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(From New Zealand Gazette, 1919, pages 2866 and 2900.)


THE following regulations wore laid before the members of the Ashhurst-Pohangina Racing Club at a meeting hold on the 26th day of July, 1919, at Ashhurst, with a recommendation by the Chairman of the Club, Mr. Patrick Hanlon, that the same bo passed at once with a view to their approval by the Governor-General, in pursuance of the Gaming Act, 1908, section 33.

Mr. Patrick Hanlon, the Chairman of the Club 'and the meeting, moved, and Mr. Denis McCarthy seconded, and it was resolved, that such regulations should be adopted, and that the Chairman be authorized to sign the same 'in authentication thereof.

The following are the regulations referred to :—• ASHHURST-POHANGINA RACING CLUB. Regulations. - (Under the Gaming Act, 1908.)

In pursuance and exercise of the powers in that behalf contained in section 33 of the Gaming Act, 1908, and of all other powers and authorities it enabling in that behalf, the Ashhurst-Pohangina Racing: Club, a racing club within the meaning of the said Act (hereinafter referred to as “ the said club ”). doth hereby revoke the regulations dated the 15th day of July, 1916, and in lieu thereof doth hereby make the following regulations controlling the admission of persons to that part of the racecourse on part Section 463, Block 111, Gorge S.D., situated in the District of Ashhurst, Oroua County, and known as the Ashhurst-Pohangina Racecourse, while the said racecourse is used or occupied by the said club for race meetings.

1. These regulations shall come into force on the date of the same being published in the New Zealand Gazette. 2. In these regulations the words “bookmaker,” “racing club,” and race meeting ” shall have the meanings ascribed to those terms respectively by section 2 of the Gaming Act, 1908.

3. The following persons shall be and are hereby excluded from the racecourse above described while the same is used or occupied by the said club for a race meeting, namely,— (a.) Bookmakers. (b.) Bookmakers’ clerks, bookmakers’ assistants, and bookmakers’ agents. (c.) All persons under disqualification inflicted by any racing or trotting club in the Dominion of New Zealand, the Commonwealth of Australia, or elsewhere, if affiliated to the New Zealand Racing Conference, or the New Zealand Trotting Association, or the New Zealand Trotting Conference.

(d.) Common prostitutes, and persons who habitually consort with thieves or with persons who have no lawful visible means of support. (e.) Professional tipsters, persons convicted of housebreaking or pocket-picking, forgery, uttering or possessing counterfeit coin, theft, false pretences, receiving stolen goods, mischief, assault, or any offence or crime of any kind under the Crimes Act, 1908, and also idle and disorderly persons, rogues and vagabonds, and incorrigible rogues convicted under the Police Offences Act, 1908/ and persons convicted of an offence under the Gaming Act, 1908.

The foregoing regulations of the Ashhurst-Pohangina Racing Club were . made and passed by the Ashhurst-Pohangina Racing Club on the 26th day of July, 1919, and signed by the Chairman and Secretary. P. HANLON, Chairman. • A. W. TRASK, Secretary.

The foregoing regulations of the Ashhurst-Pohangina Racing Club are hereby approved this Ist day of September, 1919.

LIVERPOOL, Governor-General,

Regulations under the Police Force Act, 1913,


At the Government House at Wellington, this fifteenth day of September, 1919. Present:

His Excellency the Governor - General in Council.

IN pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities conferred on him by section fourteen of the Police Force Act, 1913, His Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby revoke the regulations made on the eighth day of February, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, under the Police Force Act, 1908, and the regulations made on the thirteenth day of July, one thousand nine hundred and fourteen, under the Police Force Act, 1913, and in lieu thereof doth hereby make the regulations set forth hereunder; and doth declare that such revocation and the regulations hereby made shall take effect on the first day of October, one thousand nine hundred and nineteen.

REGULATIONS. Constitution of the Force.

1. The present establishment of the New Zealand Police Force consists of the following ranks, viz.:—

Commissioner, Superintendents, Inspectors, Sub-Inspectors, Senior Sergeants, Senior Detectives, Sergeants, Detective-Sergeants, Constables, Detectives.

2. Members of the Force above the rank of Senior Sergeant and Senior Detective are designated “ commissioned officers,” whilst Senior Sergeants, Senior Detectives, Sergeants, and Detective-Sergeants are designated “ non-commissioned officers.” The term “ officer” when used alone in these regulations means a commissioned officer. 3. The Police Force will be divided into two branches, the Uniform Branch and the Detective Branch.

4. Every member of the Force is bound to serve in whatsoever capacity he may, in accordance with the provisions of the Act and these regulations, be required to serve, and at the current rate of pay of any rank to which he may be appointed or reduced, until he is legally discharged. 5. For the purpose of interchange any member of the Force may at any time, at the discretion of the Commissioner, be transferred from one branch of the service to a corresponding rank in the other, and there receive the pay and allowances of the branch to which he is so transferred.

General Duties of the Different Ranks.


6. The Commissioner shall be directly responsible to the Minister in charge of the Police Department. 7. The Commissioner has, subject to the directions of the Minister, the superintendence and control of the Force.

8. He shall take every step in his power to cause all under his control to discharge their duties both to the Government and to the public satisfactorily and efficiently.

He must approve all expenditure, the ordering of supplies, the renting of premises for Police purposes, the acceptance of outside appointments or gratuities, the formation or abolition of stations, the increase or reduction of strength in districts and sub-districts, and all general instructions issued to members of the Force ; and such approval must be obtained prior to any such action being taken, or, in cases of emergency, as soon after as circumstances permit. He is empowered to issue or approve such directions for the government of the Force as circumstances may demand, provided such directions are in consonance with the existing Acts of Parliament regulating the superintendence and control of the Force.


9. The officers in charge of each of the four principal Police districts viz., Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, and Dunedin—shall hold the rank of “ Superintendent,” and it shall be their duty to superintend and control the members of the Force in their districts in accordance with Acts, regulations, and departmental directions, subject to the approval of the Commissioner in all instances. 10. A Superintendent shall be responsible for the prevention of crime, the detection of criminals, and the general preservation of peace in his district. 11. He must make himself acquainted with the various stations in his district and their requirements generally, and shall from time to time grant immediate Police protection to any locality that may require it, if it is apparent that the peace of such locality would be endangered by the delay consequent upon his referring the matter to the Commissioner.

12. He shall report on applications for the forming of new police-stations, and furnish the fullest possible information on the subject. 13. He shall make a proper division of such cities, boroughs, or towns, &c., as may be in his district into beats, and issue the necessary instructions for the proper working of such beats. 14. He shall inspect all officers, non-commissioned officers, and Constables under his charge, and maintain proper discipline over and amongst them. 15. He shall inspect barracks, stations, quarters, stables, paddocks, horses, arms, clothing, appointments, and equipments of the Force committed to his charge. 16. He shall make a thorough inspection, external and internal, of police dwellings the property of the Department, at intervals not exceeding six months, to see that they are properly cared for, and if it is found that they have suffered damage through negligence or other culpable cause, the member of the Force occupying them shall be held responsible.

17. He shall see that all members of the Force are well acquainted with the regulations, that they regularly peruse and make themselves acquainted with the contents of the Police Gazette, and that they copy into their memorandum-books such extracts therefrom as they are more particularly interested in, and that they note in the same manner the particulars of crime reports forwarded to their stations for their information and attention.

18. He shall cause the men to be instructed, when they have cases to bring before the Court, how to obtain evidence and conduct the cases so as to present the particulars to the Court as clearly and as intelligently as possible. 19. He shall promptly report to the Commissioner the occurrence in the district of any event of public importance, especially such events as may affect the public peace.

20. In times of unusual political agitation he"shall arrange for the attendance at political meetings of a sufficient number of trustworthy members of the Force to preserve the peace thereat. 21. He shall pay strict and constant attention to economy; and wherever he sees any means of reducing expense and promoting the utility of the Force under his charge he must not fail to communicate his views to the Commissioner.

22. When visiting stations he shall ascertain if the men have any complaints to make, and, if they have, take the necessary steps to have such complaints investigated. 23. He shall inquire into and deal promptly with all complaints made by or against members of the Force in his district.'

24. He must by frequent personal intercourse make himself acquainted with the character, temper, and conduct of every member of the Force under his charge. 25. He must in clear and explicit terms direct members of the Force under him in the performance of their duties, and immediately inform them of any fresh instructions that are issued.

26. He shall see that all books are regularly kept, correspondence and accounts promptly attended to, and returns punctually forwarded. 27. He shall frequently inspect men and stations, see that members of the Force are correct in appearance, behaviour, and dress, that the station property and kits are in good order and complete, that troophorses are properly cared for, lock-ups clean and secure, stables attended to, and generally satisfy himself that the requirements of the regulations are complied with in every respect. 28. He will be held responsible for a careful scrutiny of all estimates, accounts, and vouchers connected with the Force under him, which are to be supported and authenticated by his certificates of approval; and he shall take care that all accounts, returns, reports, and other official documents are drawn up and completed with the greatest accuracy, precision, and neatness, and transmitted punctually at the proper periods. 29. It will be his duty to disburse, in the payment of salaries, contingent expenses, and other claims against the Department, such amounts as may from time to time be remitted to him for that purpose. 30. He will be held strictly responsible for the punctual payment of all accounts incurred on behalf of the Government, under proper authority; but in cases where the exigencies of the public service have necessitated any expenditure before authority could be obtained, it will be his duty to report the matter as soon as possible and obtain the necessary authority.

31. He shall also examine all accounts and documents which come to his hands, to see that they are prepared in accordance with the regulations, that the charges therein are such as are authorized, that they are correct in calculation and amount, and that they are fully vouched for before he inserts them in his accounts, as he will be required to reply promptly to any inquiry from the Treasury or Audit Office, and to discharge without delay any sum there disallowed. He must strictly conform to the general regulations respecting public accounts. 32. On the receipt of the necessary remittances he shall lose no time in paying the men at each station in his district, and will be held responsible for deducting the amount of fines inflicted for misconduct, or of arrears due by men for stores supplied and to be paid for, and generally all amounts which

he may be required by the regulations, or which hejiiay be specially ordered, to deduct. He will be required to make good any such amount which he may neglect to deduct. 33. Before leaving his headquarters on any tour of inspection that may exceed a period of forty-eight hours he must notify the Commissioner of the probable duration of his absence and the direction in which he is proceeding. He will also notify the Commissioner immediately he returns from any such tour of inspection.

Inspectors and Sub-Inspectors

34. An Inspector placed in charge of a separate district shall have the same powers and duties as a Superintendent has in his district, and he must be governed by the foregoing instructions to that officer, as he will be held immediately responsible for the efficiency, general conduct, discipline, and appearance of his men, the state of his barracks, horses, arms, accoutrements, and ammunition, and for the clothing and other articles of Government property delivered to the Force of his district, as well as the discharge of all his other duties. On taking charge of his district he shall act as the Superintendent is directed to act when taking charge of a district.

35. Inspectors not in charge of districts shall receive and carry out the instructions of the Superintendent in charge of the district, and shall forward their official communications to him instead of to the Commissioner. This regulation applies to any Sub-Inspector placed in charge of a sub-district. 36. A Sub-Inspector shall be directly responsible to his Superintendent or Inspector, as the case may be, for the supervision and control of the members of the Force placed immediately in his charge, and shall act in all matters of duty and discipline in aid of his Superintendent or Inspector, and he shall be the channel for all ordinary communications to and from the Senior and other Sergeants and Constables under his charge.

Senior Sergeants at Headquarters Stations.

37. The Senior Sergeant shall pay implicit and respectful obedience to the orders of the officer under whom he is serving, and shall be expected to show to the Sergeants and Constables serving under him a uniform example of orderly and moral conduct, and of zeal, promptitude, and fidelity in the execution of every duty. It shall be his especial duty to watch over the conduct of the Sergeants and Constables, and to report, without delay, to his immediate superior every irregularity of which they may be guilty. He shall be responsible for the discipline and work of his station, and shall not delegate the control to a Sergeant. He shall superintend the work of beat duty, and pay a fair amount of attention to the men on beat duty by day and night. He must not be employed on duties which do not require the presence of a man of his rank, such as - escort of prisoners, the service of summons, &c.

38. He shall conduct all Police cases in Court whenever it is not convenient for the Inspector or Sub-Inspector to do so : Provided that the Senior Detective may conduct cases brought by members of his staff. 39. He shall never absent himself from his station except on duty or by the permission or direction of the officer in charge of him, and he shall at all times be ready to meet all reasonable demands that may be made on his services. •

Senior and other Sergeants in Charge of Out-stations. 40. On the zeal, activity, and intelligence of the Senior or other Sergeant in charge of an out-station much will depend. He must always bear in mind that on him rests not only the credit of the Police service, but also responsibility for the . legality of all Police action within his control. He must treat all persons having business at the station with becoming respect and civility. He must be impartial and discreet, of strictly correct, orderly, and moral habits, and must never spare himself or his men when the public service requires their exertions. 41. He must exact a ready obedience to his orders in the first instance ; and in the event of any man complaining of harsh treatment he must not fail to report the same, with his own explanation, to his Superintendent, Inspector, or Sub-Inspector, as the case may be. He will best consult his own interests by rigidly observing all the regulations for the Police Force, and steadily pursuing such a line of conduct as will place him above the fear of accusation or recrimination in the event of his being obliged to report his men for any misconduct. While treating his men with kindness and consideration, he is to avoid forfeiting their respect by undue familiarity. 42. He ought, by his own example, to uphold the authority of his superiors, and he must prohibit his men from speaking disrespectfully of officers of the Police Force or other officers of the Public Service. He shall take care that his men abstain from entering upon any religious or political discussion, whether among themselves or with others. 43. He must not reprove his men in the presence of prisoners or the public, but reserve sue i observations for a fitting occasion. He must be perfectly impartial in the division of all the duties of his station, performing his own. portion of them in accordance with the regulations of the Police Force. The station books and all other public records and documents must be kept in his custody and ready for production as required. He will be held strictly responsible for the appearance of his men and barracks, the state of their arms, ammunition, appointments, and every article of public property committed to his charge. He must show an example of neatness in his own dress and appointments, and of perfect cleanliness of his person and quarters ; and he must not fail to report any serious breach of the regulations to his superior officer. 44. At stations where there is only one Sergeant to attend to all duties, he is not required to inspect men going on or coming off duty, between 10 p.m. and 8 a.m., unless he has special reasons for doing so.

Sectional Sergeants in charge of Constables on Beat Duty.

45. A Sergeant in charge of a beat-duty section shall be responsible for the general conduct of the Constables on his relief, and the manner in which they attend to their duties while under his supervision. He must have the Constables belonging to his relief on parade at the appointed time, and observe and report to the Senior or other Sergeant in charge whether every man is present, and correct in dress, equipment, and appearance. He will read to the Constables any orders or instructions intended for their information, and march them to and from their beats. He shall report in writing as early as possible every act of misconduct on the part of any Constable. He must constantly patrol his section, and see that each Constable is active and attentive, and working his beat in accordance with defined direc-

tions, and knows the position of jfire-escapes on buildings, fire-alarm posts, and public or other telephones available for his use. When he places a Constable on a beat for the first time he will accompany him around the beat, and give such verbal instructions as may be necessary to enable the Constable to work his beat correctly. If he finds a Constable absent from his beat without apparent cause, he is to inquire into the cause thereof and - furnish a report on the subject when coming off duty. If the Constable has been absent for some time the Constable on the adjoining beat should be instructed to work in the vacant beat with his own. If a serious crime, fire, or disturbance occurs on the section, the Sergeant should send .or telephone for assistance, taking such steps in the meantime as the circumstances warrant. He must pay particular attention to the manner in which houses licensed for the sale of liquor are conducted, and should visit them with a Constable at uncertain hours. He is to keep all reputed sly-grog shops, brothels, houses of ill-fame, opium-dens, reputed gaming-houses, low-class boardinghouses, pawnshops, and second-hand shops under strict supervision, and report anything suspicious in connection therewith that may attract his attention. When in charge of a night-duty section he shall visit each Constable on such section at least three times during his eight hours’ duty and enter a record of each such visit in his memorandum-book, stating therein the exact time and place of each visit; and the particulars of each such, record are to be again entered by him in his sectional report. Each visit made by him must be in the nature of a surprise visit, and he shall arrange the visits so as to cover the whole of the period of night-duty. When visiting the station, watohhouse, and prisoners in the cells he must not remain longer on the station premises than is necessary, and he must, if his visit exceeds five minutes’ duration at any one time, enter in a book to bo kept for that purpose in the watchhouse the exact time he enters and leaves the station on^ each such vi it. He must visit the prisoners confined in the cells at least once in every two hours. When on day duty he shall visit the Constables on his section twice during each four hours of duty. If circumstances arise which prevent him paying the prescribed number of visits to the Constables on his section he must explain on the back of his sectional report the cause of his failure to pay the prescribed number of visits. He mu st produce his memorandumbook for inspection whenever he is required to do so by any officer or non-commissioned officer in charge of him. Neglect to carry out the foregoing instructions shall be deemed to be an act of misconduct on his part.46. The Sergeant in charge of each relief must see that no civilians are present or within hearing while Constables are being instructed before being marched out on their beats, or while making their reports before being dismissed when coming off duty.


47. A Constable shal always be placed under the control of a superior, but in the execution of his duty as a peace officer he is generally called upon to act on his own responsibility. He should therefore be a man of intelligence, discretion, active habits, and good temper. His first duty is perfect obedience to his superiors. He shall receive the orders of those above him with deference and respect, and execute them with alacrity. He must always be on the alert for the prevention of crime and the

protection of the public;] and he must never omit to report to his Sergeant, or other superior under whom he is serving, any circumstance that may appear to affect the public peace or the character of the Force.


48. The Superintendent shall be strictly responsible for the state of his district and for the conduct and efficiency of all under his command. In like manner the Inspector shall be responsible for his district; and the Sub-Inspector, Senior Sergeant, or Sergeant, for his sub-district; and the Senior Detective or Detective-Sergeant for the men under his charge. If, therefore, irregularities are discovered, the Superintendent, Inspector, Sub-Inspector, Senior Sergeant, Sergeant, Senior Detective, or DetectiveSergeant, as the case may be, who neglected to report them will have to answer for his neglect. 49. As Superintendents and Inspectors must be held responsible for any irregularities or defects in matters relating to organization, administration, and discipline within their respective districts, it is directed that when a Superintendent or Inspector assumes charge of a district he shall with as little delay as possible make a general inspection of it, and report to the Commissioner anything defective or contrary to the regulations of the Force which then comes under his observation, so as to relieve himself of all responsibility connected therewith.

In all cases where members of the Force are found by the Commissioner, when on general inspection duty, to be either unfit for their rank, or very defective in the knowledge of their duties, or showing symptoms of habitual tippling, the Superintendent or Inspector in charge of the district will be held immediately responsible where such cases have not been reported by him.

50. It shall he observed as an invariable rule that in the absence of a superior his authority and responsibility devolve upon the next in rank, unless otherwise specially directed. A due regard for discipline therefore renders it indispensable that every Police party, however small, proceeding upon duty should have a responsible head ; and it shall be understood that when there is no officer or noncommissioned officer available to take charge of the party, the officer or Sergeant sending the party on duty should name a Constable for the purpose, who shall be accountable for the proper performance of the duty, and be obeyed for the time being as if he were a Sergeant. In default of any such special appointment the senior Constable shall take upon himself the command, and be held responsible for the discharge of the required duty. 51. Any member of the Force who temporarily discharges the‘duties of a superior must indicate his own rank after his signature, and add “ for ” such superior. He must not be designated by himself or others as holding the “ acting ” rank of the superior. 52. Every member of the Force shall receive the lawful commands of his superior with deference and respect, and execute them with alacrity ; and every superior in his turn shall give his orders in temperate language, showing due regard for the feelings* of those under his command. And inasmuch as it would be manifestly subversive of discipline were any member of the Force to be allowed to comment either favourably or otherwise upon the orders or official conduct of his superior, such a practice is prohibited


53. In all cases of street accidents, the injured person, if conscious, should be asked if he desires

to be taken home or to a hospital, and the wish expressed should be complied with if practicable and desirable. Where the person appears to be in immediate need of medical attention, the same should be procured. Prompt inquiries should be made as to the cause of the accident, and the names and addresses of witnesses of the occurrence should be obtained with a view to their being subsequently interviewed if necessary.

Sometimes the condition of a person found insensible may be due to drunkenness and the subject a proper one for removal to a lock-up. In cases where the Police are in doubt, a medical opinion should, if practicable, be obtained and acted upon. 54. When accidents involving loss of life occur in factories, workshops, or aboard ships in port, the Police should immediately make full inquiries and, if necessary, take possession of any gear or appliances which caused the accident so that an examination of same by an expert may be made. . In cases of accidents due to tram-cars, motor-cars, or other vehicles, particular note should be made of wheel-marks, distances, and other points which may be required in evidence in any subsequent proceedings. It should also be ascertained from the driver of the vehicle whether he was engaged in the business of an employer at the time of the accident, and, if so, the name and address of the employer. 55. Full reports of all cases of accident dealt with by the Police must be made by the members of the Force concerned as soon as possible after the case have been attended to.


' 56. The strictest economy shall be exercised in all matters relating to official expenditure by members of the Police Force.

57. Officers in charge of districts will be held for any mistakes in accounts certified to by them. The regulations respecting public accounts issued by the Treasury must be implicitly obeyed. 58. The'pay of the Police (except salaried officers) shall be paid monthly out of imprest by the officer in charge of the district, who shall requisition on the first day of each month for an imprest advance sufficient to meet the amount of pay and incidental expenses for that month.

Abstracts for the salaries and allowances of officers must be forwarded so as to reach the Commissioner’s office by the 7th of each month. / y 59. Detailed instructions relating to accounts will be issued by circular as occasion arises.

Annual Report.

60. As soon after the 31st day of March in each year as possible each Superintendent or Inspector in charge of a district shall submit to the Commissioner a report upon his district for the year ending on that date.

All annual reports are to be submitted in the following, form, and are to contain the undermentioned information :

Strength of Force.

(1.) Strength of the Force in the district on the 31st March then last past, giving number of increases or decreases since last return, with names of stations where changes in strength have taken place ; ecommendations as to the necessity for any increase or decrease of the Force at any particular station, together with the reason therefor. .


(2.) Names of stations opened or closed 'during the year. Where any new stations have been acquired they should be mentioned, but no recommendations should be made for new buildings, alterations, or repairs, as this will be done as necessity arises, a special report being made in each case.


(3.) All casualties in the Force for the year ended 31st March then last past, which should include deaths, retirements under the Public Service Superannuation Acts, voluntary resignations, dismissals, and compulsory resignations.

Offences Return

(4.) An analysis of the offences return for the year ended 31st December then last past, showing the number of offences, serious or otherwise, the increase or decrease thereof as compared with the previous year, and, as far as can be judged, the reason therefor.

Serious Crime

(5.) Brief remarks on serious crimes, showing increase or decrease, and probable cause therefor.

Conduct of Police. (6.) Remarks .upon the conduct of the Force generally during the year. .


(7.) Increase or decrease of the population, and remarks on the prosperity or otherwise of the district.


(8.) Recommendations as to any necessary alterations in the criminal law, and remarks as to the effect and working of recent legislation.


(9.) List of stations in districts, showing dates of each inspection by the Superintendent or Inspector during the year, and, if not inspected during the year, date of last inspection, and reason for non-inspection since that date.

Barracks and Barrack Regulations.

61. Officers in charge of districts will be held responsible for the good repair of all buildings and premises occupied by the Department under their charge ; and no alteration or addition shall be made to any Government building, nor shall any building be erected, without the authority of the Commissioner. -

62. Sergeants in charge of sub-districts will be held strictly responsible for the conditions in which the various Police premises under their supervision are kept. 63. All damage to such premises must be reported promptly to the officer in charge of the district, and if due to the carelessness or negligence of any member of the Police Force, that member shall be held responsible therefor, and required to make such damage good. 64. The Police shall keep every part of their barracks, including the approaches, passages, and yards, clean and in order. Manure-pits must be placed at a sufficient distance from the barracks to prevent any nuisance therefrom. Manure, if not used at the station, should be regularly removed.

65. The”windows of Police buildings must be kept clean, opened whenever the weather will permit, and, when damaged, shall be immediately repaired. If such damage has been caused through the fault of a member of the Force, such repairs shall be done at the cost of the member of the Force responsible for the damage. 66. Gates and doors leading into the yard of barrack premises must be kept closed except while being actually used. 67. Large trees, the leaves of which choke the guttering and spouting on buildings, thereby causing damage to them, must not be allowed to grow anywhere near Police buildings. 68. Creeping-plants, roses, &c., must not be trained or allowed to grow up against any such buildings. 69. Where a Police paddock is provided the member of the Force in charge of the station will be held responsible that noxious weeds, such as gorse, blackberry, sweetbrier, broom, and ragwort, are not allowed to make headway in such paddock, and that half the roadway in front of the paddock is kept clear of all such noxious weeds. Live fences must be kept properly trimmed. The officer in charge of the district shall satisfy himself by inspection at least once in every six months that this regulation is strictly complied with. 70. No poultry, cows, horses, or other animals shall be kept on Police premises without the approval of the Superintendent or Inspector in charge of the district.

71. Fowls, if allowed to be kept, must be confined to a particular area and not allowed to run about the stable, lock-up, office, or residence. Fowls must not be kept where the Department provides forage for a Police or private horse. 72. At town stations where regular night and day beat duty is done an inspection shall be made daily at 3 p.m., when all rooms-must be clean and tidy, beds made up, and the whole of the barracks, including passages, swept and dusted. 73. At stations where no beat duty is done at night all rooms must be clean and beds made ready for inspection at 9 a.m. each day. 74. At 11 p.m. such men as have not been given leave or are not on duty must go to bed, and all lights and fires, except such as are authorized to be kept up during the night, must be extinguished by 11.30 p.m. 75. (1.) No member of the Force shall leave the barracks without acquainting the Sergeant or Constable on duty where he is to be found, or go from the town where he is stationed without permission. (2.) This regulation may be relaxed at city stations if the officer in charge approves.

