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Serial Number 1943/41


C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government House at Wellington, this 3rd day of March, 1943. Present: His Excellency the Governor-General in Council. Pursuant to the Emergency Regulations Act, 1939, His Excellency the Governor-General, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, doth hereby make the following regulations.

REGULATIONS. 1. These regulations may be cited as the Photography Emergency Regulations 1939, Amendment No. 2, and shall be read together with and deemed part of the Photography Emergency Regulations 1939* (hereinafter referred to as the principal regulations).

* Statutory Regulations 1939, Serial number 1939/244, page 985. Amendment No. 1 : Statutory Regulations 1942, Serial number 1942/7, page 28.

2. (1) Regulation 2 of the principal regulations is hereby amended by inserting, in their appropriate alphabetical order, the following definitions : — “ ‘ Armed force ’ means any of His Majesty’s naval, military, or air forces, or any other force for the time being lawfully present in New Zealand : “ ‘ Master ’, in relation to any ship or aircraft, includes any person for the time being having command or charge of the ship or aircraft, but in the case of a ship does not include a pilot : “ 1 Ship ’ includes every description of vessel used in navigation not propelled by oars, other than a ship of war :

(2) Regulation 2 of the principal regulations is hereby further amended by omitting from the definition of the expression “ Telegraph station” the word outside and substituting the words “in or outside ” ; and also by omitting from the same definition the words “ has the meaning assigned to it by the Post and Telegraph Act, 1928 — that is to say, it 3. Regulation 3 of the principal regulations is hereby amended by adding the following new paragraphs : “ (m) Any guarded place or prohibited place within the meaning of the Defence Emergency Regulations 1941,* or any protected place within the meaning of the Protected Places Emergency Regulations 1940 f : “ (n) Any munitions of war, arms, or vehicles, or any parts thereof, intended for or being used by any armed force, or any supplies for any armed force : “ (o) Any member or members of any armed force on parade, or engaged in any manoeuvres or operations.” 4. Regulation 3 of the principal regulations is hereby further amended—

(а) By inserting, after the words “ Air Board ”, the words “or by the officer for the time being commanding any armed force other than any of His Majesty’s Forces ” : (b) By omitting from paragraphs (c) and (d) the words “ any of His Majesty’s Forces ”, and substituting in each case the words “ any armed force ” : (c) By inserting in paragraph ( g after the words “ His Majesty ”, the words “ or upon the service of the Government of any power friendly to His Majesty ”. 5. The principal regulations are hereby amended by inserting, after Regulation 3, the following new regulation : / “ 3a. (1) Subject to the provisions of this regulation, no person shall, except in pursuance of a written permit granted by an officer of His Majesty’s Forces authorized in that behalf by the Naval Board or Air Board, —

“ (a) Have a camera with him in any ship or aircraft registered in New Zealand, wherever the ship or aircraft may be, or in any other ship or aircraft within or over New Zealand (including the territorial waters thereof): “ (6) While in any ship or aircraft registered in New Zealand, wherever the ship or aircraft may be, or in any other ship or aircraft within or over New Zealand (including the territorial waters thereof), make any graphic representation of the ship or aircraft or any part thereof, or of any object in, or seen from, the ship or aircraft, or have with him any such graphic representation made at any time after the commencement of this regulation by any other person while in the ship or aircraft. “ (2) No person shall be deemed to have a camera with him in a ship or aircraft in contravention of the provisions of subclause (1) of this regulation if he surrenders the camera to the master of the ship or aircraft, —

“ (a) In the case of a ship or aircraft registered in New Zealand, at the place of embarkation : “ ( b) In the case of a ship or aircraft proceeding to or from New Zealand, not being a ship or aircraft registered in New Zealand, on or before reaching the territorial limits of New Zealand or at the place of embarkation, as the case may be : “ (c) In the case of a ship or aircraft proceeding between places in New Zealand, not being a ship or aircraft registered in New Zealand, at the place of embarkation. “ (3) Where in pursuance of the foregoing provisions of this regulation a camera is surrendered by any person to the master of a ship or aircraft, the master shall retain possession of the camera — “ (a) In the case of a ship or aircraft registered in New Zealand, until the disembarkation of that person at his place of destination:

* Statutory Regulations 1941, Serial number 1941/130, page 419 Statutory Regulations 1940, Serial number 1940/205, page 924.

“ (6) In the case of a ship or aircraft proceeding to New Zealand, not being a ship or aircraft registered in New Zealand, until the disembarkation of that person at his place of destination or until the ship or aircraft leaves the territorial limits of New Zealand : “ (c) In the case of a ship or aircraft proceeding from New Zealand, not being a ship or aircraft registered in New Zealand, until the ship or aircraft has left the territorial limits of New Zealand : “ ( d ) In the case of a ship or aircraft proceeding between places in New Zealand, not being a ship or aircraft registered in New Zealand, until the disembarkation of that person at his place of destination. “ (4) Any authorized officer and any person acting under his directions may examine or search any ship or aircraft to which any provision of this regulation applies, or any part of any such ship or aircraft, for the purpose of ascertaining whether there is in the ship or aircraft any camera or graphic representation in respect of which any provision of this regulation is being or has been contravened or not complied with, and may seize any camera or graphic representation found upon such examination or search.

“ (5) Where any authorized officer has reason to suspect, in the case of any person in any ship or aircraft to which any provision of this regulation applies, or who disembarks therefrom, that any provision of this regulation is being or has been contravened or not complied with by that person, the authorized officer and any person acting under his directions may search and detain for the purpose of search that person and anything he has with him, and may seize any camera or graphic representation found upon such search : “ Provided that no female shall be searched in pursuance of this clause except by a female.

“ (6) Any authorized officer and any person acting under his directions may go on board any ship or aircraft for the purpose of exercising any of the powers conferred on them by this regulation. “ (7) Where any camera or graphic representation is seized under this regulation it may be detained for such period and dealt with in such manner as may be directed by or on behalf of the Naval Board or the Air Board, and in particular, but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing words, any such graphic representation may be subjected to any process and may be wholly or partly destroyed or obliterated.

“ (8) For the purposes of this regulation, * authorized officer ’ means any member of any armed force acting in the course of his duty as such, or any officer of Customs within the meaning of the Customs Act, 1913, or any constable. ** (9) Nothing in the foregoing provisions of this regulation shall apply with respect to any aircraft used for the purposes of any armed force.

“ (10) The provisions of this regulation are in addition to and not in derogation of the provisions of Regulation 3 hereof.” 6. Regulation 4 of the principal regulations is hereby amended by omitting the words “ the last preceding regulation ”, and substituting the words “ Regulation 3 or Regulation 3a hereof ”. 7. Regulation 6 of the principal regulations is hereby amended by omitting from clause (4) the words “ In every other case ”, and substituting the words “In the case of every other graphic representation ”.

8. Regulation 7 of the principal regulations is hereby amended by inserting, after the words “ permit granted under these regulations ”, the words “ or in respect of which any provision of these regulations has been contravened or not complied with ”. 9. Regulation 9 of the principal regulations is hereby amended as follows: (a) By omitting the words “ an officer of His Majesty’s Forces ”, and substituting the words “ any person ” : (b) By inserting, after the words “ Regulation 3”, the words “ or Regulation 3a ” : (c) By omitting the words “ shall be conclusive evidence and substituting the words “ shall, until the contrary is proved, be sufficient evidence ”. .

10. The provisions of Regulation 3a of the principal regulations, as set out in Regulation 5 of these regulations, are, in so far as they relate to aircraft, in substitution for the provisions of Regulation 10 of the Aviation Emergency Regulations 1939,* and that regulation is hereby consequentially revoked. C. A. JEFFERY, Clerk of the Executive Council.

* Statutory Regulations 1939, Serial number 1939/134, page 618




No. Watch. Description. 1 Owner’s Name and Address. Polios Gazette Reference. 1096 B. Gentlemen’s chromium-plated Stylex wristlet Robert John Thompson, Kaikohe Page 2 B. 100-237 Gentlemen’s chromium-plated wristlet .. ... Michael Joseph, Auckland „ 3 Gentlemen’s silver-plated Ralco wristlet .. George Walter Yalvoi, Auckland ,. „ 3 Gentlemen’s chromium wristlet .. Ivan Blitvich, Onehunga „ . 3 Ladies’ gold wristlet .. .. .. Joseph Duthie McDonald, Wellington „ : ■ 3 D. 18 Ladies’ gold Rotary wristlet .. Shirley Davis, Lyttelton .. '.. „ 3 64676 Gentlemen’s rolled-gold Rolex wristlet. .. . .. James Russell Johnson, Auckland ., „ 36 782651 Gentlemen’s chromium Buren wristlet Grenville Harry Brown, Auckland „ 36 Gentlemen’s silver Hafis wristlet Cyril Arthur Rankin, Rotorua .. „ 36 Ladies’ gold wristlet .. Matthew Steel McNicol, Hawera .. „ 36 27257696 Gentlemen’s silver hunting Baume Joseph Christie, Wanganui , .. ., „ 37 35.331 Ladies’ gold Hafis wristlet J Ladies’ rolled-gold wristlet Rewa Webber, Otaki .. .. ,, „ 37 Hilda Mary Teal, Upper Hutt .. .. 37 Ladies’ gold wristlet John Roper, Lower Hutt .. ,. „ 37 Ladies’ gold wristlet .. .. ■ Hazel Doris Coupland, Blenheim ,, 37 Gentlemen’s chromiun Hafis wristlet Hazel Doris Coupland, Blenheim „ 37 John Athol Henderson, Christchurch „ 38 Gentlemen’s nickel Railway Lever pocket Wilfred Lear Warren Smith, Oamaru „ 38 Ladies’ gold Moeris wristlet Bertha Robertson, Auckland „ 83 Ladies’ gold wristlet .. .. Gentlemen’s silver Omega pocket Gladys Maud Page, Auckland „ 83 Stanley Johansen, Hamilton ,. 83 Ladies’ gold wristlet Grace Mildred Beveridge, Hamilton . „ 83 Gentlemen’s silver Buren wristlet Sydney Ernest Keith Morris, Palmerston N, „ 83 ' Ladies’ gold Stylex wristlet .. .. .. Betty Randall Ahier, Auckland .. 96 * Gentlemen’s rolled-gold Swiss wristlet Eric Desmond McCabe, Auckland ., „ 96 Black gun-metal stop .. .. .. Sydney Meredith August, Auckland ,. „ 97 Gentlemen’s chromium-plated Buren Rival wristlet Charles Raymond Pitcher, Auckland ,. 97 Ladies’ gold key-wind pocket Peggy Key, Otaki .. .. ., m 97 Gentlemen’s Ingersoll pocket .. .. .. Peggy Key, Otaki „ 97 N.Z. Government (Army Dept.), Carterton „ 97 Gentlemen’s rolled-gold hunting Elgin Herbert Alfred Jacob, Dunedin ... ,. „ 97 174031 ‘ Ladies’ gold Swiss wristlet .. .. ' ' .. May Margaret Robinson, Auckland ,. „ no ' * ' Gentlemen’s gold hunting Rotherhams May Margaret Robinson, Auckland ,. „ no Arthur Hopwood, Palmerston North .. „ no 161344 ‘ Gentlemen’s steel Hafis wristlet Percy Tretheway Davey, Timaru.. .. „ '111 3033 Gentlemen’s silver wristlet .. Stewart Leighton, Timaru .. .. „ 111 • > Gentlemen’s chromium-plated wristlet Donald Guthrie, Kaitaia .. ,, 128 1991578 Gentlemen’s chrome pocket .. .. .. N.Z. Government (Army Dept.), Devonport 128 Ladies’ gold Swiss wristlet .. .. .; Gentlemen’s silver Buren wristlet Emma Jones, Auckland .. » 128 904511 Arthur Earl Viles, Masterfon .. ,. „ 129 776586 Gentlemen’s chromium-plated Rotary wristlet Basil Reginald Thompson, Nelson ,. „ 129 362312 Gentlemen’s chromium-plated Sagara wristlet Peter Stewart Booth, Nelson .. .. „ 129 Ladies’ gold wristlet .. Gentlemen’s rolled-gold Elgin pocket .. .. Marjory Hamlin Thornton, Christchurch .. „ 129 John Souter (Estate), Dunedin .. „ 129 328279 Gentlemen’s silver hunting Rotherhams .. . William Emory Lynch, Whangarei „ 160 Ladies’ gold Swiss wristlet .. .. Kathleen Doris Follas, Auckland » 160 83817Gentlemen’s chromium-plated Swiss wristlet Kathleen Doris Follas, Auckland „ 160 83817Gentlemen’s chromium-plated Swiss wristlet N.Z. Government (Air Dept.), New Plymouth „ 161 92083 Ladies’ gold key-wind pocket .. .. ' Louisa Mary Harris, Christchurch • „ 161 Ladies’ gold fob .. Gentlemen’s rolled-gold pocket .. .. Georgina Whitmore, Auckland .. ,. „ 173 Georgina Whitmore, Auckland .. ,. „ 173 * Gentlemen’s gold-filled Swiss wristlet Jack William Moonev, Wellington 173 Gentlemen’s chromium-plated wristlet James Colin Maclnnes, Wellington „ 173 - Gentlemen’s silver English hunting Joseph Serson, Blenheim .. ,, „ 174 Gentlemen’s gold open-face pocket .. Norman Cunningham, Auckland ., .. „ 186 Gentlemen’s silver combination stop Norman Cunningham, Auckland .. ,. . 186 •iGentlemen’s rolled-gold hunting dress (2).. Gentlemen’s rolled-gold hunting dress (2)..Norman Cunningham, Auckland .. ,, Norman Cunningham, Auckland .. ,,„ 186 „■ 186 Gentlemen’s metal open-face stop Norman Cunningham, Auckland .. „ 186 . r Gentlemen’s chromium-plated Swiss wristlet Gentlemen’s chromium-plated Swiss wristletJessie Doreen Harvey, Auckland Jessie Doreen Harvey, Auckland ,„ 186 „ .186 Ladies’ gold Roamer wristlet .. .. Violet Frew, Auckland ... " ... „ 187 *• Ladies’ rolled-gold wristlet .. .. Violet Frew, Auckland .. „ 187 *'Mary Kelly, Wairoa .. Mary Kelly, Wairoa187 ,, 187 Gentlemen’s nickel Swiss pocket Aexel Joffs, Auckland .. ... ,, „ . 208 Gentlemen’s gold hunting Swiss Margaret Taylor, Auckland .. ,. ,. 208 Gentlemen’s gold open-face Record Margaret Taylor, Auckland „ 208 ■ ’ rGentlemen’s gold hunting pocket Gentlemen’s gold hunting pocketFlora Isabel Kibblewhite, Auckland Flora Isabel Kibblewhite, Auckland .,„ 208 . ,, 208 Gentlemen’s silver-plated Ralco wristlet .. Howard Joseph Williams, Auckland „ 208 Gentlemen’s gold Roamer wristlet Ronald George Harding, Rotorua „ 208 80227 Gentlemen’s rolled-gold Swiss wristlet Graham William Skinner, Waiouru „ 209 Ladies’ gold wristlet Lilias Jean Ada Farquhar White, Napier ,. „ 209 Ladies’ gold wristlet William George Carpenter, Wellington „ 209 Ladies’ gold wristlet .. .. Mary Pugh, Christchurch .. ,. „ 209 * Ladies’ gold wristlet ... Ruby Larking, Dunedin ., ,. „ 210 ' Ladies’ gold wristlet .. ... Gentlemen’s chromium wristlet .. George Moore, Hamilton .. ,. „ 231 George Moore, Hamilton ,. „ .231 241 and Gentlemen’s rolled-gold pocket .. .. .. Alfred Baldick, Wellington .. ,. „ 231 803573 Gentlemen’s silver hunting pocket Alfred Baldick, Wellington .. „ 231 Ladies’ platinum Movada wristlet (2) Mary Stewart Dunn, Christchurch „ 231 Ladies’ gold Movada wristlet Mary Stewart Dunn, Christchurch „ 231 Ladies’ gold Omega wristlet (2) .. Mary Stewart Dunn, Christchurch ,, 231 Ladies’ gold Datum wristlet Mary Stewart Dunn, Christchurch „ 231 Mary Stewart Dunn, Christchurch „ 231 Gentlemen’s gold Datum wristlet Mary Stewart Dunn, Christchurch ., „ 231

RETURN OF WATCHES REPORTED STOLEN DURING THE QUARTER ENDED 31st MARCH, 1943. (For preceding return, see Police Gazette, 1942, page 976.)

