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Irish News.

.Antrim. — At Ballylesson on January 20, a large untenanted farmhouse, from which James Boyd was evicted for non-payment of rent some time ago, was discovered to be on fire. Recently the holding was purchased for £800 by a farmer named Gardiner, who ictcaded taking possession. The house, however, was reduced to ruins the day before bis design was put into execution, the cause alleged being incendiarism. Armagh. — The Lord Lieutenant has appointed George De La Poer Beresford, of Castle Dillon, as High Sheriff of this County. At Armagh Quarter Sessions on January 22, there were a large number of ejectments, defended and undefended. Some tenants owed five years' rent. A few tenants wbo had paid part of their rent since ejectments were served, asked for time to meet the rent. Judge Gamble granted a stay of execution. On the estate of Mr. Maxwell Close decrees were granted against four or five tenants, who owed five years' rent each. On January 19, a meeting of the parish priests of the Archdiocese of Armagh was held in the Cathedral hei j, for the purpose of electing a coadjutor to his Grace the Most Rev. Dr, McGettigan, Catholic Primate of All Ireland, wbo bas been in delicate health fur some time past. The Primate presided. The following three names were selected: — Dr. Logue, Bishop of Raphoe, dignissimus, 41 votes ; Dean Byrne, Dungannon, dignior, 3 votes ; and Canon Kafferty, Crossmaglen, dignus, 2 votes. The three names will have to be submitted to the Pope, wbo will select one from amongst them to be tbe coadjutor. Oarlow. — At the last Tullow Petty Sessions, which were presided over by Sir Thomas Butler, who is chairman of the organising committee of the 1.L.P.U., a boy of 13 years of age, named Doyle, was prosecuted under the fishery law. According to the evidence of the water bailiff, tbe child was going " towards the river with a long stick with a salmon gaff on it." Tbe child immediately gave up the dreaded implement to the bailiff, who turtber deposed that Doyle was at no time within twenty yards of the river. The evidence of the father, Luke Doyle, was that tbe gaff was in the bouse for seven years, and the only use it waß put to was to pull down brambles. This was the evidence of a respectable labourer as against that of a water bailiff. The chairman announced tbe decision of the bench to fine the child £4 and costs, or, in default, two months' imprisonment in Kilkenry gaol. Mr. Bryne applied fur time to enable a petition to be forwarded to the Lord Lieutenant to remit or reduce the penalty. Tbe magistrates refused time. Amongst the other "justices " who sat on the bench and agreed to this scandalous travesty on the very word justice were Sir C. Wblseley, Bart., W. C. Browne, Hardy, Eustace, and W. Cole Bailey. Cayan.— Mr. O'Hanlan, M.P., recently met his tenantry at Ballygawley, and granted them a reduction of 30 per cent. The tenpit'-y expressed themselves well pleased with the reductiou. Clare. — Some evictions were expected on January 19, on the pioperty of Col. John O'CaUagban at Maryfort, near Tulla, but the evicting party did not put in an appearance. The explanation of this was subsequently found in the intelligence that the sub-Bheriff, Mr, C. G. Mabon, had resigned in consequence of the inadequate sum now allowed for expenses. The tenants of the High Sheriff of Clare, at Kilcarroll, who have joined the Plan of Campaign, have removed all their stock in anticipat'm of attempted seizures. On January 20, the sub- Sheriff made an attempt at Carrigaholt, but found nothing, and on the borough property at Quarria three attempts were made to seize cattle, but the officials were driven off and the cattle removed. The tenants on the Shanchool property of Mrs. Fanny Gavin met her agent at Kildysart on January 20, and tendered the rent at the Government valuation, which was refused. Father Vaughan, who accompanied the tenants, tried to effect a settlement. Mrs. Gavin said she would consent to grant 15 per cent. These terms the tenants refused to accept, and the rents will be placed ia the hands of trustees. On January 22, at a meeting of the Mullough tenants of Mr. Griffiths, the tenants resolved to adopt the Plan against rackrents unless an abatement of 50 per cent, in some towulande be granted by tbe bnt^ord. On January 20, Kildysart was tbe scene of lively and novel agrarian proceedings. For some time negotiations have been proceeding between the agents and tbe tenants on tbe Scott and Vaadeleur properties regarding rent. Some years ago tbe tenants on the Scott l inds were allowed from 20 to iJO per cent, and in 1885 they got 15 per cent, but since then tne present owner, a Mr. Trench, has refused any concessions. Legal proceedings were instituted to recover tbe rents, and the tenants re3olved to defeat them by selling off their btock. Accordingly, they beld a fair in the town and filled it with ( caVe and stock. At an early hour buyers from various directions attended and every head was cleared off. CORK.