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Mb. DONALD STBONACH (on behalf of the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited;, reports for the week ended May 5. as follows ;—; — Fat Cattle.— l 92 head were yarded at Burnside for this week market, and with the exception of a few pens the quality was very medium, some of the lines being little better than stores. Owing to last week's market being fully supplied, and that some of the largest buyers in the trade purchased privately outside, competition to-day, except for prime quality, was dull, and prices all round were easier. Best bullocks, £7 5s to £9 5s ; ordinary, £3 to £6 15s ; and cows in proportion. Fat Calves.— Only three yarded, which brought 15s. Fat Sheep. — To-day's market was snpplied with 220 merino wethers, fair to good condition, and 879 crossbreds representing all qualities. Although this number was rather under the average generally to hand it appeared to be quite sufficient for rrquiiements. Bidding was only moderately brisk. Best quality realised a slight advance on last week's prices, while ordinary remained about the same. Best crossbred wethers, 8s 6d to 10s ; one pen heavy Lincolns, 11s 9d ; ordinary, 6s to 8s ; best crossbred ewes, B.s to 9s 3d ; medium, 5s to 7s 6d ; merino wethers, 4s to ss. We cold on account of Mr. J. C. Gilchrist (Oamaru), 136 crossbred ewes from 7s 3d to 7s G'l ; Mr. J. C. Buckland (Tumai), 67 merino wethers from 4s 6d to 4s 9d. piuMr Fat Lambs — 2C3 were penned, and for these biddings were fairJy brisk, all being sold under the hammer at from 5s to 7s 6d. Pigs. — 298 were penned. We cannot report any improvement in the market for these ; in fact, prices seem to be receding week after week. Porkers and baconers were sold ?o-day at from l|d to 2d for white suckers, and light stores ranged from 29 (o ss. We sold 29 at from 8s 6d to 28s. Store Catle. — There is an occasional inquiry for these, but very few suitable lots arc offering. Quite large-framed 6teers in forward condition would find purchasers at fair prices. Meantime there is not much business being transacted. Store Sheep. — There has been very little business done iv these during the last week. We have no transactions to report. Sheepskins. — We held our usual weekly sale on Monday, wnen we offered a moderate catalogue chiefly butchers' green skins, to a full attendance of the trade, who competed with animation for all lots effered. Some of the lota brought up to last week's prices, but the greater portion of the green skins suffered a decline owing no doubt to the sloppy condition they were in, in consequence of so much rain. Low to medium dry cross-breds brought 9d to 2s 4d ; dodo merinc lOd to 2s 3d ; do pelts, 2d to 4d ; green cross-breds, Is Bd, Is 10>l Is lld, 2s. 2s 2d. 2s 4d, 2s sd, 2s 6d ; do merino, Is2d, Is 4d, Is 0d Is7d, Isßd ; lambskins, Is Bd,ls lOd, 2?, 2s Id, 2s 2d eacb. Rabbitskins. — There is a fair demand continuing to exi^t. but supplies are small, and the business resulting insignificant. On Mou iay we catalogued some mixed lots which came to hand during the week and sold at from 3jd to 4d per lb. ' Hide. — The demand continues good, and good-conditioned lots coming foward sell readily at late quotations—viz., for bulls' a*ul slippy, 2d to 2£d ; light, 3d : medium, 3£d to 3jd ; heavy, 4d to 4^ I per lb. Tallow.