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Mr. Donald Stbonaoh (on behalf of tbe New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited) reports for the week ending June 19, as follows :— Fat Cattle. — 162 head were yarded for the day's market at the Buruside saleyarda. The quality, with the exception of a few pena, was only verj medium, but, owing to the moderate number to hand, a slightly brisker demand was experienced, and prices obtained were rather higher than last week's. Best bullocks brought £7 12s 6d to £8 15s ; one or two extra heavy weights, £9 5a to £10 5i ; medium, £5 15s to £7 10s ; inferior and light, £1 2s 6d to £5 10s ; cows, from £3 10s to £7 10s. Fat Sheep. — 2946 were penned, including about 690 merino?, the balance crossbred, representing all qualities. For best quality we then and ewes, owing to some demand for export, last week's rates were fairly well maintained, but ordinary and low quality had less attention, and scarcely realised late rates. Best crossbred wethers brought 139 to 14s 6d ; ordinary, 9j 6i to 12s 6d ; best crossbred ewes, 10a 9d to 128 9d ; one or two pens extra prime, 13s 6J to 15« 3d ; ordinary, 7s 6d to 9s 9J ; merino wethers, 7s 6 i to 14°. We sold on account of Messrs. Ross Bros , Bushy Park, crossbred wethers to 12s 9d ; Mr. John Henderson, Bulyondale, crossbred ewes to 9s 9d. Fat Lambs. — Oaly 179 cama forward, medium to prime. Competition was fairly active, and sold at 6s 3d to 10s. Pigs.— 2B3 were penned, represent ing the usual variety. Baconers and porkers bad an improved demand, while all others had good attention. Suckers brought 6s 61 to 9s 6d; stores, 16a to 22b; porkers, 27s to 35s ; baconers, 38s to 57s ; heavy weights, to 635. Store Cattle. — A few of these change hands, but the number is limited. The market is not particularly active, only a very moderate business passing. Folders consider prices offered rather low, while buyers, on tbe other band, are not inclined to operate, except at prices on the basis of th tse ruling for fat stock. There are buyers for suitable cattle, in forward condition, for finishing off on turnips when obtainable, at prices that would leave a margin. Store f^beep. — There are no sales of any importance being now effected. With the exception of small lots occasionally required for fattening, there is very little demand, and with the season now so far advanced, very little more business will be done in tbis line. Wool. — We are without any advices during the past week from any European wool market. The opening of the third series of wool sales in London, on the 18th, is looked forward to with considerable interest. We expect to be in possession of cable advice with respect to proceedings this evening. In this maiket there is a fair demand for any lote offering. TLese are now small, as all outlying parcels have apparently reached the seaboard for sale or shipment. Sheepskins. — An active demand exists for these aod the tendency of prices is in favour of sellers. On Monday at our regular weekly auction pale we submitted a very full catalogue comprising a variety of classes, when we bad a large attendance of buyers— nearly all in the trade being present and competed spiritedly for every lot on tbe catalogue. Prices realised were quite up to last week's ; a few lots of green crossbreds were keenly run up to high figures. Country dry croFsbreds low to medium brought Is 2d to 3a lOd ; do do merino, 3s 9d to 5* 7d ; dry pelts 3£ ito lid. Butchers green crossbredsbest, 5s 8d 53 SJ, 5s 3d, 5s Id, ds, 4* 9 I, ii 6.1, 4s 4d, 4s 2d, 4s ; good to medium and inferior, 3s 9 1, 3s 7d, 3s 6d, 3s 4d, 3s 2d ; green mennop, 4s. 3j 9J, .-is 6i, 3s 4d, 3s, 2* lOd, 2s 6d ; lambskins, 4s 2s, 4b, 3s 9d, 3s 7d, 3s sd, 3s 3d, 3-<. Rabbitskins. — Tjiese are coming to hand more freely, but the supply is still inadequate to meet requncmente. An exceedingly good demand is experienced and prices realised show an upward tendency, keeping pace with the nu[ roved quality of the skins. On Monday woiffcred at auction all to hand, when every buyer in the trade was present. Biddings were spirited and all the lots disposed »i made satisfactory pneos. We give mark 9 and prices, P W and Co 1 bale summer skins, 9d ; B in diamond I do do, 7£ 1 ; DS 1 do do 7d ; KYEBUttS 1 do do 7d ; do 1 do mixed half-grown and black, s£d ; do 1 do autumn 9d U D 8 bags do9d ; do 1 doeaily winter, Is 2d ; W 1 do do, Is 2jd ; do 5 do autumn Bdj do 1 do do B£d ; J W 2 do half-gmwn, 4d per 10, Hales. — A moderate demand continues to exist, all coming forward bemg easily placed, but prices obtaining show no improvement, nor are th y likely to until a more favourable market is discovered, vhifh at pies'jnt ?e> rus a long way off, at the moment the tendency is towards lower rates. Quotations are for heavy weights, 2^d to 3d ('be latter price seldom reached) m;dium, 2^d to 2.V-1 ; ligui, 2d to "2^i ; mfeiior and bulls, lid ; to IJJ per lb. Tallow.— The maikei continues fairly steady ; there are no fluctuations of any cousequence apparent, last week's quotations continue firm. Supplies ar.; only on a moderate scale, and while the demand continues asat pie3ent values are not likely io materially differ. We quo c prime rnution, 19s Gi to 21s ; medium to good, 16s to 19s ; iniei ior and mixed, 12s 6J to los ; roinjh f<*t, best mutton caul, 13s to 14s ; interior and medium to gojd, 9s 6i to 12s 9i per cwt. On Monday we disposed ot at auction, 1 cask mutton tallow at 20s, 2 do at 19s, 2 do at 18s, 2 tius mixed at 15i 6d, 12 do at 13a 6d, •2 bags iat 13i 6 1, 1 do 12d Gd, 1 do 12s, 1 do 11s per cwt. Grain. — Whiat : The toue of the market is exciedingly disappointing and going from bad to woise. There is dj outlet for shipment it the prices demanded b/ sellers, and the few small siles effected are simply for local consumption. All de £ cii()tion9 of milling meet a dragging sale, und, ihousiu small quantities of the pri trust borts aie occasionally disposed of near late quotations, parce's of any size would be difficult to place; even at a considerable reduction in price. Second-rate quality has no demand, except for feei, and at fjiices which would not be at all likely to satisfy tbe grower. Good whole fowls' wheat is in fair demand, and we fear a consid ruble poition of that held for milling will have to be disposed of ior feed. We quote prime northern red siraw and white velvet, 3s 8d to 5b

