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Irish News.

Armagh. —The population of this County was 163,177 in 1881. The six largest land-robbers in this County are : — Earl of Charlemont, 20,695 acrts ; Lord Lurgan, 15,166 ; Duke of Manchester, 12,298 ; Earl of Gosford, 12,177 ; Francis Cope, 9,367, and M. C. Close, 9,087.

At the recent meeting of the Cully hanna 1.N.L., Rev. M. M'Gurk, CO., chairman, the following resolution was adopted :— Resolved, That we condemn the Balfourian Government for its barbarous attempt to goad the people of the suppressed districts into open rebellion.

The regular meeting of Armagh I.N.L. was held at the Catholic Bend ing-room, Ogle street, April 22. Rev: H M'Oscar, Adm., presided. The following members were elected on the committee : — John O'Toole, O. Loughran, J. J. M'Parland, R. Baxter, P. Monaghan, J. M'Loughlio, M. Donnelly, W. Kearney, John Quinn, John M'Glone, B. Downey. G. Lougbran, and D. Conlan. Father M'Oscar, in the course of hie remarks, said that the people were not afraid of coercion, and were prepared to follow Mr. Blanc to prison rather than submit to the tyrannical acts of Balfour.

At tbeLurgan Petty Sessions William Richardson was sentenced to one month's imprisonment, and Robert Dougherty and Samuel Clayton were fined 20s or fourteen days in gaol for assaulting Catholics at Derryadd on Easter Monday.

CarlOW.— The population of this County was 46,508 ia 1881The six largest land-robbers in this County are :— A. M. Kavanagh» 11,051 acres ; H. Bruen, 16,477; Lord Besaborough, 10,578; Lord Courtown, 7,395 ; Bir T. Butler, 6,455, and R. Hall-Dare, 5,627.

Cavail. — The population of this County was 129,476 in 1881. The six largest land-robbers in this County are :— Lord Farnbam, 29,455 acres; Lord Annesley, 24, 221; Marquis of Headfort, 14,220; E.J. Saunderson, 12,362 ; Episcopal Church, 10,751, and H. Parker, 10,540.

The Most Rev. Dr. Magennis, who was recently consecrated Bishop of Kilmore, was born in Cavan in 1846. At the recent meeting of the Crosserlough I.N.L, Rev. P. Brady, chairman, the arrests of William O'Brien and John Dillon were condemned as tyrannical and leading to open rebellion in Ireland. At the recent meeting of the Cootehill 1.N.L. , Thomas Brady, chairman, a resolution was passed commending the people of the suppressed districts for their struggle for free speech and the right of public meeting.

Clare. — The population of this County was 141,457 in 1881. The six largest land-robbers in this County are : — Lord LecoDfield, 37,392 acres ; Marquis of Cunningham, 27,613 ; E. P. Westby, 25,779; Lord InchiquiD, 20,321 ; Col. Vandaleur, 19,790, and H. V. M'Narnara, 15,246. The sentence of three months' imprisonment on Mr Flanagan, of Millown-Malbay, has been increased to six months by Judge Hickson. The " offence " was refusing to sell bread to a boycotted woman.

The appeals of John Clancy, Daniel Connell, John Abern, Patrick Hartigan, and Thomas Donohue, against a sentence of two months' imprisonment, was reversed by Magistrate Hickson, at Ennis. Preparations on a large scale are in progress for the cariying out of 200 evictions on the Vandeleur, White, Scott, and Leconfield estates. It is expected that a force of military will be drafted into the district to carry out the work of .extermination.

