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0 V jj/ijl, • GALWAY, Governor-General. A&HW' ORDER IN COUNCIL. 0 / IQ L * , l O At the Government House at Wellington, this 16th day of August, 1940. Present: His Excellency the Governor-General in Council. Pursuant to the Emergency Regulations Act, 1939, His Excellency the Governor-General, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, doth hereby make the following regulations.

REGULATIONS. Regulation I—Preliminary. These regulations may be cited as the Emergency Reserve Corps Regulations 1940.

Regulation 2.—lnterpretation. In these regulations, unless the context otherwise requires, “ Area ” means an area defined by the Minister for the purposes of these regulations : “ Committee ” means a Home Guard Committee established under these regulations : * “ Corps ” means the Emergency Reserve Corps established by these regulations : “ Emergency precautions organization ” means an emergency precautions organization established under the Emergency Precautions Regulations 1940* : “ Home Guard ” means the Home Guard established by these regulations : “ Local authority ” means a Borough Council, County Council, Town Board, or Road Board : “ Minister ” means the Minister of National Service : “ Sub-committee ” means a sub-committee of a committee established under these regulations.

Regulation 3. —Emergency Reserve Corps. (1) For the purpose of assisting in the preparation and operation of plans for securing the public safety, the defence of New Zealand, and the efficient prosecution of any war in which His Majesty may be engaged, and of plans for maintaining supplies and services essential to the life of the community, there is hereby established an Emergency Reserve Corps (hereinafter referred to as the Corps). (2) The Corps shall consist (a) The Home Guard : ( b ) All emergency precautions organizations : (c) The Women’s War Service Auxiliary : (d) Such other organizations and persons or classes of persons as may from time to time be declared by the Minister to form part of the Corps. (3) All British subjects who have attained the age of sixteen years and are not actively attached to any of His Majesty’s Forces shall be eligible for enrolment in the Corps. (4) In the exercise of any powers or functions under or for the purposes of these regulations the Corps and every local authority, organization, committee, sub-committee, and person shall act in accordance with all directions, general or special, given in that behalf by the Minister. (5) Any local authority may from time to time contribute any sum or sums of money to the funds or for the purposes of the Corps or any branch thereof. (6) If the Minister is satisfied that any of the activities of any organization other than the Corps or a branch thereof are activities which in his opinion should not be carried on by any organization outside the Corps, the Minister may, by notice in writing, require the organization to discontinue those activities. (7) Any such notice may be at any time in like manner amended or revoked.

(8) Every person commits an offence against these regulations who participates in, or aids, abets, or encourages in any way whatsoever any activities for the time being required under clause (6) of this regulation to be discontinued.

* Statutory Regulations 1940, Serial number 1940/187.

Serial Number l©4o/ISS.

Regulation 4.Uniforms and Equipment

(1) The Minister may from time to time authorize the use by members of the Corps, either generally or in respect of any particular district, area, branch, or subdivision, of any uniforms, armlets, badges, insignia, or distinctive dress or form of clothing. (2) The Minister, or any local authority, public body, or committee, may arrange for the supply and issue of any suitable equipment to any members of the Corps.

Regulation s.—Home Guard

(1) There is hereby established a branch of the Corps to be known as the Home Guard.

(2) The functions of the Home Guard shall be to assist in the prosecution of any war in which His Majesty may for the time being be engaged, in all or any of the following ways:— (a) By promoting the physical and military fitness and the efficiency and usefulness of its members : (b) By providing guards, pickets, patrols, sentries, and coastwatchers : ( c) By organizing bodies or detachments of its members in specialist or expert duties for the purpose of co-operating with and assisting any emergency precautions organization or any other branch of the Corps or any of his Majesty’s Forces, and generally for the purpose of making the most effective use of their services:

(d) By any other means approved by the Minister. (3) The Home Guard shall be divided into such subdivisions* based on such districts and areas, as may from time to time be determined by the Minister. (4) There shall from time to time be appointed a Dominion Commander, who, under the control of the Minister and subject to these regulations, shall have command of the Home Guard. (5) There shall also be appointed from among the members of the Home Guard such District Commanders, Area Commanders, and other Commanders, and other officers as may be determined by the Minister. , (6) Every Commander shall be appointed by the Minister and shall hold office during the pleasure of the Minister. All Commanders in any locality below the rank of Area Commander shall be appointed on the recommendation of the committee for the locality. (7) All other officers of the Home Guard shall be appointed by such persons and in such manner as may be authorized by the orders of the Dominion Commander. Regulation 6. —Home Guard Committees. (1) In every area the local authorities having their districts in the area shall divide the area into localities, and the local authorities having their districts or any portion thereof in any such locality shall establish a committee, to be known as the [Name of locality] Home Guard Committee, consisting of such persons as may be agreed upon by the local authorities, so as to ensure, as far as may be, adequate representation of all authorities, bodies, associations, and organizations interested in or affected by the organization of the Home Guard.

(2) Each committee shall be responsible for arranging in its locality for—

(a) The selection and enrolment of members of the Home Guard, and the recommendation of members of the Home Guard for appointment as Commanders : (b) The subdivisions of the Home Guard and their location, having regard to local requirements in the event of an emergency : (c) The times and places of assembly of the Home Guard or subdivisions thereof for training, parades, or service :

( d The provision by the local authorities in the locality of office accommodation, clerical assistance, stationery, and services for the Home Guard : (e) The co-operation of the Home Guard with any emergency precautions organization or any other branch of the Corps or any other authority or organization requiring the services of the Home Guard : (/) Generally all matters not inconsistent with these regulations that may be deemed necessary or expedient to promote the most effective use of the Home Guard.

(3) Any committee may appoint sub-committees and may delegate to any sub-committee such of the functions of the committee as it thinks fit.

(4) Every committee and sub-committee shall keep a record of its proceedings, which shall at all convenient times be open to inspection by the Director of National Service or any person appointed by him.

(5) Except as otherwise expressly provided, every committee and sub-committee shall regulate its own procedure.

Regulation 7. —Enrolment and Discharge of Home Guard

(1) Every person who is desirous of becoming a member of the Home Guard shall complete the particulars concerning himself set out in a Form of Enrolment to be provided for the purpose by the Minister, and upon being selected shall be attested by making the declaration and swearing the oath of allegiance set out in the Form of Enrolment before —

(а) A commissioned officer of any of His Majesty’s Forces ; (б) A Commander of any subdivision of the Home Guard ; (c) The Chairman of any committee or sub-committee ; (d) A Member of the General Assembly ; (e) A Justice- of the Peace ; or

(/) A Solicitor of the Supreme Court. (2) The application of any person for enrolment in the Home Guard may be rejected on the ground of physical unfitness or on any other ground, or without any ground being specified. (3) Upon being attested the applicant shall become a member of the Home Guard. Every member of the Home Guard shall at all times obey the orders and instructions of all Commanders and other officers set over him.

