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♦ Amending Regulations under the SVSoiQr-omnibus Traffic Act, 1926, relating to fVtotor-omnibuses. * (See New Zealand Gazette, 1927, page 3236.) CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government House at Wellington, this 10th day of October, 1927. Present : His Excellency the Governor-General in Council. In pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred on him by section eighteen of the Motor-omnibus Traffic Act, 1926 (hereinafter referred to as “ the said Act ”), His Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby make the following regulations by way of amendment to the Motor-omnibus (Constructional) Regulations, 1926.

REGULATIONS. 1. These regulations may be cited as the Motor-omnibus (Constructional) Amending Regulations, 1927. 2. Clause 5 of Regulation 35 of the Motor-omnibus (Constructional) Regulations, 1926, and subclause ( b) of » clause 8 of the Motor-omnibus (Supplementary) Regulations, 1927, are hereby revoked, and the following clause is substituted for the said'clause 5 of Regulation 35 : “ 35. (5) Every motor-omnibus with seating-accommoda-tion for fifteen passengers or more shall have a wheel-track of not less than 56 in. for any axle fitted with single wheels, and not less than 60 in. for any axle fitted with twin wheels.”

3. Subclause (1) of Regulation 5 of the Motor-Omnibus (Constructional) Regulations 1 1926, is hereby amended by adding thereto the following words : “ and may extend such exemption so that it may be applied at the discretion of the Inspecting Engineer to all motor-omnibuses of the same make and model plying under similar conditions.”

F. D. Thomson, Clerk of the Executive Council

(P.W. 26/5/2/14.)

Magistrate appointed to Children’s Courts.

Edward Page, Esq., S.M., is authorized to exercise jurisdiction in Children’s Courts at Helcnsvillo, Maungaturoto, Paparoa, Waipu, Warkworth, Wellsford, Onehunga, Otahuhu, Papakura, Pukekohe, and Waiuku. (See New Zealand Gazette, 1927, page 3246. )

Extradition Treaty with Albania.

(See New Zealand Gazette, 1927, page 2874.) Police Department, Wellington, Bth September, 1927. The following despatch and enclosure received from His Majesty’s Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs are published for general information.

(P. 24/1312.)

E. J. Rolleston, Minister of Justice.

New Zealand. Dominions No. 401. Downing Street, 19th J uly, 1927. Sir, —With reference to my despatch Dominions No. 303 of the 20th May, I have the honour to transmit, for the information of His Majesty’s Government in Now Zealand, copies of the Albania (Extradition) Order in Council, 1927, dated the 27th June. I have, &c., L. S. Amery. Governor-General His Excellency General Sir C. Eergusson, Bart.., LL.D., G.C.M.G., K.C.8., D. 5.0., M.V.0., &c.

[Extract from the London Gazette of Friday, Ist July, 1927.1 Lord President. Lord Chamberlain. Lord Colebrooke. Lt. Col. Hon. G. E. Stanley. Major G. C. Tryon. Whereas by the Extradition Acts, 1870 (a) to 1906 (b), it was amongst other things enacted that, where an arrangement has been made with any foreign State with respect to the surrender' to such State of any fugitive criminals, His Majesty may, by Order in Council, direct that the said Acts shall apply in the case of such foreign State; and that His Majesty may, by the same or any subsequent Order, limit the opeiation of the Order, and restrict the same to fugitive criminals who are in or suspected of being in the part of His Majesty’s dominions specified in the Order, and render the operation thereof subject to such conditions, exceptions, and qualifications as may be deemed expedient: And whereas a Treaty was concluded on the 22nd day of July, 1926, between His Majesty and the President of the Albanian Republic for the mutual extradition of fugitive criminals, which Treaty is in the terms following : His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and of the British Dominions beyond the Seas, Emperor of India; and His Excellency the President of the Albanian Republic; having determined, by common consent, to conclude a treaty for the extradition of criminals, have accordingly named as their plenipotentiaries : His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and of the British Dominions beyond the Seas, Emperor of India : William Edmund O’Reilly, Esq., His Majesty’s Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the Albanian Republic ; And His Excellency the President of the Albanian Republic : Monsieur Hussein Vrioni, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Minister of Justice ad interim ; Who, after having exhibited to each other their respective full powers, and found them in good and due form, have agreed upon the following articles : (a) 33 & 34 V. c. 52. (6) 6 E. 7. c. 15.

Article 1. The High Contracting Parties engage to deliver up to each other, under certain circumstances and conditions stated in the present Treaty, those persons who, being accused or convicted of any of the crimes or offences enumerated in Article 2, committed within the jurisdiction of the one Party, shall be found within the territory of the other Party. Article 2. Extradition shall be reciprocally granted for the following crimes or offences : poisoning), or attempt or conspiracy to murder. 2. Manslaughter. 3. Administering drugs or using instruments with intent to procure the miscarriage of women. 4. Rape. 5. Carnal knowledge, or any attempt to have carnal knowledge, of a girl under fourteen years of age. 6. Indecent assault. 7. Kidnapping and false imprisonment. 8. Child stealing, including abandoning, exposing, or unlawfully detaining. 9. Abduction. 10. Procuration. 11. Bigamy. 12. Maliciously wounding or inflicting grievous bodily harm. 13. Assault occasioning actual bodily harm. 14. Threats by letter or otherwise, with intent to extort money or other things of value. 15. Perjury, or subornation of perjury. 16. Arson. 17. Burglary or housebreaking, robbery with violence, larceny, or embezzlement. 18. Fraud by a bailee, banker, agent, factor, trustee, director, member, or public officer of any company, or fraudulent conversion. 19. Obtaining money, valuable security, or goods by false pretences; receiving any money, valuable security, or other property, knowing the same to have been stolen or feloniously obtained. * 20. (a) Counterfeiting or altering money, or bringing into circulation counterfeited or altered money. (b) Knowingly making without lawful authority any instrument, tool, or engine adapted and intended for the counterfeiting of the coin of the realm. 21. Forgery, or uttering what is forged. 22. Crimes against bankruptcy law. 23. Any malicious act done with intent to endanger the safety of any persons travelling or being upon a railway. 24. Malicious injury to property, if such offence be indictable. 25. Piracy and other crimes or offences committed at sea against persons or things which, according to the laws of the High Contracting Parties, are extradition crimes or offences. 26. Dealing in slaves in such manner as to constitute a crime or offence against the laws of both States. The extradition is also to be granted for participation in any of the aforesaid crimes or offences, providing such participation be punishable by the laws of both High Contracting Parties. Extradition may also be granted at the discretion of the State applied to in T’espect of any other crime or offence for which according to the law of both the High Contracting Parties for the time being in force, the grant can be made. Article 3. Each Party reserves the right to refuse or grant the surrender of its own subjects or citizens to the other Party. Article 4. The extradition shall not take place if the person claimed has already been tried and discharged or punished, or is still under trial in the State applied to, for the crime or offence for which his extradition is demanded. If the person claimed should be under examination or under punishment in the State applied to for any other crime or offence, his extradition shall be deferred until the conclusion of the trial and the full execution of any punishment awarded to him. Article 5. The extradition shall not take place if, subsequently to the commission of the crime or offence or the institution of the penal prosecution or the conviction thereon, exemption from prosecution or punishment has been acquired by lapse of time, according to the laws of the State applying or applied to.

