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fla»l. and Maine of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offeeoe Sentence. Native of Trade. . 8 U a CO ComI Hair. j Eyes. Nose. WhendisRemarks, and Previous Convictions. ® a plexiou. 1 charged. (F.P,indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Auckland — ft . in. Holland, Charles Haslam W ellington 27/9/15 default of maintenance remanded N. Zealand labourer 1871 5 n swarthy black blue .. medium 4/10/15 1 p.c. Ho r se-shoe on left upper arm; horse’s M.C. head, heart, and C.H.H. on left forearm; horse-sboe and male bust on right upper arm; scar on right wrist; dot on right hand. (See Police Gazette, 1915, page 549.) Reid, Samuel .. Te Kuiti M.C. 20/4/15 sly-grog selling 6ne or 2 months Sootland .. blacksmith 1890 5 sallow .. dark brown brown .. medium 4/10/15 Sear on right little finger and left forefinger. F.P. Arrested, 5/8/ 15. Porter, Albert Harding Wellington 2/10/15 default of maintenance remanded Australia .. medical prac1870 5 7 fresh .. brown hazel .. medium 4/10/15 Scar on left forearm and on each middle finger. M.C. titioner Hughes, Edward Thomas, A u c k 1 a n d 13/12/11 forgery and uttering .. 1 year and 3 N. Zealand cook 1882 5 9 dark .. dark brown hazel .. large 5/10/15 12 p.c. Rose and clasped hands on right upper alias Saule, alias WilS.C. years’ reforarm; tombstone inscribed 1JN MHlMuRY L)F son mative detention MY DEAR BROTHER TOMMY, rose, FRIENDSHIP in scroll, and NELLIE in scroll on le't upper arm. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 12/12/11. (See Police Gazette, 1914, cage 452.) 3 p.c. Scar on tip of r'ght middle finger, on left Lockett, Patrick Auckland 6/7/15 idle and disorderly 3 months N. Zealand labourer 1880 5 51 fresh .. brown blue .. medium 5/10/15 M.C, thumb, and middle fingers, and on left hand. F.P, Photographed at Auckland, 13/7/11. (See Police Gazette, 1911, page 533.) Smith, John, or John Auckland 6/7/15 idle and disorderly 3 months N. Zealand labourer 1869 5 91 sallow .. brown grey large 5/10/15 11 p.c. Ring on left ring-finger. F.P. PhotoLaing M.C. graphed at Auckland, 6/7/15. (see Police Gazette, 1915, page 264.) Hastings, George, alias Auckland 6/7/15 theft 3 months England .. dealer 1876 5 101 sallow .. dark brown brown .. medium 5/10/15 Numerous p.c. Scar on forehead. F.P. ArTaj lor M.C. 5/7/15 drunkenness .. fine or 24 hours rested on second charge, 26/8/15. (See Police Gaiette, 1914, page 449 ) Watson, Frederick, alias Auckland 6/9/15 resisting police 1 month Sweden .. seaman 1875 5 94 fresh .. light brown grey .. medium 5/10/15 13 p.c. Emblem of F.dtb, Hope, and Charity W aterstrand M.C. and woman’s bust on right forearm; stilors bust and woman on left forearm ; T.V. and anchor on left hand. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1915, page 563.) Preston, Robert John .. Auckland 29/9/15 drunkenness .. fine or 24 hours England .. gardener .. 1858 5 81 fresh .. brown, turnhazel .. medium 5/10/15 4 p.c. Scar on right middle and ring fingers; M.C. 21/9/15 breach of his prohibition fine or 7 days ing grey left little finger ontracted; large sear on order right side of head. Arrested on second charge, 29/9/15. (See Police Gazette, 1913, page 750.) Connolly, Stephen or Auckland 4/10/15 theft from a vessel committed for Fiji seaman 1882 5 71 fresh .. brown blue medium 5/10/15 Small scar on right middle finger and on left Stephen James M.C. trial forearm. F.P. Bailed. Ross, John, alias Du A u o k 1 a n d 7/10/15 theft from a dwelling .. 2 years’ probaAustralia.. labourer 1879 5 7 fresh .. dark brown hazel .. medium 7/10/15 Scald-scar on chest; scar on chin and left foreRoss, Ronald S.C. tion arm. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 27/9/15. i t Davies, George Auckland 7/10/15 buggery 3 years’ probaN. Zealand farm labour’r 1899 5 61 fresh .. light brown It. blue medium 7/10/15 Small sear on right forearm and thigh; mole S.C. tion on left ankle ; right eye missing. F.P. Me An ally, Florence, Hamilton 8/7/15 drunkenness „„ fine or 48 hours N. Zealand domestio .. 1885 5 44 dark .. black brown .. medium 7/10/15 Several p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1915, alias Wilson, alias Harcourt M.C. idle and disorderly 3 mouths page 485.) Scsr over right eye and on left little finger. Himi Horenga, alias Auckland 7/10/15 breaking, entering, and senttoWeraroa aboriginal • • 1900 5 n copper.. black brown .. thick 7/10/15 Harenga S.C. theft F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 24/9/15. Flint, John Anthony .. Auckland M.C. 30/9/15 assault and robbery .. committed for trial N. Zealand porter 1886 15 6f fresh .. dark brown grey .. medium 7/10/15 Small soar on 1 ft for (inter. b-P- Photographed at Auckland, 22/9/15. Bailed.


