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Land taken for the Purposes of a Police-station. Part Section 305, Okotuku R.D., situated in Block XII, Wairoa Survey District, containing 1 acre 3 roods 6-2 perches. (See New Zealand Gazette, 1932, page 1488.)

Amending Regulations for Trout-fishing in the Ashburton Acclimatization District. (See New Zealand Gazette, 1932, page 1489.)

Regulations Relative to the Conduct of Legal Business of the Crown. BLEDISLOE, Governor-General. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 17th day of June, 1932. Present: The Right Hon. G. W. Forbes, presiding in Council. IN pursuance and exercise of the power and authority conferred on him by the Public Revenues Act, 1926, and the Justices of the Peace Act, 1927, and of all other powers and authorities him in this behalf in anywise enabling, His Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby make the regulations hereinafter set out.

REGULATIONS. 1. (1) These regulations may be referred to as “ The Crown Legal Business Regulations, 1932.” (2) These regulations apply to all Departments of the Government, and Departments are required and directed to observe the same. (3) . These regulations shall take effect from and after the last day of June, 1932, from which date all former regulations on the subject are hereby revoked. 2. In these, regulations, if not inconsistent with the context, — “ Crown Solicitor ” means a solicitor appointed by the Crown to prosecute on its behalf in the Supreme Court: “ Registrar ” means the Registrar of the Supreme Court, and includes the Deputy Registrar : “ The Crown ” means His Majesty the King in right of His Dominion of New Zealand, and includes any Department of the Government of the said Dominion acting by or under the direction of a Minister having control of such Department. Part I.—Employment oe Counsel and Solicitors. 3. Instructions to solicitors are always to be conveyed by the permanent head of the Department for which the solicitor is to act, or by some officer thereof under the direction of such permanent head. 4. Without such instructions no Government officer shall seek legal advice, take counsel’s opinion, or initiate proceedings respecting any matter connected with his Department. 5. Crown Solicitors will be employed in the conduct of criminal prosecutions in the Supreme Court in every case in which the Crown is directly concerned, and will appear on behalf of the Crown when prisoners committed under section 181 of the Justices of the Peace Act, 1927, are brought before the Court for sentence. ° f 6. The Crown may, when it thinks fit, retain the Crown Solicitor in any summary proceedings or other legal business, but the Crown shall not be bound so to retain the Crown Solicitor, and may employ any other solicitor in summary proceedings or in any legal business whatever other than a criminal prosecution in the Supreme Court. 7. Crown Solicitors shall not be at liberty to accept employment or appear against the Crown, except in special circumstances and with the express permission of the SolicitorGeneral.

8. Instructions respecting criminal prosecutions in the Supreme Court will in general be issued by the Department of Justice, and Crown Solicitors will communicate with that Department upon all matters relating to such prosecutions, save that communications relating to a stay of proceedings will be made directly with the Solicitor-General. 9. Where counsel are employed the Crown reserves to itself the right of indicating what counsel shall be employed, and the number of such counsel, and of prescribing the fees to be paid. 10. The Crown reserves to itself the right of taking any matter or business out of the hands of any solicitor employed and requiring that all deeds, instruments, and papers in the hands of such solicitor relating thereto shall be handed over to some other solicitor to be nominated by the Crown. 11. No solicitor employed by the Crown shall have any lien upon any deeds, papers, or instruments in his hands, or upon any fund or moneys which shall be paid to or received by him in any manner or upon any account whatsoever in respect of any legal business in which the Crown is concerned. 12. It shall be the duty of the head of each Department and other officers thereof, in directing business to be undertaken, to see that full instructions are given to the solicitor at the time the business commences, and to render all reasonable assistance to him during its progress. 13. In all criminal prosecutions and summary proceedings the police will serve any process, procure the attendance of witnesses, and have them ready to be examined when required ; but the solicitor employed will be responsible to see that these duties are properly performed. 14. Where a solicitor is required to transact business at a distance from his usual place of residence, an agent must be employed where practicable, unless, from the nature of the case or for special reasons, it is necessary that the solicitor employed should himself transact such business. Except for special reasons and with the approval of the SolicitorGeneral, or in pursuance of existing departmental arrangements, a Crown Solicitor shall employ as agent in a town in which a Crown Solicitor has been appointed only such lastnamed solicitor. ‘

15. Solicitors having claims against the Crown for costs under these regulations shall prepare a voucher setting out full particulars. Such vouchers shall be sent by the solicitor to the nearest Registrar, who shall certify thereon whether such costs are in accordance with these regulations. If he is in doubt as to the propriety of any charge, the Registrar may refer it to the Under-Secretary of Justice for further consideration. The Registrar shall return the vouchers, when certified, to the solicitor, to be forwarded by him to the Department directing the proceedings or business. The head of such Department, or other recognized certifying officer, shall certify that the services charged for have been duly performed.

16. Where costs have been received or recovered by the solicitor employed by the Crown from one of the litigant parties, such solicitor shall pay the same into the Public Account and forward forthwith a bank receipt therefor to the Department directing the proceedings. 17. In matters for which an inclusive charge is fixed by these regulations, no further charge, except the amount of disbursements, will be allowed for attendance upon Government officers or others, attendances to register deeds or instruments, writing letters, sending telegrams, or for explanations or instructions relative to the business in hand or reporting upon its conclusion.

18. Where the solicitor instructed has to employ an agent, as provided in Regulation 14, a fee not exceeding £1 Is. will be allowed to such solicitor for instructions, but, with that exception, no more will be allowed to such solicitor and his agent together than would have been allowed to such solicitor alone if he had conducted the whole of the business himself.

19. Travelling-expenses at the following rates will be allowed to solicitors in all cases where they are required to travel more than three miles from their usual place of business : (a) The sum actually paid when the travelling can be performed by public conveyance. (For fares exceeding 55., other than railway fares, receipts must be produced.) ( b ) In other cases, Is. per mile one way. (c) For each day or part of a day exceeding eight hours on which the claimant was necessarily absent from his usual place of residence by way of board and lodging expenses the sum actually incurred, not exceeding for any day the sum of £l.

20. In all cases in which a fee is fixed by the regulations, it is to be understood that regard is to be had to the nature of the service actually rendered, and the fee to be allowed accordingly shall not necessarily be as much as the fee so fixed.

21. In the case of any business, matter, or proceeding not herein, specially mentioned, the charges to be made, whether as solicitor’s" costs or counsel’s fees, will be based upon the scale allowed in matters of a like character mentioned in these regulations. The assessment against the Crown of costs on the ordinary solicitor and client basis is not contemplated. 22. In a case where exceptional circumstances render it desirable that one of the scales herein set forth shall be exceeded in any particular, such other or additional costs or fees as may be reasonable, having regard to the nature of the business transacted, shall be allowed if approved by the Attorney General on the recommendation of the permanent head of the Department issuing the instructions. The circumstances by reason of which the general scale is not applicable shall, in all such cases, be fully specified by the proper officer. 23. Nothing in these regulations shall be deemed to prevent the Crown from taking steps to procure the taxation of any costs by the proper officer in the usual way ; but no payment will be made to the solicitor for attending the taxation. 24. Bills of costs shall be rendered immediately on completion of the matter or business to which they relate, and if not rendered within six months thereafter they will not be recognized, in the absence of special circumstances. 25. Every solicitor employed or retained by the Crown shall, if required so to do, notify in writing his acceptance of such employment or retainer upon the terms contained in these regulations; but such notification in writing shall not be necessary to show that such employment or retainer is upon such terms.

Part 11. Criminal and Quasi-criminal Proceedings (1) Supreme Court Trials.

26. Preliminary investigations of indictable offences before Justices of the Peace will be conducted by the private prosecutor or the police save in exceptional cases in which it is considered desirable that the Crown Solicitor should conduct the case on behalf of the police. 27. In private prosecutions the committing Justices shall ascertain from the prosecutor, as soon as a committal for trial takes place, whether he intends to take charge of the conduct of the prosecution or authorize the Crown Solicitor to act on his behalf. In all other cases the conduct of the prosecution after committal for trial shall be left to the Crown Solicitor. If the prosecution is left to the Crown Solicitor, the committing Justices shall make a memorandum on the depositions to that effect.

28. On receipt of the depositions the Registrar shall, if the prosecution is left to the Crown Solicitor, cause a copy thereof to be made without delay and transmit the same to him.

29. It shall be the duty of the Crown Solicitor carefully to consider the depositions and prepare the case for the Supreme Court, taking special care that any additional witnesses that can be obtained in support of the case are subpoenaed.

30. If the Attorney-General or Solicitor-General is of opinion that any prosecution instituted by a private prosecutor and left to the Crown Solicitor is such that it ought not to be conducted by the Crown Solicitor, notice thereof shall be given to the private prosecutor. 31. Such notice shall, where possible, be given to such private prosecutor not later than seven days in cases in which the committing Justices shall have sat at a distance of more than ten miles from the place at which the trial is to be held, and not later than three days in other cases, before the first day of the sittings at which the trial is to be held. If the committal shall have taken place within the said periods, then such notice shall be given with all reasonable despatch. 32. Notice sent by post to the usual or last-known place of abode of the person to whom notice is given shall be deemed a sufficient service thereof. 33. In all cases where such notice has been given, the Crown Solicitor shall not conduct the prosecution, these regulations shall not apply, and no costs or expenses will be paid by the Crown. 34. In proceedings on trials of indictable offences, other than trials of offences punishable by sentence of death, fees and costs to Crown Solicitors will be allowed as follows : As solicitorpreparing case for and attending trial, — (а) For each separate trial, £3 3s. (b) The fee above prescribed will cover all charges for preparing indictment, issue of subpoenas, procuring and issue of process to bring up witnesses in custody, entry of nolle prosequi, and all other proceedings directly connected with or incidental to the trial. As counsel, (c) For each separate trial, £3 3s. (d ) Where accused pleads guilty after indictment, £1 Is. (e) If the Crown declines to offer any evidence or enters a nolle prosequi without evidence being given in support of the indictment, £1 Is. (/) On a new trial by reason of disagreement of the jury or for any other reason, no additional solicitor’s fee will be allowed, but counsel’s fees will be allowed according to scale. 35. The foregoing fees will not be paid in respect of indictments that might properly have been included with others presented. Any question arising as to the applicability of this regulation shall be referred to the Solicitor-General, whose decision shall be final.

