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The following list of members of the Force who passed the examination qualilying for promotion held in September last is published in accordance with Regulation No. 421.

Passed Examination qualifying for Rank of Senior Sergeant No. 774. Detective-Sergeant Fahey, John. No. 706. Detective-Sergeant Hammond, Alfred.

Passed Examination qualifying for Rank of Sergeant No. 914. Constable Nelson, James Archibald. No. 1063. Constable Nash, John. No. 1096. Constable Murray, David Burnett. No. 1180. Constable Sweeney, James. No. 1237. Constable McGregor, Andrew. No. 1329. Constable Petersen, Charles. No. 1471. Constable Gow, George William. No. 1487. Constable Quavle, Edward. No. 1554. Constable Thompson, Bruce. No. 1584. Constable Nixon, William James. No. 1611. Constable Young, John Bruce. No. 668. Detective Butler, William John. No. 1075. Detective Quartermain, Arthur Garnet. No. 1080. Detective Issell, Robert John. No. 1282. Detective Cummings, James.

Copies of the examination papers are published hereunder

J. O’Donovan, Commissioner of Police

Wellington, 24th December, 1917

POLICE EXAMINATIONS, 1017. POE THE RANK OP SUB-INSPECTOR. Evidence. Time allowed : Three hours. 1. How would you prove — (1.) Execution of deed. (2.) Previous conviction if denied by accused. (3.) A false oath on a charge of perjury. (4.) Regulations issued under the authority of a responsible Minister of the Crown. 2. Discuss the terms — -Res gestae , primary evidence, secondary evidence, rebutting evidence, circumstantial evidence. 3. Discuss fully the privilege of witnesses in declining to answer questions ; also state when a witness can he compelled to answer questions otherwise privileged. 4. When may evidence of opinion he given by a witness ? Give instances. 5. State concisely the rules of evidence relating to the acts and statements of conspirators. G. Under what circumstances can you cross-examine your own witness ? 7. Discuss the admissibility of the evidence in the following cases, stating fully the reasons for your answer : (a.) A is accused of a crime ; can evidence he given—(i.) That A after the alleged crime procured the absence of persons who might have been witnesses ? (ii.) That A formerly committed another crime of the same sort and had a tendency to commit such crimes ? ( b .) Ais charged with obtaining money from Bby falsely pretending that Z had authorized him to do so : can evidence be given that on a different occasion A obtained money from C by a similar false pretence ?

(c.) A is charged with a series of indecent assaults on different dates over a period of six months on his neighbour’s children, B, C, and D, when such children were visiting his house, the assaults usually being committed in the kitchen but occasionally in the bedroom. On an indictment e rging him with one assault against B, is evidence of the other assaults on B or the various assaults on C and D admissible ? (d.) A is charged with receiving stolen tin ; on the police searching A’s premises for stolen iron, A makes a statement both as to the tin and the iron : is the statement admissible, and, if so, to what extent ? (e.) Ais charged with setting fire to B’s haystack. Evidence having been received that later on the same night fires had occurred at the haystacks of C and D about half a mile and a mile away respectively, is evidence of threats, statements, and particular acts by A pointing alone to C’s and D’s fires, and not implicating A or explaining his conduct as to B’s fire, admissible ?

Prescribed Acts oe Parliament.

Time allowed : Three hours.

]. What facts must the Crown prove against an accused person on a charge of bigamy ? On such a charge is a mere admission of a former marriage by the accused sufficient evidence of a valid marriage ? Give reasons for your answer. 2. Define riot, unlawful assembly, subornation of perjury, aggravated assault, treason, seditious intention, and accessory after the fact. 3. Mention the various kinds of false personation that are made crimes by the Crimes Act. 4. Under what circumstances can a husband be convicted of stealing a wife’s property ? 5. What persons are made parties to the commission of offences under the Crimes Act ? G. “ Drunkenness is no excuse for the commission of a crime ” : what is the reason for this rule, and state and discuss the exceptions thereto. 7. State shortly the objections that may be raised to the grant, renewal, and transfer respectively of a publican’s license. 8. State the provisions of the Police Offences Act regarding—(a.) Combinations affecting the supply of light and water : ( b .) Tobacco smoking by youths : (c.) Boxing contests. 9. What children may become inmates of an industrial school ? 10. What are the provisions of the Gaming Act in reference to sweepstakes ?

Police Force Act and Regulations

Time allowed : Three hours

1. A constable who is dismissed refuses to deliver up his appointments to the person appointed to receive them : what action can be taken to recover them ? 2. (a.) How is provision made for supplying articles used in taking exercise in a police gymnasium ? (6.) State any other regulation you know relating to gymnasiums. ! 3. What, entries are authorized to be made in the record-of-merit sheet ? 4. What are the instructions respecting deserters from the Navy ? 5. If a member of the Force is dissatisfied with the police surgeon’s treatment, what action is authorized, on what conditions, and what steps must be taken in consequence ? 6. When medical practitioners are employed in criminal cases, what fees are authorized ? If he furnishes a report of the result of his examination, or attends Court as a witness, are further fees allowed him ? 7. “ Intoxication,” “ tippling,” and “ drunkenness ” are referred to in the regulations : define each of these terms. 8. What are the regulations respecting the wearing of gloves by noncommissioned officers and constables in uniform ? 3—P.G.

Police and Detective Duties.

Time allowed : Three hours.

1. If a warrant to apprehend signed by a Justice is directed to a constable by name and he is unable to execute it, what arrangement would you make for its execution ? State on what authority you would act. 2. (a.) What conditions are required to make a dying declaration admissible in evidence at a trial ? (b.) In taking a dying declaration, in what form would you commence it ? (c.) If the witness does not apprehend that lie is about to die, what course might be taken to secure his evidence ? 3. When and within what limit of distance should a jury list be compiled ? By what authority is it compiled ? 4. Who are qualified to serve as jurors under the Juries Act ? Who are disqualified as such jurors ? Name as many classes as you can of persons who are exempted from serving on juries. 5. What steps would you take to seize liquor which you know has recently been delivered at unlicensed premises and which you suspect is kept for sale there ? State your authority. 6. The Magistrate on conviction of the offender directs the police to restore a stolen bicycle to the owner on condition that lie pays the second-hand dealer to whom it was sold the amount he gave for it. The owner refuses to do so and claims the bicycle. What course would you take to settle the question of possession of the bicycle ? 7. How would you secure the evidence of an important witness discovered after accused has been committed for trial ? 8. What are the provisions of the War Regulations respecting confidential communications ? What is a “ confidential communication ” within the meaning of those regulations ?


Time allowed : Three hours and a half

1. Write an essay of from thirty to forty lines on one of the following:— (a.) The Liberty Loan. (b.) The War on the western front. (c.) The Great Silent Fleet. (d.) Necessity the mother of invention. (e.) Commerce. (/.) Dreams and ambitions of boyhood. 2. Combine into one well-arranged sentence : —J The indefatigableness of the country people is as well known. The country people may be seen in activity all the day and all the year. The country people are never idle. They make a good distribution of their labours. Their zeal is praiseworthy hi turning to use every circumstance. The circumstance presents itself. Their zeal is praiseworthy in seizing upon every useful novelty. The novelty offers. 3. Convert the following from the indirect to the direct speech : The Earl of Chatham, addressing the House of Lords, declared that he could not, and would not, join in congratulation on misfortune and disgrace. That moment, was a perilous and tremendous one. It was not a time for adulation ; the smoothness of flattery could not save them in that rugged and awful crisis. It was at that moment necessary to instruct the throne in the language of truth. They must, if possible, dispel the delusion and darkness which enveloped it, and display, in its full danger and genuine colours, the ruin which was brought to their doors. 4. In the following brief passage, insert the necessary capital letters, and punctuate it correctly an intelligent boy says scrooge a remarkable boy do you know whether theyve sold the prize turkey that was hanging up there not the little prize turkey the big one what the one

as big as me returned the boy what a delightful boy said scrooge its a pleasure to talk to him yes my boy its hanging there now replied the boy dickens. 5. Condense the following into a few brief sentences under the heads, The Naval Entente, The Mine Sweepers, Our Submarines, and How we stand. Include everything that is material, and express yourself clearly and as briefly as is compatible with completeness and distinctness.

The Naval Entente

Meanwhile she is making a superhuman effort to wear us down by ruthless submarine piracy. Hundreds of U-boats are constantly at sea, and the German yards have been building little else for more than a year. The “ big push ”in piracy began last February. At first it resulted in heavy shipping losses. Then the counter-attack began, and for several weeks now our losses have been less than half the previous average. This is a fact of enormous significance in view of the hopes which Germany reposed in the new submarine effort. It was officially stated to be “ the only means of ensuring a speedy and certain victory.” Well, we can see now that it has broken down, and it will not be long before the wretched German people find that they have been duped again. The remarkable success of our antisubmarine campaign is due in great measure to the co-operation of our Allies. We are indebted to the exponents of “ frightfulness ” for the intervention of the United States, which more than balances the shipping losses we have already had or are likely to incur. The American flag is now flying in our waters on a* flotilla of powerful destroyers, and more are to come. Japan also is strongly represented among the anti-submarine forces, and from Port Said to the north of Scotland some of the best ships of five navies are fighting the pirates. History records no precedent of this wonderful spectacle. The seamen of Britain, France, America, Italy, and Japan are working and fighting side by side against a common foe and to a common end—the true freedom of the sea. And this vast accumulation of naval power is wielded by men who know their cause to be just. Let us continually bear in mind these inspiring facts, and doubts and apprehensions will vanish.

The Mine-sweepers

Germany’s submarines no longer depend entirely on the torpedo to accomplish their deadly purpose. Many, if not most of them, now carry a cargo of mines, which they are sowing by the thousand, not only in the narrow home seas, but far out on the ocean shipping routes. This new form of devilry is, however, being met and overcome by our indomitable mine-sweepers, the bravest of the brave. In the present war, naval service of any description calls for courage of a high order, but few of the duties which our seamen have to perform are so fraught with constant and imminent peril as this endless quest for “ the devil’s eggs.” The men in the mine-sweepers are literally playing with death from the time they leave port to ’the time they return. They go out in their little trawlers, through waters teeming with those infernal engines, and make their catch with the same imperturbable coolness they would display if they were out after herrings instead of the deadly mines. It is largely owing to the mine-sweeping service that our shipping losses are daily becoming less. The service has been much strengthened of late, and is now organized on a thoroughly efficient system which is proving quite equal to the additional strain thrown upon it by the enemy’s lavish use of submarine mine-layers.

Our Submarines

For obvious reasons little can be said of the war services of our submarine flotilla. It is known that we had many fine boats in commission on the outbreak of war, and since then we have built many others of a more efficient type. The nature of their work and how they perform it cannot yet be revealed, but this much may be said : Our submarines are performing duties of the very highest importance in a manner that leaves no doubt as to their all-round superiority over the German boats. The enemy’s ports are kept under continuous surveillance, and one reason why his big ships are so reluctant to come out is the presence of our submarines. Targets are few and far between, but on those rare occasions when they get a

chance our underwater boats are never found wanting. Since last summer they have torpedoed three big German Dreadnoughts, to say nothing of lesser craft. They are at work in many seas, and they go about their business with none of the bombastic advertisement which the enemy’s U-boats enjoy. When in due course the veil is lifted the public at large will be better able to appreciate the superb achievements of our submarine flotilla.


