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Circular No. 1/29. Instructions relative to the Control of Co-ordinated Districts.

(1) The Superintendent in charge of the Head District shall superintend and control the members of the Force in his District in accordance with Acts, Regulations, and departmental directions, subject to the approval of the Commissioner in all instances. He will be held responsible for the careful scrutiny of all estimates, accounts, and vouchers in respect of the co-ordinated districts, which are to be supported and 2—P.G.

authenticated by his certificates of approval. He will retain control of the Imprest Account as heretofore, and pay the members of the Force in the co-ordinated districts.

(2) The Inspector will lie held responsible for the control of the members of the Force in his own District in accordance with Acts, Regulations, and departmental directions, including the special directions regarding co-ordinated districts, subject to the approval of the Commissioner in all instances. The Inspector shall not have an imprest account. (3) The Inspector will be held responsible for the state ; of the buildings, equipment, horses, and all departmental property in his own district, and when he considers repairs are required or a new station should he opened or a station closed, he shall report to the Superintendent of the Head District, who shall visit and inspect with him. and forward the report to the Commissioner with remarks re expenditure. The Inspector will arrange with the Superintendent regarding sixmonthly inspection, which will be done jointly by mutual fixation.

(4) By arrangement the Superintendent and Inspector (or Inspectors) will confer at least once each day relative to current Police matters in their respective districts ; and when a difference of opinion exists as to the procedure to follow or action to be taken in any instance or contingency, the majority shall rule where there are three officers present. Where, however, the Superintendent considers that any matter in respect of which there is a disagreement should he decided by the Commissioner, he shall submit it accordingly without delay, and if necessary, having regard to its urgency, by'telegraph or telephone. Where there are only two officers to confer and they disagree the matter shall be promptly submitted to the Commissioner for decision.

(5) In the Superintendent’s absence, the Inspector or senior commissioned officer will assume the responsibility for the Superintendent’s district, in addition to his own. Where there are two Inspectors in the co-ordinated districts, in the absence of either Inspector the one present at the District Headquarters Station will assume responsibility of both Inspectors’ districts. (6) The Sub-Inspector shall relieve an Inspector as required. (7) Each commissioned officer shall co-operate with and afford all information and assistance in his power to the other commissioned officers of the co-ordinated districts in the performance of their duties. (8) Pending the arrival of and assumption of immediate control by the Commissioner, in cases of emergency or industrial strife, or any event of public importance, the Superintendent, or in his absence the senior commissioned officer of the co-ordinated districts, will assume control, with authority to draw men from any of such co-ordinated districts. He will be held responsible for an immediate compliance with Regulation No. 19. (9) It shall not be necessary to notify the Commissioner for an officer of a co-ordinated district to visit an adjoining co-ordinated district, except in the case of the Superintendent when he leaves on a visit of inspection or other duty and his absence is likely to exceed forty-eight hours. (10) All applications for leave in the co-ordinated districts shall be submitted to the Superintendent for approval or otherwise.

(11) All defaulters in the co-ordinated districts shall be prosecuted be'fore the Superintendent by the Sub-Inspector, unless the Inspector desires to do so, (12) The Sub-Inspector shall prosecute in all Uniform Branch cases, other than by-laws, coming before the City Police Court, unless the Superintendent or an Inspector desires to do so.

(13) Subject to the control of the commissioned officers in charge of the co-ordinated districts, the Sub-Inspector shall, in addition to his present duties, deal with all matters (including correspondence and prosecutions) pertaining to the Motor-vehicles Act and Regulations which are within the jurisdiction of the Police in respect of the co-ordinated districts, provided that in all eases under Section 27 of that Act they shall be submitted to the Superintendent or Inspector of the district concerned for directions. For the purposes of prosecution the Sub-Inspector will be limited to the City Police Court unless otherwise . directed. S

(14) Police motor-vehicles of any description shall be under the immediate control of the Inspector of the Central District, but will be available for the Superintendent or Inspectors of the co-ordinated districts. The drivers shall comply with the instructions of the Senior Sergeant, subject to any directions given or limitation imposed by the Inspector in charge of the Central District. In the absence of the Superintendent and Inspectors, the Sub-Inspector has authority to authorize or refuse the use of the vehicle.

(15) The district office staff will serve for the Inspector (or Inspectors) as well as the Superintendent, whose authority will remain paramount. (16) Correspondence from and to Inspectors of co-ordinated Districts shall be dealt with by the district office, which will absorb the clerk now in the Inspector’s Office, the work to be carried out under the supervision of the District Clerk. The Sub-Inspector’s correspondence shall be recorded in the district office.

(17) Correspondence from the Commissioner shall be addressed to the Superintendent, who will arrange to have same opened, recorded in the District office, and distributed to the officers in charge of the districts concerned. (18) Correspondence from Inspectors of co-ordinated districts to the Commissioner shall be forwarded through the Superintendent for submission to the Commissioner. The officer in charge of the district concerned shall prepare the summary required by Circular No. 7/27. (19) Correspondence between the officer in charge of a coordinated district and the officer in charge of any other Police district in the Dominion shall be addressed and sent direct to such officer, and vice versa. (20) Correspondence from local or other bodies, and all routine interdepartmental correspondence in the co-ordinated districts shall be dealt with by the respective officers in charge of those districts, but departure from the established practice in dealing with subject matters will not be permitted without the authority of the Commissioner.

(21) Paragraph 7 of Circular 2/26 is hereby modified to exclude the necessity of sending the licensing reports through the Superintendent to the clerk of the Licensing Committee. (22) Reports upon the qualifications of members of the Force who have qualified by examination for promotion shall be furnished, by the respective district officers. (23) The Inspector shall furnish an annual report in respect of his district to the Superintendent, and the latter shall prepare and furnish to the Commissioner a general annual report for the co-ordinated districts, and attach the Inspector’s report thereto. (24) When Detectives are required outside the Central District, the file or message dealing with the subject shall be forwarded to the Inspector of the Central District, who shall thereupon deal with the matter as his experience directs, subject to any decision of a conference of officers as referred to in paragraph (4) hereof. In due course the correspondence shall be returned to the officer in charge of the district from which it emanated for his review and direction as to filing. (25) District orders shall be signed by the Superintendent and Inspector (or Inspectors) where they apply to the coordinated districts. (26) All departmental returns relating to the co-ordinated districts shall be jointly signed by the Superintendent and Inspector (or Inspectors), but those relating to finance, accounts, stores, and supplies shall be signed by the Superintendent only.

W. B. Mcllveney, Commissioner of Police. Wellington, 14th January, 1929. (P. 27/1772.)


Kama Where When. Offence. Sentence. j Native of Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &o. ! Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, Sea. John Pomare, Rawene 20/12/28 safetyendangering care to Maori schoolboy 1914 in. ft. 6 copper .. black brown .. medium.. See Police Gazette, 1928, page 16. in. 6 copper .. black brown .. medium.. See Police Gazette, 1928, page 16. Welfare 3 KateBoyce, Rawene 20/12/28 theft of Maori domestic 1911 4 5 copper brown brown medium for years freckled. fair blue medium 3 freckled. fair blue medium FrankDanks, Whangarei 17/12/28 theft of N. schoolboy 1916 4 2 for 2 Leo Ivan Brown, Whangarei .. 17/12/28 playing game of chance fined Is. N. Zealand fruiterer 1906 5 9 dark *. dark brown .. medium - Whangarei .. 17/12/28 playing game of chance fined Is. N. Zealand fruiterer 1906 5 9 dark *. dark brown .. medium nard Keith Eric McKenzie Auckland 15/12/28 theft charges) and charged Australia storeman 1902 5 6 1 dark dark brown medium. jjPolice and on 1927, page 73.) Sinclair Drummond Auckland 17/12/28 fighting fined N. builder 1886 5 fresh light brown.. blue medium.. Coat-of-arms on right forearm. 9* fresh fight brown.. blue medium.. Coat-of-arms on right forearm. Thomas, . Auckland 17/12/28 fighting fined Zealand bricklayer 1893 5 8 fresh light . brown medium Richard Howe, Auckland 17/12/28 theft and and N. labourer 1907 5 8 sallow .. dark grey .. medium.. Scar on left forefinger. (See Police|,Gazette, t sallow .. dark grey . • medium.. Scar on left forefinger. (See Police |,Gazette, and on 614, 1926, charges) 43.) Sam Auckland 18/12/28 New remaining fined China gardener 1906 5 2 olive black brown medium pockpitted. Face Zealand PatrickFitzpatrick, Auckland 19/12/28 disorderly obscene language if called Ireland plasterer 1891 5 8 pale fair blue medium and onTwo clasped forearm. left Elizabeth Fitzpatrick, Auckland 19/12/28 behaviour disorderly ; ifto up Ireland domestic 1891 5 0 freckled brown brown medium indecent on 1927, page Smith, Mary, Auckland 21/12/28 obscene fined N. prostitute 1875 5 34 fresh grey hazel medium Robert Auckland 21/12/28 ; charges)Defence ; and convicted charged each N. clerk 1908 5 9 fresh brown grey . medium Photographed at on Gazette,Auckland, of breach 181.) page Edward Auckland 21/12/28 theft probation N. Zealand labourer 1880 5 7 fair brown blue medium. in Heart, Police profusely Gazette, 1921, page 542, 1925, page 719, and Photographs, 1918, page 21.) * Gazette, 1921, page 542, 1925, page 719, and Photographs, 191 8,.page 21.) Matthew Auckland . 21/12/28 o officer police and charged N. Zealand labourer 1901 5 8 3 l dark dark brown medium and Gazette, finger George Onehunga 17/12/28 by .obtaining damage fined to . N. labourer 1911 5 7 fresh fair blue medium 62.)page Sorenson, Thames 18/12/28 ; licensed and each on Denmark labourer seaman 1887 5 10 fresh brown hazel small anchor ; and on premises 1917, pages language fined

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrate's court, but not sent to Gaol.

: ; Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. N ative of Trade. i Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &e. Name Offender. Frederick Edwin,Abbott, tried.Where Ngaruawahia When.18/12/28 Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. a u o M Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &c. assault .. to pay costs N. Zealand farmer 1886 ft 0 in. H sallow .. dark dark blue medium.. Scar on left side of chin and on left eyebrow. Abbott, Edwin alias Abbott, (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 75.) Ngaruawahia 18/12/28 assault .. to pay costs N. Zealand farmer 1886 ft 5 in. H sallow .. dark dark blue medium. Scar on left side of chin and on left eyebrow. Edwin Abbott, Grey, (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 75.) Tauranga 20/12/28 assault .. fined £3 6s. Maori labourer 1909 5 5 copper .. black brown .. broad Two vaccination-marks on left arm. Grey, MauriceChalklen, TaurangaTauranga 20/12/2821/12/28 assault . disorderly fined . 6s. ifto come up MaoriN. Zealand labourerlabourer 19091904 55 5 6A copper fresh blackbrown brown .brown . broadmedium.. left Scar hand. on (See called on .1923, page 580, and 1925, page 457.) MauriceChalklen, Oliver Moody, TaurangaWhakatane .. 21/12/2810/12/28 disorderly assault . ifto up fined 10s. N. N. Zealand labourerfarmer 19041867 55 6-|4 sallow .. grey blue medium fresh brown brown .. medium.. Scar on back of right hand. (See Police Gazette, ' called on 1923, page 580, and 1925, page 457.) ■ Oliver Moody, . Hori Whakatane .Whakatane . 10/12/2810/12/28 assault .wilful ., damage fined Child of to N. Maori farmerlabourer 18671915 55 44 sallow brown . greyblack brown .. thick blue medium Welfare for 1 year Farrell, Henry Taukou Rotorua 21/12/28 drunk in charge of motorfined £20 JS1. Zealand labourer 1895 5 7 CO PP er * * black brown . . medium.. A half-caste Maori. vehicle * Hori Kingi Whakatane . Bay 10/12/2812/12/28 wilful damage .unlawfully motor-car a Child and to MaoriN. Zealand labourerlabourer 19151903 55 48 brown .copper . blackdark brown .brown . thickbroad A half-caste Maori. Welfare 1 damage pay 1 year’s probation butcher year drunk in charge of motorHenry . { AwhiRopiahia RotoruaTaUmarunui 21/12/2813/12/28 fined £20 . JN. Zealand labourer 1895 5 7 copper .. black brown .. medium.. A half-caste Maori. * vehicle theft Maori labourer 1908 5 6 copper .. black brown .. flat .1. Kingi Jamie Ngatai, BayTaumarunui 12/12/2813/12/28 unlawfully a theft and tofined N. Zealand Maori labourer labourer 19031907 55 87 copper .copper . darkblack brown ..grey broad ..medium A half-caste Maori. pay damage 1 year’s probation butcher Awhi .1 .. Ropiahia Morgan, TaiimarunuiWairoa 13/12/2814/12/28 assault .. to pay costs N. Zealand power-house 1908 5 10 fresh brown blue medium.. Birthmark on left side of neck. attendant theft Maori labourer 1908 5 6 copper .. black brown .. flat Jamie Ngatai, TokoWilson, TaumarunuiWairoa 13/12/2818/12/28 thefttheft fined fined MaoriMaori labourerlabourer 19071906 55 76 copper copper . blackblack grey ..brown . mediumflat Boil-scar on left side of neck. Morgan, Anne Mary WairoaRaetihi 14/12/2819/12/28 assault .theft to pay fined N. N. Zealand power-house domestic 19081884 55 10 9 freshdark brownblack brown .. medium.. A quarter-caste Maori. blue medium.. Birthmark on left side of neck. attendant TokoWilson, Leonard Rowe, WairoaEltham 18/12/2818/12/28 drunk in charge of motor-car to pay costs, liN. Zealand labourer and 1898 5 4 fresh fair blue medium.. Scar on left side of chin; lump over left cense cancelled shearer eyebrow. for 1 year, and prohibited theft .. fined £2 Maori labourer . 1 1906 5 6 copper .. black brown .. flat Boil-scar on left side of neck. Halliday, Mary LeoParsloe, Raetihi •Napier 19/12/2817/12/28 assault .. fined £3 England .. fireman 1900 5 6 fresh dark grey .. medium.. St. George and dragon on chest ;1 ship and theft fined £2 N. Zealand domestic 1884 5 9 dark black brown .. medium.. A quarter-caste Maori. Leonard . Rowe, > intimidation fined £2 anchor on right forearm; snake, woman, ship, and anchor on left forearm. (See Police Gazette, 1928, page 845.) Eltham 18/12/28 drunk in charge of motor-car to pay costs, liN. Zealand labourer and 1898 5 4 fresh fair blue medium.. Scar on left side of chin; lump over left cense cancelled for 1 year, ami shearer eyebrow. LeoParsloe, McGregor, George prohibited NapierNapier 17/12/2817/12/28 * assault .assault . fined fined England .N. Zealand firemanlabourer 19001900 55 68 freshfresh darkdark grey .brown . medium. prominent St. George and dragon on chest ship and * intimidation fined £2 anchor on right forearm; snake, woman, ship, and anchor on left forearm. (See Police Gazette, 1928, page 845.) McGregor, GeorgeYoung, NapierNapier 17/12/2820/12/28 assault .drunkenness convicted and proN. Zealand engineer 1882 5 10 fresh fair blue sharp fined hibited N. Zealand labourer 1900 5 8 fresh dark brown .. prominent obscene language.. fined £2 Young, Taitimu NapierOtaki 20/12/2822/12/28 theft; and attempted false to care of Child Maori labourer 1913 5 copper .. black, wavy brown .. flat drunkenness convicted and prohibited fined £2 N. Zealand engineer 1882 5 10 fresh fair blue sharp obscene language brown .. Taitimu •. . Roach, Roach, pretences Welfare for 2 years OtakiOtaki < 22/12/2822/12/28 attempted attempted pretences Child of care of care MaoriMaori labourerlabourer 19131912 55 7i 4 copper .copper . black, wavy black flat brown .. flat pretences Welfare for 2 William, Roach,Wirimu and aiding and abetting Welfare for 2 in commission of a crime years 22/12/28 attempted false pretences; years to care of Child Maori labourer 1912 5 4 copper .. black brown .. flat Otald >. and aiding and abetting in commission of a crime Welfare for 2 years Wirimu

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrate's court, but not sent to Gaol-continued.

Name Where tried. When. • Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. &c. Hector Bishop, Masterton 15/12/28 disorderly fined Zealand slaughterman ft. in. 5 7 fresh fair brown .. medium.. See Police Gazette, 1928, page 139. 1902 ft. in. 5 7 fresh fair brown .. medium.. See Police Gazette, 1928, page 139. obscene language fined labourer SamGovernor, Masterton 15/12/28 disorderly fined Zealand labourer 1904 5 9 copper black brown medium (See a Slight Gazette, page Charles Fitzgerald, Greytown 21/12/28 assault fined Zealand hand farm 1907 5 8 ruddy . brown. light blue medium 1928, Police 721.) page WilliamWoodill, Greytown 21/12/28 assault fined Zealand cheesemaker 1906 5 8 pale dark brown medium Alfred Wellington . 17/12/28 idle and disorderly (insuffito come up if England .. driver 1873 5 n fresh dark, turning brown .. medium.. Scars on each foot; scar on left elbow and on cient means) called on in 3 grey left cheek. (See Police Gazette, 1923, months page 659.) * idle and disorderly (insuffito come up if England .. driver 1873 5 % fresh dark, turning brown .. medium.. Scars on each foot; scar on left elbow and on cient means) called on in 3 grey left cheek. (See Police Gazette, 1923, months page 659.) Fagerholm, Wellington . 17/12/28 assault . fined Sweden seaman 1909 5 fresh brown blue medium.. Sailor, woman, ship, rose, and flag on left forearm ; clasped hands and heart on right foreQi fresh brown blue medium.. Sailor, woman, ship, rose, and flag on left forearm ; clasped hands and heart on right foreThomas William Stevensen, Wellington . 17/12/28 fighting fined Zealand labourer 1905 5 9 pale brown blue medium. arm. ring- and Ronald language indecent . fined 1927, Police finger. BarbaraRichardson, Wellington 18/12/28 theft ifto up Scotland hawker 1898 5 7 fresh .. dark hazel .. medium fresh dark hazel .. medium 1 year pointed Bath Pennington, Wellington . 18/12/28 theft convicted N. Zealand pastrycook .. 1902 5 7 fresh light brown.. brown .. charged N. Zealand pastrycook .. 1902 5 7 fresh light brown.. brown .. pointed George Wellington 19/12/28 false pretences 1 Australia musician 1894 5 54 fresh brown blue medium of tip Photographed on lington, 19/12/28. (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 471, and 1925, page 659.) v lington, 19/12/28. (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 471, and 1925, page 659.) Robert Wellington . 20/12/28 of in fined Scotland . traveller 1896 5 71 fresh fair grey medium Jeremiah Purcell, Wellington 21/12/28 of in drunk fined America motor-driver 1903 6 2 dark dark grey . medium.. of MortonGabrielsen, Wellington . 21/12/28 pretences probation Zealand hairdresser . 1895 5 n fair fair hazel . long on on F.P.finger. LouisCharlett, Murchison 19/12/28 and breaking, of Zealand labourer 1913 5 2 dark dark brown . medium charges) Welfare Gordon Baker, Murchison 19/12/28 theft entering, Child Zealand schoolboy 1913 5 2 fair brown blue medium charges) Welfare Baker, Murchison .1 19/12/28 and breaking Child Zealand schoolboy . . 1918 4 4 fair brown blue medium Welfare Win, Darcy Murchison 19/12/28 breaking, to care of Child N. Zealand labourer 1912 5 7 sallow .. fair blue sharp years to care of Child N. Zealand labourer 1912 5 7 sallow .. fair blue sharp charges) for years

