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(From New Zealand Gazette, 1919, pages 314, 336, 337, 340-341, and 378-80.) Police-gaol to cease to be a Police-gaol. H.s.j LIVERPOOL, Governor-General. A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS by an Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand intituled the Prisons Act, 1908, it is enacted chat the Governor-General may, by Proclamation in the New Zealand Gazette, declare that any prison or police-gaol shall no longer be a prison or police-gaol; and upon the gazetting of such Proclamation, or from and after any later date fixed in such Proclamation for the purpose, such prison or policegaol shall cease to be a prison or police-gaol: Now, therefore, I, Arthur William de Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, in pursuance of the above-recited power and authority, do hereby declare that, from and after the gazetting of this Proclamation, the police-gaol situated in Harrison Place, at Wanganui, in the Land District of Wellington, shall cease to be a police-gaol. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Right Honourable Arthur William de Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, Member of His Majesty’s Most Honourable Privy Council, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, Member of the Royal Victorian Order, Knight of Grace of the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, Governor-General and Commander-in-Chief in and over His Majesty’s Dominion of New Zealand and its Dependencies; and issued under the Seal of the said Dominion, at the Government House at Wellington, this thirtieth day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and nineteen. THOMAS M. WILFORD, Minister of Justice. God save the Kino !

Prison proclaimed. [l.s.] LIVERPOOL, Governor-General. A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS by an Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand intituled the Prisons Act, 1908, it is provided that the Governor-General may, by Proclamation published in the Gazette, declare any house, building, enclosure, or place to be a prison ; and from and after the gazetting of any such Proclamation, or from any time later specified in the Proclamation, such house, building, enclosure, or place shall be deemed a prison : Now, therefore, I, Arthur William de Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, in pursuance of the above-recited power and authority, do hereby declare that the buildings and huts situated on the area of land described in the Schedule hereto, and all enclosures used or occupied therewith, shall, from and after the date of the publication of this Proclamation in the Gazette, be a prison, known as the Wanganui Prison, within the meaning and for the purposes of the Prisons Act, 1908.

SCHEDULE. All that area in the Wellington Land District, being Section 28, Borough of Wanganui, and containing by admeasurement 3 acres 3 roods 23-8 perches, more or less, commencing at the intersection of Churton Street and Maria Place at the northernmost corner of Section 28 aforesaid, and bounded towards the north-east by Churton Street and Churton Creek to a point in line with the north-western boundary of Section 68, Borough of Wanganui; thence towards the southeast by a right line to and by the south-western boundary of Section 68 afores .. to the Hatrick Road; thence towards

the south-west by Hatrick Road to Maria Place ; and towards the north-west by Maria Place to the place of commencement. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Right Honourable Arthur WiHiam de Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, Member of His Majesty’s Most Honourable Privy Council, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, Member of the Royal Victorian Order, Knight of Grace of the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, Governor-General and Commander-in-Chief in and over His Majesty’s Dominion of New Zealand and its Dependencies; and issued under the Seal of the said Dominion, at the Government House at Wellington, this thirtieth day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and nineteen. THOMAS M. WILFORD, Minister of Justice. God save the King !

Amending Regulations for Trout, Perch, and Tench Fishing, Southern Acclimatization District. LIVERPOOL, Governor-General. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this twentyeighth day of January, 1919. Present: The Honourable Sir James Allen, K.C.8., presiding in Council. WHEREAS by Order in Council dated the twenty-first day of September, one thousand nine hundred and four, and published in the New Zealand Gazette No. 78, of the following day, regulations were made for trout, perch, and tench fishing in the Southern Acclimatization District: And whereas it is desirable to amend the said regulations in the manner hereinafter described : Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, in pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities conferred upon him by the Fisheries Act, 1908, and of all other powers and authorities enabling him in that behalf, and acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby amend the said regulations of the twenty-first day of September, one thousand nine hundred and four, by adding the following proviso to regulation five thereof : “ Provided that it shall be unlawful to use worm when fishing for trout, perch, or tench in the Opihi River.” J. F. ANDREWS, Clerk of the Executive Council.

Regulations for Deer-shooting, Ashburton Acclimatization District. LIVERPOOL, Governor-General. IN exercise of the powers vested in me by the Animals Protection Act, 1908 (hereinafter called “ the said Act ”), I, Arthur William de Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, the General-Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby make the following regulations prescribing the deershooting season in the Ashburton Acclimatization District, and the conditions affeoting the same, and also the form of license and the fee payable therefor.

REGULATIONS. 1. Red-deer stags may be taken or killed within the Ashburton Acclimatization District from the Ist day of April, 1919, to the 10th day of May, 1919 (both days inclusive). 2. Licenses to take or kill such deer may be issued by the Postmaster at Ashburton, upon the recommendation of the secretary of the Ashburton Acclimatization Society, on payment of a license fee of £5, in the form prescribed in the Sohedule hereto, and subject to the said Act and these regulations. The number of such licenses to be issued by the said Postmaster shall not exceed six. Provided that not more than one such license shall be issued to the same person; and also that if the number of applications received for licenses exceeds the number of available licenses, then the persons to whom such licenses are to be issued shall be decided by ballot.

3. No licensee shall take or kill more than three stags, and no stag shall be killed carrying antlers with less than ten points. Ball cartridge only to be used ; provided that no metal-patohed or metal-cased bullet shall be used for killing such deer. 4. No hind or fawn shall be taken or killed on any pretext whatever; and no licensee shall allow any dog to accompany either himself or any attendant he may have with him. 5. Nothing herein contained shall extend to authorizing any person to sell any deer or portion thereof. 6. Regulations as to deer “ tags,” per New Zealand Gazette No. 40, Vol. I, of 20th May, 1909, page 1408, shall be strictly adhered to by each licensee, who, in addition thereto, shall return all unused “tags” to the secretary of the Ashburton Acclimatization Society, Ashburton, immediately he has finished stalking for the season for which such “ tags ” have been issued, together with a statement of the number of deer shot. 7. Any person committing a breach of any of these regulations shall be liable, on conviction, to a fine not exceeding £2O. Schedule. No. License to take or kill Game (Deer). , of , having this day paid the sum of £ , is hereby authorized to take or kill deer (stags), of not less than points, within the Ashburton Acclimatization District, from the day of , 1919, to the day of , 1919 (both days inclusive), subject to the provisions of the Animals Protection Act, 1908, and all regulations thereunder in force within the said district. Dated at this day of , 1919. Postmaster. As witness the hand of His Excellency the GovernorGeneral, this thirtieth day of January, one thousand nine hundred and nineteen. G. W. RUSSELL, Minister of Internal Affairs

Regulations for Deer-shooting , Lakes District. LIVERPOOL, Governor-General. IN exercise of the powers vested in me by the Animals Protection Act, 1908 (hereinafter called “the said Act ”), I, Arthur William de Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby make the following regulations prescribing the deershooting season in the Lakes District Acclimatization District, and the conditions affecting the same, and also the form of license and the fee payable therefor.

REGULATIONS. 1. Red-deer stags may be taken or killed within the Lakes District Acclimatization District from the Ist day of April, 1919, to the 21st day of May, 1919 (both days inclusive). 2. Licenses to take or kill red-deer stags may be issued by the Postmaster, Queenstown, on the recommendation of the secretary of the Lakes District Acclimatization Society, on payment of a license fee of £4 in the area described in the First Schedule hereto, and on payment of a license fee of £5 in the area described in the Second Schedule hereto; such licenses to be issued in the form prescribed in the Third Schedule hereto, and subject to the said Aot and these regulations. 3. No licensee shall take or kill more than four red-deer stags, and no red-deer stag shall be killed carrying antlers with less than ten points. Ball cartridge only to be used. 4. The licensee must give notice to the said Postmaster of the date on which it is his intention to stalk deer ; such notice to be posted, or delivered, or telegraphed three clear days before such date. 5. No doe, hind, or fawn shall be taken or killed on any pretext whatever; and no licensee shall allow any dog to accompany either himself or any attendant he may have with him. 6. Nothing herein contained shall extend to authorizing any person to sell any deer or any portion thereof. 7. Regulations as to deer “ tags,” per New Zealand Gazette No. 40, Vol. I, of 20th May, 1909, page 1408, shall be strictly adhered to by each licensee, who, in addition thereto, shall return all unused “ tags ” to the secretary of the Lakes District Acclimatization Society, Queenstown, immediately he has finished stalking for the season for

which such “ tags ” have been issued, together with a statement of the number of deer shot. 8. Any person committing a breach of any of these regulations shall be liable, on conviction, to a fine not exceeding £2O. First Schedule. All that area known as Aspiring, Upper Wanaka, Wilkin, and Matukituki Districts. Second Schedule. All that area known as Glacier Creek, Roijteburn, Rockburn, and Dart Valleys. Third Schedule. License bo take or kill Game (Deer). , of , having this day paid the sum of £ , is hereby authorized to take or kill four reddeer (stags), of not less than ten points, within that part of the Lakes District Acclimatization District known as [Aspiring, Upper Wanaka, Wilkin, and Matukituki Districts], and within that part known as [Glaoier Creek, Routeburn, Rockburn, and Dart Valleys], from the day of , 1919, to the day of , 1919 (both days inclusive), subject to the provisions of the Animals Protection Act, 1908, and all regulations thereunder in force within the said district. Dated at this day of , 1919. Postmaster. As witness the hand of His Excellency the GovernorGeneral, this thirtieth day of January, one thousand nine hundred and nineteen. G. W. RUSSEL'L, Minister of Internal Affairs.

