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Irish News.

(From contemporaries.)

-^kntriin. — From tbe last annual report of the St Vincent de Paul Home for Bjjs and Night Refuge, Belfast, during 1894 sixty boys were admitted to the Home, 49 47j meals werp supplied, and 11,770 *bedß were occupied. This admirable institution is a credit to tbe "Catholics of tbe northern metropolis. A BILVER JUBILEE.— The silver jubilee of the foundation of the Convent of the Sacred Heart of Mary, Lisburn, was celebrated by the community lately. Most Ray Dr Henry, Bishop -of Down and Connor, presided, and a large number of the clergy and laity were also present on tbe invitation cf the *Bey Mother Superioress. An address was presented to the Bishop. Bey Professor O'Loan preached. Clare. — Mr John Neylon, merchant, Ennis, hs>.s been arrested for presenting a revolver at a man named McMLahon, tailor. The incident arose about the election of Oj r oner, Cork. — We regret to chronicle the death of the Very R-jv Canon Holland, Innisbannon, whiah took place at Upton. Although deceased had reached the age of fourscore year^, he er, joyed excellent health up to about a, week previous, when the infirmities consequent on old age first manifested themselves. A very deplorable accident, attended with aarious injury to two men, took place near Gaggin. A young man named Hisford, a farmer's son, went with a workman named McCarthy for the purpose of carrying out blasting operations. They set a charge of pjwder or dynamite and not being satisfied with its siz;,one of toem took up a tamping bar to extract the charge. Unfortunately, he struck too sharply, and the charge exploded with fearlul consequences. McCarthy had one of his eyes blown out and his arm injured, while Hosford had one eye blown out and the other badly injured. RELIEF OF THE DISTRESS IN CORK —The Major and a number of ladies continue to relieve the wants of the poor people who have suffered by the fljodsan Blackpool. A great quantity of clothing, blankets, and fuel have been distributed amun»st the deserving classes. The Flood Fund now amounts to £1 000, aod it is consider- d that it has exceeded the amount nee esary, and the surplus will, no doubt, be divided between the charitable institution", A GALLANT IRISH MAYOR.— Flooded Cork has jjst beec the scene of some gallant exploits by its Mayor, who brived the water and made innumerable rescues by all kinds of ingenious means from all kinda of perilous posi'ions Some ratler amu-ing incidents occurred. The Mayor was informed that an age 1 coup c, in a house in Cottage Row were in danger of being drowned. He, with his assistants, waded to the house, and found the old man sitting on the top cross-bars of an old-faehuned bedatead. His wife had also gained a safe, though uncomfoi table, reeting-jj.aoi-. She welcomed the party with joy, but at fiist refused to go unites bet husband also came, He point-blank refused to leave, aud taea the woman, forgetting him, and thinking of her own safety, said she would be taken out if the Mayor also brought tbe clack. As the woman was in a perilous position the clock was taken down, put into the boat, and the woman followed. As she was being taktn out she began bewailing that she had kft a pound of tea m the cupboard, and appealed to her rescuers to go back ioi it, The old man was deaf to tbe appeals to leave his bouse, and as time was pressing the party of rescmers had to go on with their work. Toe Mayor has started a relief fund. Carlow. -PROFESSION CEREMONY.— At the solemn and impressive ceremony of profession which took place at the Brigidine Convent, Tullow, the young ladies who had tbe happiness of makicg their final vows were : Miff Bngid M. Doyle (in religion Si"ter M, Baphael), daughter of the late Mr Luke Doyle, Tuckmill, B.ltingglass, and Miss Hannah O'Btiine (in religion Sister M, Michael), daughter of Mr O'Beirne, Ballindsloe, County Galway. Rt Rev Dr Lynch officiated, assisted by the Rev J Oojle, administrator, Tullow ; the Rev r. O'Neill, Baltinglaes; tbe Rev Fasbur Kearne>, Tullow, and tne R v Father O'Beirne (brother to Sister Michael). Tne Key T. Morrin, Naas ; R_ j v J. Parkinson, Baltinglase ; Rev R, Byrne, Kathvilly, aud the Rev Father Carrol were present. Derry. -DKATH OF A NOTABLE CITIZEN.— Mr William George O'Doheity, a prominent Oalholic meicbant of Deny, died at Bishop street, lately, after a painful, lllnets. He was a man of high

