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Open Season for the Taking or Killing of Opossums. Auckland, Buffer, East Coast, Grey, Hawera, Hawke’s Bay, Nelson, North Canterbury, Otago, Rotorua, South Canterbury, Southland, Stratford, Taranaki, Waimate, Waitaki, Wanganui, Wellington, and Westland (See New Zealand Gazette, 1928, pages 1639-1648.)

Regulations under the Motor-omnibus Traffic Act, 1926, relating to the Design, Construction, and Condition of Motor-omnibuses. (See New Zealand Gazette, 1928, pages 1649-1652.) CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 10th day of May, 1928. Present: The Right Honourable J. G. Coates, P.C., presiding in Council.

In pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred on him by section eighteen of • the Motor-omnibus Traffic Act, 1926 (hereinafter referred to as “ the said Act ”), His Excel-

lency the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby revoke the Motoromnibus (Constructional) Regulations, 1926, the Motoromnibus (Supplementary) Regulations, 1927, and the Motoromnibus (Constructional) Amending Regulations, 1927, published in the New Zealand Gazette of the twenty-first day of December, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-six, and the twenty-sixth day of May, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven, and the thirteenth day of October, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven respectively, and doth hereby make the following regulations in amendment thereof or in substitution therefor ; and doth hereby declare that this Order in Council shall come into operation on the first dav of June, one thousand nine hundred and twentyeight. REGULATIONS. General Provisions. 1. These regulations may be cited as the Motor-omnibus (Constructional) Regulations, 1928. 2. In these regulations, unless the context otherwise requires, “ Body ” includes all that portion of an omnibus designed to seat the passengers, driver, and conductor (if any), and to protect them from the weather : “ Chassis ” includes all that portion of an omnibus exclusive of the body and body fittings : “ Omnibus ” means a motor-omnibus as defined by the said Act: “ Seat ” includes a single seat or a row of seats adjoining one another, whether divided by sides or not: “ Wheel-track ” means the distance between the centres of the off-side and near-side wheels of a pair of wheels, and, when a pair of wheels consist of twin wheels on the off-side and twin wheels on the near side, means the distance measured along the axis from the centre of the off-side twin wheels to the centre of the near-side twin wheels : “ Continuous-cross-seat omnibus ” means an omnibus which is fitted with seats the greater number of which cross the full width of the body and from which for at least every other row of seats a doorway is provided. 3. (1) Every omnibus licensed under the said Act at any time before the Ist day of August, 1927, shall comply with the conditions and requirements contained in Part I of these regulations. (2) Every omnibus first licensed under the said Act after the Ist day of August, 1927, shall, save as hereinafter provided, comply with all the conditions and requirements of these regulations (whether contained in Part I or in Part II hereof). (3) Every omnibus which is required to be licensed under the said Act by reason of the addition to the area of a motor-omnibus district or the constitution of a new motoromnibus district subsequent to the Ist day of August, 1927, shall comply with the conditions and requirements of Part I of these regulations unless it is licensed for the first time later than nine months after the addition to or constitution of the motor-omnibus district as aforesaid, in which case it shall comply with all the conditions and requirements of these regulations (whether contained in Part I or in Part II hereof). 4. (1) The Minister of Public Works may in special circumstances, and subject to such conditions as he thinks fit to impose, grant exemption in respect of any omnibus from the provisions of any of these regulations, and may extend such exemption so that it may be applied at the discretion of the Inspecting Engineer to all omnibuses of the same make and model plying under similar conditions. (2) Application for such exemption shall in every case be made by the owner (or intending owner) of the omnibus to an Inspecting Engineer of a motor-omnibus district within which the omnibus is operating or proposes to operate, and shall state fully the grounds on which exemption is sought. The application shall state the name of the maker or makers of the omnibus, the chassis number, the engine number, the seating-capacity, the registration number under the Motorvehicles Act, 1924, and any further particulars that the Inspecting Engineer may require. (3) On receipt of an application for exemption, the Inspecting Engineer shall consider the same, and, if in his opinion it is frivolous or is based on trivial grounds, he may dismiss it without reference to the Minister.

(4) The financial circumstances of the owner shall not be a ground for application for exemption under this regulation. 5. For the purpose of the Motor-omnibus Traffic Act, 1926, an Inspecting Engineer may, at his discretion, make a report that an omnibus is in a fit condition to be licensed as an omnibus, save that certain requirements of these regulations

require to be fulfilled, and in such case shall, by his certificate, state such requirements and fix a time limit or limits within which all or each of such requirements shall be complied with. The licensing authority may thereupon, in pursuance of the said report, issue a license in respect of the omnibus, subject to the condition that the said requirements be fulfilled within the said time limit or limits.

6. Every person who, for the purpose of these regulations, makes any statement or supplies any information that is false or misleading in any material particular, or who otherwise than in accordance with an order of exemption made under clause 4 hereof, or permission in terms of clause 5 hereof, uses for the purposes of a motor-omnibus service any omnibus that does not comply with the provisions or requirements of these regulations, shall be liable to a fine of £lO.

PART i. Regulations applicable to all Licensed Motor-omnibuses. Doorways. 7. (1) There shall be fitted to each omnibus at least two doorways for entrance and egress, one of which shall be situated at least 7 ft. distant from and, if not at the extreme end of the omnibus, on the opposite side of the omnibus to the other doorway or the most remote one of any other doorways.

(2) One of the doorways need not be used save in cases of emergency, and, if intended for use only in such cases, shall be fitted with a door (hereinafter referred to as the “ emergency door ”) kept securely latched until it is required to be used. The device for opening the emergency door shall at all times be capable of ready operation, and if such device includes a removable key shall be permanently fixed by a chain fastened within 18 in. of the keyhole. The keyhole shall be situated not higher than 4 ft. from the floor. In omnibuses fitted with an emergency door a conspicuous notice directing attention to the emergency door, and clearly indicating the means for opening it, shall be displayed inside the omnibus, towards the front thereof. Every emergency door shall be kept free of all obstruction outside the omnibus.

(3) A passage-way to the doorway or doorways in general use shall at all times be kept free and unobstructed, and if a passenger-seat is in the way of an emergency door the seat shall be readily removable in case of emergency. (4) Every doorway shall be provided with a suitable nonslip tread-plate. (5) More than one emergency door may be provided in an omnibus, in which case the foregoing provisions shall apply to all such emergency doors. (6) A ready means of exit from the omnibus shall be at all times available for the driver. (7) At least once a week every door in the omnibus shall be opened and closed, and any locks and other parts thoroughly tested to ensure that the doors and locks (if any) are maintained in good working-order. Driver’s Protection. 8. (1) There shall be no passenger-seat alongside the driver’s seat or with its centre nearer than 3 ft. to the steering wheel rim or to any change-gear or brake-lever, unless the passenger-seat is divided from the driver’s seat by a permanent and transparent partition. (2) The driver’s seat shall be so situated that he can readily give prominent arm or mechanical signals for traffic purposes. Not less than 18 in. of space on each side of the centre of the steering-wheel from the driver’s shoulders to the floor shall be allowed for the driver, but portion of such space may be included in the passage-way provided for by subclause (3) of the last preceding clause. (3) There shall be no avoidable obstruction of any nature whatsoever on the omnibus which may interfere with the driver’s near or distant vision, whether in front or to the right or left. No passnger or person shall at any time be allowed to be in such a peosition on the omnibus that he interfere with the driver’s vision as aforesaid. Efficient means must be adopted to prevent interference with the driver’s vision through the front wind-screen by rain or the rays of the sun or otherwise howsoever. (4) A mirror or mirrors shall be provided so that the driver may have a view of the interior of the omnibus, and so also that he may observe traffic on the right and rear of the omnibus. Liquid Fuel. 9. (1) Not more than forty-six Imperial gallons of liquid fuel shall be carried on any one omnibus at one time, save with the consent of the Inspecting Engineer, to be given only in special circumstances and for temporary purposes. No liquid fuel shall be carried otherwise than in the permanent carrying-tanks,

