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Whang —loth November last, on warrant of commitment to Whangarei Police-gaol for four days in default of paying £2 9s. fine and costs for being on licensed premises during prohibited hours, Arthur Watson Green, alias William Burgess, age thirty-eight, height 5 ft. 6Jin., labourer, native of New Zealand, slight build, fresh complexion, fair hair (bald), light-grey eyes, prominent nose, scar on nose ; dressed in a dark-grey suit and fawn-felt hat; slovenly appearance. (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 579.) / -

Auckland. — instant, on warrant for failing to comply with the terms of a maintenance order for the support of his wife, Elizabeth Frances Morrow, 3 Hyich Avenue, Epsom, Benjamin Morrow, age sixty, height 5 ft. 9 in., labourer, native of Scotland, slight build, fair complexion, grey hair, blue eyes, grey moustache, anchor and figure on arms. Arrears to 18th November last, £267 3s. (See Police Gazette, 1921. page 769.) J «Q

Auckland. — instant, on warrant for failing to comply with the terms of a maintenance order for the support of his wife, Eva Irene Myrtle Eddy, 9 Brunswick Street, and three children, William Hocking Eddy, age thirty-one, height 5 ft. 9 in., labourer and seaman, native of Australia, strong build, fair complexion, brown hair, blue eyes, regimental badge on one arm ; dressed in a navy-blue suit. Arrears to 2nd instant, £34 10s.

Auckland. lßth ultimo, on warrant of commitment to Auckland Prison for one month in default of paying £35 arrears due on a. maintenance order for the support of his wife, Florence Kerr, 34 St. Pauls Street, James Alexander Kerr, age thirty-four, height 5 ft. 5 in., labourer and gumdigger, native of New Zealand, strong build, florid complexion, wavy dark-brown hai/ brown eyepu /*)*_•-/) V/) O ff / O

Auckland.— 6th instant, for failing to comply with the conditions of his release upon probation (Offenders Probation Act, 1920), Robert Hume, age twenty, height 5 ft. 3 in., labourer and painter, native of Scotland, slight build, fair complexion and hair, blue eyes, four upper teeth missing, scar on right side of neck and on centre of forehead, tattoomark on left little finger. It is desired that he be arrested and brought before the Court on the original charge of “ Stealing at Auckland on the 7th June, 1924, £lO in money, the property of Arthur Ford Chiles.” (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 479, and 1925, page 37.) , . . _ A ■

Auckland. — Ist October last, on warrant of commitment to Auckland Prison for two months in default of paying £IOB 15s. arrears due on a maintenance order for the support of Pearl Valentine Smart, an inmate of Hamilton Receiving Home, Walter Smart, alias William Adams, age thirty-eight, height 5 ft. 7 in., labourer and miner, native of New Zealand, medium build, sallow complexion, curly brown hair, grey eyes, clean-shaved, scar on left hand. Arrears computed to Ist July last. (See Police Ghetto, 1924, page 275.) Auckland. 4th November last, on warrant of commitment to Auckland Prison for one month in default of paying £4 Bs. damages and costs for unlawfully using a motor-car, Reginald Lincoln, age twenty-four, height 5 ft. 8^- in., electrician, native of New Zealand, medium build, fresh complexion, light-brown hair, blue eyes, scar on right side of neck. (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 650.) faU-ZT-l-Ztl

Auckland. —6th instant, for failing to comply with the conditions of his release upon probation (Offenders Probation Act, 1920), Harold James Tierney, age twenty-six, height 5 ft. 8£ in., labourer and motor-driver, native of New Zealand, medium build, florid freckled complexion, fair hair, blue eyes, bum-scars on face. His arrest is desired. (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 378, and Photographs, 1923, page 25 J(t nrtHot-cJd WgT'V /l 5 * —Peter McCormack, default of fine and costs : It has been ascertained by the Waihi police 'that he is now known as James McHugh, and isjdentical with James McHugh, alias Ned Kelly, alias Peter McCormack, alias James McEwen, referred to in Police Gazette, 1922, page 418. (See Police Gazette, 1915, page 553.) £J' ' £s'

Hamilton. — lßth November last, on warrant of commitment to Auckland Prison for one day in default of paying 13s. fine and costs for drunkenness, Patrick Ryan, age thirtyfive, height 5 ft. 7 in., labourer, native of Ireland, medium build, fresh complexion, brown hair, blue eyes ; anchor, heart, clasped hands, tombstone, “ In loving memory of mother,” bird, and harp on loft forearm ; ship, horse-shoe, anchor, “ Good Luck,” and crossed hands, &c., on right forearm.