Since Jutland the German flag has disappeared from the face of the waters. Her fleet lies idly at its anchors unable to strike a blow or take any useful part in the war. It has been the most monumental fiasco in history. The world’s second greatest Naval Power has now become a common pirate, against whom the forces of civilization are arrayed in irresistible strength. With the backbone of the submarine campaign already broken, Germany’s only remaining card has been trumped. The battle of Jutland, indecisive as it. seemed, was in reality the turning point of the whole war, for the tide has ever since flowed steadily in our favour. The cause of the Allies is assured of victory, if only because, in a war of such world-wide dimensions as this, success in the long-run must inevitably fall to the side which controls the highways of the world. It is for this reason that we attach so much significance to the great sea fight of a year ago, which set the seal to the naval supremacy of the Allies and swept away the Huns’ last chance of victory. Our sea power is still the faithful guardian of our liberties, and every patriotic subject of the King can look to the Fleet with the fulness of confidence and hope.


Time allowed : One hour and a half. 1. Say all you can about any five of the following: Darling Downs, Riverina, Manchester, Coventry, Dundee, Colombo, Kingston, Montreal, Winnipeg, Bombay, Aden, Chester. 2. What are the principal industries in the following provinces of New Zealand: Wellington, Auckland, Marlborough, and Westland. State in their order of importance, if possible, the five chief exports of New Zealand. How have they been affected by the Great War ? 3. On the blank map of the South Island of New Zealand mark precisely the following: Capes Campbell, Farewell, Foulwind, and Saunders; Tasman Bay, Golden Bay, Lake Ellesmere, Tewaewae Bay, and Foveaux Strait; the rivers Clutha, Mataura, Waimakariri, and Teremakau ; Mounts Cook, Aspiring, Arthur, and Earnslaw; Lyttelton, Port Chalmers, Nelson, Picton, Blenheim, Reefton, Mosgiel, Roslyn, Kaiapoi, Queenstown, Hokitika, Invercargill, and Dunedin. Also indicate on the map the South Island Main Trunk Railway and the principal stations en route.


Time allowed : Two hours and a half. (Show all working.) 1. A bankrupt’s debts are £4,269 Is. od., and his estate is worth £2,846 Os. Bd. : how much in the pound can he pay ? 2. A man owns 0-3 of a mine and sells three-sevenths of his share for £1,260 : find the value of all the shares in the mine. 3. Find the value of 4 tons 16 cwt. 2 qr. at £l7 18s. 9d. per ton. (Answer to nearest penny.) 4. If 8 men can plough 126 acres in ten days of 12 hours each, how many acres can be ploughed by 44 men in 8 days of 10 hours each ? 5. A dealer sold a motor-car for £360. If he gained £BO by the sale, what was his gain per cent ? 6. What interest must be paid on £l7B 15s. Od. lent from 10th January till 4th April at 6|- per cent, per annum ? (Answer to nearest penny.) 7. A rifleman shooting at five different ranges made an average score of 32 at each range : at the first four ranges his scores were 33, 35, 30, and 29 : what was his score at the fifth range ? 8. Divide the sum of 14§ and 0-675 by their difference, express in the answer correctly to three places of decimals.

9. A plot of land 45 ft. by 16 ft. produces 32 stones of potatoes : find in tons tlie produce per acre at this rate. 10. A shareholder employed a broker to sell bank shares : if the shares sold for £4,265 and the broker charges 15s. per cent, as his commission, what will the shareholder receive ?



Time allowed : Three hours.

1. Discuss “circumstantial evidence’’ and its value as compared with direct evidence. 2. Facts similar to, but unconnected with the facts in issue, are usually inadmissible. Discuss this proposition, and state the exceptions to the rule. 3. What persons are competent to give evidence? 4. What are the rules of evidence with regard to impeaching the character of a witness? 5. State the law in New Zealand as to the admissibility in evidence of confessions. 6. “ Hearsay is not evidence.” Discuss the reasons for this rule, and state exceptions to the rule. 7. What are the rules dealing with the admissibility of evidence given by the wife of an accused person on his trial ? 8. What are the provisions of the Evidence Act as to—(a.) Poisoning cases. (b.) Proof of previous conviction of witness. (c.) Evidence of witnesses in prison. 9. State the rules of evidence relating to the acts and statements of conspirators.

Prescribed Acts of Parliament.

Time allowed : Three hours.

1. When is culpable homicide murder, and when may it be reduced to manslaughter ? 2. Define arson, bigamy, robbery, common gaming-house, and common betting-house. 3. What is the difference between the crimes of theft and obtaining property by false pretences ? Give illustrations. 4. Sketch the procedure necessary to have premises declared gaming-houses by the Supreme Court, and state the effect of such a declaration. 5. What articles may be raffled with the consent of the Minister of Internal Affairs ? 6. What are the powers of a police officer in regard to the inspection of licensed premises ? 7. What is the effect of “ no license ” where such has been carried in a district ? 8. What is the definition of “ public place ” under the Police Offences Act? 9. What are the provisions of the Police Offences Act in regard to the publication of false notices of births ? 10. State the provisions of the Police Offences Act with regard to endangering the safety of the public.

Police Force Act and Regulations.

Time allowed : Three hours.

1. What are the rules respecting large trees, creeping plants, noxious weeds, and live fences on police premises and paddocks. 2. Restrictions are made in respect of certain persons as to sleeping in barracks, frequenting police quarters, and associating with members of the Force. What are the restrictions, and to whom do they apply ? 3. When out-station men arrive at head quarter stations what obligations are imposed on them and in respect of them ? 4. What are the instructions about seamen of the Navy who have committed criminal offences on shore ? 5. State the instructions relating to complaints by private persons against members of the Force.

6. What directions are given relating to hand-writing, signatures, and orthography in police reports ? 7. What features of a beat are constables specially directed to make themselves acquainted with ? What are the instructions respecting persons residing therein ? 8. In compiling a crime-report, what instructions about warrants must be observed ?

Police and Detective Duties. Time allowed : Three hours. 1. What are the duties of police when attending fires? To whom is special authority given in respect of such duties, and what is the extent of such authority ? 2. What steps would you take to establish a charge of concealment of birth against the unknown mother of a newly born child whose dead body is found? 3. What steps would you take to obtain samples of liquor from hotels for the purpose of having such liquor analysed? Mention any recent legal decision bearing on the matter. 4. A man utters one counterfeit coin to a shopkeeper: by what means would you endeavour to establish guilt? 5. A man is found dead in his bedroom, and symptoms of poisoning are discovered: what steps would you take to determine whether the poison was taken accidently or wilfully, and whether suicide or murder was committed? State any rule of evidence you know relating to administration of poison. 6. In what ways may photography be advantageously used in connection with police work? 7. You are informed that an alien (not an alien enemy) is disaffected : what are the provisions of the War Begulations in such case, and what action would you take to carry them out ? 8. Give an outline of the procedure to be taken, from the time the offence was reported to the police, to bring back from Fiji a fugitive offender from New Zealand.

FOR RANK OF SERGEANT. Evidence and Crimes Acts. Time allowed : Three hours. 1. Define burglary, theft, arson, perjury, incest, rape. 2. What is necessary to constitute a person (a) party to an offence; ( b ) accessory after the fact to an offence ? 3. What are the provisions of the Crimes Act regarding insanity as a defence for the commission of a crime ? 4. What are the restrictions placed on conviction of persons for crime by reason of age ? 5. What are the rules dealing with the admissibility of evidence given by the wife of an accused person on his trial ? 6. State the rules of evidence relating to the acts and statements of conspirators. 7. Facts similar to but unconnected with the facts in issue are usually inadmissible. State exceptions to the rule. 8. On a charge of receiving stolen property what evidence may be given to show the accused knew such property to have been dishonestly obtained. 9. What do you understand by examination in chief, cross-examina-tion, and re-examination? What are the objects of each, and to what must each be confined ?

Prescribed Acts of Parliament.

Time allowed : Three hours.

1. State concisely the provisions of the Gaming Act, 1908, in regard to betting-houses. 2. What is the definition of “art union” under the Gaming Act, 1908 ? 3. State the provisions of the Police Offences Act, 1908, in regard to the wilful destruction of property, and also of Sunday trading. 4. What is the definition of an “ idle and disorderly person ” and a ‘ ‘ rogue and vagabond ” ? 5. State concisely the provisions of the Licensing Act, 1908, in regard to the mode of recording convictions on licenses. 6. State concisely the provisions of the Licensing Act, 1908, in regard to prohibition orders.

7. What are the powers of a constable in regard to common gaminghouses ? 8. When and under what circumstances may a search warrant be issued for the seizure of obscene pictures?

Police Force Act and Regulations.

Time allowed : Three hours.

1. What are the conditions laid down in respect of the keeping of poultry, cows, horses, and other animals on police premises? 2. What do the regulations provide respecting instruction classes for members of the Police Force? 3. State what are the regulations regarding the establishment and maintenance of police messes. 4. What are sergeants and constables instructed to do when they observe thieves or prostitutes consorting ? 5. State as fully as you can the instructions relating to the despatch of telegrams and the use of the electric telegraph. 6. W 7 hose duty is it to search a prisoner brought to the watchhouse? Detail the matters which must be attended to in searching a prisoner and recording his property. 7. What are the rules relating to gratuities? 8. A prisoner charged with theft of a watch is found in possession of it when searched: (a) Should the watch be recorded in the property-sheet ? ( b ) Who should retain the watch until the prisoner has been disposed of?

Police and Detective Duties.

Time allowed : Three hours.

1. You demand and are refused admittance into a house in which a person you attempted to arrest took refuge : what action may you take? 2. What is an assault ? State the law respecting the power of police to arrest for assault. 3. How would you act when a wife complains that she has been assaulted by her husband ? 4. Complaint is made that a girl seven years old is ill-treated by her parents and is kept locked up in a bedroom : what action would you take ? 5. The Minister of Defence has prohibited, by virtue of the War Regulations, the sale of certain hooks and publications: name as many of these as you can. 6. You are instructed to watch'for pickpockets in a crowd on a wharf near a departing steamer: describe an approved method of carrying out such duty in respect of the suspected persons and of likely victims. What position would you take up at the outset, and how would you proceed afterwards ? 7. If you see a pickpocket put his hand in an empty pocket with intent to steal therefrom, state what offence, if any, he may be charged with. 8. War Regulations prohibit treating in licensed premises. There are exceptions : state in what circumstances they take effect. Do the regulations forbid treating in chartered clubs and premises in which wine licenses are in force, or either of them ?


Time allowed : Two hours and a half. (Show all working.)

1. Make out and receipt a bill for—9o bushels of wheat at ss. 3d. a bushel; 3 tons 5 cwt. of potatoes at £3 10s. a ton ; bushels of oats at Is. 9d. a bushel; 60 sacks bushels) of wheat at 7s. 3d. a bushel; 3i tons of chaff at £3 15s. a ton. 2. A traveller receives ss. 6d. a day for expenses, and at the end of a trip receives a cheque for £ll 16s. 6d. : for how many days was he travelling? 3. A man worked 21 hours for 3 guineas : what should he earn if he works 8 days at 7 hours a day ? 4. From 0-25 of | of a guinea take 0T25 of Is., and express the result as a fraction of 2s. 6d. 5. Find the value of 3£ 6. After paying a tax of Bd. in the £1 a man has £275 10s. left: find his gross income. 7. Find the value of 19 tons 16 cwt. 3 qr. at £9 10s. per ton.

