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Serial Number 1941/210.


C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government House at Wellington, this 12th day of November, 1941.

Present : His Excellency the Governor-General in Council,

Pursuant to the Emergency Regulations Act, 1939, His Excellency the Governor-General, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, doth hereby make the following regulations.

REGULATIONS. 1. These regulations may be cited as the National Service Emergency Regulations 1940; Amendment No. 7, and shall be read together with and deemed part of the National Service Emergency Regulations 1940* (hereinafter referred to as the principal regulations) 2. Regulation 1 of the principal regulations is hereby amended by inserting in clause (3), in their appropriate alphabetical order, the following definitions:— “ ‘ Camp Supervisor ’, in relation to any detention camp, means the person for the time being in charge of that camp: “ ‘ Controlling Officer ’ means the Controlling Officer of Detention appointed under these regulations; and includes any person for the time being authorized to exercise or perform any of the powers or functions of the Controlling Officer:

* Statutory Regulations 1940, Serial number 1940/117, page 381. Amendment No. 1: Statutory Regulations 1940, Serial number 1940/186, page 599 Amendment No. 2: Statutory Regulations 1940, Serial number 1940/223, page 731, Amendment No. 3: Statutory Regulations 1941, Serial number 1941/3, page 7. Amendment No. 4: Statutory Regulations 1941, Serial number 1941/73, page 277. Amendment No. 5: Statutory Regulations 1941, Serial number 1941/148, page 479 Amendment No. 6: Statutory Regulations 1941, Serial number 1941/154, page 499

“ ‘ Defaulter ’ means a man who for the time being has been committed to defaulters’ detention and has not been discharged therefrom: “ ‘ Detention camp ’ or 1 camp ’ means a place appointed by the Minister for the detention of defaulters: “ ‘ Inmate in relation to any detention camp, means a defaulter who for the time being has been admitted to that camp and has not been transferred or temporarily released therefrom by the Minister: ”. 3. The principal regulations are hereby amended by inserting, after Regulation 3, the following regulation: —

“Regulation 3a.—Controlling Officer of Detention. “(1) There shall from time to time be appointed for the purposes of these regulations an officer of the Public Service, to be called the Controlling Officer of Detention, who shall be subject to the control of the Minister and of the Director. “(2) On the occurrence from any cause of a vacancy in the office of Controlling Officer, and in case of the absence from duty of the Controlling Officer (from whatever cause arising), and so long as the vacancy or absence continues, the powers and functions of the Controlling Officer may be exercised and performed by any person authorized in that behalf by the Minister.

“(3) The fact that any person exercises or performs any power or function of the Controlling Officer with the concurrence of the Minister shall be conclusive evidence of his authority so to do.”

4. (1) The heading to Regulation 4 of the principal regulations is hereby amended by omitting the words “ and Director ”, and substituting the words “ Director and Controlling Officer ”.

(2) Regulation 4 of the principal regulations is hereby amended as follows:

(a) By inserting in clause (1), after the word Director the words “ or the Controlling Officer ”: ( b ) By inserting in clause (2), after the words “by the Director ”, the words “or by the Controlling Officer ”: (c) By inserting in clause (2), after the words “or the Director ”, the words “or the Controlling Officer ”: (d) By inserting in clause (2), after the words “or Director”, the words “or Controlling Officer”: (e) By inserting in clause (3), after the words “and of the Director ”, the words “ and of the Controlling Officer ”: (/) By inserting in clause (3), after the words “or by the Director ”, the words “or by the Controlling Officer ”: (q) By inserting in clause (5), after the word “ Director”, the words “ or of the Controlling Officer ”. 5. (1) Regulation 17 of the principal regulations is hereby amended by revoking clauses (4) and (5), as set out in Regulation 0 (2) of the National Service Emergency Regulations 1940, Amendment No. 4, and substituting the following clauses:—

“(4) Every man who, whether or not he has been called up for service under these regulations, becomes a member of the Second New Zealand Expeditionary Force, whether by transfer from any other armed force or otherwise, shall have such rank in the Second New Zealand Expeditionary Force as he may from time to time be appointed to or granted therein, whether or not he holds any rank (commissioned or otherwise) in any other armed force. “(5) Every man who, whether or not he has been called up for service under these regulations, becomes a member of the Territorial Force, whether by transfer from any other armed force or otherwise, shall have such rank in the Territorial Force as he may from time to time be appointed to or granted therein, whether or not he holds any rank (commissioned or otherwise) in any other armed force.” (2) Clause (2) of Regulation 9 of the National Service Emergency Regulations 1940, Amendment No. 4, is hereby consequentially revoked.

6. Regulation 28a of the principal regulations, as amended by Regulation 7 of the National Service Emergency Regulations 1940, Amendment No. 5, is hereby further amended by inserting, after clauses (2) and (sa) respectively, the following clauses:—

“(3) No appeal on the ground specified in paragraph (e) of clause (1) of Regulation 21 hereof shall be determined on its merits by an Appeal Board, or remitted to the Director by a Man-power Committee under clause (lc) of Regulation 21 hereof, until every appeal made to the Appeal Board or to the Man-power Committee, as the case may be, by or in respect of the same appellant on any other ground has been dismissed, struck out, or withdrawn. “(sb) The amount so ordered or directed to be paid in respect of any income year by the appellant or by any other person on his behalf shall be deductible by way of special exemption under the Land and Income Tax Act, 1923, from the assessable income of the appellant for that year.” 7. Regulation 41 of the principal regulations is hereby amended as follows: (a) By inserting in paragraph (a) of clause (1), after the words “ that force ”, the words or any other armed force ”: (ft) By adding to paragraph (6) of clause (1) the words “ or any other armed force ”: (c) By adding to clause (2) the words “or any other armed force ” 8. Regulation 44a of the principal regulations is hereby amended as follows: — (a) By omitting “and 43” from paragraph (ft) of clause ( 1 ), and substituting “ 43, and 44b ”: b) By inserting in clause (4), after the words “thinks fit ”, the words “or as may be prescribed by or under these regulations ”. 9. Regulation 44a of the principal regulations is hereby further amended by inserting, after clause (4), the following clauses:— “(4a) Any defaulter may be taken from place to place under the escort of a constable or of a person authorized in that behalf by the Minister or by the Controlling Officer. While under such escort, or while awaiting classification, transfer to a detention camp, medical examination, or discharge, any defaulter may be placed in the custody of the police or detained in any prison. Every defaulter who is directed by or under the authority of the Minister or of the Controlling Officer to proceed to any place without escort shall travel as directed and report at the place and time so directed. “(4b) Any defaulter may from time to time be required by the Controlling Officer or by any constable to submit himself for examination or re-examination by a Medical Board or by any medical practitioner. It shall be lawful for any medical practitioner to examine or re-examine any defaulter for the -purposes of these regulations, whether with or without the consent of that defaulter. The provisions of this clause shall be in addition to and not in derogation of the provisions of Regulations 19, 37, and 41 hereof.

“(4c) Every defaulter who is reported by a Medical Board or by a registered medical practitioner to be suffering from any contagious disease may be detained in any prison for the purposes of medical treatment for such period as the Minister, acting on the report of a- Medical Board or of a registered medical practitioner, deems necessary.” 10. Regulation 44a of the principal regulations is hereby further amended by adding the following clause:— “(11) Any power of arrest without warrant conferred by this regulation may be exercised on a Sunday or on any other day. A warrant for the apprehension of any person charged with an offence to which this regulation applies may be granted and executed on a Sunday or on any other day.” 11. The principal regulations are hereby amended by inserting, after Regulation 44a, the following regulation: “ Regulation 44b. Detention Camps. “(1) The Camp Supervisor of every detention camp shall keep a Register of Admissions and. Discharges, in which shall be entered in respect of each defaulter the following particulars:— “(a) His name in full: “(ft) The place where the order for detention was made: “(c) The name of the Minister or Magistrate by whom the order was made:

“(d) The date of the order: “(e) The date of admission: “(f) Particulars as to transfer or temporary release: “(g) The date of discharge: “(7i) Any other particulars from time to time directed, by the Minister to be entered.

“(2) Every inmate may upon admission be searched by the Camp. Supervisor, or by an officer of the camp authorized by him in that behalf, and the Camp Supervisor or officer aforesaid may take from any inmate anything that in his discretion he considers it necessary or expedient to remove from the custody of the inmate.

“(3) The Camp Supervisor may also, if he has reason to suspect that any inmate is at any time after his admission in possession of any such thing, search or cause that inmate to be searched, and may take from any inmate any such thing found in his custody.

“(4) The Camp Supervisor shall cause to be entered in a book kept for the purpose a list of all articles so taken from any inmate, together with the name of the inmate and the date of search. Every entry in that book shall be signed by the Camp Supervisor on the day on which it is made. “(5) Every inmate shall promptly and to the satisfaction of the Camp Supervisor obey all orders given by or under the authority of the Camp Supervisor, whether as to the performance of any work or duties or as to the preservation of good order, discipline, and punctuality, or otherwise. The Camp Supervisor shall ensure as far as possible that every inmate is employed on productive or useful work except in cases of physical incapacity by reason of illness or injury. “(6.) Except with the prior consent of the Camp Supervisor and in accordance with any orders given in that behalf by or under the authority of the Camp Supervisor, no inmate shall go or attempt to go, or at any time be, outside the camp or outside the bounds of detention from time to time prescribed by the . Controlling Officer. Every inmate who commits an offence against this clause shall be deemed for the purposes of Regulation 44a hereof to have escaped from defaulters' detention.

“(7) No inmate shall send or attempt to send any letter or postal packet otherwise than in accordance with this regulation and any rules or orders made or given in that behalf by or under the authority of the Controlling Officer. All letters written by inmates, and addressed to the Minister shall be immediately forwarded by the Camp Supervisor without being opened. Every other letter written by any inmate, or postal packet of any description, shall be submitted in the first place for the perusal or inspection of the Camp Supervisor, who may in his discretion refuse to permit it to be forwarded. Every such refusal shall be forthwith reported to the Controlling Officer by the Camp Supervisor. “(8) No inmate shall receive or attempt to receive any article, letter, or packet of any description except through the hands of the Camp Supervisor. Every article, letter, or packet addressed to or delivered for any inmate may be inspected or opened by the Camp Supervisor, who may in his discretion refuse to deliver it to the inmate. Every such refusal, shall be forthwith reported to the Controlling Officer by the Camp Supervisor.

“(9) No inmate of any detention camp shall be permitted to receive visits from any person without the consent of the Camp Supervisor. An officer of the camp may be present during any interview between an inmate and a visitor and may, for any reason deemed by him to be sufficient, terminate the interview at any time.

“(10) The Controlling Officer may make rules for the control and regulation of the internal management of any camp. In particular, in pursuance of this clause, the Controlling Officer may make rules for all or any of the following purposes:— “(a) Fixing the hours of work and leisure, the times of rising and of retiring, and the hours for meals: “(b) Providing for the personal cleanliness of inmates, and the maintenance of cleanliness and tidiness throughout the camp: “(c) Providing for the decent and orderly conduct of •inmates: . , » “(d) Prescribing work and duties to be performed by inmates, and the areas and places for the • r; performance thereof: --“(c) Prohibiting trafficking among inmates or the conduct of any business or communications between inmates and any other persons inside or outside the camp: “(/) Restricting the number of letters or packets that i . may be sent .or received by inmates: “ (g) Prohibiting the congregation of inmates for the purpose of meetings or discussions or for any other unauthorized purpose:

“(h) Prohibiting or regulating smoking within the camp or any parts thereof :>

“(i) Providing for the care of camp property and the prevention of damage thereto or abuses thereof: “ (j) Providing for the awarding to inmates of good conduct or industry marks entitling them to monetary payments:

“( k ) Establishing a system of minor punishments to be imposed by the Camp Supervisor for breaches of the rules or of this regulation (such as the deprivation of privileges, the withholding of good conduct or industry marks, the restriction of bounds, or the ordering of alternative work or duties). “(11) Instead of imposing a minor punishment on any inmate for any breach of the rules, the Camp Supervisor may refer the matter to the Controlling Officer, who may, in his discretion, impose on the inmate a minor punishment as aforesaid or a punishment involving close confinement within the camp or a reduction in the dietary scale, or both such confinement and such reduction. In any case where he considers it necessary, the Camp Supervisor may place the inmate in close confinement pending the consideration of the matter by the Controlling Officer.

