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Special Provision with respect to Deer in Portion of Westland Acclimitization District. r (See New Zealand Gazette, 1925, page 593.)

Open Season for Deer-shooting, Ashburton, Auckland, Buller, Feilding, Grey, Lakes, Nelson, North Canterbury, Otago, Rotorua, South Canterbury, Tauranga, Waimarino, Waitaki, Wellington, and Westland. (See New Zealand Gazette, 1925, pages 593-608.)

Regulations as to Motor-drivers’ Licenses under the Motorvehicles Act, 1924. (See New Zealand Gazette, 1925, page 609.) CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. ORDER IN COUNCIL.

At the Government House at Wellington, this 24th day of February, 1925. Present: His Excellency the Governor-General in Council. IN pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred on him by the Motor-vehicles Act, 1924 (hereinafter referred to as the said Act), His Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice

and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby make the regulations hereinafter set forth with respect to the licensing of drivers of motor-vehicles.


1. In these regulations— Local authority” means a Borough Council, a County Council, the Town Board of a town district not forming part of a county, or the Road Board of a road district in a county wherein the Counties Act, 1920, is suspended or is not in force : “ Owner ” includes a bailee. 2. Every license issued under these regulations prior to the first day of April, one thousand nine hundred and twentyfive, shall continue in • force until the thirty-first day of March, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-six. 3. A motor-driver’s license issued under these regulations shall not be deemed to authorize the holder thereof, if under the age of eighteen years, to drive a public motor-car or a motor-omnibus, as defined by the said Act. 4. (1.) Every application for a motor-driver’s license made by the owner of a motor-vehicle in respect of that vehicle or of vehicles of that class shall be made to the local authority in whose district the garage of the motor-vehicle is situated. (2.) Where application for a motor-driver’s license is made by a person not being the owner of a motor-vehicle, such application shall be made to the local authority in whose district the applicant is resident when the application is made (whether or not the applicant is permanently resident in that district). (3.) The validity of a motor-driver’s license purporting to be issued under these regulations shall not be affected by reason merely of the fact that it is not issued by the appropriate local authority in accordance with the foregoing provisions of this clause, if it is issued by a local authority competent to issue motor-drivers’ licenses. 5. (1.) Any local authority competent to issue motordrivers’ licenses under the said Act and these regulations may, on such terms as may be mutually agreed on, enter into an arrangement with any other competent local authority or the issue of motor-drivers’ licenses by such lastmentioned local authority in lieu of by the first-mentioned local authority. (2.) Any arrangement entered into pursuant to' this clause may make provision for the apportionment of license fees. 6. (1.) Where application for a motor-driver’s license is made by a person being the holder of a license to drive a motor-vehicle issued by any local authority pursuant to any by-laws in that behalf in force at the date of these regulations, a license under these regulations may be issued to the applicant without further examination if the local authority to which the application is made is satisfied as to the applicant’s ability to drive a motor-vehicle. (2.) On the expiry of a motor-driver’s license issued under these regulations a new license may, if the local authority thinks fit, be issued to the holder thereof without further examination or other evidence as to his ability to drive a motor-vehicle. 7. Where application for a motor-driver’s license under these regulations is made by a person other than a licensed driver the local authority shall cause the applicant to undergo such test as it thinks sufficient of his ability to drive a motorvehicle, and to conform to the requirements of any regulations or by-laws affecting motor traffic, and may, if in the interests of public safety it thinks it necessary so to do, require any applicant, being a licensed driver, to undergo such a test as aforesaid: Provided that where application for a license under these regulations is made at any time before the first day of April, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-five, by a person not being the holder of a license issued by a local authority pursuant to its by-laws, the local authority may dispense with an examination under this clause if it is satisfied that the applicant has, for a period of not less than three months, been accustomed to drive a motor-vehicle, and is fully competent to drive such motor-vehicle. 8. Every application to drive a vehicle shall be in the form No. 1 in the Schedule hereto or to the effect thereof. 9. (1.) Every license to drive a motor-vehicle shall be in the form No. 2 in the Schedule hereto or to the effect thereof. (2.) A motor-driver’s license issued under these regulations may apply in respect of one or more specified classes of motor-vehicles, but shall not authorize the holder thereof to drive any motor-vehicle of a class not specified in the license. 10. Every local authority shall keep a record of all motordrivers’ licenses issued by it pursuant to these regulations,

showing with respect to each such license the following particulars:— (a.) The name, address, and occupation of the licensee : (6.) The date of issue of the license : (c.) The name of the examiner (if any) by whom the issue of the license was recommended : (d.) Particulars as to any cancellation, suspension, endorsement, or renewal of the license : (e.) Any other relevant particulars. 11. The powers and duties conferred or imposed by these regulations on any local authority shall be deemed to be duly exercised and performed if exercised or performed by any officer of that local authority, or by any other person specially authorized in that behalf by the local authority.

SCHEDULE. [Form No. 1. Application for a Motor-driver’s License under the Motor-vehicles Act, 1924. To the Clerk of the Insert name, of local authority in whose district (a) garage is situated (in cases where applicant is owner of a motor-vehicle), or (b) applicant is resident (in cases where applicant is not owner of a -vehicle).'] I hereby apply for the issue to me of a motor-driver’s license under the Motor-vehicles Act, 1924, and the regulations thereunder, in respect of [Specify class of motorvehicle — motor-cycle, traction-engine, motor-car, or as the case may be] ; and I do hereby solemnly declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief the particulars hereinafter set forth are true and correct: — Full name of applicant: Place of residence: Usual postal address : Occupation : Situation of garage (if any): Is applicant above age of fifteen years ? Is applicant the holder, or has he ever been the holder, of any license to drive a motor-vehicle ? If so, give particulars as to— Name of authority by whom license issued : Date of issue: Endorsements (if any): Has applicant ever been licensed to drive a motor-vehicle in any other country ? If so, where ? Has applicant ever been refused a driver’s license ? If so, give particulars as to — Name of authority to whom application made : Grounds of refusal: Date of application: Any other relevant particulars : Has applicant ever been convicted of any offence arising out of the driving of any motor-vehicle ? If so, give particulars : Does applicant suffer from any physical defect or incapacity of a nature likely to interfere with his management of a motor-vehicle ? If so, give particulars :

What is applicant’s experience of motor-driving ? [lndi J cate briefly the nature and extent of applicant’s experience. - Dated at this day of ,19 . Signature of applicant:

[Form No. 2. * License to drive Motor-vehicle. Issued by the [Name of local authority]. The bearer [Name], of [Address], [Occupation], is hereby licensed, pursuant to the regulations in that behalf made under the Motor-vehicles Act, 1924, to drive a motor-vehicle of the class or of any of the classes following, namely : [Specify class of vehicle to which license applies —e.g., motor-cycle, traction-engine, motor-car, or as .. the case may be.] $ Subject to the said Act and regulations, this license c shall remain in force until the 31st March, 19 , and is 8 operative throughout New Zealand. £ License fee : ss. o £ Dated at , this day of ,19 . Gj g 0 Signature and description of officer authorized to 'ip, issue license on behalf of local authority :

Imposing Conditions and Restrictions on the Taking of Quinnat Salmon for Purposes of Sale. (See New Zealand Gazette, 1925, page 620.)

Bailiff of Magistrate’s Court appointed. Constable Timothy Mannix (Lyttelton). (See New Zealand Gazette, 1925, page 639.)

Regulations controlling the Admission of Persons to Southland Racecourse. (See New Zealand Gazette, 1925, page 651.)

Date of Conviction. Place. Court. Nature of Offence. Penalty. F. D. THOMSON, Clerk of the Executive Council.

ENDORSEMENTS. [To be printed on back of License.] Particulars as to Convictions in relation to Motor-driving.

