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(From our Christchurch Correspondent.)

The Catholic city schools were examined during last week, the distribution of prizes in the parochial ones coming off on Friday and Saturday last. The examiners were Eev. F. Oinaty, Dr. Doyle, Mr. -W. B. Percival, Mr. R. H. Loughnan and Mr. A. Bathurst, and, from the enclosed account taken from the P^rett newspaper, they were evidently satisfied with the result. " The examinations of the various Catholic schools of this city have just been* concluded. The results obtained, according to the examiner's reports, are eminently satisfactory, and evince much application and attention both on the part of teachers and taught.

Bt. Leo's High School, which now ends its fiist term of existence, was examined by Dr. Doyle in Latin and Geography, by Mr. W. B. Perceval in English, and by Mr. B. A. Loughnan in French. All the examiners in their repoits remark on the clearness and precision of the written answers, and compliment the principal on his method of tuition. In Latin the papers were said to be particularly good for boys who have only studied the language for one term, and showed a thorough drilling in the rudiments. English grammar Beemed to be remarkably well understood, and the French elements were completely mastered. The Select High School for young ladies was examined by Father Ginaty, who was very gratified with the results. Father Ginaty also examined the three female parochial schools — St. Mary's St. Joseph's and the Holy Angels' — and in distributing the prizes yesterday, said that he had been particularly gratified by the truly remarkable manner in which the infant division replied to the questions he had put to them. In saying this he did not, however, wish to disparage the others. All had well earned their vacations, and he felt more than satisfied at their progress. The male parochial schools were examined by Mr. Bathurst, who, in his report, complimented the three teachers on their patience and skill. He speaks highly of the manner in which the boys read and spell, and was struck by the knowledge which the first class possessed of higher arithmetic and book-keeping. He found the intermediate classes well up in history and geography, while all seemed to be exceedingly well-disciplined. All the above schools, which include more than 600 pupils, will reopen on Monday, January 24th." The side schools at Papanui and Halswell were examined by Mr. K. O'Connor, senior roaster of the Catholic Boys' School, Christchurch, on Monday, the 20th inst. In his report to Rev. Father Ginaty he particularly dwelt on the efficiency of the pupils iv the three R.s, especially reading and geography. The spelling was also most creditable for country schools, the writing and exercise books, showing evident pains on the part of both teachers and pupils. The teachers are Miss Kealy and Miss Bourke, both accomplished ladies and possessed of many virtues which should render them an acquisition to parents and their pupils. The discipline! in these schools is almost perfect, the teachers guiding their pupils entirely by signal, which they thoroughly understand. To-day I had the pleasure of attending a musical entertainment and distribution of prizes at the Select Schools, taught by " th« Religious of Notre Dame des Missions," of which the following is the programme : — , , _ _. Solo (6 pianos and harmonium)-—" March from Norma," Misses Merson, Hulbert, Pope, Moynihan, Cronin, O'Neil, and O'Brien. Prologue— delivered by Miss Mulligan. Duet (6 Pianos)—" Wild Flowers,"— Misses Rediern, K. Conley, ! MaTsh, O'Brien, Merson, Hulbert, Cronin, McGarva, Pope, Geoghagan, O'Grady, and Moynihan. Part Song—" The Elfin Call,"— Young Ladies of Senior Class. Solo (4 Pianos)—" The Orphan's Prayer"— Misses O'Brien, Geoghagan. Merson, and Hulbert. Recitation—" The Parting Song,"— Miss B. Holley. Duet— (Vocal) — " How sad to say farewell,"— Misses Crone and F. Morton. , . „ , r . w Solo (6 Pianos)— "Tbe Maiden's Thanksgiving,"— Misses McGarva, O'Neil, Cronin, Geoghagan, Pope, and Moynihan. French Chorus, with Solo—'' La France,"— -Young ladies of Senior