No. of Bicycle. .Description. Owner’s Name and Address. ■ Police Gazette Reference. O.K.6910 Gentlemen’s Monarch Special William Heke, Kaitaia . . .. Page 3 78710 Gentlemen’s Phillips Royal .. • .. William Thomas Earle, Auckland „ 3 60114 Gentlemen’s Speed King Leslie Robert French, Auckland .. „ 3 4 over 6025 and 4 over 508 Gentlemen’s Chainey .. .. Jack Stratton, Palmerston North » 140738 Gentlemen’s .. Richard Allan Shaw, Palmerston North „ 3 K.J. 494 Gentlemen’s Clipper .. .. .. ... Lance Frederick Beck, Palmerston North . . „ 3 4452 Gentlemen’s . . .. .. ..... Robert Charles Barker, Moera .. 3 U.X.10630 Gentlemen’s Hercules .. .. . . Leslie James Hislop, Wellington . . „ ? 3 A. 83267 Gentlemen’s .. .. .. .. ‘ Oliver Kenneth Whitton, Wellington ii .vu 3 719 Gentlemen’s Empire .. Bernard Charles Whitlow, Wellington „ 4

RETURN OF BICYCLES REPORTED STOLEN DURING THE QUARTER ENDED 31st MARCH, 1943. (For preceding return, see Police Gazette, 1942, page 973.)

. No. of Bicycle. Description. Owner’s Name and Address. Police Gazette Reference. 5079 Gentlemen’s Humber .. .. .. • .. Darcy Noble Tnwood, Greymouth Page 4 2738 Gentlemen’s Humber .. Gilbert Pocock, Christchurch „ 4 603110 Gentlemen’s .. Harold Hugh McCormick, Christchurch „ 4 8984 and Gentlemen’s .. Fred Groom Walton, Christchurch „ 4 A. 5438 Gentlemen’s .. .. ... Fred Groom Walton, Christchurch „ 4 6953/ Ladies’ Thomas Roach, Christchurch „ 4 /. 7625 A. Ladies’ Thomas Roach, Christchurch 4 1932 Gentlemen’s .. John Wallace Drummond, Christchurch .. „ 4 D. 475 Gentlemen’s Raleigh .. Bertie Charles Evans, Christchurch „ 4 5041 Gentlemen’s .. Reginald Armstrong Nicholas, Christchurch „ 4 ./ 172 A.G. Gentlemen’s .. .. Leonard Hunt, Christchurch „ 4 0357 Gentlemen’s B.S.A. Stanley Kiesanowski, Christchurch „ 4 A. 39837 Gentlemen’s Phillips .. Charles Wallace, Christchurch „ 4 B. 4212 Gentlemen’s Butler .. .. Leslie Thomas Jones, Christchurch „ 4 3354 Ladies’ Thelma Elizabeth McPherson, Christchurch „ 4 46610 and Gentlemen’s .. Donald Leopold Clark, Christchurch „ 4 ‘ 2114 A. Gentlemen’s .. Donald Leopold Clark, Christchurch „ 4 1035 Gentlemen’s .. Ronald Arthur Cox, Christchurch „ 4 1029 Gentlemen’s .. Thomas Robert Brownlee, Christchurch „ 4 018/33 and Ladies’ Armstrong Olive Freda Johannis, Christchurch „ 4 B. 6899 Ladies’ Armstrong Olive Freda Johannis, Christchurch „ 4 B. 32992 Gentlemen’s Armstrong Matthew Metcalfe, Christchurch .. „ 4 1270 Gentlemen’s .. Lester Sinclair, Christchurch „ 4 83262/5377 Ladies’ Humber Joseph Kernick, Christchurch „ 4 G.N.3982 Ladies’ Humber Joseph Kemick, Christchurch „ 4 Gentlemen’s Simplex Special .. .. Ivor Mclvor, Christchurch „ 4 178 Gentlemen’s .. James Herbert Carr, Christchurch „ 4 15464 Gentlemen’s .. Stanley Day, Christchurch „ 4 1111 Gentlemen’s Leader Special Edmund Waller, Christchurch „ 4 513 Gentlemen’s .. Albert James Tomson, Christchurch „ 4 ' D. 1236 Gentlemen’s .. Norman Tregoning, Christchurch „ 4 D. 694 Gentlemen’s .. Luke Thoms, Christchurch 4 K.4814 Gentlemen’s B.S.A. Alex James Heron, Christchurch „ 4 367 Gentlemen’s .. Herbert Horace Hack, Christchurch „ 4 27006/3501 Gentlemen’s .. John Christie, Christchurch „ 4 ‘ 1094 Ladies’ Florence Mayo, Christchurch „ 4 V; 5502 Gentlemen’s .. .. .. .. Harry Vernon Spicer, Christchurch „ 4 W.D.55744 Gentlemen’s .. Edward Morrissey, Christchurch .. „ 4 5095 Ladies’ .. .. Violet Castle, Christchurch „ 4 3276/ Gentlemen’s B.S.A. Richard Ralph Beauchamp, Christchurch .. „ 4 8593 A. Gentlemen’s B.S.A. Richard Ralph Beauchamp, Christchurch .. 4 9467/29867 Gentlemen’s .. .. .. Charles Peters Penhalluriack, Christchurch „ 4 ’ S.J. 97300 Gentlemen’s B.S.A. Maurice Cusdin, Christchurch „ 4 G.L. 3225 Gentlemen’s .. .. '.. .. .. Arthur Paterson, Christchurch „ 4 G. 66171 Gentlemen’s .. .. .. .... Allan Murrell, Christchurch „ 4 553 G./ Ladies’ Iris Dodd, Christchurch „ 4 22330 Ladies’ .. .. .. .. .. Iris Dodd, Christchurch .. ' ,. 4 F.L.1348 Gentlemen’s .. Ralph Ormsby Johnson, Christchurch „ 4 91710 and ' 2173 A. Gentlemen’s .. Gavin Lawrence Glasgow, Christchurch „ 4 • 9483 Gentlemen’s Empire Andrew Ell, Christchurch „ 4 42861 Gentlemen’s .. Walter Thin, Christchurch „ 5 71970/ 7177 A. Gentlemen’s B.S.A. Colin Bell, Christchurch.. .. „ 5 6761 and Gentlemen’s .. Ernest Davey, Christchurch „ 5 05363 Gentlemen’s .. .. .. .. Ernest Davey, Christchurch „ 5 : A. 71798 Ladies’ Roselind Britt, Christchurch „ 5 B. 52448 Gentlemen’s B.S.A. Eric Barton Osborne, Christchurch „ 5 “ /3814 4999/26038 Gentlemen’s B.S.A. .. .. .. Eric Barton Osborne, Christchurch „ 5 Gentlemen’s Humber .. David Harcus, Christchurch „ 5 60020/7/35 Gentlemen’s Raleigh .. Sidney Larcombe, Temuka „ 5 1070 Gentlemen’s .. James Horace Holland, Dunedin „ 5 "• U. 180 Gentlemen’s .. Arthur Mitchell Sneddon, Dunedin „ 5 J. 884 Ladies’ Monarch Special ... Eileen Margaret Kennedy, Auckland „ 83 24177 Gentlemen’s B.S.A. John Henrv Wilson, Auckland „ 83 2346 or 2436 Gentlemen’s Monarch Special Henry David Evans, Otahuhu „ 83 A. 13287 Gentlemen’s Speed King Herbert Bramwell Knauf, Papatoetoe „ 83 A. 67354 Gentlemen’s Phillips .. .. .. .. Keith Pearce, Pukekohe .. „ 84 M.M.4586 Ladies’ Monarch Special Verda Margaret Courtney, Thames „ 84 5975 Gentlemen’s Empire .. Harold Stevens, Huntly.. .. „ 84 4266 Gentlemen’s Monarch Special Farmers’ Trading Co., Ltd., Ngaruawahia „ 84 D.K. 5828 Ladies’ Monarch Special Iris Josephine Raiti, Ngaruawahia „ 84 E. 1734 Gentlemen’s Phillips .. .. >.. John Ryan, Ngaruawahia „ 84 9147 or 9174 Gentlemen’s Monarch Special William Keepa, Ngaruawahia „ 84 53507 Gentlemen’s Royal Enfield .. .. ... Ian Russell McFarlane, Ngaruawahia „ 84 352621 Gentlemen’s British Enfield Ross James Sirl, Hamilton „ 84 K.K.2835 Gentlemen’s Hercules .. Robert Muir, Hamilton .. „ 84 : 32186 Gentlemen’s .. Arthur Lodder, Hamilton „ 84 19045 W.E. Gentlemen’s B.S.A. William Ronald Bootten, Hamilton „ 84 00806 Gentlemen’s Monarch Special Alice Dines, Hamilton .. „ 84 I.E. 3814 or I.E. 3817 Gentlemen’s Monarch Special Oswald Horace Shilton, Rotorua „ 84 1492 Gentlemen’s Empire Ian McKay, Gisborne .. .. .. ‘ „ 84 58690 Gentlemen’s B.S.A. Harold Bagley, Gisborne „ 84 A. 38814 Gentlemen’s .. William Frederick Taylor, Hastings „ 84 over 3 36 Gentlemen’s .. William Frederick Taylor, Hastings 84 .« 47138/9 Ladies’ Armstrong Nora Sullivan, Hastings.. „ 84 AD. 74152Ladies’ Humber Nora Sullivan, Hastings.. „ 84 A.D.74152Ladies’ Humber Margaret Amy Stevenson, Hastings „ 84 6665 and 6/181 2483 and Ladies’ Lillian Beatrice Julian, Wanganui „ 84 Gentlemen’s Raleigh .. Patrick Cornelius Clarkin, Wanganui „ 84 1134717 Ladies’ Lillian Beatrice Julian, Wanganui „ 84 Gentlemen’s Raleigh .. Patrick Cornelius Clarkin, Wanganui „ 84 6935 and Gentlemen’s B.S.A. Charles Maurice Larkman, Wanganui „ 84 S. 6290 Gentlemen’s B.S.A. .. Charles Maurice Larkman, Wanganui „ 84 392876 Gentlemen’s Royal Enfield Richard Clements Richardson, Palmerston N. „ 84 3252 K. Gentlemen’s \. .. .. .. .. Harold Noel Doidge Green, Palmerston N. „ 84 817 Gentlemen’s .. .. ., .. Lawrence John McKenzie, Palmerston North „ 84 9611 (5) and A. 6252 Ladies’ Phillips June Eleanor Hughes, Palmerston North .. „ 84 • over. 8 C. Ladies’ PhillipsJune Eleanor Hughes, Palmerston North .. „ 84

RETURN OF BICYCLES REPORTED STOLEN DURING THE QUARTER ENDED 31st MARCH, 1943 -continued (For preceding return, see Police Gazette, 1942, page 973.)