Regulations for Deer-shooting , Nelson. LIVERPOOL, Governor-General. IN exercise of the powers vested in me by the Animals Protection Act, 1908 (hereinafter called “ the said Act ”), I, Arthur William de Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby make the following regulations prescribing the deershooting season in the Nelson Acclimatization District, comprising the Counties of Waimea, Takaka, and Collingwood, and the conditions affecting the same, and also the form of license and the fee payable therefor.

REGULATIONS. 1. Red-deer stags may be taken or killed within the Nelson Acclimatization District from the Ist day of March, 1919, to the 30th day of April, 1919, both days inclusive. 2. Licenses to take or kill such deer may be issued by the Chief Postmaster at Nelson, and the Postmaster at Motueka, on payment of a license fee of £1 Is., in the form prescribed in the Schedule hereto, and subject to the said Act and these regulations ; provided that not more than one such license shall be issued to the same person. 3. No licensee shall take or kill more than six stags, and no stag shall be killed carrying antlers with less than four points. 4. No doe, hind, or fawn shall ’be taken or killed on any pretext whatever; and no licensee shall allow any dog to accompany either himself or any attendant he may have with him. 5. Nothing herein contained shall extend to authorizing any person to sell any deer or portion thereof. 6. Regulations as to deer “ tags,” per New Zealand Gazette No. 40, Vol. I, of 20th May, 1909, page 1408, shall be strictly adhered to by each licensee, who, in addition thereto, shall return all unused “tags” to the secretary of the Nelson Acclimatization Society, Nelson, immediately he has finished stalking for the season for which such “ tags ” have been issued, together with a statement of the number of deer shot. 7. Any person committing a breach of any of these regulations shall be liable, on conviction, to a fine not exceeding £2O. Schedule. No. License to take or kill Game (Deer). , of , having this day paid the sum of £ , is hereby authorized to take or kill deer (bucks or stags), of not less than points, within the Nelson Acclimatization District, from the day of , 1919, to the day of , 1919 (both

days inclusive), subject to the provisions of the Animals Protection Act, 1908, and all regulations thereunder in force within the said district. Dated at this day of , 1919. Chief Postmaster. As witness the hand of His Excellency the GovernorGeneral, this thirtieth day of January, one thousand nine hundred and nineteen. G. W. RUSSELL. _ Minister of Internal Affairs.

Regulations for Deer - shooting, Feilding and District Acclimatization District. LIVERPOOL, Governor-General. IN exercise of the powers vested in me by the Animals Protection Act, 1908 (hereinafter called “ the said Act ”), I, Arthur William de Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby make the following regulations prescribing the deer-shooting season in the Feilding and District Acclimatization District, comprising all that area in the Wellington Land District bounded towards the north by the Kawhatau and Pourangaki Streams from the Rangitikei River to the summit of the Ruahine Range ; thence towards the east generally by the summit of that range to the Manawatu Gorge, and by the Manawatu River to the Raukawa Road; thence towards the south generally by that road which forms the north-eastern boundaries of Sections Nos. 455 and 454, Block VIII, Kairanga Survey District, to the Palmerston-Ashhurst Road ; thence by that road to Stony Creek Road; thence by that road and the railway-line to the Oroua River ; thence by that river to Awahuri; and thence by the Awahuri-BulPs Road to the Rangitikei River ; and towards the north-west generally by the Rangitikei River to the Kawhatau Stream aforesaid, and the conditions affecting the same, and also the form of license, and the fee payable therefor.

REGULATIONS. 1. Red deer (stags only) may be taken or killed within the Feilding and District Acclimatization District from the 14th day of March, 1919, to the 30th day of April, 1919, both days inclusive. 2. Licenses to take or kill such deer may be issued by the Postmasters at Feilding and Apiti, on payment of a license fee of £2, in the form prescribed in the Schedule hereto, and subject to the said Act and thoso regulations; provided that not more than one such license shall be issued to the same person. 3. No licensee shall take or kill more than three stags, and no stag shall be killed carrying antlers with less than ten points. 4. No hind or fawn shall be taken or killed on any pretext whatever ; and no licensee shall allow any dog to accompany either himself or any attendant he may have with him. 5. Nothing herein contained shall extend to authorizing any person to sell any deer or portion thereof. 6. Regulations as to deer “tags,” per New Zealand Gazette No. 40, Vol. I, of 20th May, 1909, pago 1408, shall be strictly adhered to by each licensee, who, in addition thereto, shall return all unused “ tags ” to the secretary of the Feilding and District Acclimatization Society, Feilding, immediately he has finished stalking for tho season for which such “ tags ” have been issued, together with a statement of the number of deer shot. 7. Any person committing a breach of any of these regulations shall be liable, on conviction, to a fine not exceeding £2O. Schedule. No. License to take or kill Game (Deer). , of , having this day paid the sum of £ , is hereby authorized to take or kill deer (stags), of not less than points, within the Feilding and District Acglimatization District, from the day of , 1919, to the day of , 1919 (both days inclusive), subject to tho provisions of the Animals Protection Act, 1908, and all regulations thereunder in force within the said district. Dated at this day of , 1919. Chief Postmaster. As witness the hand of His Excellency the GovernorGeneral, this thirtieth day of January, one thousand nine hundred and nineteen. G. W. RUSSELL, Minister of Internal Affairs.

RESOLUTION. THE following regulations were laid before the members of the Waipukurau Jockey Club at a meeting held on the 14th day of January, 1919, at Waipukurau, with a recommendation by the Chairman of the Club, Mr. G. Hunter, that the same be passed at once with a view to their approval by the Governor-General, in pursuance of the Gaming Act, 1908, section 33. Mr. G. Hunter, the Chairman of the Club and the Meeting, moved, and Mr. P. F. Hall seconded, and it was resolved, that such regulations should be adopted, and that the Chairman be authorized to sign the same in authentication thereof. The following are the regulations referred to : WAIPUKURAU JOCKEY CLUB. Regulations. (Under the Gaming Act, 1908.) In pursuance and exercise of the powers in that behalf contained in section 33 of the Gaming Act, 1908, and of all other powers and authorities it enabling in that behalf, the Waipukurau Jockey Club, a racing club within the meaning of the said Act (hereinafter referred to as “the said club ”), doth hereby revoke the regulations dated the 30th day of July, 1917, and in lieu thereof doth hereby make the following regulations controlling the admission of persons to that part of the Waipukurau Racecourse situated in the District of Waipukurau, and known as the Waipukurau Jockey Club Racecourse, while the said racecourse is used or occupied by the said- club for race meetings. 1. These regulations shall come into force on the date of the same being published in the New Zealand Gazette. 2. In these regulations the words “ bookmaker,” “ racing club,” and “ race meeting ” shall have the meanings ascribed to those terms respectively by section 2 of the Gaming Act, 1908.

3. The following persons shall be and are hereby excluded from the racecourse above described while the same is used or occupied by the said club for a race meeting, namely,— (a.) Bookmakers. (b.) Bookmakers’ clerks, bookmakers’ assistants, and bookmakers’ agents. (c.) All persons under disqualification inflicted by any racing or trotting club in the Dominion of New Zealand, the Commonwealth of Australia, or elsewhere, if affiliated to the New Zealand Racing Conference, or the New Zealand Trotting Association, or the New Zealand Trotting Conference. (d.) Common prostitutes and persons who habitually consort with thieves or persons who have no lawful visible means of support. (e.) Professional tipsters, persons convicted of housebreaking or pocket-picking, forgery, uttering or possessing counterfeit coin, theft, false pretences, receiving stolen goods, mischief, assault, or any offence or crime of any kind under the Crimes Act, 1908, and also idle and disorderly persons, rogues and vagabonds, and incorrigible rogues convicted under the Police Offences Act, 1908, and persons convicted of an offence under the Gaming Act, 1908. The foregoing regulations of the Waipukurau Jockey Club were made and passed by the Waipukurau Jockey Club on the 14th day of January, 1919, and signed by the Chairman and Secretary. GEORGE HUNTER, Chairman. W. G. NIGHTINGALE, Secretary. The foregoing regulations of the Waipukurau Jockey Club are hereby approved this 24th day of January, 1919. LIVERPOOL, Governor-General.

