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Serial Number 1042/152


C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General. ' ( ORDER IN COUNCIL. J At the Government House at Wellington, this 23rd day of May, 1942. Present : His Excellency the Governor-General in Council. Pursuant to the Emergency Regulations Act, 1939, His Excellency the Governor- acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, doth hereby make the following regulations.

REGULATIONS. 1. (1) These regulations may be cited as the Motor-vehicles Registration Emergency Regulations 1942. (2) These regulations shall come into force on the day following notification in the Gazette of the making thereof.* (3) While these regulations continue in force the provisions of the Motor-vehicles (Registration-plate) Regulations 1934 f, and of the regulations enacted in amendment thereof (all of which are more particularly referred to in the First Schedule hereto), shall be suspended except in respect of the licensing period ending on the 30th day of June, 1942, and these regulations shall be read in substitution therefor. 2. (1) In these regulations, unless the context otherwise requires,— “ The Act ” means the Motor-vehicles Act, 1924 : “ Caravan ” means a motor-vehicle (other than a trailer) designed for use as a human abode : “ Contract motor-vehicle ”, “ omnibus ”, “ passenger-truck ”, “ private motor-cab ”, “ private motor-car ”, “ public motorcab ”, “ public motor-vehicle ”, “ rental-car ”, “ service-car ”, and “ service-coach ” have the same meaning as in the Motor-vehicles Insurance (Third-party Risks) Regulations 1939 J.

(2) For the purposes of the general interpretation hereof, these regulations shall be deemed to be made under the Act and, except as provided in subclause (1) of this regulation or unless the context otherwise requires, expressions used in these regulations shall have the same meaning as in the Act.

3. (1) Every application for the registration of a vehicle shall be in a form to be provided for the purpose by the Registrar. (2) Where on an application for the registration of a vehicle it is desired also to obtain a license to use the same motor-vehicle, the application for a license may be combined with the application for registration.

4. (1) The number and distinguishing marks to be kept affixed to any registered motor-vehicle, as required by section 6 of the Act, shall be exhibited on two plates (in these regulations referred to as registration-plates) which shall be fixed one on the front and the other on the back of the motor-vehicle, in an upright position, so that every letter and figure on the plate is upright and easily distinguishable : Provided that in the case of a trailer only one registration-plate shall be exhibited which shall be fixed on the back of the trailer in the manner hereinbefore described. (2) This regulation shall also apply in the case of registration-plates issued under section 18 of the Act.

5. (1) All registration-plates shall be metal plates which for motorvehicles other than motor-cycles shall be approximately 13| in. long and 4§ in. high, and for motor-cycles shall be approximately 9 in. long and 4| in. high. The letters, numbers, and other distinguishing marks on the registration-plates shall be embossed and coloured white on a black ground.

(2) The registration-plates issued in respect of any motor-vehicle for the licensing period ending on the 30th day of June, 1942, shall continue to be the registration-plates in respect of that vehicle until new registration-plates are issued by the Registrar for that vehicle pursuant to the Act or these regulations. 6. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Act or in Regulations 4 and 5 hereof (a) The Deputy-Registrar need not assign any number or distinguishing marks to any motor-vehicle which is the property of or regularly used by His Excellency the Governor- . General, and the registration-plates for any such motorvehicle may be distinguished by the symbol of a Crown alone and need not be of the size referred to in Regulation 5 (1) hereof: ( b The Deputy-Registrar need not assign any number or distinguishing marks to private motor-cars which are the property of or regularly used by the High Commissioner in New Zealand for the United Kingdom, and the registrationplates for any such motor-cars may, unless the Minister of Transport otherwise directs, be distinguished solely by the letters “ U.K.H.C.” in gold upon a black ground, and may be of such sizes as the Minister approves : (c) The Deputy-Registrar need not assign any number or distinguishing marks to private motor-cars which are the property of or regularly used by the High Commissioner in New Zealand for any of His Majesty’s Dominions, and the registration-plates for any such motor-cars may, unless the Minister of Transport otherwise directs, be distinguished solely by the letters “ H.C.” preceded by a letter or letters to indicate the Dominion represented by the High Commissioner, and may be of such colours and of such sizes as the Minister approves :

