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Irish News.

▲Mtrint. — The patriot priest of Gweedore in company with Father Stephens arrived in this town and addressed a large meeting of Nationalists in St. Mary's Hall, James Johnston, of the Protestant Home Rale Association, presided. A large placard on the platform contained the greeting, " Balfonr's Criminals Welcome to Belfast." Speeches ringing with defence of Tory miserovernment and felonious landlordism were delivered by Father McFadden, Father Stephens and Father McCartan, Donoughmore, Tyrone. Rev. Dr. Greene, . proposed and Dr. Farlane seconded the following resolution :-Resolved That we tender to Fathers McFadden and Stephens our heartfelt gratitude for thoir va^iint stand against the hosts of despotism, and we pledge ourselves that no reign of terror which Toryism is capable of establishing will ever drive us from the field of Nationality until •nr country is crowned with independence. Aftir tbe singing of " God Save Ireland " the meeting terminated. Annight — Snb-Sberiff W. H. Moore and Auctioneer W. Leeke of Pertadown, under the protection of 160 police, sold cattle seiied for rack-rent on the lands of Edward W. Lockhart, Eilmonaghan and B. Thompson and Hugh Gordon, Seara, near Jerritt's Pass. The cattle were bought in by the tenants. The people jeered at the police, aad Peter Byrne, Edward Fitamaurice, and Lawrence McCourt, Newry, eniearoured to obstruct the sale. Clare* — J. B. Cox, M.P., attempted to address hia constituents at Boarifl, April 8, but was prevented by Captain Keogh at the head of a large force of police and military. Oarrom (" Suppressed " Branch) I.N.L. met April 8, Bey. P. Keran, P.P. Chairman. The thousands of ejectment notices about to be serve** in the vicinity were referred to and the people advised to adopt the Plan of Campaign. JT. Jordan, M.P., and W. Abraham, M.P., attempted to address the Nationalist people of Miltown-Malbay April 8, but were prevented by a large force of police and military under Major Waring, who threatened to order his men to shoot if the members held the meeting. Michael Davitt, John O'Connor, M.P., and T. J. Condon, M. P., attended the great meeting held here April 6. Colonel Turner with a large force of police and military occupied the town, and by their na*s savagery tried to goad the people into open rebellion. After the meeting Colonel Turner ordered the " peelers " to use their swords and bttous on the people, which they did with barbarous alacrity wounding .hundreds, among others John G. Hill, of the Irish Times, and Mr. Murray, of the Dublin Freeman. Seventy-four arrests were made, and John O'Connor was also threatened if he attempted to address the people. Tbus the devilish crusade agamst a justice loving people is carried on in tbe face of the civilised world. J. H. tiedmond and Daniel Orilly, M.P's., attended the monster Meeting at Kilruih, April 8. As tbe people filled the square, Irwin, B. M,, ordered hii peelers to cburg* them, which they did with swords and batons. Father CHynn, of Kilreecle, was assaulted by a policex nan, but was bravely defended by a young Protestant, named Kerehaw, x who felled the peeler with a stick. Kerthaw was arrested. Hundreds of paople were injured in the charge. Amongst them were : — Michael Rowan, Ballyket, sword wound ; Thomas Quinlivan, Ballymacremcn, batom wound ; Patrick Hassett, Tullthar, batom wound ; Daniel Corbet, Kilrush, baton wound ; and Michael Mahony, Carricarla, baton aound. Several priest* were also roughly handled during the affray. Thif is a fair sample of Bloody Balfour's murderous administration of " law " ia Ireland. Cork*— The area of this County is 1,840,686 acres, of which 431,441 are under cultivation. Three hundred and eeventr-two landlords claim to own nine-tenths of this County The three largest landholders are Had of Ban try, 69,500 acres ; Lord Bandon, 40,941, and Duke of Devomhire, 32,650. The Nationalists of Mitchel9town have determined to contest the legality of the Grand Jury's award to constable Leahy. A Plan of Campaign Tund, equivalent to the amount of the levy which would fall on the district, had been collected. It is btlieved it will cost £3 to levy each shilling of the tax. A large number of Nugent Chicheitar's tenants at Killavillen have been served with civil bill processes by Agent Creagh. Tbe Local League has resolved to support the people in their fight against rack-rent. Daniel Ahtra was recently evicted