RESOLUTION. THE following regulations were laid before the committee of the Feilding Jockey Club (Registered) at a meeting held on the 18th day of January, 1919, at Feilding, with a recommendation by the Chairman of the Club, Mr. William George Haybittle, that the same be passed at once with a view to their approval by the Governor-General, in pursuance of the Gaming Act, 1908, section 33. Mr. W. G. Haybittle, the Chairman of the Club and the Meeting, moved, and Mr. Frank F. Haggitt seconded, and it was resolved, that such regulations should be adopted, and that the Chairman be authorized to sign the same in authentication thereof.

The following are the regulations referred to : FEILDING JOCKEY CLUB. Regulations. (Under the Gaming Act, 1908.) In pursuance and exercise of the powers in that behalf contained in section 33 of the Gaming Act, 1908, and of all other powers and authorities it enabling in that behalf, the Feilding Jockey Club, a racing club within the meaning of the said Act (hereinafter referred to as “ the said club ”), doth hereby revoke the regulations dated the 19th day of November, 1915, and in lieu thereof doth hereby make the following regulations controlling the admission of persons to that part of the Kawakawa N.R. No. 149, situated in the District of Manawatu, and known as the Feilding Racecourse, while the said racecourse is used or occupied by the said club for race meetings. 1. These regulations shall come into force on the date of the same being published in the New Zealand Gazette. 2. In these regulations the words “ bookmaker,” “ racing club,” and “ race meeting ” shall have the meanings ascribed to those terms respectively by section 2 of the Gaming Act, 1908. 3. The following persons shall be and are hereby excluded from the racecourse above described while the same is used or occupied by the said club for a race meeting, namely,— (a.) Bookmakers. (b.) Bookmakers’ clerks, bookmakers’ assistants, and bookmakers’ agents. (c.) All persons under disqualification inflicted by any racing or trotting club in the Dominion of New Zealand, the Commonwealth of Australia, or elsewhere, if affiliated to the New Zealand Racing Conference, or the New Zealand Trotting Association, or the New Zealand Trotting Conference. (d.) Common prostitutes, and persons who habitually consort with thieves or with persons w r ho have no lawful visible means of support. (e.) Professional tipsters, persons convicted of house-break-ing or pocket-picking, forgery, uttering or possessing counterfeit coin, theft, false pretences, receiving stolen goods, mischief, assault, or any offence or crime of any kind under the Crimes Act, 1908, and also idle and disorderly persons, rogues and vagabonds, and incorrigible rogues convicted under the Police Offences Act, 1908, and persons convicted of an offence under the Gaming Act, 1908. The foregoing regulations of the Feilding Jockey Club (Registered) were made and passed by the Feilding Jockey Club (Registered) on the 18th day of January, 1919, and signed by the Chairman and Secretary. W. G. HAYBITTLE, Chairman. EDWARD GOODBEHERE, Secretary. The foregoing regulations of the Feilding Jockey Club (Registered) are hereby approved this 28th day of January, 1919. LIVERPOOL, Governor-General.

RESOLUTION. THE following regulations were laid before the members of the Hororata Racing Club at a meeting held on the 28th day of December, 1918, at Hororata, with a recommendation by the Chairman of the Club, Mr. Herbert Oliver, that the same be passed at once with a view to their approval by the Governor-General, in pursuance of the Gaming Act, 1908, section 33. Mr. Herbert Oliver, the Chairman of the Club and the Meeting, moved, and Mr. Fredrick Donald seconded, and it was resolved, that such regulations should be adopted, and that the Chairman be authorized to sign the same in authentication thereof. The following are the regulations referred to : HORORATA RACING CLUB. Regulations. (Under the Gaming Act, 1908.) In pursuance and exercise of the powers in that behalf contained in section 33 of the Gaming Act, 1908, and of all other powers and authorities it enabling in that behalf, the Hororata Racing Club, a racing club within the meaning of the said Act (hereinafter referred to as “ the said club ”), doth hereby revoke the regulations dated the 3rd day of April, 1915, and in lieu thereof doth hereby make the following regulations controlling the admission of persons to that part of the

Hororata Domain situated in the District of Hororata, and known as the Hororata Racecourse, while the said racecourse is used or occupied by the said club for race meetings. 1. These regulations shall come into force on the date of the same being published in the New Zealand Gazette. 2. In these regulations the words “bookmaker,” “racing club,” and “ race meeting ” shall have the meanings ascribed to those terms respectively by section 2 of the Gaming Act, 1908. 3. The following persons shall be and are hereby excluded from the racecourse above described while the same is used or occupied by the said club for a race meeting, namely,— (a.) Bookmakers. ( b.) Bookmakers’ clerks, bookmakers’ assistants, and bookmakers’ agents. (c.) All persons under disqualification inflicted by any racing or trotting club in the Dominion of New Zealand, the Commonwealth of Australia, or elsewhere, if affiliated to the New Zealand Racing Conference, or the New Zealand Trotting Association, or the New Zealand Trotting Conference. (d.) Common prostitutes, and persons who habitually consort with thieves or with persons who have no lawful visible means of support. (e.) Professional tipsters, persons convicted of house-break-ing or pocket-picking, forgery, uttering or possessing counterfeit coin, theft, false pretences, receiving stolen goods, mischief, assault, or any offence or crime of any kind under the Crimes Act, 1908, and also idle and disorderly persons, rogues and vagabonds, and incorrigible rogues convicted under the Police Offences Act, 1908, and persons convicted of an offence under the Gaming Act, 1908. The foregoing regulations of the Hororata Racing Club were made and passed by the Hororata Racing Club on the 28th day of December, 1918, and signed by the Chairman and Secretary. H. OLIVER, Chairman. S. R. WRIGHT, Secretary. The foregoing regulations of the Hororata Racing Club are hereby approved this 28th day of January, 1919. LIVERPOOL, Governor-General.

RESOLUTION. HTIHE following regulations were laid before the members of JL the Tuapeka County Jockey Club at a meeting held on the 11th day of January, 1919, at Lawrence, with a recommendation by the Chairman of the Club, Mr. Donald Munro, that the same be passed at once with a view to their approval by the Governor-General, in pursuance of the Gaming Act, 1908, section 33. Mr. Donald Munro, the Chairman of the Club and the Meeting, moved, and Mr. James Kelleher seconded, and it was resolved, that such regulations should be adopted, and that the Chairman be authorized to sign the same in authentication thereof.

The following are the regulations referred to : TUAPEKA COUNTY JOCKEY CLUB. Regulations. (Under the Gaming Act, 1908.) In pursuance and exercise of the powers in that behalf contained in section 33 of the Gaming Act, 1908, and of all other powers and authorities it enabling in that behalf, the Tuapeka County Jockey Club, a racing club within the meaning of the said Act (hereinafter referred to as “ the said club ”), doth hereby revoke the regulations dated the 13th day of June, 1917, and in lieu thereof doth hereby make the following regulations controlling the admission of persons to that part of the racecourse situated in the District of Tuapeka and known as the Happy Valley Racecourse, while the said racecourse is used or occupied by the said club for race meetings. 1. These regulations shall come into force on the date of the same being published in the New Zealand Gazette. 2. In these regulations the words “bookmaker,” “racing club,” and “ race meeting ” shall have the meanings ascribed to those terms respectively by section 2 of the Gaming Act, 1908. 3. The following persons shall be and are hereby excluded from the racecourse above described while the same is used or occupied by the said club for a race meeting, namely,— (a.) Bookmakers. (b.) Bookmakers’ clerks, bookmakers’ assistants, and bookmakers’ agents. (c.) All persons under disqualification inflicted by any racing or trotting club in the Dominion of New

Zealand, the Commonwealth of Australia, or elsewhere, if affiliated to the New Zealand Racing Conference, or the New Zealand Trotting Association, or the New Zealand Trotting Conference. (d.) Common prostitutes, and persons who habitually consort with thieves or with persons who have no lawful visible means of support. (e.) Professional tipsters, persons convicted of house-break-ing or pocket-picking, forgery, uttering or possessing counterfeit coin, theft, false pretences, receiving stolen goods, mischief, assault, or any offence or crime of any kind under the Crimes Act, 1908, and also idle and disorderly persons, rogues and vagabonds, and incorrigible rogues convicted under the Police Offences Act, 1908, and persons convicted of an offence under the Gaming Act, 1908. The foregoing regulations of the Tuapeka County Jockey Club were made and passed by the Tuapeka County Jockey Club on the 11th day of January, 1919, and signed by the Chairman and Secretary. D. MUNRO, Chairman. N. OLIVER POTTS, Secretary. The foregoing regulations of the Tuapeka County Jockey Club are hereby approved this 30th day of January, 1919. LIVERPOOL, Governor-General.