(4) Nothing in these regulations shall absolve any person from any liability for service with any of His Majesty’s Forces. If any member of the Home Guard becomes actively attached to any of His Majesty’s Forces otherwise than as a member of the Home Guard he shall be forthwith discharged from the Home Guard. (5) Every member of the Home Guard shall remain a member thereof until he is discharged. Discharges may be granted by such persons and in such manner as may be authorized by the orders of the Dominion Commander.

(6) Upon being discharged a member of the Home Guard shall return to the Commander of his subdivision, or to his representative, or otherwise account for all property issued to him as a member of the Home Guard. Regulation B. Mobilization of Home Guard. The Governor-General may at any time, by Proclamation, if in his opinion it is necessary for the defence of New Zealand by reason of enemy action or a threat of enemy action, call up the Home Guard or any subdivision thereof for military service with the Defence Forces under the Defence Act, 1909,* and thereupon the Home Guard or that subdivision, and every member thereof, shall be deemed to be included in the Defence Forces.

C. A. JEFFERY, Clerk of the Executive Council.

* See Reprint of Statutes, Vol. 11, page 575,

Serial Number 1940/192.



GALWAY, Governor-General. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government House at Wellington, this 14th day of August, 1940.

Present: His Excellency the Governor-General in Council

In pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities conferred upon him by the Air Force Act, 1937, and of all other powers and authorities enabling him, His Excellency the Governor-General, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, doth hereby make the following regulations. REGULATIONS. 1. These regulations may be cited as the Royal New Zealand Air Force Regulations 1938, Amendment No. 6. 2. These regulations shall be read together with and form part of the Royal New Zealand Air Force Regulations 1938* (hereinafter called the principal regulations). * Statutory Regulations 1938, Serial number 1938/141, page.62o.

3. The principal regulations are amended by inserting next after Regulation 138 thereof the following additional Section and regulation : “ SECTION ARREST. “ 139. Civil Arrest of Members.

“ (1) If the Air Force Member for Personnel or any officer for the time being commanding a Station, or any officer to whom the Air Force Member for Personnel or such Commanding Officer may have delegated their powers in this behalf, has reasonable cause to suspect that a member has committed, whether before or after the making of this regulation, any offence for which he is liable to be tried and punished under Air Force law, the Air Force Member for Personnel or such Commanding Officer, or any officer to whom the powers in this behalf have been delegated as aforesaid, may issue to an officer of police his warrant for the arrest of such member.

“ (2) Every such warrant may be addressed to all constables, and shall be sufficient if it purports to be issued in pursuance of this regulation. “ (3) Every such warrant may be executed by any constable, whether the warrant has been delivered to him or not, and on any day of the week. “ (4) Every member so arrested shall be delivered into Air Force custody in accordance with the tenor of the warrant. “ (5) The powers hereby conferred shall be deemed to be additional to and not in substitution for those contained in section 154 of the Air Force Act (Imperial). “ (6) No police officer to whom a warrant as aforesaid is issued for the arrest of such member shall be concerned to inquire into the circumstances leading to the issue of such warrant, nor be concerned to inquire whether or not any offence by such member against Air Force law has been committed, nor to inquire as to the authority of the Air Force Member for Personnel, Commanding Officer, or officer to whom the power to issue the warrant has been delegated to issue the same.”

C. A. JEFFERY, Clerk of the Executive Council


E. V. Paul, Government Printer, Wellington.

Offender. tried. When. Offence. Sentence. ofNative Trade. Born.I Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. &c. Green, John Terence Auckland 16/7/40 with years Australia . carpenter 1917 ft. o fresh brown blue crooked side eye, waring (See on ; p. p. McKenzie Ross, Auckland 16/7/40 violence robbery 2\ years Australia . showman . 1914 CO fresh brown grey .. medium.. F.P. (See P.G., 1940, p. 281, and Photos, p. 62.) 5 8£ fresh brown grey medium.. F.P. (See P.G., 1940, p. 281, and Photos, p. 62.) Wallace Pask, Auckland 16/7/40 obscene exposure acquitted Australia . soldier 1000 3 fresh brown brown medium. cheek. right on on mattressat 23/5/40. maker p. Joseph Auckland 16/7/40 male . . 4 N. and 1894 8 fresh going grey . medium chin. side at right and out prohibition during period 3 on years’ engineer bald p. Alfred Auckland 16/7/40 (4 charges) Zealand N. carpenter 1880 5 10 fresh grey, going grey .. medium. . F.P. ' \ 1880 5 10 fresh grey, going grey .. medium.. F.P. each bald Allan York, Auckland 16/7/40 housebreaking intent 8 N. van 1000 7 fresh brown brown . straight at 30/5/40. and conductor Elston Auckland 16/7/40 with . 8 months England . driver - 1910 64 fresh brown grey . straight left ; and conductor hand. Herbert Havelock Lyon, Auckland 16/7/40 on . years’ probation N. shop ex 1882 0 fresh brown, hazel . medium. walk ; only \ and take out assistant mg grey aid of stick. F.P. A , ’ Pk and outprohibition assistant mg grey aid of stick. F.P. order during that period % Hapi prohibition order during that period Auckland 16/7/40 breaking, entering, and theft 2 years N. Zealand musician and 1911 5 8-k copper .. black brown .. broad .. A quarter-caste Maori; operation-scar on left Hapi Tamihana, Hohepa Thompson shop assist1 knee ; portion of right forefinger dislocated. ant F.P. (See P.G., 1937, p. 517, and Photos, Auckland 16/7/40 breaking, entering, and theft 2 years N. Zealand musician and 1011 5 8£ copper .. black brown .. broad .. A quarter-castc Maori; operation-scar on left Thompson McGill, Clifford, @ shop assistknee ; portion of right forefinger dislocated. ant F.P. (See P.G., 1937, p. 517, and Photos, Auckland 16/7/40 indecent assault .. 3 years’ R.D. N. Zealand carpenter .. 1910 5 9i fresh dark brown.. brown .. medium.. p. 61.) Small scar on centre of upper lip and on right McGill, Clifford,Woodroolfe, Norman thumb. F.P. (See P.G., 1940, p. 565, and Auckland 16/7/40 indecent assault .. 3 years’ R.D. N. Zealand carpenter .. 1010 5 9£ fresh dark brown.. brown .. medium.. p. 61.) Small scar on centre of upper lip and on right Woodrooffe, Norman thumb. F.P. (See P.G., 1940, p. 565, and Clifford 1937, p. Kingdon, Edgar Auckland 16/7/40 by acquitted Zealand storekeeper. 1904 0 fair dark, blue medium.. F.P. motorgrey Jameson, . Auckland 16/7/40 with acquitted Zealand dealer 1911 5 9f fresh brown brown . medium. and (See intent to do grievous bodily harm 1932, p. 739, and Photos, 1933, p. 5.) J intent to do grievous bodily harm 1932, p. 739, and Photos, 1933, p. 5.) Auckland 16/7/40 with to 4 years Maori labourer 1917 6 1 copper black brown . flat on ; bodily harm did actual strong build ; large mouth. F.P. Photo at Anthony John . bodily Auckland, 29/5/40. (See P.G., 1940, p. 481.) bodily harm strong build ; large mouth. F.P. Photo at Auckland, 29/5/40. (See P.G., 1940, p. 481.) Auckland 16/7/40 and years N. labourer 1922 9 fair dark brown.. brown . medium. . F.P. at and Institution Andrew, John theft charges) each Auckland 16/7/40 and in N. boy 1922 5 sallow dark .. grey . medium Scar of ; entering, Institution at theft each p.