from his holding at Oloaavsiek, near Maeroom. The tenant was absent during the " devil's work " and hie furniture would have been badly damaged but for the intervention of his neighbours. The Manner for West Cork, whose brutal treatment by hie gaolets wae chronicled in last week's Irisk World, wae released from Cork ga»l April i", and arrived in Bat try the same evening. He wae received by the local Nationalists with great enthusiasm. Fathers O'Hea, CO., J. O'Leary, CO., and the National League band were present at the station. Mr. Gilhooly wasn't a bit intimidated by his Imprisonment, and advised the people to stand to their organisation. T. M. Healy, M.P.; J.O. Flynn, M.P.; Rev. Mr. Ellis, Bradford, and Mr. Bylea, of the Bradford (Ing.) Observer, attended the Nationalist meeting called at this place April 8, to ihow that the League was not a thing of tbe past. There were several thousand people present. Among others :— D. MoOabe, C. McCarthy, and J. D. O'Connor, Kantark j J. Murray, and Timothy Curtin, Freemount, and J. A. O'Oallaghan, Cbailes 0. Daly, and William Quinlan, Dromtariff. While Mr, Healy was endeavouring to address the assemblage Magistrate , SegraveV bloodhounds charged the people with their bayonets and batons. During the melee six people were seriously injured, one man receiving a severe cut on the head from a policeman's baton. Be* ward Donovan, a farmer, living between Kanturk and Newmarket got a bad wound on the hand, from which the blood flowed profusely. \ nan namely Daly, from Ourass, also got his bead cut, while another

man named Horan, as he stood at his own door, was struck oh the temple with a baton. , . , The Nationalists of Macroom held a meeting before daybreak on the morning of April 8, to prove that the League was not a thing of the past as Bloody Balfour had falsely asserted in Parliament. Another meeting was held in the afternoon, when Inspector Hayet s opped Dr. Tanner m he was speaking and ordered the police to disperse the people. Fire " paelers " dragged Dr. Tanner to the Victoria hotel, tearing his clothes in the action. The Government note-taker, Keveney, who had taken tbe Doctor's National League • card, which he prominently displayed in his hat, returned it at the request of tne owner. Subsequently several charges were made by the police, and many pars )ns received scalp injuries. One policeman received a severe injury on hia nos« from a hurley. Another, after batoning a man was felled to the ground with a blow from a man's flat. Two arrests were made, but the prisoners, after a short delay, were discharged. Derry.— The area of this County is 522,315 acre*, of which 186,891 are under cultivation: Sixty-six landlords claim to own nine-tenths of this County. The three largest land-holders are Skinneri 00., London, 31,722 acres ; Drapers Co., London, 27,025, and Mercers 00., London, 21,241. Father McFadden, the patriot priest, has received a threatening letter from a Derry Orangeman. The recent meeting of Majhera I.N.L. was held in the National Hall, L. Walsh, chairman. A resolution of regret for the departure of Samuel Stockman, a local Protestant Nationalist, for America was adopted. Henry McLarey proposed and James Bradley seconded a motion that £5 be sent to the Central Branch. Donegal* — At the recent meeting of the Gartan I.N<L., P. A. Dunlevy, chairman, the following resolution was passed :— That we hail with deligit the accession of the patriotic Dr. O Donnell to the ancient See of Baphoe. , Dr. O'Donnell, the new bishop of Baphoe, has written a strong letter commending the patriotic action of Father* McFadden aad Stephens in espousing the cause of the oppressed people of Northern. Donegal. The regular meeting of Glenties I. N. L. was held at the League Rooms, April 8, Bey. James Murray, CO., chairman. A deputation was appointed to attend the trials of Fathers McFadden and Stephens' and Mr. Blanc, M.P., at Letterkenny. The following resolution was adopted : — Resolved. That we condemn the infamous conduot of the Marquis of Conyngham in heaping new costs on hie rack-rented tenanty instead of allowing them a reasonable reduction, James CHUonnell, Kilraine, made «n able speech in support of the resolution. Down.