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Irish News.

Antrim. — The strike among the shipbuilding trade of Belfast, which has continued for the past seven weeks, has at last been amicably settled. On June 15 the strike committee had an interview with the manager of the firm of Harland and Wolff, when the request was put forward on behalf of the men that the gates might be thrown open in order to allow them to resume work. A notice was posted up on June 16 by Harland and Wolff, announcing that they would open their w u.ks for the men on the next day. It is stated that the system of weekly wages will be established. On June 8, a horse, the property of Thomas M'Keon, Slievetrue, near Carrickfergus, was drawing a load of eand from the shore at Boney before the 2nd Brigade North Irish Division Royal Artillery commenced big gun practice at the Castle. At the report of the first shot the horse tell dead on the road. Cavan. — On June 1 over 300 police proceeded on cars to Glan to protect Mr. Townley, sub-Sheriff of Cavaa, in carrying out some 40 evictions on the Annesley estate in Glan. A drive of 30 miles had to be gone over in order to avoid a road that was feared to be blocked. Twelve families were evicted, but all were readmitted as caretakers. CLARE. — Ou June 5 a great gathering was held at Kildysart for the purpose of supporting the tenants on the Scott and Vandeleur estates, who have adopted the Plan of Campaign, and of condemning tbe threatened jubilee evictions which are about being carried out on the property of tne Maiquis ot Cunningham. Contingents with bands and banners came from Coolmeen, Cranny, l.abasheeda, Foyne?, Bnniß, Ballinacally, Kilinurry, Macmahon, Knock, Aunish and Tarbeit. CoHK.-Six bailiffs from Cork, at 4 o'Glock on the morning of June 7, seized the cattle of a tenant on John M'Uarthy's property at Donoughniore for rent. Immediately tbe people collected and rescued the cattle. Four policemen were pre.-em but were quite powerless. All the tenants on the property of Mr. It. S. Byrue, Drklgefield, Kilworth, have been served witb writs for a year's rent, en ting March 25, 1887, and which includes the running gale, being the fourth time within 14 months ibey have been similarly treated. A National demonstration was held at Donoughmore on June 5 under the auspices of the local branch of the National League. Resolutions were adopted condemning in vigorous terms the Co.rcion Bill and the attacks on William O'Brien, and expressing unabated confidence in Mr. Parnell. .. At daybreak on June 10, Sheriff's officers from Cork, accompanied I by a strong escort of constabulaiy from thf Midldton District, under ' tbe couimaud uf P. (J. Cre.tgh, D. 1., piOvjeecled to the townland of Balliuvuslig, and, on the faiui of Thomas Lmehan, seized three horses at the suit of the landlord, Sir Joseph N. M'Kenna, for r^nt. At the County at Large Presentment Sessions on June 4, James B^tue, J.P., piet>Miui;, present men ts were passed for £2,544 for extr.v. police in the East Kidiu^, and for £1,323 for extra police in the West ividing. A resolution was adopted by a m ijurity complaining of the heavy tax imposed for extra and wholly unnecess ,ry police. The Key. Canon Keller visited Qaeenstown on June 15, and received a veiy enthusiastic reception from his former parishioners. lv me evening he r. ceived addresses from the Queenstown Town Commissioners, the National Lj.igue, the Tra les Society, and the Young Men's [Society. Iv reply, he detailed the position of the Poiib'inby truants, who were mercilessly crushed down by rack-ieuts. C iiidu Keller was alt>o eutei tamed at a bauquet by tbe Young Men's Society. Th rty i jectmrnts were grimed at the Youghal Qaaiter Sessionson June 11, against term,' ts mi \h>i l'on--o'ib\ e''atp. l hf> occasion whs availe I < f by Canon Keller, Mr. L'.iLe, M.l'.,Mr, M. J. lloigan, and Mr ShiDKwiu, to nmke an (If r of puietiase or the holdings. The off. r v» i« "nt in Willing. 'Jim terras of the rff r an-* that if a reducti n o :-55 per cent. b' j mule on the iuit of nou-judicial tenants-, ai d 2."> per cent, on judicial, the 'eiianls are prepareu to give 14 yeais' purchase on the reduced rental. It is also made a condition of. the offer