36. The Crown Solicitor engaged in trials of offences punishable by sentence of death will be allowed, in lieu of the solicitor’s and counsel’s fees prescribed by Regulation 34 hereof, an inclusive fee of £7 7s. for each day occupied at the trial and at the preliminary investigation, and a like fee of £7 7s. will be paid for each full day necessarily occupied in preparing for trial or for the preliminary investigation. The provisions of paragraphs ( b ), (d), and (e) of Regulation 34 hereof shall apply to such cases. 37. Counsel assigned for the defence of accused in trials of offences punishable by sentence of death will be allowed an inclusive fee of £5 ss. for each day occupied at the trial, and a like fee of £5 ss. for each full day (not exceeding five days in all) occupied in preparing for trial, and (if appearing at the preliminary investigation) a like fee of £5 ss. for each day necessarily occupied at the preliminary investigation, and such fees shall be deemed to include the charges mentioned in paragraph ( b ) of Regulation 34 hereof. 38. For appearance when prisoners committed for sentence under section 181 of the Justices of the Peace Act, 1927, are brought before the Court for sentence, the Crown Solicitor will be allowed £1 Is. for each prisoner, irrespective of the number of charges ; but when more than one prisoner is committed for sentence on one information or as a result of one preliminary hearing, a fee of only £1 Is. will be allowed.

39. Vouchers in favour of Crown Solicitors are to state, in reference to each case in which costs are charged, whether or not the case went to trial, whether or not the accused pleaded guilty, whether a nolle prosequi was entered, or with what other result the proceedings terminated. 40. The Registrar at the place at which the trial is held will examine such vouchers, and, subject to any directions given by the presiding Judge, certify that the amounts claimed are in accordance with these regulations, and that the services charged for have been duly performed. Such vouchers are to be forwarded by the Registrar to the Department of Justice for payment. 41. Costs and expenses upon the trial of indictable offences when conducted by or on behalf of private prosecutors, except those cases to which Regulation 33 hereof applies, may be allowed by the presiding Judge and paid on the same scale arid in the same manner as if conducted by the Crown Solicitor. 42. Fees to be allowed to solicitors or counsel in a case reserved for the consideration of the Court of Appeal, or on an application for new trial, or an appeal against sentence, shall be such as shall be fixed by the Minister of Justice in each case. (2) Proceedings before Justices and Coroners. 43. Costs will be allowed to solicitors employed by the Crown in conducting cases before Magistrates, Justices of the Peace, or Wardens, under any Act, ordinance, regulation, by-law, or other authority, as follows : (a) For each case, including drawing information or complaint, preparing case for hearing, conducting proceedings in Court, and drawing conviction or order (if so required), £3 3s.

(6) Where the proceedings - extend beyond one day, then for each subsequent day, if the period occupied does not exceed one hour, £1 Is.; if it exceeds one hour, £2 2s. (c) Where there are more informations or complaints than one arising out of the same or similar circumstances, so that in the opinion of the Department directing the proceedings the work done in preparing and conducting one of them reduces materially the work of preparation and conduct of the other or others, whether they be against the same defendant or defendants or against several defendants, and whether heard separately or together, then the above fees will be allowed on one information or complaint only, and on each information or complaint after the first there will be allowed an additional amount, not exceeding £3 35., to be agreed upon between that Department and the solicitor employed. (d) When for any reason the case is not taken into Court, or where the information or complaint is withdrawn or the defendant pleads guilty, a fee not exceeding £2 2s. will be allowed for drawing information or complaint and preparing case for hearing, with an additional fee of 10s. 6d. in respect of each additional information or complaint, if more than one. (e) The costs allowed shall, in preliminary investigations of indictable offences, cover all proceedings up to commitment for trial, including a general supervision over all formal matters necessary to make the case complete. (/) The foregoing provisions shall not apply where party and party costs exceeding the above amounts are allowed by the Court to the Crown and recovered from the defendant. 44. The costs to be allowed under this head shall, so far as applicable, extend to matters of any kind which may be heard and disposed of before a Stipendiary Magistrate or a Justice or Justices of the Peace, where the Court may make an order or give any direction to or in respect of any party affected, although no information or complaint may be laid or made. 45. A solicitor employed to conduct an inquest before a Coroner will be allowed a fee of £3 3s. in respect of such inquest. Where inquests on two or more bodies are conducted together, only one fee will be allowed.

(3) Appeals and other Proceedings under or relating to the Justices of the Peace Act, 1927. 46. If a case or matter is removed by certiorari or otherwise to a superior Court, the conduct of proceedings will in general be assigned to a solicitor practising in the town where the superior Court holds its sittings. In cases where the conduct of the proceedings remains with the solicitor who commenced them, no further costs will be allowed (except under exceptional circumstances) than those prescribed by these regulations. 47. Instructions respecting appeals will be given, and the costs thereof will be borne, by the Department initiating the prosecution. 48. The costs allowed in proceedings in the Supreme Court under or relating to the above-named Act, whether by way of appeal, certiorari, mandamus, or otherwise (prohibition excepted) shall not exceed £7 7s. This sum will include all the charges of the solicitor employed on behalf of the Crown, and also counsel’s fee, but will be exclusive of fees of Court and expenses of witnesses (if any). 49. The regulations under this head will apply whether the Crown be appellant or respondent; and if the conviction be affirmed, or judgment be otherwise obtained, no further costs will be claimed on behalf of the Crown than would be allowed under this scale. 50. The costs to be allowed in prohibition cases arising out of proceedings under the Justices of the Peace Act, 1927, will be regulated by the scale applicable to civil proceedings in the Supreme Court under these regulations. (4) Bankruptcy. 51. For investigating a case submitted to the Crown Solicitor under section 144 of the Bankruptcy Act, 1908, and giving or refusing a certificate thereon, a fee of £1 Is. will be allowed. Part lll.—Civil Proceedings. (1) In the Court of Appeal.

52. The scale of costs to be allowed to counsel and solicitors employed by the Crown in matters before the Court of Appeal shall, subject to the terms of these regulations, be such as may from time to time be allowable, or allowed, between party and party, according to the rules of practice and procedure in the Court of Appeal for the time being in force under the Judicature Act, 1908, but without any allowance as for cases from a distance, unless allowed to the Crown by the Court. 53. Subject to the foregoing provisions, Regulations 55 to 58 hereof shall, so far as applicable, apply to costs in the Court of Appeal. (2) In the Supreme Court. 54. The scale of costs to be allowed to counsel or solicitors employed by the Crown in matters before the Supreme Court shall, subject to the terms of these regulations, be such as may from time to time be allowable between party and party in the Supreme Court according to the rules of practice and procedure in force under the Judicature Act, 1908 :

Provided that where the Crown is respondent and is successful the costs, unless recovered from the suppliant, shall be fixed according not to the amount claimed but to the amount which the suppliant would, in the opinion of the SolicitorGeneral, have been reasonably expected to recover. 55. When the proceedings have terminated the solicitor shall prepare an abstract of his costs and transmit the same to the Registrar of the Supreme Court, who shall forward it to the Department directing the proceedings, with his certificate as to the number of witnesses subpoenaed or examined, Court fees paid, and other disbursements charged, and that the charges are in accordance with these regulations. 56. Witnesses’ expenses will be allowed at the same rate as in civil cases between subject and subject. 57. In all other cases not herein provided for, the scale of costs for the time being payable under the rules of practice and procedure as aforesaid shall be followed and observed as nearly as may be in all matters to which they may be applicable. 58. If there are exceptional circumstances rendering it necessary that more than the usual scale should be allowed to any witness the solicitor may make such additional allowance as he thinks reasonable, but the reason for the addition must be stated when the abstract of costs is rendered.

(3) In Workers'Compensation Gases in the, Court of Arbitration. 59. The costs to be allowed to counsel or solicitors employed by the Crown in workers’ compensation cases before the Court of Arbitration shall, subject to the terms of these regulations, be such as may from time to time be usually allowed between party and party in that Court: Provided that where the Crown is respondent and is successful the costs, unless recovered from the suppliant, shall be fixed according not to the amount claimed but to the amount which the suppliant would, if successful, in the opinion of the Solicitor-General, have been reasonably expected to recover. (4) In other Inferior Courts. 60. The costs payable to a solicitor employed by the Crown in all cases in the Magistrates’ Courts in their civil jurisdiction and in cases in Wardens’ Courts held under the Mining Act, 1926, and not herein otherwise provided for, shall, subject to these regulations, not exceed the party and party costs which would be payable by a litigant party in such Court if successful.

Where the Crown is a party to several cases heard at the same sitting of the Court, such sum shall be fixed in each case as may be agreed upon between the head of the Department directing the proceedings and the solicitor employed.

(5) In Compensation Gases under the Public Works Act, 1928. 61. The following shall be the scale of costs allowed to solicitors and counsel in respect of all proceedings to determine compensation payable by the Crown under the Public Works Act, 1928, and its amendments :

Where the compensation claimed is under £IOO, a sum not exceeding £5. Where it exceeds £IOO, then a like fee and £2 per centum on the sum claimed up to and including £2,500. Where the sum claimed exceeds that amount, then a further fee of 1 per centum on the excess over £2,500 will be allowed, but so that the total fee payable shall not, unless specially authorized, exceed £IOO in any one case. This scale is exclusive of all Court fees, Assessors’ fees, witnesses’ expenses, and other actual disbursements. 62. Where proceedings are taken under section 229 of the Public Works Act, 1928, the costs to be allowed shall be at the same rate as those paid in summary proceedings under these regulations. 63. Where the Crown is respondent in a series of compensation cases arising in respect of any public work, the Minister of Public Works shall fix such sum by way of costs to be allowed to the solicitor employed, and the amount of fees to be allowed to counsel engaged, as may be agreed between the Minister and the solicitor.

