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Serial Number 1942/94


* Statutory Regulations 1941, Serial number 1941 /194, page 585.


Pursuant to Regulation 5 of the Emergency Reserve Corps Regulations 1941,* the Minister of National Service doth hereby prescribe the conditions set forth in this Order as conditions of service binding on the members of any emergency precautions service established under those regulations in connection with the present war. Conditions op Service. 1. This Order may be cited as the Emergency Precautions Services (Conditions of Service) Order 1942.

2. (1) In this Order, unless the context otherwise requires,— “ The said regulations ” means the Emergency Reserve Corps Regulations 1941, and includes all amendments to those regulations for the time being in force, and also includes any regulations that may hereafter be issued in substitution for those regulations : “ Responsible authority ”, in relation to a Government emergency precautions service, means the Dominion Controller of that service, and in relation to any other emergency precautions service means the central committee established in accordance with the said regulations. (2) Terms defined in the said regulations and used in these regulations have the meanings assigned thereto by the said regulations. Application op this Order. 3. (1) This Order relates only to such emergency precautions services as are established under the said regulations in connection with the present war. Every emergency precautions service that is in existence at any time during the present war shall be deemed to have been established in connection therewith. unless it has been expressly established for an emergency other than an emergency arising from the present war. (2) Subject to the last preceding subclause, this Order applies to and shall be binding upon all persons who for the time being are members of an emergency precautions service, whether by voluntary enrolment or otherwise.

Term op Membership. 4. Every person who, on the date of this Order, is a member of any emergency precautions service, or who hereafter becomes a member of any such service, shall continue to be a member of that service during the present war and for six months thereafter unless in the meantime — (a) He dies ; or (b) He is duly discharged ; or ( c ) He is duly transferred to another emergency precautions ‘ service or to another branch of the Emergency Reserve Corps.

Identification op Members. 5. (1) Except as provided in subclause (2) hereof, there shall be issued by the responsible authority to every member of an emergency precautions service, on his enrolment or as soon thereafter as practicable, — (a) An identification card or certificate containing a statement to the effect that he has been enrolled as a member of the service and specifying the unit to which he has been posted; and

( b ) An official arm-band with the letters E.P.S. imprinted thereon in block capital letters. (2) The foregoing provisions of this clause shall not apply with respect to any person who, though enrolled as a member of an emergency precautions service, is not actually posted to a unit of the service or is not assigned any duty as a member of the service. Duties of Members in Event of Enemy Action. 6. (1) Controllers of units, acting in conformity with general or special directions given by or with the authority of the responsible authority, (as hereinbefore defined) of the emergency precautions service shall instruct the' members of their respective units as to their duties in the event of an alarm of enemy action, and in particular shall in their instructions discriminate between—(a) Members whose duties necessitate their attendance at their respective posts as soon as possible after an alarm has been given ; and ( b ) Members whose duties do not require immediate attendance A at their posts on the giving of an alarm. (2) If in the event of an alarm being given it is impossible for any member to report at his post when required or within a reasonable time thereafter, it shall be his duty to report, if possible, to some other convenient post (whether in the same district or in any other district), and .to carry out as if he were attached to that post any instructions that may. be given him.

General Duties of Members. 7. (1) It shall be the duty of every member who has been posted to any unit of an emergency precautions service (a) To attend all parades or other assemblies of the unit at the time and place specified in a notice duly given for the purpose unless he is exempted from attendance by the controller or by an officer of the unit acting with the authority of the controller : (b) At all times while on duty as a member of his unit to wear his official arm-band: (c) At all times, whether on duty or not, to have in his immediate personal possession his official arm-band and also his identification card or other evidence that he has been posted to the unit. (2) For the purposes of this clause notice of any parade or other assembly shall be deemed to be duly given if it is given orally to the member, or is given in writing addressed to him at his usual place of residence or business, or is given by notice published in a newspaper circulating in the locality where the member resides or works. (3) No member shall be absent from the district for more than sixteen hours at any time without first having notified the controller of his unit, and every member who intends to be so absent shall, if required so to do by the controller, furnish to the controller such particulars as to his intended movements as will enable the controller to communicate with him at any time. The fact that a member has notified the controller of his intention to be absent from the district shall not excuse his failure to comply with any lawful instructions given to him as a member of the emergency precautions service.

Discipline of Members. 8. Every member of a unit, while on duty as a member of the unit or when required to be on duty, shall obey all instructions in relation to the work of the unit given by the controller or by any other officer or member of the unit having authority over him in relation to his duties.

Change of Residence or Place of Employment. 9. (1) It shall be the duty of every member of an emergency precautions service to give notice in writing to the controller or other responsible officer of his unit of any change of residence or change in his place of business or employment. Every such notice shall be forwarded by the controller to the responsible authority of the service for any action that may be necessary. (2) If any such notice is not given before the change of residence or place of business or employment takes effect, it shall be given within forty-eight hours thereafter. (3) If, by reason of any change of residence or place of business or employment as aforesaid, a member cannot attend to his duties as a member of his unit, he shall forthwith report to the controller of the corresponding unit nearest or most convenient to his new place of residence or place of business or employment, with a view to securing his transfer to that or to some other convenient unit.

Serious Breaches of Discipline. 10. For the purposes of this Order, every member of a unit shall be deemed guilty of a serious breach of discipline who —- (a) Fails to attend any meeting or assembly of the unit when duly required so to do : ( b ) Refuses or wilfully fails to obey any lawful instructions given to him as a member of the unit: (c) Obstructs or interferes with any other member of the unit in the performance of his duties as a member of the unit: (d) Is intoxicated while on duty as a member of the unit, or is so under the influence of intoxicating liquor as to be incapable of the proper performance of his duties :, (e) While on duty as a member of the unit, uses any . abusive, insulting, blasphemous, or obscene language, or otherwise behaves in an unseemly manner : (/) Fails while on duty to wear his arm-band or any other badge or mark that he may be required to wear, or at any time lends, gives, or otherwise disposes of any such arm-band, badge, or mark to any other person : ( g ) Fails to comply with any obligations imposed on him by this Order or by the said regulations or by any order or direction given under the said regulations.

Penalties for Serious Breaches of Discipline. 11. (1) If the controller of any unit of an emergency precautions service is satisfied, after due inquiry, that any member of the unit has been guilty of a serious breach of discipline, he may impose on the member a monetary penalty of an amount not exceeding £2 in any case.

(2) On the imposition of any penalty as aforesaid, the controller shall forthwith report the matter — (а) To the Dominion Controller (if the member is a member of a Government emergency precautions service) ; or (b) To the Chairman of the central committee (if the member is a member of a local emergency precautions service). (3) As soon as practicable after the receipt of a report under the last preceding subclause the Dominion Controller or the Chairman of the central committee (as the case may be) shall, if the member concerned so requires, hold or cause to be held an inquiry into the matter. (4) Not less than seven days’ notice in writing of the time and place fixed for the holding of any such inquiry, with written particulars of the charge made against the member, shall be given to the member who may appear at the inquiry in person or may be represented by any person appointed by him in writing to appear on his behalf. (5) As the result of any inquiry under this clause, the Dominion Controller or the Chairman of the central committee (as the case may be) may — (a) Confirm the decision of the controller ; or ( b ) Reduce the amount of the penalty ; or (c) Remit the penalty. (6) Nothing in this Order as to summary penalties shall be construed to restrict the liability of any member of an emergency precautions service for any offence against the said regulations. 12. (1) Every penalty imposed in accordance with the last preceding clause and not remitted after the holding of an inquiry thereunder may be recovered as a debt by the Dominion Controller or by the Chairman of the central committee, or by a person authorized in that behalf by the Dominion Controller or the Chairman, as the case may be. (2) All penalties imposed in accordance with the last preceding clause shall, when received, be applied towards the cost of the emergency precautions scheme.

Duties of Members on Discharge or Transfer. 13. All arm-bands, badges, equipment, or other things issued to the members of any emergency precautions service shall, so far as may be, remain the property of the issuing authority and, in the event of the transfer or discharge of any member, any property in his possession or under his control belonging to the issuing authority shall be duly accounted for or returned. Dated at Wellington, this 31st day of March, 1942.

D. WILSON, For the Minister of National Service.


S—P.G.5 —P.G.