Duet (6 Pianos) — " Invitation to the Waltz," Misses Mulligan, Merson, Heslop, Conway, M. Conway, M. Moir, O'Neil, Kennedy, Flavahan, Bird, O'Connell, and Hullert. Song—" Beautiful Roses," — Young Ladies. Solo (Piano) — " Alma," (a battle piece)— Miss O'Brien. Recitation — " The King of Arragon's Lament for his Brother" — Miss Morton. „ „*.„,, Song, in parts—" 1 heard a voice in the tranquil night, — Young Duet (6 Pianos)—" Qui Vive,"— Misses O'Brien, Pope, Moynihan, O'Grady, Merson, Hulbert, Cronin, McGarva, Geoghagan, Duncan, and K. Conley. Recitation — " The Freed Bird, 11 — Misses Hulbert and Merson. Song, with Chorus—" Come, Birdie, Come." — The Junior Class. Duet (5 Pianos)—" Tby Voice is Near,"— Misses Mulligan, Merson, Kennedy, M. Moir, Pbipps, McOTath, O'Connell, Flavahan, Conway, and M. Conway. Solo (Vocal)—" Carißsima," — Miss Burke. Recitation — " Gertrude, or Fidelity till Death,"— Miss Moir. Song, in parts— " The Flower Gatherers," — Young Ladies of Senior and Junior Classes, Solo (2 Pianos)—" Sparkling Cascades," — Misses O'Brien and Geoghagan. French Song—" Le Papillon,"~Junior Class. Solo (6 Pianos)—" Sparkling Sunbeams," — Misset Hulbert, Merson, O'Grady, Pope, Moynihan, and Cronin. Glee—" True as the Stars,"— Young Ladies of Senior Class. Recitation (French)— " L' Adieu de Marie Stuart," — Miss E. Trio and Solo (6 Pianos and Harmonium) — " Motart's Gloria," — Missea O'Brien, Merson, Moynihan, O'Grady, Hulbert, O'Neil, Pope, Cronin, Geoghagan, and Boylan. Recitation — " Bernardo del CaTpio," — Misses Crone, Morton, and Comer. Duet and Solo (Piano) — " Sans Souci," — Misses O'Brien, Geoghagan, and Pope. Solo (Vocal)—" The Nightingale,"— Miss Phipps. Solo (3 Pianos) — " The Christmas Chimes," — Misses Merson, Hulbert, and Mulligan. Solo (6 Pianos)—" Messenger of Love," — Misses Pope, McGarva, Merson, Hulbert. Kennedy, and O'Connell. Duet (Vocal)—" Dear Happy Home," — Misses Bush and Crone. Duet (2 Pianos) — " Cbilperic," — Misses O'Brien, O'Grady, Qeoghagan, and Dobbs. . . Distribution of Proei, Senior GUw,

Part Song—" O'er the Hill, O'er the Dale,"— Preparatory School, distribution of Prizes, Preparatory ferhool. French Kong— " Quel beau jour,"— Senior Class. Part Song-— " The Holidays,"— Young Ladies. Before entering upon the entertainment, &c, permit me to refer to what I must call a grand exhibition of the pupils work for the last twelve months, which came off in one of the side schools attached to the Convent. One might have thought all the time he was in this room he was in a fancy bazaar, as really mostly all the articles exhibited (and they were lesion) attracted the notice of every spectator, which must have been 200. By referring to the prize list which I enclose, your readers will perceive the subjects exhibited, also the names of some of the owners. Yet though criticism is said to be invidious, especially when everything was so satisfactory, I must especially notice a few of the exhibits as deserving special mention. Drawing.— Misses Holley, Morton; O'Neill, Mulligan, Comer, and Crone. Lace Work.— Misses Holly and Reilly. Plain Needle Work.— Misses Holly and O'Neill. Flower Making.— Misses Kennedy and Moir. Fancy Work.— Misses F. Morton and Herbert. Map Drawing.— Misses Comer and Moynihan. The above especially attracted my attention, though they are not by half the number I should be pleased to name if time and space permitted.

The entertainment opened with a solo on six pianos and harmonium, nicely played, and was followed by a prologue by Miss Mulligan, a lady-like child scarcely nine years old, who, considering the large audience before her, acquitted herself well. The playing all through was very correct, as also the lim", making the listener imagine though 6 and 7 instruments were at work there was only one playing. Those most efficient in this subject appeared to be Misses O'Brien and Gecghegan. The singing even of the little ones must have been a cause of pleasure to the audience, especially that of Miss Phipe, also Miss Borke. A duet by Misses Crone and F. Morton was most pleasantly sung, both voices blending with the greatest ease, showing evident confidence in one another. A glee, " True as the Stars," a trio and soR Mozart's "Gloria," a solo, "The Maiden's Thanksgiving," all played by 6 pianos, -yvere in my mind the best of the programme, and deserve great praise for those young ladies who gave them and their excellent mistresses. Recitations were given by the Misses Holly, Hulbert, Merson, Morton Moir, Comer and Cione. Taking everything into consideration there is marked progress in this year's exhibits to that of last year's, though the ages of the young ladies are somewhat equal.