Part IV. —Conveyancing. 64. The costs to be allowed for the preparation, completion, and registration of any instrument for the assurance to the Crown or for lease to or by the Crown of land or any estate or interest therein if payable by the Crown shall (subject to Regulation 66 hereof) be one-half of the appropriate fee prescribed under the Conveyancing Scale of the New Zealand

Law Society made on the Bth day of July, 1927, and the amendments thereof heretofore made, with a minimum charge of £3 3s. and a maximum charge of £2l ; and ( b ) if payable by any other party shall not exceed the appropriate fee prescribed under the Conveyancing Scale aforesaid. 65. The costs to be allowed for perusal and obtaining execution on behalf of the Crown of any instrument properly prepared by or on behalf of any other party (a) if payable by the Crown shall (subject to Regulation 66 hereof) be onehalf of the fee prescribed by the last-preceding regulation with a minimum charge of £1 Is.; and ( b ) if payable by any other party shall not exceed the appropriate fee prescribed under the Conveyancing Scale aforesaid. 66. Where a printed form of instrument is available and capable of being used without alteration or with only minor alteration the costs of preparation, completion, and registration of such instrument, or the costs of perusal and obtaining execution thereof (as the case may be) — (a) if payable by the Crown shall be £1 Is., save that in special circumstances a fee not exceeding £2 2s. may be charged; and ( b if payable by any other party shall not exceed £3 3s. 67. For conveyancing matters not herein provided for the charge shall bear the same proportion to the usual and customary charge to a private client as the charges hereinbefore set out bear to the usual and customary charges to a private client for the matters to which they relate. 68. Where by the ordinary course of practice the costs of preparing and completing any instrument or a counterpart thereof ought to be borne by one of the parties thereto, other than the Crown, solicitors wi'l arrange that the costs properly chargeable to such party are paid by him. 69. Where it is necessary to investigate titles to land, or any interest therein, without preparing instruments of title, the following fees will be allowed for each title investigated, viz.:— £ s. d. Under the Land Transfer Act, not exceeding 111 6 In other cases, not exceeding .. ..330 These fees are intended to cover cases where land, or any interest therein, has been acquired, or agreed to be acquired, on behalf of the Crown under the provisions of the Public Works Act, 1928, or otherwise, and it is necessary to settle the title before payment of purchase-money or compensation. 70. The fees above prescribed are inclusive of all charges for attendances, correspondence, reports, searches and investigation of title, but exclusive of actual and necessary out-of-pocket disbursements. 71. Where it is proper that an instrument should be registered or deposited, such registration or deposit shall be regarded as part of the work necessary to the completion of the transaction. 72. On the completion of a transaction, all muniments of title shall be delivered to the Department from which the instructions were received or as that Department may direct. 73. When it is necessary that any instrument should be executed by or on behalf of the Crown, the solicitor acting for the Crown in submitting it for execution shall forward an accompanying certificate to the effect that he has perused or prepared the instrument (identifying and describing it), and that in his opinion it is a proper instrument to be executed by or on behalf of the Crown. 74. On the completion of a transaction whereby any land or interest therein is assured to or vested in the Crown, or to or in any person or body on behalf of the Crown, the solicitor shall, on completion of the transaction, when delivering the muniments of title, accompany the same with a certificate setting out the muniments of title and certifying that in his opinion the same effect a valid assurance to or vesting in the Crown, or to or in such person or body on behalf of the Crown, of the interest purported to be thereby assured or vested. F. D. THOMSON, Clerk of the Executive Council. (See New Zealand Gazette, 1932, page 1494.)

Justice of the Peace Resigns. Thomas James Lockwood, Esq., Hunua. (See New Zealand Gazette, 1932, page 1499.) Prohibition of Money-order and Postal Correspondence. M. Calmar, 90 Pitt Street, Sydney ; and C. Joseph’s, 18 Brown Street, Hobart, Tasmania. (See New Zealand Gazette, 1932, page 1500.)

2— P.G.


By W. Wellington

Offender. tried. When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks. <feo. Born. Height. Complexion. | Hair. 1 Byes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks. &a. Leslie Auckland 7/3/32 with intent to . 3 years Zealand labourer 1911 ft 5 fair fair blue medium.. F.P. Photo at Auckland, 28/1/32. in. 10* fair fair blue medium.. F.P. Photo at Auckland, 28/1/32. Taka Stewart, Auckland 7/3/32 breaking, and year reformaMaori labourer 1912 5 copper .. black brown .. flat Scar on back of neck, on right palm and thumb, H copper .. black brown .. flat Scar on back of neck, on right palm and thumb, Manuera, Manuel @ charges) at detention p. (cumulative) p. William Paul, @ Auckland 7/3/32 false making to up Australia labourer 1894 5 dark, dark brown, brown .. medium.. Scar on tip of left thumb. m dark, dark brown, brown .. medium.. Scar on tip of left thumb. Darcy Deaths Regis1924) in years swathy curly ColinLevings, Auckland 7/3/32 and entering, reforma- year’s 1 Scotland . . labourer 1911 9 fair dark brown blue medium.. Scar on left forearm. F.P. 9 fair dark brown blue medium.. Scar on left forearm. F.P. detention Robert -Elliott, Auckland 7/3/32 theft a servant 1 year’s Zealand postal 1899 6 fresh dark hazel .. medium.. Mole on left cheek. F.P. 6 fresh dark hazel .. medium.. Mole on left cheek. F.P. detention Patrick .O’Keefe, Auckland 7/3/32 breach probationary 1 Zealand painter 1901 5 dark brown, turngrey .. medium.. Mole on left cheek; heart on left forearm. 5 dark brown, turngrey .. medium.. Mole on left cheek; heart on left forearm. license detention ing grey P.G., (See Auckland, at 41.) p. ia Auckland 7/3/32 cattle-stealing . 1 . Zealand labourer 1882 6 fresh dark brown.. grey .. medium.. Scar on left ring-finger; upper teeth missing. 6 fresh dark brown.. grey .. medium.. Scar on left ring-finger; upper teeth missing. David, Cameron, F.P. (See P.G., 1930, p. 122, and Photos, 1917, p. 19.) > F.P. (See P.G., 1930, p. 122, and Photos, 1917, p. 19.) George, Archibald Cameron, VictorGriffiths, Auckland 11/4/32 and forgery probation Zealand labourer 1908 8 fresh brown blue medium.. Scar on forehead. F.P. Photo at Auckland, 8 fresh brown blue medium.. Scar on forehead. F.P. Photo at Auckland, uttering 91.)2/3/32. O’Brien, Alexander Joseph Auckland 11/4/32 theftbreaking, in Australia labourer 1913 5 fair brown blue medium.. Heart and scroll on right upper arm. F.P. 5 fair brown blue medium.. Heart and scroll on right upper arm. F.P. Institution (See 1931, p. Cormack, Lewis Auckland 11/4/32 entering, in Zealand labourer 1916 5 fresh dark, curly blue medium.. F.P. Photo at Auckland, 8/3/32. . Hi fresh dark, curly blue medium.. F.P. Photo at Auckland, 8/3/32. Institution Williams, Williams, Henry, Auckland 11/4/32 from prison year’s 1 stable hand 1912 5 3 dark dark brown .. medium.. Scar on left cheek. F.P. (See P.G., 1931, N. Zealand stable hand 1912 5 3 dark dark brown .. medium.. Scar on left cheek. F.P. (See P.G., 1931, Herbert detention (cumulative) refor- months’ 6 72.) p. p. on right Maurice Edward, Auckland 11/4/32 from escaping prison N. labourer 1913 11 sallow .. fair blue medium.. 11 sallow .. fair blue medium.. Weston detention mative P.G., right (cumulative) 60.) p. p. James Auckland 11/4/32 of fined Zealand farmer 1880 6 sallow .. brown, turnbrown .. straight A quarter-caste Maori; clasped hands and 6 sallow .. brown, turnbrown .. straight A quarter-caste Maori; clasped hands and Munn, Isabella months grey right on over Auckland 11/4/32 concealment jN. probation 1 domestic 1898 5 6 copper .. black brown .. A half-caste Maori; tip of left little finger N. Zealand domestic 1898 5 6 copper .. black brown .. A half-caste Maori; tip of left little finger missing. Munn, Ella missing. Auckland 11/4/32 concealment 1 Zealand domestic 1909 0 sallow, brown brown .. medium 0 sallow, brown brown .. medium Tupto Wi Auckland 11/4/32 and breaking, in Maori labourer 1914 5 copper copper .. black brown .. broad .. Scar on left forearm. F.P. Photo at AuckSi copper copper .. black brown .. broad .. Scar on left forearm. F.P. Photo at AuckTau Institution 18/4/32. land, Auckland 11/4/32 and entering, Borstal in Maori labourer 1913 5 copper .. black brown .. broad .. Scar on left ring-finger. Photo at Auckland, 10J copper .. black brown .. broad .. Scar on left ring-finger. Photo at Auckland, Otto, Institution 18/4/32. Auckland 11/4/32 knowledge without 4 months India labourer 1912 6 fresh brown, curly brown .. medium.. F.P. 0 fresh brown, curly brown .. medium.. F.P. hard labour hard labour


Name Offender. Where When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. ! I Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, <&e. 1 O PQ 1 Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, etc. Ashby, George Auckland 26/4/32 and in Maori labourer 1913 ft. 3 copper . black brown . broad at (See Institution p. Gil- Harry, Auckland 26/4/32 and breaking, 2 years Maori labourer 1909 5 6 copper . black brown . long of forefinger bert, David features. at p. Roycroft, Auckland 26/4/32 (Post statement probation Zealand domestic 1913 5 5 fresh light grey straight and Act) Norris, Auckland 26/4/32 entering, and Tasmania labourer 1903 5 8 fresh dark blue medium. cheek, and ; William ha-dared an left neck. (See criminal bitual p. p. Slade, @ Ngawati, Auckland 26/4/32 and and . years Maori labourer 1890 5 9f copper black brown small shoulder ribbon; Butterfly Arthur intent ha- an dared ; criminal clasped hands, ribbon, NGAWATI MIZPAH, anchor, and heart on right arm. F.P. (See P.G., 1925, p. 717, and Photos, 1926, p. 11.) brown .. clasped hands, ribbon, NGAWATI MIZPAH, anchor, and heart on right arm. E.P. (See P.G., 1925, p. 717, and Photos, 1926, p. 11.) William Auckland 26/4/32 forgery called come Zealand labourer 1902 5 9 dark black flat Scar over left eye ; heart on left forearm. E.P. brown .. flat Scar over left eye ; heart on left forearm. F.P. license on Edward Leonard, Clapham, Auckland 26/4/32 breaking, and each 3 Zealand labourer 1903 5 8 fresh dark . brown medium.. on Brown, @ ; Photo at Auckland, 12/5/32. (See P.G., charges) Photo at Auckland, 12/5/32. (See P.G., 1919, p. arson years’ detention J Baker, Auckland 26/4/32 breaking, months 6 Maori labourer 1911 5 9 copper brown brown medium.. (See at arson 4 521.) p. detention tive William Auckland 26/4/32 and entering, 6 Maori labourer 1903 5 6 copper black brown . medium. at arson 4 p. detention tive Phillips, Auckland 26/4/32 entering, months Maori labourer 1908 5 3 copper black grey . medium (See arson reforma- 4 801.) detention tive MackBaker, Auckland 26/4/32 breaking, entering, 6 Maori labourer 1911 5 8 copper black brown . medium.. Auckland, arson 4 years’ detention tive William Auckland 26/4/32 and entering, reforma- years’ Maori labourer 1914 5 10 copper black brown . medium.. and on tive detention little finger injured. F.P. (See P.G., 1931, p. 482, and Photos, p. 60.) William, tive detention little finger injured. F.P. (See P.G., 1931, p. 482, and Photos, p. 60.) Auckland 3/5/32 and acquitted Maori labourer 1910 5 8 copper black brown broad . and right Wi charges) Photo 184.) Curran, John Auckland 3/5/32 bodily causing month 1 America farmer 1898 5 10J fresh grey grey medium F.P. and Smith, Auckland 3/5/32 false pretence acquitted Zealand agent 1900 5 11 fresh grey blue medium. abdomen. on