No. of Bicycle. Description. Owner’s Name and Address. Police Gazette Reference. F.G. 8662 Gentlemen’s Monarch Special Allan Hepburn, Upper Hutt .. Page 84 7282 Gentlemen’s Lion James Louis Pollard, Moera „ 84 8017 Gentlemen’s Empire Popular Maurice Keith Berry, Wellington.. „ 84 49572 G. Gentlemen’s Armstrong David Walter Ross, Nelson „ 84 J. 81136 Gentlemen’s B.S.A. John Francis Carmine, Nelson „ 84 3901 A./ Gentlemen’s Raleigh .. .. .. .. William Miller Savage, Christchurch „ 84 35120 H.58335 Gentlemen’s B.S.A. Raymond Bailey, Christchurch .. „ 84 6454 A./ Ladies’ Butler Mary Allan, Christchurch ,« 84 2593 4128 A./ Ladies’ Butler Vera Sarah Russell, Christchurch.. „ 84 79555 Ladies’ Butler Mary Allan, Christchurch „ 84 Ladies’ Butler Vera Sarah Russell, Christchurch.. „ 84 B. 4176 Ladies’ Butler Shirley Brown, Christchurch .. „ 84 D. 510 Gentlemen’s .. Henry Maitland Fletcher, Christchurch „ 84 1604 Gentlemen’s .. .. .. Maurice Walter Marsh, Christchurch „ 84 2833 A. and Gentlemen’s .. Ernest Edward Porter, Christchurch „ 84 C. 40801 Gentlemen’s .. .. Ernest Edward Porter, Christchurch „ 84 63507 Gentlemen’s B.S.A. Peter Findlay, Christchurch „ 84 16588 Gentlemen’s .. William Joseph Newman, Christchurch „ 84 W.R.2219 Gentlemen’s Hercules .. .. .. ' .. William John Moor Rolton, Christchurch .. „ 84 333 Ladies’ Betty Sharr, Christchurch „ 84 6239/ Gentlemen’s .. Arthur Mansfield McClure, Christchurch .. „ 84 7209 A. Gentlemen’s .. Arthur Mansfield McClure, Christchurch .. „ 84 960 A. and Gentlemen’s .. Raymond Douglas Jones, Christchurch „ 84 86743 Gentlemen’s .. Raymond Douglas Jones, Christchurch „ 84 36734 Ladies’ Lenora Kathryn Blair, Christchurch „ 84 41173 Gentlemen’s .. .. Leslie William Roberts, Christchurch „ 84 C.B. 4901 Gentlemen’s .. .. Francis Ronald Wilson, Christchurch „ 84 4937 Gentlemen’s .. Fred Hartley, Christchurch „ 84 678 Gentlemen’s .. Thomas Nuttal, Christchurch „ 84 B.T. 2104 Ladies’ Hercules Alma Deorah Glcnic, Ashburton .. „ 84 A.92820/6 Gentlemen’s Phillips .. R. Wilson and Co., Timaru „ 84 W.D.98514 Ladies’ B.S.A. Almaira Duncan, Timaru „ 84 6894 Gentlemen’s Speedwell Howard William Boddy, Dunedin „ 84 A. 63547 Ladies’ Kathleen Mary Codings, Dunedin „ 84 4/61 Ladies’ Premier Olive Mira Le Grice, New Lynn .. „ 111 2669 Gentlemen’s Hercules .. William Charles George Macrow Franklin, Auckland „ 111 A.1114 Gentlemen’s Wanderer.. James Clark, Auckland .. „ 111 X.T. 5431 Gentlemen’s Monarch Special Frank Peter Botica, Auckland „ 111 J.X. 409 Gentlemen’s Monarch Special Bernard Wallace Simmonds, Auckland ,, 111 Gentlemen’s Gamage Superb Constable George Madden, Auckland „ 111 J.X. 2663 Gentlemen’s Monarch Special .. .. Joseph Albert Churches, Auckland „ 112 J.M. 371 Gentlemen’s Monarch Special Colin Stewart, Onchunga „ 112 38131 Ladies’ B.S.A. Winifred Ingerson, Te Aroha „ 112 A. 99589 Ladies’ Phillips Royal .. Hazel Butler, Hamilton „ 112 over 5.35 Ladies’ Phillips Royal .. Hazel Butler, Hamilton .. „ 112 5446 Gentlemen’s Leader .. .. . . Lawrence John Graham, Matamata „ 112 A.18164/535 Gentlemen’s Crown George Collier Green, Whakatane „ 112 H. 19 Gentlemen’s Monarch Special John Mackie, Gisborne .. „ 112 L.E.3145 Gentlemen’s Hercules .. Walter John Loach, Gisborne „ 112 H.151805 Gentlemen’s B.S.A. .. .. Ronald Stanley Ward, Hawcra .. „ 112 2133 Gentlemen’s Phillips Special William Thorborn McKee, Patea „ 112 2099 Ladies’ .. .. .. Delphina Thompson, Wanganui .. „ 112 7450 and 7 Ladies’ Thora Lett, Wanganui .. „ 112 over 214 Ladies’ .. .. .. Thora Lett, Wanganui .. „ 112 9138 Ladies’ IJetty Hall, Wanganui .. „ 112 6203 and Gentlemen’s .. Edward Wallace, Wanganui „ 112 A.B. 37529 3, 317 and Gentlemen’s Chainey Bros. B.S.A. Julian Girven, Wanganui „ 112 58937 2746 Gentlemen’s .. New Zealand Government (Post and Telegraph Department), Wanganui Pages 112 and 145 11693 and Gentlemen’s Chainey Bros. Walter Reginald Denman, Wanganui Page 112 3-1129 Gentlemen’s Chainey Bros. Walter Reginald Denman, Wanganui Page 112 170731 Gentlemen’s .. Reuben Joseph Jones, Wanganui.. „ 112 2905 Gentlemen’s .. Brian Smith, Palmerston North .. „ 112 K.9111 Gentlemen’s B.S.A. Ignatius Thomas Richard Rush, Palmerston North „ 112 A. 4231 Ladies’ Armstorng Madge Lovinia Reid, Palmerston North „ 112 5140 Gentlemen’s Armstrong John Bainbridge, Palmerston North „ 112 H.149188 Ladies’ B.S.A. Joyce Marion Blandford, Palmerston North „ 112 A. 92600/ Gentlemen’s Phillips Royal Ernest Albert Vincent, Palmerston North .. „ 112 10/36 Gentlemen’s Phillips Royal .. .. Ernest Albert Vincent, Palmerston North .. „ 112 S. 4325 Ladies’ Hendie Violet Elsie Garlick, Palmerston North „ 112 D. 3323 Gentlemen’s Swift .. .. Vernon Bruce Cook, Palmerston North „ 112 4235213 Gentlemen’s Phillips Coronation .. Handley Avery, Pahiatua „ 112 X.38958 Ladies’ B.S.A. .. .. Frank William Perrett, Lower Hutt „ 112 34778 J. Gentlemen’s .. Charles Alan Blundell, Lower Hutt „ 112 40514 Gentlemen’s .. .. .. John Leslie Jackson, Lower Hutt „ 112 571 Gentlemen’s Empire .. .. .. George Arthur Lusty, Lower Hutt „ 112 D.G.7115 Gentlemen’s Hercules Super .. .. .. Colin Colbourne Kilpatrick, Lower Hutt .. „ 112 32055 Ladies’ Argyle .. Gentlemen’s Monarch Special Doris Benstead, Lower Hutt „ 112 B.N. 7685 John Goddard, Lower Hutt „ 112 E.D.2564 Gentlemen’s Imperial .. ... Murdoch McBean, Lower Hutt • .. „ 112 453595 and Ladies’ Couchman Molly Harvey, Wellington „ 112 8266 Ladies’ Couchman Molly Harvey, Wellington .. .. ,, 112 A. 9168 and Ladies’ Annie Hargreaves, Wellington „ 112 10-36 Ladies’ .. .. .. ’ .. Annie Hargreaves, Wellington „ 112 F.K.1525 Gentlemen’s Imperial .. Eric Ruben McLachlan, Wellington „ 112 A. 18237 Gentlemen’s Cambria .. Albert Edwin Anderson, Wellington „ 112 1045 Boys’ Armstrong Ronald Daniels, Wellington „ . 112 Y.9202 Ladies’ Simplex Special Thelma Gibson, Christchurch „ 112 2824 A. and Ladies’ Margaret Coddington, Christchurch „ 112 A. 29472 Ladies’ .. .. Margaret Coddington, Christchurch „ 112 J.F. 3725 Gentlemen’s .. Maurice Leslie Fomison, Christchurch „ 112 Z. 202 Gentlemen’s .. Theodore Dennis Sullivan, Christchurch „ 112 58714 Ladies’ Gamage Gentlemen’s Simplex Special .. .. Bernard Penrose, Christchurch .. „ 112 H. 06780 William Foster, Christchurch „ 112

RETURN OF BICYCLES REPORTED STOLEN DURING THE QUARTER ENDED 31st MARCH, 1943-continued. (For preceding return see Police Gazette, 1942, page 973.)

No. of Bicycle. Description. Owner’s Name and Address. Police Gazette Reference. 6934 A. Gentlemen’s .. William Joseph Blake, Christchurch Page 112 112 2211 Gentlemen’s .. Spence Weir, Christchurch „ 112 138095 Ladies’ Joy Wills, Christchurch „ 112 T.X.8797 Ladies’ Simplex Patricia Alice Ruffett, Christchurch „ 112 3654 Gentlemen’s .. Russell Henry Henderson, Christchurch ,, 112 B. 3312/ Gentlemen’s .. Neville Frederick Green, Christchurch „ 112 670 A. and A. 10515 A. 10493 Gentlemen’s .. Herbert Ernest Bohtho, Christchurch „ 112 G.M.3095 Gentlemen’s .. Horton Anderson, Christchurch .. - „ 113 L. 1740 and Gentlemen’s .. .. Leslie Dickson, Christchurch „ 113 609 7558 A./ Gentlemen’s .. Leslie Dickson, Christchurch „ 113 Ladies’ Royal Enfield .. Mona Amer, Christchurch „ 113 83149 13266 Gentlemen’s .. .. .. .. .. Douglas Leslie Quartermain, Christchurch „ 113 5 Gentlemen’s .. Leslie Thomas McEntee, Christchurch 113 11536 S. Gentlemen’s .. Sydney Marne Bartlett, Christchurch ,, 113 C. 55675 Gentlemen’s .. Robert Crighlington, Christchurch 113 H. 7716 Gentlemen’s .. James Robert Todd, Dunedin .. .. 113 556 and 558 Gentlemen’s B.S.A. (2).. N.Z. Government (Army Dept.), Ohaeawai „ 145 H.255388 Gentlemen’s Hercules .. Alexander Young, Auckland „ 145 M.N. 665 Gentlemen’s Monarch Special Arthur Shea, Auckland .. ., 145 E.118101 Ladies’ B.S.A. Zita Evelina Lcitch, Auckland „ 145 X.S.3099 Gentlemen’s Hercules .. Donald George Croot, Auckland .. „ 145 W.D. 302 Gentlemen’s B.S.A. Charles Francis Smith, Onehunga „ 145 E. 49491 Gentlemen’s Phillips Royal Vivian Edward Bevan, Hamilton „ 145 24021 Gentlemen’s .. Thomas George Burnard Gibbs, Hamilton „ 145 1751-3549 Gentlemen’s Milner Special John Donald Calder, Rotorua „ 145 10218 Gentlemen’s Coventry Eagle Constable Stanley Joseph Scholium, Hastings „ 145 A.16338 Gentlemen’s Armstrong Eric Duncan McArthur, Hastings „ 145 80167 Ladies’ Empire Helen Macdonald, Hastings „ 145 5070 or 5700 Gentlemen’s B.S.A. William John Tucker, Palmerston North .. „ 145 U.T. 861 Gentlemen’s .. .. Albert Clyde Roxborough, Palmerston North „ 145 321 and Gentlemen’s .. Howard Percival Whitlock, Palmerston N. „ 145 10131 S.T. 8210 Gentlemen’s Hercules .. •Ian Robin Cardno, Masterton „ 145 A.R. 1997 Gentlemen’s Hercules .. Isabel Stilburn, Masterton „ 145 88335 Gentlemen’s B.S.A. Norman Gee Dong, Masterton „ 145 93168 Gentlemen’s Lion Raymond John Munster, Wellington ,, 145 99778 Gentlemen’s B.S.A. Harold Leslie Hall, Nelson „ 145 A. 19109 Ladies’ Monarch Special Cyril Wood, Nelson „ 145 over 633 4825 Ladies’ Humber Zoe Eileen Armstrong, Greymouth „ 145 44632 Gentlemen’s B.S.A. Harold Hodgson, Christchurch „ 145 5918 Gentlemen’s .. Richard John Carruthers, Christchurch „ 145 B. 4650 and Ladies’ Ina Gale, Christchurch .. „ 145 6047 29358 and Ladies’ .... Edith Maindonald, Christchurch .. „ 145 3639 M.Z. 258 Ladies’ Hercules .. .. .. Molly Ching, Christchurch „ 145 E.G.3813 Gentlemen’s Simplex Special Patrick Kortegast, Christchurch .. „ 145 D. 986 Ladies’ William Thomas, Christchurch „ 145 A.E.42898 Gentlemen’s Raleigh .. Robert Gilbert Dainty, Christchurch „ 146 1249 Gentlemen’s Jones Special Shirley Dougall, Christchurch „ 146 726 Gentlemen’s Sun William Joseph Dwyer, Christchurch „ 146 A.F. 65613 Ladies’ Raleigh Beryl Lawrence, Christchurch .. „ 146 2552 and Gentlemen’s B.S.A. .. .. r. Charles Moram Clark, Christchurch „ 146 5300 A. 74387 Gentlemen’s B.S.A. Albert Guthrie Churchman, Christchurch .. „ 146 T.P.L. 145 Gentlemen’s .. New Zealand Government (Army Depart- „ 146 ment), Christchurch „ 146 Z.303/L.11 Gentlemen’s B.S.A. New Zealand Government (Army Depart- „ 146 ment), Burnham „ 146 25137 Gentlemen’s B.S.A. Colin Andrew McKenzie, Temuka „ 146 W.E. 135 Gentlemen’s Monarch Special Francis Edmond Barry, Dunedin.. „ 146 F.G.3759 Ladies’ Simplex Special .. .. Letitia Barclay, Dunedin „ 146 M.N. 1409 Ladies’ Monarch Special John Parkes Murray, Kaeo „ 174 34115 Gentlemen’s B.S.A. Jacob Komene, Kaeo .. „ 174 . 61072 Gentlemen’s Speed King Raymond Angus Walker, Auckland ■ „ 174 W. 01207 Gentlemen’s Hercules .. Norman Richard Dorset, Auckland „ 174 1042 Gentlemen’s Leader Racing Pierre Denziel Meuli, Auckland .. „ 174 D. 1324 and Gentlemen’s Monarch Special Louis John Batten, Auckland „ 174 R.W. 4120 G.U. 4793 Gentlemen’s Monarch Special .. .. William Baskett, Auckland „ 174 P.V. 1217 Gentlemen’s Monarch Special Barry Huckstep, Ponsonby „ 174 W. 2436 Gentlemen’s Premier .. Sydney Joseph George Matthews, Manurewa „ 174 A. 22201 Gentlemen’s .. Hector Albert Leonard Fletcher, Hamilton „ 174 H.O. 5562 Gentlemen’s Hercules .. .. .. . * Hamilton Barbour, Gisborne „ 174 15465 Gentlemen’s Argyle Arthur Trevor Phillipps, Napier .. „ 174 6602 and Gentlemen’s New Hudson Owen Patrick Grogan, Wanganui „ 174 A.G. 17679 2154 Gentlemen’s Chainey .. Royle Wesley Lang, Wanganui .. „ 174 A.32012-1-33 Gentlemen’s Pilot Maurice Wilfred Seeling, Wanganui . .. ,, 174 6719 and Gentlemen’s Pilot Maurice Wilfred Seeling, Wanganui „ 174 Gentlemen’s B.S.A. John Kinlock, Marton .. „ 174 T.V. 52956 P.V. 9293 Gentlemen’s Monarch Special Ralph Alexander Levy, Feilding .. „ 174 29535 Ladies’ Armstrong Majory Caldwell, Palmerston North „ 174 J. 90071Ladies’ B.S.A. Majory Caldwell, Palmerston North „ 174 J. 90071Ladies’ B.S.A. Nancy Holdaway, Palmerston North „ 174 X. 7068 Gentlemen’s .. Owen John Dolan, Palmerston North „ 174 B.l). 1320 Gentlemen’s Hercules .. Ivan McKenzie, Palmerston North „ 174 K.92633 Gentlemen’s .. Frederick Albert Rouzie, Palmerston North „ 174 13402 Ladies’ Iris Winnifred Stuchbery, Palmerston North „ 174 1265 Gentlemen’s Chainey .. Walter Thomas Duckworth, Palmerston N. „ 174 15491 Gentlemen’s Elswick .. Laurence Lewis Stanley Coe, Lower Hutt .. „ 175 70924 Gentlemen’s Phillips .. Anthony Hayward, Moera „ 175 E.A.1929 Gentlemen’s .. .. .. •.. Henry Nuttall, Christchurch „ 175 A. 86467 Gentlemen’s .. William Matthew Reynolds, Christchurch .. „ 175 493793 Gentlemen’s Rudge Whitworth .. Peter Graham Brown, Christchurch „ 175

RETURN OF BICYCLES REPORTED STOLEN DURING THE QUARTER ENDED 31st MARCH, 1943 -continued. (For preceding return, see Police Gazette, 1942, page 973.)

