to the manner in which the Tablet is conducted. Rev. Father Cleary and Mr. Murray responded, and after a few more speeches of a complimentary character the proceedings terminated. i On Thursday evening the members of the local branch held a social in honor of the visiting brethren, when there were about 200 persons present. St. Joseph's Hall, where the gathering was held, was very nicely decorated for the occasion. Some of the northern delegates left for home on Saturday morning, and in the afternoon some of those who remained in Dunedin were taken for a drive in the suburbs, and shown places of interest. At the nine o'clock Mass on Sunday at St. Joseph's Cathedral the members of the local branch approached the Holy Table in a body, and later on sat down to breakfast in St. Joseph's Hall, having aa their guests his Lordship the Bishop, the visiting brethren, and Fathers Murphy, Coffey, and Cleary. Speeches eulogistic of the good work done by the H.A C.B.S. were made by his Lordship and the clergy present, and valuable suggestions were thrown out for increasing the membership and efficiency of the society. Bro. Flynn, P.D.P. (Auckland), replied on behalf of the visiting delegates. The visitors were taken for a drive to Waitati in the afternoon, and needless to say enjoyed the pretty scenery along the route. The northern delegates, who remained in Dnnedin over Sunday, left for their homes on Monday by the express, when they were seen away by a large number of friends, receiving a very hearty send-off.

Notice is given by the Commissioner of Crown Lands, Dunedin that several pastoral runs will be submitted to auction for lease at the Crown Lands' Office, Dunedin, on Tuetday. March 5. The runsare situated in the Tuapeka and Maniototo, Lake, and Waitaki countieß. Further particulars will be found in our advertising columns. — „% Our readers are reminded that Messrs. Thomas S. Paterson and Andrew Paterson carry on the business of sharebrokers, mining and financial agents, in the Colonial Bank Buildings, Princes street, Dunedin, under the title of Paterson Bros. The firbt-named is a member of the Dunedin Stock Exchange.— *% The Dunlop Tyre Co , Melbourne, are so pleased with the result of their recent motor trials on the Western District Roads that they contemplate making a 24 hours' road ride at an early date. The Dunlop Tyre Co. recognise that there is a future for motoring on the Australian roads, and intend by means of long distance road rideß, to demonstrate to the Australian public that the present up-to-date motor car is not a toy but a powerful adjunct to road travelling.—***

Property. No. 3 „ 4 *. & „ 6 „ 7 „ 8 „ 9 >. 10 „ 11 Amount I £ 200 100 350 200 1200 300 150 150 800 Loan. Government Valuation. £ 600 400 fioO 375 2500 640 2i)5 300 1800 Rateable 7alue. £ <!2 .SO HO 32 200 48 24 2(5 150 £34 .">n *7r»fiO £K32

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New Zealand Tablet, Volume XXIX, Issue 9, 28 February 1901, Page 4

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THE H.A.C.B. SOCIETY. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XXIX, Issue 9, 28 February 1901, Page 4

THE H.A.C.B. SOCIETY. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XXIX, Issue 9, 28 February 1901, Page 4

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