Wellington. Printer,

Name of Offender. tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Honana Maioha Kaikohe 23/3/42 language months Maori and 1921 in. ft. 8 copper . . black brown . flat assault . month soldier (cumulative) resisting month drunk and disorderly to come up Kawakawa 16/3/42 called in year or obscene language 1 Maori labourer 1911 5 11 copper .. black brown .. flat Scar on right forearm, on left wrist, and or 5 11 copper .. black brown .. flat Scar on right forearm, on left wrist, and or Kawakawa 16/3/42 seaman abdomen. (See P.G., 1941, p. 204.) obscene language seaman abdomen. (See P.G., 1941, p. 204.) Tango, 1 month Maori labourer 1920 5 11 copper .. black brown .. flat See P.G., 1941, p. 509. obscene language 1 month Maori labourer 1920 5 11 copper .. black brown .. flat See P.G., 1941, p. 509. Tipene Whangarei 23/3/42 fighting fined Zealand farmer 1915 5 11 copper .. black brown .. medium.. A three-quarter-caste Maori; scar on right 5 11 copper .. black brown .. medium.. A three-quarter-caste Maori; scar on right the fined p. of to liquor worth, William Skip ' Whangarei. 23/3/42 fighting fined Zealand labourer 1918 5 3 copper .. dark brown hazel .. medium.. A three-quarter-caste Maori. 5 3 copper .. dark brown hazel .. medium.. A three-quarter-caste Maori. Henry Whangarei 24/3/42 assault . 1 Zealand farmer 1884 5 7 ruddy .. fight brown, hazel .. medium.. Scar on left thumb : left wrist and leg broken 5 7 ruddy .. light brown, hazel .. medium.. Scar on left thumb : left wrist and leg broken insulting language and convicted turning grey charged Urquhart, Alexander charged Dargaville . . 26/3/42 obscene language fined Scotland and 1888 5 9 fresh grey blue medium.. Excitable; speaks quickly. 5 9 fresh grey blue medium.. Excitable; speaks quickly. stock Palmer, Dargaville . 26/3/42 for report military month 1 Zealand apiarist 1919 5 7 fresh dark blue pointed .. Slight build ; scar on left leg below knee. 5 7 fresh dark blue pointed .. Slight build; scar on left leg below knee. service George Dargaville . 26/3/42 to month .1 Zealand hand 1917 5 8 4 dark black hazel .. medium 5 81 dark black hazel .. medium service David Dargaville 26/3/42 failing month 1 Zealand farmer 1921 5 6* sallow .. dark brown .. flat Strong build. 5 6J sallow .. dark brown .. flat Strong build. service Warren Auckland 20/3/42 recording fined England land agent 1900 5 9 tanned .. brown, turngrey .. medium.. Has moustache. 5 9 tanned .. brown, turngrey .. medium.. Has moustache. Clarke, and (Censorship Emergency Regulations) ing grey Auckland 20/3/42 prejudicial and Zealand dressmaker 1918 5 4 fair fair blue medium. . Stammers slightly. 5 4 fair fair blue medium.. Stammers slightly. May (Censorship Emergency Regulations) charged Auckland 20/3/42 prejudicial and N. letterpress 1920 5 4 fresh brown grey .. medium 5 4 fresh brown grey .. medium Thorburn, Bertha and Emergency Regulations) charged feeder Auckland 20/3/42 prejudicial recording and N. domestic 1896 5 8 dark dark blue medium 5 8 dark dark blue medium Meuli, Perry and (Censorship Publicity Regulations) charged Auckland 17/5/40 implying fined Zealand gland 1898 5 61 fresh grey blue-grey medium.. Scar on nose and on right leg. 5 6i fresh grey blue-grey medium.. Scar on nose and on right leg. qualifi- special (Medical Act, 1914) specialist ' specialist 20/3/42 false pretences 32

Return of Persons summarily convicted.

i Name of -~j j When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. • d t-i o +3 xt 1 CD 1 w Complexion. 1 \ Hair. i | Byes, f 1 | Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &e. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. 1 Height. Complexion. i I s Hair. j 1 Byes. j 1 Nose, r - Distinguishing Marks, <&c. Calmer, Auckland 20/3/42 conducting lottery fined Zealand barman 1911 ft 5 in. 10 fresh dark g medium.. features. Sharp Martin, Sylvester Auckland 20/3/42 assault come up N. labourer 1917 5 H fresh brown hazel . medium 1 in year disorderly and Hanson, charged Auckland 20/3/42 with- on entering 1 N. apprentice 1925 5 9 pale black brown . medium. eye. Leslie, (Shipping permit Emergency lations) and ; each on welder Auckland 23/3/42 and and convicted N. labourer 1922 5 11 fresh black brown . medium. Maori. A p. charged where the description is incorrect.) Eric Bruce . police charged fined fined £2 where the description is incorrect.) Auckland 23/3/42 fighting and convicted Zealand timber1921 5 7 fresh auburn hazel medium. . ear Edward Stephen charged worker Auckland 23/3/42 fighting charged fined N. Zealand timber1917 5 11 fresh black hazel .. medium.. Operation-scar on right side of abdomen. fined £1 N. Zealand worker timber1917 5 11 fresh black hazel .. medium.. Operation-scar on right side of abdomen. Theo worker Auckland 23/3/42 obscene fined N. labourer 1920 5 4 fresh brown blue medium. P.G., 1941, p. resisting . police and convicted Edward Auckland 23/3/42 of charge charged fined Australia handfactory 1901 5 10 fresh auburn blue broken motor-car driving from license for 1driving Hogg, Walter Auckland 23/3/42 converting year fined N. carpenter 1909 5 71 fresh /*' brown dark hazel medium build littleStrong Walsh, Edward, @ Walsh, John Auckland 24/3/42 motor-car breach of probation to come up Eire cook 1920 5 81 fresh black brown . medium. 1941, p. forearm on Scar called in on and truckscar on left shin. (See P.G., 1941, p. 282, and r-"-and truckscar on left shin. (See P.G., 1941, p. 282, and Kennett, Roy Auckland 24/3/42 deserting ship months 1 England driver boy 1923 5 fresh black brown .. medium.. Photos, p. 8.) Head slightly turned to right. 91 fresh black brown .. medium.. Photos, p. 8.) Head slightly turned to right. Andrew Auckland 24/3/42 mischief fined £2 N. Zealand farmer a n d 1917 5 7 dark black brown .. medium.. Two scars on right forearm ; scar on lower lip. Maurice soldier AucklandAuckland 24/3/4225/3/42 failing to enrol in Reserve .. 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1919 5 51 fresh brown hazel .. medium.. Scar on left cheek ; operation-scar on abdomen. failing to answer questions of convicted and dis(See P.G., 1940, p. 924, and Photos, 1941, p. 5.) mischief fined £2 N. Zealand farmer and soldier labourer 1917 5 7 dark black brown .. medium.. Two scars on right forearm ; scar on lower lip. Auckland 25/3/42 failing to enrol in Reserve .. 1 month N. Zealand 1919 5 6i fresh brown hazel .. medium.. Scar on left cheek ; operation-scar on abdomen. failing to answer questions of convicted and dis(See P.G., 1940, p. 924, and Photos, 1941, p. 5.) police (National Service charged McDonald, Mary police (National Service Emergency Regulations) charged Auckland 25/3/42 Emergency Regulations) 1 year’s R.D. N. Zealand domestic 1915 5 3 pale brown hazel .. medium.. Scar on left thigh. (See P.G., 1942, p. 189.) theft .. 1 year’s R.D. N. Zealand domestic '.. 1915 5 3 pale brown hazel .. medium.. Scar on left thigh. (See P.G., 1942, p. 189.) Herbert Glen Auckland 25/3/42 theft . 1 N. glass-worker 1916 5 8 dark brown brown medium at Harris, George Auckland 26/3/42 indecent and N. Zealand labourer 1908 5 ruddy .. fresh . .. brown blue medium.. Scar on left wrist; boil-scars on back of neck. 51 ruddy .. brown blue medium.. Scar on left wrist; boil-scars on back of neck. Allan . , Auckland 26/3/42 theft hibited months Zealand N» and 1914 5 8 dark blue medium.. ' (See P.G., 1940, p. 241.) Strong -build ; scar on right forearm ; birthfresh dark blue medium.. (See P.G., 1940, p. 241.) Strong build ; scar on right forearm ; birthsoldier mark on left side of back. (See P.G., 1941, p. 766, and Photos, 1934, p. 47.) mark on left side of back. (See P.G., 1941, p. 766, and Photos, 1934, p. 47.) ’

Return of Persons summarily convicted -continued .

jKune of . T ' ■ i j ! 1 ! i Complexion. 1 ! j I When. asses*. Sentence. ! Native of j Trade. . ' d fc* O PQ Height. Complexion. Hair. | | Eyes. | Nose. j " | Distinguishing Marks, <fcc. Name Offender, of Henry, Frederick . tried.Auckland i 27/3/42: publishing double chart fined £10 N. Zealand mechanic .. 1882 ft 5 in. n fresh grey grey .. medium. . Harelip. (See P.G., 1936, p. 697.) Wheo. | OSan Sentence. Native of 1 ! Trade. Bon] W> *3 W j Hair. Eyes, | Nose. Distinguishing Marks, <feo. Henry, Frederick . Charles Felix, Carl, @ AucklandAuckland 27/3/4227/3/42 double publishing alien register . fined fined Zealand Germany mechanic . .gardener 18821871 ft5 5 fresh light brown grey .. flat Right forefinger deformed. 5 in. n fresh grey grey .. medium.. Harelip. (See P.G., 1936, p. 697.) Charles Gluck, Carl, @ Audeley Bruce Eaddy, AucklandAuckland 27/3/42 27/3/42 , alien register inforrecording fined convicted Germany . Zealand gardenersoldier 18711923 55 59 freshdark light brown grey .. flat Right forefinger deformed. black brown .. medium mation (Censorship and Publicity Emergency charged Regulations) Audeley Bruce Eaddy, IhnoMalcolm, AucklandAuckland 27/3/4227/3/42 infor-recording recording prejudicial and convicted and convicted Zealand Zealand soldierdomestic 19231869 55 92 darkfresh black grey brown .. medium blue medium. . Stooped. and (Censorship and (Censorship Publicity Emergency Publicity Emergency charged Regulations)Regulations) charged IhnoMalcolm, James Alfred Krey, AucklandAuckland 27/3/4227/3/42 recording prejudicial inforconvicted and disN. Zealand domestic 1869 5 2 fresh grey blue medium.. Stooped. mation (Censorship and Publicity Emergency Regulations) charged theft 1 year’s probation England .. seaman 1911 5 6 fair fair blue medium ■ i '■ James Krey, Ernest Johnston, AucklandAuckland 27/3/4227/3/42 thefttheft probation probation England . England . seamanlabourer 19111910 55 6 H fairfair fairfair, going blueblue medium medium. . Scar on right forearm ; mole on right cheek; Johnston, CharlesCharles, Judge, bald left ring-finger broken. (See P.G., 1938, p. 94, and Photos, p. 27.) Auckland 27/3/42 theft 1 year’s probation England .. labourer 1910 5 H fair fair, going blue medium.. Scar on right forearm ; mole on right cheek; Charles Judge, Hansch, Elsie bald left ring-finger broken. (See P.G., 193S, p. 94, and Photos, p. 27.) Auckland 27/3/42 theft 1 year’s probation N. Zealand domestic 1898 5 1 fresh brown brown .. medium. . See P.G., 1940, p. 67. Hansch, Elsie Margaret Phyllis AucklandAuckland 27/3/4227/3/42 theft assault probation year’s ifto come up N. Zealand domesticwaitress 18981911 55 16 freshdark brown brown brown . brown . medium.medium See P.G., 1940, p. 67. called on in 6 months Margaret Lee, Phyllis William George Auckland Auckland . 27/3/4227/3/42 assault . lottery to come up if N. Zealand waitress 1911 5 6 dark dark brown brown .. medium called on in 6 months fined N. Zealand night porter 1896 5 8 fresh brown blue medium. . Thin build. William George Henry Auckland .Auckland 27/3/4230/3/42 commencing obscene language fined £5fined 10s. Zealand Australia . night porterbarman 18961904 55 884 freshfresh browndark bluebrown . medium.medium.. Thin vaccination-scars on ; upper . small scar on nose near left eye. (See P.G., 1940, p. 231.) Richards, Norman Henry .. Auckland 30/3/42 obscene language fined 10s. Australia .. barman 1904 5 00 fresh dark brown .. medium.. Three vaccination-scars on left upper arm; small scar on nose near left eye. (See P.G., 1940, p. 231.) Cassidy Auckland 30/3/42 obscene language Is. Zealand labourer 1891 5 6 copper grey brown . medium. and butterfly in ; Violet Auckland 30/3/42 language fined Zealand domestic 1900 5 6 fresh grey blue medium.. on on operation-scar George . Auckland 30/3/42 language fined 10s. England seaman 1885 5 8 fresh brown, brown medium. ; grey above eye. Henry, James Auckland 30/3/42 in intoxicated and Zealand N. commercial 1902 5 5 fresh dark blue medium motor-car disqualified for driving traveller 1 year traveller order prohibition of breach and convicted kneej&^S-^-' on Craven, James Auckland 30/3/42 failing to report for military charged to come up if Canada motor 1906 5 10 fresh brown grey .. medium.. service called on in 1 mechanic year Jfr'ItS. ■a) Archibald McQuoid, AucklandAuckland 30/3/4230/3/42 for report failing failing in charged ifto up N. Zealand carrier 1912 5 9 fresh fair blue medium ifto up in 1 . Canada motor 1906 5 10 fresh brown grey .. medium.. year service called on in 1 vear mechanic SI*}) McQuoid, Archibald Claude Auckland 30/3/42 failing to enrol in Reserve .. to come up if N. Zealand carrier 1912 5 9 fresh fair blue medium called on in 1 year