No. of Bicycle. Description. Owner’s Name and Address. Police Gazette Keference. 1544 Gentlemen’s Knight Supreme racing William John Clement, Christchurch Page 175 162160 Gentlemen’s Raleigh John Sanderson, Christchurch „ 175 99 175 162160 Gentlemen’s Raleigh John Sanderson, Christchurch 175 J. 94298 Gentlemen’s B.S.A. Conrad George Owens, Christchurch „ 175 9 9 . 175 6176 Ladies’ Royal Enfield Gentlemen’s Victor Shirley Cunningham, Christchurch „ 175 99 175 634041 William David Scott, Christchurch „ 175 99 175 3044 Gentlemen’s Jones Thomas Andrew Alexander Marson, Christ175 church „ 175 U.Y.6988 Gentlemen’s Simplex Special church Roy Henry Burgess, Christchurch „ 175 99 175 0853 Gentlemen’s Bell Frank Neale, Christchurch „ 175 B. 16882 Gentlemen’s Speedy Edward Johnston, Christchurch .. „ 175 99 175 9799/5336 Gentlemen’s Butler Robert Dewar Jones, Christchurch „ 175 99 175 2974 Gentlemen’s Humber .. .. .. • Reginald John Rowe, Christchurch 99 ] 175 175 3784 A. Ladies’ Raleigh May Kendall, Christchurch 99 ‘ 175 /40316 Ladies’ Raleigh May Kendall, Christchurch „ l 175 77780/ Gentlemen’s Royal Enfield Daniel Tomlins, Christchurch yy 175 7840 A. Gentlemen’s Royal Enfield Daniel Tomlins, Christchurch „ 175 5526 Gentlemen’s Hercules .. Desmond Sampson, Christchurch.. „ 175 1281 Gentlemen’s Sterling Special Albert Wallace Robinson, Christchurch „ 175 99 175 18962 Gentlemen’s B.S.A. William Leonard Melville Dearsley, Christ175 church „ 175 2007 Ladies’ Victory church Hilda Margaret Wallace, Christchurch „ 175 99 175 4688 A./ Gentlemen’s Raleigh Edward Ray Trenberth, Christchurch 99 175 82017 Gentlemen’s Raleigh Edward Ray Trenberth, Christchurch „ 175 64648/ Gentlemen’s B.S.A. Norman Ralph Harrison, Christchurch 99 175 2726 A. Gentlemen’s B.S.A. Norman Ralph Harrison, Christchurch „ 175 5202 Gentlemen’s Humber .. Albert Arthur Huxford, Christchurch „ 175 29898/9729 Gentlemen’s Butler Arthur Frederick Verlander, Christchurch „ 175 99 175 M.Z.1023 Ladies’ Hercules Jean Elizabeth Campion, Christchurch „ 175 42212 Gentlemen’s Coventry Eagle Stanley Carl Gieseler, Christchurch „ 175 99 175 582 Gentlemen’s Raleigh Paul Hector Jewell, Christchurch „ 175 2585 A./ Gentlemen’s Butler Edward Gordon Blazey, Christchurch 175 A. 81200 Gentlemen’s Butler Edward Gordon Blazey, Christchurch „ 175 D. 79265 Gentlemen’s Picador .. Ross Smith, Dunedin „ 175 7824 Gentlemen’s .. Eric Richardson, Dunedin „ 175 79919 Gentlemen’s Humber .. William Stanley Brown, Dunedin „ 175 1725 Gentlemen’s Simplex Special .. Albert Raymond Trower, Dunedin „ 175 99 175 281309 Ladies’ Royal Enfield Gentlemen’s B.S.A. Mabel Tayles, Gore .. .. „ 175 99 175 W.I. over Robert Allan Heslip, Goro 99 175 10107 Robert Allan Heslip, Gore „ 175 88053 Gentlemen’s Albion Patrick Brennan, Auckland „ 210 34643 Gentlemen’s Monarch Special .. .. Raymond Farrell, Auckland .. „ 210 99 210 C.T. 6570 Ladies’ Monarch Special Thelma Duncan, Onehunga „ 210 99 210 A. 27190 Gentlemen’s Specdking Reginald William Robottom, Manurcwa .. „ 210 99 210 31318 H. Gentlemen’s B.S.A. Barry Peter Watson, Hamilton .. „ 210 145523 Gentlemen’s B.S.A. Norman Hamilton, Hamilton „ 210 42187 Gentlemen’s B.S.A. Terence Patrick Somervell, Gisborne „ 210 G.M.3137 Ladies’ Monarch Special Loma Mahoney, Gisborne „ 210 99 210 H. 175842 Gentlemen’s B.S.A. .. .. .. James Arnold Thomas, Gisborne „ 210 3549 Gentlemen’s Phillips Ian James MacMurdo, Gisborne .. „ 210 99 210 K.C. 834 Ladies’ Aberdale .. ... Joan Hayhurst, Napier .. „ 210 99 210 G.G.2118 Gentlemen’s Hercules .. Maurice John Skullin, Napier „ 210 16648 Gentlemen’s Dayton .. Charles James McCormack, Napier „ 210 99 210 A. 13151 Gentlemen’s Armstrong Raymond Douglas Boyd, Napier „ 210 185365Gentlemen’s Phillips Comfort .. .. Raymond Douglas Boyd, Napier 99 - 210 185365Gentlemen’s Phillips Comfort Leonard John Hall, Hawera „ 210 99 210 7 over 756 Ladies’ Excelsior Margaret Persson, Wanganui 99 210 and 7733 Ladies’ Excelsior Margaret Persson, Wanganui „ 210 316 Ladies’ Marjorie MacDonald, Wanganui .. „ 210 99 210 A. 23482 Gentlemen’s .. George Matthews, Wanganui 99 210 and 9-34 Gentlemen’s .. George Matthews, Wanganui „ 210 8095 and Ladies’ B.S.A. Valerie Newick, Wanganui 99 210 W. 85743 Ladies’ B.S.A. Valerie Newick, Wanganui „ 210 1 (in circle) Ladies’ Raleigh Winifred Ada Young, Wanganui .. 99 210 6789 and A.C. 1356 Ladies’ Raleigh Winifred Ada Young, Wanganui .. „ 210 119 and Gentlemen’s Chainey Bros Theodore Raymond Howe, Wanganui 99 210 764100 Gentlemen’s Chainey Bros Theodore Raymond Howe, Wanganui „ 210 K.A. 626 Gentlemen’s Aberdale .. David Cockburn Milne, Palmerston North „ 210 W.L. 6657 Gentlemen’s B.S.A. Martin Ferdinand Mortensen, Palmerston N. „ 210 8819 and 8 Gentlemen’s Golden Crescent John Douglas Patterson, Masterton 9> 210 over 807 Gentlemen’s Golden Crescent John Douglas Patterson, Masterton „ 210 16006 Ladies’ Olwyn Jones, Masterton „ 210 99 210 905 Gentlemen’s Couchman Andrew Nicholson Hutcheson, Lower Hutt „ 210 66131 Gentlemen’s .. Edward Sullivan, Lower Hutt .. .. „ 210 R.0344 Gentlemen’s New Hudson Roy Moses, Lower Hutt „ 210 - 10122 Ladies’ Empire Gentlemen’s .. June Noeline Goode, Wellington .. „ 210 99 210 0358 Herbert William Grainger, Christchurch .. „ 210 B. 2100 Gentlemen’s Butler Allan Hall, Christchurch .. „ 210 4813 Gentlemen’s .. Trevor Athol Atkinson, Christchurch „ 210 7251 A. /6059 162331 Gentlemen’s .. .. .. Noel John Hodgson, Christchurch. „ 210 9 9 210 Ladies’ Raleigh Annie Regina Roskvist, Christchurch 99 210 3825Gentlemen’s .. Annie Regina Roskvist, Christchurch „ 210 3825Gentlemen’s .. John Edward George Tunks, Christchurch.. „ 210 99 210 B. 50940 Ladies’ Joyce Edith Wilson, Christchurch „ 210 ,, 210 7848 Ladies’ B.S.A. Catherine Elizabeth Plank, Christchurch .. „ 210 8638/ Gentlemen’s . . John Raymond Gleeson, Christchurch 99 210 A. 44959 Gentlemen’s .. John Raymond Gleeson, Christchurch „ 210 0084 Gentlemen’s B.S.A. Arthur Barnard, Christchurch „ 210 1786 A./ Gentlemen’s Raleigh . . Gordon Reginald Buchanan, Christchurch 99 211 156523 Gentlemen’s Raleigh .. Gordon Reginald Buchanan, Christchurch „ 211 205899 Gentlemen’s Triumph . . • . . James Percival Matthies, Christchurch „ 211 99 211 D. 10661 Gentlemen’s .. ' .. . . .. Leslie Harris, Christchurch „ 211 99 211 B. 3534 Gentlemen’s B.S.A. Thomas Joseph Leonard, Temuka „ 211 99 211 H. 3027 and Gentlemen’s Lyndiflyer Frederick Philp, Temuka 99 211 D. 834 Gentlemen’s Lyndiflyer Frederick Philp, Temuka „ 211 O.D. 591 Gentlemen’s .. Eric Jackson, Dunedin .. „ 211 99 211

RETURN OF BICYCLES REPORTED STOLEN DURING THE QUARTER ENDED 31st MARCH, 1943 -continued. (For preceding return, see Police Gazette, 1942, page 973.)

of Name tried.Where When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. &c. r. Jacob Ngakapa Houhora 10/3/43 theft 3 months N. Zealand labourer 1924 ft. in. 5 8 sallow .. black brown .. medium.. A half-caste Maori. (See P.G., 1942, p. 559.) Maggie Harding, HouhoraKaitaia 10/3/4310/3/43 theft ..... charges) theft . months 3 if up N. Zealand labourer 1924 ft. in. 5 8 sallow .. black brown .. medium.. A half-caste Maori. (See P.G., 1942, p. 559.) called on in 1 Maori married 1910 5 6 copper .. black brown .. medium year Kaitaia 10/3/43 theft (2 charges) .. to come up if called on in 1 Maori married 1910 5 6 copper .. black brown .. medium year Nelson .Shepherd, Kaeo 16/3/43 language fined Zealand labourer 1907 11 fresh fair blue medium. p. BobRewi, Kaeo 16/3/43 languageobscene fined Maori and 1920 10 copper black brown . medium soldier Jimmie, Whangarei 12/3/43 of if up Zealand and 1922 7 copper . black brown medium. A and Tumu mio called months farm and and 43.) Stewart Martyn Warkworth . 9/3/43 pigs ill-treating fined N. and 1926 5 7 fair fair blue medium motor1926 5 7 fair fair blue medium truck driver Willie Auckland 12/3/43 assault fined £2 Samoa plumber 1923 6 2 copper .. black, frizzy brown .. large assault . convicted and disfined charged N. Zealand convicted and discharged to care of Child Samoa plumber 1923 6 2 copper .. black, frizzy brown .. large Elizabeth Auckland 12/3/43 theft N. Zealand domestic 1925 5 4* sallow, black brown .. medium.. A quarter-caste Maori; scar f on left cheek. Child to Super-Welfare domestic 1925 5 4* sallow, black brown .. medium.. A quarter-caste Maori; scar on left cheek. Welfare Super-intendent freckled F.P. Photo at Auckland, 13/2/43. intendent freckled F.P. Photo at Auckland, 13/2/43. theft . admonished William Herbert Auckland 15/3/43 assaulting . . weeks 6 Maori labourer 1892 5 10* copper black brown . long and left of tip (See and knee. finger p. Motu Auckland 15/3/43 police .assaulting weeks 6 Maori labourer 1908 7 copper . black brown medium. of 733.) p. Joseph William Auckland 15/3/43 theft fined Zealand N. wharf 1890 5 fresh goinggrey, bald black grey .. medium.. Scar on upper lip ; operation-scar on abdomen. going grey .. medium.. Scar on upper lip ; operation-scar on abdomen. MateKuluz, Auckland 15/3/43 obscene exposure months Yugoslavia fisherman 1921 65 fresh brown medium. Auckland, at 6/3/43. Fox, Auckland 15/3/43 theft . months Zealand N. andlabourer 1923 85 fresh fair blue medium. (See of carpenter p. Robert Thomas Reddy, Auckland 15/3/43 theft months Zealand N. labourer 1915 9 fresh brown brown . large elbow. back on on right and p. 87.) p. Ralph Skipworth, Auckland 15/3/43 negligently and Zealand racehorse 1874 6 fresh grey blue medium car qualified 1 starter . .. /■/. • Edward . Charles Stewart, Auckland 16/3/43 theft . probation years’ Zealand handfactory 1925 7* 5 fresh fair hazel medium GeorgeLangton, Auckland 16/3/43 to months Zealand N. milk-vendor 1911 9 fresh brown, brown .. medium.. Scar above right eye, on each knee, and on outside of left leg. (See P.G., 1942, p. 364.) going brown .. medium.. Scar above right eye, on each knee, and on service farmer and bald outside of left leg. (See P.G., 1942, p. 364.)

