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Diocese of Christchurch.

(From our own correspondent.) DISTRIBUTION OF PHIZES. The distribution of prizes at the Marist Brothers' School in Barbadoes street, took place in the schoolroom on Monday week. In the absence of the Right Rev. Dr. Grimes, the Vicar-General,' assisted by the Rev. Father Galerne, presided. The boys in a short address wished the Bishop, the Vicar-General, and Father Galerne all the joys of this festive season, and then a few choruses were gone through, after which the prizes were distributed in the presenoe of a number of parents. The following is the prize list :—: — Dux of the school : Cecil Morkane. Good conduct : John Joyce. Standard Vll.— Christian Doctrine : Thomas O'Connell 1, Cecil Morkane 2. Arithmetic : Joseph M'Gee 1, H. Turkington 2. Algebra : H. Turkington 1, Joseph M'Gee 2. Euclid :C. Morkane 1, James Whelan 2. English grammar and composition :C. Morkane 1, John Cronin 2, James Whelan 3. Reading: Thomas O'Connell 1, H. Turkington 2. Irish history: John Cronin 1, Joseph |M'Gee 2. Drawing : James Whelan 1, Joseph M'Gee 2. Geography : Joseph M'Gee 1, Cecil Morkane 2. Writing : John Cronin. Attendance : Henry Turkington. Standard VI. — General proficiency : Charles Hickmott. Christian Doctrine : Charles Hickmott 1, John Beary 2. Arithmetic : Thomas Slattery 1, John Beary 2. Grammar and composition : Charles Hickmott 1, Arthur Gardner 2. Reading : John Beary 1, Arthur Gardner 2. Geography : Thomas Slattery 1, Thomas Foley 2. Irish history : John Joyce 1, Arthur Gardner 2. Drawing : Arthur

