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Irish News.

Antrim.— The Flax Supply Association met, May 18, in Belfast. The Mayor (C. C, Conner) presided. The reports showed a decrease of 16,000 acres less than last year. This is not encouraging, Armagh. — Lord Lurgan was arrested in a gamblers' club in London. This is the way the money produced by the toil and labour of Irish tenants is squandered by the landlords in gambling hells. Carlow. — Daniel Kevanagh, of Timolin, has been arrested on a charge of having taken forcible possession of a small plot of ground from which he was evicted. Mr. Conlan, of Carlow, Nationalist, confined in Kilkenny Gaol under the Coercion Act, has refused to accept a testimonial. He will be received at Kilkenny by a deputation of Carlow Nationalists, and after his arrival in Carlow will be entertained at a banquet in the town hall. CdTan. — Joseph C. Biggar, M.P., in his examination before the Pamell Commission, London, May 29, admitted that he had been a member of the supreme council of the Feniin Brotherhood, but was expelled for advocating constitutional means. Shercock Leaguers, with Rev. Charles Collins presiding, met May 12, and passed the following resolution : — That we express our profound admiration of Messrs. Conybeare and Harrison for so lucidly demonstrating to their English fellow-countrymen tbe tyranny practised in Ireland in order to sustain merciless landlordism, and we furthermore protest against the savage sentence passed on Mr. Conybeare by Balfour's Removables. Deun League met, May 12, and passed the following resolution which fully explains itself :— Tbat the acceptance by Mr. Weld O'Connor from T. Smyth of one year's rent (with liberty to enter the Land Courts) in full discbarge of all arrears and costs of ejectment, etc., is regarded by this meeting as a settlement of this longstanding difficulty that does credit to Mr. O'Connor and gives satisfaction to the community, whilst it is an example that in our opinion ought to be followed by some landlords and agents involved in difficulties with their tenants at present in this and some neighbouring parishes. Clare.— Tbe tenants on the Studdert estate at Shragh, West Clare, have purchased their holdings under Lord Ashbourne's Act. The Bodyke League met, May 12, M. P. Mackay presiding, and said they were prepared to add their names to the list of Balfour's honoured criminals. The following resolutions were passed :— Tbat the gratitude of tbe Irish race is due to our brave and trusted leader, Charles Stewart Parnell, for the noble manner in which he has buffeted the storm of lies and forgeries, and placed before the world the sufferings of the Irish people ; that language fails to express our utter detestation of the conduct of two of Balfour's hirelings in sentencing Mr. CjDybeare to two months' imprisonment. Cork.— Canon Kellar, of Youghal, instructed Mr. Hodnett, solicitor, to proceed against Mr. Balfour for slander, he having accused Father Kellar of boycotting. Westminster League, London, with bands, marched around Holloway and Pentonville prisons playing Irish tunes, serenading O'Brien and Harrington. The young English officer who raised a disturbance lately in Cork theatre when Mr. O'Grady was playing the " Fenian" was arrested and fined five shillings only. " Sentences of death,"' numbe'ing 30, were served by registered letter on tenants of the Ponsonby estate, May 13. The battering ram may be expected in this district shortly now. Michael Foley, of Rathcanning. and Johanna Daly, of Bohillane, were evicted off the Mcßnde estate, May 13. The usual military Bupporters of the law were there. No resistance given. Charles Owens, his wife, and family were evicted at Annaskissa. The b&iliffs broke down the masonry and smashed the door tj pain an entrance. The landlord is A. W. Vincent, Dublin. The eviction party passed on to Widow Roache'h house in Monumer, where they accomplished their hellish work. Fieemount (Duhallow) League met May 12. FaUer O'R-gan presided. The tollowirg resolutions were unanimously passed : — That we protest against the imprisonment of the lush members without a crime against God or man a 9 a base tyrpnny. That Ireland has not alone taxation without representation, but even she must take legislation without representation, an open, contradiction of all principles of constitutional government. That we ask foreigners to paBB an impartial judgment on the brutal treatment of John O'Connor, M.P., who has been dragged to gaol with his arms tvns'ed behind hiß back, and we ask even Englishmen to 6ee that Balfour's Government and officials take an example in humanity even from savage nations. Donegal. — It is stated that eviction proceedings have been instituted agaiast tenants on the Sweeney estate, which adjoins the Olpheit. The people of this Couaty are going through a inghtful ordeal. The English soldiers in Donegal are complaining to the War Office of their hardship in the D )negal land war. We do not hear of the police making a like complaint. On May 13, four Army Keserve Commissariat waggons laden with ammunition and provisions passed through Letterkenny on the way to Gweedore and Falcerragh. This looks as if the war was going to last. An application was made in tbe Exchequer Court on behalf of Barney Haikin, James Coy c, Join McFa <den, and Daniel Green, who are at present in Derry Gail, to have the sentences quashed. The Lord Chief Baron and Justice Andrews confirmed County Court Judge Webb's decision Andrew Knos, of Belatt, Ballyshannon, has forfeited his right to a good property because he married in opposition to a clause in his