that all arrears are to be wiped out and all evicted tenant* reinstated. Donegal. — On June 4 the Land Commissioners sat in the Bancrana Courthouse and made reductions varying from 15 to 40 per cent, on the holdings of the following farmers : — Robert Caekey, John Irwin, Joseph Irwia, James Clyde, Hugh Hampson, James Andrews, Jacob O'Brien, Martha Ruddy, James Hattrick, and Robert Roulstone. Widow Reeny, one of the tenants evicted recently on the Murray estate at Ardara, died suddenly on June 15. The deceased was passionately attached to the little holding, where she had parsed her life, and gave way to intense grief afttr she was evicted. This is •upposed to have been, to som^ extent, the cause of her sudden decease, Since being evicted the deceased has been living with a neighbour, in whot-e house she died. Down.— An Englishman named Michael Moorehead was brought up at Newry Petty Sessions on June 7, charged with having committed a series of offences since the year 1882. He had evaded arrest until June 4, when he was captured, after a severe struggle, in hi» own house, about a mile from Newry, by constables armed with revolvers. He w-is remanded for a week. Dublin. — The total shipments of cattle from the port of Dublin for the week ended May 30, amounted to 8,740 head, agaiDSt 8,830 head in the same period of 1886. I The Customs Duties of Dublin for the week ended May 30 were £18,255, against £19,320 in the corresponding week of last year. Decrease, £1,065. The total amount of customs dutiei received at the port for the month of May was £60.483. At the meeting of the Balrothery Guardians on June 11, a con. siderable amount of discussion was caused oa the proposal to give a meat dinner and extra good things to the inmates on the occasion of the Queen's jubilee, on June 21, a motion to which effect was proposed by the est-afficio Guardians. Daniel Makin proposed as an amendment that, while deeply sensible of the wants and requirements of the poor inmates, the elected guardians could not acquiesce in the proposal made that the poor inmates should be compelled to feast and rejoice on the occasion of the Queen's jubilee, but that on the occasion of the passing of the Jubilee Coercion Act a meat dinner, with the usual accessories, should be given to the inmates. Mr. Mackin's proposal was adopted. In the Dublin Exchequer Division on June 14, the action of Mr. Joyce, late agent to Lord Clanricarde, was heard. It was to recover £10,000 for libel and £800 for commission. The alleged libel consisted in a letter to the London Times, alleging that the plaintiff had reported the existence of «in extensive no-rent conspiracy, which plaintiff denied. A plea that defendant did not know the Times circulated in Ireland was overruled. Fermanagh -About three months ago a farmer in Derrygonnellya named Matthew Ferguson.had his cattle sold to satisfy the demand of hi landlord for a rack-rent he was unable to pay. Ferguson's wife has since become insane, and on June 7 she had to be placed under arrest by Sergeants Byrne and Spring, and conveyed to the Omagh Lunatic Asylum. Galway. — On June 6, at Gort, a magnificent reception was accorded Most Key. Dr. M'Uormack, the new bishop for tLe sees of Gilway, Kilmasduagh, and Kilfeuora. Triumphal arches spanned the streets at the entrances into the town with the mottoes " Cead MiUe Failthc" '• Welcome to our Bishop, ' " Ireland a Nation," " Faith and Fatbr.rlar.d," etc. On June 6 seven families were evicted in the townland of Ballin-n-.ana, on the property of Mrs. Wools Mai tin, Sligo. During the eviction no resistance was offered, but there was a large crowd present, and a stiong force of police, under the command of County-Inspector Wilson, protected the sub-Sbenff and his bailiffs. On June 11 the Royal Commission ou Irish Public Works met in Galway, and took evidence with respect to the development of the fishing industry along that part of the coast, and as to the merits of rival schemes tor constructing a light railway between Galway and Oh f den. On June 15 the Rillinasloe Board of Guardians adoptsd a resolution strongly condemning the action taken by Lord Clanricarde .■igainst; his tpnsnts. and approving of the attitude of the Loughrea tiailers in resisting the proceedings adopted against them. Kerky.— On June 7, as day was breaking, 40 police, Head-Bailiff Handtrack, ann some more bailiffs, started for Killarney for the purpose of seizing cat' le. They went in the Headford direction. All they bcize I was a pig belonging to a tenant named Moynihan. A series of evictions commenced on the Kenmare estate near Killainey on June 7. Three families were evicted. The cruel work was continued next day, when two more tenants were put out. The police were about raising a Election for one tenant in very distressed ci:cumstances, but the officer in cnarge prevented it. On Saturday, June 11, Mr. Daniel O Shea, P.L.G., a large tenant on the Kenmare estate, was evicted from his holding. His furniture wag also seized by th ■ bailiffs. Thirty-two emigrants left Newbridge for Queenstown, en route to America, on the morning of June 4 They were all young and strong, of b ,th sexes, and some very affecting scenes were witnessed as tli.-y bade farewell to their aged parents. King s County.— A Nationalist demons ration, which was afteniii-d b\ sever d thousand people, was held o i June 9, at Parsonstown, to piotest against the eviction of a family named O'Brien, a tenant on W. K. Marshall's estate. The tenants had retaken possession and were put out uuder a mngistiate's warrant. They were installed in ;v League hut On the morning: of June 15 it was discovered that the windows of the Presb.terian Church at Parsonstowu wiie broken. The inside of tne edifice was lateral with atones au i broken glass, and some of fiu iur.iituro m the vestry was broken. Thrrc has been a split amonp's: the Proltsunt party in the towD. 'lhe Catholics held a meeting ou June I*s, the pansh priest presiding, and passed resolutions denouncing the sacrilegious act,