“(12) The Camp Supervisor shall cause to be kept in a book to be provided for that purpose a record of all breaches of the rules and of the punishments inflicted in respect thereof. “(13) No person other than an inmate shall be in any detention camp, or communicate directly or indirectly with any inmate of any camp, or deliver to or receive from any inmate any article, letter, or packet of any description, without the permission of the Controlling Officer or of a person authorized in that behalf by the Controlling Officer. In any proceedings for an offence against this clause the burden of proving that any person had permission as aforesaid shall be on the defendant. “(14) The Camp Supervisor of any detention camp, or any person authorized in that behalf by the Camp Supervisor, “(a) May direct any person not to enter or remain in the camp or loiter in the vicinity of the camp: “(6) May give such directions as he thinks fit to any person who enters or remains in or is about to enter the camp for regulating his conduct while in the camp, whether in relation to anything that he has with him or otherwise: “(c) May search any person approaching, entering, remaining in, or leaving, or attempting to approach, enter, or leave the camp, and may detain any such person for the purpose of searching him: “(d) May arrest without warrant any person who commits or is reasonably suspected of having committed or of being about to commit an offence against these regulations in relation to the camp or in relation to any inmate thereof. “(15) Every person commits an offence against this regulation who without lawful excuse acts in contravention of or fails to comply in any respect with any provision of this regulation or any rule, order, or direction made or given under this regulation.”

T. R. AICKIN, Acting Clerk of the Executive Council.


3— P.G.


E. V. Paul, Government Printer, Wellington.

Complexion. “ Name of tried. When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. i Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, Ac. *3 W Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, Ac. de Hubert, Auckland 4/2/41 from ; 6 Zealand farm1893 ft. in. 5 11J dark brown blue medium. elbow on knee; right Dal- May, theft years’ manager of 1940, kemade ; dwelling p. 974,* and Photos, 1932, p. 23). This is in receiving lieu of the notice in P.G., 1941, p. 270, the perty with p. 974,* and Photos, 1932, p. 23). This is in lieu of the notice in P.G., 1941, p. 270, the sentences having been varied by the Court of Appeal. 10 years Tasmania .. labourer and sentences having been varied by the Court of Appeal. O’Keefe, Hamilton 17/10/41 1898 6 0 tanned .. dark brown hazel .. medium Strong build; scar above right eye; mole on 10 years Tasmania .. labourer and 1898 6 0 tanned .. dark brown hazel .. medium Strong build ; scar above right eye; mole on J Patrick Magloyne, commit rape bushman and p. John O’Keefe, McLoyne @ O’Kane, @ declaration Fined Photos, 1934, p. 63.) N. Zealand Photos, 1934, p. 63.) Walter Reginald Hamilton 17/10/41 painter and 1894 5 11 fresh brown grey .. medium.. Strong build; ship on right forearm; scar N. Zealand painter and 1894 5 11 fresh brown grey .. medium.. Strong build; ship on right forearm; scar Deaths and Registration paper(See Act) hanger To come up if hanger FrankWano, Hamilton 17/10/41 with entering Maori labourer and 1915 5 4 copper ,. black brown .. flat Strong build ; large scar on right forearm. (See To come up if Maori labourer and 1915 5 4 copper ,. black brown .. flat Strong build ; large scar on right forearm. (See intent called 1 y’r taxi-driver 1935, 16.) p. ManiAnania Hamilton 21/10/41 theft and entering, years’ Maori labourer 1923 10 copper . black brown . flat on on tion on left elbow and on each knee. housebreaking (3 charges); tion on loft elbow and on each knee. Brown Hamilton 23/10/41 1 J 2 years’ R.D. on Maori labourer 1920 5 7 copper .. black, curly brown .. flat See P.G., 1941, p. 642, and Photos, 1937, p. 1. housebreaking ; housebreaking 1| years’ R.D. on Maori labourer 1920 5 7 copper .. black, curly brown .. flat See P.G., 1941, p. 642, and Photos, 1937, p. 1. and housebreaking with intent each Mabel Hamilton 14/10/41 theft acquitted N. Zealand school1895 2£ 5 fresh fair blue medium. build on teacher William Hamilton 14/10/41 forgery 1 probation Zealand labourer and 1914 5 fresh brown blue medium. Left (See James hotel porter 1941, 801.) McDonnell, Hamilton 16/10/41 bodily and Zealand police 1898 10 fresh sandy brown . medium Stout negligently driving motorqualified from constable vehicle driving for 3 years ' * « C. • 4 •, 13/10/41 negligently driving motorvehicle causing death by negligently qualified from driving for 3 years N. Zealand constable ■ A -4 C, Scar across left foot. (See P.G., 1937, p. 711.) Henry Davies, Mervyn Palmerston 3 months on each farmer 1899 5 9} fresh dark brown blue prominent driving motor-vehicle; and and disqualified causing bodily injury by from driving for negligently driving motorvehicle 5 years 13/10/41 causing death by negligently 3 months on each N. Zealand farmer 1899 5 9* fresh dark brown blue prominent Scar across left foot. (See P.G., 1937, p. 711.) driving motor-vehicle; and and disqualified causing bodily injury by from driving for negligently driving motorvehicle 5 years Leslie Jack Davis, Palmerston 17/10/41 andbreaking, 4 years N. Zealand mechanic 1910 10 fresh brown blue large bridge 90, p. John theft that if he the again tile-worker and 1932, p. he will be declared an habitual criminal theft 6 months Morton, Graham Wilfred Palmerston N. 17/10/41 breaking, entering, and 4 years and N. Zealand carpenter .. 1910 5 10 dark dark brown brown .. medium.. Strong build; scar on one palm, on left thumb, theft warned that if and on centre of upper lip. (See P.G., 1940, he comes before the Court again he will be declared an habitual criminal p. 834, and Photos, 1931, p. 83.) theft 6 months he will be declared an habitual criminal * theft 6 months Morton, Graham Wilfred Palmerston N. 17/10/41 breaking, entering, and 4 years and N. Zealand carpenter .. 1910 5 10 dark dark brown brown .. medium.. Strong build; scar on one palm, on left thumb, • theft warned that if he comes before and on centre of upper lip. (See P.G., 1940, p. 834, and Photos, 1931, p. 83.) the Court again he will be declared an habitual criminal •i ' i theft 6 months i


Name tried. When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. &c.Distinguishing George Ernest Palmerston 17/10/41 attempted years’ 4 Zealand labourer 1920 ft 5 pale black blue broken .. Thin build. in. 5 pale black blue broken .. Thin build. femaleindecent and ; buggery charges) and if ed before similar Court he again be an criminal Walter Wellington 13/10/41 theft acquitted . Zealand caretaker . 1914 8 fair fair blue ' 8 fair fair blue — Whelan, Wellington 22/10/41 unlawfully 2 years’ R.D. N. Zealand labourer 1910 5 n fresh !. black grey .. long, Small mouth; scar on left knee. (See P.G., motor-car broken 1941, p. 472, and Photos, 1937, p. 64.) 2 years’ R.D. N. Zealand labourer 1910 5 7f fresh I. black grey .. long, broken Small mouth; scar on left knee. (See P.G., 1941, p. 472, and Photos, 1937, p. 64.) * Frederick Arthur Fee, Wellington 22/10/41 maleindecent year’s 1 Zealand slaughterman 1911 6 sallow .. dark blue — -fkiytS a* 3t?i y-'/j/. 0 sallow .. dark blue — our jg?; /- a/. charges) (3 each and soldier hazel .. sharp Lett, Wellington 16/10/41 motor-vehicle failing fined Zealand labourer 1918 3 fresh .. dark brown hazel .. sharp 3 fresh .. dark brown accident and 498, Photos, p. William Wellington . 22/10/41 goods probation 1 Zealand steward 1919 11 sallow .. dark hazel .. medium.. 11 sallow .. dark hazel .. medium.. Spiers, Murray Wellington 20/10/41 indecent . 3 Zealand dyer 1892 5 pale dark, going brown .. — Wears glasses. 7* pale dark, going brown .. — Wears glasses. Sandford, John Valvoi, @ Wellington .. 17/10/41 attempted theft from the acquitted N. Zealand labourer 1900 5 4 dark grey brown .. — Scar on forehead, on right middle finger, and on Reid, person abdomen; right forefinger injured; Jewish Wellington .. 17/10/41 attempted theft from the person acquitted N. Zealand labourer 1900 5 4 dark grey brown .. — Scar on forehead, on right middle finger, and on abdomen ; right forefinger injured ; Jewish mour 1941, p. p. J Morgan, Wellington . 20/10/41 theft acquitted Australia labourer 1883 5 fair grey, going bald blue — American flags on right forearm ; nude woman and snake on left forearm. (See P.G., 1931. 6 fair grey, going blue — American flags on right forearm ; nude woman 5/ S/ "7 £> negligently bald and snake on left forearm. (See P.G., 1931. 20/10/41 p. 550, and Photos, 1921, p. Ring tattooed on left ring finger; scar on lefts, s'/ S'/y<D causinsyMeatl/bv negligently p. 550, and Photos, 1921, p. 1 5.)Pfioto V£fk» Ring tattooed on left ring finger;. scar on IeftS \ David. McPherson, Wellington disqualified from Scotland carpenter 1918 5 fresh dark brown brown .. medium.. n fresh dark brown brown .. medium.. vehicle driving for driving shin. J Roy Wellington .. 22/10/41 ; in Zealand N. labourer 1922 7 fresh fair grey .. — Indian’s head on right upper arm. P^^of'o 7 fresh fair grey .. — Indian’s head on right upper arm. W^ buggeryattempted Institution John Wellington 22/10/41 stolen receiving 1 Scotland steward 1898 5 dark light brown grey .. medium.. Scar on left cheek. (See P.G., 1941, p. 571, 4* dark light brown grey .. medium.. Scar on left cheek. (See P.G., 1941, p. 571, JohnsonJohnston, and p. Walter Wellington . 10/10/41 and ; (3 years’ Zealand’ radio 1915 5 fresh dark brown brown .. — Star, scroll, and EDNA on right forearm. (See 9* fresh dark brown brown .. — Star, scroll, and EDNA on right forearm. (See awfully vehicle mechanic and p. head on upper and John .Leadbeater, Wellington . 10/1Q/41 house-breaking 2 years Wales . bootmaker 1895 4 fresh brown grey .. broken .. on right*upper arm. (See P.G., 1941, p. 346, and Photos, p. 36.) 4 fresh brown grey .. broken .. on right'upper arm. (See P.G., 1941, p. 346, and Photos, p. 36.) Burridge, John Taylor Dunedin 14/10/41 female indecent acquitted Zealand hairdresser . 1909 5 fresh light brown blue medium Scar on left cheek and arm; woman on right 5* fresh light brown blue medium George Anthony Dunedin 14/10/41 to .assault acquitted Zealand labourer 1899 5 dark dark brown .. medium.. 6 dark dark brown .. medium.. Scar on left cheek and arm ; woman on right arm ; woman and clasped hands on left arm. Photo at Dunedin, 26/9/41. (See P.G., 1941, p. 839.) arm ; woman and clasped hands on left arm. ; 1 : “■ \ <' ' ' Photo at Dunedin, 26/9/41. (See P.G., 1941, p. 839.) -■