Cork.— The population of this County was 495,607 in 1881. The six largest land-robbers in this County are -.—Lord Bantry 69,500 acres ; Lord Bandon, 40,941 ; Duke of Devonshire, 32,550 ; Sir G. Oolthurst, 31,260; Countess of Kingston, 24,421 ; Lord kenmare, 22,700. Daniel Lenehan has been sent to gaol for two weeks for refusing to supply coal to the " peelers " at Fermoy, The Member for North-east Cork, who is now awaiting trial for holding an "unlawful assembly" at Loughrea, attended a grand Nationalist demonstration at Fermoy, April 22. Rev. P. J. O'Callaghan, Adm., presided. Present— P. O'Hea, M.P.; J. Mandeville, Rev. Mr. Hennessy, Castlelyons ; Rev. Mr. Morrison, Rathcormack ; Rev. Mr. Green, Kil worth ; Rev. Brother Nestor, Christian Schools; Rev. J. W. Greea, Doneraile ; Rev. W. Carver, P.P., Castletownroche ; Rev. J. Murphy, CO., Watergrasshill ; Key. W. Barry, Mallow ; T. J. Comdcn, M.P. ; James O'Meara, Mallow ; Thaddeus O'Brien, Shanhally ; Phillip Ryan, James Murpby, Rev. J. Tobin, Father Blake, Fermoy ; Rev. J. O'Donoghue, Mitchelstown ; Rev. J. Savage, Con na ; Barry, Rathcormack ; Rev. Mr. Barry, Doneraile ; D. O'Regan, Jas. Quinian, J. M'Carthy, Jas, Forde, Doneraile ; C. Murphy, Marshalltown ;W. Flavin, T. O'Keefe, Glanworth. In the course of his speech Mr. O'Brien referred to the progress of the Plan of Campaign and the "Government" war on the leaders and the people. He asked passionately how long the Irish people were going to stand this intolerable state of things.

Dcrry.— The population of this County was 206,035 in 1881. The six largest land-robbers in this County are :— Marquis of Cunningham, 122,300 acres; Lord Leitrim, 54,352 ; H. M. Stewart, 50,818 ; W. H. Stylo, 39,564 ; A. J. Stewart, 39,306 ; and Messrs Muegrave, 39,147. At the regular meeting of the Kilclooney branch, 1.N.L., April 22, Rev. P. Hegarty, Chairman, a resolution was adopted condemning the arrest of John Dillon and William O'Brien, which appears to be the last resource of the landlord Tory Government. The appeals of Patrick Hunter, John Mullan, Thomas Mullan, and William Devlin members of the Catholic party, and Thomas SaDds, a member of tbe Protestant party, against a sentence of two months' imprisonment each for riot and unlawful assembly at Killykergan, near Coagn, on December 26, were heard at the Magherafalt Sessions. In the cases of John Mullan, Thomas Mullan, Patrick Hunter the sentence was confirmed, and it was reversed in those of Devlin and Bands.

It is reported on good authority that Mr. Blanc's health is break. ing down under his merciless treatment in Derry Gaol. He is nnatye to eat the wretched fare allowed him. He protested against wearing •he prison garb, but had to submit to force. Father McFadden and Father Stephens are treated as first class misdemeanants. It is now known that the cells for the prisoners were prepared immediately after the trial and sentence in January. This shows that the action of the appeal ccnrt was already cut and dry: How much longer are our people going to endure this galling oppression ?

Donegal.— Weßt Ridgway, Balfonr's Wnder Secretary, has received a letter from Rev. Peter Kelly, P.P., Dunfanaghy, in which the patriotic priest challenges the Coercionists to do their worst, as the condition of tne people in his district can't be any worse than it is. He ends with these words :— " We know what we are, the gaol connot change us."

At the regular meeting of Columbkille 1.N.L., April 122, J. Farrell, Chairman the following resolution was adopted : — Resolved, That we condemn the barbarous sentence imposed on Fathers McFadden and Sephehs, and Mr. Blanc, M.P., by Judge Webb, at Letterkenny, and we are determined to carry on tho movement for Irish independence in spite of Balfour's despicable tyranny. There was a large meeting of Bundoran 1.N.L., on April 22, Re*. Canon McK^nna, P.P., Cuairman. The following resolution was passed :— That we condemn the judgment of County Court Judge Webb in the appeals of Fathers McFadden and Stephens and Mr. Blanc, M.P., as vindictive and calculated to produce disrespect for law, and we tender to Webb's victims our heartfelt sympathy in their prison cells.

Down.— At the regular meeting ef Annacloone 1.N.L., April 22, Rev. H. Devlin, P.P., Chairman, a resolution condemning tbe purchase scheme of Lord Londonderry waß passed and the tenant* advised to adopt the Plan of Campaign.

