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Irish News.

Antrim. — The County Antrim Convention wash Id recenly in the Town Hill, Billeym moy, and was one of ths most important and representative Nationalist meetings h<?ld in the County within the memory of tbe oldest iababitait, its importance beiog considerably increased by the presence of a number of (he principal Protestant inhabitants of Antrim. Mr T.D.Sullivan, M. P., presided, and Messrs J. K. Cox and M. McCartan were also present and spoke. Representatives from cve r y parish in lha County were in attendance.

The dead body of Elizabeth Forsythe was last wetk discovered in her residence, High street, Antrim. Head -Constable Sheridan, Antrim, on being adv.sad ot the occurrence, visited tbe premises, which were in h wretched c ndition, and, along with others, mide a search, when the Bam of £2,000 in deposit receipts, notes, and silvtr was found.

Armagh. --Great jiy wis manifested in Armagh over the Rosseadale victory. The local Nationalist bands (W.l Ham O'Brien and Ba'.lycrummy) turned out and gave a nice selection of National airs. Tar barrels were ablaze in tbe main streets. Nationalists all felt that Michae l Davitt stood in a prouder position on tbe hustings of Rossendale than if he had been victorious at Wa'eiford.

Cork* — With sincere pleasure we announce that, after a Ion? and severe illness, Father Davis is decidedly convalescent. He is able to leave his room lor a couple of hours daily, but is not jet permitted to try the open air, much lees to resume his arduous duties in connection with the Fishing Hcbool, for which he has done so

mach. Before lone, however, he will be able to resume his useful labours. His attack was of a most serious character. An important meeting was held recently at Killavullen fjr the purpose of starting a butter iactory in the district. Toe meeting was held in the schoolroom, and wa9 large and influential, all tho farmers of the district being rreeent. Rev Richard Ahem presiied. The reverend chairman explained the object of tbe meeting, and the great benefit it would be to the farmers if they bad a butter factory in the district. He bad seen th;m in other places where they were far from the railway, and they were pujing very well. Derry. — A large public meeting of the McCarthy branch of the Derry Federation was held in St Columb'a Hall. Thomas Hegarty presided. There was general rejoicing over the Rosa nlate victory and the death of the Unionist party. Tbe following itnulu lion was carried unanimously :— Th*t we heartily thank the electors of Rossendtle for destroying the fungus of L bera'-Unionitm, and for so effectually vindicating Mr Gladstone's policy of justice and Home Rule for Ireland. Down. — At recent sessions in Djwnpatiick John Mullholland of Revara was on trial. John had tbe te-nenty to c^ eer for Home Rule on the platform of tbe railway fetation, at which tbe supersensitive Royalists of the town were shocked, an I howled fjr Mulholland's blood in atonemeut for the terrible outrage, but they did not get it ; instead, honest John was callel upoi to disburse tea ■hillings and sixpence for the cheer and eleven shillings and giipencj for costs ; then the outrage perpetrated on British »nd Orange honour was— well, paid tor. Incidentally it may be stated that h'B en?mies alleged that he cursed the Lord-Lieutenant and Lord L ndond.rry.

FertnanaKll*— At the usual weekly meetiog of the County Fermanagh Central Branch of the Irish National Fi deration, h Id io St Michae 'a R >ading Room, Boniskillen, H. R. Lindaay proposed the following resolution, which passei ananimously :— ■' T at this branch of the Iri-h National Federation shares in the general sorrow occ^sione Iby the death ot Cardinal Manning. That we lament his death not only as a prince of tbe Catholic Church, butan a true friend of tbe Ir &h people in their s'ruggle for Home Rule." Continuing Mr Lindsay said that with regard to this country there bad been no warmer friend of tbe Irieh people than wis the late Cardinal, and tbe labouring classes found in him a staunch frtead and supporter.

