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Irish News.

Antrim.— The area of this County is 762.080 acres, of which 248 330 are under cultivation. One hundred and twenty«thrpe landlords claim to own nine-tenths of this County The three lareest land-holders are Lord O'Niell. 6 1 . 1 63 acres; Sir Richard Wallace, 58,365, and the Earl of Antrim, 34,292. At the recent meeting of the Route Tenants' Defence Association John Megaw proposed «nd Thomas Jackson seconded the following resolution : — That. aB we have always advocated the abolition of Grmd Juries, we call r>n our Parliamentary representatives to join with the Liberals and Nationalists in their endeavours 1o extend the Local Government Bill to Ireland. Copies were sent to Mr. Parnell. Mr. Gladstone, and other members. Armagh* — The area of this County is 328,086 acres, of which 166,363 are under cultivation. Fifty-four landlords claim to own nine-tenths of this County. The largest landholders are : Fail of €bsrlemont, 20,695 acres ; Lord Lnrgan, 15,166, and Dnke of Mancheater. 12,298. The Derrytrasna I.N.D. held sports recently at Derryadd, which were disgracefully disturbed by the Orangemen of the neighbourhood. It is reported that the National Leaguers on their way to Derryadd were met by the Orangemen, who commenced stone-throwing and firing their revolvers. Several people were injured. CarlOW.— Tbe area of this County is 221,344 acres, of which 193.649 are nnder cultivation. Forty-nine landlords claim to own nine-tenths of this County. The three largest landholders are Henry Bruen. 16,477 acres ; A. McMnrrough Cavanagb, 16,057 ;and Earl of Beßsborougb, 10,578. Cavan.— The area of this Connty is 477 399 acres, of which 148,230 are under cnltivation ; eightv-mne landlords claim to own nine-tenths of this County. The thTee largest landholders are Lord Faro bam, 29,455 acres ; Earl of Annesley, 24,221 ; and Marquis of Headfort. 14 220. At tbe recent meeting of the Oavan Town Commissioners, John N. Gnnnon, Chairman, Jo^ Fegan proposed and John McCarron seconded the following resolution : — That we take this earliest opportunity of expressing our hear f felt sorrow at the death of that gifted snd patriotic Irishman, Edmund Dwyer Gray. Clare.— The area of this County is 827,994 acres, of which 141.636 are under cultivation. One hundred and fifty-six landlords claim to own nine-tenths of this County. The three largest landholders are Lord L*confield, 37.392 acres : Marquis of Convngham 27,613 ; and E. P Westlev, 25.779. Magistrates Keogh, Scott, and Hewitt held a Coercion Court at Nrwmarket-on-Fergus, April 5. The case against William Reidy for assaulting Sergeant Peilly was dismissed. In the case against James Hannon and eleven others for whistling " Harvey Duff " at the police on the occasion of tbe release of J. R. Cox, M. P.. the Magistrates disagreed, as they did also on the charge against Thomas O'Neill of groaning at the police on the occasion of the arrest of P. H. Fnellirg, London Badical delegate. When magisterial thieves fall out in Ireland the honest though oppressed people are likely to get justice. Cork. — A newsvendor name! Pimothv Murray, aged 60 was sentenced to 14 days' imprisonment at Middleton for displaying a copy of the Plan of Campaign in his shop window. An Emergencvtnan named Patrick McDonnell, who is in tbe employ of the Cork Defence Union, has been returned to the Quarter Sessions without bail for appearing disguised at the house of Rev. J. W. Lindsay. The Pub-Commis^iomers at Yongbal have (riven reductions of from 30 to 40 per cent, on the cases from t Q e Middleton and Bandon Unions. And still Balfour's blood-hounds an» enforcing rack-rents Sucb as the above all over Ireland at the roint of the bayonet. At the Cork Quarter Sessions recently Wm. Murphy, son of an evicted tenant, charged Captain Cremer, the eviefor, with threatening to Bhoot him. Though the land-robber denied the charge, the jury awarded Murphy £150 damages. No arrests have yet been made in connection with the recent trouble between the police and people at Blarney, when the former fired on tbe people from tbe barrack, wounding several of them. A man named McCarthy, of Cork, is still suffering from his injuries in tbe North Infirmary. And still the culprits go unpunished because they are " peelers " The 2lßt anniversary of the death of the noble patriot, Peter O'Neill Crowley, who was shot at Kilclr>onev Wood during the Fenian rising of '67, was celebrated od Easter Sunday at his grave in Bally raacoda by the Nationalists of North-east Cork. A proces^ii.n of 8,000 men, composed largely of members of Gaelic AthMic Clubs, knelt and recited the Be Prqftmdis. A force of 200 police, under County-Inspector Carey, waß drawn up in a field near the cburcbyard.C. G., Doran , Queenstown, delivered a brilliant address, recalling the principal scenes in the martyr's career, and Thomas Wal«b, Phaßagarry, who was with O'Neill Crowley at tbe taking of tbe Knockadoon coastguard station, paid a glowing tribute to the patriot's humanity on that occasion. William O'Brien, M.P., has at length succeeded in addressing his constituents, though dogged by Falfoui's benebmen. He addressed a large meeting at Mitcbelstown, April 2. There were present : Father O'Donohue, Chairman ; T. M. Healy. M.P. ; T. J. Condon, "M.P. • P O'Hea, M.P. ; J. D. Pyue. M.P. : Rev. Eugene Sheehy. P.P. ; Father Kennedy, Meelin, J. Sarpfield. Casey, and John Mandeville, Mitcbelstown ; also delegates from the Glanwarth, Fermoy, Cork, and Tallow I. N. L.'s., and from the Mitchelstown, Buttevant, and Ballvhooly Gaelio Athletic Associations. Two hundred police under Mr. Eaton, R.M., were in the neighbouring barracks, but for some reason best known to Balfour's underlings they were not called upon to vindicate the " law." The speakers referred triumphantly to the sveette of the

