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Irish Notes.

Arttiaffll.— The following own over 1,000 acres each of the land of this County :— Andrew Crawford, 6,258 aores ; T. A. Ball, 6,085 : Bit J. M. Stronge, 4,404 ;J. Wilson, 4,049 ; Count de Balis, 2,«85 ; and Sir O. Molyneux, 8,416. Carlow.— The Passiontat Fathers have jnst finished a very successful mission at Bagnalstown. The parochial church was fioished by Ber. Canon O'Neill. At the late meeting of the Oarlow Guardians, Mr. Mnrphy inquired into the working of the Labourer's Act. He said some people had waited two years and ware despairing of getting any nouses built. ~. Clare*— The tenants on the Burton estate at Kilcarrol, near Kilrnsh, refused to pay their rents except the arrears were omitted. They have been lately allowed reductions of from 30 to 50 per cent. At the recent meeting of the Ennis Irish National League, Mr. Lynch, ohairman, letters were read from tenants in the vicinity who are threatened with oviction, and who have adopted the Plan of Campaign. The branch resolved to sustain them in their fight. A large English war-shin has arrived at Oaheroon, on the Shannon, and a big gunboat has been sent to Foynes to convey provisions to Tax-Oollector Dillee, who is trying to ply his hard trade in Fergus Island. It is rumoured several evictions will be carried out during the next few weeks. The Kilgorey. Tulla, tenants on the O'Oonnell estate being refused reduction on their rack-rents, adopted the Plan of Campaign. A settlement has just been effected through Bey. P. Quinn, in which they are granted a reduction of 12$ per cent., the law-costs to be paid by the land-thief. As the tenants are leaseholders, this is a complete surrender to their demands, and a great victory for the Plan. Cortt.— The following own over 1,000 acres each of the land of this County;:— Major Shuldam, J3.039 acres ; A. H. Smith-Barry, 12, 880 ; Colonel Stawell, 11,336 ; Lord Bhannon, 11,232 ; M. Longfield, 10,813 ; and O. T. Ponsonby, 10,367. At tbe Ballinspittle Coercion Court William Driscoll was sentenced to six weeks' imprisonment for retaking possession of his old home. At the Fermoy Petty Sessions John Cab ill, who was recently converted into a caretaker by the eviction-made-easy process, was sued for poor-rate. The case was dismissed, as Mr. Cahill not being legally a tenant could not be prosecuted for taxes. Several similar cases followed suit. At the Dunmanway Petty Sessions John Deane and Barnabas Deane were prosecuted for assaulting a bailiff named Timothy Hayes. Although it was shown that the bailiff was acting illegally, tbe defendants were returned for trial to the Quarter Sessions. Dublin.— The following own over 1,000 acres each of tbe land of this County :—B. J. Alexander, 2,973 acres ; Lord Annally, 2,139 ; Marquis of Lansdowne, 2,132 ; O'Connell Fitzaimmon, 1,975; Swift's Hospital, 1,953 ; and Lord Talbot de Malahide, 1,893. The Nationalists of the metropolis assembled in their thousands in the Phosnix Park, May 20, to endorse the action of the Catholic Members of Parliament on the Papal Bescript. Nearly all the National Leagues in the city and suburbs were represented. Lord Mayor Sexton presided. There were present John Dillon, U.V.; William O'Brien, M.P.; John B. Redmond, M.P.;T. Harrington, M.P.; Dr. Kenny, M.P.* David Bheehy, M.P.; M. J. Kenny, M.P.; Joseph Cox, M.P.; D. Orilly, M.P.; J. J. Clanoy, M.P.; Rev. J. A. Fanning D.D., Ohio, President of the Republican Valley Colonisation Association; Father Bekan,) Aldermen Dillon, Mulligan, Byrne, Vincent Scully, Burke ; Bichard J. Kelly, Dr. Counsel, George Delany, D.J . Hishon, P. C. McGough, solicitor ; B. Goulding, D. J. Cogan, P. J. McCabe, T. Cosgrave, J. J. O'Msara, J. carolan. In the course of a long speech Mr. Sexton said that as Archbishop Walsh admitted in his letter from Rome that the enemies of the Irish people were endeavouring to mislead the Holy Father it was necessary for the priests and people of Ireland to speak out boldly at the present time. Galway. — The following own over 1,000 acres each of the land of this County :— O. N. Bagot, 12,396 acres ; Dudley Perase,. 12,394 ; J. A. Daly, 11,709 ; G. Deering, 11,206 ; Daniel Lahiff, 10,779 ; and Sir Henry Bel lew, 10,516. Olanricarde's agent, Tener, has ordered 'the houses of John McCarthy and Timothy Forde in Loughrea to be closed. These shopkeepers had adoped the Plan of Campaign. Ballinasloe Town Commissioners passed a resolution approving of the resolutions of the Irish Catholic Members of Parliament on the subject of the Papal Rescript. Agent Tener and a crowd of police, bailiffs, and Bmergencymen arrived at Derrygoolan, near Woodford, on May 22, *o evict Bdward Hayes, on the Clanricarde estate. Mr. Hayes being informed of the approach of the evicting army, barricaded his house, and while the Bmergencymen were tryiag to batter in the door a Bhower of slates from the roof made them quickly desist. The windows were finally smashed, and the police entered the house and arrested Hayes and his brother. Mrs. Hayes was also arrested. The prisoners were oonveyed to Loosecan Police Barracks, and afterwards admitted to bail. A meeting of the people was subsequently held, at which Father Ooen proposed a vote of thanks to the Hayes family, and Father Roche delivered a hopeful speech. Kildare*— J. T. Heffernan prosecuted two policemen named John and James Byrne for assault at the Kildare Petty Sessions. Although the evidence was conclusive against the peelers the caße was dismissed. Kilkenny.— The following own over 1,000 acres each of the land of this Oouaty :— Rev. W. de Montmorency, 4,808 aores ; Viscount Frankfort, 4,604 ; Sir J. Coghill, 4,564 ; Wm. Flood, 3,852 ; J. N. Power, 3,778 ; and Lord Normanton, 3,285.

