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m- OABRIAGB PAID TO AST PART OF TUB COLONY. OUR WONDERFUL BARGAIN PARCELS For the ACIUMN and WINTER SEASONS have Now Commenced. A. & T. I N G L~I S TDK OASH EMPORIUM, GEORGE STREET, DUNEDiN, THE LARGEST DKAPERS AND HOUSE FURNISHERS IN THE COLONY. Give us a Trial Order and yon will become a constant customer. We employ no travelling agents, therefore bid oVbts and (ill expenses connected therewith are entirely eliminated, the benefit of which we give oar customers in the price of the Goods. AH Orders mast be accompanied by Cheque, Notep, or Postal Orders, It is advisable in all cases to register letters containing money. PARCEL No. i <32s 6d).— Tbe Mourning Dress Parcel. This won- PARCEL No 10 (4O»).— Oar No'ed Ustful Parcel contaiDß 1 large derful Parcel contains 7yds lovely quality black Oaahmere, 44in wide ; woollen reversibln Hug — piz < 64m by 66iu, an 1 can be used either ■« 6>ds good quality giove-finißbed Lining 2d< z fashionable Buttons, a travelling rug, buggy ru^, or b^d cover ;1 p >ir good heavy Wi'ney lyd black finib'or Velveteen, and 1 pair Dent's best quality fonr Bankets, 2^ y. s lon* ; syds Shetland or wni c Colonial Ftenoel ; patent tpnng button kid gloves. The whole lot, carriage paid to any 7vds strorg serv cnble Uuion hhirtipg ; 6yds pat Urn good nd^rHw tor 32^ Sd. quaKty twilled Flunnel 1 tte ; 2 large brown Turk ; sh bath Towers, 48m ■ ~ long ; 4 unblenc* ed honeycomb Towe s. 45ia long. Carriage paid to OUR STOCK contains a targe quantity of Remnants of Dress Material, an 7 addrass for 40a. and in order to clear them quickky we have decided to give our Coon- — ■ • try friends the full benefit by patting them ia B incites at Birgain PARCEL No. 14.— Men's Biotn at 13j 6J. Pair heavy pegged Wi'e'prices. They are in lengths of from 2£ yds to Syis, and consist of tights, 1 pair heavy jej.el B<ilmoralß, 1 pair light Balmorals wi b Homesptns, Tweeds, Winceys, Merinos (Black and Coloured), Cash- heel and toe plates (no na Is), 1 pair cilf shoes, pegged or sewn. rcer'-H (EHack and Coloured), and other winter fabrics. In Bandies Any of above, post free to any address, for 13a 6J per pair. for 15s, 20s, 258. Carriage paid to any address. PARCEL No. 11 (20s).— Ladies' Undercutting' Pare 1 contains 2 PARCEL No. 2. — The Fearnought Parcel. We w»ll send to any handsomely trimmed Nightdress, with joke back and front of neck fortress, carriage paid, a full Dress of 7yds of the worlri -renowned six rows of choice insertion in front, and eight tucks embroidery to ..Fearnought Serge," 42ra wide. Thece tSertjea are tbe lades' friend, match insertion round neck. Beeves, and front ; 2 very handsome good as gold, and best lor all weather at home and abroid. They Chemises, seven rows of insertion. 16 tucks of edging round neck and lire unequalled for couotty and seaside wear, as they simply defy cci air sleeves to match ; 2 p<ms ladie«' Krn.cke r s trimme i with embroidery and salt water. Xrese Stages have no equ»l, and cm be hid only at 2in wide, plain band wi'h feather stitching, good strong calico, and A. and T. INQLIS. A full dans as above (7yds) of either Navy or lockstitched ; 1 good quality Cookirtg Apron trimmed with lace. Tbe Black-, together with 3^yds durable skirt Limttg, 2^yds strong body whole, carriage paid to any addrtss, for 203. Lining, 2'dcz fashionable Buttons, Sfk Twist. Bind>ng, Betting, Hooks and feyes, anr! Dress Bones in tire following qualities :— For No- 1, PARCEL No. 13— Our Far-fom-d Men's Clothing Parcel contains 1 22-^ 6i ; No 2 27a 6i ; No. 3, 32a 6d ; No. 4, 37s 91. Write at ones for splendid all wool Colonial Tweed Suit specially designed for the repatterns with which weencloseaself-meaßurementchart. Tnesecbaxts requirements of tur country friends wbo have rarely an opportunity ensure a styfieh and satisfactory fit at a moderate cijarge. of visiting town. In finish they are equal to bp<-polte suits at doable _ the money and can be rcc mmend'.d a« a wel.'