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrate's court, but not sent to Gaol-continued.

of Where When. f ■ |Sentence. j N Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, <fcc. .BP *3 E Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, <fcc. Jorgensen, . Westport 20/12/28 (killing fined each Zealand farmer 1893 ft. in. 10 fresh brown grey . medium. stooped. charges) Alfred Henry Greymouth . 17/12/28 a house gaming- a fined Zealand bookmaker 1884 6 fresh auburn brown .. medium.. 1 p.c. 6 fresh auburn brown .. medium.. 1 p.c. Joseph Greymouth 17/12/28 fined Zealand tobacconist 1905 5 pale dark grey .. medium.. Right little finger contracted. 10* pale dark grey .. medium.. Right little finger contracted. Henderson, . Greymouth 17/12/28 obscene language fined Australia . . miner 1904 5 fresh dark hazel .. medium 10* fresh dark hazel .. medium disorderly fined Ronald Walker, Christchurch 15/12/28 theft . and charged probation Zealand. labourer 1908 10 fresh dark grey .. medium.. Two moles on right side of chin. 10 fresh dark grey .. medium.. Two moles on right side of chin. false pretences 1879 fresh brown blue medium Edward Munro, Christchurch 15/12/28 obscene language fined Zealand labourer 8 8 drunkenness fined JessieDoussett, Christchurch 14/12/28 theft if come to up Zealand domestic 1877 4 fresh grey brown .. medium.. Left foot deformed. 4 fresh grey brown .. medium.. Left foot deformed. 1 Andrews, Christchurch 14/12/28 police . fined Zealand labourer 1871 6 dark dark blue medium.. Scar bn left thumb. (See Police Gazette, 1927, 6 dark dark blue medium.. Scar on left thumb. (See Police Gazette, 1927, drunkenness fined 771.) page Joseph Edwin O’Brien, Christchurch. 13/12/28 on come Ireland labourer . 1895 6 fair brown blue medium 6 fair brown blue medium intent in months Osbourne, . Christchurch 14/12/28 theft 1 Zealand porter 1904 10 sallow .. brown brown .. medium.. Clasped hands, heart, and MOTHER on right forearm. 10 sallow .. brown brown .. medium.. Clasped hands, heart, and MOTHER on right forearm. Robert Henry Christchurch 7/12/28 false and and Zealand school1906 5 5 dark dark grey .. medium.. Scar on throat. 5 dark dark grey .. medium.. Scar on throat. each on charged teacher 2 years’ probation teacher Illingworth, . Timaru 22/12/28 by England .. domestic 1904 5 4 fresh black blue medium 2 years’ probation England .. domestic 1904 5 4 fresh black blue medium false and pretences charges) medium left Large Perrin, Timaru 22/12/28 by . 1 Zealand waitress 1906 3 dark black brown .. 3 dark black brown .. Peter McLaren, Timaru 22/12/28 assault fined Zealand seaman 1901 0 fair dark brown .. medium 0 fair dark brown .. medium William .. Timaru 22/12/28 language ifto Zealand labourer 1890 11 fresh brown blue medium.. See Police Gazette, 1926, page 785, and Photo11 fresh brown blue medium.. See Police Gazette, 1926, page 785, and Photoand prohibited 1916, page damage . fined medium William . .Whitburn, Oamaru 19/12/28 language. to come Zealand. labourer 1893 9 fresh dark blue 9 fresh dark blue called in ■year ♦ . and fined 1924, May Dunedin 21/12/28 assault . fined Zealand domestic 1888 5 fresh brown blue long page 559.) 2 fresh brown blue long page 559.) William Dunedin 21/12/28 assault . fined Zealand labourer 1907 7 dark brown .. brown .. medium.. See Police Gazette, 1926, page 98. 7 dark brown brown .. medium.. See Police Gazette, 1926, page 98. George Balclutha 12/12/28 language fined Zealand carter 1884 114 fresh fair blue medium.. Scar on back of right hand ; blind in right eye. (See Police Gazette, 1922, page 529.) 11* fresh fair blue medium.. Scar on back of right hand ; blind in right eye. (See Police Gazette, 1922, page 529.) • •

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrate's court, but not sent to Gaol-continued.

Name Offender. Where When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born. Height. 1 • | Hair. Byes. Nose. to. Miller, Invercargill 14/12/28 theft fined £6 N. Zealand upholsterer ! ft. m. 1903 5 3 sallow .. black grey .. medium See Police Gazette, 1925, page 275. 1 i N. Zealand upholsterer Lt 1903 5 in. 3 sallow .. black grey .. medium See Police Gazette, 1925, page 275. alias Miller, Harry Colin Officer, Campbell Invercargill 14/12/28 theft fined Zealand cabinetmaker 1910 5 9 pale brown blue medium William Brewer, Invercargill . 14/12/28 theft fined Zealand porter 1905 5 7 pale fair blue medium. Gazette, page Stanley Invercargill . 15/12/28 theft to Zealand schoolboy 1916 4 6 fair fair blue medium. 1 Bushnell, for years . ' Invercargill 5/12/28 attempted to come Zealand sawmill 1891 5 6 fresh dark blue medium and on called on Clark, Cyril Invercargill 5/12/28 theft convicted disZealand labourer 1905 5 9 sallow dark brown medium. on 1924, May Maggie charged and page Invercargill 8/12/28 theft if Zealand domestic 1883 5 7 sallow brown brown . medium 1 Leo Invercargill 8/12/28 theft of schoolboy .. 1913 5 1 fresh light brown .•. blue medium N. Zealand schoolboy .. 1913 5 1 fresh light brown .•. blue medium 1 year Walter Invercargill . . 8/12/28 theft of schoolboy .. 1913 4 10 dark dark brown .. medium N. Zealand schoolboy .. 1913 4 10 dark dark brown .. medium 1 year Hilton, . George Invercargill . 8/12/28 without Child of to schoolboy .. 1913 5 2 fair auburn blue medium N. Zealand schoolboy .. 1913 5 2 fair auburn blue medium Angus intent Welfare 1 year Invercargill . 13/12/28 assault fined Australia showman .. 1903 5 11 fresh dark blue large Dancing-girl on lisps. 1926, and 821.) George Lionel Invercargill . 14/12/28 and drunkenness; and .Tasmania . clerk 1885 6 0 fair brown, going brown .. medium.. 1 p.c. Scar on left thumb. bald brown .. medium.. 1 p.c. Scar on left thumb. language on bald of fined

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrate's court, but not sent to Gaol-continued.

