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Auckland. maintain his illegitimate child, of whom Florence Helen Pearl Tyson, domestic, Papatoetoe, is the mother, George Frederick Lenney, age twenty-four, height 5 ft. 8 in., butcher, native of Australia, medium build, olive complexion, dark-brown hair, dark-brown eyes (left one turns in slightly); usually turns his head to left side when he laughs.

Auckland. maintain his illegitimate child, of whom Vida Vinen McOullum, domestic, 86 Grant Road, is the mother, Thomas Maloney, age about forty; height 5 ft. 10 in., slaughterman, native of Australia, strong build, fresh complexion, dark-brown hair going bald, light - brown eyes ; • Scotch accent; cheerful manner. He takes a keen interest in union matters and socialism.

Auckland. comply with the terms of a maintenance order for the support of his wife, George Hughes, age twenty-seven, height 5 ft. 9 in., labourer and carter, native of New Zealand, slight build, fresh complexion, brown hair, blue eyes. Arrears to 29th March last, £6. (See Police Gazette, 1919, page 219.)

Auckland. — 7th April last, on warrant of commitment to Auckland Prison for seven days in default of paying £1 Bs. fine and costs for threatening behaviour, Michael Charles Ryan, age thirty-three, height 5 ft. 6 in., liftman, native of Ireland, medium build, dark complexion, brown hair turning grey, hazel eyes; rose, woman, Union Jack, fern, and clasped hands on right forearm ; left arm amputated at elbow. (See Police Gazette, 1919, page 264.)

Auckland. 9th ultimo, on warrant of commitment to Auckland Prison for three days in default of paying £1 14s. fine and costs for being found on licensed premises during prohibited hours, John Kennedy, age about thirty, height sft. 6in., fireman, native of England, medium build, dark complexion, grey eyes.

Auckland. — 27th May last, on warrant of commitment to Auckland Prison for three months in default of paying £24 arrears due on a maintenance order for the support of his wife, Ruby McLennan, Waikumete, Frederick William James McLennan, age forty,’ height 5 ft. s^ in., labourer, native of New Zealand, medium build, fresh complexion, black hair turning grey, grey eyes, scar on left leg, varicose veins in legs. Arrears computed to 11th April last. (See Police Gazette, 1919, page 239.) . . , .

Gisborne. — Ist instant, that a copy of a minute oi order may be served upon him, Alexander Wesley Simpson, age forty-four, height 5 ft. 11 in., labourer and carter, native of New Zealand, medium build, fair complexion, ginger moustache ; usually dressed in a grey suit and light-felt hat ; fond of drink.

Gisborne. —21st April last, on warrant for false-pre-tences, Mrs. H. Clark age about twenty-five, height about 5 ft. 3 in., domestic, medium build, dark hair and complexion ; smart appearance. Accused obtained two Gis-borne-Wairoa return coach fares, value £6 11s., and £3 9s. in cash, from J. R. Redstone and Son, livery-stable keepers, by means of a valueless cheque for £lO on the Bank of New Zealand, Napier.

Gisborne.— l4th ultimo, on warrant for theft of a gentlemen’s bicycle (recovered), value £4 10s., the property of Thomas Batt, Man (name unknown), age about twentytwo, height about 5 ft. in., labourer, medium build, fair complexion, brown hair, clean-shaved ; dressed in a darktweed suit and light-felt hat. The bicycle was stolen from outside the Gisborne Hotel, and offered for sale at the Swan and Indian Cycle-shop, where it was recovered.

Taihape.— sth instant, that a summons for assisting prohibited persons to drink liquor may be served upon him, Robert Gray, age about forty, height sft. 6in., labourer.

Taihape. —sth instant, that a summons for assisting prohibited persons to drink liquor may be served upon him, William Waters, age about thirty, height 5 ft. 9 in., labourer.

Taihape. —sth instant, that a summons for assisting piohibited persons to drink liquor may be served upon him, Edward Dalton, age about thirty-five, height 5 ft. 7 in., labourer, medium build, brown hair.