Thoi? W? € JjW«>*y»— In • l«tt« to the Dublin Fremnam, Rev. Thomas Spally, Frankfort, denies the allegations of Balfour in the Hoa#e of Commons respecting Body Dooley, the evicted tenant. Mr. uooley did not owe 6 years' arrears, as Balfour had falsely stated. And wtoUe his rent was «0 per cent, bbove the valuation, he had offered 'S ief °° c year>i " Mnt '" leM 25 P ep «»*•» whi ° h Proposal wu refused. i a >**■*«***•— Th» following own over 1,000 acres each of the ?2SL or J ll ? t Ooiult y : "~ Lo*d Annally, 6,458 ac rM . Count de Ballis, 6,279 ; Knight of Glin, 6,268 ; De BtafEord O'Brien, 6,263 : Lord Oloncurry, 6,137 ; and B. W. O'Brien, 4,990. Four tenants on the Srasmas Smith estate, near New Pallas, hare received " eviction-made-easy " notices. They hare adopted the Plan of Campaign. At the late meeting of the Pallasgreen 1.N.L., Rev. Michael Byan presiding, a resolution was passed condemning rack-renting and evictions in th« vicinity . Throe remaining tenants on the O'Grady estate at Herbertstown were evicted on May 21. Their names are Thee. Fitzgerald, Owen Brennan, and O'Brien. At the recent meeting of the Limerick 1.N.L., M. Donnelly, Chairman, there were present :— J. Sbeehy, D. Moloney, rhomaa Byan, F. Hayes, J. Qreany, P. Nunan, J. O'Carroll, William Whelan, Wm. Doyle, B. Garvey, J. O'Connell, Joseph Creagh, Wm. Clone, Laurence Neville, tfhe following resolution wu passed -.—That we hereby expreai our unqualified approval of the action taken by the Irish Catholic M.P.'s in reference to the Papal Bescript. ULeitrim.— The Drnmkeeran I.iN. L., Bey. P. K«any, ohairman, hits condemned thea*vage sentence passed on John Dillon, M.P., by the Bemovablas. Denis Cassidv was released from Sligo Gaol, May 24, after under* going too months' imprisonment, and received an ovation on his Arrival at Carrick. £.* the meeting of Kiltubride 1.N.L., May 20, T. O'Bein*, chairman, a resolution was passed authorising the collectors of the several districts to take up subscriptions from the non-member Nationalists of the vicinity and send in their names. At the recent meeting of the Carrick Board of Guardians, Owen McCann, chairman, wholesale eviction notices were handed in by Believing Officer McManus at the suit of Captain O. B. Slacke, Robert Gardiner, and Mrs. E. Gardiner. Captain Slacke availed himself largely of the eviction-made-easy process. I*onj?ior«l«— The following own over 1,000 acres each of the land of thi« County :— A. B. Bdgewortb, 3,255 acres ;H. W. White, 3,197 ; B. B. Pox, 3,085 ; W. Oullum, 2,741 ; J. Shuldam, 2,571, and E. McEroy 2,508. The fourteen men sentenced to one month's imprisonment under the Coercion Act for stopping tbe Longford Hunt arrived here, May 25, after being discharged from Sligo prison, and were met by a large crowd, including Peter Flood, U.T.C. ; Joseph Wilson, Chairman