Return of Persons summarily convicted -continued .

1 Offender. of Name r tried. 1 i wiise. | Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. i .Height, Complexion. Hair. | Eyes. Nose. » Distinguishing Marks, <fcc. W&sa. | Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. a M o « Height. Complexion. Hair. 1 . ■ Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks,- <fcc. Henderson, Thomas . Auckland 30/3/42 military to service to up 1 Zealand labourer 1917 in. 10 . dark brown dark brown medium. left on Scar p. notify to and convicted Serviceaddress (National charged (not Auckland 30/3/42 Emergency to months 2 Zealand theatre 1923 6 fresh dark hazel .. medium.. Sharp features. (See P.G., 1942, p. 162.) 6 fresh dark hazel .. medium.. Sharp features. (See P.G., 1942, p. 162.) Leslie JackWaters, Auckland 30/3/42 assault .. to come up if N. Zealand attendant labourer 1916 5 10 fresh brown brown .. medium.. Scar on right side of right knee. (See P.G., 1942, Owen called on in 1 p. 180.) Auckland 30/3/42 assault .. to come up if called on in 1 N. Zealand attendant labourer 1916 5 10 fresh brown 1. brown .. medium.: Scar on right side of right knee. (See P.G., 1942, p. 18U.) Robertson, Woods | Auckland 30/3/42 of prohibition on entering fined ifto up Zealand naval 1920 5f 5 fresh fair blue medium.. Scar on back of right hand and on left shin; tmarf rmrl FATHER on rierht forearm: ship 5f fresh fair blue medium.. Scar on back of right hand and on left shin; heart and FATHER on right forearm ; ship ; and making to 6 months seaman and heart left MAURICE on ; (Shipping arm. Bates, Melvyn Auckland 30/3/42 Regulations) theft years’ Zealand presser 1924 6 sallow .. brown .: blue . i medium.: Scar on left elbow ; operation-scars on each side oi abdomen. l xiioio au 2Auoiu.aiiu, o* sallow .. brown blue medium.. Scar on left elbow; operation-scars on each side of abdomen. F.P. Photo at Auckland, tion 30/3/42. &%/* fa tion 30/3/42. Leach, Auckland 31/3/42 suicideattempts 1 Zealand driver 1913 3 pale dark brown blue .; medium.. See P.G., 1935, p. 299, and Photos, p. 44. 3 pale dark brown blue medium.. See P.G., 1935, p. 299, and Photos, p. 44. prohibited ; • of fined Lawson, Auckland 31/3/42 firearm attempted dis- and convicted and prohibited R.D. year’s 1 Zealand motor-driver 1908 10 dark dark blue medium.. Two hearts, VIOLET, DAVE, and MOTHER on left forearm ; VIOLET and heart on right forearm ; four scars on abdomen. 10 dark dark blue medium.. Two hearts, VIOLET, DAVE, and MOTHER on left forearm ; VIOLET and heart on right forearm ; four scars on abdomen. O’Pai, Lucy Auckland 31/3/42 theft Maori domestic 1921 5 copper .. black brown .. broad .. See P.G., 1940, p. 672, and Photos, p. 61. 7 copper .. black brown .. broad See P.G., 1940, p. 672, and Photos, p. 61. Lucy probation breach convicted Alison, Alexander, Baker, @ Auckland 1/4/42 drunkenness charged to for years Zealand engineer 1885 5 7 fresh dark brown hazel .. medium.. Rose, shamrock, and thistle on right forearm; two flags on left forearm ; scar on left palm. (See P.G., 1941, p. 124.) 7 fresh dark brown hazel .. medium.. Rose, shamrock, and thistle on right forearm ; two flags on left forearm ; scar on left palm. (See P.G., 1941, p. 124.) order prohibition and Patrick Knox, Auckland 1/4/42 in charged fined Zealand labourer fisherman 1878 4 fresh grey blue pug EMMA CRABBY and woman on right forearm • ■ L.I. in wreath, star, and pierced heart, &c., 4 fresh grey blue pug EMMA CRABBY and woman on right forearm ; L.I. in wreath, star, and pierced heart, &c., on left forearm. (See P.G., 1942, p. 170, and Photos. 1917, p. 51.) ■ on left forearm. (See ±\C4., 1942, p. 170, and Photos. 1917, p. 51.) Wong Auckland 1/4/42 keeping fined China gardener . 1901 5 sallow .. black almond flat Scar on left side of mouth and on abdomen. (See P.G., 1941, p. 884, and Photos, 1936, p. 64.) 2i sallow .. black almond flat Scar on left side of mouth and on abdomen. (See P.G., 1941, p. 884, and Photos, 1936, p. 64.) Raymond . Auckland . 1/4/42 found in fined Zealand N. labourer 1888 5 dark grey brown .. medium.. See P.G., 1924, p. 255. 10* dark grey brown .. medium.. See P.G., 1924, p. 255. Gar Law Auckland 1/4/42 keeping gaming-house fined £7 China labourer 1907 5 3 sallow .. black brown .. medium.. Several gold upper front teeth. Leung Maihi Auckland Auckland 1/4/42 found in gaming-house fined £1 N. Zealand labourer 1915 5 9 copper .. black brown .. medium.. A half-caste Maori; gold lower front tooth ; KIA ORA, N.Z., and scroll on left forearm. .1/4/42 1/4/42 keeping gaming-house found in gaming-house fined £7 China N. Zealand labourer .: labourer 1907 1915 5 3 5 9 sallow copper .. black black ■ i brown .. brown .. medium.. medium.. Several gold upper front teeth. . A half-caste Maori: sold lower front tooth. fined £1 KIA ORA, N.Z., and scroll on left forearm] Auckland ’ .

Return of Persons summarily convicted -continued .

I Name of When. Offence. iC Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. jtfose. • Distinguishing Marks, <fcc. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. i | Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, Ac. Andrews. Richard Auckland 1/4/42 in gaming-house fined England . gardener 1879 ft. in. 4 fair bald hazel . medium back. on Emanuel son, Auckland 1/4/42 in fined N. cook 1880 5 4 fresh going blue medium.. Scar on left side of neck and on abdomen. bald blue medium.. Scar on left side of neck and on abdomen. Ivan Auckland 1/4/42 in gaming-house fined Dalmatia . labourer 1889 5 7 olive dark, turning blue small, above 1942, in grey p. PercyCarlyon, Auckland 1/4/42 fined Zealand motor-driver 1907 5 9 fair fair blue medium and p. John Stephen McGilligan, Auckland 1/4/42 found gaming-house fined N. motor-driver 1892 5 n fresh brown, going bald dark hazel medium.. 84. p. Vance Joseph Auckland 2/4/42 drunkenness Inebriates’ to N. labourer 1893 5 84 fresh brown . medium.. Woman’s on 1 on year p. p. Rossiter James, Auckland 2/4/42 failing enrol in 1 Zealand and 1904 5 81 fresh brown hazel . medium.. Slight in misleading and salesman and Photos, 1931, p. 37.) , and Photos, 1931, p. 37.) mation to police (National Service Emergency Regucharged lations) Jimmie Waiomio, mation to police (National Service Emergency Regulations) charged Auckland 2/4/42 false pretences years’ N. labourer 1922 5 7 copper black brown medium. A ; ; tion middle on ; ring Robert, Auckland 4/4/42 obscene month N. and 1899 5 6 fresh brown blue large intellect. 4,4 g/ on ; clasped Campbell, seaman portion on ; Robert p. William .Walker, Otahuhu 18/3/42 assault fined Maori t labourer 1909 5 9 copper black brown . medium. Large on on of Jones, Otahuhu 23/3/42 using as fined England . married 1883 5 4 pale brown blue medium. on house David . . Otahuhu 23/3/42 using fined Wales bookmaker 1882 5 8 fresh brown hazel medium. See p. house Lily Otahuhu 23/3/42 gamingfined £10 England married 1893 5 0 fresh brown hazel medium. left Scar house George Otahuhu 23/3/42 gamingfined Zealand bookmaker 1900 5 11 fresh brown, hazel . medium.. arm paralysed. house ing grey Boneham, William Otahuhu 23/3/42 on carrying fined Zealand pensioner 1877 5 7 pale black hazel medium . No. over on maker forearm. Speedy, Otahuhu 23/3/42 gamingfined £50 Zealand clerk 1905 5 8 dark brown brown . large middle house 268.) Macnamara, J. Waihi 25/3/42 converting fined Zealand miner 1912 5 10 dark black blue medium. See p. bicycle Vivian Te 23/3/42 theft months 3 N. Zealand hairdresser . 1895 5 84 swarthy brown brown . pug left ; ruptured William and p. Victor, Robert Aroha Te 25/3/42 theft 1 England labourer 1909 5 4 fresh brown grey-blue small p. eye on ; forefinger. neck on Bird, Kenneth Hamilton 27/3/42 prohibited if come to England .. farmer 1911 5 7 fresh light brown grey .. medium called on in 1 year England .. farmer 1911 5 7 fresh light brown grey .. medium place called on in 1 year

Return of Persons summarily convicted -continued .