Return of Persons summarily convicted.

of Where When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born. £ *3 W Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, <fec. B Q « Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, Ac. Millicent Merci Auckland 16/3/43 illegally premises months Zealand nurse 1902 ft. in. 6 fresh brown grey medium. See p. intent George Auckland 16/3/43 obscene fined , England . . fireman 1920 8£ 5 fresh brown blue-grey medium.. Two hearts and MOTHER on left upper arm; anchor, woman’s head, clasped hands, and flower on left forearm ; heart on right upper arm; pierced heart and DEATH BEFORE DISHONOUR on right forearm. (See P.G., 8i fresh brown blue-grey medium.. Two hearts and MOTHER on left upper arm; anchor, woman’s head, clasped hands, and flower on left forearm; heart on right upper arm ; pierced heart and DEATH BEFORE DISHONOUR on right forearm. (See P.G., John p. Auckland 17/3/43 theft 14 Zealand and 1915 9 fresh brown, going blue medium.. Operation-scar on abdomen. 9 fresh brown, going blue medium.. Operation-scar on abdomen. aircraftman bald EmmettJamieson, Auckland 17/3/43 theft . 14 days Zealand aircraftman 1914 5 fresh brown, going hazel .. medium.. Scar on left shin. 8* fresh brown, going hazel .. medium.. Scar on left shin. and freezingworker bald Weavers, . George Auckland 17/3/43 theft 14 Zealand N. drivermotor - and 1910 5 6 pale grey brown .. medium craftman 1910 5 6 pale grey brown .. medium Jack Auckland 17/3/43 theft probation Zealand moulder 1925 5 7 fresh black brown .. medium.. Tiger’s head on right forearm; scar on outside 7 fresh black brown .. medium.. Tiger’s head on right forearm ; scar on outside theft charges) convicted discharged in of right foot. , | i of right foot. , John Cameron, Auckland 17/3/43 of packet Zealand labourer 1925 5 ruddy .. fight brown grey .. i medium.. Sailing-ship on right forearm. F.P. Photo at 5 ruddy .. fight brown grey .. medium.. Sailing-ship on right forearm. F.P. Photo at of charges) theft . Institution convicted discharged days 1943, (See James Auckland 17/3/43 Zealand N. wharf 1910 9 tanned .. black, turning green .. medium.. Scar on right side of forehead. F.P. Photo at Auckland, P'-Z f 9 tanned .. black, turning green .. medium.. Scar on right side of forehead. labourer grey /r , Richard, (a), Auckland 18/3/43 false pretences 1J probaMaori labourer 1922 5 9 copper .. black brown .. medium.. F.P. Photo at Auckland, 18/3/43. tion Maori labourer labourer 1922 5 9 copper .. grey black brown .. medium.. Nathan Edith, Auckland 18/3/43 and (inyears’ Maori factory 1922 8 sallow .. black brown .. medium.. Scar below left knee and above left toes. 8 sallow .. black brown .. medium.. Scar below left knee and above left toes. sufficient means) tion Jack Auckland 18/3/43 in . .failing months Zealand N. seaman 1922 5 fair fair brown .. medium.. Scar on left side of upper Up. 11 fair fair brown .. medium.. Scar on left side of upper lip. George Auckland 18/3/43 attempting to fined £5 England seaman 1924 5 fair fair blue medium.. Nude woman on right forearm. (See P.G., 1942, 4f fair fair blue medium.. Nude woman on right forearm. (See P.G., 1942, William .Marsden, (Shipping Safety Emergency Regulations) p. 623.) Auckland (Shipping Safety Emergency Regulations) p. 623.) 18/3/43 abetting an fined England . fireman ship’s 1910 8 dark black blue medium.. Scar on right cheek and on point of chin; 8 dark black blue medium.. Scar on right cheek and on point of chin; attempt to deceive police (Shipping Safety Emerclasped hands on right forearm. Jackson Hilda, Auckland deceive police Regulations) (Shipping Safety Emergency Regulations) clasped hands on right forearm. 19/3/43 without 3 England . domestic 1901 3 fair , .. fair blue thick See P.G., 1942, p. 763, and Photos, 1935, p. 4. 3 fair fair blue thick See P.G., 1942, p. 763, and Photos, 1935, p. 4. Samuel Thorne, Evelyn Auckland 19/3/43 selling 1 England labourer 1900 5 dark dark hazel .. medium.. Cross, IN MEMORY OF MY FATHER, woman, and flag on left forearm; nurse, clasped hands, and horseshoe on right forearm ; left ankle broken. (See P.G., 1934, p. 156.) 9 * dark dark hazel .. medium.. Cross, IN MEMORY OF MY FATHER, woman, and flag on left forearm; nurse, clasped hands, and horseshoe on right forearm ; left ankle broken. (See P.G., 1934, p. 156.) Auckland 19/3/43 selling fined £5 Zealand clerk 1915 5 5 fair fair blue medium 5 fair fair blue medium Duggan, Auckland 19/3/43 without selling 1 Zealand N. married 1896 4 fresh fair blue long, See P.G., 1941, p. 530. 4 fresh fair blue long, See P.G., 1941, p. 530. - pointed > 1 ■ pointed ’

Return of Persons summarily convicted -continued.

of tried., , When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. &o. Joseph Coughlan, Auckland 19/3/43 license selling 1 Zealand N. labourer 1915 ft. in. 5* 5 fresh brown blue-grey medium. ; Right ringfinger. and p. John Auckland 19/3/43 illegally on if up Zealand labourer 1884 5 9* dark dark, turning hazel .. large and and ; intent called on in 1 grey LILY, scroll, and star on right forearm; year coat-of-arms, &c., on left forearm; nude woman on each thigh. (See P.G., 1942, p. 33, and Photos, 1921, p. 78.) 1 intent called on in 1 grey LILY, scroll, and star on right forearm; year coat-of-arms, &c., on left forearm; nude woman on each thigh. (See P.G., 1942, p. 33, and Photos, 1921, p. 78.) Leonard Auckland 19/3/43 theft in Zealand N. motor-driver 1922 5 81 fresh fair blue medium. Large eyebrow Institution face. at Auckland, 13/3/43. p. Hugh Onehunga . . 10/3/43 mischief and ; each on Zealand motor-driver 1922 5 n dark dark blue large left ; language soldier knee. p. labourer 17.) p. Matewai Taiwhanga or Coromandel 8/3/43 theft months Maori . 1921 5 7 copper . black brown medium. o Douglas theft month to month 1943, in charge 116) p. 2 years’ probation Mason, . Longworth Papakura 4/3/43 unlawfully N. Zealand labourer 1926 5 7 fair fair blue medium.. Two scars on forehead ; birthmark on neck; 2 years’ probation N. Zealand labourer 1926 5 7 fair fair blue medium.. Two scars on forehead; birthmark on neck; motor-truck of in intoxicated and and hip. motor-truck charged and disqualified from driving for 4 y’rs driving motor-vehicle withfined £1 out license / *■ i f -4/3/43 soldier— a-nd .farm-hand-1Q99. 5 dcirk l. rn .. medium — /tf / // *f- ' motor-truck charged and disqualified from driving for 4 y’rs • driving motor-vehicle withfined £1 out license / » ✓ f T) 1 4/3/43 192* K £ 1 l • /y-///*/■£ Smith, George Papakura 4/3/43 theft attempted . fined Zealand jockey 1925 5 3 dark dark brown medium Royal Alton Spinley, Papakura 4/3/43 unlawfully motor-truck in Institution Zealand labourer 1925 5 4 fresh dark hazel . medium .right and (See 851.) p. with-driving and and on charged Matthews Kitchen, Waiuku 9/3/43 theft fined England labourer 1890 5 9 dark black brown .. medium • labourer 1890 5 9 dark black brown .. medium Phillip Paeroa 8/3/43 charges) shopbreaking ofsupervision Welfare Maori schoolboy 1928 5 5 copper black, curly brown . medium. F.P. Officer 1 year Williams Waihi 10/3/43 unlawfully fined Maori and 1910 5 9 copper . black brown . large of uniform seaman forefinger. on and p. Herbert Whiting, Aroha Te 11/3/43 charge intoxicated disAustralia share-milker 1893 6 H pale . black blue medium Scar elbow on right motor-vehicle fromqualified scar on right shoulder. driving to 11/3/44 scar on right shoulder. * ' driving to 11/3/44 1 >

Return of Persons summarily convicted -continued.

of tried. When. Offence. Sentence. ofNative Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, <fco. i Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, <&o. Te .Kepa Te 11/3/43 on fined £2 Maori labourer 1916 ft. in. 6 copper black brown . flat wrist. and on left tip ' 1936, and p. 32.) p. and left above knee, wrist, Leonard Slight, Te 11/3/43 on fined £2 Zealand N. and 1890 5 10* fresh dark brown .. medium.. 5 10* fresh dark brown .. medium.. butcher 208, 1941, (See Photos, p. Paki Ngaruawahia 12/3/43 theft fined Maori labourer 1915 5 8* dark black brown .. broad 5 8* dark black brown .. broad Evan Hamilton 12/3/43 indecent probation Zealand labourer 1916 5 9 pale black blue medium 5 9 pale black blue medium disorderly fined Desmond Marks, Hamilton 12/3/43 language probation Zealand grocer’s 1917 5 10 fresh fair brown .. medium 5 10 fresh fair brown .. medium behaviour fined assistant Wano Whakatane . 8/3/43 illegally vagabond! months Maori labourer 1921 5 7 copper .. black brown .. broad .. Scar on left eyebrow, which permits eyelid to 5 7 copper .. black brown .. broad .. Scar on left eyebrow, which permits eyelid to premises) on only open ; forearm. Wally Opotiki 5/3/43 converting 1 year’s probation Maori labourer 1925 5 9 copper .. black brown .. medium f 1 year’s probation Maori labourer 1925 5 9 copper .. black brown .. medium horse Marshall Henry, Opotiki 5/3/43 unlawfully 1 probation Maori labourer 1924 5 10 copper .. black brown .. medium 5 10 copper .. black brown .. medium horse Wirihana Opotiki 5/3/43 without selling fined Maori pensioner 1874 5 9 copper .. grey brown .. broad .. Lame on right leg; stooped. 5 9 copper .. grey brown .. broad .. Lame on right leg; stooped. of in liquor fined £3 on each ; fined £3 on each - and taking liquor into Maori Pa 1 . and taking liquor into Maori Pa Morete Ruatoria 15/2/43 language and disorderly fined discharged months Maori labourer 1907 5 8 copper .. black brown .. flat Right leg shorter than left leg. 5 8 copper .. black brown .. flat' Right leg shorter than left leg. Toms, Rotorua 8/3/43 from Zealand grocer 1916 5 4 fresh brown blue medium 5 4 fresh brown blue medium William Barnes, Camp Gisborne 10/3/43 theft to pay Zealand pensioner . 1878 5 10 sallow .. turning grey brown .. medium.. Has closely clipped grey beard. 5 10 sallow .. turning grey brown .. medium.. Has closely clipped grey beard. Thompson, Taumarunui 10/3/43 and days 14 N. labourer 1887 5 5 fresh grey blue medium.. Prominent ears. (See P.G., 1941, p. 904.) 5 5 fresh grey blue medium.. Prominent ears. (See P.G., 1941, p. 904.) sufficient Waddell, Taumarunui : 10/3/43 (in 14 days Scotland . and 1897 5 10 fresh brown brown .. medium.. Strong build; scar on forehead and on right 5 10 fresh brown brown .. medium.. Strong build; scar on forehead and on right sufficient means) fireman side of upper lip ; butterfly and scar on right forearm; left middle finger broken. (See P.G., 1942, p. 415.) ; • , MacAllister, Ronald Gordon, sufficient means) fireman side of upper lip ; butterfly and scar on right forearm; left middle finger broken. (See i ‘ P.G., 1942, p. 415.) Tokaanu 13/3/43 failing to enrol in Reserve . 2 months N. Zealand draper and 1902 5 10* fair fair grey .. medium.. Two small scars on forehead; scar on bridge MacAllister, Ronald Gordon, William Bate, @ wilfully deceiving Director convicted and discook of nose. (See P.G., 1943, p. 147, and Photos, Tokaanu 13/3/43 failing to enrol in Reserve . 2 months N. Zealand draper and 1902 5 10* fair fair .: grey .. medium.. Two small scars on forehead; scar on bridge William Ernest Bate, @ of National Service charged 1922, p. 57.) McGarva, Janet Edmond .. Hastings 9/3/43 theft supervision of N. Zealand factory 1925 5 5 fair brown hazel .. medium Mullally, John Martin, (5), Child Welfare Officer for 6 months worker Scar on left thumb. (See P.G., 1941, p. 604.) Waverley 11/3/43 unlawfully supplying liquor fined £3 on each N. Zealand labourer and 1913 5 8 fresh auburn blue-grey medium.. Wright, George to Maori (3 charges) upholsterer ... . ... .. . ... ... ... • -- ----- assuming name .. . fined £2 wilfully deceiving Director of National Service convicted and dis charged supervision o cook of nose. (See P.G., 1943, p. 147, and Photos, 1922, p. 57.) GordonMcGarva, Janet Edmond . 9/3/43 theft N. Zealand factory 1925 5 •5 fair brown hazel .. medium Child Welfare worker Hastings Officer for 6 months Waverley 11/3/43 unlawfully supplying liquor fined £3 on each N. Zealand labourer and 1913 5 8 fresh ’.. auburn blue-grey medium.. £>car on left thumb. (See P.G., 1941, p. 604.) Mullally, John Martin, charges) (3 assuming name /- ; ; "Yupholsterer . . • -i fined £2

Return of Persons summarily convicted -continued.