Offender. tried. When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born. eightU Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. &c. Marks, Distinguishing Patrick Francis, Auckland 16/7/40 theft irom the person ; and 3 months on each England . . seaman 1912 ft. 5 in. 74 fresh brown brown .. medium.. 13 p.c. Woman on right forearm ; scar on ball theft from the person ; and 3 months on each England .. seaman 1912 ft. 5 in. 74 fresh brown brown .. medium.. 13 p.c. Woman on right forearm ; scar on ball Patrick, One @ assault left (See ring-finger. Way violence months p. p. Childs, Trevor, Raymond theft assault (cumulative with previous sentence) Auckland 16/7/40 robbery ; 6 N. and 1909 5 H fresh brown brown large left (See Childs, Auckland theft plasterer p. John Stewart, George, 16/7/40 ; months N. Zealand brickmaker 1908 6 H fresh brown.. brown medium.. (See 1928, Stewart, George, theft p. 80.) Stewart, theft p. 80.) Nugent, . Auckland 16/7/40 by acquitted N. truck-driver 1922 5 8 fresh brown blue medium driving Prince, Douglas Auckland 16/7/40 charges) probation Zealand salesman 1911 5 8 fresh black grey - medium Smith, Auckland 16/7/40 death negligently billno Scotland . milk-vendor 1903 5 H fresh dark blue medium Alfred @ driving Auckland 16/7/40 and on years N. Zealand labourer 1897 5 5 fresh dark blue broad . . between (See Albert entering and P.G., Photos, p. with intent; and rogue if he repeats this and vagabond sort of olfence he may be declared an habitual criminal 4 with intent; and rogue if he repeats this and vagabond sort of offence he may be declared an habitual criminal Johnson, Henry Auckland 16/7/40 breaking and on years N. Zealand labourer 1903 5 8 fresh brown blue medium. and on ; entering countinghouse warned ; upper and he and 748, p. and vagabond be habitual an ifcriminal, before comes Photos, 1935, p. 44.) the he habit- an criminal 1 Photos, 1935, p. 44.) Douglas Auckland 16/7/40 stateyears’ probation Australia . bootmaker 1914 5 8 fresh brown hazel .. medium ment ' i ment Drennan, Alexander Auckland 16/7/40 stateprobation, Scotland labourer 1899 5 n fresh dark . blue-grey thick on ment address no meetings, take no active left p. in any public ment associated with the Communist Party ment associated with the Com- • ; ' ■ munist Party . • • v ■ —


Name Offender. tried. When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. d o to Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &c. « Heigh 1 Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &c. • w Edwin Charles Napier 5/8/40 attempted . years N. labourer 1905 ft. 7 fresh fair blue medium. Anchor eye. (See p. Euan George Cleary, Napier 5/8/40 assaultattempted discharged N. labourer 1916 7\ 5 fresh brown blue medium. . in section and eye. Crimes Act p. 55.) die Napier. 5/8/40 carnal knowledge found insane and unable to plead ; to be detained N. Zealand labourer 1903 6 1 copper .. black hazel .. A quarter-caste Maori. in Mental Hospital until, pleasure of Minister of Justice known 4 Crimes Act p. 55.) Napier, .. 5/8/40 carnal knowledge found insane and unable to plead to be detained N. Zealand labourer 1903 6 1 copper .. black hazel .. A quarter-caste Maori. in Mental Hospital until pleasure of Minister of Justice known Woodward . Napier 5/8/40 failing motor acquitted N. clerk 1918 11 fresh auburn blue medium. Scar behind right accident Joseph Darcy Ryder, Napier 5/8/40 by N. Zealand farmer 1894 5 10 fresh grey brown .. crooked Scar on right palm. fined £50 and disN. Zealand farmer 1894 5 10 fresh grey brown .. crooked Sear on right palm. driving motorqualified car for driving years after motor failing 1 month accident


Name of tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native Trade. Born. ! Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Anderson, Mary Ivaitaia 13/8/40 detaining ; packet if called 1 Maori domestic 1913 ft. 6 copper .. black brown broad Operation-scar on right Peggy each on year Kaitaia 13/8/40 theft to up Maori domestic 1919 5 5 copper . black brown broad on Baker, Robert Kaitaia 13/8/40 theft year 2 months Zealand labourer 1912 5 10* fresh brown grey . straight ; and (See Ngawaka Puku Kaitaia 13/8/40 stolen . property months Maori labourer 1907 5 9* copper .. black brown .. medium.. 1938, p. 317.) One gold upper front tooth ; varicose ulcers . , 1907 5 9* copper .. black brown .. medium.. 1938, p. 317.) One gold upper front tooth ; varicose ulcers rah (a, a, Sambo Whangarei . 7/8/40 theft . each (cumulative) Maori labourer 1921 5 0* copper .. black brown .. broad on left shin. (See P.G., 1940, p. 550.) Sear on right shin. (See P.G., 1940, p. 98.) to come up if Maori labourer •• 1921 5 6* copper .. black brown .. broad on left shin. (See P.G., 1940, p. 550.) Scar on right shin. (See P.G., 1940, p. 98.) Dick . Whangarei 7/8/40 theft Maori labourer , , 1922 5 7 copper .. black brown .. medium to come up if Maori labourer 1922 5 7 copper .. black brown .. medium Peita called on months Whangarei . 7/8/40 theft months Maori labourer 1922 5 10 copper black, brown . medium Shortland, Griffin . Whangarei . 7/8/40 theft 3 Maori labourer 1916 5 94 copper black brown flat theft 1 CeciliaPilbrow, (cumulative) Dargaville (cumulative) 8/8/40 fighting to Zealand domestic 1905 5 5 copper black brown medium. A ; good Repia Dargaville . S/8/40 fighting to pay Maori domestic 1918 5 1 copper black brown . medium build. W McAlister, Kelly, Campbell Auckland 3/8/40 theft fined Zealand labourer 1879 5 64 fresh going bald brown large Star, crossed on heart, right and forearm thumb ; ; (See 621, p. Webb, Auckland 3/8/40 indecent fined Zealand and 1910 5 91 fresh dark brown brown .. medium Photos, 1921, p. 113.) and 1910 5 91 fresh dark brown brown .. medium Photos, 1921, p. 113.) Percy seaman Auckland 5/8/40 obscene language fined . Zealand showman 1890 5 6 dark dark grey medium See p. Millar, Allingham Auckland 5/8/40 assault fined Zealand labourer 1918 5 9 fresh light hazel . . medium Ernest Auckland 5/8/40 assault fined England engineer 1894 5 Hfresh dark brown hazel medium.. Mole Reginald Auckland 5/8/40 theft charges) 1 year’s Zealand N. labourer 1917 5 6 fresh brown grey . medium Wears spectacles. and disqualified from driving during that 27/7/40. (See P.G., 1937, p. 313.) . and disquilified from driving during that 27/7/40. (See P.G., 1937, p. 313.) Gladys Madge Auckland 6/8/40 theft; and breach of proj hibition order period convicted and discharged on each N. Zealand domestic 1914 5 3 fresh dark brown brown .. medium.. See P.G., 1940, p. 524. G/8/40 theft25/7/40, to come up if called on in 6 theft; and breach of properiod convicted and disN. Zealand domestic 1914 5 3 fresh dark brown brown .. medium.. See P.G., 1940, p. 524. liibition order charged on each 25/7/40 theft to come up if called on in 6 - months

