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Opening op the Otago and Canterbury District.

Report of proceedings of the opening and subsequent meetings held at the South Australian Hall, Princes-street, Dunedin, N.Z., on Wednesday 24th, Thursday 25th, and Friday 26th January, 1877. DELEGATES — Chrißtchurch ßranch ... Bro. C. Sexton (two votes) Lyttelton „ ... Bro. J. J. Connor Akaroa „ ... Bro. Michael Connellan Oamaru „ ... Bro. John Cogvin Naseby „ ... Bro. P. Bourke Dunedin „ ... Bro. J. Cantwell „ „ ... Bro. E. Carroll Lawrence „ ... Bro. J. J. Harris Invercargill „ ... Bro. John Maher (two votes) . Wednesday, 24th January, 1877. The first meeting of Delegates appointed by Branches of the H.A C.8.5., in Otago and Canterbury for the purpose of forming a District Board took place in the South Australian Hall, Princesstreet, Dunedin, on Wednesday, 24th January, 1877. Bro. John Cantwell, Secretary of the Dunedin Branch, produced his credentials, by which it was shown that he had been duly appointed by the Executive Officers in Melbourne to open the District. The authority read as follows: — "Melbourne, January 13th, 1877, (Cablegram) — Official authority hereby granted to John Cantwell to form Otago and Canterbury District. " (Signed) M. Labkin, C.S." Bro. John Cantwell was then called to the chair on the motion of Bro. E. Carroll (Dunedin Branch). Bro. J. J. Harris, (Lawrence Branch) proposed, and Bro. John Maher (Invercargill Branch), seconded. " That Bro. J. J. Connor be appointed recording Secretary for the sitting." — Carried. The Chairman then addressed the Delegates, briefly stating the object for which they had been called together, and also the circumstances that led to the formation of a District. He stated that up to the present time the Dispensation had not arrived, but he (Bro. Cantwell) had not the slightest doubt the Dispensation had been granted, and pressure of business only on the part of the Executive Officers in Melbourne was the cause of it not arriving by the Ringarooma according to advices. Very likely the Dispensation would arrive before the meeting closed. Bro. E. Carroll (Dunedin) was perfectly satisfied that the Dispensation had been despatched, and the fact of the non-arrival of the steamer should not in his opinion prevent them from at once proceeding with the business. He (Bro. Carrell) was quite satisfied that all formal authority to open the District would be forthcoming before the termination of the sitting, and proposed that the business be now proceeded with. Carried on the voices. The Chairman read a telegram that he had received from the officers of the Lyttelton Branch appointing Bro. J. J. Connor to represent the Branch. A telegram was also read from the Secretary of the Akaroa Branch stating that in consequence of no steamer calling there this -neak their Delegate could not possibly attend, and calling on the L«puty to appoint one for them. At the request

of the meeting the Chairman appointed Bro. M. Connellan to represent the Akaroa Branch, No appointment had been made for the Naseby Branch, and Bro. E. Carroll proposed, and Bro. M. Connellan seconded, " That Bro. J. Roughan (Lawrence Branch), he appointed to represent the Naseby Branch. Bro. Sexton moved as an amendment, and Bro. Cogvin seconded, " That the Branch be telegraphed to on the subject. After considerable discussion, both motion and amendment were withdrawn, in order that business might be proceeded with at once. The Chairman now called upon Delegates to produce their certificates of appointment to represent their respective Branches, which was accordingly done and declared satisfactory. The Chairman then formally opened the meeting in the rtsuul manner, and afterwards read tlio Bye-laws for a Board of Management adopted by the Sydney Branches, and placed them on tbe table together with the amendments in the District Laws proposed by the Dunedin Branch. Bro. Sexton (Christchurch Branch) suggested that Delegates should afford information as to the financial soundness of their respect ire Branches. Bro. Sexton regarded the undertaking as a partnership concern, and said as the new District would be responsible for all its members, it was the duty of Delegates to see that those with whom they were about to contract such close relations were at least solvent. The Chairman here revl the numerical and financial statement of the Dunedin Branch. Bro. J. J. Connor (Lyttelton) thought that the meeting was hardly competent to canvass the financial position of Branches, and felt convinced that such a discussion would prove fruitless, inasmuch as he was quite sure that Delegates were not prepared to give the information in anything like an accurate manner. Moreover, he (Bro. Connor) did not think that ie was for the meeting to reject any Branch. For the following reasons : we were all hero by the mutual invitation of each other for the purpose of combining to establish a District. "We have already laws which regulate the solvency or otherwise of Branches ; and if after the District has been started it finds that any Branch is unfortunately insolvent, the laws will be applied, and such Branch will, of course, succumb. This will be one of the principal functions of the District. The explanations that followed were declared satisfactoryMoved by Delegate Sexton, and seconded by Delegate Cantwell, and carried unanimously — " That no Branch or Branches, comprised in the present District Board, be entitled to the benefits arising therefrom, until such Brunch or Branches shall have paid all just dues to the District Board." Tbe Chairman thought the business was in advance of what it should be. and, therefore, called on Delegates to elect their District Officers Bro. John Maher (Invercargill) said he had great pleasure in proposing Bro. J. J. Connor as D.F., speaking in complimentary terms at to the industry of his candidate and the part he hud taken in the creation of the districts Bro. Connor explained that although he was one of the first members of the Dunedin Brand), and had always taken a very active part in all its concerns ; he had in the early history of the Branch always abstained from taking cmce so long as/ h.a. found eligible persons coming forward ; he had, however, during the last twelve months offered himself on two occasions for tbe bfj;ce- of President of the Dunedin Branch, and was «orry to say that on both occasions he was unfortunate enough to be defeated, and, consequently, not eligible for the high office for which he had the honor to be prodosed.