Stool, and Name of Prisoner, Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. 1 Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. ; (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.] Auokh< nd— continued. Brown, John .. Auckland 10/7/15 theft 3 months Scotland .. seaman 1884 ft. in. 5 8J sallow .. light brown blue .. medium 9/10/15 Burn-mark on right forearm. F.P. Photoffaua Buka Miri Miro .. M.C. Waipiro Bay 10/7/15 theft (3 charges) 3 months on aboriginal labourer 1898 5 2 oopper.. black brown .. fiat 9/10/15 graphed at Auckland, 13/7/15. F.P. Wiremu Teneta Kepa, M.C. Auckland 8/10/15 theft eaoh remanded aboriginal labourer 1848 5 4 copper.. black brown .. large 9/10/15 2 p.c. F.P. alias Waiheke, Willie, alias Tamite Kepa Waiheke, William Gisborne — Williams, Harold, alias M.C. Gisborne M.C. 28/9/15 drunkenness .. 10 days England .. labourer 1882 6 0J fresh .. dark brown grey .. medium 7/10/15 Numerous p.c. Scar on right shin. (See Smith Wigstein, Charles, alias Gisborne M.C. 2/10/15 theft remanded Austria .. bushman .. 1886 5 6 fresh .. dark brown brown .. thick 8/10/15 Police Gazette , 1915, page 550.) Woman’s bust on left upper arm; lover’s knot on left wrist; soar on left thumb and ringfinger; woman’s bust on right upper arm; nude woman and spray of flowers on right forearm; *• Hands across the Sea,” woman’s bust, and three hearts on chest; no teeth in upper jaw. (See Police Gazette , 1915, page 267.) Front tooth missin'g. Wickstein, alias Brown Crapp, Annie .. Gisborne M.C. 4/10/15 drunkenness ., fine or 7 days N. Zealand domestic .. 1877 5 U fair fair grey .. medium 9/10/15 Mew Plymouth— Four upper teeth missing; soar under chin; Jones, John ., Eltham M.C. 9/9/15 idle and disorderly 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1886 5 5 dark .. blaok blue .. medium 8/10/15 Kobinson. Nohopa Manaia M.C. 25/9/15 assault (2 oharges) 14 days on each N. Zealand farmer 1882 5 7 copper.. black brown .. large 9/10/15 growth on right foot. .F.P, F.P. Arrested, 27/9/15. Gunn, William Hawera M.C. 3/5/15 false pretences 6 months England .. traveller .. 1854 5 7} fresh .. grey grey .. medium 9/10/15 Ruptured on right side. F.P. Photographed Napier— Howell, George, alias Napier M.C. 2/10/15 false pretences (8 eh’gs) drunkenness .. 3 months on each remanded N. Zealand hawker 1851 5 6| fresh .. light brown, hazel .. large, 5/10/15 at Waioa, 11/4/07. (See Police Gazette, 1914, page 787.) 4 p.c. Soar on nose, on top of head, on right thumb, and on 1 ft forefinger and forearm, F.P. (See Police Gazette , 1915, page 446.) 5 p.c. Ulcer on left leg. (See Police Gazette, Howell, William Proctor Carrington, Arthur Gisborne M.C. 17/9/15 breach of his prohibition fine or 14 days N. Zealand labourer 1866 5 10 fair turning grey auburn grey .. pointed thick 6/10/15 Prychberg, Rudolph A u o k 1 a n d j order 1/10/15 ship-desertion 14 days Sweden .. seaman 1890 5 5 fair light brown light medium 6/10/15 1915, page 607.) Scar on right hand and below right knee; scar Waldemar Wellington— Musgrave, Elizabeth M.C. Wellington 5/7/15 escaping from Army 3 months and England .. prostitute .. 1884 5 2J fair brown blue blue .. broad 4/10/15 on left forearm and forefinger; schooner, sailor, woman, and belt with star in centre on right forearm; anchor between right thumb and forefinger; woman with fishing-net, ship’s wheel, flag across anchor, woman’s bust and sailor, R.W., and J.F. on left forearm; toes bent. F.P. Placed on his ship. Numerous p.c. Birth-mark on left side. F.P. Dennison, Christian, M.C. PahiatnaM.C. 5/7/15 Home drunkenness .. idle and disorderly returned to Home 1 month 3 months Denmark .. . labourer .. i 1862 5 2 swarthy . grey hazel .. medium 4/10/15 (See Police Gazette, 1914, page 787.) Several p.c. Blue soar on nose; large scar on alias Jensen, Kristen left elbow. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1914, page 610.)


