Irish News.
Antrim*— John Boyle occupied the chair at the meeting of the Ballymon^y League on December 2. The following resolution was carried : — Tbat we acknowledge tbe valuable service rendered to the Irish cauee by Mr. Brad laugh in bringing the case of Tom Moroney of Herbertstown, before the English Houte of Commons, and we rejoice to see that his efforts have succeeded, as Mr. Moroney has at last been released. Armagh. — Mr. Johnston, a^ent for the Misses Henry, of Roatrevor, had an inreiview reoently with a committee of tbe tenants on the estate in Crossmaglen, with the object of Belling to them the townlands of Ballinrea, Tullinthisney, and Skeriff, under the Ashbourne Act. The Misseß Henry offered to sell at 20 years' purchase, but the tenants propose to give only 16 years' purchase, which Johnaton rejected. Caxan*— Rev. Joseph Flood was arraigned at Kingcourt Coercion Court on a charge of " intimidating " Ann Carroll from associating with boycotted personß. Magistrate Ternan, after hearing the witnesses for the prosecution, discharged Father Flood on the ground tbat he had only exercised bis constitutional right in advising Mrs. Carroll. Clare.— Tbe T e was a crowded meeting of the Kilkee League on December 2, unaer the presidency of P. Mclnerney. After the discussion of the grabbing of the Corbally faim by P. Me3call, the following resolution was carried : — Tbat we sympathise deeply with Patrick McGrath of Moyasta, whofe harsh senence of two month's imprisonment for resisting eviction has beeu confirmed by the Exchequer Court. The Vandaleur tenants have been notified to attend the rent office at Kilrush to pay their rents. All future actions against the tenants wi.l be by writs from the superior courts to sell out the tenants' interest, and seize their cattle and effec s. Captain Vandaleur proposes to carry out the remaining 60 evictions on the estate, which were postponed in July last, and towards this end the authorities are making arrangements. All the tenants in the Plan of Campaign remain as determined now as they were two years ago. The authorities up to the present have taken no action regarding the arrest of Patrick McGrath or the Caherlerick prisoners for barricading tenants' houses against eviction, whose sentences were confirmed in the superior court b. Cork*— Rev. M. B. Kennedy of Meelin, was arrested December 7, by District- Inspector Yates of Kanturk, and conveyed to Cork Gaol. Along the route several priests and hundreds of people came to see the soggarth aroon and (hake bis hands. It is reported from Macroom that a policeman named Donegan, attempted to shoot Police Sergeant Lynch at Carrighadrohid. It appears that Donegan was reprimanded by the sergeant, and be loaded his rifle, and fired at him, the bullet grazing his shouldier. Doneghan was arrested. The celebration of the memory of Allan. Larkin, and O'Brien, took place at Bandon on November 29. The St. Patrick's band with a number of people, assembled in tbe graveyard at Kilorogan, where a Celtic crots is erected to their memory. Though the night was dripping wet, close on a thousand people assembled in the graveyard the band playing ihe " Dead March in haul," and " God Save Ireland." Returning to the town the band played " Who fears to speak of '98," followed by a greatly-increased crowd, who cheered for Allan, Larkin, and O'Brien. A cordon of police was posted across the road, numbering 24, every alternate man having a sword or baton, and immediately the procession made its appearance a charge waß ordered, one young man receiving a very severe blow on the head. Stones were thrown at the police, none of them receiving any injury. After some hours the police retired. Derry. — The tenants on the estate of James J. Clark, Lurgantogher, have declined the offer to purchase their holdings at 20 years' purchase. The tenants on tbe estate of John Little, at Ardpatrick, have been notified that they may become owners of tbeir holdings uuder tbe Ashbourne Act