— There is very little demand for shipment at present quotations, but there are shippers in the market who would<> if sufficient inducement offered. For local requirements the demand continues fairly active, but without any improvement in values, aid it is scarcely probable that prices will advance unless the Home market shows more activity. In the meantime we quote infeiior. l()s to 13s ; medium, 14s to 16 ; prime, 17s to 18s ; rough fat, inferior, 5s to 7a ; medium, 8s to 10i ; prime mutton, 11s to 12* per cwt. Grain.— Wheat : The market is without material change, but a steady demand continues to be experienced for all sorts, and alth. u^-h millers are not anxious buyers, all lots coming t > hand for immediate sale are easily disposed of at about late quotations. Shippeis \ i-ing ready to operate at prices returning them a slight commission on tLoir purchase, so far indications are in favour ot sellers. We quote prime j milling Tuscan, 3s 'Jd to 3s lOd ;do do white velvet, 3s 8d to 3a 9.1 ; medium. 3s 6d to 3s 8d ; red wheats, in good bard condition, 3s 6d to da 8d ; medium, 3s 3d to 3s 6d ; inferior and whole fowls' wheat, 2s 9d to 3s 2d ; broken, 2* 6d to 3s. — Oats : The unfavourable weather experienced during the past week has not interrupted consignments ; in consequence Btocks are assuming large dimensions. Mostly all the growers seem disposed to accept current quotations, and as buyers cannot advance on laieratep, also the impossibility of securing suitable freights, business in the meantime is somewhat restricted. We quote best milling, 2s ; short bright feed, Is lld ; medium, Is lOd to Is lld ; discoloured, Is 9d Lo la 10 ; inferior, Is Gd to Is Sri, ex store.— Barley : We have no business of an important character to report. Small lots of both malting and milling are being disposed of fur immediate use, but buyers show no disposition to increase stocks to any extent beyond present requirements. We quote bright milling, 3s to 3s 3d; medium. 2s Sd 10 Ud ; milling, 2s 6d to 2s 8d ; feed, 2s to 2s 3s.— Ryegrafs-secd : I is no improvement in the demand, and pi ices nominal, 3s to 4s (j I for undressed parcels.

Mr. F. Meenan, King street, reports - Wholesale prices including bags : Oats, la 9d t 0 2s ; wheat, 3a 4d to 3-> 9i, market firm ; fowls' wheat 3s; barlry, malting, best 3s to 3s Sd.millmg 2s 6d, Ceding 2s to 2s 3d ; chaff, £3 5s to £3 10s ; straw, 35s ; hrau, £5 ; pollard, £5 10s ; haj, £3 SS;5 S ; lye-giass, £3; j)otatoes, kidneys, £3, tierwent £3 5s per ton ; butter, fresh, Is to Is 2d, salt (prime in kegs) 9d to 9£d ; ham, M ; bacon 7d, rolls Oid ; eges, 2s 3d per dozen; Hour, £8 10s to £9 ; roller flour, £9 15s to £10 5s ; oatmeal, £12.