lOd ; Tuscan, 4s; medium to good, 3s 5d to 3a 7d ; inferior to medium, 2s 9d to 3? 4d (ez store). — Oats : The market during the past week has shown an easier tendency. Millers have a fair supply on hands and for the present decline to purchase except at reduced prices. Shippers are operating, but are not disposed to give rates obtaining a few days since. Holders, however, continue firm, considering the present lull only temporary, and, though prices may not go much higher, they have confidence in late rates being maintained. Hurks are limited and the arrivals falling off daily. We quote, best bright milling, 2s 104 dto 2s lid ; best short feed, 2s 9d to 2s lOd ; medium to good, 2s 8d to 2s 9d ; inferior to medinm, 2s 7d to 2s Bd, ex btore. —Barley has very slow Bale, only extra prime samples finding purchasers. We quote, prime malting, 3s 7d to 3b 9J ; medium to good, 3i to 3s 6d ex store. Grass Seed*. — There is no alteration to report in the position of the market, and no business of any consequence likely to transpire until the usual spring demand seta in. Stocks of ryegrass are light, and considered inadequate to meet requirements. Potatoes. — Tbe market remains steady at about last week's quotations. Stocks are not accumulating to any great extent, and, with a fair demand, sellers are in a position to secure late rates, but, considering the tone of tbe Australian markets, it is doubtful whether prices can be maintained. We quote prime Northern, 85s to S7s Gi ; Southern, 77s 6d to 82s 6d per ton. Dairy Produce. — We have no improvement to note in regard to tbe position of the market. The demand for both t utter and cheese continues inactive. At the moment, it ia somewhat hard to predict tbe future of the market.