at 17£ years' purchase on the present judicial rentf. Doneff al»— A great Irish and Liberal demonstration was held recently at Concert Hall, Liverpool, to hear Rev. James McFadden, of Gweedore on the political situation in Ireland. J. G. Lynskey presided. Father McFadden said :— Ke was accused of coming across from Ireland to inflame sectarian bitterness and to divide class against class. Such an accusation was a contradiction of his action He had stood against Nonconformist ministers in Ireland, and he had been supported by them since he had come to England. He had fought for the Protestant s of Gweedore as much as he had fought for the Catholics. (Cheers). When he was released from gaol, tar bairels were burned by the whole colony in his parish — Protestants and Catholics— and the Protestants had walked 12 miles to meet him How, then, could Lord Claud Hamilton say that he had fomented sectarian bojeotting at Gweedore ? He dr fled Lord Claud Hamilton or anybody else to identify bis name with anything whicb was not honourable in an Irish priest. Another scion dthe house of Hamilton had found one American writer who was prppnred to ma ign the Irish character iv Ireland nnder Coercion. This gentleman had come ovtr to Dub'in in company with Lord Earnest Hamilton, and he had a private and very hu^eestive interview with Ju'lge Wtbb. Mr. Hurlbert had come to him as if hr had just come tiom the fVetuf the Pope, and eaid he had been diniuft with Cardinal MAnning the Friday before. It was said tbat he (Father McFaddtn) was lazy, and that it was after he had appropriated money Fe it to him for the sufferers of Gweedore that he had become so independent. He was unable to deal with those matters while in prison, but he hoped now to be able to deal ia another way with the editor, author, and
[ publisher of the book. (Applause.) There was no doubt there was [ au anxious crisis now in lielanil, and it devolved upon men like himself to hold the people by the hand, and help them to confine their ' feehng3 within those limits which would give satisfaction to the good-hearted people of the world who sympathised with them. The Irish people were almost tired of waiting. Si ill the/ were a longbuff.'ring peopU', ami they ougiat not to fail now that ihi day of their regeneration was at hand. A gr^at change had undoubtedly come over the people of England when an Irian priest had been received with such plaudits aa those with which he had been welcomed, The democracies of Ireland and Great Britain were being brought closei together, and he hoped to see th^m welded firmly under the scheme of Home Rule propounded by the Grand Old Man. Dublin.— The Irish National League held an important meeting on December 4, uader the presidency of Vincent Scully. ,T. P. Quinn reported thit since last meeting the receipts amounted to £403 12s, and tbe grants to evicted tenantß £30i. Abraham Shackleton said he was surprised that Baifour was tolerated when he considered the millions of men who were insulted by him. GLorge Hutchinson, a member of the New Z;aland Legislature, said he had come to Ireland on private business, but he greatly mistook the feeling of the colonists of New Zealand and Australia if tie did not state that they were, with hardly an appreciable exception, in favour of Home Rule for Ireland. (Applause.) The Australian colonists enpyed Home Rule themselves, and they could not, for the life of them, see the justice of refusing a demand made by practically four-fifths of the people of Ireland. There was in Ireland a curious anomaly, inasmuch as the Government admitted that they had not kept their pledges with reference to the land question , and yet they were ruthlessly employing all the machinery of the law to crush the very people to whom they had promised relief. As to the administration of the law iv Ireland, really people outside Ireland could not realise if. There were those creatures of the powers that be, well-termed Removables, who had given to them an