— On the night of January 19, at Duhallow, a body of some 20 armed and disguised men visited the house of Jeremiah O'Connell, an extensive farmer, seized his gun, and soundly thrashed himself and his son. It is said that O'Connell had violated the Jflan of Campaign and surreptitiously paid his rent to his landlord , Arthur Langf ord , J.P. W. J. and Pave Good have given their Kilmichael tenants a reduction of 35 per cent, on tbe present half-year's rent and agreed to wipe out all arrears. Lord Muskerry's tenants met the agent, Mr. Skeffington, on January 26, at the rent office, refused an offer of 15. per cent, and lett without paying. Killeagh tenants of Sir Capel Brooke have adopted the Plan of Campaign. At Kanturk Quarter {Sessions on January 21, Hannah Carey sued the Secretary and two members of the Killavullen Branch of the National League to recover £25 18s 6d for services rendered as principal teacher of a school alleged to have been established in opposition to the National School, of which Father Ahem, P.P., is

manager. The defendants denied their liability, but the Recorder gave a decree against Mr. Buckley, the secretary, for ta«j full amount claimed. On January 23, an enthusiastic demonstration under the auspices of tke National League was held at Mollcarthy Bridge, situated eight miles from the town of Kantork. There was an enormous assemblage, estimated at 6,000 persons. There were two brass bands aDd several fife and dram bands in attendance, accompanied by contingents from all the surrounding branches of the League, including Banteer, Dromagh, Dromtarrifi Millstreet, Ballyvourney, Carrigenema, Newmarket, Ballyclough, Lyre, Kilcorney, and Nadd. A large force of police under the Millstreet district inspector was present. A Government note-taker was also present and took notes of the speeches. A very large and enthusiastic meeting of tbe Ponsonby tenantry was held at Gortroe on January 23, for the purpose of denouncing the Youghal Press correspondent, wbo reported to the Dublin Tory papers that some of tbe tenants were going to the agents and making a settlement bebird the backs of their neighbours. The statement was copied into United Irelemd, and the tenants, knowing that there was not a shadow of foundation for it, decided to give it an iatmediate and emphatic contradiction. Nearly all tbe tenants of the estate were present, and before the meeting was held they assured the clergyman present that, instead of being anxious to approach the landlord or his agent, they were more inclined not to make any settlement unless they got a full receipt for the half-year's rent due in March. On January 23 a meeting was beld some distance beyond the village of Douglas, to condemn a case of land-grabbiag which has recently occurred in the district. It was held under National League auspices near the evicted form. Notwithstanding shoit notice, people from the neighbourhood and surrounding districts attended in large numbers, while contingents came from Shanbally, Monkntown, Carrigaline, Ballygarvan, and other places. Cork city contributed very largely to the meeting, and the gathering was considerably enlivened by tbe presence of the Barrack Street Band. The farm which was stated to have been grabbed, was held by John Baggot, and had been held, either by himself or members of his family, for upwards of sixty-five years. Recently, however, owing to the bad times, he found himselt unable to pay the heavy rent whicb was pat upon him, and he was evicted. On January 22 a commodious timber house was built for John F. Riordan, who was evicted from his farm at Droumsicane, near Millstieet, a few days before. The site wa9 given by Denis O'Connor, close to the evicted farm. Thirteen carpenters were at work on the spot. Dr. Tanner, M.P., came to inaugurate the work by the 2 o'clock train, and at the station he was met by some 2,000 people. Two brass bands — Millstreet and