Return of Persons summarily convicted.

Name tried. When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Marks, Distinguishing Howe, Auckland 0/8/40 theft fined Zealand and 1919 ft, 6 in. 7 dark black hazel . medium fruiterer Maria . Auckland 6/8/40 than fined £2 Germany domestic 1892 5 8 fresh brown brown . medium by Publicity Regulations) John Alfred Hart, Auckland 7/8/40 false pretences 14 N. baker 1882 5 5 fresh grey hazel . medium. A ; tion Anthony Eugene Turner, .. Auckland 7/8/40 theft .. 9 months’ probaN. Zealand barman 1914 5 n dark dark brown hazel .. medium.. F.P. tion theft 9 months’ probaN. Zealand barman 1914 5 dark dark brown hazel .. medium.. F.P. tion Phillip Evans, Auckland 7/8/40 languageobscene to up Wales labourer 1908 101 fresh brown brown medium. Deformed called in months licensed to quit fined premises King, Auckland 7/8/40 in charge years’ N. soldier 1906 5 61 fresh dark blue thin (See side right Thomas motor-vehicle disqualified from that during period 1 328.) Auckland S/8/40 and ; England . garage1913 5 9 fresh brown brown medium. moles ; attendant at Stephen Auckland 8/8/40 theft charges) years’ Zealand d 1921 5 9 dark black brown medium on forefinger. Auckland, 31/7/40. pretences on each blacksmith theft to come up if - called on in 1 McKinley, George, @ Auckland 9/8/40 assault .. 9 months’ probaScotland .. wharf 1890 5 8 florid brown, going blue thick Five dots on left forearm ; dot between right McKinley, Paddy and to take out labourer bald thumb and forefinger ; scar on back of neck prohibition and at base of right thumb. (See P.G., 1939, order p. 347.) Betts, Harry Thomas Auckland 9/8/40 theft 1 month England .. fireman 1898 5 7 fair brown brown .. long Cross, IN MEMORY OF MY DEAR FATHER, and heart on right forearm ; ships, flags, and woman on back of right hand ; MAN’S RUIN, anchor, and heart on left forearm. (See P.G., 1937, p. 233, and Photos, 1926, p. 1.) Scar on right shin ; scars on knees. (See P.G., Davies Mate King, @ King Tauranga 6/8/40 theft fined £3 N. Zealand sharemilker 1911 5 H copper .. black brown .. flat Maisum @ Kingi Mate Mauhana 1936, p. 758.) Davies, Jack Tauranga 7/8/40 false pretences fined £3 N. Zealand dairy factory 1917 5 8* fresh light brown blue medium.. Scar on left thumb. assistant Hopepa Huaki Tauranga 10/8/40 obscene language fined £3 Maori labourer 1886 5 44 copper .. dark, turning brown .. — Blind in left eye. grey C 1 a r k i n, Conrad Kirby Hamilton 7/8/40 unlawfully converting to supervision of N. Zealand panel-beater 1924 5 4 fresh dark brown grey • • medium Thomas motor-car Child Welfare Officer for 1 year pretences on each blacksmith Auckland, 31/7/40. theft to come up if called on in 1 *McKinley, George, 9/8/40 assault .. year 9 months’ probaScotland .. wharf 1890 5 8 florid brown, going blue thick Five dots on left forearm ; dot between right Auckland and to take out labourer bald thumb and forefinger ; scar on back of neck prohibition and at base of right thumb. (See P.G., 1939, order p. 347.) McKinley, Betts, Thomas Hany 9/8/40 theft .. .. .. 1 month England .. fireman 1898 5 7 fair brown brown .. long Cross, IN MEMORY OF MY DEAR FATHER, and heart on right forearm ; ships, flags, and woman on back of right hand ; MAN’S RUIN, anchor, and heart on left forearm. (See P.G., 1937, p. 233, and Photos, 1926, p. 1.) Scar on right shin ; scars on knees. (See P.G., Auckland Tauranga 6/8/40 theft fined £3 N. Zealand sharemilker 1911 5 51 copper .. black brown .. flat Davies King 1936, p. 758.) Mauhana Davies, 7/8/40 false pretences fined £3 N. Zealand dairy factory 1917 5 si fresh light brown blue medium.. Scar on left thumb. assistant Tauranga Tauranga 10/8/40 obscene language .. fined £3 Maori labourer 1886 5 41 copper .. dark, turning brown .. Blind in left eye. Hopepa .. £ Hamilton 7/8/40 unlawfully converting to supervision of N. Zealand panel-beater 1924 5 4 fresh grey dark brown grey .. medium C 1 a r k i n, Conrad Kirby motor-car Child Welfare Officer for 1 - year Thomas

Return of Persons summarily convicted -continued.