76. Members of the Force who are unmarried shall provide themselves with bedding, consisting of two pairs of blankets, two pairs of sheets, one white quilt, one mattress, and one pillow. 77. If an officer on inspection finds that any article of bedding requires to be washed he shall order it to be replaced by a clean one. 78. A regulation box or other receptacle will be supplied by the Department to each man residing in barracks, to be kept in his sleeping-quarters, for the safe keeping of his underclothing and other personal effects. No private box, bag, or portmanteau shall be allowed in such quarters ; they must be kept in a room specially set apart for that purpose. Shaving-requisites, soiled towels, underclothing, &c., shall not be left lying about exposed to view, and such articles must not be stowed away under mattresses.

79. No one shall wash articles of clothing in any bath or lavatory-basin in barracks. 80. No boots shall be kept by any man in his sleeping-quarters except the pair he has been wearing during the day. All other boots must be kept in the boot-room, in a clean condition.

81. Men shall not keep any part of their uniform in their sleeping- in barracks where a uniform-room is provided. 82. No member of the Force shall use articles of clothing or appointments belonging to any other member without the owner’s permission, or remove them from the place where they are usually kept, or wilfully or negligently damage any such articles. 83. No one shall wilfully or negligently cause any noise near the sleeping-quarters of the men whereby their rest may be disturbed. 84. Where the bathroom is near the men’s sleepingquarters it must not be used between the hours of 11 p.m. and 7 a.m. 85. No one shall bring intoxicating liquor into any barracks, or keep any intoxicating liquor therein. 86. No one shall gamble in barracks, whether by playing at billiards, cards, dice, or any other game. 87. No one shall use indecent, obscene, profane, abusive, or threatening language in any barracks or Police gymnasium.

88. Nails must not be driven into the woodwork or walls of the men’s sleeping-quarters. Suitable hooks for hanging plain clothes thereon will be provided by the Department. 89. If men wish to hang pictures in their sleepingquarters, suitable hooks to hang them on will also be provided. ' No pictures of an objectionable nature will be allowed to be hung in barracks. 90. Maps or other papers shall not be gummed or pasted on the woodwork or walls of any of the offices, rooms, or passages of any barracks. 91. All men residing in barracks must polish the linoleum in their sleeping-quarters weekly. 92. Men having windows in their sleeping-quarters must clean them weekly. 93. Each man residing in barracks shall keep his card in the card-case placed on the door of his sleeping-quarters for that purpose. 94. No one shall smoke in any part of a barracks, except in such room or rooms as may be set apart for that purpose by an order in writing issued by the officer in charge. 95. Persons taking exercise of any kind in a Police gymnasium must use rubber-soled shoes. No one will be allowed to exercise therein in ordinary boots or shoes.

96. Civilians will not be allowed to frequent or take exercise in any Police gymnasium without the permission of the officer in charge. 97. Constables residing in barracks and performing ordinary duty shall be told off in their turn for duty as barrack orderly. 98. Two Constables must be told off daily for orderly duty where the number of men on the station is sufficient to allow of this being done. One shall go on at 7 a.m. and remain on till 3 p.m., when the other shall take up the duty from that hour till 11 p.m. They shall relieve each other for meals. 99. On the orderly taking up his duties in the morning he shall place his card in the card-case provided for that purpose. Such card-case shall be fixed in some prominent place in the passage where it can easily be seen. 100. He shall then carefully sweep out and dust the library, uniform-room, passages, and billiard-

room, brush and dust the billiard-table, shake mats and return them to their proper places, polish brasses, and have this portion of his duties completed by 9.30 a.m. 101. He must wash out or hose down the floors of closets and urinals, and flush the closet-pans every forenoon, using a disinfectant in these conveniences when necessary. 102. Cubicles and other sleeping-quarters must be swept out and dusted, and the beds therein made by their respective occupants not later than 2.30 p.m., after which time the orderly shall brush and dust all passages, stairs, banisters, &c., and have the whole barrack premises ready for inspection at 3 p.m. 103. The orderly shall turn on lights when they become necessary, and turn them off at 11 p.m., unless orders to the contrary have been issued by the officer in charge. 104. He must not quit the barracks during his hours of duty'without the permission of the Senior or other Sergeant in charge. 105. He must not play billiards before 3 o’clock in the afternoon ; but he will be held strictly responsible for the collection of fees from those who have played billiards during his hours of duty, and also for any damage that may have been done to the table or its appointments, unless he can show by whom such damage was done. 106. On the day following his turn of duty as orderly each Constable shall pay to the treasurer of the billiard-table fund all fees for games of billiards played during his hours of duty, and get the treasurer to initial the billiard-table book as having received such fees and mark it as correct.

107. If any one refuses or neglects to pay what he owes for games played, the orderly responsible for the collection of same shall report accordingly without delay.

108. The members of the Force attached to a station where a billiard-table is provided shall meet in the billiard-room at some convenient hour on the first Tuesday of June in each year, and select a committee of seven members from among their number to look after the billiard-table and its appointments, and the fees derived therefrom, and the gymnasium and its appointments.

109. Such committee shall elect one of its members as chairman.

110. It shall meet at least once a month, but oftener if necessary. Three members shall form a quorum.

111. The Superintendent, Inspector, and SnbInspector shall be ex officio members of this committee.

112. When a billiard-table is kept at the headquarters station one of the clerks in the district office shall act as treasurer of the billiard-table fund, and pay all moneys received by him on account of such fund into a trust account kept for that purpose at a savings-bank, and the Superintendent or Inspector for the time being in charge of the district shall act as trustee of such fund.

113. The use of the billiard-table for play, and the amount of the fees for playing thereon, shall be in accordance with rules to be approved from time to time by the Commissioner. 114. All fees for games shall be applied as follows :

(1.) Keeping the table and its appointments insured against fire: (2.) Providing newspapers and magazines for the reading-room and books for the library,

when funds for the latter purpose can be spared : (3.) Providing a new cloth and other appointments as required : (4.) Providing boxing-gloves, handball, and skip-ping-ropes for the gymnasium. Dumbbells, clubs, punching-ball and stand, and wrestling-mats will be provided by the Department. (5.) Providing annual subscriptions for unbound numbers of “ The Times Law Reports ” and “ New Zealand Law Reports ” for use in the reading-room. The Department will bear the cost of binding the volumes in half-calf as they become complete.

115. Officers in charge of districts shall pay particular attention to the establishment of messes, and take all necessary steps for forming and adapting them to the requirements of the Police under their charge, and for so managing them that Constables from other stations who may be passing through on duty may obtain their meals at moderate cost. In all matters relating to the expense and management of the mess the minority must give way to the majority, the officer in charge being appealed to if desired. No mess debts to tradesmen shall be incurred by members. 116. Sergeants must not be elected mess caterers ; the Constables should elect one of their own number to that position. 117. Regularity of hours, cleanliness, proper costume, and correct behaviour at meals must be strictly observed.

118. Relatives of members of the Force, discharged Constables, and other persons not connected with the service shall not be allowed to sleep in barracks ; and no person, except on public business, shall be allowed to frequent Police premises or have access to the records. Any person dismissed from the Force shall not be allowed to frequent Police quarters on any excuse whatsoever; nor shall any member of the Force associate with any such person if the offence for which he was dismissed was of a disgraceful nature.

119. When out-station men arrive at the headquarters station they shall report themselves to the Superintendent or Inspector with as little delay as possible, and again before taking their departure. They must also report their arrival and departure at the watchhouse, where the watchhouse-keeper shall enter their names in a book kept for that purpose, together with the hour of their arrival and departure, and the address at which they can be found while in town.

120. When a person comes to a station to report any matter care must be taken that no civilian is present or within hearing while the statement is being made : Provided that a friend who accompanies the complainant for the purpose of assisting him with his statement will be allowed to be present, but no others.


121. In each of the centres of population where beat duty is carried out sub-districts shall be subdivided into sections and the sections into beats.

122. Each beat is timed, for working purposes. The working of each beat may be changed when deemed necessary or desirable by the officer in charge, but such change in the manner of working shall not affect the time allowed for such working unless the size of the beat is altered. 123. The boundaries of each beat shall be set out in writing, together with instructions as to the

•manner of working and time allowed. These instructions shall be posted up in a prominent place in each station, and members of the Force detailed for beat duty must read and copy same so far as is necessary to enable them to work the beats to which they may be told off. 124. Constables are to patrol their beats at a regular pace, and, in the absence of instructions to the contrary, should work them by the right. The pace should not be less-than two miles and a half an hour. At every intersection of streets they should stop and give a good look all round before proceeding. 125. The regularity with which a Constable is expected to work his beat must not prevent him from remaining at any particular place if necessary for the performance of his duty, but in such cases he must at the first opportunity furnish to the Sergeant in charge of the section a verbal report of the circumstances that detained him.

126. On day duty a Constable is to walk on the portion of the footway nearest the kerbstone ; at night, nearest the buildings : and shall examine all doors, windows, and gates to see if they are pro perly secured. 127. If a Constable finds a place open at night he shall remain outside until assistance reaches him. He must then search the place, and if no persons reside therein he must remain until the Sergeant in charge, of the section arrives, who shall make all arrangements necessary for the care of the premises and communicate with the owner. 128. If a Constable has reason to believe that a person is on the premises who should not be there, the Constable must do the best he can under the circumstances to secure the intruder without waiting for assistance; but in cases of shops, &c., left unlocked it is not desirable that a Constable should examine the premises without a witness. 129. If everything in any such premises is found in order the Constable should obtain a memorandum to that effect from the owner or occupier, and such memorandum shall be attached to the Constable’s report of the occurrence.

130. Constables should call the attention of owners or occupiers of premises to unprotected windows or insecure fastenings -which will unit of access to those premises, so that the same may be remedied.

131. A Constable must be watchful and active on his beat, and know all the lanes, alleys, and rights-of-way, and the position of fire-escapes on buildings and fire-alarms thereon, as well as public or private telephones which may be available for his use whenever he ants to use one. He will pay particular attention to the manner in which houses licensed for the sale of liquor on his beat are conducted, and report to his Sergeant on his first visit anything suspicious which has attracted his attention in connection with any such licensed house. He wall keep reputed sly-grog shops, brothels, houses of ill-fame, gaming-houses, and opium-dens under strict surveillance, and take a note of the persons frequenting them. He is also to note any suspicious movements of vehicles plying for hire. He must promptly report any casualties, collisions, or accidents of a serious nature that happen on his beat. 132. Constables must endeavour so far as possible to prevent obstructions to traffic and to diminish the risk of accident to the public ; they should also see that all gratings, &c., are secure, and, if not, take immediate steps to secure them. 133. Nuisances should be reported, with the names of persons responsible for them, so that the proper authority can be communicated with.

134. If any suspicious character is found loitering about he should he carefully watched, and the fact reported to the Sergeant and to the Constables on adjoining heats. 135. Any occurrences, however trivial in appearance, that have happened up to the time of the visit of the Sergeant in charge of a relief shall he reported verbally to him so that he may take any further steps that his experience suggests as necessary. 136. Loitering by the public at street-corners in busy thoroughfares should receive special attention from Constables, and loiterers should be firmly but civilly moved on. They should not be shoved or pushed about. 137. If at any time a Constable requires immediate assistance, and cannot in any other way obtain it, he must sound his whistle ; but this is to be done as seldom as possible, and shall always be reported afterwards.

138. Sectional Sergeants and Constables shall, when on night duty, take notes in their memorandumbooks of the dates, hours, and places at which they may have seen thieves, prostitutes, or other undesirables consorting together, and will at the end of their fortnight’s night duty furnish reports giving full particulars of the result of their observations in this direction. These reports will be filed, and will be available for reference in the event of the persons named therein being prosecuted for vagrancy. 139. Constables on beat duty shall enter in their memorandum-books the exact time and place at which the Sergeant in charge of the section pays each visit to them. Any Constable who fails to make such entry shall be deemed to be guilty of an act of misconduct. The entries in Constables’ memorandumbooks shall he available for inspection by a superior as required.


140. At stations where bicycles can be used to advantage an allowance, to be determined by the Commissioner, will be made to those members of the Force who provide their own bicycles for use on duty, provided that the approval of the - Commissioner is first obtained.

141. Approval shall be given only in cases where the Superintendent or Inspector in charge of the district satisfies the Commissioner that the use of a bicycle is necessary or will promote the better performance of Police duty.


142. Candidates for the Police Force must be not less than twenty-one and not more than thirty years of age ; they must be at least 5 ft. 9 in. in height, and have 4 a normal chest-measurement of not less than 38 in. Provided that the Commissioner may accept candidates who are slightly under or over the prescribed age-limits, or who are not less than 5 ft. 8|- in. in height, if they are otherwise well qualified for enrolment. Candidates who have had previous Police experience may be accepted up to forty years of age. 143. They must have passed the Fifth Standard Examination prescribed under the Education Act, 1908, or some other examination of at least equal grade. 144. They must be smart, active, intelligent, goodtempered, and free from any bodily complaint or infirmity. 145. They must be of unexceptionable moral character, and be able to give a clear statement of their employment from the time of leaving school until the date of their application.


146. If an applicant is married he must submit a certificate of his marriage. 147. Every application must be made on the proper form, to be obtained from the Superintendent or Inspector in charge of the district. The candidate must fill in correctly the particulars required by the form, and submit a full statement of his previous employment since leaving school, and furnish testimonials from employers and other reputable persons who have had an opportunity of knowing him intimately. He must also obtain a certificate of birth, certificate of education, and, if married, a certificate of marriage, and forward same with his application to the Superintendent or Inspector. 148. The Superintendent or Inspector shall arrange to see the candidate personally at some suitable opportunity, and satisfy himself that the applicant’s height and chest-measurement are up to the required standard, and that he is apparently a suitable candidate for the Force. He shall also cause the candidate to attend for a preliminary medical examination.

149. The Superintendent or Inspector shall cause all possible inquiries to be . made in his district respecting the applicant’s character, temperament, habits, and associates. He shall cause the various periods of employment in his district to be verified by reference to the employers, and shall forward the result, with the candidate’s form of application and certificates, to the Commissioner. 150. If the applicant is a single man inquiries should be made at the various places he boarded at, and if a married man they should be made in the immediate neighbourhood where he resided. 151. When forwarding the application-papers to the Commissioner the Superintendent or Inspector shall express his opinion as to the candidate’s apparent suitability for the Force, as formed from his personal interview with the candidate. 152. If the candidate should fail to pass the preliminary medical examination, or if it is considered from his appearance, apparent lack of intelligence, or any other cause that he is not suitable for the Force, the Superintendent or Inspector shall at once forward the application to the Commissioner with a report to that effect. 153. If after due inquiry a candidate is found suitable, his name shall be placed on the Candidates’ Register, from which recruits will be selected as vacancies occur.

154. Candidates shall, when selected, be notified to attend -for medical examination by the Police Surgeon, and, if passed, they shall he sent to the depot for training. 155. If it is found that they lack the necessary qualifications they shall he discharged from the depot. 156. After passing through the depot they shall, if found suitable, be sworn in and posted to a district. 157. Men who have previously served in the New Zealand or any other Police Force may, at the discretion of the Commissioner, be enrolled in the Force and exempted from depot training. 158. The selection of candidates will invariably be made by the Commissioner, with the approval of the Minister in charge of the Department. Members of the Force may advise suitable men whom they know to be respectable to apply for a form of application to join the Police Force. 159. All communications between the Commissioner and a candidate must pass through the hands of the Superintendent or Inspector in charge of the district in which the candidate is then residing.

160. On the receipt of a notification from the Commissioner to call up any candidate for final medical examination the Superintendent or Inspector shall immediately notify the candidate accordingly, and inform him of the date on which he will be required to enter the Training Depot. He shall then cause inquiries to be made into the candidate’s conduct in his district since last reported upon, and report the result to the Commissioner without delay.


161. The locality of churches and other places of worship should be visited during service, so as to prevent the congregations being disturbed by youths or disorderly persons. Civil Cases.

162. Where members of the Force are called as witnesses in civil cases they must look to the party who subpoenas them for their expenses. 163. Where members of the Force are sued in Court for debt, damages, or any other cause, they shall at once report the fact, with full particulars, for transmission to the Commissioner.

Clerical Staff.

164. Superintendents and Inspectors, and in some instances Sub-Inspectors, are allowed to employ members of the Force to assist them in the clerical work of their respective offices. The names of all such members must, however, be submitted to the Commissioner for his approval. 165. All men employed on clerical duty in any of the above-named offices must wear proper Police uniform during their hours of duty, and they must fall in, in uniform, on all monthly and special parades. They must also be available for uniform duty on all occasions when the services of extra Police are

required. 166. Before a Constable is finally selected for clerical duty it must be shown that his educational qualifications are above that of the average Constable, that he is a man of exemplary conduct (including strict sobriety), and that he has discharged his duties with zeal, energy, and efficiency. 167. No Sergeant who has been employed on clerical duty shall be given charge of a station until after he has served at least a year on active Police duty as Sectional Sergeant after quitting clerical duty. 168. No Senior Sergeant employed on clerical duty shall be promoted to commissioned rank until he has served at least two years as Senior Sergeant outside the District Office.

169. If any member of the Force employed on clerical duty divulges, either directly or indirectly, any matter that may come to his knowledge in the discharge of such clerical duties he shall be liable to dismissal.


170. Any member of the Force believing he has grounds for complaint must report the circumstances of the case to his superior officer promptly; if he does not do so, but delays making his statement, his motives will be judged by such delay. 171. Members of the Force may at any time make any representations they wish to the Commissioner, provided that such representations are in writing, couched in respectful language, and submitted through their immediate superiors. Officers shall submit such representations to the Commissioner without fail, and shall report their own views thereon.

172. Every reasonable consideration shall be given to complaints or representations from members of the Force, but combinations shall be severely dealt with as being subversive of discipline : Provided, however, that nothing in this regulation shall be held to prohibit members of the Force from becoming members of the Public Service Association of New Zealand. Any meeting held with the authority of the Commissioner or the officer in charge, as the case may be, shall not be deemed to be in contravention of this regulation. 173. Complaints respecting superiors, if disrespectful in tone or of a frivolous nature, will render the complainant liable to severe punishment. Insinuations will not be tolerated in official reports.

174. All members of the Force must understand that in preferring charges against their superiors they will expose themselves to severe penalties if their complaints should prove upon investigation to be groundless, or vexatious, or to have sprung from a spirit of recrimination or from vindictive, personal, or any other motives than a simple desire for the good of the service. 175. Great latitude is to be given by officers to any man who, thinking himself aggrieved, wishes to appeal to higher Police authority or to the Minister, and though it is their duty to point out to the complainant the danger of preferring a groundless or frivolous complaint, yet, if the latter persists, his complaint, whatever it may be, must be forwarded to headquarters, provided it is couched in temperate and becoming terms. 176. No man is permitted to complain on behalf of another, every man being held to be the best judge of his own grievances ; nor shall any member of the Force write for or dictate to another any complaint to which he is not himself a party. 177. If a private individual makes any complaint against a member of the Force he must be treated courteously, and his complaint taken down in writing, after which he should be requested to sign it.

He should on no account be referred to another station, but his complaint must be received by the member of the Force to whom it is first made, who shall submit it to his officer in the usual wav.

Care should always be taken to get as much detail as possible, with the view of detecting any unfounded accusations.

178. Any complaints or adverse comments made by Judges, Magistrates, or Justices regarding the conduct of the Police must be reported to the Commissioner, together with a full explanation thereon.

Correspondence and Reports.

179. All communications from officers* in charge of districts intended to be brought under the notice of the Government or the head of any Department shall be made through the Commissioner, and all correspondence and reports from Sergeants and Constables must be forwarded through their immediate superiors. 180. Reports from any district for transmission to the Commissioner’s office must be forwarded through the officer in charge of the district, except in matters of an urgent nature which the Commissioner should be promptly acquainted with, in which case the officer in charge of the station must send a telegram to the Commissioner at the same time as he sends one to the officer in charge of the district, and inform the latter that he has done so. 181. Reports from subordinate members of the Force must be drawn up in the first person in

respectful and becoming language, and should be preceded by a brief reference or indication to the subject of the report, as in the following form : Police Station, 19.... Report of Constable [or Sergeant, &c., as the case may be\ No , RELATIVE TO [tfcc.].

Then should follow the report in the first person, and it must be signed at the end by the person making it, and his register number given. 182. All correspondence and reports must be expressed in clear and concise terms, and written on foolscap paper, with one-third margin, on "one side only. 183. Proper attention should be paid to orthography ; and names of persons or places should be correctly spelt, and always alike in all official reports and returns. 184. Every member of the Force should keep in mind the importance of distinct and legible writing. Officers and other members who send to headquarters reports or returns written in a cramped or slovenly manner will expose themselves to censure. No report should be so written as unnecessarily to increase its bulk; but the opposite extreme —that of attempting to compress the writing into a small space —is still more objectionable, and is to be carefully avoided. This admonition is especially applicable to the names of persons and places, which must be written with perfect distinctness. Special care should be taken that all signatures to documents are perfectly legible, both as regards initials and surnames. Erasures should not be made, but corrections of errors in words and figures should be made by drawing a.line through the error and writing or typing the substituted words or figures above or elsewhere. Numerals especially should be corrected in this manner, owing to the difficulty of determining which number is the one. All such erasures and alterations should be initialled by the person who makes them. ’ /

185. Every officer of Police will be held responsible for a careful scrutiny of all reports passing through his hands, and shall see that they are respectfully worded and in proper form. He should see that so far as possible documents are not soiled, worn, or otherwise damaged by being unnecessarily carried about or by negligence in any form. 186. All reports must be promptly furnished. . All inquiries should be expeditiously made and the result reported without unnecessary delay. If a stage is reached at which the investigation, if incomplete, cannot be continued, an interim report showing the progress of the inquiries to date should be furnished. 187. When correspondence is referred to any member of the Force for a report he shall make his report upon a separate sheet of paper, which must be attached in front of the file. Minutes must not be written on the back of reports or correspondence; if there is not sufficient space on the front of the sheet, a fresh sheet of paper must be used. Margins should be used only for very short minutes, such as “ Noted,” “ Referred to —— ,” “ Report herewith,” or some equally brief remarks suitable to the occasion, but even this must not be carried to excess.

Full half-sheets of foolscap must be used for all reports, and no scraps of paper must be attached by any one.

188. Each distinct set of papers should be properly attached at the upper left-hand corner, having the

later reports in front, following consecutively in order of date. If metal fasteners are used in attaching papers, the points thereof should be uppermost. The pages of the file are not to be numbered. A blank sheet should be placed at the back of each file to protect it. Photographs, extracts from newspapers, or exhibits of any kind of cloth or paper, should not be fastened or gummed to the upper left-hand corner of documents. This corner is used for the pin or other fastener of the file of papers, and the practice referred to not only results in mutilation of the photographs or press extracts, but in necessity to remove them in order to see .or peruse them. Telegrams received and placed on a file should be mounted so that the fastener will not obscure or mutilate the place of origin, date, time, or number thereon. Photographs not put up in envelopes should be affixed to separate sheets of paper in such a position if possible that the folding of the paper will not damage them. Press paragraphs should also be affixed to separate sheets of paper, or if more convenient and suitable in particular cases, either in the clear margin of the document (avoiding the left upper corner), or at the end if there is a clear space. Long newspaper reports of trials, or other press matter required for Police files, should be cut column from column the correct lengths, and mounted neatly in proper sequence on foolscap or sheets of paper of similar size. ,

189. When telegrams or letters are sent to any person a press or carbon copy should be attached to the file so as to make it complete. 190. Ordinary official letters to officers of the Force should be addressed to “ The Commissioner,” “ Superintendent,” “ Inspector,” or “ Sub-Inspector of Police,” as the case may be, and not by name. The same rule applies to subordinate members of the Force. Secret or confidential communications should be enclosed in a second cover, the inner one only being marked “ Secret,” or “ Confidential,” as the case may be.

When an official communication addressed to a member of the Force is enclosed in a cover marked “ Private,” “ Confidential,” “ Secret,” “ Personal,” or “ Immediate,” the cover of the reply, if any reply be required, should be marked in a. similar manner. When correspondence of a “ secret ” or “ confidential ” nature is received by an officer and it is impracticable for him to personally make the necessary inquiries, he should personally select and instruct a member of the Force to make them and to report direct to him. A record of such inquiries, and if necessary a copy or precis of the reports, should be kept by the officer personally in a private book. Officers should make such arrangements as they think fit for the opening of and attention to secret or confidential communications received during their absence from office, residence, or the place where they reside. In such case the officer so authorized should make a copy or precis and hand it to the officer on his return. 191. All communications intended for headquarters are to be addressed to “ The Commissioner of Police, Wellington.” 192. In referring to previous correspondence with the Commissioner’s office the record number of such correspondence must be quoted, and when any papers are forwarded with a minute they must be promptly attended to and returned.

193. Whenever an application upon any subject is made to headquarters, or any order referred to

under any existing regulations of the Force, the section of the regulations or the date and number of the general order authorizing such applications must invariably be quoted. 194. In every case where officer's seek information or- where instructions from .headquarters are manifestly required, and a communication is not received within a reasonable time, the Commissioner’s attention should be called thereto.

195. If it is necessary to draw the attention of the Commissioner to any newspaper statement the paragraph should be cut out, pasted on a separate sheet of paper, and forwarded. The name of the newspaper and the date of issue should invariably be placed at the top of the sheet of paper. 198. A Superintendent or Inspector shall, before forwarding any document, report, or return to headquarters, carefully examinh its contents and see that it is not inaccurate, informal, or imperfect. 197. An officer in forwarding reports from those under his charge should not detail facts which are already stated in the papers. He should, however, add any further facts bearing upon the case of which he may be aware, or correct any erroneous impressions which might be created by the previous statement of them. He should invariably give his own opinion of the facts of the case.

198. Officers submitting reports or recommendations respecting members of the Force must see that the register number and full name of each member referred to is given. 199. Two different subjects, though intimately associated, should not be treated in the same memorandum unless it is necessary to consider them , in conjunction. For example,— (1.) The recommendation to transfer Constable “ A ” should not be accompanied on the same paper by a recommendation of Constable “ B ” for the vacancv.

(2.) The recommendation of rewards for different convictions unconnected with one another should not be made on the same memorandum. • .

(8.) A recommendation for horse allowance should not be joined with a recommendation for a new stable at the same station. .‘

200. No member of the Force shall divulge the purport of any official correspondence, or impart any information connected with the Department to private individuals, without authority from the Commissioner or the officer in charge of the district. The Police are strictly prohibited from replying to any unauthorized inquiries made by individuals or societies seeking information as to the character, respectability, or financial position of persons residing in their districts.- If information of a general nature, or statistics, is applied for, instructions must be obtained from headquarters. 201. On the transfer, retirement, or removal from the service of any officer, all official papers and books in that officer’s possession shall be handed over to his successor after careful examination.