Name Offender. tried. When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born.| Height. Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. &c. -2/J ft. in. {f/^C ft. in. 5 9 Katene Wanganui 29/10/41 murder forimprisonment 1914 copper .. black brown .. medium.. Lump on top of left chpulder. (See P.G., 1941, p. 437.) VhotV WaFor/ hHgM/ life Maori / labourer 1914 5 9 copper .. black brown .. medium.. Lump on top of left chpulder. (See P.G., 1941, p. 437.) Yhotc waror/ WfoH Stafford, Wanganui 30/10/41 causing death by negligently driving motor-car - life acquitted Maori .. soldier 1900 5__S_ copper".. Black, turnbrown .. flat. ing grey P.G., 1938, p. 424.T" - ' o%C Wanganui 30/10/41 causing death by negligently acquitted r Maori soldier 1900 5__Scopper .. Black, turnbrown .. flat Sears on back of right-hand' and wrist. (See P.G., 1938, p. 424.) / f of fa'} driving motor-car mg grey Russell, Ralph Wanganui 31/10/41 ascertain to failing acquitted Australia . commercial 1893 10 fresh fair blue pointed inany accident traveller . • . .. -- . . > Joseph Wanganui 31/10/41 and entering, each Zealand labourer 1922 0 pale brown blue medium Birth of ; and (3 (cumulative left and eye. charges) with present sentence) 1940, p. 56.) 31/10/41 charges) with present sentence) 1940, p. 56.) George Wanganui failing to stop and ascertain 1 year’s probation Maori labourer 1901 5 6} copper .. black, going brown .. flat Prominent gold tooth. whether any person injured in motor accident bald 31/10/41 failing to stop and ascertain 1 year’s probation Maori labourer 1901 5 6* copper .. black, going brown .. flat Prominent gold tooth. whether any person injured in motor accident bald JohnSpence, Christchurch 24/10/41 shop months’ . Zealand sawmiller . 1919 6 ruddy dark brown . medium. on (See 1940, p. Joseph, Christchurch 24/10/41 breakingcountinghouse 1 on Zealand labourer 1920 5 4£ olive black brown medium. Three-quarter-caste on ; lip ; portion of left forefinger missing. (See P.G., 1941, p. 867, and Photos, 1938, p. 66.) Hohepa (4 burglary; counteach lip ; portion of left forefinger missing. (See P.G., 1941, p. 867, and Photos, 1938, p. 66.) withinghouse ; each intent Jack, Davis, @ Christchurch 24/10/41 with breaking countinghouse each Zealand tile-worker 1910 10 fresh brown blue medium. p. JohnLeslie ; breaking p. convertingunlawfully and months motor-car an criminal Graham Morton, @ Christchurch 24/10/41 with breaking 4 on . Zealand carpenter 1910 5 10 dark brown brown . medium palm on ; Clark and ; left thumb and of ; lip. charges)breaking p. convertingunlawfully and p. motor-car habitual an criminal


of tried. When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Byes. Note. &c. Harks, in. Joe Kaikohe 29/10/41 behaviour in days 14 . Maori labourer 1919 95 copper . black brown . medium way chief ; and charges) on theft weeks 6 Te Ahuahu Kaikohe 29/10/41 theft fined Maori labourer 1922 iii copper black brown . flat on theft (2 charges) .. convicted and disW hangarei ../ theft (2 charges) .. convicted and disV 28/10/41 intoxicated in charge of charged fined £7 and disMaori military 1918 5 9i copper .. black brown .. medium.. Bullet-wound on left side of base of neck and Whangarei . .< ■28/10/41 intoxicated in charge of charged fined £7 and disMaori military 1918 5 9i copper .. black brown .. medium.. Bullet-wound on left side of base of neck and \ motor-cycle qualified pensioner and at on left ; 2driving years of ; and a of charged on . Komene, William Whangarei . 30/10/41 theft month 1 Maori labourer 1909 55 copper black brown flat of on Strong of on right 410.) PeterKomene, Whangarei 30/10/41 theft 1 Maori labourer 1909 4 5 copper black brown . flat right; eye right of order prohibition convicted 1941,middle (See charged p. Remington, Auckland 31/10/41 false (Employfined Zealand inquiry 1887 llj 5 sallow grey blue medium 522, (See on William Act) false (Employand and p. Act) charged probation on operation-scars right Marie Brown, Auckland 31/10/41 theft Zealand waitress 1914 5 5 sallow red hazel medium. abdomen. James Auckland 31/10/41 of in and Zealand and 1899 10 5 fresh fair blue medium Cast eye. motor-truck qualified traffic 1 inspector J Porter, Ernest Auckland 31/10/41 assault . fined N. labourer 1920 54 freckled auburn blue medium hand on and ship pierced left and in lifebuoy right wreath and on Bond, Auckland 31/10/41 to failing 1 Zealand cheesemaker 1916 5 fresh dark blue medium p. (Sep £.G., jtucKL»rfJ> /J : Z> 'yy service A Hone Auckland 31/10/41 to report 1 Zealand freezing 1905 4 5 ruddy black, brown medium. Norman service worker grey i r P’ Auckland 31/10/41 intoxicated weeks N. Zealand motor 1904 75 fresh light blue medium left Scar forefinger. motor-car qualified from driving for 2 mechanic years driving motor-car without convicted and dislicense ; and failing to carry warrant of fitness charged on each motor-car qualified from driving for 2 mechanic years /' ,' ' driving motor-car without convicted and dislicense ; and failing to carry warrant of fitness charged on each . . ,

Return of Persons summarily convicted.

of Offender. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Bom. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &c. 50 *53 w Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, Ac. Thomas Auckland 31/10/41 Army to report failing treatment medical month 1 N. motor mechanic 1910 ft. in. 6 0 fresh brown grey .. medium.. Scar on right shin. ft 6 in. 0 fresh brown grey .. medium.. Scar on right shin. Herbert John .Torkington, Auckland 31/10/41 Army to to failing medical month N. tiler 1910 5 n dark brown blue-grey medium.. left Reginald 1Auckland . 31/10/41 Army treatment month N. plasterer 1913 5 fair fair grey .. medium 6* fair fair grey .. medium Talbot Auckland 31/10/41 failing 1 N. hand farm . 1919 5 9 fresh brown grey medium. on service small fair small Stephen John Auckland 31/10/41 to service 1 Zealand carpenter 1916 5 9* fair blue Birthmark below left eye; small scar on left wrist. fair blue Birthmark below left eye; small scar on left wrist. Alfred Charles Auckland 31/10/41 Reserve in failing month N. labourer 1907 5 8| fresh brown blue-grey long Tip Harcourt Colin Sayers, Auckland 31/10/41 Reserve . in failing 14 Zealand bacon-curer 1916 5 10* fresh brown green .. medium.. Scar on right eyebrow. 5 10* fresh brown green .. medium.: Scar on right eyebrow. Carmichael, Auckland 31/10/41 attend fined N. canistermaker 1921 5 11 fair fair blue medium William Cooper, Auckland 31/10/41 in . to failing fined N. labourer 1914 5 8 fresh brown light blue medium. in eye. James Auckland 3/11/41 theft fined Zealand labourer 1916 5 8* fresh black brown . medium. abdomen. Ah @ Auckland 3/11/41 opium fined China labourer 1884 5 3* sallow black brown . medium. Mole on neck. right Ah Lee, Auckland 3/11/41 of opium fined China gardener 1886 5 6 sallow black brown . medium and eye, WongCharley, of at p. Mow Wong Auckland 3/11/41 of fined China gardener 1901 5 2* sallow . black almond flat and on opium smoking and p. p. Left deformed. (See Tom Auckland 3/11/41 for fined China and 1876 5 4 sallow . black brown . flat opium laundryman fresh brown medium 320.) p. Cecil Auckland 4/11/41 theft attempted if come Zealand mechanic . 1923 5 9i hazel on 1941, 1called and p. James Wright, Auckland 4/11/41 theft and charged England .. seaman 1912 5 6 ruddy .. brown brown .. medium.. Scar on left temple. F.P. fined £20 England .. seaman 1912 5 6 ruddy .. brown brown .. medium.. Scar on left temple. F.P. Thelma Auckland 4/11/41 gaming premises Australia .. tobacconist 1899 5 0 fresh brown blue medium house using premises as gaming house aggravated assault fined £20 Australia .. tobacconist 1899 5 0 fresh brown ;. blue medium • Ursula Lion, Auckland 4/11/41 - fined £6 Germany .. domestic 1920 5 fresh dark blue medium using premises as gaming fined £6 Germany .. domestic 1920 5 fresh dark blue medium house fresh dark brown JESSIE over flower on right forearm. Henry John Auckland 4/11/41 3 months N. Zealand labourer and soldier 1917 5 7 fresh dark brown hazel .. medium.. JESSIE over flower on right forearm. aggravated assault 3 months N. Zealand labourer and 1917 5 7 hazel .. medium.. Roberts, Rangi, Auckland 5/11/41 probation of convicted Maori andlabourer 1910 5 9 copper black brown . large Two ; right Williams, charged seaman (See 1941, p. Aropataman, @ 1937, p. J Louise Olive Pickworth, Auckland 5/11/41 (in vagabond 3 Zealand N. domestic 1914 5 2 fresh . fair grey broad .. and means)sufficient Photo at Auckland, 5/11/41. (See P.G., 1940, p. 40.) Photo at Auckland, 5/11/41. (See P.G., f ' . 1940, p. 40.) '

Return of Persons summarily convicted— continued.

Offender. of Name tried.Where When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Bom. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &c. £ •*» a tc $ Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &o. Tong Hong, Auckland 6/11/41 remaining in be to . China gardener 1893 ft. 5 sallow . black brown . medium. teeth. Barden, Auckland 6/11/41 of mischief fined England labourer 1907 5 2 i fresh fair blue medium.. Kangaroo and flag on right forearm. 5 2i fresh fair blue medium.. Kangaroo and flag on right forearm. Carl- Francis, Fry, Auckland 6/11/41 pretences 4 India salesman 1911 5 7\ dark black brown .. medium.. Birthmark on right wrist; butterfly on right 5 n dark black brown .. medium.. Birthmark on right wrist; butterfly on right Delostero, son, @ M. J Ian Auckland 6/11/41 false charges) pretences fraud by charges) theft and convicted charged discharged years’ Zealand labourer 1919 5 7 fresh brown hazel .. medium.. forearm. (See P.G., 1941, p. 805, and Photos, 1934, p. 2.) Scar on right forefinger, on forearm, and on 5 7 fresh brown hazel .. medium.. forearm. (See P.G., 1941, p. 805, and Photos, 1934, p. 2.) Scar on right forefinger, on forearm, and on Ewen Donaldson, Auckland 6/11/41 ; motor-car theft convicted charged in Tonga labourer 1923 5 6 fresh brown hazel .. medium.. lower lip. (See P.G., 1941, p. 588, and Photos, 1937. p. 41.) F.P. 5 6 fresh brown hazel .. medium.. lower lip. (See P.G., 1941, p. 588, and Photos, 1937, p. 41.) F.P. Ross Donaldson, Auckland 6/11/41 (7 receiving Institution dis-convicted charged Borstal years Zealand factory 1921 5 8 fresh dark brown hazel .. medium.. Scar on right wrist. F.P. 5 8 fresh dark brown hazel .. medium.. Scar on right wrist. F.P. Keith Donaldson, Auckland 6/11/41 receiving receiving Institution and charged years’ probation Tonga labourer 1924 5 2 freckled brown hazel .. medium.. F.P. 5 2 freckled brown hazel .. medium.. F.P. Hodge, Auckland 6/11/41 receiving false and charged months Zealand salesman 1896 5 6£ dark black brown .. medium.. Right arm amputated; moles on face ; scar 5 6£ dark black brown .. medium.. Right arm amputated ; moles on face ; scar Wilson, @ Douglas Auckland 7/11/41 false (7 pretences receipt assault . and charged and charged fined Zealand jockey 1911 5 4 fresh dark brown blue medium.. on right side of abdomen. (See P.G., 1934, p. 596, and Photos, 1926, p. 96.) Horseshoe and horse’s head on right forearm. 5 4 fresh dark brown blue medium.. on right side of abdomen. (See P.G., 1934, p. 596, and Photos, 1926, p. 96.) Horseshoe and horse’s head on right forearm. Archer, @ Auckland 7/11/41 assault fined Zealand labourer 1908 5 8 sallow .. brown grey .. medium.. (See P.G., 1936, p. 378.) Mole below left eye; scar on forehead. (See 5 8 sallow .. brown grey .. medium.. (See P.G., 1936, p. 378.) Mole below left eye; scar on forehead. (See Archibald Hart, Auckland 7/11/41 theft fined Zealand soldier 1916 5 10 fresh black brown .. medium.. P.G., 1940, p. 871.) Operation-scar on left side of abdomen. pastry cook fruiterer and 1916 5 10 fresh black brown .. medium.. P.G., 1940, p. 871.) Operation-scar on left side of abdomen. Charlie, Ah @ Auckland 7/11/41 on fined China 1876 5 5 sallow .. grey brown .. medium.. Scar on right groin and near right ear. (See pastry cook fruiterer and 1876 5 5 sallow .. grey brown .. medium.. Scar on right groin and near right ear. (See Yen Shing Joan Jackson, Papakura 30/10/41 in fined disAustralia . laundryman saleswoman 1903 5 7 fresh light brown hazel .. medium P.G., 1937, p. 159.) 5 7 fresh light brown hazel .. medium P.G., 1937, p. 159.) j • Rikiti, John Papakura 30/10/41 motor-car theft qualified from driving for 1£ years 1 month Maori soldier 1920 5 8 copper .. black brown .. flat See P.G., 1937, p. 406. Rikiti, John ...McMaster, Cecil Stanley Papakura .Huntly 30/10/4130/10/41 failing to pay tram fare ; convicted and disN; Zealand miner 1905 5 11 fresh brown blue medium and olfensive behaviour motor-carin train obstructing railways guard while in performance of his duties charged on each fined £5 qualified from driving for 1| years 1 month Maori soldier 1920 5 8 copper .. black brown .. flat See P.G., 1937, p. 406. theft Huntly 30/10/41 failing to pay train fare; convicted and disN: Zealand miner 1905 5 11 fresh brown blue medium and offensive behaviour in train obstructing railways guard while in performance of his duties charged on each fined £5 McMaster, Cecil Stanley