Dublin.— The population of this County was 419,910 ia 1881. The six largest land-robbers in this County are :— Charles Cobbe, 9,662 acres ; Lord Howth, 7,377 ; Sir C. Domville, 6,2«2 ; George Woods, 4,141 ; Sir R. Palmer, 3,991, and Lord Langford, 8,659. The regular meeting of the League was held at 43 Upper O'Connell street, April 24. John Dillon, M.P., presided. There were present : T. Harrington and J. E. Bedmond, M.P.'s ; W. S. Blunt, Alfred Webb, George Delany, D. J. Hishon, W. P. Dennehy, James) Fearson, Melbourne ; Rev. P. O'Neil, P. P. Rostrevor, and Henry O'Connor, Leintter Leader. Mr. Harrington announced that the receipts since last meeting amounted to £2,387 17s 6d, including £2,000 from Eugene Kelly, New York, £333 17s 6d, from the Irish branches, and £53 18s 6d through United Ireland. The committee voted 229d015. to evicted tenants in all parts of Ireland, speeches ringing with defiance againßt Coercion were delivered by John Dillon. Alfred Webb, Wilfrid Blunt, find Rev. P. White, P.P.; MiltownMalbay.

Fermanagh.— The Land Commission at Enniskillen has given a reduction of 15 to 20 per cent, on tbe estates of Lord Lanesborough, and Lord Erne. Still the Tory Govecnmant supplied its blood -hounds for years to enforce the rack-rents.

At the regular meeting of this branch April 22, Rev. M. McGlone, chairman, the following resolution was adopted : That we condemn the cowardly action of Bloody Balfour in arresting John Dillon and William O'Brien, and we now renew our pledge never to up the fight until landlordism and foreign misgovernment are driven frosa our country.

Galway.— The population of this County was 242,005 ia 1881. The six largest land-rebbers in this County are :— B. Berridge, 159,898 acres ; Lord Clanricarde, 49,025 ; A. Pollock, 29,8«6, Lord Dunsandle, 29,000 ; Lord Cloabrook, 28,246 ; and Sir T. Burke, 25,258.

Clanricarde's agent, Tener, aided by some Emergency mea and a force of " peelers," seized the house of Patrick Kennedy and arrested the proprietor for "obstruction." Mrs. Kennedy was roughly handled Dy tha police in her struggle to defend her home. The tenants of Lynagh, Doniry, Woodford, Ballinakill, and Mul* lagh, on the tstate of the Earl of Weatmeath bare won. Thej adopted the Flan in November, '86, and were served with ejectment notiots. They bad cleared their farms of everything, so the bailiffs were foiled. The land-thief now agrees to take one year's rent at 20 per cent, reduction, which was the tenants' original demand.

Kerry.— The population of this County was 201,039 in ISBL. The cix largest land-robbers in this County are : — Marquis of Laos* downe, 94,983 acres ; Lord Ventry, 93,629 ; Lord Ken mare, 91,080; H. A. Herbert, 47,238 ; R. Drummond, 29,780; B. Mahony, 26,173; and Lord Listowel, 25,964.

At a recent Tralee Coercion Court Timothy Sullivan was sent to gaol for three months with hard labour for having a lead marble ia his possession.

Over 100 patriotic people collected near the Tillage of Camp and erected a house for Michael O'Donnell, a tenant evicted a few weeks ago by land-thief Chute.

Matthew Horgan has been evicted at Knockmanagh, three miles from Killarn«y. Lord Kenmare is the land-thief. Sinoe the evictioa Mr. Horpsn had to seek shelter in his old home, and two of his sons and five daughters were sent to gaol on that account. Bailiff Beailly hag seized some of Mr. Horgan's pigs for rack-rent, and the exter. ■mated man is now in destitute circumstances.

Atth« recent meeting of Newtowndillon 1.N.L., Jeremiah Nolan, Chairman, the following resolution was passed : — That we congratulate John Dillon and William O'Brien on their arrest, as it shows they are singled out by the bloodthirsty Tory Government for persecution, and we trust tbat the more the leaders arc arrested the more (he people will rally reucd the League,

Kildare.— The population of this County was 75,604 in 1881. The six largest land-robbers in this County are ;— P. J. M'Donnell, 61,227 acres; D. Dunne, 16,609; M. Aylmer, 15,396; Duke of Leinßter, 7,177 ; R. Browne; 6,089 ; and B. W. Hartley, 6,167.