Messrs. Donald Reid and CD., Dune Jin, repoit as follows for the week ending June 19 :—: — Wool. — On Monday we offered a few odd lots before the usual gatheriog of local ouyers. bidding was brisk, and prices satisfactory. We aold— O, I bag crossbred, 7£i ; qA, 2do half-bred, 7Jd ;6,1 do crossbred, 7^3 ; 9, 1 do merino, 7£d ; DR over D. 1 do pieces, 8H ; JS over Monte, 1 doslipe,9£d ; JS, 1 do half-bred, 7£d ; do, 1 do dead, 7d ; A, 1 bale scoured pieces, 9£d ; W, 3 bags greasy mixed, 6£d ; do, 4d • do, 6£d ; do, 3do do, 4f d ; A. 9do half-bred, 7>, J ; do, 2 :lo pieces, 2JJ ; X, 3 do mixed, B^d ; do, 3 dodo, 4d ; cross, 1 do scoured locks, 7d ; do, 1 do matted, 3£d. Rabbitskins. — The market for this season of the year is baiely supplied ; before the end of the month, however, we expect to see a larger supply coming forward. On Monday we submitted at auction several lots of this month's take, for which bidding was very animated ; summer and autumn take receive less attention. We sold : — GG, 1 bag rabbitskins. 12d ; C over — , 1 do do, 12; ! 1 ; do, 1 bale do, BJd ; do. 1 bag do, 14Jd ; do, 1 do do, B£d ; do, 1 do do, s?i : JS, 1 do do, 7jd ; SS, 1 bale do, fid ; GG, 1 bag do, lid ; do, I do do, 12£ d ; G3, 1 do do, Bd. Sheepskins — At oar regular weekly sale on Monday last we put forward a large catalogue, the greater part were green butchers' i-kius. There was a fair demand although prices were scarcely up to last week's average. Good mat skins are most sought atter and meet witli btifek competition. Green crossbreds, sold at 5a 31, ss, Is llii, Ij 01, 4s 6rl, 4s, 3s Bd,3^ 6d, 3s ; do merinos -is, 3s 6d, 2s 9J, 2s 3d. 2 • ; do lambs, 4s 6d, 4s 3 1, 3s 10J, 3s 6d, 3j 3d, 3s ; dry cro-sbre<H 2s Id to 5g 31 ; do merinos, Is 6d to 5s ; do pelts and lamos sol i at ."> 1 to 2-" 3d. Hi h 10 .— We are unable to report any improvement in price-'. | The demand is confined to the very best hides, and only very tew ot i these aie squired ; Y.gbt and inferior are difficult to piuej. Last week's quotations le.main unaltered, and a slow sali\ Tahovv.— The market is bare of all qualities There h a good local demand, and all coming forward is quickly placed at a slude above late ruling quotation s. There is enqufry f>r good rendered mutton in cask 9, which would realise top quotations. We quote ! prime rendered mutton, 19i to 22* ; medium, los to l!)i ; rough Lit, 158,145, 12i, 11s, 10a 6J. Grain — Wheat : Considerable consignments still continue to arrive, and in the absence of demand, nearly all isbdins* atoreil, pjnding brisker enquiry. Nothing can be gained by forciu<; s-iles in the present uasatistacory state ot the maiket. The stock-, m lian,^ hip | not larger than they nave benb 'en at the sd,m j time in formci yt .i- aud we feel confident there will be a better and moie sitnUetoiy irnrket before long. Fowl's wh^at is s ;aroe, aud coniinuei in bnsK demand at quotations. Prims mil. ing, 3s 9lto 4s ; medium. 3s 7d to 3a 8d . fowl's wheat and interior milling, 2i CJ to 3s C,a. Oats. — The week's supply Ins been fairly large, and prices remain at about last week's quotations. Shippt is have u>^n uniblf to pro- j cure sufficient space in intercolonial btedm~i* th:s w, ci l!u-nn^ has been restricted, and there is less aniLnr.ucn Mi. l. -id tavc ouusiderable stocks on band, and are only in tie maikeL lor small hues o! extra prime quality. Sted Oi s, of all soils, *<ie ia good request. Seed oats. 3s to 3s 3d ; milling o^ts, 2s lOd to 2s lid ; short bngi.i feed, 2s 8d to 2s 9i ; discoloured oats, 2a 6d to 2s 7d ; black oats. 2s 7d to 2s Bd, sacks extra. Barley. — Tiie market continues very quiet. No sales cl" ary extent have been effected, as prices offered havo not been up to our valuations. The supply on hand is very small, howevei, and wp have no doubt pricts will be well maintained, and a better demand btfore long. Malting, 3j 8d to 3s lOd : milling, 3a Id lo 3s 7ci : feed, 2s 7d to 3s, sacks extra. Chaff .—There is a good demand for both oaten and straw, if in good order and well cut. We quote— Prime oatsh ai, £3 I!h to A, I • mixed chaff, £3 5s to £3 10s ; straw, £2 10s to £3. Potatoes. — Arrivals for the week have been much in oxcf«s of requirements, and Btock9 in store aie large. Sales aie difficult to effect at late quotation?, an 1 to move lines of any extern reduced prices have bad to be accepted. We quote : Northerns, £1 to £1 7>s ; Southerns, £3 15s to £4. Ryegrass. — There is nothing new to report. We ropeat last week's quotations, viz.: Machine dressed, 4s to 4s C»d ; faim-rs' drewad, 3i to 3s 9d.