Return of Persons summarily convicted— continued.

Offender. of Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. ‘ Hair. Eyes. Nose Distinguishing Harks, &o. I Bradley, Alexander Huntly 30/10/41 Reserve in to failing fined N. mine-clipper 1918 ft 5 in. 7 fresh brown brown . medium • Stewart labourer Charlie Huntly 31/10/41 theft fined Maori 1915 5 8 copper .. black brown .. flat labourer 1915 5 8 copper .. black brown .. flat Raymond . Hamilton 31/10/41 unlawfully 1 N. Zealand seaman 1925 5 8 pale fair blue light medium. Mole right motor-car Institution theft admonished Reginald Cambridge 29/10/41 book-carrying fined N. labourer 1901 5 7 dark grey grey sharp Stooped maker Henry Cambridge 29/10/41 of fined N. farmer 1875 6 1 dark dark blue medium Regulations Kani Whakatane 29/10/41 disorderly and N. andlabourer 1919 5 10 pale black brown . medium. A ; behaviour each soldier Nuku- Dave, Te . 3/11/41 theft fined Maori labourer 1905 5 11 copper . black brown . . broad Mangu Te William Ruatoria 25/10/41 theft months Maori labourer 1915 5 4 copper . black brown . wide 3 Pat on ; p. j William Rundle, Rotorua 28/10/41 failing to fined £5 Sweden sawmill 1893 o 7 fair brown blue medium. jf|Scar above abode (Aliens Emergency Regulations) 'M 'l • : . . Malcolm Read, Regulations) • i&j Rotorua 28/10/41 failing to enrol in Reserve .. fined £10 N. Zealand bushman 1916 5 H fresh brown grey .. medium.. Scar on left cheek. (See P.G., 1940, p. 15.) ■ Coat-of-arms and scroll with HENI and star on Malcolm Read, HauMihaere Rotoi'ua Gisborne 28/10/41 29/10/41 in to failing another firearm at presenting to come up if Maori labourer 1877 5 6 copper .. black, turnbrown .. flat fined £10 N. Zealand bushman .. 1916 5 6* fresh brown grey .. medium.. Scar on left cheek. (See P.G., 1940, p. 15.) 5s8j person called on in 2 ing grey left forearm ; two women’s heads on right years forearm ; clasped hands and rising sun on right wrist. Hau Ivendry . Gisborne Wairoa 29/10/41 29/10/41 firearm presenting medical refusing if up month 1 Maori Zealand N. labourer official postal 1877 1919 5 5 6 10 copper . fresh black, brown brown . hazel . flat sharp scroll and Scar left on forefinger. treatment (National Service Emergency Regulaperson tions) called on in 2 ing grey left forearm; two women’s heads on right years forearm; clasped hands and rising sun on right wrist. Gliddon, Kendry . Donald James Highet, Wairoa Wairoa 29/10/41 29/10/41 medical to refusing theft l year’s probation N. Zealand carpenter .. 1921 6 0 fair fair blue medium 1 month N. Zealand postal official 1919 5 10 fresh brown hazel .. sharp Scar on left forefinger. treatment (National Service Emergency Regulations) Donald James Highet, ohn J HenrySeymour, Wairoa Wairoa 29/10/41 29/10/41 unlawfully converting fined £5 N. Zealand labourer 1923 5 7 copper .. black brown medium.. A half-caste Maori; scar on back of left hand. horse theft 1 year’s probation N. Zealand carpenter .. 1921 6 0 fair fair blue medium John Henry Boy Wairoa Wairoa 29/10/41 28/10/41 unlawfully converting theft fined £5 month 1 Zealand N. Maori labourer labourer 1923 1920 5 5 7 7 copper copper . black black brown brown . medium. medium . A of ; each (See horse 29/10/41 breach of probation convicted and disp. 570, and Photos 1937, p. 72.) Wairoa charged Simon, Boy Wairau 29/10/41 cruelty to animals 1 month Maori labourer 1916 5 6 copper .. black brown .. broad .. Two scars on forehead. Wairoa 28/10/41 theft 1 month Maori labourer 1920 5 7 copper .. black brown .. medium.. Scars near • each thumb. (See P.G., 1941, 29/10/41 breach of probation convicted and disp. 570, and Photos 1937, p. 72.) Wairoa charged Wairau Wilson 29/10/41 cruelty to animals 1 month Maori labourer 1916 5 6 copper .. black brown .. broad .. Two scars on forehead. Wairoa 29/10/41 theft 1 year’s probation Maori domestic 1922 5 0 copper .. black brown .. broad .. Birthmark on right wrist. Wilson Jack Wilson, Billy Wairoa Wairoa 29/10/41 28/10/41 theft (2 charges) .. 1 month on each Maori labourer 1917 5 8 copper .. black brown .. broad .. Scars on forearm; scar behind right ear. theft 1 year’s probation Maori domestic 1922 5 0 copper .. black brown .. broad .. Birthmark on right wrist. Jack Wilson, Billy Hughes MacDonald, Hugh, New Plymouth 8/9/41 mischief fined £2 10s. N. Zealand factory hand 1922 5 7 fresh black brown .. medium.. Impediment in speech. (See P.G., 1937, p. 812.) Wairoa 28/10/41 theft (2 charges) .. 1 month on each Maori labourer 1917 5 8 copper .. black brown .. broad .. Scars on forearm; scar behind right ear. MacDonald, Hughes BellPaton, New Plymouth Plymouth 8/9/41 28/10/41 intoxicated in charge of fined £20 N. Zealand motor-driver 1897 5 7 fresh brown blue medium.. See P.G., 1940, p. 751. mischief motor-car N. Zealand factory hand 1922 5 7 fresh black brown .. medium.. Impediment in speech. (See P.G., 1937, p. 812.) fined £2 10s. New Plymouth 28/10/41 intoxicated in charge of fined £20 N. Zealand motor-driver 1897 5 7 fresh brown blue medium.. See P.G., 1940, p. 751. - —• • motor-car , • ’ • 1 • - r Paton, Whiteford Bell

Return of Persons summarily convicted— continued.

of Offender. tried. When. Offence. Sentence. ofNative Trade. Bom. Height. Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. Marks, Harold Dykes, Plymouth 28/10/41 intoxicated fined £10 America . oil-driller 1906 ft. 10 fresh brown blue medium. left Spider motor-car Edward Adams, Plymouth 28/10/41 theft fined N. and 1874 5 sallow , grey, hazel . large on ; right Michael Kahui, fisherman bald 1917, p. Hawera 8/10/41 unlawfully converting fined N. cheese-factory 1922 6 tanned . dark, curly brown . long A on butterfly bicycle hand Henare Tommy bicycle hand Hawera 5/11/41 (3 . charges) year’s probation Maori handfactory 1921 5 copper . black . brown flat and on right each on and left @ Hastings 28/10/41 theft month 1 Maori labourer 1915 7} 5 copper black brown . medium. of right Jimmy theft months left and eye, charges) (cumulative) ifto up 1940, p. called on in 6 months Hastings called on in 6 months Driller, William George 28/10/41 failing to report for military 1 month N. Zealand agricultural 1919 5 11 pale brown blue .. medium 28/10/41 service contractor Hastings 28/10/41 failing to report for military 1 month N. Zealand agricultural 1919 5 11 pale brown blue .« medium service contractor James . Hastings failing to report for military 1 month N. Zealand farm hand . 1906 5 9 fresh brown blue medium service 28/10/41 failing to report for military 1 month N. Zealand farm hand .. 1906 5 9 fresh brown blue medium service Charles Lee, Wanganui 27/10/41 idle if up N. labourer 1896 9 dark brown blue-grey large on upper “ McKinnon @ 1 year of right (See p. p. left cannot ; Leslie Stevens, Wanganui . 4/11/41 assault charges) days on N. labourer 1902 8 fresh brown blue medium from Hogg, Wanganui 31/10/41 by . ifto up N. labourer 1920 10} 5 fresh fair blue medium. and pitted pimply. 6 months . Hugh .. Feilding 4/11/41 of 1 N. labourer 1907 65 fresh brown blue medium. p. Daniel Norris, N. 3/11/41 bookfined £15 Zealand van-driver 1915 6 fair brown blue medium maker Fenton, Palmerston N. 3/11/41 of fined N. Zealand barman 1908 75 fresh brown blue medium maker Edward O’Brien, Alphonsus Palmerston N. 3/11/41 bookfined N. agent 1904 10 fresh dark brown. hazel . medium maker McDonald N. 3/11/41 of fined £200 N. commission 1891 0 dark black hazel medium left of nose. ; Giorgi, N. maker agent p. 3/11/41 of carrying fined N. Zealand hairdresser . 1899 65 pale fair, grey medium 1941, eye. p. Doughty, maker bald N. maker bald 4/11/41 in of fined and N. Zealand salesman 1911 75 fresh black, hazel . medium. Small back _ motor-vehicle qualified from driving for 9 months ing grey Roy-Barber, Paul motor-vehicle qualified from driving for 9 months ing grey Palmerston N. 20/10/41 (3 to N. student 1922 8 pale black blue medium. build. North, called 9/10/41. (See P.G., 1941, p. 66.) years 9/10/41. (See P.G., 1941, p. 66.) ' :

Return of Persons summarily convicted— continued.

