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Whangarei.— 22nd ultimo, for false pretences, William Brown. Accused obtained money atfdfgftods, value £25, from Going Bros., motor of a valueless cheque. The cheq a cheque-book issued by the Bank of New Zealand, New Plymouth, to Thomas Reid, referred to in Ponce Gazette, 1931, page 282, and these two accused may be one and the same person. There another charges pending. No warrant. /fed / V/U\U

Whangarei. —3rd instant, that proceedings for failing to notify her change of address (Arms Act) may be instituted against her, Emily Winifred Lynch, widow. Her late husband, John Lynch, in 1923, whilst living at Portland, registered a six-chambered revolver. , + *77*7*/

Auckland. 2oth ultimo, on warrant of commitment to Wanganui Prison for one month in default of paying £9 10s. arrears on a maintenance order for the support of his child, Rangipouri Mammaru, age forty-four, height 5 ft. 5 in., interpreter, dark complexion, black hair going bald, brown eyes, flat nose, right forefinger injured; a Maori. (See Police Gazette, 1931, page 3.) &/7/£>/,

Auckland. 22nd July, 1930, on warrant for false pretences, George Henry Ireland, alias Snowy Ireland, age about twenty-five, height about oft. 8 in., -driver, native of New Zealand, strong build, fresh complexion, fair hair and eyebrows. Accused obtained £l3 10s. from Reginald Roberts, finance-agent, 110 Balmoral Road, by falsely representing that an Essex motor-car and taxi-meter were his own property, whereas, in reality, they were held by him under a time-payment agreement, there being still £339 owing to the Dominion Motors, Ltd., which firm has since taken possession of the motor-car. He commuted a^Napier.

Auckland. — 2oth April last, that a summons for a breach of the Licensing Act may be served upon him, John Sandford Walvoi, alias Reid, alias Gilmour, age thirty-two, height 5 ft. 3 in., dentist, native of New Zealand, fresh complexion, black hair, blue eyes, protruding ears; scar on right ringfinger, on right side of forehead, and on abdomen. (See Police Gazette, 1930, page 872, and Photographs page 60.)

Auckland. 24th April last, for escaping'from Avondale Mental Hospital, Albert James McKay, age thirty-seven, height 5 ft. 5 in., labourer, native of New Zealand, dark hair, hazel eyes, long flat scar on right foot; dressed in dark tweed trousers and coat and grey cap ; clothing marked M ' 2 * a ~h7/ V/ /i A a

Auckland. 23rd April last, on warrant of commitment to Auckland Prison for twenty-four hours in default of paying 10s. fine and costs for drunkenness, William McElwain, age seventy-two, height 5 ft. 4 in., labourer, native of New Zealand, medium build, fresh' complexion, grey hair, blue eyes, three moles on left forearm, scar on left little finger ; has a beard. (See Police Gazette, 1930, page 31,4.) _/ 7 .

Auckland.— F. T. King, false pretences : The photograph of Mervyn David Rowe, alias David William Rowe, alias Alexander Harrison, referred to in Police Gazette, 1931, page 284, and Photographs, 930, page 36, has been identified as that of accused. (See Police Gazette,, 193 page 327.)

Auckland.— lst instant, for failing to comply with the conditions of her release upon probation (Offenders Probation Act, 1920), Kathleen Marlay, referred to in Police Gazette, 1930, page 801, and Photographs, 1931, page,, 9. Her arrest isdcsiled - fiMJbOfodj ft/v/A/.

Auckland. — lst instant, that a summons for a breach of the Licensing Act may be served upon him, James McCoy, referred to in Police Gazette, J 931, page 97. ///

Auckland.— lst instant, that a summons for a breach of the Licensing Act may be served upon her, Hilda Wainui, alias Jackson, alias Beatrice Walton, referred to ill Police Gazette, 1923, page 264. S , /,/.

Pukekohe.— 3oth January last, for forgery and uttering, Richard Harold Brown, age about twenty -six, height 5 ft. 10 in., native of New Zealand, medium build, fresh complexion, curly dark hair, brown eyes ; usually well dressed ; quiet spoken. Accused obtained 10s. from Ronald Perkins, storekeeper, by means of a valueless cheque for £l3 Is. 6d. He agreed to accept 10s. and return for the balance, but he disappeared. No warrant. (See Police Gazette, 1930, page 585.)

Rotorua. —Ist January last, for failing to 'com ply with the conditions of his release upon probation (Offenders Probation Act, 1920), Willie H. Heke, referred to in Police Gazette, 1930, page 329. His arrest is desired, and he is to he charged with the offence “ failing to report.”

Rotorua. 3oth June, 1930, for failing to comply with the conditions of his release upon probation (Offenders Probation Act, 1920), Teri Whitney, alias Withers, referred to in Police Gazette, 1930, page 329. His arrest is desired, and he is to be charged with the offence “ failing to reports”

New Plymouth. — lst October last, on warrant of commitment to New Plymouth Prison for one month in default of paying £37 3s. arrears on a maintenance order for the support of his wife and child, Arthur Cook, age thirtytwo, height 5 ft. 5-Jin., baker, native of New Zealand, medium build, fresh complexion, black hair, grey eyes, scar on right wrist, legs injured and walks lame. " He is to be released on payment of £lO. (See Police Gazette, 1930, page 697, and page 34.) / /

Taihape. — 29th January last, that a summons under the Destitute Persons Act may be served upon him, George Edward Summers, age thirty -one, height 6ft., labourer and motordriver, native of New Zealand, stout build, dark complexion and hair, blue eyes, tip of right forefinger missing.