202. All reports of crime or other matters made by private individuals to members of the Police Force should be carefully taken down in writing, and after perusal signed by the person who made the report or complaint. Statements of persons interviewed by the police should be taken down in writing in a similar manner when practicable, and dates of the statements should be inserted.


203. Members of the Force having to attend Courts must observe strict punctuality. The officer in charge

should inspect all men on such duty before they quit their stations, to see that they are smart and clean in appearance and in proper uniform; also to see that they are prepared with any property required to be produced in Court in any case in which they may be concerned. 204. Police when giving evidence must stand in an upright position, be respectful in demeanour, and speak explicitly and in a clear voice so as to be heard distinctly by the Court and jury. They are to confine themselves strictly to the evidence in the case before the Court (and to refresh their memories they may refer to any notes they may have made, at thejfime), and in giving evidence they should avoid using slang phrases. In cross-examination answers must be given with the same readiness and respect as in the exami-nation-in-chief, that the whole truth may be elicited, whether against or in favour of the accused.

No man can be considered an efficient member of the Force who is not a good witness ; and any instance of prevarication before the Court, or of giving partial or vindictive evidence, will ensure the immediate punishment of the witness. 205. In summary cases, the Police shall not appear as prosecutors in charges in which they are not the informants, except where statutory authority is given. .

In all cases before Justices where a member of the Force is the informant, any other member of the Force may conduct the prosecution. (See section 81 of the Justices of the Peace Act, 1908.)

Any member of the Force although not the informant or complainant may act as prosecutor in any proceedings under the Police Offences Act, 1908. (See section 76.) 206. The Police arc not to institute prosecutions for perjury, whether in civil or criminal cases, except by direction of the Court in which perjury takes place, or, in default of such direction, with the permission of the Attorney-General. When perjury is alleged to have been committed in criminal cases instituted by the Police it is the duty of the Police in proper cases to make representations to the Commissioner with a view to obtaining the consent of the Attorney-General to a prosecution, the Police in such cases making such initial inquiries as may be necessary for the Attorney-General’s, information. 207. The Police shall see that order is preserved at all Supreme and Police Courts. 208. Whenever practicable, an officer in uniform must be present during all sittings of the Supreme Court for the hearing of criminal cases.

209. At centres of population where the business of the Court warrants, Constables will be detailed to act as Court orderlies ; at other places the Police need not attend Court during the hearing of civil cases unless any trouble is anticipated.

Crime and Crime Reports.

210. Where a serious crime comes under the notice of any member of the Force it is his duty to immediately report such particulars as are available to his superior officer, who shall decide what steps are to be taken to prosecute the inquiry ; in the meantime the member reporting should make what inquiries he can. Members of the Force who neglect to make such report, with the view of conducting the inquiries themselves, will be liable to severe punishment should any miscarriage of justice result through their inability to deal with the case.

211. If finger-prints of supposed offenders are found they should he carefully protected until photographed or the article with print on removed.

212. In all cases of crime where the offender is not arrested at once, or is unknown, crime reports must be made out and circulated to those stations where information may he obtained. Copies of all such crime reports shall be forwarded, to the officer in charge of the district and to the Police Gazette. When necessary, information should be sent by telegram, and the crime report follow.

213. In cases where the member of the Force in charge of an out-station considers that information should be telegraphed to other districts he may suggest that course to the officer in charge of the district, giving his reasons therefor ; but as a rule he shall only telegraph to the officer in charge of the district and to neighbouring stations in the same district. He shall in all cases inform his superior officer where he has sent the information to, so that the latter may exercise his discretion as to where else it should be sent. ,

214. Officers in charge of districts will be held responsible for the proper circulation of reports relating to crimes committed in their respective districts. Where there is reason to believe that the offender is proceeding towards any particular part of New Zealand, the Police of the district in which the crime was committed should report the fact to the Police of that place with the least possible delay. They should also communicate without delay with the Police of any part of New Zealand from which it is thought probable that important information regarding any offender can be obtained. 215. The description of offenders wanted should be carefully given in all crime reports, and the following particulars should be borne in mind when taking a description, although it is not expedient to give such full description as outlined except in important

cases :

Name, with aliases, to be written in full. Country : If born in Great Britain the name of county to be given if known. Trade or occupation : If a tradesman, whether he lives by same or otherwise. Age : Actual, or to appearance. Height. Build : Stout, medium, slender, &c. Weight (approximate) to be given in stones. Complexion: Ruddy, fresh, sallow, sickly, fair, dark, &c. Eyes : Colour, full or sunken, large, small, or medium expression. Hair: ■ Colour, worn long, medium, or short, bushy, thin, curled, or straight.' Beard, moustache, or imperial: Ditto. Head : Large, medium, or small, round, longshaped, or otherwise. Features : Round, medium, or small, prominent, flat, or ordinary, cheek-bones high, &c. Forehead : High or low. Eyebrows : Bushy or thin. Nose : Straight, pug, hooked, roman, large, or

small. Mouth : Large, medium, small, or otherwise. Teeth : Regular or not, colour, any missing, &c., false or natural. • Chin : Round or pointed. Arms : Long, short, or in proportion. Legs : Ditto, bowed, straight, or knock-kneed. Hands : Large, medium, small, delicate, coarse, long fingers or short, rings worn, any joints missing, &c. *

Feet: Large, small, or proportionate. Gait : Slovenly, smart, active, erect, stoop ing, &c. Dress when last seen, and if known to have other dress with him, state . same. Personal peculiarities or deformities : Accidental or natural marks, peculiarities of manner, speech, habits, &c. General appearance : Doctor, clergyman, clerk, labourer, miner, sailor, hawker, pugilist, spieler, &c. All persons wanted : Give particulars to whom known, and in what places, likely haunts, and associates ; previous history, and if distinguished by any particular circumstance connected with his career.

In all cases where an offender has a previous Gazette reference the same should be given in crime report.

216. Two crime-books- shall be kept at each station, in one of which shall be entered all crime reports respecting offences committed within the area attached to the station ; in the other shall be entered all crime reports received from other stations. The result of inquiries shall be entered up on each report in the crime-book, and if an arrest is made, the date thereof with name of person apprehended must be given.

Detective Branch.

217. Members of the Force employed in the Detective 'Branch should possess intelligence, tact, and aptitude for detective work. They should have the power of self-control and close observation, and should be practised in the art of eliciting information. They will frequently be in possession of secret information, and unless they possess the power of keeping their own counsel, even in the presence of their most trusted friends, their efforts may result in failure. 218. It should be their object to avoid everything that tends to excite distrust and suspicion, or expose themselves to misrepresentation. If they conduct themselves so as to lead to a suspicion that they are untruthful, there will be little confidence in their integrity and good faith, and their usefulness will, in consequence, be materially impaired. 219. As great importance is attached to the manner in which members of the Detective Branch discharge their duties, it cannot be too deeply impressed upon them that however anxious the Government may be for the conviction of criminals, even the greatest delinquents are not to be brought to justice by unjustifiable means.. 220. Members of the Detective Branch shall be subject to the same discipline as other members of the Force, • and shall be dealt with for disciplinary and other offences in the same manner as members of the Uniform Branch holding corresponding ranks. The principal duty of members of the Detective Branch is the detection of crime and the arrest of offenders, but it is also their duty to report any breach of the law that is brought under their notice, so that such action may be taken as may be deemed necessary. .

221. They are not to withhold from their superior officer any information they may be possessed of relating to their duty. 222. When a member of the Detective Branch is sent on duty to any place away from his station where there is no officer, the nature and extent of his communications to the local Police must to a

great extent be left to his own discretion, but he will be held responsible if the public interest suffers through undue reticence on his part. He must conduct his business in such a . manner as not to clash with the action of the local Police, and also, as far as practicable, keep the officer in charge of the district informed of his movements. 223. If the members of the Detective Branch act in such a way as to deserve and obtain the aid and co-operation of the general Police, there should be no difficulty in detecting crime and tracing out offenders who, to escape detection, have fled from town to country or from one part of the Dominion to the other ; and it is expected that the general Police will consider it imperative upon them to afford every information in their power to the Detective Police, and to facilitate in every possible way the proper discharge of their particular duties.

224. With a view to the detection of crime, members of the Detective Branch must endeavour to acquire a knowledge of the members of the criminal class, must watch their movements, and promptly communicate particulars of the same and other necessary information to their officers. 225. In reporting the particulars of inquiries conducted and arrests made, and general y of the steps they have taken, they must not omit to include the names of other members of the Force who have been engaged with them in the same duties, or on whose information they have effected the arrest.

226. Senior Detectives shall be located at Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, and Dunedin, and the Senior Detective in charge shall be designated “ Chief Detective.” It shall be their duty to arrange and supervise the work of their staff ; to conduct all detective cases in Court, unless the Inspector (or in his absence the Sub-Inspector) desires to do so ; • to transmit all reports to the Inspector, and report daily to that officer all offences or other matters that have come under their notice. 227. While it is essential that the most suitable officer should be detailed for special cases, members in charge of the Detective Branch must be particularly careful to so apportion the work as not to give rise to any suspicion of favouritism. They shall at all times strongly discountenance any friction amongst their staff or between their staff and the general Police, as, unless the two branches work harmoniously together, the public interests must suffer.

228. The Senior Detective, Detective-Sergeant, or Detective in charge shall keep a diary of the duties performed by each man under his charge. The duties may be posted up by each man, but the Senior or other Detective in charge shall see that they are properly posted and details of duty fully stated. At stations where there is a commissioned officer the diary shall be placed before him for inspection every week.

229. Promotions to the rank of Senior Detective shall be made from among Detective-Sergeants and Sergeants in the Uniform Branch who have passed the examination qualifying for promotion to the rank of Senior Sergeant, but no Detective-Sergeant or Sergeant shall be promoted to the rank of Senior Detective unless he is considered fit to perform the duties of Chief Detective.

230. No Detective shall be promoted to the rank of Detective - Sergeant until he has passed the examination qualifying for. such promotion. 231. The total number of Detective-Sergeants shall not exceed the number of Detectives and ActingDetectives.

232. For the purposes of promotion and transfer a Senior Detective shall be equal in rank to a Senior Sergeant, a Detective-Sergeant to a Sergeant, and a Detective to a Constable.

For the purposes of detective duty a Detective shall be senior to all other Constables. 233. As vacancies occur in. the Detective Branch Constables of exemplary conduct who have two years’ service and who appear to have the prescribed qualifications for detectives will be detailed for duty in that branch under a Senior Detective, on probation for six months. After that time, if favourably reported upon by the officer in charge of the district, they may be further employed on detective duties under the name of “ Acting-Detec-tives.” As such they will continue duty under a Senior Detective for a period of two years, and if their work gives satisfaction they may after the expiry of that time Be appointed Detectives. In making selections for the Detective Branch preference should be given to the younger and more energetic men.

234. Members of the Detective Branch shall be under, the control of the officer in charge of the stations at which they are doing duty, and as, being dressed in plain clothes, they may be required to produce the authority under which they are acting, each shall be furnished with a warrant-card for the purpose, signed by the Commissioner.

235. A warrant-card must on no account be transferred from one member of the Detective Branch to another. They shall be numbered consecutively as issued, and on any member of the Detective Branch leaving that branch of the Force his warrant-card shall be cancelled. Each member of the Force shall be held strictly responsible for the proper care of the warrant-card issued to him, and upon no. .account is he to let it go out of his possession. Any member who through neglect or carelessness loses his warrant-card shall be severely punished. He must immediately report the loss to his officer, and unless he gives a satisfactory explanation as to the cause of the loss he shall be at once suspended from duty until the charge against him of neglect has been disposed of. Warrant-cards are the property of the Government, and must be returned with other appointments by members leaving the Force. In the event of the death of any member of the Detective Branch care must be taken to secure his warrant-card and transmit it to the Commissioner without delay.

236. Warrant-cards shall be issued only to members of the Force who have been appointed to a rank in the Detective Branch. To those on probation or employed on occasional duty in the Detective Branch an identification-card shall be given by the officer in charge. The card must be given up by the holder on his returning to ordinary duty or when he receives a warrant-card.

237. Any instance in which improper use has been made of the documents thus issued to members of the Detective Branch shall be at once reported to the Commissioner.


238. The death of any member of the Force shall be promptly notified to the Commissioner by the officer in charge of the district. 239. The officer in charge of a station shall take charge of the private effects of any unmarried member of the Force who dies thereat, and shall make a careful inventory, of the same in the presence of a subscribing witness, and shall forward a true copy of

such inventory, together with a list of debts (if any), to the officer'in charge of the district, who shall transmit the same, with all necessary information regarding pay and allowances due, to the Public Trustee or his agent, with a view to the proper disposal of such property in accordance with the law.

Defaulter and Merit Sheets.

240. Each member of the Force below the rank of Sub-Inspector shall have a defaulter sheet and a record of merit. All offences for misconduct, acts of indiscipline, &c., of which the man has been convicted shall be entered on the defaulter sheet. This sheet shall be kept at the district office of the district in which the man is for the time being stationed, and on his transfer to another district it shall be forwarded to the officer in charge of the district to which he is transferred. 241. A man’s defaulter sheet shall be a correct transcript of the offences of which he has been convicted, and the punishment awarded for each offence. No monthly return of defaulters shall be sent to the Commissioner’s office until the Superintendent or Inspector has satisfied himself that every conviction recorded against a man during the month has been correctly entered on his defaulter sheet.

242. The record on the defaulter sheet of the decision arrived at by the Commissioner, Eoard of inquiry, Superintendent, or Inspector, after hearing the evidence on each charge, shall be given to the person charged to read, who must signify in writing below the record that he has seen and read it; and he must clearly understand that by doing so he in no way prejudices his right to appeal against the decision should he feel he has good grounds for

doing so. • 243. The original file dealing with each offence of which a member of the Force is convicted shall be forwarded to the Commissioner’s office. 244. The record number and date of the file relating to each entry on a man’s defaulter sheet is to be entered in the column of “ Remarks ” opposite such entry. 245. Cautions and reprimands must not be entered on defaulter sheets, except in cases where reprimands have been administered by the Commissioner, when they shall be entered.

246. In the record-of-merit sheet shall be entered all records of merit granted by the Commissioner to any non-commissioned officer or Constable for special services renderedsuch as acts of bravery in saving life at great personal risk to one’s own life ; the display of great tact and skill in working up a very difficult case and bringing it to a successful issue; or having shown in the discharge of his Police duties exceptional zeal and ability, exceeding that which is expected from zealous and efficient members of the Force of his own rank with similar opportunities. Rewards granted for the detection of sly-grog selling, gaming, and similar offences shall not be recorded on the merit sheet.

247. An entry shall also be made in the merit sheet recording the granting of the long-service and good-conduct or other medal ; • the passing of the Solicitors’ Examination, or any University, Civil Service, ambulance, or Police examination, or any examination showing that the man is proficient in any foreign or the Maori language, or that he is proficient in shorthand up to one hundred words per minute. Satisfactory proof of having passed any such examination must, however, be produced to the Commissioner before the desired entry can be made on the merit sheet.

248. On the discharge or death of a member of the Force, or on his promotion to the rank of officer, his defaulter and merit sheets shall be forwarded to the Commissioner’s office to be recorded and filed there.

249. A certificate of service and conduct as disclosed by the defaulter and merit sheets may be granted to any member of the Force applying for same on his discharge from the Force, provided that he has completed at least twelve months’ service and that he has not been dismissed or compelled to resign on account of misconduct or inefficiency. Such certificates shall be granted only by the Commissioner ; other officers shall not give members of the Force certificates of service or testimonials, but shall refer applications for same to the Commissioner.

250. A record of the transfers of each member of the Force from station to station shall be kept with his defaulter sheet, and in which shall be entered the circumstances that have rendered each transfer necessary, so that it can be seen from the record whether any particular transfer was caused by misconduct or inefficiency, by causes altogether unconnected with the man transferred, or at his own request, or for any other reason. Some transfers are in the nature of punishments, while others are in the nature of rewards, as is the case where a man is frequently removed from station to station because of his superior capabilities. On the other hand, a comparatively inefficient Constable may be sent to an unimportant station where he will be subjected to but few transfers. It is therefore very necessary that the transfer record should be most carefully and correctly filled up, so that an officer, by a perusal of the particulars set forth therein, may be enabled to form a correct judgment concerning the character and efficiency of the Sergeant or Constable who has been transferred to his district. A copy of each entry made in a man’s transfer record is to be forwarded to the Commissioner, so that, the duplicate of the record which is kept in the Commissioner’s office can be posted up accurately.


251. A training-depot is established for the training of recruits. All candidates who have not had considerable previous Police experience shall undergo a course of instruction therein before being sworn in, and should they prove in any way unsuitable will not be permanently appointed to the Force. 252. The following rules shall be observed at the training-depot:— (1.) The probationers shall be provided with free lodgings at the depot, but shall provide their own sheets, towels, boot-brushes, &c.

(2.) They shall be provided with food by the depot caterer, and shall pay the amount fixed by the Commissioner therefor.

(3.) During summer (from the Ist October to the 31st March) all probationers shall rise not later than 6 a.m., and in winter 7 a.m. daily (except Sunday, when they shall rise not later than 7.30 a.m.), and shall do fatigue duty until breakfast-time. (4.) The beds must be made, and bedrooms prepared for inspection by 10 a.m. (5.) The hours for meals shall be arranged by the Superintendent of the district so that as many men as possible belonging to the mess may sit down together. All men must be neatly and properly attired at meals. They must not sit down to meals in shirt-sleeves or singlets.

(6.) No man shall absent himself from the depot without leave from the officer or non-commissioned officer in charge of the depot until after 6 p.m., when the work of the day is finished, and then only on receiving the permission of the Sergeant in charge. (7.) All probationers must be in station by 10 p.m., except under special circumstances, when, on application to the Sergeant in charge of the depot, leave may be granted till 11.30 p.m. The roll shall be called by the Sergeant, or some other member of the Force on his behalf, at 10 p.m., and all men absent without leave shall be reported to the Superintendent of the district. At 10.30 p.m. all men not on duty or on leave must retire for the night, and lights must be extinguished by 11 p.m. (8.) In addition to the foregoing, the Police Regulations relating to barracks, so far as applicable to the training-depot, are to be observed. (9 ) Any probationer acting in disobedience of the foregoing regulations, *or in any other way misconducting himself, will be liable to instant dismissal.

(10.) The Sergeant-Instructor in charge shall be responsible that the strictest order and regularity are maintained at the depot, and that the utmost cleanliness prevails. (11.) The course of instruction for probationers shall embrace the following subjects, as well as any other subjects which the Commissioner may prescribe from time to time—namely, infantry drill, including rifle and bayonet and revolver or auto-matic-pistol exercises; target practice with rifle, revolver, or automatic pistol dumb-bell, jiu jitsu, and other necessary physical exercises; driving, cleaning, and care of motor-vehicles ; the study of the Police Force Act and regulations, and the numerous Acts of Parliament, by-laws, &c., which bear on general Police duties. Each probationer will be supplied with a copy of the necessary statutes, regulations, and by-laws for his own personal use while in the depot. (12.) The Superintendent of the district shall arrange the hours for the classes, lectures, drill parades, &c., but care must be taken that the men are kept fully employed throughout the whole day. (13.) On one day in each week the probationers shall be instructed in “ first aid ” from 8 to 9.30 p.m. by a lecturer appointed by the St. John Ambulance Association.

(14.) On Saturdays their duties shall cease at 2.30 p.m., when, if not required for any special duty, they may be granted leave of absence by the Sergeant or other member of the Force in charge. (15.) On Sundays their duties will be: Fatigue, 7.30 a.m. until breakfast-time, after which they may be relieved for the rest of the day, at the discretion of the Sergeant in charge. (16.) Constables who have had experience as foot Constables and who are applicants for mounted duty, and whose weight, conduct, and general intelligence show that they are suitable candidates for such duty, shall be called up to the depot as vacancies for mounted men occur for a course of cavalry training, which must include riding, sword and revolver or automatic-pistol exercises, the grooming, feeding, and care of horses and saddlery, or such course of training as the Commissioner may see fit to prescribe from time to time.


253. A diary of duties and occurrences shall be kept at each station, in which must be entered an accurate and faithful account of all duties per-

formed by each member of the Force on the station —except members of the Detective Branch, who keep a diary of duty of their own- —on each day of twenty-four hours, commencing at 4.45 a.m. It must also show the hours of arrival- at or departure from the station of men detailed for special duty, men going on or returning off leave, and men reporting themselves from other stations. A note must also be made in the “ Occurrence ” column of all reports of serious crime, accidents, fatalities, &c., received during the twenty-four hours. All entries in the diary shall be made by the Senior or other Sergeant in charge, or under his immediate supervision, who will be responsible for the accuracy of all entries therein, that they are legibly written and free from erasures, and that the whole book is kept clean and in good order. A Constable in charge of a station shall be responsible for the entering-up of the diary at his station. The duties performed during the twenty-four hours ending at 4.45 a.m. must be entered up not later than 10 a.m. each day, except where a Constable in charge of a station by himself is absent from his station, when he must enter up his duties as soon as possible after returning home. Any member of the Force damaging or defacing a diary shall be punished severely.


254. For Police and public purposes New Zealand is divided into Police districts, the districts into subdistricts, and these again into stations and beats.

255. The number and boundaries of districts and sub-districts may be altered from time to time as circumstances require.

District and Native Constables.

256. District Constables are appointed at places where there is not sufficient Police work to warrant a regular member of the Force being stationed. Native Constables are appointed, as a rule, to assist the general Police in districts where Natives are numerous. They shall act under the instructions of the Constable or officer in charge of the station to which they are attached. The duties and responsibilities of District and Native Constables shall be in every respect similar to those of a regular Constable, with the exception that they may engage in business or accept employment from persons outside the Department. They must, however, take care that their business or employment does not clash with their duties as Constables, for if it does their services will be dispensed with. They shall be paid at such rate as may be fixed by the Commissioner in each case : Provided that extra payment not exceeding the current rate of pay for permanent Constables may be authorized by the Commissioner for duties they may be called upon to perform beyond the limits of the sub-district- to which they are appointed, but only one rate of pay shall be payable. They shall be deemed to be monthly servants, and their appointment may be terminated by the Commissioner at any time after one month’s notice. They should remember that their position is an official one, and that the public expect the same good behaviour from them as from any other member of the Force ; it therefore behoves them to carefully avoid anything that would shake the public’s confidence in them, or in any way bring discredit upon the Department.

They shall take the same oath as other members of the Force, and never forget that they have sworn to serve without favour or affection.

Divorce Cases.

257. The Police shall not undertake inquiries in connection with divorce proceedings at the instance of any person.


258. On an outbreak of fire the Policeincluding those who are off duty—may be required to turn out in uniform, and render every aid in their power which circumstances may demand.

In cities where a sufficient Force is generally available to cope with ordinary fires, officers in charge may relieve constables off duty from turning out should they consider it expedient to do so. Where there are fire brigades established the duty of the Police will be simply to preserve order, protect life and property, and procure free scope for the exertions of the firemen and the parties more immediately interested ; and with this view they will clear the street or ground in the immediate vicinity of the fire of all persons not usefully employed, taking care that all adjoining streets, as far as may be practicable, are kept clear of obstructions by crowds or vehicles so that the fire-engines may not be delayed. The attention of the Police is directed to the provisions of the Municipal Corporations Act, 1908 (sections 256 and 257), and the Fire Brigades Act, 1908 (sections 30 to 34).

Every assistance possible will be given by the Police for the security of property, conformably with the wishes of the Superintendent of the fire brigade or proprietors. 259. The Police will collect upon the spot all the information they can obtain relative to the origin of the fire, together with the circumstances attending it, which will be reported fully as soon as possible to the officer in charge on the proper form. Where fires occur in unoccupied buildings careful note should be taken, where possible, of the state of the door and window fastenings, so that the Police can give evidence on that point should it arise. 260. In all cases where the origin is in doubt, or where the circumstances are suspicious, care should be taken that nothing is disturbed after the fire has been suppressed, so that the premises can be viewed by the Coroner in the event of an inquest. Should an inquest be held, the usual report will be made on the proper form by the officer attending and forwarded to the Commissioner.

Fuel and Light. 261. At district headquarters the allowance of fuel will be as follows : A ton and a half of coal per annum for each fire required in offices, watchhouses, &c.

Where messes are established an allowance of 1 ton of coal per annum for each man in the mess. 262. At places where there is sufficient clerical work to warrant the expenditure, an office allowance of coal may be drawn if approval is first obtained from the Commissioner.

263. In localities where wood is more conveniently obtained than coal it may be used, and two cords of wood will be considered equivalent to a ton of coal. 264. Where Government contracts exist, coal must be purchased from the contractor, otherwise it may be purchased at current rates. 265. Gas, electric light, or kerosene will be provided for all offices or watchhouses at places where 4—P.G

more than one man is stationed, but on no account shall they be allowed for quarters occupied by any married member of the Force.

Government Property.

266. In each district a Government Property Book shall be kept, in which shall be entered all property belonging to the Government of a movable nature in that district; but supplies such as coal, oil, disinfectants, soap, &c., which are taken for immediate use, need not be entered therein.

The property shall be entered alphabetically, and the balance on hand on the Ist day of July in each year shown in the proper place. 267. All articles purchased during the year shall be entered as received, and a total struck on the 30th day of June in each year. 268. When any articles become unserviceable application must be made on the proper form to the Commissioner for authority to write them off charge. Such application shall show whether the articles are saleable or unsaleable, and if approval is given they should be either sold or destroyed as authorized. No property must be written off charge without authority being first obtained. 269. When the property has been destroyed or sold, the authority must be endorsed to that effect and sent with the Property-book to the Police Storekeeper to be checked as soon after the Ist day of July in each year as possible.

270. A record of all arms and accoutrements on issue to districts shall be kept in a similar manner, and the same rules shall apply thereto. 271. The foregoing rules shall apply to stations as well as districts. Every member of the Force in charge of a station shall keep a book showing the property and arms on his station, and shall furnish returns on the proper forms at the end of each year to the officer in charge of the district. 272. A summary of all property and arms must be prepared in each district yearly, and filed in the district office, so that it may be seen whether the property on charge at the various stations agrees with the district return.