Droumtariff , and Cullen fife and drumvaried the proceedings by stirring strains. Crossing tbe Blackwater, a most unique structure presented itself. A regular bridge of carts extended the entire width of the river, about 50 yards. It was perfectly solid, though run up in one hour by the aid of many willing hands. The hut was finished before nightfall. On January 23, a magnificent meeting was held at Coolagown, three miles from Cast'eyons.on the farm of Richard Rice,against whom proceedings have been taken by his landlord, Dr. Peard, for the recovery of his rent. The meeting, in point of numbers and enthusiasm, was the largest held in the County of Cork since the commencement of the land agitation. Brigades of agricultural cavalry came from all directions to the place of meeting, and numerous musical bands and gay banners enlivened the assemblage. There were strong contingents from Middleton, Permoy, Rathcormack, Tallow, Conn*, Castletbwnroche, Ballyhooly, Glenville, Mogeely, and other places. There were over 100 sprug cars, laden with the wives and daughters of their owners, in the field, and the scene, as viewed from the platform, which was erected in view of the landlord's residence, was » bright and inspiriting one. A shorthand writer, under the protection of three policemen, took a note of the speeches for the Government. Debey. — James Spence Stephenson's tenauts, in full numbers, met the agent, Thomas S. Ash, on January 20 at Draperstown. They were offered 20 per cent, on non-judicial or old rents, and 15 per cent, on rents either judicial or fixed by agreement. The offer was accepted. The tenants of Hon. B. T. O'Neal have adopted tbe Plan of Campaign, as they have exhausted every other means of obtaining a reduction. At the Magherafelt Quarter Sessions on January 21, before James C. Lane, Q.C. (.acting on behalf of the Recorder of Londonderry), the Skinners were plaintiffs in 43 ejectments against tenants on the Ballinascreen, Draperstown, portion of their estate. The ejectments are nearly all for one year's rents up to November last, and were all undefended only seven. Decrees, as a matter of course, were granted in all the cases but two. Donegal. — At the Letterkenny Quarter Sessions on January 18, the Earl of Leitrim obtained 15 ejectment decrees ; Sir Augustus Stewart, Bart., Fortstewart, Ramelton, 2 ; Capt. Arthur Hill, Gweedore, 30 ; and MiBB Mary Newton, 1. At the Lifford Quarter Sessions on January 22, about 100 ejectments were set down for hearing. Decreeß were granted in almost every case. At the last meeting of the Donegal branch of the League, Very Rev. H. McFadden, P.P., V.G. presiding, there was an unusually large assemblage, particularly of the tenantry on the Townawilly estate. This estate is situated on a bleak and sloping mountain, comprising twelve townlands, and is occupied by a purely Celtic race. It adjoins the famous Gap of Barnsmore, overlooks tbe beautiful waters of Lough Eske, »nd is within four miles of the town of Donegal. Tbe soil is of the very worst quality, there being hardly a plough for farming purposes on the entire estate. Any rent at all would be, a rack-rent, yet it is highly rented. All efforts to obtain a reductiou having failed, it was decided to try the Plan of Campaign. Oa January 23, a very large meeting was held on the seaward side of Mamore Gap, near Dunaff Head, at the entrance of Lough Swilly, for the purpose of adopting some means of obtaining

reasonable terms for the tenants on the estate of Sir. B. Bateson ' Harvey, and to express sympathy with some tenants who were evicted a few days ago by the agent, Mr. Miller, Buncrana. Down. — The Down tenantry of the Lord Lieutenant have accepted an abatement of 15 per cent. Major Maxwell's Groomsport tenants held a meeting on January 19, and resolved to demand a reduction of 25 per cent. The Lord Lieutenant has appointed Sir Edward J. Harland, of Belfast riot notoriety, as High Sheriff of this County. DUBLIN.-One of the best hurling matches that has yet been witnessed in the metropolis since the revival of the national pastime took place on January 23, in the Nine Acres, Phoenix Park, between the Metropolitan and the Michael Davitt Hurling Clubs. Both clubs met in December last, when the Metropolitans won by two goals and three poiuts to nil. Since then the "Davitts have been practising hard, while the Metropolitans were practically idle in consequence of taking a long Christmas vacation, and this idleness on their part, together with playing two men short and with three substitutes, made the match a very close one. For the first few minutes play was rather neutral, when the Metropolitans worked the ball down on their opponents, and after some hot play a goal was cleverly saved by the Davitt j goalkeeper (Furlong). This was the only time victory seemed to incline to either side, and the match ended in a draw. FBBMANAaH.