of Name Offender. Where When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Horn. Height. Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &o. U O Height. Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, <fto. Alfred Trevor Hamilton 15/8/40 presenting up N. farmer 1915 ft. 8 fresh brown blue medium build. person called in McCormick, Armstrong Whakatane . 5/8/40 theft convicted and Zealand labourer 1920 5 3 fresh brown blue medium. 1938, of Scar right charged p. 173, and Photos, p. 50.) 2 years’ probation p. 173, and Photos, p. 50.) Hi Opotiki 9/8/40 theft Maori labourer 1919 6 H copper .. black, curly hazel .. large Scar on top of right hand. 2 years’ probation Maori labourer 1919 6 H copper .. black, curly hazel .. large Scar on top of right hand. Eruera Opotiki 9/8/40 theft 2 years’ probation Maori labourer 1922 5 6 copper .. black brown .. medium.. Scar on right calf. (See P.G., 1940, p. 505.) stolen . property probation convicted charged 9 p.c. Scar on back of right hand. (See P.G., charged convicted and disMaori labourer 1922 5 6 copper .. black brown .. medium.. Scar on right calf. (See P.G., 1940, p. 505.) James Te 9/8/40 theft charges) Maori labourer 1922 5 10 copper .. black brown .. medium.. 9 p.c. Scar on back of right hand. (See P.G., and charged on 1940, p. 482.) Maori labourer 1922 5 10 copper .. black brown .. medium.. charged on each 1940, p. 482.) Denis Eusebius Otorohanga . 5/8/40 in . charge fined £3 Eire drover 1879 5 6 fresh grey blue medium moustache. grey obscene fined £5 Alfred Higgins, Otorohanga 8/8/40 notify fined N. labourer 1908 5 5 fresh black brown . medium was liquor motor-truck proclaimed area driver Operation-scar below left jaw. (See P.G., 1937, Kissring Bay 9/8/40 theft 6 Zealand N. labourer 1918 5 sallow .. black hazel .. broad 6£ sallow .. black hazel .. broad .. Operation-scar below left jaw. (See P.G., 1937, charges) . convicted 578.) p. charged each on Noble, Taumarunui 5/8/40 premises on 3 months N. labourer 1908 5 9 dark turning brown . medium.. (See A p. quarter-caste intent grey and JohnKirk, Reginald Taumarunui 15/8/40 a fined £10 N. storekeeper 1892 5 8 fresh fair, turning blue medium area grey John Taumarunui area grey 15/8/40 in a fined £10 Zealand N. andstoreman 1894 5 9 pale dark grey . medium area timekeeper Beattie Wairoa 5/8/40 theft month Maori labourer 1919 5 8 copper . black brown . flat on Mary Wairoa 10/8/40 disorderly idle (inmonths Maori domestic 1917 5 6 copper black brown medium Mole sufficient Moore, @ New Plymouth 29/7/40 idle years’ N. salesman 1921 5 fresh dark, curly blue medium CC fresh dark, curly blue medium Ashe, Neil, sufficient means) ; theft; obtaining credit by fraud (3 charges); and unlawfully raising money for patriotic purposes tion on each F.P. See P.G., 1939, p. 94. fyoTo, /vv. J-q-lfO John Millar, sufficient means) ; theft; obtaining credit by fraud (3 charges); and unlawfully raising money for patriotic purposes tion on each F.P. See P.G., 1939, p. 94. //m, Plymouth 2/8/40 theft Borstal in years N. labourer 1922 5 H fresh brown blue medium Institution Coppin, Francis Percy New Plymouth 1/8/40 illegally disAustralia . cook 1892 5 6 fresh brown, blue medium. (See of right J Leslie intent charged probation bald 466.) p. Hawera 7/8/40 theft (9 N. labourer 1921 0 0 fair fair blue medium Wallis, Richard Hawera 7/8/40 theft (5 charges) years’ probation N. labourer 1916 5 8 fresh auburn blue medium. ; wood • - - \ map of N.Z. on right upper arm. —r*Gatfield, Frank, Gatfield, * - map of N.Z. on right upper arm. Hawera . \ 7/8/40 theft 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1921 5 7 dark dark brown brown .. medium.. face. F.P. (See P.G., 1940, p. 199, Gatfield, Frank, @. Gatfield, Hawera 7/8/40 theft 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1921 5 7 dark dark brown brown .. medium.. Moles on face. F.P. (See P.G., 1940, p. 199, Francis p. •

Return of Persons summarily convicted -continued.

Name of Offends. tried. When. Offence. Sentence. ofNative Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Marks, Ogier, Leslie Napier 5/8/40 idle 3 N. labourer 1899 ft. in.| 5 3} dark .. auburn grey .. medium.. Birthmark on right hi]). 5 3£ dark .. auburn grey .. medium.. Birthmark on right hi]). Henry W 25/6/40 stolen year’s probation Zealand N. lorry 1911 5 71 dark brown blue medium.. Mole on inside of right forearm ; birthmark 5 74 dark brown blue medium.. Mole on inside of right forearm ; birthmark Arthur and (See p. Carnegie, James N.Palmerston 12/8/40 theft months Scotland carpenter 1912 5 4 fair light brown hazel .. medium.. Four vaccination-scars on left arm. F.P. Photo 5 4 fair light brown hazel .. medium.. Four vaccination-scars on left arm. F.P. Photo JamesCarnegie, charges) (3 if up at 3/8/40. called in on years initials unlawfully convicted and disin convicted and disconnection charged probation Leslie N. 12/8/40 theft Zealand labourer 1921 5 6 fresh dark brown blue medium.. Scar on each leg and on left forearm : scars on left ankle. (See P.G., 1938, p. 837, and Photos, 1939, p. 38.) 5 6 fresh dark brown blue medium.. Scar on each leg and on left forearm ; scars on left ankle. (See P.G., 1938, p. 837, and Photos, 1939, p. 38.) Lionel, George N. 15/8/40 charges) theft . 3 months on each N. Zealand labourer 1897 5 8] ruddy .. brown grey medium.. Scar behind right shoulder; horseshoe and . . 3 months on each N. Zealand labourer 1897 5 H ruddy .. brown grey .. medium.. Scar behind right shoulder; horseshoe and George, (cumulative) whip clasped ; Lionel George theft convicted on charged . P.G., 804, p. John Fraser, N.Palmerston 15/8/40 theft 3 months N. Zealand painter 1899 5 4 fresh black hazel .. medium.. Small forehead; portion of left forefinger .. 3 months N. Zealand painter 1899 5 4 fresh black hazel .. medium.. Small forehead; portion of left forefinger Hugh @ mole; Stevens, Albert, of Wilson p. John ..Steedinan, N.Palmerston 12/8/40 languageobscene fined £3 N. labourer 1918 5 91 fresh brown blue-grey pointed Left little finger missing; sharp features; swaggering gait. (See P.G., 1937, p. 161.) 5 94 fresh brown blue-grey pointed Left little finger missing; sharp features; swaggering gait. (See P.G., 1937, p. 161.) William Raymond . Wellington . 12/8/40 of in fined £20 a n d N. Zealand electrician .. 1920 5 6 fair light brown hazel .. medium.. Scar on back of left leg. of fined £20 a n d N. Zealand electrician .. 1920 5 6 fair light brown hazel .. medium.. Scar on back of left leg. motor-car driver’s license cancelled for 1 year idle and disorderly driver’s license cancelled for 1 year Wynne, Wellington . 12/8/40 (in1 month England boilermaker 1867 5 6 fresh white, going grey .. long Scar on left side of neck, on left thumb, and idle and disorderly (in1 month England .. boilermaker 1867 5 6 fresh white, going grey .. long Scar on left side of neck, on left thumb, and Wi’liam sufficient means) bald below left knee. F.P. (See P.G., 1939, p. 224, and Photos, 1918, p. 35.) intoxicated in charge bald below left knee. F.P. (See P.G., 1939, p. 224, and Photos, 1918, p. 35.) Stuart, Wellington 12/8/40 of fined £25 a n d N. Zealand plumber 1897 5 10J fresh brown grey .. medium.. Scar above left eye ; cross and heart on left intoxicated in charge of fined £25 a n d N. Zealand plumber 1897 5 lOf fresh brown grey .. medium.. Scar above left eye ; cross and heart on left @ motor-car license of ; ; for 1 knee. (See leg year 1931, p. Andrew Wellington 13/8/40 ship-desertion 1 England . fireman 1901 5 5 fresh brown blue medium.. Scar on base of left thumb and on left wrist. 5 5 fresh brown blue medium.. Scar on base of left thumb and on left wrist. F.P. (See P.G., 1930, p. S70, and Photos, 1931, p. 21.) fined £2 Scotland .. F.P. (See P.G., 1930, p. 870, and Photos, 1931, p. 21.) HughMacDonald, Wellington . 13/8/40 indecent wharf 1879 5 31 fresh brown brown .. medium.. Cross, H. MacDOUGALL and H.M. on left labourer forearm. fined £2 Scotland .. wharf 1879 5 34 fresh brown brown .. medium.. Cross, H. MacDOUGALL and H.M. on left labourer forearm. Arnold, Wellington . 13/8/40 theft (3 each N. and 1914 5 41fair light brown blue large Scar on back of left hand and on back of nock. 5 H fair light brown blue large Scar on back of left hand and on back of neck. Wilson, @ (cumulative) dealer F.P. (See P.G., 1940, p. 623, and Photos, 1937, p. 29.) convicted and disdealer labourer F.P. (See P.G., 1940, p. 623, and Photos, 1937, p. 29.) AlbertStockbridge, Wellington . 13/8/40 theft . N. Zealand 1889 5 4 fresh grey brown .. medium.. F.P. (See P.G., 1940, p. 616, and Photos, 1924, dis-charged p. 42.) N. Zealand labourer 1889 5 4 fresh grey brown .. medium.. F.P. (See P.G., 1940, p. 616, and Photos, 1924, charged p. 42.)