Horses and Forage.

273. Horses for the Force shall be purchased by the Commissioner, or by some officer authorized by him, and the horses so procured shall, whenever practicable, be examined by a veterinary surgeon, and their soundness, age, and general fitness for service certified before payment is made. 274. Each officer in charge of a district shall keep a register of the horses under his charge, in which their numbers and description shall be carefully entered. The numbers will be allotted by the Commissioner.

275. When a horse is purchased a descriptive return shall be at once forwarded to the Commissioner’s office. fi

276. In all reports upon horses belonging to the Department the registered number of the horse shall be quoted. 277. Every member of the mounted Police supplied with a Government horse will be held responsible for its treatment and general condition. Any member of the Force ill-treating, or permitting to be ill-treated, or neglecting any horse under his charge, shall, in addition to such punishment as may be inflicted upon him, be dismounted and ordered to return to foot-police duty, or, in extreme cases, dismissed.

278. All members of the mounted Force must be particular to see that their saddles are carefully fitted to the horses’ backs ; and the officers in charge of districts shall hold the men accountable for horses in their charge having sore backs or girth-galls (which in most cases are caused by hard riding or inattention in not seeing that the saddles are properly fitted), as well as for any other injuries which could have been prevented by attention. 279. No troop-horse shall be used in harness unless authorized by the Commissioner, nor ridden in any race or competition. 280. Police horses must not be ridden, unless under special authority, by any other person than a member of the Force.

281. Police horses requiring a rest should be turned out when authorized by the officer in charge of the district. Horses worn out or unfit for service shall be examined and reported upon to the Commissioner, who shall decide how they are to be disposed of.

282. As a rule, Police horses should be shod once a month, but not oftener, unless in cases of lameness. The best farrier should always be employed, even if his charge is higher than others. 283. Forage shall be purchased at those stations for which it is allowed at the lowest price consistent with quality. 284. No forage shall be purchased on behalf of the Department without the authority of the officer in charge of the district, to whom application must be made.

Prices shall be obtained from two or more local dealers, and, when submitting them, the member of the Force doing so shall report upon the quality ,of the forage kept by each, so that the best quality, consistent with economy, may be purchased. 285. When forage is delivered at any station the net weight must be ascertained, and the receipt signed for that quantity, for which the officer in charge who signs the receipt will, in his issues, be held responsible. 286. If a station is under the charge of a subordinate member of the Force he shall permit no one but himself to issue forage when at the station; at large stations one Constable only shall be authorized to have charge, issue, and keep the account. 287. When a fresh supply of forage is received at a station it must not be issued until the old stock is consumed.

288. The Police at every station shall exert themselves to ensure the supplies being stored in such a manner as to prevent any injury through the effects of weather or other causes ; and should any damage or loss occur the strictest investigation must be made, and the party who, from negligence or other fault, allowed .the same to take place will be held personally responsible. 289. When forage is issued for any horses other than those belonging to the station, particulars of the quantity of forage drawn, the officer’s name, and on what duty engaged, shall be inserted in the Forage Return Book. 290. Forage-books must be entered up daily. A copy of the entries shall be forwarded monthly to district headquarters for transmission to the office of the Commissioner. These returns must be checked in the district offices, and care taken that all forage purchased is accounted for therein. 291. On the charge of any station being transferred from one member of the Force to another, the forage in store must be weighed, receipts given for the actual weight, and any deficiency or surplus noted in the monthly forage returns,

292. The regulation scale of a daily ration will be 101 b. of oats, 1 lb. of bran, 14 lb. of hay or chaff, and 8 lb. of straw for bedding. This scale is only intended for horses at stations where there is no paddock, and for horses in constant work.

At stations where a grass paddock is available it must be utilized as much as possible, and the scale of ration reduced accordingly.

293. In the summer months, from the Ist November to the 31st May, when grass-feed is plentiful and obtainable, half-rations should be sufficient, but officers in charge of districts shall use their discretion in the matter as regards the period when reduced rations only will be allowed. 294. Members of the Force may, with the consent of the Commissioner, provide their own horses for Police duty, either for a fixed sum per annum to be determined by the Commissioner, or for forage and shoeing provided by the Department. They will be expected to supply a horse that meets the approval of the officer in charge.

295. No member of the Force shall be allowed to forage and use a private horse in the discharge of his duty without first obtaining authority to do so.

296. At stations where there is not sufficient mounted work to justify a troop-horse being kept horses shall be hired, when required, from local stables, and special arrangements made with the livery-stable keeper as to the charge.

It will be found as a rule that, if horses are hired from one stable only the charge will be less than if hired from different stables as required, but to avoid any jealousy it will be advisable to obtain prices from the different stables at per day or halfday, and submit same for approval.

Hours of Duty.

297. The hours of duty in towns where regular beat duty is performed shall- be fixed by the Commissioner from time to time by circular. 298. At country stations where only one or two men are stationed the hours of duty must be arranged by the member of the Force in charge, subject to approval by the officer in charge of the district.

House Allowance.

299. In cases where married members of the Force, widowers with children, and unmarried Constables are not provided with free quarters, house allowance may be granted them according to the scale laid down by circular. Any unmarried member of the Force who is the sole support of his mother, and. who is residing with her out of barracks with the permission of the Commissioner, may also be granted house allowance on the approval of the Commissioner being first obtained in that behalf. A married man residing in barracks shall not be paid house allowance without the approval of the Commissioner, who may in exceptional cases grant an allowance if satisfied that such man is supporting his wife and family in a proper manner, and for some good reason is unable to remove them to the place where he is stationed. No man whose wife is not a resident of New Zealand shall be granted house allowance.

Influence, Use of.

300. Members of the Force are strictly prohibited from communicating, either directly or indirectly, with members of Parliament or of the Legislative Council, public bodies, or private individuals, with

the view of causing them to approach Ministers or the Commissioner for the purpose of influencing decisions regarding cases of discipline, promotion, or transfer. Such action is highly objectionable, and is at variance with a high standard of discipline. Any member of the Force who offends against this regulation is liable to immediate dismissal. It sometimes occurs that wives, fathers, or other relatives or friends of members of the Force send letters to influential persons asking that Ministers or the Commissioner might be privately approached in cases of the kind mentioned above, and stating that this is done without the knowledge of the person on whose behalf the letters are sent. It must be clearly understood that if any such influence is used the case will be dealt with as if known to the member of the Force concerned.


301. When the body of a deceased person is found it should, as a rule, be removed to the nearest morgue or hospital dead-house, if any, in the neighbourhood, or, if none within three miles, to the nearest hotel. A report on the proper form should be made to the nearest Coroner, or the Coroner in whose district the body was found, and to the officer in charge.

Where a person dies suddenly in his own home and there are no suspicious circumstances, the body should not be removed to the morgue until the direction of the Coroner has been obtained.

302. Unless in exceptional cases the Coroner will not travel more than twenty miles to hold an inquest if a local Justice is available, but will instruct the Police to get the nearest Justice to hold it.

Care should be taken to see that the Justice does not commence the inquest until twenty-four hours have elapsed after the necessity for an inquest has become apparent. A Visiting Justice should not be asked to hold an inquest upon any prisoner who dies in gaol. If the Coroner is not available, a Justice in no way connected with the gaol should act. If is not necessary to empanel a jury where a Coroner holds an inquest unless he or the Attorney-General orders one, but when inquests are held by Deputy Coroners or Justices a jury must be empanelled. Jurors and witnesses at inquests may be paid by the Police on the certificate of the Coroner according to scale; such claims will be charged to the Department of Justice.

303. Reports to the Coroner should always be made in the following cases : Persons drowned, found dead, or killed by accident, sudden deaths, prisoners dying in custody or patients in mental hospitals, and all deaths under suspicious circumstances, or where the cause of death is unknown or is apparently due to foul play or criminal negligence. In cases of sudden deaths, where no medical man was in attendance and cannot therefore certify, the Police will carefully investigate the circumstances and report fully to the Coroner, who may order burial without an inquest if he is satisfied there was no foul play.

In no case must the Police authorize the burial of a body without the consent of the Coroner. 304. A report on the usual form will be made of each inquest and forwarded to the officer in charge of the district, who, after noting the particulars in his inquest-book, will forward same to the Commissioner’s office for record.

In all inquest reports, in the place provided for general remarks, the circumstances in which deceased

met his death should be stated ; it should also be stated where he was born, and, if any relatives in the Dominion or elsewhere, their names and address should be given.

If the whereabouts of relatives of the deceased in the Dominion can be ascertained the Police should immediately notify them of the death, by telegram if necessary.

The Police attending the inquest should obtain, as far as possible, all the particulars required to be registered concerning the death., and furnish the same to the Coroner at the inquest. 305. Where a dead body has been found and cannot be identified, it should be photographed, and a full description of the body and clothing sent to the Police Gazette.

The finger-prints of deceased should also be taken on the usual finger-print form and forwarded to the Commissioner’s office.

306. Any property found with deceased, and taken possession of by the Police, should be enumerated on the inquest report, and a receipt for same attached if it has been handed over.

No property should be handed over without authority from the Public Trustee or his agent in cases where deceased died intestate, unless it is of little value and the person to whom it is handed has undertaken the burial expenses. 307. Where the Police have to arrange the burial, and deceased leaves sufficient estate to pay therefor, it must be done decently and according to the circumstances of the deceased, the account being submitted to the agent of the Public Trustee for payment.

Where the deceased leaves no estate the burial must be effected as economically as is consistent with decency, and the local charitable-aid board asked to defray the cost. Certain provisions for the burial of destitute persons are made by section 25 of the Cemeteries Act, 1908, and section 13 of the Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Amendment Act, 1913. 308. When a body has been removed or taken charge of by the Police for an inquest, precautions should be taken that it is not interfered with in any way before it has been viewed by the Coroner or medical man ordered by the Coroner to make a post-mortem examination thereof.

In cases of suicide or murder careful search for the instrument or other means that caused death should be made, and if such is found it should be preserved for production. Weapons found should not be handled, but carefully examined, in case there may be finger-prints thereon. Bottles or papers that may have contained poison should also be secured and preserved. Every circumstance connected with the appearance of the body, the position in which it was found, and the probable time'dead should be noted; it should be carefully searched and examined, with the view of ascertaining whether there are any marks of external violence ; the effects found should be kept in the custody of the Police for production at the inquest if necessary. In all cases the above particulars should be noted at the time in writing, especially as to the position and surrounding of the body and the disposition and attitude of the limbs, so that when giving evidence it will not be necessary to depend entirely upon the memory. Instruction Classes.

309. Weekly instruction classes of not less than one hour’s duration shall be held at Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, and Dunedin, at which any

member of the Force may, and all members of less than two years’ service who are off duty must, attend.

The classes shall be conducted by the Sub-Inspec-tor, Senior Sergeant, or a competent Sergeant, and the subjects of instruction shall be the Police Regulations and all statutes bearing upon Police duties and practical Police work.


310. -All members of the Force will be allowed leave of absence according to the following scale : For every full month’s service, one and a quarter days’ leave on pay. Leave may be. allowed to accumulate for three years, so that forty-five days can be taken at one time.

Leave must be applied for on the printed form provided for that purpose. 311. Superintendents and Inspectors in charge of districts may grant leave according to the above scale to subordinate members of the Force. The Commissioner may authorize the granting of additional annual leave, up to five days, to members of the Force stationed in remote places. 312. Commissioned officers requiring leave must forward their applications to the Commissioner, and submit the name of the member of the Force who will act for them during their absence. 313. Leave of absence without pay may be granted by the Commissioner in special cases. 314. Leave shall only be granted if the member applying for it can be spared, so that it is advisable for all members to avail themselves of their leave in slack times, and not wait for general holidays, when their services are invariably required. It must be clearly understood that leave of absence is a privilege, and that no man can claim such leave as a right.. 315. A record of all leave granted to every member of the Force below the rank of Sub-Inspector must be entered on a sheet, which shall be attached to his defaulter sheet and forwarded with his papers to each district he is transferred to, so that it can always be seen what leave he is entitled to. 316. Sunday leave may be granted to members of the Force who are on day duty by the officer in charge whenever they can be spared, and care must be taken- that such leave is equally apportioned. This leave shall not count against annual leave. 317. Members of the Force going on leave must make proper arrangements for the safe custody of Government property in their charge during their absence, and, if they are relieved, shall hand all property over to the officer relieving them. Members of the Force who hold appointments under other Departments shall notify such Departments when they are going on leave, and give the name of the officer who is to perform their duties during their absence. Members holding appointments as Clerks of Court should similarly notify the Magistrate of the district when proceeding on leave or transfer. 318. Members of the Force when on leave shall be subject to every order, rule, and regulation of the Force, and will be liable to be called on to act, and. to the consequences of any breach of discipline or good order, as if they were on duty; and members of the Force shall report any cases of misconduct coming under their notice on the part of men on leave of absence. 319. All members of the Force when on leave visiting places where a Superintendent or Inspector

is stationed shall report to him and leave their address, so that they can be found if required, unless they have left their address with the officer in charge of the district they belong to. This provision does not apply when simply passing through by boat or train.

320. No member of the Force shall leave his subdistrict, except on duty, without permission from his superior officer.

321. No commissioned officer shall leave his district, except on duty, without the permission of the Commissioner. 322. No member of the Force shall leave New Zealand without the permission of the Commissioner. 323. Members of the Force retiring on pension or superannuation allowance may, if their conduct has been satisfactory, be granted three months’ leave on full pay prior to retirement. The house occupied by any such member of the Force, if the property of the Department, must be vacated by him on or before the date of commencement of his leave.

Marriage. 324. No member of the Force below the rank of Sub-Inspector will be allowed to marry without the permission of the Commissioner. When a non-commissioned officer or Constable applies for permission to marry, the Superintendent or Inspector in charge of the district shall cause confidential inquiries to be made relative to the character of the intended wife and of her associates. If it is found that the result of such inquiries regarding her character, conduct, &c., is not satisfactory, permission to marry will be refused. Applications to marry must be submitted to the Commissioner, and, if permission is granted, the date of marriage must afterwards be reported to him. An entry of the date of marriage must also be made on the member’s record sheet, and the authority for same quoted thereon. 325. If the wife of any member of the Force below the rank of Sub-Inspector dies he must report the matter so that the records can be altered accordingly, and if he has no family he will be expected to live in barracks.


326. Matrons and assistant matrons are appointed at each of the large cities. They shall take charge of all female prisoners immediately they are brought to the station. They shall keep the keys of the female cells, and not allow any of the prisoners therein to be conversed with except by order of the officer in charge of the station.

They shall carefully search all female prisoners, and hand any property found on them to the watch-house-keeper, signing the Prisoner’s Property Sheet as searcher.

They shall escort female prisoners and female mental defectives as required, and shall always escort the former to the Court and remain with them while there.

They shall take charge of any stray children brought to the station until claimed or otherwise dealt with.

They shall carry out such other duties as may be assigned to them in connection with female offenders, the protection of young women and children, and the detection of offences committed against them. The following is an indication of the duties referred to in the proceding paragraph : To visit public gardens, reserves, and playgrounds in daytime for the purpose of detecting offences committed upon young girls and children.

To visit picture theatres and other public places of amusement, and, having regard to the interests of young girls, to report upon the circumstances and conditions under which entertainments in these places are carried on. -

To visit railway-stations to afford assistance to inexperienced women arriving and departing by train ; to meet, on advice received from their parents, girls and young women that have absconded ; to detect culprits concerned in thefts from the ladies’ waitingrooms, and to watch for suspected female persons arriving and departing by train. To assist in obtaining from young women and girls statements respecting sexual assaults or acts of indecency committed upon or against them, and to render assistance generally in the collection of evidence in these cases.

To detect persons practising fortune-telling, palmistry, and similar offences. To patrol approaches to public schools when complaint is received that children have been molested by men.

To attend the Juveniles Court when female children are charged with offences, or when any children are to be dealt with under the Industrial Schools Act.. To call on females who have fallen into arrear with payments under orders for support of children in industrial schools. To attend with or without a constable to the examination of children who are alleged to be neglected or illtreated by parents or guardians. To watch shops, rooms, or other places where it is suspected that young girls are inveigled and their morals corrupted, and to watch newspapers for advertisements suspected of being used to allure or decoy young girls. Superintendents should pay special attention to the training and duties of matrons, and should furnish from time to time reports upon their efficiency and the work performed by them.

Medals and Decorations.

327. A medal for long service and good conduct may be awarded to every member of the Force who completes fourteen years’ service, provided that for the last three years of such service no entry has been made on his defaulter’s sheet.

328. Any member of the Force who has been awarded the Long-service and Good-conduct Medal may be granted a “ clasp ” for each period of eight years served subsequent to the period for which the medal was granted, provided that during any such period of service no entry has been made on the member’s defaulter’s sheet within three years from the time of completion of such period, and the officer in charge of the district in which the member is serving has certified that the applicant for the clasp has discharged his general Police duties in an efficient manner during the period of service under review. Such service shall be recorded by a clasp attached to the riband by which the medal is suspended and placed in the order in which granted. The clasp shall be of silver and have the period for which it is awarded engraved thereon. 329. The Long-service and Good-conduct Medal, the King’s Police Medal, military medals, and any decoration awarded by the Sovereign shall be worn by officers between the top and second loop of the cord and under the pouch on the left breast of the tunic, and by non-commissioned officers and Constables between the first and second button from the bottom of the collar. They are to be worn in a

horizontal line suspended from a bar (of which the buckle is not to be seen) or stitched to the garment. The near edge of the riband of the first medal should be about 2 in. from the opening of the tunic, jacket, or frock. The riband is not to exceed 1 in. in length unless the number of clasps requires it to be longer.

Medals and decorations will not be worn on patrol jackets or frocks; ribands only will be permitted. These ribands will be half an inch in length and will be sewn on to the material of the jacket or frock, or worn on a bar without interval in a similar position to that indicated for wearing the medals or decorations.

Miniature decorations and medals may be worn with mess dress and evening dress in the presence of members of the Royal Family, or of His Excellency the Governor, and on public or official occasions. Decorations and medals, also the ribands appertaining thereto, will be worn in the following order Decorations granted by the Sovereign. The King’s Police Medal. (See Police Gazette, 1909, page 458.) British War Medals. Long-service and Good-conduct Medal. The Royal Humane Society’s Medal is to be worn on the right breast.


330. The greatest punctuality should be observed in acknowledging the receipt of money transmitted by post or otherwise. 331. If it is discovered that any officer has retained in his possession longer than was absolutely necessary any pay or other allowances due to the men under his charge, or the rent of any police reserve or building, or the amount of any fines or other public moneys entrusted to him, he will be liable to dismissal.

332. If any member of the Force, directly or indirectly, whether for his own use or for the use of another, accepts or borrows money or property from any other member of junior grade, whether the latter is under his charge or not, or obtains his signature upon a bill, or otherwise makes him the channel of borrowing or procuring money from any bank, corporate body, or individual, or induces him to become security for a loan or debt, the superior in rank will be liable to dismissal.

333. Members of the Force are strictly prohibited from lending money to a superior for his own use or for the use of another, or joining him in bill transactions, or becoming security for him in any way.

Any member of the Force is liable to dismissal who borrows money from, or places himself under a pecuniary or other obligation to, any person interested in the liquor trade. 334. The practice of obtaining receipts for ex penses incurred before the money is actually paid is an improper proceeding, and is hereby strictly forbidden.

It is also forbidden to accept the signature of any person to a receipt form in which at least the name of the person who pays the money, the amount in words, and the date of payment have not previously been inserted.

Mounted Constables.

335. Mounted Constables shall be selected from the foot Police as vacancies occur.

336. No Constable shall be permanently mounted or dismounted without the approval of the Com-

missioner, but officers in charge of stations may mount any Constable in cases of emergency. 337. As mounted men are at times called upon to act as escorts to His Excellency the Governor, only smart well-drilled men of good appearance should be selected.

It is also necessary that they should have experience, and be able to frame an intelligent report, as they will often be called upon to investigate cases in the country without assistance.

338. They will> be held responsible for the cleanliness of the stable and saddlery, as well as for the care of the horses entrusted to them, and any neglect of either will render them liable to be punished and dismounted. 339. They shall attend stables at such times as they are directed by the officer in charge of the station.

340. Mounted Constables, when going on or returning off mounted duty, shall parade mounted in some specially appointed place on the station premises so that the Senior or other Sergeant in charge for the time being may inspect them.

Naval Deserters and Offenders.

341. Members of the Force must exert themselves to the utmost in tracing and arresting naval deserters. 342. Where upwards of a year has elapsed from the time of desertion before the deserter is located, he should not be arrested until the senior naval officer in the Dominion has been communicated with, as a deserter may not be wanted unless arrested within a given time.

343. When a deserter is arrested the officer in charge of the district shall communicate, by telegram if necessary, with the nearest warship in New Zealand waters, and request instructions as to his disposal. Should there be no warship in New Zealand he must report to the Commissioner, who shall communicate with the proper naval authority. 344. The cost of placing a deserter on board a warship shall be borne by the Police Department, and not collected from the ship. 345. A report from the arresting Constable, giving date, time, and place of arrest, the circumstances under which the deserter was living, and any other information that would assist the naval authorities in dealing with the offender, must be forwarded with the prisoner to his ship, or wherever it is decided to send him.

346. When any seaman belonging to the navy is arrested on any charge not connected with his ship, the Police shall at once notify the commander of his ship of the time and place when and where the charge will be heard, so that the commander can attend the Court if he considers it necessary. This need only be done when the ship is at the place where the case is to be heard.

Numbers. 347. Every member of the uniform Force below the rank of Senior Sergeant shall in each district be distinguished by a number to be worn on each side of the collar of his frock and overcoat. 348. Each district shall have its own numbers, and they shall be issued, as nearly as possible without constant changing, according to the seniority of the member receiving them. 349. Each member of the Force shall have a register number allotted to him on appointment, which must be used after his name and rank in all official reports : Provided that when a member is

promoted to commissioned rank he shall cease to have a register number.

Offences Return.

350. The annual return of offences shall include all offences shown on the printed form supplied for the compilation of the return. Should there be any offences other than those mentioned in the form for which offenders could be arrested, they shall be returned under headings to be written in at end of return. By-law and other petty offences for which proceedings can be taken only by summons should be omitted, and also references to mental defectives. 351. Particular care must be observed in preparing this return, and the figures should be checked in every way possible.

Offences and Punishments.

352. Any member of the Force who shall be found guilty of any of the offences enumerated in the following regulation shall, according to the gravity of the offence, be liable to the following disciplinary punishments irrespective of any punishment that he may be liable to by law : (1.) Dismissal or discharge from the Force under the authority of the Minister or the Commissioner. (2.) Reduction in rank or seniority. (3.) Such other punishment as the Commissioner shall award, including, in the case of a noncommissioned officer, a fine not cxoeeding £5. (4.) Such punishments as the Superintendents and Inspectors are authorized by the Police Force Act, 1913, to award. 353. List of disciplinary offences with which a member of the Force is liable to be charged : (1.) Disobedience of the lawful orders of a superior. (2.) Striking a superior. (3.) Behaving with contempt towards, or speaking or writing disrespectfully of, a superior. (4.) Mutinous or insubordinate conduct or making use of mutinous words. (5.) Overholding any complaint. (6.) Assault on a comrade. (7.) Oppressive or tyrannical conduct towards an inferior. (8.) Drunkenness or intoxication, however slight. (9.) Tippling. (10.) Entering, while on duty, any house or premises licensed for the sale of intoxicating liquor, not being required there by any duty. (11.) Knowingly making false return or statement, or signing any false certificate, or being privy thereto. (12.) Making an alteration or erasure in any public document, or in any official book or record, for the purpose of fraud or deceit. (13.) Wilfully making any false entry in any official book, or diary, or document. (14.) Wilfully omitting to make an entry in any official book or diary as to the performance of any duty, matter, or thing which ought to be so entered. (15.) Prevarication before any Court or any inquiry. (16.) Soliciting a gratuity. (17.) Directly or indirectly receiving any gratuity without the Commissioner’s sanction.

(18.) Refusing or omitting to make a true and faithful return of all moneys received by

him, or to which he may be entitled upon any conviction in which he shall have been a prosecutor or witness. (19.) Unduly overholding any fines, or allowances, or any other public money, or suppressing or unduly holding over any official correspondence. (20.) Refusing or neglecting to pay any lawful debt, or being found to have been in debt when entering the Force, or becoming a bankrupt. (21.) Borrowing money directly or indirectly from or through any other member of the Force of inferior rank. (22.) Borrowing money from, or being under any pecuniary or other obligation to, any person interested in the liquor trade. (23.) Gambling. (24.) Betting with a bookmaker, whether directly or indirectly through the medium of agents or friends, and sharing in any way in a bet or the proceeds of a bet with a bookmaker. (25.) Forming an intimacy with a bookmaker or with a racehorse-owner, trainer, or jockey to whom he is not nearly related, or corresponding with or having, without the permission of the Superintendent or other officer in charge, dealings of any kind with such persons. (26.) Owning or having any interest in a racehorse or any horse intended to be used for racing. A member will be deemed to be so interested if his wife is so interested. (27.) When ordered on transfer to another district or station, failing to report without delay to his Superintendent or other officer in charge whether he or his wife has any relatives known to him to be acting as bookmakers or holders of publicans’ licenses in the district or station to which it is proposed to transfer him. (28.) Wearing any party emblem, or taking part or marching in any party procession, or otherwise manifesting political or sectarian partisanship. (29.) Wearing any medal or any badge whatever, without authority from the Commissioner. (30.) Making any anonymous complaint to the Government or to the Commissioner. (31.) Communicating, without the Commissioner’s authority, either directly or indirectly, to the public Press any matter or thing touching the Force. (32.) Divulging any matter or thing which it may be his duty to keep secret, or improperly divulging any information given to him in his official capacity. (33.) Behaving in a scandalous or infamous manner, or being guilty of profane, immoral, or disgraceful speech or conduct. (34.) Being convicted of any offence by a Court of Justice. (35.) Committing any act of misconduct which may be a minor summary offence under statute or by-law, but which may by direction of the Minister or the Commissioner be dealt with under these regulations. (36.) Knowing where any offender is or may be residing or concealed, and failing to inform a superior immediately of the same. (37.) Failing to take due and prompt measures for the arrest of any offender.