1 Offender. j tried. When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &c. i 1 Distinguishing Marks, &c. Bradbury, William Greytown 5/11/41 of in intoxicated charge motor-truck and qualified Zealand contractor . 1892 in. n 5 fresh brown brown medium build ; for driving 1 for 1 @Matiaha Kiri Pohatu, Greytown 5/11/41 assault year fined Maori labourer 1921 5 H copper .. black brown .. thick Scar on back of right hand. (See P.G., 1940, fined £5 Maori labourer 1921 5 copper .. black brown .. thick Scar on back of right hand. (See P.G., 1940, ”Matthews, Stoney Thomson, Carterton 31/10/41 (wilfully fined £1 Zealand labourer 1921 5 9 pale brown dark hazel medium. p. in speech. cell fittings) little of portion William . Petone 29/10/41 theft ifto up Scotland .. chef 1874 5 8 dark grey brown .. long ifup called in 1 finger off ; operation-scars on left arm ; one Scotland .. chef 1874 5 8 dark grey brown .. long called on in 1 finger off ; operation-scars on left arm ; one year ; fingercheek. on ; PatriciaO’Flannigan, Petone 29/10/41 theft to come in Eire domestic 1889 o 8 sallow grey brown . medium on scars takeyear prohibition out order ' order Willie, Wellington . 22/10/41 keeping fined China gaming-house 1900 5 n sallow black brown flat (See spots Low Kwong keeper sallow . 887.) p. AhChow @ Wellington . 22/10/41 gaming-house fined China gaming-house 1890 5 black brown .. medium.. F.P. (See P.G., 1938, p. 838.) H black brown .. medium.. F.P. (See P.G., 1938, p. 838.) Fow China China keeper sallow .. black P.c. (not gazetted). F.P. Sue @ Kwong, Wellington . 22/10/41 gaming-house fined gaming-house keeper 1893 5 1 brown .. flat China keeper gaming-house keeper laundryman 1893 5 i sallow .. black brown .. flat P.c. (not gazetted). F.P. Bong . Ngan Wellington . 22/10/41 in fined laundryman 1884 5 1 sallow .. black brown .. medium.. F.P. China 1884 5 i sallow .. black brown .. medium.. F.P. JoeYoung, Wellington 22/10/41 keeping fined China gaming-house keeper gardener 1892 5 5 sallow . grey brown medium. gazetted). Gee Young Young, Wellington . 22/10/41 in fined £5 China 1900 5 11 sallow . black brown . medium (See p. p. Jack . Wellington . 22/10/41 in gaming-house fined . China fruiterer 1899 5 H sallow . black brown . medium. Sue Wellington . 22/10/41 gaming-house found fined China gardener 1870 5 6 sallow white brown medium. F.P. Ah Wellington 22/10/41 in fined China gardener 1897 5 4 sallow . grey brown . medium. F.P. Jim Wellington 22/10/41 keeping fined China gaming-house keeper gaming-house 1884 5 8 sallow .. grey brown .. flat F.P. (See P.G., 1938, p. 741 ) keeper gaming-house 1884 5 8 sallow .. grey brown .. flat F.P. (See P.G., 1938, p. 741 ) Ping Wellington . 22/10/41 keeping fined £100 China 1900 5 6 sallow black brown . medium (not gazetted.) keeper Birthmark on neck. F.P. (See P.G., 1937, Low, . Wellington 22/10/41 keeping fined China 1871 5 sallow .. white brown .. flat Birthmark on neck. F.P. (See P.G., 1937, gaming-house keeper p. 713.) 1871 5 41 sallow .. white brown .. flat v keeper p. 713.) Ah Wellington . 22/10/41 gaming-house keeping fined £100 China gaming-house 1882 5 2 sallow .. black brown .. medium.. Scar on forehead. F.P. (See P.G., 1936, p. 477.) keeper • Black mark on left side of mouth, on back of gaming-house keeper 1882 5 .2 sallow .. black brown .. medium.. Scar on forehead. F.P. (See P.G., 1936, p. 477.) Willie, Wong Wellington 22/10/41 gaming-house keeping fined China 1899 5 4 sallow .. black brown .. flat Black mark on left side of mouth, on back of neck, and behind right ear. F.P. (See P.G., gaming-house 1899 5 4 sallow .. black brown .. flat keeper neck, and behind right ear. F.P. (See P.G., 1935, p. 339.) ■ o ' 1935, p. 339.) Ah . Kang Wellington 22/10/41 keeping fined China gaming-house 1900 5 4 sallow . black brown . flat P.G., 109.) p. keeper

Return of Persons summarily convicted— continued.

Offender. Name Where fried. Whan. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Horn. Height. Complexion. ! Hah. 1 Eyes. Nose. i Distinguishing Marks, &e. L 7 Where fried. ! i When. 1 Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. O Height. Complexion. 1 1 Hair. L_ Byes. Nose. 1 Distinguishing Marks, <fte. 1 ft in. Ah Fong Ng Wellington 22/10/41 keeping fined China gaming-house 1892 ft. 5 3f 5 sallow black brown . medium. p. Wellington .. keeper Bell @ 22/10/41 keeping gaming-house fined £100 China gaming-house 1899 5 3 sallow .. black brown .. medium.. P.c. (not gazetted). F.P. Wellington . . Wellington . keeper Wears glasses. F.P. 22/10/41 keeping gaming-house fined £100 China keeper gaming-house keeper fruiterer 1899 5 3 sallow .. black brown .. medium.. P.c. (not gazetted). F.P. Ah 22/10/41 found in gaming-house fined £5 China fruiterer 1901 5 6 sallow .. black brown .. medium.. Wellington .. 22/10/41 found in gaming-house fined £5 China 1901 5 6 sallow .. black brown .. medium.. Wears glasses. F.P. Long Wellington 22/10/41 in fined China fruiterer 1888 4 sallow .. black brown .. medium.. F.P. 4 sallow .. black brown .. medium.. F.P. Ah . Wellington 22/10/41 keeping fined China gaming-house keeper fruiterer 1900 5 sallow .. black brown .. medium.. F.P. 6 sallow .. black brown .. medium.. F.P. Ching J Wellington 22/10/41 found fined China 1902 5 sallow black brown medium. P.G., deformed. little 1937, p. 746.) Young Wellington . 22/10/41 keeping fined £50 China gaming-house keeper gaming-house keeper andbarman porter labourer 1899 5 sallow .. black brown .. medium.. 1937, p. 746.) F.P. H sallow .. black brown .. medium.. F.P. Chong, George William Wellington . 22/10/41 keeping fined £100 China 1905 5 sallow .. black brown .. medium.. F.P. (See P.G., 1933, p. 560.) 2 sallow .. black brown .. medium.. F.P. (See P.G., 1933, p. 560.) Wellington 22/10/41 gaming-house fined Zealand 1897 9 fresh dark blue medium 9 fresh dark blue medium Pedersen, Wellington 22/10/41 gaming-house fined Denmark 1880 7 pale dark hazel .. medium 7 pale dark hazel .. medium Sam, Sam, Ching, Wellington 22/10/41 conducting assisting fined China gardener 1890 8 sallow .. black brown .. flat F.P. (See P.G., 1939, p. 804.) 8 sallow .. black brown .. flat F.P. (See P.G., 1939, p. 804.) SamChong, gaming-house F.P. Yip, W 22/10/41 gaming-house fined £50 China gaming-house keeper gaming-house 1902 5 5 sallow .. black .. brown .. medium.. keeping gaming-house fined £50 China gaming-house keeper gaming-house 1902 5 5 sallow .. black brown .. medium.. F.P. Ching, Wellington 22/10/41 keeping fined £100 China 1874 5 3 sallow .. grey brown .. medium.. Birthmark on right wrist. F.P. (See P.G., 3 sallow .. grey brown .. medium.. Birthmark on right wrist. F.P. (See P.G., keeper 1934, p. 347.) Lym Ah . @ Wellington 22/10/41 gaming-house keeping fined China keeper gaming-house 1895 5 3 sallow .. black brown .. flat Scar below right ear. F.P. (See P.G., 1939, gaming-house keeper p. 156.) 1895 5 3 sallow .. black brown .. flat 1934, p. 347.) Scar below right ear. F.P. (See P.G., 1939, Ah Yen, Chuen, @ @ Sie Joe Fee, Fey, Wellington 22/10/41 in gaming-house fined £5 China laundryman 1889 5 2 sallow .. black brown .. medium.. P.c. (not gazetted). F.P. Iaundryman 1889 5 2 sallow .. black brown .. medium.. p. 156.) P.c. (not gazetted). F.P. Wellington 22/10/41 keeping fined China gaming-house 1901 5 3 sallow .. black brown .. flat F.P. (See P.G., 1936, p. 321.) keeper fruiterer 1901 5 3 sallow .. black brown .. flat F.P. (See P.G., 1936, p. 321.) Young Wellington . 22/10/41 gaming-house in fined China 1885 5 3 sallow .. black brown .. medium.. F.P. fruiterer 1885 5 3 sallow .. black brown .. medium.. F.P. Jim Wellington 22/10/41 in fined £5 China fruiterer 1877 5 3 sallow .. grey brown .. medium.. F.P. 3 sallow .. grey brown .. medium.. F.P. Loo Wellington . 22/10/41 keeping fined China gaming-house keeper gaming-house 1882 5 2 sallow .. black brown .. flat Scar on forehead. F.P. (See P.G., 1936, p. 477.) keeper fruiterer 1882 5 2 sallow .. black brown .. flat Scar on forehead. F.P. (See P.G., 1936, p. 477.) Ngan Yin Wellington . 22/10/41 keeping fined China 1899 6 sallow .. black brown .. medium.. F.P. 6 sallow .. black brown .. medium.. F.P. keeper Wing Wellington . 22/10/41 in fined China 1895 5 8 sallow .. black brown .. medium.. F.P. fruiterer 1895 5 8 sallow .. black brown .. medium.. F.P. Lee Wellington . . 22/10/41 keeping fined China gaming-house keeper gaming-house 1879 5 4* sallow .. black brown .. flat F.P. (See P.G., 1937, p. 408.) keeper fruiterer 1879 5 4£ sallow .. black brown .. fiat F.P. (See P.G., 1937, p. 408.) Wong, Wellington . 22/10/41 keeping fined £50 China 1872 5 sallow .. black brown .. medium.. F.P. 4 sallow .. black .. brown .. medium.. F.P. / 1 * J r - * * . 1 • keeper Wong Wellington . 22/10/41 gaming-house fined .!. China 1893 5 5 sallow .. black brown .. medium., F.P. fruiterer 1893 5 5 sallow .. black brown .. medium., F.P. r r ■ * - . • * • < • • - ' • •••*• . , v • ■ * * - ' r ' •• * • i,i • • •••

Return of Persons summarily convicted— continued.