issi 51 • nt ! y *~ Tl ? c P°P ulati ° n of this County waa 99,531 in r£w t. Skob? tod-robbers in this County are :-Vi B count 22 Ifo 'n? T£* \ L ° rd Bessborough, 23,967 ;C. B Wandeford, 22,232 ; Colonel Tighe. 11,970 ; Maiquis of Ormond, 11,960 ; and Viscount Mountgarret, 11,919. ' The people of Goresbridge in hundreds turned out with their ploughs and sowing-machines and sowed the crops of Mrs. Corcoran, whose son Patrick Corcoran, was rent to Kilkenny Gaol for » ob^ Btructing the crowbar brigade. Fathers Bolger and Norris were present* iQQi I<i .£ le *' iclc *7' T 'i ie P°P ulati °n of this County was 180,632 in JSii« largest land-robbers in this County are :— Lord Devon, Ad,Q26 acres ; Lord Dunraven, 14,298 ; Lord Ashtown, 11,273 : Archdeacon Gould, 10,966 ; L. Fitzgibbon, 10,316 ; and Sir O. Barrington,

n.« Ito evicting all the tenants on his Herbertstown estate The OGrady has given tiie place over to the charge of a crowd of emergencymen. Itaese will have to be paid, and as The O'Grady is in receipt ot no rent he cannot either pay them or subsist himself So the rack-renter is neariDg his doom— the workhouse m, r f + el '! CUB ™ W ha^ ne . d in Geor g e street, April 24, between the sth Battalion Munster Fusiliers and ttie Derbyshire Regiment. Three of the former attacked one of the Derby shires and beat him terribly with sticks. The assailants escaped before the arrival of the puhce. These drunken rowdies are the pillars of Balfourism and landlordism in Ireland.

A Monster meeting of Nationalists was held at Herbertstown to maintain the fight of the tenants on the O'Grady estate. Rev. M. Kyan, 0.C., presided. There were present .--John Dillon, M.P.; Mr. Fmucane, M.P.; Rev. M. Power, P.P., Emly ; Rev J Power P P Kilteely ; Rev. P. Kelly, C .c, Knocking ; k^O^E C.C.; Rev. C. Connery, C.C.; Rev. C. Riordan, Father Luby, Father Godfrey; John Dillon, M.P., in the course of his remarks referred to the success of the Plan all over the country and encouraged his confiscation determination to resist landlord tyranny aod 10Q i I^? 18 ' ford# — The P°P ulafc ion of this County was 61,009 in if o 0 a i X^ argeßt land -rubbers in this County are : -Col KingBarman 28,779 acres ; Lord Granard, 14,978 ; Lord Annaly, 12,160 ; George M^oncby, 10,319 ; A. B. Greville, 8,811 ; and Sir G. Featherstone, / , 4:^l/, Patrick Hanley, who was imprisoned for refusing to give information at a Coercion Court, was released from Sligo Gaol and rearr, sted at this place, April 23. A boy nine years old was sent to gaol for a month iorthrowmg stones at a Newtowncahhel eviction. The Reign of Terror is still in progress. ti, f* o , utll# ~ Th e population of this County was 77,684 in 1881. The six largest land-robbers are .—Lord CJermont, 20.369 acres ; Lord Massereene, 7 193 ; A Smith Barry, 6,239 ; Colonel Furtescue, 5,262 ; Lord Bellew, 5,109, and Rev. Stobart, 4,249. One of the most amusing features cf the Massereene struggle has °f n , Bh ° wnt f ° c Public in the following ; -The land-thief rinding no chance left of collecting "rents " on his estate had the sub-S&eriff put up for sale a number of shares in the Dundalk and Newry Steam Packet Company, the property of two tenants. Mr. Rocbe and Mr. Bracmgau, who have adopted the Plan of Campaign. There were only two people present. £5 was the only bid for £500 worth of property, and the sale was postponed,

Mayo,~The population of this County was 245 212 in 1881 ?iiqoi X ]a ' geSt ' and ' robbers »n this county are :— Marquis of Bligo, 114 881 acres; Viscount Dillon, 83,749; Colonel Palmer, 80,900: Lord Lucao, 60,5/0 ; T. 8. Carter, 37,773, and G. Clive, 35,229. Peter Brogan, one of Buffalo Bill's men, visited his native town, Balhna, recently. '

Queen's Coimty.-Tbe population of this County was ij,^i in 1881. Itie six largest land-robbers in this County are • HirC. Coote, 47,451 acres: Lord Castletown, 22,241 ; Viscount De Vesci, lo,06i) ; Lord Portarlington, 11,149 ; Mrs. Bellew, 10 593, and n. G. Cosby, 10,110.