of Name Where When. Offence. Sentence. ofNative Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, Patrick Gordon, . Wanganui 8/3/43 gaming- as using fined £50 N. Zealand labourer 1888 ft. in. 5 8 fresh fair grey .. medium.. Scar on right side of head. (See P.G., 1941, house p. 463.) fined £50 N. Zealand labourer 1888 ft. in. 5 8 fresh fair grey .. medium.. Scar on right side of head. (See P.G., 1941, p. 463.) Charles Spencer Wanganui 8/3/43 assuming name fined Zealand commercial 1915 9 dark black brown .. medium 9 dark black brown .. medium Francis theft fined Zealand artist JeanDrewery, Wanganui . 8/3/43 kitchenmaid 1920 5 sallow .. light brown hazel .. medium.. Strong build ; coarse appearance. (See P.G., 1942; p. 751.) 7 sallow .. light brown hazel .. medium.. Strong build ; coarse appearance. (See P.G., 1942, p. 751.) Leslie Richard Phillip Strong, Wanganui 9/3/43 theft 1 year M. Zealand farm hand .. 1925 5 5 dark dark brown .. medium.. See P.G., 1942, p. 709. Institution N. Zealand farm hand .. 1925 5 5 dark dark brown .. medium.. See P.G., 1942, p. 709. WilliamTamakaha, Wanganui 13/3/43 theft fined £5 Maori soldier and 1924 4 copper .. black brown .. flat Scar on right ring-finger. 4 copper . . black brown .. flat Scar on right ring-finger. Jones, Phillip Marton 17/3/43 theft of Zealand labourer 1926 7 fresh brown grey .. thick Scar on back of left thumb at base ; two scars on 7 fresh brown grey .. thick Scar on back of left thumb at base ; two scars on Welfare Superintendent back William Trevor Feilding 16/3/43 Armyfailing come up Zealand labourer 1904 5 fresh dark brown hazel .. medium.. Scar on right instep. 8* fresh dark brown hazel .. medium.. Scar on right instep. examination 1 y’r PeterLane, Palmerston 1/3/43 theft fined Maori labourer 1907 10 copper .. black brown, medium.. Large mole on left cheek. 10 copper .. black brown, medium. . Large mole on left cheek. i 2 years in Borstal Maori labourer trading theft (3 charges) .. 2 years in Borstal Maori labourer truding Henry Palmerston 8/3/43 1925 5 6 copper .. black brown .. broad .. A three-quarter-caste Maori; burn-scar on Institution on back of right hand ; left forefinger crooked. each F.P. Photo at Palmerston North, 1/3/43. (See P.G., 1943, p. 132.) theft (3 charges) .. 1925 5 6 copper .. black brown .. broad .. A three-quarter- caste Maori; burn-scar on Institution on back of right hand ; left forefinger crooked. each F.P. Photo at Palmerston North, 1/3/43. (See P.G., 1943, p. 132.) WilliamLawton, Palmerston 8/3/43 (3 charges) month 1 Australia and 1901 5 sallow .. brown blue medium.. Strong build; scar on left wrist. (See P.G., 6i sallow .. brown blue medium.. Strong build; scar on left wrist. (See P.G., Laughton theft . months on blacksmith 69.) p. (sentences cumulative) soldier and William Carpenter, Palmerston N. 9/3/43 theft ifto come N. Zealand 1901 5 10 dark dark brown, brown .. medium.. Large ears. F.P. (See P.G., 1941, p. 48.) soldier and 1901 5 10 dark dark brown, brown .. medium.. Large ears. F.P. (See P.G., 1941, p. 48.) called in on electrician going bald ! going bald Kenneth Masterton 11/3/43 theft years months Zealand butcher 1915 9 dark black brown .. medium.. Scar on left thigh. :r^, 9 dark black brown .. medium.. Scar on left thigh. Lindsay .Duguid, Petone 9/3/43 drunkenness months Zealand labourer 1887 5 fair grey, going blue medium.. Scar on chin and on right hip ; mole on chest ; n fair grey, going bald blue medium.. Scar on chin and on right hip ; mole on chest; plate in head. (See P.G., 1943, p. 156, and Photos, 1939, p. 21.) / ■ . bald plate in head. (See P.G., 1943, p. 156, and Photos, 1939, p. 21.) Robinson Henry, Petone 15/3/43 itheft . and convicted Maori labourer 1919 11 5 dark black brown .. thick Strong build; scar on right leg; varicoseii dark black brown .. thick Strong build; scar on right leg; varicosecharged veins in each leg. theft .. 1 charged veins in each leg. Maxwell Pettet, Wellington . 15/3/43 14 days N. Zealand soldier and glazier soldier and 1921 5 10* fresh fair hazel .. medium.. Scar on left palm and above left eyebrow. theft .. . 14 days N. Zealand soldier and 1921 5 10* fresh fair hazel . . medium . . Scar on left palm and above left eyebrow. glazier Maurice Eugene Clancy, Wellington 15/3/43 theft . charges) each 14 Zealand 1921 5 7} fresh fair blue medium soldier and 1921 5 n fresh fair blue medium Anthony Gray, Wellington 15/3/43 theft 14 Zealand and 1921 11 pale light brown blue medium.. Scar on left wrist, on right thumb, and on right u pale light brown blue medium. . Scar on left wrist, on right thumb, and on right motorside of abdomen ; sailing-ship on left forearm. F.P. (See P.G., 1942, p. 46, and Photos, * side of abdomen ; sailing-ship on left forearm. F.P. (See P.G., 1942, p. 46, and Photos, 1941, p. Phoebe Wellington . 15/3/43 in assisting 2 months N. Zealand housemaid .. 1916 5 6* copper .. black brown .. medium.. A half-caste Maori; two moles on left side of of 2 months N. Zealand housemaid .. 1916 5 copper .. black brown .. medium .. A half-caste Maori; two moles on left side of house of ill-fame face. F.P. Photo at Wellington, 15/3/43. EdnaPennington, house of ill-fame in house of ill-fame for purfined £5 Is. N. Zealand shop1918 5 3} dark black hazel .. medium face. F.P. Photo at Wellington, 15/3/43. Wellington . 15/3/43 for ill-fame in pur- of prostitution assistant • * : .*■ fined £5 Is. N. Zealand shop1918 5 31 dark black hazel .. medium poses of prostitution assistant

Return of Persons summarily convicted-continued.

of Name Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Marks, EsterMillina, Wellington 16/3/43 theft if up N. waitress 1919 ft. in. 3 olive black brown . medium build A ; called 4 on ; months brown Wellington, Vance Joseph Wellington 16/3/43 theft 21 days N. labourer 1893 5 QO fresh brown dark medium. and; (See on markings p. p. JohnFreeman, Wellington 16/3/43 Reserve in . days Zealand andpainter 1910 5 5 fresh auburn blue-grey medium and p. wharf labourer 74.) 1937, p. Francis Brennan, Wellington . 17/3/43 without 14 days England . and 1912 5 n fresh brown brown . medium on right seaman and p. 32.) p. ; HenryWhite, Wellington 18/3/43 theft charges) 14 days Zealand motor-driver 1925 5 10 fresh brown brown . medium Weitheft and lington, 11/3/43. ' lington, 11/3/43. charged blue fresh blue Alfred Wellington 18/3/43 charges) theft theft 14 on and charged 1£ in Zealand soldier 1923 5 5 brown medium.. F.P. Photo at Wellington, 11/3/43. fresh brown medium.. F.P. Photo at Wellington, 11/3/43. LeonardNicholas, Wellington 19/3/43 theft Zealand farm 1922 5 Hoi fresh dark hazel .. long New Zealand flag and MOTHER on heart on oo fresh dark hazel .. long New Zealand flag and MOTHER on heart on William Institution anchor, and; theft and dis on charged Photos, 1942, p. p. EdwardWilliams, Wellington 19/3/43 theft months Zealand N. lorry-driver 1909 5 fair fair grey .. medium.. Scar on left shin ; heart with wings, cross, and 6i fair fair grey .. medium.. Scar on left shin ; heart with wings, cross, and theft and on charged on right forearm. F.P. (See P.G., 1942, p. 240, and Photos, p. 44.) brown on right forearm. F.P. (See P.G., 1942, p. 240, and Photos, p. 44.) John Maurice Wellington . 20/3/43 idle to up England hand . 1923 5 7 fresh grey .. pointed Left arm broken. F.P. brown grey .. pointed Left arm broken. F.P. andsufficient means) called 1 wearing year on each uniform 1918 year on each Url Ronald Nelson 19/3/43 report failing fined £5 N. Zealand labourer and 5 10 fresh fair grey .. medium.. Scar on right forefinger and on left thumb; service garage attendant two flags on left forearm. (See P.G., 1942, p. 264, and Photos, 1935, p. 5.) fined £5 N. Zealand labourer and 1918 5 10 fresh fair grey .. medium.. Scar on right forefinger and on left thumb; garage two flags on left forearm. (See P.G., 1942, attendant p. 264, and Photos, 1935, p. 5.) HenryFulton, Christchurch 8/3/43 stolen property receiving fined England insurance 1893 5 n fresh brown, turnbrown .. medium agent 1894 mg grey Scar on nose, on forehead, on upper lip, and on labourer and 1893 5 n fresh brown, turnbrown .. medium Edward Nicholls, Christchurch 9/3/43 theft months Zealand 1894 5 8 sallow .. brown, turngrey .. medium.. Scar on nose, on forehead, on upper lip, and on labourer andplasterer ing grey left cheek. (See P.G., 1940, p. 222, and Photos, 1914, p. 48.) 5 8 sallow .. brown, turngrey .. medium.. plasterer ing grey left cheek. (See P.G., 1940, p. 222, and Photos, 1914, p. 48.) Clark, Christchurch 11/3/43 theft months Zealand confectioner 1890 5 fresh brown grey . medium in speech. theft and charged fined ' Mary Christchurch 11/3/43 theft Zealand waitress 1919 5 3 fair brown fight brown . medium y///cpur . wilful damage probation medium.. Mary . Christchurch 11/3/43 theft fined Zealand machinist 1921 5 4 fair brown blue Operation-scar on right side of abdomen. medium.. Operation-scar on right side of abdomen. Adams, Christchurch 11/3/43 of breach fined Zealand N. mechanic . 1893 5 n pale grey blue medium Regulations gardener 1887 fair blue medium James Christchurch 11/3/43 theft to up N. 5 8 auburn 6called months Murch, Ernies . Christchurch 11/3/43 theft to come up Zealand labourer 1881 6 0 fresh fair, blue medium 6ca grey V grey ’ months

Return of Persons summarily convicte d -continued.

of Name tried. When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. 1 | Nose. Distinguishing Marks, Ac. *55 Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, Ac. Lionel Truman, Christchurch 11/3/43 of - fined £5 N. Zealand fitter 1896 ft. in. 5 9 sallow .. dark brown'.'. medium Dealers Act fined £5 N. Zealand fitter 1896 ft. in. 5 9 sallow .. dark brown .. medium Thomas Patrick Christchurch 12/3/43 military report failing service and to detained Zealand N. mechanic . 1923 8 fresh dark hazel . medium * defaulter Francis Thomas Martin, Lyttelton 13/3/43 stolen receiving fined Zealand wharf labourer 1882 5 ruddy . grey brown medium of above Flags elapsed flags of on on William John Allmon, Akaroa 11/3/43 theft fined America . . labourer 1896 10 sallow dark greyRoman big brown 1927, p. Matauranga Ropata Akaroa 11/3/43 property receiving to up called in Maori labourer 1903 8 copper . black brown medium. missing. Left finger Frank Prescott, Timaru 8/3/43 and ; ofsupervision Zealand labourer 1925 5 fresh fair blue medium and eye Welfare Officer years N. Zealand oseph J John Timaru 8/3/43 and ofsupervision labourer 1928 5 5 fresh fair grey .. medium.. J.D. on left forearm. N. Zealand labourer 1928 5 5 fresh fair grey .. medium.. J.D. on left forearm. Michael Welfare Officer t Gregor Timaru 8/3/43 and ; ofsupervision N. pottery1927 6 fresh dark grey . medium Child for Officer worker Edward McIntyre, Timaru 11/3/43 theft 6 Zealand and 1921 10 fresh brown grey medium. and ; Slight train in drinking fined £2 soldier (See on p. Todd, Oamaru 2/3/43 theft fined N. labourer 1911 9 sallow brown brown pointed nail knee forefinger right F.P.; Russell Thorp, Oamaru 3/3/43 theft of Zealand garage 1926 7 pale brown brown medium shin. on Scar Welfare Officer - attendant Young, . Oamaru 11/3/43 and 1 Zealand labourer 1917 8 5 fresh fair blue medium ; Right sufficient means) 126.) (See John . Oamaru 16/3/43 fighting fined £2 N. andlabourer 1916 6. fresh brown blue medium. of ; cook knee. behind (See p. William Oamaru 16/3/43 indecent fined N. labourer 1876 7 fresh going bald fair blue medium Henry . Dunedin 8/3/43 theft 1 Australia . labourer 1900 6* 5 fair blue medium.. on Scar portion Dunedin, at finger 8/3/43. Raymond Dunedin 10/3/43 charges) (6 . probation N. labourer 1924 i fresh brown hazel medium. outside in on Large each on of right leg below knee. F.P. Photo at Dunedin, 10/3/43. medium .. of right leg below knee. F.P. Photo at Dunedin, 10/3/43. Doreen Dunedin 11/3/43 theft 2 years’ probation N. Zealand clerk 1922 5 7 fair fair grey .. medium.. Stutters., F.P. 12/3/43 theft 2 years’ probation N: Zealand clerk 1922 5 7 fair fair grey .. Stutters., F.P. Edward . Dunedin receiving stolen property .. 1 year’s probation N. Zealand labourer 1917 5 7 fair fair brown .. medium.. Portion of left middle and ring fingers off. F.P Photo at Dunedin, 12/3/43. 12/3/43 receiving stolen property . 1 year’s probation N. Zealand labourer 1917 5 7 fair fair brown .. medium.. Portion of left middle and ring fingers off. F.P Photo at Dunedin, 12/3/43. Angus Dunedin 12/3/43 charges) convicted Zealand N. mill 1925 5 10£ sallow black blue medium.. Photo finger. at on charged on each Dunedin, 12/3/43. Y ' t charged on each Dunedin, 12/3/43. JamesBarrett. Invercargill 10/3/43 in .failing fined Zealand 1898 j 6 1 fresh dark, going grey ' -.. large See P.G., 1922, p. 586. 1898 6 . 1 fresh dark, going grey ' ; . large See P.G., 1922, p. 586. Horace bald

Return of Persons summarily convicted -continued.