(2) The said tanks shall be properly constructed of durable material and shall be of ample strength for the purpose which they serve. They shall be so placed that any overflow shall not fall upon woodwork or be allowed to accumulate on the omnibus, and the filling inlet for the fuel must be brought without a joint to the outside of the body of the omnibus, and be placed as far as convenient, from a constructional point of view, from any doorway or exhaust piping, being not less in any case than 2 ft. therefrom. (3) An aperture for the purpose of ascertaining the quantity of liquid fuel may be provided in that portion of the tank which is within the body of the omnibus. Such aperture shall be fitted with a securely screwed-in bushing, with a hole not exceeding 1 in. in diameter in the middle thereof, through which a metal depth rod shall pass. Such rod shall be permanently and rigidly attached at its upper end to a metal screw-on cap which itself shall properly and securely close the said aperture, except for any necessary air vent, while at the lower end of the rod there shall be provided a permanent stopper which will not pass through the said hole in the bushing, but will pass the tank aperture when the bushing is removed therefrom. The bushing shall not be removed save with the express approval of the Inspecting Engineer. The said aperture must be so situated that it will at all times, when the motor-omnibus is in use, be at a higher level than the filling-inlet. (4) The filling-inlet must be provided with a cap, which shall be tightly fitted in position immediately after the fuel has been supplied to the tank. (5) At the junction of each liquid-fuel supply-pipe and the tank there shall be a shut-off cock, readily accessible to the driver, for the purpose of turning off the supply of fuel from the tank. (6) No liquid fuel shall be supplied to the omnibus while the engine is running. Brakes. 10. (1) Every omnibus shall be fitted with at least two efficient independent brakes, one at least of which shall be operated by a pedal, and each shall be capable of stopping the omnibus from progressing in a forward or rearward direction under all conditions of its service. For the purposes of this clause brakes shall not be deemed to be independent if operated by the same connections or levers, or if they act upon the same brake-drums. . (2) Any brake which simultaneously applies the brakingpressure on two wheels or drums with a common axis shall be so designed or fitted with a compensating device that the braking effect is approximately the same on each road wheel. At least one brake exerting braking-pressure directly upon one pair of wheels (one on the off and the other on the near side) shall be fitted to each omnibus. (3) For the purpose of testing the brakes the omnibus shall be presented either loaded or unloaded, as may be required by the Inspecting Engineer. Alterations in Omnibus or Route. 11. (1) If the owner of an omnibus which is restricted by the Inspecting Engineer’s report to specific routes desires to carry passengers in that omnibus over any route different in whole or in part from the said routes, the written approval of the Inspecting Engineer shall first be obtained. (2) No alteration shall be made in the design or construction of the omnibus otherwise than for fair maintenance requirements, nor shall any bulky equipment or fittings be added without the prior written approval of the Inspecting Engineer. Any such alterations or any substantial replacements shall comply so far as is considered reasonable by the Inspecting Engineer with any relative requirements of these regulations, whether contained in Part I or in Part II hereof. (3) On the presentation to the Inspecting Engineer of a motor-omnibus for inspection, a certificate signed by the owner shall be given with respect to any alterations made or proposed to be made in the route since the last inspection, and also with respect to any alterations in the brake mechanism or gear ratio (including particulars as to the size and nature of tires) and in the general condition or structure of the omnibus. If no such alterations have been made, a certificate to that effect shall be given. Fire-extinguishers. 12. (1) Every omnibus shall be provided with at least two suitable appliances for extinguishing fire. Such appliances must be either of the tetra-chloride type or some other type approved by the Fire Underwriters’ Association as suitable for motor-vehicle service, and must at all times be effectively maintained, and must be carried one near the front doorway, placed so as to be readily accessible from both inside and outside of the vehicle, and one in a readily accessible position at the rear end of and inside the omnibus.

(2) The fire-extinguishers must not be allowed to inconvenience passengers, either by reason of their condition or position. Signals. 13. There shall be available for every four passengers from each seat a ready and suitable means of signalling to the driver and to the conductor (if any). Reflector. 14. A suitable red reflector shall be fitted to every omnibus in the proximity of the rear light as an extra protection in the event of the failure of the said rear light. Fume, &c., Protection. 15. The omnibus must be so constructed and maintained that smells or fumes from the exhaust-pipe or other sources, or the heat from the motor, exhaust-pipe, or generator shall not injuriously affect any part of the omnibus, or injuriously affect or interfere with the comfort of the passengers or driver. Destination Sign. 16. On the front of the omnibus, not lower than 4 ft. from the ground, and above the driver’s normal line of vision, words to indicate for every single journey the destination and also, at a reasonable height on both sides thereof, the destination and general route of the onmibus shall at all times be kept so as to be clearly visible to persons of normal sight at a distance of seventy-five yards. At all times while the omnibus is by law required to be lighted a front indicator containing the information aforesaid shall be clearly illuminated. Tires. 17. Each tire of an omnibus shall be made of soft or elastic material such as rubber, and must be of good quality throughout, and shall always be maintained in a safe and satisfactory condition and with the view of minimizing vibration. Electric Wires. 18. Wires conducting electric current must be properly insulated, and be protected from injury, and shall be so placed as to minimize the risk of danger from short-circuits or other causes. Oil Protection. 19. The exhaust-pipe must not be placed where oil or any inflammable or vaporizable material is likely to be dropped upon it. The dropping of grease and oil upon the roadway shall be reduced to a minimum. Accumulation of Benzine, &c. 20. When a guard, tray, or undershield is fixed beneath the engine, carburetter, or fuel-tank it must be so constructed that any overflow of liquid-fuel is not retained thereon. Steering. 21. Steering-gear and all connections thereof must be of ample strength, and their design and leverage must be such as to give convenient and sensitive control. • Protection of other Traffic. 22. Every omnibus shall be so constructed that it is able to turn any corner on its route without the need for using the reverse gear, and without unduly interfering with othertraffic. Protection from Vibration. 23. All brake and steering connections and all parts connected by bolts or by studs and nuts which are subject to severe vibration must be fastened by lock-nuts, castellated nuts with pins, or by nuts with approved spring washers or lock-nut washers. Protection from Breakages. 24. On every omnibus there shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Inspecting Engineer effective and sufficient means of control to restrict the field of swing of the driving shaft in the event of breakage of either the driving-shaft or the gear-box. Protection from Chains, &c. 25. Driving-chains and sprockets fitted to any omnibus must be protected by suitable guards.

Luggage, &c. 26. Reasonable provision must be made for the carriage within the omnibus of passengers’ parcels, and also safe and reasonable provision must be made for the carriage on the omnibus of passengers’ luggage and other belongings. Spare Wheel, &c. 27. Every omnibus must be provided with a spare properly equipped wheel, or with a spare rim and tire, ready for service. Tools. 28. A tool-box shall be carried containing sufficient and suitable tools and renewable parts to meet all reasonable road needs: Provided that any omnibus may, at the discretion of the Inspecting Engineer, by writing under his hand, be exempted for the duration of the current license or such shorter period as may therein be stated, either in whole or in part, from the requirements of this regulation or of Regulation 27. Towing. 29. No omnibus shall be used for the carriage of passengers when, owing to accident or breakdown, it is in such condition that it is required to be towed by another vehicle. Lockers. 30. Suitable lockers, not more than two in number, containing two efficient jacks and other appliances necessary, in the opinion of an Inspecting Engineer, for cases of emergency, shall be provided in each omnibus, and the owner of such omnibus shall provide for the efficient tuition of the driver and conductor (if any) in the use of such jacks and appliances. Loading. 31. (1) The fact that in the opinion of the Inspecting Engineer the chassis of any omnibus is carrying, or in service is likely to carry, a greater load than it was designed by the makers, regularly and continuously, to carry, may be a ground for refusal by the Inspecting Engineer to make a report in terms of Section 6 (3) of the said Act that the motoromnibus may be licensed for the carriage of passengers, or may be a ground for the making of the said report only subject to certain conditions being complied with in respect of the omnibus. (2) Save with the written permission of the Minister of Public Works upon the recommendation of the licensing authority by which the omnibus is licensed, the maximum number of passengers permitted to be carried by any omnibus, in terms of the condition in that behalf to be contained in any license issued in respect of such omnibus, shall be not greater than four-thirds of the number of passengers for which seating-accommodation is provided, or the maximum number of seated and standing passengers for which the Inspecting Engineer reports the omnibus to be fit to carry, whichever is the lesser. (3) It shall not be lawful for any person to operate an omnibus, or for the owner of any omnibus to permit the same to be operated, unless the words “ Licensed under the Motor-omnibus Traffic Act, 1926, to carry passengers ” (stating the maximum number of passengers to be carried according to the terms of the license), are legibly painted or affixed in some permanent manner in a conspicuous part of the interior of the vehicle, and unless the seated and standing passengers carried on .the omnibus do not exceed the number stated in the said notice. (4) Clause 4 of Regulation 21 of the Motor-omnibus (Licensing) Regulations, 1926, is hereby revoked. (5) It shall be a condition of every license issued in respect of a motor omnibus (whether such condition be inserted in the license or not) that no standing passenger shall be allowed to travel on the driver’s platform or forward of an imaginary line drawn at right angles to the length of the omnibus across the back of tho driver’s seat and for the full width of the vehicle. Motor-vehicles Act Requirements. 32. No omnibus shall be considered to bo in a suitable condition for the carriage of passengers unless all the requirements of the Motor-vehicles Act, 1924, and its amendments, and any regulations for the time being in force thereunder in so far as they affect the omnibus, have been fulfilled. Inspection. 33. (1) For whatever purpose the omnibus is presented to the Inspecting Engineer for inspection, it must on each such occasion be presented in a thoroughly clean condition in all parts.

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(2) A fresh report shall be obtained from an Inspecting Engineer in terms of Section 6 (3) of the said Act before a license for another period is granted in respect of any omnibus that has previously been licensed, whether by the same or any other licensing authority.