Delegates generally expressed regret that Bro. Connor was not eligible. Bro. J. J. Harris (Lawrence) proposed, and Bro. J. Mabor (Invercargill) seconded, "That Bro. Edward Carroll, Past President of Dunedin Branch, be elected District President for the ensuing twelve months." Carried unanimously. Bro. C. Sexton (Christchurch) proposed, and Bro. M. Connellan (Akaroa) seconded, "That Bro. Edward O'Connor, PJ?. Christchurch Branch, be District Vice-President for the ensuing twelve months." Bro. Sexton said he felt proud in proposing such a -candidate, and felt sure that" every member of the Society who had watched the working of branches would recognise in Bro. O'Connor the -germ of that ability that would fit him for .the office, while he (Bro. Sexton) could bear testimony to the high character and sterling worth of his candidate. The Chairman in putting the resolution to the meeting, said that he had not the honor of knowing Bro. O'Connor personally, but knew him well by repute, and had corresponded on many occasions with him on "Society business, and thought Bro. O'Connor well qualified to hold the office to which he had been nominated. The resolution was then put and carried unanimously, Bro. E.. Carroll (Dunedin) proposed, and Bro. John Maher (Fnvercargill) seconded, "That Bro. John Cantwell be. elected District Secretary for the ensuing twelve mo'nthß." Bro. 'Cat-roll said that on many occasions he had proved a bulwark of opposition to the candidate he now did himself the honor to propose, and he (Bro. Carroll) was in a good position to know the sterling value of Bro. Cantwell, he was endowed with considerable ability, ha was well educated and had the characteristics of perseverance that wero sure to tide him over every difficulty that came in his way : such qualifications made him a very suitable candidate to aspire to the office. Bro. John Maher (Invercargiil) said that he had positive instructions from his Branch to put Bro. Cantwell into the office of D.S, if he possibly could do so. The candidate stood in the highest estimation of the Invercargill Branch, who were fully alive- to his many excellent qualifications. Bro. Harris (Lawrence) spoke in support of Bro. Cantwell's candidature, and also referred to the many services rendered to the Lawrence Branch by the candidate. • " Bro. Maher here took the chair, and put the nomination of Bro. Cantwell to the meeting, and declared him duly elected D.S. Bro. Cantwell stated that he would take advantage of the present opportunity by proposing a gentleman to fill the office of D.T. So far as the election of officers had yet gone, he was highly pleased with the choice made by the Delegates j but a most important office remained to be tiled. The candidate he was about to propose was a gentleman he had worked with in the Dunedin Branch for several years. He had much pleasure in proposing Bro. M. Connellan to fill the office of District Treasurer for the ensuing twelve months ; seconded by Bro. J. J. Connor, and carried unanimously. District Trustees — Bro. J. J. Connor (Dunedin), proposed by Bro. Connellan, and seconded by Bro. Maher. Bro. J. J. Harriß (Lawrence), proposed by Bro. E. Carroll, and seconded by Bro. Cogvin. Bro. J. Cogvin (Oamaru), proposed and seconded by Bro. J. Maher. There being no oppositon, the above named gentlemen were declared duly elected. District Auditors — Bro. J. J. Connor, proposed by Bro. J. J. Harris, seconded by Bro. Maher, and elected. Bro. H. W. Monkman, proposedby Bro. Connellan, seconded by Bro. Cogvin, and elected. At six o'clock it was resolved to adjourn for two hours, but before doing- so, the Chairman stated that he had been instructed by a Committee of members of the Dunedin Branch, to invite the Delegates to a dinner, to be held at Dunning's Hotel on Thursday evening. At eight o'clock, business was resumed by the Chairman announcing that he had just received a telegram from the Naseby Branch, appointing Bro. P. Bourke their Delegate. Bro. Bourke at once took his Beat at the table. The Chairman then installed the officers according to the laws laid down for installation, asking at the same time if there were any objections to their being installed. Before vacating the chair in favor of the D.P., Bro. Cantwell thanked the Delegates heartily for the high honor conferred on him by elevating him to the position of D.S. He also referred to the nattering remarks made that afternoon by Bros. Maher and Harris, and could assure those gentlemen and the members of the Lawrence and Invercargill Branches, that in the past he had only dsne what he considered to be his duty. The Branches evidently thought he had done more. Nevertheless, he (Bro. Cantwell) always felt very great pleasure in doing his duty, but that pleasure was greatly enhanced when he found his humble, and indeed poor, services appreciated. (Applause.) Eesolved on the motion of Bro. Sexton, seconded by Bro. Maher, " That in the absence of Bro. Connor, Bro. Cantwell take the District Vice-Chair." Eesolved—" That Bro. John Murray of the Dunedin Branch be appointed District Guardian." The revision of the Laws was mentioned by Bro. Cantwell, who suggested that they be discussed seriatim in order that delegates might see how far they affected the working of the D.B. Bro. Sexton pointed out that the present meeting had no power to revise or amend the Laws. If delegates thought any alteration was required, due notice should b> given and in the usual manner. The D.P. ruled in accordance yri\\ Bro. Sexton's views. A long and tedious discussion ensued over the correct interpretation of Law 37, clause 2. This subject wag also introduced by Bro. Cantwel), who was framing a resolution for submission to the meeting, when Bro. Sexton rose and strongly maintained that it was tne duty of Branches forming the District to pay 2s 6d per member for a contingent fund. He further submitted that Bro. CantwelTs resolution could not be received by the Chairman. Bro. Cantwell said he would not now move the resolution as it was quite clear the Clause in question was inoperative so far as the D.B. was concerned.