Rev. Father Ginaty subsequently distributed the prizes, and prefaced them by thanking the young ladies for the interesting and pleasant entertainment they had just terminated. He also expressed the pleasure he felt at witnessing the great progress since last year, and further stated that, though he had taken active part in examinations for many years, he never saw the quality of the work shown that'day surpassed and seldom met with young ladies displaying such general knowledge of even most difficult subjects as those attending the Select High School taught by the good Sisters of Notre Dame des Missions, Christchurch.

Last yeaT the distribution was made by His Lordship Right Rev. Dr. Redwood, and, no doubt, be will be pleased to know that every one connected with the institution profited by his advice then, namely, "to persevere and show better results next year." Enclosed are the prize lists of all the Catholic schools in the parish of Christchurch, and I think your readers will allow that the good parish priest must be well provided with funds in order to supply so many deserving youths with suitable awards. List op Prizes Sacred Heart Select School, Christchurch.

General Subjects. — Exemplary Conduct : Prize, Misses Alice Funston, 1 ; Merson, 2. Next in merit, Misses O'Brien, 1 ; Ellen Holley, 2 ; Agnes Dobbs, 3 ; O'Neill, 4. Deportment Politeness : Prize, Misses Crone, 1 ; Ellen Cronin, 2. Next in merit, Misses Moir, 1 ; Olive Redfern, 2. Practical Attendance : Prize, Misses Kennedy, 1 ; Alice Funston, 2. Next in merit, Misses Annie Moynihan, 1 ; Martha Bush, 2. Amiability : Prize, Miss O'Reilly. Next in merit, Miss O'Brien. Music : ' Prize, Misses O'Brien, 1 ; Merson, 2 ; Ellen Cronin, 3. Next in Merit, Misses Pope and A. Moynihan, 1 ; Hulbert,. 2 ; O'Neil, 3, Drawing and Illuminating : Prize, Misses Ellen Holley, 1 ; Morton, 2. Next in meiit, Misses O'Neil, 1 ; Crone, 2. First Division.— Writing Plain and Ornamental; Prize- Miss Annie Moynihan, 1 ; Next in m.-rit, Misses O'Brien, 1 ; E. Holley 2 Reading and Recitation : Prize, Miss E. Holley. Next in merit, Misses Comer and Moir. Grammar Analysis and Parsing : Prize Miss - O'Brien. Next in merit, Misses Holley and Moynihan' Bible History, Prize, Miss O'Brien. Next in merit, Misses O'Brien and A. Moynihan, English Hißtory : Prize, Ellen Holley. Next in merit, Misses A. Moynihan and Holley. Universal History and Chronology : Miss O'Brien. Next in merit, Misses E. Holley and A. Moynihan. Geography: Prize, Miss O'Brien. Next in merit, Misses Ellen Holley and A. M.oynihan. Mapping and Use of the Globes : Prize, Miss Comer. Next in merit, Misses O'Brien and A. Moynihan. Arithmetic and Book-keeping : Prizo, Miss Comer. Next iv merit, Misses O'Brien and Moynihan. Composition and Letter-writing : Prize, Miss Ellen Holley. Next in Merit, Misses Moir and Moynihan. Singing : Prize, Misses Fanny Morton, 1 ; Crone, 2. N«xt in'merit, Misses Phrpps and Burke. French : Prize' Misses Ellen Holley, 1 ; Annie Moynihan, 2 ; Kennedy, 3. Next in merit, Misses O'Brien, Alice Funston, Martha Bush. Lace Work • Prize, Miss O'Reilly. Next in merit, Misses Moir and Mulligan Faucy Work : Prize, Misses Comer, 1 ; F. Morton, 2. Next in merit Misses Moir, Morton, Hulbert, Flannigan. Plain Needle Work'Misses Ellen Holley, 1 ; O'Neil, 2. Next in merit, M^ses Comer' O'Brien, Reston, Mulligan. Flower Making : Prize, Miss Kennedy. Next in merit, Misses Bllen Holley, Moir, M'Garva. Christian Doctrine : Prize, Misses O'Brien, 1 ; Olive Redfern, 2. Next in merit : Misses E. Holley, Moynihan, M'Garva, and O'N«il. As-