Return of Persons summarily convicted -continued.

of Offender Where When. Offence. Sentence. Native Trade. Bom. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Marks, Distinguishing Jefferd, Henry @ Wellington . 13/8/40 and rogue (in3 months England . labourer 1871 ft. in. 54 dark grey brown .. medium.. Scar on right elbow,• cast in right eye; in. 54 dark grey brown .. medium.. Scar on right elbow; cast in right eye; King Michael, sufficient means) P.E.T. and in ; and ; right of ; (See p. @ Wellington 14/8/40 illegally premises 14 Eire andlabourer 1892 5 dark dark grey .. large Heart and leaves on back of each hand ; hoseH dark dark grey .. large Heart and leaves on back of each hand ; hoseMichael intent seaman shoe eye. P.G., 490.) p. Henry Wellington . 14/8/40 without days 14 Zealand labourer 1877 5 6 fresh grey grey . medium. on ; right Royal, Len intent 673.) Wellington 14/8/40 premises to Maori labourer 1912 5 7 copper . black brown . . — head. on Papadopoulos, George intent in months or Wellington . 15/8/40 ship-desertion dis-convicted Greece ship’s 1914 5 5 dark black brown medium.. left Georgio charged steward Ferris, prohibited immigrant to be deported Wellington prohibited immigrant to be deported 17/8/40 language fined Canada ship’s 1912 5 2 fresh copper brown .. medium fireman labourer 1912 5 2 fresh copper brow'n .. medium Melvin, Joseph Stewart, Wellington .. 17/8/40 rogue and vagabond 14 days Eire labourer 1914 5 8 pale dark brown blue medium.. Cross and NAT, EUCH, CONG, 1840-1940 on right arm. Photo at Wellington, 17/8/40. Wellington .. 17/8/40 ship-desertion convicted and disScotland .. cook 1909 5 10 dark dark hazel .. medium •• Wellington .. 17/8/40 rogue and vagabond 14 days Eire 1914 5 8 pale dark brown blue medium.. Cross and NAT, EUCH, CONG, 1840-1940 on right arm. Photo at Wellington, 17/8/40. Wellington .. 17/8/40 ship-desertion convicted and discharged fined £10 and disScotland .. cook 1909 5 10 dark dark hazel .. medium Williams, Joseph charged Kaiapoi 14/8/40 in Maori labourer 1899 5 10 copper .. black, turnbrown .. flat fined £10 and disMaori labourer 1899 5 10 copper .. black, turnbrown .. flat motor-truck from driving ing grey years Slovenly gait. (See P.G., 1940, p. 332, and James, Christchurch 13/8/40 assault fined 10s. Maori labourer 1920 5 8 copper black, curly brown medium Slovenly gait. (See P.G., 1940, p. 332, and remu p. Jean Ball, Ophir 8/8/40 theft if up Zealand married 1900 5 7 pale brown blue medium.. features. on Cadogan, John Alexandra 7/8/40 theft; year and Zealand labourer 1920 5 7 fresh black grey medium Photos, 448, p. bation each p. Gordon Cook, Alexandra 7/8/40 theft and Zealand N. andlabourer 1921 5 4 fair fair brown medium p. charged hawker McKellar, Archibald charged hawker Alexandra 7/8/40 illegally of Zealand N. scholar 1925 5 4 freckled dark dark medium intent Welfare Superintendent 13 p.c. Large ears. F.P. (See P.G., 1938, McElroy, John Edward intent Welfare Superintendent 13 p.c. Large ears. F.P. (See P.G., 1938, Alexandra 7/8/40 drunkenness and Zealand and 1895 6 0 fresh dark hazel medium. resisting police hibited convicted and disdrover p. 180, and Photos, p. 36.) r resisting police .. hibited convicted and disdrover p. 180, and Photos, p. 36.) Andrew Frank Tapanui 14/8/40 negligently driving charged fined £1 N. farmer 1886 5 8 fresh dark blue medium Halliday, Samuel Invercargill . 6/8/40 of fined and Scotland . traveller 1902 5 10 fresh fair blue medium motor-car disqualified driving for 1 year for 1 year

Return of Persons summarily convicted -continued.