Hamilton. —9th October last, on two warrants of commitment to Auckland Prison for twenty-four hours on each in default of paying £1 (is. (13s. on each) fines and costs for leaving a vehicle not parallel to the footpath, and not having the wheel of his vehicle chained when unattended, Norman Davis, age twenty-six, height 5 ft. 5£ in., labourer and seaman, native of England, medium build, fair complexion and hair, grey eyes, scar on right forefinger and on left hand. (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 47 S', and Photographs, 1920, pnf!e 21 ' ) JjjjAb VJf U f'JS- " Taneatua. —20th ultimo, on warrant for false pretences, Albert Thomas Smith, age twenty-five, height 5 ft. 7 in., farm hand and share milker, native of New Zealand, medium build, fresh complexion, black hair, blue protruding eyes, cleanshaved, full face ; wearing light-coloured riding-breeches and leggings. Accused obtained £3 cash from George Wilson, storekeeper, Ruatoki, by means of a valueless cheque for £lO 4s. 6d., which he tendered in payment of an account which he owed of £7 45./6d./ There arc other charges pending. Gisborne. instant, that a summons for being found on licensed premises during prohibited hours may be served upon him, Bevis Edgar Meade, age forty-five, height 5 ft. 5£ in., carpenter, native of England, medium build, dark complexion and moustache, brown hair, dark- brown eyes, large nose, scar on left shin ; dressed in a dark-grey suit and felt hat. (See Police Gazette, 1914, jiage^^amMt) Hi, page 638^_

Taupo.- 7th instant, that he may be induced to maintain his brother, an inmate of Porirua Mental Hospital, Leslie Irwin, ago about thirty-eight, height 5 ft. in., labourer, native of England, medium build, dark complexion and hair, sharp features ; usually dressed in a grey suit, grey-felt hat, and tan boots ; erect aSa&tATv* 2S.

■Te Kuiti. — November last, on warrant of commitment to Auckland Prison for fourteen days in default of paying £4 2s. fid. fine and costs for allowing stock to wander, Hormah Riddle, age forty, height 5 ft. 9 in., farmer, native of New Zealand, strong build, florid complexion, fair hair, blue eyes dressed in a grey-tweed suit a inf light Jelt hat. y / V\ fV 'l / 2'-" A »

Wanganui. — September last, on warrant ‘ of commitment to Hawera Police-gaol for three days in default of paying £2 His. fine arid costs for trespass on the railway, George J. Pope, age fifty-nine, height 5 ft. 9 in., engineer, native of Ireland, medium bid fresh complexion, grey hair, '*'" c eyeß '/ ///y-i^

Pabiatua. 26th November last, on warrant of commitment to Wellington Prison for one month in default of paying £ll 10s. arrears due on a maintenance order for the support of his daughter, Marjorie L. S. Howe, an inmate of an industrial school, Leslie Herbert Edward Howe, alias Brandon, age thirty-three, height 5 ft. 6 in., labourer, native of New, Zealand, medium build, fresh complexion, dark hair, grey eyes;, scar on neck, on right side of mouth, on right palm, and between right forefinger and thumb; talkative and plausible. Arrears computed to 25th September last. .(See Police Gazettes 1924, page 647, and Photographs, 1917, page 6.)

Shannon. —l4th February last, that proceedings for failing to register a rifle may be instituted against him, Thomas William Boyd, age about thirty-five, height about 5 ft. 6 in., labourer, medium build, fair complexion,-clean-shaved ; dressed in a dark-grey suit, and dark-grey-felt hat.

Shannon.- 13th instant, that he may be compelled to comply with the terms of a maintenance order, Joseph Wright, age about thirty-five, height 5 ft. 11 in., labourer, native of New Zealand, medium build, fair complexion, clean-shaved, prominent ears ; dressed in a navy-blue suit and grey-felt hat.

Wellington. — loth instant, on warrant of commitment to Auckland Prison for three days in default of paying £1 fine for failing to comply with the terms of a maintenance order for the support of his wife, George Cowen, alias Cowan, age sixty-eight, height 5 ft. 10 in., bricklayer, native of England, medium build, fair complexion, grey hair, blue eyes, Crucifix on left arm. .4See Police Gazette, 1924, page 359.) / 'h fS'F »

Wellington.- 23rd ultimo, on warrant of commitment to Auckland Prison for one month in default of paying £67 2s. arrears due on . a maintenance order for the support of his wife, Meta Cairns, William C. Cairns, medical practitioner (no description available). Arrears computed to 27th September IBSt /vAyfe'S-

Wellington. 23rd ultimo, on warrant of commitment to Wanganui Prison for fourteen days in default of paying £22 14s. fid. arrears due on a maintenance order for the support of his illegitimate child, of Whom Pearl Crudis is , the mother, Richard Wells (no description available). Arrears computed to 7th July last.