(d) The Deputy-Registrar need not assign any number or distinguishing marks to private motor-cars which are the property of or regularly used by a diplomatic representative of any foreign power exercising his functions in New Zealand or which are the property of or regularly used by such of the officers of an armed force of any foreign power as may be approved by the Minister of Transport, and the regis-tration-plates for any such motor-cars shall in respect of markings, colour, and size be such as the Minister may from time to time direct or approve. 7. (1) Every application for a license to use a vehicle shall be in the form to be provided for the purpose by the Registrar. (2) With any application for a license to use a rental-car there shall be produced to the Deputy-Registrar the license to carry on a rental service issued to the applicant under the Transport Licensing Act, 1931, and for the time being in force. (3) In the case of an application for a license for a motor-vehicle which derives its motive-power principally from producer-gas, the applicant shall in the application notify the Deputy-Registrar of the fact that the motive-power is so derived.

(4) Notwithstanding the provisions of the Act, while these regulations continue in force the annual fee payable in respect of an annual license for a private motor-car, within the meaning of the Motorvehicles Insurance (Third-party Risks) Regulations 1939,* shall be £1 15s.

(5) Any Deputy-Registrar may before issuing a license to use a motor-vehicle require the owner thereof to supply information in writing as to any tires or tubes owned by him or in his possession or control which are suitable for use or capable of being used on the wheels of any motor-vehicle. The information shall be supplied upon a form approved by the Registrar.

8. (1) Every license to use a motor-vehicle in the licensing year commencing on the Ist day of July, 1942, or in any subsequent licensing year while these regulations continue in force shall be. in the form in the Second Schedule hereto or to the like effect. Such licenses shall be so made that they can be affixed in the manner hereinafter mentioned to the vehicle to which they relate. (2) Licenses for the licensing year commencing on the Ist day of July, 1942, shall be printed in black on a yellow ground, and licenses for subsequent licensing years shall be varied in colour in such manner as the Registrar thinks fit. (3) It shall not be necessary for any license which complies with the provisions of subclause (1) of this regulation to refer to the assigned registration number or distinguishing marks of the motor-vehicle to which it relates, and while these regulations continue in force sections 15 (1) and 17 of the Act shall apply as if there were no references therein to any current annual license.

9. (1) Licenses to use motor-vehicles in the licensing year commencing on the Ist day of July, 1942, or in any subsequent year shall show in the appropriate place the following distinguishing marks (a) For every private motor-car, not being a caravan, the word “CAR”: ( b ) For every motor-cycle the letters “ M-C ” : (c) For every trailer the letter “ R ” : (d) For every motor-vehicle exempt from license fees in terms of section 11 of the Act, not being either , a motor-cycle or a motor-vehicle the property of the Crown, the letter “ E ” : (e) For every vehicle which is the property of the Crown and which is not a motor-cycle the letters “ GVT ” unless permission to the contrary is obtained from the Minister of Transport: (/) For every private motor-cab the letters “ P-H ” : (g) For every public motor-cab the letter “ T ” : (h) For every rental car the letters “ R-L ” : (i) For every omnibus which is a public motor-vehicle the letter «p » .

( j ) For every service-car or service-coach which is a public motorvehicle the letter “ S ” : (k) For every passenger-truck which is a public motor-vehicle, for every other public motor-vehicle which is not provided for in the foregoing provisions of this regulation, and for every contract motor-vehicle the letter “ Y ” : ( l ) For every motor-vehicle which is not provided for in the foregoing provisions of this regulation and the gross weight of which unladen, together with the manufacturer’s rating of weight-carrying capacity,' measures over 2 tons avoirdupois the letter “ H ” : (m) For every motor-vehicle which is not provided for in the foregoing provisions of this regulation and the gross weight of which unladen, together with the manufacturer’s rating of weight-carrying capacity, does not measure over 2 tons avoirdupois the letter £ L.”