PART 11. Special Regulations applicable only to Motor-omnibuses first licensed after Ist August, 1927, or as otherwise provided in Regulation 3. Doorways. 34. (1) “ Doorway ” in this regulation includes the approaches thereto (if any) from the outside of the vehicle body and also the approaches thereto from the inside of the omnibus for a distance of at least 14 in. (2) Every doorway for entrance and egress shall give at least 22 in. clear opening width for a height of at least 6 ft. : Provided that in the case of emergency doors the door-way may be not less than 5 ft. 6 in, in height, and in the case of a continuous-cross-seat omnibus the doorways may be not less than 6 ft. 6 in. in height and 18 in. in width. (3) The doorway or doorways generally in use shall be on the near side of the omnibus. Seats. 35. (1) Every seat must provide for each passenger at least 16 in. in width, measured in a straight-line along the front edge of the seat, and not less than 14 in. in depth from the said front edge horizontally to the back of the seat. The distance from the floor covering to the top of the seat must be not less than 17 in. For the purposes of this clause, any cushion or other covering shall be deemed part of the seat, and for computing the width, depth, and height of a seat, the cushion or other coverings shall be uncompressed. (2) No seat may be so situated that when occupied it will be likely to cause obstruction in the ordinary entrance and exit of passengers. (3) When cushions are provided for seats they must bo covered with leather or other material of good class and quality. (4) Every seat must be so constructed and placed that each passenger shall have at least 9 in. clear space forward from the vertical plane of the edge of the seat. The said space shall be exclusive of the like space reserved as aforesaid for any other passenger who may occupy the seat facing and opposite thereto, and, except in the case of a continuous-cross-seat omnibus, shall also be exclusive of the passageway referred to in the next succeeding regulation. (5) Every seat must be provided with a back and be kept fit, comfortable, and convenient for use. Passageways. 36. From each doorway of the omnibus (other than an emergency door or emergency doors) to each row of seats adjoining one another or to within 5 ft. of any separate seat there shall be a passageway not less than 15 in. in width, and free throughout from structural projections or obstructions. In the case of a continuous-cross-seat omnibus the said passageway must be along the full length of each row of seats adjoining one another. Dimensions. 37. (1) Above the exposed floor area, and for a distance of 8 in. on each side of the longitudinal centre-line of the body of the omnibus, the height from the top of the floorcovering to the roof or extension thereof shall not be less than 6 ft., clear of obstruction and exclusive of projections of any kind, including lighting fittings. (2) The maximum width of each omnibus (including projections of any kind, temporary or otherwise) shall not exceed 8 ft., and no part of the omnibus or of its equipment or load shall be more than 4 ft. from the centre-line of the wheeltrack. (3) The maximum length of an omnibus, including fitings, attachments, and load, shall be 28 ft. (4) The body of any omnibus shall not overhang its rear wheel-track by more than 1 ft. 3 in. on either side. (5) The wheel-base shall in all cases be so proportioned that skidding, pitching, swaying, or other improper movements shall be avoided as far as possible. (6) The length by which the body overhangs the axis of tho rear-wheels of an omnibus, herein referred to as “ the overhang,” shall not exceed two-fifths of the total length of the wheel-base, provided that in no case shall the overhang exceed 6 ft.

(7) For the purpose of this regulation, wheel-base means' the distance from the middle point of the line of axis of the foremost pair of wheels on an omnibus to the middle point of the line of axis of the rearmost pair of wheels : Provided that, in the case of those omnibuses fitted with two rear axles (and their relative wheels) placed closely one behind the other, the rear commencing-point of measurement of the wheelbase and the overhang shall he taken from the middle "point of a line drawn from one rear-wheel axis to the other. Body. 38. (1) Every motor-omnibus shall be fitted with a permanent body made of wood, steel, or other similar endurable material approved by the Inspecting Engineer. The body shall be of good and robust design, shall be made of first-class materials, with first-class workmanship and finish, shall be designed to give full protection to passengers in any weather, and shall be permanently attached to the chassis. (2) The sides and roof of the body shall be non-collapsible. (3) Highly inflammable materials must not be used in the construction or fittings of the body. (4) Fittings must not have sharp corners or edges, or extend in such a way as to render them likely to be a cause of injury to passengers or to their clothing. (5) Effective means must be taken to prevent, during service, any unnecessary rattle of windows or doors or other noises caused by movements of the body-frame. (6) Sufficient hand-rails, hand-straps, or hand-grips must be provided for the convenience and safety of passengers when standing in or moving along passageways. (7) Every omnibus shall be fitted with glass side-windows of which at least one-half the total number shall be capable of being readily opened and closed. All window-openings shall be guarded for a distance of 4 ft. 6 in. from the floor with bars or netting, or by other means, so that a spherical body 5 in. in diameter cannot be passed through any opening within the said distance. (8) The omnibus must be so constructed that sufficient ventilation is provided by means other than the ordinary windows. Special ventilating-windows may be fitted, provided that, if accessible to passengers, they shall comply with the provisions of the last preceding subclause relating to guards, and provided also that suitable provision is made for the reduction of drafts to a minimum. Lighting. 39. (1) While carrying passengers at any time when by law the omnibus is required to be lighted, the interior shall, subject to the provisions hereinafter set out, be illuminated with electric light on the basis of a minimum of five candlepower to every five seats. When owing to paucity of passengers or the requirements of safety or other proper circumstances it would temporarily not be reasonable to meet the foregoing requirements, all or any of the internal lights, save that referred to in subclause (5) hereof, may be switched off by the driver. (2) The lights shall be so distributed that the doorways and steps shall be clearly illuminated while in use, and so that light is well distributed throughout the interior of the omnibus. (3) No single fight shall be less than eight candlepower. (4) Lamp-fittings shall be of a substantial nature, so that passengers will be protected as far as possible from breakages. (5) The lights must be so placed within the body of the omnibus, or must be so controllable by switches, or so guarded by shields or non-reflectors that the driver shall not be hampered by light direct or reflected from the internal lights. Independent circuits shall be provided so that, during lighting hours and while the omnibus is on service, at least one of the interior fights shall remain alight. Steps. 40. (1) Steps for the assistance of passengers in entering and alighting from the omnibus must be placed to all outside doorways (except emergency doors) which do not reach within 16 in. of the surface of a level roadway. Steps must be safe and convenient, and sufficient means must be provided by grip-handles to assist passengers using them.

(2) The distance of the lowest step above the surface of a level roadway must be not more than 16 in. with the omnibus unloaded or less than 10 in. with the omnibus loaded, and the tire worn to its maximum. The rise between one step and the next shall not be greater than 12 in. The treadingsurface of any step must not be less than 8 in. from front to rear. Every step shall be provided and maintained with a suitable covering or tread-plate to prevent slipping, and must be of the one continuous level for its full width. Miscellaneous Fittings. 41. (1) Buffers of a cushioning type to ameliorate injuries to the omnibus or passengers in the event of collision must be provided along the front of every omnibus. (2) The omnibus must be so constructed, or side guards or other approved appliances must be fitted, so that, save for any necessary steering-clearance, persons are protected from falling under the vehicle from the sides. (3) Mechanical devices, approved by the Minister and efficient by day and by night, must be provided on every omnibus to indicate to road users and controllers of traffic when the omnibus is about to turn to the right or left, and to warn vehicles in the rear when the omnibus is about to stop. General Chassis Requirements, 42. (1) The springs shall be of ample strength and shall be so designed, constructed, and secured that when the omnibus is travelling either fully or partially loaded it shall afford reasonable comfort to passengers under average conditions of its service and route. (2) The wheels must not be so heavy or so equipped that more than reasonable strain is placed upon the steering-gear. (3) For the protection of pedestrians from front collision and at the discretion of the Inspecting Engineer, having view to the conditions of the proposed routes, every omnibus shall either have a clearance for the full length of the vehicle, and, for a width corresponding to the transverse distance between the tires, of at least 10 in. vertically from a level roadway to the nearest part of the chassis when the omnibus is fully loaded, or be provided with a front protective guard, approved as being sufficient and satisfactory by the Inspecting Engineer. Where the former alternative is adopted, protective rails or other approved devices must be provided to prevent the rear wheels from running over any person who may be prone and underneath the omnibus. (4) When ball and socket joints of steering-connections are used the longitudinal or transverse rods, as the case may be, must be supported by the ball. (5) The chassis shall have a maker’s designed carrying capacity for regular and continuous passenger service such that the total weight of the body and of any load that the omnibus is, in the opinion of the Inspecting Engineer, likely in service to carry, including such standing passengers as are allowed in terms of Regulation 31, shall be not more than four-thirds of the said designed carrying capacity. Plans and Specifications. 43. The Inspecting Engineer shall be supplied before inspection of the omnibus (and preferably before construction of the body) with the maker’s specifications and other data, covering the design, strength and weight of the chassis, gear ratios, revolutions of engine when running at normal speed, and, when possible, steering-mechanism ratios. Similarly, plans drawn to scale and specifications shall be supplied showing all important dimensions and covering the design, strength, and quality of materials for the body and fittings, and also there shall be supplied the weight of the body, or if the body is still under construction the estimated weight thereof. F. D. Thomson, Clerk of the Executive Council. (P.W. 26/5/2/14.)

Sail iffs of Magistrates' Courts appointed. Constable Alfred Edward Hinton, Onehunga; and Constable John O’Connell, Clyde. (See New Zealand Gazette, 1928, page 1664.)


