Irish News.
(From the Jrith World.) Antrim.— At a largely attended meeting of tbe Executive Committee of tbe Belfast National Federation, held in bt Mary's Hall lately, the following resolution was passed on tbe motion of Mr Thomas Magee, seconded by Mr Frank Blair, and supportsd by Mr Joseph Monahan : " Resolved — That we regret tbe enforced retirement from Parliament of Mr William O'Brien, M.P., which is now inevitable ; that we express our admiration of his sterling, honett patriotism. ' Armagh.— A singular incident occurred in Armagh city while tbe Queen's birthday celebrations were at their height. While the Orange bands were discoursing •• loyal musio " by means of fife and pigskin, all tbe lamps suddenly went out, aod the gaslights in the shops and dwelling houses were extioguisbed as if by magic. One of tbe men employed in the gas bouse was instructed to lower the pressure of gas. In doing so tbe man, who is aged, slipped, and the sudden impact given the apparatus bad the effect of turning out the gas altogether. The workman had a narrow escape. Had not other workmen come to his assistance he would have been asphyxiated. Ca?an. — The Nationalists of Killinagb, West Cavan, met last Sunday, James McGauran presiding, when the tol lowing resolution was unanimously adopted : " That we deplore that circumstances have arisen which threaten the retirement of Mr O'Brien, M.P., from tbe Irish Parliamentary Party, thereby depriving our country of the Parliamentary service of a sterling patriot." Cork*— A few days ago Michael Tobin and Julia Tobin were evicted from their holding in the townland of Barley Hill, near Rosscarbery, on tbe estate of Anna Maria Cough lan. Imokilly Carnival is in full swing. A pisce of work which tbe visitors admire much is that executed by Sir J. J. McDonald. It ia a crucifix piece in rtpousse work, showing much merit, and reflects great credit on that gentleman. , The second Irish Trades Congress was lately held in Cork city, presided over first by Mr Hugh MoMauus, Belfast, and afterward by Mr J. H. Jolley, president Cork United Trades' Association. Tbe proceedings were opened by the Mayor in state. The resolutions embracing very many matters of importance to the trades and the public were discussed and dealt with. Under tbe will of the late Very Rev John Canon Barry, P.P., of Glounthane, the sum of £1,000 has been bequeathed to tbe trustees of Maynooth College for tbe founding of a free burst for tbe edncation of a priest for the diocese of Cork. L2OO baa been left to the North Infirmary, Cork, aud a like sum to the Mercy Hospital, Cork. L3OO has been allowed for tbe maintenance of tha Magdalsn Asylum attached to the Good Soepherd's Convent, Cork ; LSO to the Little Sisters of the Poor, Cork ; LSO to tha Catholic Cancer Hospital, Cork ; LSO to the Convent of Marcy, Cork ; L6O to tbe poor schools attached to tbe North Monastery, Cork ; LSO to the St Vincent de Paul Male Society, Cork ; LSO to tbe St Ripba3l'a Blind Asylum, Cork ; L 25 to tbe Bon Secours. Cork ; L 25 to Ibe Conreo-t of Perpetual Adoration, Cork. Certain house property in Cork city to tbe Sistara of Charity, for the charitable purposes in Cork of tbe Magdalen Asylum attached to their convent ; other house property in Cork to the Catholic Bishop and Dean of Cork for the charitable purposes of tbe Society for the poor Catholic clergymen of the dioceße of Cork ; and the deceased devised the residue of his property io trust for the trustees of Maynooth College, to be applied for the eduoatioa therein of students for the priesthood from tbe diocese of Cork. Derry* — Members of Swateragh Branch of the Irish National Federation assembled in the National Hall, Granaghan, recently. Mr Charles Logan, president, was in the chair. Following resolution was unanimously adopted : '' That the want of being properly represented by Catholic magistrates is h great grievance to the Catholics, who form a la-ge majority of tbe Maghera Petty Sessions District, and we call on the Lord Chancellor to have such a numbir appointed as will give tbe Catholics a fair representation on the benob, and that one residing in the io»mediate neighbourhood of Swateragh should be appointed." Donegal.