Hastings. -30th ultimo : Inquiries are to be made for Two Mien who, on the afternoon of the 30th ultimo, unlawfully converted a three-seater Buick motor-car, the property of Rangi Karatiana Kamau, to their own use, and whilst' negligently driving the car in Alexander Street, collided with a motor-bicycle and side-chair, killing Raymond Smith, the driver, and injuring Kenneth Herbert Cheer, the occupant of the side-chair. Descriptions : (1) Man (name unknown), thought to be identical with Edward Robert Keljett O’Leary, age eighteen, height 5 ft. 10 in., labourer, native of New Zealand, slight build, fresh complexion, brown hair, blue eyes, scar on right forefinger and on right eyelid (he has been interviewed, but no evidence resulted) ; and (2) Man (name unknown), age about twenty-four, height about 5 ft. 7 in., slight build, dark hair. .

Wanganui. —2sth ultimo, on warrant for failing to comply, with the terms of a maintenance order for the support of his illegitimate child, of whom Daphne Vera Davis is the mother, Frank Maurice' Priest, age forty-three, height 5 ft. 71- in., labourer, native of New Zealand, dark complexion, dark hair turning grey, grey eyes, scar on left wrist. Arrears to sth ultimo, £B4 7s. (See Police Gazette, 1929? page 432.)

Wanganui. —2Bth ultimo, that she may be interviewed regarding paternity and maintenance of her illegitimate child, in the care of the Education Department, Laura McQuilkin, alias Adams, alias Nicholls, age about twentyeight, tall, hotel worker and domestic, native of. New Zealand, ruddy completion, dark hair„ ~\ / /2. <•' c

Wellington. sth -ultimo, for false pretences, Charles Banks, age about twenty-five, height 5 ft. 8 in., slight build, fresh complexion, brown hair. Accused called at the King’s Private Hotel, Clyde Quay, and arranged with the proprietress, Olive Couper, for accommodation for a week, in payment of which he tendered a valueless cheque for £7 10s.,‘receiving £5 17s. 6d. change. He then left, stating that he would return with his luggage, but did not do so. The cheque was one of a number stolen from a room in the Trocadero Hotel, the property of James Richards. There are other similar charges pending. No warrant. /Zvtjta Aett 'C/yy&fr

Wellington. 3oth Mascb last, that summonses for theft of a stretcher-bed arblUki enanlel kettle, value £1 ss. (recovered), the Jprppemr/qfffiVfa’Eft/ Greenfield, Paremata, may be served them— (l)"Gordon Thomas Wilkie, age about .thirty-eight, heighten ft. 8 in., mold! 1 “mechanic, native of New Zealand, strong build, florid complexion, dark-brown hair, brown eyes; dressed in grey flannel trousers, fawn sports coat, brown leather overcoat, brown shoes, and greyfelt hat : and (2) Stanley Nankivell, age about thirty-four, height 5 ft. 8 in., labourer, of New Zealand, medium build, sallow complexion; light-brown hair, grey eyes, thin features. With Edgar/Colin Nankivell (who has been fined £5 for the offence) the above-mentioned persons stayed for about two weeks at complainant’s cottage at Paremata, and when leaving they stole the stretcher and kettle. tu* - f ’/<? ■

Wellington. 7th February last, for false pretences, J. Sloan (name probably fictitious), age about fifty, height 5 ft. 9 in., thin build, medium complexion; dressed in a light - grey suit and light - coloured felt hat. Accused obtained £1 ss. in money and meat value ss. from William Wolland, butcher, 98 Tory Street, by means of a valueless cheque for £1 10s. Suspicion was attached to Harold William Stevenson, referred to in Police Gazette, 1928, page 645, who has been interviewed, but could not be identified. No warrant.

. Wellington. —On or about the 23rd ultimo, on warrant for theft of ten gallons of linseed oil, oxide, a hammer, &c., value £6 3s. 3d. (recovered), the property of Smith and Smith, oil and colour merchants, Edward Ryan, alias Thomas Ryan, age thirty -seven, . height 5 ft. in., labourer and salesman, native of New Zealand, slight build, fresh complexion, brown hair, blue eyes. The stolen property was found in his garage, Lynn Road. (See Police Gazette, 1920, page 233, and Photographs, 4915-page 2^f.)

