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(From Gazette , 1915, pages 3220, 3228, 3263, 3264, and 3265.) Altering Regulations for Trout and Perch Fishing in the Wellington Acclimatization District. LIVERPOOL, Governor. ORDER TN COUNCIL. At the Government House at Wellington, this eleventh day of September, 1915. Present : His Excellency the Governor in Council. TT THERE AS it is enacted in Part II of the Fisheries Y\ Act, 1908, that the Governor in Council may from time to time, by Order in Council gazetted, make regulations to have force and effect throughout New Zealand, or only in such waters or places as are specified in the regulations : And whereas by Order in Council dated the twenty-seventh day of August, one thousand nine hundred and six, and published in the New Zealand Gazette No. 75, of the thirtieth day of the same month, regulations for the Wellington Acclimatization District were made, providing, inter alia, that no lures or baits other than artificial fly or artificial minnow shall be used in any of the rivers or streams set forth in the proviso to clause five of the said regulations : And whereas by subsequent Orders in Council the names of rivers or streams have been added to or removed from such list: And whereas by an Order in Council dated the fourteenth day of September, one thousand nine hundred and fourteen, and published in the New Zealand Gazette of the seventeenth day of the same month, the restriction, in so far as the Waikanae River is concerned, was declared to only apply to that part of that river above the railway-bridge : Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, in exercise of the powers and authorities conferred upon him by the said Act, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, and acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth "hereby alter the proviso to clause five of the said regulations of the twenty-seventh day of August, one thousand nine hundred and six, by omitting the words “artificial fly and artificial minnow,” and inserting in lieu thereof “ artificial ones ” ; and, with the like advice and consent, doth hereby alter the Order in Council of the fourteenth day of September, one thousand nine hundred and fourteen, by omitting the words “ above the railway-bridge,” and inserting the words “ above Buchanan’s.” J. F. ANDREWS, Clerk of the Executive Council.

Inspector of Weights and Measures for the Counties of Sounds and Marlborough and Boroughs of Picton and Blenheim appointed. Department of Internal Affairs, Wellington, 31st August, 1915. HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased tc appoint Constable James Michael Cummings to be an Inspector of Weights and Measures, under the Weights and Measures Act, 1908, for the Counties of Sounds and Marlborough and the Boroughs of Picton and Blenheim, vice Constable G. Doggett, transferred. G. W. RUSSELL, Minister of Internal Affairs.

Additional Regulations under the War Regulations Act, 1914. LIVERPOOL, Governor. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government House at Wellington, this twentieth day of September, 1915. Present: His Excellency the Governor in Council. I ARTHUR WILLIAM DE BRITO SAVILE, Earl of Liverpool, j the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, do hereby, in pursuance of the War Regulations Act, 1914, and of all other powers and authorities enabling me in that behalf, make the following additional regulations under that Act.

REGULATIONS. 1. These regulations shall be read together with and shall be deemed part of the War Regulations made on the 10th day of November, 1914. 2. By the order of a military authority any alien who is reasonably suspected by that military authority of being disaffected and dangerous may be arrested by an officer or any other person and detained in such place and manner as the military authority thinks fit, and durin g his pleasure, unless discharged by the Minister of Defence. 3. No person shall by words, writing, or otherwise incite, encourage, advise, or advocate violence, lawlessness, or disorder, or express any seditious intention. 4. No person shall print, publish, sell, distribute, have in his possession for sale or distribution, or bring or cause to be brought or sent into New Zealand any document which incites, encourages, advises, or advocates violence, lawlessness, or disorder, or expresses any seditious intention. 5. (a.) No person shall, whether as principal or agent, sell, transfer, or supply to or procure for any other person any firearm or ammunition save in pursuance of a permit issued under this regulation. ( h .) No person shall, whether as principal or agent, purchase or otherwise procure any firearm or ammunition save in pursuance of a permit issued under this regulation. (c.) Every such permit shall be signed and issued by a Superintendent or Inspector of Police, and shall specify the nature, number, or amount of the firearms or ammunition so authorized to be sold, purchased, transferred, supplied, or procured, and the names, residences, and occupations of the parties to the transaction so authorized, and shall be dated as of the day of the signature thereof.