— la the House of Commons lately Mr MacNeill asked tbe Chief Secretary, Mr John Morley, whether he is aware that tbe completion of the road and bridge over a river connecting the parishes of Ardra snd GUnties would be of great benefit to the parishes of Glenties, Ardra, Inver and Dunkineely ; whether he is aware that LSOO was expended by the barony, and L6O and L4O were granted by the baronies of Banagh and Boylagh respectively to aid in the completion of this road and bridge, while the Congested Districts Board has promised to give siune aid if this sum of LIOO, voted by the baronies, is approved and passt d by tbe Grand Jury of Donegal ; and whether, having regard to the widespread distress and want of employment and the isolation caused by deficiency of proper com-
munioatton, ft portloa of tha funds aHooated for the relief ol distress ooald be appropriated toward the completion of thU work: Mr John Motley Mid : "I am Inquiring into the natter alluded to. At regard! tbe concluding paragraph, I am informed that additional relief works will be opened in the Glentiea Union, and that a road U to be made in the Ardara distriot, about ten milea from tbe particular roiid to which my honourable friend refers. Tbe Local Government Board Inspector will shortly visit thii diitriot and report further." Dublin.— The effective strength of the polios force of Dublin city on December 31, 1894, wai 1,146 of all ranks. Sixty-ftve were removed. Tbe number absent from duty owing to sickness was at the rate of 2 2 per oent per day. One case of mild smallpox oocnrrtd. The latest previous case was in 1880. Then all tbe younger men were revaecinated, and no cne in admitted to tbe fores without evidence of satisfactory vaccination. Every man io tbe force now has been vaccinated in infancy or obildhood and again at maturity. Twelve men died, four of consumption, three of thypoid, two of rheumatism, two of heart affections, and one of pneumonia. Thirty • four men were pensioned, snd eight retired on gratuity in conseqnence of ill health. The average length of servioe of the men pen» sioned was 28 years and 265 days. Gal way .—At the last meeting of the Ballinasloe District Lunatic Asylum, Lord Clonbrook presiding. Dr Fletcher, the resi. dent superintendent, raid the largest number they ever had was now in the house— Bß6 patients, which include 860 females; 612 are from County Galway, 78 from Gal way town, and 224 from Boscommon* A second assistant medical officer will sooo be elected. A splendid specimen of the golden eagle is possessed by Mr John Miller, of Mary street, Galway, shot by him last winter in Galway Bay. He had the body stuffed and it now stands on a plauteau of rocks, one talon grasping a mallard, the wings raised in the air, the head erect, with the featheri on the poll bristled as if in anger, and the eyes angry-looking. This king of all birds measures eight' feet from the tips of his wiag, and is 32 inches from the beak to the When shot it weighed 161bs. Kerry.— Some days sgo Timothy Gallivan, 17 years, of BcarifiT Island, in the Atlantic, about five miles from Darrynane, mada a very hazardous descent of 120 feet to secure a raven's nest. Some lime previously young G*lllvan chanced to capture a young raven, and sold it to a tourist for 15s, which enticed him to obtain more. Ascertaining that a raven's nest was 120 feet down in one of the cliffs of the island, he procured a rorjfe, aod tied some bushes to the end of it, on which he seated himself, keeping a firm hold and placing young' men at the other end of it on tbe top of the cliff. He descended and got two young ravens in the nest, which be brought up to the top. Kildare.— On Sunday as John Walsh, tailor, was walking down the River Barrow track-lineatAtby, he heard asplasb at the opposite side, on the convent grounds, and, on looking across, eaw acbild had (atlen in. Although Walsh saH a child of three years with him, he pluckily plunged into the water and swam across. Ry the time he reached tbe spot tbe child bad sunk, but Walsh dived and brought it to the surface. The little one, which turned out to be a child of Mr Josepa Murphy, William street, was unconscious and only after two hours of treatmen. it revived. Great credit is due to Wahh for his plucky conduct, and it ia to be hoped it will receive suitable