— On Jan. 20 a very large and imposing Nationalist demonstration was held at Belcoo under the auspices of the local branch of the National League. There were upwards of 2,000 people present at the meeting, including contingents from Mullaghdun, Sessiagh, Holywell, Killenagh, Glengerlin, Kiltyclogher, Boho, Doura, Cashel, Garrison, Blacklion, and various othe» parts of Cavan, Fermanagh, and Leitrim . Most of the contingents were accompanied by bands, and bore a great many splendid banners. Galway. — On January 15, placards were posted in Loughrea and neighbourhood calling upon the tenants on the estates of Lord Clonbrock and other landlords to meet at four o'clock ou the following day at the Cross-roads, Holyhill. A strong force of police was consequently despatched to the place, but no meeting was held, and after remaining until a late hour the police discovered that the notices were intended to hoax them. The actual meeting was held at a place three miles distant, and the tenants paid to the trustees considerable sums under the rules of the Plan of* Campaign. About a month since the tenants on the Ballydugan and K< Imeen property of Mrs. Burke, widow of the late Rev. Michael Burke, M.A., of Ballydugan, met the agent, E. C. Villiers, J.P., by appointment. A reduction of 3a in the pound was offered, but the tenants demanded 6s in the pound. This was refused, and the tenants left in a body. On January 22 they met the agent by appointment, who announced that he would concede 5s in the pound. Thie effected a settlement. Joseph Gorham, of Clifden, has conceded a reduction of 25 per cent. The tenants of Mrs. Kirwau, of Blindwell, lodged their rents on January 25 in the hands of trustees, and have resolved to adopt the Plan of Campaign. They demanded a reduction of 25 per cent., and were offered 15, which they refused. Kerry.— G. A. E. Hickson has granted to his tenants in the district of Tralee, a reduction of 20 per cent, on the judicial rents and time to pay. The tenants on the estate of Stephen C. Collis, for whom George Sandes is agent, were processed at the last Listowel Quarter Sessions for three gales' rent due. The tenants were all decreed for the full amount, and aie now clearing all the produce off their farms, fearing the bailiffs may come and seize them. At Listowel Petty Sessions on January 22, Patrick Mulvihill was sentenced to a month's imprisonment with haid labour for having a gun in his possession without a license in a proclaimed district, «nd Denis O'Sullivan was fined 10^ and costs for being in the possession of the mountings and lock of another gun. Both prisoners were arrested in Cararveragh. On the night of January 18 nine men visited the house of a farmer named Courtney, at Moynish, near Killarney, and took away a gun from him. About five o'clock on the evening of January 23, a party of eight armed and disguised men visited the house of a man named Thomas Reidy, residing at Mountbawk, about a mile from Tralee, and took away a gun. No resistance was offered. KILDARE.— John Coffey, his wife, and five children, were evicted on January 15 by the sub-Sheriff, two bailiffs, and ten policemen. Edward Cuthbert, clerk of the petty sessions, postmaster of Kildare ; Tinkler, the process-server, and his son represented the landlordAfter breakiDg in the door and putting out the occupants, the bailiffs proceeded to throw out what furniture and clothing was inside. This was immediately seized for last year's County cess. Mr. Dawson, who lives convenient, took in the whole family until a suitable place is procured for them in Rathangan, commanding a good view of their late home. Kilkenny.— On January 17, the Sheriff put up for sale for rent in the Kilkenny Courthouse the farm of Vichael Finn. Glenbally, at the suit of the landlords, N. F. Coppinger and Sydenham Lambert. The tenant's brother bought the holding for £2. The holding of Kyran Corcoran, Monadubawn, was also sold. The landlord is Col. William Jzod, Chapelizod. It was bought in by the landlord at £2. King's County.— John Bougbal, of Clonmore, near Brackna, King's County, died on January 14, at the age of 103. He was born at Mount Rica, County Kildare, in May, 1784, and was just on the spot to see troublesome times. He was at the siege of Rathangan. Though not actively engaged be was at good work as a commissary, being then 14 years old. He was through life a staunch Nationalist and sound Catholic. He was never one hour sick until he took the illness which caused his dtatb. Leitrim. On January 26, over a hundred ejectment decrees for non-payment of rent were granted at the suit of Lord Massey, Owen Wynne, Colonel Clements, and other landlords. The amount of rent