—f 1 — — | 1 i J i Offender. tried. Wbeik. I i j Sentence. Native of Trade. a i A tS) '3 W Comj plexion. i Hair, | Eyes. 1 | Nose. distinguishing Marks, &c. } j i Native of Trade. Born. Height. CcmI plexion. 1 Hair, i | Eyes. 1 T j ' j Nose. j Distinguishing Marks, &c. Ivan Henry Hamilton 24/3/42 .1 theft charges) Child of to N. labourer 1927 ft. 5 fresh light brown blue medium.. i ; " Scar behind right knee. in. 5 fresh light brown blue medium.. Scar behind right knee. Welfare intendent medium Roy . \ Hamilton 30/3/42 languageobscene fined N. labourer 1915 5 10* fresh brown grey 2 months N. Zealand labourer and 1894 5 Hi fresh fair, turning grey medium .. See P.G., 1942, p. 237, and Photos, 1932, p. 22. Cottier, Victor Hamilton 31/3/42 and rogue 2 months N. Zealand labourer and 1894 5 111 fresh fair, turning grey medium.. See P.G., 1942, p. 237, and Photos, 1932, p. 22. Winder, Hamilton 1/4/42 premises) on for report failing month 1 N. barman jockey 1918 5 6 fresh grey dark brown grey .. medium . . Two scars on right upper arm. trainer labourer 1918 5 6 fresh grey dark brown grey .. medium.. Two scars on right upper arm. Te Rotorua 23/3/42 service assault to Maori 1898 5 7 copper .. black, turnbrown .. medium.. Left hip injured ; lame. (See P.G., 1939, p. 452. in on mg grey Maori trainer labourer 1898 5 7 copper .. black, turning grey brown .. medium.. Left hip injured ; lame. (See P.G., 1939, p. 452. Leslie Bent, mouth 30/3/42 military failing to year and convicted N. labourer 1917 5 9 fresh fair blue medium Edward Lewin, Plymouth New 30/3/42 service converting charged fined England . seaman 1917 5 5 fresh black brown medium. elbow. right William Wright, Wairoa 18/3/42 motor-truck in . .failing fined N. carpenter 1915 5 11 fresh brown blue medium Ward, Napier 13/3/42 premises on ifto come up N. labourer 1900 5 91 fresh brown grey medium. middle on on right and p. (See p. William @ intent 1 Jones, @ year Thomas George Longhurst, Napier 16/3/42 theft theft charges) probation 1 on 3 (cumulative) N. labourer 1885 5 41 dark dark, turning grey grey . medium little on eye p. theft to up 1called year 23/3/42 theft if come up in MickNaera, Napier 16/3/42 indecent year fined N. labourer 1907 5 8 copper black brown large A Vincent, Napier 20/3/42 theft months 6 Tasmania . grader-driver 1902 5 91 fresh brown brown . medium neck ; lump 286.) p. Cooper, Vincent Hayden, theft (3 . to up 1 Lenard Napier 23/3/42 obscene language year fined Zealand labourer 1908 5 5 fresh brown grey . medium and right of on on leg. Photos, and p. (See p. chin in on ; eye and on of Edward Frederick Feilding 23/3/42 theft and convicted charged Zealand labourer 1911 5 31 fresh brown blue medium.. Wong, Hock, Wong Greymouth . 30/3/42 unlawfully . prohibited fined China . labourer gardener 1910 5 5* sallow . black brown . flat forearm. and (See p. glasses. 110.) Chang Lee Fitzgerald, Neil Timaru 26/3/42 obscene 1 language fined N. labourer 1906 5 9 sallow dark blue medium.. Scar on right wrist. (See P.G., 1940, p. 353.) lark blue medium.. Scar on right wrist. (See P.G., 1940, p. 353.)

Return of Persons summarily convicted -continued .

j Offender of Jj tried, When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. jBorn. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Marks, Laws, Timaru 26/3/42 assault . weeks 6 Zealand labourer . 1921 ft 6 in. 2 fair light grey medium. 16. 1942, p. obscene language breach of probation 1 month convicted and discharged _ obscene language breach of probation 1 month convicted and discharged Alexander Hooper, . . Oamaru 24/3/42 fighting fined Zealand chain 1918 5 11 fresh brown brown . medium Wilson Cox, Oamaru 24/3/42 fighting fined Zealand and 1908 6 0i sallow .. brown grey .. medium.. Portion of left ring-finger missing ; scar on miller forehead and on upper hp. (See F.G., 193±, P- 238.) 1908 6 0i sallow .. brown grey .. medium.. Portion of left ring-finger missing ; scar on forehead and on upper lip. (See P.G., 1931, p. 238.) Stylos Oamaru 24/3/42 to and to 3 Zealand labourer 1917 5 11 fresh brown brown medium. ; service be detained as defaulter left eyebrow. * service be detained as defaulter fined £10 and disleft eyebrow. John Oamaru 24/3/42 in N. Zealand roadman, 1898 5 10 fair brown blue medium.. Birthmark on right knee ; scar on right thumb. fined £10 and disN. Zealand roadman, 1898 5 10 fair brown blue medium.. Birthmark on right knee ; scar on right thumb. motor-car fromqualified mechanic, 111.) p. (See for driving there- years after and qualification reby Carey, George . Oamaru 24/3/42 for nofined Zealand N. labourer 1877 6 0 pale grey grey . medium.. 24. p. license Peter Pietro . Oamaru 24/3/42 no-license taking carrier’s without district f fined Italy winemaker 1898 5 11 dark dark brown medium. 1929, p. and order. no-license delivering fined knowledge be it f milesgoing fined from Emergency Whitson, Steele Dunedin 24/3/42 theft ifto Zealand labourer 1916 5 6i fresh fair blue medium.. Dunedin, right 1 on 24/3/42. Peterson, Dunedin 26/3/42 theft year fined Zealand N. domestic 1900 5 2 fresh light blue . medium. build. Stout Matthew Dunedin 27/3/42 failing in . if come up Zealand labourer 1923 5 8 fresh brown grey medium 1 in Stanley . Dunedin 27/3/42 to and Zealand N. wharf 1913 5 8 fresh brown brown , medium. Left forefinger service detained defaulter labourer ' ! i. ■ James Dunedin 1/4/42 theft month Tasmania . labourer 1896 6 3 fresh dark blue medium. 1896, TASMANIA, Watson ; Wat- McKay, on right eyebrow ; burn-scar on left calf, son, calf,; right P.G., (See' forearm, on on right 1942, p. 308, and Photos, 1941, ,,p. 45.)

Return of Persons summarily convicted -continued .

- -i ' 1 ■ J i Offends*. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. | Hair. Byes. Bom. Distinguishing Marks. <fe«, i '. Ofimice. Sentence. Native of Trade. Bom -CJ to w • Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. | Distinguishing Marks, <feo. Martyn, . Dunedin 2/4/42 ofparticipating fined Zealand cook 1921 ft 5 in. 6 fresh curlybrown, blue medium. Dunedin, Spiers, Kelvin subversive organization (Public Safety Emergency Regulations) labourer 1 Wyndham .. 26/3/42 theft 1 year’s probation N. Zealand 1924 5 7 fresh fair blue medium Robert Wilson, subversive organization (Public Safety Emergency Regulations) 1 Wyndham .Wyndham . 26/3/422/4/42 disorderly behaviour convicted and disN. Zealand dairy-factory 1924 5 GO sallow .. dark brown brown .. medium charged hand theft .indecent language probation year’s fined N. Zealand labourer 1924 5 7 fresh fair blue medium Wyndham .. 2/4/42 disorderly behaviour convicted and disN. Zealand dairy-factory 1924 5 84 sallow .. dark brown brown .. medium . . charged hand > indecent language fined £10 James Wyndham . 2/4/42 disorderly convicted Zealand cheese1920 5 4* fresh fair grey . medium charged factory indecent language fined £6 assistant Agnew, Bruce Morrison Invercargill .. 23/3/42 failing to enrol in Reserve .. 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1911 5 8 fresh dark grey .. medium Bradley, Erick McLean Invercargill .. 23/3/42 intoxicated in charge of fined £15 and disN. Zealand taxi-driver .. 1913 5 10* fair brown blue medium.. Scar behind right ear. (See P.G., 1938, p. 26.) motor-car qualified from driving for 1 Hughes, Matthew .. Invercargill .. 23/3/42 buggery supervision of N. Zealand apprentice 1927 5 2 fresh fair blue medium Child Welfare fibrous Officer for 1 year plasterer Heslin, Patrick George Invercargill .. 1/4/42 theft supervision of N. Zealand railways 1924 5 9 pale fair blue long Child Welfare Officer for 1 year porter charged factory Invercargill .. indecent language fined £6 assistant *Agnew, fading to enrol in Reserve .. 1 month 1ST. Zealand labourer 1911 8 fresh dark grey .. medium 23/3/42 Invercargill .. 23/3/42 intoxicated in charge of fined £15 and disN. Zealand taxi-driver .. 1913 5 ioi fair brown blue medium.. Scar behind right ear. . (See P.G., 1938, p. 26.) motor-car qualified from driving for 1 1 Bradley, McLean Hughes, Matthew . 23/3/42 buggery supervision of N. Zealand apprentice 1927 5 2 fresh fair blue medium Child Welfare fibrous Officer for 1 plasterer Invercargill .. Invercargill .. 1/4/42 theft year supervision of N. Zealand railways 1924 5 9 pale fair blue long Child ‘ Welfare Officer for 1 porter year . f Heslin, Patrick George