ofNative Trade. d s Hair. Eyes. Nose. Remarks, Gaol, tried. When. Offence. Sentence. o O =1 plexion. charged. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) SI a '3 plexiou. charged. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Dargaville— Toko, . M.C.Dargaville 30/5/40 obstructing days 21 . Maori labourer 1912 ft. 5 1\ copper .. black brown .. flat 7/8/40 Strong build; sear on right wrist and on in. 7* copper .. black brown .. fiat 7/8/40 Strong build ; scar on right wrist and on duty . left thumb; tombstone, cross, anchor, Maori tiki, crown, crossed daggers, and false to giving default costs left thumb; tombstone, cross, anchor, Maori tiki, crown, crossed daggers, and hours 24 right two on upper (See p. p. Auckland 7 salesman fresh Whitburn, M.C.Auckland 6/8/40 of charge Zealand 1905 5 fresh dark brown.. brown .. medium.. 12/8/40 Scar between eyes and on right forearm. 5 dark brown.. brown .. medium.. 12/8/40 Scar between eyes and on right forearm. motor-car qualified 1 (See p. EricMcCormick, Auckland 14/6/40 assault months N. Zealand labourer 1913 5 sallow .. brown blue medium.. 13/8/40 Two crosses and anchor on back of left hand; anchor, cross, and heart on left forearm; butterfly on right forearm; 24 sallow .. brown blue medium.. 13/8/40 Two crosses and anchor on back of left hand; anchor, cross, and heart on left forearm ; butterfly on right forearm; • on p. James, Auckland 8/8/40 of charge days and Zealand labourer and 1915 5 fresh brown brown .. large 14/8/40 5 p.c. Scar on left forearm. F.P. (See 5 fresh brown brown .. large 14/8/40 5 p.c. Scar on left forearm. F.P. (See Hamblin, Hamblyn motor-car qualified driving 1 soldier 921, 31.) p. driving convicted license charged Mete, Auckland 16/5/40 actualassault months Zealand labourer 1900 0 copper .. black brown .. medium.. 15/8/40 A half-caste Maori; strong build ; partially 0 copper .. black brown .. medium.. 15/8/40 A half-caste Maori; strong build ; partially Mete, bodily in on ; Tom ; 1940, p. Daniel . Roy Auckland 16/7/40 drunkenness 1 month Zealand labourer 1895 5 8} fresh brown blue medium.. 15/8/40 11 p.c. Tip of left thumb injured. (See P.G., 1940, p. 634.) GO **►- fresh brown blue medium.. 15/8/40 11 p.c. Tip of left thumb injured. (See P.G., 1940, p. 634.) Dudley, Kaitaia . 16/7/40 theft 1 month Maori labourer 1917 5 copper .. black brown .. flat 15/8/40 2 p.c. Mole on tip of nose ; large mouth. F.P. (See P.G., 1940, p. 611.) 6j copper .. black brown .. flat 15/8/40 2 p.c. Mole on tip of nose ; large mouth. F.P. (See P.G., 1940, p. 611.) Edward Thaddeus Doody, M.C.Auckland 17/5/40 obscene exposure 3 Zealand slaughterman 1886 6 0 fresh grey, going bald blue medium.. 16/8/40 Strong build ; varicose ulcers on left shin ; scar on upper lip; two scars on chin ; right middle and ring fingers injured. F.P. (See P.G., 1940, p. 481, and Photos, 1938, p. 40.) 0 fresh grey, going blue medium.. 16/8/40 Strong build ; varicose ulcers on left shin ; bald scar on upper lip; two scars on chin ; right middle and ring fingers injured. F.P. (See P.G., 1940, p. 481, and Photos, 1938, p. 40.) Peggy Peggy, Auckland 17/5/40 theft . 3 months’ Scotland domestic 1897 21 fair fair blue Roman .. 16/8/40 11 p.c. F.P. (See P.G., 1940, p. 577, and Photos, 1933, p. 69.) 2* fair fair blue Roman .. 16/8/40 11 p.c. F.P. (See P.G., 1940, p. 577, and Photos, 1933, p. 69.) Margaret John M.C. .Taupo 20/7/40 language 28 days Zealand labourer 1892 101 sallow grey blue large 16/8/40 side 1 on features of right shin ; operation-scar on abdomen ; snake on right forearm. F.P. (See P.G., 1940, p. 652.) . . of right shin; operation-scar on abdomen ; snake on right forearm. F.P. (See P.G., 1940, p. 652.) PeterSandham, Auckland 25/2/38 (Employweeks . England and 1899 10 dark dark brown, brown .. medium.. 17/8/40 2 p.c. Head of “ Buffalo Bill ” over 10 dark dark brown, brown .. medium.. 17/8/40 2 p.c. Head of “ Buffalo Bill ” over Act) solderer bald forearm. right Arrested, 29/7/40. Portion of fine paid. (See P.G., 1938, p. 248.) ■ — ■ Arrested, 29/7/40. Portion of fine paid. (See P.G., 1938, p. 248.)


Gao], of Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Whendttcharged. Iteniiirks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) 55 S Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. When Uncharged. Iteinarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) New Plymouth ft. Newman, William James, Stratford M.C. 22/5/40, obscene language 3 months Eire labourer 189015 1H dark grey brown .. medium.. 7/8/40 19 p.c. Scar on right side of head, on right 22/5/40 obscene language 3 months Eire labourer 1890 5 H| dark grey brown .. medium.. 7/8/40 19 p.c. Scar on right side of head, on right William hand, of on left on right remission. leg. and p. p. Rangi pc— Ludbrook, Allan Wellington 29/11/39 charges) months each N. salesman 1913 6 pale brown brown . medium 8/8/40 abdomen, on (cumulative) Released on and 1940, p. Waikune— p. William .Fast, Auckland 17/10/39 ; forgery 1 each . year N. Zealand motor 1910 5 dark brown blue-grey medium. 9/8/40 ; Strong Wi Tako— mechanic between ; and on and (See p. p. Duguid, Lindsay, @ Wellington 13/5/40 vagabond months N. labourer 1887 9 fair grey blue medium.. 12/8/40 hip and ; Duguid, Leslie, @ Lindsay, (begging) mole on chest; right leg broken ; silver plate in head. F.P. (See P.G., 1940, Ray, Edwin Rupert Carterton M.C. p. 444, and Photos, 1939, p. 21.) (begging) mole on chest; right leg broken ; silver plate in head. F.P. (See P.G., 1940, p. 444, and Photos, 1939, p. 21.) 10/6/40 of . maintenance m’thsarrears N. boot-repairer 1902 5 fresh dark, turning blue medium 13/8/40 leg. p.e. Herbert James, Wanganui grey of 1 /8/40. paid. 5/3/40 by on Zealand labourer 1918 5 4£ dark black brown medium 14/8/40 of 1 top James Marshall, pretences leg. on on Herbert probation of 3 p. (cumulative) p. Wellington Andrew Palmerston 5/2/40 theft 1 N. motor 1911 5 fresh brown, grey . medium. 5/8/40 middle on ; bridge Corbett, Jeffrey, North S.C. Wellington mechanic bald broken. on p. p. 14/11/38 theft . 2 Borstal years Zealand N. apprentice 1920 14 fresh dark brown . medium 5/8/40 8 Strong Leslie, Christchurch Institution engineer and Corbett, 9/2/39 breaking, and 4 in 14.) p. S.C. charges) on each (commuted Reformative to McKenzie, Palmerston 3/4/40 default of maintenance .. Detention) 1 month N. Zealand factory hand 1917 5 6£ fresh dark brown.. grey .. medium.. 5/8/40 1 p.c. Scar on left ankle. Arrested, Frederick Donald North M.C. 6/7/40. (See P.G., 1940, p. 81.) McIntosh, Bernard Lionel Palmerston Petone M.C. . 17/6/40 assault 2 months N. Zealand p 1 u m b e r’s 1921 5 10 fair brown brown .. medium.. 9/8/40 3 p.c. Scar on forehead, on left elbow, and ' • : apprentice on wrist. F.P. Photo at Wellington, 17/6/40. Discharged on remission. (See North M.C. 3/4/40 default of maintenance .. Detention) 1 month N. Zealand factory hand 1917 5 6f fresh dark brown.. grey .. medium.. 5/8/40 1 p.c. Scar on left ankle. Arrested, 6/7/40. (See P.G., 1940, p. 81.) Petone M.C. .. 17/6/40 assault 2 months N. Zealand plumber’s 1921 5 10 fair brown brown .. medium.. 9/S/40 3 p.c. Scar on forehead, on left elbow, and ■ - apprentice on wrist. F.P. Photo at Wellington, 17/6/40. Discharged on remission. (See ' ’ . P.G., 1940, p. 553.) — P.G., 1940, p. 553.)