RETURN OF PERSONS DEALT WITH AT SUPREME COURTS-continued. (For Index, see General Index.)

of tried.Where When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing JParsons, Auckland 3/5/32 knowledge acquitted N. driver 1900 ft. 5 in. 6 dark dark grey medium F.P. Harry Auckland 3/5/32 knowledge acquitted N. labourer 1895 5 4 dark dark brown . medium Wilkins, . Auckland 3/5/32 attempted carnal knowledge; acquitted N. miner 1907 5 5 fresh brown. light blue medium.. build. Slight knowledge ; a Scar on head. F.P. fair, turning Scar on head. F.P. James Auckland 3/5/32 charges) incest reforma- years’ Zealand farmer 1878 5 101 fresh hazel .. medium.. fair, turning hazel .. medium.. detention grey Simon Clark, Newport Auckland 3/5/32 animal an acquitted England . and 1872 5 10 sallow .. dark brown.. darkgrey Roman butcher 1872 5 10 sallow .. dark brown.. darkgrey Roman Feilding Philip Auckland 3/5/32 pretences 1 England . agent 1892 5 10 fresh dark blue medium. at William, Nathan, Bob Auckland 3/5/32 charges) acquitted N. labourer 1905 5 n copper black brown . flat on ; (See on and p. Nathan, Helen, Nathan, Auckland 3/5/32 incest acquitted N. domestic 1912 5 5 copper black brown broad . on Katarina Leach, George, James, Cartwright, Auckland 3/5/32 indecent . year . England . cleaner 1895 5 6 fair fair blue medium.. on ; ; and MY on (See and p. p. F.P. Victor Denny, Auckland 3/5/32 letter months 6 N. labourer 1876 0 fresh fair blue medium.. Thomas Kite, Auckland 3/5/32 negligently 6 Australia taxi-driver . 1886 6 fresh brown, turnbrown .. medium 5 6 fresh brown, turnbrown .. medium motormonths grey VictorLester, Auckland 3/5/32 by fined England . grocer 1894 5 6 fair fair grey medium driving months Nepe Auckland 3/5/32 carnal charges) acquitted Maori labourer 1911 5 10 copper . black brown . eyebrow. left over Henry Willoughby Brown, Auckland 3/5/32 assault month 1 N. labourer 1903 5 n sallow brown. blue-grey medium (See on p. Auckland 3/5/32 assault . probation Zealand labourer 1907 fresh brown blue medium. Auckland, 7/4/32. George Auckland 3/5/32 in taking years Ireland labourer 1894 6 0 fair brown blue medium. on Right at 29/4/32. John Auckland 3/5/32 in part 1 . year N. labourer 1900 5 dark black hazel .. medium.. F.P. Photo at Auckland, 28/4/32. (See P.G., 1925, p. 625.) 41 dark black hazel .. medium.. F.P. Photo at Auckland, 28/4/32. (See P.G., 1925, p. 625.) Dragovich, Mate, Dragicevich Auckland 3/5/32 in a taking 2 years Dalmatia . labourer 1897 5 61 sallow black brown long, turned left on on neck. p. to 1919, p. John Hubert, @ Auckland 3/5/32 in 1 . year England . labourer 1892 5 8 fresh dark grey . medium.. Auckland, (See at Edwards, Jack p.

RETURN OF PERSONS DEALT WITH AT SUPREME COURTS-continued. (For Index, see General Index.)

Name of tried.Where When. Offence. Sentence. Native Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Marks, Distinguishing ft in. m fell Simeon Auckland 3/5/32 in 2 years Australia labourer 1910 5 fresh brown blue long F.P. Photo at Auckland, 28/4/32. (See P.G., 1931, p. 716.) 9£ fresh brown blue long F.P. Photo at Auckland, 28/4/32. (See P.G., 1931, p. 716.) Leo Martinovich, Auckland 3/5/32 taking part acquitted Zealand lorry1914 5 11 fair fair blue medium. at 29/4/32. HaroldRobertson, Auckland 3/5/32 in a months Zealand labourer 1912 5 51 fresh dark blue medium. Auckland, Photo 28/4/32. JohnSharpe, Auckland 3/5/32 in acquitted Scotland miner 1896 5 9 fresh brown blue large Photo at right land, George Auckland 3/5/32 in 2 years England . labourer 1900 5 H fresh brown brown png, broken and p. p. William Simpson, James Rae Auckland 3/5/32 a 2 years Scotland . labourer 1899 5 10 fair fair grey pug on (See at 800.) p. Frederick .Fisher, Auckland 20/5/32 and years’ tive England labourer 1910 5 7 fresh dark brown medium. left on Alp, Auckland 20/5/32 from packets reforma- 1 detention Zealand labourer 1911 5 5 fresh dark brown. grey . medium.. 819.) Davies, Auckland 20/5/32 breaking and entering with intent; mischief; and breaking, entering, and theft (3 charges) 2 years in Borstal Institution N. Zealand labourer 1913 5 10J dark brown brown .. medium.. Dagger on left forearm ; scar on left wrist. F.P. Photo at Auckland, 6/5/32. «• Auckland 20/5/32 breaking and entering with intent; mischief; and breaking, entering, and theft (3 charges) 2 years in Borstal Institution N. Zealand labourer 1913 5 10i dark brown brown .. medium.. Dagger on left forearm; scar on left wrist. F.P. Photo at Auckland, 6/5/32. Barker, Auckland 20/5/32 and ; ; breaking, charges) in Institution Zealand N. labourer 1915 5 5 fair brown blue medium. 11/5/32. at Christina Field, Auckland 23/5/32 arson imprisonment of reforma- years’ detention tive Maori domestic 1906 5 0 copper .. black brown .. pointed, upturned . Maori domestic 1906 5 0 copper .. black brown .. pointed, upturned George Auckland 6/6/32 and entering, ; and entering intent Zealand labourer 1908 6 1 fair dark blue medium of on on -scars (See cheek. on 1929, p. McDonald, Walter Auckland 6/6/32 breaking, and entering, ; intent entering charges) years’ 3 Zealand labourer 1913 5 .5 fresh fair blue medium Auck- at on right land, 13/5/32. Ngawhika, William Auckland 6/5/32 knowledge months Maori labourer 1913 5 6 copper . black brown medium.. F.P. Arnold, Douglas Auckland 6/6/32 and entering intent en- breaking, and Borstal in on each Zealand butcher 1915 5 6 fair fair blue medium. 23/5/32. Photo Fleet, Auckland 6/6/32 and intent probation years’ Zealand storeman 1914 5 5 dark black brown . medium at left fingers Auckland, Ivan Auckland 6/6/32 and intent years’ Zealand labourer 1913 5 4 fair brown blue medium Auckland, at 23/5/32. Brown, Henry George Auckland 6/6/32 breaking, theft entering, years’ Zealand butcher 1912 5 6 fresh brown.. hazel .. medium.. at land,

RETURN OF PERSONS DEALT WITH AT SUPREME COURTS-continued. (For Index, see General Index.)

Offender. tried.Where When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Pokau Plymouth 27/5/32 causing Borstal years Maori labourer 1910 ft 5 in. 8 copper . black brown . broad . left ; negligently Institution, driving motor-car Institution, li- i v d i e cancelled cense cancelled disqualified and disqualified and from obtaining from obtaining five for another five for dis-years after years charge Lump on right shoulder ; pigeon on right forecharge Lump on right shoulder ; pigeon on right foreRink, Plymouth 27/5/32 discharging in- firearm 4 years France engineer 1871 5 8 fresh dark, turning brown . medium.. (2 to wine agent grey arm; scar on left cheek and thigh and on charges) 2 years on each wine agent grey arm; scar on left cheek and thigh and on forehead. with to 2 years on each forehead. arrest Jack Plymouth 26/5/32 theft acquitted N. mechanic 1911 5 8 pale fair grey large and p. p. Landers, Francis Michael .. X. Plymouth 25/5/32 carnal knowledge ; and false to come up if called N. Zealand labourer 1896 5 9 dark dark blue medium.. Scar over left eye and on left groin. declaration under Marriage Act on in 1 year Small moustache and pointed beard. Roberts, George .. N. Plymouth 24/5/32 indecent assault .. 1 year .. Australia .. carrier 1872 5 4 fresh grey blue medium.. Walker, Alfred George N. Plymouth 23/5/32 manslaughter; and causing acquitted N. Zealand secretary 1908 5 64 fresh dark brown.. blue medium.. Mole on right side of face. death by negligently driving motor-car Kent, Ernest John N. Plymouth 27/5/32 forgery and uttering 6 months England .. labourer 1897 5 8 fresh brown blue large Scar on base of right thumb ; burn-scar on right arm; scar on top of head, on forehead, and on nose ; left little finger injured. (See P.G., 1926, p. 384.) Johns, John Francis N. Plymouth 27/5/32 bigamy .. 1 year .. N. Zealand labourer and 1886 5 5* fresh brown blue medium.. Fern, clasped hands, Faith, Hope, and Charity, hotel porter and woman’s head on left forearm; horse’s head, Crown, thistle, butterfly, blue ensign, and peacock on right forearm ; ring on right middle finger; scar on left thumb. (See P.G., 1932, p. 343.) Roberts, Ernest Keith N. Plymouth 27/5/32 theft as a servant (2 charges) 1 year’s reformaN. Zealand clerk 1914 5 Si fresh brown brown .. medium.. Scar on right jaw. tive detention Scar on right forefinger and on tip of right Hancock, Arthur Edward .. N. Plymouth 6/6/32 breaking, entering, and theft 2 years’ reformaN. Zealand labourer 1910 5 fresh brown hazel .. medium.. (4 charges) tive detention on each little finger. (See P.G., 1932, p. 370.) escaping from custody ; and 6 months’ refortheft mative detention Jackson, Alexander Kelson N. Plymouth 6/6/32 indecent assault .. 2 years’ reformaN. Zealand cheesemaker 1899 5 6 pale dark brown.. hazel .. medium.. Scar on chin. tive detention non Cole, Philip Napier 23/5/32 indecent assault .. no bill Ireland gardener 1857 5 6J pale grey grey .. medium.. Slight scar on inside of right forearm. Michael . .Landers, Elsworth, Herbert Plymouth Napier 25/5/3223/5/32 knowledge and ; obscene . language called to come up billno Zealand N. England labourergardener 18961883 55 98 darkfresh light brown.. blue medium blue medium.. Scar over left eye and on left groin. dark declaration under Maron in 1 year Small moustache and pointed beard. riage Act N. Plymouth 24/5/32 indecent assault .. 1 year .. Australia .. carrier 1872 5 4 fresh grey blue medium.. Roberts, . George Alfred George 23/5/32 manslaughter; and causing acquitted N. Zealand secretary 1908 5 61 fresh dark brown.. blue medium.. Mole on right side of face. death by negligently driving motor-car Scar on base of right thumb ; bum-scar on right N. Plymouth N. Plymouth 27/5/32 forgery and uttering 6 months England .. labourer 1897 5 8 fresh brown blue large arm; scar on top of head, on forehead, and on nose ; left little finger injured. (See P.G., 1926, p. 384.) John Ernest Kent, John Johns, 27/5/32 bigamy .. 1 year .. N. Zealand labourer and hotel porter 1886 5 6i fresh brown blue medium.. Fern, clasped hands, Faith, Hope, and Charity, and woman’s head on left forearm; horse’s head, Crown, thistle, butterfly, blue ensign, and peacock on right forearm; ring on right middle finger; scar on left thumb. (See P.G., 1932, p. 343.) N. Plymouth N. Plymouth 27/5/32 theft as a servant (2 charges) 1 year’s reformaN. Zealand clerk 1914 5 6f fresh brown brown .. medium.. Scar on right jaw. tive detention Scar on right forefinger and on tip of right Keith Ernest Roberts, Edward Hancock, 6/6/32 breaking, entering, and theft 2 years’ reformaN. Zealand labourer 1910 5 8* fresh brown hazel .. medium.. (4 charges) tive detention on each little finger. (See P.G., 1932, p. 370.) escaping from custody ; and 6 months’ refortheft mative detention N. Plymouth N. Plymouth 6/6/32 indecent assault .. 2 years’ reformaN. Zealand cheesemaker 1899 5 6 pale dark brown.. hazel .. medium.. Scar on chin. tive detention Jackson, Alexander Nelson Napier 23/5/32 indecent assault .. no bill Ireland gardener 1857 5 .8* pale grey grey .. medium.. Slight scar on inside of right forearm. Cole, PhilipElsworth, Herbert 23/5/32 obscene language.. no bill England .. gardener 1883 5 8 fresh light brown.. blue medium Napier