Jones 1, Patrick Birmingham 2. Physics : Philip Malone 1, Thomas Foley 2. Writing : Arthur Jones. Attendance : Arthur Gardner. Standard V.— General proficiency : Patrick O'Connor. Christian Doctrine : William Fox 1, Peter Hynes 2. Arithmetic : Peter Nolan 1, Joseph Gardener 2. Grammar and composition : Patrick Nelson 1, William Creevy 2. Reading: John Wynn 1, Patrick O'Connor 2. Geography : Peter Nolan 1, Francis Corliss 2. Irish History : Robert M'Namara 1. Thomas Cronin 2. Physics : Patrick O'Connor 1, Thomas Cronin 2. Drawing : Joseph Gardner 1, John Nolan 2. Writing : William Fox 1. Attendance : William Barrett, William Creevy, Thomas Cronin and Hugh McHugh. Standard IV. — Good Conduct : Thomas Tasker. Aggregate merit, John Higgins. Christian Doctrine : David Reidy ; Ist English history, Ist geography, Ist science, 2nd grammer, John Higgina ; Ist English grammar, Ist orthography, 2nd science, David Reidy ; Ist arithmetic, Ist composition, 2nd Christian Doctrine, George Beary ; Ist drawing, Ist writing, Michael Moran; Ist exercises, Guy Behan ; Ist reading, 2nd orthography, Fred Glackin ; 2nd composition, Edward Holland ; 2nd drawing, Joseph Lyons ; 2nd reading, 2nd English history, Thomas Gilboy ; 2nd writing, Ormsby Jones ; 2nd geography, Patrick Jackson ; 2nd arithmetic, Daniel Lysaght ; 2nd reading, Hubert Mills ; regular attendance, John Close. Standard 111. — General proficiency: J. Cullen 1, M. Lawlor 2. Regular attendance : J. Mahoney 1, W. Mahoney 2. Christian Doctrine : T. Knight 1, J. Cullen 2. Good conduct : J. Kearney. Orthography : J. Cullen. Reading : A. Mather. Arithmetic : J. Mahoney 1, F. Quinn 2, M. Lawlor 3. Grammar ;J. Mahoney 1, E. Barrett 2. History : R. Benson 1, F. Quinn 2. Geography : R. Benson. English composition : J. Maher 1, F. Quinn 2. Drawing : J. Sepie. Writing : J. Sepie 1. W. Mahoney 2. Recitation : T. Cahill 1, T. Power 2. Special prizes : — Diligence and conduct : C. Canavan. Diligence and spelling : W. Lyons. Diligence and penmanship : J . Ford. Standard II. — Good conduct : T. McGee. General proficiency : F. Cullen 1, J. Baretta 2. Christian Doctrine : J. Barry 1, T. McGee 2. Reading: W. Dinihan 1, L. Evans 2. Writing: J. Kearney 1, A. Kelly 2. Arithmetic : J. Barry 1, A. Kelly 2, L. Evans 8. Drawing :J. Bennett. Geography : J. Thompson 1, G. M'Gloin 2. Spelling : E. Baxter 1 , J. Woodman 2. Regular attendance : J. Barry. Recitation : W. Dinihan. Standard I. — Good conduct : A. Mills. General proficiency : D. Hanna 1, A. Gilboy, 2. Christian Doctrine : J. Howard 1, P. Quinn 2. Regular attendance : W. Horan. Arithmetic : A. Mills 1, J. Naughton 2. Reading : W. Horan. Writing A. Mills. Drawing : L. Roden. Spelling : J. O'Malley. SACRED HEART SCHOOL. The annual distribution of prizes to the pupils of the boarding and high schools and St. Philomena's Kindergarten, corducted by the religious of our Lady of Missions, took place in the hall of the Convent of the Sacred Heart in Barbadoes street on Thursday afternoon last in the presence of a large number of parents and friends of the pupils. The Right Rev. Dr. Grimes presided, and several of the clergy were among those present. Before the distribution of the prizes a very enjoyable musical programme was gone through. It consisted of selections from the works of Gounod, Warner, Von Suppe, Bellini, Glover, Rodney and other composers. Pianoforte selections were played by Misses Mabel Morkane, Ruby Berry. Monica Fowler, Mussen (2), Lieske, Guiney, Boyle. Young, Stratz (2) Gardiner E. Perkins, M. O'Malley. Donohue (2), Sheath, Hardie, lieske and M. Perkins. Miss Fowler played organ selections. Miss Young contributed a harp solo and accompaniments. Misses Quill and Burke played violin selections. Part songs were sung by the senior pupils and a pretty song was contributed by the little children. Misses' Arenas and Lena Stratz gave recitations. The items were rendered in a highly creditable manner, and were heartily appreciated by the audience. The prizes werd distributed Bishop, who gave a short address after presenting them. He read an extract from the report of the diocesan inspector, the Rev. Father H. G. Bowers, who stated that the school had passed a very creditable examination, that the pupils were strong in pass subjects, and that the arithmetic and geography were especially good. The Bishop said that ia South Canterbury, Westland and some other districts the Government inspectors examined Catholic schools. He regretted that the North Canterbury Board of Education had not seen their way to do so here, though it was, no doubt, as was said, because the inspectors had too much to do. It » as desirable that the schools Bhould be inspecte i by the Government inspectors, not because Catholics were not satisfied with the diocesan inspector, who was doing excellent work, but to show that they had no reason to fear outside inspection. The Bishop spoke in high terms of the work done in the school and of the devotion and energy of the Sisters in charge of it, and concluded by wishing the pupils a Happy Christmas and a Merry New Year. Two of the rooms in the convent were occupied by specimens of the pupils' work in painting, embroidery and plain and fancy needle-work, all of which were of a very creditable character. In a large room upstairs was an exhibition of beautiful embroidery and other work done by the Sisters and pupils, and of handsome and curious Indian embroidery and work of various kinds which are to be used in the forthcoming bazaar. ST. MARY'S. The distribution of prizes k) the pupils of St. Mary's High School, which, as well as the parochial schools, is under the charge of the Sisters of Mercy, took place on Wednesday afternoon last. The following is the prize list : — Christian Doctrine : Dorothy Loughnan, 1 ; Kate Holland, 2 ; Stella Murray, 3. Good conduct : Ruby Jackson. Amiable conduct : Ci&sie O'Brien. General proficiency : Rose Barker. Arithmetic : Standard VII., Maggie O'Brien ; Standard VI., Cissie O'Brien ; Standard V., Ruby Jackson ; Standard IV"., Joseph Loughnan ; Standard 111., Aubyn Murray ; Standard 11., Charles