rvu xt CHRISTCHURCH MARKETS, ov StS O t r A ?, FARMEBB' Co-op-mA-rivE Association AnrH^n ir^ 'nLlmitel'n Llmite l' pnrt for the week en <ling Friday, of P aiim«HrS ? "^ p ur . ma^t during the past week has b^n devoid wwiT ' and values have al 'ered very slightly in few lines. 2S L hM 5 eC r/ re i' t0 u0??u 0 ?? extenf « the fall noticed last week, and nih»wf? <>* further shrinkage from Australia, there seems little firm ™i ? f° £ *?1 fUrther decline - Advicc>s from Sydney recort a altSJ?™ ' 2 \Brge\ Brge lua"tllie31 ua " tllie3 are g° in P foward. Oats show no SfSSio ?h*s 7 - a m ° derate amo «"t of business had passed, nil w £ lf y re . ma . IDB at last quotations, but transactions are nomiShtW ripi °p PUO - D BMe in Btron = d e«and, and have advanced Dun and BUot I'TT P T r ? ain Btead y J lar * er qnantities of eh.n^?£^S y p 83n ba T e been ofi ering, but few parcels have exoo? R Bd L Beanß . are fther firmer, caused by the demand for export. Rye-grass and cocksfoot— Business nominal Butter havch| ce ss a e dV To?atne, Bydne7 ,'- *? t ? rme \ and «» ■"» remark appSesL cheese. Potatoes are slightly weaker, hut export demand is fairly good, and large quantities will be shipped during May The foHowK°e UU X r So° nß> Price, paff to farmer! anTnot appMcabTe to lines ex warehouse :-Wheat._Tuscan, 3s 5d to 3s 51d ; velvet 3s Sm StA? * 3* 3M; shrivelled, Id to 2d un*der ; seconds! fppd i-inj?if ?b. Oats -Milling, 2sO*d to 2s Id ; short bright feed, Is 10£ dto Is ll£d ; Danish, la 10W. Barley. -Prime maltmn SafXf 7) pI S 2d^ 39 p 3d ''• medium ' * 8 8d 2s y iod ; Teed 25d to 2s sd. Peas.— Blue Prussian. 393 9 8d to 4s ; Dun and Black-eyed 6d ÜBan pot 8 a °<? BB K eaD \ 2S lld tO3s ' Bu " er - lld if Cheese, Od. Potatoes, 47s f.0.b., sacks extra Tatt^tn S0^ AN ? 9p-«P°'t:-Canterbury Horse Market_At TOO W«i £ .^ at "T da y i"*. °» r entry for the day comprised exactly tirt ?JS™ I int °K fa 15 P r °P° rtif)n s of heavy sons, hack and ISI rtM t* 7? eß ' unbrokeQ c^ fc 8. etc. As regards values, there is for Ch Li ra r° n t0 reC ° rd> the markel winning somewhat weak notof ?h^l Ptl ou 9aßareCOmiDgtoband ' which . we m»y say, are returns from th £ Ppe ?f aTC BOraewhat apathetic just now, as the this of £™ ? ■«^ he F Bldc ? re Prohibitory to long price* here, and there 17w' affieo ? b , U8 ! nesS On the other hand, tnarwr B ~Trn° rel M a ] bb * Uyerßopfiralin P than a month fiin <*, so wpi ThL II 11I 1 f abl w to , quit the bulk of our entries week by rxcwllv^/ OhSV - e att « r 7 been shipping draught stock almost 5 iSX &. DOW gguVg u V i D fu a httle more a "ention to the better class ?ife On XZ 8G8 1 B °, l l at th ? market 3S * et is not utterly devoid of IS* O^ S t turda ylaßtwy laBtwe P lacetl 5o horses out of our total entry, horter£i r 6tS n iri ht HoUßSellingatfrornH oUBSellingatfrorn &U to £20 ' ÜBeful farm S ' a I J better Borl8 ' u P to £25 5 upstanding sound youn X inffrinr "«"« »>«Befc £M to £20; medium sorts, £10 to £12* Ja L f a iihnn PWard^ L -^ aD , d P ™perty.-We have no desire to ! !?•£ °? e8 ln th , e mindß of our respected client?, but we assert, > 7^L^-l degle^ Ot confiden <*> that there is.vidence of a belt,; ; nt 6 fif r » gard t0 P r °P ert y generally. There is less desire to <• quit at any figure, except in cases of " holders of bad eggs," and a coroSon? Z ldlty ■'? ■ aCqair ° eli^ ible P'opertief at moderate S tl ° nn r s - W « tamtam our advice was sound when, sometime m. in cautioned our friends not to force property upon an j milling market and we are pleased to find read v response from i ITnr n . OU J Wh ° iDßtruct us in theße w ofd S : « Withhold Z$T?Z 7 - from . sale '- , we can see daylight," in many cases CVivoaHnn eIrCODVICtIOI l tliat " Valueß haVC toU^ ed ho^<' nat on tn « 1^ T*** h^' ht ih& Bame tirae p^ibiting a disinclibcJomin^ h ff^ f n^ nn ° W thafc there was a »*eliW>od of things b n?