— The dispute between A. C. Innes, Dromantine, near Newry, and ait tenants has been settled by arbitration. The tenants hate received a reduction of 20 per cent, on the year's rent, the land* lord agreeing to pay all law costs. Patrick Boyle, James McAlinden, and Michael O'Hare were arraigned at the Newry Petty Sessions for attacking the soldiers on Hill street, recently. The witnesses showed that though the soldiers, aa usual, b»g*n the trouble some of them had been roughly treated by the prisoners. Magistrate Evanion sentenced Boyle to two monthi' imprisonment and McAlinden and O'Hare to Bix weeks, each. And thus the repression of a liberty loving people goes on. Dublin.— The area of this County is 226,805 acres, of whioh 88,724 are under cultivation. Thirty-seven landlords claim to own nine- tenths of this County. The three largest landholders are :— Barl of Howtn, 7,377 acres ; Sir Charles Domville, 6,262 ; and Lord Longfoid, 3,659. Fermanagh.- Rosslea I.N.L. met April 8, Bey. M. Me* Glone, Chairman, iiev. J. Lambe and Charles Callaghan were also present. A deputation from the local G.A. A. was present and listened to a lecture from Father McGlone, for their unpatriotic conduct in accepting funds from bailiffs and other enemies of the National cause. Galway,— The area of the County is 1,569,505 acres, of whioh 220,070 are under cultivation. Two hundred and sixty-six landlords claim to own nine-tenths of this County. The three largest land* holders are : Richard Berridge, 159,808 acres ; Marquis of Claurlcard*, 49,035 ; and Allan Pollok, 29,366. The Chfden Guardians have protested against the proselytiea carried on in tbe house by Rev. Mr. Goodison, the Protestant chap* lain, who has just been removed by the Local Government Board. A convention of the Leagues of the surrounding districts was held in Uagtlerea recently. The following resolutiun was adopted :— That wa tender to those tenants of Major Balfeaad Charles O'Connor, against whom ejectm-nt decrees were obtained at the Oastlerea Quarter Sessions, our warmest sympathy and support, and condemn the conduct of those landrobbers in taking such barsh proceedings. The arrival of Mr. O'Brien in Ballinasloe, April 7, was the signal for a great popular demonstration. He was present 3d with an address, signed by Rev. P. Costelloe, Adm.; Rev. P. J. Walsh, CO.; Rev. P. O'Farrell, CO.; Rev. C. J. Mahon, C.C.; John Rigney, C.T.C.; James Goode, and William Purtill. Mr. O'Brien in the course of his speech, said that it was a fact patent to tha world that Olanricarde was the only land-thief in Connaught who darei to resist the Plan of Cam* paign, which plainly proved that Balfour's vain boast ebout squelchlag the League was ridiculous. The people of Loughrea gave the He direct to Balfour's recent statement in Parliament that the Irish National League was a thing of the pant by assembling in tens ofj thousands to hear William O'Brirn, M.P., A.pril 8. The Member for North-East Cork was accompanied to the place of meeting by Mr. Wilson, an Snglish M.P., Fatners Meafher and Costello, Peter Sweeney, P. Kelly, John MoCarthy, Pat Kennedy, and Pierce Dolphin. There were also present, but in the landlord Tory interest, 200 police, a company of the 23rd Fnoilliers and a troop of tbe 11th Hussars. As the people were entering the field in which the meeting was to be held, County Inspector O'Brien ordered his forces to block the gate, A general scrimmage^

ensned, but the people forced their way into the field. After Mr. O Brien had been speaking some minutes the " pselers " charged the people with their rifles, striking everyone they could reach and wounding hundreds. Henry Wilson, M.P., Father Meagher,and a great many on the platform, were tnmbled off by the police and" badly cut. The people were scattered in every direction, and some of tbem stoned the police from behind a wall. Mr. O'Brien was the only man left nnmollested on the platform, though he called on the police to bludgeon him, as he was the only culprit. In the evening the Nationalists held a meeting in the Temperaace Hall, having the doors barricaded. Peter Sweeny presided. There were also present, Beys. P. J. Ooen and P. Egan, P.P.'s , W. Roche and J. Flanagan, C.C.'s ; T. Gofley, J. Lynam, M. Donnelly, T. Burke, J< hn Casey, and E. Moloney. An address was presented to Mr. O'Brien, and in his reply he said that the time spent on the plank bed would be the proudest boast of the present generation to their children, who would not forget the soldiers who stood in the gap during the national war for independence. Kerry.