Bv Autlioritv : W. A. (t. KimsrwTnT* fimrommonf Pn’n+Ai*

Offender. Where When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. J Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, 1 Morgans, alias John Timaru 4/5/28 assault (2 charges) 3 months Y. Zealand labourer 1888 ft. in. 5 8 fresh brown hazel .. medium.. Scar under chin. (See Police Gazette, 1913, page 146.) Rowland Watt, TimaruTimaru 1/5/28 carnal knowledge acquitted N. Zealand labourer 1907 5 9 dark dark brown .. medium Timaru 4/5/28 1/5/28 assault (2 charges) carnal knowledge 3 months acquitted X. Zealand N. Zealand labourer labourer 1888 1907 ft. in. 5 8 5 9 fresh dark 1 brown dark hazel .. brown .. medium.. medium Scar under dim. (See Police Gazette, 1913, page 146.) William . Timaru 4/5/28 assault years’ England . farmer 1903 7 pale brown blue long George Timaru 2/5/28 by acquitted Y. Zealand motor-driver 1910 4 fresh dark hazel medium Edward negligently a motor-vehicle Timaru 2/5/28 by acquitted X. baker 1907 6 fair brown light blue medium James negligently a motor-vehicle Timaru 3/5/28 theft acquitted Australia sales1900 6i 5 fresh black brown .. long on (See 1926, page 194, and Photographs, page 34.) . manager 1926, page 194, and Photographs, page 34.) Henry Dunedin 4/4/28 theft 3 years England . traveller 1890 5 3£ fresh brown grey . large Photographed at Police page Whittall, Edward Percy Dunedin 4/4/28 indecent years’ England . . artist 1871 11 sallow dark hazel . small Snake, dagger, and on forefive arm. E.P. Photographed at Dunedin, f • arm. F.P. Photographed at Dunedin, Richard Dunedin 4/4/28 attempted breaking probation 1ST. Zealand baker 1909 4 fresh dark blue medium.. (See knee. right George Johnston to a breaking, and entering, • Dunedin 4/4/28 breaking attempted with entering to probation Y. drivermotor1910 5 fresh brown grey sharp of and forefinger right forehead. Johnstone a breaking, theft and entering, Dunedin 4/4/28 breaking toentering probation Y. shop-assis’ant 1909 5 sallow brown brown medium. on impediment in Sansom, Henry commit Dunedin 4/4/28 theft years’ probation X. labourer 1905 10 pale brown blue medium William Hassett, Dunedin 1/5/28 bodily years’ X. Zealand labourer 1899 10 fresh fair blue medium harm murderattempted acquitted doing harm and bodily bodily under he ' have manslaughter


of tried.Where When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade* Bora. 43 & .2? *3 W Complexion. ! | Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, tScc. U O & ap *3 W Complexion. ! ! Hair. j | Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, Edward Thomas Dunedin 4/5/28 1 (8 .. 1 detention Zealand labourer 1905 in. 9 fresh brown brown medium. in ; left eye. declared criminal 1928, on (See 71.) and Photographs, Foster, Smelt, Smith Dunedin 1/5/28 forgery . and years habi- an England motor-driver 1905 11* 5 fresh brown brown . medium. criminal stooped. broken finger Right Simpson James Thompson, Dunedin 1/5/28 theft .. .. .. 3 years’ reformative detention N. Zealand baker and labourer 1905 5 4 freckled brown blue medium.. theft 3 years’ reformative detention N. Zealand baker and labourer 1905 5 4 freckled brown blue medium.. ReubenBarnett, Dunedin 1/5/28 and 5 years’ reformaN. Zealand butcher 1906 6 6 fresh dark blue thick See Police Gazette, 1928, page 67, and Photographs, page 14. Pigeon-toed. (See Police Gazette, 1928, page 67, and Photographs, page 20.) (3 charges) breaking, entering, and theft 3 (3 charges) years’ reformative detention N. Zealand butcher 1906 5 6 fresh dark blue thick See Police Gazette, 1928, page 67, and Photographs, page 14. Martin, Dunedin 1/5/28 years’ reformative detention N. Zealand clerk 1907 5 n fair fair grey .. medium.. Pigeon-toed. (See Police Gazette, 1928, page 67, and Photographs, page 20.) (3 charges) breaking, entering, and theft (3 charges) tive detention 3 years’ reformative detention N. Zealand clerk 1907 5 7i fair fair grey .. medium.. McGregor Dunedin 1/5/28 and breaking, probation years’ Zealand labourer 1909 7 fair fair brown . medium. deaf. Alfred . Dunedin 1/5/28 and breaking, in years N. Zealand electrician .. 1910 5 7 sallow .. brown hazel .. large Institution N. Zealand electrician .. 1910 5 7 sallow .. brown hazel .. large

RETURN OF PERSONS DEALT WITH AT SUPREME COURTS-continued. (For Index, see General Index.)

Offender. tried.Where When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. ! j Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, <ftc. — Born. Height j Complexion. Hair. j Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &e. Jones,Wilson, Stanley, alias Auckland 5/5/28 assault • fined Zealand N. seaman 1874 ft 5 in. 10 dark dark brown . medium. anchor and ; and 154, Edward page William Auckland 5/5/28 drunkenness fined N. bushman 1902 6 0 fresh dark blue medium. left on assault fined Scar over right eye. hazel .. Scar over right eye. JohnStillwell, Auckland 7/5/28 disorderly and fined N. labourer 1909 5 8 fresh brown, medium.. hazel .. medium.. languageobscene fined pale fair blue Charles Frederick Griffiths, Auckland 8/5/28 -desertion fined England . trimmer 1905 5 7 pug alias Rosetta, Auckland 9/5/28 attempted ifto up N. domestic 1895 5 4.1 fresh dark grey . medium middle right on Mason Rose, 1 broken. ; right year 1928, CharlesTanner, Auckland 9/5/28 with-unlawfully if up N. fireman 1902 5 9 fair brown brown medium. and intent in 1 Reynold George Auckland 10/5/28 of probation year probation 1tended N. tailor 1883 5 QJL dark dark brown .. medium.. Scar behind right ear and on left eyebrow. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 466, y 2 dark dark brown .. medium.. Scar behind right ear and on left eyebrow. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 466, year 46.) page Photographs, William Auckland 11/5/28 theft and convicted Zealand wool-classer 1887 5 73. 1 4 fresh black blue broad . on on phus charged and on hand, and Police 1928, page 57.) 1920, page graphs, Christie .Boyde, Auckland 11/5/28 theft fined £2 England labourer 1909 5 10 fresh brown, curly brown medium Calvin I)ufty, Auckland 11/5/28 languageindecent fined N. labourer 1898 5 10 fair brown brown medium. 1924, Police Gazette, page Selwyn Waihi 8/5/28 racecourse fined Zealand N. dental 1890 5 9 dark black brown .. medium.. Scar on back of left hand. (See Police Gazette, mechanic 1928, page 136.) 1890 5 9 dark black brown .. medium.. Scar on back of left hand. (See Police Gazette, 1928, page 136.) Taylor, Waihi 8/5/28 window) (breaking 1 England labourer 1906 5 6 fair brown blue medium.. build. Strong Thomas Potts, Waihi 8/5/28 languageindecent fined N. miner 1886 5 11 fresh brown blue medium.. 1927, Police order prohibition fined John Norris, W 8/5/28 theft of to Zealand schoolboy . . 1914 4 7 dark dark brown . medium Welfare 1 Quintal,' Waihi 8/5/28 theft Child care N. schoolgirl 1916 4 6 dark dark brown medium 1 Smith, Nika Waihi 8/5/28 ; of care Maori labourer 1912 5 10 dark black brown medium intent for 1 Ngawhare, Sam, Sam Tauranga 2/5/28 motor-car a unlawfully if come up if come up 1 called on Maori labourer 1908 5 10 copper .. black brown .. broad .. Strong build; large mouth; scar on right forearm; face pock-marked. (See Police called on in 1 Maori labourer 1908 5 10 copper .. black brown .. broad Strong build; large mouth; scar on right forearm; face pock-marked. (See Police year Photographs, and 1927, 67.)

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrate's Court, but not sent to Gaol.