Taihape.— sth instant, that a summons for assisting prohibited persons to drink liquor may be served upon him, Hugh Wilson, age thirty-seven, height 5 ft. s£in., cook and painter, native of New Zealand; anchor, “S,” and band on left forearm; figure on left hand. (See Police Gazette, 1915, page 857, and Photographs, 1912, page 19.)

Taihape.— sth instant, that a summons for assault may be served upon him, Edmund Burke or Bourke, age forty-six, height 5 ft. sin., labourer, native of New Zealand, strong build, scars on right forearm and on bridge of nose. (See Police Gazette , 1918, page 162.)

Taihape. —l9th February last, on warrant of commitment to Wanganui Prison for one months in default of paying £2 Bs. 2d. fine and costs for a breach of the Railway By-laws, Alfred George Ireson, alias Harper, age thirty-one, height 5 ft. s£in., mason, native of England, medium build, fresh complexion, brown hair, grey eyes, scar on right thigh and between left thumb and forefinger ; untidy appearance ; fond of drink. (See Police Gazette , 1918, page 558.)

Napier. — 20th ultimo, on warrant for failing to comply with the terms of a maintenance order for the support of Sydney James Jarvis, Jim Moroney, age twenty-five, height 5 ft. 11 in., horse-breaker and drover, native of New Zealand, medium build, fresh complexion, long brown hair; usually dressed in a brown suit, soft-felt hat with wide brim, and a brown-cloth overcoat. Arrears to 12th May last. £l9 10s.

Waipawa.— 3rd instant, on warrant for breaking and enteiing the shop of Ernest Oswald Roach, Tikokino, and alrng therefrom two cheques (secovered), a cheque, No. 707348, for £22 3s. 4d., on the Bank of New Zealand, Waipawa, signed “E. J. Newland ” ; a white shirt; a pair of boots; a raincoat; and £1 10s.: total value, about £4l— Spriggins, alias McAllister, alias Armstrong, age thirty, height 5 ft. 6Jin., farm labourer, native of Austral a, medium build, fair ruddy complexion, fair hair, blue squint eyes, large nostrils, one upper tooth missing, round shoulders, sc iron left forefinger, mark on right thigh ; dressed in a dark-tweed suit and cap; dull, stupid appearance. He may be in possession of a bicycle and a new brief bag. (See Police Gazette, 1919, page 172, and Photographs, 1914, page 27.)

Wellington ultimo, on warrant for failing to comply with the terms of a maint- nance order for the support of his mother, Hannah McD rmott, 218 Cuba Street, Patrick McDermott, age thirty-eight, height 5 ft. in., carter, native of New Zealand, medium build, fair complexion, light-brown hair, brown eyes, heavy brown moustache; usually dressed in a black suit and hard hat; erect gait. Arrears to 19th May last, £B6 15s. (See Police Gazette, 1910, page 272.)

Wellington. —4th instant, on warrant for failing to comply with the terms of a maintenance order for the support of his mother, Hannah McDermott, 218 Cuba Street, Joseph McDermott, age thirty-five, height 5 ft. Bin., farm labourer, native of New Zealand, strong build, fresh complexion, dark hair, brown eyes; usually dressed in a dark-blue suit and hard hat. Arrears to sth instant, £3 7s. 6d.

Wellington. — loth instant, on warrant of commitment to Wellington Prison for one month in default of paying 122 10s. arrears due on a maintenance order for the support of his four children, Alfred George Tattle, age thirty-five, height sft. 6in., labourer, native of New Zealand, medium build, fair complexion, brown hair, blue eyes ; woman in tights on right forearm ; woman in tights, woman’s bust, and three dots on left forearm. Arrears computed to 29th May, 1916. (See Police Gazette , 1917, page 3.)