father's will, to the effect that if he married a Catholic the property was to go to next of km. This is truly a hard case. Kerry.— James Gilhooly addressed the tenants on Kenmaro estate several times recently. His movements were watched by the authorities, but he eluded them on each occasion. Tingle Uniun have placed the hospital under the care of nuns. Five Sisters from the Convent of Mercy, Tralee, are now ministering to the wants of the patient*, Lord Ormathwaite, at Listowel Sessions, was recently granted an order to dispossess an old man named Qriffii. The poor old man eaii be was willibg to pay all he could of what was due. bat it would not be accepted. Now after 80 j ears' toil for this cruel landlord he is cast upon the world. Daniel Keeffe and Daniel Moynihan, of Rathmore, were lately before the magistrates charged with cbeering for William O'Brien and the Plan of Campaign. They were sentenced to six months oil refusing to give bail. At the last meeting of Tralee Board of Guardians an eviction notice from Richard Chute, T.C., mason, was real, stating Hastings Peet was to be evicted off Ballymacelligott lands. E. Harrington, M.P., was applied to for the £500 fine imposed on him by the Parnell Commission Judges. He informed the applicant he would be in Tullatnore Gaol for some time to come. Twenty persons in the Firies district of Kenmare estate were served with writs lately for rent due May Ist last. This is too sharp* and to harass the tenants can be the only object. Kildare.— The sub- Sheriff of Kildare evicted five familea oa the Marquis of Drogheda'a estate at Oghill. Two of the houses wera barricaded. George Saunriers, a farmer of Carnalway, brought an action against Henry K. Linde, of Eyrefreed Lodge, for assault. Damage! were laid at £1,000. Saunders resisted the entrance of the defendant on his premises to hunt, when Mr. Linde struck him several timei, A verdict for £5 was returned. It would not have been so light if the case was the other way. Kilkenny*— The Loughlan estate in Ballycallan will very likely pass into tbe bands of the present tenants, aa it is Btated arrangements are being made to have the tenants purchase their holdings. l^eitrim* — The good people of Kiltyclogher gave up bnainess the evening Mr. McHugh wa9 released, and proceeded with bands and banners to the Glenfarne Railway Station, where they cheered and the band played National airs while the train bearing Mr. McHugh was entering and leaving. L,imerictt.— Father Marrinan, Castleconnel, has been discharged from Tullamore Gaol. He underwent five weeks' imprisonment. The estate of Catherine Daly, Elm Hill, at Lower Connelloe, is in the market for sale. The tenants are making a fair offer and are likely to become the owners of their own home?. The people of Limerick received Father Marrinan most enthnsiastically on his release from gaol. The reverend gentleman spoke in response to a call from the people, and the old fire was traceable in his utterance. Mrs. Ryan and Mrs. Sweeney, two evicted tenants, were sentenced to 12 months' imprisonment each for retaking possession of their homes. Judge Boyd is the human devil who iaflicted this awful sentence. I^OUttl. — Lord Mas^ereene, who was chairman of tbe Collou Dispensary Committee for 17 years, was voted out last week, The power of the landlords is on tbe wane. A thunderstorm of extraoidinary violence passed over Dundalk iccently. Darkness of a phenominal description overspread the district, filling tbe minds of the people with dismay. Fortunately no accident is reported. John Bellow ami Anne Davine, tenaats on tbe Massereene estate were evicted at Collon. The houses of the tenants were barricaded, but the bailiffs demolished walls and doors in order to effect an entrance. There was a painful scene when Father McKee of Monasterboice, was prevented from speaking to His. Devine. Mayo. — Kilmovee League met on May 12. Canon O'Hara presided. The following resolutions were passe i : — Tbat we condemn the Bavage sentence passed by Removables Brady and Stewart on Johu Fitz.ibbon, of Castlerea. Tbat we congratulate P. A. McHugh, of the Sligo Champion, on his release from Palfour's dungeon. Tbat we thank Canon O'Hara for having saved the horns and laud of the Gassidys, the Carrowlacka orphans. That we deeply regret the departure from amongst us of our patriotic and trustworthy secretary, P. J. Craig. That Mr. Craig be presented with somethiug in the way of a testimonial as a token of our esteem and regard fur him. Meath.— The eviction forces with the "ram," made their appearance at Glassen, May 16, and Joseph Drum of Glassen, James Keely of Ologher, and Patrick Breen of Strainagh were sent adrift on the world. The awful scenes were witnessed by Father McKee, Monaßterboice ; Father Kelly, Slane ; and Father Conlan, Rathkesnny. Queen' 9 County. — The case of Lord Lansdowne against Right Rev. Dr. Lynch, Bishop of Kildare, and Rev. Thoma9 Kehoe, of Luggacurran, is hearing in Queen's Bench Court, Dublin. Lansdowne wants to evict the Bishop and Father Kohoe from the acres on which a church and priests' rtßidenca have been built. This ia nice work. RoSCOmmon. — Fairymount Leaguers, with T. Hussey presiding, resolutions as follows were passed : — That we congratulate Patrick McHugh, ex-Mayor of Sligo, on his release from Derry Gaol, and protest against the barbarous and spiteful sentence passed on Mr, Fitzgibbon by that precious brace of Removables, Brady and Stewart, on the evidence of land-grabbere. SliffO* — Acbonry League met May 12. Rev. P. Lowry presided. After transacting local business the following resolutions were