8 In an orchard of 300 apple-trees a man gathers on the average 30 lb. of fruit from each tree: if 20 per cent, is unsaleable, what will he receive for the crop at Hd a pound? 9. How many tiles 6in. by Bin. will cover a floor 15ft. square? 10. If a loan of £24,000,000 is raised in New Zealand, how much is this per bead of the population, if the population is 1,115,000? (Answer to nearest penny.)

Geography. Time allowed : One hour. 1. Say all you can about any five of the following: Vancouver, Monte Video, Fremantle, Gibraltar, Southampton, Glasgow, Belfast, Yokohama, Sierra Leone, Ypres, Hull, Plymouth, Bristol, Albany, Launceston. 2. On the map of the North Island of New Zealand supplied to you mark in distinctly the following: Mount Tongariro, Mount Ngauruhoe, Coromandel Range, Ruahine Mountains, Manawatu River, Wanganui River; Lakes Taupo, Rotorua, Rotomahana, and Wairarapa; the Waimarino Plain ; the Main Trunk Railway; and the following towns: Whangarei, Tauranga, Gisborne, Hamilton, Masterton, New Plymouth, Wellington, Foxton, Taumarunui, Te Aroha, Dargaville, Feilding, Napier, Dannevirke, Wanganui, Cambridge, Russell, and Hastings.


Time allowed : Two hours. 1. Write about 250 to 300 words on one of the following:— (a.) The progress of aviation. ( b .) The entry of America into the war. (c.) The Grand Fleet. (d.) The Maoris. (e.) Any great empire-builder. (/.) A parliamentary election. 2. Convert the following extract from the direct to the indirect speech : “ The time is now near at hand,” said Washington, in addressing the troops, “ which must determine whether Americans are to be men or slaves. Our own, our country’s honour, calls upon us for a vigorous and manly exertion, and if we now shamefully fail we shall become infamous to the whole world. Let us, then, rely on the goodness of our cause and the aid of the Supreme Being, in whose hand victory is. The eyes of all our countrymen are now upon us, and we shall have their blessings and praises if, happily, we are the instruments of saving them from the tyranny meditated against them. Liberty, property, life, and honour are all at stake; upon your courage and conduct rest the hopes of our bleeding and insulted country.” 3. Write a letter to a friend in the trenches, congratulating him upon having won the Military Cross, wishing him continued good health and prosperity, and telling him that his friends in New Zealand constantly talk about him.

Dictation and Spelling

Candidates must put in their own stops and capital letters

Young people who have been born and bred in New Zealand and have never been beyond its shores can hardly realize how destitute these islands are of brilliantly coloured wild flowers. Yet this is one of the features which strike an observant visitor. Our wild flowers are commonly small and insignificant-looking and are consequently passed almost unnoticed. But it is not by bright colours only or even by their fragrance that flowers are characterized. In many cases it is some peculiarity of structure which renders them interesting. In no family of flowering plants are there so many curiously formed flowers as among the orchids, and at the same time some of them are most beautifully coloured. mountaineer, neighbouring, ruffian, instrumentality, tyranny, crescent, propeller, indescribable, amiable, aeronaut.



By Authority : Marcus F. Marks, Government Printer, Wellington.

Name of Offender. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. ! Distinguishing Marks, &c. Johnson, Josepb, alias JohnAuckland 5/10/17 horse-stealing 2 years’ reforN. Zealand labourer ft. in. 1899 5 7 dark .. black, curly brown .. long, large . Half-caste Maori; scar at corner of right eye, son, George mative detention over left eye, on joint of one left finger, on back of right wrist, and on left knee. (See Police Gazette , 1917, page 565.) Carlyle, Arthur Leslie Gordon Auckland 12/11/17 attempted carnal knowsent to Weraroa England .. .. 1901 5 6 fair fair brown .. medium Scar on right side of neck and on right wrist. ledge and indecent assault Cantlon, Peter Charles Auckland 12/11/17 indecent assault acquitted Australia .. labourer 1802 5 7 fresh .. light browD, brown .. medium going bald Hayward, Francis Albert .. Auckland 13 11/17 indecent assault on a acquitted America .. labourer 1865 5 4 dark .. black, curly brown .. long Operation-scar on left knee, small scar on right male knee. Piahana, Jack, alias PiaAuckland 14/11/17 manslaughter acquitted aboriginal labourer 1895 5 8 copper black brown .. bread Two Rmall scars on right forearm, scar under hana How indecency fine or 7 days left eye. (See Police Gazette , 1917, page 222.) Danzey, Victor Auckland 14/11/17 indecent assault on a 3 years’ probaN. Zealand labourer 1890 5 7 fair fair blue .. mpdium Prominent ears ; protruding upper lip. male tion Sammels, Sarah Ellen, alias Kemp Casey, John Walter Leonard Auckland 14/11/17 bigamy acquitted England .. domestic .. 1882 5 H dark black brown .. medium Auckland 14/11/17 breaking, entering, and to come up if N. Zealand carter 1900 5 li fair fair blue medium Burn-scar on left cheek. theft called on and 3 years’ probation Laidner, William Alfred Auckland 14/11/17 breaking, entering, and 1 year’s probaN. Zealand labourer 1901 5 7 fair light brown blue medium Scar on left jaw and over right eyebrow. theft tion Crainpton, Albert .. Auckland 14/11/17 forgery and uttering .. li years’ probaEngland painter 1880 5 9 fair fair blue, crossed long Three women, “ Hands across Sea,” and two tion doves on right forearm ; alligator, anchor, and forgery and uttering (2 to come up if woman on left forearm; shamrock, thistle, charges) called on on and rose, full-rigged ship, and “ Hands across each the Sea ” on chest. De Rungs, David Charles .. Auckland 14/11/17 forgery (2 charges) 2 years’ probation acquitted Australia .. grocer 1901 5 8 pale dark hazel .. medium Tip of left foiefinger deformed. Gray, George, alias Dawson Auckland 15/11/17 false pretences (5 N. Zealand drover and 1848 5 7 sallow .. black brown .. medium EMAKATARAMA on right upper arm; right charges) dealer middle and ring fingers contracted. (See Police Gazette , 1915, page 589.) • Lewis, William Thomas Auckland 17/11/17 carnal knowledge 4 years Australia .. miner 1892 5 6§ fresh .. dark brown hazel .. pointed .. Scar on each forefinger and on left thumb ; mole cn right side of chin. Brvdon, Robert James, alias Auckland 17/11/17 horse-stealing (2 2£ year->, to N. Zealand laoourer 1885 5 54 fresh .. dark brown grey .. large Scar ou right wrist and on right side of nose. Woodward, alias Hayward, charges) commence at (Ste Police Gazette, 1917, page 458.) James expiration of present senlence bieaking, entering, and 2£ years theft (2 charge.-) medium Steele, Alice Ann .. Auckland 17/11/17 wilfully causing false to come up if England .. domestic 1884 5 3 fair .. fair grey .. Cast in right eye. statement to be made called on Slakich, Ivan, alias Slakicb, Auckland 17/11/17 breaking entering, and 2 years Dalmatia .. labourer 1893 5 Si fiesh .. black brown .. flat Scar on forehead and on left eyebrow ; small John theft scar on right cheek and eyelid. (See Police Gazette, 1917, page 619.) McDonald, Daniel ChristoAuckland 17/11/17 theft 9 months N. Zealand labourer and 1891 5 94 lt.copper black dark br. medium Strong build ; two boil-scars on right forearm, pher btishin&n scar on left wrist; a half-caste Maori. (See Police Gazette , 1917, page 66.)


Name of Offender. j ! Where tried. 1 When. Offence. 1 Sentence. Native of H P Cu 02 _ Born, i | Height. ComI plexion Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &c. Pittam, Rynold Auckland 17/11/17 burglary (4 charges) and 5 years’ reforN. Zealand labourer ..'1901 ft. in. 5 6* fair fair blue medium Small scar over left eye (See Police Gazette, breaking, entering, mative de1917, page 593 ) and theft tention Corrigan, Edmund Stuart Auckland 17/11/17 falsifying books and 2 years’ reforIreland accountant 11873 5 8* fresh .. brown, turngrey • • prominent G on left forearm; scar on right shin. Ross theft mative detention ing grey Cook, Henry Thomas, alias Auckland 17/11/17 breaking, entering, and theft (4 charges) and 2 years on each Tonga labourer and, 1.898 5 8* It.copper black brown .. medium Butterfly and small scars on right forearm ; two Cooke, Henry and 3 years drover scars on rignt breast. (See Police Gazette, theft from a dwelling refor mative detention 1917. page 582.) Robertson, John Auckland 17/11/17 with intent to do grievto pay costs .. Sootland .. trimmer ..1830 5 Of fresh .. dark brown blue medium Woman on ball on left forearm. ous bodily harm did actual borlily harm Tattersall, Randolph Richard Auckland 19/11/17 carnal knowledge 3 years’ reforN. Zealand driver ..1898 5 0 fresh .. light brown grey .. medium White mark at side of left eye; freckled face mative detention and arms. Tattersall, Harold Ernest .. Auckland 19/11/17 carnal knowledge sent to Weraroa N. Zealand store assist- 1902 ant farm labour’r 1900 5 3 fair fair grey .. medium Robertson, George Robert .. Auokland 20/11/17 carnal knowledge acquitted N. Zealand 5 7 dark .. dark blue medium Miller, Thomas George Auckland 20/11/17 carnal knowledge acquitted N. Zealand brassmoulder 1899 5 7 sallow .. brown grey .. medium Gamble, Alexander Edward Auckland 20/11/17 carnal knowledge acquitted N. Zealand blacksmith 1900 5 3 fair fair grey .. medium Scar over left eye. Francis Golding. William .. Auckland 20/11/17 carnal knowledge acquitted N. Zealand labourer and 1897 4 104 fresh .. light brown brown .. medium Two boil-scars on right forearm and one on left jockey shin. Holden, Stanley Auckland 21/11/17 carnal knowledge acquitted N. Zealand sawmill hand ! 1900 5 5 fair brown blue .. medium Pob ica, Felix Auckland 22/11/17 attempting to defeat fined £100 Dalmatia .. gum- 1&99 5 11 dark .. dark brown dark br. medium Scar on right shin. course of justice merchant Kaveney, James Aloysius Auckland 22/11/17 indecency acquitted N. Zealand labourer .. 1884 5 Hi fresh .. brown grey .. pointed , indecent exposure and 1 year indecency Segar, Leonard Osborne Auckland 24/11/17 abortion acquitted 3 years’ probaN. Zealand stable hand 1898 5 l pale light brown brown .. medium Scars on abdomen and on left thumb. attempted abortion tion Ciist, Alfred Herbert Auckland 27/11/17 indecent assault on a acquitted N. Zealand seedsman .. 1898 5 8 fresh .. dark brown blue medium Small scar on centre of forehead; several scars male on left cheek. Morris, Robert Alfred Auckland 26/11/17 assault with intent to do acquitted England .. engine-driver 1872 5 n fresh .. blaok brown .. medium Small scar on left forefinger; left middle finger bodily harm has been injured ; lame. assault causing bodily fined £25 and harm to keep the - Asher, Albert, alias Opai Auckland 28/11/17 incest (3 charges) and acquitted N. Zealand boilermaker 1880 5 5 copper.. black brown .. short Tip of left thumb missing; a half-caste Maori. Asher indecent assault (2 charges) (See Police Gazette, 1915, page 648.) Henry, Percy Norman Auckland 28/11/17 being a party to mantrial postponed N. Zealand tailors’ cutter 1890 5 8 fair brown blue medium Small scar on nose. slaughter and procuri ing abortion

RETURN OF PERSONS DEALT WITH AT SUPREME COURTS — continued. (For Index, see General Index.)