Name tried. When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, <fcc. u o « . 43 f © M Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, <&e. George Auckland 24/12/28 fighting fined Samoa seaman 1902 in. 5 copper .. black brown medium. tooth-marks John Auckland 26/12/28 and and Zealand labourer 1901 5 9 fresh dark hazel . large Gazette in charged 1928, page 709.) < 1928, page 709.) assault . and * hibited assault and tofined keep peace fresh brown Ship, lighthouse, and bird on right forearm Richard George Auckland 27/12/28 and language and Is. Jersey labourer 1893 5 5 blue medium.. fresh brown blue medium.. Ship, lighthouse, and bird on right forearm assault each on hand flag, LIBERTY, and butterfly on left fore arm ; star and face on back of left hand. ‘ flag, LIBERTY, and butterfly on left fore arm ; star and face on back of left hand. Woman and snake on right forearm. Richard George . Auckland 27/12/28 obscene fined England seaman 1891 5 7 fresh brown blue medium Woman and snake on right forearm. Ernest Auckland 27/12/28 book- on fined England barman 1898 5 5 fresh brown brown medium forehead. on Scar maker ArchibaldAnderson, Auckland 27/12/28 a fined Zealand N. bush con1901 5 71 fair light brown.. blue medium.. See Police Gazette, 1927, page 628. 4 2 fair light brown.. blue medium.. See Police Gazette, 1927, page 628. house tractor WilliamMcMillan, Auckland 27/12/28 gaming- assisting fined Scotland . farmer 1877 5 7 fair brown, brown medium Gazette, 628. page house grey JohnHealey, Auckland 27/12/28 bookfined Zealand ganger 1886 5 10 , fresh brown blue medium.. faint on ; maker Oliver, John Warren, alias Auckland 27/12/28 theft; and idle and dis2 years’ probation N. Zealand showman .. 1894 5 00 ►Mm dark brown, going brown .. medium.. Scar on forehead and over right eye ; two scars Oliver, William Warren, orderly (insufficient bald on right wrist. (See Police Gazette, 1927 alias Gallagher, John Harmeans) page 72, and Photographs, 1922, page 78.) rington Hill, William Jason Auckland 28/12/28 unlawfully on premises withconvicted and disIreland printer 1868 5 9 fresh dark blue medium.. Scar on base of left little finger. out intent charged Capon, William Alfred Auckland 28/12/28 assault .. to pay costs England .. sailor 1904 5 9 fresh light brown.. blue medium.. Scar on back of head and on left side of nose. Grundy, James Alfred Essex Auckland 28/12/28 assault; and unlawfully in to come up if S. Africa .. labourer 1908 5 4A dark brown brown .. medium.. Scar on right shin and on left upper arm. possession of revolver called on in 1 Edwards, John Thomas Onehunga .. 24/12/28 drunk in charge of motoryeai fined £5 and proEngland .. hawker 1869 5 n fresh dark blue medium vehicle hibited Haua, Dick, alias Te Kuiha Whakatane .. 24/12/28 drunkenness fined £1 Maori labourer 1897 5 11 copper .. black brown .. flat Stout build. (See Police Gazette, 1924, page Haua assault .. fined £5 268.) Makete Reti, alias Herbert, Whakatane .. 21/12/28 theft fined £10 Maori labourer 1906 5 10 copper .. black brown .. medium.. Scar on right thumb. (See Police Gazette Reginald 1928, page 262, and Photographs, page 42.) Hilton, Thomas Walter Gisborne 27/12/28 fighting fined 10s. N. Zealand butcher 1901 5 7 fair fair blue medium Wills, Harry Gisborne 27/12/28 fighting fined 10s. "N. Zealand labourer 1905 5 11 dark dark blue medium.. Scar on back. maker • alias John Oliver, 27/12/28 theft; and idle and dis2 years’ probation N. Zealand showman .. 1894 5 8i dark brown, going brown .. medium.. Scar on forehead and over right eye ; two scars Auckland orderlv (insufficient bald on right wrist. (See Police Gazette, 1927 Warren, Oliver, Har- John Gallagher, ' . page 72, and Photographs, 1922, page 78.) means) rington Jason Hill, 28/12/28 unlawfully on premises withconvicted and disIreland printer 1868 5 9 fresh dark blue medium.. Scar on base of left little finger. out intent charged Scar on back of head and on left side of nose. Auckland Auckland 28/12/28 assault .. .. to pay costs England .. sailor 1904 5 9 fresh light brown.. blue medium.. William- Capon, Alfred James Grundy, 28/12/28 assault; and unlawfully in to come up if S. Africa .. labourer 1908 5 44 dark brown brown .. medium.. Scar on right shin and on left upper arm. possession of revolver called on in 1 Auckland Onehunga ••. 24/12/28 drunk in charge of motoryear fined £5 and proEngland .. hawker 1869 5 7JL * 2 fresh dark blue medium. vehicle hibited John Edwards, Kuiha Te alias Dick, 24/12/28 drunkenness fined £1 Maori labourer 1897 5 n copper .. black brown .. flat Stout build. (See Police Gazette, 1924, page Whakatane .. assault .. fined £5 268.) Haua Herbert, alias Reti, 21/12/28 theft fined £10 Maori labourer 1906 5 10. copper .. black brown .. medium.. Scar on right thumb. (See Police Gazette Whakatane .. 1928, page 262, and Photographs, page 42.) Reginald WalterHilton, 27/12/28 fighting fined 10s. N. Zealand butcher 1901 5 7 fair fair blue medium Gisborne Gisborne 27/12/28 fighting fined 10s. .N. Zealand labourer 1905 5 11 dark dark blue medium.. Scar on back. Wills, Harry

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrate's court, but not sent to Gaol-continued.

Name 1 Where When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. S O PQ Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, Ac. . When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Com- . plexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, <fco. hd KirNapier 26/12/28 theft to up N. waitress 1908 ft. 3 fresh dark blue medium nick Goodacre, John called in 1 year Taihape 28/12/28 language fined Australia seaman 1906 5 8 fresh dark grey .. medium.. Flower and MOTHER on left forearm; heac of Maori on chest. 5 8 fresh dark grey .. medium.. Flower and MOTHER on left forearm; heac of Maori on chest. Peters, Edward N. 28/12/28 disorderly and disN. labourer 1877 5 84 fresh grey blue medium 5 84 fresh grey blue medium charged Remnant, charged N.Palmerston 28/12/28 in charge lined and England . farmer 1861 5 4 fresh dark, going hazel .. medium. . Slightly deaf ; bushy eyebrows. 5 4 fresh dark, going hazel .. medium .. Slightly deaf ; bushy eyebrows. cense 6 for months bald Reginald N. 28/12/28 laying totalizator fined N. electrician 1904 5 11 fresh fair blue broken .. See Police Gazette, 1928, page 499. 5 11 fresh fair blue broken . . See Police Gazette, 1928, page 499. Byrne, N. 17/12/28 obscene language. fined £2 Zealand mechanic . 1904 6 0 fresh brown blue-grey medium.. Strong build. 6 0 fresh brown blue-grey medium.. Strong build. assault each Johnston, N. 17/12/28 theft if Australia labourer 1874 5 11 pale grey blue long, Slight build ; cross, heart, and A.B. on lef1 5 11 pale grey blue long, Slight build; cross, heart, and A.B. on lef1 AlbertVincent, 1 year pointed on ; right N. 17/12/28 obscene . fined N. labourer 1889 5 7 fresh brown grey •• medium.. Strong build. (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 631.) Strong build. 5 7 fresh brown grey .. medium .. Strong build. (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 631.) Strong build. William Woodland, . N. 21/12/28 theft of N. shop 1913 5 10 fresh light brown.. blue medium. . 5 10 fresh light brown .. blue medium .. W for years Eric Carterton '2822/12 in of charge if Zealand and 1894 5 4 fresh dark brown .. medium.. Small scar above right eye. 5 4 fresh dark brown .. medium. . Small scar above right eye. lorry called license 1 lorry-driver John Carterton 24/12/28 drunkenness and N. labourer 1892 5 8 fresh dark, curly blue medium.. Strong build ; impediment in speech. 5 S fresh dark, curly blue medium .. Strong build ; impediment in speech. - charged police fined John Petone 31/12/28 assault fined N. labourer 1881 5 11 sallow .. dark, turning hazel .. long Scar on bridge of nose and on upper lip. 5 11 sallow .. dark, turning hazel .. long Scar on bridge of nose and on upper lip. bell grey . JosephMcMahon, Wellington . 24/12/28 in and N. carpenter . 1905 5 6-|-fair fair blue medium.. Dimple in chin. 5 fair fair blue medium .. Dimple in chin. cycle cense until Walter .Williams, Wellington .. 26/12/28 police to pay England . labourer 1868 5 7 dark dark brown . . medium.. Woman’s head, LIBERTE EGALETE FRATERNITE, and dagger on left forearm I LOVE A.B. on left forearm. 5 7 dark dark brown .. medium. . Woman’s head, LIBERTE EGALETE FRATERNITE, and dagger on left forearm I LOVE A.B. on left forearm. Ravenscroft, Wellington 27/12/28 of charge and N. motor-driver 1902 5 10-1 fresh brown blue medium 5 101 fresh brown blue medium cense until fresh Clifton, Harry Wellington 31/12/28 assault fined N. Zealand butcher 1900 5 10 fresh brown blue medium.. Four moles on right side of face. 5 10 brown blue medium .. Four moles on right side of face. Frederick Parker, Wellington 31/12/28 assault fined N. butcher 1907 5 9 fresh fair blue medium.. Scar on left forefinger. 5 9 fresh fair blue medium .. Scar on left forefinger. Sydney Wellington 2/1/29 drunk in charge of motor-car fined £20 and liN. Zealand zoo attendant 1892 5 9 fresh fair blue medium cense cancelled until 1/6/30 drunk in charge of motor-car fined £20 and liN. Zealand zoo attendant 1892 5 9 fresh fair blue medium / - 1 cense cancelled ......... ■„ .... ..... . .... until 1/6/30 . .

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrate's court, but not sent to Gaol-continued.

Offender. Where When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Bom. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Marks, Marren, Thomas Wellington 2/1/29 mischief . damage to England labourer 1878 in. 8 fresh grey, going grey .. medium.. Scar on back of head. (See Police Gazette, bald 1928, page 442.) in. 8 fresh grey, going grey .. medium.. Scar on back of head. (See Police Gazette, bald 1928, page 442.) WilliamMcLean, Wellington 2/1/29 lighting fined Zealand labourer 1867 5 4 dark brown grey . medium. in eye. McMahon, . Hugh Wellington . 2/1/29 fighting fined Scotland . seaman 1877 5 6 fresh grey grey medium forehead two on ; eyebrow. William Wellington 2/1/29 attempted come Scotland . cook 1888 5 7 pale brown grey medium in months William Wellington . 2/1/29 fighting fined N. labourer 1890 5 8 dark fair brown . medium. Left John Wellington 2/1/29 disorderly fined Scotland steelworker. . 1907 5 10 fresh brown blue medium Angus Wellington .. 2/1/29 obscene fined £3 England . fireman 1904 5 5 fresh dark brown . medium. Ship forearm on on ; right hand. > right hand. Wilkins, Wellington . 2/1/29 pretences . . disEngland .. steward 896 5 51 fresh going blue medium.. See Police Gazette, 1927, page 178. going blue medium.. See Police Gazette, 1927, page 178. each on bald Doris . Nelson 28/12/28 theft to Zealand domestic 1910 5 7 fair fair blue large elbow. on right called William Barnes, . Lyttelton 27/12/28 fighting dis- and Ireland labourer 1885 5 11 fresh dark blue medium. on , charged Gazette, 1927, William Lyttelton 27/12/28 fighting and England . seaman 1905 5 7 fresh dark brown medium. Strong charged James Lyttelton 27/12/28 theft fined Canada fireman 898 1 5 11 sallow .. brown grey medium. on ; right and on right side. % and on right side. JohnMills, Reefton 26/12/28 drunkenness convicted N. labourer 1889 5 6 fresh dark blue medium Portion on ; charged Police police fined £1 47.) William McGill, Christchurch 20/12/28 damage to . Zealand salesman 1902 5 4 fresh black brown . medium behaviour disorderly fined Terris, Christchurch 20/12/28 assault .. fined £3 N. clerk 1903 5 9 fair brown. . blue medium JackKirkness, Christchurch 18/12/28 theft probation Zealand moulder 1911 5 6 dark brown blue .. medium blue medium Alexander Kirner, Christchurch 18/12/28 vagabond rogue probation Zealand labourer 1912 5 4 fresh dark blue medium. right premises) on Edgar Christchurch 13/12/28 unlawfully two fined Belgium . grocer 1910 5 8 sallow black grey . sharp Francis Campbell, Christchurch 13/12/28 two unlawfully fined' £2 Zealand stableman 1910 5 64 fresh dark grey . medium Andrew Christchurch 22/12/28 obscene . fined Scotland . labourer 1899 5 6 fair fair grey .. medium. middle finger. and disorderly fined Victor Christchurch 22/12/28 damage damage to pay Zealand blacksmith . 1910 5 fair fair blue broken 54 fair fair blue broken drunkenness fined Wicks, Christchurch 22/12/28 damage damage to . Zealand storeman . 1903 5 6 fresh black blue medium drunkenness fined 10s.