-fiuing, hard-wearing PAR( EL No. 3 (43»).-The French Merino Parcel contains 7yda of lr *. Slz es. 3to 7 - TqlB parcel, carriage paid to any address, for lovely quality fine Ftenoh Mevno (alUwool — in colours and back\ 3? 8 6 '^ . urn qatkled for durability ; 9vdsof glove-finished dress Lining, Fewing PARC EL No. 15 - Men's Boots at 10s 6». 1 pair heavy Balmorals, Silk, Twist, Brnoing Br^d. Hooks and Byes, Be in* and Drees Bones l Mr Oxford thoeB with heel and toe tet x ir extra nalit - kid 1 laity s warm knitted Underskirt, a fashion* be fur Pelerine 1 B loeber*, 1 pair .toot Oxford Shoe?. Any of thtse at 10s <& per pair, and quilted with satin (either in brown or back) ; 1 pnir Dent's beat pog t c( j f re ,. t^anv a-Mr*"*.. quaMy four patent eprtngr-button kid Gloves, and 2 piirs of ladies' '■ go<d quality ribbed Mick Cashmere Hoee. Carriage paid to »ny an. ' PAKL'EL Na 1G —Women's Boots at 10s. 1 pair aH leather Elastics dress, for 425. Note. — Never buy a dre-s btfore f-e^ in? p-tterna from with hf><>l and toe pates, 1 pair hgh leg Ba morals, light make or A. and T. Inglis, and the money you will save will ast'>Li»h yru. nailed, 1 pair pupenorcalf or seal Oxford Shoes (sewn), 1 pjiir stout fuf button Shots ( e*n). Any of theee, post free to any addiess, for PARCEL No. 1 (259)— The Little Wonder. A pp-cial trial parcol L^P^LP^J contain, ng 2 : dre»*-i f 12yds each, one of Ve'our-fi.Hshe 1 pltm Drr^s , PAHC EL No 17-Womins Boots at 12* 6d. 1 pair high leg oalf Tweed, id Navy. Brown, or Marton. and tr c other a faebj-nahle , BJraraU, 1 pa,r high Kg kid B .Imorals, 1 pair nigh leg kid Balbroken check drtsi . l«e ■<( (all dark shade-) ; 7yds of poo 1 twnl dreaa morft . B Wlt| , fri)ftts (9cWu)- Aoy o{ tDese po9t"treep 09 t"tree to any adLining, 4i<z fashionable Buttons, lyd good q>i Icy \eveteen ftn (j re co fnri2->f>; pcrp ir match each dres."), and 1 laiiy s cooking Aprun (.ace trimmed). Thj : whol», carriage paid, for 255. PARCEL No 7 (45-) — Our far-famed Huu>tehold Parcel contains 1 pair white Wuney Blanksts. 2|vds long — n'ce, fleecy goods ; 1 pair PARCEL No. 5 (45^. — Special Household P. reel contains 1 pood Btrong piain unble. rne'i Sheet«. h^avy make ;Ire I and white Qailt, qnihtj Marcelhs Quilt, 23-yds long, »ith new satin fiai'-h and choice nice floril pattern, 2^-. d 3 loDg ; 6yds go d Shetland or white Colonial raip d pattern — wcrth at least 18s 9d ; syds extra strong and pood Flannel, I2yds Mi xicar-finish s vug rnibleached Calico, 32in wide ; quality white Twilled Sheeting, 2yds wide ; 1 lov»-Iy quality hand- 12vds good qnality m- dium white Calico, 36in wide— suitable for pomp pflfem pure linen *hite damask Tablecloth, 2\ds long ; 12yds ladies' or cb ldren's war ; I brown linen Tablecloth, 2yds long: 2 HorrocW Lonpcloth, 36-n wide, for ladies' use; 12yd a Crewis'n's large brown Tiuksh Towels, 42m long The whole lot, carriage celebrated medium Calico, 32in wide : 2 large s'z ■ brown Tmki^b paid to any nddrt ss, for 43*. Towels, 48 n long; 4 large honeycomb Towels', 43 n Ion? ; 2 wnne I ■ — b. n«vcomb Toilet Covers, l}yds long. Carriage paid to any ad ires?, PAR' 'EL No 8 (.">2 ) — Our r\itnous Family Parcel contains 12yds for 45*. very aupeiiT F iu r cett", nice pattern ani fast colours ; 6yds heavy ~ 1,,. „ ~Z „„ TTTi n »r il rr i 7T^> ', ~ twilltd link Fl inndette, tx ra wide ; 12yds Horiocks' noted LongPAHCEL No. 9 (o2* W).