Taranaki Street (Wellington.)— 24th May last, on warrant for theft of lls., the property of the New Zealand Automatic Bakeries Company, Taranaki Street, Thomas A. Reynolds, alias Clegg, age twenty-six, height 5 ft. B in., carter, good build, fresh complexion, fair hair, blue eyes, left eye artificial, one leg has been injured ; limps slightly. Accused was employed by the complainant company as delivery carter, and received the amount on term* requiring him to account for the same to his employers, but failed to do so. There are other charges pending.

Blackwater —4th instant, that he may be compelled to maintain his sister, an inmate of Christchurch Mental Hospital, James O’Nell, age about thirty, height about 5 ft. 9 in., labourer and sawmill hand, good build, fresh complexion, light-brown hair, clean-shaved.

Christchurch.— 26th ultimo, that he may be compelled to pay £419 10s. arrears due on a maintenance order for the support of his four children, inmates of Christchurch Deceiving Home, Alfred Heissenbuttel, alias John Allfrey, age forty-eight, height 5 ft. 9$ in., labourer, native of New Zealand, medium build, fresh complexion, dark hair, blue eyes, scar on inside of left shin; slovenly appearance; fond of drink. Arrears computed to 24th ultimo. Inquiry by the Education Department. (See Police Gazette, 1918, page 441.)

Christchurch. — 30th ultimo, that be may be compelled to maintain his two children, inmates of industrial schools, Henry Frederick Neville, age fifty-six, height 5 ft. 9 in., carpenter, native of Australia, slight build, fresh complexion, dark hair, brown eyes. He has recently been discharged from Rotoroa Inebriates’ Home.

Christchurch. — 27th May last, that he may be compelled to pay £l6 10s. arrears of maintenance due for the support of his children, Horace L. and George B. Grant, inmates of Christchurch Receiving Home, Leonard Llewellyn Grant, age thirty, height 5 ft. 5 in., labourer and motordriver, native of New Zealand, medium build, sallow complexion, dark hair, blue eyes. Arrears computed to 27tb May last. (See Police Gazette, 1919, page 414.)

Christchurch. — l4th May, 1917, that she may be compelled to comply with the terms of a maintenance order for the support of her child, an inmate of Christchurch Receiving Home, Florence Ada Crawford, alias Alsop, alias Taylor, age about thirty, height 5 ft. 6£in., dressmaker, native of New Zealand, medium build, fresh complexion, brown hair, blue eyes. Arrears to sth May last, £B7 10s. (See Police Gazette, 1917, page 338.)

Christchurch. —lst April last, that he may be compelled to pay £56 arrears due on a maintenance order for the support of his illegitimate child, an inmate of Christchurch Receiving Home, Ernest George Godden, age twentythree, height 5 ft. 2 in., farm labourer, native of Australia, slight build, fresh complexion, dark-brown hair, blue eyes. Arrears computed to Ist April last. (See Police Gazette, 1917, page 464.)

Christchurch. —l7th ultimo, that he may be compelled to pay £7 10s. arrears due on a maintenance order for the support of Margaret Lennis Brown, an inmate of Christchurch Receiving Home, John James Thomas, age about twenty-four, height 5 ft. 4 in., labourer, native of New Zealand, slight build, fair complexion, wavy auburn hair, clean-shaved, pierced heart and Faith, Hope, and Charity on one arm; usually dressed in grey trousers, dark-grey sport’s coat, and brown-felt hat or cap. Arrears computed to 17th ultimo.

Timaru. —9th ultimo, on warrant for failing to comply with the terms of a maintenance order for the support of his wife and child, George Frederick Keen, age thirtyseven, height 6 ft., piano-tuner, native of England, strong build, fresh complexion, brown hair, grey eyes, scar on forehead ; usually dressed in a blue-serge or dark-grey suit.' (See Police Gazette , 1919, page 82.)

Dunedin.—7th May last, that he may be compelled to pay £95 16s. sd. arrears due for the maintenance of his child, Ernest Michael, an inmate of Caversham Industrial School, Hope Michael, alias Harry Thompson, alias Walter Dunn, age thirty-eight, height 5 ft. 9 in., labourer, native of New Zealand, medium build, fresh complexion, brown hair, blue eyes, scar on left eyebrow, small burnscar on left arm. Arrears computed to 30th ultimo. (See Police Gazette, 1917, page 68, and Photographs, 1912, page 39.)