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrate's court, but not sent to Gaol-continued.

Name of tried.Where When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks. | Distinguishing Marks. Ac Broad, Luce, Christchurch 20/12/28 theft and disEngland . musician ft. in. 1870 5 81 fresh dark, turning blue . . medium. . Woman and wreath on left forearm ; ulcers on 1876 ft. in. 5 81 fresh dark, turning blue medium. . Woman and wreath on left forearm ; ulcers on John Trelawny, charged grey legs ; 1927, Frederick Der-Veen, Christchurch 18/12/28 vagabond rogue 2 years’ probation N. Zealand labourer 1911 5 7 fresh light brown.. blue .. medium. . See Police Gazette, 1928, page 560. (illeg2 years’ probation N. Zealand labourer 1011 5 7 fresh light brown.. blue medium.. See Police Gazette, 1928, page 560. Fisher ally on ■ William . Henry. Christchurch 18/12/28 and vagabond 2 years’ probation England .. labourer 1911 5 3 fresh .. brown blue medium (illeg2 years’ probation England .. labourer 1911 6 3 fresh brown blue medium ally Reed, Christchurch 20/12/28 theft probation Zealand grocer 1909 5 9 fresh . . black grey .. medium 1909 5 9 fresh .. black grey medium Henry Christchurch 17/12/28 fighting fined England . mechanic 1901 5 3 fresh brown brown . . medium. . broken dagger on right forearm. 1901 5 3 fresh brown brown . . medium.. broken dagger on right forearm. Steen son, . Christchurch 17/12/28 lighting convicted Ireland labourer 1882 15 6 pale fair grey . . medium. . Woman, bird, butterfly, snake, and clasped 1882 5 6 pale fair grey • ■ medium.. Woman, bird, butterfly, snake, and clasped charged forearms. Jackson, . Christchurch 17/12/28 obscene . language. lined £3 England labourer 1873 5 2 fresh brown grey • • medium 1873 5 2 fresh brown grey .. medium drunkenness fined Welsh, William Christchurch 17/12/28 theft 1 Zealand labourer 1910 5 3 fresh fair grey .. medium. . Tip of right little finger missing; scar above right ankle. 1910 5 3 fresh fair grey .. medium.. Tip of right little finger missing; scar above right ankle. Eric Christchurch 17/12/28 with- on premises dis-convicted Zealand salesman 1909 5 10 sallow .. auburn blue medium 1909 5 10 sallow .. auburn blue medium intent charged Edwards, Ivan . Mosgiel 24/12/28 obscene . language fined Zealand mill 1907 5 8 fresh fair blue medium. . Two scars on left leg ; scar on nose and across 1907 5 8 fresh fair blue medium.. Two scars on left leg ; scar on nose and across right fingers. (See Police Gazette, 1925, page drunkenness and right lingers. (See Police Gazette, 1925, page • ' charged 143.) 1

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrate's court, but not sent to Gaol-continued.

Gaol, Name of Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Bom. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. ' Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) 1 j Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. | Height. Complexion. 1 Hair. Eyes, j Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. ( F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Auckland— Patrick . Auckland M.C. 4/12/28 obscene language days Scotland . fireman 1883 in. ft, 5 fresh brown, blue largo 17/12/28 Crucifix, clasped hands, heart, and woman 1 blue large I '17/12/28 Crucifix, clasped hands, heart, and woman ing grey hands, clasped right and and Charity, left on Cassidy, Perry, Kaitaia M.C. .. 19/10/28 unlawfully using a motor2 months Maori bushman 1881 5 8 copper .. grey brown .. thick 18/12/28 8 p.c. Butterfly and scar on left forearm. Cassidy cycle F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1928, page 779.) Kaitaia M.C. .. 19/10/28 unlawfully using a motor2 months Maori bushman 1881 5 8 copper .. grey brown .. thick 18/12/28 8 p.c. Butterfly and scar on left forearm. cycle F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1928, page 779.) Chris, alias Karl Auckland 17/12/28 breaking, entering, l year on each .. Norway mechanic and 1875 5 7 1 fair fair blue large 18/12/28 F.P. Deceased. (See Police Gazette, 1926, theft charges) in ; blacksmith page 95.) l year on each .. Norway mechanic and blacksmith 1875 5 1\ fair fair blue large 18/12/28 F.P. Deceased. (See Police Gazette, 1926, page 95.) August house-possession breaking C William, Auckland S.C. 25/10/27 breaking, entering, and 1 \ years England .. labourer 1880 5 3] fresh dark blue medium. . 18/12/28 ' 10 p.c. Two moles on right cheek ; mole Cappell theft on left cheek. F.P. Released on license. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 849, and Photographs, 1928, page 15.) Auckland S.C. 25/10/27 breaking, entering, and 1/ years England .. labourer 1880 5 3-1 fresh dark blue medium.. 18/12/28 10 p.c. Two moles on right cheek ; mole theft on left cheek. F.P. Released on license. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 849, and Photographs, 1928, page 15.) Mark, alias Cecil Brown, Auckland 20/6/27 and theft 2 years Zealand contractor 1880 104 fresh brown blue. .. medium. . . 18/12/28 27 p.c. Strong build; ring on left ringfinger ; scar on right middle finger; C.M.B. and cross on right forearm. F.P. Released on license. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 606, and Photographs, 1913, ' blue . . . medium. . 18/12/28 27 p.c. Strong build; ring on left ringfinger ; scar on right middle finger; C.M.B. and cross on right forearm. F.P. Released on license. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 606, and Photographs, 1913, Roderick Ryan, Hamilton M.C. 0/8/28 theft . month N. Zealand miner 1882 6 fresh turning blue medium 19/12/28 page Scar eye ; Auckland 20/8/28 theft . 1 quarryman grey forefinger missing; false pretences months Police injured. Gazette, page 1 a i Francis Auckland M.C. 20/11/28 disorderly line 1 . Zealand labourer 1896 5 fresh brown light grey . large 19/12/28 graphs, 1910, 18.) left Gazette, page 1922, Esdaile, Edward Lyall Wellington 2/1 default of . month 1 Australia y 1902 8 dark brown brown medium. 20/12/28 1 finger. manager Arrested, 21/11/28. Photographed at Auckland, 9/10/28. (See Police Gazette, , Arrested, 21/11/28. Photographed at Auckland, 9/10/28. (See Police Gazette, Wheeler, John Auckland M.C. 12/6/28 default maintenance . 6 or England painter 1872 4 fair fair hazel . medium. 20/12/28 1928, page Arrested, 4 William Auckland 20/6/28 assault of 7 days Zealand labourer and 1887 5 8| fresh black blue broad 20/12/28 Gazette, 366.) Tip missing Adolphus 21/6/28 charges) on wool-classer forehead, hand. 1928, 1920, John, Ivan M.C. . 8/12/28 idle sufficient means) 14 days Dalmatia .. labourer 1887 5 51 swarthy.. dark, turning grey brown .. medium.. 21/12/28 page 57.) 1 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1929, page 19.) 1 14 days ..' Dalmatia .. 1 labourer 1887 5 5] swarthy.. dark, turning grey brown .. medium.. 21/12/28 page 57.) 1 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1929, page 19.)