Lkitrim.— At a meeting of the Mohill Guardians on May 28 the following notices of eviction were received ; The Earl of Granard flfe Tt Dlffle^' °,f, f Balla & eer . Pat Hoy.' of.Cloonmorris Peter 3 : ° f *""*<*<»*> W ' * Wh^ Limerick. -At Newton, on June 13, the sub-Sheriff was unable tocirjy out an eviction owing to the barricading of the house by the tenant Mr. Lynch, who was assisted by a number of fishermen Notices have been posted through the County Li merick calling on the people to boycott the Newcastle West races because of the preseno on the race committee of an unpopular landlord. Athletic sports were held at Limerick on June 9, and some extraordjnary performances were witnessed, the record of the world being broken m two cases. In the the hop, step, and jump, Parcell covered 48ft 3in. and with the hammer, Mitchell ecHpsed h s previous performances with 111 ft. 8 in. A splendid demonstration in connection with the Plan of Campaign was held at Abbeyfeale on Jane 9. There was a large number of the Royal Irish Constabulary present, under the command of Distnct-Inspectar Reilly, and Major Rollestone, R.M. Rev W '?'' Ab , b s vfeale > was ™ the chair. Large contingents headed ffiHK^Ll&eS^ f r ° m *»*«»»*»' Too,, Athea, A large representative meeting was held on June 7, at Limerick of delegates from the National League branches through the Sun?y to organise support for the fund being raised for the OGrady tenantry Father Ryan, in the course of his speech, intimated that he had been served with another Bankruptcy Court summons, and that be would pursue the same attitude as before. Mayo.— On June 5, the people of Newport and the sourroundine districts assembled m the town in a magnificent demonstration Sfflfr a^inst the Jubilee Coercion Bill and to advance the Nat onal cause After the maeUng a coffin, .bearing the inscription Irish Landlordism, Born with Cromwell and Died with Balfour " was earned on the shoulders of the people through the town and was subsequently thrown into the sea, the bards playing the " Dead ♦ Kr^ H *"T. The ?nnßhau? nnBhau e lin Nationalists at a meeting on June 5 established a branch of the Gaelic Athletic Association. There are SSftwf ?F m v 6 !^- ? ad the Count y is also celebrated for its wrest ers, so the probabilities are that the new Gaelic Club will quickly make a record. RosceMMON.-On June 8 Captain Sampson, Local Government Inspector, attended at *oyle for the pu- pose of holding an inqu^y Ts to the proposed erection of fifteen cottages under the ifabonre?™- Acts 8^ atl ° n ° f "" BoMd ° f Guardiana the '^wS At the meeting of the Strokestown Guardians on June 3 evictioa .oiicea were laid on the table at the suit of Arthur O'C-mno-against Stephen Bl«ood, Thomas G.irvey, Margaret Hayden M cbael Conroy Thomas K.wnod, all of Corrasliva. and Rev. A. Coote 3d Edward Brennan, L.ragan, and Pat Regan. Mahana-h g A huge gatheung was held at Elphiu on June 5 to protest against the Coercion Bill bsfore Parliament. Consents wUh bands and banners attended from all the surrounding dis^s including Ballyoughter, K.lmaryal, Creeve, Ktltrustan 3 , Ki'S Tulsk, kilhna, Aughnm, Ballinanieen, Clooafialou^h, Kilmore etc JameS^fl.t uTT * a ™ Burke, from Wch H.l?" w"^^^^?™^ ment with nard labour for being drunk and for having • shoSS I •' To h-with the Queen," whilst an Orangeman named McCoy who had also been charged with having been druuk and disorderly and nS insulting epithets to the Pope, Parnell, D*vitt, and the ilpts^ °v gpneral, wasdischaiged. a^ijisjis m TIPPERAEY.-Oa the evening of May 25, when the people of lipperary with three ban.s, turned out at Limerick JuScti.n to congratulate Father Ma-.t. Kyan on h.s release from KUma nham Gaol, a soldier of the Royal Warwick Regiment, siatioiSl in the town, jotned them and on the arrival of the arrival of the team from Dublm went over and asked Father Ryan to shake hands whS him which the reverend gentleman did with marufeit pleasure When' he train was starting the soldier again shook bands with Father JJyan and bade him good-bye. He then walked into town wifh thl #eople, accompanied by the bands. He was arrested Bho-Wy af er Wltb — tr»l.and i& oldefnTl^ars^ ~^JSS^ »Si\oS^ a^o-e^ great excitement appeared on the scene, asked iv a loud vo°ce who was in command of the band, and cm getting no response seized a green flag which was in front of the procession 1° f crowd of adults, who were looking on, grew wild and amid«.t the Neatest excitement succeeded in rescuing the flw The bifflV r^ Q g - Z™e^ sdl totbe Omusa " arcy tJ ™ MtihSysrs In the Chancery Court on June 2 was heard an action by Land rl [ rl v r g T St UVU leUaDta Uamed llllster aDd a tenant named Charles Mcteale to restrain them from cuuinjr turf on the lan cW SS O D^ "if h f n a f t iF reDt bad been fi^d ? under t> c Land Ac 0 l&Sl.On behalf of McGeale it was contended .hat the effect of the or de f HnH R A* t H™' ID , C . u 'P° r " tt ' d th * "tatutary conditions un def ue Land Act, and gave him a right to cut as ma»h turf as was reouired I for his own consumption from the land forming his hoi iin^ The Vice-chancellor held on the facts that the landlord had a blished • thvt oiior to the hunp of t ie fau rent the tenant, held from veJr to year, subject to the r ght of the landlord and hlg ]ic^ f Oout lr and cSt S3 Kout hiSTef SQd alS ° lhat Q ° tGQaQt *Sto j