of tried. When, Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, James Wellington 22/10/41 in gaming-house fined £5 N. bitumen worker laundryman gaming-house 1895 in. 9 fresh grey blue medium Wang, Young Young Ah Hing Wellington Wellington . 22/10/41 22/10/41 in gaming-house fined £5 fined China China 1885 1887 5 5 6 sallow . sallow black black brown . brown flat medium left G (See 246.) F.P. Wellington .. keeper Ah Loo Fong @ 22/10/41 keeping gaming-house fined £50 China gaming-house keeper 1897 5 ±1 sallow .. black brown .. flat F.P. (See P.G., 1941, p. 670.) Wellington .. 22/10/41 keeping gaming-house fined £50 China keeper gaming-house keeper gaming-house keeper gaming-house 1897 5 sallow .. black brown .. flat F.P. (See P.G., 1941, p. 670.) Joe Wong, Wellington .. 22/10/41 keeping gaming-house fined £100 China 1917 5 2 sallow .. black brown .. medium.. P.c. (not gazetted); wears glasses. F.P. Lee . Wellington . .Wellington . 22/10/41 keeping gaming-house fined £50 China 1913 5 5 sallow .. black brown .. medium.. F.P. Wellington .. 22/10/41 22/10/41 keeping gaming-house keeping gaming-house fined £100 fined £50 China China gaming-house keeper gaming-house keeper gaming-house keeper 1917 1913 5 5 2 5 sallow .. sallow .. black black brown .. brown .. medium.. medium.. P.c. (not gazetted); wears glasses. F.P. F.P. Tong, Ah Kong, Wellington 22/10/41 keeping fined £50 China 1903 5 1 sallow .. black brown .. flat F.P. (See P.G., 1938, pp. 265 and 838.) keeper gaming-house keeper 1903 5 1 sallow .. black brown .. flat F.P. (See P.G., 1938, pp. 265 and 838.) Percy Roy Wellington . . 22/10/41 found gaming-house fined £5 Australia labourer 1888 5 fresh dark brown .. medium H fresh dark brown .. medium Wong Wellington . 22/10/41 keeping fined China gaming-house keeper gaming-house keeper 1902 5 6 sallow .. black brown .. medium.. F.P. gaming-house keeper 1902 5 6 sallow .. black brown .. medium.. F.P. Jim, Yung Lee Wellington 22/10/41 keeping fined £100 China 1884 5 3 sallow . grey brown . flat (See p. @ Yuk, Jong Yuk Wellington 22/10/41 keeping fined China 1888 5 4 sallow .. black brown .. thick Scar on forehead, on right cheek, and on nose. F.P. (See P.G., 1934, p. 599.) gaming-house keeper 1888 5 4 sallow .. black brown .. thick Scar on forehead, on right cheek, and on nose. F.P. (See P.G., 1934, p. 599.) Ewart Taylor, Wellington . 3/11/41 obscene language fined Eire labourer 1889 5 10 fresh brown hazel . medium. Horseshoe, whips, and right on ; Woods, Amos, @ McCormick, Harold, George Wellington . 4/11/41 theft breach of months and charged N. and carpenter 1905 5 10 fair brown, ing grey blue large left on forefinger and on (See p. p. Henry Wellington .. Rudd, 4/11/41 mischief to pay damage .. England .. labourer 1901 5 8* fresh brown blue medium.. KATH in scroll on right upper arm. Wellington .. 4/11/41 mischief to pay damage .. England .. labourer 1901 5 8£ fresh brown blue medium.. KATH in scroll on right upper arm. Darby, James, @ Frank Wellington . 5/11/41 absent from leave 14 England . seaman 1906 5 9 fair brown blue medium. F.P. Darby, Thomas Wellington . 5/11/41 absent leave 14 England . seaman 1910 5 9 sallow dark brown . medium Strong Clark, @ Wellington . 5/11/41 theft month N. labourer 1916 5 7 dark black blue flat neck. ; Bernard . Wellington 6/11/41 theft 6 England labourer 1910 5 8 fresh brown hazel medium. p. Mole on lump *1940, p. Stringer, Francis William Wellington . 7/11/41 theft (4 . 6 and charged Zealand carpenter .. 1916 5 5 fair fair blue medium. and p. left and on big (See p. Willetts, Wellington . 7/11/41 failing for 1 month (cumuN. Zealand school1922 5 9 fresh fair blue medium.. See P.G., 1941, p. 867. service month (cumu- lative with lative with present senN. Zealand schoolteacher 1922 5 9 fresh fair blue medium.. See P.G., 1941, p. 867. present sen-tence) teacher ' tence)

Return of Persons summarily convicted— continued.

Complexion. 1 of Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Bom. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. 1 ; Distinguishing Marks, ifcc. o » tc *3 W Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &o. Raymond Louis Wellington 7/11/41 report 1 N. Zealand painter 1917 ft. 8£ 5 fresh brown hazel . medium. and on right service Fordyce, James . Wellington . 7/11/41 failing to 1 Scotland gardener 1904 6 fresh brown hazel . medium Jack service Wellington . service 7/11/41 failing to report 1 England fitter 1900 7 fresh brown . hazel medium service Charles . Wellington 7/11/41 for 1 Scotland insurance 1905 5 fresh dark blue medium. glasses. Hawkins, William . Wellington . service agent ship’s rigger 7/11/41 for 1 N. 1905 5 4 fresh dark hazel .. medium ship’s rigger 1905 5 4 fresh dark hazel .. medium service Charlett, Alexander Nelson 28/10/41 unlawfully converting in N. and 1922 8 fresh wavy hazel . medium. Scar (See motor-car Institution forestry p. /0 Hugo, Nelson 30/10/41 unlawfully converting of N. labourer 1926 9 fresh brown brown . medium. Two on right false ; and ; Welfare Superintendent on each come up Baden Nelson 30/10/41 obscene Zealand and 1904 5 Hi fresh brown grey medium 9 eye Jerrome @ on bushman operation-scar on right side of abdomen. x — operation-scar on right side of abdomen. Tonkin, Roy year and p. 1924, 45.) p. Nelson 28/10/41 and ; pretences probation 1 N. seaman 1914 4£ 5 fresh fair blue medium. Three down spine. on each , Marr, Carl on each 1 Westport 5/11/41 failing to months N. miner 1904 iii fresh ginger grey . medium. See 1928, p. service Connelly, Westport 5/11/41 military to months N. slaughterman 1909 9i 5 strong . brown hazel . medium service Campbell, David Westport 5/11/41 assault . . come up Eire farmer 1879 5 11 fresh grey grey .. medium.. Strong build. (See P.G., 1939, p. 262.) in Eire farmer 1879 5 11 fresh grey grey .. medium.. Strong build. (See P.G., 1939, p. 262.) months Pitcher, Westport 5/11/41 to . fined £5 N. farmer 1911 7 fresh brown grey medium. of Ward, Westport 5/11/41 theft to pay England miner 1891 5 fresh brown blue small p. left knee. John Fitzgerald, Reefton 7/10/41 in failing fined N. farmer and 1915 6 1 fresh dark grey medium. gait. lorry-driver William Andrew . Reefton lorry-driver 7/10/41 failing . . fined N. quartz-miner 1918 10i 5 fresh black grey Roman Bernard, Greymouth 3/11/41 without on premises 1 N. labourer 1873 5 fresh grey brown medium. See p. Lawson, Benjamin intent Colville, George Christchurch 23/10/41 failing fined N. salesman 1909 4 dark fair brown medium. Scar of hand. right Dillon, Christchurch 28/10/41 by if called 3 Zealand motor-lorry driver 1911 11 pale fair brown medium. Large of and portion fingers 942.) p. JS '/0 •'<//, / tt>otoChC>i false pretences (23 charges) years convicted and dis- , ■ false pretences (23 charges) years convicted and disJohn charged on each Christchurch 30/10/41 theft 3 months N. Zealand showman .. 1918 5 10 fresh brown blue medium.. Scar along left side of nose ; birthmark on theft and to failing charged on and back. 3 months convicted and disN. Zealand showman . . 1918 5 10 fresh brown blue medium .. Scar along left side of nose ; birthmark on in Reserve charged on each - t •• back. in Reserve charged on each '

Return of Persons summarily convicted— continued.

of Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Byee. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, Wade, Christchurch 30/10/41 theft months N. Zealand labourer 1910 in. 7 fresh brown blue medium. back below theft and 1941, and Kelly, to military failing charged p. Christchurch 30/10/41 months N. core-maker 1917 5 6* fresh dark hazel .. medium 5 fresh dark hazel .. medium service Black, Christchurch 30/10/41 military to failing months 3 Zealand accountant 1916 5 8 fresh fair blue medium 5 8 fresh fair blue medium . service Bradley, Christchurch 30/10/41 in .failing to pay Zealand carpenter 1905 6 0 pale fair blue medium.. Scar on right thumb. 6 0 pale fair blue medium.. Scar on right thumb. Charles Leslie Christchurch 30/10/41 enrol failing to Zealand labourer 1918 5 7 sallow .. dark brown .. medium 5 7 sallow .. dark brown .. medium Michael Stewart . Christchurch 30/10/41 enrol in Reserve pay Australia salesman 1918 5 11 fair fair hazel .. medium 5 11 fair fair hazel .. medium Clarence Millyn, Christchurch 30/10/41 theft if up Zealand soldier 1905 5 7 sallow .. fair, going blue medium 5 7 sallow .. fair, going blue medium on bald Wilson, Christchurch 31/10/41 for report months 3 Zealand grocer’s 1911 6 0 fresh fair hazel .. medium.. Scar on right side of head. 6 0 •fresh fair hazel .. medium.. Scar on right side of head. service assistant Samuel Christchurch 1/11/41 drunkenness 3 England . tinsmith 1874 5 10* sallow grey blue medium.. Wart on right side of nose. (See P.G., 1941, 5 10J sallow grey blue medium.. Wart on right side of nose. (See P.G., 1941, Albert . William Willimott, Lyttelton 29/10/41 ship-desertion 1 England fireman ship’s 1921 5 7 sallow .. fair blue medium.. p. 473.) Ship in anchor and laurel leaves on back of 5 7 sallow .. fair blue medium.. p. 473.) Ship in anchor and laurel leaves on back of MaudParkes, Ashburton . 31/10/41 without fined £5 Zealand married 1914 5 5 fresh dark brown blue medium right hand. 5 5 fresh dark brown blue medium right hand. JamesParkes, Ashburton 31/10/41 of premises 14 Zealand motor-truck 1910 5 8* fresh brown, curly blue medium.. Scar on forehead above left eye ; strong 5 8* fresh brown, curly blue medium.. Scar on forehead above left eye; strong to illegal sale of liquor driver build. F.P. Reginald . Timaru to illegal sale of liquor driver build. F.P. 3/11/41 in and Zealand farmer 1886 5 10* fresh brown, turnblue medium 5 m fresh brown, turnblue medium motor-car qualified for driving 1 ing grey Thomas Timaru 3/11/41 and charge fined Australia labourer 1875 5 8 fresh brown, going grey .. medium.. See P.G., 1936, p. 710. 5 8 fresh brown, going grey .. medium.. See P.G., 1936, p. 710. cart bald presenting at fined £10 . Houlihan, James . Timaru 30/10/41 mischief days Zealand and 1915 5 10* fresh brown grey .. medium.. Scar on base of left forefinger ; wears glasses. 5 10* fresh brown grey . • • medium.. Scar on base of left forefinger; wears glasses. clerk (See Cochrane, Prank Waimate 4/11/41 of fined Zealand N. lorry-driver 1899 5 7 fresh black brown .. medium p. 80.) 5 7 fresh black brown .. medium p. 80.) motor-car qualified from driving to 4/11/42 3 years’ probation Frederick Yeldon, Dunedin motor-car qualified from driving to 4/11/42 3 years’ probation \ 31/10/41 stolen goods Zealand labourer and 1917 5 7 fresh fair blue medium.. Scar at side of right eye. F.P. * Photo at 5 7 fresh fair blue % medium.. Scar at side of right eye. F.P. * Photo at fisherman Dunedin, 31/10/41. (See P.G., 1938, p. 16, and Photos, p. 24.) Wyndham .. 29/10/41 fisherman Dunedin, 31/10/41. (See P.G., 1938, p. 16, and Photos, p. 24.) Finn, theft 2 months N. Zealand labourer and 1918 5 8 fresh dark brown hazel .. medium.. Stutters. (See P.G., 1941, p. 88, and Photos, Wyndham .. 29/10/41 theft 2 months N. Zealand labourer and 1918 5 8 fresh dark brown hazel .. medium.. Stutters. (See P.G., 1941, p. 88, and Photos, Edward Ericson, shearer 1940, p. 94.) Invercargill . shearer 1940, p. 94.) 31/10/41 from escaping in Zealand labourer 1923 5 11 fresh light brown blue medium.. Scar on back of left arm ; bird, WINNIE, 5 11 fresh light brown blue medium.. Scar on back of left arm ; bird, WINNIE, Kaye, Institution (cuand anchor, wheel, with of ; present senLAST tence) N.Z., and sailing-ship on right forearm; unlawfully fence)convicted and on arm cupid upper convicted and discupid and N.Z.G.A. on right upper arm; motor-car charged and on (See and 214, 1940, 54.)

Return of Persons summarily convicted— continued.