Kfcme Offender. of tried. When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eye*. No*®. Marks, Bernard, Albert Court, High 24/4/24 theft 5 years Samoa labourer 1903 ft. 9 dark dark, dark br. medium A Samoa 15/11/24 conspiring break 2 years dagger, crossed BERNARD on left forearm ; tattoo-marks on prison BERNARD on left forearm; tattoo-marks on breaking, entering, 3 years Photographed abdomen. Auckland, MoseFruean, Court, theft conspiring . years 5/1/25. 19/3/24 theft 4 years Samoa labourer 1902 5 6J dark . brown dark dark br. medium A ; eagle, olasped bands on right forearm ; head on left Samoa 15/11/24 break 2 years clasped hands on right forearm ; head on left prison ; and years ateagle Soanlon, William theft conspiring to murder .. 5 years Auckland, 5/1/25. Court, High theft conspiring to murder .. 5 years Auckland, 5/1/25. 24/4/24 theft 5 years Samoa labourer 1905 6 1 dark black dark medium left A Samoa 15/11/24 breakconspiring years upper arm ; BILL and GEORGE in scroll on left forearm ; tattoo-marks on abdomen. F.P. < upper arm ; BILL and GEORGE in scroll on prison left forearm; tattoo-marks on abdomen. F.P. breaking, years Auckland, at Photographed Cox, Dunedin conspiring to murder .. 5 years 10/2/25: threatening to accuse 5 years N. Zealand labourer 1891 5 54 fair, light brown grey .. medium .. Small scar on left hand. (See Police Gazette, 10/2/25 theft conspiring to murder .. 5 years threatening to accuse 5 years N. Zealand labourer 1891 5 5i fair, light brown grey .. medium .. Small scar on left hand. (See Police Gazette, Snow, Roberts, of a crime with intent to extort money freckled 1912, page 243.) Dunedin of a crime with intent to extort money freckled 1912, page 243.) 10/2/25 theft Government years’ N. storekeeper’s 1900 6 1 fair light blue . straight slightly ; gait. (6 detention assistant - McCutcheon, Robert Aspinall Dunedin 10/2/25 theft officer refor- 3 Zealand officer postal 1907 5 61 fresh light blue . medium . shin. right Scar (6 charges) de-mative tention George Dunedin 10/2/25 breaking, proba- years’ Scotland . labourer 1895 5 64 fair brown light brown large (See theft tion and prohibited 1922, 225.) James Reidy, Dunedin 10/2/25 and re-sheep-stealing acquitted Ireland farmer 1886 5 11 fresh grey blue medium Bennie, Dunedin ceiving stolen property 13/2/25 stolen property fined £25 N. Zealand motor- driver 1901 5 6 fresh .. black brown .. medium .. Scar on back of right hand. indecent assault; and fined £25 N. Zealand motor-driver 1901 5 6 fresh .. black brown .. medium .. Scar on back of right hand. assault Wilson, Miller Dunedin 10/2/25 abortion . (2 eaoh on years Zealand N. charwoman 1870 10 fresh .. grey blue . .. medium .. Right hand deformed. (8ee Police Gazette, 1922, page 702.) Scar on abdomen; slight impediment in speeoh. 10 fresh .. grey blue .. medium .. Right hand deformed. (See Police Gazette, 1922, page 702.) Soar on abdomen ; slight impediment in speech. Sutherland, Phillip Dunedin 11/2/25 murder acquitted N. teamster 1904 5 61 fresh . dark grey medium manslaughter 2 years bodily acquitted harm assault 2 years aoquitted ' . . . -1 Arthur .Pearce, harm assault acquitted Dunedin acquitted 13/2/25 breaking and proceedings England taxi-driver 1885 5 9 fresh brown, grey . medium on ; right stayed bald arm. theft receiving stolen acquitted 3 years’ ■ • - • ■ ■ - ~ .. ’ ’ Clent John William perty (2 charges) breaking, entering, and tion Dunedin perty (2 charges) breaking, entering, and tion 10/2/25 years’ proba Zealand and 1904 5 7 fresh . fair grey . medium. knee. on theft tion and prohibited labourer theft tion and prohibited labourer ■


of tried. When.. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. ' * r\ - . Marks, Distinguishing Marks, Ac. William Anderson, Whangaroa . 11/2/25 theft . fined Zealand labourer 1907 in. 6 fair brown blue . medium theft 1 tion Woods, Whangarei 10/2/25 while charge lined £5 N tailor 1867 5 5 fresh dark grey medium deformed. leg of horse and vehicle i of horse and vehicle Raymond Harold Auckland 13/2/25 a to up Zealand carrier 1900 5 7 fresh fair blue . medium (See called page 125, and Photographs, page 24.) black brown .. page 125, and Photographs, page 24.) Oswald, Auckland 13/2/25 trespass a fined Australia . carter 1886 5 fresh .. black brown ;. medium . . Scar on UDper lip; mole on right calf; cluster 10 fresh .. medium .. 8car on UDper lip ; mole on right calf; cluster Todalias McCully, ='t side. (See 1924, 1912, page 60.) David Auckland 13/2/25 a fined Zealand carter 1899 5 7 fresh .. fair blue .. medium - carter . 1899 5 7 fresh ':. fair blue .. medium KeithOsmond, Auckland 14/2/25 assault fined N. storeman 1908 5 2 fair brown blue medium chin. on CharlesNickalls, Auckland .. 14/2/25 assault admonished N. schoolboy . . 1910 5 0 fair brown blue medium Cunningham Wheeler, Auckland 14/2/25 theft admonished Zealand schoolboy . 1912 4 11 dark brown grey . medium Millar Auckland 14/2/25 theft (6 admonished N. boymes-sage 1910 5 5 fair fair blue . medium EricPhimister, Auokland 14/2/25 theft charges) andconvicted Zealand cabinet1909 5 4 fair brown blue . medium discharged maker 3 years’ probation convicted and maker Clifford Auckland 14/2/25 theft N. Zealand message - boy 1909 5 1 pale brown blue .. r medium 3 years’ probaN. Zealand message - boy 1909 5 1 pale brown blue medium charges) (5 • convicted discharged 1874 j • discharged Cheong Oak Auckland 16/2/25 a fined China laundryman 5 10 olive .. black brown .. flat - 1874 5 10 olive .. black brown .. flat - Thomas Melling, Auckland 17/2/25 assault fined England . stoker 1901 5 7 fresh . brown .jgrey;? medium . build; Strong heart, right sailor’s ; Jack, right toe ; (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 242.) \ (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 242.) Ludovich Colquhoun, Auckland 17/2/25 assault fined £2 N. fisherman . 1875 5 8 fresh dark, turning brown medium . right lip, on grey side of nose. ] r grey side of nose. George Auckland 17/2/25 fighting convicted England fireman 1884 5 6f dark black, .1blue oblique, build; discharged grey large tombstone on left forearm; grapes, bracelet, and two hearts on right forearm. F.P. (See Polioe Gazette, 1924, page 287.) i large tombstone on left forearm; grapes, bracelet, and two hearts on right forearm. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 287.) ■ < ■ Shaw, Auckland 18/2/25 idle it come up Zealand N. painter 1884 5 4 ruddy brown brown . medium Gazette, 1921, giHg) called on • < :•' • !\ . . j Green, William Auokland 18/2/25 indecent -sis to c . N. labourer 1878 5 7 fresh . grey blue medium . left Sinclair, Auckland 18/2/25 language convicted N. cook 1881 4 fresh .. brown blue .. pug Left eye missing. (See Police Gazette, 1924, 10J fresh .. brown blue pug Left eye missing. (See Police Gazette, 1924, discharged page 457.) * i • * V. MoDevitt, Cornelius discharged ; page 457.) Auckland 18/2/25 obstructing police fined £2 N. Zealand wood-worker 1890 5 7 fresh .. red .. blue .. medium .. See Police Gazette, 1923, page 251. Auckland 18/2/25 obstructing police fined £2 N. Zealand wood-worker 1890 5 7 fresh . red .. blue .. medium .. See Police Gazette, 1923, page 251. MoDevitt, Cornelius

