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Whang .—22nd April last, for obtaining credit to the amount of £5 16s. from Eric Richard Wells, taxi-driver, 105 Kamo Road, by fraud, N. L. Hamilton, age thirty-five, height 5 ft. 6 in., landscape gardener, native of New Zealand, strong build, fresh complexion, light-brown hair, round plump features ; dressed in a navy-blue suit and fawn felt hat. Accused engaged complainant to drive him and Miss Grey to Auckland, and when asked for the fare he gave complainant an order to Mr. Creamer, manager of Offer’s Boot Shop, Whangarei, requesting the latter to pay the amount. Mr. Creamer refused to recognize the order, and says he knew accused only through his inquiry for employment. He may be identical with Albert Edward Arthur Hamilton, referred to in Police Gazette, 1936, page 299, and Photographs, 1932, page 17. There is another charge pending of obtaining credit to the amount of £6 ss. from Annie Florence Wilson, boardinghouse-keeper, Wilton Street, by fraud. He boarded with complainant from 21st March to 21st April last, and was given credit for board on the false representation that he was a personal friend of several business men in Whangarei whom he named. He left at the boardinghouse a suit-case and some personal effects, including a levy-book, No. 31987, in the name of Arthur Edward Albert Hamilton. No warrant. fr«i a nria /■ /Z.A/1 //

Auckland. —l6th ultimo, that he may •be located and interviewed regarding £l6 18s. 4d. arrears .for the maintenance of his four children in The carmxlf the Education Department, Frederick Herbert CantelHxigc fifty-two, height 5 ft. 31 in., labourer, native of medium build, fresh complexion, bnzmi hair turning grey, blue eyes. (See Police Gazette, WOtf, page 743.) / _ / A, /(Qia&C,*#// /54. Auckland.— Bth April last, for indecent assault on Nellie Barreyatt, domestic, 6 Chelsea Avenue, Otahuhu, Man (name unknown), age about seventeen, height about 5 ft. 2 in., strong build, pale complexion, curly black hair; dressed in navy-blue shorts, and navy-blue school shirt (no hat). The youth was subsequently captured by complainant’s father, but he escaped before the arrival of the police. No warrant.

Auckland. —10th ultimo, on warrant of commitment to Invercargill Prison for two months in default of paying £24 15s. arrears on a maintenance order for the support of his wife, James Spencer Ryan, age thirty-five, height 5 ft. 6-| in., labourer and seaman, native of New Zealand, dark complexion, black hair, brown eyes, scar on bridge of nose. (See Police Gazette, 1936, page 242.) JZSt/t&QX&d//CZ/&.

Auckland. —19th March last, on warrant for a breach of his probation (Crimes Amendment Act, 1910), Arthur Francis Cole, referred to in Police Gazette, 1936, pages 196 and 281, and Photographs, 1932, page 69. He has failed to report to a Probation Officer. ft /6“ /W-

Auckland. —19th ultimo, that he may be located and induced to refund to the Labour Department £4 16s. 3d. being cost of his rail fare to Te Kuiti, and other debts incurred with the certifying officer at Cromwell, George Morgan, age twenty-nine, labourer. ft?

Auckland. —16th ultimo, that he may be located and induced to pay £1 Bs. lOd. owing by him to the Labour Department, James Smart Sharp, age forty-two, height 5 ft. 8 in., clerk, medium build, brown hair, blue eyes His unemployment levy-book is X Auckland.— l4th March last, on warrant for theft of two bottles of whisky (recovered), value £1 75., the property of John Gladstone McGregor, licensee, Rising Sun Hotel, Karangahape Road, Joseph Devoy, age thirty-one, height 5 ft. 7 in., barman, native of Ireland, medium build, fresh complexion, black hair, brown eyes; usually dressed in a brown suit and felt hat ; American accent; fond of drink. He was discovered stealing the whisky, and replaced it. He is also suspected of having stolen two other bottles of whisky from the same hotel on the sth May last. It is desired that he be remanded to appear at Auckland. (See Police Gazette, 1929, page 235.)