RESOLUTION. THE following regulations were laid before the members the Wairoa County Racing Club at a meeting held on the 23rd day of January, 1919, at Wairoa, with a recommendation by the Chairman of the Club, Mr. G. C. Ormond, that the same be passed at once with a view to their approval by the Governor-General, in pursuance of the Gaming Act, 1908, section 33. Mr. G. C. Ormond, the Chairman of the Club and the Meeting, moved, and Mr. S. Hutchinson seconded, and it was resolved, that such regulations should be adopted, and that the Chairman be authorized to sign the same in authentication thereof. The following are the regulations referred to : WATROA COUNTY RACING CLUB. Regulations. (Under the Gaming Act, 1908.) In pursuance and exercise of the powers in that behalf contained in section 33 of the Gaming Act, 1908, and of all other powers and authorities it enabling in that behalf, the Wairoa County Racing Club, a racing club within the meaning of the said Act (hereinafter referred to as “ the said club ”), doth hereby revoke the regulations dated the 2nd day of November, 1915, and in lieu thereof hoth hereby make the following regulations controlling the admission of persons to that part of the grounds situated in the District of Wairoa, Hawke’s Bay, and known as the Awatere Racecourse, while the said racecourse is used or occupied by the said club for race meetings. 1. These regulations shall come into force on the date of the same being published in the New Zealand Gazette. 2. In these regulations the words “ bookmaker,” “ racing club,” and “ race meeting ” shall have the meanings ascribed to those terms respectively by section 2 of the Gaming Act, 1908. 3. The following persons shall be and are hereby excluded from the racecourse above described while the same is used or occupied by the said club for a race meeting, namely,— (a.) Bookmakers. ( b .) Bookmakers’ clerks, bookmakers’ assistants, and bookmakers’ agents. (c.) All persons under disqualification inflicted by any racing or trotting club in the Dominion of New Zealand, the Commonwealth of Australia, or elsewhere, if affiliated to the New Zealand Racing Conference, or the Now Zealand Trotting Association, or the New Zealand Trotting Conference. (d.) Common prostitutes, and persons who habitually consort with thieves or with persons who have no lawful visible means of support. (e.) Professional tipsters, persons convicted of house-break-ing or pocket-picking, forgery, uttering or possessing counterfeit coin, theft, false pretences, receiving stolon goods, mischief, assault, or any offence or crime of any kind under the Crimes Act, 1908, and also idle and disorderly persons, rogues and vagabonds, and incorrigible rogues convicted under the

Police Offences Act, 1908, and persons convicted of an offence under the Gaming Act, 1908. The foregoing regulations of the Wairoa County Racing Club were made and passed by the Wairoa County Racing Club on the 23rd day of January, 1919, and signed by the Chairman and Secretary. G. C. ORMOND, Chairman. LEONARD STOREY, Secretary. The foregoing regulations of the Wairoa County Racing Club are hereby approved this Ist day of February, 1919. LIVERPOOL, Governor-General.

RESOLUTION. THE following regulations were laid before the members of the Kumara Jockey Club at a meeting held on the 24th day of January, 1919, at Kumara, with a recommendation by the Chairman of the Club, Mr. John Gilbert, that the same be passed at once with a view to their approval by the Governor-General, in pursuance of the Gaming Act, 1908, section 33. Mr. John Gilbert, the Chairman of the Club and the Meeting, moved, and Mr. Brayshaw seconded, and it was resolved, that such regulations should be adopted, and that the Chairman be authorized to sign the same in authentication thereof. The following are the regulations referred to :

KUMARA JOCKEY CLUB. Regulations. (Under the Gaming Act, 1908.) In pursuance and exercise of the powers in that behalf contained in section 33 of the Gaming Act, 1908, and of all other powers and authorities it enabling in that behalf, the Kumara Jockey Club, a racing club within the meaning of the said Act (hereinafter referred to as “ the said club ”), doth hereby make the following regulations controlling the admission of persons to that part of the racecourse situated in the District of Westland, and known as the Kumara Racecourse, while the said racecourse is used or occupied by the said club for race meetings. 1. These regulations shall come into force on the date of the same being published in the New Zealand Gazette. 2. In these regulations the words “ bookmaker,” “ racing club,” and “ race meeting ” shall have the meanings ascribed to those terms respectively by section 2 of the Gaming Act, 1908. 3. The following persons shall be and are hereby excluded from the racecourse above described while the same is used or occupied by the said club for a race meeting, namely,— (a.) Bookmakers. (b.) Bookmakers’ clerks, bookmakers’ assistants, and bookmakers’ agents. (c.) All persons under disqualification inflicted by any racing or trotting club in the Dominion of New Zealand, the Commonwealth of Australia, or elsewhere, if affiliated to the New Zealand Racing Conference, or the New Zealand Trotting Association, or the Now Zealand Trotting Conference. (d.) Common prostitutes, and persons who habitually consort with thieves or with persons who have no lawful visible means of support. (e.) Professional tipsters, persons convicted of house-break-ing or pocket-picking, forgery, uttering or possessing counterfeit coin, theft, false pretences, receiving stolen goods, mischief, assault, or any offence or crime of any kind under the Crimes Act, 1908, and also idle and disorderly persons, rogues and vagabonds, and incorrigible rogues convicted under the Police Offences Act, 1908, and persons convicted of an offence under the Gaming Act, 1908. The foregoing regulations of the Kumara Jockey Club were made and passed by the Kumara Jockey Club on the 24th day of January, 1919, and signed by the Chairman and Secretary. J. GILBERT, Chairman. GEORGE PAMMENT, Secretary. The foregoing regulations of the Kumara Jockey Club are hereby approved this Ist day of February, 1919. LIVERPOOL, Governor-General.

By Authority : Makcus F. Mauks, Government Printer, Wellington.