° T, Gr 'u tO ld 0Q to tbeil ' Propeitv, «n«l work it thembv sellinl oor, r i Dg ?? 66 i lr X ° abi i ity tO See t^ bettering of thar po9itioilß by selling out and clearing for other shores. m U « „ • COIiN EXCHANGE. Thn«S»; r J 'owing is the Corn Exchange report for the week ending DrodnlL ll Xll3OX 1130: -° wlD ?.tothe holidays, busineßS in grain and on n n?P •* v ? e + t Q ° n a Very hmited scale - and quotations are P enerally sure to Lkt no^f eB - hea^ r ' )hl3 fallen are sure to delay potato digging, and should it continue a great deal of D?S e a !L SUr^ tt ° IfOll1 fOll ? W ' the be^^ops are understood to be principal yon the low-lyinpr lands. Our quotations are as follow — ™ lei ' ?s? s ?d J foul corn, 2s lld to 3s Id. Oats-Milling, 2s 6d Fti :l8ll i to2s; Taitarian and Danish, i 8i 8 lOd. BarleySnds STfA^ I^' 39 3dt0384d -- medium qunlitv. 3s; feeding 3s 9d ■ feed 29 3d ' p BeaQS - 2s 10,1 to 2s 1 Id. Pe.-vs- Prussian Blues naroH', sffi'rf f , E^fy as 7s7 s - Jl^hine dressed, 5s to :,s M ; farmers' quaHtv' 3»5 £fc Co^ sfoot - B "ght heavy se^, 3 J,1 medium P?odS; J nJ - ' ? otatoes -i7s to 50,, sacks extra. Dairy Sane 67 r> P"" 6 ' 1D tU , bs ' lld : P aqtr - V ' 4d to M 5 cheese, loaf snape, bd medium sizes, s£d ; large, 4 id to 5d The above are pnees paid to farmers and for delivery f.o.b. T . BANGIOKA MAEKETS. on AnrimT^^V I? 7 laTSC atlendan ce at the Kangiora market Asnpi ' ♦ thshandingtheholidav time. Messrs Matson, Buss 5, fid C 0 P" ceß follows :-Fat sheep, 7s to 9s ; lambs, 3s to Is 3d fTo^tf^ f f r » r^ din ? P ur f JOSCS . 2^ to 4s ; do. boilers Mto is dd , fat cattle. £5 to £7 ; milr.h cows, £3 to £9 ; ihree-vear-oM T27o S Z%™\ C ? am0 °'?i]oiLi? i]oiLi 10^ ditto ' "How comii.ion £1 tn Vi 7 rJ ci f h t e . en - m onths-old cattlo, *1 5S5 S to £1 15s ; yearlinps, forts Mt 9v, P1 f ' lOS tO £2 ; pood BtorefS - 8s w J 2s J smalle; sorts, 6d to 2s each. In the produce yards the prices were -.-SheepbreX t r 7f5 D o!i l8 !? d V° 383 d ; merino9 ' 193dt02s 3d ; cross10d • Vmp, t°J\ V>} UXch £ 8 ' ditt °' l 9 lOd t0 2s 2d ! Pelts 6d to lb i^ S*? tO i 3 l d P er lb '" calves ' BkiQS - ] s to 2s 6a i fat, ?d per tn 2^i' ' eS 4 i d P r lb ' 2 ditto P ieces H 1 Per lb ; fowls, H lOd 2,S II d 9P9 Pe Q r ir : . dU I Cka ' 1S 3d t0 28 ' g eese . 4s 9d ; wheat (seconds), fnflri / ° a , tS 'A ß lOd to 2s ; barle y' 2s 4d t° 2s 7d ; grass seed n™,^ 8am Ples,ls6d per bushel ; potatoes, kidney, 3s to 3s 91 ?n?ons 32! 6d X tO K 5Si C^ eese ' 6d P er lb : Pi? meil, 10s per ba X two or *l P ♦ 5 beans ' 2s 10d to 3s per bushel. There were only alter^nnc 6 - t l anßaot i 0n . Bia the S raia markt; t, and there was no alterations m the quotations of last week.

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New Zealand Tablet, Volume XV, Issue 2, 7 May 1886, Page 18

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Commercial. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XV, Issue 2, 7 May 1886, Page 18

Commercial. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XV, Issue 2, 7 May 1886, Page 18

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