extension of summary jurisdiction which was most alarming to their minds, and they found them exercising at the same time the office, not of judge, for that implied an unprejudiced mind-but infoimer, accuter, and executioner, a triology of vengeance which spared neither age nor sex, but clutched at the strong man and the tender women, aye, and at the little child. (Applause.) Such a state of things would not be endured for a day in any other part of the world ; and although under ordinary circumstances it might be said to be a reproach that a people like the Irish should be so patient under sucb exceptional treatment, still be believed it to.baja proof of the highest heroism, as testing their capacity for self-government and their abnegation under circumstances which would otherwise goad people into worse than protests and submission to the law. Fermanagh.— lt is reported from Derrygonnelly that Constable Jona Cuyle, stationed at Carrengreen, hits resigned his position in the Irish Constabulary, as " he could no longer remain in a force paid to trample on the people. At the Enniskillen Quarter Sessions, before Judge Neligan, an appeal was heard under the Crimes Act, in which Owen Collins appealed from a sentence of two months' imprisonment passed upon him by Captain McTernan and Colonel Bowlby, R.Ms., at Swanhnbar Petty Sessions in August last. Joseph Alexander, who appeared to prosecute, commenced by stating to tue Court tbe substance of an arrangement made subsequent to the sentence, bjt the Judge stopped him, stating that he could not listen to any compromise. Mr. Alexander then went into evidence, and Judge Neligan confirmed the sentence if tbe two resident magistrates. Calway* — Sir. Henry Burke o£ Maible Hill has given hin tenants a reduction ot 25 per cent, and all the tenants able to do so have paid. Thiß is the third year in which Sir. Hcary Burke has given this reduction. The tenants on the Wilsons' Hospital property httve been allowed a reiuction of 15 per cent on their rack rents. A very large and important meeting of the Portumna National League was held at Stony island, December 3, Patrick Tuohy presiding. The meeting was convened for the purpose of considering what steps would be advisable to take about defandiug the houses of the tenants in thia parish who are threatened with evicion. Several young men voluuteered to co into the houses and defeni thtm and keep out the enemy as long as possible. A dozjn meu went direct to each house and commenced to barricade them with stones, bushes, iron gates, and harrows, lenerand bis emergencymen wi.l find it more difficult than they anticipated to drive the tenants out ot then old homesteads in this parish. It i-a stated that Clanricarde his baen refused the forces of tbe Crown to carry out any more of those heartless evictions. Then Clamicarde and h s bailiffs will have to do the dirty w.>rk themsalves, and ihe people can r^st satufie 1 tbat they will be able to do Jiltlts by themselves. The town and country anxiously await the result. Kerry. — A successful meeting of the Kilgarvan I.N.L. was held on November 25, despite the frantic effjrts (f Bailout's police. Daniel O'Leary, president, occupied the cbair, Tne following resolution was passed : — That we tender to the Campaigners on the Kenmare estate our untiring support iv their demaud for justice that powerful weapon, the Plan of Campaign. Michael Healey, town clerk, ami J. O'Leary, secretary of the National League, were bound to the peace at the Killarney Crimes Act Court for advising tenat-ta to join the Plan of Campaign. John, Patrick, and Tim thy Hueeiy, Juhn O'Ke»!tV, and Thomas O'Connor were sentenced at Listowel Crimes Act Court o five weeks' imprisocmeut each for resistiug baniffi by rescuing caale seize I under win. Ihe police, atTiaee, arrested Thomas Walsh, who, so in eye ais ago, was sentenced to seven yeais' peual servitude u.i a utiai^ of bi'iiigtng arms into lieiaud. Some time a ter hi.s first impii^onin ;ut he was allowed out on ticket-of-lcave. A tickel-of-leave maa bus to report himself to the authorities iv every town he comes to. and this Mr. Walsh did not do on coming to Tralee until it was too late. Hence the cause of his arrest. He was remanded for a few days, > pending inquiries into his recent movements.