Butter. — Tue maiket coutiuues exccoJlngly dull, ami prices all round are easier, say from Id to2d below late ruling quotations. Wa quote : Prime, 8d to 10.1 ; ordinary. 6i to 7d (kegs extra). RABBITSKIN MARKET. Messrs. Arthur McDonald and Co. report as follows for the week ending Wednesday, June 19 : — The quantity conning to hand ia short of requirements, and consequently the market is very firm, and prices have advanced ia sympathy with the increased growth of fur. Referring to this, our usual weekly report of the rabbitakin market, as it has been in th« past, it will be our earnest endeavour in the future— to make it aa reliable as possible. For the sake of influeocing a few extra consignments it is a very easy matter to quote prices which are never intended to be paid, and as a matter of course mislead the vendors generally. We guarantee the following price 9 free of all charge : — Selected winter greys, 16d ; good to prime winter grays, 15d ; winter coloured, JOd ; autumn Bkins and early winters. !» i tp 12£ d, according to quality; summer skins, 6d to 8d ; suckers, 3d ; half-grown, 4d to 6d. We require a large quantity of horsehair, aud guanantee Is per lb for tale and 8d to 9d for mane.

Mr. F. Meenan. King street, reports -.—Wholesale prices, bags included : Oits,dull,2a 6dto2slOJ. Wheat: milling, (dull ).valneß, for good samples 4s; medium. 3s Gd ; fowls,' 23'.tJ to 3s 3d. Chaff: Supply lull. £3 10s to £3 15s. Hay, oaten, £3 10s ; ryegrass hay, £3 5s to £3 10s. Bran, £4 10s. Pollard, £5. Potatoes, supply moderate ; £4 ss,derwents ; kidneys, £4 to £5, according to sample. Flour (dull): Stone, sacks,£9 10s ; fifties, £10 5s ; Roller, £10 IDs ; fifties, £11 5?. Oatmeal, £15. Butter, fresb, Is to Is 2d : salt, nominal, 8d to 9d. Eggs, Is 3d.

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New Zealand Tablet, Volume XVII, Issue 9, 21 June 1889, Page 19

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Commercial. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XVII, Issue 9, 21 June 1889, Page 19

Commercial. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XVII, Issue 9, 21 June 1889, Page 19

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