Article 0. A fugitive criminal shall not be surrendered if the crime or offence in respect of which his surrender is demanded is one of a political character, or if he proves that the requisition for his surrender has, in fact, been made with a view to try or punish him for a crime or offence of a political character.' Article 7. A person surrendered can in no case be kept in custody or be brought to trial in the State to which the surrender has been made for any other crime or offence, or on account of any other matters, than those for which the extradition shall have taken place, until he has been restored, or has had an opportunity of returning, to the State by which he has been surrendered. This stipulation does not apply to crimes or offences committed after the extradition. Article 8. The requisition for extradition shall be made through the diplomatic agents of the High Contracting Parties respectively. The requisition for the extradition of an accused person must be accompanied by a warrant of arrest issued by the competent authority of the State requiring the extradition, and by such evidence as, according to the laws of the place where the accused is found, would justify his arrest if the crime or offence had been committed there. If the requisition relates to a person already convicted, it must be accompanied by the sentence of condemnation passed against the convicted person by the competent Court of the State that makes the requisition for extradition. A sentence passed, in contumaciam is not to be deemed a conviction, but a person so sentenced may be dealt with as an accused person. Article 9. If the requisition for extradition be in accordance with the foregoing stipulations, the competent authorities of the State applied to shall proceed to the arrest of the fugitive. Article 10. A criminal fugitive may be apprehended under a warrant issued by any Police Magistrate, Justice of the Peace, or other competent authority in either State, on such information or complaint and such evidence, or after such proceedings, as would, in the opinion of the authority issuing the warrant, justify the issue of a warrant if the crime or offence had been committed or the person convicted in that part of the dominions of the two Contracting Parties in which the Magistrate, Justice of the Peace, or other competent authority, exercises jurisdiction. He shall, in accordance with this article, be discharged if within the term of thirty days a requisition for extradition shall not have been made by the diplomatic agent of the State claiming his extradition in accordance .with the stipulations of this treaty. The same rule shall apply to the cases of persons accused or convicted of any of the crimes or offences specified in this Treaty, and committed on the high seas on board any vessel of either State which may come into a port of the other. Article 11. The extradition shall take place only if the evidence be found sufficient, according to the laws of the State applied to, either to justify the committal of the prisoner for trial, in case the crime or offence had been committed in the territory of the same State, or to prove that the prisoner is the identical person convicted by the Courts of the State which makes the requisition, and that the crime or offence of which he has been convicted is one in respect of which extradition could, at the time of such conviction, have been granted by the State applied to ; and no criminal shall be surrendered until after the expiration of fifteen days from the date of his committal to prison to await the warrant for his surrender. Article 12. In the examinations which they have to make in accordance with the foregoing stipulations, the authorities of the State applied to shall admit as valid evidence the sworn depositions or the affirmations of witnesses taken in the other State, or copies thereof, and likewise the warrants and sentences issued therein, or copies thereof, and certificates of, or judicial documents stating the fact of a conviction, provided the same are authenticated as follows : 1. A warrant, or copy thereof, must purport to be signed by a Judge, Magistrate, or officer of the other State, or purport to be certified under the hand of a Judge, Magistrate, or officer of the other State to be a true copy thereof, as the case may require.

2. Depositions or affirmations, or the copies thereof, must purport to be certified, under the hand of a Judge, Magistrate, or officer of the other State, to be the original depositions or affirmations, or to be true copies thereof, as the case may require.

3. A certificate of, or judicial document stating the fact of a conviction must purport to be certified by a Judge, Magistrate, or officer of the other State. In every case such warrant, deposition, affirmation, copy, certificate, or judicial document must be authenticated, either by the oath of some witness, or by being sealed with the official seal of the Minister of Justice, or some other minister of the other State, or by any other mode of authentication for the time being permitted by the law of the State to which the application for extradition is made. Article 13. If the individual claimed by one of the High Contracting Parties in pursuance of the present Treaty should he also claimed by one or several other Powers on account of other crimes or offences committed within their respective jurisdictions, his extradition shall be granted to the State whose claim is earliest in date, unless such claim is waived. Article 14. If sufficient evidence for the extradition be not produced within two months from the date of the apprehension of the fugitive, or within such further time as the State applied to, or the proper tribunal thereof, shall direct, the fugitive shall be set at liberty. Article 15. All articles seized which were in the possession of the person to be surrendered at the time of his apprehension, and any articles that may serve as a proof of the crime or offence shall be given up when the extradition takes place, in so far as this may be permitted by the law of the State granting the extradition. Article 16. Each of the High Contracting Parties shall defray the expenses occasioned by the arrest within its territories, the detention, and the conveyance to its frontier, of the persons whom it may have consented to surrender in pursuance of the present Treaty. ' , Article 17. The stipulations of the present Treaty shall be applicable, so far as the laws permit, to all His Britannic Majesty’s Dominions, except to the self-governing Dominions hereinafter named— is to say, the Dominion of Canada, the Commonwealth of Australia (including for this purpose Papua and Norfolk Island), the Dominion of New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, the Irish Free State, and Newfoundland—and India, provided always that the said stipulations shall be applicable to any of the above-named Dominions or India in respect of which notice to that effect shall have been given on behalf of the Government of such Dominion or India by His Britannic Majesty’s Representative at Durazzo, and provided also that it shall be competent for either of the High Contracting Parties to terminate separately the application of this Treaty to any of the above-named Dominions or India by a notice to that effect not exceeding one year and not less than six months. Article 18. The requisition for the surrender of a fugitive criminal, who has taken refuge in any of His Britannic Majesty’s selfgoverning Dominions, Colonies, or Possessions to which this Treaty applies, shall be made to the Governor-General, Governor, or chief authority of such self-governing Dominion, Colony, or Possession by the appropriate consular officer of Albania. Such requisition may be dealt with, subject always, as nearly as may be, and so far as the law of such self-governing Dominion, Colony, or Possession will allow, to the provisions of this Treaty, by the competent authorities of such selfgoverning Dominion, Colony, or Possession, provided, nevertheless, that if an order for the committal of the fugitive criminal to prison to await surrender shall be made, the said Governor-General, Governor, or chief authority may, instead of issuing a warrant for the surrender of such fugitive, refer the matter to His Britannic Majesty’s Government. Requisitions for the surrender of a fugitive criminal emanating from any self-governing Dominion, Colony, or Possession of His Britannic Majesty shall be governed, as far as possible, by the rules laid down in the preceding articles of the present Treaty.

Article 19. It is understood that the stipulations of the two preceding articles apply, in the same manner as if they were Possessions of His Britannic Majesty, to the following British Protectorates, that is to say, the Bechuanaland Protectorate, Gambia Protectorate, Kenya Protectorate, Nigeria Protectorate, Northern Rhodesia, Northern Territories of the Gold Coast, Nyasaland, Sierra Leone Protectorate, Solomon Islands Protectorate, Somaliland Protectorate, Swaziland, Uganda Protectorate, and Zanzibar, and to the following territories in respect of which a mandate on behalf of the League of Nations has been accepted by His Britannic Majesty, that is to say, British Cameroons, British Togoland, the Tanganyika Territory, and Palestine. It is also understood that if, after the signature of the present Treaty, it is considered advisable to extend its provisions to any British protectorates other than those mentioned above, or to any protected State, or to any territory in respect of which a mandate on behalf of the League of Nations has been accepted by His Britannic Majesty other than those mentioned above, including the territories in respect of which mandates are being exercised on behalf of His Britannic Majesty by the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia, the Government of the Dominion of New Zealand, and the Government of the Union of South Africa, the stipulations of the two preceding articles shall be deemed to apply to such protectorates or States or mandated territories from the date and in the manner prescribed in the notes to be exchanged for the purpose of effecting such extension. It is further understood that the provisions of the present Treaty which apply to British subjects shall be deemed also to apply to natives of any British protectorate or protected State or mandated territory to which the stipulations of the two preceding articles apply or shall hereafter apply. Article 20. The present Treaty shall come into force ten days after its publication, in conformity with the forms prescribed by the laws of the High Contracting Parties. It may be terminated by either of the High Contracting Parties by a notice not exceeding one year and not less than six months. It shall be ratified, and the ratifications shall be exchanged at Tirana as soon as possible. In witness whereof the respective plenipotentiaries have signed the Treaty and have affixed thereto their respective seals. Done at Tirana in duplicate in the English and Albanian texts, of which the former is considered authorative, this 22nd day of July, in the year 1926. W. O’Reilly. H. Vrioni.