— Bailiff Brown, with a force of police, proceeded to the faim of Mr. O'Connor at Kilcooiy, near Causeway, and seized 11 oowb, 2 horses, and 29 pigs. There was a terrible scene of confusion and violence during the seizure, and it looked at one time as if the 11 devil's work" would have to be abandoned. Patrick Keane, Michael Fernter, Pat Bowler, John J. Holihan, and Morris Ferriter, whose sentence of a month's imprisonment for 11 unlawful assembly " was reported in the Irish World, have been released from Tralee Gaol. The men seem to be as determined as ever to defy coercion, and fight for popular rights. Kildare.— The area of this County is 418,496 acres, of which 1t0,960 are under cultivation. Eighty-three landlords claim to own nine-tenths of this County. The three largest landholders are:— F. 1. J. M'Donnell, 61,227 acres ; Denis Dunne, 16,609 ; and Michael Ay liner, 15,396. . Kilkenny.— The area of this County is 509,732 acres, of which 159,304 are under cultivation. One hundred and thirteen landlords claim to own nine-tenths of this County. The three largest landholders are:— Viscount Clifden, 35,288 acres; Earl of Bessborough, 28,967, and C. B. C. Wandesforde 22,232. ZZ Kinff'o County.— M. Costello, auctioneer, put up T. Wheeler's tarm of 50 acres at Ballyfore for sale. There being no purchasers^the sale had to be postponed. T. E. O'Toole endeavoured to Mil Eugene O'Brien's farm at Clonavoe with the same result. L,ei trim.— The Carrick-on-Shannon Quarter Sessions were opened April 9, and there being no criminal business Judge Waters was presented with white gloves. Miohael Curley and Daniel Carr were prosecuted at Carrick-on-Shannon for groaning at the police on March 15. Curley was sent to prison for one month and Carr for three months. Limerick.— The area of this County is 680,842 acres, of which 180,468 are under cultivation. One hundred and sixty-eight landlords claim to own nine-tenthß of this County. The three largest landholders are :— Earl of Devon, 33,026 acres ; Lord Dunraven, 14,298, and Lord Ashtown, 11,273. At the recent meeting of tbe Athea I N.L., J. L. Mulcahy, chairman, the following resolution was adopted : That we hear with pain of tbe late departure of 1,000 of Ireland's stalwart sons and fair daughters from Queenstown for America in one day — a misfortnne directly attributable to the iniquitous laws by which this country iaat present governed. At the regular meeting of the Ballingarry I.N.L, April 8, the action of ex-constable O'Keefe, who threw down his rifle at the Ahawilk evictions, was approved. A subscription to O'Keefe has been opened by the Branch. If all the Irish police followed the example of O'Keefe Balfouriam and landlordism would collapse in a week. LrOngfford. — The area of this County is 267,409 acres, of which 74,866 are under cultivation. Fifty-seven landlords claim to own nine-tentbs of this County. The three largest landholders are : —Colonel King-Harman, 28,779 acres ; Earl of Granard, 14,978, and Lord Annaly, 12,160. irOUth.— The area of this County is 202,123 acres, of which 97,391 are under cultiva ion, Forty-six landlords claim to own ninetenths of this County. The three largest landlords are : Lord Clermont, 20,369 acres ; Viscount Massareene, 7,194 ; and A. H. Smith, Barry, 6,239. There was a large meeting of the friends of the tenants on the Mafisareene estate, who have adopted the Plan of Campaign, held at Tullyallen, near Drogheda, April 8. The principal speakers were— John Dillon, M.P. ; T. P. Gill, M.P. ; and Rev. M. Woods, Navan. There were also present— Revs. P. Kelly, Slane ; A. P. Smythe, Togher; Mr. Murtagh, Stamullpn ; Aid. Mangan, Drogheda; and James McMahon, Drogheda Independent. The following resolution was adopted :—": — " That we denounce the Coercion regime of Balfour, and we are resolved in spite of it to struggle for Home Bule and Irish independance." Mr. Dillon, M.P, in the course of a practical speech showed that out of 120 estates on which the Plan of Campaign was adopted, the tenants had won in every case, and advised his hearers to stand by the Plan to the end, as it was the only road leading to victory. The meeting pledged itself to support the Massareene tenants in their laudable struggle against felonous landlordism. Mayo* — The Rev. Dr. Kilkenney received nn entire Protestant family of his parish into the Catholic Church at Claremorris recen'ly. The following land-robbers have served ejectment notices on their tenants near Castlebar— Marquis of Sligo, 50 ; Earl of Lucan, 7;G. A. Moore, 20 ; Colonel Knox, 7 ; Lord Kilmaine, 18 ; Miss Gardiner, 57 ; C, L. Fitzgerald, 4 ; and Sir Roger Palmer, 25. In the majority of cases the judge stayed execution of the writs, in order to give the tenants a chance of settling. BfonaghaUt — There were 143 ejectment cases before Judge Barron at Oastleblayney Quarter Sessions. Writs were issued in