Longford Board of Guardians ; Thomas Duffy, J. P. Farrell, and P. Love. The " criminals " were cheered heartily. On arriving at Edgeworthstowa the Ardagh Band and a large crowd met them. A large force of police was also present. Great enthasiasm prevailed. Speeches were delivered by Thos. Fenlon and others. Two hundred police and a number of Bmergencymen evicted two tenants at Fang in the southern part of the County. There are a number of ejectments pending in the neighbourhood. £t the roesrat meeting of Abbey lara 1.N.L., Patrick Kiernan, chairman, -c vote of sympathy was passed to John Dillon for the hareh sentence pronounced on him by Baltonr's Bemovables. May©.— the following own over 1,000 acres each of the land of this County:— L. Bingham, 12,525 acres ;G. A. Moore, 12,371 ,• Lord CUnmorris, 12,337 ; tiir. A. Bellingham, 11, 810 ; Lord de Clifford, 11,694 ; uid Lord Kilmain, 11,664. At the Drotnore West Petty Sessions Patrick Gilligan, Bdward Gilligan, and Patrick Kerrane were fined five shillings each for retaking possession of their old homes. Meatlt.— The following own over 1,000 acres each of the land of this County :— E. Rotheiam, 6,046 acres ; Mrs. Oorbally, 6,033 j H. C. Singleton, 4,887 ; Thomas Gerrard, 4,748 ; Mrs. Magan, 4,418, and B, C. Wade, 4,160. • » • Queen'B County.— Maryborough Town Commissioners have returned Exterminator Laasdowne's contribmion of £3 to the town clock fund. At the recent meeting of Darrow and Cullohill 1.N.L., Bey. J. Shortall chairman, there were present :— Rev. P. Phelan, John Clancy, Patrick Dunpby, John Balkin, John Bowe, John Downey, John, Murphy, James Phelan, Michael Broderick, Martin Dunne, Bdward Campion, Bdward Holland, Denis Meehan. A resolution was passed sympathising with John Dillon and William O'Brien in their persecution by Bloody Balfour. SligO,— The following own over 1,000 acres each of the land of this County :— B. G. Brinkley, 6,730 ;J. W. Stratford, 6,555 ; John Taaflfe, 5,751 ; A. W. Martin, 5,430 ; Peter O'Connor, 4,849 ; and Sir G. King, 4,328. Xlpperary.— The Land Commission at Nenagh has given a reduction of 25 per cent. This surely is a justification of the Plan of Campaign. As the South Tipperary Artillery were leaving Clonmol, May 23, they groaned Bloody Balfour and cheered for Parnell and William O'Brien. Tyrone*— At the Dangannon Presentment Sessions Samuel Hood claimed £60 for tbe burning of his barn. The only evidence for the prosecution was that of Constable Hutcninaoo, who said that h« reported the occurrence and was of opinion that the burning was accidental. The peeler explained to the court that he was obliged to i report the matter as an outrage at the time as his report forms w*ra all headed •' Outrages." The court agreed that the case was not malic.ous. Thousands of similar cases have occurred throughout the