And whereas the ratifications of the said Treaty were exchanged at Tirana on the 29th day of January, 1927 :

Now, therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice of His Privy Council, and in virtue of the authority committed to him by the said recited Acts, doth order, and it is hereby ordered, that from and after the 11th day of July, 1927, the said Acts shall apply in the case of the Albanian Republic under and in accordance with the said Treaty of the 22nd July, 1926 : Provided always that the operation of the said Acts shall be and remain suspended within the Dominion of Canada so long as an Act of the Parliament of Canada, being Part I of chapter 155 of the Revised Statutes of Canada, 1906, and entitled “An Act respecting the Extradition of Fugitive Criminals,” shall continue in force there, and no longer:

Provided further that the operation of the said Acts shall be and remain suspended within the self-governing Dominions hereinafter named is to say, the Commonwealth of Australia (including for this purpose Papua and Norfolk Island), the Dominion of New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, the Irish Free State, and Newfoundlandand India, until notification shall have been made in the London Gazette that the Treaty has been made applicable thereto, and that on such notification being made in respect of any such Dominion or India the said Acts shall apply in such Dominion or India in the case of the Albanian Republic under and in accordance with the said Treaty as from the date of the said notification.

This Order may be cited as the “ Albania (Extradition) Order in Council, 1927.”

M. P. A. Hankey,

3 —P.G.

, Authority

to 1 Name of Offender. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. +3 A © H i Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. j Distinguishing Marks, &c. *TJp Name Offender. Maggie tried.Where Russell When.1/10/27 Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade." Born. +3 •f M i Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &o. assault (2 charges) convicted and discharged convicted and proMaori domestic 1905 ft. in. 5 6 copper .. black brown .. medium Rhodes, William Wilfred, alias Whangarei .. 8/9/27 mischief.. N. Zealand saddler 1879 5 9 fresh brown , blue medium.. Horse-shoe, cap, and whip on left upper arm ; Rhodes, William Cecil Van Dyk, Jack Whangarei .. hibited scar on top of head and on right side of face. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 327, and Photographs, 1925, page 77.) 4/10/27 idle and disorderly (insuffito come up if Holland mechanic 1888 5 4 fresh grey brown . . medium Hubbard, Roman .. cient means) called on Whangarei .. 6/10/27 theft (5 charges); and wilful admonished on Maori labourer 1912 5 7 copper .. black brown .. medium.. Right leg amputated. Edge, Edgar Stanley damage each Whangarei .. 8/8/27 drunk in charge of motor-car fined £15 N. Zealand farmer 1899 5 11 dark dark brown .. medium Childerhouse, Jack Auckland 1/10/27 disorderly behaviour fined £2 N. Zealand motor- driver 1905 5 7 fresh brown blue medium Ashman, Frank Charles wilful damage to pay damage Auckland 3/10/27 attempted suicide to come up if N. Zealand labourer and 1906 5 9i fresh brown hazel . . medium. . Limps. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1926, page called on and seaman 751.) Dunnett, John George prohibited Auckland 3/10/27 theft (6 charges) theft convicted and discharged on each 2 years’ probation England .. draper 1898 5 *9 fresh fair blue medium. . Mole on right cheek. Glavis, Marian Auckland 3/10/27 keeping a gaming-house fined £25 Dalmatia .. shopkeeper 1891 5 7 fresh brown blue medium Stromso, Olaf Auckland 4/10/27 theft fined £2 Norway wharf 1887 5 5 fair brown blue medium. . Ship on left forearm ; hands across the sea on Kelly, William James labourer right forearm. Auckland 4/10/27 fighting fined £1 England .. fireman 1897 5 8 fresh brown brown . . medium. . Cross and IN MEMORY OF MY BROTHER Kelly, John Auckland 4/10/27 fighting on left forearm. (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 382, and Photographs, page 61.) fined £1 England .. fireman 1885 5 5 fresh brown, curly blue medium.. Scar over each eye, on upper lip, and on bridge Longdill, Pyson W illmott .. of nose. Auckland 5/10/27 carrying on business of fined £5 N. Zealand clerk 1893 5 8 dark dark grey • • medium.. See Police Gazette, 1920, page 473. bookmaker O’Donnell, Charles Auckland 5/10/27 drunk in charge of motor-car fined £10 and liN. Zealand labourer 1900 5 6 pale brown blue medium cense cancelled ' for 1 year driving motor-car without fined £2 license Wilson, Edward .. Auckland 5/10/27 idle and disorderly (insuffito come up if N. Zealand labourer 1868 5 8 fresh grey brown .. medium. . Star on each wrist; two scars on right groin. cient means) called on Dagnall, Alfred Joseph Auckland 6/10/27 obscene language fined £3 N. Zealand butcher 1901 5 10 sallow .. brown brown .. medium Ensor, Alfred Rhodes Auckland 6/10/27 obscene language.. fined £3 N. Zealand labourer 1901 5 8 fresh dark blue medium. . See Police Gazette, 1925, page 490, and PhotoYuen Show Quan .. assault .. fined £5 graphs, page 25. Auckland 6/10/27 prohibited immigrant fined £10 China gardener 1902 5 5 olive black brown . . medium.. Pock-marks on face. Ah Faw .. Auckland 6/10/27 prohibited immigrant fined £10 China gardener 1905 5 3 olive black brown .. medium ■ Wehi, Maggie Russell 1/10/27 assault (2 charges) convicted and discharged convicted and proMaori domestic 1905 ft. in. 5 6 copper .. black brown .. medium Rhodes, William Wilfred, alias Whangarei .. 8/9/27 mischief.. N. Zealand saddler 1879 5 9 fresh brown blue medium.. Horse-shoe, cap, and whip on left upper arm ; Rhodes, William Cecil Van Dyk, Jack Whangarei .. hibited scar on top of head and on right side of face. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 327, and Photographs, 1925, page 77.) 4/10/27 idle and disorderly (insuffito come up if Holland mechanic .. 1888 5 4 fresh grey brown .. medium Hubbard, Roman .. cient means) called on Whangarei .. 6/10/27 theft (5 charges); and wilful admonished on Maori labourer 1912 5 7 copper .. black brown .. medium.. Right leg amputated. Edge, Edgar Stanley damage each Whangarei .. 8/8/27 drunk in charge of motor-car fined £15 N. Zealand farmer 1899 5 11 dark dark brown .. medium Childerhouse, Jack Auckland 1/10/27 disorderly behaviour fined £2 N. Zealand motor- driver 1905 5 7 fresh brown blue medium Ashman, Frank Charles wilful damage to pay damage Auckland 3/10/27 attempted suicide to come up if N. Zealand labourer and 1906 5 H fresh brown hazel .. medium.. Limps. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1926, page called on and seaman 751.) Dunnett, John George prohibited Auckland Auckland 3/10/27 theft (6 charges) .. theft convicted and discharged on each 2 years’ probation England .. draper 1898 5 9 9 fresh fair blue medium.. Mole on right cheek. Glavis, Marian 3/10/27 keeping a gaming-house fined £25 Dalmatia .. shopkeeper 1891 5 7 fresh brown blue medium Stromso, Olaf Auckland 4/10/27 theft fined £2 Norway wharf 1887 5 5 fair brown blue medium.. Ship on left forearm ; hands across the sea on Kelly, William James labourer & right forearm. Auckland 4/10/27 fighting fined £1 England .. fireman 1897 5 8 fresh brown brown .. medium.. Cross and IN MEMORY OF MY BROTHER Kelly, John Auckland 4/10/27 fighting on left forearm. (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 382, and Photographs, page 61.) fined £1 England .. fireman 1885 5 5 fresh brown, curly blue medium.. Scar over each eye, on upper lip, and on bridge Longdill, Pyson Willmott .. of nose. Auckland 5/10/27 carrying on business of fined £5 N. Zealand clerk 1893 5 8 dark dark grey .. medium.. See Police Gazette, 1920, page 473. bookmaker O’Donnell, Charles Auckland 5/10/27 drunk in charge of motor-car fined £10 and liN. Zealand labourer 1900 5 6 pale brown blue medium cense cancelled driving motor-car without for 1 year fined £2 license Wilson, Edward .. Auckland 5/10/27 idle and disorderly (insuffito come up if N. Zealand labourer 1868 5 8 fresh grey brown .. medium.. Star on each wrist; two scars on right groin. cient means) called on Dagnall, Alfred Joseph Auckland . .. 6/10/27 obscene language fined £3 N. Zealand butcher 1901 5 10 sallow .. brown brown .. medium Ensor, Alfred Rhodes Auckland 6/10/27 obscene language.. fined £3 N. Zealand labourer 1901 5 8 fresh dark blue medium.. See Police Gazette, 1925, page 490, and PhotoYuen Show Quan .. assault .. fined £5 graphs, page 25. Auckland 6/10/27 prohibited immigrant fined £10 China gardener 1902 5 5 olive black brown .. medium.. Pock-marks on face. Ah Faw .. ... Auckland 6/10/27 prohibited immigrant fined £10 China gardener 1905 5 3 olive black brown .. medium . 9