most cases. Terence Oarraher, one of the tenants, got until July 12 to pay a year'o rent of £44. And thus the work of externination proceeds in " loyal " Ulster 1 Qaeen'B County.— The area of this County is 434,855 acres, ot which 139,830 are under cultivation. Eighty-nine landlord! claim to own nine-tenths of this County. The three largest land* holders are Sir Cbarles Ooote, 47,451 acres ; Lord Oastletown, 52,541 and Viscount de Vesci, 16,069. Tbe tenants on the estate of the Earl of Portarlinjton, hate received a reduction of 25 per cent. ■ Brother Alphonaus Delaniy, of the Mountrath Monastery, has been elected Superior-General of the Brothers of St. Patrick in Ireland. SlijfO.— The area of this County is 461,796 acres, of whiok 89,864 are under cultivation. Ninety-nine landlords claim to ewn nine-tenthß of this County. Tbe three largest landholders are :— Colonel E. H. Cooper, 34,120 acres ; Sir K. G. Booth, 31,774 ; and C. W. O'Hara, 21,070. Tyrone.— The area of this County is 806,658 acres, ot which 251.993 are under cultivation. One hundred and thirty-seven land* lords claim to own nine-tenths of this County- The three largest landholders are :— Duke of Abercorn, 47,615 acres ; Lord Castlestuart, 32,615, and Earl of Oaledon, 29,236. The tenants on the De fiille estate near Draperstown have been granted a reduction of 15 per cent, even on the judicial rents. About two hundred ejectment notices have been potted np on the Carrickmore Courthouse against tenants on the Stewart estate. The people are very poor and owe about 3 years' arrears. Two years ago it took 200 police three days to evict six tenants in this district. Waterford.— At the regular meeting of the Waterford 1.N.L. , Mayor O'Toole, Chairman, the following resolution was proposed by Rev. W. J. Phelan and seconded by Thomas Htughton :— • That we heartily condemn the Balfoarian Government for ite arbitrary attempt to suppress free speech, and we rejoice at the collapse of the Chief Secretary's lying statement to the Honse of Commons that the League was a thing of the past. Wexford.— The area of this County is 576,188 acres, of which 209 988 are under cultivation. One hundred and twenty«iix landlords claim to own nine- tenths of this County. The three largest landholders are : Lord Carew, 17.830 acres ; A. Forbes, 16,216, and Marquis of Ely, 14,023. The late T. Sinnott, of Dublin, commenced a war on tome of the tenants on the Ballygillane estate, which resulted in several evictions. His son, Thomas E. Sinnott, has now asked these oppressed tenant! to pay what tbey thought fair. The arrears have been remitted and the tenants' houses will be repaired. Deputy Sheriff O'Connor, with 100 policemen, proceeded to Whitechurch, six miles from New Boss, on April 10, to evict Bryan Berney on William M. Glascott's estate. When the brigade arrived on the scene they found the house bariicaded with gates and iron stanchions. They continued the attack for over an hour and were several times repulsed by the occupiers, who scalded them with hot water and drowned them with a yellow fluid driven by syringes and garden hoses. At last tbe bailiffs tried a battering ram on the house, which was worked by Woods, of Uoolgreany notoriety. This succeeded iv making a breach in the wall, which Sheriff Gamble and a dozen police entered and Mr. Berney and his assistant, J. Gletry, were arrested. Several of tbe bailiffs were seriously injured daring the siege. 'Wicklow* — Tbe charge against James Kirby, of murdering Patrick Quirke at Liscahane, Kerry, was heard before Judge O'Brien, at Wicklow, April 7. After hearing the evidence pr* and c*% the jnry returned a verdict of guilty. The prisoner, who loudly protected his innocence, was sentenced to be hanged at Tralee, May 7. It has now been shown that the jury was of Orange tendencies.

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New Zealand Tablet, Volume XVI, Issue 11, 6 July 1888, Page 9

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Irish News. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XVI, Issue 11, 6 July 1888, Page 9

Irish News. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XVI, Issue 11, 6 July 1888, Page 9

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