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Thk annual distribution of prizes took place in these nchnnla nn Friday, the [Bth inst., Hi. Lordship tbe^Xp preTding^and S number of the friends and relatives of the boys being present The large room in which the ceremony was held had Yen tastefully decorated with ferns and foliage for the occasion, and a prettily executed banner containing the word "Welcome" occupied a prominent position. A quantity of the exercises, copies, and map. ping, and written work of the boys generally, was shown, and proved to be as usual very admirable and aonsistent with the high character of the Brothers teaching. A new feature this year was the printing of the programmes of the entertainment and the questions for the scholarship examinations, which had been done by the Christiau Brothers themselves in a press constructed by a member of the commanity. The work was very neat, and in nothing betrayed the amateur We may add that the qu< stious for the scholarship examinations were ?l Mk lT d i. c1 ?' 1 , M * f*lf *I from eafl y- The y convincingly proved that the boys who had gained so high an average in auswe, in/ them had been well instructed and had worked bard. Before the distribution of pnzeswas made by his Lordship the Bi»bop the following programme was performed :1. Chorus, -Welcome! Welcome!" Smgi/g CW 2. Dia ogue, 'Brutus and Caseius," W. Woods, T. Lynch. 3 Pano ft JTS *"*' J u edo - 4 " Yoc » l S i - Home Sd f 5" Jf"ftr £. Kecit , at r' " ih « Vo.ce and Pen." A. Hall. 6. Piano Solo, •• The Minsirel Boy," W. Haydon. 7. Recitation, < The Inchcape Rock," W. Corbett. 8. Chorus, « Don't Fret," Clhs* 9. Vocal Solo, "0 Breathe Not His Name," J. Sullivan. 10. Beciia^ of Summer, A. Hall. 12. Vocal Duet, •' Gipsies We," *'. and A. Murphy. 13. Kecitation, "Irish Valour," T Lynch 14 Win f M'acedfTh 18 '''^^^- U ' S andUS" J.Macedo Ihe various items were very creditably given, and each of the performers acquitted himself admirably. When the prizes had been distributed, the Bishop delivejed the following addreie • „a ™ K c Bfld8 f ld "' 6 7 e - me o year in this hall a new schoolroom, S^rf 1 "" 6 ,. 80 boy8 ' haa been added to this institution and that addition has not been nude a moment too aoon. The numl thP vLr°iß« a q ' t e h DdlUg thG SCho °i ha 9 been B ' eadiJ y ou tb * in <»ease Tn tbe year 1883 the num. er was 234 ; ia 1884, 255 ; and this year 279 r n thl9I Vh at HfaCtorH faCtory ' bb e at l have -omeihlng'to say J Sards efficiency. The Superior of theCh.istian Brother*, who devote themSfllf t thTn reßt - edly f ud « D^getically. and I must add so successJiiJ™ Th educaUon ° £ . y u r th ' aßked me to reaa the examination paten. These appear highly sat.sfactory. To be sure they are not all free from m.stakeß; but I think no one can read them w.tbou being pleased at the penmanship, almost universally, and at the evidence the papera afford of good teaching and a fair amount of 'ndustry and success on ,he part of the bo; s. It has beet i found diffi?U? U i!°u dcC i. d< ? BB^ the winnerof tfa e junior scholarship and indeed for both scbo'anhipß several of the competitors have fuawha XmTy be termed a neck-and-neck race. We have do c our besf howe^Y to be just, and have given the prizes to the boys who, in our iud-ment-.after Laving made a very careful and anx.ous nvestiAtioo-best them. Throughout the percentages of marks bafe been high {le^norS^h™ 1"^1 "^ P re P Mraiion - l there are d,fflcul! ties, not srna.l, to be overcome as regards many. These I need not enumerate tor you ; you are already aware of them. Some parents also do not care to , ay the fees, particularly as the resaltTof P cS£? unce.tam. If, however, any boy, c^n manage to remain sufficiently Ln g J:l B ms / ltuuuu > ffi eans will be provided to save them the expense of htfce fees, aud pnzes will also be given to the two most successful can,udar t8 who gain the highest number of ma! k ß . In the forThV?™;, re f 1^ tl^.^^trioußboys ia , Idi,ional1 di,ional help will be forthcoming. I hope these inducements will help to remove some of the obstacles to the realization of oar desires on this B ubiect The conduct of the boys has been throughout the year very sa sfactory Hardly any complaints hare reached me, and I hope it will always