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrate’s Court, but not sent to Gaol.

of Offender. Where When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. j Byes. 1 Nose. Distinguishing Marks, *fcc. 1 Height. Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, <fcc. TepQuong Auckland 6/10/27 immigrant fined China gardener 1905 ft. 5 olive black brown . medium Downey, Auckland 6/10/27 attempted to come Australia . domestic 1868 5 sallow .. grey grey .. medium.. Deaf. 5 sallow .. grey grey .. medium.. Deaf. on James Casley, Auckland 6/10/27 theft fined N. labourer 1905 8 dark brown blue medium 8 dark brown blue medium theft . dis-convicted charged blue medium Henry Auckland 6/10/27 theft fined N. presser 1888 5 fair brown n| fair brown Janet Ellen Auckland 7/10/27 (insuffi- idle admonished N. machinist . 1909 6 fair brown grey .. medium 6 fair brown grey .. medium means) black brown . Wally Paeroa 10/10/27 police fined £1 Maori labourer 1899 5j 8 copper .. flat Strong build. 8 copper .. flat Strong build. Quintal, Waihi 4/10/27 damage admonished N. schoolboy 1914 4 sallow .. fair blue medium.. Left leg amputated below knee. 4 sallow .. fair blue medium.. Left leg amputated below knee. Joseph Kennedy, . Waihi 4/10/27 damage admonished N. schoolboy 1916 3 fair brown brown .. medium 10 fair brown brown .. medium Powell Waihi 4/10/27 motorand fined N. tinsmith 1900 5 sallow .. dark brown.. brown .. medium.. Scar over left eye. (See Police Gazette, 1925, 2* sallow .. dark brown.. brown .. medium.. Scar over left eye. (See Police Gazette, 1925, car cancelled for years brown. light 44.) in ; Edward John Patched, Morrinsville 24/8/27 unlawfully motor-car a drunk motor-car charge fined fined proN. labourer 1892 5 fresh blue medium.. Hi fresh blue medium.. hibited 30/9/27 theft 1 year’s probation alitJsRoto PEikaka, Hikaka / Roi^a Taurap^a obstrupfcihg police theftr .. finedJrOs. fineff £1 Ma^ri labourer 1889 .5 0 copper .. blackbrcnjm .. broajL .. 3 p.c. -/See Police Gazette,. 1919, page 774.) 30/9/27 theft .. obstructing police the&r .. 1 year’s probation fineffiiOs. fined £1 Msyafi labourer 1889, .5 *0 copped.. black-''' brojjm'".. broa<4''' .. 3 Polipe JJg-ge 774.) Selby, Hamilton 5/10/27 betting . fined £2 N. farmer 1897 10 fresh brown hazel .. medium 10 fresh brown hazel .. medium HectorMcDonald, Hamilton 7/10/27 disorderly and disN. labourer 1907 10-1-fresh brown grey .. broken, Hare-lip. (See Police Gazette, 1925, page 358.) 104 fresh brown grey • ■ broken, Hare-lip. (See Police Gazette, 1925, page 358.) Donald cient means) charged crooked Tipiwai . Whakatane 22/9/27 assault . fined £5 Maori labourer 1904 10 copper .. black brown .. flat See Police Gazette, 1925, page 126. 10 copper .. black brown .. flat See Police Gazette, 1925, page 126. Manahi Whakatane 22/9/27 assault .. fined Maori labourer 1900 5 9 copper .. black brown .. flat Large scar on right side of chin. 9 copper .. black brown .. flat Large scar on right side of chin. Stanley Johnston, Plymouth 5/10/27 on returned to N. labourer 1912 5 8 sallow .. dark brown .. medium.. A quarter-caste Maori; scar on right knee. 8 sallow .. dark brown .. medium. . A quarter-caste Maori; scar on right knee. female Welfare Young, New 6/10/27 theft fined N. motor 1900 5 4 fresh brown blue medium.. Scar on right forefinger. mechanic salesman 1900 5 4 fresh brown blue medium.. Scar on right forefinger. Olson, Plymouth 6/10/27 theft fined N. 1902 5 H fresh fair grey . . medium salesman 1902 5 81 fresh fair grey .. medium Edward Arthur Belk, New 5/10/27 theft fined £2 N. Zealand labourer 1898 5 8 fresh brown brown .. medium r fined £2 N. Zealand labourer 1898 5 8 fresh brown brown .. medium George Plymouth New 8/10/27 fighting fined N. butcher 1896 3 fresh dark . . blue medium 3 fresh dark blue medium

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrate’s Court, but not sent to Gaol—continued.

of Where When. Offence. Sentence. Native Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. &c. Anderson, Plymouth 8/10/27 fighting fined Zealand labourer 1901 ft 5 fresh fair blue medium in. H fresh fair blue medium Hovind, John Stratford 3/10/27 in charge and Zealand labourer 1897 5 64 fresh dark . grey medium leg. cancelled months 6 Frederick Donald Hastings 5/10/27 theft to Zealand labourer 1909 5 4 fresh auburn grey medium. and institution cheek. Jamieson, Hastings 5/10/27 in and fined Zealand farmer 1900 6 0 fresh brown blue medium vehicle cense cancelled and prohibited 1 year’s probation George James vehicle cense cancelled and prohibited 1 year’s probation Hastings 5/10/27 false pretences Australia auctioneer . 1875 5 4 fresh going grey, bald grey medium Alexander Raetihi 24/8/27 and disorderly and convicted Zealand labourer 1886 5 8 pale grey grey • medium cient means) charged JohnWansbrough, Raetihi 29/8/27 of in and Zealand labourer 1901 5 7 fresh brown light . dark . medium charged supplying to charged fined £5 fined £5 sallow .. Morrell Waipawa 6/10/27 theft fined Zealand N. labourer 1903 5 7 fair blue medium sallow .. fair blue medium Thomas .Simpkin, Feilding 8/10/27 and rogue convicted Zealand labourer 1878 5 8 fresh brown brown . medium hibited Leo Palmerston 3/10/27 damage pay Zealand labourer 1909 5 6 fresh brown. blue medium. wrist. damage Charles N. 3/10/27 obscene . fined £5 Zealand auctioneer . . 1886 5 9 fresh fair blue medium build. Stout Thomas . Wellington . 3/10/27 obscene language. fined Scotland . seaman 1885 5 7 fresh goingbrown, blue medium.. and forearmWoman’s right bald head. lump Mitchell, Wellington . 5/10/27 of and Zealand carrier 1878 5 9 dark brown, blue medium lorry suspendedcense months 6 for ing grey Michael Wellington . 6/10/27 keeping a fined Ireland publican 1899 5 11 fresh brown hazel . medium.. finger Steel Patterson, Wellington 7/10/27 theft 1 Scotland cabinetmaker 1910 5 2 fresh brown grey medium. F.P. Morris, Wellington 7/10/27 theft 1 Australia . .'carpenter 1897 5 8 fair brown blue broken Andrew Moyes, Wellington . 7/10/27 on fined Scotland labourer 1903 5 10i fresh dark grey medium right'ankle, middle and Right injured. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 676.) » < injured. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 676.) Christian BertChandler, Wellington 7/10/27 theft fined Zealand N. carpenter . 1898 5 8 fresh brown blue medium James Wellington 7/10/27 theft fined Zealand labourer 1904 5 9 fresh brown light grey medium.. F.P. Ben Wellington 7/10/27 of starting-prices publishing fined on Zealand printer 1882 5 7 fresh brown, grey medium deaf. ; charges) grey v .r‘ ■