RETURN OF PERSONS DEALT WITH AT SUPREME COURTS-continued. (For Index, see General Index.)

Name Offender. Where When. Offence. Sentence. ofNative Trade. Born. 1 I Height.1 Complexion. Hair. Eyes, Nose. Distinguishing Marita, &o. I M Complexion. Bair, Eyea, Nose. Distinguishing M&xits, <feo. Hamer, . Napier 24/5/32 theft and entering, years N. mechanic 1904 ft 5 in. 8 fair brown brown medium. P.G., on and (15 charges) (4 384.)1924, p. vagabond rogue year housebreaking implements brown medium Emily, @ Napier 24/5/32 theft and entering, in N. typiste 1910 5. 4 pale brown. Sheppard (15 Institution W theft Borstal in K Institution William Napier 25/6/32 and 2 years N. plasterer 1910 5 7 sallow . brown grey . . medium. p. Lionel Napier 25/5/32 and entering, Borstal in years N. plasterer 1911 5 7 fresh brown grey .. medium 237. 1932, p. Institution electrician .. Hampton, Harry Napier 26/5/32 with entering probation years’ N. 1909 5 6 fresh dark brown.. bj own .. medium.. Scar on chest. electrician .. 1909 5 6 fresh dark brown.. b» own .. medium.. Scar on chest. intent Baker, Charles Napier 26/5/32 with and entering acquitted N. motor-driver 1911 5 7 sallow brown brown . medium intent head on upper Lewis, Napier 27/5/32 forgery 4 Zealand N. labourer 1890 5 9 fresh brown brown medium. Newton arm ; dancing girl, tiger’s head, cross, two women’s heads, shield, crown, heart, and clasped hands on left forearm. (See P.G., 1913, p. 552.) • arm; dancing girl, tiger’s head, cross, two women’s heads, shield, crown, heart, and ■ .Hirini @ clasped hands on left forearm. (See P.G., 1913, p. 552.) Tihema, Timeha, (a). (a), Napier '27/5/32 and breaking, 1 year Maori labourer 1903 5 7 dark black brown . flat right nose; Kaimoana 820.)forearm. p. (See Beniamin Napier 28/5/32 (6receiving reforma- years’ N. carpenter 1906 5 9 fresh brown blue medium.. on finger charges) detention arm. Richard George Napier 3/6/32 entering, reforma- years’ Zealand N. canvasser 1910 5 104 dark dark . blue short ; (4 detention tive each on p. (See deaf. Ebenezer Napier 4/6/32 pretences acquitted Scotland manager 1883 5 10 fresh going grey medium attempted stayed reformabald and on lip William Napier 8/6/32 theft and entering, Zealand N. carpenter 1909 5 8 fresh dark grey medium detention tive p. West, John Henry Napier 8/6/32 and entering, probation years’ N. labourer 1907 5 5 fresh fair blue large (See abdomen. on right p. Burton, John William, @ Napier 8/6/32 breaking, entering, and theft 1| years’ reformaN. Zealand baker 1906 5 6| fair fair blue medium.. Lion on left forearm; pierced heart on right Burton, Snowy tive detention forearm ; star on back of left hand; burnscar on right upper arm. (See P.G., 1931, p. 208, and Photos, p. 20.) @ Napier 8/6/32 breaking, entering, and theft 1| years’ reformative detention N. Zealand baker 1906 5 H fair fair blue medium.. Lion on left forearm; pierced heart on right forearm ; star on back of left hand ; burnscar on right upper arm. (See P.G., 1931, p. 208, and Photos, p. 20.) Oliver, George Napier 8/6/32 breaking, entering, and theft 3 years’ probation England .. labourer 1906 5 84 fair fair blue medium.. Birthmark on left upper arm. (See P.G., 1931, p. 103.) Small mole near left nostril. •• Napier 8/6/32 breaking, entering, and theft 3 years’ probation England .. labourer 1906 5 8* fair fair blue medium.. Birthmark on left upper arm. (See P.G., 1931, p. 103.) Small mole near left nostril. Osmers, Newton Harry Greymouth .. 13/6/32 theft as a servant to come up if called N. Zealand clerk 1903 5 8 fair light brown.. grey . . medium.. on in 1 year Photo at Christchurch, 23/2/32. (This isjn . . Greymouth .. 13/6/32 theft as a servant to come up if called N. Zealand clerk 1903 5 8 fair light brown.. grey .. medium.. Major, Archie on in 1 year Photo at Christchurch, 23/2/32. (This is Jn Christchurch 4/3/32 aattempted 3 years N. labourer 1876 5 64 fresh brown, grey - medium.. calf de-reformative ing grey 1932, in the tention 365.) p.

RETURN OF PERSONS DEALT WITH AT SUPREME COURTS-continued. (For Index, see General Index.)

of Offender. j tried; When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born.1 Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, Sec. I Height. Complexion. Hair. w 1 Byes. | Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &c. Ferguson, Whangaroa 18/5/32 .theft . . fined £5 N. Zealand labourer 1911 ft. in. 5 8i sallow .. dark brown brown .. ■ medium theft fined £5 N. Zealand labourer 1911 ft. in. 5 8* sallow .. dark brown brown .. medium Wright, George Whangarei , 6/6/32 indecent fined N. farmer 1886 6 0 fresh brown grey . long right disorderly behaviour fined p. AlisonRussell, Whangarei 6/6/32 theft fined N. domestic 1904 5 7 pale auburn hazel medium Baker, Mary Whangarei . 6/6/32 theft . . fined N. married 1909 5 4 pale brown brown . medium.. in ; John Auckland 11/6/32 theft if come up Canada clerk 1905 5 11 fresh brown grey . medium John Auckland 13/6/32 theft convicted N. salesman 1883 5 6 fair brown brown medium. Mole temple. charged Norman Auckland 13/6/32 theft and England jockey 1898 5 5i fair brown grey medium. and (See right charged 21.) p. Alexander, Auckland 13/6/32 theft convicted Ireland labourer 1856 5 n fresh grey blue small on ; Johnston charged and p. p. Isobel Herring, Auckland 15/6/32 theft fined Scotland married 1890 5 4 fresh brown blue medium Jamieson, Auckland 15/6/32 rogue and vagabond (insuffito come up if called N. Zealand labourer 1872 5 4 fresh brown, turnblue large See P.G., 1930, p. 248. (a 1 Auckland 15/6/32 rogue and vagabond (insuffito come up if called N. Zealand labourer 1872 5 4 fresh brown, turnblue large See P.G., 1930, p. 248. Jamieson, @ MacDuff eient means) on ing grey @ cient means) on ing grey Jackson, Auckland 15/6/32 mischief damage N. Zealand motor1903 o 5 fair light brown blue medium.. Round shoulders. (See P.G., 1929, p. 649.) 1 year’s probation N. Zealand motor1903 5 5 fair light brown blue medium.. Round shoulders. (See P.G., 1929, p. 649.) theft mechanic 1 year’s probation mechanic Newton, . Auckland 17/6/32 mischief to . N. labourer 1872 5 6 fresh dark brown medium. in Preston, Walter Auckland 17/6/32 book-carrying fined N. bookmaker 1885 5 H fresh brown brown medium. on maker 749, p. p. George Auckland 17/6/32 assault . to pay England labourer 1890 5 10 ruddy . brown blue medium language fined William W 16/6/32 vagabond and convicted N. salesman 1893 5 11 fresh brown grey medium. right institu- on ing tion) charged O’Shea, @ Waihi 16/6/32 vagabond convicted N. labourer 1896 6 0 fresh dark brown . large on (See William Clarence, charitable on charged p. Clarence tion) Menzies, Waihi 18/6/32 theft fined England barman 1904 5 10 fair fair grey . straight Aitken, Birtley Waihi 18/6/32 theft fined England . draper 1908 5 10 fresh brown hazel straigh . Good O’Brien, Patrick Tauranga 16/5/32 theft fined £2 N. Zealand labourer 1911 5 6 fresh fair hazel .. medium.. Small scar in centre of forehead. .. Tauranga 16/5/32 theft fined £2 N. Zealand labourer 1911 5 6 fresh fair hazel .. medium.. Small scar in centre of forehead. Sutcliffe, Hamilton 15/6/32 theft 6 months’ N. domestic 1915 5 1 fair fair blue medium tion tion

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates’ Courts, but not sent to Gaol.