Name of OffenderWhere tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &c. Dalton, Hannah Matilda .. Auckland 29/11/17 manslaughter jury disagreed N. Zealand nurse 1873 ft 5 in. 0 pale dark brown, brown .. medium Operation-scar on abdomen ; right foot paraturning grey lysed. New trial ordered for next sessions. Botica, Joseph Auckland 30/11/17 attempting to defeat the acquitted Dalmatia .. labourer and 1891 5 84 fresh .. dark brown blue broken .. Mole on right upper arm; scar on right forecourse of justice picture-show proprietor finger; several scars on shins. (See Police Gazette , 1917, page 562.) Hastings, Roy, alias Cleaver Auckland 1/12/17 theft (2 charges) 3 years’ reforN. Zealand carter 1892 "5 9 fresh .. dark brown blue large Scar on one joint of left forefinger. (See Police mative detention Gazette, 1917, page 402.) Thorn, Frank Stafford, alias Auckland 1/12/17 breaking, entering, and 3 years’ proba N. Zealand ironmoulder 1900 5 7 pale brown brown .. medium Jackson, Robert William theft tion Walter, John Auckland 1/12/17 buggery 7 years N. Zealand labourer 1849 5 5J It.copper grey brown .. small, pug Scar on left palm and on abdomen; a half-caste Maori. Hicks, Thomas Francis Hamilton 11/12/17 assault causing bodily acquitted N. Zealand hairdresser 1891 5 10 dark .. black brown .. medium Kaho Mate Hamilton 12/12/17 perjury fined £5 and to N. Zealand labourer 1895 5 8 copper black brown .. flat Small scar on left temple. pay costs Harry, William Albert Hamilton 14/12/17 assault causing bodily 11 months Australia .. miner 1886 5 6 pale brown grey .. medium Scar on right side of nose. harm Land, Sidney Victor Robert, Hamilton 14/12/17 theft to come up if England .. bricklayer .. 1881 5 11 fair brown blue long Scar over left eye and on right thigh ; A.O.W. alias Leane, alias Hackett • called on over bracket on left forearm. (See Police Gazette, 1908, page 397.) Spencer, Harry Bedden Hamilton 11/12/17 carnal knowledge (2 acquitted Australia .. labourer 1887 5 2 fresh .. dark, turning blue Roman charges) grey attempted carnal knowledge forgery and uttering .. 2 years Teriaki, William .. Hamilton 11/12/17 3 years’ probation to come up if N. Zealand farm labour’r 1896 5 84 copper.. black brown .. medium forgery and uttering (2 charges) called on on each Walker, Francis .. Hamilton .. 13/12/17 inoiting to evade miliacquitted Ireland farmer 1854 5 5 fair grey blue long tary service and doing an act to prevent the calling up of his son for Military Service Wells, Albert Ambrose, alias Ne'son 13/12/17 false pretences 2 years’ probaTasmania.. miner 1883 5 5 fair >rown blue medium Erect gait. Jones, R. tion Honor, Harry N.elson 13/12/17 indecency acquitted N. Zealand horse-trainer 1868 5 4 fresh .. dark hazel .. medium P on left arm ; scar on right cheek. (See Police attempted carnal knowsentence deGazette, 1902, page 189.) ledge ferred

RETURN OF PERSONS DEALT WITH AT SUPREME COURTS — continued. (For Index, see General Index.)

N&iuG of Offondor. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. j Native of \ Trade. Born. Height. 1 Com- | plexion. Hair. i Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &c. Bramley, Philip Henry Whangaroa .. 6/12/17 supplying liquor to a Nafined £5 N. Zealand blacksmith 1887 ft. in. 5 10 fair 1 brown blue medium See Police Gazette , 1917, page 518. tive for consumption off licensed premises Griffiths, Alfred Mason Russell 5/12/17 obscene language fined £2 N. Zealand farmer and 1878 5 7 sallow .. dark brown grey .. medium Slight build ; fond of drink; quarrelsome. retired hotelkeeper clerk Leiz, Bernard Jackson, alias Auckland 10/12/17 attempted suioide to pay costs .. N. Zealand 1891 5 6 fair fair blue medium (See Police Gazette, 1910, page 406. Loiz. alias Lee Dunn, Joseph Matthew Auckland 10/12/17 drunk and disorderly .. convicted and England .. COOK 1888 6 * fair red brown .. medium Scar on left ring-finger ; tip of left middle finger Newman, John discharged has been crushed. Auckland 10/12 17 indecency fined £3 N. Zealand land agent 1877 9 fresh .. brown blue medium Childs, Jessie Auckland 11/12/17 loitering for the purpose convicted and N. Zealand domestic 1873 5 3 fresh .. dark brown blue medium of prostitution discharged idle and disorderly (in to Pakatoa for Wood, Richard sufficient means) 1 year Auckland 12/12/17 absent from ship withto be placed on England .. fireman 1885 OJ sallow .. brown brown .. medium R.W., ROONEY, and clasped bands on left out leave his ship and forearm; TRUE LOVE on fingers of each Morris, Charles to pay costs hand. Auckland 12/12/17 threatening behaviour fined 10s. N. Zealand motorman .. 1889 5 9 fresh .. brown .. blue medium Morris, Rupert Auckland 12/12/17 threatening behaviour fined 10s. N. Zealand labourer 1887 5 11 fresh .. light brown grey .. medium Kasn, Niohha Auckland 13/12/17 assault convicted and India hawker 1877 5 4 copper.. black brown .. short Scar on left wrist. Dullabh, Abelal discharged Auckland 13/12/17 assault fined £2 India hawker 1888 5 3 copper.. black brown .. short Stewart, James Auckland 14/12/17 idle and disorderly (into come up if N. Zealand boilermaker 1869 5 8f dark .. dark brown hazel .. medium Stout build ; shield and two flags on right foresufficient means) called on arm; C.E.M. on left upper arm; right little Calder, Robert, alias Jones, ■% finger contracted; scar on right forefinger. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 24/8/14. (See Police Gazette, 1917, page 595.) Auckland 15/12/17 theft sent to Weraroa N. Zealand schoolboy .. 1903 4 10 fresh .. brown blue medium Scar on left side of forehead arid on left ear. Charles for 1 year Gussey, John William Robert Te Kuiti 13/12/17 theft to come up if N. Zealand carter 1893 f 8 dark .. brown brown .. medium See Police Gazette, 1908, page 312. Reid, Samuel ■ called on and to make restitution Te Kuiti 13/12/17 obscene language fined £2 Scotland .. carter and 1890 £ 44 sallow .. dark brown brown .. medium Scar on right little finger and on left forefinger. Kelly, John James blacksmith (See Police Gazette, 1915, page 718.) Taumarunui 11/12/17 illegally keeping liquor fined £50 Australia .. bushman .. 1877 £ 1 fair dark brown .. medium for sale taking unlabelled liquor fined £2 into a proclaimed area Carter, Thomas Stratford 15/12/17 theft to come up if Scotland .. labourer 1864 6 04 fresh .. dark ..; blue medium called on and to make re- ( stitution

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates’ Courts, but not sent to Gaol.

Name of Offender. 1 Where tried. I When. i Offence. 1 Sentence. 1 Native of i i 1 Trade. I 1 c 1 *■« o • 1 S *© 1 Complexion. Hair. ; Eyes. \ Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &c. Elliott, James Henry Raetihi 29/10/17 obscene language fined £2 N. Zealand labourer 1887 ft 5 . in. 5 fresh .. red brown .. medium Hunohbacked. Elliott, James Raetihi 13/11/17 obstructing police fined £2 N. Zealand labourer and 1867 5 84 fresh .. fair, turning grey • • medium Stout build. bushman grey Jones, Frederick Raetihi 13/11/17 obscene language fined £8 N. Zealand labourer 1886 5 6 fair fair blue medium Sharp features ; smart gait. (See Police Gazette , 1917, page 23.) Scott, John Duncan Raetihi 13/11/17 illegally keeping liquor fined £25 N. Zealand motor-driver 1881 5 9 fresh .. fair grey .. medium for sale Pearson, Thomas .. Raetihi 13/11/17 assault fined £7 N. Zealand bushman .. 1886 5 8 fresh .. black brown .. medium Berry, George Raetihi 13/11/17 insulting language conviettd and N. Zealand bushman .. 1883 6 2 fresh .. black e . dark .. medium d scbarged wilful damage fined £5 Cleary, Edward Napier 11/12/17 theft (2 charges) to come up if N. Zealand schoolboy .. 1904 sallow .. brown brown .. medium See Police Gazette , 1915, page 751. called on Johns, Thomas Napier 11/12/17 theft to come up if N. Zealand schoolboy .. 1905 fresh .. fair blue .. medium called on Johns, Gordon Napier 11/12/17 theft to oome up if N. Zealand schoolboy .. 1907 fresh .. fair blue medium called on Holland, Percy Napier 3/12/17 assault convicted, disN. Zealand tinsmith 1883 5 7 sallow .. dark brown brown .. medium Mole on left cheek. (See Police Gazette, 1917, charged, and page 319.) to pay costs Hoare, William Palmerston N. 10/12/17 breaking, entering, and convicted and N. Zealand schoolboy .. 1906 4 9 fair fair grey .. medium theft discharged Dodds, Albert Edward Palmerston N. 10/12/17 mischief convicted and N, Zealand schoolboy .. 1902 5 3 fresh .. dark hazel .. medium discharged Rickard, William John Palmerston N. 10/12/17 theft oonvioted and N. Zealand schoolboy .. 1902 5 3 freckled dark grey .. prominent discharged Lyall, Arthur Douglas Palmerston N. 10/12/17 theft to pay oosts .. N. Zealand schoolboy .. 1908 4 6 fair fair grey .. medium Gordon Alexander Cameron Palmerston N. 15/12/17 theft to come up if N. Zealand mechanic 1901 5 11 fair dark brown hazel .. medium called on assistant Lee, Thomas Brook Masterton .. 7/12/17 theft 8 strokes of N. Zealand schoolboy .. 1903 4 10 dark .. black brown .. medium birch Morton, Thomas .. Masterton .. 7/12/17 theft 8 strokes of N. Zealand school Doy .. 1905 4 8 fresh .. brown .. brown .. medium See Police Gazette, 1917, page 553. birch Abbott, Gilbert Roland Upper Hutt 12/12/17 misohief fined £5 and to N. Zealand clerk 1898 5 6 dark .. black brown.. medium pay damage Hall, Nathan Upper Hutt 12/12/17 mischief fined £5 and to N. Zealand railway 1897 5 7 fresh .. light brown hazel .. medium Moulder, Sydney James pay damage cleaner Upper Hutt 12/12/17 mischief fined £5 and to N. Zealand clerk 1898 5 7 fresh .. light brown blue large pay damage 18/12/13 theft (3 charges) to come up if • called on Johnson, Frank Lower Hutt 5/12/17 obscene language fined £2 N. Zealand labourer 1890 5 10 ! fresh .. brown grey .. medium Fern-leaf, ALICE 'THACKER and BILL THACKER on left forearm. Handley, Edward John Lower Hutt 5/12/17 assault fined £2 .. 1 N. Zealand labourer 1898 5 9 dark .. dark brown .. medium Mclvor, Herbert .. Lower Hutt 5/12/17 theft to come up if N. Zealand apprentice .. 1904 ! 5 4 1 fair fair blue medium Prominent front teeth. called on 1

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates’ Courts, but not sent to Gaol— continued.