Wellington. —Herbert Edward King, default of fine and costs. (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 536): It has been ascertained by the Wellington police that he is identical with man of same name referred to in Police Gazette, 1923, page 494. ,

Wellington. —lst instant, for escaping from Wr Tako Prison, Victor Charles Hugo Greaves, alias Arthur Greaves, alias Patrick O’Connor, alias Steadman, age twenty-five, height 5 ft. 9 j in., bootmaker and seaman, native of Australia, medium build, fresh complexion, dark-brown hair, grey eyes, woman’s bust on right forearm, anchor and cross on left forearm. (See Police Gazette, "1924,, page 551, and Photographs, page 32.)

Wellington. — loth instant, on warrant of commitment to Auckland Prison for two months in default of paying £6 arrears due on a maintenance order for the support of his wife, Alice May Meakin, Maurice Leslie Meakin, age about twenty-nine, height 6 ft., native of Australia, fair com plexion, ginger hair, blue eyes, crooked mouth. His photograph is filed in the Inspector’s.. Office, Wellington. Arrears computed to 17th November last.

Grkymouth. —6th August last, on warrant of commitment to Greymouth Prison for three days in default of paying 13s. costs for being found on licensed premises during prohibited hours, John O’Brien, age thirty-three, height 5 ft. 11 in., labourer, native of New Zealand, stout -build, sallow complexion, dark hair and eyes : dressed in a dark suit and felt hat.

Christchurch. 7th instant, that, he may be returned to Quail Island, George Phillips, age thirty-four, height about 5 ft. 10 in., native of India (of British parents), medium build, fair complexion, dusky mottled cheeks ; dressed in a blue or grey suit, and may represent himself to be an Indian missionary. He is a leper and escaped from Quail Island on above date. An order for his removal to the island has been made under the Health Act, 1920. His photograph is filed in the Inspector’s Office, Christchurch.

Christchurch. 6th instant, on warrant of commitment to Paparua Prison for three months in default of paying £ls 19s. arrears due on a maintenance order for the support of his illegitimate child, of whom Ivy Grace Irving, domestic, 16 Lyttelton Street, Spreydon, is the mother, Thomas Tangney, alias Canning, alias Murray age thirty-four, height 5 ft. 4f in., labourer, native of New Zealand, medium build, fair complexion, light-brown hair, grey-blue eyes; mole on each cheek, under left eye, and on each side of chin ; scar on left hand and on side of left knee ; several front teeth missing. Arrears computed to 17th Juno last. (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 599, and Photographs, 1915, page 49.)

Christchurch. —20th ultimo, on warrant of commitment to Paparua Prison for one month in default of paying £4 18s. balance of fine and costs for unlawfully using a motor-car, Patrick Joseph Clemenger, age twenty-four, height 5 ft. 5 in., hotel porter and steward, native of England, slight build, pale complexion, brown hair, blue eyes ; usually dressed in a grey or brown suit. (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 619.)

Christchurch. —30th July last, for failing to comply with the conditions of his release upon probation (Offenders Probation Act, 1920), Allan Charles Mann, alias Ernest Stanley Trigg, alias Elliott, age twenty-five, height 5 ft. in., labourer and musician, native of England, slight build, fair complexion, light-brown hair, hazel eyes, birth-mark on left forearm, scar on left shin; slight impediment in speech. His arrest is desired. (See Police Gazette, 1924, pages 395 and 450, and Photographs, page 61.)

Christchurch. —26th September last, for failing to comply with the conditions of his release upon probation (Offenders Probation Act, 1920), Reginald Dominic Mclnerney, alias Reginald Francis Dwyer, age twenty-eight, height 5 ft. 5 in., hotel porter, native of Australia, fresh complexion, brown hair and eyes, crossed hands, flags, and Australia oil right arm. His arrest is desired. (See Police Gazette, 19:&4, page 189, and Photographs, page cffl/lfilf Christchurch. 2nd ultimo, on warrant of commitment to Auckland Prison for two months in default of paying £ll ss. arrears due on a maintenance order for the support of his wife, Ida Jane Enterkin, 442 St. Asaph Street, Robert Lees Enterkin, age twenty-six, height 5 ft. 8| in., boilermaker and canvasser, native of Scotland, medium build, fresh complexion, auburn hair brushed back, blue eyes, scar on one leg ; usually dressed in a navy-blue suit and fawn-felt hat; frequents billiard-saloons. Arrears computed to 4th November last. "(See Police Gazette, 1924, page 479.)