Thti Kiilarney d. tachment of the Middles, x Regiment of En,' i-n soldiirs and a lar^e fo cc of police, undir Colo el I'm. er, pioe eld on an eviction cimpaign on tiie X nuiire ''htito. Tne sd- 10 of th eviction was Stagmou' i, near Ruthmor'. The evicti d icninMare : John ['. H olihau, Deids llo> litiati, Kate K-'l \. Jwhu Lean, mi Jer miah Murphy. The bai.iffs vvere-mued with crow bars an i other inptruments. No oppo itiou was c ffer <\ to 'he evicting puty. Ih« Earl of Kenmare was ieprefcentL.d by Mr. I\uim, cluk io the lov c»l estate office. Kildare.— On D remher 4, the prisiv ers sentence i for resisting tviction weieconveyid fr m Nans i>> Ki'mmiham Uaol. Iher Wtie great demonstrations in .Naas as the prisoners left for Kdmamham. The police bitoned the crowd at the railway station. Removable Fittgerald refused an apphca'ion to admit to bail a man arrested for having shouted "To h with Ra f mr." Three soldi ts were batoned by the police, and one of them is seriously i: jured. The police rushed into two M ops, batoned all witlin, and om elied them to rueh into the streets in the midst of the baton cnarge. The policemen were headed by Head Constable McFarland, of Belfast riots notori. ty. After the evicting force had left Clongorev on November 29, a meeting of the people pnsent was held in D. Kedy's field. Amungst those present were hey. H. Dunne. John Malone, J T. H. ffer. an, Kildare: B. M. Hurley, P. Torm»y, Newbridge ; B Wheeler, Na^s. The chair was taken Dy Key. J. X nsella. J. T. Ueff in n ea-d .— W< are assembled to give the exprers on of our syunnuny to iho untortunate people cast out of their homes. For what, think you, rt re those men turned out of their bom. 8 ? For what 1 ve-y horn st-'nmded man mus declare to be impo.-sibL — to pay .m imp aL-ncabe rackrent to bolster up the broken for urn-s ot the landionif. You w r<-to-day 6ubj>-cted 10 ciuelru sand s.-writ c- seld m e\erei-e I in red n year t in ttns country It is only a mm/'coi 'h cue y th- the> are pr^p-ired i« lufl. ct on the p ople f th y o ] , mi ti c c'lauee. What jw- ice is to t»e expei t d f o v mci sue 1 :.s 'hese, wh > work hire in the interests of tie landlonls and bail ff- and against the people ? What j it,ti -c is here to be exptCU din m V hey Fitzgerald, who comes in command ot tmergencjm''., an 1 t.old.eis ai d police to level your homes and turn you ou ? Ihey call 11 justice. It is no Euch ihing as justice. The po iti"ii m whioti >h^ teDants of Clongorey are placed is a berious one for thtm, but 1 a seiioua aspect is conbidetably mod fled by the f.ic that th. y I aye all Inland at their ba k. John Uidon and Wm. O'Brien have n-peatpdly s a ted that such a course of conduct as yours has never filled to at <v 1 its object, and they pledge to you the fe'ipport of the u.itel In-h race 111 your Btiuggle. (Heai, h^ar ) Therefore you vw.l struggle on until your battle ends in victory. King's County, — Landlord Thomas Muiock arnved at ClogLe the other clay aud <ff led his t< nan sls t cv cent re uction on their rack-reat3. Tue tenants di.mj.ULic 120 ptr c^nt, and letused to come to the land-robber a terms. Lreitrim. — The fortmphtly mectirg of thf 1 Kinlough branch of the League was held on Dejeiub-r 2, Uev C. Fijnn, Piesident, 1.1 in the eh ir. The f blowing rts > v ion was unanimous y adoote 1: — That we tender our hear felt s\mpa by to I*. A. Mollugh, Mayor of Bl'go, now suffering for iu«,tue's bik in D -rrv Gaol, and that we express ou' h .iror of hi-, ai ocious conviction ai d our condemnation of the Go\ eminent thai urgtd it. Ltltnerick.