tronomy : Prize, Miss O'Brien. Next in merit. Misses E. Holley and Moynihan. Botany and Scientific Subjects: Prizf», Miss Annie Moyruban. Next in merit. .Misses O'Briea and Ellen Holley. Second Division.— Plain and Ornamental Writing : Prize, Mifjs Rebecca Courtney. Nest in merit, Misses O'Grady and Pope. Beading and Recitation : Prize, Miss Morton. Next in merit, Misses Pope and O'Grady. Grammar, Analysis and Parsing: Prize, Misß Pope. Next in merit, Misses O'Grady and McGarva. BibJ.e History <: 1 nsw, Mihs OGrady. Next in merit, Misses Pope and McGarva. English History : Prize. Miss O'Grady. Next in merit, Misses O'Niel aod Pope. Universal History : Prize, Miss O'Grady. Next in merit, Misses O'Niel and Pope. Universal History : Prize, Miss O"Grady. Next in merit, Misses Pope and McGarve. Chronology : Prize, Miss O Grady. Next in merit, Misses Pope and McGarva. Geography : prize, Miss O'Neil. Next in merit, Misses Courtney and O'Grady. Arithmetic and Book-keeping : Prize, Miss McGarva. Next in merit, Misses O'Grady and Courtney. Composition and Letter-Writing : Prize, Miss Pope. Next in merit, Misses O'Grady and McGarva. *t ™ rd Di vision.— Writings Plain and Ornamental: Prize, Miss Alice Funsrton. Next in merit, Misses 0. Redfern and M. Bush. Reading and Recitation : Prize, Miss Alice Funston. Next in merit, Misses Crone and M. Bush. Grammar, Analysis, and Parsing : Prize, Mis*, Kennedy. N€xt in merit, Misses Bush and A. Funston. Bible and Universal History : Prize, Miss Kennedy. Next in merit, Mi&es Bush and A. Funston. English History and Chronology : Prize, Miss A. Fiin9ton. Next in merit, Misses Kennedy and Crone. Geography : Prize, Miss M. $ush. Next in merit, *Miss Funston and Kennedy. Arithmetic and Bookkeeping : Prize, Miss Crone. Next in merit, Misses Bush and Katie Conley. Composition and Letter Writing: Prize, Mias O'Reilly. Next in merit, Misses Funston and Bush. Entering Exercises: Prize, Miss A. Funston. Next in merit, Miss Kennedy.

Fourth Division.— Writing,, Plain and Ornamental : Prize, Miss Fanny Morton. Next in merit, Miss Hulbert and Louise Funston. Reading and Recitation : Prize, Miss Raphael. Next in merit, Misses Dobbs and Hulbert. Grammar and Parsing : Prize, Miss Hulbert. Kext in merit, Misses Raphael and Morton. English History and Chronology : Prize, Miss Dobbs. Next in merit, Misses Hulbert and F, Morton. Bible and Universal History : Prize, Miss Flavahan. Next in merit, Misses Dobbs and Hulbert, Arithmetic : Prize, Miss O'Oonnell. Next in merit, Misses Flavahan and Hulbert. Composition and Letter "Writing : Prize, Miss Hulbert. Next in merit, Misses F. Morton and S. Funston,

Special prizes for keeping Ist place in class for 6 months awarded to : Ist class Miss O'Brien ; 2nd class, Miss O'Giady ; 3rd class, Miss Kennedy.