The District had no power to collect the money as it should have been forwarded in the first place with the application to the E.D. It was stated that the money was to form a contingent fund and after the opening expenses had been paid therefrom the balance was to be refunded to the D.B. Who was to refund the money? —why, the Executive Directory! They knew perfectly wall the opening expenses would be small and therefore did not think it necessary to demand the money. He (Bro. Cantwell) was opposed to the system of levies in the Society, as on many occasions it caused dissension, After Bros. J. J. Harris|-and J. Maher had expressed themselves favorable to the views of Bro. Cantwell, it was resolved that the matter be left in the hands of the District Officers. Moved by Bro. J. J. Harris (Lawrence), and Bro. Maher (Invercargill) seconded— l. "That the salary of the D.S. be at the rate of JE3O per annnm." 2. " That the salary of the D.T. be M 5s per annum." 3. " That the remuneration to the Auditors be 10s 6d each per audit." — Carried unanimously. Bro. Sexton drew the attention of Delegates to a proposed alteration in the rates of weekly contributions in other Benefit Societies. Bro. Cantwell congratulated Bro. Sexton for the warm interest he evinced in the welfare of the Society, but thought discussion on this subject at the present time rather premature, as he did not think the matter would affect the H.A.C.B.S. in New Zealand for Borne considerable time to come. At 11 p.m. Bro. Cantwell moved, and Bro. Harris seconded, " That this meeting do now adjourn until 2 p.m. to-morrow (Thursday)" — Adjourned accordingly. Thubsday, January 25th, 1877. At 2.10 p.m., The D.S., and acting D.V.P. took the chair, and opened the meeting in the usual manner. The Delegate from Lawrence being absent, a substitute was allowed him in the person of Bro. Lenihan of the Lawrence Branch. At this stage of the business the D.P. entered the room, and the D.V.P. vacated the chair in his favor. The minutes of yesterday's sitting were read and confirmed, but not signed. Moved by Bro. Cogvin (Oamaru), and seconded by Bro. J. J. Connor (Lyttelton), "That the District Chambers be the residence of the D.S., Stafford-street, Dunedin. — Carried. Moved by Bro. Sexton, and seconded by Bro. Harris, "That a vote of thanks be recorded on the minutes to Bro. Cantwell for the offer of a room for the District Board to meet in free of charge. Carried by acclamation. Place of next District Meeting— moved by Bro. Sexton and seconded by Bro. J. J. Harris " That the District Meetings be held alternately in Dunedin and Christchurch." The smartest and best conducted debate during the meeting took place on this subject, every delegate expressed himself as strongly in favor of the resolution, only they could not support it this year owing to the expense. If it were brought forward twelve months hence it would no doubt be carried unanimously. Bro. Sexton in reply argued strongly in support of his resolution, which, on