recognition. The following decisions have been announced by No 1 SubCommission in reference to cases beard recently : Countess of Miltown, Bally dallagb, teoant ; Thomas v. Brown, landlord ; old rent, L 36;3 6; dismissed, demesne lands. James Loj?an, Oloogbganvt/ tenant j Phoebe Fmlay and others, landlords ; old ren-, L 35 ; judU cial rent, L3O. James Logan, Clooghgarretr, tenant ; Phoebo Finlay and others, landlords ; old rent, L 8 12j ; judicial rent, L 7 7a. Patrick Victory. Pairestown, tenant ; A. W. B. Kelly, trustee, landlord ; old rent, L 42 , judicial rent, L 37. Representatives of Patrick Doyle, Brewel West, tenants ; Katbleeo Montgomery and others, landlords • old ren*, L279s 8d ; judicial rent, Ll3 10a. John Neill, Killinaae,' tenant ; M. O. Cramer Biberts, landlord ; old rent, L 43 ; judicial rent, 129. J. D. Cramer Roberts, Grangebeg, tenant ; Rev Joseph Rawlir-gs, landlord ; old rent, L 13 0; judicial rent, LlO3 10s. Elizabeth Raddy, Blackball, tenant ; Major B; B. Bynd, landlord ; old rent, LIOO ; judicial rent, L 74, Kilkenny.— Recently the clergy of tbe diocese of Ossorj, secular »nd reguUj, met in synod at tbe Cathedral, Kilkenny Ouy. The procession was formed at tbe Presbytery, and started for the* church in the following order : The religious in the habits of their respective Orders, tbe curates of the diocese, the parish priests, the canons of the chapter, and the bishop. Oa reaching the sanctuary the procession filed to the right and left. The canor s occupied the placesattbebeadof the choir. When the bishop was vested High Muss commenced at tnce. Rev W. Cassin, Cathedral, celebrant ; Rev W. Brennan, professor Bt Kieran'a College, deacon ; Ray B. Brennan,' St John's, sob-deacon ; Rev T. Bowe, dean, St Kieran's Oolllege, master cf ceremonies. The assistants at the throne were Very Rev Dean Kelly and Very Rev Oauon Howley. The music of the Mass
WM rendered by the students of St Kieran's Oollege. The followicg resolatioa was nauimouily pawed : » That we regret the failure of the Chief Secretary to give effect to the liberal principal enunciated by him on assuming office : that the people of every country have the right to select the form of education which recommends itself to their Tiew, and we call on our Parliamentary representatives to insist on nil translating his words into action." Leitrim.-At a meeticg of the Manorhamilton Branch Iri B h National Federation, on a recent Sunday, Mr James Lynott occupied 2!n°^ lr< MetnbeM P«*«»t: J. Dolan, county delegate; John McGuinness, Denis McGowan, Bobert Sweeney Felix Loughlin, J. Albert, J. Gaffney and F. Ward; The chairman' proposed the follow. ing resolutions, which were carried unanimously : " That we strongly condemn the influences compelling the retirement of Mr William O Brien as M.P. from the House of Commons, and that we, with the T»st majority of our fellow-countrymen, willingly record our thorough appreciation of the disinterested and patriotic motives actuating him since his entry into political life." Louth.-In the Marist Convent, Lyons, France, lately, the solemn ceremony of the profession of five young ladies took place ; four were French and one Irißh. The latter is Miss Kathleen (Rene) Boyle (in religion Sister Mary Clare), third and youngest daughter of Mr M. Boyle, Wellington place, Dundalk. Sister Mary Clare at an •ariy age renounced the world and devoted herself to the service of God and the poor. Her eldest sister (in religion Sister Mary Dorothy) dedicated herself to the strvice of Ood in the Marist Order many years ago j and her other sister (in religion Sister Mary Philomene) was recently professed in the Mercy Order in the Convent of Mercy, Dundalk. Mayo.-With deep regret the people of Galway learned of the death of Mrs Moore, which occurred at Moorehall. The deceased lady was widow of the lamentel George Henry Moore, M.P , whose name is still fresh in the hearts of the people, for whom he laboured so earnestly during his Parliamentary career. At a meeting of Jhe Lonisburg (William O'Brien) Branch I.N.F held on a recent Sunday, Key William Joyce presiding, the following resolution was nnanimously adopted : « Resolved— That we have heard with regret and sorrow of the forced retirement of Mr William O'Brien from Parliament. The tenantry along the western coast have oanae to deplore the loss of so able an advocate. No man in Ireland has fought such a hard battle against coercion and landlord tyranny, his latest battle being for the restoration of the Widow Kit trick." Monatfliatl.