Return of Persons summarily convicted -continued .

i -- . j Name of Gaol, 1 | — . Complexion. When discharged. 1 Remarks, and Previous Convictions. Where tried. When. J Offence. , - Sentence. Native of Trade. 2 Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. 1 (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) - iI 1 ! {Gaol, 'and Name of Priuoum. | Where tried. j When, j i Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. W S .W) *<5 a Hair. Eyes. Nose. | (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Auckland— DonaldAtkins, M.C.Auckland 12/3/41 of . maintenance m’ths or Tasmania traveller 1903 in. ft. 11 fresh auburn grey . medium.. 21/3/42 t j.;y Arrears Arrested, Strong Arrested, Strong paid. paid. Palmerston 5/9/38 charges) in years Australia labourer 1919 8| 5 fresh curly grey medium. 23/3/42 tip 18 ; Herbert Jewett, Roberts, @ North M.C. Institution on forefinger and on right cheek. I .P. each Released on license. (See P.G., 1940, HenryAlbert M.C.North Invercargill Institution on forefinger and on right cheek. E.P. each Released on license. (See P.G., 1940, 12/10/38 escaping from Borstal 1 year in Borstal p. 232, and Photos, 1939, p. 69.) Invercargill 12/10/38 escaping from Borstal 1 year in Borstal p. 232, and Photos, 1939, p. 69.) M.C. Institution Institution (c to 27/10/38 from R.D.) Borstal 1 Institution Institution (cumulative), to R.D.) 1 year M.C. 19/12/38 from (cumulative) R.D. year’s 1 1 year’s R.D. on S.C.Wellington 11/5/39 entering, theft ; charges) unlawfully N charges); and escaping custody each . , ;i M.C. Rotorua . 8/2/40 unlawfully converting motor-vehicle obscene language- .. 1 month Rotorua M.C. .. 8/2/40 unlawfully converting motor-vehicle obscene language .. 1 month ' Aloysius Hamilton 24/9/41 months 6 Zealand labourer 1883 5 fresh brown, grey pointed . 23/3/42 right forefinger mg grey E.P. (See P.G., 1936, p. 750, and Photos, 1918, p. 14.) » mg grey E.P. (See P.G., 1936, p. 750, and Photos, 1918, p. 14.) Cassidy, Joseph Auckland 24/2/42 deserting . 1 Scotland . seaman 1922 H fresh brown blue medium 23/3/42 on 1942, p. Tempest, Auckland 24/2/42 ship month Eire assistant 1910 5 fair fair blue medium. 23/3/42 lip. upper Stenhouse steward p. William Henry Auckland 24/2/42 deserting month England . waiter 1909 6 fair fair blue medium. 23/3/42 forearm. on p. William M.C.Auckland 26/1/42 failing months Zealand N. labourer 1912 3 fresh brown grey . medium.. 25/3/42 ankle, part service military on 1942, p. 163.) ' ■ p. 163.) Batten, Leslie Auckland 26/1/42 i n ' months . Zealand labourer 1923 6| 5 fresh brown. hazel large 25/3/42 Handed Scar military to p. 331.) Joseph Auckland 26/1/42 forfailing report months ... Zealand motor-driver 1920 6-i fair fair , blue . medium. 25/3/42 Scar on tip of left little finger and on nose ; p. 331.) Scar on tip of . left .little finger, and on nose ; service military small scar on forehead. F.P. Handed to military authorities. (See P.G., 1942, p. 162.) small scar on forehead. F.P. Handed to military authorities.' (See P.G., 1942, * . ■ ■ . ... p. 162.) , v


j. s — - " When discharged. ! Remarks, and Previous Convictions. —— — — . When discharged. It-emarks, and Previous Convictions. [ Wh ”“ ed ' i Whes. ;■ | Ofleace. Sentence. j ’ Native of Trade. ' . S' •, fcO* i.*S • w Com- .. plexion. . Hair. • Eyes,' ■ -Nose. • • j (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been. , j taken.) prisons?* of l Auckland Wfcgre tried. 1 1 Whes. | Offeass. Sentence. i Native of ! Trade, * a s |L "3 w Complexion. Hair- - Eyes,Hose. { (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Auckland continued. Godfrey, Auckland M.C. 26/1/42 failing to report for 2 months N. Zealand painter 1904 ft. in. 5 5f fresh brown grey .. medium.. 25/3/42 Three vaccination-scars on left upper arm ; protruding right collarbone. F.P military service . Handed to military tuthorities. (See P.G., 1942, p. 162.) -■ r. Godfrey, Mervyn David Richard Lupton, Auckland Auckland 26/1/42 15/10/41 failing report to default of . maintenance arrears or 3 m’ths N. Zealand labourer 1906 5 8| dark dark brown .. medium.. 28/3/42 3 p.c. A quarter-caste Maori; scar at base of right thumb,. on left ankle, and military service 2 months N. Zealand painter 1904 ft. in. 5 5f fresh brown grey .. medium.. 25/3/42 Three vaccination-scars on left upper arm ; protruding right collarbone. F.P Handed to military tuthorities. (See P.G., 1942, p. 162.)'' 1 f aili n & r / for military service 1 • on right shin. Arrested, 30/12/41.- (See P.G., 1941, p. 369.) David Richard Lupton, Roylance, Victor Auckland M.C. 15/10/41 default of maintenance .. arrears or 3 m’ths N. Zealand labourer 1906 5 8£ dark dark brown .. medium.. 28/3/42 3 p.c. A quarter-caste Maori; scar at base of right thumb, on left ankle, and i , ... / / 1 , lading w ve/p&if for military service on right shin. Arrested, 30/12/41. (See P.G., 1941, p. 369.) Auckl 14 days .. N. Zealand taxi-driver .. 1914 5 9| fresh brown 1. blue medium.. 28/3/42 Scar on nose and below chin; three black spots on back of left hand. F.P. Handed to military authorities. (See. P.G., 1942, p. 297.) Victor Roylan.ce, May, AuckJagC^M^G. 2 14 days N. Zealand taxi-driver .. 1914 5 9| fresh brow'n blue medium.. 28/3/42 Scar on nose and below chin; three black spots on back of left hand. F.P. Handed to military authorities. (See P.G., 1942, p. 297.) May, May, Ivy Peggy, PattieManson, Auckland M.C. 16/3/42 entering on board ship without permit; and assault 14 days on each.. N. Zealand waitress 1918 5 44 fair fair blue medium.. 28/3/42 6 p.c. TRUE LOVE on fingers ; black spot- on left cheek; tattooed on legs and arms; scars on eyebrows. F.P. (See P.G., 1942, p. 297, and Photos, 1939, p. 68.) PattieManson, Pedersen Christian Hindo, M.C.Auckland M.C.Tauranga 16/3/42 16/3/42 board on shipentering language 14 days Denmark .. labourer and seaman 1904 5 11|fresh light brown.. blue long 28/3/42 3 p.c. Slight build; ship, G. P. HINDU, flags, flower, and woman on left forearm ; star on back of left hand ;■ woman and flags, &c., on right forearm ; pierced heart on back of right hand. F.P. (See P.G., 1942, p. 298.) without permit; and assault 14 days on each.. N. Zealand waitress 1918 5 4£ fair fair blue medium.. 28/3/42 6 p.c. TRUE LOVE on fingers; black spot- on left cheek; tattooed on legs and arms; scars on eyebrows. F.P. (See P.G., 1942, p. 297, and Photos, 1939, p. 68.) Pedersen Christian Hindo, Waikeria— v. Tauranga M.C. 16/3/42 obscene language 14 days Denmark .. labourer and seaman 1904 5 Hi fresh light brown.. blue long 28/3/42 3 p.c. Slight build; ship, G. P. HiiSIDO, flags, flower, and woman on left forearm ; star on back of left hand ; woman and flags, &c., on right forearm ; pierced heart on back of right hand. F.P. (See P.G., 1942, p. 298.) Waikeria — Taituha Reneti Whakatane 24/11/41 theft (5 charges) 4 months on each ■Qt/r/ Madri / .. 'ZS ... slaughterman 1922 5 6 copper .. black brown .. flat 23/3/42 on right heel. F.P. (See P.G., 1942, p. 18.) Taituha Reneti Reid Murray J? ZS Whakatane 24/11/41 theft (5 charges) 4 months on each Madri / .. slaughterman 1922 5 6 copper .. black brown .. flat 23/3/42 Sore-scars on right heel. Jb.P. (See P.G., 1942, p. 18.) M.C. Wellington S.C. 17/11/38 attempted rape ’ 4 years’R.D. N. Zealand motor-driver 1918 5 11 fresh fair grey '.. large 24/3/42 4 p.c. Scar on left palm ; left little finger contracted. F.P. Released on license and prohibited. (See P.G., 1939, p. 38, and Photos, p. 30.) Reid Murray Gordon Ross, . Sydney M.C. S.C.Auckland 1/6/39 breaking, entering, and theft (2 charges) receiving stolen property 3 years on each .. 9 months (cumulative) N. Zealand labourer and baker 1910 5 Ilf fresh brown -V' grey .. large 28/3/42 16 p.c. Slight build ; scar on right wrist, on left side of chin, and on left thumb. F.P. Released on license. . (See P.G., 1939, p. 551, and Photos, p. 73.) Wellington S.C. 17/11/38 attempted rape 4 years’ R.D. N. Zealand motor- driver 1918 5 11 fresh fair grey .. large 24/3/42 4 p.c. Scar on left palm ; left little finger contracted. F.P. Released on license and prohibited. (See P.G., 1939, p. 38, and Photos, p. 30.) Gordon Ross, Sydney Institu- Borstal Waikeria Auckland S.C. 1/6/39 breaking, entering, and theft (2 charges) receiving stolen property 3 years on each .. 9 months (cumulative) N. Zealand labourer and baker 1910 5 Ilf fresh brown grey .. large 28/3/42 16 p.c. Slight build; scar on right wrist, on left side of chin, and on left thumb. F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1939, p. 551, and Photos, p. 73.) Waikeria Borstal Institution— Blackburn, David ander S.C.Wellington 13/8/40 and entering, breaking, theft Borstal years Institution N. salesman 1921 5* 5 fair blonde blue medium.. 23/3/42 7 p.c. Horse’s head, cards, woman’s head, bottle, and MAN’S RUIN on right forearm. F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1940, p. 716, and Photos, 1939, p. 76.) black blue medium.. medium.. 23/3/42 24/3/42 7 p.c. Horse’s head, cards, woman’s head, bottle, .. and MAN’S ; RUIN on. right forearm. F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1940, p. 716, and Photos, 1939, p. 76.) Scar on left foot; three left toes missing ; lame ; /scar oneach/' forefinger, . F.P. Released on -license, t (See P.G., > 1941, Morgan, Wanganui 29/9/41 theft (2 charges) 1 year in Borstal Institution N. Zealand carpenter and painter 1920 5 7 dark black grey .. medium.. 24/3/42 Scar on left foot; three left toes missing ; lame; scar on each forefinger. F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1941, p. 802, and Photos, 1942, p. 5.) theft (2 charges) 1 year in Borstal : Institution N. Zealand carpenter and painter 1920 5 .7 dark grey .. p.-802, and Photos,-1942.-p.-5.) - • . f - , ....


