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Irish News.

ANTRIM- — Conversion- —An interesting conversion to the Catholic Church has (say* the Cork Herald') just taken plar-e in tbe person of Mr Reginald Grinis-baw, son of Mr. O'Donnell Gnmshaw, of Belfast. The family is a well-known Protestant one. Mr. Reginald Griras'iaw is a cousin of Dr. Thomas Grinibhaw, C.8., TJeaistrnrGeneral of Ireland. lie wa-j received into the Church by tht> Mrt Rev. Dr. Henry, Bishop of Down and Connor. CORK— Catholics and Freemasons.— Tue BMi"p of Cork has written to Mgr. tfwiney V.G. as to the le^alitv of attending ball p. parties, or meetings under masonic patronage. He makw it known that since tbe instruction of tbe Sacred Congregation of Piopsganda 187W, there is no doubt that all who take part in su<h amn«emenrs aw guilry of a very grave offence, and that the sentence of excommunication specially reserved to the Holy affects th<>MJ who become members of such societies, also those who favour th"iv. Obsequies Of a Nun- — The obsequies of Sister M. Magdalene of the Mercy Convent, Tralee, took place there on 2">th November The late Sister was justly held in the highest veneration by the sisterhood and her death was deeply mourned A large number of clergy, relatives, and friends w«r« present at the liiquum Mass. previous to the interment in the Convent cemetery. Adversity. — It was stated at a board meeting of the Mitchelstown Guardians in November last that a deputy lieutenant of an Irish county was at the time a patient in the workhouse hospital. He had b?en, some years ago, high sheriff of an Iri*h county on two occasions, and was a relative of a very distinguished Cabinet minister in the present Government, and connected with many families of wealth and influence in Ireland. DOWN. — Death Of a Priest- — One of the moat venerable priests in Ireland, the Very Rev. Richard Killen, P.P.. V.F., Portaferry, County Down, died on November 28, at the ripe age of 84, GO years having been spent in the ince°sant discharge of his priestly duties, revere! by his contemporaries, and regarded as a model and a shining light by his juniors in the priesthood. Death Of an Old Identity- — Mr. John Carroll, Ava Hotel, Bangor, died at his residence on December 3, aged 80. He was a native of Tipjvrary, and in early life was an extensive builder anil contractor for publi,; works. He was noted for his charitable disposition. He had ie.-ided in Bangor for 33 tears. DBRRY.— TotaI Abstinence-— The Silver Jubilee of the Tnttil Ab-tuiee •«* Society ot IVrry was celebrated in St. Colutnb's Hall, Derry. i>n 2'.Hh .November last, and was in every way a most uia<TTiifi< ent ami * iccest'ful gathering. Among tbe decorations were the'baimor ot "->t. O dumb, patron paint of the association and of the city of l)i»rry,ai.d lnnniTt. bearing life-like portraits of Father Elliot, me founder or the Association, and Father Mnthcw tbe great naaciral apostle or temperance. Gaelic League. — A most successful meeting under the auspices ot tne lo'-al Clat-s was held in Derry on November 2S last, to )u iir adilre-ses fiom Miss Alice Milhgan. ot Belfast, and other visitor-". Very encouraging accounts were given m the tiael o tongue ot tiie i r< gress of the league, which was spreading through lrelanl like wilofin-. aud would have to be taken up by the public nen of the c -unty and maile a national movement as regards bot 'i language -nui music. Reference was made to the great mcpting at ljt-tterkennv at, which Cardinal Logue, Dr. O'Donnell, and other piiet-ta and laymen had taken part, and where not a single word of English w<« sp o ken. The Archbishop of Melbourne in Dsrry.— The last Irish mail brought us a ojpy ot the I)> rrj Journal of ISov-mber 30, containing an acco mt ot a visit, paid by his Gnce to tne Very Hey. E. O'Brien, 1) 1)., V.G . parish pru-'bt of Liuiavivdy, formerly a proies.sur in M»yiiooth. Although this visit was purely a friendly one, it was made the occasion of presenting aa addresi from the people oi: tae four united ancient aud historic p irishes of Tamlauhtard, v.hi-re the church founded by Sl Patrick st.ll stands and where the tomb ot St. Aidan is still to be seen ; of Aghauloroch. the biituphwe of St. Luroch, and Kenneth the Soottwn martyr ; aud of Diuin-na-chuas, and Pamlactit-fiuluch. T/ie ad iress referred in eloquent terms to the history of the Church in the district in a v ic ent and modern times, and to the fact that to-day s,he still t-tood in the andst of hosule surroundings, steadily holding her own unharmed except by confiscations, holding her course c lmly, unjonpcious of every visible presence except her own. His Grace, in leply, said that Ireland while keeping the faith herself had been