(cl.) Every such permit shall remain in force for six days after the day of the date thereof, and shall then become void. 6. (a.) No person shall bring or cause to be brought or sent into New Zealand any firearm or ammunition save in pursuance of a permit issued in that behalf under this regulation by a Superintendent or Inspector of Police. (5.) Any such permit may be at any time revoked by a Superintendent or Inspector of Police. 7. (a.) The Minister of Defence may from time to time, by a notice signed by him and published in the Gazette, declare that any area specified in that notice is an area in which the possession of firearms or ammunition without a permit is prohibited, and may, by a similar notice published in the Gazette, cancel any such notice with respect to the whole or any part or parts of the area so specified. (5.) Any area so specified shall, while and so far as the notice specifying the same remains in force, be deemed to be a prescribed area within the meaning and for the purposes of this regulation. (c.) No person resident or being in any prescribed area shall, save in pursuance of a permit issued to him by a Superintendent or Inspector of Police, have in his possession or custody in that area any firearm or ammunition at any time later than two clear days after the date of the gazetting of the notice by which such area has been prescribed.

( d .) No person shall bring or send, or cause to be brought or sent, into a prescribed area any firearm or ammunition save in pursuance of a permit issued to him by a Superintendent or Inspector of Police. (i e .) Any such permit as is referred to in this regulation may be at any time revoked by any Superintendent or Inspector of

Police by notice in writing delivered to or otherwise brought to the knowledge of the person to whom it was issued. 8. No person shall carry a firearm or other dangerous weapon except for some lawful, proper, and sufficient; purpose, and the burden of proving the existence of such purpose shall lie upon the accused. 9. No person shall by the discharge of firearms or in any other manner whatever endanger the safety of any member of the Police Force or of the Defence Forces, or of any person acting in aid of the Police Force or of the Defence Forces. 10. No person without the written permission of a Superintendent or Inspector of Police shall on or in the vicinity of any railway, dock, wharf, harbour, or ship have in his possession or custody any explosive substance or highly inflammable liquid in quantities exceeding the immediate requirements of his business or occupation. 11. Any constable may search any person for any firearms, ammunition, explosives, or dangerous weapons which may be carried by him, and may detain him for the purposes of such search. 12. In these regulations the terms “ firearms ” and “ ammunition ” shall not include—(a) Shot-guns of a kind ordinarily used in New Zealand for sporting purposes; (6.) Ammunition of a kind ordinarily used for such shot-guns; (c.) Firearms or ammunition belonging to or supplied by any Department of the Executive Government, and lawfully in the possession or custody of any member of the Defence Forces or of the Police Force or any other person. 13. (a.) The Minister of Defence may, by a notice signed by him and published in the Gazette , declare that any highway adjoining or intersecting any camp of military training or exercise is closed for traffic except with the consent of the military authorities. ( b .) So long as any such notice remains unrevoked the highway to which it relates shall for the purposes of the War Regulations be deemed to be no longer a highway, but to be part of the camp which it so adjoins or intersects. J. F. ANDREWS, Clerk of the Executive Council.

Prohibiting the Importation of certain Newspapers and other Printed Matter. LIVERPOOL, Governor. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government House at Wellington, this twentieth day of September, 1915. Present: His Excellency the Governor in Council. WHEREAS by section forty-six of the Customs Act, 1913, as extended by section two of the Regulation of Trade and Commerce Amendment Act, 1915, it is enacted that the Governor may from time to time by Order in Council prohibit the importation into New Zealand of any goods the prohibition of the importation of which is in his opinion necessary in the public interest: And whereas, in the opinion of the Governor, it is necessary that the importation of the newspapers and printed matter hereinafter referred to should be absolutely prohibited : Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, in pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities conferred upon him by section forty-six of the Customs Act, 1913, and section two of the Regulation of Trade and Commerce Amendment Act, 1915, and of all other powers and authorities enabling him in that behalf, and acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of that Dominion, doth hereby prohibit the importation into New Zealand of the newspapers called Direct Action and Solidarity, and all other printed matter published or printed or purporting to be published or printed by or on behalf of the society known as “ The Industrial Workers of the World.” J. F. ANDREWS, Clerk of the Executive Council.


By Authority: John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.