Name Offender. |Where When. Offence. Sentence. 1 Native of j i Trade. 0 O Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, <fec. ft. in. miss 1 When. | i Offence. Sentence. | Native of Trade. Bom. Height. Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, <fec. Jack, . 1 . Tauranga '9/5/28 of in charge fined Maori bushman 1899 ft. in. 5 4* copper .. black brown .. broad Strong build. (See Police Gazette, 1923, page i . 1899 5 copper .. black brown .. broad .. Strong build.! (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 661.) hibited and license cancelled for 3 months William Raglan 4/5/28 assault hibited and license cancelled for 3 months fined Zealand farmer 1885 6 0 sallow fair blue medium 661.) Rangi Rotorua 23/4/28 theft ifto up Zealand labourer 1902 5 7 dark black brown medium. A called on George Rotorua 7/5/28 disorderly and called dis- and N. Zealand seaman 1901 5 6 fresh brown grey .. medium.. Flowers, fscroll, and IDA on right forearm. convicted and disN. Zealand seaman 1901 5 6 fresh brown grey .. medium.. Flowers, fkcroll, and IDA on right forearm. Gisborne means) charged 1 year’s probation (Seep? olice t Gazette, 1927, page 110.) Kawana 11/5/28 indecent assault .. Maori labourer 1909 5 41 *4 copper .. black brown .. flat Gisborne 11/5/28 means) indecent assault .. charged 1 year’s probation Maori labourer 1909 5 4i copper .. black brown .. flat 1927, page FLO.) Allen Wairoa 8/5/28 fighting to pay N. farmer 1908 6 0 fresh fair blue medium J . Wairoa 8/5/28 fighting fined . Maori labourer 1883 5 8 dark black brown . medium William Rickard, . Wairoa 8/5/28 fighting to N. farmer 1901 5 10 fresh fair blue medium. left on Rata Wairoa 8/5/28 fighting to pay Maori labourer 1890 5 5 dark black brown flat ; William Stewart, Plymouth 18/4/28 mischief. fined and pay N. Zealand labourer 1908 5 8 pale dark blue medium damage fined £1 and pay N. Zealand labourer 1908 5 8 pale dark blue medium JohnNeilson, Plymouth 18/4/28 mischief. N. Zealand grocer 1909 5 fresh dark blue medium damage fined £1 and pay N. Zealand grocer 1909 5 H fresh dark blue medium *'■< ’ damage Parker, Henry Plymouth New 18/4/28 M-. mischief.. fined £1 and pay N. Zealand electrician 1910 5 7 pale dark brown .. medium mischief.. offensive casting matter damagedamage fined £1 and pay N. Zealand electrician .. 1910 5 7 pale dark brown .. medium fined £1 John . . Plymouth 18/4/28 casting offensive matter mischief. damage fined and pay N. Zealand painter 1911 5 9 fresh brown blue medium.. See Police Gazette, 1926, page 76. fined £1 fined £1 and pay N. Zealand painter 1911 5 9 fresh brown blue medium.. See Police Gazette, 1926, page 76. ' damage Jury, casting offensive matter .. fined £1 Plymouth 4/5/28 casting offensive matter .. theft damage to of Child N. Zealand schoolboy 1916 4 10 dark, dark brown .. medium fined for freckled to care of Child N. Zealand schoolboy .. 1916 4 10 dark, dark brown .. medium Wilkins, Plymouth 7/5/28 mischief.. Welfare for fined and pay N. Zealand butcher 1910 5 fresh dark blue medium.. Strong build. years fined £1 and pay N. Zealand butcher 1910 5 H freckled fresh dark blue medium.. Strong build. casting offensive matter .. damage fined £1 John Abram, Plymouth 12/5/28 offensive casting theft . charges) to care of Child N. Zealand labourer 1911 5 4 fresh brown grey .. medium.. Large scar on right temple. theft (2 charges) .. damage fined £1 to care of Child N. Zealand labourer 1911 5 4 fresh brown grey •• medium.. Large scar on right temple. Leary, • Welfare for 1 year Plymouth 2/5/28 mischief.. Welfare 1 for damage England .. steward 1909 5 H fair fair brown .. medium.. Clasped hands and heart on right forearm. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 531.) year to pay damage .. England .. steward 1909 5 6* fair fair brown .. medium.. Clasped hands and heart on right forearm. Claude Capron, Napier 7/5/28 of breach probation to up England salesman 1906 5 7 fresh brown blue medium.. (See 1927, page Scar forefinger cheek. right Scar on left forefinger; mole on right cheek. Thomas, Napier called on in 1 year 2 years’ probation (See Police Gazette, 1926, page 691, and Photographs, page 71.) 8/5/28 theft N. Zealand labourer 1895 5 6 fresh brown grey .. medium.. Scar on left forearm. (See Police Gazette, 1926, page 324.) called on in 1 year 2 years’ probation N. Zealand labourer 1895 5 6 fresh brown grey .. medium.. (See Police Gazette, 1926, page 691, and Photographs, page 71.) Scar on left forearm. (See Police Gazette. 1926, page 324.)

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrate's Court, but not sent to Gaol-continued.

Name Offender. tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native Trade. Bom. Height Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. Distinguishing Harks, <tc. o CQ Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, <fee. Joseph Napier 9/5/28 theft to Canada fireman 1889 ft. 5 in. 8 sallow 1 ■ . dark hazel medium.. on right tion theft disSinclair, charged . Marton 11/5/28 illegally withand N. labourer 1885 5 7 * 4 fair red blue medium.. and Right intent charged right and alias Peter, McGough, Gown Marton 11/5/28 illegally intent fined Ireland labourer 1864 5 8 dark grey grey . medium. 46.) 1922, Several p.c. aliasMcKenna, Edmonds, Palmerston N. 9/5/28 theft if come up in years fined N. bushman 1899 5 7 fresh brown blue medium. 1927, page 21.) Sim, Thomas Eoxton 8/5/28 drunk charge lorry idle disorderly N. Zealand labourer 1890 5 H fresh black grey medium James Eketahuna 8/5/28 if up Ireland labourer 1872 6 1 dark dark blue medium means) called Boyd, Leslie George Masterton 1/5/28 charge fined £5 and iiN. Zealand carrier 1894 5 7 fresh brown grey .. medium.. Weak eyesight; wears glasses. v *van fined li- cancelled cancelled till 1/4/29 N. Zealand carrier 1894 5 7 fresh brown grey .. medium.. Weak eyesight; wears glasses. till 1/4/29 Ede, Ede, Bertha, Harris, Wellington wilful damage to 30/4/26 pretences fined Zealand prostitute . 1883 5 4 sallow . brown blue large Gazette, of page Police Gazette, 1926, page 320, where the Police Gazette reference is incorrect, thus confusing Ede with another offender named Wise.) E.P. Photographed at Christchurch. 18/4/28. (See Police Gazette, 1928, page • Police Gazette, 1926, page 320, where the Police Gazette reference is incorrect, thus confusing Ede with another offender named Wise.) F.P. Photographed at Christchurch. 18/4/28. (See Police Gazette, 1928, page Ellen Mary Wellington . 7/5/28 theft to up called 1 N. domestic 1908 5 5 fresh fair brown . medium 331.) Photographed Wellington, at Lundon, George Wellington 7/5/28 police . year fined £2 N. Zealand yardman 1898 5 n fresh brown blue pointed .. Scar on each thumb and on right wrist. obscene . year convicted disfined £2 charged convicted and discharged fined £10 N. Zealand yardman 1898 5 n fresh brown blue pointed .. Scar on each thumb and on right wrist. Alfred Wellington 9/5/28 theft N. draper 1872 5 8J sallow dark hazel prominent Scar of 1923, page Miller, Will Wellington 9/5/28 false charges) . to come up N. Zealand salesman 1900 5 9 fair light grey medium. bridge and on called 1 bone. Gazette, Dalrymple, John . Wellington . 10/5/28 theft fined £5 Zealand labourer 1888 5 7 fresh dark blue medium.. 1 p.c. Booth, James . Wellington . 10/5/28 theft £5 Scotland skin-buyer 1888 5 84 fresh brown grey . long ; heart on right forearm. l heart on right forearm. 1

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrate's Court, but not sent to Gaol-continued.

Offender, tried.Where When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Clarence .Barnes, Wellington 11/5/28 theft probation N. labourer 1900 in. 5 fresh brown brown medium. temple on right F.P. Photographed at Wellington, 11/5/28 RupertAshmore, F.P. Photographed at Wellington, 11/5/28 Wellington 12/5/28 theft of to N. labourer 1911 5 u dark dark blue-grey medium Edward Vernon Biggs, Nelson 7/5/28 assault fined £2 labourer 1907 5 8 sallow .. fair blue medium •• labourer 1907 5 8 sallow .. fair blue medium Albert Arthur Nelson 7/5/28 obscene . fined £2 labourer 1906 5 5 fresh brown blue medium. Strong James Havelock 8/5/28 theft months’ proba N. Zealand labourer 1907 6 1 brown .. light brown.. blue medium tion fined £3 N. Zealand labourer 1907 6 1 brown .. light brown.. blue medium IanStewart, Blenheim 9/5/28 indecent N. Zealand lineman 1900 5 10 dark dark .. grey .. medium fined £3 N. Zealand lineman 1900 5 10 dark dark grey .. medium licensed fined £2 licensed fined £2 premises 1906 dark dark medium Hamilton, Blenheim 9/5/28 indecent language fined £3 N. lineman 5 7-1-1 2 grey refusing fined £2 licensed fined £2 premises 1899 fresh dark medium William Blenheim 9/5/28 indecent language fined N. lineman 5 10 grey . licensed licensed fined £2 premises Portion of right arm withered. drunk in charge of motor-car fined £2 MichaelCostello, Blenheim 9/5/28 fined £20 and li N. Zealand farmer 1883 5 dark dark hazel .. medium.. Portion of right arm withered. cense cancelled for 3 months drunk in charge of motor-car fined £20 and li N. Zealand farmer 1883 5 H dark dark hazel .. medium.. cense cancelled for 3 months William Higgins, Blenheim 10/5/28 disorderly and and N. farmer 1890 5 8 dark dark grey . medium.. left eye. charged police . fined and prohibited fresh brown .. 1906 fresh dark * .. brown .. medium MauriceWeetman, Blenheim 14/5/28 drunkenness to pay N. labourer 5 7 1906 5 7 dark medium theft fined Cornelius Blenheim 18/4/28 charges) fined on . N. labourer 1897 5 10 fresh brown. light medium James Piner, Greymouth 7/5/28 to .cruelty fined £2 N. miner 1893 5 8 fresh brown grey medium Aline Constance Paterson, Christchurch 10/5/28 fortune-telling fined £1 England masseuse 1868 5 6 fresh brown brown flat, (See 1927, pag< Elvino, alias Elvino, Madam fresh fair upturned 262.) • fresh fair . .. blue upturned 262.) Thomas Greig, Christchurch 10/5/28 fighting fined £2 N. labourer 1904 5 8 medium blue medium Maurice Rossiter, Christchurch 10/5/28 obscene language.. fined £2 N. Zealand orchardist .. 1906 5 2 fair fair blue medium.. Right foot deformed. (See Police Gazette. 1926 Haines assault .. fined £1 page 77.) Christchurch 10/5/28 obscene language assault .. fined £2 fined £1 N. Zealand orchardist .. 1906 5 2 fair fair blue medium.. Right foot deformed. (See Police Gazette. 1926 page 77.) HenryHodgen, Christchurch 10/5/28 Pen- false fined England . labourer 1889 5 8 sallow brown grey medium.. glasses.Wears Act, blue j • VeraHichens, Christchurch 10/5/28 theft years’ N. domestic 1910 5 5 fresh fair medium f?r. zfjSlfCj, blue medium John Christchurch 8/5/28 unlawfuly using motor-car a probation N. labourer 1910 5 7 fresh brown.. grey medium Spencer Christchurch 8/5/28 a years’ N. labourer 1911 5 °2 fair brown brown .. medium.. Small scar on base of right thumb. 5 5 k fair brown brown .. medium.. Small scar on base of right thumb. .