of tried. When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. |Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &c. u o M Height. Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &c. Horomia, Sammy . Port 8/6/32 theft 1 year’s Maori labourer 1914 ft 5 in. 9 copper black brown . fiat theft and charged probation 1 year’s Brown, Awanui Port 8/6/32 theft Maori labourer 1911 5 6 copper black brown medium Ashley Douglas Te 24/5/32 theft . charges) on Zealand N. farmer 1910 5 8i ruddy . brown hazel medium.. Round 15/6/32 theft . and convicted on Lewis Archie Awamutu Te 15/6/32 assault behaviour disorderly fined convicted N. Zealand labourer 1910 5 0 fair fair blue broken .. Scar on top of forehead. charged fined £1 N. Zealand labourer 1910 5 0 fair fair blue broken .. Scar on top of forehead. Tommy . Te 15/6/32 assault . disorderly fined £1 convicted and discharged 2 years’ probation Maori labourer 1905 5 5 copper .. brown brown .. flat Strong build ; scar on top of left foot. •• Maori labourer 1905 5 5 copper .. brown brown .. flat Strong build ; scar on top of left foot. convicted and discharged Thin features. (See P.G., 1932, p. 241.) Butler, Rotorua 22/12/31 charges) N. Zealand labourer 1912 5 io| fresh dark blue crooked, Thin features. (See P.G., 1932, p. 241.) probation years’ pointed (Previously omitted.) N. Zealand labourer 1912 5 10J fresh dark blue crooked, on each pointed (Previously omitted.) Cyril Lacy Rotorua 8/6/32 charges) . probation N. fields 1895 5 7 fresh brown brown . medium. of of right and inspector back. Rangi Otorohanga . 17/6/32 intoxicated motorof li-fined suspendedcense Maori labourer and contractor 1902 5 9 copper . black brown flat y >3/7 /\ a— / months for Nikora, Bill Te 14/6/32 fighting and convicted N. labourer 1912 6 0 copper . black brown . medium. A charged assault .. fined £3 Wi Len .. Te Kuiti 14/6/32 fighting convicted and disN. Zealand labourer 1910 6 0 copper .. black brown .. flat A half-caste Maori; scar on face, on right hip, charged and on abdomen. assault .. fined £2 10s. Wi Hepi .. Te Kuiti 14/6/32 disorderly conduct convicted and disN. Zealand labourer 1908 5 10 copper .. black brown .. medium., A half-caste Maori. (See P.G., 1930, p. 333.) charged indecent language fined £2 Turner, Arthur Te Kuiti 14/6/32 indecent language fined £2 10s. N. Zealand labourer 1901 5 4 copper .. black brown .. medium.. A half-caste Maori. Greaves, John William, @ Gisborne 4/6/32 theft (2 charges) .. convicted and disEngland .. labourer 1905 5 8! sallow .. dark brown brown .. medium.. Badge and dragon on right forearm ; Indian on Graves charged left forearm ; Britannia on chest. (See P.G., rogue and vagabond, ilconvicted and dis1931, p. 639.) legally on premises charges) (2 charged Fishwick, Joseph .. Gisborne 18/6/32 idle and disorderly (insufiEiconvicted and disN. Zealand labourer 1870 5 8 fresh grey blue medium New Plymouth 15/6/32 cient means) theft charged 1 year’s probation England .. labourer and 1911 6 1 fresh brown blue-grey long Small mole on right side; wears spectacles. Smith, Sydney Bertram clerk (See P.G., 1932, p. 379.) Chalmers, Peter Napier 9/6/32 obscene language.. to come up if called Scotland .. labourer and 11870 5 8! freckled auburn grey .. medium. . 13 p.c. Scars on top of head and on back of on in 1 year seaman right hand ; brown mark on chest; left leg artificial. F.P. assault .. , , fined £3 *WiLen .. 14/6/32 fighting convicted and disN. Zealand labourer 1910 6 0 copper .. black brown .. flat A half-caste Maori; scar on face, on right hip, charged and on abdomen. assault .. fined £2 10s. Te Kuiti Te Kuiti 14/6/32 disorderly conduct convicted and disN. Zealand labourer 1908 5 10 copper .. black brown .. medium., A half-caste Maori. (See P.G., 1930, p. 333.) charged indecent language . , fined £2 Wi . Hepi Turner, 14/6/32 indecent language fined £2 10s. N. Zealand labourer 1901 5 4 copper .. black brown .. medium.. A half-caste Maori. Te Kuiti Gisborne 4/6/32 theft (2 charges) .. convicted and disEngland .. labourer 1905 5 8i sallow .. dark brown brown .. medium.. Badge and dragon on right forearm; Indian on Greaves, John William, @ charged left forearm ; Britannia on chest. (See P.G., rogue and vagabond, ilconvicted and dis1931, p. 639.) legally on premises charges) (2 charged GravesEishwick, Joseph 18/6/32 idle and disorderly (insufficonvicted and disN. Zealand labourer 1870 5 8 fresh grey blue medium cient means) charged 1 year’s probation Gisborne New Plymouth 15/6/32 theft . . England .. labourer and 1911 6 1 fresh brown blue-grey long Small mole on right side; wears spectacles. clerk (See P.G., 1932, p. 379.) Smith, Sydney Chalmers, '9/6/32 obscene language.. to come up if called Scotland .. labourer and 1870 5 8* freckled auburn grey .. medium.. 13 p.c. Scars on top of head and on back of on in 1 year seaman • right hand ; brown mark on chest; left leg artificial. F.P. Napier

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates’ Courts, but not sent to Gaol-continued.

of Offender tried. J jOffence. Sentence. J Native of Trade. Born. s 1 *3 B 1 Complexion, Hair. Eyes, j Nose. Distinguishing Marks, fto. 1 Sentence. 1 Native of Trade. Born. | 1 Height.| Complexion, Hair. 1 Eyes. | Nose. Distinguishing Marks, Te Raetihi 1 1 theft fined £5 Maori labourer 1900 ft. in. 5 9 copper .. black dark .. medium. . Scar on forehead and on left eyebrow. theft fined £5 Maori labourer 1900 ft. in. 5 9 copper .. black dark .. medium.. Scar on forehead and on left eyebrow. Thomas, Taihape 15/6/32 idle disorderly convicted Zealand labourer 1883 in sallow grey blue pointed Scroll, on John charged heart, left p. p. Jack Lindsay Patea 9/6/32 theft probation 1 Zealand labourer 1911 5 6 dark dark brown brown . medium. build. Lionel Wanganui 13/6/32 in and Zealand billiard1905 5 10 sallow . . dark brown . medium motor-car cancelled for years marker Moore, Wanganui 13/6/32 intoxicated in charge and Zealand labourer 1899 5 7 fresh dark grey . medium.. and on leg. motor-car cancelled cense for Raymond . Feilding 7/6/32 assault . fined . Zealand labourer 1910 5 10 sallow dark brown . medium Francis Palmerston 8/6/32 ; admonished Zealand labourer 1915 5 9 pale light blue long ; an pistol each William .. Palmerston 18/6/32 theft called to up Zealand labourer 1889 5 8* fresh dark brown . medium.. and on 1 small ringfinger. p. Campbell, John Upper . 13/6/32 intoxicated fined Scotland contractor . 1896 5 8 fresh brown brown . medium. build. Strong motor-car Dingle, Jack Wellington . 14/6/32 receiving stolen property .. 1 year’s probation Australia .. cook 1907 5 10 fresh dark brown .. medium.. Right leg injured ; lame ; uses walking-stick. (See P.G., 1928, p. 693.) . 14/6/32 receiving stolen property .. 1 year’s probation Australia .. cook 1907 5 10 fresh dark brown .. medium.. Right leg iniured ; lame ; uses walking-stick. (See P.G., 1928, p. 693.) Pearson, Aden Wellington . 17/6/32 in charge fined Zealand telegraph 1911 5 7 fresh dark brown . medium August motor-car linesman Robertson, Alexander Wellington 18/6/32 charges) called to come up Zealand accountant 1887 5 n fresh brown light blue medium. 688, in 6 28.) p. Alexander Wellington 13/6/32 a called to up Zealand 1ST. and 1880 5 n ruddy . dark blue large on right document in years miner 497.) p. Griffin, Richard Wellington . 13/6/32 selling if up Ireland bookseller 1900 5 H fresh dark, turning blue long ; right seditious a ; and publishing document in years grey (See a prominent 142.) McDowell, Leslie Raymond. Wellington 13/6/32 in possescome up Zealand compositor 1909 5 4£ fair fair grey . medium document a on in 2 years on and printing or publishing a seditious document (2 charges) theft on in 2 years on each Elizabeth . and printing or publishing a seditious document (2 charges) each Westport 10/6/32 to come up if called England .. domestic 1900 5 2 pale brown grey .. medium.. Slight build. theft to come up if called England .. domestic 1900 5 2 pale brown grey .. medium.. Slight build. Keats, George V Christchurch 13/6/32 lottery in 1 fined Zealand tailor 1886 5 9 fresh brown blue medium

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates’ Courts, but not sent to Gaol.

Name Offender. Where When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. s op '£ W Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &c. i When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. 1 | Born. [ Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, <fcc. Haughey, Francis Christchurch 14/6/32 theft (8 . . charges disZealand pastrycook 1912 in- ft. 5 dark dark blue medium and p. theft attempted charged and convicted baker 72.) charged unlawfully using a motor-car convicted and discharged unlawfully using a motorconvicted and discycle (5 charges) carrying an unlawful weapon charged convicted and discharged incorrigible rogue (escaping convicted and disfrom custody) charged k % charged convicted and disunlawfully using a motor-car charged unlawfully using a motorconvicted and discycle (5 charges) charged carrying an unlawful weapon convicted and discharged . incorrigible rogue (escaping convicted and disfrom custody) charged Henry Christchurch 16/6/32 theft fined Zealand builder 1897 8 ruddy . dark brown medium.. Slight William Christchurch 16/6/32 a . fined Zealand labourer 1910 7 fresh brown brown medium Templeton, Oamaru 14/6/32 mischief fined Zealand taxi-driver 1899 4 fresh brown blue medium John Caskie, Dunedin 13/6/32 theft and Zealand labourer 1911 5 fresh brown brown . medium. ; charged 650.) p.

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates’ Courts, but not sent to Gaol-continued.