Turner and Robin Harper ; Standard L, Louis Loughnan ; -primer, Beresford Wilcoi. Geography : Standard VI., Nellie Joyce ; Standard V., Eva Randall ; Standard IV., Gordon Harper ; Standard 11., Minni« Vandyke. History : Standard VII., Maggie O'Brien ; Standard IV., Percy Augarde and Gordon Harper. Grammar and composition : Standard VII,, Dorothy Loughnan ; Standard VI., Cissie O'Brien ; Standard IV., Josephine O'Brien. Reading. — Standard VI., Nellie Joyce ; Standard IV., Joseph Loughnan ; Standard 111., Basil Loughnon ; Standard 11., Charles Turner ; Standard 1., Nellie Turner ; primer, Dulcie Deamer. Spelling : Standard IV., Alice McGill ; Standard 11., Gipsy Jackson ; Standard 1., Gladys Moaris and Gertie Cassin ; primer, Kathleen Molloy. Writing : Standard IV., Percy Augarde ; Standard 11., Stella Murray ; Standard 1., Michael Deamer and Imelda Young ; Standard V., Katie Holland. Drawing. — Freehand : Dorothy Loughnan, 1 ; Carrie Vandyke, 2. Landscape : Ruby Jackson and Nellie Joyce ; infants : Ethel Barnett, Mary Molloy and Dorothy Deamer. Music. — Practical : Senior division, Maggie O'Brien ; junior division, Josephine O'Brien. Theoretical : Senior division, Florrie Head ; junior division, May Gamble and Eva Butler. Vocal : Alice McGill and Imelda Young. Needlework. — Nellie Slattery and Gipsy Jackson. The Right Rev. Dr. Grimes presided at the distribution, and among others present were the Rev. Fathers Marnane and Malone, and the Rev. Dr. Kennedy. ASHBURTON. The annual distribution of prizes at the Sacred Heart School, Ashburton, took place on Wednesday afternoon last in the large room of the convent building. The Very Rev. Father O'Donnell presided and warmly complimented the Sisters, as well as the pupils, on the progress the school had made, the diocesan inspector's report this year being the best that the school had ever received. In mentioning the singing of one of the young ladies attending the convent schools, he remarked that the six candidates who went to Trinity College examinations in June last had passed with great credit, and their certificates had that day arrived. A programme of music was then gone through, items being contributed by the senior pupils and by the Misses O Keefe, Johnston, Bullock, Sandbrook, Brick (2), Friedlander, Cottrell, Coster, M'Kay, Dwan, Logan, Digby, Small, Bourvigne, and V. Johnston. The Very Rev. Father O'Donnell then distributed the prizes as follows :—: — Good conduct.— Boarders : Kate Rooney ; day pupils : Nellie Coster. Regular attendance : Violet Johnston. Class VII. — Christian Doctrine : Agnes Sandbrook. Arithmetic : Kate Rooney. Algebra : Mary O'Brien. Grammar and composition : Lizzie Dolan. Geography and history : Mary O'Brien. Reading and recitation : Agnes Sandbrook. Writing : Agnes Sandbrook. Class VI. — Christian Doctrine : Margaret Brick. Arithmetic : Margaret O'Grady. Algebra : Francis Leahy. Grammar and composition : Annie Bullock. Geography and history : Annie O'Keefe. Reading : Francis Leahy. Writing : Margaret O'Grady. Freehand drawing : Adelaide Scott. Class V.— Christian Doctrine : Violet Johnston. Arithmetic : Liela Cotrell. Reading and recitation : Violet Johnstrn. Algebra : Margaret Small. Geography : Lizzie Brick. Grammar and composition : Margaret Small. Writing : Bella Wilson. General progress : Hilda Friedlander. Class IV. — Christian Doctrine : Mary Morelantl. Arithmetic : Mary Digby. Geography and history : Mary Digby. Grammar and composition : Nellie Coster. Reading : Mary Digby. Class 111. — Christian Doctrine : Julia Brick. Arithmetic : Carrie Friedlander. Reading and recitation : Trefina Devane. Geography : Lena Logan. Grammar : Lucy Payne. History : Mary M'Kay. Freehand drawing : Eleanor Shaw. General progre^h : Nellie o" Loughlan. Music : First prize (First class), Annie O'Keefe; Second prize (First class), Margaret Brick; First prize (Second class), V. Johnston ; Second prize (Second c^bs), M. M'Kay ; special prize for obtaining highest number of marks of the Trinity College Theory of Music Examination, awarded to Annie Bullock. Sinking : First prize, Agnes Sandbrook ; second prize, Eva McCatchie ; third prize, M. M'Kay. Fancy needlework : C. O'Rielly. Plain needlework, Mary O'Brien. CONCERT AT LEEfeTON. A very successful concert was held in the Leeston Town Hall on Tuesday evening last in aid of the funds of St. John's Roman Catholic school. The musical conductor was Mr. H. Rossiter, and the programme, which was arranged by him and very well gone through, included a large number of choice vocal and instrumental selections. There was a crowded house, and the efforts of the performers, who were all visitors, were much appreciated, and the takings were satisfactory. Light refreshments were provided for the performers during the concert, and afterwards, at the invitation of the Rev. Father J. C. Chervier, assisted by the ladies of the congregation, the visitors were entertained at a sumptuous supper in the presbytery. A DRAMATIC ENTERTAINMENT. There was a crowdod house at the Oddfellows' Hall, Lichfield street, on Tuesday evening last, when the boys attached to the Marist Brothers' School performed Cardinal Wiseman's two act drama, " The hidden gem." The piece was well mounted, and the characters were creditably sustained, the principals being Masters W. Norton Taylor, A Gardner, T. M-Intyre, and J. AVhelan. During the evening some excellent musical items were contributed by an orchestra formed from pupils of the Convent of the Sacred Heart. When the entertainment was over the Superior of the Marist Brothers in this city, the Rev. Brother Daniel, who has taken great pains in organising the entertainment and in developing the elocutionary powers of the performers therein, left, accompanied by the other Brothers, for Wellington, where the annual retreat of the Order will take place.

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New Zealand Tablet, Volume XXIV, Issue 34, 25 December 1896, Page 13

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Diocese of Christchurch. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XXIV, Issue 34, 25 December 1896, Page 13

Diocese of Christchurch. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XXIV, Issue 34, 25 December 1896, Page 13

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