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrate’s Court, but not sent to Gaol—continued.

of j Where When. Offence. Sentence. ofNative Trade Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. &o. Marks, Distinguishing Young Wellington 7/10/27 using as gamingfined £10 China gardener 1901 ft. in. 5 7 sallow .. black brown .. flat Scar on forehead. house using premises house using premises as gaming- ' fined £10 China gardener 1901 ft 5 . in. 7 sallow .. black brown .. flat Scar on forehead. Tong Wellington 7/10/27 as gamingfined £10 China gardener 1863 5 sallow .. grey brown .. medium using premises house using premises as gamingfined £10 China gardener 1863 5 n sallow .. grey brown .. medium alias Tong, Wellington 7/10/27 as gamingfined China gardener 1887 5 2 sallow black brown medium. on (See Police Gazette, Lee house 167.) page Ioapa, alias Joseph, Wellington 7/10/27 playing game of chance fined Rarotonga labourer 1902 5 3 copper . black brown . flat .. Scar on forehead, on back of right hand, and on flat Scar on forehead, on back of right hand, and on (hazards) 1926, right 675.) page (See Police Gazette, Claud Miles, Wellington .. 7/10/27 playing game of chance fined Zealand labourer 1904 fresh fair grey medium. on (hazards) 60 and Alexander Wellington 7/10/27 playing game of chance fined Finland labourer 1885 6 2-i fresh .. brown hazel .. medium fresh brown hazel .. medium (hazards) medium light brown.. medium John Wellington . 7/10/27 playing game of chance fined England labourer 1885 5 7 fresh grey .. light brown.. grey .. (hazards) brown . medium Carter, Joseph Wellington 7/10/27 playing game of chance fined £2 Switzerland labourer 1889 5 10 dark black, turning medium (hazards) grey brown . medium Victor Wellington 7/10/27 playing game of chance fined Zealand canvasser 1898 5 7 dark black (hazards brown .. medium William . Wellington . 7/10/27 game of chance fined Zealand labourer 1888 5 6 fresh black brown . . medium (hazards) blue medium Barham, J Wellington 7/10/27 playing of chance fined England . . labourer 1878 5 64 fresh going blue medium (hazards) bald brown .. medium Percy Wellington . . 7/10/27 playing game of chance fined England labourer 1883 5 9 dark curly brown .. medium (hazards) Macleod, Angus Paterson . Wellington 7/10/27 playing game of chance fined Scotland . ship’s 1907 5 7 fresh black, brown . . crooked .. Slight (hazards) Kiwi on left wrist. Burroughs, Wellington 7/10/27 game of chance fined England labourer 1883 5 11 fresh auburn blue medium.. Kiwi on left wrist. (hazards) Sigurd Wellington 7/10/27 playing game of chance fined Norway labourer 1895 5 10 fresh light . brown medium (hazards) hazel . medium. Lawson, Walter Wellington 7/10/27 playing of chance fined £2 England labourer 1873 5 4 fresh going medium. (hazards) bald Knott, J Wellington 7/10/27 playing game of chance fined England . labourer 1886 5 7 fresh dark . blue medium (hazards) hazel .. John Henry Wellington 7/10/27 playing of chance fined N. labourer 1879 5 6 fresh grey medium hazel .. medium (hazards) William Wellington . 7/10/27 playing of chance fined N. labourer 1870 5 11 fresh grey blue medium (poker) . * Sorensen, Wellington . 7/10/27 playing game of chance fined Denmark . labourer 1888 5 7 fresh brown. blue medium . (poker) Huggan, Joseph Wellington 7/10/27 playing of chance fined £2 England .. labourer 1895 5 8i fresh dark brown.. grey .. medium (poker) playing game (poker) playing game of chance fined £2 England .. labourer 1895 5 8i fresh dark brown.. grey .. medium James Paulger, Wellington 7/10/27 of chance fined £2 N. Zealand labourer 1902 5 6 fresh dark brown.. grey .. medium playing game of chance fined £2 N. Zealand labourer 1902 5 6 fresh dark brown.. grey .. medium (poker) Woman on left forearm. Berg, Wellington 7/10/27 of chance fined £2 Finland labourer 1887 5 114 fresh brown blue medium.. Woman on left forearm. playing of chance fined £2 Finland labourer 1887 5 111 fresh brown blue medium.. (poker)

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrate’s Court, but not sent to Gaol—continued.

of Name Offender. tried.Where When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing &c. Marks, CharlesTruesdale, Wellington . 7/10/27 of fined £2 Australia .. labourer 1882 ft. in. 5 5 dark dark brown, grey .. medium chance fined £2 Australia . . labourer .1882 ft. in. 5 5 dark dark brown, grey .. medium ' (poker) going bald labourer going bald Carter, William Wellington . 7/10/27 playing of chance game fined £2 England .. 1904 5 9 fresh dark brown.. blue .. medium chance fined £2 England .. labourer 1904 5 9 fresh dark brown.. blue .. medium (poker) labourer John Wellington . 7/10/27 of playing fined £2 N. Zealand 1887 5 10 fresh grey, going blue medium chance fined £2 N. Zealand labourer 1887 5 10 fresh grey, going blue medium (poker) bald Lyons, Margaret Wellington . 7/10/27 theft . come Zealand X. married 1895 5 dark black d’k medium called George Wellington . 8/10/27 theft fined Zealand X. liftman 1906 3 fair brown hazel medium. lines on William Wellington 8/10/27 theft fined Zealand labourer 1902 5 fresh brown blue medium Police eye. 48.)page O’Shea, Vincent Wellington 8/10/27 theft fined Zealand X. labourer 1888 Si sallow brown grey . medium. on right right lip. of right missing Roy Blenheim 6/10/27 obtain- false pretences dis- and England . traveller 1896 5 fresh brown grey . medium. . by charged on each (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 128.) charges) charged on each (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 128.) Maloney, Thomas Granity 6/10/27 roof) . (damaging fined £1 and pay damage 2 years’ probation X. Zealand trucker 1909 5 8 fresh brown blue medium.. Strong build. roof) .. fined £1 and pay damage 2 years’ probation N. Zealand trucker 1909 5 8 fresh brown blue medium.. Strong build. William Harding, Greymouth 3/10/27 theft England . miner 1883 8 fresh brown blue long Police build. Gazette, (See Slight ) William Keltie, Greymoutli 7/10/27 languageobscene . fined Tasmania . seaman 1897 9 fresh brown blue medium right on ; clasped of on Cnthbert Hallow, Christchurch. 5/10/27 assault to Zealand labourer 1902 6 fresh brown blue medium Annie , Christchurch.. 4/10/27 theft dis-convicted Zealand N. domestic 1880 8 fresh brown. blue medium. on charged medium.. Scar on nose. Aldridge, Christchurch. 4/10/27 fighting fined England . pensioner 1883 4J 5 fresh dark blue medium.. Scar on nose. J . Christchurch. . 4/10/27 fighting fined Scotland . salesman 1884 7| 5 sallow . grey blue medium Florence Queenie Christchurch 15/9/27 false pretences probation 1 year's Zealand domestic 1904 3 fair fair blue medium Elizabeth Christchurch. 4/10/27 theft 10s.fined England domestic 1887 0 fresh grey dark . medium Roche, Christchurch. 4/10/27 theft fined Zealand N. domestic 1910 3 fresh fair blue imedium medium Goidsborough, EdChristchurch. 4/10/27 lottery fined X. coachbuilder 1887 11 dark dark grey . medium - ward ; • ... - * v , • William .McKay, Christchurch 22/9/27 pretences . ifto come up Zealand labourer 1881 11 fresh grey blue medium called ' ’ 1