JGaol, Where When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. 1 Born.' Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. When charged. Convictions. ( ftnyer-impressions taken.) Auckland ft. James Harvey, Auckland 25/5/32 default . m’ths 6 arrears Zealand porter 1889 5 fresh dark, turning grey brown .. medium.. 11/6/32 Birthmark on right leg. Arrested, 6/6/32. Arrears paid. 5f fresh dark, turning grey brown .. medium.. 11/6/32 Birthmark on right leg. Arrested, 6/6/32. Arrears paid. Chong Auckland 14/3/32 keeping gaming months fine China fruiterer 1896 61 sallow .. black brown .. medium.. 13/6/32 F.P. 64 sallow .. black brown . „ medium.. 13/6/32 F.P. John Fitton, Auckland 16/4/32 throwing a disorderly 1 . 1 or (cumulative) England seaman 1896 5 fresh brown, going bald grey .. medium.. 15/6/32 Scar over left eye. F.P. Photo at Auckland, 11/5/32. H fresh brown, going bald grey .. medium.. 15/6/32 Scar over left eye. F.P. Photo at Auckland, 11/5/32. Songhurst, George nett Auckland M.C. 16/5/32 idle (in- disorderly means) 1 Zealand N. labourer 1886 4 fresh dark brown.. grey .. medium.. 15/6/32 1 p.c. Left eye artificial. F.P. (See P.G., 1919, p. 76, and Photos, p. 16.) 4 fresh dark brown.. grey .. medium.. 15/6/32 1 p.c. Left eye artificial. F.P. (See P.G., 1919, p. 76, and Photos, p. 16.) Patrick Stanislaus Wellington 2/5/32 default maintenance (2 charges) month 1 on Zealand taxi-driver . 1899 10 fresh light brown.. blue medium.. 15/6/32 Scar on tip of left thumb. Arrested, 16/5/32. 10 fresh light brown.. blue medium.. 15/6/32 Scar on tip of left thumb. Arrested, 16/5/32. Donnelly, James M.C.Dargaville 6/4/32 of 1 Zealand and blacksmith 1903 81 fresh brown, curly brown .. medium.. 15/6/32 Arrested, 16/5/32. 81 fresh brown, curly brown .. medium.. 15/6/32 Arrested, 16/5/32. Alexander Roy M.C. . 16/5/32 obscene language fighting 1 month fine days Zealand labourer 1894 5 dark dark brown.. blue large 15/6/32 2 p.c. Scar on right hip ; left thumbnail injured. (See P.G., 1931, p. 275.) n dark dark brown.. blue large 15/6/32 2 p.c. Scar on right hip ; left thumbnail injured. (See P.G., 1931, p. 275.) RichieRitchie, George, M.C.Auckland 17/5/32 assault 1 . Scotland salesman 1870 5 fresh grey blue medium.. 16/6/32 Tattoo-mark on right forearm; left little finger contracted. F.P. 4f fresh grey blue medium.. 16/6/32 Tattoo-mark on right forearm ; left little finger contracted. F.P. Weir, Thomas Auckland 18/12/31 rogue months England fireman 1891 5 fresh dark brown.. brown .. medium.. 17/6/32 33 p.c. Horse’s head in horse-shoe and GOOD LUCK on right forearm; T.W. over cross and flowers, &c., on left forearm. (See P.G., 1931, p. 758.) 6f fresh dark brown.. brown .. medium.. 17/6/32 33 p.c. Horse’s head in horse-shoe and GOOD LUCK on right forearm ; T.W. over cross and flowers, &c., on left forearm. (See P.G., 1931, p. 758.) McGrath, William Henry M.C.Auckland 18/4/32 mischief months Zealand engineer 1900 6| 5 fresh brown, going bald blue medium.. 17/0/32 Scar on left thumb and little finger and on right side of abdomen. F.P. Photo at Auckland, 11/5/32. 61 fresh brown, going bald blue medium.. 17/6/32 Scar on left thumb and little finger and on right side of abdomen. F.P. Photo at Auckland, 11/5/32. William M.C.Whangarei 18/4/32 theft . months Zealand andpainter showman 1892 84 fresh dark, going bald blue-grev medium.. 17/6/32 Scar on right cheek. F.P. (See P.G., 1925, p. 55, and Photos, 1913, p. 6.) 84 fresh dark, going bald blue-grev medium.. 17/6/32 Scar on right cheek. F.P. (See P.G., 1925, p. 55, and Photos, 1913, p. 6.) Alexander, Denehy, Dearoby, Day, Auckland M.C. 19/12/31 incorrigible rogue 6 months N. Zealand labourer 1886 5 44 fresh dark, curly . . hazel .. medium. . 18/6/32 98 p.c. Palms and fingers badly burnt; scar on nose. (See P.G., 1930, p. 707.) Donoghue Auckland M.C. 19/12/31 incorrigible rogue 6 months N. Zealand labourer 1886 5 4J fresh dark, curly .. hazel .. medium.. 18/6/32 98 p.c. Palms and fingers badly burnt; scar on nose. (See P.G., 1930, p. 707.) Wilson, Wilson, Joseph Auckland M.C. 22/4/32 language 7 days England labourer 1884 5 fresh brown brown .. medium.. 18/6/32 Scar on left wrist; marks on left forearm. F.P. Arrested, 13/6/32. (See P.G., 1912, p. 518.) 64 fresh brown brown .. medium.. 18/6/32 Scar on left wrist; marks on left forearm. F.P. Arrested, 13/6/32. (See P.G., 1912, p. 518.) Maloney, James, Walsh Auckland 24/3/32 theft . 3 Zealand labourer 1871 5 fresh grey blue broad .. 17/6/32 18 p.c. Scar on right forearm and on left i thumb. Sent to Mental Hospital. (See ; P.G., 1931, p. 684, and Photos, 1920, p. 46.) Scar between right thumb and forefinger and on left forefinger. Arrested, 30/5/32. Arrears paid. 101 fresh grey blue broad .. 17/6/32 18 p.c. Scar on right forearm and on left thumb. Sent to Mental Hospital. (See P.G., 1931, p. 684, and Photos, 1920, p. 46.) Scar between right thumb and forefinger and on left forefinger. Arrested, 30/5/32. Arrears paid. William Auckland M.C. ■ 12/5/32 default of maintenance . arrears or 3 m’ths N. Zealand labourer 1887 5 81 fresh brown brown .. medium.. 17/6/32 Borstal InstituGray, Allan George Auckland S.C. 9/3/31 attempted breaking and entering with intent (2 charges); and breaking, entering, and theft 2 years’ reformative detention N. Zealand labourer 1910 6 04 fresh brown brown .. medium.. 14/6/32 1 p.c. Strong build; two scars on left forefinger; scar on ball of right middle finger. F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1931, p. 355, and Photos, p. 51.) tion— James, Auckland Christchurch ■ 12/5/32 default of maintenance .. arrears or 3 m’ths N. Zealand labourer 1887 5 8-1-fresh brown brown .. medium.. 17/6/32 M.C. 16/6/31 theft .. 2 years in Borstal Institution N. Zealand labourer 1911 5 . n fresh auburn grey .. medium.. 14/6/32 1 p.c. Strong build ; scar on right middle finger and on right knee. F.P. Released on license. Auckland S.C. 9/3/31 attempted breaking and entering with intent (2 charges); and breaking, entering, and theft 2 years’ reformative detention N. Zealand labourer 1910 6 01 fresh brown brown .. medium.. 14/6/32 1 p.c. Strong build; two scars on left forefinger; scar on ball of right middle finger. F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1931; p. 355, and Photos, p. 51.) Gray, Allan GeorgeJames, Christchurch 16/6/31 theft .. 2 years in Borstal Institution N. Zealand * labourer 1911 5 . 74 fresh auburn grey .. medium.. 14/6/32 1 p.c. Strong build ; scar on right middle finger and on right knee. F.P. Released on license. M.C.


j J Complexion. When discharged. 1 Remarks, and Previous Convictions. I 1 j Complexion. I When dis- j charged, j Remarks, and Previous Convictions. Gaol, Prisoner. Whew t 1When. OthMi. Sentaaco. Native of j Trade. | 1 $ 1 « ! U m Hair. Eyes. Nose. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) i Offoe*. Seatanco. Native of Trade. I & m Hair. Eyes, j Nose. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Waikeria Borstal ft. 5 7* continued. Allan Waugh, Arthur Feilding . 15/9/31 theft . in year Institution Zealand window dresser 1911 fresh brown brown . medium. 16/6/32 Gisborne— Te Bay 30/4/32 theft . 6 Zealand labourer 1912 5 copper .. black hazel .. thick 10/6/32 A half-caste Maori, scar on right cheek, 6i copper .. black hazel .. thick 10/6/32 A half-caste Maori, scar on right cheek, M.C. left of and p. Kautu — Francis Thomas Auckland 30/10/28 arson years N. Zealand grocer 1898 5 lOf fresh brown blue medium.. 11/6/32 F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., reforma years’ N. Zealand grocer 1898 5 lOf fresh brown blue medium. . 11/6/32 F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1928, p. 858.) - 1928, p. 858.) detention making 9 Eric Auckland 24/3/31 theft . and 1 ; Zealand N. motor-driver 1902 5 fresh dark brown.. brown .. medium.. 13/6/32 5 p.c. Scar on right side of abdomen. n fresh dark brown.. brown .. medium. . 13/6/32 5 p.c. Scar on right side of abdomen. reforma F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., - F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., detention tive and p. George Auckland 15/6/31 knowledge 1 and ; Australia motor-driver 1908 85 fair auburn blue medium.. 13/6/32 4 p.c. Scars under chin and on right groin. 8 fair auburn blue medium.. 13/6/32 4 p.c. Scars under chin and on right groin. reforma year’s (See. detention tive p. Napier Baker, Hastings 13/4/32 default months Zealand labourer 1876 5 5| fresh grey brown .. medium.. 18/6/32 Scar on left side of neck. Arrested, 20/4/32. 5* fresh grey brown .. medium. . 18/6/32 Scar on left side of neck. Arrested, 20/4/32. Wanganui Thomas Walsh, Taihape . 19/5/32 and idle disorderly month Zealand labourer 1908 5 fresh dark brown... grey medium.. 18/6/32 3 p.c. Mole on right cheek. F.P. (See 3* fresh dark brown.. grey medium. . 18/6/32 3 p.c. Mole on right cheek. F.P. (See P.G., 1931, p. 507, and Photos, 1929, p. 20.) • i ! I P.G., 1931, p. 507, and Photos, 1929, p. 20.) Victor Hanks, M.C.Wanganui 15/6/32 of default montharrears England soapmaker 1894 3 dark dark brown.. hazel .. medium.. 17/6/32 Scars on left little and forefinger. F.P. Arrested, 17/6/32. Arrears paid. 3 dark dark brown.. hazel .. medium.. 17/6/32 Scars on left little and forefinger. F.P. Arrested, 17/6/32. Arrears paid. Tako— N. Zealand painter blue 6 months on each N. Zealand painter Sunder- Fielding, mouth Grey 25/8/30 theft (3 1905 5 2 dark dark blue medium.. 7/6/32 Scar on right knee. F.P. Released on 6 months on each 1905 5 2 dark dark medium.. 7/6/32 Scar on right knee. F.P. Released on land M.C. unlawfully motor- using months 6 p. car 36.) p. Greymouth 16/9/30 breaking, entering, and 2 years’ reformaS.C. theft tive detention breaking and entering with 2 years’ reformaintent tive detention j Grey mouth 16/9/30 breaking, entering, and 2 years’ reforma - j S.C. theft tive detention • ] breaking and entering with 2 years’ reforma - intent tive detention Leo, Edwards, Percy Gisborne 13/7/31 theft . and 6 Zealand INI. labourer 1884 6 dark dark brown.. brown .. wide 8/6/32 Scar on back of right hand. F.P. Released 1 dark dark brown.. brown .. wide 8/6/32 Scar on back of right hand. F.P. Released Edmonds, months’ on license and prohibited. (See P.G., - on license and prohibited. (See P.G., J. McCleary, formative tention 1931, p. 219.) ' 1931, p. 219.) M.C. Wellington 9/2/32 theft .. 4 months N. Zealand labourer 1911 5 8 fresh brown blue medium. . 8/6/32 7 p.c. Slight build; scar on right elbow Wellington M.C. 9/2/32 theft .. 4 months IS. Zealand labourer 1911 5 8 fresh brown blue medium.. 8/6/32 7 p.c. Slight build; scar on right elbow Sim knee on ; 1931,