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates’ Courts, but not sent to Gaol

to ! Name of tried.Where When. Offence. Sentence. Native Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. flair. Eyes. Nose. Marks, P.G. Frederick JamesNeilsou, Auckland 23/1/25 indecent fined Zealand clerk 1904 ft. in. 10 fair fair blue medium . knee. (See Michael page 97.) brown .. page 97.) William Hamilton . 17/2/25 theft years’ N. painter 1877 5 5 medium fair medium brown .. medium Stephen tion See 85. Brown, Bay . . 19/2/25 assault andfined Canada labourer 1870 5 7 sallow . brown grey . medium prohibited * build ; Robert Smith, Bay 20/2/25 assault andfined £5 Zealand N. labourer 1898 5 8i dark . black brown wide prohibited near left eyebrow; artillery badge and shield on right arm. (See Police Gazette, 1922, page 521.) Stewart, Charles McDonald Gisborne 18/2/25 idle and disorderly (into come up if Scotland .. cook 1870 5 7 fresh .. grey grey .. thick Faint mark on left wrist; scar on left forefinger sufficient means) called on and on back of left hand ; deaf. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1925, page 10.) Bowler, William .. Gisborne 18/2/25 indecent exposure fined £3 Ireland labourer 1855 5 9 fresh .. grey grey .. medium .. Sunken cheeks. Aaird, Thomas Gisborne 19/2/25 indecent act .. fined £10 Scotland .. ironmoulder 1871 5 10 sallow .. grey grey .. medium .. Small scar on back of right hand and on left 1886 palm. Harete Moana, alias Moana, Gisborne 19/2/25 idle and disorderly (inconvicted and Maori domestic 5 4 dark .. black brown .. broad, flat Charlotte sufficient means) discharged McGregor, Normau raumarunui 19/2/25 threatening behaviour lined £2 N. Zealand farm1901 5 9 sallow .. brown • . brown .. medium insulting language fined £2 N. Zealand manager 1883 turning blue .. medium Beattie, Bertram Anderson.. Taumarunui 19/2/25 insulting language fined £3 drover 5 9 fresh .. grey \ V Tetu • prohibited near left eyebrow; artillery badge and shield on right arm. (See Police Gazette, 1922, page 521.) Hawera 16/2/25 obscene language fined £10 Maori 1875 5 5 copper.. blaok brown .. flat Mouth tattooed. Stewart, William Casey, Gisborne anganui W. 18/2/2512/1/25 idle (in- lottery in ifto come up fined Scotland Zealand cooklabourer 18701891 56 70 fresh ..fresh . grey fair grey .blue thickmedium Faint mark on left wrist; scar on left forefinger sufficient means) called on and on back of left hand ; deaf. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1925, page 10.) William .Bowler, Martin, Tilley Gisborne Waipawa 18/2/2518/2/25 indecent exposure theft fined £3 if come up IrelandMaori labourerdomestic . 18551907 55 5J copper.. black brown .. medium 9 fresh .. grey grey .. medium .. Sunken cheeks. called on Aaird, Thomas Stack, GisborneMartin19/2/2517/2/25 indecent act . vagabond and rogue fined £10convicted Scotland . Zealand ironmoulderlabourer and 18711891 55 10 7 sallow fresh . greybrown grey .. medium .. Small scar on back of right hand and on left • • blue medium .. Mole on left knee ; scar on left forefinger. (See 1 ' 1886 palm. borough legally on premises) discharged clerk 1884 Police Gazette, 1923, page 91.) Harete alias Moana, Moana, McNeill, GisborneMartin19/2/2517/2/25 and disorderly (in- (il- and vagabond andconvicted Maori Zealand domestic ..porter 55 ’* fresh .. brown blue medium .. Right leg amputated at knee; skull and X on 4 dark .. black brown .. broad, flat borough legally on premises) discharged 1887 black grey back of left hand. « Charlotte Ah Sue sufficient means) discharged 1901 brown Wellington .. 14/2/25 in possession of opium fined £25 China gardener .. 5 1 sallow .. brown .. fiat McGregor, Dwyer, laumarunuiWellington 19/2/2516/2/25 threatening behaviour fighting fined £2 £1fined N. Ireland farm-labourer 5 9 sallow .. brown .. medium 1900 5 ruddy .. auburn blue .. aquiline .. Clasped hands, heart, shamrock, ER1N-GO-BRAGH, &c., on right forearm ; tombstone on left forearm. iusulting language fined £2 manager 1883 turning grey blue .. medium Beattie, Bertram Dahl, Joseph TaumarunuiWellington . 19/2/2516/2/25 language behaviour threatening fined £3fined N. Zealand N. Zealand droverlabourer 5 9 fresh .. 1904 5 8i pale fair grey .. long Small scar on left thumb. O’Keefe, John Arthur Wellington .. 16/2/25 fighting fined £1 N. Zealand labourer 1868 5 7 fresh .. grey •• blue .. medium White, Alfred William Wellington .. 18/2/25 theft 1 year’s probaN. Zealand canvasser .. 1894 5 4 dark .. black hazel .. long bation 1898 Mitchell, Jack Stuart Wellington .. 19/2/25 theft to come up if N. Zealand clerk 5 10 fresh .. light brown brown .. medium .. Strong build; small mole on right cheek; called on warts on back of left hand. Tetu Dodd, Walter HaweraWellington 16/2/2520/2 25 languageobscene vagabond fined ifto up England .. painter 1888 5 2 fresh .. fair blue long Scar over left eye. Maori 1875 5 5 copper.. blaok brown .. fiat Mouth tattooed. (illegally on premises) called on 1907 William Casey, Standen, Edward Allan Wanganui Wellington 12/1/2520/2/25 lottery a threatening fined fined N. Zealand N. labourerfitter 5 8 sallow .. brown grey .. medium 1891 6 0 fresh .. fair blue medium i Waipawa 18/2/25 theft to come up if Maori domestic .. 1907 5 5} copper.. black brown .. medium called on 1891 TilleyStack, 17/2/25 rogue and vagabond (ilconvicted and N. Zealand labourer and 5 7 fresh .. brown blue .. medium .. Mole on left knee ; scar on left forefinger. (See borough legally on premises) discharged clerk 1884 Police Gazette, 1923, page 91.) Martin17/2/25 rogue and vagabond (ilconvicted and N. Zealand porter 5 U fresh .. brown blue medium .. Right leg amputated at knee; skull and X on borough legally on premises) discharged 1887 black grey back of left band. • McNeill, Arthur .. Wellington .. 14/2/25 in possession of opium fined £25 China gardener .. 5 1 sallow .. brown .. flat SueDwyer, 16/2/25 fighting fined £1 Ireland labourer 1900 5 4£ ruddy .. auburn blue .. aquiline .. Clasped bauds, heart, shamrock, ERIN-GO-BRAGH, &c., on right forearm; tombstone on left forearm. ; Wellington .. Wellington .. 16/2/25 threatening behaviour fined £1 N. Zealand labourer ! 1904 5 8£ pale . 1 fair grey .. long Small scar on left thumb. Joseph O’Keefe, 16/2/25 fighting fined £1 N. Zealand labourer 1868 5 7 fresh . 1 grey blue .. medium Wellington .. Wellington .'. 18/2/25 theft Kjear’s probaN. Zealand canvasser . 1894 5 4 dark . i black hazel long bation 1898 William White, Mitchell, Jack 19/2/25 theft to come up if N. Zealand clerk 5 10 fresh .. light brown brown .. medium .. Strong build; small mole on right cheek; called on warts on back of left hand. Wellington .. Wellington .. 20/2/25 rogue and vagabond to come up if England .. painter 1888 5 2 fresh .. fair blue long Scar over left eye. (illegally on premises) called on 1907 Dodd, WalterStanden, Edward Allan 20/2/25 threatening behaviour fined 10s. N. Zealand fitter 5 8 sallow .. brown grey .. medium Wellington ..

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates’ Courts, but not sent to Gaol-continued.