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrate’s Court, but not sent to Gaol—continued.

of Where When. Offence. Sentence. Native Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. &c. Marks, Distinguishing abas John McMillan, Leslie Arthur Christchurch.. Dunedin 20/9/27 8/10/27 false pretences breach of probation dis-convicted charged ifto N. Zealand N. Zealand labourer labourer 1897 1906 ft. in. 6 0 5 8 fresh fair brown fair blue hazel .. medium.. medium.. Left little finger deformed. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 495.) See Police Gazette, 1927, page 594. called on fined £1 N. Zealand N. Zealand labourer labourer 1897 1906 ft. in. 6 0 5 8 fresh fair brown fair blue hazel .. medium.. medium.. Left little finger deformed. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 495.) See Police Gazette, 1927, page 594. John . Gore 3/10/27 fighting N. Zealand farmer 1880 5 HI fresh grey blue medium.. See Police Gazette, 1915, pages 800 and 833. called on fined £1 N. Zealand farmer 1880 5 HI fresh grey blue medium.. See Police Gazette, 1915, pages 800 and 833. McCall, George Gore 3/10/27 fighting fined £1 Zealand N. farmer 1891 5 HI fresh brown hazel medium 426. 1924, Gazette, Robins, J Gore 4/10/27 for keeping sale language fined Zealand domestic 1876 5 71 fair fair grey . medium Alfred Riverton 3/10/27 fined £5 Zealand hand 1904 5 8 fresh brown, light frizzy blue Roman 122. 1926, Harrington, Invercargill . . 21/9/27 theft fined Scotland retired 1856 5 7 fresh grey blue medium

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrate’s Court, but not sent to Gaol—continued.

j and Gaol, Where tried. 1 j Offence. Sentence. of 1 Trade. | Born. j Height Complexion. 1 Hair. j Byes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) 1 Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Auckland ft. in. Bateup, Roy Auckland 4/4/27 forged cheques 6 Zealand salesman 1894 ft. in. 5 84 fresh brown brown .. medium.. 3/10/27 17 p.c. Portion of left arm amputated; 5 81fresh brown brown .. medium.. 3/10/27 17 p.c. Portion of left arm amputated; (2 charges) scar on back of right hand. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 483, and J Photographs, 1922, page 5.) Barton, M.C. 22/6/27 charges) default .. maintenance arrears or 3 m’ths Maori labourer 1902 5 8f copper .. black dk. bro’n flat 3/10/27 Strong build; right hand deformed ; scar on abdomen. Arrested, 4/7/27. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 51.) default of maintenance .. arrears or 3 m’ths Maori labourer 1902 5 8f copper .. black dk. bro’n flat 3/10/27 scar on back of right hand. E.P. (dee Police Gazette, 1927, page 483, and Photographs, 1922, page 5.) Strong build; right hand deformed ; scar alias Auckland M.C. 27/9/27 fighting fine or 7 days Norwav labourer 1881 5 11-1-fresh light brown.. blue pug 3/10/27 Strong build; clasped hands, flag, and alias MikALL FOR NOR.GE on right forearm; Stanley coat-of-arms on back of right hand; three dots on back of left hand. P.P. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 310, and Photographs, 1916, page 18.) Henry . Auckland TeAwamutu 27/9/27 21/9/27 fighting idle disorderly days 7 days 14 Norwav Scotland . labourer labourer 1881 1873 5 11|fresh light brown.. blue pug 3/10/27 on abdomen. Arrested, 4/7/27. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 51.) Strong build; clasped hands, flag, and 5 8 fair . .. brown, turnblue medium.. 4/10/27 Scar on nose; bracelet and TRUE LUVE TeAwamutu 21/9/27 idle and disorderly (in14 days Scotland .. labourer 1873 5 8 fair brown, turnblue medium.. 4/10/27 ALL FOR NORGE on right forearm; coat- of-arms on back of right hand; three dots on back of left hand. E.P. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 310, and Photographs, 1916, page 16.) Scar on nose ; bracelet and TRUE LOVE M.C. sufficient means) ing grey on right arm; bracelet and anchor on left arm ; anchor on left thumb ; scar behind left ear. E.P. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 267, and Photographs, 1922, page 39.) Hodge, M.C. Wellington 6/4/27 theft .. 3 months N. Zealand traveller 1896 5 6* dark black brown .. medium.. 5/10/27 Right arm amputated; scar on right side Wellington M.C. 6/4/27 sufficient means) theft .. 3 months N. Zealand traveller 1896 5 6* dark ing grey black brown .. medium. . 5/10/27 on right arm ; bracelet and anchor on left arm ; anchor on left thumb ; scar behind left ear. E.P. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 267, and Photographs, 1922, page 39.) Right arm amputated; scar on right side Benson, Auckland M.C. 29/4/27 theft .. 3 months of abdomen; moles on face. P.P. Sentences cumulative. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 340, and Photographs, 1926, page 96.) Donovan, M.C.Auckland Auckland 3/10/27 indecent act (urinating on fine or 3 days Ireland fireman 1896 5 6 fresh brown blue medium.. 5/10/27 1 p.c. Horse-shoe, heart, clasped hands, path) and flowers on right forearm. (See Police Gazette, 1926, page 488.) Auckland M.C. 29/4/27 3/10/27 theft indecent act (urinating on 3 months fine or 3 days Ireland fireman 1896 5 6 fresh brown blue medium.. 5/10/27 of abdomen; moles on face. E.P. Sentences cumulative. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 340, and Photographs, 1926, page 96.) 1 p.c. Horse-shoe, heart, clasped hands, Tony M.C.Auckland 4/3/27 path) default of maintenance arrears or 6 m’ths Dalmatia .. labourer 1885 5 9i fresh dark brown.. brown .. medium.. 6/10/27 Scar on abdomen and on right forefinger; mole on left cheek. F.P. Arrested, 7/4/27. default of maintenance .. arrears or 6 m’ths Dalmatia .. labourer 1885 5 9i fresh dark brown.. brown .. medium.. 6/10/27 and flowers on right forearm. (See Police Gazette, 1926, page 488.) Scar on abdomen and on right forefinger; Campbell. Auckland 29/7/27 default of maintenance or arrears N. labourer 1899 5 9 fresh brown dk. blue medium.. 5/10/27 mole on left cheek. E.P. Arrested, 7/4/27. Anchor, flag, and ship on chest; butterfly, 5 9 fresh brown dk. blue medium.. 5/10/27 Anchor, flag, and ship on chest; butterfly, don bird, dragon, heart, two women, and stork on left arm ; lifebuoy, ship, clasped hands, bird, and hand on right arm. Arrested, 16/9/27. Arrears paid. Mabel Auckland 8/7/27 and (in- disorderly months N. domestic 1893 5 2-| fresh light brown.. blue medium.. 7/10/27 bird, dragon, heart, two women, and stork on left arm ; lifebuoy, ship, clasped hands, bird, and hand on right arm. Arrested, 16/9/27. Arrears paid. Birthmark on outside of right knee. E.P. 5 2-1 fresh light browm.. blue medium.. 7/10/27 Birthmark on outside of right knee. F.P. alias sufficient means) (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 492.) O’Brien James Hamilton 25/6/27 sufficient means) supplying to perfine or 14 days .. N. Zealand barman 1896 5 4 fresh dark brown.. brown .. large 7/10/27 Scar on left thigh ; lump on back of neck; liquor to per- under twenty-one scar on chin. F.P. Arrested, 24/9/27. (See Police Gazette, 1926, page 180.) fine or 14 days . N. Zealand barman 1896 5 4 fresh dark brown.. brown .. large 7/10/27 (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 492.) Scar on left thigh ; lump on back of neck ; Morris, John . Auckland 9/9/27 under twenty-one false pretences 1 month N. Zealand farmer 1894 5 8 fresh brown blue large 8/10/27 Scar on right forearm; left arm broken. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 6/9/27. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 674.) false pretences 1 month N. Zealand farmer 1894 5 8 fresh brown blue large 8/10/27 scar on chin. E.P. Arrested, 24/9/27. (See Police Gazette, 1926, page 180.) Scar on right forearm; left arm broken. Clarence, Whangarei 9/9/27 theft . month N. labourer 1902 5 3 fresh dark brown.. brown .. medium.. 8/10/27 E.P. Photographed at Auckland, 6/9/27. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 674.) Birthmark below right elbow; scars on 5 3 fresh dark brown.. brown .. medium.. 8/10/27 Birthmark below right elbow; scars on Bright, William left thumb and forefinger. F.P. (See alias Brott forefinger. and left and 1924, Police Gazette, pa<?e 6.) 1920, page Photographs, Photographs, 1920, page 6.)