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrate's Court, but not sent to Gaol-continued.

' Name of ' Where When. Offence. Sentence Native Trade. Born. eight|h Comj plexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, dto. 1 Complexion. Hair. Eyes. { Nose. Distinguishing Marks, <feo. Black, Christchurch 8/5/28 unlawfully motor-car using probation Zealand labourer 1910 in. 7 fresh brown blue medium.. forefinger and on leg. on Stevens, Frederick Christchurch 10/5/28 theft probation years’ Zealand N. french1909 5 7 fresh auburn hazel . medium. on right polisher left and on left Albert Ernest McGeorge, Christchurch 8/5/28 ; threatening to Zealand flour-miller . 1910 5 9 fresh dark brown . medium James behaviour 1called McCormick, Christchurch 8/5/28 unlawfully a come up Ireland barman 1899 5 pale brown blue medium 8* pale brown blue medium on JohnMcGuiness, Christchurch 7/5/28 obscene . fined £3 Zealand labourer 1897 5 10* dark black blue medium Smith, Ashburton 9/5/28 and come Ireland labourer 1852 5 10 fair grey blue crooked leg on ; means) in months (See J Temuka 11/5/28 bicycle. a . fined Zealand baker 1893 6 fresh dark brown medium.. calf. on George . Temuka 11/5/28 motor- in drunk charge fined £3 Zealand N. baker 1882 5 5 sallow . brown, blue thin Small cycle sallow mg grey Jane Winifred Timaru 10/5/28 theft 1 Zealand married 1909 5 3 dark hazel . medium forehead. on Scar Frank . Dunedin 7/5/28 of in fined and Zealand labourer 1906 5 8 fair brown grey . medium vehicle cancelled for 1 year Scar on left side of forehead and on left wrist. Frank Cotton, Dunedin 8/5/28 disorderly fined Australia dental student dental student schoolteacher farmer 1905 5 8 fresh dark grey . medium.. Scar on left side of forehead and on left wrist. Cotter, Dunedin 8/5/28 disorderly fined Zealand 1903 5 9* fair fair blue medium Donald . Mackenzie, Dunedin 8/5/28 disorderly fined Zealand 1905 5 fair brown green .. medium 7* fair brown green .. medium Edmonds, Dunedin 9/5/28 assault come up Zealand 1878 5 dark dark, going grey . . thick Faint anchor on back of left hand ; right arm 7* dark dark, going grey .. thick Faint anchor on back of left hand; right arm 6 months bald amputated. John Foote, Henry Dunedin 12/5/28 stolen receiving if up Zealand plasterer 1905 3 fresh fair blue, medium. . See Police Gazette, 1926, page 705, and Photo5 3 fresh fair blue, medium.. See Police Gazette, 1926, page 705, and Photoin crossed graphs, page • Goodwin Breeze, Tapanui 8/5/28 theft fined Australia labourer 1905 9 fresh brown brown .. medium .. See Police Gazette, 1927, page 91, and Photo5 9 fresh brown brown .. medium.. See Police Gazette, 1927, page 91, and Photowilful damage damage fresh 32. page Violet Thomson, Invercargill . 26/4/28 by up Zealand domestic 1908 2 brown blue medium 5 2 brown blue medium charges) called on

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrate's Court, but not sent to Gaol-continued.

+3 • Complexion. Remarks, and Previous J=J Complexion. Remarks, and Previous 'Gaol, of Prisoner. tried. When. Ohence. Sentence. of Trade. O W bp w Hair. Eyes. Nose. charged. ( finger-impressions taken.) ucklanci— Auckland S.C. - 5/2/23 assault, with intent to com10 years Maori labourer 1889 ft. in. 5 61copper .. black dark .. thick 5/5/28 Large mouth ; right thumb injured ; clasped hands, fern, heart, and dagger on right forearm ; tombstone on left mit rape forearm. F.P. Sent to a mental hospital. (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 190, and Photographs, page 32.) TamitiTahaereroa Henry William McCord, S.C.Auckland Auckland 5/2/238/3/28 intent to com- assault and disorderly 10 years Maori labourer 1889 ft. in. 5 6-1 copper . . black dark .. thick 5/5/28 Large mouth; right thumb injured; (in2 months N. Zealand motor 1908 5 7f fresh dark hazel .. medium.. 7/5/28 Moles on arms. F.P. (See Police Gazette, mit rape means) clasped hands, fern, heart, and dagger on right forearm; tombstone on left forearm. F.P. Sent to a mental hospital. (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 190, and Photographs, page 32.) mechanic # 1927, page 323, and Photographs, 1924, page 62.) Henry William McCord, George John . .Hobson, Auckland Auckland 8/3/288/3/28 disorderly and and disorderly (in2 months N. Zealand labourer 1863 5 6 fresh grey brown .. Roman .. 7/5/28 Tip of left thumb injured. F.P. (See sufficient means)sufficient means) Police Gazette, 1927, page 582, and Photographs, 1921, page 91.) (in2 months N. Zealand motor 1908 "5 n fresh dark hazel .. medium.. 7/5/28 Moles on arms. F.P. (See Police Gazette, mechanic 1927, page 323, and Photographs, 1924, page 62.) John . .Hobson, Healey, Auckland Taumarunui 8/3/289/2/28 and disorderlyincorrigible rogue 3 months Ireland labourer 1884 5 fresh brown grey .. medium.. 8/5/28 Scar on left cheek. F.P. (See Police (in2 months N. Zealand labourer 1863 5 6 fresh grey brown .. Roman .. 7/5/28 Tip of left thumb injured. F.P. (See sufficient means) Police Gazette, 1927, page 582, and Photographs, 1921, page 91.) M.C. Gazette, 1927, page 265, and Photographs, 1926, page 28.) James Healey, John, William Davidson, Taumarunui M.C.Gisborne 9/2/2810/8/23 incorrigible rogue 3 months Ireland labourer 1884 "5 5i fresh brown grey .. medium.. 8/5/28 Scar on left cheek. F.P. (See Police theft .. 6 months and deN. Zealand labourer 1892 5 n fresh brown, going hazel .. large 8/5/28 Crucifix, ship, clasped hands, bracelet, and M.C. Gazette, 1927, page 265, and Photographs, 1926, page 28.) John,Davidson, Wallace, dared an habitbald snake, &c., on left forearm ; star and Gisborne M.C. 10/8/23 theft . . 6 months and deN. Zealand labourer 1892 5 n fresh brown, going hazel .. large 8/5/28 Crucifix, ship, clasped hands, bracelet, and Wallace, alias Ryan, habit-dared criminal crescent on back of left hand; star on bald snake, &c., on left forearm ; star and Bob, alias Ryan, ual criminal crescent on back of left hand; star on alias John, Wilson, alias John, 1 o n, alias John, n, AlbertDempsey, Auckland M.C. 21/1/24 escaping from custody 2 years . back of right hand. F.P. Sentences cumulative. Released on license. (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 101, and 9/5/28 Photographs, 1920, page 8.) AlbertDempsey, oseph JMerrick, Auckland Auckland 21/1/2410/2/28 from escaping and idle disorderly 2 years • back of right hand. F.P. Sentences cumulative. Released on license. (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 101, and Photographs, 1920, page 8.) (in3 months N. Zealand driver 1886 5 fresh dark, turning grey .. medium.. Scar on right forearm ; two scars on right sufficient means) grey upper arm. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1920, page 55.) Joseph KathleenHenderson, Auckland Auckland 10/2/2811/2/28 and disorderly and disorderly (in-(in-months 3 months 3 Zealand Zealand driverdomestic 18861872 55 H fresh dark, turning grey .. medium.. 9/5/28 Scar on right forearm ; two scars on right 4 sallow .. grey hazel .. medium.. 10/5/28 Scar over left eye. F.P. (See Police sufficient means) grey upper arm. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1920, page 55.) Henderson, Kathleen Auckland M.C. 11/2/28 idle and disorderly (in3 months JSi. Zealand domestic 1872 5 4 sallow’ .. grey hazel .. medium.. 10/5/28 Scar over left eye. F.P. (See Police Myra sufficient means) Gazette, 1924, page 414.) - sufficient means) Gazette, 1924, page 414.) Arona M.C. 27/4/28 assault 14 . Zealand labourer 1878 5 6 copper . black dark . medium 10/5/28 A ; hand ; two on right 1926, 99.) Edgar.,,Cronin, Auckland 12/6/25 theft . and England . andcook 1886 5 84 dark dark dark medium 10/5/28 right Walter Cronin, li-bationary steward 247, page Courtney, alias Austin• cancelled cense Photographs, 1923, page 69.) • Photographs, 1923, page 69.) Cecil, William Auckland 12/4/28 theft 1 Zealand labourer 1879 5 91 fresh brown blue-grey large, 11/5/28 on Rhodes, broken arm ; scar on top of head and on right Wilfred side of face. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 835, and Photographs, 1925, page 77.) broken arm; scar on top of head and on right side of face. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 835, and Photographs, 1925, page 77.) Bertie . Auckland 12/4/28 theft . month 1 Scotland labourer 1889 6 0 swarthy.. brown grey .. long 11/5/28 MAUD and DORTE on right forearm; woman’s head, POLLY, and butterfly on left forearm; bee between left thumb and forefinger. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1926, page 471, and Photographs, page 69.) swarthy.. brown grey long 11/5/28 MAUD and DORTF on right forearm; woman’s head, POLLY, and butterfly on left forearm; bee between left thumb and forefinger. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1926, page 471, and Photo- ' granhs, page 69.) ■


and Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. 1 Born. 1 Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) | ■When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. d o PQ Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) continued. Auckland ft. i Emil, Auckland M.C. 7/5/28 drunk and disorderly fine or 3 days Russia labourer 1878 5 6* fresh brown brown .. flat 11/5/28 Scar on left eyebrow and on right forealias Jacobsen, Lynd, mischief fine or 48 hours finger and thumb : portion of left foreJacob finger missing. F.P. Sentences cumulative. (See Police Gazette, 1925, page Auckland M.C. 7/5/28 drunk and disorderly mischief fine or 3 days fine or 48 hours Russia labourer 1878 5 6| fresh brown brown .. flat 11/5/28 Scar on left eyebrow and on right forefinger and thumb ; portion of left forefinger missing. F.P. Sentences cumulative. (See Police Gazette, 1925, page 207, and Photographs, 1913, page 53.) Gregory, Auckland 207, and Photographs, 1913, page 53.) 28/4/28 assault days 14 England fireman 1904 74 fresh brown brown . medium. 11/5/28 Woman, &c., flags, ; eagle, and &c., dagger, Gazette, 1928. page 313.) Alexander, McDonald, Auckland M.C. 27/9/27 breach of Electric Wirefine or 7 days N. Zealand electrician .. 1888 5 9£ fresh dark hazel .. medium.. 12/5/28 1928, page 313.) Scar on left forefinger and on left cheek. alias men’s Registration Act F.P. Arrested, 7/5/28. (4 charges) Auckland M.C. 27/9/27 breach of Electric Wiremen’s Registration Act (4 charges) fine or 7 days JN. Zealand electrician .. 1888 5 9i fresh dark hazel .. medium.. 12/5/28 Scar on left forefinger and on left cheek. F.P. Arrested, 7/5/28. McLeod, Auckland 10/5/28 mischief or , Scotland seaman 1879 6 fresh going blue crooked, 12/5/28 Harp, flags, and bracelet on right forearm ; bald broken moth on back of right hand; bracelet on left forearm ; thistle on back of left hand. F.P. blue crooked, broken 12/5/28 Harp, flags, and bracelet on right forearm ; moth on back of right hand ; bracelet on left forearm ; thistle on back of left hand. F.P. Thames William Thames M.C. .. 28/4/27 default of maintenance .. arrears or 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1871 6 0 dark grey brown .. flat 10/5/28 A half-caste Maori. HONI on right forearm; WIREMU, flag, and anchor on left forearm; left forefinger missing. Gisborne— (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 87.) Thames M.C. .. 28/4/27 default of maintenance .. arrears or 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1871 6 0 dark grey brown .. flat 10/5/28 A half-caste Maori. HONI on right forearm ; WIREMU, flag, and anchor on left forearm; left forefinger missing. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 87.) William Reid, Gisborne 14/3/28 disorderly idle (in2 months England .. labourer 1881 5 6 fresh grey brown .. large 12/5/28 Scar on upper lip, on right jaw, and on sufficient means) right elbow; star and C.S.W. on right forearm ; ring on left little finger. (See 2 months England .. labourer 1881 5 6 fresh grey brown .. large 12/5/28 Scar on upper lip, on right jaw, and on right elbow'; star and C.S.W. on right forearm ; ring on left little finger. (See Police Gazette, 1927. page 366.) Denny, James Gisborne M.C. Police Gazette, 1927, page 366.) 14/3/28 idle and disorderly (in2 months Ireland seaman 1877 5 4-i sallow .. grey, going dark .. Roman .. 12/5/28 Mermaid and flowers on right forearm; sufficient means) bald woman, flags, and bracelet on left forearm ; tip of right little finger missing. InstituGisborne M.C. 14/3/28 idle and disorderly (insufficient means) 2 months Ireland seaman 1877 5 4| sallow .. grey, going bald dark Roman .. 12/5/28 Mermaid and flow-ers on right forearm; woman, flags, and bracelet on left forearm ; tip of right little finger missing. (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 171, and Photographs, 1923, page 89.) tion— (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 171, and Photographs, 1923, page 89.) CazaletBloxham, Wellington M.C. 11/6/26 theft .. 1 year in Borstal N. Zealand clerk ' 1905 6 10 fair fair blue medium.. 7/5/28 Scar on right side of upper lip. F.P. Wellington S.C. Institution Released on license. (See Police Ga29/6/26 house-breaking.. 3 years’ reformazette, 1926, page 604, and Photographs. Wanganui tive detention page 81.) Wellington M.C. Wellington S.C. 11/6/26 29/6/26 theft house-breaking.. 1 year in Borstal Institution 3 years’ reformative detention N. Zealand clerk 1905 5 10 fair fair blue medium.. 7/5/28 Scar on right side of upper lip. F.P. Released on license. (See Police Gazette, 1926, page 604, and Photographs, page 81.) Johnstone, Wanganui 1/5/28 police. 7 days Maori labourer 1905 74 copper black brown . flat 7/5/28 intellect. ; Slight Take Thurston, . Percy M.C. .Taihape 23/7/26 theft (3 charges) 3 months on each N. Zealand labourer and 1889 5 9 fresh brown grey .. medium.. 7/5/28 3 p.c. Scar on tip of left ring-finger, on Wellington 23/7/2613/8/26 breaking, entering, and 2 years shearer left middle finger, and on right shin. theft F.P. ■ Released on license and prohibited. (See Police Gazette, 1926, page 605, and 13/8/26 theft (3 charges) breaking, entering, and theft 3 months on each 2 years N. Zealand labourer and shearer 1889 5 9 fresh brown grey .. medium.. 7/5/28 3 p.c. Scar on tip of left ring-finger, on left middle finger, and on right shin. F.P. Released on license and prohibited. (See Police Gazette, 1926, page 605, and Photographs, page 93.) . • ■ ■ Photographs, page 93.) 1


