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(From New Zealand Gazette, 1920, pages 3156, 3161, 3162, 3168, 3183, and 3184.) Shooting Season for Imported and Native Game, License Fee, &c., Otago Acclimatization District. JELLICOE, Governor-General. IN exercise of the powers vested in me by the Animals Protection Act, 1908, I, John Rushwortb, Viscount Jellicoe, Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby notify that the following imported game — viz,, mallard duck (English wild duck)may be killed within the Otago Acclimatization District as described hereunder (except in the areas mentioned in the Second Schedule hereto) from the second day of May, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-one, to the thirty-first day of July, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-one, both days inclusive ; and Californian quail may be killed in the said district described hereunder (except in the areas mentioned in the First and Second Schedules hereto) from the first day of June, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-one, to the thirtieth day of June, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-one, both days inclusive : All that area in the Otago and Southland Districts comprising the Counties of Vincent, Maniototo, Waihemo, Waikouaiti, Taieri, Peninsula, Tuapeka, Bruce, Clutha, and part of the County of Southland. Bounded on the east and south by the ocean from Shag Point to the mouth of the Mataura River, on the west by the Mataura River and the County of Lake, on the north-west by the County of Westland, and on the north-east by the County of Waitaki; including the City of Dunedin and the boroughs within the above-described area (excepting therefrom the areas mentioned in the Second Schedule hereto). And I do also notify that licenses to kill such imported gtme within the said district shall be issued to any person on payment of the sum of twenty shillings ; and the Chief Postmaster at Dunedin and the Postmasters at Alexandra, Clyde, Cromwell, and Roxburgh are hereby authorized to sign and issue the said licenses to kill imported game.

And I do hereby restrict the number of mallard duck that may be killed by any one person in any one day to not more than twelve head in all. And I do hereby restrict the number of Californian quail that may be killed by any one person in any one day to not more than twenty head in all. And I do hereby notify that the following native game—viz., grey duck, spoonbill duck (or widgeon), teal (except black teal), and black swan— may be killed within the abovementioned district (except in the areas mentioned in the Second Schedule hereto) from the second day of May, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-one, to the thirty-first day of July, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-one, both days inclusive. And I do further notify that pukeko may be killed within the above-mentioned district (except in the areas mentioned in.the Second Schedule hereto) from the second day of May, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-one, to the thirtyfirst day of May, one thousand nine hundred and twentyone, both days inclusive; and that paradise duck may be killed within the above-mentioned district (except in the areas mentioned in the Second Schedule hereto) from the second day of May, one thousand nine hundred and twentyone, to the thirtieth day of June, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-one, both days inclusive. And I do hereby restrict the number of the above-stated native game that may be killed by any one person in any one day to not more than twenty-five head in all, exclusive of black swan. The number of black swan which may be killed is not limited. The number of paradise duck that may be killed by any one person in any one day to be not more than twelve head. , i |

FIRST SCHEDULE. Area wherein Californian Quail shall not be killed. A straight line commencing from the north-eastern corner of Macraes Township (Section 63, Block I, Higblay) to the mouth of the Shag River ; thence by the ocean to the mouth of the Molyneux River; thence by straight line to the most southern portion of Darton Town ; thence by the western boundary of the said town, then by straight line to the southern corner of the Town of Macraes ; thence by western boundary of the said town to the northern boundary of Section 54, Block I, Highlay ; thence per line to the northwestern boundary of aforesaid district to the commencingpoint. SECOND SCHEDULE. 1. All that area in the Greenvale Survey District described in the New Zealand Gazette No. 81, of the sth October, 1899, page 1870. 2. All that area in the Otago Land District known as the Hawksbury Domain (see Neat Zealand Gazette No. 93, of the Bth. November, 1900, page 2033). 3. The lagoon reserve in the Borough of Hawksbury (see New Zealand Gazette No. 4, of the 10th January, 1901, page 70). 4. All that area between Milford Sound and Lake Te Anau (see New Zealand Gazette No. 10, of the 6th February, 1902, page 240). 5. The lagoon known as the Tomahawk Lagoon, Otago Peninsula.