being put;, was declared lost by the casting vote of the Chairman. The following is the division list : — Ayes. Nobs. Bro. Sexton (Christchuich) 2 votes Bro. Maher (Invercargill) 2 votes „ Connellan (Akaroa) 1 „ „ CantweJl (Dunedin) 1 „ „ Bourke (Naseby) 1 „ „ Cogvin (Oamaru)- 1 „ „ Harris (Lawrence) 1 „ „ Connor (Lytteltou) 1 „ The following gentleman were nominated and duly elected without opposition, to represent the District at the forthcoming annual meeting to be held in Melbourne next month: — Bros. Austin/ John Templeton, John Wallace, Howard, Michael Sheahan, and Michael Davern. In order that Delegates might be in a position to attend the dinner to commemorate the opening of the District, it was resolved that thU meeting do now adjourn until to-morrow morning (Friday). Fbiday, Jatstuaby 26th, 1877. The D P. took the chair at 11 a.m., and opened the meeting in due form. On the roll of Delegates being called, the following responded to their names — Bros. Sexto a, Carroll, Cantwell, Connellan, and Maher ; Bro. Cogvin (Oamaru) was excused. The folio wing were fined 2s 6d each for non-attendance — Bros. Connor, Harris, and Bourka. The minutes of yesterday's sitting were read, but their confirmation was objected to by Bros. Sexton and Maher, in consequence of their not being copied into the Official Minute Book. An explanation from the D.S. followed, which was deemed thoroughly satisfactory. At this stago of the proceedings, Bro. Sextou wished and obtained permission to leave for his home ; and on the motion of Bro. Maher, seconded by Bro. Cantwell, a cordial vote of thanks was accorded him by acclamation. Eesolved — " That this meeting adjourn until 7 p.m., and that the meeting be held at the Tablet Office if available." On resuming in the evening, the D.P. took the chair, and the following Delegates were present — Bros. E. Carroll, J. Cantwell, P. Bourke, M. Connellan, and John Maher. Moved by Bro. Bourke (Akaioa), and seconded by Bro. Maher (Invercargill) — " That the D.S. be instructed to arrange with the Tablet Company for publishing a full report of these proceedings, and also 100 copies of said Report for circulation amongst the several" Carried unanimously. The minutes of the three days' sittings were then read by the D.S , confirmed by the meeting, and signed by the D.P. The District President then, closed the first annual meeting of the Otago and Canterbury District, by reciting the Angelus. (Signed) Edwabi*'Cabroi.i,, D.P. Michaxl Connellan, D.T. I John Cantwell, D.S.

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New Zealand Tablet, Volume IV, Issue 200, 2 February 1877, Page 1 (Supplement)

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HIBERNIAN AUSTRALIAN CATHOLIC BENEFIT SOCIETY. New Zealand Tablet, Volume IV, Issue 200, 2 February 1877, Page 1 (Supplement)

HIBERNIAN AUSTRALIAN CATHOLIC BENEFIT SOCIETY. New Zealand Tablet, Volume IV, Issue 200, 2 February 1877, Page 1 (Supplement)

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