' | d s J Hair. Byes. N-.e. When disKemarks, and Previous Convictions. Gtaoi, ami Name of Prisoner, Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. O « © i n S plexion. charged. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken,) Wellington— continued. Howie, Catherine W ellington M.C. CartertonM.C. 6/7/15 idle and disorderly 3 months Australia .. cook 1854 ft. in. 5 4 ruddy .. grey grey .. broad 5/10/15 5 p c. Large mole on right cheek. F.P. (See Police Gazette , 1914, page 436.) Dalton, James Miohael 6/7/15 idle and disorderly 3 months Ireland labourer 1865 5 9 fresh .. brown hazel .. medium 5/10/15 Numerous p.o. R ght little finger missing. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1915, page 371.) Sun, ship, “ Hands across the Sea,” woman’s head, “ Sailor’s Dream,” sailor, olasped hands Gibbs, Harry .. Wellington M.C. 4/10/15 breach of the peace .. hue or 3 days N. Zealand labourer 1887 5 4| sallow .. dark brown blue .. wide 6/10/15 over heart, two pugilists, flowers, ciown, and horse's head on left arm; anchor, dagger, heart, dancing-girl, clasped hands, bird, horse - jumping hurdle, tiger, and bird on right arm; scar on right thigh. F.P. Lightfoot, John W e 1 1 in g ton 80/9/15 assault oausing bodily harm remanded England .. railwayporter 1877 5 8 fresh .. dark brown hazel .. medium 6/10/15 Two birth-marks on right leg; scar on chin; prominent ears. F.P. Waters, William Thomas Wei lington M.C. 27/9/15 drunkenness .. default of maintenance fine or 1 month fine or 7 days N. Zealand carpenter .. 1879 5 6i dark .. dark brown blue .. medium 6/10/15 Several p.c. Scar at base of right forefinger; two boil-sears on back of neck. Fine paid. (See Police Gazette, 1915, page 187.) Healy, George Francis.. Welling ton M.C. Wellington M.C. W ellington 30/9/15 default of maintenance remanded N. Zealand barman 1887 5 n sallow .. brown grey • • pug 7/10/15 1 p.c. Small scar on left miodle finger. (See Police Gazette, 1914, page 806.) McNicholl, George Al22/9/15 assault remanded N. Zealand signwriter .. 1896 5 5f fresh .. brown hazel .. thick 8/10/15 2 p.c. Scar on right buttock and shin. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1915, page, 48.) bert Hampden, Alexander .. 10/9/15 obscene language 1 month Australia .. soldier 1889 5 fresh .. dark brown blue .. medium .. 9/10/15 Scar on left shin, calf, and above ankle ; boilmarks on neck. F.P. Heketa Tai M.C. Wellington 10/9/15 debt 1 month aboriginal clerk 1892 5 swarthy black dark br. wide 9/10/15 1 p.o. for debt; sear between eyebrows and on left knee. Mulcahey. Peter M.C. W e 1 lington M.C. 11/9/15 drunkenness .. 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1871 5 4 dark .. dark brown dark br. medium 9/10/15 Previously convicted. Portion of one left finger missing ; scar near left eye. F.P. (See Police Nelson — Pommerenka, John Westport - Coughlan, Thomas, alias Gazette, 1915, p»ge 591.) Nelson M.C. Westport M.C. 21/9/15 2/10/15 drunkenness .. obscene language drunkenness .. fine or 3 days 14 days fine or 48 hours Switzerland Ireland fireman miner 1869 1858 5 5 6 7 fresh .. dark .. dark black brown .. dark br. medium fiat 4/10/15 4/10/15 1 p.c. Anchor between right thumb and forefinger; two scars over left eye. (See Police Gazette, 1915, page 687.) Numerous p.c. Scar near left temple ; right middle finger missing ; man holding flag on Davis, alias Goglan right forearm ; anchor over three dots on right hand. (See Police Gazette, 1915, page 310.) Broderick, George Westport M.C. 5/10/15 drunkenness .. fine or 3 days N. Zealand labourer 1877 5 8 dark .. brown grey .. medium 8/10/15 Several p.c. for drunkenness. Scar on forehead. Greymouth — Crysell, Gwen.. Greymouth M.C. 7/10/15 theft remanded N. Zealand domestic .. 1896 5 fair fair grey .. medium 8/10/15 F.P. Bailed. Lyttelton— Murphy, Peter, alias Quirk, Edward, alias Clements, alias Burke, alias O’Brien, alias Rowley, alias FitzChristchurch 21/7/15 theft 1 month Ireland miner 1868 5 Ilf fair brown, going bald hazel .. medium 4/10/15 1 p.c. Previously convicted in Australia. Anchor, heart, and cross on right arm ; scar on M.C. Te Kuiti M.C. 24/4/15 sly-grog selling fine or 2 months upper lip. F.P. Photographed at Wellington, 9/6/15. Arrested, 5/8/15. (See Police Gazette, 1915, page 446.) maurice, William Harrison, Wiliam Christohuroh M.C. Christchurch M.C. 21/9/15 obscene language 14 days England .. labourer 1863 5 2f swarthy brown blue .. large 4/10/15 3 p.c. for drunkenness. Flag on right arm; portion of anchor and dot on left arm. F.P. Ayers, Henry .. 5/7/15 default of maintenance arrears or 3 months N. Zealand labourer 1879 5 4 pale brown grey .. sharp 7/10/15 1 p.c. Scar on right leg. F.P. Arrested, 8/7/15. (See Police Gazette , 1902. page 180.)


Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried, j When. 1 1 Offence. Sentence. i Native of Trade. j Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Ashburton— ft. in. Robmson, James, alias Robinson, Percy Nickson, alias Ellison, F. J. Kaitangata M.C. 28/9/15 forgery and theft remanded England .. labourer 1880 5 9 dark .. dark brown, going bald brown .. long, pointed 1/10/15 Tip of nose inclined to right; right middle finger has been injured. (See Police Gazette , 1915, page 698.) Timaru— Kelly, John, alias “Kelly the Rake ” Timaru M.C. 5/10/15 drunkenness .. 24 hours Ireland labourer 1842 5 5£ pale grey grey .. medium 6/10/15 Numerous p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1915, page 303.; Dunedin — Brown, Caroline Dunedin M.C. 3/8/15 escaping from Army Home 2 months and returned to Home Ireland prostitute .. 1868 5 2 fresh .. brown blue large 2/10/15 68 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1915, page 372.) Johnston, William Dunedin M.C. 5/10/15 drunkenness .. fine or 24 hours Australia .. miner 1878 5 8* fair brown grey .. long 6/10/15 Two flags and bird on right arm; bracelet on right wrist; anchor, jug, and circle on left arm; boy on right calf. '''“SS837P Cassidy, William Dunedin M.C. 4/10/15 drunkenness .. fine or 7 days Scotland .. labourer 1875 5 7 1 fresh .. grey blue .. medium 9/10/15 Right shoulder deformed. (See Police Gazette, 1915, page 625.) Invercargill — 21/9/15 Spooner, Arthur Invercargill M.C. 21/9/15 theft 6 months probation England .. labourer 1870 5 9* fresh .. light brown It. blue medium Left little finger missing ; scar on left hand and on right wrist. F.P. Held over from previous return. Stewart, George Frederick Dixon, alias Murphy, James Fitzpatrick or James George Fitzpatrick Gore M.C. .. 25/9/14 theft 1 year’s reformative detention S. Africa .. motormechanic 1891 5 10 fresh .. dark brown grey .. medium 24/9/15 1 p.c. Left little finger and tip of left thumb has been broken; soar near left thumb, on right shin, and on lefo calf. 1 F.P. Photographed at Dunedin, 8/5/14. Held over from previous return. (See Police ( Gazette , 1914, page 329.)


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XL, Issue 42, 20 October 1915, Page 721

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Untitled New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XL, Issue 42, 20 October 1915, Page 721

Untitled New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XL, Issue 42, 20 October 1915, Page 721

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