6. All that area in the Otago Land District described in the New Zealand Gazette No. 50, of the 26th May, 1910, page 1589, and known as the Outram Lagoons. 7. The Islands in the Otago Harbour used as quarantine stations (see New Zealand Gazette No. 102, of the 24th November, 1910, page 4069). ' 8. All that area near Middlemareb, in the Otago Land District, described in the New Zealand Gazette No. 60, of the 4th July, 1913, page 2146. 9. All the additional portion of the Hawksbury Domain, in the Otago Land District, described in the New Zealand Gazette No. 114, of the 29th October, 1914, page 3878. 10. All that area near the Waipiata Township, Maniototo Survey District, in the Otago Land District, described in the New Zealand Gazette No. 43, of the 30th April, 1914, page 1586. 11. All that area in the Otago Land District being that part of the Taieri River from the suspension bridge at Middlemarcb to the bridge at Ngapuna, and the area included in lines running parallel to and three chains distant from the said part of the Taieri River on both sides of that river. 12. Also all that area in the said district being Section No. 9, Block 22, Strath-Taieri Survey District. 13. All that area in the Otago Land District, the properties of Mr. J. Crawford Anderson, of Stirling, and Mr. J. Wilcocks, comprising Sections Nos. 6,7, 8,9, and 10, Block XIII, and part of Section No. 2, Block XIV, North Molyneux Survey District.

14. Area known as Balclut’na Coronation Park. 15. Certain land in Tarras Survey District, being the property of Mrs. E. Oliver, of Bendigo (see New Zealand Gazette No. 62, of the 25th May, 1916, page 1788). 16. One mile of the Taieri River up-stream where the Styx Creek enters said river, and land on both banks of the river (see New Zealand Gazette No. 42, of the Bth March, 1917, page 865). 17. Certain land in Teviot Survey District (see New Zealand Gazette No. 78, of the 3rd May, 1917, page 1862). 18. All lands notified or set apart as sanctuaries or reserves for the preservation of imported or native game. As witness the hand of His Excellency the GovernorGeneral, this 27 th day of November, 1920. C. J. PARR, For Minister of Internal Affairs.

Special Regulations for Deer -shooting, Ashburton. JELLICOE, Governor-General. IN exercise of the powers vested in me by the Animals Protection Act, 1908, I, John Rushwort’n, Viscount Jellicoe, Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby make the following regulations prescribing the conditions under which certain red deer may be destroyed in the Ashburton Acclimatization District.

REGULATIONS. 1. Notwithstanding anything contained in the regulations made under the Animals Protection Act, 1908, the Secretary of the Ashburton Acclimatization Society at Ashburton, or any person or persons duly authorized in writing by such secretary, may, during the period hereinafter mentioned, kill red deer of either sex and of any age which, in the opinion of the said Secretary or of the said authorized persons, should be destroyed either by reason of age, deformity, or other physical imperfection. 2. Such deer may be destroyed as aforesaid from the date hereof to 31st December, 1920. 3. A return shall be furnished to the Minister of Internal Affairs by the said Secretary within one calendar month after the expiry of the aforesaid period, and such return shall state the number and sexes of all red deer so destroyed as aforesaid, the dates, and name of person by whom and the locality in which the deer were destroyed. 4. The said Secretary may, with the authority of the said society, authorize the sale, either by auction or otherwise, during the currency of these regulations, of deer destroyed pursuant to these regulations, and of the meat and skins of such deer ; provided that the proceeds derived from such sale shall be devoted to patriotic purposes. 4a. The said Secretary shall, on or before the 31st day of January, 1921, furnish a statement of the moneys received from such sale and of the patriotic purposes or purpose to which they were devoted. 5. Any person who commits a breach of any of the provisions of these regulations shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding £2O. As witness the hand of His Excellency the GovernorGeneral, this 27 th day of November, 1920. D. H. GUTHRIE, For Minister of Internal Affairs.

Regulations under Crimes Amendment Acts. 1910 and 1920. JELLICOE, Governor-General. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government House at Wellington, this 22nd day of November, 1920. Present : His Excellency the Governor-General in Council. IN pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred upon him by section twenty-nine of the Crimes Amendment Art, 1910, and by paragraph (e) of section six of the Crimes Amendment Act, 1920, and of every other power and authority enabling him in that behalf, His Excellency the Governor General of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby make the following regulations for

the purposes of the said Acts, and doth declare that the regulations shall come into force on the twenty-fourth day of November, one thousand nine hundred and twenty.