Michael Breunan, of Killeshin, has been evicted by land-thief JJitzmannce in an inhuman manner. Mr. Brennan is 78 years old and has a wife and 8 children. Four of the children, who were suffering from measles, were taken out without clothes and placed on a dunghill. Ihe bailiff threw out the furniture and locked the house To crown the " Devil's work " Mr. Brennan was soon afterwards arrested and sent to gaol . The crimes of Irish landlordism daily cry to Heaven for vengeance.

Xipperary.— The appeal of the Member for West Waterford was heard at C.onmel before Judge Wall, April 21. The sentence of six weeks' imprisonment was confirmed, T. M. Healy, M. P., defended. Mr. Pyne, who is suffering from a blow from a " peeler's " rifle dnrin^ his arrest was marched off to the County Jaol and placed in a dingy cell. Mr. Eealy warned the goalers that if they did not treat their prisoner humanely they would be held accountable.

Tyrone.— The population of this County was 197,719 in 1881 The six largest land- robbers in this County are : Duke of Abercorn' 47,615 acres ; Lord Castlestnart, 32,615 : Lord Caledon, 29 236 • Kpiscopal Church, 28,002 ; Sir J. M. Stewart. 27,905 ; andA. C.Hamilton 10,682.

At the regular meeting of Stewartstown I.N.L. April 22, Rev. P. McShane, C.C., Chairman the following resolution waa passed:— Resolved, That we denounce the tyrannical sentences imposed on Fathers McFadden and Stephenp, and Mr. Blanc, M .P., by Judge Webb and we are determined to carry on the struggle for free land and a native Parliament.

At the regular meeting of Cookstown I.N.L. April 22, Rev. J. Rock, Chairman the following resolution was adopted ; — That we offer our sympathy to Fathers McFadden and Stephens in their imprisonment, and we express our profound contempt for the lame policy of the Coercion Tory Government in its endeavors to subjugate the Irish nation by persecuting our patriotic leaders.

Waterford.— The population of this County was 112,768 in 1881. Ihe six largest land-robbers in this County are:— Marquiß of Waterford. 39,883 acres: Villiers Stuart, 35,000; Duke of Devonshire 27,483; R. A. Chearnley. 18,165; E. De la Poer, 13,448, and, John Pulisser, 9,825.

The Waterford Land Commission has given a reduction of 35 to 50 per cent on the Fortescue, Crosthwait, Merritt, and other estates. bhenff Ter.y sold the Casey farm at Gwronmellon, near Dongraran, recently te satisfy a judgment for £400 arrears. The farm was bought by an emergency man for £10. The defendants, Rev B. J. Casey and Daniel W. Casey, were present. The Dike of 8t Albans is the landthief.

Wexford.— The population of this County was 123,864 in 1881 The six largeßt land -robbers in this County are Lord Carew, 17 830 acrps; 8. Forbes, 15, 216 ; Lord Courtown, 14,262; Marquis of Ely, 14,023; Viscount Powerscourt, 11,729, and Lord Portsmouth 10j Io9»

Delegates from the North Wexford branches of the I. N. L. met at Killanerin, April 22. Bey. J. Dunphy, P, P., Chairman. There were 100 delegates present, amongst tern being Rev. W. O'Neil, P. P., Key. Dr. Dillon, and Key. P. O'Donneil. C.C. Resolutions of sympathy with the political prisoners w«re adopted, and the branches resolved to support the Coolgreany tenantry in their struggle against rackrente. Rev. P. 0' Donnall and Rer. Dr. Dillon delivered speeches. At the Wexford Quarter Sessions April 25 the sub-sheriff presented Judge Darley with white gloves, as there was no criminial business before the court.

Attheßnniscortby Quarter Sessions 68 decrees for non-paym«nt of rent " were granted by Judge Darley,

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New Zealand Tablet, Volume XVI, Issue 13, 20 July 1888, Page 9

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Irish News. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XVI, Issue 13, 20 July 1888, Page 9

Irish News. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XVI, Issue 13, 20 July 1888, Page 9

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