due from each person ranges from 1 to 4 years. The rent was in most cases only due in November on Lord Maasey's estate, but when the agent got one hundred originating notices for the tenants to have fair rents fired, he immediately issued processes for all rent and arrears to order to deter the tenants from goiog into court where, according to recent precedents they would get large reductions. On Mr. Wynne's estate about £300 have been collected under the Plan of Campaign, and the teaants express themselves determined to go to the workhouse rather than yield. Limebtck.— The County sub-Sheriff, F. Hobson, accompanied by bailiffs and a force of police, on January 25, at Knocklong, evicted Thomas Barry from a holding on the property of Miss Coopier. The tenant owed three years' rent, A rather large crowd was present, bat no opposition was offered. On January 21 a number of tenants on the Bllard property at Newtown, near Oola, who have adopted the Plan of Campaign, sold all the hay, straw, mangolds, turnips, potatoes, etc., which were on their lands, by public auction. The proceedings were witnessed by a large number of people, and the bidding throughout waß brisk, tha goods offered for sale realising in some cases more than market value. About midnight on January 23, the house of a farmer named Thomas F. Our tin, at Templeglintin, near Abbeyfeale, was visited by a large party of armed and disguised men. There are different rumors circulated as to what happened between the moonlighters and Curtin after they entered the house. One report goes to show that they made Ourtin go on his knees and promise that he would not have anything to do with the taking of a certain farm near his place, ani that while on his knees six or eight shots were discharged over his head. A report comes from another source to the effect that the moment the moonlighters entered Ourtin's house they fired at him and wounded him severely, Some three or four months ago a sister of Curtin was evicted fiom her holding, and some emergencymen installed in her farm. Curtin was negotiating with Mrs. Leahy's (hia sister's) landlord, and had actually taken possession of the holding which she intended making her own again. This is the reason assigned for the attack. Eight young men were arrested and conveyed to the Abbeyfeale police barrack. Longford. — Lord Granard has refused on his Longford eitate the modest request of a reduction of 25 per cent. He is now likely to get no rent at all. The Plan of Campaign was at once adopted on his estate in Longford, and P. O'Brien, M.P., generously undertook to become Lord Granard's estate agent and collector. A large sum was collected and safely loiig^d during the week ending January 19. On January 23 a large and enthusiastic demonstration in support of the National cause was held at Ballinalee. John O'Connor, M.P.; P. J. O'Brien, M.P., and Mr. Connolly, M.P., arrived at Longford the preTioua night, when the town was illuminated and tar barrels were set alight. Next morning each of the three gentlemen drove off in different directions from the town to the place of meeting, and they wore followed by car-loads of police. Triumphal arches spanned the streets at intervals, and contingents with bands and banners attended, from Longford (braay band), Killoe, Ballinamuck, Granard, Clonbroney Bdgeworthstown, Clangish, and Columbkill. Louth. — A Convention of delegates from associated branches of the G.A.A., in County Louth, was held at Dundalk on January 23. Seventeen branches were represented. The following were appointed on the County Executive : — James Muir, Dundalk Hurling and Football Club, Pres.; Charlea McAlister, Dundalk Young Ireland G. A. Club, Hon. Sec; Committee: K. Ryan, Dundalk Hurling and Football Club ; J. M. Johnston, Dundalk Catholic Young Men's Society ; M. Wnite, Haggardstown ; P. Neary, Dromiatown, and R. Halpenny, Ardee. Mayo. — On