S Complexion. dis-When charged. and Previous Remarks, of Gaol, 1 Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born *<3 M Hair. Eyes. Nose. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) M Hair. ■ Eyes. Nose. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) 1 Waikeria Reformatory — h3 alias Wae, Tupe ft. in. 5 p.c. Strong build; large mouth; scar Auckland S.C. 6/5/24 indecent assault (4 charges) 5 years and floggMaori labourer and 1889 6 0i copper .. black dark .. flat 19/12/28 Reformatory— T. Barrett, ing carpenter on left side of head and inside of left Paeroa M.C. ; . 13/6/24 trespass on racecourse .. fine or 14 days knee; left leg broken. F.P. Released on license. (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 378, and Photographs, page 47.) Te Wae, Tupe George Norman Aldridge, ft. in. Auckland S.C.Auckland 6/5/244/5/26 charges)indecent (4 indecent and Hogg- reforma- years’ Maori Zealand andlabourer tinsmith 18891900 6 3i 5 copper .. black dark .. flat 19/12/28 5 p.c. Strong build ; large mouth ; scar fresh brown blue sharp 19/12/28 Birthmark below left knee. F.P. Retive detention leased on license. (See Police. Gazette, 1926, page 465, and Photographs, page 61.) 2 p.c. Scars on right knee ; subject to fits, W.Barrett, Christopher 1 o ing carpenter on left side of head and inside of left M.C. .Invercargill 3/6/24 115/7/27 trespass on . .false pretences days 14 years’ knee; left leg broken. F.P. Released on license. (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 378, and Photographs, page 47.) N. Zealand warehouse1903 5 10 fresh light brown blue medium 19/12/28 Aldridge, Norman George Auckland S.C. 4/5/26 indecent assault 3 years’ reformaN. Zealand tinsmith 1900 5 3^ fresh brown blue sharp 19/12/28 Birthmark below left knee. F.P. Retive detention leased on license. (See Police Gazette, 1926, page 465, and Photographs, page 61.) 2 p.c. Scars on right knee ; subject to fits. O’T o o 1 e, Christopher Invercargill 15/7/27 false pretences 2 years’ reformaN. Zealand warehouse1903 5 10 fresh light brown blue medium 19/12/28 Francis M.C. tive detention man (injured) F.P. Released on license. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 562, and Photographs, page 70.) / tive detention man (injured) F.P. Released on license. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 562, and Photographs, page 70.) 1 mCarrington, Auckland 21/3/27 charges) years’ Zealand clerk 1901 5 dark black, going blue medium 19/12/28 left on one on Ernest detention bald license. on Photographs, and Gazette, 58.)page Borstal Waikeria tion alias Timaru . 3/2/25 attempted in years Zealand motor 1905 6 fair fair blue medium 17/12/28 left in ; finger missing. F.P. Released on liScott, Institution mechanic li-finger Gazette, (See (See page122.) 122.) Thomas Kelly, Wellington 21/1/27 indecent reformaZealand labourer 1901 7 dark black brown . medium. 18/12/28 in ; detention on Gazette, 1927, page 229.) Cyril church 10/9/26 false pretences in Zealand ploughman 1905 5 8 fresh light light small 18/12/28 and M.C. Institution on at 10/9/26. Harold Charles Coombe, Dunedin M.C. 17/10/24 theft years’ Zealand labourer 1905 00 fOlH* fair fair blue medium.. 19/12/28 2 p.c. Scar at right side of right eye, on 5 8-1 fair fair blue medium.. 19/12/28 2 p.c. Scar at right side of right eye, on detention on Invercargill 24/2/25 from escaping 4 years’ on (See S.C. and breaking, entering, tive detention 1925, page 170, and Photographs, 1924, Edward Auckland S.C. and theft N. Zealand seaman 1903 GO iO fresh light brown hazel .. pug 20/12/28 page 85.) 1 p.c. Ship, T.H.C., &c., on left forearm ; // ure&Kiug, entering, ana 3 vears .rrt'-Bcrrstal theft institution r K3> sun, rope, bird, heart, and GEORGE on right forearm ; tip of left little finger missing ; addicted to use of drugs. F.P. Released on license. (See Police Gazette, * 1926, page 584, and Photographs, 1923, page 43.) S.C.Auckland S.C. and breaking, entering, and theft and entering, N. Zealand seaman 1903 5 8| fresh light brown hazel .. pug 20/12/28 1925, page 170, and Photographs, 1924, page 85.) 1 p.c. Ship, T.H.C., &c., on left forearm ; tive detention 3 yearsjur-Bui^lul theft sun, rope, bird, heart, and GEORGE on right forearm; tip of left little'finger r R3>. missing ; addicted to use of drugs. F.P. Released on license. (See Police Gazette, » 1926, page 584, and Photographs, 1923, page 43.) 7/7/26


4-3 Complexion. dis-When charged. and Remarks, Name of tried. When. Offence. Sentence. ofNative Trade. Born w Hair. Eyes. Nose. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) O PQ M Hair. Eyes. Nose. (l'\P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Borstal continued. fioa ft. shoulder. on p.c. Archibald Christ 7/7/26 false reformaZealand clerk 1905 5 sallow .. brown, turnblue medium.. 21/12/28 64 sallow ., brown, turnblue medium.. 21/12/28 George, S.C. detention grey Gazette, license. on ton Invercargill 14/7/26 by 9 years 1926, page 635, and Photographs, page months’ ref or1926, page 635, and Photographs, page M.C. 81.) • refor- detenmative detention 81.) John Cosgrove, Auckland S.C. 25/2/25 mischief (4 charges) 5 years’ reformaN. Zealand labourer 1907 5 9 fresh brown blue medium. . 20/12/28 F.P. Deceased. (See Police Gazette, tive detention 1925, page 256, and Photographs, page 33.) % Auckland S.C. 25/2/25 mischief (4 charges) 5 years’ reformaN. Zealand labourer 1907 5 9 fresh brown blue medium.. 20/12/28 F.P. Deceased. (See Police Gazette, tive detention 1925, page 256, and Photographs, page 33.) Wanganui ; FrankHardcastle, M.C. Marton 22/11/28 disorderly idle month 1 England labourer 1865 5 fresh grey blue medium .. 21/12/28 in right eye; LOVE on right arm. F.P. 5 fresh grey blue medium. . 21/12/28 in right eye ; LOVE on right arm. F.P. Wellington— right chin, on right p.c. Daniel, Blenheim 19/10/28 disorderly months Zealand labourer 1889 5f 5 dark black hazel .. short 17/12/28 5f dark black hazel .. short 17/12/28 Sullivan shoulder left and hip cheek. Photo- and page 1922, page John Gisborne 30/11/28 maintenance . months 3 Australia labourer 1900 94 fresh light brown hazel .. thick 17/12/28 Strong build; scar on nose; snake and 91 fresh light brown hazel .. thick 17/12/28 Strong build ; scar on nose ; snake and Michael horse-shoe, forearm ring on on upper S/12/28. ring-finger. paid. Gibson, William, M.C. 23/10/28 theft .... months 3 Africa . labourer 1906 6 fresh brown blue medium .. 17/12/28 Scar on forehead and on left forefinger; 6 fresh brown blue medium.. 17/12/28 Scar on forehead and on left forefinger ; Wilfred Gibson, on ; ningham * forearm ; subject to fits. F.P. Sent to mental hospital. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 629.) * • forearm ; subject to fits. F.P. Sent to mental hospital. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 629.) Robert ,Down, Levin 19/11/28 and idle disorderly 1 England . labourer 1873 5 dark grey grey .. long 18/12/28 Scars on lees ; large ears ; thin face. F.P. 71 dark grey grey .. long 18/12/28 Scars on legs ; large ears ; thin face. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 681.) * (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 681.) Fraser, Jamieson . Wellington 28/11/28 credit by 21 days Scotland labourer 1890 91 fresh brown blue broad .. 18/12/28 Strong build ; little fingers bent; scar on 9* fresh brown blue broad 18/12/28 Strong build ; little fingers bent; scar on r ; toe and 1928, page 85.) Laurie, M.C. . 22/9/28 theft . months Zealand carpenter . 1895 5 fair fair grey .. long, hooked 21/12/28 Scars at side of right palm ; scars on right 4/ fair fair grey .. long, 21/12/28 Scars at side of right palm ; scars on right "/ Davis hooked side of neck. F.P. (See i J olice Gazette, 1928, page 76.) » side of neck. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1928, page 76.) Eric John, Nelson . 31/8/28 false pretences 4 Zealand journalist 1900 8 fair fair hazel .. long 21/12/28 1 p.c. Cross, hands, ROSE, and Union 8 fair fair hazel .. long 21/12/28 1 p.c. Cross, hands, RUSE, and Union Leo ; ;buoy, Discharged on lip. Gazette, (See Police 660.)