-The Earl of Dartrey, Lieutenant of the Oonnty Monaghan, has appointed Whitney Upton Moutray, Fort Singleton, Bmyvale, to be a deputy-lieutenant for the county. Oastleblaney Board of Guardians has elected Mr Bnntz, a Catholic as master of the workhouse. Queen's County. -The Land Commissioners lately fixed rents as follows : '• Patrick Holland, Colt, tenant ; Viscount de Vesci landlord ; old rent, L4l 12s ; judicial rent, L 26. Thomas Whelan Colt, tenant ; Philip Dunphy, landlord ; old rent, Li 15s ; valua of tenancy, L3O. Peter Walsh, Upper Forrest, tenant ; Mrs Adair landlord ; old rent, L 7 15s ; judicial rent, L 6. Peter Delaney, Marymount, tenant ; Captain Morton, landlord ; old rent, L 26 2s ; judicial rent, Ll6. Mr J. J. Aird, auctioneer, the popular and efficient secretary of the Maryborough Branch of the 1.N.F., has been appointed to the Commission of the Peace for the county. There are 80 magistrates in the county, aod of these, including those newly appointed, but 14 are Catholics, and not more than five Nationalists. SligO.-Bev Matthew Kaoe, CO., Glenfame, while fishing on Lough Macneane, recently, succeeded in landing a 201 b pike. W hen the fi3h was hauled on board it was found that the tail of a trout was hanging out of bis mouth. The trout was 11 inches long, and might have easily satisfied any animal less voracious than a pike. Xipperar J.— We regret to chronicle the death of Mr O'Brien of Lacka, neat Drangan. The deceased was a plucky soldier of the
land war, had been a victim of eviction for several years, and had only recently been restored to his farm. A large and representative meeting of the people of Thurles was held in the St Vincent de Paul Society rooms lately for the pnrpose of taking steps to commemorote, in a fit and suitable manner, the jub.lee of his Grace Dr Oroke. Mr Power, J.P., proposed the following resolution :_« fhat we tender our most cordial congratulations to his Grace the Most Rev Dr Oroke upon the approaching silver jubilee of his episcopate, for 20 years of which he has presided over th.s ancient See of Cashel and Emily, worthily upholding by his generous and unremitting exertions and services the traditions of faith and patrioiism associated with the names of his most illustrious prodecessors, and that w« commemorate the auspicious occasion by the presentation of a suitable testimonial to his Grace." WestmeatU.— Recently a large meeting of the people of Balhnagore was held in the Ballinagore mills for the purpose of furthering the interests of the Ballinagore Co-operativa Agricultural Society and Stores. The two schemes, however, the agricultural society and the proposed shop, will be worked separately. "Wexford.— Mr Sam Tanner, of Odessa Cottage, Wexford, has beaten all previous records in a high jump, covering the remarkable good spring of sft Bins, exactly l£i Q8 more than bis own height. Mr Tanner is the best man on the Dnolin gymnasium senior team and has always gained the top score. A meeting of the branches of the Labour Federation was held in Bridgetown recently The following delegates from the Dnnagh Tagoat and Kilrane, aud Oarrig-on-Bannow branches were present: Thomas Oallen, Bannow ; John Byrne, Duncormack ; Denis Goff Joe Button and James Murphy, Ktlmore ; John Leary, and P. Walsh hon sec, Tagoat and Kilrane. Mr Denis Goff occupied the chair. The following resolution passed : " R«solved— That it is simple justice to the labourers to get the half acre assigned them by a late Act of Parliament, and the delegates here assembled appeal to the Poor Law Guardians of Wexford to use the power with which they are invested with the view of granting the additional half acre."
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New Zealand Tablet, Volume XXII, Issue 18, 30 August 1895, Page 21
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2,830Irish News. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XXII, Issue 18, 30 August 1895, Page 21
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