(2) When any motor-vehicle comes within two or more classifications, as set out in subclause (1) of this regulation, the distinguishing mark on the license shall be that appropriate to the class of vehicle which is liable for payment of the higher amount of premium under the Motor-vehicles Insurance (Third-party Risks) Regulations 1939. f 10. (1) Every person to whom a license to use a motor-vehicle is issued shall during the whole of the period that the license is in force keep the license affixed in the manner following to the vehicle in respect of which it is issued, that is to say — (a) In the case of a vehicle fitted with a windscreen the license shall be affixed to the top left-hand corner of the inner side of the windscreen so as not to be readily detachable therefrom :

( b) In the case of a vehicle not fitted with a windscreen the license shall be affixed to the inside of a piece of clear glass or ( other transparent material fitted to an approved waterproof holder which shall' be attached to the vehicle, — (i) In the case of a motor-cycle, in a position as near as possible to the centre of the handle-bar : (ii) In the case of a trailer, on the back of the vehicle and in a position near the registration-plate : (iii) In the case of a tractor or other motor-vehicle, in a conspicuous position on the front of the vehicle on the left-hand side and as near as convenient to the top thereof. (2) The fact that any motor-vehicle is used on any road or street without having affixed thereto in the manner described in this regulation an appropriate license for the then current year shall be sufficient evidence, until the contrary is proved, that no license to use that motor-vehicle has been issued and remains in force. (3) For the purpose of this regulation and of Regulation 11 hereof the expression “ approved waterproof holder ” means a waterproof holder supplied by a Deputy-Registrar or a waterproof holder of a type approved by the Registrar for the purpose.

11. (1) Every application made by any manufacturer of or dealer in motor-vehicles for the issue of new registration-plates for use in accordance with section 18 of the Act shall be in a form to be provided by the Registrar for the purpose and shall be deemed to include an application for a license to use the registration-plates in the licensing year in which they are issued.

(2) Any manufacturer of or dealer in motor-vehicles to whom registration-plates have been issued under section 18 of the Act for any licensing period or licensing year ending after the commencement of these regulations may continue to use those registration-plates in accordance with the said section 18 in any subsequent licensing year if a license to use those registration-plates in that subsequent year has been obtained from the Deputy-Registrar from whose office the registration-plates were issued.

(3) Every application for a license to use registration-plates in any licensing year after that in which the plates were issued shall be in a form to be provided by the Registrar for the purpose. (4) Every license to use registration-plates in accordance with section 18 of the Act shall be in the form in the Second Schedule hereto or to the like effect and shall for each licensing year be of the same colours as the licenses to use motor-vehicles being issued for that year. ' (5) Licenses to use registration-plates in accordance with section 18 of the Act shall show in the appropriate place the following distinguishing marks : (a) For every license so to use registration-plates on a motor-cycle the letters “ D-C ” :

(6) For every license so to use registration-plates on any other motor-vehicle the letters “ DLR ”. (6) Every manufacturer of or dealer in motor-vehicles who has obtained a license to use registration-plates in accordance with section 18 of the Act shall affix the license to a piece of clear glass or other transparent material fitted to an approved waterproof holder and, while the license is in force and whenever the registration-plates in respect of which it has been issued are attached to any vehicle, shall display the license in the manner following, that is to say : —- (a) If the registration-plates are attached to a motor-cycle, by attaching the waterproof holder to the motor-cycle as near as possible to the centre of the handle-bar : ( b ) If the registration-plates are attached to any other motorvehicle, by attaching the waterproof holder above the top left-hand corner of the front registration-plate. (7) The fact that any motor-vehicle is used on any road or street having attached thereto registration-plates issued under section 18 of the Act but without having displayed in the manner described in subclause (6) of this regulation an appropriate license for the then current year to use such registration-plates shall be sufficient evidence, until the contrary is proved, that the annual fee in respect of those registration-plates has not been paid.

(8) There shall be kept by the Registrar a register of all persons to whom registration-plates are issued under section 18 of the Act and these regulations and who have obtained licenses to use the registration-plates.

12. Notice of the . destruction of any motor-vehicle or of its permanent removal beyond New Zealand or of the fact that any vehicle has become permanently useless, required by section 15 of the Act to be given to the Deputy-Registrar at whose office the motor-vehicle is registered, shall be in a form to be provided by the Registrar for the purpose.


13. Notice of the change of ownership of any vehicle, required by subsection (1) of section 17 of the Act to be given to the Deputy-Registrar at whose office the motor-vehicle is registered, shall be in a form to be provided by the Registrar for the purpose, and the endorsement required by subsection (2) of that section shall be in such form as the Registrar may direct.