and Where When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born. Heighti Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. dis-When charged. and .Remarks, finger-impressions indicates taken.) continued. Wellington IDOL in. 54 5fresh grey — email 31/13/864 p.o. Strong- 1 -build-; —- brown ■ grey — w small 21/12/384' p.o. Strong-bulki ,■ --scar-og-’rigbt'-f are=~ engineer— finger; —F.P.- "fSee-Pohce "GazelliV'1929, page4)2.-and*PhotogTaphsH'9-iTpscge*S5 .) Wil-McIntyre, Wellington M.C. 24/9/28 incorrigible rogue 3 months N. Zealand labourer 1890 5 10 fresh brown, turning grey brown .. medium .. 22/12/28 Scroll, KIA ORA, and dagger on left forearm ; scar over left eye and on nose. liam F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 859.) Wellington M.C. 24/9/28 incorrigible rogue 3 months N. Zealand UIJ^LIIUUI labourer 1890 5 10 fresh brown, turning grey brown .. medium.. 22/12/28 Scroll, KIA ORA, and dagger on left forearm ; scar over left eye and on nose. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 859.) a— Richard Vines, Lyttelton 15/12/28 fighting hours 48 England fireman 1900 5 9! sallo dark brown .. medium.. 17/12/28 Flower, ROSE, clasped hands, and horseshoe on left forearm : bird with letter, clasped and horse-shoe on right forearm. F.P. * 5 91sallo dark brown .. medium .. 17/12/28 Flower, ROSE, clasped hands, and horseshoe on left forearm ; bird with letter, clasped and horse- shoe on right forearm. F.P. * Thomas Ha day, Henderson M.C. . 30/11/27 order prohibition breach or . Zealand labourer 1900 5 n florid auburn blue flat 18/12/28 Scar over left eye. F.P. Photographed at Christchurch, 6/12/28. Arrested, 5/ 12 /28. . t J , 5 71 florid auburn blue flat 18/12/28 Scar over left eye. F.P. Photographed at Christchurch, 6/12/28. Arrested, 5/12/28. George churchChrist S.C. 21/9/28 obtaining bankruptdischarged months 3 England pro-garage prietor 1895 6 0/ fair fair grey medium.. 20/12/28 Scar on abdomen, on right side ot nose, and on right shoulder. F.P. 6 01 fair fair grey .. medium .. 20/12/28 Scar on abdomen, on right side of nose, and on right shoulder. F.P. Hock, Lyttelton 21/11/28 police month 1 Zealand fireman 1907 5 7 sallow .. brown brown .. flat 20/12/28 Scar on forehead and near left eye. F.P. Photographed at Paparua, 29/11/28. 5 7' sallow .. brown • .. brown .. flat 20/12/28 Scar on forehead and near left eye. F.P. Photographed at Paparua, 29/11/28. Lloyd C t i M.C. 7/12/28 damage days 14 . . England cook 1893 5 7 dark dark brown .. medium.. 20/12/28 5 p.c. Heart on left upper arm. (See Police Gazette, 1928, page 696.) 5 7' dark dark brown .. medium .. 20/12/28 5 p.c. Heart on 1‘eft upper arm. (See Police Gazette, 1928, page 696.) James . Lyttelton 15/12/28 fighting 7 England . fireman 1889 5 4 fresh light brown blue medium.. 21/12/28 Woman’s head and rose on left forearm ; heart and cross on back of right hand; 5 4 fresh light brown blue medium. . 21/12/28 Woman’s head and rose on left forearm ; heart and cross on back of right hand; > at on F.P. thumb. Stone, M.C.Lyttelton 15/12/28 fighting days 7 England trimmer 1906 5 7| fair fair blue medium.. 21/12/28 Dragon, woman’s head, heart, and anchor on left forearm ; woman and snake on right forearm ; swallow on back of each hand. F.P. 5 71 fair fair blue' .. medium .. 21/12/28 Dragon, woman’s head, heart, and anchor on left forearm; woman and snake on right forearm ; swallow on back of each hand. F.P. Dooley, churchChrist 23/6/28 vagabond (inmonths 6 Zealand N. labourer 1875 5 1 sallow .. dark grey medium.. 22/12/28 7 p.c. Dot on right wrist; scar on left cheek. F.P. CSee Police Gazette, 1928, 5 1 sallow .. dark grey .. medium .. 22/12/28 7 p.c. Dot on right wrist; scar on left cheek. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1928, M.C. means) page 52.) Junedin— Trainor, Andrew M.C.Dunedin 4/12/28 theft . 14 Zealand labourer 1905 5 8 fresh fair blue medium.. 17/12/28 Scar on lower lip, on right elbow, and on left middle finger; heart, dagger, and ' ENA on left forearm. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1928, page 443, and Photographs, 1925, page 16.) 8 fresh fair blue medium .. 17/12/28 Scar on lower lip, on right elbow, and on left middle finger; heart, dagger, and ENA on left forearm. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1928, page 443, and Photographs, 1925, page 16.) 5


and Prisoner. Where When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Bom. Height. Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. discharged. Convictions. finger-impressions that taken.) Invercargill Borstal tion — Chandler, Harold virke M.C. 27/8/26 and entering, breaking, theft 3 in years Institution Australia electrician . 1909 in. 8 fresh brown grey .. medium.. 18/12/28 Scar under left eye, on right forefinger, and on right hip. F.P. Released on license. (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 698, and Photographs, 1928, page 70.) in. 8 fresh brown grey .. medium.. 18/12/28 Scar under left eye, on right forefinger, and on right hip. F.P. Released on license. (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 698, and Photographs, 1928, page 70.) Gerald Randolph M.C.Blenheim 8/9/26 theft Borstal in years Borstal in years Institution N. Zealand gardener 1909 5 5 fresh fair blue medium i. 19/12/28 F.P. Released on license. Photographed at Invercargill, 12/11/26. Institution N. Zealand gardener 1909 5 5 fresh fair blue medium.. 19/12/28 F.P. Released on license. Photographed at Invercargill, 12/11/26. WilliamChristensen, Alfred Wanganui 28/3/27 theft (5 3 in years Institution Zealand labourer 1909 5 7 fresh black blue medium. 20/12/28 abdo- thumb on right Pho- license. on tographed at Franklin, Gisborne 24/8/27 credit obtaining 2 in years Institution Zealand labourer 1908 5 5 dark brown blue medium. 20/12/28 right and on (See license. finger. and 646, Gazette, page Photographs, 75.) page Graham, Wellington 30/3/27 assault 2 in Institution Scotland deck-boy 1909 5 3 fresh brown grey . medium. 21/12/28 1 on ; Slight li- on right at cense. 14/4/27.


Bom. +3 Complexion. When discharged. Remark's, and Previous Convictions. Prisoner. of Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. bp *3 W Hair. Eyes. Nose. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken. » Bom. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken. < Auckland ft. and Portions fore, p.c. ring fingers missing ; scar on each shin. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1928, page 627, and Photographs, 1926, page 72.) Robert S.C.Auckland 25/6/28 forgery 6 N. driver 1891 5 9 fresh light brown.. blue long 24/12/28 5 9 fresh light brown.. blue long 24/12/28 ring fingers missing ; scar on each shin. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1928, page 627, and Photographs, 1926, page 72.) William Auckland 25/9/28 theft months N. labourer 1888 5 4 fresh dark brown.. hazel .. medium.. 24/12/28 Scar on right thumb and palm ; woman, sun, clasped hands, &c., on right forearm ; Crucifix, I.H.S., star, &c., on left forearm. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1925, page 7, and Photographs, 1922, page 84.) 5 4 fresh dark brown.. hazel .. medium.. 24/12/28 Scar on right thumb and palm; woman, sun, clasped hands, &c., on right forearm ; Crucifix, I.H.S., star, &c., on left forearm. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1925, page 7, and Photographs, 1922, page 84.) Keenan, Auckland 26/11/28 police. 1 N. labourer .1892 5 5 fresh brown, turning grey blue thick 24/12/28 51 p.c. Scar on tip of right forefinger and on left cheek. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1928, page 847.) 5 5 fresh brown, turnblue thick 24/12/28 51 p.c. Scar on tip of right forefinger and ing grey on left cheek. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1928, page 847.) Eagle, . M.C.Auckland 11/12/28 ship-desertion .. 14 days England .. fireman 1905 5 6i fair fair. blue large 24/12/28 2 p.c. Flower, scroll, and 1. L. KATE on 1 left forearm ; swallow and MOTHER on right forearm. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1926, page 7.) 11/12/28 ship-desertion .. 14 days England .. fireman 1905 5 64 fair fair. blue large 24/12/28 2 p.c. Flower, scroll, and I. L. KATE on left forearm ; swallow and MOTHER' on right forearm. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1926, page 7.) Thomas Auckland 29/9/28 unlawfully motor- a 3 months N. Zealand breadman .. 1902 5 7f fresh brown, going blue large 24/12/28 Scar on right forearm. F.P. Discharged car bald on remission. 3 months N. Zealand breadman .. 1902 5 7f fresh brown, going bald blue large 24/12/28 Scar on right forearm. F.P. Discharged on remission. Law-Bowler, Auckland M.C. 22/12/28 fighting fine or 3 days N. Zealand labourer * .. 1889 5 7f fresh brown grey .. medium.. 24/12/28 Scar on lower lip and on left foot. (See Woods, Police Gazette, 1927, page 596, and Thomas Photographs, page 41.) Auckland M.C. 22/12/28 fighting fine or 3 days N. Zealand labourer .. 1889 5 7j fresh brown grey .. medium.. 24/12/28 Scar on lower lip and on left foot. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 596, and Photographs, page 41.) Jensen, Auckland 28/6/28 theft months 6 England . labourer 1904 6 0 fresh light brown.. blue medium.. 27/12/28 Scar at base of right thumb, on abdomen, and on right shin. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1928, page 720, and Photographs, 1923, page 11.) 6 0 fresh fight brown.. blue medium.. 27/12/28 Scar at base of right thumb, on abdomen, and on right shin. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1928, page 720, and Photographs, 1923, page 11.) Her-Gwilliam. Auckland M.C. 30/10/28 default of maintenance .. arrears or 1 month N. Zealand driver 1895 5 7 fresh fight brown.. blue large 28/12/28 4 p.c. Scar on left thumb. Arrested, bert 29/11/28. (See Police Gazette, 1928, page 425.) Auckland M.C. 30/10/28 default of maintenance .. arrears or 1 month N. Zealand driver 1895 5 7 fresh light brown.. blue large 28/12/28 4 p.c. Scar on left thumb. Arrested, 29/11/28. (See Police Gazette, 1928, page 425.) Michael Hamilton 29/10/28 obtaining credit by fraud fine or 1 month .. N. Zealand fitter 1894 5 11 fresh brown blue medium.. 28/12/28 Scar on base of left thumb and on left Auckland 29/10/288/11/28 obtaining credit by fraud 1 month forearm. F.P. (See Police Gazette, (cumulative) 1928, page 794, and Photographs, 1925, page 14.) 8/11/28 obtaining credit by fraud obtaining credit by fraud fine or 1 month .. 1 month (cumulative) N. Zealand fitter 1894 5 11 fresh brown blue medium.. 28/12/28 Scar on base of left thumb and on left forearm. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1928, page 794, and Photographs, 1925, page 14.) Keith Auckland M.C. 15/12/28 theft .. 14 days Australia .. storeman .. 1902 5 6| dark black brown .. medium.. 28/12/28 6 p.c. Scar on abdomen; small scar on Taylor nose. (See Police Gazette, 1928, page 628, and Photographs, 1923, page 73.) Auckland M.C. 15/12/28 theft .. 14 days Australia .. storeman .. 1902 5 6| dark black brown .. medium.. 28/12/28 6 p.c. Scar on abdomen; small scar on nose. (See Police Gazette, 1928, page 628, and Photographs, 1923, page 73.) CharlesHudson, Mercer 24/12/28 obscene language 7 days Tasmania labourer 1877 5 7 fresh brown blue medium.. 29/12/28 Faint heart, anchor, and cross on right forearm. (See Police Gazette, 1928, page 160.) 5 7 fresh brown blue medium.. 29/12/28 Faint heart, anchor, and cross on right forearm. (See Police Gazette, 1928, page 160.) Napier Scar on forehead and on back of neck, w p Chung . Napier t 20/9/28 of . opium months China gardener 1900 5 1 yellow .. black dark .. large 19/12/28 Scar on forehead and on back of neck. TT p 5 1 yellow .. black dark .. large 19/12/28 Henry Napier . 25/9/28 false pretences . 3 months N. Zealand butcher 1885 5 8-J fresh fair blue medium.. 24/12/28 4 p.c. Scar on right cheek and over right false charges) 1 month on each eyebrow. F.P. (See Police Gazette, false pretences months 3 weeks • 1928, page 358.) 1 month on each 6 weeks N. Zealand butcher 1885 5 8| fresh fair blue medium.. 24/12/28 4 p.c. Scar on right cheek and over right eyebrow. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1928, page 358.)