Fifth Division.— Writing and Dictation : Prize, Miss Margaret Moir, 1 ; Miss Agnes Dobbs, 2 ; Miss Conway, 3. Next in merit, Miss Margaret Conway, 1 ; Miss Phipps, 2. Reading : Miss Agnes Dobbs, 1 ; Miss Margaret. Oonway, 2. Next in merit, Miss Mary F. Courtney, 1 ; Miss Sullivan, 2. Grammar and Parsing : Prize, Misa Tait. Next in merit, Miss A. Do»>bs, 1 ; Miss Reston, 2. History : Prize, Miss Mary F. Courtney. Next in merit, Miss Bird, 1 ; Miss Sullivan, 2. Geography : Prize, Miss Conway ; Next in merit, Misses Bird and Tait. Arithmetic : Miss Conway, 1 ; Miss Reston, 2. Next in merit, Miss A. Dobbs, 1 ; Miss M. Moir, 2. General Progress : Miss Bird, 1 ; Miss M'Grath, 2 ; Miss Sullivan, 3. Preparatory School.— Exemplary Conduct : Prize, Miss Mulligan. Next in merit, Miss Bryant. Politeness and Amiability : Prize, Miss Bryant. Next iv merit, Miss F. Westway. Singing : Prize, Miss Maud Oakes. Next in merit, Misses Gamble and Mulligan. Punctual Attendance : Prize, Miss Elsie Reston. Mext in merit, Miss Fanny Abbott. Prize for General Improvement : Prize, Misa Mulligan. Reading : Prize, Miss Heslop. Next in merit, Misses M. Oakes and Bryant. Writing : Prize, Miss A. Bird. Next in merit, Miss F. Clarke. Arithmetic : Prize, Miss Francis. Next in merit, Misses E. Reston and Bird. Dictation and Spelling : Prize, Miss M. Oakes. Next in merit, Misses J. Heslop and A. Bird. Grammar : Prize, Miss E. Reston. Next in merit, Misses M. Oakes and A. Bird. Geography : Prize, Miss A. Bird. Next in merit, Misses E. Reston and J. Oakes. Catechism : Prize, Miss A. Bryant. Next in merit, Misses E. Restou and Walsh. Writing : Prize, Miss Flanagan. Next in merit, Miss Barrett. Reading : Prize, Miss Barrett. Arithmetic : Prize, Miss Clarke.

Third Class.— Writing : Miss E. Hill. Next in merit, Miss J. Mulligan. Fourth Class. — Writing and Reading : Prize, Miss May Morton. Special prise for keeping Ist place in class for 12 month* awarded to Miss Mulligan.

Pbizk List or St.'B Pabish School.

First Class. — Good Conduct : Misses Mary Fuller, Cressy Sherrin. Reading : Misses Annie McGill, Mary Gallaher. Dictation and Writing : Miss Rose Holloway, Annie Dineen. History : Miss Mary Ann Duke. Geography : Miss Mary Prendergast. Grammar : Misa Mary G-oggin. Arithmetic: Katie Fanning, Margaret Rodgers. General Improvement : Miss Mary Ann Quinn.

Second Class. — Reeling : Miss Margaret Cunningham. Writing : Misses Katie Shea, Kiti<- Archer. Grammar: Mihs Katie 0 -nnelly. Geography : Misses Bridget Hohan, Mary J.McAdams. Arithmetic: Misses Katie Bootb, Grace Fanning. General Improvement : Mi^es Maggie Lawlor, Norah Cassin, Norah Luthwick, Annie Lee, Lizzie O'Leary, Sarah Fuller, Emily Harrington, Louisa Duffy.

St. Joseph's School.

Good Couduct : Mi-ses Maggie Hennelly, Nellie Duke. Attendance : Misses Gertrude Donoughe, Grace Laffarty, Mary O'Neill, Margarrt Cratti. Catechism : Misses Katie Hamilton, Maggie Brosnahan, Katie McTaggart. Writing : Misses BeatriceO'Malley Julia Berg, Katie shannon. Reading : Misses Johanna Shea, Nellie Hoban, Polly Fuss. Spelling : Misses Mary O'Reilly, Katie Leonard, Katie Sullivan. Arithmetic : Misses Mary Ann Creary, Margaret Tuckington.

Holy Angels School. Good Conduct : Miss Mary Nee. General Progress : Miss Lucy Fanning. Reading and Catechism : Misses Teresa Shea, Bridget Mallex. Spiling : Miss Julia O'Malley. Grammar • Miss Sarah McCormick. Geography : Misses Catherine Gerange, Mary A. Arnold. General Progress : Misses Lizzie Geoghegan, Ellen Laffarty, Jane Luthwick, Josephine Fern, Agnes Walsh. Pbize List of Catholic Boys' Parochial School.