Native Trade. d £ Hair. Eyes. Nose. Remarks, of Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. o « *53 plexion. charged. (F.P. indicates that finjer-impressions have been taken.) w plexion. charged. (■F.P. indicates that finjar-impressions have been taken.) V,_v : : v: r Wellington Zealand N. windowft in. ruddy hazel Roberts, William M.C.Wellington 10/7/40 theft month 1 1883 5 7 fair, turning medium 9/8/40 Sear contracted.. cleaner grey 599, (See 93.) p. Hamilton, M.C. . . 24/6/40 of . 1 month Eire hotel porter 1896 6 0 dark black grey thin 10/8/40 ears clerk left upper arm. N. Zealand clerk left upper arm. VivianHansen, Aubrey Wellington 29/7/40 assault . 14 1890 5 9 sallow .. brown, turnblue broad, 10/8/40 Anchor, lifebuoy, fern, and KIA ORA on N. Zealand 1890 5 9 sallow .. brown, turnblue broad, 10/8/40 Anchor, lifebuoy, fern, and KIA ORA on ing grey broken left forearm; five-pointed star and dragon on right forearm. F.P. (See P.G., 1940. p. 654.) 2 years’ R.D. .. ing grey broken left forearm; five-pointed star and dragon on right forearm. F.P. (See P.G., 1940, p. 654.) Ronald Wellington 15/6/39 and entering, breaking, N. Zealand platelayer .. 1912 5 n dark dark hazel .. medium.. 12/8/40 Mole on right forearm ; right ear slightly 2 years’ R.D. .. N. Zealand platelayer .. 1912 5 n dark dark hazel .. medium.. 12/8/40 Mole on right forearm j right ear slightly theft deformed. F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1939, p. 552, and Photos, p. 80.) - / . A i theft deformed. FfP. Released on license.. (See P.G., 1939, p. 552. and Photos, p. 80.) ZLeUZZZu @ Thomas, Coleman, ellington 15/7/40 ship-desertion . month 1 England . ship’s 1895 5 3 fresh brown grey thick 14/8/40 7 ; James, hands (See McNelly p. Russell Coghlan, Wellington 16/7/40 assault 1 Zealand accountant 1887 5 5 fresh dark, blue large 15/8/40 10 right grey (See P.G., Photos, p. 31.) MY Matthew Boyd, Wellington 2/8/40 disorderly 14 days England . pensioner 1868 5 2 fresh grey blue thick 15/8/40 means) DEAR compass left ring-finger Hospital. p. Alexander Wellington •3/8/40 of evading 14 Australia company 1915 5 fair dark brown.. blue straight.. 16/8/40 Mole on left, cheek. F.P. 10* fair dark brown.. blue straight .. 16/8/40 Mole on left cheek. F.P. manager Paparua— 3 months labourer John . Kaikoura 17/5/40 act N. Zealand 1886 5 OO fresh dark brown.. grey .. medium, 15/8/40 3 p.c. Scar on right upper arm ; left little broken finger contracted. F.P. (See P.G., 1940, p. 485.) Arrested, 16/7/40. 3 months N. Zealand labourer 1886 5 8* fresh dark brown.. grey .. medium, 15/8/40 3 p.c. Sear on right upper arm ; left little broken finger contracted. F.P. (See P.G., 1910, p. 485.) Arrested, 16/7/40. Sims, George Timaru M.C. 29/4/40 default . month Zealand traveller 1901 5 6 sallow brown blue medium. 15/8/40 Ian Dunedin 24/5/40 a on Scotland . painter 1912 5 6* sallow . dark brown . medium. 16/8/40 of right to remission. Discharged subver-publication and; p. p. attempting to subversive statement - (Public Regulations) gency N. Zealand 1 year on each N. Zealand Edward Charles Christchurch 18/8/39 assault indecent charges) labourer 1906 5 6 fresh fair hazel .. medium.. 16/8/40 Impediment in speech. F.P. Discharged 1 year on each labourer 1906 5 6 fresh fair hazel .. medium.. 16/8/40 Impediment in speech. F.P. Discharged S.C. (See p. on p. 5 p.c. Boil-scars on arms. F.P. Dis- @ John, Ryan, Dunedin M.C... 25/5/40 theft (2 charges) (these are 3 months on each Australia .. labourer 1913 6 0 fresh brown brown .. medium.. 16/8/40 5 p.c. Boil-scars on arms. F.P. DisPayne, the charges in P.G. 1940, charged on remission. (See P.G., 1940, Dunedin M.C... 25/5/40 theft (2 charges) (these are 3 months on each Australia .. labourer 1913 6 0 fresh brown brown .. medium.. 16/8/40 the charges in P.G. 1940, charged on remission. (See P.G., 1940, Mc- John, Smith, DonaldFadden, pp. he and p. p. probation) on 4


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LXV, Issue 35, 28 August 1940, Page 694

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THE EMERGENCY RESERVE CORPS REGULATIONS 1940. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LXV, Issue 35, 28 August 1940, Page 694

THE EMERGENCY RESERVE CORPS REGULATIONS 1940. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LXV, Issue 35, 28 August 1940, Page 694

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