Kerry.— A meeting of the Listowel Branch, Irish National Fi deration, was hel 1 in tbe oli Lin 1 L ;a.'ue rooms a few d ja ago. The following resolutions were proposed by M. J. Flavin, seconied by Denis Curtin and pisied unaaimously :— " Ist— Taat we, the m-mbers of the L : ntowel Branch, Irish National Fulcra ion, place on record oar (ie-'p aid heartfelt sympathy at the death of Ctrriinal M inning. 2}d— That we s'rongly condemn the conduct of those who are openly supporting a notorious es terminator in his npproic'.in? candi ia'ure a 9 Poor-Law Guardian for the Ckntubrul division of the L stowel Union." Tne building of two Federation housed for evicted tenants on the Collis property was before the ma ting and adjourned for further consideration.

Tbe opening of the fishing season in K*rry has bees marked with a s rious dispute in Killorglin. For several years Mesan Power t Dodd and Co. were in the possession of fisheries in (he tidal wa'ers of tbe River Laun. Last year tbere were proaecntions brought against tbe company and some of their employees by The McGlllicuddy of the Ri cks for illegal fishing. The fishing b?gin recently and several persons went to fish in the ireah water with nets. The company asserting taat this wis illegal, sent their men out to prevent it

Tbere w» a regular fljtilU of boats on the river belonging to the '• invaders " *nd the •• c Jtnpaay." In anticipation of a breach of the peace a large force of police was drafted into the place. Though there were many shtrp encounters between the parties no serious incident occurred, but no fish were c<ptuied. Considerable excite* ment prevails in tbe locality, and tbe dispute will have to be decided by a court of law. Kildare* — Messrs Deasy and Cox, M.P's., addressed a successful meeting recently at Prosperous, in promotion of the collect i*n in aid of the National Fund. Father Kinsellt presided. An address was presented to Messrs Deasy and Cox. B R Kane, M P Lynch, and L Creery, sob-Commissioners, sat recently at the Four Courts, Dublin, and delivered the following judgments :— Cases in tbe County Kildaro — L H Aylmer. landlord ; Patrick Clibben, tenant ; old rent, L2O ; j idical rent, Ll2. R Hornidge, landlord ; William Bourke, tenant ; old rent, L77ls 9J ; judicial rent, L 66. Lord Cloncurry, landlord ; John Connors, tenant ; old rent, Ll6 ; judicial rent, Ll2. A D P O'Kelly and others, landlords; Jatnea Con way, tenant; old rent, L 52 ; judicial rent, L 45. R T Digby, landlord ; M Burke, tenant ; old rent, L 49 19s lid ; judicial rent, L 39. Anne Nugent, landlady ; Mr Wilsh, tenant ; old rent, L 6 10a ; judicial rent, L 5 10s. Charlotte Powell, landlady ; R J G ff, tenant ; old rent, L 34 8s 41 ; judicial rent, L 29. Same landlady ; John Farrell, tenant ; old rent, L7O ; judicial rent, L6O. Assignees in bankruptcy of G G West, landlord ; Thomas Briers, tenant; old r. Nt, L 4 ; judicial rent, L 2 15a. G H Pentland and others, landloids ; Tbomaa O'R'-illy, tenant ; old ren', L 24;2 4; judicial rent, Ll6. Thomas Jones and others, landlords ; Tbe Mincb, tenant ; old rent, L 270, 16a ; judicial rent, L 270 16s. Ann Eeogh, landlady ; Peter McQuirk