Sixth Standard : James O'Malley, 1 ; B. Conner, 2 ; W. Geogb^gnn, 3 ; J. Smyth, 4 ; J. Hendron, 5 ; J. Nevin, 6 rvxr B £ n £ & l d : W " Smyth ' 1 ' J - Hullv « 2 ' J ' Jovee > 3 ' J - O Neill, 4 ; F. Mahoney, 5 ; M. Garty, 6 ; G. Mussen, 7 ; Jno. O'Connell.

Fourth Standard : H. M'Elroy, 1 ; J. Heslip. 2 ; C. O'Malley, 3 ; J. Hennessy, 4 ; J. Lafferty, 5 ; G. Gamble, 6 ; Thos. Sullivan, 7. Third Standard : W. Docherty. 1 ; F. Cooper, 2 ; F. O'Malley, V £ Broßna £»a. *; B. Bohen, 5; T. Malluza, 6; W. Garrigan, 7 : C. Oarr, 8 ; M. M'Namara, 9. Third Standard : Second Division— J. Howard, 1 ; J. Kearney, 2 ; J. Arnold, 3 ; J. Cusack, 4 ; J. Smith, 5 ; J. Archie, 6 ; J. Quin, 7 ; J. Foley, 8 ; C. Pilliett, 9. Becond Standard :W. M'Auliff, 1 ; B. Donnelly, 2; J. Dempsey,

Second Low Division— M. Mannix, 1 ; Shanly, 2 ; Reston, 3. Fust Book : O'Malley, 1 ; M'Auliff, 2. First Low Division :J. 8. Barrett, 1 ; A. O'Neill, 2. The good conduct prize in the senior division of the school was awarded to James O'Malley and to Wm. M'Auliff in the junior division. J

List op Pmzeb, St. Joseph's School, Papanui. ™ G S2 d ,,- Cond , u , ct ? nd Politeness.— lst Class, Mary Daley ; 2nd Class, William Marsh ; 3rd Class, Martha Daley. Regular Attendance—lst Prize, Edward Marsh; 2nd Prize, Donald Kennedy. Reading and Spelling— lst Class, William Penninghouse ; 2nd Class. Donald Kennedy ; 3rd Class, Joseph Flanagan ; 4th Class, Charles Flanagan ; sth Class, Joseph Penninghouse. Geography and Grammar—lst Class, Florence Marsh ; 2nd Class, Charles Penninghouse. Arithmetic and Writing— Ist Class, Florence Marsh ; 2nd Class, William Marsh. Catechism— Ist Class, William Penninghonse ; 2nd Class, Ellen Marsh ; 3rd Class, Charles Penninghouse : 4th Class, Frank Blumsky. Alphabet Class— lst Prize, Joseph Blumsky ; 2nd Prize, Christopher Flanagan ; 3rd Prize, Katie Marsh. Singing— Prize, Ellen Marsh. Special Prizes— Ist, Mary Watembuig; 3rd, Julia Rodez ; 3rd, Annie Felski.

Pbizb List, St. Aones' School, Halswell. Good Conduct and Politeness.— Ist Prize, Mary Burrows : 2Dd Prize, Alice Sullivan. Catechism— Ist Class, Ernest Sullivan ; 2nd Class, Alice Sullivan : 3rd Class, Emily Sullivan ; 4th Class, John Jackßon. Beading and Spelling— Ist Class, Mary Burrows ; 2nd Class, Mary Bnnis ; 3rd Class, George Sullivan ; 4th Class, Thomas Sullivan. Arithmetic— lst Class, Henry Burrows ; 2nd Class, Michael Slattery ; 3rd Class, Charles Schmoski ; 4th Class, Thomas Curran. Geography and Grammar— Ist Class, Mary Burrows ; 2nd Class, Alice Solhvan. Writing— lst Clasß, Maria Mealing; 2nd Class, Teresa Mealing ; 3rd Class, Charles Schmoski ; 4th Class, Teresa McLean. General Application.— Elizabeth Curran and Adelaide Sullivan.

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New Zealand Tablet, Volume VII, Issue 403, 31 December 1880, Page 5

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CHRISTCHURCH CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. New Zealand Tablet, Volume VII, Issue 403, 31 December 1880, Page 5

CHRISTCHURCH CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. New Zealand Tablet, Volume VII, Issue 403, 31 December 1880, Page 5

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