-4-5 1 Complexion. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. j 1 Complexion. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. IGaol, Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. O PQ © 1 M 1 Hair. Eyes. Nose. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions ha ve been taken.) • . • 1 Where tried. When, i Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. O PQ ’<3 a Hair. Byes. Nose. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Napier continued. in. fresh shoulder, on Hansen, Napier . 23/10/28 of . 1 Zealand labourer 1883 5 going hazel medium. 24/12/28 bald on ; leg of Arrested, 26/11/28. Gazette, Police 1928, (See RobertAlexander,' Wellington 23/10/28 of default 1 Zealand motor-driver 1905 94 fresh brown light grey . medium. 28/12/28 big right default . or of left toe, right chest. Wanganui 2 p.c. F.P. Arrested, 30/11/28. (See fresh dark 2 p.c. F.P. Arrested, 30/11/28. (See William M.C.Wanganui 23/11/28 and disorderly 14 Zealand hawker 1881 5 brown .. medium.. 29/12/28 fresh dark brown .. medium.. 29/12/28 default 1 238.) page Take— dark F.P. on ; David, William Creamer, M.C.Wellington 18/6/28 theft months England . labourer 1876 5 grey blue long 17/12/28 alias Littlewood, 19/6/28 theft months and 1927, (See ham (cumulative) Photographs, 1923, page 45.) fiat Photographs, 1923, page 45.) JamesHirini, Picton . 28/6/28 theft 6 Maori labourer 1905 5 dark black brown 17/12/28 Brown mark on right arm ; scar on right foot. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 293, and Photographs, page 48.) flat 17/12/28 Brown mark on right arm; scar on right foot. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 293, and Photographs, page 48.) Wellington— 2 p.c. Prominent ears. F.P. (See Police large 2 p.c. Prominent ears. F.P. (See Police Thompson, Tim M.C.Wellington 25/9/28 disorderly and months N. Zealand labourer 1890 4 5 fresh brown blue 24/12/28 large 24/12/28 alias Thompson Gazette, 547.) Police on John M.C.Wellington 25/8/28 theft . months 4 Zealand labourer 1902 5 fresh dark brown medium.. 24/12/28 Photo- 1928, 61.) Guy, John Canter Auckland 14/8/28 maintenance .default m’ths 3 or arrears S. America tunneller 1882 5 ll| fresh black brown . long 22/12/28 right below 1 ; Strong knee, on right arm, on chest, between left forefinger and thumb, on right shin, on right upper arm, on left foot, and on right groin; large ears. Arrested, 19/12/28. Arrears paid. (See Police Gazette, 1926, page 692.) t knee, on right arm, on chest, between left forefinger and thumb, on right shin, on right upper arm, on left foot, and on right groin; large ears. Arrested, Sullivan, Patrick, alias - 19/12/28. Arrears paid. (See Police Gazette, 1926, page 692.) alias Patrick, Holland Wellington M.C. 26/11/28 incorrigible rogue 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1877 5 8 fresh grey blue broken, large 24/12/28 19 p.c. Cross on left forearm; cross, anchor, and wreath on right forearm ; scar on right leg. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 329.) Hutton, Walter Sydney HollandJoseph M.C.Wellington M.C.Masterton 26/11/2830/9/27 incorrigible rogue of . . arrears or 2 m’ths N. Zealand labourer and slaughterman 1904 6 10 sallow .. brown, curly hazel .. long 26/12/28 Lifebuoy, ship, and seagulls on right forearm ; clasped hands on right wrist. Arrested, 27/10/28. 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1877 5 8 fresh grey blue broken, • large 24/12/28 19 p.c. Cross on left forearm; cross, anchor, and wreath on right forearm ; scar on right leg. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 329.) Sydney Walter Hutton, Patrick Phillips, M.C.Masterton M.C.Wellington 30/9/2724/9/28 of . of .default m’ths 2 or arrears m’ths or arrears Zealand N. Zealand andlabourer labourer 19041872 10 7 sallow fresh curly fair hazel .blue medium.. 28/12/28 Slightly deaf ; scar on forehead ; prominent ears. Arrested, 29/10/28. (See Police Gazette, 1928, page 445.) long 26/12/28 Lifebuoy, ship, and seagulls on right foreJoseph Stanley slaughterman arm; clasped hands on right wrist. Arrested, 27/10/28. Wellington M.C. 17/12/28 theft .. 14 days Russia labourer and 1886 5 74 fresh fair, going blue medium.. 29/12/28 Round mark on neck ; scar below left ear ; theft .. 7 days seaman bald large ears. F.P. Patrick Phillips, Roderick McNeil, M.C.Wellington ellington W 24/9/2827/12/28 maintenance .default obscene language m’ths 2 or arrears days 21 . Zealand N. Scotland . labourerseaman 18721877 7 7 freshfresh grey, going hazel .. large 28/12/28 Scars on top of head ; left ring-finger debald formed; left shoulder broken. F.P. Portion of fine paid. blue medium.. 28/12/28 Slightly deaf ; soar on forehead ; prominent ears. Arrested, 29/10/28. (See Police Gazette, 1928, page 445.) fair Wellington M.C. 17/12/28 theft .. .. 14 days Russia labourer and 1888 5 U fresh fair, going blue medium.. 29/12/28 Round mark on neck ; scar below left ear ; theft .. 7 days seaman bald large ears. F.P. Stanley Roderick McNeil, 27/12/28 obscene language fine or 21 days .. Scotland .. seaman 1877 5 7 fresh g r e v, going bald hazel .. large 28/12/28 Scars on top of head ; left ring-finger deformed ; left shoulder broken. F.P. Portion of fine paid. Wellington M.C.


■ a ! | Complexion. j When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. Prisoner. Name Gaol, Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken, i 1 Where tried. j When, j Offence. Sentence. Native of j Trade. S~: O « bp ‘3 Hair. Byes. Nose. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken. 1 Paparisa— ft. Richard churchChrist 11/6/28 default of . 3 or arrears Zealand labourer 1879 7dark dark, blue large 24/12/28 Arrested, forefinger liam M.C. grey alias Ernest, M.C.Dunedin 8 maintenance 6 or arrears England teamster 1870 b 6 fair grey grey . medium.. 24/12/28 foot on 14 ; p.c. Pearce M.C. . 27/6/28 theft (2 months on heart right left on 1924, Roland Miles, church 22/6/28 of maintenance 6 England labourer 1891 6 dark grey brown . sharp 26/12/28 thigh. 6 on on right p.c. Birch M.C. Police Arrested, and page 102.)page Con- alias George, Cheviot 27/10/28 theft . months Zealand N. labourer 1892 10 fresh dark brown . medium 26/12/28 back and on on ring-finger p.c. don Gazette, (See 1928, page 31.) 4 p.c. Scar on forehead. (See Police Alexander,Gilchrist, churchChrist 13/12/28 illegally 14 davs Scotland . . labourer 1874 81 fresh brown hazel medium. 26/12/28 ol.) 4 p.c. Scar on forehead. (See Police alias M.C. intent 608.) 1928, page Edwin Dunedin 18/7/28 theft . months 3 Zealand N. motor 1899 7 fresh dark hazel . medium 27/12/28 F.P. little Right Christ 28/9/28 using motor 3 months mechanic (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 174, and - 3 months mechanic (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 174, and M.C. car page Photographs, Dunedin— Samuel Milligan, Milton 20/10/28 default days Scotland labourer 1858 1 florid grey blue long 24/12/28 12/12/28. left eye. 427.) Alex-Robertson, Dunedin . 5/5/25 theft 3 years Zealand motor 1896 10 fresh fair hazel . medium 24/12/28 fingers middle Portion ander mechanic on ; missing Returned to Gazette, Police 1926, and Photographs, 92.) Inyercargili— Martin, Joseph Gore 2/10/28 default (4 days Zealand N. labourer 1879 6 fair grey grey medium 24/12/28 Arrested, in leg. charges) 26/11/28. Anthony, charges) 26/11/28. Riverton 27/10/28 disorderly idle and months Zealand bridge-builder 1880 grey blue broken .. 26/12/28 Scars over right eye, on left palm and shin, o n fresh grey blue broken .. 26/12/28 Scars over right eye, on left palm and shin, JohnSharman, (See upper 504.) 1928, Gazette,


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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LIV, Issue 2, 16 January 1929, Page 43

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MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LIV, Issue 2, 16 January 1929, Page 43

MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LIV, Issue 2, 16 January 1929, Page 43

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