January 23 a most successful National demonstration was held at the village of Irishtown. Large contingents with banners etc., attended from Becktm, Ballyglass, Crossboyne, Logboy, Ballybaunis, Dunmore, and Milltown. The Ballyhaunis Brass Band was also in attendance. Toe meeting was held in the chapelyard, in the close neighbourhood of the cross erected to commemorate the foundation of the Land League. Jonathan Rashlei^b, of Cornwall, who has about 200 tenants in the parish of Ballaghadcnn. and who lately served 62 ejectment pro cesses, has consented to accept the same terms that Lord Dillon has agreed to. Mr. Gibbons, who has property in Ballaghaderin, has given 20 per cent, reduction on the judicial rents. Mr. Corcoran, wh has property in Carracastle, has consented to accept rents 25 per cent below the valuation. The Marquis of Sligo has conceded to hie Island tenants the 25-per-cent reduction they demanded. MONAGAAN. — The Ulster Sub-Commission sat in Monagha» Courthouse on January 25, and made reductions ranging from 20 to 40 per cent, on the estate of William Ancketill. The following tenants were successful in gaining these reductions : — Rose Donigan, John McMorris, Peter Murray, Rebecca Murray, John McCarron, Elizabeth Mcllmeel, Sarah McKenna, Francis McKenna, Catherine McKenna, Owen Me Kenna, Owen McKenna, John McKenna, Michael McKenna, John McKenna, Catheiine McKenna, James McKenna ,James McKenna, James McKenna, Toal McKenna, Patrick McKenna, Patrick McKenna, Bryan McKeogh, Patrick Me Morris, James McMahon, William Treanor, Patrick Treanor, Patrick McKeown, Joseph Singletou, Bernard Flood, Wm, Byrne, Michael Cambell, Patrick Conroy, Myles Hackett, Patrick McCarron, Jamea McCarron, Hugh McGinn, Peter McGinn, John McGinn, J.iuics McKenna, John McKenna, Peter McElmell. Owen McElineel, James Skernader, Owen Tranior, Felix McKeown, Patrick L'rainor. Queen's County.— At Ballinakill Quarter Sessions, which opened on January 17, applications weie made for 33 ejectment decrees. A vacancy having occurred in the electoral diviaon of Durrow by the death of the late Guardian, Mr. Greenfield, the Local Government Board ordered an election to fill tha vacaucy. J, Purcell (1.L.P.U.) Durrow, was nominated by Viscount Ashbrook, and D. Bergin (Nationalist), Castlewood, Durrow, by Rev. J. Shoitall, P.P. The

Nationalist was returned. The people are greatly rejoiced over the defeat of the " Castle Cawtholic, especially as it is the first occasion on which they succeeded in returning a Guardian of their own choice. On January 23, a public meeting was held at Maryborough to ■Approve of the Plan of Campaign as a means by which rackrented Itenants may force justice from their landlords. The immense square in which the meeting was held was crowded by contingents with bands and banners from all parts of the County, and a magnificent reception was accorded William O'Brien, who was accompanied by Arthur O'Connor, Dr. Kenny, Dr. Pox, and P. Chance, M.P's, Before the meeting concluded Mr. Conybeare, M.P.,arrived in Maryborough from Kerry. He was received at the station by a large crowd with bands and escorted to the place of meeting. The speeches were reported by a Government note-taker. Sliieo. — The Barry tenantry, who hold land near Grange, having been refused a reasonable redaction, have decided to adopt the. Plan of Campaign. The following refused to act in union with their neighbours, and paid full rent with costs : James Waters, Maggie Kerrigan, Peter Gorevin, of Lower Wood ; Dennis Gillen, Roger Gillen, William Gillen and Hugh Currid of New Grange. A large and imposing demonstration, under the auspices of the Irish National League, was held on January 23, at Keash. Large contingents, with bands and banners, attended from Gurteen, Ballaghadereen, Killavill, Culloda, Ballinafad, Boyle, Ballymote, etc. The platform was erected near to the public road and was draped with banners. A large force of police was present in charge of District-Inspector Dale, and a Government reporter took notes of the speeches. Tippbeaby.