Name. Offence. Station. Police Gazette Reference. A. Allen, Charles Stewart Failing to proceed to camp Newton 1918, page 669. Anderson, Thomas Failing to parade for medical examination Culverden 1918, 653. Abel, Charley .. Failing to parade for medical examination Raetihi 1918, ” 687. B. Babage, George.. Failing to parade for medical examination Wellington 1918, 605. Becroft, John Coupland .. Default of maintenance Ellerslie 1919, 2. Bell, George Default of fine and costs Te Awamutu Inquiries being made. Benfell, George False pretences Maungaturoto .. 1919, page 67. Bourk, Harry ., Failing to maintain .. Wellington 1918, 592. Bradnock, R. R. Failing to parade for medical examination Palmerston North Inquiries being made. Brewer, Charles Stanley .. Deserting from Expeditionary Force Queenstown 1919, page 5. Bushett, Charles Failing to parade for medical examination Palmerston North 1918, 628. Butler, Andrew.. Failing to maintain .. Maungaturoto .. 1919, 99 67. C. Campbell, Colin.. Failing to parade for medical examination Ohakune 1918, 642. Carroll, Martin John Escaping from military detention Mount Cook 1918, 595. Caundle, R. F. .. Embezzlement Morrinsville 1919, 57. Cheasman, Jack Hubert Failing to maintain .. Wellington 1918, 614. Choate, John Ernest Failing to parade for medical examination Hastings 1918, 628. Cleave, George Michael .. Deserting from Expeditionary Force Wellington 1918, 628. Cody, Thomas .. Failing to parade for medical examination Wellington 1918, 653. Coffey, William.. Failing to proceed tQ camp Temuka 1918, 595. Conlan, James Joseph Deserting from Expeditionary Force Wellington 1918, 653. Connolly, Thomas Ship-desertion Wellington 1919, 38. Connors, John James Deserting from Expeditionary Force Wairoa 1918, 653. Cook, William Alfred Theft Wanganui 1918, 614. Corbett, James Thomas .. Deserting from Expeditionary Force Paeroa.. 1918, » 628. D. Daly, Owen James Failing to parade for medical examination Oamaru 1918, 705. Dargaville, Walter Scott.. Deserting from Expeditionary Force Newton 1918, 653. Davey, Edward Horace .. Failing to maintain .. Wellington 1919, 38. Davies, James .. Failing to maintain .. Upper Hutt 1918, 601. De Jongh, Arnold Failing to proceed to camp Auckland 1918, 642. Delaney, Michael Deserting from Expeditionary Force Addington 1918, f9 605. Desmond, Thomas Failing to parade for medical examination Te Kuiti 1918, 705. Diamond, Patrick Failing to parade for medical examination Cambridge 1919, 5. Dick, George Failing to parade for medical examination Hamilton Inquiries being made. Dickson, James.. Failing to parade for medical examination Otira .. 1918, page 629. Donaldson, William Failing to parade for medical examination Wellington 1918, 628. Donnellan, Harold Joseph Deserting from Expeditionary Force Wellington 1919, 5. Dragovich, Ivan or John Failing to parade for medical examination Waipu 1918, 642. Drought, Percy Edward Escaping from military detention Mount Cook 1918, 595. Dunn, John Failing to parade for medical examination Hikurangi 1919, 42. Dyhberg, Charles Changing his name without authority .. Oxford.. 1919, 38. E. Evans, Harry .. Failing to provide Westport 1918, 99 685. F. Fleming, William Alfred Failing to parade for medical examination Napier.. 1918, 628. Fletcher, Joseph Default of maintenance Mercer.. 1919, 2. Flutey, Charles James Default of maintenance Christchurch 1919, 3. France, Albert Edward .. Deserting from troopship Wellington 1919, 43. Fray, Alick Failing to parade for medical examination Whangarei 1918, ” 687. G. Gandy, Howard Patton .. Forgery and uttering Feilding 1918, 651. Gaskell, Kenneth Failing to parade for medical examination Wellington 1918, 605. Gay, William John Failing to proceed to camp Blackwater 1918, 629. Gayner, James .. Failing to provide Grey town North 1919, 2. Gilliland, William Failing to parade for medical examination Palmerston North Inquiries being made. Grant, Harry Failing to parade for medical examination Tauranga 1918, page 697. H. Hall, Hugh John Default of maintenance Auckland 1918, 704. Hammond, John Deserting from Expeditionary Force Timaru 1918, 669. Hanna, Arthur Malcolm Failing to parade for medical examination Wanganui 1918, 669. Hannigan, John Failing to parade for medical examination Westport 1918, 629. Hansen, Archie William .. Failing to parade for medical examination Eketahuna 1919, 43. Harris, John Failing to parade for medical examination Blackwater 1918, 629. Harris, Joseph .. Absent from ship without leave Dunedin 1918, 696. Hutchinson, Thomas Failing to parade for medical examination Ohakune 1918, 687. Heffernan, William Deserting from Expeditionary Force Palmerston South 1918, 643. Herbert, Sydney James .. Failing to provide Christchurch 1918, 696. Hobbs, William John Failing to parade for medical examination Ohakune 1918, 687. Hogan, James .. Failing to parade for medical examination Westport 1918, 653. Holes, Victor Albert Ship-desertion Wellington 1918, 639. Hollard, George Henry .. Failing to maintain .. Auckland 1919, 99 37. 2—P.G.

RETURN OF WARRANTS ISSUED DURING THE QUARTER ENDED 31st DECEMBER, 1918, AND REMAINING UNEXECUTED. For preceding list see Police Gazette, 1918, page 655.

Name. Offence. Station. Police Gazette Reference. Hope, John George Failing to parade for medical examination Wanganui 1918, page 705. Horgan, Alfred Francis .. Deserting from Expeditionary Force Waimate 1918, „ 643. Howie, William.. .. .. Absent from camp without leave Christchurch 1919, „ 5. Hughes, W. Absent from camp without leave Dunedin 1918, „ 698. Hunter, Robert.. Failing to parade for medical examination Blackwater 1918, „ 629. I. Irving, Herbert Failing to parade for medical examination Reefton 1918, „ 642. J. Jackson, James.. Failing to parade for medical examination Napier | 1918, „ 628. Jacobson, Thomas Default of fine and costs Wellington 1918, „ 614. Johnson, Bert .. Failing to parade for medical examination Whangarei 1919, „ 42. Johnston, William Failing to parade for medical examination Whangarei 1918, „ 687. Jones, Bertie Failing to parade for medical examination Wellington 1918, „ 616. K. Kamana Iti Failing to parade for medical examination Kawhia 1918, „ 705. Kenny, Charles Failing to parade for medical examination Te Kuiti 1918, „ 642. L. Larkin, George .. Failing to provide Palmerston North Inquiries being made. Lee, Norman Dallas Absent from camp without leave Otautau 1919, page 5. Leonard, Percy Failing to parade for medical examination Wellington 1919, „ 84. Lind born, Herbert Clive Failing to parade for medical examination Raetihi 1918, „ 687. M. Mann, William John Deserting from Expeditionary Force Wellington 1918, „ 697. Martin, F. .. .. Ship-desertion Auckland 1918, „ 703. Mathieson, Ernest John .. Breaking, entering, and theft .. Wellington 1919, „ 2. Mears. Andrew David Failing to proceed to camp Ahaura 1918, „ 643. Miller, William .. Failing to proceed to camp Queenstown 1918, „ 698. Moore, James .. Default of fine and costs (2) Gore .. 1919, ., 2. Moore, William John Failing to proceed to camp Blackwater 1918, „ 629. Morris, Archibald Joseph Failing to parade for medical examination Whangarei 1918, „ 653. Morris, Henry .. Failing to parade for medical examination Reefton 1918. „ 653. Mulloy, John Failing to parade for medical examination Christchurch 1919, „ 5. Mundy, Charles Henry .. Default of fine and costs Palmerston North 1918, 668. Murphy, John .. Failing to parade for medical examination Blackball 1918, „ 629. Murray, Henry Richard .. Deserting from Expeditionary Force Nelson .. 1919, „ 5. Me. McAlister, Alfred Failing to parade for medical examination Waikari 1919, „ 5. McAlister. John Failing to parade for medical examination Auckland 1919, „ 42. McCann, Michael Joseph.. Deserting from Expeditionary Force Christchurch 1919, „ 43. McCarthy, Thomas Peter Deserting from Expeditionary Force Wellington 1918, „ 628. McEneaney, John Failing to parade for medical examination Huntly 1918, „ 687. McEwen. James Failing to parade for medical examination Auckland 1919, „ 42. McGregor, David Failing to parade for medical examination Ohakune 1919, „ 59. Mclvor, David .. Default of costs Auckland 1919, „ 57. McKenzie, C. False pretences Waipawa 1918, „ 626. Mackenzie, John Failing to parade for medical examination Whangarei Inquiries being made. McLaughlin, J .. Ship-desertion .. .. ' .. Lyttelton 1918, page 652. McLaughlin, James Deserting from Expeditionary Force Mount Cook 1918, „ 629. McLean, Alexander Failing to parade for medical examination Levin .. 1918, „ 628. McNab, Robert.. Failing to parade for medical examination Wellington 1918, „ 605. McVeigh, David Failing to parade for medical examination Whakatane 1919, „ 42. N. Newman, William John .. Default of fine and costs Dunedin 1919, „ 39. 0. O’Brien, Robert Failing to parade for medical examination Wellington 1918, „ 616. Inquiries being made. O’Connor, John.. Failing to parade for medical examination Wellington O’Connor, John Deserting from Expeditionary Force Lumsden 1919, page 59. O’Grady, William Albert Deserting from Expeditionary Force Palmerston North 1918, „ 628. O’Hara, James M. Failing to parade for medical examination Wellington 1918, ,. 653. O’Hara, John .. Failing to parade for medical examination Wellington .. 1918, „ 642. O’Shea, Sylvester Failing to proceed to camp Rotorua .. 1918, „ 616. P. Pallet, William .. Failing to parade for medical examination Matiere 1919, „ 59. Pariti Tiki Deserting from Expeditionary Force Taumarunui 1919. „ 42. Parkes, George .. Failing to parade for medical examination Raetihi 1918, „ 705. Peacock, Frank.. Failing to maintain .. Wellington 1919, „ 38. Pickering, Harry Failing to parade for medical examination To be detained on Somes Island Whangarei Inquiries being made. Pruszynski, W. .. Auckland 1918, page 651. Pulley, Michael James Default of costs Greymouth 1919, „ 2. Q. Quinn, George Henry Failing to parade for medical examination ' Huntly 1918, „ 697.