Auckland.— lßth ultimo, on warrant for failing to comply with the terms of a maintenance order for the support of his wife, Joyce Edna Grace Hammond, 112 Wellesley Street, Clive Frederick Hammond, age twenty-four, height 5 ft. 4 in., drapery traveller, native of New Zealand, strong build, ruddy complexion, light-brown hair, brown eyes; usually dressed in a striped suit. He has in his possession a Plymouth De Luxe stream-lined sedan motor-car. Arrears to 20th March last, £4O. (See Police Gazette, 1936, page 146.) /

Auckland. —l2th ultimo, on warrant for failing to maintain his wife, Mona Elsie Oliver, and two children, 18 Tawa Road, Onehunga, Leslie John Oliver, age thirty-three, height 5 ft. 5 in., labourer, native of New Zealand, strong build, ruddy complexion, light-brown hair, blue eyes; usually dressed in a navy-blue serge suit; slouching gait. lit Auckland. —23rd May last, for forgery and uttering, Lionel John Lynch, referred to in Police Gazette, 1936, page 353, and Photographs, 1934, page 40. On the 25th May last accused presented at the National Bank of New Zealand, Shortland Street, Auckland, a cheque for £9 which was marked for payment by the ledger-keeper. He altered the cheque to read “ £90,” and handed it to the teller, who paid out fourteen £5 notes and twenty £1 notes. Lynch had stolen the cheque-form from Hattie Creswell of Kerikeri, whose signature had been forged and in whose house accused stayed for some weeks previously to the commission of the offence. He may have left for Australia by the s.s. “ Maunganui ” on the 27th May last under the" name Stanley Stewart. There is no warrant for this offence, but he is wanted on warrant on another charge of false pretences,, vide Police Gazette, 1936, page 353.

Auckland. 26th May last, on warrant for failing to comply with the terms of a maintenance order for the support of his wife, Josephine Miriam Farrow, and child, George Sydney Farrow, age thirty-six, height 5 ft. 7 in., carter, native of New Zealand, dark complexion, dark-brown hair, brown eyes. Arrears to 27th March last, £l7O 10s. (See Police Gazette, 1934, page 26, and Photographs, 1932, page 41.) /? *J~t; a/.

Auckland. —17th ultimo, on warrant of commitment to Auckland Prison for six days in default of paying £2 17s. fine and costs for dangerously driving a motor-cycle, Owen White, age twenty, height 5 ft. 8 in., carpenter, native of New Zealand, medium build, dark complexion and hair, brown eyes, portion of right forefinger missing. There is also a warrant of distress for 15s. o6sts to be executed upon bis effects. An * -v //■ v 7/ 72

Ellers lie. — 14th May last, on warrant of commitment to Auckland Prison for height days in default of paying £4 fine and costs for assault, James Archibald Leslie, referred to in Police Gazette, 1936, page 254, and Photographs, 1932, page 32. He has a diving girl tattooed on right forearm, and a shield, “ N.Z;,” and fern on left forearm. /-

Hamilton. Between 5 p.m. on the 23rd May last and 8 a.m. on the 25th, some person or persons broke and entered the Matangi Post-office and attempted to open the safe by means of explosives. ' Any information regarding the offence is to be communicated to the Inspector of Police, Hamilton

Whakatane. 27th May last, on warrant of commitment to Rotorua Prison for twelve hours in default of paying £1 2s. fine and costs for riding a bicycle without lights, Leslie Charles Ridge, age twenty-five, height about 5 ft. 6 in., labourer, native of New Zealand, strong build, dark complexion, curly dark hair, brown eyes. faud/ Zbf&/36>.