Name tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, Flynn, Wellington 20/2/25 behaviour fined Zealand packer ft. 8 fair fair grey . medium Arthur Hall, Wellington . 20/2/25 behaviour threatening fined N. labourer 6 fair fair, curly .. blue medium 1 fair fair, curly . . blue .. medium Alexander Cameron, Wellington . 16/2/25 language and Scotland . fireman 6 pale fair blue . long Jack Union emblem discharged on ; Gazette, 128.) Robert Smith, Wellington 18/2/25 fighting fined Zealand carrier 1901 10 dark brown hazel . . long neck on ; eye, middle and on right 1924, (See 46.)page Edward Arthur Jones, Wellington 18/2/25 fighting fined N. labourer 1875 8| 5 fresh . brown, grey medium . . right ; ing grey on right wrist; scar on throat. (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 710, and Photographs, page 90.) 19/2/25 ing grey on right wrist; scar on throat. (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 710, and Photographs, page 90.) ' Thomas Motueka theft charges) year’s 1 Zealand N. labourer 1909 7 fresh . dark brown . medium Stutters. tion and to make restitution ' •Heal, Reupert tion and to make restitution Picton 12/2/25 assault fined 10s. N. Zealand labourer 1895 6 0 fresh .. fair blue .. medium Reupert Heal, RangiMatangi PictonPicton 12/2/2512/2/25 assaultassault fined fined 10s. N. Maori labourerlabourer 18951885 8 dark .. black brown .. medium 6 0 fresh .. fair blue medium Rangi Joseph PictonNelson 12/2/2520/2/25 assaulttheft fined convicted MaoriAustralia . labourer and 18851903 11 5 dark .. dark brown brown .. medium .. See Police Gazette, 1925, page 66. 5 8 dark .. black brown .. medium Athol Joseph discharged motorNelson 20/2/25 theft convicted and Australia .. clerk and 1903 5 11 dark .. dark brown brown .. medium .. See Police Gazette, 1925, page 66. Reeve, A.,Stanley, Stanley, salesman discharged motorsalesman A. alias Walklate, EdwardThomas, Kumara 13/2/25 wilful damage to come up if N. Zealand labourer 1900 5 5 fair fair, curly .. grey .. medium called on EdwardThomas, White, George KumaraKumara 18/2/2513/2/25 wilful damage damage if up ifto up Zealand Zealand labourerlabourer 19001902 5 8 fairdark . curly fair, brown dark grey .brown . . mediummedium called oncalled White, GeorgeGlass, KumaraKumara 13/2/2513/2/25 wilful damage wilful damage ifto up ifto come up Zealand Zealand labourerlabourer 19021906 85 5 dark .. dark brown brown .. medium fair light brown grey .. medium .. See Police Gazette, 1922, page 132. called called Glass, Errol Christina.. Lawson, KumaraChristchurch 13/2/2520/2/25 wilful damage to come up if N. Zealand labourer 1906 5 5 fair light brown grey .. medium .. See Police Gazette, 1922, page 132. called on theft to come up if Scotland .. prostitute .. 1856 5 3 sallow .. dark blue .. medium .. See Police Gazette, 1924, page 250. called on Lawson, McCarthy, ChristchurchChristchurch 20/2/2518/2/25 theftindecent language ifto up fined Scotland . . Zealand N. prostitute .. 1856 5 3 sallow .. dark blue medium .. See Police Gazette, 1924, page 250. clerk 1904 5 11 dark .. black grey .. medium .. Scar on left side of mouth. oalled on Stephen William Wheal, OhristchurohGhristohurch 18/2/2518/2/25 indecent language trespass a fined £1fined Zealand N. Zealand clerklabourer 19041883 11 5 7 dark .fresh . black ?.brown grey .grey . . medium . .medium . mouth. side Scar 1924, Gazette, page William Alfred Wheal, Alexander George ChristchurchChristchurch 18/2/2518/2/25 trespass a business ascarrying fined fined Zealand N. N. labourerlabourer .. 18831897 7 6 fresh ..dark brown *. grey .. medium .. See Police Gazette, 1924, page 574. dark blue .. medium .. Bushy eyebrows. a bookmaker Alexander George Mitchell, ChristchurchChristchurch 18/2/2518/2/25 business ascarrying behaviour threatening fined and costs pay Zealand Zealand N. labourerwatchmaker 18971887 6 7 dark .. dark .. blue medium .. Bushy eyebrows. fair fair blue .. medium a bookmaker : , prohibited convicted and indecent language Mitchell, Flaherty, discharged Christchurch River. 18/2/2519/2/25 threatening behaviour theft .. and costs pay fined Zealand Zealand watchmakerlabourer 18871895 7 6 fairfair fairbrown blue .blue . mediummedium prohibited convicted and indecent language Flaherty, Peter discharged Little River.. 19/2/25 theft .. .. fined £10 N. Zealand labourer 1895 5 6 fair brown blue .. medium

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates’ Courts, but not sent to Gaol-continued.

Offender. | When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. 0 & Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, Ac. 1 When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, Ac. alias Frank, Chalmers Port 21/2/25 of ship’s fined £2 Zealand fireman 1884 in. ft. 4| 5 fair fair blue medium pierced Sanders (See 644.) page West, Dunedin 16/2/25 using a proba- year’s 1 England fireman 1893 11 5 dark .. dark brown brown .. medium .. Clasped hands, hand holding flowers, and 11 dark dark brown brown .. medium .. Clasped hands, hand holding flowers, and motor-car tion forearm. on Alexander Lockhart, Dunedin 18/2/25 theft 1 Zealand mechanic 1904 8 fair fair grey .. medium .. Scar on right side of chin. 8 fair fair grey • • medium .. Scar on right side of chin. tion Edwards, Ivan Dunedin 18/2/25 theft 1 year’s probaN. Zealand mill-hand .. 1908 5 H fair fair blue medium .. Soar on nose ; two scars on left leg. , tion Dunedin 18/2/25 theft 1 year’s probaN. Zealand mill-hand .. 1908 5 71 fair fair blue medium .. Scar on nose ; two scars on left leg. tion Kitto, William Ophir 13/2/25 indecent fined Zealand labourer 1899 75 fair fair. blue medium 7 fair fair blue medium Sawers, William . Invercargill 16/2/25 a ifto up Zealand clerk 1890 10 5 fresh .. dark brown brown .. medium .. See Police Gazette, 1923, page 713. 10 fresh .. dark brown brown .. medium .. See Police Gazette, 1923, page 713. called as carrying fined bookmaker ! ; .

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates’ Courts, but not sent to Gaol-continued.