tenant ; old rent, L 6; judicial rent, L 8 10s. Edward Heaney, land - lozd ; Patrick Driver, tenant ; old rent, Ll4 10s ; judicial rent, LlO ss. B M Wilson, landlord ; Lucy Eanis, tenant ; old rent, Lll7 judicial rent, LIOO. John Longfield and others, landlord ; Bridget Kelly, tenant ; old rent, Ll3 ; judicial rent, LB. Jane Keogh, land. lady ; Jane Toole, tenant ; old rent, LIOO ; judicial rent, L 69 ; Sophia Newton and others, landlady ; Sarah Giltrap, tenant ; old rent, L 53 16s 3d ; judicial rent, L 44. Viscount B rid port and others, landlord ; J Best, tenant; old rent, L 32;3 2; judicial rent, L 27 10s. COH Trench, landlord ; William Ryan, tenant ; old rent, L 260 ; judicial rent, L 240. Bey F Fitzpatrick, landlord ; J McGrath, tenant ; old rent, L3B ; judicial rent, L 32 : Mat Cooper, tenant ; old rent, L 93 ; judicial rent, L6O ; James McGreer, tenant; old rent, LI 14 ; judicial rent, L 77 10a ; B McGreer, tenant ; old rent, L 23 129 61 ; judicial rent, Ll6 15s ; William Kane, tenant; old rent, Ll6 ; judicial rent, Ll2 10s ; Mary Byrne, tenant ; old rent, Ll6 ; judicial rent, Lll ; William Byrne, tenant ; old rent, L 25 13a ; judicial rent, Ll7 10s ; Bicbard Whittle, tenant; old rent, L2B ; judicial rent, LlB 10s; Edward Neill, tenant ; old rent, Ll6 17a ; judicial rent, Lll : B Lawler, tenant ; old rent, L 34 ; judicial rent, L 24 ; T Valentine, tenant ; old rent, L22Bs 6d ; judicial rent, Ll4 15s ; Edward Noble, old rent, L2B 10s; judicial rent, L 22 10s. Edward Fenelon, tenant ; old rent, L 99 129 ; judicial rent, L7O. T J Gorman, tenant ; old rent, Ll6 4i ; judicial rent, LlO 10s. Patxick Molony, tenant ; old rent, L36s 2d ; judicial rent, L 2. Wm Keogh, tenant ; old rent, LlB 10s ; judicial rent, Ll3 ss. James Beynolds, tenant ; old rent, L 6 3s ; judicial rent, L 3. Patrick Dowling, tenant ; old rent, LI 6 15s 2d ; judicial rent, L 9 10s. M Byan, tenant ; old rent, L 24 0a sd ; judicial rent, LlB 10s. Wm Jackson, tenant ; old rent, L 23;2 3; judicial rent, Ll7 15s. Ellen Foley, tenant ; old rent, L 6 10a ; judicial rent, L 4 10s. M Keating, tenant ; old rent, L4O 5a ; judicial rent, L3O. Ann Lawler, tenant; old rent, Ll3 ; judicial rent, Lll. Daniel Neal, tenant ; old rent, Ll7 3s 6d ; jndicial rent, Lll.

Kilkenny* — A Nationalist Convention has been held at Mullinvat for the purpese of selecting a Nationalist candidate to contest the vacant coronership in South Kilkenny in the Nationalist interest. There are four candidates for the appointment, namely :—: — Dr Walshe, Graigne ; Dr Stephenson, Eilmacon ; Dr Crane, Mullinavat, and J. O'Sbea, solicitor, Callan. On the motion of Bey J. Purcell, seconded by Bey P. Doyle, Father Uaftice, Mullinavat, was moved to the chair. Father Downey, Mullinavat, and James Scally, Oallan, were eleoted secretaries. The Convention came to the conclusion to adopt no one in particular as the special candidate of the National Federation, but permit all to fight tbe contest on their own merits.

King's County* — At Tullamore Poor-Law Guardians meeting on January 26, David Sherlock, 8.L.D.L., proposed :—" That we, the Tullamore Board of Guardians, desire hereby to place on record our admiration of the character exhibited by the late Cardinal Manning on all public occasions during his life, and our sense of loss sustained by the nation in his death." Mr Adams seconded the resolution, which was passed unanimously. The number of Parliamentary voters, according to the new lists for 1892, in Birr division is 5,253, divided as follows among the ten polling districts : — Bonagher, 519; Ballycumber, 214 ; Birr, 1,023 ; Ferbane, 891; Frankford, 619 ; Kinoetty, 520 ; Moneygall, 379 ; Moyatown, 226 ; Sbinrone, 695 ; Thomastown, 267. Tullamore Division— The total voters are 5 295, divided as follows among tbe seven polling districts :— Clara, 869 ; Clonbullogue, 313 ; Cloneygowan, 767 ; Edenderry, 655 ; Fahy, 387 ; Philipstown, 691 ; Tullamore, 1,773 ; total in the County, 10,548.