(38.) Wilfully or through negligence allowing any prisoner to escape. (39.) Treating any prisoner or other person cruelly, harshly, or with unnecessary violence. (40.) Gossiping or loitering without lawful excuse when on duty on any beat. (41.) Failing or neglecting without proper cause when on duty on any beat to work the same in accordance with defined directions, or improperly leaving or being absent from a beat. (42.) Sleeping or lying or sitting down on any beat or at any point when on duty. (43.) Neglecting to give proper attention to the regulation of vehicle traffic when on duty. (44.) Failing to report promptly casualties in subdistrict or on beat. (45.) Leaving any post when placed there on duty, or neglecting any duty he is directed or required to perform. (46.) Absence from district or station without leave. (47.) Marrying without leave. (48.) Using offensive or unbecoming language to a superior, or in any official documents. (49.) Making improper use of any Government property. (50.) Violating any standing order or regulation, or any order or regulation hereafter to be made. (51.) By any concealment, or wilful omission, or otherwise, attempting to evade the true spirit and meaning of the orders and regulations of the Force. (52.) Any act, conduct, disorder, or neglect to the prejudice of good order, morality, or discipline, though not specified in these regulations.

354. Drunkenness in a policeman must be understood to be such a departure from sobriety as renders him unfit to be sent on duty to exercise with due discretion the powers entrusted to him. 355. When it becomes necessary to report a man for an offence, he should be informed as early as convenient that he is to be reported, and of the nature of the report to be made against him. 356. Complaint of any act of indiscipline on the part of another member of the Force must be made as soon as circumstances reasonably permit. If unnecessarily delayed the complainant may be allowed to establish, if he can, the guilt of the accused party, but he will at the same time be liable to punishment for breach of this order.

357. In no case shall a member of the Force be brought to trial upon a charge of indiscipline of longer standing than twelve months, unless it can be shown by the accuser that the charge in question was preferred with proper expedition after the discovery of the evidence relating thereto ; nor will the personal complaints of any member who is discharged from the Force be considered after his retirement from the service. These rules, however, will not protect any member of the Force from the consequences of a long course of neglect of duty or irregularity.

358. Officers are to avoid reproving non-com-missioned officers for any irregularity, neglect of duty, &c., in the presence or hearing of a Constable (unless it shall be necessary for the benefit of the example that the reproof be public), lest their authority should be weakened ; officers and non-commis-sioned officers when reproving subordinates should do so in a proper manner and in becoming language. No abusive language or epithets should be used.

359. When any member of the Force is charged with any neglect of duty or breach of discipline or other misconduct, the charge or charges shall be set forth in writing in terms sufficiently clear to admit of no misunderstanding, and the member so charged shall be called upon to plead thereto. If the member so charged is an officer or non-com-missioned officer, the master shall then be referred to the Commissioner, so that he may deal with the charges if the member has admitted the offence, or arrange for an inquiry to be held if he denies his guilt.

If the member charged is a constable, and he denies his guilt, the Superintendent or Inspector of the district shall proceed to hold an inquiry as directed by subsection (3) of section 16 of the Act, and if after hearing the evidence he finds the charge proved, he shall impose such penalty as he is authorized to inflict, unless he considers it a case which he should refer to the Commissioner with a recommendation for the dismissal of the offender or his reduction in seniority. If the const able admits his offence in the first instance, the Superintendent or Inspector shall deal with the matter in the same manner as if he had held an inquiry and found the charge proved.

Procedure to be followed at Inquiries held under the provisions of Sections 16 and 17 of the Act.

360. The procedure at any inquiry held under section 16 of the Act, or on any appeal under section 17 of the said Act, shall conform as far as possible, including the rules of evidence, to that followed in Magistrates’ Courts. 361. The evidence, which must be given on oath if so required by the accuser or the accused, the officer hearing the charge, or the Board of Appeal, as the case may be, shall be taken down in writing by some competent person appointed for that purpose, and read over to the witness, who must then sign it. 362. When the persons appointed to conduct an inquiry under subsection (1) of section 16, or an appeal under lection 17 of the Act have heard all the evidence that is forthcoming, they will close the inquiry and consider their report, which they are to forward direct to the Minister, together with the whole of the evidence taken by them at the inquiry. They may also make such recommendation as they think fit in regard to the payment of the whole or any part of the costs of the inquiry. 363. A notice of appeal in writing under the provisions of subsection (3) of section 17 of the Act shall be deemed to be in the prescribed form if it is sent in in the ordinary form of an official report. 364. No member of the legal profession shall be allowed to be present at any inquiry held under the provisions of section 16 of the Act, or at any appeal under section 17 ; nor shall the Press or public be admitted to any such inquiry. 365. The member of the Force whose conduct forms the subject of an inquiry shall be given due notice of the time and place of holding the same, and should be warned to be in attendance at the appointed time and place.


366. Bates of pay and allowances for the different ranks of the Force shall be laid down by circular from time to time.

The pay of both branches shall be equal in the relative ranks; the increments in both branches shall be equal and accrue after the same period of time.

Any member of the Force at present in the Detective Branch may, by giving notice to the Commissioner within one month of the coming into force of these regulations, elect to continue under his present scale of pay, but if he so elects he will not receive any further promotion unless transferred to the Uniform Branch.

367. All members of the Force shall be paid monthly. Abstracts for officers’ pay and house allowances must be forwarded to the Commissioner’s office so as to reach there not later than the 7th day of each month. They shall be provisionally certified before being sent in. Other members of the Force shall be paid out of imprest by officers in charge of districts. At headquarter stations a general parade of all men who are not engaged on beat or other duty shall be held at' the end of each month, and the officer in charge shall see that each man receives his pay and duly signs for the same. 368. Any member of the Force who is discharged shall not be paid off until he has returned all Government property on issue to him. 369. In the monthly pay-sheets the names must be entered according to seniority, surname first, and care taken that the signatures agree with the names and initials given.

Plain-clothes Duty.

370. Members of the Uniform Branch may be employed in plain clothes, under the Senior Sergeant or Sergeant in charge, on inquiries (other than detective duties) which should not be made in uniform.

Constables so employed should be frequently changed so as to give as many as possible an opportunity of gaining experience in inquiry work. While so employed they will not be entitled to any monetary allowance. Nothing herein shall prevent the employment of any member of the Uniform Branch in plain clothes in cases of emergency when no member of the Detective Branch is available.

Police Gazette.

371. A Police Gazette for New Zealand is published at Wellington every Wednesday, and with respect thereto the following instructions must be carefully observed :

(1.) Communications. All communications concerning this Gazette shall be addressed to the Commissioner of Police, Wellington, and the envelope marked “ For Gazette.” Members of the Force in charge of out-stations shall forward communications direct to the Commissioner. They must be of police interest, or no notice will be taken of them. (2.) Crime Reports.- —A copy of each crime report shall be immediately forwarded to the Commissioner’s office for Gazette purposes. Any crime report which is considered to' be of a local or trivial nature will not be inserted in the Gazette.

(3.) Names. — all crime reports and other notices for the Gazette the names of persons and places should be spelt correctly and written legibly, the Christian name being given with the surname whenever possible, and written in full to prevent mistakes. (4.) Descriptions. —Offenders should be accurately described ; age, height, occupation, build, country, dress, and every particular likely to lead to their arrest and identification should be minutely given. (See Reg. 215).

(5.) Warrants. —All crime reports must state whether a warrant has been issued for the arrest of the offender, and by whom and where. If a warrant has not been issued in the first instance, but one is subsequently obtained, a supplementary report announcing the issue must be immediately forwarded to all places where the original report has been sent. The supplementary report should give the date of the original crime report, or quote the year and page of the Police Gazette in which the previous notice has appeared. Persons reporting crimes should he requested to obtain warrants whenever practicable. Crime reports relative to commitment warrants should give the full amount due, including cost of warrant, the term of imprisonment in default, and the gaol to which the committal is made.

A return of all warrants issued during each quarter and handed to the Police for execution and remaining unexecuted at the end of the quarter is to be forwarded for publication in the Police Gazette. If for any reason a crime report giving particulars of a warrant issued during the quarter has not been furnished for publication, a note is to be made in the “ Remarks ” column on the return, giving reasons why a notification of the issue of the warrant and particulars of offence have not appeared in the Police Gazette.

(6.) Arrests. arrest of offenders described in the Police Gazette, or respecting whom crime reports have been forwarded for insertion in the Gazette, should be promptly notified by the member of the Force effecting the arrest, who will be held responsible for the notification. The date of arrest must be inserted.

When notifying the arrest of persons charged with theft, or suspected of theft, it should be stated whether the property stolen, or any portion of it, has been recovered, and the Gazette reference given. (7.) Stolen Property described. The age, height, breed, colour, particular marks, value, &c., of horses should be given, and the brands imitated as nearly as possible, and their exact position stated. Cattle and sheep should be also carefully described, and ear-marks given distinctly in writing. In forwarding a description of the brands of horses and cattle by telegram it should be stated of what kinds of letters the brands consist, whether of Roman capitals or in writing. In describing watches the number and maker’s name should if possible be obtained, and it should be stated whether they are ladies’ or gentlemen’s, open-faced, hunting, double-cased, or halfhunting, the term “ double-cased ” being reserved for those watches whose outer case is removed in order to wind, “ half-hunting ” implying a very small glass in the metal cover of the dial. In describing bicycles the numbers should if possible be obtained, and if they are ladies’ or gentlemen’s. All property should be described as minutely as possible, the value given, and if identifiable. (8.) Property found. — description of property, supposed to be stolen, found in the possession of offenders, for which owners cannot be found, should be furnished for insertion in the Gazette.

(9.) Stray Cattle, &c. —No advertisement of lost horses or cattle shall be published in the Gazette unless they are Government property ; but notices of horses or cattle believed to be stolen may be inserted.

(10.) Supplementary Reports. —In all reports respecting gazetted cases members of the Force shall quote the year and page of the Police Gazette in which the previous notice appeared, and in reporting arrests state by whom effected. Supplementary reports of


cases already reported, but not gazetted, where arrests are made or stolen property recovered, should at once be forwarded to the Commissioner’s office, and should contain such information as will clearly identify the case

(11.) Rewards. notice of reward offered by any private person or persons shall be forwarded for insertion in the Police Gazette unless a written guarantee has been received from some responsible person that the reward will be paid to the person who performs the service for which it is offered. If such notice is communicated by telegraph, the addition of the words “ Guarantee received ” will be sufficient.

(12.) Each crime report," supplementary crime report, notice, and return forwarded for publication in the Police Gazette must bear the actual signature of the officer authorized to issue it.

Crime reports, &c., written with a pencil, or carbon copies, are not to be forwarded for Police Gazette purposes.

(13.) The Police Gazette must be carefully filed at each station, and the arrest or trace of each person wanted, or the recovery of property stolen, promptly marked up in red ink by writing across the original entry (or noting in the margin) the recovery or arrest as the case may be, and quoting the subsequent reference. ' ' The non-delivery of the Gazette at any station must be promptly reported, and pressing inquiry made to trace the same.

Police Store.

372. A store is established at Wellington for the issue of uniforms, clothing, arms and accoutrements, saddlery, and other necessities. 373. Requisitions on the proper forms must be forwarded for what is required to the Commissioner, through the officer in charge of the district.

Prisoners.—Their Treatment and Escort.

374. Prisoners must be treated by the Police with the most humane consideration that their situation and safety will admit of, and no harshness or unnecessary restraint shall be used towards them; but as, on the other hand, the escape of any prisoner may result in the dismissal of the person in charge of him, the Police must be most vigilant in the performance of this important duty. 375. Every care must be taken to prevent persons of very advanced age or in feeble bodily health, or of weak intellect, or women whose confinement is imm'nent, from being sent to prison, and the Police must keep themselves informed of the condition of any such person when in their custody. They should bring all the facts within their knowledge before the adjudicating Court, in order that persons who are wholly unfit for penal discipline should not be committed to prison. 376. All possible facility must be given for prisoners to send for bail and to communicate with their friends, especially in the case of persons arrested on suspicion. The member of the Force in charge must, however, satisfy himself that no letter or message sent by a prisoner contains anything in the nature of a warning to accomplices or prejudical to the interests of justice. Such persons should be supplied on their request with writing materials, and their letters should be sent by post or otherwise with the least possible delay ; telegrams should also be sent at once at the expense of the prisoner if he so desires. If the prisoner is a foreigner he should be allowed to communicate immediately by letter or telegram with the Consular officer of his country

377. A solicitor is to be allowed to communicate with a prisoner in custody. Arrangements are to be made, as far as practicable, that the communication may not be heard by any one ; but care is to be taken that the prisoner shall not escape, and a member of the Force must keep the prisoner in sight during the communication. 378. When a prisoner requests a member of the Force to ask a particular solicitor to call and see him the request must be complied with without delay. 379. No member of the Force shall try and persuade any prisoner to send for a particular solicitor, or dissuade him from sending for one of his own selection.

380. Any prisoner may be searched at any time or place if it is suspected that he has upon his person any deadly weapon or any article which has been stolen or unlawfully obtained. 381. Persons suspected of making, uttering, or having in their possession counterfeit coin should be searched immediately at the place where taken into custody, when the circumstances admit of it being done. If the search cannot then be made, precautions are to be taken to prevent the prisoners from getting rid of base coin or other evidence of guilt before being brought to the barracks, and when they are brought to the barracks they are to be immediately searched. 382. When escorting a prisoner the first duty of a member of the Force is to see that he has a proper warrant for the prisoner’s custody. He must on no account take over the prisoner without the warrant, unless its absence is satisfactorily explained, or under the orders of a superior officer. 383. He must then see that he has the prisoner’s property sheet and his property; if the latter, or any part. thereof, is detained for any purpose he must see that an entry of such detention is made upon the property sheet. 384. He must then search the prisoner and satisfy himself that he has no weapon or other property on him.

385. He must endeavour to ascertain the character of the prisoner, so as to form an opinion whether it is necessary to restrain him in any way in order to secure his safe custody. 386. The indiscriminate use of handcuffs by the Police cannot be justified, and where only one person has to be escorted and he is not a violent character, or where the charge is not serious, handcuffs should not be used.

387. While the Police must take every precaution to prevent a prisoner escaping, and will be held responsible for his custody, they must at all times refrain from imposing unnecessary hardship or discomfort upon him, especially if he has not been convicted.

388. A member of the Force must never walk in front of his prisoner when entering or leaving a railway-carriage, cab, steamer, or building, or when passing through a gal eway; he should always be close by his side or immediately behind him. 389. Prisoners must be supplied with necessary meals en route, which, if convenient, should always be obtained at a police-station.

390. Prisoners should on no account be allowed to drink intoxicating liquor while in Police custody unless ordered by a medical man. If the escort has reason to know that a prisoner has intoxicating liquor on his person it must be taken from him. 391. Acquaintances or other persons shall not be allowed to accompany or mix with prisoners on

escort, or communicate with them without permission. 392. A female mental defective, when under escort, must be accompanied by a female unless her husband or other relative accompanies her. The same rule applies to all female prisoners where it can be conveniently carried out. 393. Prisoners under escort must on no account be handed their property to carry. The property must be retained by the escort in his own possession until arrival at destination, when it shall be handed over to the proper officer with the prisoner. 394. A member of the Force escorting a prisoner must invariably obtain a receipt for the prisoner and his property from the officer to whom he hands over the prisoner. 395. When prisoners are being escorted from one district to another by train or boat it is advisable to notify the police at the latter place so that the escort can be met and assisted.

396. Where possible, prisoners and escorts should not mix with the public when travelling, especially in the case of mental defectives. In some cases it may be necessary to arrange for a special compartment.

397. Police escorting prisoners must always travel in the same compartment with them if on a train, in the same cabin if on a steamer, and if by coach shall sit by them whether inside or outside of the coach.

398. Members of the Force travelling on escort beyond the town where they are stationed must always be supplied with a “ route.” 399. Unless good reason exists to the contrary, the same escort shall go through with the prisoner to his destination, as changing escorts en route is objectionable and leads to mistakes.


400. In making selections for promotion due regard shall be paid to seniority of service and good conduct, but preference must always be given to those who possess a superior education, and who have displayed superior intelligence, zeal, and integrity in the discharge of their Police duties. Members of the Force must therefore distinctly understand that there will be no hesitation in selecting the meritorious and efficient officer for promotion in preference to the senior but less efficient one.

The Commissioner may accelerate the increments of the pay of any member of the Force who has shown special aptitude and consistent zeal in the performance of his duties without affecting his position in the seniority list: Provided that any promotion or advancement made without regard to seniority shall be specially gazetted. 401. Seniority lists shall be kept at headquarters, in which officers and other members of the Force shall be shown according to their standing in their respective ranks. 402. No member of the Force shall be promoted to a higher rank unless he shall have passed the examination qualifying for such promotion. 403. An examination qualifying for promotion shall be held in the month of September in each year at each district headquarters, due notice of which shall be given in the Police Gazette. 404. No member of the Force shall be permitted to present himself for examination until he has completed at least seven years’ service. 405. Any member of the Force may sit for the examination qualifying for the rank of Sub-Inspector

and if he passes such examination he shall be deemed to have passed the examinations necessary to qualify for the ranks of Sergeant and Senior Sergeant. 406. Every member of the Force who is a candidate for examination must give notice in writing to his superior officer of his intention to present himself for examination, and such notice must be given to such officer during the month of July prior to the date fixed for the examination ; and officers in charge of districts shall forward all such notices to the Commissioner as soon as possible after receiving them.

Any intending candidate who fails to give such notice within the prescribed time shall not be permitted to sit for the examination.

407. All examination-papers shall be supplied to the Super ntendent or Inspector in sealed envelopes addressed to the candidates, to whom they are to be handed unopened at the hour fixed for the examination in the subject set forth in the examination-paper. 408. The examination shall be carried out under the immediate supervision of the Superintendent or Inspector, or other person appointed by the Commissioner.

409. Constables and Detectives who are candidates for promotion to the rank of Sergeant or DetectiveSergeant must pass an examination in the following subjects: — (1.) English : To write directly at dictation a passage from a daily newspaper or an extract from a standard author. To write in a clear and legible hand an intelligent account of some ordinary event, or a description of some well-known place or district, with due attention to correct spelling and punctuation, to the proper use of words, phrases, and sentences, and to the order and arrangement of the subject matter. To write a telegram or a letter on a given subject. To reproduce in the candidate’s own words the substance of a narrative or description that has been read over to the candidate.

(2.) Geography : To understand maps and plans generally, and to calculate distances therefrom. To draw a simple plan of a room, building, or a given locality. A knowledge of the chief physical features of England, Australia, and New Zealand, and of their leading seaports and other important towns. To know the various sea routes between these countries, as also their chief natural products, industries, exports, and imports. To be able to mark on a blank map of New Zealand the steamer, and coach routes and railway-lines, the position of the chief towns, and principal physical features. (3.) Arithmetic : Simple and compound rules, both in money and weights and measures, as applied to the simple problems of everyday life. Easy problems in vulgar and decimal fractions, in simple and compound proportion, in simple and compound interest, and in time and distance — ?.g., to find the speed in miles per hour from the time taken to cover a given distance. (4.) Questions upon- the elementary principles of the law of evidence. (5.) Police Force Act and Regulations, in detail. (6. Questions on practical Police and Detective duties. ✓ (7.) Justices of the Peace Act and amendments. (8.) Police Offences Act and amendments. (9.) Crimes Act and amendments. (10.) Gaming Act and amendments. (11.) Licensing Act and amendments. 410. Sergeants and Detective-Sergeants . who are candidates for promotion to the rank of Senior

Sergeant- or Senior Detective must pass an examination in the following subjects : (1.) Law of evidence; the Evidence Act, 1908; and simple questions from Stephen’s “ Digest of the Law of Evidence.” (2.) Police Force Act and Regulations, in detail. (3.) Practical Police and Detective duties. (4.) Justices of the Peace Act and amendments. (5.) Police Offences Act and amendments, Gaming Act and amendments, Licensing Act and amendments, Industrial Schools Act and amendments, and Crimes Act and amendments. (6.) Keeping of.records, station books, and rules relating to general correspondence. 411. Senior Sergeants and Senior Detectives who are candidates for promotion to the rank of SubInspector must pass an examination in the following subjects : (1.) English : To reproduce the substance of a narrative or description that has been read to the candidate. To write an essay on some fairly wellknown subject-matter. Easy precis- writing; the writing of an official letter containing the chief facts included in the precis. A knowledge of elementary commercial correspondence. (2.) Geography : Maps and plans, and ability to calculate areas and distances therefrom, and to draw simple locality and route plans. To mark on a blank map of New Zealand the chief mountain-ranges, rivers, lakes, steamer and coach routes, railway-lines,' seaports, and other important towns in New Zealand, and to know the leading products and industries of each district. Similar knowledge in somewhat less detail of the Australian States and the Pacific, and l in a general way of Great Britain and Ireland and the rest of the British Empire. (3.) Arithmetic : Fundamental rules. Vulgar and decimal fractions applied to practical questions of everyday life ; proportion and easy percentages similarly treated; simple and compound interest. Areas of common plane figures. Volumes and weights of common solids. Easy practical problems of time and distance. A cash account ; statement of receipts and expenditure. (4.) Law of evidence : The questions set will be more difficult than those set for candidates for promotion from the rank of Sergeant to that of Senior Sergeant. (5.) The Police Force Act and Regulations, in detail. . (6.) Questions on practical Police and Detective duties. (7.) Justices of the Peace Act and amendments. (8.) Police Offences Act and amendments. (9.) Gaming Act and amendments. (10.) Licensing Act and amendments. (11.) Industrial Schools Act and amendments. (12.) Crimes Act and amendments. (13.) Treasury Regulations. (14.) The keeping of an Imprest Account, preparation of contingent vouchers, salary abstracts, &c., and furnishing district accounts, estimates, and requisitions. (15.) Questions on the proper keeping of records, district and station books, and rules relating to general correspondence. 412. The examinations qualifying for promotion to the ranks of Sub-Inspector and Sergeant, respectively, shall each be divided in two sections ; one section shall consist of the subjects “ English,” “ Geography,” and “ Arithmetic ” as defined by the preceding regu

lations, and the other section shall consist of the remaining subjects specified for the examination. 413. A candidate may sit for one or both sections of the examination, and if he obtains the required number of marks in the subjects comprised in either section he shall be credited with a pass in that section. No candidate may sit for examination more than twice for each section unless he pays his own expenses and those of the member of the Force who relieves him, or such examination fee as may be fixed by the Commissioner. 414. To pass the examination a candidate must obtain not less than 60 per cent, of the marks allotted to each of the subjects “ Police Force Act and "Regulations ” and “ Practical Police and Detective Duties,” and in respect of the other subjects in each section he must obtain not less than one-third of the marks allotted to each subject and a total of not less than one-half of the maximum number of marks for such other subjects in each section. 415. A list of all members who pass the examination shall be kept in the Commissioner’s office, and shall be published in the Police Gazette as soon as possible after the results of the examination are known.

416. Every member who passes the examination shall have an entry to that effect made in his merit sheet.

417. Any member of the Force who has passed the Public Service Entrance Examination or any educational examination of equal or higher value shall not be required to pass an examination in the literary subjects prescribed as pass subjects for any Police examination, and any member who has passed the examination for a solicitor shall not be required to pass any Police examination qualifying for promotion, except one as to his knowledge of Police and Detective duties and of the Police Force Act and Regulations for the time being in force, and any statutes bearing upon Police duty which may have been enacted since he passed his Solicitor’s Examination. 418. Officers in charge of districts shall, as early as possible after the publication of the results of the examination in the Police Gazette in each year, furnish to the Commissioner recommendations ■in favour of the promotion of non-commissioned officers, Detectives, and Constables in their districts who have passed the necessary examination and are then considered by them to be well qualified for promotion to a higher rank. Such recommendations are to be submitted in the order of the men’s seniority in their respective grades. 419. Their names shall then be entered upon the general promotion list of the Force kept in the Commissioner’s office, according to their seniority. 420. No man who has not passed the examination shall be recommended for promotion. 421. Officers when making recommendations for promotion shall not recommend any non-commis-sioned officer, Detective, or Constable who is not of strictly sober habits, and who is not an efficient, energetic, and trustworthy member of the Force ; and the good or other qualities of each man reported upon should be dealt with exhaustively by the reporting officer. A man may be well educated and conducted, and yet, owing to want of energy, zeal, tact, and efficiency in the discharge of his duties, he may not be fit to be placed in the higher rank, where these qualifications are essential. If an officer deems a man ineligible for promotion who has passed the qualifying examination, he must state his reasons for withholding a recommendation *in the man’s favour. If such a man feels aggrieved at not having been recommended for promotion he may appeal

to the Commissioner to have his claim investigated, and the Commissioner may then appoint a Board of inquiry, consisting of two officers belonging to districts other than the one the appellant is stationed in, to investigate the man’s claim, and report the result, of the inquiry relating thereto. If the report is favourable to the appellant, his name shall be placed in its proper position on the promotion list; but, if adverse, the appeal shall be disallowed and the appellant may be ordered to pay the whole or a part of the cost of the inquiry, as the Board may recommend. 422. No member of the Force who has been fined for any serious misconduct against discipline, or neglect of duty, within the last two years of his service, or who has been fined for intoxication within the last four years of his service, .shall be promoted. If any member is punished after his name has been placed on the promotion list, the Superintendent or Inspector in charge of him shall draw attention thereto. 423. A non-commissioned* officer, Detective, or Constable whose name has been placed upon the promotion list as having passed the examination qualifying him for promotion must maintain his character for efficiency and good conduct while awaiting promotion, otherwise his name shall be removed from the list. 424. Any non-commissioned cfficer, Detective, or Constable who is not prepared to accept promotion when it is offered to him and to be transferred to the place where his services are required shall be passed over and his name placed at the bottom of the promotion list of his grade. 425. No Constable or Detective shall be promoted to the rank of Sergeant or Detective-Sergeant till he has been medically examined by a Police Surgeon and certified as physically fit to perform the duties of a Sergeant in charge of Constables on day and night duties in one of the four principal cities of New Zealand. 426. No Constable or Detective who has attained the age of fifty years shall be promoted to the rank of Sergeant or Detective-Sergeant. 427. When any member of the Force deems it necessary to put forward an application for promotion, such application must be written briefly, and the applicant must confine himself to facts. The Superintendent or Inspector must, append to every such application a list. of the applicant’s records, favourable and unfavourable, together with an opinion as to the applicant’s fitness or otherwise for the promotion he seeks.