» ' v; n — , country of late years and have been used by the Orange and English Tory papers as an argument against Home Bule. ~ Tho National Leagues of South Tyrone met in convention at Aughnacloy May, 24. There were 100 delegates present, including the clergy. T. Harrington, M.P., presided. Letters of apology for non-attendance were read from Rev. Dean Byrne, Dungannon : Canon Clifford, Fintona ; Father M'Keagney.and Rev. P. Fox. Mr. Hannigan, agent of the National League in South Tyrone, read the reports from all the polling districts, which were very encouraging. Mr. Harrington then delivered an address urging special attention to registration work in all the polling districts for the forthcoming revision. Resolutions were proposed by Rev. J. J. M'Cartan, Donaghmore, and seconded by Rev. Dr. Loughran and passed unanimously, pledging the delegates to use every means in their power to make the forthcoming revision a success, so that when an election takes place they will be able to return the indomitable William O'Brien as representative of the historic division of South Tyrone by a triumphant majority There was considerable satisfaction expressed at the Convention orer the glorious victory for Home Rule at Southampton, and Mr. Harrington gave his opinion that the tide was completely turning in their favour in Bngland. Waterford.— The following own over 1,000 acres each of the land of this County.— -Sir O. Kennedy, ' 6,680 acres ; Viscount Doneraile, 6,584; Lord Huntingdon, 6,450 ; Sir J. N. Humble. 6,435 : O. J.Osborne, 6,410 ; and Sir H. Barren, 6,281. During an eviction on the Waterford estate a bailiff fell into a well 40 feet deep and would have been drowned, but ho held to his crowbar which spanned the chasm. "Weetmeatll.— The following own over 1,000 acres each of the land of this Oounty :— John Longworth, 6,547 acres ; R. Smyth, 6,287 j Mrs. G; Magan, 6,604 ; D. P, Urquhart, 5,363 : W. F. Tiehe, 6,211, and Sir B. Levinge, 5,017. Fathers Flynn, Skelly and Mageneis, of the Dominican Order, ended a successful Mission at the Church of Tubber, near Moate, by the blessing of the Mission Cross and the renewal of the baptismal I vows. Father Monaghan and Father Healy aided the missionaries. At the recent meeting of Mullingar I N.L., Rev. B. O'Reilly, chairman, thtre were present : F. Wickham, secretary ; Thomas McDonnell, John Connell, and James Allen. A resolution was passed thanking Messrs. Tuite and Sullivan, the County Members, for their assiduous attendance in the Honse of Commons. "Wexiord.— The tenants on the Devon estate have been served with eviction notices. Many of them owe two or three years' arrears and it is expected evictions will follow. 'Wiclclow*— The following own over 1,000 acres each of the land of this County :— Luke Brady, 5,837 acres ;W. F. D : ck, 4,770 : O. S. Parnell, 4,678 ; Sir E. Hutchinson, 4,471 ; Mining Company of Ireland, 4,409 ; and Francis Synge, 4,297; A magnificent demonstration ofiNationalists was held at Ashford, May 21, to further the National movement and denounce land-grab-bing. The local Leagues and Gaelic Associations were well reprerented. Rev. Franciß McEnerny, Wicklow, presided.

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New Zealand Tablet, Volume XVI, Issue 17, 17 August 1888, Page 9

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Irish Notes. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XVI, Issue 17, 17 August 1888, Page 9

Irish Notes. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XVI, Issue 17, 17 August 1888, Page 9

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