Gaol, tried. When. Odonoe. Sentence. Native of Trade. Bom. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyas. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions havebeen taken.) o Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Auckland ft. in. 5 li ft 5 in. li Alfred Auckland 15/10/41 of . arrears Zealand labourer 1910 dark dark . brown medium 28/10/41 on p.c. jockey 25/10/41. of paid. William, Ferguson, William Auckland 11/9/41 of month Australia . motor-driver 1893 5 5f fresh brown, turngrey .. medium.. 28/10/41 P.G., 1940, p. 488.) 8 p.c. Australian ensign on left shoulder; 5 5| fresh brown, turngrey .. medium. *. 28/10/41 P.G., 1940, p. 488.) 8 p.c. Australian ensign on left shoulder ; Sydney ing grey flags of affiance on right shoulder ; scar on left arm and forefinger. Arrested, 28/10/41. Arrears paid. (See P.G., CL- " . mg grey flags of alliance on right shoulder; scar § • on left arm and forefinger. Arrested, 28/10/41. Arrears paid. (See P.G., Sigglecoe, William Syd, Coe, Syd Auckland 30/6/41 pretences . false one pretences of in charges p. 1 month 3 months (cumulative) Zealand journalist 1893 5 8f fresh brown, going bald brown .. medium.. 29/10/41 1940, p. 556, and Photos, 1925, p. 81.) 27 p.c. Left ring-finger slightly deformed. F.P. (See P.G., 1941, p. 544, and Photos, 1933, p. 23.) 5 8f fresh brown, going bald brown .. medium.. 29/10/41 1940, p. 556, and Photos, 1925, p. 81.) 27 p.c. Left ring-finger slightly deformed. F.P. (See P.G., 1941, p. 544, and Photos, 1933, p. 23.) Carter, Allan M.C. 17/10/41 assaulting police 14 days Zealand electrician . 1920 5 10 fresh brown blue medium.. 30/10/41 3 p.c. Snake and dagger on right upper arm ; scar on centre of abdomen. F.P. (See P.G., 1941, p. 851, and Photos, 5 10 fresh brown blue medium.. 30/10/41 3 p.c. Snake and dagger on right upper - arm ; scar on centre of abdomen. F.P. (See P.G., 1941, p. 851, and Photos, Hakuwai Milner Auckland 1/8/41 and cient means) months Maori labourer 1914 5 5f copper .. black brown .. medium.. 31/10/41 1938, p. 86.) 7 p.c. Scar on right hip and on back of right hand. F.P. (See P.G., 1941, 5 5f copper .. black brown .. medium.. 31/10/41 1938, p. 86.) 7 p.c. Scar on right hip and on back of right hand. F.P. (See P.G., 1941, Fagerholm, Arnor, @ Fagerholm, Auckland M.C. 1/8/41 theft . months Finland and 1909 Ilf fresh brown blue long 31/10/41 and p. Strong Gohannes Armo, @ seaman and flag on left forearm ; clasped hands Arnold, and heart on right forearm ; scar on left side of face. F.P. (See P.G., 1941, seaman and flag on left forearm ; clasped hands and heart on right forearm ; scar on left side of face. F.P. (See P.G., 1941, Kuupa, William, Cooper Papakura 2/10/41 illegally on premises intent 1 month N. Zealand labourer and soldier 1919 5 8 dark black, curly brown .. broad .. 1/11/41 p. 701, and Photos, 1936, p. 9.) 2 p.c. A half-caste Maori; strong build ; flower on chest; scar on left forefinger. ** 1 month N. Zealand labourer and soldier 1919 5 8 dark black, curly brown .. broad .. 1/11/41 p. 701, and Photos, 1936, p. 9.) 2 p.c. A half-caste Maori; strong build ; flower on chest; scar on left forefinger. Hugh Hughie Papakura 2/10/41 illegally on premises intent out 1 Zealand labourer soldier 1919 5 6| copper .. black hazel .. flat 1/11/41 F.P. (See P.G., 1941, p. 851.) 2 p.c. A half-caste Maori ; large mouth ; burn-scar on left upper arm. F.P. 5 6| copper .. . /, ' ' black hazel .. flat 1/11/41 F.P. (See P.G., 1941, p. 851.) 2 p.c. A half-caste Maori; large mouth ; burn-scar on left upper arm. F.P. George Graham Gambling, Frederick Papakura Auckland M.C. 2/10/41 3/10/41 illegally with- premises out failing to report military to report failing military month 1 Zealand Zealand truck-driver and soldier panel-beater 1917 1904 5 5 copper . fresh black brown brown blue medium. long 1/11/41 1/11/41 p. A (See 1941, p. build. to Harrison, William Auckland 3/10/41 month Zealand salesman 1914 5 11 fresh brown blue medium.. 1/11/41 authorities. (See P.G., 1941, p. 781.) Slight build; operation-scar on right side of abdomen. F.P. Handed to military 5 11 fresh brown blue medium.. 1/11/41 authorities. (See P.G., 1941, p. 781.) Slight build; operation-scar on right side of abdomen. F.P. Handed to military Campbell, Auckland M.C. 3/10/41 failing to military month England . salesman 1915 5 8f fair light brown.. blue-grey medium.. 1/11/41 authorities. (See P.G., 1941, p. 781.) Scar on right foot. F.P. Handed to military authorities. (See P.G., 1941, 5 8f fair light brown.. blue-grey medium.. 1/11/41 authorities. (See P.G., 1941, p. 781.) Scar on right foot. F.P. Handed to military authorities. (See P.G., 1941, Adams, Auckland M.C. 3/10/41 to report military 1 Australia . labourer 1911 5 9| fresh black grey .. medium.. 1/11/41 p. 781.) F.P. Handed to military authorities. (See P.G., 1941, p. 781.) 5 9f fresh black grey .. medium.. 1/11/41 p. 781.) F.P. Handed to military authorities. (See P.G., 1941, p. 781.) Waikeria — • Fred Wairoa M.C. . . 3/10/39 theft theft .. months month 1 (cumulative) years’ Zealand labourer 1913 5 9 copper .. black brown .. medium.. 4/11/41 10 p.c. A quarter-caste Maori ; scar on each middle toe. F.P. Released on 5 9 copper .. black brown .. medium.. 4/11/41 10 p.c. A quarter-caste Maori ; scar on each middle toe. F.P. Released on Napier 2/11/39 theft . license. (See P.G., 1939, p. 911, and Photos, 1940, p. 11.) license. (See P.G., 1939, p. 911, and Photos, 1940, p. 11.) =■ ■


Trade. d Height. Com Hair. i Eyes. Nose. Itemarks, and Previous Convictions. — Prisoner. of Gaol, — a s, Complexion. * Nose. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of c o PQ plexion. charged. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. o « © a Hair. Eyes. charged. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Waikune— Holden, Auckland 23/5/41 (Social statement 6 Zealand N. labourer 1894 ft 5 fresh brown, turnblue medium . . 31/10/41 Large scar on upper lip ; mumbling speech. in. fresh brown, turnblue medium.. 31/10/41 Large scar on upper lip ; mumbling speech. Act)Security grey mg on P.G., p. Colin Martin, ColinMartin, Auckland 26/5/41 theft . 6 Zealand and soldier 1914 6 dark dark brown.. brown .. large, Roman 1/11/41 7 p.c. Scar under left knee ; bull’s head and ESPANOLA on right upper arm , double heart, scroll, and arrow on left upper arm. F.P. Discharged on remission. (See P.G., 1941, p. 459, and Photos, 1933, p. 13.) 6 dark dark brown.. brown .. large, Roman 1/11/41 7 p.c. Scar under left knee; bull’s head and ESPANOLA on right upper arm ; double heart, scroll, and arrow on left upper arm. F.P. Discharged on remission. (See P.G., 1941, p. 459, and Photos, 1933, p. 13.) Edmund Phi M.C.Auckland 3/3/41 false and ; 1 England anddriver 1918 5 fresh dark brown. . brown . . medium. . 1/11/41 2 p.c. Burn-scars on chest ; mole on left n fresh dark brown.. brown .. medium.. 1/11/41 2 p.c. Burn-scars on chest ; mole on left Thomas are garage and on side. 702) in p. attendant and p. prohibited. p. Munro John Birss, Invercargill 29/5/41 by 6 Zealand labourer 1916 0 fair fair grey .. medium. . 3/11/41 Discharged on remission. (See P.G., 1941, 0 fair fair grey .. medium.. 3/11/41 Discharged on remission. (See P.G., 1941, S.C. gently qualified 467.) p. vehicle driving 31/5/45 Napier Poi Jury M.C.Ruatoria 17/7/41 stolen receiving months Zealand farm 1919 5 copper .. black brown .. wide 1/11/41 3 p.c. Three feathers on left upper arm; 5 copper .. black brown .. wide 1/11/41 3 p.c. Three feathers on left upper arm ; theft . 1 abdomen. on (cumulative) and p. Photos, p. Wi dark dark 4/11/41 Joseph Wellington 14/7/41 (3obscene 4 Austria carpenter . 1902 16 hazel .. medium.. 2 p.c. Strong build; bird in heart, K.B., 1 hazel .. medium.. 4/11/41 2 p.c. Strong build ; bird in heart, K.B., charges) fern, J, 1923, and 1902 on right forearm. F.P. Photo at Wi Tako, 8/10/41. Discharged on remission. (See P.G., 1941, p. 629.) 1 fern, J, 1923, and 1902 on right forearm. F.P. Photo at Wi Tako, 8/10/41. Discharged on remission. (See P.G., 1941, p. 629.) Harold Heat wick, Wellington 3/10/41 Reserve enrol weeks Zealand carpenter . 1915 5 dark dark hazel .. medium.. 6/11/41 Scar on bridge of nose, on right forefinger, 8 dark dark hazel .. medium.. 6/11/41 Scar on bridge of nose, on right forefinger, James and on (See 786.) Austin . Phillip Wellington 8/8/41 premises illegally on months Wales labourer 1887 5 fresh black, going blue medium.. 7/11/41 19 p.c. Scar on centre of forehead and 5 fresh black, going blue medium.. 7/11/41 19 p.c. Scar on centre of forehead and intent bald left side on ; eye of sphinx on (See right p. Robert McCallum, Wellington 10/10/41 forfailing 1 Zealand grocer 1918 94 fresh dark hazel .. medium.. 8/11/41 Mole on left side of neck. F.P. (See P.G., 9* fresh dark hazel .. medium.. 8/11/41 Mole on left side of neck. F.P. (See P.G., William service military 1941, p. 834.) .. 1941, p. 834.) Wellington salesman fresh 2 years’ R.D. on Scotland .. salesman fresh large 3/11/41 Thomas Wellington 1/10/40 false (6 pretences 1895 5 114 brown blue-grey 14 p.c. Large ears. Released on license. 2 years’ R.D. on Scotland .. 1895 5 1H brown blue-grey large 3/11/41 14 p.c. Large ears. Released on license. each F.P. (See P.G., 1940, p. 824, and Photos, 1938, p. 16.) F.P. (See P.G., 1940, p. 824, and Photos, 1938, p. 16.) -