culture, and throughout his life bj Mb pnblic and private conduct deservedly earned the esteem aod regard of hi« fellow-citizans. Mr O'Doherty was a brother of tbe Most Rev John Keys O'Doheny, Bishop of Derry, who is in Borne. Donegal.— A CLERICAL EVICTOB E'eveo evictions were lately carried out on the estates of Rev Harpnr C. Nixon of Plymouth, England, at Ray, within two milee of Falcarragh, by Mr Thomas Colboun, special bailiff. Mr John H. Swiney, the agent of the estate, was present, and tbe protecting Jparty consisted of ten constables from Dunfanagh and Falcarragb. A small knot of spe:tafors was present. The evictions were carried out in a short time, there being no resistance. The evicted tenants except one were reinstated as future tenants under agreement, each of them paying, it is understood, two years' rent and costs and giving an 1 0 D to the agent for the balance due. The names of the tenants evicted and subsequently reinstated are Maurice Ooyle, James Harkin, Grace McGee, Ferdinand McGarvey, Owen HcFadden, John McFadden, Margaret Curran, Kate Sweeney, James Mcßride, Shane Dobertyand James Doohan. James Dooban, it is said, was unable to pay anything on account of tbe amount of arreari agai^ s' bim. Dublin.— A MISER'S POSSESSIONS.— Aa inquest was held in Dublin on Tuesday on the body of a man who was found dead last week in i room which be occupied in a house in TaafEe'B Bow. fbe daceasad was of miserly babitß, uncommunicative on all matters concerning himself, and was generally suppose i to be in poor circumstances But evidence showed that instead of experiencing privations of any kind he was possessed of considerabe means. Oa his clothes was found a casb-bag containing £10 10s. Io a trunk the police found four £1 notes, a deposit receipt on the Ba-jk of Ireland for £600, a Po9t Offije Savings Bank book bearing tbe Belfast stamp witn entries amounting to over £50, a receipt dated September 7, 1892, "Received from Edward Coleman, 5,204d015., for draft in favour of himself, drawn in Dublin (Signed) H. Mabtin ; " a silver watch with gold chain, two annuities — one on tbe Scottish Amicable Societiesfor£26lo39 i.and theother on tbeNorth Britisli and Mercantile Assurance Company foi' £17 3i 4 3 — and a number of other documents, all be*riDg the name of Kd ward Coleman, The jjry found hit death was due to cardiac syncope. Galway.-PaiNCE OF WALES BOYS A WHITE DONKEY—Mies O'Cmuell, South Park, has sjld through Charles Ellison, Ljughglyna, a milk white donkey to R, Marsn, trainer to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wale^, for £20. Tne sale took took place at Newmarket. Miss O'Oonnell is BiS'er-in-law of Major Balfe, South Park, and granddaughter of the Liberator. Kerry.— ATHLETIC CHAMPIONSHIP.— The relative merits of the counties of K^rry and Limerick in the hurling and football department of athletics, were recently decided at Mallow, aod resultsd in the defeat of the representatives of the " Kingdom " and an easy victory on the part of tue teams hailing from the City of the Violated Treaty. Limerick.— A PRIEST EVICTED.— Tie people of Ballybricken are very indigaant at the acii >n of the landlord, Captain Croker, the Grange, towards Father Dunw jrtb, C.C., wno recently took charge of the parish. Father Dunworth, whose relatives are residents of the parish, was on the mission, at Liverpool, England, for eight years, and within the past three mon hs he entered into parochial duties in this county. Ballybrickea is in tne archdiocese of Cashe!, and tbe parish priest, Father O'Sullivan, having become a chronic invalid, Father Dunworth was induced to take o?«r tbe charge, and took a house on the property of Captain Croker, from which he is now to be evicted by the land owner, and not through reusing to pay rent. THE GREAT TENOR.— Mr Joseph O'Mara, of Limerick, the celebrated Irish tenor, has been engaged by Sir Augustus Harris for tbe forthcoming production of the new opera, " Shamus O'Brien. ' A NOBLE CONFRATERNITY. — Most Rev Dr O'Dwyer attended at the Redemptonst Cbursb. recently, for the purpose of imparting the Apostolic Benediction to the members of the arcbConfraternity of the Holy Family. An address from the members to him was read by Mr Anthony Boyle, and tte Bishop replied in hiß discourse from the pulpit. He expressed the pleasure be felt m receiving the address from the man of the Confraternity. No address from any boiy could aff jrd him mare pleasure. In conclusion, the Bishop gave the Apostolic Benediction to tbe members of St John's division of the Confraternity. The Confraternity has 5,001) members.