Name. Offence. Station. Police Gazette Reference. R. Reahu, Harry .. Default of fine and costs (3) Wellington 1919, page 82. Reeves, William Default of maintenance Wellington 1919. „ 2. Rice, Roland Deserting from Expeditionary Force Dannevirke 1918, „ 705. Richardson. John Default of costs Wellington 1919, „ 38. Ricketts, William Herbert Deserting from Expeditionary Force Denniston 1919, „ 43. Roberts, James.. Failing to parade for medical examination Napier.. 1918, „ 628. Robinson, Christopher Robert Deserting from Expeditionary Force Kaitangata 1919, „ 59. Robinson, Stanley Default of fine and costs Rotorua Inquiries being made. Rodda, Stephen James .. Failing to maintain .. Wellington 1918, page 626. Ross, Alexander Deserting from Expeditionary Force Granity 1918, „ 679. Rowe, John Heanesworth Deserting from Expeditionary Force Ponsonby 1918, „ 642. Roy, Alfred Franklyn Failing to maintain .. Wanganui 1918, „ 695. Ryan, James False pretences Tauranga 1919, „ 82. S. Sanders, Percy Harold .. Failing to parade for medical examination Granity 1918, „ 642. Scholes, William Forgery and uttering Wellington 1918, ,. 601. Scott, James Failing to proceed to camp .. .. Greymouth 1918, „ 669. Scott, Robert .. Escaping from military custody Wellington 1918, „ 642. Scroggins, Thomas Silas .. Failing to parade for medical examination Whangarei 1919, „ 42. Selby, Frank Failing to parade for medical examination Wellington 1918, „ 628. Shanley, Gerald Deserting from Expeditionary Force Wellington 1918, „ 687. Simpkins, Percy Failing to parade for medical examination Napier.. 1918, „ 628. Skipper, John .. Failing to maintain .. Wellington 1919, „ 38. Smith, Albert Henry Lewis Failing to proceed to camp Mount Cook 1918, „ 687. Smith, Edward Charles .. Failing to parade for medical examination Wellington 1918, „ 642. Smith, John Failing to parade for medical examination Wellington 1918, „ 616. Smith, John Failing to maintain .. Palmerston North 1918, „ 667. Smith, Thomas Jackson .. Failing to parade for medical examination Wellington 1918, „ 628. Smith, William Charles .. Ship-desertion Auckland 1918, „ 703. Sparks, John Failing to parade for medical examination Huntly Taumarunui 1918, „ 687. Stanton, John Joseph Default of fine and costs • • 1918, „ 704. Stewart, Frank Failing to parade for medical examination Auckland 1918, 628. Stewart, James Failing to parade for medical examination Cambridge 1919, „ 5. Strawbridge, Alexander Charles Failing to parade for medical examination Cheviot 1919, „ 43. T. Tanihana Here Wini Failing to parade for medical examination Onehunga Taumarunui 1918, „ 642. Taituma, Harry Default of fine and costs inqui lies being made. Tee we Tumohe .. Failing to parade for medical examination Hamilton ,, Thompson, Percy Daniel.. Thompson, William Theft Bull’s .. 1919, page 2. Failing to parade for medical examination Mount Cook 1918, „ 628. Thomson, Alexander Default of maintenance Christchurch 1919, „ 39. Tobin, Joseph John Failing to parade for medical examination Wellington 1919, „ 43. Trask, James Henry Default of maintenance Christchurch 1919, „ 59. Tukorehu Rawe Failing to parade for medical examination Morrinsville 1918, „ 628. V. Visko, Dick Failing to provide Hamilton 1918, „ 704. W. Wager, George William .. Failing to parade for medical examination Wellington 1919, „ 5. Walker, John Herbert Failing to parade for medical examination Wellington 1918, „ 628. Wallace, Arthur Failing to proceed to camp Queenstown 1919, „ 5. Ward, James Failing to parade for medical examination Masterton 1918, „ 605. Ward, Robert Daniel Failing to proceed to camp Wellington 1918, „ 628. Webster. Richard Failing to parade for medical examination Mount Cook 1918, „ 628. Welsh, Alfred Frederick .. Failing to maintain .. Wellington 1918, „ 614. Wharemate Tohi Failing to parade for medical examination Pacroa.. Inquiries being made. Whic, William .. Failing to proceed to camp Wellington 1919, page 5. White, Arthur .. Failing to parade for medical examination Helens ville 1919, „ 42. Wilkinson, Samuel Absent from camp without leave Wellington 1918, „ 697. Williams, Edward Failing to parade for medical examination Opotiki 1919, „ 5. Williams, Edward Failing to parade for medical examination Wellington 1918, „ 653. Williams, Henry Failing to parade for medical examination Wellington 1918, „ 628. Williams, William Edward Failing to parade for medical examination Whangarei 1919, „ 42. Wilson, James .. Failing to parade for medical examination Darfield 1918, „ 698. Wilson, Matthew Failing to parade for medical examination Fairlie 1919, „ 5. Winn, Harry P. Ship-desertion Wellington 1918, „ 639.


Name of Offender. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. (Height I Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, <ftc. Inoane, Dick Auckland 27/1/19 drunkenness .. oonvicted and Fiji seaman 1899 ft. in. 5 5 black .. black brown .. flat Woman, flags, unicorn, ship, clasped hands, and lighthouse on right forearm ; butterfly • threatening behaviour discharged Scholfield, Jean Alma fined 10s. and crown on left forearm. Auckland 28/1/19 theft .. . 1 year’s probaN. Zealand domestic .. 1897 5 5 fresh .. brown hazel .. medium See Police Gazette, 1919, page 82. Gallagher, Nellie .. tiou Auckland 28/1/19 theft # to come up if N. Zealand domestio .. 1900 5 8 olive .. dark brown brown .. medium 1 p.c. Burn-scar under chin ; gold filling in called on and top teeth. (See Police Gazette, 1916, page to Magdala Home for 1 > 173.) Beable, Arthur Henry Auokland 28/1/19 theft to come up if England .. motor me1885 5 8* fresh .. black brown .. medium Five scars on left forearm ; scar on left thumb. called on chanic and driver (See Police Gazette, 1918, page 318.) Carswell, John Auckland 31/1/19 theft • to come up if Scotland .. tally clerk .. 1878 5 0 fresh .. dark brown grey .. medium Right ring-finger nail has been injured. (See called on and to make restitution Police Gazette, 1918, page 170.) breach of probation convicted and mischief (damaging discharged fresh .. blue .. Montgomery, Charles Te Puke 28/1/19 a to come up if N. Zealand • • 1898 5 7 fair medium Lame on right leg ; right hand injured. motor-car) called on and to make restitution 8 Bishoprick, Eric .. Te Puke 28/1/19 mischief (damaging a to come up if N. Zealand • . 1897 5 dark .. dark dark .. medium motor-car) called on and to make restitution McCauley, Robert.. Te Puke 28/1/19 misohief (damaging a to come up if N. Zealand labourer 1895 5 6 fresh .. sandy blue .. medium Stutters. motor-car) called on and to make restitution Whisker, Alfred Te Puke 28/1/19 mischief (damaging a to come up if N. Zealand soldier 1898 5 9 fresh .. fair blue medium motor-car) called on and to make restitution blue .. Ling, William Rhodes Gisborne 28/1/19 theft . 2 years’ probaEngland .. linotype1897 5 6 fair fair medium theft tion and to make restitution operator 5 11 Haramoana Waaka Gisborne 30/1/19 . to come up on aboriginal labourer 1892 copper.. dark, turning brown .. flat April 25 and to make resgrey ' titution Horomona Waaka.. Gisborne 30/1/19 theft . to come up if aboriginal labourer 1894 5 8 copper.. black, turnbrown .. broad Scar on left arm; left little finger stiff; good called on ing grey teetb. (See Police Gazette, 1915, page 427.) Coyle, Joseph Wairoa 29/1/19 assault . fined £2 Australia .. labourer 1892 5 10 fair light brown blue .. flat, broken 4 p.c. Scar on left hand, on left forefinger, and breach of his prohibition fined £1 on right shin. (See Police Gazette, 1918, page order 296.) Prederickson, Louie Wairoa 29/1/19 obsoene language • fined £4 Norway .. labourer 1862 5 5 fair brown blue .. broken .. Scar over right eye.

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates Courts, but not sent to Gaol.