| Complexion. 1 When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. 1 1 j Complexion. 1 When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. Prisoner. of Gaol, tried.Where When. Olence. Sentence. Native of Trade. j O © w Hair. Eyes, j Nose. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) 1 Native of Trade. | © i tt | 9 w Hair. Byes, j Nose. (F.P. indicates that fin/jer-imprestions have been taken.) continued. ft. in. ft. in. light brown.. @Ling, S.C.Wellington 19/9/30 ; forgery each on years Australia labourer 1899 5 9 fresh light brown.. grey .. medium.. 8/6/32 Scar under chin and on throat; slanting 5 9 fresh grey .. medium.. 8/6/32 Scar under chin and on throat; slanting Leonard, forgery charges) (8 and on license, E. andprohibited. 1923, John O’Shannessey, M.C. Napier . 9/12/31 (inrogue months 6 N. labourer 1895 5 5 fresh light brown.. blue medium.. 8/6/32 Scar on back of head, on left cheek, and 5 5 fresh light brown.. blue medium.. 8/6/32 Scar on back of head, on left cheek, and John, sufficient means) P.G., 1931, p. O’Brien, @ and Photos, 1929, p. 50.) • and Photos, 1929, p. 50.) Wellington— fresh brown blue, gardener fresh brown blue, Leslie M.C.Wellington 14/5/32 police month N. 1894 5 Si medium.. 13/6/32 F.P. Scars on chin and on forehead. gardener 1894 5 5* medium.. 13/6/32 F.P. Scars on chin and on forehead. Hugh, M.C.Wellington 14/5/32 policeobstructing month N. and 1911 5 6 fresh fair blue medium.. 13/6/32 1 p.c. F.P. (See P.G., 1930, p. 531, and 5 6 fresh fair blue medium.. 13/6/32 1 p.c. F.P. (See P.G., 1930, p. 531, and son clerk p. William Aubrey, Wellington 13/3/32 stolen propertyreceiving months 3 Australia carpenter 1866 5 8 ruddy .. brown blue large 15/6/32 2 p.c. Mole on chest; long scar on right forearm. F.P. (See P.G., 1917, p. 540.) 5 8 ruddy .. brown blue large 15/6/32 2 p.c. Mole on chest; long scar on right forearm. F.P. (See P.G., 1917, p. 540.) O’Connell, Palmerston 23/12/31 disorderly months N. labourer 1869 5 3i fresh grey blue medium.. 18/6/32 21 p.c. Arms and hands freckled ; hands 5 H fresh grey . blue medium.. 18/6/32 21 p.c. Arms and hands freckled ; hands O’Connell, North each on ; Kilsour, John, Wellington 19/2/32 by months (See abdomen, of on leg. Joseph 1/4/32 pretences month (cumulative) 1 fresh 18/6/32 p. and John Jones, Wellington 19/6/31 bodily (causing Wales salesman 1889 5 6f grey grey • • long 5 6, grey grey ... long harm) detention left and top P.G., (See Mental to p. Picton — fresh labourer 1899 fresh brown .. 9/6/32 John . Augustine Blenheim 10/5/32 disorderly (inmonth N. 6 1 dark medium.. 2 p.c. Strong build. (See P.G., 1931, labourer 1899 6 1 dark brown .. medium.. 9/6/32 2 p.c. Strong build. (See P.G., 1931, sufficient means) p. 528.) : p. 528.) Paparua fresh and Alfred Christchurch 23/11/31 of default m’ths 6 Zealand painter 1888 5 5* auburn blue medium.. 13/6/32 5 auburn blue medium.. 13/6/32 M.C. ; and clasped hands on left forearm. Arrested, 14/12/31. (See P.G., 1930, p. 547.) 'j hands on left forearm. Arrested, 14/12/31. (See P.G., 1930, p. 547.) Edwin Christchurch 3/5/32 lawlessness inciting weeks 6 England . accountant. 1880 5 6 fresh brown grey .. medium.. 13/6/32 5 p.c. Scar on right upper arm, on fore5 6 fresh brown grey .. medium.. 13/6/32 5 p.c. Scar on right upper arm, on foreM.C. (See and on and 77.) p. of on Maloney, Lyttelton 24/5/32 stowaway days 21 or N. labourer 1912 5 8i pale dark brown.. blue medium.. 13/6/32 right knee. F.P. Photo at Paparua, 7/6/32. 5 8* pale dark brown.. blue medium.. 13/6/32 right knee. F.P. Photo at Paparua, 7/6/32. Albert Christchurch 15/3/32 theft . months England labourer 1909 5 5i dark dark brown.. brown .. medium.. 14/6/32 1 p.c. Nail on left middle finger deformed. 5 5i dark dark brown.. brown .. medium.. 14/6/32 1 p.c. Nail on left middle finger deformed. M.C. 16/3/32 theft each 14 on days and p. 28.) p. Arrested, 15/4/32. Cross, James M.C. . 7/4/32 of .default 2 or Zealand N. labourer 1895 5 3 dark black brown .. medium.. 14/6/32 3 dark black brown .. medium.. 14/6/32 5


Gaol, Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Bom. 1 Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) ! Height. Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Paparua continued. 'ft. in. Arthur McGee, M.C.Dunedin . Dunedin . 27/2/25 1/2/32 of assault . 6 7 N. Zealand clerk 1887 5 7 fresh dark grey .. medium.. 15/6/32 2 p.c. F.P. Arrested, 9/12/31. (See P.G., 1932, p. 220, and Photos„p. 85.) l-p.ey-F.P.^^4, 1 p.c. Two flags, crown, EGYPT, 1915, (cumulative) N. Zealand clerk 1887 5 7 fresh dark grey medium.. 15/6/32 2 p.c. F.P. Arrested, 9/12/31. (See P.G., 1932, p. 220, and Photos, p. 85.) 1 p.c. 1 p.c. Two flags, crown, EGYPT, 1915, Christchurch 28/5/32 indecent act with intent 21 days Ireland wharf 1880 5 6 dark dark, turning , . , 17/6/32 MO. to insult Breeny-Patrick Stanley, William ChristchurchChristchurch 28/5/32 indecent act_with- intent (cumulative) 21. days Ireland. —.. wharf — 1880 5— 6~ dark,-turning grey fair, turning hazel —rr blue M.C. 6/6/32 receiving stolen property 14 days N. Zealand labourer 1890 5 8 fresh grey fair, turning blue medium.. 18/6/32 grey &c., on right arm. F.P. (See P.G., Stanley, William Alfred Sterling, . MTCTChristchurch ChristchurchM.C. 29/2/32 default of maintenance .. arrears or 2 m’ths 1ST. Zealand storeman .. 1882 5 1H fresh grey blue medium.. 18/6/32 1922, p. 468.) Arrested, 20/4/32. M.C. 6/6/32 to insult receiving stolen property 14 days N. Zealand -labourer labourer 1890 6 8 fresh medium.. -17/0 /oZ 18/6/32 grey &c., on right arm. F.P. (See P.G., Alfred Isaac Sterling, Reformatory ChristchurchChristchurch M.C.M.C. theft (15 charges) 29/2/32 default of maintenance .. arrears or 2 m’ths N. Zealand storeman .. 1882 5 1U fresh grey blue medium.. 18/6/32 1922, p. 468.) Arrested, 20/4/32. Reformatory Addington 18/2/32 4 months N. Zealand domestic 1911 4 7* fair fair hazel .. large 17/6/32 Mole on left breast; short arms, slightly deformed at wrists. F.P. Christchurch M.C. theft (15 charges) Ilia Wilson, May Dunedin— 18/2/32 4 months N. Zealand domestic 1911 4 74 fair fair hazel .. large 17/6/32 Mole on left breast; short arms, slightly deformed at wrists. F.P. Legg, .Noah. Ernest Dunedin M.C... 15/4/32 unlawfully using motorcar 2 months N. Zealand labourer 1908 5 7* fresh brown blue medium.. 14/6/32 Scar on left elbow; horse’s head, horseshoe, and GOOD LUCK on left wrist; woman’s head on left forearm ; anchor and MARIM on right forearm. (See Bell, Albert Joseph ..! . i ! Dunedin M.C... 19/5/32 theft .. 1 month 1 ! N. Zealand i labourer 1881 5 9 i fresh fair grey .. medium..' 18/6/32 P.G., 1931, p. 655, and Photos, p. 82.) Scar on nose and on left forefinger; scars on abdomen. (See P.G., 1931, p. 481, and Photos, 1929, p. 45.) •. ■. '■ . ' ■ . Dunedin— Ernest Legg, 15/4/32 unlawfully using motorcar 2 months N. Zealand labourer 1908 s n fresh brown blue medium.. 14/6/32 Scar on left elbow; horse’s head, horseshoe, and GOOD LUCK on left wrist; woman’s head on left forearm; anchor and MARIM on right forearm. (See Dunedin M.C... . 1 1 Dunedin M.C... 19/5/32 theft .. .. 1 month 1 i N. Zealand labourer 1 1881 5 9 fresh fair grey .. medium.. 18/6/32 1 P.G., 1931, p. 655, and Photos, p. 82.) Scar on nose and on left forefinger; scars on abdomen. (See P.G., 1931, p. 481, and Photos, 1929, p. 45.) Bell, Albert Joseph .. I


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LVII, Issue 26, 29 June 1932, Page 409

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EXTRACTS FROM NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LVII, Issue 26, 29 June 1932, Page 409

EXTRACTS FROM NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LVII, Issue 26, 29 June 1932, Page 409

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