be so. Boys should consider it & great blessing and a great privilege to be permitted to receive their education in this school, and should consequently feel their responsibility in reference to their conduct not only in the school but everywhere. Pupils of the Christian i Brothers should be remarkable for the propriety of their words and j actions, and for gentlemanly deportment. They should scorn everything unbecoming a Christian and a Catholic, and I am happy to think that the great m»jority of them do so. If at any time there should be found any amongst them forgetful of what they owe them. | selves and this school, such, if they do not amend after 'one or two admonitions, will certainly be removed from the school. Although for the present it is useless to protest against the cruel injustice done to us in compelling us, after having provided such schools as this for our own children, to contribute largely to provide free and godless education for the children of well-to-do people, I nevertheless renew to-day the protest I bare so many times made from this place, and remonstrate against the system of public education which prevails in this country. It is oar duty to do this, but it is still more our duty to exert ourselves to the utmost to render our schools as efficient as possible and to leave nothing nndone to multiply these schools. Did we neglect to do all this our position in the sight of God would, according to the teaching of St. Paul, be worse than that of infidels,' because in that case we should be neglecting our own and those of the household of the faith. Ido not think 1 ought to delay you any longer. We have to thank you, ladies and gentlemen, who have come here to-day to patronise thia exhibition. We have also to thank the Bj others for the great teal and success with which they carry on this school, [t is very satisfactory to know that the additional room provided has not been provided a minute too soon. We trust it will be necessary before very long to provide another school tit. some other part of the town. I think this establishment i 9 now sufficiently large and that whatever we do in the way of future progress should be commenced elsewhere. I thank you all.Jladies and gentlemen." His lordship added a few words with relation to the expected visit in Dunedin of the Cardinal Archbishop of Sydney. He said that his Eminence would visit the schools, and he, the Bishop, hoped that the boys would prepare an entertainment for him, something of no great length but very choice. He then dismissed the schools until Feb. 1. His Lordship also returned thanks to those friends of the schools who this year had been very liberal in presenting prizes. We append the prize list : PRIZE AND HONOUR LIST. [Note.— The examinations for prises arc distinct from those for the scholarships. The two highest in each subject are here mentioned the first being the prizeman.] ' BENIOB BOOM. Bishop's Scholarship Class.— Christian Doctrine (Mr. Petre's Prize) :J. Connor, C. Meade. English (Mr. Gourley 's) : G. Btone J. Meenan. Latin (Mr. Callan's) : O. Columb, L. Paveltich. French (Mr. (Jallan's) : C. Colnmb, L. Pavktich. Arithmetic (Mr. Caldwell's) : C. Columb, D. Hartnett. Kuclidr Mr. Woods) : L. Pavletich D. Hartnett. Algebra (Mr. Con way V) : L. Pavletich, C. Columb! Book-k-eping(Mr. O'Sullivan's) : C. Fottrell, T. Lynch. Special Prizes. — Highest Scholarship Marks (Mr. Peixa g) • C Colamb. Most Progress (Mr. Roche's; : W. Woods. Good Conduct (Mrs. Haydon's) : J. J. Farrell. Home Work (Mr. Columb's) • W. Woods, C. Columb. Elocution (Mr. Perrin's) : T. Lynch, W Woods Penmanship (Mr. Petre's) ; D. Hartnett, W. Woods. Mapping (vir* Petre a) : James Maguire, L. Pavleticb. Dux (silver medal, presented by tLe Catholic Literary Society) : C. Columb. Bishop's Scholarship Certificate (this certificate is granted to those who in tae examination for the Bishop's Scholarship gain not less than 70 per cent, of marks in at least four subjects, ot which arithmetic must be one).— o. Uolumb, L. Pavletich, D. Hartnett James Farrell, A. M'lln.y, D. Falkner, T. Lynch, G. Stone Bißhop's Scholarship.— This, the gift of the Most Rev. Dr. Moran' was awarded to Leonard J. Pavletich ; Charles Columb was highest but having won this year'a be cannot also, per regulations, hold next year's scholarship. There were 18 candidates. The results are as follows :—: —

a, signifies " absent for this subject." Junior Scholarsnip Class.— Christian Doctrine (Mrs. Haydon's prize): A Cousin* James Farrell. English (Mr. Gourley 'sV G Haydon, James Bradl«y. Arithmetic (Jdr. Caldwell's) : William Morkane, James Bradley. Geometry (Mr. Wood's) : M. Hickey, G Haydon. Book-keeping (Mr. Conway's) :M. Hickey, James Bradley Special Prizes.- Home Lessons (Mrs. Bunbury's) : James Bradley, William Morkane. Home Exercises (Mr. Smith's) : M. Hickey