Property Lost and Found.

428. Any goods or chattels which have lawfully come to the possession of any member of the Force and which are unclaimed shall be recorded in the Miscellaneous Property Book and be disposed of in the manner provided by the Police Force Act, 1913. Unclaimed money and money found and handed to the Police should be recorded in a similar manner.

When claimed or otherwise disposed of the receipt of the person to whom the goods, chattels, or money are delivered should be taken, and the date noted. If sold as unclaimed the fact should be recorded in the book.

Every article of property or money found by a policeman or handed over to him by or on behalf of the person who has found it is to be brought at once to the station and handed over to the officer in charge. The name and address of the person who found it or handed it to the policeman should be taken and a

note made of the circumstances under which it was found and a report furnished. Prompt steps should be taken to ascertain if possible the owner of such property or money.


429. Officers in charge of districts shall forward to the Commissioner quarterly requisitions for supplies of stationery, forms, and books required from the Government Printer.

430. Country stations shall be supplied from the district headquarters as becomes necessary. 431. Requisitions for saddlery, blankets, appointments, &c., to be supplied from the Police Store, shall also be forwarded quarterly if required. 432. Requisitions for authority to purchase stores, &c., may be forwarded to the Commissioner when the supplies are required. 433. Articles such as brooms, brushes, cleaningkits, &c., should be purchased at district headquarters by the dozen, and supplied to out-stations as necessity arises. This will not only save a considerable number of vouchers .for small amounts, but bettervalue will be obtained.

434. At places where there are Government contracts, the contract price must always be quoted, and the supplies purchased from the contractor. 435. The approved requisition must always accompany the voucher, and if the requisition includes articles purchased from different persons it must be attached to one of the vouchers, and a note made on it showing the number of each voucher covered by its authority. 436. A requisition-book shall be kept at each station, and requisitions issued by the member in charge, with the approval of the officer in charge of the district, for all such services as railway and boat fares and freights, coach fares, buggy and horse hire, forage, and horse-shoeing. These requisitions must be given to the person performing the service or making the supply, who shall fill in the back with the price, and return it with a voucher for the amount.

437. Members of the Force issuing requisitions will be held responsible for their prompt return attached to a Treasury voucher, which must be at once forwarded to the officer in charge.

It will not be held as an excuse that the tradesman or other person failed to make a claim ; it is the duty of the member incurring the expense to see that the claim is promptly sent in, and he must do so. The counterfoil of the requisition must in every case be filled in, and when the voucher has been furnished a note must be made across the counterfoil that the voucher was forwarded for payment on a certain date.

438. Officers inspecting stations shall carefully inspect the butts of the requisition-book to see that the last preceding regulation is observed. 439. In any case where a requisition is lost or mislaid, and it becomes necessary to issue a duplicate, care must be taken that the word “ duplicate ” is clearly written across the face of the requisition, together with the reason for issuing it.

Retired Officers.

440. Officers of the Force on retirement, whether before or after the commencement of these regulations, may be permitted to retain their rank and wear the prescribed uniform of such rank on official or public occasions: the letter “R” to be placed on the shoulder-cords or on the shoulder-straps below the badges of rank.

441. Inspectors and Sub-Inspectors on retiring from the Force after completing fifteen years’ service as officers may receive a step of honorary rank as a reward for good and efficient service.


442. Respect'to superiors being essential to good discipline, Senior and other Sergeants and Constables are to salute all those entitled to this mark of respect. Officers will salute all officers of the Force superior to them in rank. 443. All members of the Force shall salute His Excellency the Governor-General, members of the Executive Council, and Judges of the Supreme Court, and any Admiral of the Royal Navy.

444. Non-commissioned officers and Constables shall also salute all commissioned officers of the Police Force whether in uniform or not, and all Stipendiary Magistrates, whom they know to be such ; and all commissioned officers of the Royal Navy, the Imperial Army and the New Zealand Military Forces in uniform, when addressed by or addressing such officers.

445. Under no circumstances whatever shall any head-dress be removed by a member of the Force when saluting in uniform, and this order extends to any mark of respect which a man may desire to pay to his friends or to a passing funeral, &c. 446. Officers shall always salute their seniors on parade or duty when reporting themselves, or making a report to them, or on being dismissed on parade. 447. Officers in uniform, when saluting, must not take off their head-dress, but shall salute with the right hand. They must always return the salute of subordinates. 448. A salute made to two or more officers should be returned only by the senior.

449. A non-commissioned officer or Constable if standing still when an officer passes shall turn towards him, come to attention, and salute. When a non-commissioned officer or Constable addresses an officer he shall salute and halt two paces from him. When walking, non-commissioned officers or Constables shall salute an officer as they pass him. When a non-commissioned officer or Constable appears before an officer or other persons entitled to a salute in a room he shall salute before removing his head-dress. A non-commissioned officer or Constable without his head-dress, or who is carrying anything that prevents him from saluting properly, shall, if standing still, come to “ attention ” as the officer passes ; if walking, he shall turn his head slightly towards the officer in passing him. When an individual non-commissioned officer or Constable meets a detachment of Police on the march he shall salute the officer in command.

When Police marching on duty meet an officer the member of the Force in charge of them will give the command “ Eyes right,” or “ Eyes left,” as the case may be, and “ Eyes front ” as soon as the officer has passed. Only the member in charge will salute. 450. Senior and other Sergeants and Constables shall always stand at attention when addressed by an officer of the Force ; and should their barracks be visited by an officer, the men shall be called to attention by the first member of the Force who may happen to see him, whereupon they shall all cease their occupation and continue standing at attention until he leaves the apartment or permits them to sit down.

451. Constables shall show their respect for Senior and other Sergeants by standing at attention when they address them on duty. 452. No officer shall fail to acknowledge the marks offrespect paid to his rank by his subordinates, and he must be equally careful to call to account any member of the Force who is, guilty of marked inattention to him, whether on duty or not.

453. Members of the Detective Branch are not to salute their officers or others entitled to this mark of respect when they meet them in public, but this exemption does not relieve them of the responsibility of showing officers the usual marks of respect when they meet them about the barrack premises.


454. When any member of the Force is unfit for duty he must at once notify the officer in charge of the station to which he belongs, and no excuse shall be accepted for non-compliance with this rule. If he is not able to personally notify the officer he must send a report or message in such time that it will reach the officer before the time when the sick member would be required for duty, so that arrangements can be made for a substitute.

The report must be followed as soon as possible by a medical certificate, but must not be delayed therefor.

455. Where a Police Surgeon is appointed, all members of the Force shall be, attended and get their medicine free of charge, but shall, in the case of ordinary sickness, be liable to a deduction from their pay of Is. per day while sick. Where there is no Police Surgeon members of the Force must provide themselves with medical attendance and medicines.

456. In cases of illness or incapacity caused by injuries or otherwise in the execution of duty, full inquiries must be made and the result reported to the Commissioner, who may order that no deduction be made from the pay of a member, or that his medical expenses be paid as the case may be. . 457. When any member of the Force is in hospital no deduction shall be made from his pay for medical attention.

If his illness has been occasioned by injuries on duty the Department shall pay hospital charges, but if otherwise the officer in charge of the district shall see that the hospital charges are paid by the member of the Force concerned.

458. If any member of the Force is on the sicklist for one month at a time, or four times during any period of twelve months, a report must be made to the Commissioner.

A report and medical certificate as to the member’s condition must be submitted each month while he is on the sick-list. On resuming duty a medical certificate of his fitness to do so must be furnished in all cases.

459. A member of the Force while on the sick-list is not to leave his station or his home, as the case may be, without special permission from the Police Surgeon or other medical attendant.

460. When a member of the Force is on the sicklist for more than one month in any period of three years, his pay during his absence from duty shall not exceed the following scale :

No pay shall be granted for any period of absence in excess of that provided for in the above scale. The Commissioner may take into consideration any special circumstances and vary the scale of payment in any particular case. _■ If the illness or incapacity has been caused by injuries or otherwise in the execution of duty, the member .may with the approval of the Commissioner be granted full pay while on the sick-list. Where it is clear that sickness is caused by the misconduct of the member of the Force, his pay shall be stopped during such time as he is unfit for duty. 461. The Commissioner may at any time order a member to be examined by a Police Surgeon or other medical practitioner, with the view of ascertaining whether that member is fit to continue in the discharge of his duties, or whether he should be retired from the Force as medically unfit.


462. Smoking in public by members of the Force in uniform shall not be allowed under any circumstances, and no smoking shall be permitted in Police offices and dormitories or in Courthouses.

Sunday Observance.

463. The officers and non-commissioned officers of the Force are required to do all they can to facilitate the attendance of the men under their command at their respective places of worship, and to see that particular attention is paid to the proper observance of the Sunday.

464. Members of the Force must exert themselves to the utmost to suppress Sunday trading by licensed publicans and others.


465. A Police Surgeon is appointed at each of the four centres to attend all members of the Force, free of charge, in the city and suburban stations, who may require his services. He shall examine all candidates for the Force who are sent to him for examination, and report upon their fitness or otherwise for the service. He shall examine and report upon the condition of any member of the Force sent to him for that purpose by the Commissioner or Superintendent. 466. He shall visit each member who reports himself as unfit for duty, and enter in the Sick Register the nature of the illness or injury the man is suffering from, and the date or dates on which he visits him.

467. If any member of the Force on the sick-list is able to attend at the Surgeon’s residence or con-sulting-rooms he shall do so ; otherwise the Surgeon must attend the man at his barracks or private

residence. 468. When a member of the Force has been sent to hospital by the Surgeon, the latter must visit his patient there at uncertain times to ascertain his progress towards recovery and to prevent any member malingering there. 469. When any member dies while under treatment by the Surgeon, the latter shall furnish to the Superintendent a report setting forth the cause, of death.

470. If the Surgeon is satisfied that any man on the sick-list is malingering he shall report to that effect to the Superintendent, who shall inquire into the matter and report the result to the Commissioner.

471. If, after treating a man for some time, the Surgeon is satisfied such' man is medically unfit for service he shall report accordingly, so that a Medical Board can be arranged for to examine the man

and report upon his fitness or otherwise for the Force.

472. When the Surgeon directs that a man who is recovering from an illness should perform “ light duty,” he must specify the duties the man may or may not perform and the period of exemption from full duty. - 473. If a man is dissatisfied with the Surgeon’s treatment of him and wishes to employ a medical practitioner of his own choosing, at his own expense, he must first obtain permission to do so from the Superintendent, and must report in writing his grounds for being dissatisfied with the Surgeon’s treatment of him. On permission being given, the Surgeon must be notified to that effect, when he shall cease treating the man, but he must still continue to visit the patient at uncertain times to see how he is progressing, and shall enter the results of such visits in the Sick Register. 474. All communications between the Department and the Surgeon on official matters must pass through the hands of the Superintendent. 475. Any professional services rendered to the Department outside the foregoing shall be paid for at the usual rates.

476. The Police are not obliged to employ a Police Surgeon in criminal cases or casualties, but where he can be got as readily as any other medical practitioner he should get the preference, unless there are special reasons to the contrary. 477. Medical practitioners employed as experts in criminal cases shall be paid at the following scale, and shall be informed of the fee when they are so employed : For examination of the person, £1 Is.; for ‘microscopical, chemical, or bacteriological examination of clothing, £2 2s. These fees shall cover a report of the result of examination if necessary.

Where the nature of the work required is of a dangerous or lengthy nature, and the above scale is under the circumstances inadequate, special authority must be obtained before extra expense is incurred.

478. Medical men, when giving evidence as experts, shall be allowed £1 Is. per day in addition to the above rates for every day’s attendance at Court.


479. The Commissioner may suspend any member of the Force from duty for any misconduct. 480. A Superintendent or Inspector may suspend any Constable until the charge brought against that member is dealt with. Any such suspension shall be immediately reported to the Commissioner. A member of the Force under suspension shall not be allowed to appear in uniform.

481. Where a member of the Force has been remanded, or committed for trial on a criminal charge, he shall at once be suspended from pay and duty. 482. Unless it is otherwise ordered, any member of the Force suspended from pay and duty, and subsequently dismissed or discharged from the Force upon the charge which led to his suspension, shall receive no pay from the date of his suspension, but pay for more than twenty days shall not be stopped. If he is reduced, the reduced rate of pay may take effect from the date of the said suspension. If he receives a minor punishment, such as the infliction of a fine, &c., the Commissioner shall have power to stop the offender’s pay for not more than twenty days during suspension, should he deem the par-

ticulars of the case sufficient to justify such a course. If the offender is finally acquitted of the charge, he may receive arrears of pay, in full, from the date of his suspension.


483. The telegraph is to be used only when necessary, and messages must be curtailed as much as is consistent with clearness.

484. Copies of all telegrams sent should be kept and attached to the files to which they relate ; the date and time of despatch should be endorsed on every copy so filed. 485. Telegrams shall be paid for by official stamps, to be affixed by the sender. Where collect telegrams relating to official matters are received they must be paid for in official stamps and not in cash.

486. Where the telegraph is used by the Police at the request of any person on subjects that do not come within the duty of the Police, such as inquiries for missing friends, &c., the person at whose request the message is sent must pay for same and for reply. 487. A code is supplied to all officers in charge of districts, for use when telegraphing matters of a very confidential nature. It is only to be used in such cases, and every care shall be taken that the code does not become known to other than officers in charge, Sub-Inspectors, and District Clerks.


488. All members of the Force are expected to devote the whole of their time to the service, and shall not engage in trade of any kind, either by themselves or through their wives. 489. If the wife of any member of the Force who does not hold a separation order engages in business her husband shall be called upon to resign from the Force.

490. No member of the Force will be permitted to derive any benefit from any contract entered into on behalf of . the Department, or to accept any discount or other benefit in connection with any expenditure of public money. Travelling-allowances. 491. Members of the Force, when travelling on the public service, shall be paid such travellingallowances as may be fixed by circular from time to time. 492. When officers, non-commissioned officers, and Constables are sent to any place away from their station on relieving or temporary duty for any period likely to exceed one week, they , must make arrangements for their board and lodging by the week, when they will be paid such allowance as may be fixed by circular governing such payments. 493. Receipts for horse-hire, boat or coach fares, livery, and other expenses must be obtained where the sum claimed exceeds ss.

494. Officers, non-commissioned officers, Detectives, and Acting-Detectives may travel first class, and all other members of the Force second class, by rail. 495. All members of the Force on duty may travel free by rail either in uniform or on production of a railway pass. , 496. First-class railway passes shall be signed by the Commissioner, and second-class by a Superintendent or Inspector. 497. Prisoners in custody shall also travel free by rail, second class.

Uniforms and Equipment. Officers. 498. Subject to the provisions of the following regulations, the uniforms and equipment of officers shall be strictly in accordance with the instructions to be issued from time to time by the Minister in Charge of the Department, and must be kept in good order and condition. 499. Officers should, by a smart appearance in uniform and strict attention to regulations, set a good example to those under their command. All officers below the rank of Superintendent shall wear uniform when on duty between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. daily, Sundays excepted.

500. The different ranks of officers shall be indicated by bronze ornaments as badges of rank, on shoulder-straps, as follows: Commissioner, crown and two stars; Superintendents, crown; Inspectors, three stars ; Sub-Inspectors, two stars.

Senior and other Sergeants and Constables.

501. The uniforms and equipment of Senior and other Sergeants and of Constables shall be as follows : Helmet, blue or white, according to season ; forage cap, blue tweed; tunic, for full dress; frock of blue tweed with patch pockets; trousers of blue tweed with pockets cut across; white cotton gloves, on special occasions only; black leather gloves when weather is cold; leggings where necessary; blue macintosh coat with cape; blue cloth overcoat, stand-up collar, for night duty; baton; whistle and chain waistbelt; lamp; handcuffs and key; helmet badge, bronze; numbers, white metal; revolver and ammunition where necessary. 502. The uniform and appointments shall be worn strictly according to regulation, and no alteration of any article of uniform or equipment is to be permitted without the Commissioner’s authority. 503. Senior Sergeants shall wear- on right sleeve of frock, between wrist and elbow, a badge of a crown in silver embroidery. 504. Sergeants shall wear chevrons of three bars on the right sleeve, between the wrist and elbow, the point upwards. The bars shall be of silver lace on a red ground. Chevrons of blue cloth on a red ground shall be worn on uniform overcoats. The white-metal numbers shall be worn by Sergeants and Constables on each side of the collars of their frocks and overcoats. The front number must be 2 in. back from the opening of the collar, and the lower part of the numbers must touch the collarseam. Senior Sergeants shall not wear numbers.

505. Mounted Constables shall wear the same uniform as other Constables, except that they shall wear Bedford cord pantaloons, Napoleon boots, or brown-leather leggings and lace-up tan boots, huntingspurs, and white buckskin gloves. They shall also wear brown leather shoulder-belt and pouch with regulation badge, and when on Governor’s escort or other special duty brown leather sword-belt and slings and cavalry sword. Blue waterproof overcoat of regulation pattern or blue cloth cavalry cloak to be worn in wet or cold weather.

506. Uniform must be worn by non-commissioned officers and Constables when on detailed duty, and officers must see that uniform is not discarded except for good reason by members of the Force on detailed duty, even in country districts. 507. Sergeants and Constables must wear uniform whenever their duty takes them on board a warship.

508. When a number of men in uniform are detailed for any particular duty they should all be dressed alike according to their rank.

General. 509. The only badge of mourning to be worn at any time in uniform by both officers and men shall be a band of black crape, 31 in. wide, round the left arm, above the elbow. 510. Watch-chains or other ornaments shall not be worn in uniform in such a manner as to be visible.

511. Both officers and men must appear entirely in uniform or entirely in plain clothes. 512. Tunics, frocks, and jackets must be kept buttoned or hooked when worn by officers, noncommissioned officers, and Constables.

513. Uniform overcoats must not be worn over plain clothes by members of the Force. 514. Whenever a greatcoat or waterproof coat is worn it must be put on properly and not thrown carelessly round the shoulders. 515. Men quitting the Force shall deliver up their clothing, appointments, and arms at the station where they are serving unless they are near a headquarters station, when they must hand them in at the district office. Before settling arrears of pay or allowances it must be ascertained whether there is any deficiency in or damage done to the clothing, appointments, arms, or ammunition, and, if so, the proper sum must be deducted from the amount due to such men. The Superintendent or Inspector shall be responsible for damages or deficiencies not reported or not paid for by the individual.

Watchhouses and Watchhouse-keepers.

516. A watchhouse is that portion of a policestation to which prisoners are taken to be searched after arrest and before being placed in a cell. 517. At all important stations a Constable, who shall be known as the watchhouse-keeper, must always be on duty in the watchhouse, which he is not to quit on any account during his hours of duty, unless relieved by another Constable under the direction of the Sergeant or other officer in charge. 518. Constables must not loiter or gossip in or near the watchhouse-keeper’s office.

519. Members of the Force who arrest offenders will be responsible for their safe custody until they are searched and handed over to the watchhousekeeper. 520. From the time of arrest until searched careful watch must be kept to see that a prisoner does not make away with anything that might be used as evidence against him. The arresting member shall search his prisoner, and the watchhouse-keeper shall verify the search before locking the prisoner up. 521. The arresting member shall accompany the watchhouse-keeper to the cells, and assist him in placing the prisoner safely therein. 522. When a seaman belonging to a ship in port is arrested, and it can be ascertained to what ship he belongs, the master of the vessel should be immedi atelv notified by the police of the arrest. 523. When the prisoner is taken to Court the arresting member will be. responsible for him until he is either bailed, discharged, or again locked up. 524. Immediately a charge is entered against a prisoner, if there is, no prospect of his being bailed, he should be carefully searched, and the property found upon him entered in the Watchhouse Charge Book, also upon a property sheet (Form D4B) ; the latter should be read over to the prisoner, who should be requested to sign it; it should then be signed by the arresting member and watchhouse-keeper. Should a prisoner be too drunk to sign when arrested, he should be requested to sign before being

taken to Court, so that, if he has any]fcomplaint to make, it can be promptly investigated. 525. When prisoners are searched, the searching must be done so effectually that all instruments or articles of property which they ought not to retain may be taken from them.

In taking possession of property for safe custody regard shall be had not merely to the value of the articles but to their capability of occasioning mischief or injury to the prisoners themselves or to others. For example, serious results have followed from drunken persons being left in possession of knives and matches.

526. Prisoners should be searched in the presence of the watchhouse-keeper when there is one, or in the presence of a third person, who should be invited to witness the search and sign the property sheet.

It is only where absolutely unavoidable that a prisoner should be searched without a witness. 527. Female prisoners must be searched by the Matron or female searcher, if any, and if none is available, then by a female to be employed for that purpose. On no account must they be searched by members of the Force.

528. The prisoner’s property sheet shall be made out in duplicate, whether the prisoner has property or not. 529. If a prisoner is unable to write, the property sheet must be read over to him, and he must be requested to make his mark, which shall be witnessed by a third person. 530. If property belonging to a prisoner is received by the Police after he is locked up, it must be entered on his property sheet with a note of the date and from whom it was received. If received after the prisoner has been sent to gaol, a fresh property sheet must be made out and sent with it to the gaol. 531. Property retained by the Police for the purpose of investigation or in connection with the charge must be entered on the sheet, and the signature of the officer who retains it obtained on the sheet.

532. When a prisoner is remanded from one station to another the property sheets must be in triplicate, so that one sheet can be receipted and filed at the station where he was arrested, one at the station where dealt with, and one at the gaol. 533. If a prisoner is discharged or released on bail his property must be handed to him unless wanted for further proceedings, and his receipt taken on the property sheet. 534. When a prisoner is sent to gaol his property must be sent there at the same time with duplicate property sheets, one of which must be signed by the Gaoler, who shall retain the other. 535. When prisoners without property are sent to gaol “ Nil ” property sheets must be sent with them. 536. Receipted property sheets must be carefully filed, and the watchhouse-keeper will be held responsible for the due filing of them.

537. Property taken from a prisoner must remain in the possession of the watchhouse-keeper until the prisoner has been disposed of, unless the property is alleged to be stolen, when it shall be retained by the arresting member, who must sign the sheet as having retained it. 538. Orders given by prisoners for the payment of money or delivery of property shall not be acted upon without the sanction of the officer in charge of the station.


539. Where there is any suspicion that the money or property forms part of the subject of a charge it must not be handed over without reference to the officer in charge of the district.

540. Any order given by a prisoner for the payment of money must be stamped in accordance with the Stamp Duties Act.

541 If any property is handed over, the receipt of the person to whom it is handed should be attached with the order to the property sheet, and a note made on the duplicate for the gaol that it has been so handed over.

542. Where prisoners have money and wish to use it for their defence they must be allowed to do so, unless such money is directly or indirectly connected with a charge pending against them, and there is a probability that a judicial order may subsequently be made as to its return to the prosecutor or other person, in which case it must not be handed over.

543. No person should be allowed to communicate with a prisoner in a watchhouse unless with the sanction of the officer in charge of the station'. If the officer in charge sanctions such an interview, it must be in the presence of a member of the Force. The only exception to this rule is in the case of solicitors or their clerks whom the prisoner may wish to consult; they shall at all times be allowed access to the prisoner, and a member of the Force must keep within view but beyond hearing.

544. Persons not connected with the Police Force must not be allowed to frequent watchhouses, but exceptions may be made in favour of members of the Press and persons representing societies for the assistance of discharged prisoners.

545. Prisoners should be classified as much as possible, persons charged with drunkenness, minor offences, and crimes being separated. 546. Male prisoners must be kept strictly apart from female prisoners.

547. Where young persons have to be locked up they must be kept separate from adults. 548. Mental defectives should always be kept separate, and placed in a padded cell where there is one, and should be disposed of as soon as possible. They should be visited every half-hour or oftener, and particular care taken that there is nothing in the cell or on their person with which they could injure themselves.

549. Ordinary prisoners must be visited every two hours.

550. All prisoners when placed in a cell should have collars and ties, belts, braces, and handkerchiefs removed, and, if drunk, their shirt-collar should be loosened ; and if the weather is cold, care must be taken that they are properly covered with sufficient blankets.

551. If a prisoner’s clothes are wet they must be removed and dried.

552. A cell-door must be kept securely locked so long as a prisoner is confined in such cell. So also must the door be locked leading into the cell yard or passage. 553. The keys of all locks belonging to the lock-up premises must be kept by the watchhouse-keeper, who must open and close all cell and yard doors personally, and shall on no account allow any other person to do so. ' 554. Where a Matron is stationed she shall, however, have charge of the keys of that part of the lock-up set apart for the accommodation of female prisoners.

555. All blankets in use in a lock-up where prisoners are regularly confined, must be washed at least once a month ; but should any blankets be used by a dirtylooking prisoner, or one suspected of having vermin on him, they must be washed without delay. So also must blankets that are found wet or soiled after being in use in a cell overnight. 556. The cells, yards, urinals, closets, and lavatories must be kept as clean as possible, and disinfectants must be frequently used in them. Any obscene, indecent, or profane writing, drawing, or representation found on the walls, doors, &c., must be promptly and effectively obliterated. 557. Officers in charge of districts shall see that proper arrangements are made for the supply of meals to prisoners confined in lock-ups. 558. A prisoner who is confined at the usual mealhour shall be supplied with a meal if he is in a fit state to partake of it. 559. The scale of rations to be supplied to prisoners confined in a lock-up, and the amount to be charged therefor, shall be laid down by circular from time to time as required.

A return of all rations issued shall be made out monthly (or quarterly at small stations), and sent in with voucher for payment. Each meal must be shown as one-third of a ration. 560. Prisoners who have been sentenced to a term of imprisonment or who have been remanded or committed for trial may, where the period of imprisonment, remand, or committal for trial does not exceed seven days, be detained at the police-station at places where there is no prison or police-gaol and there is no accommodation for them at the policestation. (See section 17, Statute Law Amendment Act, 1917.)

The cost of rations supplied to such prisoners from the time of sentence, remand, or committal, as the case may be, until the prisoner is removed from the police-station will be chargeable against the Prisons Department. 561. In places where two or more watchhousekeepers are employed, each one will be held responsible for the proper carrying-out of the duties of his office during the time he is on duty. 562. On taking over charge of a watchhouse the watchhouse-keeper must see that all prisoners are safe and well, and that the cells are in good order and secure. He must also see that their property is correct.