tenant* on the Kingston estate by carrying ont the flan of O»«P»tep. and also to the fact that the "OoTernment" had failed to •npnroM tn« National League or prevent public meetings in th« neigbbourttooa. Derrr.-At the regular meeting of the Dungiven (Healj) Brtnch, I. N. L., Rev. Francis Healy, CO., Chairman, to«. Pr ?"* d ?°* exhorted all the memberi to remain steadfast in the cause until t&e realisation of their aspirations in having a free and sell-fovernea Ireland. _ . rt.««v«f District.lnspector Law, with 30 police, evicted Jontt UToobk, Jona'han Crocket, and James R«we at Drumard, near this place. The unfortunate tenants, wljo are probably " Unionists, m »* e »° resistance, and when they aekei where they were to find shelter, we " peelers " told them to go in a ditch. Donegal.— The area of this County is 1,197,164 /cres, of which 231,488 are umder cmltivation. One hundred and forty-tour landlords claim to own nine-tentha of this County. The largest landholders are:— Marquis of Oonyngham, 122,300 acres; Msn ox Leitrim, 64,352, and H. G. M. Stewart, 60,818. «*-.»-,,. As Rev. B. Mulholland, Donemaoa, was going through Btraoane recently the Orange Abercorn Flute Band paraded; tae towjn P>»J??s unpatriotic aira. It was followed by a crowd of Orange roughs, *bo insulted ihe priest in a disgraceful way, one ruffian discharging nu revolver at him. The band kept up a deafening drumming continuously. At length the police, who tat always ready to arresi ; a Nationalist without cause, captured some of the ringleaders ana :wm rest dispersed. Down.— The area of this County is 612,399 acres, of which 301 ,533 are under cultivation. Eighty-seven landlords claim to own nine-tanths of this County. The three Urgest landholders aW tne Marquis ot Devonshire, 64,346 acre?, Kimberly estate, 37,4*4, ana Earl oe Annesley, 23,667. . , At tbe recent meeting of the Newtownards Farmers Association David Kennedy proposed and Robert Ferguson seconded the following resolution :— That we regard the terms of Lord Londonderry s circular for sale to tenants 50 per cent, too high, as the prices of farm produce had decreased to that extent in late years. Dublin.— The burial ©I Edmund Dwyer Gray took place at Glasnevin, March 31, and was attended by a large concourse of people. Fathers Duffy, SJ.; Plunkett, O'Malley, and Rev. Canon Daniel, P.P., performed the religious ceremonies. The coffin coverea with wreaths, was borne on the shoulders of the following Irish leaders —John Dillon, William O'Brien, T. P. Gill, J. B-CoXj Dr. Kennj, J. J. O'Kelly, J. E. Redmond, T. Harrington, M.P. s ; and Michael Davitt. There were also present -.—Lord Mayor a**"™' W. Murphy. T. D. S.llivan, J. G. 8. McNeill, H. Campbell, R A. Chance, T.M. Healy, P. McDonald, E. J. Kennedy, Thomas Majne, P. J. Power, J. Deasy, H. J. Gill, M. McCartan, and J. G. Biggar. M.P.'s- Eugene Davis. Nation; Thomas Sherlock, Weekly JYen>», Richard Kelly, Tuam Herald; E. Leachman, Celtic Tmes ; r. J. Kelly, Belfast Morning News ; and John R. Eyre, Cathelte rrest. On the whole the funeral procession was a credit to the Nationalists of the capital, who turned out to do honour to the dead patriot, ana tbe great principles of liberty for which he battled during life. Fermanagh.— The area of this County is 457,369 acres, of which 106,439 are under cultivation. Fifty-two landlords claim, to own nine-tenths of ihis County. The three largest landholders are Marquis of Ely. 34,879 acres ; Earl of Erne, 31,889, and Barl of Enniskillen, 29,635. . , Henry Curran was returned to the Quarter Sessions .recently om a charge of malicious injury at the Enniskillen spod mill. It was shown that he broke some fittings, causing a damage of £20 to toe machinery. He was after enlisting iv the Enniskillen militia at the time. This is the oUss of men who are enforcing alien law in ireland to-day 1 Gal way.-It has been ascertained through Rev. W-Killbride, the Pro. estant clergyman of Arran, that it will take £3,000 to support the poor people of the Islands nntil the dipping of the new potatoes. John Cairns, agent of the Dublin Relief Committee save tbe supply of provisions received so far h*s been exhausted and unless more is forthcoming a great aeal of suffering is anticipated. The case of James Haughtom and five other tenant farmers charged with stoning the police at Ballinamore Bridge came up for hearing at khis place recently. The accused were defended by Mr. Bodkin, instructed by Redmond McDonagh. Even the Crown witness, s testified that the police commenced the trouble by ■«"<>&» car belonging to a Mr. WaUh . The magistrates acquitted two of the prisoners and let the others off, as they considered that they naa been sufficiently punished already by a month's imprisonment. Kerry.— Tbe area of this County is 1,185,918 acres, of which 160,570 are under cultivation. One hundred and fifty-two landlords cla.m to own nine-tenths of this County. The three largest landholders are Lord Lansdowne, 94,983 acres ; Lord Ventry, MfiAf, and Barl of Kenmare, 91,080. Rev. M. Kelliher, who has been abroad collecting for tbe O'Connell Memorial Church, has been sent to Boherbee, and Key, P. Dillon, Boherbee, has been transferred to Castlegregory. Tbe homes of James McGratb, Lerrig ; J. Crowley, Baltoven ; ard Mr, Leary, Lerrig Cross, near Ardfert, were recently fired into, bnt nobody was injured. The vicinity is alive with ponce but*, but tbe " peelers " are better engaged in petting drunk and fighting , with one another than in protecting the people who are un]ustly taxed for their support.