James Bradley. Latin (Mr. Callan's) : M. Hickey, James Bradley. French (Vlr. Callan'n) : M. Hickey, James Bradley. Writing (Mr. Perrin's) : A. Murphy, James Bradley. Singing (Mr. N. Smith's) : Joe Macedo, A. Murphy. MappiDg (Mr. Petre's) : A. Murphy, F. Murphy. Good Conduct (Mrs. Haydon's) : G. Hay don. Junior Scholarship Certificate.— This is given to those wbo in tbe examination for the Junior Scholarship gain not lees than 60 per cent, of marka in at least three subjects, of which Arithmetic must be one.— M. Hickey, J. Bradley, A. Murphy, J. Farrell, A. Cousins, W. Morkane, J, Macedo, S. Enott. Junior Scholarship. — This was awarded to M. Hickey, who received 86*4 per cent out of the possible number of marks. J. Bradley made 85-6 ; A. Murphy, B2 2 ; J. Farrell, 75*6 ; A. Cousins, 732 ; G. Haydon, 69-8 ; W. Morkane, 676 ; J. Macedo, 646. Silver Medal for winner of Junior Scholarship— the gift of Mr. W. H. M'Keay : M. Hickey. Preparatory Class— For highest aggregate number of marks at examination in the following subjects : Christian Doctrine, English, Latin, French, Arithmetic, Geometry, Book-keeping,— Mr. Conway's prise, M. Dundon, 1 ; Mr. Gour ley's prise, Thomas White, 2 ; Mr. Wood's prize, James Delaney, 3. Regular Attendance (Mr. Caldwell's prise)— James Farrell, D. Hartnett, D. Falkner, W. Woods. T. Lynch, W. Morkane, James Bradley, B. Philip. MIDDLE BOOM. Good Conduct (Mrs. Haydon's Prize) :P. O'Rourke. Regular Attendance (Mr. Eelleher's) : M. Morrissey, J. Delabunty. Home Lessons (Ohristiun Doctrine, Spelling, Grammar, Geography)— First Division, First (highest) Class (Mr. Buobury's)— l, T. Conwav ;2, M. Francis. Second Class (Mr. Callan's) :T. Connellan, H. O'Reilly. Third Class (Mr. D. O'Connor's : H. Mullins, A. Hessian,M. Morrissey. Second Class: C. WiLkins, M. Dillon. Home Exercises— First Division, First Class (Mr. Roche's) :T. Conway, M. Francis. Second Class (Mr. Caldwell's) : H. O'Reilly B. O'Neill. Third Class (Mr. Kelleber's) : J. Drumm, A. Hall, Second Division, First Class : P. Hessian, M. Morrissey. Second Claes : C. Wilkins, J. M'Donald. Beading— First Division : James Kennedy, J. Buckley. Second Division : J. M'Namara, T. Butler. Writing— First Division (Mr. Kelleber'e) : M. Francis, T. Conway. Second Division : M. Morrißsey, J. Bryant. Arithmetic— Firat Division Fagan's) : J. Dillon, P. Glen and M. Francis. Second Division : P. Delahunty, J. Delahunty : Becitat.on, W. Corbett. JCNIOE BOOM. Christian Doctrine. — First division : Thomas Hussey (Mr. Fagan's prize), Louirf Elee. Second division : Stephen Bernecb, George Harper. Reading.— First division : (Mr. Roche's) : John Bheedy, Edward Wilkins. Second division : M*rk Comer. Spelling. —First division : Daniel Walsh, Thomas Jones. Becond division : Jobn Drumm. Arithmetic—First division : Patrick Whitty (Mr. Caldwell's), Patrich O'Neill. Second division : Richard Wilson. Home Leseons.— First division (Mr. Bunbury's) : Daniel Walsh, Thomas Hussey, Gabriel Kast, John Liston. Hume Exercise.— First division (Mr. Petre's) : John Fitspatrick (Mr. Smith's), Willy Kaye. Second division : Charles Brennan, John Morrell. Writing.— First division (Mr. Power's) : John Sullivan, Willy Cahill (Mr. D. O'Connor' 1 -). Second division : Daniel Daly, Jo tinny Black. Regular Attendance.— John M'Nab.

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New Zealand Tablet, Volume XIII, Issue 35, 25 December 1885, Page 21

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CHRISTIAN BROTHERS' SCHOOLS, DUNEDIN. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XIII, Issue 35, 25 December 1885, Page 21

CHRISTIAN BROTHERS' SCHOOLS, DUNEDIN. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XIII, Issue 35, 25 December 1885, Page 21

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