14. (1) If any registration-plate or license or certificate of registration issued and in force in respect of a motor-vehicle is lost or mutilated or becomes illegible, the owner of the motor-vehicle shall forthwith make application to the appropriate Deputy-Registrar for a substitute for the registration-plate or license or a duplicate of the certificate of registration. The application shall be made in a form to be provided by the Registrar for the purpose. (2) If the application relates to one registration-plate for a vehicle other than a trailer, the other registration-plate shall be surrendered to the Deputy-Registrar, and, subject to the provisions of this regulation, a set of two registration-plates shall be issued for the vehicle.

(3) On receipt of the application and on being satisfied as to the facts, the Deputy-Registrar shall, on payment of the fee hereinafter prescribed, issue substitute registration-plates or a substitute license or a duplicate of the certificate, as the case may require : Provided that no substitute registration-plates or license shall be issued under this regulation until the owner has surrendered to the Deputy-Registrar the plates or license previously issued for the vehicle and in force for the current year, or proved to the satisfaction of the Deputy-Registrar that such plates or license have been lost or destroyed.

15. In any case where during the currency of a license issued in respect 1 of a motor-vehicle the vehicle is used for a purpose different from that indicated by the distinguishing mark on the license, the owner of the vehicle shall forthwith make application for and procure an appropriate fresh license. The application shall be in a form to be provided by the Registrar for the purpose, and the Deputy-Registrar if he so thinks fit may require the.surrender of the registration-plates and may assign a new number and distinguishing marks to the vehicle and issue new registration-plates therefor. 16. (1) Every application for a certificate in terms of section 12 of the Motor-vehicles Amendment Act, 1936, shall relate only to a single vehicle and - may be made either orally or in writing. The prescribed fee shall be paid at the time of making the application. (2) If the application is made in writing it may be delivered by hand or posted in a letter addressed to the Registrar or DeputyRegistrar. If the application is delivered by post the fee may be paid by postal note or postage-stamps.

(3) The Registrar or Deputy-Registrar may, if he thinks fit so to do, deliver the certificate to the applicant by posting it in a letter addressed to the applicant at any address given by the applicant. (4) The fee for every certificate issued stating only the name and address of the registered owner of a vehicle shall be 6d. The fee for every certificate issued stating other particulars than the name and address of the registered owner of a vehicle shall be Is.

17. The Deputy-Registrar shall charge and the applicant shall pay the following fees under these regulations : —• (a) For every registration-plate or substitute therefor a fee sufficient to cover the cost of the plate and the delivery thereof: ( ) For every license or substitute therefor a fee sufficient to cover the cost of the license and the delivery thereof: (c) For every approved waterproof holder supplied by the DeputyRegistrar a fee sufficient to cover the cost of the holder and the delivery thereof:

d ) For every duplicate certificate of registration, 2s. 6d. 18. (1) Any person who uses any motor-vehicle on any road or street without having the license to use that vehicle affixed thereto in the manner hereinbefore prescribed, or who permits any vehicle to be so used, commits an offence and is liable to a fine of £2O for every day on which the offence is committed.

(2) Every person who affixes to any motor-vehicle any label or other thing which is not authorized by the Act or these regulations and which is likely to be mistaken for a license, or who affixes to any motor-vehicle any license, not being the license for that vehicle, which is likely to be mistaken for that license,. commits an offence and is liable for each such offence to a fine of £lO.

(3) Every person who knowingly supplies false or misleading information in or. concerning any application made in terms of these regulations or omits or refuses to supply any information required thereunder or who fails to comply with any other requirement of these regulations commits an offence and is liable to a fine of £2O.

* See end note. ( t Gazette , 3rd May, 1934, page 1225. t Statutory Regulations 1939, Serial number 1939/34, page 165.

* Statutory Regulations 1939, Serial number 1939/34, page 165. t Statutory Regulations 1939, Serial number 1939/34, page 165.

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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LXVII, Issue 23, 10 June 1942, Page 483

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REGULATIONS UNDER THE EMERGENCY REGULATIONS ACT, 1939. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LXVII, Issue 23, 10 June 1942, Page 483

REGULATIONS UNDER THE EMERGENCY REGULATIONS ACT, 1939. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LXVII, Issue 23, 10 June 1942, Page 483

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