Taumarunui.- 18th ultimo, on warrant for failing to maintain his wife, Mavis Annie Patterson, and three children, Hakiaha Street, Edward George Patterson, age thirty, height 5 ft. 114 in-, painter and paperhanger, native of Tasmania, slight build, fair complexion and hair, large blue eyes, scar above one eye, several moles on face. When not painting he is usually dressed in a navy-blue suit. He is said to be employed by K. Attwood, a contractor, who travels about the country painting schools, post-offices, and dwellings. Inquiries should be made at post-offices and from Education Boards. His photograph is

Tokaanu. During the night of the 21st ultimo, foxescaping from Hautu Prison — Norman Harold McCormick, alias Clarence Amos Woods, alias George Henry Smith, referred to in Police Gazette, 1936, page 211, and Photographs, 1935, page 5; he is of medium build; and (2) Charles Richard George Ross, alias C. Shaw, referred to in Police Gazette, 1936, page 162, and Photographs, 1934, page 47. On the night of their escape two houses on the Prison Farm were broken into and clothing taken from each house, but a description of the clothing cannot be ascertained owing to the occupiers of the houses being absent from the district. The escaped prisoners are suspected of having broken into these houses. .

Wanganui. July, 1935, on warrant for false pretences, Ernest William Williams, alias “ Captain ” Williams, age about forty-three, height 5 ft. 10 in., motor agent and salesman, native of England, stout build, fresh complexion, fair hair, natural teeth, small fair moustache, lisps slightly ; usually well dressed in a grey suit; pleasant manner ; erect gait. Accused, who was agent at Wanganui for Todd Motors, Ltd., financed his transactions through the New Zealand Guarantee Corporation, Ltd., Wellington. Since 1931 he had been supplying to the above-mentioned company particulars of fictitious deals in motor-ears, and forms sent out by the company for verification were obtained by accused, who forged the signatures required. The charge on which the warrant is issued reads : “ On 20th July, 1935, at Wanganui, with intent to defraud, did obtain from the New Zealand Guarantee Corporation, Ltd., of Wellington, the sum of £2OO in money, by means of a certain false pretence, to wit, by falsely representing that he had disposed of an Austin six saloon motor-car to one Roger Charles Neilsen, manufacturers representative of Jackson Street, Wanganui, on stated securities for the repayment of the said sum of £2OO and expenses, by the said Roger Charles Neilsen to the said New Zealand Guarantee Corporation.” On the 9th August last he attended a meeting of directors at Wellington and divulged information concerning his fraudulent transactions which ho stated to be £8,525. Investigations have revealed that the total defalcations amount to about £13,000, and other charges are pending. He is believed to be in England.

Wanganui. 2nd ultimo, for theft of an axe and a mattock, &c. (recovered), value £l, the property of James Clarkin, Gonville, Ronald Thomas McHugh, referred to in Police Gazette, 1934, page 305. He was dressed in a dirty grey suit and grey felt hat or grey cap spotted with paint: fond of drink. He was staying with complainant who ordered him to leave, and on the above date he was seen with the stolen tools which were recovered next day at a second-hand shop where they were sold for ss. by a man giving the name R. Thomas, and his occupation as “ painter.” He is in possession of a gentlemen’s B.S.A. bicycle, Nos. 4629 and W.D. over 55749, Chainey Bros., cycle agents, Wanganui, transfers on it. No warrant,

Wanganui. —4th ultimo, on warrant for false pretences’ “ Mr.” Fortesque, age about thirty-two, height about 6 ft. 2\ in., strong build, fresh complexion, brown hair, hazel eyes; dressed in a light-grey golf suit and Avears gloves. Accused, who represented himself to be a doctor and runholder from New South Wales, obtained a gentlemen’s overcoat, a golf shirt, a Li^feeld/shirt, a? pair of golf hose, and somq/KnckS', /vabj ' Ills., from Alexander Campbell Seivewfight, manager, of- Minster House, men’s outfitters, Victoria Awnfie, joy falsely seating that he had a banking account with cthe/Bank of New South Wales, Auckland. He is travelling in a dark/green Nash coach motor-car, registration No. 127 v 620, engine No. 383,140, chassis No. 499-840. He may be identical AA'ith Ivanhoe Huia Leslie-Bicknell, alias Ivan Leslie, referred to in Police Gazette, 1936, page 387, and Photographs, 1935/ page/65. .There are other charges