j tried When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. 1 j Byes. Nose. discharged. and Convictions. ( finger-impressions * taken.) Auckland— ft. Francis Melville Fry, Auckland 29/9/42 theft • • 6 India and 1911 7£ 5dark black brown . medium 6/3/43 butterfly wrist; right soldier right on on Handed to military (See p. Photos, p. Norman Jeffreys, Auckland M.C. 2/3/43 without entering days 7 . N. traveller 1916 5 fair fair blue medium 8/3/43 Strong build between eyes. permit medium Clive .Evans, Auckland 10/12/42 housebreaking 3 Zealand N. and 1922 5 7J fresh dark . grey . 9/3/43 of Large soldier cheek and on crucifix arms ; profusely oftattooed ; back of on autho- to Photos, p. 1940, p. 79.) 10/19 /AO .§ blue —fr/8 /43 finger; operation-scar on centre of abdomen ; scar on right foot; AROHA KEITHA on left upper arm ; sprays of flowers, woman’s head, anchor, and BETTY on left forearm ; rose on right upper arm ; dagger, heart, and emblem on right forearm; nude woman and heart on left upper leg ; nude woman on right upper leg. F.P. (See P.G., 1943, p. 52, and Photos, 1933, p. 1.) y ■ in no /ao 5—101940, p. 79.) finger; operation-scar on centre of abdomen ; scar on right foot; AROHA KEITHA on left upper arm ; sprays of flowers, woman’s head, anchor, and BETTY on left forearm; rose on right upper arm ; dagger, heart, and emblem on right forearm; nude woman and heart on left upper leg ; nude woman on right upper leg. F.P. (See P.G., 1943, p. 52, and Photos, 1933, p. 1.) AlbertPukekura, M.C.Tauranga 10/2/43 charges) theft each Maori hand . 1924 5 copper black brown . broad . 9/3/43 on Large forearm, of right p. Joseph Kelly, Auckland 25/2/43 theft days Eire seaman 1919 51 fresh brown hazel . medium. 10/3/43 right on Z&rlZ 1943, 191.) Patrick Auckland M.C. 25/2/43 theft . days 14 Zealand and 1878 4 fresh brown, light blue pug 10/3/43 right on fisherman turning in - grey and on &c., pierced (See p. and p. Jack M.C.Auckland ll/i/43 failing for to months Zealand N. labourer 1917 Ilf fresh brown hazel .. medium. 10/3/43 Handed to service military military 99. p. 1 ; Mani M.C. 28/1/43 of probation weeks 6 Maori labourer 1924 5 9J copper . black brown . flat 10/3/43 on on upper left and on Puru, Sam (See p. Dargaville 25/2/43 theft . 14 Maori labourer 1899 5 5f copper black brown large 10/3/43 Scar (See 1943 p. 218.) p. 218.) 1 * ' * , • ' ’ ' 1 •* '


Gaol, Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. discharged. Remarks, Convictions. ( taken.) Auckland ft. in. privy to sale of liquor without license ft. in. Albert Auckland 12/2/43 1 month Australia .. carpenter and cabinetmaker 1893 5 7* fresh grey, going bald blue pug 11/3/43 20 p.c. Stout build ; scar on right ankle and on back of right knee; kangaroo and Australian flag on right forearm. F.P. (See P.G., 1943, p. 178.) privy to sale of liquor without license 1 month Australia .. carpenter and cabinetmaker 1893 5 7i fresh grey, going bald blue pug 11/3/43 20 p.c. Stout build ; scar on right ankle and on back of right knee ; kangaroo and Australian flag on right forearm. F.P. (See P.G., 1943, p. 178.) @ Wate Auckland 13/2/43 femaleassault on 1 Maori and war pensioner 1900 9 copper black brown . flat 12/3/43 each on Large left on ; ; eye and p. (See leg. 76.) Jean Yates, Kathleen Auckland 16/12/42 and disorderly cient months Zealand domestic 1917 5 fair brown light brown . medium. 15/3/43 Scar 8 right moles neck Photos, and p. 1941, p. 20.) Tehue . Auckland 16/2/43 theft . month Maori andsoldier farm 1922 5 6* copper black brown . flat 15/3/43 4 p.c. Large mouth ; scar on right leg. F.P. Handed to military authorities. 1941, p. (See 179.) 4 p.c. Large mouth; scar on right leg. F.P. Handed to military authorities. (See P.G., 1943, p. 179.) MichaelMollick, Rotorua M.C. 16/2/43 Defaulters’ escaping Camp 1 Canada paper-maker 1908 10 dark black hazel . medium. 15/3/43 Defaulters’ Strong p. (See William VictorGreeney, Auckland 17/12/42 without 3 England . labourer 1887 8 swarthy. dark, grey brown . medium 16/3/43 flags, ; mole on right of (See 1943, p. and eyebrow tip and p. 5 p.c. F.P. (See P.G., 1943, p. 220, and Photos, 1934, p. 3.) Robert McKinlay, Auckland 17/2/43 ofintoxicated in charge motor-truck dis- 1 from driving 1 Zealand painter 1899 8 fresh brown. blue large 16/3/43 Robinson, . Auckland 4/3/43 without selling license days Zealand labourer 1910 6 fresh brown brown snub 17/3/43 5 p.c. F.P. (See P.G., 1943, p. 220, and Photos, 1934, p. 3.) Wetekanga, Gray Kaiki Taumarunui M.C. 18/2/43 of breach 1 Maori labourer 1918 10 copper . black brown . flat 17/3/43 right on (See 181.) (See back 19.) Albert Auckland 18/12/42 theft months Zealand engineer 1921 5 fresh brown brown medium. 17/3/43 Pirihi Aparo Apples Whangarei 18/12/42 theft .. 3 months Maori labourer 1903 5 7f copper .. black, turning grey brown .. flat 17/3/43 1 p.c. Left eye missing; clasped hands and TRUE LOVE on chest; scar on left palm near thumb. F.P. (See P.G., 1943, p. 49.) <1 theft .. 3 months Maori labourer 1903 5 7f copper .. black, turning grey brown .. flat 17/3/43 1 p.c. Left eye missing; clasped hands and TRUE LOVE on chest; scar on left palm near thumb. F.P. (See P.G., 1943, p. 49.) 1 p.c. A quarter-caste Maori; scar on right temple. F.P. Handed to military authorities. (See P.G., 1943, p. 100.) RonaldParkinson, Auckland 18/1/43 enrol to months Zealand tiler 1911 6 6£ fresh brown brown medium. 17/3/43 1 p.c. A quarter-caste Maori; scar on right temple. F.P. Handed to military authorities. (See P.G., 1943, p. 100.) Kirk, Marcus Auckland M.C. 4/2/43 in to 6 Zealand N. labourer 1915 8 fresh dark hazel medium 17/3/43 Strong ; on on eyebrow lip. 1943, p. Walter Auckland 6/2/43 theft .. 6 Zealand labourer 1921 5 7* copper . black brown large 18/3/43 A ; slight build elbow. ; (See 1943, p.


Kama of tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. 1 Complexion Hair. Eyes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) ' ‘ j 1 ■-. 'Native of Trade. Born. Height. 1 Complexion Hair. Eyes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Auckland Gerald . Alfred JackHenare, i David Gordon i ■ ,Springfield, . Springfield, Wallace, AlbertWallace, Edward West, Henry Edward . Henry Scanned, Auckland M.C. Auckland M.C. Rawene M.C. .. Auckland M.C. Napier M.C. .. Auckland M.C. Auckland M.C. Auckland M.C. 5/2/43 6/3/43 3/12/42 21/9/42 6/1/43 22/2/43 22/2/43 8/3/43 theft .. assault cattle-stealing .. assuming name; and failing to enrol in Reserve default of maintenance (2 charges) failing to enrol in Reserve failing to enrol in Reserve obscene language 6 weeks 14 days 4 months 3 months on each (cumulative) 2 months 1 month 1 month 14 days Maori N. Zealand Maori N. Zealand N. Zealand N. Zealand N. Zealand Eire labourer motor-driver and soldier timber-worker freezingworker motor mechanic shoe-factory apprentice mill hand .. seaman 1925 1923 1910 1916 1898 1922 1909 1885 ft. in. 5 5b 5 11 5 6 5 8 5 4* 5 6 5 81 5 3* copper .. fresh copper .. fresh fresh fresh fair fair black brown black, curly brown dark brown .. dark brown .. fangrey, going bald brown .. grey .. brown . . blue blue brown . . hazel . . blue flat medium . flat medium . medium . medium . medium . medium . 18/3/43 19/3/43 19/3/43 20/3/43 20/3/43 20/3/43 20/3/43 20/3/43 Large mouth ; scar on base of left thumb, on left forefinger, and on left shin. F.P. Photo at Auckland, 5/2/43. (See P.G., 1943, p. 134.) 4 p.c. Strong build; left cheek pockmarked ; left ring-finger missing ; nude woman on left forearm ; cross, pierced heart, and woman’s hpad on right forearm. F.P. (See P.G., 1943, p. 220.) 8 p.c. Scar on right forefinger nail. F.P. Discharged on remission. (See P.G., 1943, p. 19.) Operation-scar on right side of abdomen; three dots between left thumb and forefinger. F.P. Handed to military authorities. (See P.G., 1942, p. 806.) 15 p.c. Scar on knuckles of left middle finger and above left eye. Arrested, 21 /I /43. Handed to military authorities. (See P.G., 1942, p. 729.) Scar on shin and on left forefinger. F.P. Handed to military authorities. (See P.G., 1943, p. 190.) Scar on right thumb, fore, and middle fingers; right wrist broken; mole on left cheek and on chin. F.P. Handed to military authorities. (See P.G. 1943, p. 190.) 31 p.c. Basket of flowers and woman’s bust on right forearm ; crossed flags, clasped hands, and woman’s bust on left forearm ; scar at left corner of mouth. F.P. (See P.G., 1943, p. 220, and Photos, 1939, p. 93.) WilliamScannell, Ngaruawahia— Auckland M.C. Auckland M.C. Rawene M.C. .. Auckland M.C. Napier M.C. .. Auckland M.C. Auckland M.C. Auckland M.C. 5/2/43 6/3/43 3/12/42 21/9/42 6/1/43 22/2/43 22/2/43 8/3/43 theft .. assault cattle-stealing .. assuming name; and failing to enrol in Reserve default of maintenance (2 charges) failing to enrol in Reserve failing to enrol in Reserve obscene language 6 weeks 14 days 4 months 3 months on each (cumulative) 2 months 1 month 1 month 14 days Maori N. Zealand Maori N. Zealand N. Zealand N. Zealand N. Zealand Eire labourer motor-driver and soldier timber-worker freezingworker motor mechanic shoe-factory apprentice mill hand .. seaman 1925 1923 1910 1916 1898 1922 1909 1885 ft • ft. in. 5 5i 5 11 5 6 5 8 5 4£ 5 6 5 8£ 5 3£ copper .. fresh copper .. fresh fresh fresh fair fair black brown black, curly brown dark brown.. dark brown.. fair grey, going bald brown .. grey .. brown .. blue blue brown .. hazel .. blue flat medium.. fiat medium.. medium.. medium.. medium.. 1 medium.. 18/3/43 19/3/43 19/3/43 20/3/43 20/3/43 20/3/43 20/3/43 20/3/43 Large mouth ; scar on base of left thumb, on left forefinger, and on left shin. F.P. Photo at Auckland, 5/2/43. (See P.G., 1943, p. 134.) 4 p.c. Strong build; left cheek pockmarked ; left ring-finger missing; nude woman on left forearm; cross, pierced heart, and woman’s hpad on right forearm. F.P. (See P.G., 1943, p. 220.) 8 p.c. Scar on right forefinger nail. F.P. Discharged on remission. (See P.G., 1943, p. 19.) Operation-scar on right side of abdomen; three dots between left thumb and forefinger. F.P. Handed to military authorities. (See P.G., 1942, p. 806.) 15 p.c. Scar on knuckles of left middle finger and above left eye. Arrested, 21 /I /43. Handed to military authorities. (See P.G., 1942, p. 729.) Scar on shin and on left forefinger. F.P. Handed to military authorities. (See P.G., 1943, p. 190.) Scar on right thumb, fore, and middle fingers; right wrist broken ; mole bn left cheek and on chin. F.P. Handed to military authorities. (See P.G. 1943, p. 190.) 31 p.c. Basket of flowers and woman’s bust on right forearm ; crossed flags, clasped hands, and woman’s bust on left forearm ; scar at left corner of mouth. F.P. (See P.G., 1943, p. 220, and Photos, 1939, p. 93.) Paul . Rongo, Ngaruawahia M.C. 2/3/43 theft .. 7 days Maori labourer 1919 5 8* copper .. black brown .. flat 8/3/43 Large scar above left ear. (See P.G., 1943, p. 102.) Paul Kongo, Ruatoria — Ngaruawahia M.C. 2/3/43 theft .. 7 days Maori labourer 1919 5 8i copper .. black brown .. flat 8/3/43 Large scar above left ear. (See P.G., 1943, p. 102.) Ruatoria— Kepa Clark . Ruatoria M.C. 13/2/43 not 11/2/43 wilful damage .. 1 month Maori labourer 1924 5 7 copper .. black brown .. wide 12/3/43 See P.G., 1943, p. 163. KepaClark Gisborne Ruatoria M.C. 13/2/43 not 11/2/43 wilful damage .. 1 month Maori labourer 1924 5 7 copper .. black brown .. wide 12/3/43 See P.G., 1943, p. 163. Highet, James Donald.. Gisborne M.C. 20/2/43 theft .. 1 month N. Zealand carpenter and soldier 1921 6 0 fresh light brown. blue medium. 19/3/43 1 p.c. Scar on right side of abdomen. F.P. Handed to military authorities. (See P.G., 1943, p. 181.) Gisborne Highet, Donald.. 20/2/43 theft .. 1 month N. Zealand carpenter and soldier 1921 6 0 fresh light brown. blue medium.. 19/3/43 1 p.c. Scar on right side of abdomen. F.P. Handed to military authorities. (See P.G., 1943, p. 181. f Gisborne M.C.