Kilkenny. —The trial of the thirteen men for " cnmiual conspiracy " in advising John Dowling not to take a boycotted farm in the vicinity, came up for hearing at Kilmai.agh, April 3. lne result was— James Bowe and Michael Meagher, S months' imprison, ment with hard labonr ; James Clohesay, Edward Qaigley, James Kennedy, and the four Walshes, 1 month with hard laboji, tbe charges against the other four being withdrawn. After the trial the prißon«r» were taken to Kilkenny Gaol under a strong escort of

KSh «« 7 "Z™™* £y a ] wge number of sympathisers, and tCi w£h ensn^ when the police rushed npon the people, ■triking \ht ~5 * C end " ot J he " Pifle8 > w <> n mling several and scattering eaSJETl 1 ? eTCTT dir^ tion - T^ 9 " • fair example of the the iv& * * gOM y the name of law in Inland under Bloody on iiour s reign. M k jS* 11 * 11 ? I '-.?" 5 " ea of tni " Count y iB 392.363 acres, of which' «a,G67 are under cultivation. Seventy-eight landlords claim to own M?L iS%°/, 1B ° Onnt £ The tbree lar * eßt I»°d-bolderß are Lord 18 860 5 aCreß ' Colonel clen »entß, 20,250 ; and G. L. Fox th. JJ- il » c ' lc J X '- Hi gh. Sheriff Btephen O'Meara, has presented the County Court Judge with a pair of white gloves, there being no criminal cases for trial at the Quarter Sessions. Ah..S* Sheri^T HobßO ? > Sr itb a lar * c force of P° lice » Proceeded to p^ n i^.^ cW °^ tle 5 e8t ' March 27 > » nd evicted Pat«ck Dore and Patrick O'Donnell. They would also have evicted John Oonnell # S the * ntenrentlon of Father Irwin, P.P., Mahoonagh, who effected a settlement with Agent Philips m bis case. As the Sheriff was m the act of dispossessing Mr. O'Donnell, one of the policemen threw down his rifle, stating that he would no longer assist in the Af2s h.T°* t ? exterminating and pauperising his countrymen. After the evictions an indignation meetin* was held. The Galbally Irish National League met April 1, P. Walsh, P.L G . chairman, and passed a resolution condemning the circulation of of th* 8 b° hpanßhh panßh calum n»«ng the Rev. Canon Byan,P.P.,Ptesiient It is reported on good authority that Percy H. Buelling has complained to the Mayor that when tbe prison officials heard of bis P l^* v*5 am s rl6r 16 Becond of six months they placed him on a pUnk bed and changed bi« diet from third to lowest class. His health bas greatly suffered in consequence of this barbarous treatment. . I*Otttll.— A meeting of tenant farnws and their friends was held recently at the Town Hall, Drogh*da, Patrick FulUm, Donore, SK«K' p n Fe T re A,r eßent £ c Mayor of Dr °gA«fc. James M Carthy, P. Donagb, Alderman Mangan, J. J. Bowel, Mr. Callan. Pallymakenny, and Mr. Hayd«n, Ardee. The following resolution was adopted —That we condemn as confiscation of the tenants' improvements the decisions given by the sub-Commissioners in this County, as the judicial rents now fixed are more oppressive and Impossible than the old rents before the passing of the Act of '81. ... *E eat **T Th * area of this Gouty is 579,861 acres, of which 146,d54 are under cultivation. One hundred and twenty-eight landlordsio aim to own nine-tenths of this County. The three largest landholders are Earl of Darnley, 21,858 acres; J. L. Naper, 18,863, and Marquis of Lansdowne, 12,995. wMn?i?«°£F llan :r~ Tbe 1 * rea of thi " coun tyof 319,741 acres, of which 138,224 are under cultivation. Forty-two landlords claim to own niue-tenths of this County. The largeflt landholders are S P 17 sii 7 ' aCreß J M * iqui- of Bath ' 32 ' 761 ' » nd Barl °* Dartrey, .. ° oroner B ™™»y b^ld an inquest on the body of Patrick M Entaggert, who was injured at th.i Gaelic football match, at Carrickmacro^s. I. The jury returned * verdict of accidental deaih i.