town^f WexfnrT f f9' a monßter meeting was held ia toe ThLf exfori \ t° P rot est againss the acceptanoe by ths Mayor of a? Z Har Pllf)P llf ) of the imitation issued to all the chief migistratea Wes minßte? rP A°hh c 0 be preSeDt afc th ° Jubilee "«^e at and Sinn IJ' A P latfotT » w »3 erected on Windmill Hill, Mayor reßol »tions passed denouncing the flunkeyism of the a i a^ ICKhOVr 'T Oa Juae 5'5 ' one of the moßt extraordinary demon£f Zm e \l l ? n T ed i a thiß Connt y took P lace abo^ a »«e aTa demons^ hl o^- J he P°P ularit y of the tenants' causa w*. 20 mTs round Cth observan , ce of a *">«»! holiday for a circuit of Wicklow 3 th? t ° re '- and ever^ bu sines 3 house in the town of of resnect to th ??p J l^TJ*- ViHageS to Bra y wa3 closed as a mark ?ordD? H^S p * nt a £ d dlBa PP r °bation of the conduct of the landiSfloiS^ +Z m T J Truell> of Clonmannon who has recognised the significance of the demonstration and withdrawn his death-sentence. held'Ht A S I<wr1 <wr" Afc V? 17 lar & el y- a «ended meeting of farmers start .itfT 1 Kilmacthomas, on June 4, it was resolved to SowUtt^oject! 017 - Snbscri PtiOQSP tiOQS »P to £300 were received nn j!L¥^ demonst . ra 'ion took place at Ballydecane, near Lismore, In evTcted t n e n C a °nf eC s Oa Wi , th the erectioQ of a hut fo ' Jamefl Ma^ mbsl^ntu^j SeV f ral oleT Symen were present. At a meeting graLTrabbL eld rr £ sol p utlOQ s ™c adopted condemning land and S = fhf a^f ?g " 'D " Pyne> M ' p - was fche principal speaker. Some L P r? 8 ? 8 , came from ver y lon g distances-viz., Fermoy, Baflyduff' ° aßtlelyon8 > Tallow ' LismoreT Kuockanore, Coologown! d O wn WE Wh?n AT .h-~ The floU J miU afc Kilb esgan is about to clo«e Xmt th ° e T- 8 ° f the barony of Moycashel, of which nnmh vnf •„!, v-* most lm P ortant village, was taken in 1841 the n«sn ♦? registered was 16.822. At the last census thfflflonr Sfn We Mf ° Uy 73 ° 3 Pe ° ple in the P arish ' The closing of this flour-mill will at least wipe out the odd 302 from the next census.

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New Zealand Tablet, Volume XV, Issue 19, 2 September 1887, Page 27

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Irish News. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XV, Issue 19, 2 September 1887, Page 27

Irish News. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XV, Issue 19, 2 September 1887, Page 27

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