j Where tried. When, Offence. Sentence.Native of i Trade. 23 M O • Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. When discharged. 1 Remarks, and Previous Convictions. I (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been , I taken.) ! I O a L Height. j Comj plexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. When discharged. 1 Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.F. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Waikeria Institution— continued. ft. in. 1 p.c. Scar on left side of neck. Released on license. (See P.G., 1941, p. 94, and Photos, 1939, p. 84.) Scalmer, James probationary N. Zealand motor 1923 ft. in. 5 8 dark dark grey ,. large 25/3/42 1 p.c. Scar on left side of neck. Released license cancelled 2/9/41, and returned to Borstal Institution ISJ. Zealand motor mechanic 1923 5 8 dark dark grey .. large 25/3/42 Richard Katene, Palmerston 8/9/41 theft (3 charges) license cancelled 2/9/41, and return ed to Borstal Institution l year in Borstal N. Zealand mechanic factory hand 1919 5 6J dark \ dark brown.. brown .. medium.. 25/3/42 on-license. (See P.G., 1941, p. 94, and Photos, 1939, p. 84.) 4 p.c. A quarter-caste Maori; small scar North M.C. 8/9/41 theft (3 charges) 1 year in Borstal Institution N. Zealand factory hand 1919 5 6i dark dark brown.. brown .. medium.. 25/3/42 4 p.c. A quarter-caste Maori; small scar on right elbow and on each shin; sword and DEATH on right forearm ; heart on cross on left forearm. F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1941, p. 719, and Photos, 1939, p. 97.) WilliamWoodhead, North M.C. Hamilton M.C. 17/11/41 theft .. Institution 1 month (probaN. Zealand farm hand .. 1921 5 5| sallow .. dark hazel .. medium.. 27/3/42 on right elbow and on each shin ; sword and DEATH on right forearm ; heart on cross on left forearm. F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1941, p. 719,; and Photos, 1939, p. 97.) . - ; Scar on right side of abdomen, on right HenryHamilton M.C. 17/11/41 theft .. 1 month (probationary license cancelled 28/11/41) N. Zealand farm hand .. 1921 5 sallow .. dark hazel .. medium.. 27/3/42 Scar on right side of abdomen, on right knee, and on back of right leg. Released on license. (See P.G., 1942, p. 12, and Photos, 1940, p. 28.) William S.C.Auckland 13/11/41 and entering, tionary license cancelled 28/11/41) 1 ‘ year on each N. Zealand storeman .. 1921 5 4J pale brown blue-grey medium.. 27/3/42 knee, and on back of right leg. Released on license. (See P.G., 1942,: p.- 12, and Photos, 1940, p. 28.) 14 p.c. Scar on right forefinger, on base of theft; and breaking and entering with intent (3 charges) 1 year on each (probationary license cancelled 18/11/41) N. Zealand storeman .. 1921 5 4i pale brown blue-grey medium.. 27/3/42 14 p.c. Scar on right forefinger, on base of left little finger, and on right side of abdomen ; writes with left hand. F.P. Released on license. Handed to military authorities. (See P.G., 1942, p. 30, and Photos, 1939, p. 9.) Gisborne— Smith Gisborne . 18/3/42 and breaking breach probation 7 days N. Zealand labourer 1922 5 io-|-sallow .. dark brown.. brown .. medium.. 24/3/42 2 p.c. A half-caste Maori. Large scar and small scar on right forearm. F.P. (See P.G., 1941, p. 230.) and entering with intent (3 charges) breach of probation (probationary license cancelled 18/11/41) 7 days N. Zealand labourer 1922 5 10J sallow .. dark brown.. brown .. medium.. 24/3/42 left little finger, and on right, side of abdomen; whites with left hand. F.P. Released on license. Handed to military authorities. (See P.G., 1942, p. 30, and Photos, 1939, p. 9.) 2 p.c. A half-caste Maori. Large scar and Plymouth Perpendicular scar on chest; mole on back of each shoulder. Arrested, 18/2/42 Rangi Waitoa M.C. Hawera . 28/1/42 of . month 1 Maori farm 1910 4 dark black brown .. medium.. 18/3/42 small scar on right forearm. F.P. (See P.G., 1941, p. 230.) Perpendicular scar on chest; mole on 4 dark black brown .. medium.. 18/3/42 Edward . Stratford 23/2/42 default . maintenance month 1 N. farmer 1885 41fresh grey blue medium.. 18/3/42 back of each shoulder. Arrested, 18/2/42Operation- scar on right side of abdomen; Hfresh grey blue medium. . 18/3/42 Operation- scar on right side of abdomen; brown mole above left knee. Arrested, 16/3/42. Portion of arrears paid. Dodd, Stratford 27/2/42 of maintenance months N. labourer 1903 71 pale grey brown .. medium.. 27/3/42 brown mole above left knee. Arrested, 16/3/42. Portion of arrears paid. Scar on right temple;- dimple in chin. n pale grey brown .. medium.. 27/3/42 Scar on right temple; dimple in chin. Arrested, 24/3/42. Portion of arrears paid. Van New Plymouth 2/1/42 false pretences 3 months N. Zealand motor-driver 1914 5 8 fair fair blue medium.. 28/3/42 Arrested, 24/3/42. Portion > of arrears paid. ; Scar above left eye; slight cast in right Eugene, Thomas New Plymouth M.C. 2/1/42 false pretences 3 months N. Zealand motor-driver 1914 5 8 fair fair blue medium.. 28/3/42 Scar above left eye; slight cast in right eye. F.P. Discharged on remission. (See P.G., 1942, p. Ill, and Photos, 1936, p. 16.) Rangipo — Ba'tt, Edwin Napier S.C. .. 5/8/40 attempted rape 2 years N. Zealand labourer 1905 5 7 fresh fair blue medium.. 24/3/42 Anchor on left arm ; scar above right eye. Released on license. (See P.G., 1940, p. 700.) M.C. S.C. Napier attempted rape .. 2 years N. Zealand labourer 1905 • i 5 .7 fresh fair blue .. medium.. 24/3/42 eye. F.P. Discharged on remission. (See P.G., 1942, p. Ill, and Photos, 1936, p. 16.) : • Anchor on left arm ; scar above right eye. Released on license. (See F.G., 1940, p. 700.) 5/8/40