I*eitrim» — At the weekly meeting of the Board cf Guardians at Manorhamilton, John Dolan, chairman, presiding, the seven families that were evicted by George Hewson, agent (this Mr Hewson was notorious as being formerly agent on the Olphert estate, Donegal), on tbe Montgomery estate, numbering in all thirty-five souls, appealed for outdoor relief, as they were refused re-admission to their homes, and had to depend on the charity of their friends and neighbours for food and shelter since. The part of tbe estate on which the evictions took place is situated in tbe parish of Drumkeeran, some miles distant from the town, and on the Killarga electoral division.

L,lmerick.-The O'Grady tenants on tbe Herbertstown estate met in tbe College, Henry street, Limerick, lately. Most Bey Dr O'Dwyer, who is interesting himself with a view to a settlement, was present. It is stated that the tenants agreed to an offer of eighteen years' purchase of their holdings.

The cattle and sheep fair comprised about 3,000 animals. The supply was about the same as previous year, but tbe animals were all in a very forward condition for the time of the year. Best beef sold At from 55s to 60s — the top price ; inferior kinds from 45s to 60s per cwt j three-year-old heifers, LlO to Ll3 ; two-year-olds, L 8 to LlO ; and yearlings, L 4 to L 6; milch cows Bold at from Ll4 to L2O, and springers at about the same figures ; three-year-old bullocks from Lll to Ll4, and two-year-olds, L 9 to Lll.

At a meeting of the Limerick Branch of the National Federation recently, F. O'Keefle, M.P., said that io view of the approaching general election it was tbe duty of Limerick Nationalists to organise theii forcei. As far as be waa concerned, if the people of Limerick

in any way said he vu not to be honoured with a renewal of their confidence he would immediately stand aside, but he bad looked into the register and found there were 5,084 votes on it. Even giving hia opponents the whole of tbe Tory vote, he estimated that when a Nationalist candidate stoxl for Limerick city he would be sure of at least 3,600 votes.

Bleatlt* — At a sale held at Kinnegad on January 22, tbe tenant's interest in sixty-two Irish acres of land, with dwelling-houses and offices thereon (part of Colonel Colclough's estate), subject to LB2 a year rent, was purchased by Mr Glennon for L 1.331, and the tenants' in about nine Irish acres (part of Mias Magan'a estate), without any house attached, subject to LI 3s per acre, was purchased by Mr Weymes for L3OO.

Monaghant- The Bishop of Clogber recently, when referring to the late Cardinal Manning during a sermon, said :— "Never had he but a kind and tender word to speak of Ireland and her people, even when speaking of their faults. Ireland bad lost in him a dear and most influential friend, and ha ought not be forgotten in the prayers of the faithful."

The Nationalist ot Castleblaney recently held a public meeting, at which the following resolution waa enthusiastically and unanimously adopted, Canon Hoey presiding :— Toat we send our best thanks to the Liberals of Bosaendale for the splendid fight they have made for justice to Ireland, and we consider that such a victory does more than the severest Coercion Act to bring peace to Ireland and promote the friendship that should exist between tbe peoples of the sister kingd oms.

At recent meeting of the Oastleblaney Branch of tbe National Federation, Very Bey Canon Hoey presiding, it was resolved, on the motion of B. McArdle, seconded by P. Duffy :— That we consider the time has passed for reconciliation with a part? that has proved itaelf so false to the interests of our conntry, and we consider that no proposals for re-union should be entertained until the minority have gone back and taken tbe opinion ot their constituents on their conduct since the divorca proceedings against tbe late Mr Parnell.