Name of tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Bom. 1 Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. ( F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) 1 | Height. i Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Auckland bus -conducft. in. America .. bus - conductor ft. in. Stites, Frank, alias dAu 2/12/24 default of maintenance arrears or 2 America .. 1880 5 fair fair blue large 17/2/25 Scar on nose ; anohor between each thumb and M.C. 2/12/24 default of maintenance arrears or 2 months 1880 5 4i fair fair blue large 17/2/25 Scar on nose ; anchor between each thumb and forefinger ; anchors, HOPE, star, butterfly, and clasped hands on right fofearm ; sailor, shield, &c., on left forearm. Arrested, 18/12/24. (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 206.) j / ClaudeMcCulley, M.C. months tor forefinger ; anchors, HOPE, star, butterfly, and clasped hands on right forearm; sailor, shield, &c., on left forearm. Arrested, 18/12/24. black, turn(See Police Gazette, 1924, page 206.) ClaudeMcCulley, Oswald, Tod d 13/2/25 trespass on a racecourse fine or 1 month Australia .. labourer 1886 5 10 fresh .. brown .. medium .. 16/2/25 Scar on upper lip ; mole on right calf; wens on M.C. mg grey left side. Discharged pending rehearing. 13/2/25 trespass on a racecourse fine or 1 month Australia .. labourer 1886 5 10 fresh .. black, turning grey brown .. medium .. 16/2/25 Scar on upper lip ; mole on right calf; wens on left side. Discharged pending rehearing. (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 244, and Photographs, 1912, page 60.) Dornbush, Stanley Edward, alias Cain, Tod E. S. N. Zealand dark brown (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 244, and Photographs, 1912, page 60.) Levin M.C. .. Hamilton M.C. N. Plymouth M.C. 27/8/23 14/9/23 19/10/23 false pretences (2 charges) false pretences false pretences (13 charges) 3 months on each 1£ years’ reformative detention 1 month on each N. Zealand salesman .. 1898 5 6 fresh .. dark brown hazel .. medium .. 16/2/25 Scar on left upper arm, which is shorter than right arm. F.P. Released on license. (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 557, and Photographs, page 89.) Stanley Hampton, Levin 1 u 27/8/23 false pretences (2 3 months on salesman .. 1898 5 6 fresh .. hazel .. medium .. 16/2/25 Scar on left upper arm, which is shorter than S.C. 26/4/22 breaking, entering, and theft; and theft 1 year and 2 years’ reformative detention Tasmania.. seaman 1898 5 5* fresh .. fair blue medium 16/2/25 Flag on left forearm ; blue mark on left wrist; rifle brigade badge on right forearm; scar on right wrist. Released on license. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1922, page 427, and Photographs, 1921, page 48.) Cain, Waters, charges) each right arm. F.P. Released on license. (See Morrinsville M.C. 19/12/24 indecent language disorderly behaviour .. assault 2 months 1 month 1 month England .. cook 1874 5 9J fair fair blue medium .. 18/2/25 Strong build ; scar on left forearm and on left forefinger. (See Police Gazette, 1925, page 69.) Thomas, Evan John Auckland M.C. 19/12/24 selling document which encouraged violence 2 months N. Zealand carpenter .. 1897 5 7* fresh dark brown grey .. medium .. 18/2/25 Large mouth ; mole on each cheek ; scar on left thumb. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 5/1/25. (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 237.) Hillman, William Charles Auckland M.C. 20/11/24 theft 3 months N. Zealand motor-driver 1900 5 lOf fresh .. brown It. brown medium .. 19/2/25 Scar on back of neck and on left elbow. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 5/11/24. (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 679.) Robinson, John Gratten, alias Robinson, William Grattan, alias Grattan, Robert, alias Auckland S.C. 20/8/24 receiving stolen property 6 months Australia .. labourer 1884 5 9J fresh .. light brown blue large 19/2/25 Strong build ; scar on right thumb and on left ring and middle fingers ; unfinished T on left knee. (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 535, and Photographs, page 80.) Harris, Llewellyn, alias E. S. Wilson dark brown Hamilton 14/9/23 false pretences 14 years’ reforPolice Gazette,. 1923, page 557, and PhotoM.C. mative tention degraphs, page 89.) N. Plymouth 19/10/23 false pretenoes (13 1 month on M.C. charges) each fair Hampton, Henry Bruce, William Auckland Auckland 26/4/22 breaking, entering, and 1 year and 2 Tasmania.. seaman 1898 5 5* fresh .. blue medium 16/2/25 Flag on left forearm ; blue mark on left wrist; S.C. M.C. theft; and theft years reforrifle brigade badge on right forearm; scar mative deon right wrist. Released on license. F.P. tention fair (See Police Gazette, 1922, page 427, and Photographs, 1921, page 48.) 7/2/25 breach of probation .. 14 days England .. oook 1891 5 8} fresh .. brown .. large 20/2/25 T. and LILL on left forearm ; six scars on right forearm. (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 379, and Photographs, page 50.) Waters, alias Baker, Morrinsville 19/12/24 indecent language 2 months . • England .. cook 1874 5 9i fair blue .. medium .. 18/2/25 Strong build ; scar on left forearm and on left M.C. disorderly behaviour .. 1 month forefinger. (See Police Gazette, 1925, page 69.) assault 1 month dark brown Evan Thomas, alias alias Brown, Auckland Auckland 19/12/24 selling document which 2 months . . N. Zealand carpenter .. 1897 5 n fresh . . grey .. medium .. 18/2/25 Large mouth; mole on each cheek; scar on M.C. M.C. encouraged violence motor-driver brown left thumb. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 5/1/25. (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 237.) 14/2/25 illegally on premises without intent 7 days N. Zealand prostitute .. 1875 5 Si fresh .. grey hazel .. medium .. 20/2/25 See Police Gazette, 1925, page 62. William Hillman, Marshall, alias dark brown Auckland 20/11/24 theft 3 months N. Zealand 1900 5 105 fresh .. It. brown medium .. 19/2/25 Scar on back of neck and on left elbow. F.P. M.C. light brown Photographed at Auckland, 5/11/24. (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 679.) Strong build ; scar on right thumb and on left i Robinson, John Morrison, Leslie . Auckland Whangareii 20/8/24 receiving stolen pro6 months • . Australia .. labourer 1884 5 n fresh .. blue large 19/2/25 M.C. 9/2/25 theft 14 days N. Zealand seaman 1896 5 7§ dark .. brown .. medium .. 21/2/25 Star, hand, flower, bird, and TRUE LOVE on right forearm; ring on left middle finger; flowers and dragon on left forearm; right eye slightly crossed. (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 689.) b i o . Wright, William Auckland S.C. M.C. perty ring and middle fingers ; unfinished T on left 22/11/24 rogue and vagabond (begging) 3 months Scotland .. clerk 1874 5 2 fresh .. dark brown > going bald hazel .. medium .. 21/2/25 See Police Gazette, 1924, page 594. knee. (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 535, William Grattan, Grattan, Robert, • ) • ; and Photographs, page 80.) Harris, Llewellyn, Auckland 7/2/25 breach of probation .. 14 days England .. oook 1891 5 8* fresh .. dark brown brown .. large 20/2/25 T. and LILL on left forearm: six scars on right Bruce, William : 1 • - forearm. (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 379, and Photographs, page 50.) M.C. Auckland 14/2/25 illegally on premises 7 days • . N. Zealand prostitute .. 1875 5 3! fresh .. grey hazel .. medium .. 20/2/25 See Police Gazette, 1925, page 62. Smith, Baker, Mary, without intent M.C. Marshall, alias Morrison, 9/2/25 uheft 14 days N. Zealand seaman 1896 5 7§ dark .. dark brown brown .. medium .. 21/2/25 Star, hand, flower, bird, and TRUE LOVE on Whangareii M.C. dark brown > right forearm; ring on left middle finger; flowers and dragon on left forearm; right eye slightly crossed. (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 689.) . Auckland 22/11/24 rogue and vagabond 3 months , . Scotland .. clerk 1874 5 2 fresh .. hazel .. medium .. 21/2/25 See Police Gazette, 1924, page 594. M.C. (begging) going bald Wright, William


Name GroI, tried. ! j Offence. Sentence. | Native Trade. Born. 1 Height.! Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicate* that finger-impressions have been taken.) 1 Born. ! • Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. ( F.P . indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Auckland continued. ft. in. ft. in. Arthur Auckland 23/12/24 theft charges) 1 month on N. Zealand labourer 1869 5 i£ fresh .. grey brown .. medium .. 21/2/25 Anchor in wreath and bracelet on left forearm ; m , 1 month on N. Zealand labourer 1869 5 1£ fresh .. grey brown .. medium .. 21/2/25 Anchor in wreath and bracelet on left forearm ; M.C. eaoh in eye. Police Rumble, George Gazette, page A 22/1/25 charges) , on England accountant 1896 5 5 fresh .. brown blue .. medium .. 21/2/25 Two scars on forehead ; scar on right thigh ; 5 5 fresh .. brown blue .. medium .. 21/2/25 Two scars on forehead; scar on right thigh ; Kerr, M.C. each wears 1918, 39.)page Auckland 18/12/24 default maintenance 1 N. labourer 1882 5 If fresh .. dark brown dark br. medium .. 21/2/25 Clown’s head on right upper arm; birth-mark on left upper arm ; scar on right hand, which 5 If fresh .. dark brown dark br. medium .. 21/2/25 Clown’s head on right upper arm; birth-mark on left upper arm ; scar on right hand, which M.C. month is smaller than left. F.P. Arrested, 23/1/25. 1 is smaller than left. F.P. Arrested, 23/1/25. Maurice Auckland 16/2/25 indecent act . fine 7 days. England . labourer 1889 5 8i fresh .. brown brown .. medium .. 21/2/25 Dimple in chin; scar on left side of head, on 5 H fresh .. brown brown .. medium .. 21/2/25 Dimple in chin; scar on left side of head, on M C. left and on spine, F.P. Robert Charles Dixon, Auckland 17/5/20 pretences 4 1 refor- years’ N. driver 1891 5 9 fresh .. fair blue .. long 19/2/25 12 p.c. Portions of left fore, middle, and ring 5 9 fresh .. fair blue .. long 19/2/25 12 p.c. Portions of left fore, middle, and ring fingers missing ; scar on side of right shin; S.O. fingers missing ; scar on side of right shin ; scar on left shin. These are the same deten-mative scar on left shin. These are the same tion referred page 211, probation not having been complied pretences (2 1 year page 211, probation not having been complied charges) (See 1919, and Photographs, Waikeria— George , Auckland 30/5/23 false (9 years Zealand farmer 1872 5 8 i fresh .. brown, turnblue .. medium .. 17/2/25 6 p.c. Strong build. Released on license. 5 8i fresh .. brown, turnblue .. medium .. 17/2/25 6 p.c. Strong build. Released on license. George alias T. George, Burns, Thompson S.C. charges) ing grey brown .. (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 571, and Photographs, page 62.) Slight build ; small scar on head ; scar on Walter Lampra, S.C.Napier charges) ing grey (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 571, and Photographs, page 62.) 8/2/24 attempted suicide , . 3 years’ reforEngland .. labourer 1874 5 5 fresh .. brown, turnbroken .. 18/2/25 mative deing grey throat and on each wrist. F.P. Released Napier M.C. 8/2/24 attempted suicide 3 years’ reforEngland .. labourer 1874 5 5 fresh .. brown, turnbrown .. broken .. 18/2/25 Slight build ; small scar on bead ; scar on mative deing grey throat and on each wrist. F.P. Released tention blue-gr’y on license. (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 679, and Photographs, 1925, page 2.) .♦ tention blue-gr’y on license. (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 679, and Photographs, 1925, page 2.) Thomas Auckland 7/2/21 manslaughter 5 years England .. farmer 1855 5 8 fresh .. grey medium .. 19/2/25 Stout build ; scar above left knee and on left , , 5 years England .. farmer 1855 5 8 fresh . . grey medium . . 19/2/25 Stout build; scar above left knee and on left S.C. of on brown . 184, page (See 50.) Hansen, Henry, Auokland 7/3/23 entering,breaking, and years N. steward 1901 5 8 sallow .. light brown long 19/2/25 4 p.c. Slight build; two moles on left cheek 5 8 sallow .. light brown long 19/2/25 4 p.c. Slight build; two moles on left cheek alias Hansen, S.C. theft back scar right Gustavies middle finger; portion of right little finger amputated. Discharged on remission. (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 115, p.nd Photohazel .. graphs, page 37.) . . .• , ' ' middle finger; portion of right little finger amputated. Discharged on remission. (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 115, paid Photohazel .. graphs, page 37.) * ArthurHasler, Plymouth 11/4/24 charges) , 1 Zealand labourer 1890 5 8} sallow .. brown long 20/2/25 Slight build ; scars on buttocks ; scar on right 5 8 i sallow .. brown long 20/2/25 Slight build ; scars on buttooks ; scar on right M.C. small onthigh N. 13/5/24 breaking, entering, and 1 (See S.C theft -i Police Gazette, 1924, page 305, and Photographs, page 45.) : Police Gazette, 1924, page 305, and Photographs, page 45.)