Wellington. 2Bth April last, oh warrant for theft of £6 11s. 6d., the property of Clarke Cleaners, 356 Lambton Quay, Eric Booth, age about thirty, height about 5 ft. 9 in., carpenter, good build, dark complexion and hair, puckers his eyebrows when speaking ; dressed in a dark-brown suit. Accused, who was employed as salesman for the abovementioned firm, received the sum of £6 11s. 6d. from Thomas Millington Knudson Garratt, Lower Hutt, for a vacuumcleaner and failed to account for it to his employers. He is also to be interviewed regarding two vacuum-cleaners described hereunder, which he represented to his employers as having been sold to G. V. Jameson, Silverstream, and Mrs. J. Nolan, Mellings. These persons cannot be located, and it is suspected that he has stolen the cleaners. Description of vacuum-cleaners : Nos. A 11494 and A 11081 (branded on back of exhaust), each about 3 ft. 6 in. long, khaki-coloured cloth bag attached to handle, ‘on which is printed “.The Clarke Vac-all Cleaner ” ; value, £BAs. 6d. each. ,

Blenheim. —12th ultimo, for false pretences, Man (name unknown), age about thirty, height 5 ft. 8 in., medium build, sallow complexion, light-brown hair, blue eyes ; dressed in a blue suit; may be pock-pitted on one side of face; smart appearance. Accused obtained, on a hire-purchase agreement (paying £4 deposit) a Zenith radio set, value £22 10s., from Thomson and Llanfear, radio dealers, Alfred Street, by falsely representing himself to be Maurice Clarence Glubb, telegraphist, Picton. He may 7 offer the radio set for sale, or he may register it at some post-office. No warrant.

Westport.— l3th .ultimo, on warrant of commitment to Westport Prison for seven days in default of paying 12s. fid. fine and costs for drunkenness, Patrick Henry McNamara, age forty, height 5 ft. 41 in., labourer and fireman, native of England, medium build, fresh complexion, brown hair, grey eyes ; Chinese woman, clasped hands, and scroll on right forearm ; flag and flower on back of right hand ; star on back of left hand ; ring and heart on left middle finger. (See Police Gazette, 1925, page 429.) / / K //7/J/,

Christchurch. 2lst ultimo, on warrant for failing to maintain his wife, Florence Hilda Masters, 21 Haast Street, Pwrsea Franklin Masters, age thirty, height 5 ft. 10 ill., baker, native of Australia, medium build, sallow complexion, dark hair, brown eyes, scar on right wrist, large nose ; dressed in a light-grey suit and felt hat. He may endeavour to leave for Australia. , pjfjjb VU/ Lj X t

Christchurch. —23rd April last, on warrant of commitment to Addington Prison for five days in default of paying £2 10s. 6d. fine and costs for failing to pay her tram fare, Gertrude La Nauze, age about thirty-eight, height 4 ft., domestic, native of New Zealand, stout build, fresh complexion, dark hair, blue eyes, protruding lips ; dressed in a fawn costume and brown LV 3/ •

Christchurch.— lßth April last, on warrant for using indecent language in Thackeray Street, Sydenham, Harry Ernest Herbert, age fifty, height 5 ft. 6 in., carrier, native of England, medium build, ruddy complexion, dark hair, brown eyes, scar on upper lip, impediment in speech ; frequents hotels* \(See Police Gazette, 1930, page 509.)

Ashburton. Francis Hill, alias Howard, age forty-three, height 5 ft. 1\ in. labourer, native of New Zealand, slight build, fresh complexion, brown hair, blue eyes, scar over left eye, right little finger contracted ; shabbily dressed in a grey suit and cap, and fawn raincoat. Accused obtained £5 3s. 7d. in money and goods, value £1 18s. 5d., from George Daniel Hollis Hefford, draper, East Street, by means if a valueless cheque for £7 25., signed James A. Buxton. He may he identical with J. F. Howard, referred to in Police Gazette, 1931, page 64. No warrant. (See Police Gazette, 1929, page 743, /and Photographs, 1925, page 43.) oMjLo W Zz/?/*/'

Timaru. —3rd instant, that he may be interviewed regarding theft of a gentlemen’s bicycle from the Railway Boardinghouse, the property of William Henry Carter, Alexander Campbell, age thirty-three, height 5 ft. 9 in., painter and labourer, medium build, ruddy complexion, fair hair, blue eyes ; shabbily -y / j |'J y,, -* Timaeu. 27th ultimo, on Warrant for failing to maintain his wife, Elizabeth Gee, 8 College Road, Benjamin Gee, age fifty-five, height about 5 ft. 9 in., bootmaker, native of England, medium build, fair complexion, fair hair turning grey, grey eyes, scar on right wrist ; dressed in a darkgrey suit and felt hat or cap. On the 3rd April last he left home to go deer-stalking, and his wife has not since heard from him.

Kurow. —Ist April last, for failing to comply with the conditions of his release upon probation (Offenders Probation Act, 1920), Albert Edward Yandell, age twenty-four, height 5 ft. 8J in., labourer, native of England, slight build, fair complexion, brown hair, blue eyes, small mole on upper lip. (See Police Gazette, 1930, page 5424 j Clajwjhz 1

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LVI, Issue 23, 10 June 1931, Page 351

Word Count

PERSONS WANTED. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LVI, Issue 23, 10 June 1931, Page 351

PERSONS WANTED. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LVI, Issue 23, 10 June 1931, Page 351

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