— On January U, the Kilpatrick, Lattin, and Scrag (Emly) tenants of Mr. Baker, of Lismacue, Bansha, came to town to answer to the call of pay meat of rent. They met the agent, Mr. Baker, solicitor, Dublin, and he offered them a reduction of 20 per cent. They demanded 30, and said they would be willing also to pay at the valuation. The agent stated ha would not give more tban twenty, and they declared they would not, because they could not, pay on that reduction. They then left, resolved to adopt the Plan of Campaign. The Emly tenants of Lord Normanton met their agent, Mr. Taylor, at Dobbyn's Hotel on the same day. He said he would allow them a reduction of 20 per cent, on the judicial rents. Nearly all the rents on this property are judicial. The tenants owed a year's rent. The agent accepted a hi If -year's, on which he gave the abatement mentioned. Sume of the tenants paid. Ttronb.— A.ughnacloy monthly fair proved a good index of the general deterioration in the prices of stock that pievail now in Ireland. The fair was very small, owing to the heavy fall of snow. Cattle were scarce and the demand bad. Prices ranged as follows: Yearlings, £4 to £6 ; two-year-olds, £6 to £8 ; thiee-year-olds, £10 to £12. Mllcu cows were dear and scarce. Prices ran from £10 io £18 for a good class for dairy purposes ; second class, £8 to £10 ; inferior kinds, cheaper ; springeis, from £12 to £16; second class, £8 to £10. Beef ranged from 45s to 50a per cwt. ; coarse kinds, cheaper. Mutton, 6d to 8d per pound. There were some shiep from £2 to £2 ss, and lambs, £1 ro £1 ss. Coarse bullocks, for beefers, were sold from £12 to £15 10s per head. I'he show of horses was small. In the pork market there was a very good supply of pigs, and prices ranged from 36s to 43s per cwt. Heavy pigs were cheaper. Sucker 3 ranged f'om 20s to 30s a pair. Wateb»ord. — On January 14, at a meeting of the Grange Branch of the League, the caae of a party in the locality who was accused of having taken a farm in the locality, from which a former tenant had been evicted, was considered. Shortly after the meeting a procession was formed, in which an effigy of the accused land grabber was borne, tbe figure being followed by about a dozen donkeys. After perambulating the greater part of the district the figure was burned amidst great rejoicings. The effect has been that the man has now surrendered the farm. WEXFORD. — An enthusiastic Plan of Campaign demonstration was held at Enniscortny on January 16. W. Redmond, M.P. was the principal speaker. On January 13 a number of cattle were seized for arrears of rent off a farm in the possession of a tenant named Quirke, on the property of Mr. St. John Grant, BallyduflE. The tenant owed three half-years' rent, £136, which included the ensuing half-gale ; but the costfi in addition brought the costs of the writ under which the cattle were seized up to £15 18s. According to a statement made by Jeremiah Quirke, the case was a very peculiar and novel one. Mr. Quirke states that at one time the farm was let to the tenant at the annual rent of £71 ; that about the year 1875 the rent was raised to V £91 per annum. The tenant continued to pay this rent up to about three years ago. When the tenants were about to go into the Land Court the rent was reduced to £78 per annum ; but it appears that on the receipts which the tenant received the £13 reduction was stated to be an allowance, and the writ seems now to be issued for the three half-years' rent at the £91 per annum. Previous to his being seized, the landlord offered to take a half-year's rent and £40 costs, but the tenant refused to give it. The cattle were then driven to Lißmore and impounded there. The Sheriff's bailiffs were guarded by police, but no demonstration of any kind took place. WICKLOW. — At Wicklow recently a wretched-looking old beggarwoman succeedel in exciting the sympathy of a well-dressed, gentleman who was standing at the door of the hotel so far that he gave her sixpence. The poor creature gladly pocketed the untold wealth and hobbled away. Later in the day she discovered that the donor was no other than Captain Hamilton, of Emergency notoriety, and she rushed precipitately to return the blood money. We can readily appreciate the Captain's feelings as the indignant beggar returned the coin as though it were one of Judas Iscariot's thirty pieces of silver. The beggar-woman evidently thinks begging a much more creditable means of livelihood than Captain Hamilton's.

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New Zealand Tablet, Volume XIV, Issue 52, 22 April 1887, Page 19

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Irish News. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XIV, Issue 52, 22 April 1887, Page 19

Irish News. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XIV, Issue 52, 22 April 1887, Page 19

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