Name of Offender. Where tried. When. Offence • Sentence. ! Native of Trade. 1 2 [ « 1 Height. Com- ; plexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &c. Molloy, William Francis Wellington .. 11/12/17 rogue and vagabond to come up if Ireland labourer 1874 ft. in. 5 4 fresh .. brown blue - medium, ~~ (illegally on premises) called on and prohibited broken Major, Charles Edwin Wellington .. 11/12/17 assault fined £1 England .. secretary .. 1859 5 7 sallow .. dark bazel .. medium Brockie, Mortimer Wellington .. 12/12/17 theft to come up if N. Zealand linesman .. 1896 5 6 fresh .. brown blue medium Scar on right little finger. called on Nicholson, George Edward.. Wellington .. 12/12/17 theft to come up if N. Zealand hairdresser 1899 5 7 fresh .. black brown .. medium - called on Norak, Abe Wellington .. 12/12/17 theft fined £1 N. Zealand printer 1899 5 5 dark .. dark brown .. Roman .. Jewish appearance. Barnum, Joseph .. Wellington .. 14/12/17 obscene language fined £10 and Sweden labourer .* 1852 5 8 fresh .. brown brown .. medium prohibited Barnum, Annie Wellington .. 14/12/17 obscene language to come up if Scotland .. 1867 5 3 fresh .. grey hazel .. medium Nees, Albert called on and prohibited Blenheim .. 12/12/17 buggery sent to BurnN. Zealand labourer 1902 5 6 sallow .. brown grey .. medium See Police Gazette , 1912, page 541. ham * Moynihan, Denis .. Blenheim 14/12/17 drunk and disorderly .. fined £5 N. Zealand miner and labourer miner and labourer prostitute .. 1890 5 n fresh .. black hazel .. medium See Police Gazette , 1917, page 718. McKendry, William Blenheim 14/12/17 drunk and disorderly .. fined £4 N. Zealand 1889 5 7 dark .. black brown .. medium Strong build. Clifton, May, alias Taylor .. Christchurch 10/12/17 drunkenness and conto Army Home N. Zealand 1896 5 4 pale brown blue medium 2 p.c. for drunkenness and 1 p.c. for soliciting. Smith, Percy William sorting for 1 year 6 months’ proChristchurch 11/12/17 theft N. Zealand schoolboy .. 1906 4 6 dark .. dark brown .. medium ; Scar on left leg. bation Courtney Josephine, alias Christohuroh 10/12/17 drunkenness and conto Army Home N. Zealand domestic .. 1890 5 0 pale light auburn It. blue medium 2 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1915, page 822. Biley, Veenie sorting for 1 year Halliday, Thomas .. Christchurch 8/12/17 drunkenness .. fined 5s. Ireland van-driver .. 1879 5 8* fresh .. grey grey .. medium consorting to come up if called on and prohibited Wilkinson, Leonard Christchurch 14/12/17 obscene language fined £5 N. Zealand motor-driver 1888 5 9 fresh .. light brown hazel .. long, sharp Left ear has been injured. Ealam, George Edward Lyttelton 8/12/17 theft to report to N. Zealand message-boy 1902 4 11 fresh .. brown grey .. medium police for 1 Parrett, Robert Lyttelton 10/12/17 breach of the peace fined 10s. England .. wharf1887 5 10 fresh .. dark brown blue medium labourer Smith, Thomas Lyttelton 10/12/17 breach of the peace fined 10s. N. Zealand wharf1887 5 8 fresh .. dark dark medium Strong build. labourer Tandoas, August .. Lyttelton 12/12/17 assault fined £2 France seaman 1887 5 5 dark .. dark blue medium Ship on chest. Comfort, William Arthur .. Lyttelton 15/12/17 theft fined £2 England .. wharf1889 5 6J fresh .. brown brown .. medium Anchor, flowers, and HOPE on right forearm ; labourer arms profusely tattooed. Jordan, George Henry Young Dunedin 10/12/17 theft to come up if N. Zealand labourer 1889 5 9 pale fair grey .. medium called on Whyte, Oscar Bruce Huia .. Dunedin 10/12/17 vagrancy (insufficient to come up if N. Zealand motor 1899 5 6£ fresh .. dark blue long See Police Gazette, 1915, page 382. means) called on mechanic Hogg, Rosa Dunedin 11/12/17 theft (2 oharges) to come up if N. Zealand domestic 1879 5 6 fresh .. fair It. blue medium See Police Gazette, 1917, page 64. called on Goodman, Charles.. Dunedin 11/12/17 indecent language fined £5 N. Zealand labourer 188S 5 8 fresh .. dark blue large 1 p.c. for obscene language not gazetted. Lawrie, Ethel Blanohe Dunedin .. [ 13/12/17 theft to come up if N. Zealand 18S2 4 10 fresh .. black brown .. flat Several small moles on right cheek; a half-caste called on Chinese.

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates' Courts, but not sent to Gaol— continued.

Gao, , ind Name of Prisoner. Where tried. i When. | Offence. 1 Sentence. Native of j Trade. d u o tt Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. | Nose. SVhen discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Auckland — Auckland M C. ! ft. in. Tewewai Uiika 8/12/17 threatening behaviour fine or 7 days.. aboriginal labourer . 1887 5 8i copper.. black brown .. flat 8/12/17 Mole on right cheek, on chin, and on right upper arm. F.P. Fine paid. 1 p.c. Ring on left ring and middle fingers ; Foy, Joseph Taumaranui M.C. 15/11/17 breach of his prohibition order drunkenness .. fine or 3 days N. Zealand labourer 1875 5 7 frech .. brown brown .. long, sharp 12/12/17 30/10/17 fine or 24 hours dot on right hand ; right middle finger has been injured. Photographed at Auckland, 10/8/17. Arrested, 10/12/17. (See Police McRae, Allen .. A ii o k 1 a n d M.C. 29/11/17 breach of his prohibition order fine or 14 days Scotland .. labourer 1847 5 7 fresh .. grey blue large 12/12/17 Gazette , 1917, page 554.) 8 p.c. A. on right wrist; dot between right forefinger and thumb. (See Police Gazette, Rashliegh, George Hamilton M.C. 29/11/17 failing to enrol 14 days N. Zealand painter 1881 5 6* fresh .. black brown .. large 12/12/17 1916, page 43.) Small scar on each right finger ; scar on left thigh and knee. F.P. (See Police Gazette, Antonovich, Rafo, alias Smith, Alf. Pukekohe M.C. 15/3/17 publishing disloyal statement 1 year Dalmatia .. farmer 1883 5 6| fresh .. dark brown blue medium 12/12/17 1917, page 682.) Small scar on right thumb, wrist, and elbow ; left little finger has been injured. F.P. DisHohepa Tame .. A u o k 1 a n d M.C. 8/12/17 threatening behaviour fine or 7 days aboriginal labourer 1893 5 4 copper.. black brown .. medium 14/12/17 charged on remission. Abscess-scar on right cheek. F.P. Edwards, James Henry A ii o k 1 a n (1 M C 16/11/17 theft 1 month N. Zealand soldier 1892 5 5 dark .. dark brown dark br. pug 15/12/17 Wart on back of right hand. F.P. PhotoKristoffersen, Julius, alias Christoffersen A uckland M.C. 17/7/17 default of maintenance arrears or 1 month Norway .. seaman 1865 5 8i sallow .. brown grey .. medium 15/12/17 graphed at Auckland, 19/11/17. Scar on tip of right forefinger and on left thumb; left forefinger missing. Arrested, Roche, John, alias Roach, John James, alias Buckley D a r g a v i 11 e M.C. 17/9/17 drunkenness .. wilful damage breach of his prohibition order fine or 48 hours fine or 14 days fine or 1 month Ireland labourer 1861 5 5| (resli .. dark brown grey .. medium 15/12/17 17/11/17. 7 p.c. Tip of left forefinger has been injured ; scar on left side of face. F.P. Arrested, 16/11/17. (See Police Gazette, 1917, page 682.) Hammond, William Auckland M.C. 10/12/17 obscene language 7 days N. Zealand gardener 1878 5 54 fresh .. brown hazel .. medium 15/12/17 5 p.c. Scar on forehead and between left foreThames — finger and thumb. F.P. (See Police Gazette, Wilcock, George William Thames M.C. 12/12/17 drunk and disorderly .. fine or 24 hours England .. tailor and 1854 5 4 fresh .. dark brown, hazel .. large 13/12/17 1911, page 542.) Small scar on back of neck. F.P. (See Police Gisborne — chimney sweep labourer turniug grey Gazette, 1912, page 73.) Lambert, Frederick Gisborne M.G. 20/11/17 idle and disorderly 6 weeks N. Zealand 1901 5 4 sallow .. light brown brown .. small 11/12/17 Vaecmation-marks on left arm. F.P. TransW aikeria — ferred to Burnham Industrial School. (See Ferris, George, alias Anderson, John Wellington S.C. 7/8/07 breaking, entering, and 10 years England .. labourer 1882 5 5 fair brown grey .. large 14/12/17 Police Gazette , 1915, pave 649. )| ‘S'B?C®jj Sailor and flag on left arm ; hands clasped across burglary (2 charges) .. 5 years on each two hearts on right arm ; FRIENDSHIP on right arm ; scar above left knee and over left breaking, entering, and theft 5 years eye. F.P. Photographed at Lyttelton, 22/10/07. Three latter sentences concurrent, Napier but cumulative with first. Discharged on reHalpin, Joseph Lawrence Tolaga Bay M.C. 9/7/17 theft 6 months N. Zealand painter 1892 5 54 fresh .. dark brown grey .. prominent 15/12/17 mission. (See Police Gazette , 1907, page 298.) Scar on left side of upper lip and under right Wanganui— jaw ; J on right forearm. F.P. Stokes, Walter William, alias Stubbs, William Hunterville M.C. 16/11/17 assault 1 month England .. labourer 1857 5 5f fresh .. grey blue medium 15/12/17 Scars on forehead aud nose and inside of left thumb; impediment in speech. F.P. (See — 1 i Police Gazette, 1908, page 96.)


Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When Offence. Sentence. | Native of Trade. Born. Height. 1 Comj plexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. ( F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken .j Wellington — Wood, William, alms Woods, alias Downes Wellington 12/11/17 drunkenness.. 7 days England .. cook and fish1859 ft. in. 5 5f dark .. dark crown blue .. medium 11/12/17 12 p.c. Slim build; scar on right shin, on left M.C. illegally wearing mili1 month hawker wrist, on inside of left thumb, and on right forefinger; receding chin. F.P. (See Police tary uniform cheesemaker brown .. Gazette 1917, page 223.) Reeves, George Palmerston 1S3. 12/11/17 failing to keep proper 1 month N. Zealand 1861 5 u sallow .. grey medium 11/12/17 Scar on left breast. F.P. S.C. books (Bankruptcy Act) escaping from custody Sweeney, Ernest Paul, Court-martial 5/7/17 6 months N. Zealand soldier 1884 5 6 fresh .. brown blue medium 12/12/17 4 p.c. E and scar on right forearm ; right little alias “ HaDgman ” Featherston and losing his equipfinger lias been broken. F.P. Handed to Sweeney, alias Sweement military authorities. (See Police Gazette, nev, Ernest 1892 brown .. 1912, page 326.) Kurekawa Nobua Wellington 11/12/17 assault 14 days Japan fireman 5 8 copper.. black flat 12/12/17 Strong build ; burn-scar on right forearm. F.P. M.C. Placed on his ship. Smith, Emma Wellington 17/9/17 idle and disorderly 3 months England .. cook 1872 4 9 fresh .. brown, turnbrown .. medium 15/12/17 Stout build ; burn-scar on right foot. F.P. M.C. * jockey and ing grey brown .. Wilson, Robert Frank .. Wellington 17/10/17 assault 2 months England .. 1879 5 5 fresh .. black medium 15/12/17 2 p.c. Scar on right side of forehead and on M.C. labourer back of right knee ; faint anchor on left forearm. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1917, page 107.) 5 p.c. Scar over right eye ; right wrist has Blonquist, John Masterton 16/11/17 disloyal utterances 1 month Finland .. labourer 1868 5 H fresh .. dark brown blue large 15/12/17 M.C. been broken ; scar on right thumb. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1917, page 158.) Greymouthbrown .. Bor J. Yip G reymou th 4/9/17 keeping a gaming-house fine or 3 months China laundryman 1866 5 3 It.copper dark flat 11/12/17 Medium build ; mole on left cheek ; boil-mark M.C. boardingbrown .. on each side of mouth. F.P. Arrested, 12/9/16. Ah John Greymouth 4/9/17 keeping a gaming-house fine or 3 months China 1847 5 5* yellow grey flat 11/12/17 Stout build ; scar on (left fore and little fingers M.C. nouse keeper F.P. Arrested, 12/9/17. (See Police Gazette, Paparua - labourer hazel .. 1916, page 658.) Me llroy, Joseph Christchurch 17/9/17 failing to enrol 3 months N. Zealand 1879 5 fit fresh .. light brown long 15/12/17 Several brown blotches on body; faint scar on M.C. nose. F.P. Lyttelton — 1897 dark .. Tarbnt', Selwvn George Christchurch 12/12/17 breaking, entering, and returned to N. Zealand seaman 5 7 black crown .. short 12/12/17 5 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1916, page S.C. theft Burnham 674.) McGimpsey, William Timaru M.C. 16/10/17 obscene language 2 months Ireland labourer 1872 5 10f iresh .. biown grey • • long 15/12/17 2 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1915, page 56.) R bert Timaru — » ■ Maxwell, Alexander, Fairlie M.C. 6/12/17 illegally on premises .. 7 days Scotland .. labourer 1875 6 0 fresh .. grey grey .. medium 12/12/17 F.P. Photographed at Paparua, 16/6/16. (See alias McIntosh Police Gazette, 1917, page 610.) Dunedin — brown .. Penson, Richard James Dunedin M.C. 10/12/17 theft from a vessel 2 days N. Zealand waterside 1883 5 6i fresh .. dark medium 11/12/17 Tattoo mark on left forearm ; dot at base of left worker book canvasbrown .. thumb ; scar on oack of neck; little fingers contracted; vat icose veins in left leg. F.P. Pringle, Angus Dunedin M.C. 10/12/17 drunkenness .. fine or 48 hours Scotland .. 1873 "5 6J fresh .. dark medium 12/12/17 Scar on back of head and on right thumb and ser 1873 blue .. forefinger ; left hand amputated. Jacobson, Thomas Dunedin M.C. 29/11/17 drunkenness .. 14 days Norway .. seaman 5 5 fair fair medium 12/12/17 Strong build ; T.J. and anchor on back of left hand; blue ring on left middle and ring fingers ; T on back of right hand ; scar under hazel .. chin and on right forefinger. (See Police Gazette, 1917, page 294.) Hughes, Arthur John .. Dunedin M.C. 17/11/17 failing to maintain 1 month England .. labourer and 1867 5 IS dark .. dark medium, 15/12/17 Scar on right thumb. F.P. motor mechanic upturned


Name of Offender. Where tried. - When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. a u o l Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &c. Morunga Wiremu .. i Rawene 14/12/17 1 introducing liquor into fined £10 aborginal labourer 1895 ft. in. 5 11 copper black brown .. PUg a Maori pa Kuri Heremaia Rawene 14/12/17 introducing liquor into fined £5 aboriginal labourer 1877 5 9 copper black brown .. medium a Maori pa supplying liquor to a fined £5 Native for consumption off licensed premises Fry, Harry Rawene 14/12/17 supplying liquor to a fined £5 on each N. Zealand labourer 1867 5 8 fresh .. grey blue .. medium Poke, Nathan Native for consumption off licensed premises (2 charges) Whangarei .. 21/12/17 theft fined £3 aboriginal labourer 1899 5 9 copper.. black brown .. medium Star on back of left hand ; scar on first joint of left ring-finger. (See Police Gazette, 1917, Worth, Kenneth John Warkworth .. 21/12/17 wilful damage fined £1 N. Zealand seaman 1899 5 5 fair fair blue medium page 438.) Williams, Cyril Warkworth .. 21/12/17 wilful damage fined £1 N. Zealand seaman 1898 5 9 dark .. dark brown brown .. aquiline .. Stooped shoulders. Calvert, Robert Warkworth .. 21/12/17 wilful damage fined £1 N. Zealand seaman 1898 5 10J dark .. blaok .. brown .. medium r GefTs, George Auckland 17/12/17 assault fined £2 England .. window1876 5 11 fresh .. brown blue medium Hauiti Materia cleaner Auckland 19/12/17 escaping from reformaconvicted aud N. Zealand domestio 1898 5 3 copper.. black brown .. broad See Police Gazette, 1917, page 579. tory institution discharged theft convicted and discharged Murfitt, Percy Roy Auckland 19/12/17 assault fined £2 N. Zealand comedian .. 1895 5 7 dark .. dark brown hazel .. medium Windsor, Laurence Egmont Humphries, John William .. Auckland Auckland 20/12/17 20/12/17 absconding from Burnham assault sent to Weraroa fined £1 N. Zealand England .. schoolboy .. seaman and 1903 1863 4 5 5 9* fair dark .. fair dark grey .. grey .. medium medium Scar on forehead. (See Police Gazette, 1916, page 417.) J.W.H. on right forearm ; A.C. on left forearm ; Jones, Christopher Auckland 20/12/17 theft from a ship fined £2 and Ireland warder seaman 1892 5 7 fresh .. brown blue medium scar on upper lip. Star on left hand ; anchor on right hand. Clow, Leith to make restitution Auckland 20/12/17 theft from a ship fined £5 and Canada seaman 1890 5 6 fair brown hazel .. medium Girl on chair, American coat-of-arms, girl, and to make rescrossed flags on left forearm ; butterfly and titution LIBERTY across American flag on right O’Brien, Dennis Auckland 20/12/17 theft from a ship fined £5 and England .. seaman 1895 5 10J fresh .. auburn brown .. medium forearm. Henderson, Daniel Herbert to make restitution Auckland 20/12/17 ;heft from a ship fined £2 and England .. seaman 1895 5 3 lair crown blue .. medium Harman, Horace Charles to make res- 1 titution Auckland 20/12/171 ship-desertion convicted and England .. ' steward 1899 5 4 ’air fair due-gr’y medium, Scar on forehead. (See Police Gazette, 1917, discharged .... .. broken page 724.) — —

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates’ Courts, but not sent to Gaol.

Name of Offender. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. _ 7“— a o « 2 op '© M Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &c. Boag, John Auckland 20/12/17 theft to come up if N. Zealand mechanic .. 1893 ft. in. 5 9 fair fair blue .. medium called on and to make restitution Irvine, James Wallace Auckland 22/12/17 drunk while in charge fined £1 N. Zealand taxi-driver .. 1870 5 9 fair brown blue medium of a motor-oar Scar on left forearm. (See Police Gazette , 1913 McLeod, Daniel Auokland 22/12/17 drunkenness.. convicted and N. Zealand bookmaker 1864 5 11J fresh .. grey grey .. broad threatening behaviour discharged fined £2 page 520.) mischief (breaking pane to pay damage of glass in a railwaycarriage) and costs See Police Gazette, 1917, page 105. Moylan, James, alias Morris Paeroa 17/12/17 drunkenness .. convicted, disN. Zealand labourer 1882 5 5 fresh .. dark brown blue medium charged, and prohibited obscene language fined £2 Left little finger missing. Croker, Frederick Martin .. Ngaruawahia 3/12/17 drunk and disorderly .. convicted and N. Zealand labourer and 1894 5 9 fresh .. dark brown .. medium discharged miner obscene language fined £10 wilful damage to pay damage See Police Gazette, 1917, page 692. McCord, David Te Awamutu 15/12/17 drunkenness .. convicted and N. Zealand butcher 1883 5 4 fresh .. brown grey .. medium, idle and disorderly (no discharged to come up if broken visible means) called on , Styles, Hector Francis Te Awamutu 20/12/17 theft returned to N. Zealand farm labour’r 1901 5 2 fresh .. fair brown .. medium Weraroa Aley, Frederick Te Awamutu 21/12/17 giving an order for fined £1 N. Zealand carpenter .. 1871 5 10 dark .. dark brown brown .. large liquor intended for a proclaimed area and failing to disclose his name and address ’ ■ taking unlabelled liquor fined £1 into a proclaimed area sending a person under fined £3 ' 21 years to licensed premises for liquor Pahau Kereatna Port Awanui 5/11/17 obsoene language fined £5 aboriginal labourer 1892 5 7 copper black brown .. fiat Kaiwai Timoti Port Awanui 5/11/17 obscene language fined £7 aboriginal labourer 1886 5 5 copper black brown .. medium Piokering, Harry .. Port Awanui 5/11/17 wilful damage fined £1 N. Zealand labourer 1894 5 8 dark .. black brown .. medium A half-caste Maori. Awatere Potene Port Awanui 5/11/17 wilful damage fined £1 aboriginal labourer 1896 5 9 copper black brown .. broad Ripia Hone Port Awanui 5/11/17 wilful damage fined £1 aboriginal labourer 1896 5 7 copper black brown .. medium Francis, David Port Awanui 5/11/17 supplying liquor to a fined £10 Wales labourer 1867 5 4 dark .. dark, turning grey .. medium Native grey

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates’ Courts, but not sent to Gaol— continued.