adopted :— That we congratulate Mr. P. A. McHugh on his triumphant return from Balfour's hostile and assure him of the gratitude and admiration we entertain for his pluck, perseverance, labours, and sufferings in the people's cause ; that we resent the rebuffs and insults ofteied to Mr. Parnell by the prejudiced tribunal before which he is clearing the National cause trom the mist of slanders and calumnies f^f r ca l . ne Times threw around it ; that we trust the people of the diswict will understand that the goal of our desires has not been reached, and that a hard and perhaps protracted fight will be necessary before victory is won over tost truculent minority, in whose interest and by whose means our conntry has been misruled for centuries. This proves the Achonry men to be made of the right material for winning Home Eule. Tipperary.— The Tipperary militia are to be trained in England. They were taken in a troopship from Quaenstown to Plymonth. The sub-Sheriff, with baliffs and 100 police, on May 11 evicted Thomas Franklyn and -John O'Neill, two tenants on the estate of Valentine Byan at Ballykireen. O'Neill's wife was in a dying state, and Franklyn's daughter was seriously ill, yet the '• devil's work " proceeded and the battering ram did its cruel business. "Waterford.- Thomas Widger, the well-known Waterford horse-dealer, sold to the Prince of Wales lately a horse called Starlight for 1000 sovß. Last anniversary of the Manchester Martyrs the police seized a banner belonging to the John Mitchel Band. The citizens recently presented the band with a beautiful silk one to replace it. Cappbquin men at home and abroad will learn with regret of the death of Mr. Patrick Walsh, formerly of that town, and who was interred in Calvary Cemetery, May 15. Mr. Walsh was teacher in Bellinameela school, County Waterford. He was a member of the Fenian Brotherhood, and when the '67 movement failed he c?me to New York. For the last thirteen years of his life he had been teaching school in St. James's parish, New York, and the pastor, Father Kane, after the Bequiem Mass, paid a high tribute to the talent and many good qualities of the deceased. The last sad offices that can he performed for the dead were done by Irish exiles from his native town, who were William Walsh, brother ; Mrs. Leahey, sister ; Thomas B. Daly, Joseph Gillan, J. Daly, jr., Nicholas Cantrell, and John Daly. W estmeatb. — The tenants on Lord Granard's estates in thiß County are buying their farms. No fears of the battering-ram will disturb their nightly rest. It will be a happy day when landlordism is completely crashed in Ireland. Patrick Deane, Sheriff's bailiff, was chaiged at Athlono Sessions with having a revolver in his possession without license. He was making a seizure on a farmer named McNamara, at Golden Island, and fired at a young girl. He was was only fined three guineas and costs. "Wexford.— The men of Wexford met at Killenick in great force on May 13 to assert the right of Ireland to a National Parliament, and protest against eviction and the proposed Orange plantation of Irish estates, Tbe police notciaker was there, of course. Mr. E. Walsh, Chairman Wexford Board of Guardians, presided. The meeting was addressed by John E. Bedmond and E. Leamy, M.P.'s and Alfred Webb, Dublin.



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New Zealand Tablet, Volume XVII, Issue 16, 9 August 1889, Page 9

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Irish News. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XVII, Issue 16, 9 August 1889, Page 9

Irish News. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XVII, Issue 16, 9 August 1889, Page 9

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