Linwood. l3th ultimo, on warrant for assaulting Sydney John A’Court, butcher, 49 St. James Street, Richmond, Samuel Aston, age thirty, height 5 ft. 6 in., labourer, native of New Zealand, medium build, fresh complexion, dark hair, blue eyes; and c^p. ->><—

Ashburton. —Ist instant, on warrant for forgery and uttering, Robert Thomas Beveridge, age thirty, height 5 ft. 6 in., labourer, native of New Zealand, slight build, fair complexion and hair, blue eyes, slight scar on right forearm and on ankle ; dressed in a brown dirty suit and grey cap ; fond of drink and horse-racing, and sometimes trains racehorses. Accused forged the signature of Robert Totty to a cheque for £25 10s., and uttered to James Sutherland, baker. (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 698, and following paragraph.) , _

Oamaru. — i 7th November last, on warrant for false pretences, Bert Beveridge, age thirty, height 5 ft. 6 in., labourer, native of New Zealand, slight build, fair complexion, brown hair, blue eyes, slight scars on right forearm and ankle. Accused obtained a mare and foal, value £ls, from Walter Hannah, labourer, Duntroon, by falsely representing himself to be Bertram Lauren son. He is supposed to be identical with Robert Thomas Beveridge, referred raeceding paragraph.

-Temuka.- —6th instant, on warrant tar false pretences, Alfred Fowke, age about thirty-five, height about 5 ft. 9 in., labourer, -medium build, fair complexion, dark hair, cleanshaved; well dressed in dark trousers, grey sports coat, grey vest, felt hat, and tan boots. Accused, who was driven to. Geraldine, Orari, and Ashburton by Harold Philip Wareing, taxi-driver, tendered in payment for his fare a valueless cheque for £lO, No. 385180, on the Bank of New South Wales, Christchurch, receiving £2 change. He lias a cheque-book in his possession. There is another charge pending,

— George Thomas Pollock, alias William George Pollock, alias George Thomas Payne, alias Daniel Barney Sullivan, alias O’Donovan, breach of probation : It has been ascertained by the Blenheim police that he is at present a patient in Wairau. Hospital, Blcnhcun. iSee Police. Gazette, 1925, page 3.) WV/ ' p

Port Chalmers. —-12th instant, on warrant for being absent from the s.s. “ Zealandic ” without leave, A. McDonald, age thirty-three, height sj§ViU of Australia, medium build,xWbby ICb n^tfqT^hrflr, 'grey eyes and moustache ; dressed in a /na/vyJihu/suit. A reward of £2 is offered for his arrest. S

Port Chalmers. — l 2th instant, on warrant for being absent from the s.s. “ Zealandic ” without leave, John Turner, age twenty-two, height 5 ft. 5 in., fireman, native of England, medium build, brown hair, blue eyes ; dressed in a blue suit and grey cap. A reward of £2 is offered for his arrest,, v __ /ri ft).

Dunedin. —22nd ultimo, on warrant for failing to provide for the maintenance of his unborn illegitimate child, Daniel De Courcy, age twenty-five, height 5 ft. 7 in., labourer, native of New Zealand, slight build, fresh complexion, dark-brown hair brushed back, blue eyes ; dressed in a blue suit and greyfelt hat. Complainant, Catherine Florence O’Brien.

Dunedin. —lßth ultimo, on warrant of commitment to Paparua Prison for six months in default of paying £l3 7s. fid. arrears due on a maintenance order for the support of his wife, Myrtle Mary Stockdale, Frank William Stockdale, ago thirty- height 5 ft. 5 in., ex storekeeper, native of England, medium build, dark complexion and hair, brown eyes ; usually dressed in a dark suit and soft hat. (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 545.) ; /f. / , '

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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume L, Issue 3, 21 January 1925, Page 47

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PERSONS WANTED. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume L, Issue 3, 21 January 1925, Page 47

PERSONS WANTED. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume L, Issue 3, 21 January 1925, Page 47

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