$ 1 Complexion. i ] Wheudis- | charged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. *s Complexion. i i j Whendisj charged. 1 Remarks, and Previous Convictions. j of jWhere tried, When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. O A § *© A Hair. j Eyes. | j have finger-impressions taken.) continued. in. and left on and Douglas Archer, Wellington 1/10/41 and ; on England . seaman 1918 5 dark dark hazel .. medium.. 24/3/42 8* dark dark hazel .. medium.. 24/3/42 probation (cumulative) right on 1941, on 1942, and p. p. Stanley Robert, Dunedin 4/2/41 robbery . years’ Zealand labourer, 1915 5 sallow .. brown brown .. medium.. 24/3/42 Slight build; four moles on right cheek; 104 sallow .. brown brown .. medium.. 24/3/42 Slight build; four moles on right cheek; Phillips, Charles salesman, three moles on left cheek ; scar on side Moore, J. salesman,and steward of left eye. F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1941, p. 203, and Photos, 1936, p. 39.) and steward three moles on left cheek; scar on side of left eye. F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1941, p. 203, and Photos, 1936, p. 39.) Napier bent right ; Allan M.C.Hastings 3/3/42 language 14 Australia hairdresser 1906 5 sallow .. light brown.. grey .. medium.. 23/3/42 on bridge of nose. F.P. (See P.G., 1942, p. 135.) Scar on left little finger and thumb, on Hsallow .. light brown.. grey .. medium.. 23/3/42 on bridge of nose. F.P. (See P.G., 1942, p. 135.) William . James Bray, keDannevir 25/2/42 to report and month Zealand N. carpenter 1908 6 fresh brown hazel .. medium.. 24/3/42 6 fresh brown hazel .. medium.. 24/3/42 Scar on left little finger and thumb, on M.C. military detained and on second big defaulter which (See to * 1942, p. George Danne 25/2/42 failing and to month Australia cook 1914 6 fresh light brown.. blue medium.. 24/3/42 F.P. Sent to Defaulters’ Camp. (See 6 fresh light brown.. blue medium.. 24/3/42 F.P. Sent to Defaulters’ Camp. (See M.C. military detained defaulter 1942, p. Coles, Desmond, Napier 29/9/41 converting unlawfully months 6 Zealand cook 1914 5 dark brown brown .. medium.. 25/3/42 Skull and 13 on back of left hand; woman 74 dark brown brown .. medium.. 25/3/42 Skull and 13 on back of left hand ; woman Kenneth @ theft (not forearm on; recorded) right forearm; scars on forearms; theft . . 1 month ISABEL on left upper arm. F.P. Dis(cumulative) charged on remission. (See P.G., 1941, /(/ho attempted— carnal “knowpledge 1 month (cumulative) right forearm; scars on forearms; ISABEL on left upper arm. F.P. Discharged on remission. (See P.G., 1941, jQWanganui— Charles— -^vr AucklanckS.OT^' / (k —6/2/40 labourer— and < seaman 4876 5—8p. 784.) 3*p. cr— Stout-build— scar - on-back-of-right handand on-lefthand ;-C.N.,-lighthouse, long 1/4/42 woman,- and - flags -on -left forearm ; - ring on- left-little -finger bracelet -on - right wrist; - • • heart —on —right - hand 7— -F. P. Released on-license - and (See CharlesNordell, Wi Tako— i P.Gry 1940,-p.’276rand-Photos,vp. 48.)=-, Auckland S.C. / (h Ilia Germany .. labourer and 1876 5 fresh •. nrnu r n UlvrTu • • hazel *. rd/4/42 p. 784.) 3 p.c. Stout build ; scar on back of--right long ledge seaman hand and on left hand ; C.N., lighthouse, woman, and flags on left forearm ; ring on left little finger ; bracelet on right wrist; heart on right hand. F.P. Released on license and interned. (See Wi Tako— JohnMcKinnon, P.G., 1940, p. 276, and Photos, p. 48.) Wellington M.C. 2/1/42 obstructing police 3 months Australia .. labourer 1920 5 3 fresh fair blue medium..' 1/4/42 1 p.c. F.P. Handed to military authorities. (See P.G., 1942, p. 82.) JohnMcKinnon, ling Montague M.C.Wellington M.C.Wellington 2/1/422/3/42 obstructing policefailing report months 3 month 1 Australia . Zealand N. labourerlabourer and 19201916 5 7f 5 fair fair blue medium, j 1/4/42 Snake around dagger, horseshoe, and 3 fresh fair blue medium.. 1/4/42 1 p.c. F.P. Handed to military authorities. (See P.G., 1942, p. 82.) Montague Whyte, .Griglington military service motordriver GOOD LUCK on left forearm; pierced heart and MOTHER' on" left upper arm. F.P. Handed to military authorities. (See P.G., 1942, p. 240.) .r 49 p.c. Portion of left forefinger missing ; Wellington M.C. 2/3/42 failing to report for 1 month N. Zealand labourer and 1916 5 73 • 4 fair fair blue medium.. 1/4/42 Snake around dagger, horseshoe, and Whyte, @ GriglingtonCunningham, William military service motorGOOD LUCK on left forearm; pierced driver heart and MOTHER on left upper arm. F.P. Handed to military authorities. (See P.G., 1942, p. 240.) Wellington M.C. 3/3/42 theft .. 1 month N. Zealand labourer and 1888 5 9 dark dark, turning blue medium.. 2/4/42 Cunningham, William Wellington M.C. 3/3/42 theft .. 1 month N. Zealand labourer and 1888 5 9 dark dark, turning blue medium.. 2/4/42 49 p.c. Portion of left forefinger missing ; Adolphus carpenter grey scar above each eyebrow. F.P. (See P.G., 1942, p. 240, and Photos, 1934, p. 38.) ■i carpenter J grey scar above each eyebrow. F.P. (See P.G., 1942, p. 240, and Photos, 1934, ** *; p. 38.) ..


i 1 " i ... i ■ ? !■ 3 i ! Coml, plexion i Hair. ; : When discharged. Remarhs, and Previous Convictions. ; ; 1 uaol, and of Prisoner ” - -* ' 1 Q S Complexion . When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. Where tried.; | When. | • • 1 Offence. Sentence. [ Native of t f Trade.' j -j.-'- •• ■• • •< ■ i o ■Pt to m n ; Eyes, Hose. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been ■ taken.) . Name Prisoner Wi Tako continued. Where tried. \ When. Offence. Sentence. • Native of Trade* o pa . *3 Hair e u ■ Eyes. Nose. ( F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) \ 5 i i i holder-rip ft. in. fresh i ! l ’ Wi Tako continued. Williamson, ft in. I nvercargill 24/11/41 default of maintenance .. 2 months N. Zealand 1902 5 5-k brown, going hazel .. medium.. 1 2/4/42 Strong build ; sailing-ship on chest; flower Williamson, Albert Invercargill 24/11/41 default of maintenance .. 2 months N. Zealand holder-tip 1902 5 5* fresh brown, going hazel .. medium.. . 2/4/42 Strong build ; sailing-ship on chest; flower Edward : . (N.Z.R.) bald ji - and ship on left arm; flower, pierced heart, and KIA ORA on right arm. Arrested 5/2/42. Discharged on remission. carnal knowledge 1 ! •' ■ "7 ii v i;, ' (N.Z.R.) I j ' bald brown !i . ( } . V ! . •! and ship on left arm; flower, pierced heart, and KIA ORA on right arm: Arrested 5/2/42. Discharged on remission. s Cedric Thomas S.C.Wellington 16/9/41: carnal knowledge 8 months N. Zealand roadman 1904 5 n fresh brown grey .. long 2/4/42 Long scar between left thumb and fore- ! finger. F.P. Discharged on remission. (See P.G., 1941, p. 760, and Photos, 1942, p. 23.) \ 8 months N. Zealand roadman 1904 5: 7-|-fresh grey .. long . . V !, 2/4/42 Long scar between left thumb and fore-" ; ' | | f 1 j \ i i i : ! ■ ! . finger. F.P. Discharged on remission. (See P.G., 1941, p. 760, - and Photos, 1942, p. 23.)' { Magill, M.C..Wellington 6/2/42 ; failing months N. school-teacher 1920 5 freckled .. dark brown. . blue medium .. f 4/4/42 Handed to military authorities. (See P.G., 7 freckled.. dark brown.. blue medium.. 4/4/42 Handed to military authorities. (See P.G., military 1942, p. 184.) j j ........ i i • 1942; p. 184.) Wellington ; , i ■ . , Maurice M.C.Hastings .. 27/1/42 i theft . months N. .labourer 1899 9 fresh ’grey brown .. medium .. . 23/3/42 26 p.c. Horseshoe on right forearm ; scar 9 fresh grey brown .. medium. . 23/3/42 26 p.c. Horseshoe on right forearm ; scar Sim W 30/1/42 assault 7 of on bridge p. Photos, 1932, p. 105.) England .. Photos, 1932, p. 105.) ; Vincent .. M.C. W 26/2/42 deserting . month 1 scullion 1922 5' 10 fresh dark ! blue medium.".' 25/3/42' Pockmarks in face ; scar near base of left' England .. scullion 1922 5 10 fresh dark blue medium. .' 25/3/42 Pockmarks in face ; scar near base of left Harris, or Henry forefinger. F.P. (See P.G., 1942, p. 222.) M.C. W forefinger. F.P. (See P.G., 1942, p. 222.) 26/2/42 ship . 1 England pantryman 1920 5 fresh clark blue medium. . 25/3/42 Scar' on back of left hand. F.P. (See : . v . P.G., 1942, p. 222.) H fresh dark blue medium.. 25/3/42 Scar on back of left hand. F.P. (See P.G., 1942, p. 222.) Geoffrey Court-martial, 18/10/40 from ; 2 years N. and 1920 10 dark dark grey .. medium .. 25/3/42 Bird and horse’s head on right forearm; 10 dark dark grey .. medium. . 25/3/42 Bird and horse’s head on right forearm ; Second entering, soldier and &c., N.Z.E.F., theft and ; Overseas ROSE OF NO MAN’S LAND on back of left hand. F.P. Photo at Wellington, 19/3/42. Released on license. Handed to military authorities. - ROSE OF NO MAN’S LAND on back naval rating of left hand. F.P. Photo at Wellington, 19/3/42. Released on license. Handed to military authorities.' Tod Court-martial, 6/3/42 duty on 21 Scotland . 1921 5 11 fair .. light brown .. blue medium .'. 26/3/42 Strong build; sear ; on left side of neck.naval rating 1921 5 11 fair light brown.. blue medium.. 26/3/42 Strong build ; scar on left side of neck. H.M.N.Z.S. Philomel F.P. Ramsay, William Francis, Wellington 28/2/42 theft . 1 N. labourer 1896 6 fresh dark, turning grey .. medium. . 27/3/42 13 p.c. Tips of left middle and ring fingers 6 fresh dark, turning grey .. medium.. 27/3/42 13 p.c. Tips of left middle and ring fingers @ Ramsey grey missing ; horse’s head and EGYPT 1915 on right forearm; clasped hands and heart on left forearm. F.P. (See P.G., 1942, p. 239.) grey missing ; horse’s head and EGYPT 1915 on ’ right ’ forearm ; clasped hands and heart on left forearm. F.P. (See P.G., Vf S., • i . Paparisa— 1942, p. 239.) Watson, James Arthur Dunedin M.C... 2/2 /42 delault of maintenance arrears or 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1919 5 101 fresh dark brown.. blue medium. . 23/3/42 4 p.c. Scars on chin, on left wrist and Edward or James (2 charges) on each hand, and on right thigh. Arrested, Arthur Edwin 24/2/42. (See P.G., 1939, p. 781.) Davies, Eric Noel, @ Court-martial, 27/2/42 theft .. 30 days N. Zealand cook 1920 5 4 fresh dark brown.. grey .. medium.. 24/3/42 1 p.c. Scar on left hand. F.P. Discharged Paparua—Davis : ./ H.M.N.Z.S. on remission. Handed to naval autho- “ Philomel ” - rities. (See P.G., 1939, pp. 208 and 810.) Watson, Harold John, @ M.C.Dunedin .. Christchurch 2/2/4227/5/41 maintenance and .forgery month 1 each . year ZealandAustralia . . labourer plasterer 19191907 101 5 fresh dark brown.. blue medium.. ; 23/3/42 4 p.c. • Scars on chin, "on left wrist and 7 sallow .. brown re' .. brown .. medium.. 24/3/42 13 p.c. Sear below right eve and on nose. Edward James JohnCarr, charges) on each hand, and on right thigh. Arrested, S.C. Released on license and prohibited. (See P.G., 1941, p. 437, and Photos, 1936, p. I.) • .*v>V.v . '- ' 24/2/42. (See P.G., 1939, p. -781;) Arthur EdwinDavies, Eric Noel, @ 27/2/42 theft .. 30 days N. Zealand cook 1920 5 4 fresh dark brown.. grey .. medium.. 24/3/42 1 p.c. Scar on left hand. F.P. Discharged Court-martial, H.M.N.Z.S. ; on remission. Handed to naval autho- “ Philomel ” . rities. (See P.Gi, 1939, pp. 208 and 810.) Davis Carr/7 Harold John, @ 27/5/41 forgery ; and uttering .. 1 year ’on each .. Australia .. plasterer, .. 1907 5 7 salkuy. . brown?;:" .. brown-.. medium.. 24/3/42 13.p.c. Scar below right eye and on nose. Christchurch . S.C. ... * Released- on license and prohibited: (See P.G., 1941, p. 437, and Photos, 1936, p. I.) Carr, John