| 1 -s Complexion. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. Gaol, Where When. Offence. Sentence. .1Native of Trade O 1 PQ | to w Hair. Eyes. Nose. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Native of | Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) New Plymouth— 3 months N. Zealand 1874 ft. in. i 3 months l N. Zealand 1874 ft. in. sallow .. J M.C.Stratford 18/12/42 obscene exposure pensioner . 6 grey brown .. deformed 11/3/43 Brown spot near right ear; scars on right thumb, little, and ring fingers, on left middle finger, and on each leg; J.E.A. on right forearm ; varicose- veins in legs. F.P. Discharged on remission. (See P.G., 1930, p. 289, and Photos, 1921, p. 45.) sallow .. grey brown .. deformed 11/3/43 Brown spot near right ear; scars on right thumb, little, and ring fingers, on left middle finger, and on each leg; J.E.A. on right forearm ; varicose- veins in legs. F.P. Discharged on remission. (See P.G., 1930, p. 289, and Photos, 1921, Robert Edgar M.C. . 5/2/43 of . months England . veterinary 1887 5 11 sallow .. dark brown. brown .. medium. 8/3/43 p. 45.) Strong build ; scar over right eye and on surgeon 1887not inside of left forearm ; small scar on left not1897 side ; bullet-scar on left forearm ; three shrapnel-scars on left leg. Arrested, 1/3/43. Portion of arrears paid. (See P.G., 1937, p. 196.) 1897 5 11 sallow .. dark brown.. brown .. medium.. 8/3/43 Strong build ; scar over right eye and on inside of left forearm ; small scar on left side ; bullet-scar on left forearm ; three shrapnel-scars on left leg. Arrested, 1/3/43. Portion of arrears paid. (See P.G., 1937, p. 196.) RangiRobinson Tauranga M.C. 23/11/42 default of maintenance .. 3 months Maori labourer 1920 5 6* swarthy.. black, curly brown .. medium. 13/3/43 Tip of left middle finger injured ; scar on right thigh; half-moon scar above left knee. Arrested, 21/12/42. Discharged on remission. (See P.G., 1942, p. 546.) Hautu— Tauranga M.C. 23/11/42 default of maintenance .. 3 months Maori labourer 1920 5 6| swarthy.. black, curly brown .. medium.. 13/3/43 Tip of left middle finger injured; scar on right thigh; half-moon scar above left knee. Arrested, 21/12/42. Discharged on remission. (See P.G., 1942, p. 546.) Robert Hume, Auckland S.C. 14/8/41 theft .. 2 years Scotland .. labourer 1902 5 2f fresh light brown. blue sharp 16/3/43 Half ring on left middle finger: two operation-scars on right • side of neck ; scar on right side of abdomen. F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1941, p. 699, and Photos, 1925, p. 13.) Rangipo— N. Zealand soldier and Auckland S.C. 14/8/41 theft .. 2 years Scotland .. labourer 1902 5 2f fresh light brown.. blue sharp 16/3/43 Half ring on left middle finger; two operation-scars on right' side of neck ; scar on right side of abdomen. F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1941, p. 699, and Photos, 1925, p. 13.) Alfred Cecil Court-martial, 8/10/42 deserting Army 6 months 1914 5 8 fresh dark blue large 13/3/43 1 p.c. Left foot injured; scar on left Trentham farm hand ring-finger. Discharged on remission. Handed to military authorities. (See P.G., 1942, p. 307.) Waikune Court-martial, Trentbam 8/10/42 deserting Army 6 months N. Zealand soldier and farm hand 1914 5 8 fresh dark blue large 13/3/43 1 p.c. Left foot injured; scar on left ring-finger. Discharged on remission. Handed to military authorities. (See P.G., 1942, p. 307.) Henry James Palmerston 5/10/42 unlawfully converting 3 months on each N. Zealand soldier and 1920 5 10 fresh auburn grey .. medium. 13/3/43 Good build; two piercecl hearts, flowers, North M.C. motor-car (2 charges) (cumulative) dairyJIM, and VERNA on right forearm; factory scar on back of right hand, on right knee, hand and on inside of right calf. F.P. Discharged on remission. Handed to military authorities. (See P.G., 1942, p. 840.) Napier Palmerston North M.C. 5/10/42 unlawfully converting motor-car (2 charges) 3 months on each (cumulative) N. Zealand soldier and dairyfactory hand 1920 5 10 fresh auburn grey .. medium.. 13/3/43 Good build; two piercecl hearts, flowers, JIM, and VERNA on right forearm; scar on back of right hand, on right knee, and on inside of right calf. F.P. Discharged on remission. Handed to military authorities. (See P.G., 1942, p. 840.) Tei Ruatoria 15/1/43 theft months Maori labourer 1912 5 copper . black brown flat 13/3/43 Scar of eye. p. p. James 16/2/43 assault . 1 month v N. Zealand labourer 1908 5 8 fresh '.. fair v blue . ■.. medium.. 13/3/43 9 p.c. Small mouth ; portion of right ring, middle, and left little fingers missing. F.P. (See P.G., 1943, p. 163, and Photos, 1929, p. 63.) Napier M.C. .. 15/2/43 assault 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1908 5 8 fresh fair blue medium. 13/3/43 9 p.c. Small mouth ; portion of right ring, middle, and left little fingers missing. , F.P. (See P.G., 1943, p. 163, and Photos, 1929, p. 63.)


Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. J Trade Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. When charged. Remarks, been have indicates finger-impressions (F.P. taken.) Wanganui— ft. in. Strong build ; scar on right knee. F.P. Handed to military authorities, (See P.G., 1943, p. 181.) Wanganui M.C. ft. in. Strong build; scar on right knee. F.P. Handed to military authorities, (See P.G., 1943, p. 181.) Podjursky, Frank Wi 19/2/43 failing to enrol in Reserve 1 month N. Zealand shepherd 1916 5 4 k fair auburn grey .. medium.. 18/3/43 Wanganui M.C. 19/2/43 failing to enrol in Reserve 1 month N. Zealand shepherd 1916 5 4$ fair auburn grey .. medium.. 18/3/43 James Reginald Vercoe Upper M.C. 17/2/43 theft . 1 month N. and soldier 1910 5 4 dark black, going hazel large 16/3/43 anchor 5 upper Lifebuoy left on jaw. to (See p. p. Beckman, Roger Court-martial, Trentham 8/3/43 disobeying Army order .. 14 days N. Zealand soldier and painter 1922 5 9£ fresh brown brown .. broad 20/3/43 Operation-scar on right side of abdomen. Handed to military authorities. (See P.G., 1943, p. 163.) Wellington Court-martial, Trentham 8/3/43 disobeying Army order .. 14 days N. Zealand soldier and painter 1922 5 9£ fresh brown brown .. broad .. 20/3/43 Operation-scar on right side of abdomen. Handed to military authorities. (See P.G., 1943, p. 163.) Bowie, Allan, @ Bernie Wellington 24/2/43 failing 14 Zealand and mechanic 1909 9 fresh brown brown . medium 9/3/43 and 9 heart, Strong (See on 1943, p. ; and p. Mason, . Palmerston North 13/2/43 premises on intent out month 1 Zealand and soldier 1903 5 fresh brown grey . large 12/3/43 left on ; p.c. right Photos, and 149, p. p. Stone, Henry Palmerston North M.C. 10/8/42 default of maintenance .. 3 months Australia .. labourer 1899 5 8 dark dark brown.. brown .. medium.. 13/3/43 2 p.c. Scar on tip of nose and on right wrist; H. on left forearm. Arrested, 24/12/42. Discharged on remission. (See P.G., 1940, p. 907.) Orchard, John Wallace Wellington M.C. 16/2/43 theft .. 1 month N. Zealand storeman and pensioner 1881 5 7 sallow .. grey, going bald hazel .. medium.. 15/3/43 Operation-scar below right shoulder-blade ; left ear frost-bitten. F.P. (See P.G., 1943, p. 164.) Cunningham, William Adolphus Wellington M.C. 2/3/43 theft .. 14 days N. Zealand labourer 1888 5 9 dark dark, turning grey blue medium.. 15/3/43 52 p.c. Portion of left forefinger missing ; scar above each eyebrow. F.P. (See P.G., 1943, p. 196, and Photos, 1934, p. 38.) 4 p.c. Mole on chin ; moles on left cheek ; scar along left thumb. F.P. Photo at Wellington, 22/2/43. (See P.G., 1943, p. 195.) Pohl, John Wellington M.C. 22/2/43 theft .. 1 month N. Zealand carpenter .. 1914 5 8 fresh black brown .. large 20/3/43 Carroll Whiu .. Napier M.C. .. 12/10/42 breach of Oil Fuel Emergency Regulations (2 charges) 3 months on each (cumulative) Maori labourer 1897 5 9 copper .. black, turning grey brown .. large 20/3/43 Scar on front of left leg ; has small moustache. F.P. Discharged on remission. (See P.G., 1942, p. 881.) Point Halswell Reformatory — Plunkett, Edna Hilda .. Wellington M.C. 20/11/42 permitting premises to be used as brothel 3 months N. Zealand waitress 1918 5 3 pale black blue .. medium.. 13/3/43 F.P. Detained under Prisoners Detention Act. (See P.G., 1942, p. 941, and Photos, 1943, p. 19.) Palmerston North M.C. 10/8/42 default of maintenance .. 3 months Australia .. labourer 1899 5 8 dark dark brown.. brown .. medium.. 13/3/43 2 p.c. Scar on tip of nose and on right wrist; H. on left forearm. Ari’ested, 24/12/42. Discharged on remission. (See P.G., 1940, p. 907.) Orchard, John Wallace Wellington M.C. 16/2/43 theft .. 1 month N. Zealand storeman and pensioner 1881 5 7 sallow .. grey, going bald hazel .. medium.. 15/3/43 Operation-scar below right shoulder-blade ; left ear frost-bitten. F.P. (See P.G., 1943, p. 164.) Cunningham, William Adolphus Wellington M.C. 2/3/43 theft .. .. 14 days N. Zealand labourer 1888 5 9 dark dark, turning grey blue medium.. 15/3/43 52 p.c. Portion of left forefinger missing ; scar above each eyebrow. F.P. (See P.G., 1943, p. 196, and Photos, 1934, P- 38.) 4 p.c. Mole on chin ; moles on left cheek ; scar along left thumb. F.P. Photo at Wellington, 22/2/43. (See P.G., 1943, p. 195.) Pohl, John Wellington M.C. 22/2/43 theft .. .. 1 month N. Zealand carpenter .. 1914 5 8 fresh black brown .. large 20/3/43 Carroll Whiu .. -•Point ReformaNapier M.C. .. 12/10/42 breach of Oil Fuel Emergency Regulations (2 charges) 3 months on each (cumulative) Maori labourer 1897 5 9 copper .. black, turning grey brown .. large 20/3/43 Scar on front of left leg ; has small moustache. F.P. Discharged on remission. (See P.G., 1942, p. 881.) Plunkett, Hilda 20/11/42 permitting premises to be used as brothel 3 months N.'Zealand waitress 1 .. 1918 5 3 pale .. black blue .. medium.. 13/3/43 F.P: , Detained under Prisoners Detention Act. (See P.G., 1942, p. 941, and ......... , r . -, 1 Photos, 1943, p. 19.) Wellington M.C.


Trade. Height. Complexion. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. of Gaol, tried. When. Offence. Sentence. of O « Hair. Eyes. Nose. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. ( F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Nelson ft. in. labourer and farmer ft in. Joseph James Nelson . 3/3/43 theft . days 7 Zealand 1898 5 7 fresh black, turning grey grey .. medium.. 9/3/43 F.P. labourer and farmer 1898 5 7 fresh black, turning grey grey .. medium.. 9/3/43 F.P. Paparua— Francis Stephen mouth Grey 23/11/42 of possession months on N. labourer 1899 5 6 dark dark hazel .. medium.. 15/3/43 30 p.c. Two scars on left thumb ; scar on 5 6 dark dark hazel .. medium.. 15/3/43 30 p.c. Two scars on left thumb ; scar on Llewellyn M.C. and (cumulative) back toes ; missing. on Discharged and p. Cyril Christchurch 21/1/43 forfailing 2 and to N. shop-assistant 1913 5 7 fresh dark, turning blue medium.. 20/3/43 Scar on left shin and thumb. F.P. Sent 5 7 fresh dark, turning blue medium.. 20/3/43 Scar on left shin and thumb. F.P. Sent M.C. service military detained grey to defaulter p. Addington Reformatory— Smith, Sarah Elizabeth Dunedin M.C... 20/2/43 drunkenness 1 month N. Zealand domestic 1899 5 7 dark grey blue medium.. 19/3/43 Slight build; operation-scar on abdomen. (See P.G., 1943, p. 198, and Photos, 1939, p. 18.) ) - • . Invercargill obscene language; and Reformatory— Addington JamesAbernethy, Gore M.C. 13/3/43 7 days on each .. N. Zealand tractor-driver 1921 5 7 fresh fair grey .. medium.. 19/3/43 Dancing woman and HAZEL on right Elizabeth Sarah Smith, Lawrence assaulting police forearm; woman and SUVA on left forearm ; operation-scar on right side of abdomen. F.P. Dunedin M.C... 20/2/43 drunkenness 1 month N. Zealand domestic 1899 5 7 dark grey blue medium . . 19/3/43 Slight build ; operation-scar on abdomen. (See P.G., 1943, p. 198, and Photos, 1939, p. 18.) Invercargill Borstal 1 nstituInvercargill—tion — obscene language; and John Abernethy, Bernard John .Bennie, Gore Wellington 13/3/4312/3/42 7 days on each .. N. Zealand tractor-driver 1921 5 7 fresh fair grey .. medium.. 19/3/43 Dancing woman and HAZEL on right breaking, entering, and 2 years in Borstal N. Zealand farm hand .. 1926 5 6 fresh dark brown, blue medium.. 9/3/43 Scar on forehead. F.P. Released on theft Institution curly license. (See P.G., 1942, p. 258, and Photos, p. 25.) Everest, Daniel William Christchurch 26/3/42 theft .. 2 years in Borstal N. Zealand labourer 1921 5 7 fair fair hazel .. medium.. 9/3/43 Two small scars on left forearm ; writes LawrenceCharles assaulting police forearm; woman and SUVA on left forearm ; operation-scar on right side of abdomen. F.P. M.C. Institution | with left hand. F.P. Released on license. Handed to military authorities. (See P.G., 1942, p. 303, and Photos, 1941, p. 17.) Small scar on right palm. F.P. Released Borstal Invercargill Fahey, Gisborne M.C. 15/5/42 theft .. 2 years in Borstal N. Zealand labourer 1924 5 6 fresh brown grey .. medium.. 9/3/43 Institution 1 on license. (See P.G., 1942, p. 471, and Photos, 1941, p. 23.) tion— John .Bennie, 12/3/42 breaking, entering, and 2 years in Borstal N. Zealand farm hand . . 1926 5 6 fresh dark brown, blue medium .. 9/3/43 Scar on forehead. F.P. Released on theft Institution curly license. (See P.G., 1942, p. 258, and Photos, p. 25.) Wellington M.C. Christchurch 26/3/42 theft .. .. .. 2 years in Borstal N. Zealand labourer 1921 5 7 fair fair hazel .. medium .. 9/3/43 Two small scars on left forearm ; writes Everest, Daniel William M.C. Institution j ' | with left hand. F.P. Released on license. Handed to military authorities. (See P.G., 1942, p. 303, and Photos, 1941, p. 17.) Small scar on right palm. F.P. Released Charles Raymond 15/5/42 theft .. 2 years in Borstal N. Zealand labourer 1924 5 6 fresh brown grey .. medium.. 9/3/43 1 Institution 1 on license. (See P.G., 1942, p. 471, and Photos, 1941, p. 23.) Gisborne M.C.


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LXVIII, Issue 12, 31 March 1943, Page 232

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REGULATION UNDER THE REGULATIONS ACT, 1936. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LXVIII, Issue 12, 31 March 1943, Page 232

REGULATION UNDER THE REGULATIONS ACT, 1936. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LXVIII, Issue 12, 31 March 1943, Page 232

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