After taking over the watchhouse he shall make an entry in the visiting-book setting forth the time taken over, the number of prisoners, male and female, and their condition.

The watchhouse-keeper handing over shall draw the attention of the officer relieving him to the necessity, if any, for special supervision over any of the prisoners, or to any other matter that should be brought under his notice. 563. Watchhouse-keepers will be held responsible that all charges made by Constables are properly formulated. The watchhouse-keeper should obtain the particulars from the Constables and frame the charges for them. 564. Where a person is brought to the watchhouse, and the watchhouse-keeper is not satisfied that an offence has been committed for which the person should be detained, he must not lock him up without the authority of the officer in charge of the station. If any person so brought to the station is liberated, a report shall be immediately made by the watchhouse-keeper and by the Constable who brought the person to the station.

565. Watchhouse-keepers will be held responsible for the entries made in the books under their charge, which must be accurate and neatly made. They shall enter the result of each charge in the Charge-book, in the column for that purpose, not only of prisoners summarily convicted, but of those committed for trial or sentence.

Where prisoners have been previously convicted they shall attach a list of previous convictions to the charge-sheet for the information of the prosecuting officer.

566. Where a prisoner is arrested for drunkenness and denies that he is drunk, immediate steps should be taken to have the prisoner examined by competent officers, so as to corroborate or otherwise the evidence of the arresting Constable. If the prisoner demands to be examined by a medical practitioner, and has the money to pay for such examination, his request must be at once complied with, but care must be taken that there is no delay in obtaining the medical practitioner’s attendance, or that, if there is any delay, the time of his visit must be noted, so that it can be given in evidence. 567. Where a prisoner is unconscious, whether the unconsciousness is caused by liquor, illness, or other causes, a medical practitioner must be at once called in.

568. Where it is noticed that a prisoner is suffering from any injury or illness apparently necessitating the attention of a medical practitioner, steps should be immediately taken to send for one. 569. Where a prisoner says he is ill and wants a medical practitioner, or whether ill or not if he has the means to pay for one, his request must be complied with. 570. Where a prisoner has no means, and the watchhouse-keeper is satisfied that there is nothing wrong with him, he should not send for a medical practitioner without the sanction of the officer in charge of the station ; but if he has any doubt it is better that a medical practitioner should be sent for. 571. Where a prisoner is remanded on a charge of helpless drunkenness the cost of maintenance should be applied for when he is dealt with. 572. When a prisoner is committed for trial or for sentence to the Supreme Court a correct list of his convictions and a report giving as complete an account as .possible of his character, antecedents, and habits should be furnished direct to the Registrar of the Supreme Court where the trial is to be held or sentence passed. This should be attended to as soon as possible after the committal.

573. Promptly after the committal of a prisoner for trial the Crown Prosecutor should be notified and requested to arrange for an appointment with the Police officers concerned in preparing the case, who, generally speaking, would be the officer who conducted the case in the lower Court and the officer who made the arrest and collected the evidence, in order to study the depositions and consider the sufficiency of the evidence already placed thereon. The Police file of reports relating to the case should also be handed to the Crown Prosecutor for perusal, unless the officer in charge of the district considers there is a valid objection thereto in any particular case.

Any instructions given by the Crown Solicitor for further inquiry should be carefully and promptly attended to, in order that any material evidence may be found and the attendance of any witnesses discovered may be secured in good time.

574. A return of all prisoners tried or sentenced at the Supreme Court shall be furnished by the officer in charge at the place of trial for the Police Gazette immediately after the prisoners have been dealt with. The criminal calendar in the custody of the Registrar of the Supreme Court should be referred to in making up this return, so that the very offence of Inch the prisoner was actually convicted, and not that with which he was charged in the lower Court, may be shown in the return. The entries in charge-books should not be altered, but an explanatory entry should be made in accordance with the Registrar’s calendar.


575. In all Police cases the member of the Force in charge of the case will be responsible for the due attendance of his witnesses at Court, and shall see that they are ready to be called when wanted.

In indictable cases he shall see that the witnesses do not leave the Court until properly bound over to appear at the Supreme Court. He shall keep in touch with the witnesses until after the trial, and shall see that they arc in attendance both before the grand and common juries, and that they are in readiness to be called when required, so that no delay will be occasioned. Should he learn that any of the witnesses are about to leave New Zealand before the trial, he shall immediately report the matter, so that steps may be taken either to stop them going away or to sec them off (so that their depositions may be read), as the Crown Solicitor may direct. The arresting Constable must in all cases attend the trial, whether bound over or not, unless in cases where he has no important evidence to give, when it is his duty to ask for instructions before the trial, so that the Crown Solicitor can direct whether he is required or not.

576. Where Crown witnesses have no means to defray their train or boat fares they shall be supplied by the Police with tickets, which may be obtained on requisition. '

The requisitions must in all cases show that the tickets are required for witnesses, whose names

must be given therein, also the case in which they are to give evidence. Any member of the Force issuing a requisition shall at once report the same to the officer in charge of his district, who must take steps to collect the amount from the Court or otherwise as circumstances direct.

577. Witnesses shall be paid by the Police in all summary cases according to scale laid down by the Department of Justice for the payment of witnesses’ expenses at the Supreme Court. 578. In the case of prisoners who plead guilty, and are committed to the Supreme Court for sen tence, the witnesses shall be paid on the same scale, and the vouchers charged to the Department of Justice.


. 579. The Police must promptly report, by telegram if necessary, the finding of any wreckage to the nearest Collector of Customs, and must take steps to secure the same until the arrival of a Customs officer or until instructions are received for its disposal.

580. In case of wrecks where lives are lost the Police'must be promptly on the spot, and take steps for the recovery of bodies, their removal to a convenient place for inquest, and for the due security of property. 581. Where a body is not identified a full description must be taken both of the body and everything found on it, and if the body is not too decomposed a photograph should be taken 1o aid in identification.

582. Where there are any survivors of the wreck, they must be rendered every assistance to reach the nearest town or settlement, and, if necessary, supplied with food and clothing.

583.- Information of such wrecks must be promptly telegraphed to the Commissioner, and also particulars of the steps taken in each case.

F. D. THOMSON, Acting Clerk of the Executive Council

7— P.G.

By Authority : Marcus F. Marks, Government Printer, Wellington.

Length of Service. Pay. while on Sick-list. Full Pay. Half Pay j Half Pay Under 5 years .. 1 month .. 7 months Over 5 and under 10 years .. 2 months .. 8 months Over 10 years 3 months . . j 8 months 1 .

Offender. tried.Where When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. | Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &c. — Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. 1 Distinguishing Marks, &c. •Gibson, Marshall Wanganui 25/8/19 murder bill ignored .. N. Zealand domestic .. 1897 5 3| fair brown hazel .. medium ment * bill ignored .. N. Zealand domestio .. 1897 5 3f fair brown hazel .. medium Noble,Maxwell, alias Wanganui .. 25/8/19 assault causing bodily 2 years’ probaIreland labourer 1892 5 5 fresh .. fair bluelong Two axes on right forearm ; eel on left forearm. James harm tion and prohibited grey (See Police Gazette , 1918, page 661.) Wanganui .. 25/8/19 assault causing bodily harm 2 years’ probation and prohibited Ireland labourer 1892 5 5 fresh .. fair bluegrey long Two axes on right forearm ; eel on left forearm. (See Police Gazette, 1918, page 661.) Alex- James Smythe, Wanganui .. 27/8/19 false pretences 1 year Ireland carpenter .. 1884 5 8* fair brown blue .. long Burn-scar on left arm; strong build. (See alias Walkington, attempted false pre3 months Police Gazette, 1917, page 67.) alias tences Vance, false pretenoes (7 acquitted alias charges) alias alias attempted false preacquitted ■ alias Kane tences (2 charges) Wanganui .. 27/8/19 false pretences attempted false pretences false pretenoes (7 charges) attempted false pretences (2 charges) 1 year 3 months aoquitted acquitted Ireland carpenter .. 1884 ' 5 8i fair brown blue long Burn-scar on left arm; strong build. (See Police Gazette, 1917, page 67.) Brown, Wanganui 28/8/19 bribery acquitted N. Zealand carrier and 1867 5 9 florid .. brown brown .. medium See Police Gazette , 1919, page 372. perjury acquitted farmer Scar on head, on left shoulder, and over right acquitted 1$ years’ reformative detention N. Zealand carrier and farmer 1867 5 9 florid .. brown brown .. medium See Police Gazette, 1919, page 372. Patrick Wanganui 30/8/19 causing 1$ years’ reforN. Zealand labourer and 1893 5 6 fair brown blue .. medium harm N. Zealand labourer and bushman 1893 5 6 fair brown blue medium Scar on head, on left shoulder, and over right eye ; two moles on left cheek. mative debushman eye; two moles on left cheek. tention j Victor Sydney Wanganui 30/8/19 bodily 1J years’ reforN. Zealand bushman .. 1888 5 6 fair brown blue .. medium 50753 on right forearm; scar on right elbow. harm refor- years’ de-tention tention N. Zealand bushman .. 1888 5 6 fair brown blue medium 50753 on right forearm ; scar on right elbow. Christian, Timothy Wanganui . 30/8/19 indecent assault years Norfolk Islabourer 1876 5 7| swarthy black brown .. medium Slight lump on right leg. (See Police Gazette, land 1919, page 263.) Four dots on left arm; dot between left thumb labourer 1876 5 n swarthy black brown .. medium Slight lump on right leg. (See Police Gazette , 1919, page 263.) Abbott, George Joseph Wanganui 1/9/19 from a acquitted England steward 1878 5 8$ sallow . brown blue medium Four dots on left arm ; dot between left thumb forefinger. alias Albert, Wanganui .. 2/9/19 receiving stolen property 6 months on Norway .. labourer and 1874 5 7 fresh .. dark blue .. medium Emblem on right forearm. (See Police Gazette, Albert (2 charges) each and declare d an habitual criminal seaman 1917, page 429.) Wanganui .. 2/9/19 receiving stolen property (2 charges) 6 months on each and declare d an habitual criminal Norway •. labourer and seaman ■ 1874 5 7 fresh .. dark blue medium Emblem on right forearm. (See Police Gazette, 1917, page 429.) Barbara Wanganui .. 2/9/19 theft from a dwelling .. 1 month Scotland .. oook 1890 4 Hi dark .. dark brown brown .. medium Scar over left eye. (See Police Gazette , 1917, Isabella alias theft acquitted page 293.) Wanganui .. 2/9/19 theft from a dwelling .. theft 1 month acquitted Scotland .. cook 1890 4 11$ dark .. dark brown brown .. medium Scar over left eye. (See Police Gazette, 1917, page 293.) Hall, Masterton 10/9/19 receiving property fined Scotland and 1874 5 6i light .. brown blue .. medium C.H. on right forearm. motor car proprietor 1874 5 6$ light .. brown blue .. medium C.H. on right forearm. William Greymouth 10/9/19 theft 1 probaN. Zealand clerk 1899 5 n sallow .. dark brown dk. hazel prominent Scar on right thumb and wrist. tion 1 year’s probation N. Zealand clerk 1899 5 H sallow .. dark brown dk. hazel prominent Scar on right thumb and wrist. GustavHaussman, Greymouth .. 10/9/19 theft Germany .. clerk 1856 5 4 fresh .. dark,turning grey blue .. medium First joint of right middle finger stiff; scar on left groin; ruptured. 1 year’s probaGermany .. clerk 1856 5 4 fresh .. dark, turning blue .. medium First joint of right middle finger stiff; scar on tion grey left groin; ruptured. William Greymouth .. 10/9/19 breaking, entering, theft proba- 1 tion N. sawmill 1900 5 4 fresh .. light brown grey medium Emil Greymouth 10/9/19 false pretences acquitted N. Zealand butcher and 1893 5 104 fresh .. dark brown brown .. medium Scar on left wrist. by acquitted 6awmiller acquitted N. Zealand butcher and sawmiller 1893 5 10$ fresh .. dark brown brown .. medium Scar on left wrist.


Offender. tried. j When. Offence. Sentence. Native Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, fro. w W Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, frc. William Rawene 29/8/19 assault fined aboriginal labourer 1889 ft. 8 copper. black brown . PUg Henry Rawene 29/8/19 assault fined £4 aboriginal labourer 1897 5 9 copper.. blaok brown .. PUg 29/8/19 assault fined £4 aboriginal labourer 1897 5 9 copper.. black brown .. Pug Whitaki Rawene 29/8/19 assault fined aboriginal labourer 1894 9 copper.. black brown .. Pug 9 copper.. black brown .. PUg Haeama Ngaroa Rawene 29/8/19 behaviour threatening fined £2 aboriginal labourer 1878 5 copper.. black brown .. PUg See Police Gazette , 1919, page 386. 7 copper.. black brown .. PUg See Police Gazette, 1919, page 386. Mathew Kawhoa, Rawene 30/8/19 theft probation a aboriginal schoolboy 1907 6 copper.. black brown .. pug 6 copper.. black brown .. PUg home Tai. Whangaroa 6/9/19 theft fined aboriginal labourer 1884 10 5 10 5 4£ copper. black dark br. medium Scar over right eyebrow ; three small moles near left ear. (See Police Gazette, 1913, page 214.) dark .. black dark br. medium Scar over right eyebrow ; three small moles near left ear. (See Police Gazette , 1913, page 214.) George Auckland 12/9/19 language fined Zealand labourer 1893 dark grey .. medium Tip of right forefinger has been crushed ; scar on 5 dark .. dark grey .. medium Tip of right forefinger has been crushed ; scar on resisting andconvicted 1919, discharged blue .. 504.) 5 7J 504.) Evans, Auckland 12/9/19 and disorderly if come up England gardener 1850 fresh .. grey blue .. medium See Police Gazette, 1919, page 531. 5 7* fresh .. grey medium See Police Gazette, 1919, page 531. means) called 5 54 Charles Watts, Henry Auckland 12/9/19 theft year’s 1 Zealand labourer 1903 fresh .. brown grey .. snub Bird, anchor, heart, hand, and flower on right 5 6* fresh .. brown grey .. snub Bird, anchor, heart, hand, and flower on right to make tution and ; Photographed Auckland, (See 1917, theft and * discharged fair blue .. 1 year’s probafair Purdy, Auckland 12/9/19 theft N. Zealand driver 1902 5 7 fair blue .. medium Strong build. proba- year’s N. Zealand driver 1902 5 7 fair medium ' Strong build. and restitu- make restitu- make tion tion theft andconvicted discharged pale blue .. 5 104 pale -s .. ' blue .. alias William, Fitzgerald, Auckland 13/9/19 drunkenness to Ireland labourer 1854 grey medium Scar at back of right ear. (See Police Gazette, 5 10* grey medium Scar at back of right ear. (See Police Gazette, O’Brien for 1 1919, Eliot, Auckland 13/9/19 drunk in charge fined N. Zealand stock agent 1872 5 8* fair fair, turning hazel .. medium Scar on right forearm. fined £2 N. Zealand stock agent 1872 5 84 fair fair, turning hazel .. medium Scar on right forearm. a grey Clarence Auckland 13/9/19 mischief to up Zealand message-boy 1903 5 fair fair blue .. medium 4 fair fair blue .. medium dows) on William Skelly, Auckland 8/9/19 assault fined Zealand musician 1885 8 sallow .. dark brown. brown.. prominent Large mouth. going bald 8 sallow .. dark brown. brown .. prominent Large mouth. going bald George Auckland 10/9/19 theft proba- 3 years’ England clerk 1902 5 fair .. brown blue .. medium F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 8/9/19. 7 fair brown blue .. medium F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 8/9/19. and make tion ‘ — ; (5 resti- make tution Joseph Kaye, Auckland 10/9/19 theft to up Zealand seaman 1902 4 5 fresh .. brown grey .. medium Ship and flag on right forearm. F.P. Photo 4 fresh .. brown grey .. medium Ship and flag on right forearm. F.P. Photo called to titution Auckland, at graphed

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates’ Courts, but not sent to Gaol

Offender. of tried. 1 When. 1 Offence. Sentence. Native Trade. Bom. Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, to 1 j Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &c alias Auokland 10/9/19 assault fined Zealand seaman 1881 in. 7 fresh dark,turning blue . medium and left and Flags Goble grey right over Photographed at Auckland, 9/9/19. (See Police Gazette, 1915, pages 277 and 364.) cJlC * Photographed at Auckland, 9/9/19. (See Police Qazette, 1915, pages 277 and 364.) cllV Evans, Auokland 10/9/19 of peace fined 10s. # # England .. fireman 1887 5 9 dark .. brown brown .. medium Snake, woman’s head, and DOLL on left forebrown.. arm; shamrock,, rose, and thistle, and two birds on right forearm ; scar on upper lip. • • fined 10s. England .. fireman 1887 5 9 dark .. brown brown .. brown .. medium Snake, woman’s head, and DOLL on left forearm ; shamrock, rose, and thistle, and two birds on right forearm ; scar on upper lip. Reginald . Auckland 10/9/19 false ifto up N. Zealand labourer and 1891 5 8 ruddy .. black medium Good features. if N. Zealand labourer and 1891 5 8 ruddy .. black medium Good features. called clerk brown .. Brady, Auckland 10/9/19 assault fined N. Zealand taxi-driver .. 1877 5 7 dark .. dark, turning medium A half-caste Maori. •• N. Zealand taxi-driver .. 1877 5 7 dark .. dark, turning brown .. medium A half-caste Maori. James Auckland 11/9/19 drunkenness . . £1fined Amerioa . seaman 1877 5 11 dark grey brown blue medium ; right assault fined £1 brown .. left forearm. • • fined £1 brown .. left forearm. John Williams, Henry Te 11/9/19 theft fined Wales farmer 1894 5 2J fresh .. dark brown short Scar on right forearm. •• Wales farmer 1894 5 2J fresh .. dark brown short Scar on right forearm. Williams, Herbert Te 11/9/19 theft fined £4 • • Wales farmer 1899 5 7 fresh .. brown blue .. long ... fined £4 Wales farmer 1899 5 7 fresh .. brown blue long Charlton, Thomas Tauranga 28/8/19 drunkenness andconvicted England miner 1875 5 6 fresh red, blue medium on on discharged 1912, (See languageobscene to up page 71.) if page 71.) called t blue John Rotorua 1/9/19 two-upplaying fined £3 •• Tasmania.. bushman .. 1883 5 11 fresh .. fair, going bald blaok medium See Police Gazette, 1917, page 586. • • fined £8 Tasmania.. bushman .. 1883 5 11 fresh .. fair, going bald blaok medium See Police Gazette, 1917, page 586. McRae, Rotorua 1/9/19 two-upplaying fined N. Zealand carpenter .. 1877 5 7 copper.. brown .. medium Strong build; a half-caste Maori. (See Police Gazet , 1916, page 332.) # m N. Zealand oarpenter .. 1877 5 7 copper.. brown .. medium Strong build; a half-caste Maori. (See Police Gazet , 1916, page 332.) Reid, Joseph Rotorua 1/9/19 playing two-up fined N. Zealand fish-hawker 1879 5 8 fresh .. dark grey .. large Slovenly appearance. •• N. Zealand fish-hawker 1879 5 8 fresh .. dark grey .. large Slovenly appearance. McAdams, Rotorua 1/9/19 two-up £3fined America .. labourer 1877 5 10 sallow .. fair, going bald fair blue .. medium • • America .. labourer 1877 5 10 sallow.. fair, going bald fair blue .. medium O’Connell, Rotorua 1/9/19 playing fined N. Zealand clerk 1888 5 9 fresh .. blue .. medium Slim build. .. N. Zealand clerk 1888 5 9 fresh .. blue .. medium Slim build. Michael brown Roto Rotorua 1/9/19 playing two-up fined £3 aboriginal labourer 1895 5 11 copper.. black medium Stout build. 1/9/19 playing two-up fined £3 •• aboriginal labourer 1895 5 11 copper.. black medium Stout build. King Rotorua 1/9/19 playing two-up •• fined £3 aboriginal bushman .. 1881 5 7 copper.. black brown .. medium 1/9/19 playing two-up fined £3 •• aboriginal bushman .. 1881 5 7 copper.. black black brown .. medium Tuhimata Rotorua 1/9/19 playing two-up fined £3 aboriginal labourer 1891 5 8 copper.. black brown .. medium 1/9/19 playing two-up fined £3 •• aboriginal labourer 1891 5 8 copper.. brown .. medium Wi Rotorua playing two-up fined £3 aboriginal labourer 1896 5 6 copper.. black brown .. broad point Smart appearance. •• fined £3 aboriginal labourer 1896 5 6 copper.. black brown .. broad point Smart appearance. Hare Rotorua Splaying two-up fined £3 aboriginal labourer 1880 5 10 copper.. blaok brown .. medium 1/9/19 playing two-up fined £3 aboriginal labourer 1880 5 10 copper.. blaok brown .. medium Douglas, Rotorua playing two-up fined N. Zealand labourer 1887 5 9 copper.. black brown .. medium A half-caste Maori. •• N. Zealand labourer 1887 5 9 copper.. black brown .. medium A half-caste Maori. EdwinFowkes, Rotorua 1/9/19 playing two-up fined £3 England .. billiard-salo’n 1883 5 4 pale fair blue prominent Sharp features. keeper brown .. pointed A half-caste Maori. 1 1/9/19 playing two-up fined £3 # England .. billiard-salo’n 1883 5 4 pale fair blue .. prominent Sharp features. keeper brown .. pointed A half-caste Maori. Hicks, Percy Rotorua playing two-up fined N. Zealand and 1896 5 7 copper. black medium motor-driver brown . Ross, Sydney Port and fined 5s. # Australia .. labourer and 1894 5 6 sallow .. brown, long broad \ circus hand ' ' ' " • . _ . ■ '■.' . , . fined 5s. Australia .. labourer and 1894 5 6 sallow .. brown, long broad [ circus hand

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates’ Courts, but not sent to Gaol— continued.

Name Offender. Where When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born. — Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, 4c. n Height. • Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, Ac. George Port 11/8/19 assault fined aboriginal labourer 1895 in. ft. 5 copper black brown broad Tiaki Wairoa 2/9/19 theft fined to aboriginal labourer 1902 7 copper. black brown flat lips. restitution William Stewart, Ohakune 12/9/19 illegally £15fined Tasmania bushman 1888 CO 5 8£ pale black brown .. medium Right eye weak. lO pale black brown .. medium Right eye weak. Benjamin Napier 11/9/19 drunkenness and Tasmania labourer 1887 5 9 sallow .. dark g«y • medium Wreath with I LOVE PEARL on right forearm. discharged fined £5 Tasmania labourer 1887 5 9 sallow.. dark grey .. medium Wreath with I LOVE PEARL on right forearm. obsoene language ’ . r - . . fined £5 Lenaban, Patrick Napier 12/9/19 drunkenness . convicted Ireland labourer 1870 9 fresh dark hazel . broken . right discharged obscene language fined Michael Waipawa 11/9/19 indecency fined N. clerk 1891 8 fresh . brown dark grey medium drunkenness fined of prohibition sentence order ferred Alec Glen Wanganui 18/8/19 obscene language fined Zealand N. tailor 1897 5 fair fair brown . medium Phillips, Wanganui 15/9/19 theft fined N. labourer 1902 7 copper. black brown . medium Terepi prohibited Palmer, William Wanganui 8/9/19 theft of N. shop1903 11 fresh . brown blue . medium birch assistant ColinEdwards, Dannevirke 10/9/19 theft to N. schoolboy . 1908 6 fair dark hazel medium tution Bradshaw, John . Dannevirke . 5/9/19 indecency if come Zealand labourer 1868 11 copper dark brown . medium called on drunkenness fined Richard Walter Dannevirke . 11/9/19 obscene and £5 N. labourer 1896 3 fresh light brown . medium prohibited A . \ ■ drunkenness . convicted • . , / discharged i Thomas Drury, Dannevirke 12/9/19 alms) if come Australia . labourer 1883 74 fresh grey blue . medium called - drunkenness . fined James Otaki 5/9/19 damage 1adjourned Zealand labourer 1904 1 copper.. black brown . fiat A ; ; and year damage gait. David Cameron, . Lower 9/9/19 theft fined N. labourer 1895 9 dark dark hazel . medium See Harry Lower 9/9/19 theft fined Norway labourer and 1887 11 fresh . brown blue medium Clasped of Wellington . and disorderly seaman of ; right Gazette page 208.) JohnGould, 11/9/19 fined N. labourer 1890 41 fresh . dark brown medium * and five-pointed right N. Zealand (See Police Gazette, 1919, page 320.) Wellington .. (See Police Gazette, 1919, page 320.) Leslie Boivin, 11/9/19 receiving stolen property returned to an N. Zealand sohoolboy .. 1905 5 0 fair fair blue medium See Police Gazette , 1917, page 676. Wellington .. 11/9/19 receiving stolen property returned to an sohoolboy .. 1905 5 0 fair fair blue medium See Police Gazette, 1917, page 676. * 1 i school Frederick Henry.. Wellington 11/9/19 damage and to England labourer 1880 5 fresh dark brown . medium on ; pay damage forearm. pay damage ... . •, •• ■. . r. • * forearm. r ■ -

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates’ Courts, but not sent to Gaol— continued.