-Our Marvellous Household Parcel contains , th wi(le ,2, 2 ,9, 9 d h , meillum wh , 1c Cali guitftb f e 1 pair best qua ity real Witney Blacks 2J yds -ong ; 1 extra large for ladleB . Bnd c htJl - s nnderdoihing ; 6vda unbleached pure 9 ,z« and very superior white honeycomb Quilt ; 1 pair best quality M . xlcan Calic 32ia Wlde 6ds Bhell , ir , ( , or w 'hi c Colonial Flannel, white twilled Sheets, full size ;1b st quality double damask ban*- 2 , yds hea stri d Dra ec Sh-rtin?, 37 n ; 4 large brown Bone pattern whrehoen Tablecloth, Jyaslonp; 2 large white Turkish h or.eycomb Tr.wels ; 6yds strong Wiucer, 32in wiie ; 1 Carpet batb Towe s 43m long; 4 brown honeycomb Towels, 4om long. g fri d&n rcand— eise 6ft by oit. Carriage paid to any Carmge paid to any address, 52^ 6d. address for fi2«. PABCH.L No 6 (42s)— Our Wonderful Household Parcel eontflins 1 PAKCEL No 12 (30) —Spec a! Lidies' Underclothing Parcel convery handsc me reversible eiderdown Quilt — s ze, 72in by 54in — tains 2 hands-'m* h -tummtd N'trhtrircFC wi'h five rows of fine coy. red, padded, and qnUted in choice pattern sateen, and has all the SwiB9 embroidery, 10 tacks and two rows of insertion in front, feather warmth of a blanket and quilt combined ; 1 pair best qu»litv Findlays stitched on each side of the insertion, three uairow tucks and emtwi led white c tton hbeets, full size; 12yds Horrocks' fine Long- Lroidery on sleeves; 2 Ohcmues tucked and embroidered front, very civb, 36in wide, for ladies' wear ; 12yds superior quality medium handsomely feather 6iitch'.d betwten the tucks, inrertion and feather &Wut Calico, 26in wide, perfectly pure— suitable for ladies' and Btitchirg r.'Und neck nnd sleeves; 2 pair ladies' Knickers, two rows children s underclothing ; 4 large brown bath Towel a , 48in long ; 4 of Swiss embroi 'cry 2in wide, four tucka and fancy feather switching hrown honeycomb Towels, 45^ Ion? ; and 1 «ood Marcclles fringed with a new-sbaj-ed band. AU the ab ye of excelkat quality and Twi let Cover, 1^ yds long. The whole, carriage paid, for 425. i Jockstitcted. Carriage paid to aay addre6s for 30 . Homes furnish ed throuehout on the Shortest Notice. For those who live at a distance we give the prices at which we will supply the Furniture for a Two, Three, or Four Roomed Cottage :— TWO ROOMS (Kitchen and Bedroom), for £12 ; THREE ROOMS (Kitcbenand two Bedrooms), £21 ; FOUR ROOMS (Sitting Room, two Bedrooms, and Kitchen), £50. A. & T. ING ITI S, THE CASH EMPORIUM, GEORGE STREET, DDNKDIN. DnAIUOnM Practical Watchmaker and jeweller, f^- All kinds of Watcheu, Cocks, etc., Repaired under aJA^HruUivt Exchange Court, Princes Street, DUNEDIN • my own supervision. Jewelforv Manufactured and Repaired, on the premiaes. Old Jewellery Bought, made up into Fashionable Designs, or fryr-Mpgofl.

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New Zealand Tablet, Volume XX, Issue 28, 29 April 1892, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Tablet, Volume XX, Issue 28, 29 April 1892, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Tablet, Volume XX, Issue 28, 29 April 1892, Page 3

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