Gaol, Name Prisoner. tried. When. Offence. Sentence. of j Trade. § EM Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. ( F.P . indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) O tt ' § m Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. ( F.P . indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Waikune — ft. in. medium .. N. Zealand ft. in. hazel .. medium .. • . . ’ ’ : . ; :t • • r;r Pox, John Auckland S.C 14/5/24 manslaughter 1 year N. Zealand taxi-driver .. 1898 5 11 fresh .. fair hazel .. 16/2/25 F.P. Released on remission. (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 378, and Photographs, page 52.) * * taxi-driver .. 1898 5 11 fresh .. fair 16/2/25 F.P. Released on remission. (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 378, and Photographs, page 52.) George Auckland S.C. 17/2/22 indecent assault 3 years England .. carpenter .. 1859 5 5 fair brown blue .. medium .. 16/2/25 See Police Gazette, 1922, page 195, and Photographs, page 42. ■ ; • • . . i Wanganui England .. medium .. Auckland S.C. 17/2/22 indecent assault 3 years England .. carpenter .. 1859 5 5 fair brown blue .. medium .. 16/2/25 See Police Gazette, 1922, page 195, and Photographs, page 42. Geoffrey GeoffreyNapier— Wanganui M.C. 22/11/24 indecent act .. 3 months labourer 1884 6 0 dark .. dark brown grey .. 21/2/25 Scaronnose, on right cheek, behind right ear, and on right shin ; Spanish dancer, clasped hands, heart, horse’s head, two birds, &c., on right arm ; snake’s head, sword, &c., on left arm. F.P. Horn, William James, alias Horne, James Dannevirke M.C. 20/1/25 idle and disorderly 1 month England .. labourer 1852 5 H sallow .. brown, turning grey blue medium 19/2/25 Numerous p.c. Boil-scars on back of neck ; scar on left forefinger; bad teeth. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 333.) Skews, Charles Edward, alias Skews, Charles Napier—Edwin Wanganui M.C.Napier 21/11/24 idle and disorderly .. 3 months N. Zealand labourer 1888 5 8 fresh .. brown blue .. broken .. 20/2/25 2 p.c. Scars on left elbow; scar on right ankle ; C.E.S. on left upper arm; two hearts and butterfly on left forearm ; woman on right forearm ; four dots on left wrist; two hearts and arrow on left forearm ; red mark on top of head. (See Police Gazette, 1921, page 170.) - M.C. 22/11/24 indecent act .. 3 months •• England .. labourer 1884 6 0 dark .. dark brown grey .. medium .. 21/2/25 Scaronnose, on right cheek, behind right ear, and on right shin ; Spanish dancer, clasped hands, heart, horse’s head, two birds, &c., on right arm; snake’s head, sword, &c., on left arm. F.P. William Horn, Takohazel .. Horne, Thomson, Hugh Dannevirke M.C.Hastings 21/5/24 theft 1 years’ reformative detention N. Zealand labourer 1902 5 5J dark .. black medium .. 16/2/25 1 p.c. Birth-mark on back of neck and on right groin ; scar on lower lip and on right instep. F.P. Released on license. (See Police Gazette, 1921, page 603.) M.C. 20/1/25 idle and disorderly 1 month England .. labourer 1852 5 H sallow .. brown, turning grey blue .. medium 19/2/25 Numerous p.c. Boil-scars on back of neck ; scar on left forefinger; bad teeth. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 333.) Charles Skews, Edward,Wellington— N. Zealand blue .. Skews, steed, EdwinHarris Auokland M.C. 11/2/25 default of maintenance ■ arrears or 1 month clerk 1894 5 Ilf dark .. grey long 17/2/25 2 p.o. Soar on left forearm and „ on body. Arrested, 16/2/25. Arrears paid.. (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 355, and Photographs, page 55.) O’Reilly, Archibald, alias O’Riley, Archibald Wellington M.C. 16/2/25 obscene language fine or 3 days N. Zealand labourer 1906 5 4 freckled dark brown brown .. medium .. 18/2/25 Small mouth; scar on bridge of nose and on body ; birth-mark on left upper arm. F.P. Coyne, Hugh John Tako— Wi Walker M.C.Napier Carterton 21/11/24 idle and disorderly .. 3 months N. Zealand labourer 1888 5 8 fresh .. brown blue .. broken .. 20/2/25 2 p.c. Scars on left elbow; scar on right ankle ; C.E.S. on left upper arm; two hearts and butterfly on left forearm ; woman on right forearm; four dots on left wrist; two hearts and arrow on left forearm; red mark on top of head. (See Police Gazette, 1921, page 170.) M.C. 16/2/25 assaulting police 7 days Australia .. labourer and miner 1894 5 8* sallow .. brown blue .. medium .. 21/2/25 Several p.c. Soar on left upper arm, on right forearm, on right eye, and on chin. F.P. (8ee Police Gazette, 1924, page 502.) John Hugh Cashman, Percival Wellington—Joseph Hastings iWellington 21/5/24 theft 1 years’ reformative detention N. Zealand labourer 1902 5 6§ dark .. black hazel .. medium .. 16/2/25 1 p.c. Birth-mark on back of neok and on right groin; scar on lower lip and on right instep. F.P. Released on license. (See Police Gazette, 1921, page 603.) ' M.C. 14/2/25 assault .. .. fine or 14 days N. Zealand engineer 1891 5 5} fair fair blue .. broad 21/2/25 8 p.c. Scar on base of left thumb, on upper lip, on nose, and on throat; tip of right forefinger missing. F.P. Portion of fine paid. (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 502.) Frederick steed, Wilson, Robert Wellington M.C. 14/2/25 breach of prohibition order fine or Iddays England .. labourer 1875 5 7 fresh .. brown • blue .. medium .. 21/2/25 Several p.c. Strong build ; scar over each eye ; blue marks on forehead and under right eye ; scar on each shin. F.P. Part of fine paid. (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 261.) A u o k 1 a n d M.C. 11/2/25 default of maintenance arrears or 1 month N. Zealand clerk 1894 5 Ilf dark .. grey blue .. long 17/2/25 2 p.o. Soar on left forearm and on body. Arrested, 16/2/25. Arrears paid. (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 355, and Photographs, page 55.) HarrisO’Reilly, alias Wellington M.C. 16/2/25 obscene language fine or 3 days N. Zealand labourer 1906 5 4 freckled dark brown brown.. medium .. 18/2/25 Small mouth; scar on bridge of nose and on body ; birth-mark on left upper arm. F.P. Archibald O’Riley, Coyne, Hugh Carterton M.C. 16/2/25 assaulting police 7 days •• Australia .. labourer and miner 1894 5 81 sallow .. brown blue .. medium .. 21/2/25 Several p.o. Soar on left upper arm, on right forearm, on right eye, and on chin. F.P. (8ee Police Gazette, 1924, page 502.) WalkerCashman, Percival J> ' iWellington M.C. 14/2/25 assault fine or 14 days N. Zealand engineer 1891 5 5| fair fair blue .. broad 21/2/25 8 p.c. Scar on base of left thumb, on upper lip, on nose, and on throat; tip of right forefinger missing. F.P. Portion of fine paid. (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 502.) JosephWilson, William WellingtonM.C. breach of prohibition order fine or Iddays England .. labourer 1875 5 7 fresh .. brown blue .. medium .. 21/2/25 Several p.o. Strong build ; scar over each eye ; blue marks on forehead and under right eye ; scar on each shin. F.P. Part of fine paid. (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 261.) 14/2/25


of Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. j When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) I Remarks, and Previous Convictions. {F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Paparua— in. 5 p.c. Flower-girl, harp, and flowers on right Britt, alias Thomas, Christchuroh 10/2/25 fighting days Ireland labourer 1872 5 sallow .. grey blue .. large 16/2/25 lOf sallow .. g^y blue .. large 16/2/25 5 p.c. Flower-girl, harp, and flowers on right M.C. on left girl ; and 110, page (See page Somerville. Jones, Christchurch 9/2/25 and disorderly days Zealand N. salesman . 1883 5 dark .. brown brown .. medium .. 18/2/25 5 p.c. Strong build; Bear on left side of fore84 dark .. brown brown .. medium .. 18/2/25 5 p.c. Strong build; scar on left side of foreM.C. resisting police fine or 7 days head and on left cheek. Portion of fine paid. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1925, page 72.) breach o£ prohibition fine or 7 days head and on left cheek. Portion of fine paid. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1925, page 72.) 1 p.c. EDITH on left wrist; pierced heart Herbert Newton, Christohuroh 18/2/25 fine or 14 days N. Zealand labourer 1896 5 7 fresh .. fair grey .. medium .. 20/2/25 breach of prohibition fine or 14 days N. Zealand labourer 1896 5 7 fresh .. fair grey .. medium .. 20/2/25 1 p.c. EDITH on left wrist ; pierced heart M.C. order fineand 241.) (See Addington— Annie .Watson, Christchuroh M.C. 9/2/25 of days Zealand N. housemaid. 1902 5 pale brown grey .. medium .. 14/2/25 Stout build ; right little finger broken. F.P. 5 pale brown grey .. medium .. 14/2/25 Stout build ; right little finger broken. F.P. Dunedin— • Percy Frederick Dunedin 8/12/24 of . probation months N. house- ware 1905 5 fresh .. brown blue .. medium .. 7/2/25 Small Bear under chin and on left forefinger. 10 fresh .. brown blue medium .. 7/2/25 Small scar under chin and on left forefinger. man (See page Penson, Richard James Dunedin M.C 26/1/25 theft 14 days N. Zealand striker 1882 5 7 dark .. dark brown .. medium .. 7/2/25 Scar on back of neck, on left arm, and on left forefinger; small tattoo-mark on left arm ; little fingers contracted. F.P. Photographed Dawson, James at Dunedin, 31/1/25. (See Polioe Gazette, 1918, page 32.) M.CDunedin Dunedin M.C. 26/1/25 16/1/25 indeoent exposure 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1890 5 44 fresh .. brown brown.. medium .. 14/2/25 Small scar on right cheek and on right forefinger. F.P. theft 14 days N. Zealand striker 1882 5 7 dark .. dark brown.. medium .. 7/2/25 Scar on back of neck, on left arm, and on left forefinger; small tattoo-mark on left arm ; little fingers contracted. F.P. Photographed at Dunedin, 31/1/25. (See Polioe Gazette, 1918, page 32.) Small soar on right cheek' and on right foreDanedin M.C. 16/1/25 indecent exposure 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1890 5 4fc fresh .. brown brown.. medium .. 14/2/25 finger. F.P. John Port Chalmers 4/2/25 absent ship days 14 England .. fireman 1903 5 10 fair fair blue .. medium .. 17/2/25! Slight build ; left middle finger missing ; anchor • , 5 England .. fireman 1903 5 10 fair fair blue .. medium .. 17/2/25 Slight build; left middle finger missing; anchor M.C. leave girl on ; sailing-ship arm. LewisMcDonald, Dunedin 18/12/24 obscene month 1 Zealand labourer 1899 45 fresh .. brown blue .. medium .. 19/2/25 12 p.c. Scars near right eye, on right knee, and on left arm; anchor, woman’s head, horse’s head, and horse-shoe on right arm ; heart, 4 fresh .. brown blue .. medium .. 19/2/25 12 p.c. Scars near right eye, on right knee, and on left arm ; anchor, woman’s head, horse’s Alexander M.C. . 16/12/24 behaviour fine heart, and ; left SCOTLAND thistle, leftthistle, on (See arm. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1924, 132.) Invercargill-^ William Christchurch 2/2/23 breaking entering re Zealand N. labourer 1904 7 fresh .. brown grey .. medium .. 21/2/25 1 p.c. Scar on right ring-finger and on right 7 fresh .. brown grey .. medium .. 21/2/25 1 p.c. Scar on right ring-finger and on right S.C. with intent ; and mative detengroin. F,P. Photographed at Invercargill, breaking, entering, tion 10/3/23. Released on license. (See Police and theft Gazette, 1922, page 437.) *- ! Martin, alias Rangi, S.C. with intent ; and mative detengroin. 'F.P. Photographed at Invercargill, / • .**. j '} breaking, entering, tion 10/3/23. Released on license. (See Police Potuki Rangi W anganu i 16/7/23 theft 2 years’ reforMaori labourer 1904 5 3 copper.. black brown .. broad 20/2/25 1 p.c. Scar over left eye and on right side of M.C. mative dethroat. F.P. Photographed at Invercargill, Potuki Rangi Moore, 1 . and theft Gazette, 1922, page 437.) Wanganui 16/7/23 theft 2 years’ reforMaori labourer 1904 5 3 copper., black brown .. broad 20/2/25 1 p.c. Scar over left eye and on right side of M.C. mative de- * ‘ throat. F.P. Photographed at Invercargill, Moore, Alexander, Moore, tenfcion 25/8/23. Released on license. (See Police Gazette, 1922, page 47.) Dunedin S.C. 7/8/22 indecent assault 3 years N. Zealand labourer 1903 4 8 fresh .. fair hazel .. medium .. 20/2/25 2 p.c. Two small moles on back of neck; fingers deformed ; little fingers slightly bent; Alexander, alias Moore, F.P. Photographed at Invercargill, 19/8/22. Released on license. (See Police Gazette, 1917, page 607.) - 25/8/23. Released on license. (See Police Gazette, 1922, page 47.) tention 7/8/22 indecent assault 3 years N. Zealand labourer 1903 4 8 fresh .. fair hazel .. medium .. 20/2/25 2 p.c. Two small moles on back of neck; i ' fingers deformed; little fingers slightly bent; Dunedin S.C. F.P. Photographed at Invercargill, 19/8/22. ■ ~ ■ t • - . ' : Mij .7.. j ll/.j) 1 ) 7* i ''{.7: '!.! 0 ' ij ill ;v ■ w- : Released on license. (See Police Gazette, 1917, page 607.) Alexander