4-i Complexion. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. Prisoner. Where When. Offence. Sentence. Native 1 Trade. horn. Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. ( j,\p. indicate s that finger-impressions ha.ce been taken.) u O Hair. Eyes. Nose. ( F.P. indicate* that finger-impressions have been taken.) W continued. ft. in. 28 p.c. Burn-scar on right elbow ; impediJohn Donne, Wellington 16/3/39 charges) each on N. labourer 1912 ft. in. 5 9£ fresh dark brown.. grey .. medium.. 4/11/41 28 p.c. Burn-scar on right elbow ; impedi5 n fresh dark brown.. grey .. medium.. 4/11/41 Spain, forgery (4 charges) ; and 4 years on each .. ment in speech. F.P. Released on uttering (4 charges) license. (See P.G., 1939, pp. 476 and 620, theft .. .. 1 year and Photos, 1936, p. 2.) 20/4/39 false pretences (not 1 year and warned “obtaining credit by fraud ” as previously that he has qualified to be shown) declared an habitual criminal 2 months Thomsen, Christchurch 20/4/396/10/41 default of maintenance .. Denmark .. motor-driver 1901 5 9* fresh fair blue medium .. 4/11/41 1 p.c. Left middle finger injured. Arrested, 6/10/41 forgery (4 charges) ; and uttering (4 charges) theft false pretences (not “ -obtaining credit by fraud ” as previously shown) default of maintenance .. 4 years on each.. 1 year 1 year and warned that he has qualified to be declared an habitual criminal 2 months Denmark .. motor-driver 1901 5 9£ fresh fair blue medium.. 4/11/41 ment in speech. F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1939, pp. 476 and 620, and Photos, 1936, p. 2.) 1 p.c. Left middle finger injured. Arrested, Christian M.C. 1/11/41. Portion of arrears paid. (See P.G., 1940, p. 366.) Richard month, M.C.Palmerston 6/10/41 failing to report to Army 1 month N. Zealand factory hand 1910 5 6 sallow .. dark hazel • • medium .. 5/11/41 Cast in left eye; scar on left forefinger and on right cheek. F.P. (See P.G., Palmerston 6/10/41 failing to report to Army 1 month N. Zealand factory hand 1910 5 6 sallow .. dark hazel • . medium.. 5/11/41 1/11/41. Portion of arrears paid. (See P.G.! 1940, p. 366.) Cast in left eye; scar on left forefinger Eric North M.C. for medical examination 1941, p. 802.) John North M.C.Wellington 24/10/41 theft .. 14 days N. Zealand rail-car 1914 5 m fresh dark brown .. long 6/11/41 Scar on base of left forefinger. F.P. (See attendant P.G., 1941, p. 855.) Wellington M.C. 24/10/41 for medical examination theft .. 14 days N. Zealand rail-car 1914 o m fresh dark brown .. long 6/11/41 and on right cheek. F.P. (See P.G., 1941, p. 802.) Scar on base of left forefinger. F.P. (See Kenneth, Douglas Wellington 24/10/41 theft 14 days N. attendantlorry-driver 1915 5 8 fresh dark brown.. hazel .. medium.. 6/11/41 12 p.c. Scar at corner of left eye (not right lorry-driver 1915 5 8 fresh dark brown.. hazel .. medium.. 6/11/41 P.G., 1941, p. 855.) 12 p.c. Scar at corner of left eye (not right Watson @ and rail-car attendant - eye) and on right hip; white patch of hair on top of head. F.P. Photo at Wellington, 24/10/41. (See P.G., 1941, p. 855.) 21 p.c. Strong build; dancing woman, Llewellyn, Napier 27/10/39 probation 1 (probaN. and rail-carlabourer 1888 5 ii fresh grey hazel .. large 7/11/41 attendant labourer 1888 5 11 fresh grey hazel •. large 7/11/41 eye) and on right hip; white patch of hair on top of head. F.P. Photo at Wellington, 24/10/41. (See P.G., 1941, p. 855.) 21 p.c. Strong build; dancing woman, Lewis, (a), tionary license clasped hands, and TRUE LOVE on Len, Hope, cancelled 7/11/39) right forearm; star, anchor, two flags, VINCO, tombstone, and heart on left forearm. F.P. Released on license and (g/wds y . 1 prohibited. (See P.G., 1939, p. 895, and Photos, 1925, p. 46.) Gou r ym &v tiafl, 26/8/41 resisting escort; drunkentionary license cancelled 7/11/39) 90 days N. Zealand labourer and 1920 5 71 fresh brown grey .. medium.. 7/11/41 clasped hands, and TRUE LOVE on right forearm ; star, anchor, two flags, VINCO, tombstone, and heart on left forearm. F.P. Released on license and prohibited. (See P.G., 1939, p. 895, and Photos, 1925, p. 46.) 6 p.c. Scar on left knee, on left cheek, and rancis/@ GJurh/mifrt'Iart, 26/8/41 resisting escort; drunken90 days N. Zealand labourer and 1920 5 n fresh brown grey .. medium .. 7/11/41 6 p.c. Scar on left knee, on left cheek, and / Joseph / Fort Dorset ness ; and absent withsoldier on chin. F.P. .Handed to military / Joseph Ewan, out leave authorities. (See P.G., 1938, p. 82, and 1939, p. 26, and Photos, 1938, p. 18.) / Fort Dorset Napier S.C. 8/11/40 ness ; and absent without leave indecent assault on female 2 years’ R.D. N. Zealand soldier draughtsman 1905 5 7\ fresh fair hazel .. medium.. 7/11/41 on chin. F.P. .Handed to military authorities. (See P.G., 1938, p. 82, and 1939, p. 26, and Photos, 1938, p. 18.) Operation-scar on abdomen ; slightly deaf. James Ewan, Robert Napier S.C. . . 8/11/40 indecent assault on female 2 years’ R.D. .. N. Zealand draughtsman 1905 5 n fresh fair hazel .. medium .. 7/11/41 Operation-scar on abdomen ; slightly deaf. Point Halswell Borstal RobertInstitution F.P. Released on license and prohibited. (See P.G., 1940, p. 954, and 1941, p. 286.) Point Borstal Halsweil O’Carroll, Patricia Auckland M.C. 26/3/41 breach of probation 1 year in Borstal N. Zealand machinist .. 1922 5 5 fair brown blue medium.. 4/11/41 F.P. Released on license and prohibited. (See P.G., 1940, p. 954, and 1941, p. 286.) Scar on right arm. F.P. Released on Institution Young, Doreen Constance Auckland M.C. 31/3/41 theft .. Institution 1 year in Borstal N. Zealand factory 1920 5 2 fair brown grey .. crooked.. 6/11/41 license. (See P.G., 1941, p. 308.) F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1941, O’Carroll, Patricia Taylor, Nancy Auckland Wanganui 26/3/4121/4/41 of probationattempted Borstal in year Institution N. Zealand machinist .. 1922 5 5 fair brown • blue medium .. 4/11/41 Scar on right arm. F.P. Released on Institution Borstal in year license. (See P.G., 1941, p. 308.) N. Zealand worker domestic 1922 5 H fresh dark brown.. hazel .. medium.. 7/11/41 p. 309, and Photos, p. 32.) F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1941, Institution p. 381, and Photos, 1940, p. 92.) Auckland M.C. 31/3/41 theft .. 1 year in Borstal N. Zealand factory 1920 5 2 fair brown grey .. crooked .. 6/11/41 F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1941, Institution worker p. 309, and Photos, p. 32.) Young, Taylor, Nancy 21/4/41 attempted theft 1 year in Borstal N. Zealand domestic 1922 5 H fresh dark brown.. hazel .. medium.. 7/11/41 F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1941, Institution p. 381, and Photos, 1940, p. 92.) Wanganui M.C.


Native of Trade. a 4 Pnm Hair. Eyes. J Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. * of Gaol, j Where When. Offence. Scntenoe. 1 w plexion. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Native of Trade. Born. Height. . Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Picton— r ft. in. 14 days labourer ft. in. Robins, Blenheim 17/10/41 disorderly and Tasmania .. 1889 5 4 fresh grey grey .. medium.. 30/10/41 Scar on right thumb ; H.R.,“ heart, and 14 days Tasmania .. labourer 1889 5 4 fresh grey grey .. medium.. 30/10/41 Scar on right thumb ; H.R., heart, and Robbins-, Gordon, @ (begging) f » • and ; wrist. on 1941, p. Paparua— Frederick Spencer, Christchurch 1/10/40 and each on Zealand labourer 1912 5 5 fresh brown blue medium.. 4/11/41 5 p.c. Anchor on left forearm. F.P. 5 5 fresh brown blue medium.. 4/11/41 5 p.c. Anchor on left forearm. F.P. S.C. withhousebreaking '•£ ' Released on license and prohibited. (See intent P.G., 1940, p. 824, and Photos, 1935, p. 19.) 11 p.c. F.P. Handed to military authori- : .. r '- u Released on license and prohibited. (See P.G., 1940, p. 824, and Photos, 1935, p. 19.) 11 p.c. F.P. Handed to military authoriRobert, Leonard Court-martial, 22/7/41 army 1 Zealand and 1909 5 3£ fresh fair blue medium.. 4/11/41 5 3i fresh fair blue medium.. 4/11/41 Leonard Moulin, @ Burnham soldier ties. (See P.G., 1941, p. 554, and Photos, Clark, @ @ Burnham soldier ties. (See P.G., 1941, p. 554, and Photos, 1937, p. 49.) Turner . 1937, p. 49.) v William Kyle, Timaru . 7/10/41 female on month Zealand and 1910 5 8£ fresh dark blue medium.. 6/11/41 1 p.c. Scar on nose and on forehead. F.P. 5 H fresh dark blue medium.. 6/11/41 1 p.c. Scar on nose and on forehead. F.P. shearer at 1941, p. John McKenzie, Christchurch 5/8/41 of probation month Zealand labourer 1902 5 9 fresh light brown.. blue medium.. 7/11/41 7 p.c. Scar on forehead. F.P. (See P.G., 5 9 fresh fight brown.. blue medium.. 7/11/41 7 p.c. Scar on forehead. F.P. (See P.G., John M.C. of maintenance 3 and p. Bullers executed, (warrant 8/8/41) Kenneth Adams, Edgar Darfield . 15/8/41 to months Zealand farmer 1913 5 8 fresh brown blue medium.. 7/11/41 F.P. Photo at Paparua, 20/9/41. Discharged 5 8 fresh brown blue medium.. 7/11/41 F.P. Photo at Paparua, 20/9/41. Discharged military service/ /^Zealand on remission. (See P.G., 1941, p. 653.) Xdams, Leslie Raymond Darfield . 15/8/41 failing^to military'serviee—____^ Zealand farmer —w 1914 5 9£ fresh brown bluA-^, medium .. 7/11/41on remission. (See P.G., 1941, p. 653.) F-R. Photo at Paparua, 20/9/41. Discharged on remission. (See P.G., 1941, p. 653.) failing to report for farmer — ■*-- 1^14 5 fresh brown bluh^-^ medium.. 7/11/41-F-R. Photo at Paparua, 20/9/41. \DischargecLnn remission. (S&e'P.G., 1941,. p. 653.) F.P. Photo at Paparua, 20/9/41. DisAllan Adams, Darfield . 15/8/41 3 monttis N. Zealand farmer 1910 5 9 fresh brown brown .. medium.. 7/11/41 forfailing military service charged on remission. (See P.G., 1941, p. 653.) 3 monlrns N. Zealand farmer 1910 5 9 fresh brown brown .. medium .. 7/11/41 F.P. Photo at Paparua, 20/9/41. Dismilitary service charged on remission. (See P.G., 1941, p. 653.) Cody, Invercargill 23/5/40 Actbreach Bankruptcy 1| years Zealand farmer 1886 5 11 dark grey brown .. medium.. 7/11/41 4 p.c. Strong build; mole on each little 5 11 dark grey brown .. medium.. 7/11/41 4 p.c. Strong build ; mole on each little Martin S.C. Act of years finger. (See on and 16.) p. Arrested, AlfredDougherty, Dunedin . 19/8/41 maintenance month or Zealand labourer 1915 5 4£ fresh fair blue medium.. 8/11/41 5 fresh fair blue medium.. 8/11/41 Raymond Orvieto William Christchurch 31/1/41 know-attempted 1 Zealand school-teacher 1913 6 2 ruddy .. brown blue medium.. 7/11/41 Scar on left shin ; mole on left arm. F.P. 6 2 ruddy .. brown blue medium.. 7/11/41 Scar on left shin ; mole on left arm. F.P. Baird S.C. ledge at p. Invercargill N. Zealand assaulting police N. Zealand James .Newton, Invercargill 29/9/41 1 month sheet-metal 1904 5 8 fresh brown hazel .. medium.. 28/10/41 2 p.c. Scar on right side of abdomen and assaulting police 1 month sheet-metal 1904 5 8 fresh brown hazel .. medium.. 28/10/41 2 p.c. Scar on right side of abdomen and M.C. worker on upper lip ; portion of left forefinger missing. F.P. (See P.G., 1941, p. 804.) . on upper lip; portion of left forefinger .... missing. F.P. (See P.G., 1941, p. 804.) - * x-- r - .


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LXVI, Issue 46, 19 November 1941, Page 875

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REGULATION UNDER THE REGULATIONS ACT, 1936. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LXVI, Issue 46, 19 November 1941, Page 875

REGULATION UNDER THE REGULATIONS ACT, 1936. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LXVI, Issue 46, 19 November 1941, Page 875

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