REGULATIONS. Prisons Board. —Meetings, Duties, etc. 1. The Secretary of the Prisons Board shall notify the time and place of every meeting of the Board to each member thereof. 2. The Secretary shall prepare and place before the Board at every meeting a full statement of the circumstances connected with each case that is brought forward for consideration, in accordance with the requirements of the Act, and shall at any time supply any member of the Board with, such information as may be required regarding the cases of individual prisoners, whether such cases are eligible for consideration by the Board or not. 3. The recommendations of the Board to the GovernorGeneral in regard to the release on probation, discharge, or discharge from probation of offenders shall be signed by the President, or, in the event of his illness or incapacity or during his absence from Wellington, by the member of the Board representing the Department administering the Act. 4. The Board shall at least once in every year, when it meets at each of the prisons or prison institutions of the Dominion where persons serving sentences exceeding three months are confined, consider the case of each habitual criminal, habitual offender, or other person undergoing a sentence of imprisonment or reformative detention therein, with a view to making such recommendations to the GovernorGeneral as it deems fit. At each such meeting the Board shall, as far as possible, give every prisoner then confined in the prison or institution in which it is sitting, who is eligible for consideration, the opportunity of appearing before it and stating his case personally. 5. Habitual criminals, habitual offenders, or persons sentenced to reformative detention who have completed their term of imprisonment may make application to the Board, in writing, for the consideration of their cases once only in every year, but nothing in this regulation shall prevent the Board from considering any case at such time or times as it deems fit, whether such application has been made or not. 6. In terms of paragraph (e) of section 6 of the Crimes Amendment Act, 1920, no prisoner other than an habitual criminal, habitual offender, or person under sentence of reformative detention shall apply to the Board for or be entitled to consideration until he has served at least half the full term of his sentence, nor shall the Board consider a case until six months after the date, of reception into prison. 7. In regard to prisoners who have been sentenced to definite terms of imprisonment exceeding ten years, including those who have received life sentences or death sentences commuted to imprisonment for life, the period within which the Board shall first take any case into consideration shall be five years from the date of reception into prison or from the date upon which the death sentence has been commuted. 8. Upon the representation of the Prisons Department or of any individual member of the Board that there is any special reason for the earlier consideration of a case, the Board shall consider such case at any time after sentence has been passed, and shall make such recommendation as it deems fit in regard thereto, -without reference to the restrictions imposed by the foregoing regulations. F. D. THOMSON, Clerk of the Executive Council.

North Canterbury Acclimatization District redefined. JELLICOE, Governor-General. IN pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities vested in me by the Animals Protection Act, 1908, I, John Rush worth, Viscount Jellicoe, the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby appoint those parts of the said Dominion described in the Schedule hereto to be a district under and for the purposes of the said Act ; and I do hereby declare that such district shall be known as the North Canterbury Acclimatization District ; and Ido hereby revoke the previous notifications defining the said district.

SCHEDULE. North Canterbury Acclimatization District. All that area in the Nelson, Marlborough, and Canterbury Land Districts bounded by a line commencing at Whitcombe Pass and proceeding north-easterly along the summit of the

Southern Alps and the Spenser Mountains to Mount Humboldt ; thence along a right line to Barefell Pass, a right line to Palmer Saddle, and thence down the Conway River to its mouth ; thence southerly along the sea-coast to Rakaia River, and up that river to its source at Whitcombe Pass, the point of commencement. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General, this 18th day of November, 1920. G. JAS. ANDERSON, Minister of Internal Affairs.

Marlborough Acclimatization District defined. JELLICOE, Governor-General. IN pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities vested in me by the Animals Protection Act, 1908, I, John Rushworth, Viscount Jellicoe, Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby appoint those parts of the said Dominion described in the Schedule hereto to be a district under and for the purposes of the said Act; and I do hereby declare that such district shall be known as the Marlborough Acclimatization District.

SCHEDULE. Marlborough Acclimatization District.

All that area in the Nelson, Marlborough, and Canterbury Land Districts bounded by a line commencing at Mount Humboldt in the Spenser Mountains and proceeding thence north-easterly along that range and the St. Arnaud Range to the Waimea County ; thence following the south-eastern boundary of the said Waimea County as described in New

Zealand Gazette, 1917, page 4194, to the shore of Croixelles Harbour ; thence following the sea-coast generally easterly and southerly to the mouth of the Conway River, and up that river to its source at Palmer Saddle ; thence along a right line to Barefell Pass and a right line westerly to Mount Humboldt, the point of commencement: including therein D’Urville Island and all islands adjacent to the coast. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor General, this 18th day, of November, 1920. G. JAS. ANDERSON, Minister of Internal Affairs.

Prohibition of Money-order and Postal Correspondence. THE Postmaster-General of the Dominion of New Zealand having reasonable ground for supposing that the person whose name and address are shown in the Schedule hereunder is engaged in promoting or carrying out a lottery or scheme of chance, it is hereby ordered, under section 28 of the Post and Telegraph Act, 1908, that no money-order in favour of the said person shall be issued, and that no postal packet addressed to the said person (either by .his own "or any fictitious or assumed name), shall be either registered or forwarded by the Post Office of New Zealand.

SCHEDULE. Frank G. Worthy, District Secretary, Australian Labour Party, W. A. Division (Eastern Goldfields District Council), Trades Hall, Kalgoorlie, W.A. Dated this 15th day of November, 1920. J. G. COATES, Postmaster-General.

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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XLV, Issue 49, 8 December 1920, Page 727

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EXTRACTS FROM NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XLV, Issue 49, 8 December 1920, Page 727

EXTRACTS FROM NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XLV, Issue 49, 8 December 1920, Page 727

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