| Offence. £ Complexion. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. of J When. Sentence. Native of Trade. E o b0 o> w Hair. Eyes. Nose. f P.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) 1 When, j 1 Offence. Sentence. Native of | Trade. Bom. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. j When dlsj charged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. ( F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) continued. Auckland - ft. in. Mark, Auckland 10/9/27 theft month 1 England labourer 1879 ft. in. 5 5J swarthy.. brown, turnIt. hazel medium. . 8/10/27 Sear on right hand; two scars on left 5 Si swarthy.. brown, turnIt. hazel medium.. 8/10/27 Scar on right hand; two scars on left Weber Auckland M.C. breach of prohibition order fine or 3 days N. Zealand ing grey knee; scar above right eye and on right knee ; dot on right forearm. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1926, page 613, and Photographs, 1925, page 54.) Annie Burns, 10/9/27 insubordination at 1 month domestic 1882 5 0 fresh dark brown.. brown .. medium.. 8/10/27 Scar on upper lip and on left temple. Sent inebriates’ institution to a mental hospital. (See Police Gazette, 1926, page 45.) Auckland M.C. 10/9/27 breach of prohibition order insubordination at fine or 3 days 1 month N. Zealand domestic 1882 5 0 fresh ing grey dark brown.. brown .. medium.. 8/10/27 knee ; scar above right eye and on right knee ; dot on right forearm. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1926, page 613, and Photographs, 1925, page 54.) Scar on upper lip and on left temple. Sent Gisborne James, Gisborne M.C. 9/7/27 idle and disorderly {in3 months N. Zealand labourer 1891 5 111 dark dark hazel .. medium.. 8/10/27 Several p.c. Clasped hands over horsealias Gordon, DavidMcKeown, sufficient means) shoe and flower on right arm. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1925, page 738, and Photographs, page 61.) Houston Rangipo Olsen, Gisborne Hamilton 9/7/27 13/3/24 inebriates’ charges) (7 4 years’ reformaN. Zealand law clerk 1889 5 n fresh fair blue-grey medium.. 4/10/27 Tip of right middle finger injured ; scar tive detention on each thumb and on right little finger. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1924, page idle and disorderly (in3 months N. Zealand labourer 1891 5 iii dark dark hazel .. medium.. 8/10/27 to a mental hospital. (See Police Gazette, 1926, page 45.) Several p.c. Clasped hands over horseHamilton S.C. 13/3/24 sufficient means) theft as a clerk (7 charges) 4 years’ reformaN. Zealand law clerk 1889 5 7! fresh fair blue-grey medium.. 4/10/27 shoe and flower on right arm. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1925, page 738, and Photographs, page 61.) Tip of right middle finger injured; scar Reformatory 215, and Photographs, page 34.) Fowler, Albert, Plymouth 23/11/26 stolen receiving detention each on . year N. Zealand labourer 1901 5 s fresh .. fair blue medium.. 6/10/27 1 p.c. Scar on forehead and on left wrist. 1. year on each .. N. Zealand labourer 1901 5 8 fresh fair blue medium. . 6/10/27 on each thumb and on right little linger. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 215, and Photographs, page 34.) 1 p.c. Scar on forehead and on left wrist. AlfredFowler, S.C. (3 charges); and theft F.P. Released on license. (See Police Gazette, 1926, page 834.) Borstal tion— Victor S.C. M.C. Thames 9/3/27 theft .. 6 months’ reformN. Zealand labourer 1905 5 8 fair fair grey .. medium.. 8/9/27 1 p.c. Portion of left arm amputated; ative detention scar on right middle finger; two scars on right forearm. This is in lieu of the notice in Police Gazette, 1927, page 680, where the sentence is incorrect. Thames M.C. .. 9/3/27 (3 charges); and theft theft .. 6 months’ reformN. Zealand labourer 1905 5 8 fair fair grey medium.. 8/9/27 F.P. Released on license. (See Police Gazette, 1926, page 834.) 1 p.c. Portion of left arm amputated; New WalterHouston, Plymouth 26/3/27 of ative detention months England . clerk 1900 5 8 pale black brown .. medium. . 25/5/27 scar on right middle linger; two scars on right forearm. This is in lieu of the notice in Police Gazette, 1927, page 680, where the sentence is incorrect. 3 p.c. Three scars on right side of head; 5 8 pale black brown .. medium. . 25/5/27 3 p.c. Three scars on right side of head; M.C. impediment in speech. Previously omitted. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 420.) Raetihi — Gordon Jack M.C. M.C. .Raetihi 31/8/27 theft .. 10 days N. Zealand gardener and 1895 5 11 fresh brown grev medium.. 10/9/27 F.P. Raetihi M.C. .. 31/8/27 theft .. 10 days N. Zealand gardener and 1895 5 11 fresh brown grev medium.. 10/9/27 impediment in speech. Previously omitted. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 420.) F.P. Douglas labourer Wanganui— Manser, Wanganui 8/7/27 and months England . labourer andengineer 1857 5 4 pale grey blue medium.. 7/10/27 4 p.c. Scars on left ribs and on right engineer and 1857 5 4 pale grey blue medium.. 7/10/27 4 p.c. Scars on left ribs and on right Barnet, alias Michael Manser, labourer cheek ; right leg broken ; varicose veins in legs. (See Police Gazette, 1919, page 507.) Wellington — obscene language Lester George ton 4/7/27 3 months N. Zealand labourer 1904 5 6 fresh dark brown.. brown .. broad 3/10/27 Scar on right forefinger. F.P. (See Police obscene language 3 months N. Zealand labourer labourer 1904 5 6 fresh dark brown.. brown .. broad 3/10/27 cheek ; right leg broken ; varicose veins in legs. (See Police Gazette, 1919, page 507.) Scar on right forefinger. F.P. (See Police M.C. Gazette, 1927, page 31, and Photographs, 1921, page 42.) Gazette, 1927, page 31, and Photographs, 1921, page 42.) ' '