— At the Coerc ion Act Coui I at U ithkealc U iniel Scatjlun and James Scanlau weic sentenct.d to a aiouth'i lniprnoiment for resn ing evictioi. fcvnlenci- was givin that it tonk the Sheriff two home to <j 'Ct the prisoner^, l'oleb were turust through the windows and hot water t'irown on tLe police. L,Ollgfor<l. — Dents Maleady, Chairm in, Carrickredmond National League has doc dud to build a Luigue hov e tor Pamck Kenny, one of the victims of the Ciieruiiuatiug: policy oi Jostpn Duff of Mornin. 1 here was an important meeting ot the Killoe Leag ie on December 2, E Coouey presided a d tne following resolution was carried : — That we condemn in the strongest manner the brutal Ci nduct of the Midleton police in causing th death of Patnct Ahem to iititfy the bl< od-thirs'y vengeance ot B.i.f -ur. L>OUtn. — The Louth brar eh of the Nauo^al League, with Father McCartney at their head, have acoie I a signal tiiumo'i m bringing an evict'.rto his senses. Laiidioui llammii evicted <l tenant named Bell- w for non-pijment of arrears of an imp >ssible ren:, Having thus fon-fi d h'ms. It by a terroi-strikmg example he pi.ceeded tocot r< t; the other tenants to purcnase under Lord A^Lbounn-'s Act at the mode>t figure of 23 3 ear's* purLhase. 1 lie scheme di I not work, and after a while the landlord discovered to his ama/ meat that the t' nants by their united action weie piutiug nrehistable j pressure on him. The result was that the arreais were 111 co .ditio'i.ilU wiptd out and the tenan s, without troubling Lout A*>hb iurn- , li\ d in their holdings at reduced r. n's An evicted tenant, win u> hivct most pluckily during the campaign is to be reinstated, his covi a >d arrears wiped out. and his future rent tix< d by two practical farmci-*, both members of the League. !*o he stiareb to the full v. the uemlLi secured to the tenants by their compac oigw lsttion. BlayO* — Hey. M. Mcllugh cccupie 1 the eh .ir at the Claremorris National League on Nov. mber 25. John Higgins proposed and James Cl ary seconded the following l.sdution : — That the Claremorris 1 N.L. txprc-ses itj condt mnaiion ef 'hi' miscouuuct ot Eemovable Longbourne and I. li^ne J.l'., m deciding to hear three trespass ca&es in order that t'ny nn»lit m^tituto Crimes Act p'os. ■ cutiona instead . that we iccoid our deepest tu-gus at the gross mdtcency of the bench iv ostenta'ious'y taking the Head-Censtable to the judgment teat and iherede ibciating on tlu pioposjd pros cution whilst the bus. ness of lhe court remained sufpend-.'d. Such prostitutions of the magietenal office cauuot fail to bring the bench 11110 deeper contempt. The Swinford Branch of the League Lrld us icjular meeting on December 2. P. M, Henry in the chair. After borne buiiueso of im-
p >rtanc" w s tia'inicied, the tollo'v a. r 'e-oluiiun >va- mi n mouslv iidopLfd : — l'h*t w- learn with *ur,»i me that t^v > n coi 'B 01 our oi_rants ng ornm't'^e have Mgned a.i .d Ir s-i «hci vvan ;r a iu>-d t> Pc ci Wilsh. J P., who tor s, )in i'v.e I ><■ >te lam •■ g-. the lat [) >y< l-s o this L'n'on, nd wnlusn ft >ih rid - n »rk bth id • ai l>y lea 1 ng ih ' Hi it Act an 1 a ki g tb • p>Vv >o si o >■ d wn 'he p -ac-ablt- yo iths of this town, ai d a'-o b/ lev\i 1^ a 'ux 01 3s 6 1 iv the p mad on ever/ electoral div j-ku in ih. Uuion. Meatll. — Uev Peter Kelly Ciairmn Wonknewfrin National L ai;ue naa condemn d the baibaro ia evictions at Clongoiey, (Jaunty Kildare. Queen' 9 County.— ln the Hous2 of Commons recently the cuiet Secretary fur lieland, in reply to Richard Lalor, said it was the case that there was an extra p>lic; force of thirteen men im(]>yed in Queen's County This force was not there on account of p evalence ot crime, but it was ueceatary over andabove the fre« qu >ta of pohci a-signud to the County for the ordinary discharge of police dutu s. Xipperary.