Mart on. 2Bth /May last, on warrant of commitment to Wanganui Prison for ten days in default of paying £4 15s. fine and costs for negligently driving a motor-vehicle, Austin Drummond Peters, age thirty-four, height 5 ft. 11 in., vaudeville artist and showman, native of Australia, medium build, fresh complexion, dark hair, blue eyes, scar, flower, scroll, and Australia on right forearm, dove, scroll, and “ Dora ” on left forearm; usually Avell dressed. (See Police Gazette, 1935, w 592.) fmtcQ Z,2,h/3£

Palmerston North. — ultimo, for a breach of his probation (Offenders Probation Act, 1920), Charles Clifford Knopp, referred to in Police Gazette, 1934, page 325, 1936, page 320, and Photographs, 1935, page 64, He has failed to report to a Probation Officer, also failed to make restitution, and his arrest is desired. The original charge on which he was released on probation reads, “ On the 19th May, 1934, at Timaru, did damage to the extent of £3O, a plate-glass window, the property of the Canterbury Farmers’ Co-operative Association, Limited, thereby committing the offence of mischief.” MAstagfaQ /Z/F/3&'

Greytown. —lsth ultimo, on warrant of commitment to Wellington Prison for forty-eight hours in default of paying £1 ss. fine and costs for riding a bicycle without a light, Thomas King, age about thirty-five, height 5 ft. 8 in., labourer and sawmill hand, native of New Zealand, medium build, dark complexion, black hair, grey eyes, heavy eyebrows; usually dressed in a navy-blue suit (no hat); fond of drink and

Wellington. —29th May last, on warrant for false pretences, Samuel Henry Coley, alias Patrick O’Brien, referred to in Police Gazette, 1936, page 325, and Photographs, 1933, page 18. Accused obtained an order on Boulevard Tailors, Courtenay Place, for clothing, value, £1 155., from Cora Goav, secretary, Bowen House, by falsely representing that he was employed by Lady Roberts, Lower Hutt.

Temuka.- 24th ultimo, on warrant for failing to provide for the maintenance of his unborn illegitimate child, Ernest Johnston, age tAventy-five, height 5 ft. 2 in., farm labourer and shearer, native of NeAv Zealand, fresh tanned complexion, broAvn hair, blue eyes, no teeth ; dressed in navyblue suit, brown overcoat, navy-blue felt hat, black and Avhite check scarf, black shoes; limps slightly. Complainant, Api Esther Waaka, AroAvhenua Pah. /ostsie&feU/ z/fZ/SA.

Dunedin. — March last, that four summonses for breaches of the Motor Regulations may be served upon him, James Henry Hammond, age forty, height. 5 ft. 6 in., hawker, native of NeAv Zealand, strong build, dark complexion, black hair; usually dressed in a blue suit. (See Police Gazette, 1936, page <dZ(X&

Dunedin. April last, on warrant of commitment to Dunedin Prison for one month in default of paying £4 15s. arrears on a maintenance order for the support of his child, Harold Joseph KittO, age about- twenty-nine, height about 5 ft. 10 in., window-cleaner, native of Neiv Zealand, medium build, pale complexion, curly dark hair, blue eyes; dressed in grey trousers, tweed sports coat (nd* hat), quick gait, round shoulders,- speaks quickly. , . (71 -7 / *~K/f of f j * 0 *

Dunedin. —l6th ultimo, on warrant for failing to comply with the terms of a maintenance order for the support of his wife, Ida Mary Day, Lower Portobello, Ambrose Patrick Saul Day, age forty-two, height 5 ft. 11 in., painter and paperhanger, native of New Zealand, medium build, fair complexion, brown hair, blue eyes, small scraggy eyebrows, small nose, large hands and feet, scar on upper lip, twists mouth at corners when speaking; dresses well. Arrears to 2nd March last,'£6l ss. He is to be brought before the Court nearest to place of arrest. /LnA£Arfec(/

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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LXI, Issue 26, 1 July 1936, Page 403

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PERSONS WANTED. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LXI, Issue 26, 1 July 1936, Page 403

PERSONS WANTED. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LXI, Issue 26, 1 July 1936, Page 403

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