| | Complexion. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. of i tried. When. Offence. j Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. When discharged. Bemarks, and Previous Convictions. (p.p. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) 1 When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. C | B i *5 Hair. Eyes. Nose. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions ha ve been taken.) continued. ft. in. Mann, Blenheim 6/7/27 theft charges) on England andcook 1904 ft. Of fair fair grey .. long 5/10/27 Scar under chin. E.P. 6 0? fair fair grev long 5/10/27 Scar under chin. F.P. labourer John Wellington 8/7/27 theft . ... months Zealand labourerlabourer 1886 5 54 fresh light brown.. blue long 7/10/27 31 p.c. Clasped hands, heart, TRUE labourer 1886 5 54 fresh light brown.. blue long 7/10/27 31 p.c. Clasped hands, heart, TRUE Palm, Barrett, Daniel, alias John LOVE, fern, &c., on right forearm right ring-finger contracted ; horse-shoe, flags, «fec., on left forearm ; cast in right eye. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 521, and Photographs, 1925, page 27.) Numerous p.c. Scar on right temple and William John, Wellington S/7/27 theft . months 3 Zealand saddler 1876 5 6 dark brown. grey .. medium 7/10/27 LOVE, fern, &c., bn right forearm; right ring-finger contracted ; horse-shoe, flags, &c., on left forearm ; cast in right eye. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 521, and Photographs, 1925, page 27.) Numerous p.c. Scar on right temple and Porter, on abdomen. F.P. (See Police Gazette, Mitchell, alias Morris, Anderson 1927, page 536, and Photographs, 1921, page 31.) Smith, John church 11/4/27 default . maintenance month Zealand billiard1885 5 4| dark grey brown long 8/10/27 Gazette, (See Ar- left dot Prominent ears; 1927, page 536, and Photographs, 1921, page 31.) Prominent ears; dot on left wrist. ArM.C. marker rested, 9/9/27. Gardner, Henry, Wellington M.C. 10/9/27 unlawfully on premises 1 month Australia .. cook 1889 5 6 fresh light brown.. brown .. medium.. 8/10/27 10 p.c. Scar on right wrist. F.P. (See M.C. Wellington M.C. 10/9/27 unlawfully on premises 1 month Australia .. marker cook 1889 5 6 fresh light brown.. brown .. medium.. 8/10/27 rested, 9/9/27. 10 p.c. Scar on right wnist. F.P. (See alias Gardiner, without intent Police Gazette, 1927, page 109, and Garner Photographs, 1916, page 38.) Edward M.C. 26/9/27 without intent disorderly 14 days Scotland .. labourer 1869 5 9 dark grey grey .. long 8/10/27 Large ears; scar on back of right middle finger. F.P. idle and disorderly 14 days Scotland .. labourer 1869 5 9 dark grev grey .. long 8/10/27 Police Gazette, 1927, page 109, and Photographs, 1916, page 38.) Large ears; scar on back of right middle Thomas Joseph Wellington 5/5/25 and forgery 2J reforma- years’ Zealand labourer 1899 5 8 fresh brown grey . large 5/10/27 6 p.c. Strong build ; scar on left forearm ; finger. F.P. 6 p.c. Strong build ; scar on left forearm ; Donald theft five detention mole on each side; scar on right ankle and shin; ruptured. F.P. Discharged h alias p on remission. (See Police Gazette, 1925, page 437.) Wanganui 6/7/24 theft (2 charges) 1 year and deMaori labourer 1899 5 7 copper .. black brown .. large, flat 8/10/27 8 p.c. Strong build; scar on left calf. theft theft (2 charges) tive detention 1 year and deMaori labourer 1899 5 7 copper .. black brown .. large, flat 8/10/27 mole on each side; scar on right ankle and shin; ruptured. F.P. Discharged on remission. (See Police Gazette, 1925, page 437.) 8 p.c. Strong build; scar on left calf. George dared an habitF.P. Released on license. (See Police ual criminal Gazette, 1924, page 589, and PhotoIn Borstal graphs, 1920, page 22.) sfitution — Gladys Wellington M.C. 21/1/25 rogue and vagabond 3 years in Borstal N. Zealand domestic 1907 5 5 freckled brown blue medium.. 2/10/27 Slight build. F.P. Released on license. Institution (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 669.) - Wellington M.C. 21/1/25 rogue and vagabond dared an habitual criminal ■ 3 years in Borstal 1ST. Zealand domestic 1907 5 5 freckled brown blue medium.. 2/10/27 F.P. Released on license. (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 589, and Photographs, 1920, page 22.) Slight build. F.P. Released on license. Robertson, Ivy, Dunedin M.C.. 5/10/25 theft .. Institution 2 years in Borstal N. Zealand domestic 1910 5 14 fresh brown blue medium.. 3/10/27 (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 669.) Slight build. F.P. Cunningham, Ivy Dunedin M.C... 5/10/25 theft .. 2 years in Borstal N. Zealand domestic 1910 5 H fresh brown blue medium.. 3/10/27 Slight build. F.P. Institution Martin, Isabella Auckland M.C. 17/12/25 theft Institution Borstal years N. Zealand domestic 1910 5 2 pale brown grey •• medium.. 8/10/27 Slight build. F.P. Released on license. 3 years in Borstal N. Zealand domestic 1910 5 2 pale brown grey .. medium.. 8/10/27 Slight build. F.P. Released on license. Clifton Institution Photographed at Auckland, 16/12/25. Paparua Hardy, church 14/2/27 of Institution m’ths 6 or England .. hotel porter 1888 5 9 sallow .. brown blue medium.. 4/10/27 1 p.c. Scars on right jaw ; cross and leaves arrears or 6 m’ths England .. hotel porter 1888 5 9 sallow r .. brown blue medium.. 4/10/27 Photographed at Auckland, 16/12/25. 1 p.c. Scars on right jaw ; cross and leaves M.C. V * on right upper arm ; horse’s head, horseshoe, and whip on left upper arm. \ Arrested, 5/4/27. (See Police Gazette, Donaldson, Christ church 7/7/27 rogue and vagabond (in3 months N. Zealand labourer CO r—1 5 93 fresh black grey .. medium.. 6/10/27 1926, page 563.) Scar on right leg which is broken. F.P. M.C. Christ church 7/7/27 rogue and vagabond (in3 months N. Zealand 18S14 \ \ 5 9| fresh black grey .. medium.. 6/10/27 on right upper arm ; horse’s head, horseshoe, and whip on left upper arm. Arrested, 5/4/27. (See Police Gazette, 1926, page 563.) Scar on right leg which is broken. F.P. alias Donaldson, M.C. sufficient means) (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 311, and Photographs, 1920, page 33.) Stanley sufficient means) (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 311, and Photographs, 1920, page 33.) M.C.


1 j s Complexion. . When dis- . charged. Kemarks, and Previous Convictions. | | 1 Complexion. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. i Name I tried. When. Offence. Sentence. i of Trade. e o tt to *3 M ! Hair. Eyes. Nose. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) 1 Trade. j M O M | *55 ! a 1 Hair. Eyes. Nose. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) continued. Paparua Benjamin, E church 23/9/27 language 14 Zealand labourer 1888 in. ft. 9 dark dark grey medium. 6/10/27 and 9 Butterfly, p.c. alias Eade alias M.C. and on anchor, right left ; clasped on left wrist; ring at base of left thumb. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 383.) f. on left wrist ; ring at base of left thumb. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 383.) e churchChrist 2/10/25 by credit reforma- years’ Zealand cook 1901 5 fair fair blue medium.. 8/10/27 8 p.c. Scar on right side of face and on 5|fair fair blue medium.. 8/10/27 8 p.c. Scar on right side of face and on McGregor, S.C. (2 charges) tive detention right foot; two scars on left little finger ; Donald portion of left thumb missing; ship on left forearm. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 145, and Photographs, 1922, page 48.) S.C. (2 charges) tive detention right foot ; two scars on left little finger ; portion, of left thumb missing ; ship on ■Ah ‘ ' S ' W left forearm. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 145, and Photographs, 1922, page 48.) Dunedin t Clasped hands, heart, and TRUE LOVE medium.. Clasped hands, heart, and TRUE LOVE Francis Hagarty, M.C.Dunedin . 6/9/27 using 1 Zealand canvasser 1907 5 4 sallow . brown grey . 5/10/27 medium. . 5/10/27 car in ; mischief month at WilliamWilliamson, M.C.Lawrence 20/6/27 disorderly idle 1 Zealand N. labourer 1892 5 3 fresh dark grey . medium. 7/10/27 Photographed at Dunedin . 8/7/27 theft . months Invercargill Morris .. Invercargill 26/9/27 damage . or Zealand N. labourer 1909 4 11 fresh brown brown . small 5/10/27 Arrested, 3/10/27 Bask, M.C. g 30/7/25 maintenance default . 1 Zealand jockey 1902 5 24 pale dark grey medium.. 7/10/27 left M.C. right; right enlarged on ; (See 607.)


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LII, Issue 41, 19 October 1927, Page 734

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EXTRACTS FROM NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LII, Issue 41, 19 October 1927, Page 734

EXTRACTS FROM NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LII, Issue 41, 19 October 1927, Page 734

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