Offender. tried.Where When. Offence. Sentence. ofNative Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Marks, William Joseph Wellington 13/9/19 theft 6 Zealand schoolboy . 1909 in. 4 fair brown blue medium % Stephens bation blue Lewis . Christchurch 5/9/19 assault fined England greaser 1866 5 8 sallow . dark, medium grey Jackson, Christchurch 2/9/19 false pretences admonished . Zealand schoolgirl 1906 4 6 fair brown grey medium Kelly, Irene Christchurch 2/9/19 false pretences industrial to Zealand domestic 1904 5 4 dark dark brown .. medium charges) school blue . AnnieBarkel, Christchurch 4/9/19 and years’ Zealand N. handfactory 1901 5 0 fair fair medium mative detention ■ -• mative detention Myrtle . Christchurch 5/9/19 idle years’ Zealand factory 1900 5 1 fair fair grey . medium de-mative tention Harold . Christchurch 2/9/19 charges) d N. farm 1905 5 9 fresh . fair grey medium to and restitution Abbott, Oswald Christchurch 10/9/19 rogue ifto Zealand miner 1883 6 5f fresh dark blue . medium called Doherty, Cyril Christchurch 12/9/19 attempted pay Zealand labourer 1902 5 7 dark ., dark dark br. medium Westwood, Lyttelton 13/9/19 theft fined England seaman 1892 5 5£ fresh . brown grey . medium right Scar eye. William Joseph Oamaru 30/4/19 keeping fined Zealand N. labourer 1882 5 11 fair fair grey medium, sale straight N. Zealand straight Askey, Edward Timaru 13/9/19 mischief admonished N. Zealand schoolboy .. 1908 4 6 fresh .. fair grey .. medium and pay damage brown . A quarter-caste Maori. admonished schoolboy .. 1908 4 6 fresh .. fair grey .. medium McIntosh, Timaru 13/9/19 mischief N. Zealand schoolboy .. 1908 3 9 dark .. blaok ‘ .. brown .. medium A quarter-caste Maori. admonishedand pay N. Zealand schoolboy .. 1908 3 9 dark .. blaok medium to paydamage s ' damage Jefferson, Timaru 13/9/19 mischief admonished and to damage convicted Zealand schoolboy 1907 4 0 fresh fair grey medium Andrew Timaru 9/9/19 drunkenness Zealand labourer 1892 5 7 sallow . brown grey . sharp Police (See obscene language discharged fined page theft convicted and 'V discharged 1916, page Wallace, Dunedin 8/9/19 wilful damage fined Zealand presser 1894 5 84 fresh . fair blue medium page 128. i • \ page 128. Arnold Aloysius Dunedin 8/9/19 damage £2fined Zealand warehouse1897 5 84 dark dark blue medium left Portion missing. Monroe, Dunedin 9/9/19 theft if Zealand N. engineer 1901 5 10 dark . dark, curly. brown . medium called George Dunedin . 10/9/19 theft industrial to school and Zealand schoolboy 1906 4 8 fair fair .. hazel .. medium fair hazel .. medium Finn, Orepuki 9/9/19 drunkenness . Zealand labourer 1885 10* 5 dark .. dark grey .. medium Small scar on bridge of nose. 104 dark .. dark grey .. medium Small scar on bridge of nose. police discharged fined £3

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates’ Courts, but not sent to Gaol— continued.

Name Offender. Where When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. m s Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Noe*. Distinguishing Marks, Ac. & Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nom. Distinguishing Marks, Ac. Moss, Henry Bluff 2/9/19 breaking, and admonished Zealand schoolboy 1903 in. 5 fair fair blue medium charges) (2 William Bluff 2/9/19 breaking, and admonished N. schoolboy 1906 1 dark black brown . medium A theft A half-caste Maori ; thick lips ; large mouth. West, Bluff 2/9/19 theft admonished .. N. Zealand schoolboy .. 1908 4 10 dark .. black brown .. medium A half-caste Maori ; thick lips ; large mouth. assault •• admonished to co theft admonished .. N. Zealand schoolboy .. 1908 4 10 dark .. blaok brown .. medium assault •• admonished Thomas Ryan, Bluff 2/9/19 theft •• admonished N. schoolboy 1908 4 11 dark .. black dark .. medium A half-caste Maori. CD O 00 4 11 dark .. black dark .. medium A half-caste Maori. alias Edward, Bluff 2/9/19 assault fined Norway fisherman 1879 5 fresh brown brown medium See 1918, Alexon / 1 Cockcroft, James . Bluff 2/9/19 assault fined £2 N. Zealand labourer 1896 5 6 sallow .. dark grey .. medium fined £2 N. Zealand labourer 1896 5 6 sallow .. dark grey .. medium ••

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates’ Courts, but not sent to Gaol— continued.

j Prisoner. Gaol, Where ! j Offence. Sentence. J l Trade. i Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. When discharged. and Convictions. Remarks, finger-impressions taken.) Kaitaia ft. Mehana M.C. 22/10/18 debt 28 aboriginal labourer 1880 11 5 copper. black brown medium 3/9/19 Arrested, received Auckland previous JohnPrior, Hamilton 10/6/19 attempted months Australia labourer 1893 5 5 fresh . brown blue large 9/9/19 and on ship right alias Pryor, S.C. the person arm ; tombstone and indistinct marks on left alias forearm ; Crucifix on left upper arm. F.P. S.C. the person arm ; tombstone and indistinct marks on left forearm; Crucifix on left upper arm. F.P. alias Photographed at Auckland, 7/4/13. (See . - Photographed at Auckland’,* 7/4/13. (See John, alias O’Brien, Police Gazette, 1919, page 252.) John Police Gazette, 1919, page 252.) Coyle, Auckland 11/6/19 idle disorderly (in 3 months N. Zealand labourer 1896 5 3± fair fair grey .. medium 11/9/19 5 p.c. Scar on right calf. F.P. Photographed - 3 months N. Zealand labourer 1896 5 3£ fair fair grey . medium 11/9/19 5 p.c. Scar on right calf. F.P. Photographed M.C. sufficient means) Auckland, (See Police Gazette, 61.) Maxwell, Claude d 4/4/19 theft 6 Zealand seaman 1875 5 8* fresh light brown grey thick 10/9/19 8 Maxwell, ton, M.C. thistle, woman, American banner, and James, Maxwell, H.W.F.T. on right arm; lump behind left Hamilton ear. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 4/4/19. (See Police Gazette, 1917, page 665.) M.C. thistle, woman, American banner, and H.W.F.T. on right arm; lump behind left ear. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, N. Zealand labourer 4/4/19. (See Police Gazette, 1917, page 665.) alias Ellis, Harry, Auckland 9 idle months 1867 5 4* sallow . light brown grey . large 11/9/19 29 p.c. Anchor on right forearm; scar on right N. Zealand labourer 1867 5 sallow .. light brown grey .. large 11/9/19 29 p.c. Anchor on right forearm ; scar on right William Henry M.C. sorting) forefinger; crossed flags on left forearm; birthmark on left breast; mole on left side of neck; blue mark under left eye. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1919, page 347.) blue . forefinger; crossed flags on left forearm; birthmark on left breast; mole on left side of neck; blue mark under left eye. F.P. (See Police Gazette , 1919, page 347.) Colwell, alias k n a 11/9/19 assault fine or 7 days Scotland .. cook and 1877 5 9 fresh .. brown _ blue medium 11/9/19 Flowers on right forearm. Fine paid. 11/9/19 assault fine or 7 days Scotland .. cook and 1877 5 9 fresh . brown medium 11/9/19 Flowers on right forearm. Fine paid. Caldwell M.C. steward Sullivan, Auckland 13/8/19 obscene 1 Africa . fireman 1896 5 4 dark .. black dark br. medium 12/9/19 Two scars on left forearm ;Tscar on left side of 1 dark . black dark br. medium 12/9/19 Two scars on left forearm ;Tscar on left side of M.C. neck. McGonagle, Walter Auckland 30/7/19 withfine and 14 days N. Zealand lineman 1880 5 6J fresh .. dark brown grey .. long 12/9/19 1 p.c. Two scars on left side of nose. F.P. - fine and 14 days N. Zealand lineman 1880 5 6* fresh . dark brown grey . long 12/9/19 1 p.c. Two scars on left side of nose. F.P. Crawford M.C. permission Arrested, 11/9/19. Portion of fine paid. (See - Arrested, 11/9/19. Portion of fine paid. (See Service Police Gazette, 1919, page 98.) bluePolice Gazette, 1919, page 98.) Ingestre, Agnes Auckland 14/7/19 damage months Scotland prostitute . 1867 5 4 fresh . grey long 13/9/19 33 p.c. Tip of right forefinger has been bluelong 13/9/19 33 p.c. Tip of right forefinger has been M.C. 30/1/19 of days 14 grey executed on charge, 14/7/19. (See Police Gazette, 1919, page 449.) • charge, 14/7/19. (See Police Gazette, 1919, page 449.) 7 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1917, page 467.) Quinn, Auckland 15/8/19 and disorderly 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1871 5 8 sallow .. grey blue small 13/9/19 7 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette , 1917. page 467.) . 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1871 5 8 sallow . grey blue . small 13/9/19 M.C. sorting) Cunningham, Auckland 11/9/19 cargo 48 England fireman 1888 5 n dark . dark brown . long 13/9/19 and clasped M.C. emblem Hope, ; clasped hands on right forearm. F.P. PhotoRotorua— forearm. on clasped Auckland, at graphed * graphed at Auckland, 11/9/19. Alfred M.C.Rotorua 27/8/19 drunk disorderly 48 Ireland miner 1874 5 62 fresh fair grey medium 9/9/19 of breast, resisting police and and missing. discharged 1918, Waikeria language 14 Ireland 9/9/19 Young, William Court-martial 1/3/18 disobeying com 2 years Ireland labourer .1882 5 fresh .. dark brown brown .. large 9/9/19 Two small scars on right forearm; varicose - 2 years labourer 1882 5 8 fresh . dark brown brown . large Two small scars on right forearm; varicose Trentham .mand veins in legs. F.P. brown . veins in legs. F.P. Henare Eparaima Taur a nga 19/5/19 disorderly month 1 aboriginal labourer 1892 5 72 copper. black Roman .. 10/9/19 Strong build; large mouth; Union Jack on brown .. Roman .. 10/9/19 Strong build; large mouth; Union Jack on M.C. languageobscene months right upper arm ; two spreys of flowers and HENARE on right forearm; woman’s head on left upper arm. F.P. Sentences cumulative. right upper arm ; two spreys of flowers and HENARE on right forearm; woman’s head on left upper arm. F.P. Sentences cumulative. '


Name Where When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. £ 43 § ComHair. Eyes. Nose. When and Remarks, R a> w plexion. charged. ha been indicates finger-impressions taken.) Waikeria continued. in. Kirikau . Tau 19/5/19 disorderly 1 aboriginal labourer 1897 5 7i copper.. black brown .. medium 10/9/19 Two small scars on forehead ; scar on left cheek 5 7i copper.. black brown .. medium 10/9/19 Two small scars on forehead ; scar on left cheek M.C. obscene language . months and on Sentences Tonini, Tauranga 19/5/19 disorderly behaviour 1 month aboriginal labourer 1898 5 7 copper.. blaok .. brown .. flat 10/9/19 lative. Scar on abdomen and on right hip. Sentences alias Tonibi TaurangaM.C. obscene language 3 months cumulative. F.P. M.C. 19/5/19 disorderly behaviour obscene language •• 1 month 3 months aboriginal labourer 1898 5 7 copper.. black .. brown .. flat 10/9/19 lative. Scar on abdomen and on right hip. Sentences cumulative. F.P. Wiremu Tauranga 19/5/19 disorderly 1 month aboriginal labourer 1896 5 6J copper.. black brown .. Roman •.. 10/9/19 Two scars over right eye ; scar on small of back. . . 1 month aboriginal labourer 1896 5 6i oopper.. black brown .. Roman ,.. 10/9/19 Two scars over right eye; scar on small of back. Kaingaroa— John RadcliffeGlenister, M.C. obscene language 3 months F.P. Sentences cumulative. (See Police DistrictCourt, 1/8/18 obscene languageembezzlement ( 5 1£ years Australia .. accountant 1890 5 11 fresh .. light brown hazel .. medium 12/9/19 Gazette, 1917, page 159.) Woman’s bust on left forearm ; scar under right embezzlement (5 JlSt eft 3 months years 3 years Australia .. accountant 1890 5 11 fresh .. light brown dark brown hazel .. medium 12/9/19 -12/9/19 F.P. Sentences cumulative. (See Police Gazette, 1917, page 159.) Woman’s bust on left forearm ; scar under right eye. F.P. Discharged on remission. Strong build ; scar on ball of right forefinger; mole on right instep ; scar on right calf. F.P. Herbert Alexander Apia, Invercargill S.C. 5/3/18 charges) criminal breach of charges) N. Zealand solicitor 1869 5 11£ sallow .. blue-gr’y medium 3 years N. Zealand solicitor 1869 5 11| sallow .. dark brown blue-gr’y medium 12/9/19 eye. F.P. Discharged on remission. Strong build ; scar on ball of right forefinger; mole on right instep ; scar on right calf. F.P. Abercrombie Auckland 8.C. 19/8/18 (3 charges) a (2 1£ years Scotland .. clerk 1880 5 Ti dark grey brown .. medium 8/9/19 Released on probationary license. Strong build; dot on right forearm ; scar on left forefinger. F.P. Photographed at Auckcharges) (2 1J years Scotland .. clerk 1880 5 7% dark .. grey brown .. medium 8/9/19 Released on probationary license. Strong build; dot on right forearm ; scar on left forefinger. F.P. Photographed at AuckWebb, Court-martial 15/3/18 disobeying a years Australia . miner 1885 5 7 fresh .. dark, bald .. brown .. long 9/9/19 land, 7/8/18. 2 p.c. Strong nuild ; blue scar on bridge of nose; 5 7 fresh .. dark, bald .. brown .. long 9/9/19 land, 7/8/18. 2 p.c. Strong nuild ; blue scar on bridge of nose; Trentham mand left ; thigh; two pears on left knee. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1917, page 485.) Stout build ; scar on back of head and on right side Gisborne O’Rielly, William Joseph Gisborne 1/9/19 vagabond 10 Ireland labourer 1866 5 7 fair light brown blue small 10/9/19 of chin ; scar on left upper arm and on right 5 7 fair light brown blue .. small 10/9/19 two pears on left kDee. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1917, page 485.) Stout build ; scar on back of head and on right side of chin ; scar on left upper arm and on right Sutcliffe, Frederick Holden Gisborne 1/9/19 and vagabond 10 days England .. carpenter .. 1866 5 7J fresh .. light brown blue medium 10/9/19 knee. (See Police Gazette, 1919, page 535.) Birth-mark on lower lip; scar on back of left hand, on each thumb, and on right side of , , 10 days England .. carpenter .. 1866 5 71 fresh .. light brown blue .. medium 10/9/19 knee. (See Police Gazette, 1919, page 535.) Birth-mark on lower lip; scar on back of left hand, on each thumb, and on right side of New Plymouth chin. ' chin. Groves, alias Stratford M.C. 20/9/17 false pretences 3 months N. Zealand baker 1883 5 H fair fair It. grey medium 10/9/19 9 p.c. Tombstone with IN MEMORY OF MY Williams, McKenzie 21/9/17 false pretences • • 6 months and license canDEAR MOTHER on it; butterfly, flag, and pierced heart on right arm; scar on right celled little finger; clasped hands over TRUE LOVE, woman’s head, and crossed flags on left arm. F.P. Photographed at Wellington, 2/8/06. Released on probationary license. Stratford M.C. 20/9/17 false pretences 3 months N. Zealand baker 1883 5 9} fair fair It. grey medium 10/9/19 9 p.c. Tombstone with IN MEMORY OF MY 21/9/17 false pretences 6 months and license canDEAR MOTHER on it; butterfly, flag, and pierced heart on right arm; scar on right celled little finger; clasped hands over TRUE LOVE, woman’s head, and crossed flags on left arm. F.P. Photographed at Wellington, 2/8/06. Released on probationary license. Raupa Wharemate, alias Tiki M.C. 29/8/19 theft , days N. Zealand labourer 1900 5 6} copper.. black, curly brown .. broad 11/9/19 (See Police Gazette, 1916, page 504.) 1 p.c. Scar on left wrist and on right shin ; small scar under right ear. F.P. (See Police 5 64 copper.. black, ourly brown .. broad 11/9/19 (See Police Gazette, 1916, page 504.) 1 p.c. Scar on left wrist and on right shin; small scar under right ear. F.P. (See Police Canute, Stratford 16/6/19 debt 9 days N. farm 1899 5 6 fresh .. brown blue medium 11/9/19 Gazette, 1919, page 523.) Arrested, 3/9/19. 5 6 fresh .. brown blue .. medium 11/9/19 Gazette, 1919, page 523.) Arrested, 3/9/19. Napier Edwards, . Roy Hastings 13/8/19 theft 1 month N. Zealand motor 1896 5 9 fair light brown blue, medium 12/9/19 Slight build ; scars on left fore and ring fingers; mechanic weak right ring-finger and left little finger slightly .. 1 month N. Zealand motor 1896 5 9 fair light brown blue, medium 12/9/19 Slight build ; scars on left fore and ring fingers; mechanic weak right ring-finger and left little finger slightly James Napier 11/9/19 wilful damage fine or 7 days.. Ireland .. seaman 1883 5 9 fresh .. dark brown dk. blue long, 13/9/19 crushed. F.P. Stout build; left ring-finger broken. F.P. • . fine or 7 days.. Ireland .. seaman 1883 5 9 fresh .. dark brown dk. blue long, 13/9/19 crushed. F.P. Stout build; left ring-finger broken. F.P. Wanganui— straight of O’Neill, Arthur Wanganui M.C. 1/9/19 theft . 14 days N. cook 1885 5 5i fresh .. brown grey .. large 13/9/19 Portion of right leg artificial; heart on back ; ring on left little finger ; several teeth missing. F.P. 5J fresh .. brown grey .. large 13/9/19 Portiou of right leg artificial; heart on back; ring on left little finger; several teeth missing. F.P. 5


of and tried. When. Offence. / Sentence. Native Trade. . 1 « | § a Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions havebeentaken.) Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions havebeentaken.) Masterton — ft. in. ■ Noonan Masterton 28/8/19 drunkenness . and Australia . labourer 1865 5 8 fresh . grey brown medium 4/9/19 feet. M.C. discharged return. default of medical ex7 days penses 2/9/18 illegally supplying fine or 7 days liquor to Natives Wellington — illegally treating fine and 4 days Colyer, John Tempest .. CartertonM.C. 27/8/19 obscene language 14 days England .. labourer 1896 5 9 fresh .. brown brown .. medium 9/9/19 2 p.c. Clasped hands and CLARA on right forearm; crossed flags with UNITY under- • neath on left forearm. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1918, page 163.) Childs, Walter Wellington 22/8/19 mischief , 7 days England .. saddler 1872 5 lOf fresh .. grey, going blue .. medium 9/9/19 Strong build; scar on forehead. F.P. ArM.C. bald rested, 3/9/19. Mouturi Cook Islands 25/3/19 damaging property 6 months Cooklslands labourer 1898 5 r copper.. black brown .. flat 9/9/19 Strong build ; man on right upper arm ; clasped High Court hands, leaves, and rose on chest. F.P. Gone to Raratonga. Ake Tearearoa Cook Islands 10/3/19 burglary . 6 months Cooklslands labourer 1901 5 m copper.. blaok brown .. flat 9/9/19 Slim build; pimples on face. F.P. Gone to High Court Raratonga. Williamson, Alfred John W e 11 1 n g t on 29/8/19 sly-grog selling • 14 days N. Zealand driver 1881 5 8 dark .. dark brown brown .. medium 11/9/19 Strong build ; soar on left thumb. F.P. Carlos Domingo Wellington 6/9/19 boarding a ship after 7 days Spain seaman 1892 5 dark .. dark brown brown .. medium 12/9/19 5 p.c. Snake, dagger, mermaid, and scar on M.C. being served with exleft forearm; scar on right wrist; sailor, elusion order tombstone, IN MEMORY DE M PARDE, ten-pointed star, woman’s face, and VIVE MI MINA on left forearm. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 9/10/17 (See Police Gazette, 1917, page 638.) Lacey, John .. Wellington 12/9/19 assault fine or 7 days.. Scotland .. fireman 1891 5 3! sallow .. black brown .. medium 12/9/19 Scar on left breast; tombstone and IN MEMM.C. ORY OF MY MOTHER on left forearm; J.L. on right arm ; scar under left eye. F.P. Fine paid. Rodgers, Francis Wanganui 26/5/19 assault causing bodily 4 months N. Zealand labourer 1887 6 2 fair brown brown .. large 13/9/19 2 p.c. Strong build; scar on right knee; five S.C. harm moles on left arm; nine moles on right arm ; rogue and vagabond . 4 months scar on left hand. F.P. Discharged on remission. Photographed at Wellington, Paparua — 13/9/19. (See Police Gazette, 1907, page 449.) Martis, Christopher Palmerston N. 13/5/18 theft from the person . 2iHyears’ reforAustralia .. french1884 5 7 oopper.. black, curly dark br. medium 13/9/19 Two blue dots on back of right hand ; blue dot S.C. mative depolisher between left thumb and forefinger. F.P. tention Released on probationary license. Lyttelton — Frandsen, Rasmus Christchurch 10/5/19 default of maintenance arrears or 3 Denmark .. baker 1867 5 6 fresh .. brown grey .. medium 11/9/19 Scar ou bridge of nose and on right middle Christian M.C. months finger. F.P. Arrested, 12/6/19. Craddock, Alfred Ernest Christchurch 29/10/17 criminal breaoh of trust 3 years on eaoh N. Zealand auctioneer .. 1869 5 7 fresh .. brown blue medium 13/9/19 Scar on chin; two dots on left forearm. F.P. S.C. and theft (4 charges) Photographed at Lyttelton, 28/8/19. Released on probationary license. Dunedin— Heffey, Matthew Dunedin M.C. 6/9/19 drunkenness .. • fine or 48 hours England .. fireman 1877 5 1 fair light hazel .. medium 8/9/19 Scar on bridge of nose. Hu ison, Charles Dunedin M.C. 8/9/19 drunkenness .. fine or 48hours Tasmania labourer 1874 5 7 fresh .. fair blue medium 10/9/19 Faith, Hope, and Charity on right forearm; scar on each thumb; left middle finger has been broken. (See Police Gazette, 1918, page Richmond, J am e s Dunedin M.C. 22/8/19 default of maintenance arrears or 8 N. Zealand labourer 1894 5 3 fresh .. brown grey .. medium 9/9/19 40U.) Scar on left thumb. Arrears paid Arrested, William Davidson months 30/8/19. (See Police Gazette, 1918, page 510.) M.C. discharged return. ,, default of medical ex7 days penses 2/9/18 illegally supplying fine or 7 days liquor to Natives 'Wellington fine and 4 days illegally treating CartertonM.C. 27/8/19 obscene language . 14 days England .. labourer 1896 5 9 fresh .. brown brown .. medium 9/9/19 2 p.c. Clasped hands and CLARA on right forearm; crossed flags with UNITY underJohn . Tempest 1 , neath on left forearm. F.P. (See Police 7 ' • - , • .* ■'» ' Gazette, 1918, page 163.) ; Wellington 22/8/19 mischief .. . 7 days England .. saddler 1872 5 10f fresh .. grey, going blue .. medium 9/9/19 Strong build; scar on forehead. F.P. ArM.C. bald rested, 3/9/19. Walter ChildB, -V Mouturi .. 25/3/19 damaging property 6 months Cooklslands labourer 1898 5 7 copper.. blaok brown .. fiat 9/9/19 Strong build ; man on right upper arm ; clasped Islands Cook High hands, leaves, and rose on chest. F.P. Gone ' to Raratonga. \ Tearearoa Ake 10/3/19 burglary . 6 months Cooklslands labourer 1901 5 llj copper.. blaok brown .. flat 9/9/19 Slim build; pimples on face. F.P. Gone to Cook High Raratonga. W e 11 i n g t on 29/8/19 sly-grog selling • 14 days N. Zealand driver 1881 5 8 dark .. dark brown brown .. medium 11/9/19 Strong build; soar on left thumb. F.P. Alfred Williamson, Domingo JVA •Wellington boarding a ship after 7 days Spain seaman 1892 5 dark .. dark brown brown .. medium 12/9/19 5 p.c. Snake, dagger, mermaid, and scar on 6/9/19 being served with exleft forearm; scar on right wrist; sailor, * elusion order - tombstone, IN MEMORY DE M PARDE, ten-pointed star, woman’s face, and VIVE MI MINA on left forearm. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 9/10/17 (See Police Gazette, 1917, page 638.) M.C. Wellingto n 12/9/19 assault fine or 7 days.. Scotland .. fireman 1891 5 31 sallow .. black brown.. medium 12/9/19 Scar on left breast; tombstone and IN MEMM.C. j ORY OF MY MOTHER on left forearm; * J.L. on right arm ; scar under left eye. F.P. Fine paid. John Lacey, Rodgers, 26/5/19 assault causing bodily 4 months N. Zealand labourer 1887 6 2 fair brown brown .. large 13/9/19 2 p.c. Strong build; scar on right knee; five Wanganui harm moles on left arm; nine moles on right arm ; rogue and vagabond . # 4 months scar on left hand. F.P. Discharged on remission. Photographed at Wellington, S.C. 13/9/19. (See Police Gazette, 1907, page 449.) Paparua— 13/5/18 theft from the person . 2JIyears’ reforAustralia .. french1884 5 7 oopper.. black, curly dark br. medium 13/9/19 Two blue dots on back of right hand ; blue dot Palmerston N. mative depolisher between left thumb and forefinger. F.P. tention Released on probationary license. S.C. Lyttelton— 10/5/19 default of maintenance arrears or 3 Denmark .. baker 1867 5 6 fresh .. brown grey .. medium. 11/9/19 Scar on bridge of nose and on right middle Christchuroh M.C. months finger. F.P. Arrested, 12/6/19.. Christian ErnestCraddock, 29/10/17 oriminal breaoh of trust 3 years on eaoh N. Zealand auctioneer.. 1869 5 7fresh .. brown blue .. medium 13/9/19 Scar on chin; two dots on left forearm. F.P. Christchurch and theft (4 charges) Photographed at Lyttelton, 28/8/19. Released , » ■ on probationary license. S.C. Dunedin— Matthew Heffey, Dunedin M.C. 6/9/19 drunkenness .. • fine or 48 hours England .. fireman 1877 5 1 fair light hazel .. medium 8/9/19 Scar on bridge of nose. ' CharlesHudson, 8/9/19 drunkenness .. fine or 48 hours Tasmania labourer 1874 5 7 fresh .. fair blue .. medium 10/9/19 Faith, Hope, and Charity on right forearm; ' _ scar on each thumb; left middle finger has been broken. (See Police Gazette, 1918, page Dunedin M.C. cRichmond, 22/8/19 default of maintenance arrears or 3 N. Zealand labourer 1894 5 3 fresh .. brown grey .. medium 9/9/19 40U. ) Scar on left thumb. Arrears paid Arrested, Dunedin M.C. months 30/8/19. (See Police Gazette, 1918, page 510.) William Davidson


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XLIV, Issue 38, 24 September 1919, Page 571

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EXTRACT FROM NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XLIV, Issue 38, 24 September 1919, Page 571

EXTRACT FROM NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XLIV, Issue 38, 24 September 1919, Page 571

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