— ' | Com. plexiou. Name of Offender. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of i Trade. i-i O W CD ’© K Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &c. Karepa Sonny W airoa 29/1/19 assault fined £5 aboriginal labourer ft. in. 1899 5 7 1 copper.. black brown .. flat Scar on top of head. Burrell, Annie Taumarunui 29/1/19 theft from a dwelling .. to come up il N. Zealand 1887 5 7 fair dark blue .. medium called on Trengrove, Florence May .. Taumarunui 29/1/19 theft from a dwelling .. to come up if N. Zealand • . 1880 5 G pale dark blue .. prominent Wears glasses. called on - Dillon, Henry Clarence Hawera 31/1/19 theft to come up if N. Zealand labourer 1903 5 4 dark .. black grey .. medium Scar on centre of forehead and on left thumb. called on Hennah, Francis Robert Napier 22/1/19 assaulting police convicted and discharged fined £1 N. Zealand soldier 1890 G 1 fresh .. dark brown grey .. medium Burn-scars on back. Regan, Peter Napier 24/1/19 threatening behaviour Ireland labourer 1868 5 Si fresh .. light brown blue medium Soar on right middle finger; arms freckled. Ropiha-Kuku Matene Porangahau 24/1/19 receiving stolen property fined £10 aboriginal farmer 1891 5 4 copper.. black brown .. flat See Police Gazette, 1918, page 542. Mischewski, Agnes Porangahau 24/1/19 theft to come up if N. Zealand domestic .. 1894 5 1 fair fair grey .. medium Several gold-filled teeth in upper jaw. indecency called on to come up if Wales labourer 1850 5 5 fresh ... grey grey .. medium 7 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1916, page 122.) Jones, Thomas Porangahau 24/1/19 called on and prohibited medium Artificial leg; walks with a stick. Burr s, Robert Porangahau 24/1/19 assault convicted and Australia .. labourer 1883 5 7 fresh .. brown, turnbrown .. discharged ing grey Dennan, Ida Unice Mary .. Palmerston N. 28/1/19 theft to come up if N. Zealand schoolgirl .. 1903 5 0 fresh .. brown blue medium See Police Gazette, 1918, page 567. called on Stratford, John Carterton 29/1/19 breaking, entering, and to an industrial N. Zealand schoolboy .. 1908 4 8 sallow .. brown .. grey .. medium theft school Nugent, Norah, alias WilWellington .. 27/1/19 drunkenness.. convicted, disIreland prostitute .. 1854 5 04 fresh grey brown .. small Scar on back of neck, on back of right hand, liams charged, and and on upper lip. F.P. (See Police Gazette, prohibited 1918, page 674.) refusing to quit licensed convicted and premises discharged theft convioted and discharged » Four dots on left hand ; C.A. on left knee ; Brewer, Alfred, alias AnderWellington .. 27/1/19 rogue and vagabond (ilto come up if N. Zealand cook 1872 5 54 fresh .. dark brown .. medium son, Charles, alias Tonks, J. B., alias Henderson legally on premises) called on O.M.C.O. on right knee. (See Police Gazette, 1919, page 62, and Photographs, 1911, page 10.) Slight build. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1918, Falvey, Michael .. Wellington .. 27/1/19 rogue and vagabond (ilto come up if Australia .. driver 1883 5 8 fresh .. dark .. grey .. large legally on premises) called on page 337.) Collier, Esther, alias Ford, Wellington .. 31/1/19 idle and disorderly (conto Pakatoa N. Zealand prostitute .. 1875 5 3 fresh .. brown brown .. medium See Police Gazette, 1918, page 700. alias Hamilton sorting) Home for 1 obscene language year convicted and discharged 3 years’ probablue medium Nielsen, Grace Wellington .. 31/1/19 theft (2 charges) N. Zealand domestic .. 1902 4 11 fair fair tion on each Potter, Frederick Gordon .. Wellington .. 31/1/19 breaoh of the peaoe .. fined 10s. Australia .. carrier 1885 5 6 fresh .. brown brown .. medium Murphy, Michael .. Wellington .. 31/1/19 breach of the peace fined 10s. Ireland seaman 1881 5 8 fresh .. brown grey .. medium Good build.

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates’ Courts, but not sent to Gaol — continued.

Name of Offender. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. a u o CQ '© X Complexion. Hair. Eyes. | Nose. Distinguishing Marks, -fco. O’Brien, Richard .. Wellington .. 31/1/19 breaoh of the peace fined 10s. Ireland seaman 1890 ft. in. 5 6 fresh .. brown hazel .. medium Simmonds, Henry James .. Nelson 28/1/19 idle and disorderly (into come up if England .. labourer 1858 1 fresh .. dark brown .. medium Right arm amputated at elbow. (See Police sufficient means) called on Gazette, 1917, page 596.) Savage, Harry Cbristohuroh 22/1/19 wilful damage •• to pay damage N. Zealand labourer 1900 5 7 sallow .. brown blue medium Mason, David Henry Christchurch 27/1/19 theft fined £2 N. Zealand tram-con-1898 7 fair fair .. hazel .. medium ductor Daly, Patrick Christchurch 28/1/19 breaking, entering, and admonished .. N. Zealand schoolboy .. 1909 L 5 dark .. dark grey .. small theft (7 oharges) brown .. Kelly, Patrick Christchurch 23/1/19 breaking, entering, and 1 year’ s probaN. Zealand schoolboy .. 1906 5 0 dark .. dark medium theft (7 charges) tion frefh .. Wilson, Leonard Robert Christchurch 28/1/19 breaking, entering, and 1 year’s probaN. Zealand message-boy 1904 5 0 auburn grey .. medium theft tion and to make restitution Cox, Alfred Christchuroh 28/1/19 breaking, entering, and 1 year’s probaN. Zealand schoolboy .. 1909 4 7 fresh .. dark .. grey .. medium theft tion and to make restitution 1893 Jenkins, Archibald Charles .. Christchurch 30/1/19 drunkenness .. , , convicted and N. Zealand carpenter .. 5 6 dark .. dark grey .. medium discharged obscene language . . fined £2 1900 Baker, Richard Lyttelton 29/1/19 obscene language , . fined £2 N. Zealand tailor 5 10 fresh .. dark brown brown .. medium Strong build. drunk and disorderly .. fined £2 1897 Shepherd, John Akaroa 25/1/19 theft convicted and N. Zealand labourer 5 4 fresh, red blue Roman .. Thin face. discharged 1903 freckled brown .. Forsyth, Thomas Edward .. Dunedin 27/1/19 theft (2 charges) , . to come up if N. Zealand labourer 5 2 sallow .. dark thiok F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1918, page 588.) called on Duncan, William James Dunedin 27/1/19 theft to come up if N. Zealand labourer 190215 2 fair fair blue medium 2 p c. Scar on back of left hand and wrist, on called on and to make restitution right hand, and on throat. F.P. Rowe, Ernest Wheeler Dunedin 27/1/19 obscene language , , to come up if N. Zealand labourer and 1898 5 3 dark .. dark blue prominent 2 p.c. F.P. called on and prohibited chauffeur 1889 blue .. Parsons, Frederick Dunedin 27/1/19 obscene language •• fined £3 N. Zealand steward 5 7 fresh .. fair medium Large mouth. Miller or Millar, William Dunedin 30/1/19 theft fined £1 N. Zealand buttermaker 1895 5 2 sallow .. dark brown brown .. long Small scar on baok of left hand. F.P. PhotoFrancis and steward 1894 graphed, 30/1/19. (See Police Gazette, 1916, page 577.) Smith, George Lawrence 28/1/19 theft (2 charges) , , to come up if N. Zealand labourer 5 10 fair reddish grey .. medium called on and to make restitution Smith, John Alfred Lawrence 28/1/19 theft (2 charges) , . to come up if N. Zealand labourer 1901 5 11 dark .. black dark br. large called on and to make restitution

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates’ Courts, but not sent to Gaol— continued.

Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. ; Born. Height i Com- ; plexion. Hair. i Eyes, i 1 Nose Wheudis- Keinarks, and Previous Convictions. charged. \(FJ?.indicates that finger-impressions ruive been taken.) Auckland — , ft. in. Neville, Archibald, alias Hamilton 22/10/18 theft 3 months N. Zealand labourer 1883 5 3f fresh .. dark brown grey .. large 27/1/19 18 p.c. Dot on left forearm. F.P. PhotoO’Keefe, Daniel, alias M.C. obscene language 7 days graphed at Auckland, 10/8/09. Sentences Williams, Harry cumulative. (See Police Gazette, 1918, page Beable, Arthur Henry .. Napier M.C. 30/12/18 breach of his prohibition fine or 21 days England .. labourer 1883 5 71 dark .. dark brown brown .. medium 27/1/19 DUo. ) Scars on left forearm. F.P. Arrested on order second charge, 28/12/18. (See Police Gazette, Auckland M 0. 10/5/18 theft fine or 1 month 1914, page 195.) Chin Ah Leong . , Auckland 21/1/19 default of maintenance arrears or 3 China labourer 1871 5 2 yellow. • brown brown .. flat 27/1/19 Scar on back of head and on forehead. Arrested, M.C. months 24/1/19. Released on Magistrate’s order. Anderson, Lauritz .. Dargaville 29/10/18 default of maintenance 3 months Norway .. seaman 1877 5 6 fresh .. fair blue large 28/1/19 2 p.o. Woman’s head, R.S., and T. on right M.C. • upper arm; angel, star, ship, GOD BLESS THE SAILOR, clasped hands, and TRUE LOVE on right forearm; shell, ship, and clasped hands on back of right hand; flags, crossed hands, heart, and three dancing-girls on left forearm; emblem of Faith, Hope, and Charity on back of left hand; man and woman, shield, two guns, and eagle on chest. (See Police Gazette, 1913, page 508.) Moses, Pairama Helensville 30/12/18 obscene language 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1896 5 n copper.. black brown .. flat 29/1/19 Right thumb, fore, and middle fingers missing. M.C. F.P. Forsberg, Axel, alias Auckland 31/12/18 drunkenness .. fine or 48 hours Sweden seaman 1875 5 h fresh .. brown blue medium 30/1/19 10 p.c. Dot between left forefinger and thumb; Freesburg, Alex, alias M.C. breach of his prohibition fine or 1 month ruptured on right side ; small blue mark on Wassell, Alexander order (2 charges) * right temple. (See Police Gazette, 1917, page Perkinson, Leo , , Auckland 1/11/18 living on the earnings 3 months N. Zealand bootmaker .. 1890 5 H sallow .. brown grey .. pug 31/1/19 1 p.o. Scar over right eyebrow; mole on left M.C. of a prostitute cheek. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 25/10/18. (See Police Gazette, 1917, page 23.) Kneebone, Maggie • . Auckland 1/11/18 living in a house of ill 3 months N. Zealand prostitute .. 1892 5 31 dark .. dark brown hazel .. medium 31/1/19 Blue mark on right thumb. F.P. M.C. fame Hare Hiramana, alias Coromandel 2/11/18 false pretences 3 months N. Zealand farmer 1871 5 8 It.copper black dark br. medium 1/2/19 8 p.c. Right middle finger has been injured. Hillman, Henry M.C. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 23/2/10. (See Police Gazette, 1916, page 637.) Scott, Henry Nicholas, A u o k 1 a » a 26/8/18 theft 6 months N. Zealand steward 1889 5 4 fair fair blue .. medium 1/2/19 8 p.o. Flowers and KIA ORA on right forearm; alias Downs, alias M.C. small scar on centre of forehead; scar on Jones left knee. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1917, page 732.) O’Connor, Charles • . Auckland 3/1/19 theft from the person 1 month N. Zealand farm hand .. 1893 5 81 sallow .. dark brown grey .. medium 1/2/19 Two operation-scars on throat. F.P. PhotoM.C. graphed at Auckland, 3/1/19. Foy, Joseph .. Auckland 29/5/18 breaoh of his prohibition fine or 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1875 5 7 fresh .. brown brown .. long 1/2/19 4 p.c. Ring on left riDg and middle fingers; M.C. order dot on right hand; tip of right middle finger injured. (See Police Gazette, 1918, page 74.) Gisborne— Dimmock, John, alias Gisborne M.C. 28/10/18 drunkenness .. fine or 4 days Scotland .. miner 1886 5 101 florid .. dark brown grey .. medium 27/1/19 J.W. on right forearm; mole on back of neck. Williams idle and disorderly 3 months Sentences cumulative. (See Police Gazette, 1918, page 522.) Te Kuiti Watekena . . Gisborne M.C. 16/12/18 debt 5 days aboriginal domestio .. 1871 5 2 copper.. black, turnbrown .. flat 27/1/19 Stout build; scar on left shoulder and on left ing grey little finger. Arrested, 23/1/19. Wanganui— Coyle, Patrick or John Wanganui 27/1/19 drunkenness .. 7 days Ireland labourer 1865 5 41 fresh .. g f ey blue .. pug 1/2/19 37 p.c. Scar near left eye ; burn-scar on right Patrick or Patrick John M.C, wrist; legs have been injured. (See Police Gazette, 1918, page 589.)


Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. j When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. ( F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have teen taken.) Wellington— Smith, Charles, alias Wellington 27/12/18 default of maintenance 1 month Denmark .. labourer ft. in. 1862 5 9} sallow .. groy grey .. large 27/1/19 •2 p.c. Stout build ; faint H.S. on left forearm; Smith, Hans liasmunsen Smithers, Arthur M.C. Ohakune M.C. 29/11/18 theft 2 months England .. surfaceman 1873 5 6 dark .. rack brown brown .. medium 28/1/19 faint anchor on right forearm ; varicose veins in right leg. Arrested, 28/12/18. (See Police Gazette , 1916, page 436.) Burn-scar on right upper arm; tip of right Page, Madeline Wellington 27/12/18 default of maintenance 1 month N. Zealand domestic .. 1886 5 4 ruddy .. fair blue .. medium 29/1/19 thumb missing; varicose veins in right leg; operation-scar above left ear. F.P. Slender build; scar over right eye and on left McMillan, William M.C. Wellington 30 4/18 indecent exposure 1 year N. Zealand labourer 1886 5 5* dark .. dark brown It. blue medium 29/1/19 side of chin. Arrested, 30/12/18. 1 p.c. Scar on right eyebrow, on back of head, Arthur Franklin, Cyril M.C. Hawera M.C. 17/1/19 theft 1 month N. Zealand farmer 1900 5 6 fresh .. dark brown ■ brown .. medium 29/1/19 and on left little finger ; mole on right cheek ; right ring-finger nail injured. F.P. (See Police Gazette , 1918, page 75.) 1 p.c. Scar on right wrist; several small moles Earles, Allen Cameron .. Upper Hutt 2/11/18 obscene exposure 3 months N. Zealand labourer and 1898 5 5 fair brown grey .. medium 1/2/19 on body. F.P. Transferred to an industrial school. Scar on left forefinger. F.P. McDonald, James M.C. Otaki M.C. .. 20/1/19 theft (2 oharges) 14 days Scotland .. soldier seaman 1882 5 34 fresh .. fair brown .. medium 1/2/19 Strong build ; scar under right eye; basket of flowers on left forearm ; blue dots on back of left hand ; two flags and anchor on back of right hand ; operation-scar on left groin. F.P. Strong build ; anchor between left thumb and Lindblom, Ivan A u o k 1 a n d 27/1/19 ship-desertion 7 days Sweden firemen 1890 5 8f fresh .. brown grey •• medium 1/2/19 Grey mouth — Lynch, William, alias M.C. Greymouth 1/11/18 idle and disorderly 3 months Ireland labourer and 1844 5 74 dark .. grey grey .. medium 31/1/19 forefinger ; butterfly and spray of flowers on left forearm ; hands, sun, wings, and woman’s head in rose on right forearm. F.P. Several p.c. Strong build; scars on left hand. Dublin, alias Walsh Paparua— Muncey, Charles M.C. Christchurch S.C. Christchurch 13/5/18 theft 1 year N. Zealand fireman moulder 1894 5 94 fresh .. brown brown .. medium 30/1/19 F.P. Photographed at Napier, 20/7/03. (See Police Gazette, 1916, page 129.) F.P. Pommerenki, John 12/7/18 obscene language 9 months Germany .. labourer 1868 5 54 dark .. brown brown .. medium 1/2/19 Scar over left eye; anchor on left hand. F.P. Addington— Kussell, Theresa, alias M.C. Wellington 18/7/17 • incorrigible rogue 2 years N. Zealand prostitute .. 1885 5 4 dark .. brown brown .. pointed .. 27/1/19 Photographed at Paparua, 6/5/18. (See Police Gazette, 1918, page 323.) Pierced heart and JIM MALCOLM on left foreMalcolm, alias Stevens, alias McCartney Lyttelton — Holliday, George M.C. Lyttelton 29/1/19 drunkenness .. fine or 24hours Australia .. seaman 1898 5 1 fresh .. dark brown It. brown medium 30/1/19 arm; horse-shoe and W.J. on left thigh; three artificial upper front teeth. (See Police Gazette, 1917, page 293.) Cross, flags, ship, anchor, cannon, stars, heart, Steensen, Sigurd M.C. Lyttelton M.C. Christchurch 29/1/19 drunkenness fine or 24 hours Norway .. seaman 1895 5 5 fresh .. light brown blue medium 30/1/19 dagger, and bracelet on left forearm ; sevenpointed star on back of left hand; boy dancing on right forearm. Scar on forehead, on chin, and on left forearm. Copland, Leo Arthur, 13/8/18 theft 6 months Russia medical 1871 5 44 dark .. dark, curly, dark, medium 31/1/19 14 p.c. F.P. Photographed at Wellington, alias Boranoff, Leo Arthur Arnold, alias Bernstein, Albert M.C. student going bald weak 16/11/09. (See Police Gazette, 1917, page 485.)


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XLIV, Issue 6, 12 February 1919, Page 104

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EXTRACTS FROM NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XLIV, Issue 6, 12 February 1919, Page 104

EXTRACTS FROM NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XLIV, Issue 6, 12 February 1919, Page 104

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