— The Nationalists of Tipperary Veli a public m°etiii(_' ia t'ieT.ivvn Hall t st irt if-übscnption lora m mortal 10 the M(inch<B»*r Viartyis. Hcury Ry in, T. C, presided and a Urge amount was subscribed. Rev. F. Wtish pipsided at the recent mcc ing of the Bdlyneale INL.. On he mo ion it le Key. Cnairma>\B ennded by Mr. Wall, a resolution ot sympathy with Messrs. BK> cbfiel^i, Hi key and Brenn&n, v\h 1 aie uud rgoinu' 1 1 an honourable cause, was ail iptpd. On ti e motim if T. O'Donne'l, sicondel r> y L). C eary, it wi s decided t > off r smi ere tha ks o t c lad ie-i and gt ntltuie 1 wao bo kindl ass «c i iv pr.i-Mi'tii-g the l» r l< ao > sra i>n. On D cember 2, a c 'n»e : ion i f i^'.tidni: P rl"e Rdluia, Bohe , rfilve inni'R, \ r >mgb b >.'y ri.iuru. an 1 Mons. a met at . Yi> g 'ihria. T n e ciair a?>L. n 1; v. t'. 0 >we Ie r v -w, g r^solu.i n *nsci:rie. uairiinu-i) :— .vs>i\"l, 'J'liA-t *c are proud of the gallint fi hr <>f the i'wii^ minis >f Ihiumi one a^rai >*t exo bi a it ren s, and ihat w.- will cjotiuue to support ih m until tl^ey hive S' cured cc for theoiH lyes At the ricent meeting t,f h j Co lkst'iwn National Leaeu 1 Rev. J. R^ck occupied *ih" c iair. Ihe fo >>wiDg rtfi>uion was cirred by acclamition .—. — Ui'soU'< d, T!i . we vi >w wul. contempt t>-e ridiculojs eff >i is of Messrs Diidgeon and 1 m-rson and llu a \V. Chambre to allure fie Pio • -tint t^ ant- r armeis o! Ulct*-r to 00 the «o kii the eojerg' c\m<M,J nth' Mris-ert'ft c and Smgleto 1 est ites, a id we f jel c nifi ent that uc tmitit farmcrn of Tyione will Tfit as it deserves tis t tfo r i 10 get their assistance in the sy»tera of lhiq'Uton- a r id v. just evic ions c ni>-d out by the la .d tjiants of Louth Meatb. Pa gannon I'idustiiil Ex'ubit' >n whic 1w is orieina r<\ for the ftirth'-nnc •"f technical sin I cott go in hi^trie-* *iv Colo cl <nrz b% and Key. J. J. MiCa'tan. wll op n_'d on November 28. Amongst thn^' pics 'nt wore : — Very Key D-,ui B.rn 1 , U v J. J \loU.nau, \V. J. ttonolds. M.P. ; Jrim -a Sn» di, J >hn A. Q iia •. R » G locrt Kennedy, Ja ties Dickson, Ja m-n B >wni', ( h tirna 1 1 of ih • I uin -.trial Committee; Piofe~Bir Cano'l.Glis e»'n Uiiry Frtn; a d J. Orr, Srce ai\. Colonel Buru'e&s hav>n^ de lu'' I trie >x nb >i -v open hus ne-H wt'pr ice d• 1 « 1 1 h A' a v" tn:n Id >n b <_•-' r ii : \» va ■ resol v d o form a irn th ' h bh'y c nnp 1 ,*, . vv 1 t 1 fi mtrn wou'd 'a can npportm iyl f j >i,ii g, f.r epup s< i un\> n»"ij[ the quali'y ot but ct in th • disiru't annnitti i v ■. nig'i r ..rn 1 f ) it, Waterford.-RiHr.H Pw. r, Member f r W a rfo <\ Cny, al'a 1 ' 'he urgent ieq ie-t > f vi r tar ell, hll c it)* nt do t< «nu c h • post of Si nior whip to the Irish paitv 11ih • Britis H mse uf Comm )Uh. On December 2, one ot th • Wat' rford flfe anii dmtn otiids, accompanitid by a banner be in g tte wonts • Remt-mbpr th«» Mar Iv s "on one t-ide and a la ge hlaek nr »b "a the o1o 1, was parading 'he htu c's of the city, wl ''ii abdy ot po'icemen st^pp.-d the proct'sai'in. Th' 1 crowd resen'e ) hs, and 11 unter between the people an 1 pohc ensued, fh.' m>b hui c I a vohey ot i"'Of ea at ttiep>lue wh > retaliated b\* us ng tl eir tmtnns tre ly. S< veral X) r^ons W' j re batoned <>nd hi veral p l'c m"n weie a nu-k with -tunes. Nixt evening a couple of 'ands turned mi , bearing a b nne mottoes in nonuur tth • Mat eh '-tter Mart > 1 r-, ainl pr cc d"d to par ide ihestriesp'a mg nitional air. U'hf . p-tßsuu up Birro-iHtr .n-i street a prirty of p 1 ue, baton 111 hull d hie' out fr >m a hidden come'", lubhe 1 at the cioa I, kn' ck d th p ''pie do^o li.di-c ijilnntely, wmahhed tv band indium- t-<, a d -uzi ig tiie ba n r ton it into fia^mrntH, Tney heat ill the. could catctj, arr ati ii several uuoff-noing citizens, and altogether co iduet° i th mac yes in a most ouir.igeom m inner. One civilian was>B rons'yhur andapo'ic man was struck with a boitle aud lrn jitd henously. Quiet has at length been restored.
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New Zealand Tablet, Volume XVI, Issue 46, 8 March 1889, Page 9
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4,305Irish News. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XVI, Issue 46, 8 March 1889, Page 9
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