the fruitful tnoiher of feith to other lai.d*, and her persecutor* belief that the destruction of the faiih wa« inevitable had met with disappointment. Resignation Of Mr. KIIOX. MP-~«reat regret will be felb by Irish Nationalists at tbe resignation of Mr. Ves^y Knox, M.P. Mr. Knox resigns 'because,' as he Bays, 'family responsibilities require me to devote individual attention to my profession.' Mr. Ji»i"x U tin Irish Protestant Home Ruler, an ardent patriot, a man of unimpeachable hoi our and of singular ability. In 1896 he did yeoman nervier to the Catholios of Derry ia connection with the Londonderry Improvement Bill of that year. Air. Knox'B retirement is a blow to the Irish can c. DONEGAL.— Gorey '98 Monument.— One of the method adopted to raise finds lor this niemori.l was a ball held ia St. Pauick's HhII, Castle town. near Inch on November 20, under the p-uronutie of Sjr Tnomaa and hn,]y Esmond* 1 . The company waa large hiid enthusiastic ; the decorations were neat and effective, ami the arrangements admirable. The Gaelic Lsa^ue.—A. meeting of the inhabitants of Bua-> crana was held reamly for »,he purpose of strengthening the branch of the Gaelic l«:igae formed in the district, and there was a very large aud representative attendance. Dr. Hyde, President of the Gaelic League, Dr. Boyd, President of the Belfast League, and Mr. J. J. O'Kelly, Secretary of the Belfast Committee, delivered addresses showing the necessity for the spread of the League. besid-s giving very encouraging reports as to the progress of the movement for the revival of the old tongue. They were accompanied by ML« Mdodonald. of Gla-gow, the colnbrated harpist, who at intervals during tae proceedings rendered a selection of National airs on her Highland harp. DUBLlN.— Catholic University.— A representative congress is to be held ia Dublin shortly before the meeting of Parliament next session to deuide on a form and action to be adopted for pressing the C itholio University question on tbe attention of the House and the Government. A Lady Member of a Union.— a Catholic lady, Mian M. A. Rathbourne, has been nominated to fill a vacancy for the Arran Quay ward of the North Dublin Onion. Recognising the important nature of the services which a Catholic lady might render to the Union, Mr. Morkan, a former representative, has announced his retirement in favour of Miss Rathbournp, and it is hoped in Dublin tLat she will be elected without opposition. FERMANAGH.— NationaI Unity-— A Nationalist demonstration was held at Lisnaskea on November 1. There was a very large attendance. Mgr. Meegan presided. Resolutions wei c adopted appealing for unity among all sections of Nationals, and pledging the meeting not to support aay c mi lidate in tne co mng eleutiona for their county or count j councils wtio would uofc pie Ire innneif to support by every nujdin ia his power iljaia it-ild, a Cichoho University, aud the cause of the labourers. GALWAY.-Return from Roma.—The Ray. Dr. Fahey, P.P., V.G , of Gort, returned from his visit to Ramo in the beginn ng of December, and was presented with an address of welcome from his people. In reply, Dr. Fahey imnartud to his people the Apootolic benediction by authority ot his Holiness. League Extension —A branch of the United Irish League has been foujieJ iv Abb-»ykuo. kmay. T. Wolly is the treasurer; Thomas Miskell ihi' VKAj-preaideut, aud T. Higgms, of iVlonivea, and M. Synnott, 01 Abbey, secretaries. The following committee was elected, with power to add t<> the number : M. Crowe, M. O'Connor, James Tauirane, Patrick Cuii'ey, Thomas Gilaiore, James MoQualler aud Patrick Griffey. KERRY.— Conversions-— Mr*. Herbert, of Muckross, has been lately receive' l into trie Church at Kunrnare Co. Kerry, Ireland, The Miifonir Journal, the leading pup'-r of the Mtsouic body, says : — • We are informed that Mr. T. SUuley Ball h*s reined the Lie.' curd Lodge in c m^queace of having joined the itoman Catholic Church. Mr Ball's services as assistant-secretary and secretary have been invaluable to the Lodge during tae period of its formation when the vvurk very heavy General regret is felt that he has thought it nee 's^ary to s->ver his co.iuection with the Craft, for ia his retirement local Masonry has lost an able ani loyal member,' Mr. Ball is a solicitor. Ecclesiastical Promotions. — The Very Rev. Archdeaoon 0 Sullivan, P.P., V.0., Kenmare, has been made domestic Chaplain to the Pope ; aud ihe Very liov. Canon Caruiody has been appointed Dean of Kerry, vacant feinLe the consecration of tho present BishoD Coffey. v