43 Complexion. When dlsI charged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. c o to *a> w Hair. Eyes. Nose. (F.P. indicates that finger impressions have been taken.) Wi Take — continued. ft. in. Two scars on right thigh; right little Hamilton, John Christ church 15/12/26 forgery (2 charges) ; and 2 years’ reformaN. Zealand clerk 1883 5 9 fresh dark grey .. medium.. 7/5/28 S.C. theft as a servant (2 five detention finger stiff. F.P. Photographed at charges) on each Christchurch, 15/12/26. Released on license and prohibited. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 136, and Photographs, page 27.) Williams, David James, Blenheim M.C. 11/5/27 unlawfully using a bicycle 3 months N. Zealand labourer 1897 5 64 fair fair grey .. medium.. 10/5/28 22 p.c. Heart and MOTHER on right alias Pengelly, George theft (2 charges) 1 year on each forearm; ROSE and EGYPT, 1916, on Edgar, alias Pengelly, left forearm. F.P. (See Police Gazette, Edgar 1927, page 58, and Photographs, 1922, page 84.) McLaughlin, Thomas Wellington S.C. 11/6/27 theft .. 1 year .. N. Zealand labourer 1897 5 8 fresh brown grey • • medium.. 12/5/28 1 p.c. Small mole on left temple : scar on Francis right cheek. F.P. Photographed at Wellington, 11/6/27. (See Police GaWellington — zette, 1927, page 465.) Sass, George William .. Wellington S.C. 17/9/26 theft .. 2 years’ reformaN. Zealand cabinetmaker 1884 5 9 sallow .. grey blue medium.. 7/5/28 Strong build ; small mouth ; scars on left tive detention wrist. F.P. Released on license. (See Police Gazette, 1926, page 813, and Photographs, 1927, page 14.) Davis, Frederick William Wellington M.C. 15/2/28 idle and disorderly 3 months England . . labourer 1873 5 5i fresh grey blue long 8/5/28 1 p.c. Prominent ears, F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 833.) Jensen, Anker Jakob Wellington M.C. 10/2/28 breach of probation 3 months Denmark .. carpenter and 1890 6 1 fresh dark grey .. medium.. 9/5/28 3 p.c. Strong build ; scar on left wrist and Charles labourer between eyes. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1928, page 73, and Photographs, page 9.) Boyd, Matthew Wellington M.C. 13/2/28 rogue and vagabond 3 months England .. seaman and 1868 5 3-1 fresh grey grey .. medium.. 12/5/28 4 p.c. Tombstone and IN MEMORY OF labourer MY MOTHER on right forearm ; star above left wrist; ring on left ring-finger. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 172.) Scar on right upper arm and on back. Buchanan, Finlay Wellington M.C. 13/2/28 theft .. 3 months Scotland .. cook 1896 5 8 sallow .. brown brown .. long 12/5/28 (See Police Gazette, 1925, page 721, and Photographs, 1928, page 29.) O’Brien, John.. Lower Hutt 13/2/28 obscene exposure 3 months Ireland seaman and 1896 5 4 dark black, turning grey long 12/5/28 Girl on right forearm ; star and woman’s M.C. labourer grey head on left forearm; pierced heart on back of left hand. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1926, page 353.) Walker, Clifford John .. Auckland M.C. 17/1/28 default of maintenance .. arrears or 3 m’ths Australia .. cook and 1898 5 5f dark dark blue medium.. 12/5/28 Scar on forehead; star on back of left baker hand; woman, &c., on left forearm; clasped hands, heart, and TRUE LOVE on right forearm. Arrested, 14/2/28. O’Sullivan, Daniel, alias Palmerston 13/4/28 theft .. 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1889 5 5J dark black hazel .. short 12/5/28 8 p.c. Scar on chin and on right wrist; Sullivan North M.C. mole on left cheek. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1926, page 32, and Photographs, 1922, page 47.) Cook, William John Palmerston 30/4/28 theft .. 14 days N. Zealand labourer 1905 5 7f fresh fair blue long 12/5/28 Scar on body and on forehead ; mole on North M.C. theft .. 7 days left cheek. F.P. Born. *2 Complexion. When disj charged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. tt) 0> w Hair. Eyes. Nose. (F.P. indicates that finger impressions have been tuKen.) ' continued. Take ft. in. Two scars on right thigh; right little • Christ church 15/12/26 forgery (2 charges) ; and 2 years’ reformaN. Zealand clerk 1883 5 9 fresh dark grey .. medium.. 7/5/28 S.C. theft as a servant (2 tive detention finger stiff. F.P. Photographed at charges) on each Christchurch, 15/12/26. Released on license and prohibited. (See Police * Gazette, 1927, page 136, and Photographs, page 27.) Hamilton, James,Williams, 11/5/27 unlawfully using a bicycle 3 months N. Zealand labourer 1897 5 H fair fair grey .. medium.. 10/5/28 22 p.c. Heart and MOTHER on right Blenheim M.C. theft (2 charges) 1 year on each forearm ; ROSE and EGYPT, 1916, on Pengelly, alias Edgar, left forearm. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 58, and Photographs, 1922, page 84.) Edgar Thomas McLaughlin, 11/6/27 theft .. 1 year .. N. Zealand labourer 1897 5 8 fresh brown grey .. medium.. 12/5/28 1 p.c. Small mole on left temple : scar on Wellington S.C. right cheek. F.P. Photographed at Wellington, 11/6/27. (See Police GaFrancisWellington - zette, 1927, page 465.) Wellington S.C. 17/9/26 theft .. 2 years’ reformaN. Zealand cabinetmaker 1884 5 9 sallow .. grey blue medium.. 7/5/28 Strong build ; small mouth ; scars on left tive detention wrist. F.P. Released on license. (See Police Gazette, 1926, page 813, and Photographs, 1927, page 14.) ' William George . William Davis, 15/2/28 idle and disorderly 3 months England .. labourer 1873 5 5i fresh grey blue long 8/5/28 1 p.c. Prominent ears, F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 833.) Wellington M.C. Wellington M.C. 10/2/28 breach of probation 3 months Denmark .. carpenter and 1890 6 1 fresh dark grey .. medium.. 9/5/28 3 p.c. Strong build ; scar on left wrist and Jensen, Anker Jakob labourer between eyes. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1928, page 73, and Photographs, page 9.) CharlesBoyd, 13/2/28 rogue and vagabond 3 months England .. seaman and 1868 5 3-1 fresh grey - grey .. medium.. 12/5/28 4 p.c. Tombstone and IN MEMORY OF labourer MY MOTHER on right forearm ; star above left wrist; ring on left ring-finger. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 172.) Wellington M.C. Wellington M.C. 13/2/28 theft .. 3 months Scotland .. cook 1896 5 8 sallow .. brown brown .. long 12/5/28 Sear on right upper arm and on back. (See Police Gazette, 1925, page 721, and Photographs, 1928, page 29.) Finlay John..O’Brien, 13/2/28 obscene exposure 3 months Ireland seaman and 1896 5 4 dark black, turning grey .. long 12/5/28 Girl on right forearm ; star and woman’s Lower Hutt labourer j grey head on left forearm ; pierced heart on back of left hand. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1926, page 353.) M.C. Auckland M.C. i17/1/28 default of maintenance .. arrears or 3 m’ths Australia .. cook and 1898 5 5| dark dark blue medium.. 12/5/28 Scar on forehead; star on back of left baker hand; woman, &c., on left forearm; clasped hands, heart, and TRUE LOVE on right forearm. Arrested, 14/2/28.. ; John .Walker, aliasO’Sullivan, 13/4/28 theft .. 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1889 5 5| dark black hazel .. short 12/5/28 8 p.c. Scar on chin and on right wrist; Palmerston .North M.C. mole on left cheek. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1926, page 32, and Photographs, 1922, page 47.) Sullivan Cook, 30/4/28 theft .. 14 days N. Zealand labourer 1905 5 n fresh fair blue long 12/5/28 Scar on body and on forehead ; mole on PalmerstonNorth M.C. 7 days left cheek. F.P. theft ..


Gaol, of Where When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Bom. Height Complexion. Hair. Byes. 1 Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions, i (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have> taken.) . Sentence. Native of Trade. Bora. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have test > taken.) continued. ft. in. - ft. in. Dryden, . Palmerston 30/4/28 theft . 14 Zealand labourer 1904 5 10 dark dark hazel . medium. 12/5/28 and North M.C. on back of left hand; left middle finger broken. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1923, - on back of left hand; left middle finger broken. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1923, Grey and Casey, Carey, Daniel, Greymouth 30/4/28 theft . days 14 Ireland painter 1887 5 81 fresh, auburn blue medium 12/5/28 4 MARY, alias Thomas, Ryan, freckled on right forearm ; portion of right fore Patrick and middle fingers missing. (See Police Paparua— Sudden, freckled on right forearm ; portion of right fore and middle fingers missing. (See Police Gazette, 1928, page 306, and Photo- ' Gazette, 1928, page 306, and PhotoDunedin 10/11/24 indecent reforma- years’ Zealand labourer 1897 5 9 fresh dark blue medium. 9/5/28 graphs, page and Sentences Christ M.C. 17/3/27 detention lative. 1924, escaping . . months 6 and page Henry Cheviot . 10/4/28 theft 1 S. America labourer 1898 5 11 dark dark brown . medium. 9/5/28 1 on hand, alias Henry Edward and Police Sydney Kaiapoi 4/5/27 a using 14 England . motor 1892 5 8 fair fair blue medium. 10/5/28 Gazette, 1927, 1 deformed. p.c. James Ignachurch car days mechanic 27/4/28. 10/8/27 indecent 12th Zealand driver 1887 5 fresh brown blue long 11/5/28 Scar on right thigh. F.P. (See Police 5* fresh brown blue long 11/5/28 Scar on right thigh. F.P. (See Police tius S.C. May, and 644, page Michael Waimate 31/3/28 police. 42 Zealand labourer 1888 5 8 fresh brown. blue large 11/5/28 graphs, page 1 on Reformatory— Gazette, 23.) Lawson, Mary church M.C. 11/5/27 incorrigible 1 . year Scotland . prostitute 1859 5 2 ■ fresh brown brown . small 10/5/28 Gazette, 401. page Timaru John . Waimate 9/4/28 illegally premises on days 30 Scotland . labourer 1888 5 5 fresh dark blue medium. 8/5/28 and on intent and 278, (See Charles, Waimate 9/4/28 on 30 England . fireman 1895 5 4 fresh red grey . medium. 8/5/28 93.) side ; Kearney intent ; Gazette, 1927, page Dunedin and Smith, Dunedin 9/3/28 assault months Zealand labourer 1886 5 94 fresh fair blue Roman 8/5/28 under ; and 18 29898 on Griffiths, Port 27/4/28 breach of prohibition order fine or 3 days England .. labourer 1875 5 74 fresh grey grey .. medium.. 11/5/28 Police Gazette, 1925, page 363.) Scar on forehead and on left forefinger; M.C. snake, dagger, and wreath on right forearm ; woman’s head, heart, MARY and star on left forearm. Arrested, 9/5/28. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 162.) breach of prohibition order fine or 3 days England .. labourer 1875 5 74 Fresh grey grey .. medium.. 11/5/28 Police Gazette, 1925, page 363.) Scar on forehead and on left forefinger; - shake, dagger, and wreath on right forearm ; woman’s head, heart, MARY and star on left forearm. Arrested, 9/5/28. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 162.) 27/4/28


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LIII, Issue 20, 23 May 1928, Page 362

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EXTRACTS FROM NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LIII, Issue 20, 23 May 1928, Page 362

EXTRACTS FROM NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LIII, Issue 20, 23 May 1928, Page 362

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