Dunedin.— 3rd instaut, on warrant for failing to maintain his children, George Mason, alias Fleming, age thirty-five, height 5 ft. 7 in., labourer and flax-mill hand, native of New Zealand, stout build, fair complexion, dark hair, blue-grev eyes, clean-shaved, scars on right side of forehead and on throat; usually dressed in a brown suit and soft black hat. (See Police Gazette, 1918, page 373.)

Dunedin. — 26tb ultimo, on warrant for theft of a cheque, value £lB ss. 2d., the property of James Jackson, farmer, Waitati, William Adam Dumas, age sixtyseven, height 5 ft. 74 in., labourer and groom, native of Australia, medium build, fresh complexion, grey hair going bald, blue eyes, short grey beard, blind in right eye ; usually dressed in a dark suit, soft grey-felt hat, and grey rough-tweed over coat; walks lame. Accused stole the cheque from James Jackson, for whom he was working, forged complainant’s name on the back of it, and uttered it to the National Bank of New Zealand at North Dunedin.

Dunedin. —sth May last, on warrant for failing to comply with the terms of a maintenance order for the support of his wife, Lily Horn, 2 Pendergast Street, Robert John Horn, age thirty-three, height about 5 ft. 6 in., trainer and jockey, native of New Zealand, slight build, pale complexion, black hair, hazel eyes, scar on each cheek from mouth to ear; usually dressed in a navy-blue suit and cap; knock-kneed. Arrears to 16th April last, £29 ss. His photograph is filed in the Superintendent’s Office, Dunedin.

Dunedin.— 29th April last, on warrant for failing to maintain his wife, Violet Emma Fennell, 78 Leith Street, and child, Clarence Grattan Fennell, age twenty-one, height about 5 ft. 10in., clerk, native of Australia, strong build, ruddy complexion, light-brown hair, blue eyes, cleanshaved, flat feet; usually dressed in a navy-blue suit and soft-felt hat. He may assume the name Thomas Fennell. His photograph is filed in the Superintendent’s Office, Dunedin.

Dunedin. —12th May last, that a notice of fine for £2 7s. may be served upon him, Thomas Farrell, age fifty-three, height 5 ft. 10 in., labourer, native of New Zealand, medium build, fair complexion, sandy hair, blue eyes, scar on left eyebrow, temple, wrist, and hand, and on top of head and on chin. (See Police Gazette, 1917, page 654.)

Dunedin. —19th May last, on warrant of commitment to Lyttelton Piison for three months in default of paying £l2 arrears due on a maintenance order for the support of his wife, Mary Crane, 27 Harrow Street, Harry Crane, age fifty-two, height about sft. 6 in., labourer and flax-mill hand, native ot England, medium build, fresh complexion, brown hair turning grey and going bald, blue eyes, ginger moustache. Arrears computed to 10th March last. His photograph is filed in the Superintendent’s Office, Dunedin.

Otautau. —l9th September, 1918, on warrant of commitment to Invercargill Prison lor fourteen days in default of paying £3 16s. fine and costs for assault, James Richardson, age about thirty-five, height 5 ft. 8 in., labourer and sawmill hand, native of New Zealand, medium build, pale complexion, brown hair.

Invercargill. —2nd instant, on warrant for failing to maintain his illegitimate child, of whom Vera Newton, domestic, is the mother, David Goodsir, age twenty-one, height sft. 8 in., labourer, native of New Zealand, slight build, fresh complexion, curly brown hair, blue eyes, prominent nose; usually well dressed in a navy-blue suit, soft velour hat, and brown boots; good appearance. His photograph is filed in the Inspector’s Office.

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XLIV, Issue 28, 16 July 1919, Page 437

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PERSONS WANTED. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XLIV, Issue 28, 16 July 1919, Page 437

PERSONS WANTED. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XLIV, Issue 28, 16 July 1919, Page 437

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