ROSCOmmon. — The work cf erecting the machinery for the new artteian well in the Cora Market, Boecommon, has been commenced by Mr Watt, the contractor.

At the Boyle Quarter Sessions on January 25 the County Court Jndge, Mr O'Connor Morris, in addressing the Grand Jury, said there were but four bills to go before them and they were of a very trivial nature.

Tipperary.— Charles M. Carroll, auctioneer, Nenagh, recently sold for LB2O to Michael Moylan, the tillage and grata farm at Kilgurteen containing eighty acres, and held under J. D. Dwyer at L6O per annum.

Alderman T. J. Condon, M.P., addressed a meeting of hid con* stitnents at|Grangemockler, on tbe eastern slope at Slievenamon, near Mullenahone. There was a large and representative gathering of people from Grancemockler , Mullenahone, Kilcash, etc., including the O'Brien and Figiash evicted tenants. Father Mulcahy presided. Mr Condon, in the course of his aidreaa, said the present session of Parliament will be one of most momentous to Ireland during our eneration, and, perhaps, in th c history of Parliamentary institutions in this country. His constituents endorsed the honourable member's Parliamentary career, and he returns to the House of Commons carrying tbeir approval, which the Parnellitea are not in a position to say.

Tyrone.— A large meeting of the Catholics of Cookstown was held recently in the new hall, lately given to the Catholic peopla b 7 their worthy pastor, Very Bey T. Canon Rice. The hall consists of the fine day school recently occupied by the nuus now removed to new and enlarged schools in connection with the convent, also class-room and appartments on ground floor. The whole, with some slight alteration, will make the most complete Catholic reading-room and hall in the country. About 100 members were enrolled. The enthusiasm and spirit displayed by all augurs well for the future of the new Catholic hall and reading-room.

"^JVaterford. — Some weeks ago a police pensioner Darned Kingworth removed from Passage East and took up his residence in Costelloe's lane, Ballybricken. It appears he fled from Passage to escape the torments of some invisible person or persons who kept pelting his crockery ware and furniture about, in fact, making " smithereens "of his household effects. But the invisible one discovered the pensioner in his now abode and the flinging and smashing goes right on. The police are in the house, but what use are they against the invisibles, they are not bo eaaily nabbed as a Nationalist. There are hnndreda of persons constantly in tbe vicinity who can bear witness to the sport carried on by the occult quality, out are powerleßS to assist the pensioner.

'Wexiord. — In every part of Ireland (says an Irish paper) regret will be felt that John Barry, M.P., has decided not to again enter Parliament at the general election. Mr Barry has represented Wexford for a number of years, during which time his constituents have had the most implicit confidence in his honour and patriotism Some tiae ago they offered to pay him for his services, but be

declined to accept any salary, suggesting thit it should be given to John Redmond, who was his colleague in the representation of Wexford. This was done, and when the pay was stopped (after the split) Mr Redmond cleared himself out of the constituency and thus prevented the electors saving him the trouble. Mr Barry's retirement will be regretted by tho Irish party, amongst whom he was held in the highest esteem. Eight policemen left Knnif>corthy on Monday morning, January 25, for the farm of Patrick O'Brien, Milltown, Killan, who is a tenant oo Canon Blacker's estate. The agent, Mr Bntlege, Coolbawn, was present. The police arrived about eleven o'clock, and two bailiffs, Donovan and Dwyer, immediately commenced the work of eviction. They found after some time that there was a hitch in the proceedings, as the tenant held from a second landlady— a Mrs Corsair— on whose portion of the property, about ten acres, part of the houses are built. Mr O'Brien and his wife removed into this part of the house from which they could not be evicted. The portion of the farm which is claimed by Canon Blacker contains about forty acres and is of a poor description, being a wet, spewy Boil. There is no rent due with the exception of the gale.

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New Zealand Tablet, Volume XX, Issue 27, 22 April 1892, Page 9

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Irish News. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XX, Issue 27, 22 April 1892, Page 9

Irish News. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XX, Issue 27, 22 April 1892, Page 9

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