- C.,£?,w rary T The area of this c °u''ty is 1,061,731 acres, of which 266,801 «re under cultivation. Two hundred and thirty-three i !!L OI £ 8 Cla ' m tO ~ own "^e-knth* of this County. The three largest landbolders are V^count Lismore, 34 946 acres; Lord Dunalley, 21,081, and G. X 8. M. Dawsou, 19,093. Sub-Sheriff Fiizgerald and 60 polioe proceeded to Ballinrea to evict Patrick Moclair, one of Smith Barry's tenants, April 6. While the bailiffs were trying to break through the door a torrent of boiling water desceaded on them from tbe upper windows. After two hours of brays resistance the house was stormed and the tenant arrested. .v,- //11/ 1 E y ':5 > ?? c,*e ,*— At the recent Dunß»nnonD unß»nnon pp ettye tty Sessions, Landthief David Oar ke ask d fora further ejectment against Patrick Kellv of Cranogue, who was evicted in the summer of '86, but who has since forcibly kept possession of his home. The judge granted a decree At the recent Dungannon Quarter Sessions 63 ejectment notices were granted against tenants in the neighberhood, most of whom are 3 years in arrears. The principal land-robbers are James Bruce Belfast ; Gunning, Moore, and Colonel Mansfield. It is expected the devil s work ' of extermination will soon commence John McLaogbhn, Bsker, has been elected over the three Unionist candidates for tbe Gieenan division by a Nationalist majority of 46 After the news of tbe victory the Dromore National Longue band iurned out, folkwed by a procession cheering for Mr. McLaughlin and Balfour's "criminals." D t> A L the meel , in « of Strabane I.N.L , April 4, Father O'Hagan, £ ±\, Chairman, Key. J. McConalogue referred to the vain fears of Home Rule expressed by the Uhter Protestant minority. He said that the idea entertained by the " Loyalists " that a Dublin Parliament would hand over their lands to the descendants of the ancient families from whom they were wrested by legalised robbery wai * S ,t It*? c H llenges the a »tiHome Rulers to mention one member of the National League who had ever advocated such a measure. Waterford.— The area of this County is 461,562 acres of which 86,196 are under cultivation. Seventy -seven landlords claim to own nine-tenths of this County. The three largest landholders are Marquis of Waterfoid, 39,883 acres ; Tilhers Stuart, 35,000, ar.d Duke of Devonshire, 27,483. w "?^PfA meatll *- The areß of thiß County is 453,453 acres, of *bicn 97,846 are under cultivation. 95 landlords claim to own nmetenths of this County. The three largest landholders are G. A. Hoch-fort-Boyd, 16,091 ac^es ; Earl of Longford, 15,014, and John Malone 18,715. ' , . WiCfclow.— The area of this Couuty is 500,178 acres of wbich 107,434 are under cultivation. Eigbty-eight landlords claim to ewn nine-tenths of this County. The three largest landholders are Karl Fuswilliam, 89,891 acres ; Viscouut Powerecourt, 38.725, aDd Marquis of Waterford, 26,035.

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New Zealand Tablet, Volume XVI, Issue 10, 29 June 1888, Page 21

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Irish News. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XVI, Issue 10, 29 June 1888, Page 21

Irish News. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XVI, Issue 10, 29 June 1888, Page 21

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