Mr. T. J. Sullivan, master of the Workhouse at Tralee, has resigned. KILKENNY-— New Convent at Kilmacow — A new con. vent of the nuns of the Presentation Order has been opened at Kilmacow by Bishop Brownrigg. A large number of the priests of the diocese were present. KING'S COUNTY.— Died in her Duty— The death is announced of the Rev. Mother Gabriel Egan, Convent of Mercy, Tullamore, who passed away on 23rd November last. She was the daughter of a highly respected Kilbeprgan family, and at the early age of 19 she consecrated her pure soul to God. During 32 years she devoted herself to the comfort of the sick and desolate and the instruction of the young ; and much of the well known success of the Tullamore Convent Schools was due to her great teaching ability. As a nurse she was indefatigable, and met her death in discharge of her duty. When nursing a sick member of her Community in Dublin she contracted typhoid fever, which terminated fatally. Her funeral obsequies took place at Tullamore and were most imposing and impressive, being attended by a large body of clergy and the inhabitants. 1t.1.P. LIMERICK- — Parliamentary. — Lord Emly has severed himself from the Unionist party, and will in future stand with his coreligionists on the broad Nationalist platform of Home Rule. LOUTH— Sodality of the Holy Name.— The members of the Sodality of the Holy Name attached to the Dominican Church, Drogheda, have presented their late spiritual director, the Rev. A. L. Kirwan, P.P. Dundalk, with a beautiful chalice, and an address expressing their gratitude for the deep interest he had taken in their spiritual welfare, and the many blessings they had derived from the sodality, and. his care for the sick and sorrowing. The reverend father acknowledged the gift in most feeling terms. TIPPERARY.— 'Ringing the Changes.'— The swindling trick known as ' ringing the changes ' has been frequently played upon simple-minded folk. The following account of the ntodu» opcrandi came out in the course of a prosecution in which Mr. Rhodes, draper, Roscrea, was the victim. His assistant, Mr. C. Thompson, deposed that a woman named Corrigan ' whom I did not know came into the shop and bought some buttons, and paid for them ; she then asked me for a silver shilling in exchange for coppers she had in her hand ; I asked her for the coppers, and she told me to get the shilling first ; I brought the shilling and laid it on the counter, and she laid the coppers beside it and pushed both towards me, saying, " Bring me a two shilling piece for that " ; I brought her the two shilling piece and she bought more buttons, and paid me sixpence for them, and then bought one pennyworth of buttons and gave me a shilling for them ; I brought her back eleven pence ; a man who was standing with her took out a penny and said he would pay ; she said she had paid for them, and took the penny from him and put it to the eleven pence and asked me to get her another shilling piece ; I brought a second shilling piece and gave it to her, and she put another shilling to it and pushed it to me again, asking to eret her another two shilling piece for it, which I did ; she bought other things lower down in the shop and returned again to me and asked me for another card of buttons ; I gave her that, and she gave me a two shilling piece . I brought her Is 1 Id change, and slip put one penny to it and asked me for a two shilling piece, but did not give it to me : I trot another two shilling piece, and she then put three shilling to it. an 1 asked me to get her fivo shillings in two half crowns for all ; I brought her two half crowns, and both herself and the man left together, and on thinking over the transaction I found I had been swindled out of four shillings ; I informed the police and they arrested the woman, whom I now identify, and who^e name I am informed is Ellie Corrigan.' The pair were sent to gaol. TIPPER ARY-— Memorial to CJ. Kickham.— On Sunday, November 27, the national memorial to Charles Kickham, Irish national poet, novelist, and patriot, was unveiled at Tipperary in presence of an enthusiastic crowd. Special train* were run from Cork, Dublin, Waterford, Clonmel, Limerick, and Thurles, bringing large contingents ; and all the national societies were represented. Messrs. Condon and Mandeville, M.P., and the mayors of Cork and Clonmel were present. In the course of a speech Mr. T. I). Sullivan. M.P., said that they might believe that in far away Australia, in the broad expanse of the United States, in New Zealand, Canada, or wherever a true Irishman lived the name of Charles Kickham was honoured and dear to his heart. WEXFORD— Magnificent Collection-— On Sunday, December 4, after last Mass, the Very Rev. Canon Kavanagh, P.P., of New Ross, announced that the annual demonstration of the parish in favour of the building of then- new church had been a magnificent and unprecedented success realising over t loSO. Last year the amount was £1021. He also announced that a magnificent Sanctus bell had been presented to the church. Tragedy in an Asylum- — A man named Doyle, an inmate of the Enniscorthy Lunatic Asylum, was found in his dormitory dead, his skull having been shattered to pieces, in the first week of December. WICKLOW— '98 Memorial-— A meeting has been held at Arklow to bring about the erection in that town of a memorial to the Rev. Michael Murphy, one of the most pure souied patriots of '1»8. GENERAL. Mr- Dillon's Heir- — Mr. John Dillon, M.P. (says the London Star), has been made happy by the birth of a son and heir. Mr. and Mrs. Dillon are always accorded an audience with the Pope when they go to Rome, and it is understood that the Papal blessing has been bestowed on the infant.

An Irishman in the Transvaal— it is said that one of the most trusted friends of ' Oom Paul ' is Peter Gillingham, baker, J.P., and ' Lord High Introducer of Foreigners ' in Oom Paul's Court. Although a native of the Cape, he is an Irishman to the backbone, and took the field against Jameson. He has a long head, knows when to advise and when to keep quiet, and many political ques. tions are settled and appointments made in the bakehouse.

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New Zealand Tablet, Volume XXVI, Issue 4, 26 January 1899, Page 9

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Irish News. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XXVI, Issue 4, 26 January 1899, Page 9

Irish News. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XXVI, Issue 4, 26 January 1899, Page 9

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