Name of Offender. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. c 1 3 j 5 c I Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, <fcc. Fraser, Harry James Gisborne 11/12/17 breach of the peace fined £1 8s. .. N. Zealand labourer 1884 ft. in. 5 5 ■ fresh .. light brown brown .. medium Indian’s head on back of right hand ; butterfly, anchor, heart, &c., ou back of left hand; profusely tattooed on arms and chest. Hollingworth, John Gisborne 11/12/17 breach of the peace fined £2 England .. labourer 1868 5 4 fresh .. brown brown .. medium Ryan, Thomas Wairoa 24/12/17 assault fined £1 Ireland .. fencer 1860 5 4 sallow .. grey brown .. medium Crossed flags over heart on left hand ; RYAN on left forearm ; anchor on right hand ; scar ' blue .. below 7 one knee. (See Police Gazette, 1915, page 171.) Smith, Stella Mary N. Plymouth 18/12/17 receiving stolen property to come up if called on and N. Zealand domestic .. 1883 5 6 fresh .. brown medium to make restitution See Police Gazette, 1917, page 405. Granville, Robert .. N. Plymouth 20/12/17 taking liquor into a fined £1 N. Zealand labourer 1885 5 9 fair fair grey .. 26/12/17 proclaimed area drunkenness .. convicted and Scotland .. labourer 1860 5 8 fresh .. fair grey .. medium Flat feet. (See Police Gazette, 1917, page 520.) Stewart, David Raetihi resisting police discharged fined £5 blue .. medium Sullen appearance. McKibbin, Thomas Ohakune 27/12/17 wilful damage fined £110s. .. N. Zealand enginecleaner labourer 1898 5 9 fresh .. fair Ireson, Alfred, alias Harper, James Taihape 21/12/17 drunkenness .. convicted ana discharged England .. 1887 5 6* fresh .. brown grey • • small Scar on left thigh and between left forefinger and thumb. (See Police Gazette, 1917, page wilful damage fined £2 and to pay damage to come up if called on and 569.) Vincent, Joseph McGlone .. Hastings 19/12/17 theft Ireland labourer 1898 5 8 sallow .. brown grey .. medium Pierced heart and ROSE on right forearm ; true lover’s knot and MOTHER on left forearm. to pay costs Petroweki, Gottfrid Abbert .. Waipawa 20/12/17 disloyal language fined £25 Germany .. " 1856 5 8 fresh .. grey grey .. medium Full grey beard ; walks with a stick. Lukashefski, Francis William Waipawa 20/12/17 disloyal language fined £50 Germany .. oook 1860 5 11 fresh .. dark brown, blue medium Anchor on left forearm ; scar over left ear; turning grey blue erect gait; strong build. Frost, Albert Edward Waverley 20/12/17 mischief .. fined £4 and to England .. labourer 1898 5 10 fresh .. brown medium pay damage blue Nicholson, John Kenneth .. Waverley 20/12/17 mischief fined £2 and to N. Zealand labourer 1902 5 1 fresh .. brown medium pay damage fresh .. hazel .. medium Rickard, William .. Palmerston N. 17/12/17 receiving stolen property fined £5 England .. labourer 1859 5 5 grey Ransom, Ethelbert Knight .. Palmerston N. 17/12/17 assault fined £3 N. Zealand farmer 1874 £ 11 fresh .. brown brown .. medium Crawley, John William Dannevirke .. 13/12/17 attempted suicide to come up if England .. oook 1861 5 7 fresh .. grey grey .. medium called on and to pay exSearle, Eric Masterton .. 21/12/17 theft i6 strokes of N. Zealand schoolboy .. 1904 4 9 j fresh .. brown grey .. medium See Police Gazette, 1917, page 553. biroh brown .. medium McDonald, Maxwell Lower Hutt 27/12/17 obscene language fined £1 1 N. Zealand labourer 1886 5 8 fresh .. brown Le Vine, Florence .. Wellington .. i 17/12/17 fortune-telling fined £5 N. Zealand l fortune-teller 1879 5 4 dark .. black brown .. ,medium See Police Gazette, 1917, page 580.

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates’ Courts, but not sent to Gaol— continued.

Name of Offender. Where tried. 1 When. j Offence. 1 Sentence. 1 Native of Trade. 1 Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. 1 ! Nose. Distinguishing Marks, Slc. i Page, John or Jonathan Wellington .. 17/12/17 fortune-telling fined £5 Ireland spiritualist 1885 ft. in. 5 5 dark .. black brown .. medium - v Barton, Louisa Wellington .. 17/12/17 fortune-telling fined £5 England .. fortune-teller 1867 5 4 fresh .. dark blue .. medium Little, George Haloid Wellington .. 18/12/17 theft to come up if called on N. Zealand driver 1899 5 8 fresh .. brown blue medium Scar on inside of right wrist. Gilboy, Phillis Levina Evelyn Wellington .. 19/12/17 false pretences (4 charges) to come up if called on and N. Zealand 1889 5 4 pale fair blue medium to make restitution on each - Arnold, Royce Alfred Wellington .. 19/12/17 theft to come up if N. Zealand engineers’ 1901 5 5 pale brown hazel .. medium called on apprentice Waters, Alexander, alias Wellington .. 19/12/17 assault convicted and N. Zealand labourer 1880 0 6 ruddy .. fair blue medium Crossed flags on right arm ; anchor and A.W, on left forearm. F.P. (See Police Gazette , Walters, alias Clements obscene language discharged fined £10 and . 1916, page 754.) prohibited Roberts, William Edgar Wellington .. 22/12/17 drunk while in charge of fined £2 Tasmania taxi-driver .. 1877 5 9 fresh .. grey grey • • large Scar on right forearm. a motor-car O’Sullivan, Denis .. Grey mouth .. 20/12/17 theft fined £5 N. Zealand mine 1893 5 7 fair brown blue medium Two scars on back of neck ; scar on left thumb. employee F.P. Shaw, Frederick Harry Greymouth .. 22/12/17 theft fined £1 England .. quartz-miner 1874 5 5i dark grey grey .. medium Scar on back of right thumb. F.P. Lilley, Charles Christchurch 21/12/17 breaking the terms of probation exN. Zealand labourer 1898 5 H fair fair grey .. medium See Police Gazette, 1917, page 594. his probationary litended for 1 cense year N. Zealand Adams, Luke William Christchurch 22/12/17 theft to come up if mechanic .. 1888 5 4 fair brown grey .. straight called on Coffey, Richard Lyttelton 20/12/17 theft .. s fined £2 N. Zealand labourer 1891 5 5 fresh .. brown blue mi dium Sgeberg, Arthur Herbert Lyttelton 22/12/17 drunk and disorderly .. fined 10s. Sweden .. seaman 1896 5 «i fair fair blue medium Two girls, flag, and ship on right forearm ; girl’s head on left forearm. Karlsson, Algot Lyttelton 22/12/17 drunk and disorderly .. fined 108. Sweden .. seaman 1896 5 7 dark .. dark blue medium Crossed hands and anchor on right forearm. Johnsson, Carl Lyttelton 22/12/17 drunk and disorderly .. fined £1 Sweden seaman 1897 5 6 fair fair blue .. medium Full-rigged ship on chest ; star and ship on Sweden right forearm ; butterfly on left forearm. Boman, Gustav Lyttelton 22/12/17 drunk and disorderly .. fined 10s. seaman 1898 5 4i sandy . . sandy / blue medium Girl and ELLA on light forearm. Nilson, Axel, Ludwing Lyttelton 22/12/17 drunk and disorderly .. fined 10s. Sweden seaman 1890 5 6 fresh .. brown . . medium Woman, Japanese fan, and clasped hands on left arm. Ford, Walter Henry Temuka 22/12/17 assault fined £1 N. Zealand contractor . . 1885 5 8 fresh .. dark brown .. medium refusing to quit licensed fined £l premises obscene language fined £2 N. Zealand Flynn, John Temuka 22/12/17 assault refusing to quit lioensed premises drunkenness, breach of fined £1 fined £1 labourer 1S87 5 11 fresh .. dark brown .. medium 1 Smith, Thomas Henry Dunedin 18/12/17 to Rotoroa for N. Zealand carter 1888 5 3 fresh .. dark brown blue .. small, See Police Gazette, 1917, page 39. his prohibition order, 1 year turned and mischief up Good, Jessie, alias Meeske or Dunedin 19/12/17 theft (2 charges) to come up if Australia .. domestic .. 1888 5 H pale brown grey . . medium F.P. (See Police Gazette , 1917, page 300.) Meesk called on and to make restitution Davidson, Michael.. Black’s 18/12/17 obscene language . . fined £1 Ireland .. labourer .. ' 1 1874 5 9 dark .. dark grey ..1 medium 1 Stout build ; left middle finger missing.

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates’ Courts, but not sent to Gaol— continued.

Sentence. Native of Trade. a 2 Hair. f 1 Eyes. Nose. | Remarks, and Previous Convictions. Gael, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried When. Offence. o « W plexion. charged. [F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken > Auckland — butcher ft. in. Devlin, Walter Hamilton 18/5/17 keeping liquor for sale fine or 3 months Scotland .. 1887 5 11 fresh .. black blue medium 18/12/17 Scar on tip of nose ; right shoulder dislocated. M.C. in a no-license area gardener .. F.P. Arrested, 19/9/17. Williams, Thomas Henry Auckland 13/12/17 indecency .. fine or 7 days England .. 1860 5 3f fresh .. dark brown grey .. Roman, 19/12/17 Scar over left eye. F.P. M.C. crooked Hamilton, Dave, alias Auckland ‘25/5/17 theft 3 months aboriginal labourer .. 1894 5 7| copper black brown .. flat 20/12/17 2 p.o. Scar on right thumb ; oval scar on left Butler, Tommy M.C. fireman shin ; small scar on upper lip ; small scars on left knee; scar on right shin and ankle; several warts on right forefinger. F.P. Photographed at Invercargill, 13/11/14. Detained to complete former sentence. (See Police Gazette, 1917, page 159.) Donovan, Thomas, alias Wellington S/2/13 assault and robbery .. 3 years Ireland 1878 5 82 fair brown blue medium 20/12/17 16 p.c. Star, butterfly, and woman’s bust on Donovan, Patrick, alias S.C. right forearm ; star, woman’s bust, dog, and two birds on left arm; five women’s heads, Sullivan, Thomas, alias Wellington 14/5/13 incorrigible rogue (es6 months Smith, alias Kelly, M.C. oaping from custody) tiger, and eagle on chest; cat, deer, two lions, alias Milner 20/6/13 incorrigible rogue (escaping from custody) 3 months and hounds after hare on chest; scar on small of back. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, W ellington 4/8/13 breaking, entering, and 3 years 6/12/17. Sentences cumulative. Discharged S.C. theft on remission. (See Police Gazette, 1913, page 612.) 22 n.c. Tip of right forefinger has been injured. Ingestre, Agnes Auckland 21/11/17 wilful damage 1 month Scotland .. prostitute .. 1367 5 4 fair grey blue-gr’y long 20/12/17 M.C. prostitute .. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1915, page 559.) Murray, Letitia Mary, Auckland 13/7/13 loitering for the purpose 6 months N. Zealand 1882 5 2 fair brown blue .. pointed .. 20/12/17 Tatloo-matks and B ou left forearm. F : P. (See alias Murray, Letitia May, alias Davies, M.C. of prostitution Police Gazette, 1916, page 468.) . Queenie labourer blaok * Rowe, Henry . A u c k 1 a n n 8/12/17 drunkenness .. fine or 24 hours Tahiti 1887 5 10 copper.. dark br. flat 21/12/17 Small scar on left forearm and wrist; crossed M.C. wilful damage resisting police fine or 3 days 14 days flags, woman’s head, and HENRY on right forearm ; scar between right thumb and forelabourer finger ; right ring-finger contracted. F.P. Graham, George, alias Thames M.C. 12/11/17 obscene language 6 weeks N. Zealand 1892 5 7 fresh .. light brown grey .. medium 22/12/17 F.P. Graham, George PranCIS Phillips, Percy Leopold, Hamilton 23/11/17 answering questions 1 month Australia .. hairdresser.. 1884 5 4* fresh .. dark brown brown .. medium 22/12/17 Scar on chin and on right wrist. F.P. alias Wilson, William, M.C. falsely (Military Seralias Wilson, Harry, alias Wilson, Bert vice Act) prostitute .. Thompson, Marion Auckland 24/11/17 loitering for the purpose 1 month England .. 1879 5 7* fair red grey .. long 22/12/17 1 p.c. Blind in right eye. F.P. (See Police M.C. of prostitution Gazette, 1917, page 666.) Waikeria— labourer Todd, David .. Auckland 20/11/16 incorrigible rogue (inli years N. Zealand 1885 5 7* fresh .. black brown .. medium 22/12/17 Three upper front teeth missing; head and arms on right forearm ; D.T. and heart on M.C. sufficient means) back of left hand ; anchor on left forearm. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 2/1/08. Discharged on remission. (See Police Gazette, New Plymouth — labourer 1916, page 258.) Portion of left foot amputated. F.P. Held Hinnigan, James Inglewood 9/7/17 rogue and vagabond .. 6 months Ireland 1874 5 112 fair .. dark brown blue .. medium 15/12/17 M.C. over from previous return. (See Police Gazette, 1917, page 3S0.)