5 | 1 Complexion When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. Gaol, and W here tried, i 1 When, J 1 Offence. Sentence. | Native of j Trade, t-i O a to % Hair. Byes. Hose. | (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) i ! \ WTiere tried. | ] When, j 1 Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. I liorn. j Height. Complexion Hair. Eyes. Nose. 1 - When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) ed. c ft. in. Penn, Henry Christchurch 3/9/41 forgery on Zealand N. labourer 1895 6 fresh dark grey • medium 24/3/42 fore- right 7 on Frederick S.C. shepherd arm ; snake, stump, and pierced heart on left forearm ; scar above left eye; tip of right thumb missing. E.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1941, p. 700, and Photos, 1942, p. 15.) Armstrong, S.C.Christchurch shepherd arm ; snake, stump, and pierced heart on left forearm ; scar above left eye; tip of right thumb missing. F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1941, p. 700, and Photos, 1942, p. 15.) 24/4/41 false pretences 4 months N. Zealand motor 1900 5 7 fresh brown grey .. large 24/3/42 10 p.c. Scar on left side of upper lip. F.P. Christchurch 24/4/41 false pretences 4 months N. Zealand motor 1900 5 7 fresh brown grey .. large 24/3/42 10 p.c. Scar on left side of upper lip. F.P. Hohepa M.C. mechanic 1941, license. (See Christchurch C 1/8/41 bigamy 1 p. 629, and Photos, p. 33.) . p. 629, and Photos, p. 33.) John .. Christchurch 24/10/41 shop-breaking R.D. months’ Zealand sawyer 1919 6 ruddy . dark brown medium.. 24/3/42 6 on p.c. S.C. on license and prohibited, (bee, 1941, p.882.) Karaitiana, Phillip S.C.Christchurch on license and prohibited. (See P.G., 1941, p. 882.) 2/5/41 shop-breaking .. 1 year . . Maori labourer 1915 5 4 dark black i brown .. flat 24/3/42 20 p.c. Two. scars on forehead. F.P. Christchurch 2/5/41 shop-breaking .. 1 year .. Maori labourer 1915 5 4 dark black brown .. flat 24/3/42 20 p.c. Two scars on forehead. F.P. George S.C. • ■•, on (See 1936, p. Charles .. Christchurch 8/12/41 theft months Maori labourer and 1914 11 dark black brown . medium. 24/3/42 Three on 4 M.C. fisherman on woman ; and arm dagger, MAURINE on right forearm ; horse’s head on left upper arm ; woman and flow T ers on left forearm ; star on back of left hand. F.P. Discharged on remission. (See P.G., 1942, p. 61.) , MAURINE on right forearm ; horse’s head on left upper arm ; . woman and ! . flowers on left forearm ; star on back of ‘ L - left hand. F.P. Discharged on remission. / (See P.G., 1942, p. 61.) Rowlands, Christchurch 26/1/42 failing obey and to months Zealand N. labourer 1921 11 fresh brown blue long 25/3/42 to on p.c. M.C. order be (See Gamp. defaulter • p. 168.) Summerfield, John Harry defaulter p. 168.) Christchurch 26/1/42 for report and to Zealand printer 1905 8* 5 fresh fair hazel . medium. 25/3/42 glasses. ; Darrell M.C. military detained be to defaulter 168.) RichardChristchurch 26/1/42 to and Zealand machinist . 1913 5 fresh going blue medium,. 25/3/42 Scar above left knee. . F.P. ' Sent to bald blue medium. . 25/3/42 Scar above left knee. F.P. Sent to son M.C. military detained be Defaulters’ Camp. (See P.G., 1942, bald * Defaulters’ Camp. (See P.G., 1942, defaulter P- 168.) Palmer, Henry defaulter p. 168.) Court-martial, 29/1/42 absent leave 60 Zealand and 1921 94fresh brown.. light brown . medium . 28/3/42 left ; p.c. Henry Christchurch soldier scar on left side of chin. F.P. Handed to military authorities. (See P.G., 1940, p. 25, and Photos, p. 26.) - ■ '■ ; W soldier ' Y ■ - - scar on left side of chin. F.P. Handed t to military authorities. (See P.G., 1940, | I ; ■ : • p. 25, and Photos, p. 26.) . Junedin— - Angus Dunedin . 30/3/42 indecent from 48 Zealand andcarpenter 1887 8 fresh dark, turning blue pug 30/3/42 on ■ 28/3/42 builder not 1 grey (See P.G., 1927, p. 204.) yyyv,','.; Is**?* S K on , 1877 i 28/3/42 | builder ■ not grey (See P.G., 1927, p. 204.) 1877 Dunedin M.C. .. 5/1/42 absent from ship without 7 days .. Norway seaman .. 1919 6 0 fair fair blue medium .. 2/4/42 Two scars on forehead. (See P.G., 1942, S lo rad a on ,""K Anfin leave p. 112.) prohibited immigrant 1 month and to be detained pending deportation ' 5/1/42 absent from ship without 7 days Norway seaman “m 1919 6 ; : 0 . fair - fair —v: blue v medium .. 2/4/42 Two scars on forehead. (See P.G., 1942, Dunedin M.C.V : - leave ] y .. • p. 112.) prohibited immigrant 1 month and to 1) 0 (lot ainod r ’«•; 1 1 - V- ■ pending deporta- ;• r , -d : ,V TK? 1 , v v; r : Vt; ... • tion "'“A ... 1 •/ x- . e •. . ■ ..■Mu* j. t *.< V Anlin ,


jGaol, Prisoner, 1 j tried, When. Offence. Sentence. Native of | i Trade. Bom. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Where tried. j When. | Offence. Sentence. Native of j 1 Trade. j i Bom. 1 Height. Complexion. Hair. Byes. | Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Invercargill ft. tion — Wilkinson, Raymond S.C.Wellington 19/11/40 and; (4 and entering, charges) Borstal years Institution Zealand dry-cleaner. 1923 10 fresh brown hazel . medium. 24/3/42 hand and on back on p. 1941, p. Ngatiwhainoa, Tauranga 22/1/41 theft . in Maori labourer 1922 5 6 copper .. black brown .. flat 25/3/42 Scars on forearms, on knees, on ankles, and on left cheek. F.P. Released on license. Institution Maori labourer 1922 5 6 copper .. black brown . flat 25/3/42 Scars on forearms, on knees, on ankles, and . on left cheek. F.P. Released on license.. Williams and p. on right on Henry Wilkie, . Wanganui 20/2/41 breaking, and 2 years in Borstal Institution on N. Zealand labourer 1922 5 7 dark brown blue medium.. 25/3/42 1941, p. 200, and Photos, 1942, p. 12.) > 2 years in Borstal Institution on N. Zealand labourer 1922 5 7 dark brown blue medium.. 25/3/42 1941, p. 200, and Photos, 1942, p. 12.) MauriWitehira M.C.Wbangarei 6/11/40 unlawfullyattempting to motorin Institution Maori labourer 1922 5 copper . black . brown . medium. 25/3/42 of and left bridge and on and right Released (See P.G., 1940, p. 923, and Photos, 1941, p. 18.) - (See P.G., 1940, p. 923, and Photos, 1941, p. 18.) John Finlay, — — transferred from Weraroa TrainN. Zealand labourer 1923 5 7 fresh brown hazel . medium.. 26/3/42 F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1941 p. 104, and Photos, 1942, p. 2.) ing Farm to Borstal Institu- • ' ' , '* / * ' ' ' i tion Scar on chest. F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1941, p. 273, and Photos, p. 30.) — — — transferred from Weraroa TrainN. Zealand labourer 1923 5 7 fresh brown hazel .. medium.. 26/3/42 F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1941 p. 104, and Photos, 1942, p. 2.) ing Farm to Borstal Institu tion Scar on chest. F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1941, p. 273, and Photos, p. 30.) Bernard Mervyn M.C.Auckland 7/3/41 theft Borstal years Institution Zealand N. labourer 1924 6£ 5 fair brown . , hazel . medium. 27/3/42 Patrick, Napier 21/3/41 theft in Institution Maori labourer 1925 5 copper black brown . medium. 28/3/42 left cheek, Released on and 1941, p. 11.) * • : '


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LXVII, Issue 15, 15 April 1942, Page 325

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THE EMERGENCY PRECAUTIONS SERVICES (CONDITIONS OF SERVICE) ORDER 1942 New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LXVII, Issue 15, 15 April 1942, Page 325

THE EMERGENCY PRECAUTIONS SERVICES (CONDITIONS OF SERVICE) ORDER 1942 New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LXVII, Issue 15, 15 April 1942, Page 325

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