Mayo.— CLARE ISLAND.— This island, recently purchased by the Board of Works from the Misß°a McDonald, for the sum of : £5,000, is siluate at the mouth of Clew Bay, County Mayo, five miles , from the mainland. The extent of the island is 3.949 statute acres, i with Poor Law valuation of £509 18s per annum, and a rental of j £495 16s 61, payable by ninety-five tenants. In addition to the j lands held by tenants (about 3,200 acres), clear possession was given I to the board of about 750 acres, valued at about £95 a year. ! LOUISBURGH —There is a population of 700 families in j Louisburgh, mostly Catholic?, excopr six families of another persua- j sion. The Catholics have two chapels about eight miles apart, which j are attended by large congregations. There is a new church in i course of erection by Father Joyce, five miles from Louisburgh. Education is well looked afier by him, he having built two new schools. The eight schools in the parish are conveniently placei abjut threa and four miles asunder. Tae teaciers are n"nt class and the children attend regularly. Xipperary.— ALTAß OF THE HOLY FACE. — Tue Very Rev Dean Kinane celebrated Miss on the new altar to the Holy Face, I recently erected in the parish church, Cashel, The altar is one of the happy results of the Society of the Holy Face. QUITE A BATTLE AT CLOOGOSflLE.— Patrick Fi'^trald and James Orotty were charged at recent sessions in Olonmel with poaching for fi-h an i with assaulting the police of Ballymearley station at Oloogoaile. It was quite a battle, a 9 the following details prove : — The constables placed t letnselves in ambush and uoticed sixteen men with speais and liable i toiches engaged in taking fiih, Tbree were walking in the river, one cai o tng a torcti. Oq either side of this man twj men walkei with spears, c .tching fish. When the men came opposite to where thj pjlice wire O ns table Hiarahia aad CoTs'able Byrne went into the river to arre3t them, while Cnatable McHugh and the water bailiffs wen to the opposite bank. Constable I Byrnearrested Fi'.z^era'd, who wascarrying a lorch. Fi z^erald made a ! blow at him, but the c jnstab'e g3t unier hi 3 arm, breaking 'ha forca i of the blow, which he received on the top of his bead, Fi zgerald then caught the constable by the legs and attempted to throw him | into the water. Tbere wis a struggle, in waich the cons'able was thrown partly into the river an! partly oa the bank. While in this position Fitzgerald att mpted to draw t le constable's ewurd, but the constable, by leaning on it, prevented him, When the coos:able got his hand f ee he drew nn s vjrd aii struck Ftiz^erall on the he id. i After this both g it to their feet, an i the const&bb was able to put j gerald into tbe wat ,r, and third held h\m until CoastaV.e Hanrahau | came to him. Constable Hanrahan in the meao'ime had arrested a spearsman, and as he ■pproached the maa raised the spear, but the constable put up his stick ac 1 the man then threw away the speir. The constable caught him, an i tie man tried to get away to the opposite bank. The constable held his prisaner, but as they were near the other bauk James' brother struck Constable Hanrahan wit i a spear on the haad, and disabled it. The prisoner escipei. Conbtable Hanrahan then went to Constable Byrne and took over Fitzgerald. Cjna'able Byrae went to the otrnr side of the river where Constable MacHngh and the water bailiffs where in conflict with the rest of ihe party, and there arrested Crotty, All the o'hers escaped All the men bad their faces blackened, and their coats turned inside out. The police took poscefsion of three bags, which contained ten salmon and a brown trout. They also took ,i spear, and a long po'e, and an oil can. Ihe pii-oners were admitted to bail, themselves in £100, and two sureties of £50 each. "WateriOfd.— lMl OLTANT MEETING.— A moat important mt.bting vw.s held in Wateiioid, under the presidency of the

Most Rev Dr Sheehan, to defray the costs oE an appeal against the decision of the Vice-Ctuncellor. For many years the Catholic governors of the Fanning iDstitu'e and the Catholics of Waterford generally felt that aa indignity had been put upon their bishop by being placed in a secondary position to the Protestant bishop on the board. The Protestant Bishop of Cashel was appointed permanent chairman of this Catholic institution, built and maintained exclusively by Catholic money. When the new rules were sent to the Vice-Chancellor he refused to allow the Catholic Bishop to be chairman under any circumstances. On appeal, the Court of Appeal reversed the decision of the Vice-Chancellor, and religious equality is now recognised. Wexford. - A ÜBBIUL LANDLORD -"A Wexford Tenant Farmei "' wri'es drawing attention to the liberal treatment of hie tenantry by Sir John Talbot Power, Bart, DL. Notwithstanding that Judge Be'vley, c airman of the Lind Commissionerp, thinks himself vistified in incrpasing rents, this landlord, who knows from ac ual con'act with the people the true state of affairs, hap, through hi 6 agents, voluntinlv granted to all bis tenants on the Lambton estate a reriuc'ion of :'O per cent on their rents. Sir John's brothers, "Jr James Talbot Power an 1 Mr Thomas Talbot Powiir, have imitated this good example in the^r dealings with the temnts on (heir Wexford estates and given the same abatements

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New Zealand Tablet, Volume XXIII, Issue 43, 21 February 1896, Page 11

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Irish News. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XXIII, Issue 43, 21 February 1896, Page 11

Irish News. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XXIII, Issue 43, 21 February 1896, Page 11

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