Gaol, and Name of Prisoner . Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. j Eyes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. ( F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) New Plymouth — contd. Allpress, Philip Francis Gisborne S.C. 16/9/12 attempted buggery, as7 years Isle of Man flax-dresser 1864 ft. in. 5 5£ fresh .. grey blue medium 15/12/17 Emblem of Isle of Man on left forearm. F.P. Henry sault-, and indecent Held over from previous return. (See Police assault Gazette, 1899, page 226.) Ayers, William N. Plymouth 19/12/17 failing to render perfine or 14 days N. Zealand jockey 1900 5 0 fair fair blue medium 19/12/17 Four scars on back of left hand. F.P. Fine M.C. sonal service paid. Bayly, Stanley Napier— Hawera M.C. 22/9/17 idle and disorderly 3 months N. Zealand aboriginal farm labour’r farmer 1879 1875 5 8 dark .. brown brown .. dark br. sharp 21/12/17 Scar on right hand ; left arm crippled. F.P. Rawiri Pita Napier M.C. 10/12/17 debt 12 days 5 64 copper black large 20/12/17 Two round scars on small of back; scar on right buttock; boil-scar on right calf. Amount paid. Ariested, 19/12/17. Denham or Dinham, Dannevirke 12/12/17 idle and disorderly 14 days England .. cook 1250 5 n fresh .. grey It. blue medium, 21/12/17 Scar on left shoulder and on right shin ; growth Harry M.C. sharp on right hip ; shield and crown on right forearm ; faint anchor on left forearm. F.P. Died in hospital. Wanganui— Anderson, Frederick, Raetihi M.C. 20/11/17 using a name other than 1 month Sweden bushman .. 1881 5 4 fair fair blue medium .19/12/17 Clasped hands, heart, flower, and stars on right alias Saunders, Frank that by which he was known (Military Serforearm ; slight scar on brow. F.P. vice Act) Briscoe, William Wanganui 17/12/17 failing to register 3 months Tasmania.. bushman .. 1890 5 Hi fresh .. dark brown .. short 19/12/17 Scar on right elbow; blind in right eye. M.C. Handed to military authorities. Singh Sham, alias Sam Palmerston N. 10/12/17 obscene language fine or 14 days India labourer 1880 5 n black .. blaok brown .. wide 22/12/17 8 p.c. Some teeth missing ; scars on nose, on right jaw, under right side of chin, on knees, Sing M.C. on one buttock, on right shoulder, and on right middle finger. F.P. (See Police Wellington — hazel .. Gazette, 1917, page 56.) Murray, George Francis Otaki M.C. .. 7/9/17 default of maintenance 3 months Ireland labourer ., 1852 6 0 fresh .. grey medium 17/12/17 Strong buiid ; scars on left forearm. Arrested, blue .. 18/9/17. Lindquist, Gideon Wellington 4/12/17 landing in New Zealand 14 days Finland .. seaman 1883 5 11 fair fair medium 17/12/17 Strong build ; anchor on back of left hand. M.C. without a permit F.P. Ro3lof, Karl ., Well i ngton 4/12/17 landing in New Zealand 14 days Finland .. seaman 1881 5 5 fresh .. brown grey .. medium 17/12/17 Strong build. F.P. M.C. without a permit McLean, Emily, alias Feathers ton 10/7/17 rogue and vagabond .. 6 months Australia .. domestic .. 1880 5 5. florid .. brown grey . • broad 17/12/17 1 p.o. Stout build ; two scars on back; small Hancock, alias Brown M.C, mole on left side of face ; scar on left thigh. F.P. (See I'olice Gazette, 1916, page 765.) Palmer, James, alias W e 11 in g ton 21/9/17 tbefc 3 months N. Zealand labourer 1873 5 2| fresh, freckled brown, turnhazel .. medium 20/12/17 Seveial p.c. Double star on chest and on right Mason M.C. ing grey forearm; scar on forehead. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1913, page 275.) Snellgrove, Samuel Wei lington 8/12/17 absent from ship with14 days Newfoundseaman 1896 5 dark .. black brown .. medium 21/12/17 Slight build ; S.R.C., heart, and S. on left foreM.C. out leave land arm ; faint dots on left upper arm; scar on right forearm ; ruptured on right side. F.P. Christensen, Lauritz .. Wellington 8/12/17 absent from ship with14 days Denmark .. seaman 1889 5 6 dark .. dark brown brown .. medium 21/12/17 Woman holding shield with SAMANITEUS \ M.C. out leave LYST on it, Danish flag, and clasped hands on right forearm ; clasped hands, heart, and E.T.M. on back of right hand; anchor and star on back of left hand; American flag, clasped hands, woman’s head in heart, and flowers on left forearm ; dancing-girl on globe on left forearm. F.P.


Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade, Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Wellington — continued. MoFarlane, Daniel Wellington M.C. 24/9/17 drunkenness .. 3 months England .. seaman 1886 ft. in. 5 7£ fresh .. brown It. blue • medium 22/12/17 4 p.c. Clasped hands, naval standard, balletgirl, flags, star, cross, and IN MEMORY OF MINNIE on right arm ; clasped hands, heart, TRUE LOVE, flowers, and I LOVE MINNIE on left forearm ; scar on forehead, on nose, and on left thumb. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1916, page 839.) Guthrie, Peter Pollard, Ernest Edward Mahoney, William James, alias Martin, alias Nugent, alias H.M.8. “ Philomel ” Court-martial Awapuni Wellington M.C. 25/9/17 24/9/17 16/7/17 absent from ship without leave theft .. .. rogue and vagabond .. 90 days 3 months 6 months England .. N. Zealand N. Zealand marine soldier and carpenter labourer 1874 1877 1870 5 10 5 5 5 11 fresh .. dark .. fair dark brown brown light brown blue .. grey • • blue .. large medium thick 22/12/17 22/12/17 22/12/17 Scar and boil-marks on right leg; tip of left little finger missing. F.P. Flag and scar on left forearm ; scar on left side of abdomen. F.P. 27 p.c. Strong build ; scar on forehead, on left thumb, and over right eye ; large jaws. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1917, page 443.) Muldoon Fraser, Peter .. Wellington M.C. 23/12/16 seditious utterances .. 1 year Scotland .. labourer 1885 5 10 fair dark brown blue .. medium 22/12/17 1 p.c. Nearly all upper teeth missing ; defective sight; scar on left elbow, on right wrist, and on left leg. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1913, page 772.) Brindle, Thomas Wellington M Q, y 23/12/17 seditious utterances .. 1 year England .. labourer 1881 5 9 fair black, turning grey brown .. medium 22/12/17 Left little finger broken ; three vaccinationmarks on left arm. F.P. Harvey, Thomas Martin W ellington M.C. 22/12/17 obscene language and obstructing military police 1 month and to be placed on his ship England .. fireman 1891 5 5* fair brown hazel .. large, hooked 22/12/17 Slight build; Japanese woman on right forearm ; angle on left forearm; butterfly on each shoulder; scar on upper lip. F.P. Placed on his ship. Picton— Morris, Edward, alias BlenheimM.C. 22/11/17 idle and disorderly 1 month England .. labourer 1870 5 7£ fresh .. dark,turning It. blue sharp 21/12/17 See Police Gazette, 1916, page 96. Lucas grey Paparua— Mackersey, Herbert Wellington S.C. 6/11/16 theft from a dwelling .. 1£ years Australia .. miner 1887 5 10 fresh .. light brown grey .. large 22/12/17 Scar under left eye and on left middle finger ; freckled arms. F.P. Photographed at Paparua, 22/11/17. (See Police Gazette, 1915, page 806.) Scar near right eye; wears spectacles. (See Police Gazette, 1915, page 270.) Addington— De Latour, Josephine .. Christchurch M.C. Christchurch 17/12/17 drunkenness .. fine or 48 hours France domestic . . 1867 5 2 fresh .. brown, turning grey hazel .. medium 19/12/17 Isles, Margaret, alias 29/5/17 obscene language 9 months Ireland prostitute .. 1863 5 1 fresh .. white grey .. broad, deformed 21/12/17 F.P. (See Police Gazette , 1916, pages 433.) Thomas Reilly or Riley, Elizabeth M.C. Christchurch M.C. 10/12/17 obscene language wilful damage 14 days fine or 7 days N. Zealand domestic . . 1885 5 2 fresh .. dark brown brown .. pug 22/12/17 Scar on upper lip and on right oheek. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1916, page 92.) Invercargill— Kraetzer, Norman Wellington 8.C. 15/2/17 theft 1 year Australia . . traveller 1893 5 6i fresh .. brown grey . . long 11/12/17 4 p.c. Scar over left eye. Not received in time for previous return. (8ee Police Gazette, 1915, page 858.)


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XLIII, Issue 1, 9 January 1918, Page 16

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POLICE EXAMINATIONS, 1917. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XLIII, Issue 1, 9 January 1918, Page 16

POLICE EXAMINATIONS, 1917. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XLIII, Issue 1, 9 January 1918, Page 16

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