. 4 Sentence. Native ot - - - - Trade. g Hair. ! j Byes. Nose. When disRemarks, and Previous Convictions. ■ Gaol, Name Prisoner. of “ Sentence. j Native of Trade. a S3 Hair. 1 Eyes. Nose. When disRemarks, and Previous Convictions. Where tried. j When. Offence. O *3 W plexioa. charged. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.). . Gad, Name continued. Invercargill Where tried. j When. Offence. o « *3 W plexioo. charged. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) continued. Invercargill Invercargill M.C. 22/4/21 theft > 3 years’ reformative deN. Zealand labourer 1902 ft 5 in. 7* sallow .. brown .. grey .. medium .. 20/2/25 Scar on right forefinger and on left middle linger; three small scars on back; scar on cention back and on left leg ; each little toe overlaps Invercargill 30/8/21 incorrigible rogue; theft 5 years’ reforadjoining toe. F.P. Photographed at InverS.C (3 charges) ; and mative decargill, 23/4/21. Released on license. Gilligan, Walter Invercargill M.C. 22/4/21 theft .. .. 3 years’ reformative deN. Zealand labourer 1902 ft 5 in. 7* sallow .. brown grey .. medium .. 20/2/25 Scar on right forefinger and on left middle finger; three small scars on back; scar on back and on left leg ; each little toe overlaps tention Invercargill 30/8/21 incorrigible rogue, theft 5 years’ reforadjoining toe. F.P. Photographed at InverS.C (3 charges) ; and mative decargill, 23/4/21. Released on license. ' . entering,breaking, and tention on FrankO’Donnell, Christchurch 10/5/22 assaultindecent 3 years’ N. labourer 1905 5 6 fair fair blue .. medium 16/2/25 S.C. mative detention 1 year’s Invercargill, James Christchurch 4/4/24 entering, breaking, Zealand labourer 1903 5 n fresh fair blue . medium . 17/2/25 head 1 Scar p.c. S.C. theft deInvercargill, Photographed tention (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 439.) , • . , Albert George tention • (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 439.) Dunedin M.C. 27/4/23 breach of probation 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1901 5 8 fresh .. fair brown .. Roman .. 17/2/25 2 p.c. Scar on right testicle. F.P. PhotoDunedin S.C. 8/5/23 breaking, entering, and 3 years’ reforgraphed at Invercargill, 7/7/23. Released on George f. • theft (2 charges) mative detention license. (See Police Gazette, 1922, page 646.) Dunedin M.C. 27/4/23 breach of probation .. 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1901 5 8 fresh .. fair brown .. Roman .. 17/2/25 2 p.c. Scar on right testicle. F.P. PhotoDunedin S.C. 8/5/23 breaking, entering, and 3 years’ reforgraphed at Invercargill, 7/7/23. Released on McCaw, John Gordon .. Invercargill 11/11/22 theft 3 years’ reforN. Zealand engineer 1900 5 8i sallow .. black brown .. medium 17/2/25 3 p.c. Scars on knees. F.P. Photographed M.C. mative de- " - f \ \ at Invercargill, 25/11/22 .Released on license. tention (See Police Gazette, 1922, page 226.) Reed, George, alias Eade, Hamilton S.C. 12/6/23 breaking, entering, and 2 years’ reforAustralia .. labourer 1903 5 8f fresh .. brown hazel .. snub 18/2/25 Scar on back of left band ; brown dot on right •> T ■ Leslie charges) (2 theft de-mative de-mative tention tention (See 1922, page mole on onwrist; left cheek ; several moles near right ear. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 30/5/23. Released on license. Gordon John McCaw, George Invercargill Bluff . M.C. 11/11/22 9/2/25 theft stowaway years’ days 10 Zealand England . engineer fireman 1900 1899 5 5 8i 6 sallow. fresh light brown blue medium .. 18/2/25 Star on back of left hand; woman’s head on right arm. F.P. black brown .. medium 17/2/25 3 p.c. Scars on knees. F.P. Photographed M.C. mative der \ i ' ‘ - at Invercargill, 25/11/22 -Released on license. tention (See Police Gazette, 1922, page 226.) Eade, George, JohnBaker, Henry S.C.Hamilton Bluff M.C. 12/6/23 9/2/25 andbreaking, stowaway years’ days 10 Australia . England . labourer fireman 1903 1900 5 5 8} 5 fresh . . sallow . brown dark hazel grey medium .. 18/2/25 Sailor, woman’s head, snake, and eagle on right arm , CARSETTO, dagger, heart, and I LOVE LILY IVY PEMBARTHY on left snub 18/2/25 Scar on back of left band ; brown dot on right 4> ■ * - arm. F.P. Harman, William Bluff M.C. .. 9/2/25 stowaway 10 days . .. England .. fireman 1898 5 10j fresh .. light brown blue .. medium .. 18/2/25 Scar on back and on left side of neck. Weavers, James Edward, Dunedin S.C. 6/9/21 theft (2 charges) 5 years’ reforN. Zealand labourer 1898 5 6 fresh .. brown blue .. medium .. 18/2/25 2 p.c. Scar on right little finger, on left thumb, alias Weavers, John mative deon back of neck, and on right cheek. F.P. Leslie Edward tention Photographed at Invercargill, 10/8/18. Released on license. (See Police Gazette, 1920, page 358.) theft mative dewrist; mole on centre of forehead and on tention . r __ • . ... . . .- vVV left cheek ; several moles near right ear. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 30/5/23. Released on license. George JohD, James or Duncan, Bluff M.C. Invercargill 9/2/25 20/11/24 stowaway forgery days 10 months 3 England N. fireman labourer 1899 1886 5 6 6 0 fresh . fresh . brown light brown blue .. grey . medium .. medium . 18/2/25 19/2/25 back of woman’s hand; and on forefinger right arm. F.P. JohnBaker, Henry alias Harris Bluff M.C. thumb. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1914, page 166.) 9/2/25 stowaway 10 days England .. fireman 1900 5 5 sallow.. dark brown grey .. medium .. 18/2/25 Sailor, woman’s head, snake, and eagle on right arm, CARSETTO, dagger, heart, and I LOVE LILY IVY PEMBARTHY on left arm. F.P. Scar on back and on left side of neck. . WilliamHarman, Scott, Scott, Bluff M.C. Auckland 9/2/25 21/2/23 forgery (2 charges!: and 3 years’ reforN. Zealand labourer 1905 5 6 fresh .. dark brown brown .. medium .. 19/2/25 1 p.c. Scar on right wrist ; mole on left cheek. stowaway 10 days England .. fireman 1898 5 10j fresh .. light brown blue .. medium .. 18/2/25 Weavers, Brooks, George Dunedin S.C. S.C. uttering false documative deF.P. Photographed at Auckland, 13/2/23. 6/9/21 theft (2 charges) 5 years’ reforN. Zealand labourer 1898 5 6 fresh .. brown blue .. medium .. 18/2/25 2 p.c. Scar on tight little finger, on left thumb, John v ers, George mative deon back of neck, and on right cheek. F.P. ments (2 charges) tention Released on license. (See Police Gazette, 1921, page 359.) Tohill, Alohonso, alias Dunedin M.C. 23/6/23 theft 2 years’ reforN. Zealand labourer 1902 5 5 fresh .. dark, curly grey .. medium .. 19/2/25 2 p.c. Left pupil injured; scar on left leg. Edward George mative deF.P. Photographed at Invercargill, 7/7/23. tention . .... . ' Released on license. (See Police Gazette, 1920, page 606.) tention, it Photographed at Invercargill, 10/8/18. Released on lioense. (See Police Gazette, 1920, page 358.) 7 . . . ,, John, James or 20/11/24 forgery 3 months N. Zealand labourer 1886 6 0 fresh .. brown grey .. medium .. 19/2/25 5 p.c. Scar on chin and on left forefinger and Invercargill M.C. ' thumb. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1914, page 166.) Harris alias Scott, Scott, 21/2/23 forgery (2 charges!: and 3 years’ reforN. Zealand labourer 1905 5 6 fresh .. dark brown brown .. medium .. 19/2/25 1 p.o; Scar on right wrist; mole on left cheek. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 13/2/23. Auokland S.C. uttering false documative dev 1 , • i > H» 7alias 1 George George, tention Released on license. (See Police Gazette, . 1921, page 359.) ments (2 charges) Dunedin M.C. 23/6/23 theft 2 years’ reformative deN. Zealand labourer 1902 5 5 fresh .. dark, curly grey .. medium .. 19/2/25 2 p.c. Left pupil injured; scar on left leg. alias Alohonso, Davis, George F.P. Photographed at Invercargill, 7/7/23. Released on license. (See Police Gazette, 1920, page 606.) tention


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume L, Issue 9, 4 March 1925, Page 137

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EXTRACTS FROM NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume L, Issue 9, 4 March 1925, Page 137

EXTRACTS FROM NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume L, Issue 9, 4 March 1925, Page 137

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