Name ol Offender. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of j Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &c. Johnston, Henry .. Russell 31/8/15 assault to come up if N. Zealand labourer 1895 ft 5 in. 8i copper.. dark brown .. medium A half-caste Maori; strong build. called on Molnnerney, James Auckland 6/9/15 obscene language fined £2 N. Zealand wood-carver 1891 5 10 fresh .. fair blue medium Kyle, Henry Auckland 6/9/15 obscene language fined £4 N. Zealand labourer 1892 5 4 fair fair blue medium Ellis, George Auckland 6/9/15 theft t o Takapuna N. Zealand schoolboy .. 1906 4 8 fair fair grey .. short Indus. School Holt, Albert Auckland 8/9/15 breach of the peace fined 10s. N. Zealand farm labour’r 1887 5 U fresh .. dark brown brown .. medium 2 p.c. for drunkenness. Two moles on left Leahy, Edward Michael Hansen, Harry Auckland Auckland 8/9/15 breach of the peace assaulting police fined 10s. N. Zealand seaman 1883 5 94 sallow .. dark brown grey medium cheek. Star, hands across sea, and cross on left forearm ; anchor with woman in centre on right forearm. Mole on right oheek. (See Police Gazette, 1915, 8/9/15 fined 10s. and N. Zealand builder 1884 5 94 fresh .. dark brown blue .. long Kiely, Michael Auckland prohibited page 510.) 8/9/15 drunkenness .. oonvioted and Wales blacksmith 1860 5 9 sallow .. dark brown brown .. medium K.G., emblem, &c., on right arm; IN MEMORY breach of his prohibition discharged sent to Rotoroa J. KIELY, &c., on left forearm. (See Police Gazette , 1915, page 636.) order for 1 year Kellaway, Percival Henry .. Auckland 10/9/15 default of maintenance 2 months England .. compositor 1869 5 4 pale dark, turning blue short Strong build ; one right upper front tooth misand mill grey sing; plausible manner ; untidy appearance. hand Warrant suspended. (See Police Gazette, 1915, Asher, Albert Auckland 11/9/15 breach of the peace fined 10s. N. Zealand boilermaker 1880 5 5 copper.. black brown .. short page 609.) Tip of left thumb missing ; a half-caste Maori. McGuinn, John Te Aroha 10/9/15 drunk and disorderly .. convicted and N. Zealand miner 1889 5 84 light .. dark blue medium discharged indecent language fined £5 Bryers, John Tauranga 9/9/15 obscene language fined £1 N. Zealand sawmill hand 1889 5 5 dark .. black brown .. medium Very deaf. Kelly, George Percy Tauranga 11/9/15 drunk and disorderly .. fined £1 N. Zealand labourer 1890 5 74 fresh .. brown brown .. medium obscene language fined £3 Lynch, Michael Kawhia 7/9/15 unlawfully keeping fined £50 England .. labourer 1862 5 84 dark .. blaok brown .. medium Thin features. Mattson, Martin .. liquor for sale Kawhia 7/9/15 unlawfully keeping fined £50 Sweden labourer 1894 5 11 fresh .. dark brown grey .. medium Scar on nose. liquor for sale Taylor, Oswald Godfrey or Gisborne 6/9/15 drunkenness .. fine or 24 hours N. Zealand fencer 1893 5 11 sallow .. dark brown blue long One lower tooth missing ; sunken eyes ; tip of left ear turned down. (See Police Gazette, Richard obscene language fined £5 Henderson, John .. Taumarunui 9/9/15 introducing liquor into fined £10 N. Zealand labourer 1890 5 7 dark .. blaok grey . .. medium 1915, page 160.) a Maori Kainga Holmes, John, alias Stretcher Taumarunui 9/9/15 sly-grog selling fined £50 N. Zealand labourer 1874 6 04 fair brown blue large Untidy appearance ; walks with a stoop. (See Police Gazette, 1910, page 269, and PhotoHunter, Lester Taumarunui "9/9/15 unlawfully keeping fined £50 N. Zealand bushman .. 1889 5 8 dark .. dark grey .. medium graphs, page 35.) King, Richard liquor for sale Taumarunui 9/9/15 sly-grog selling fined £50 N. Zealand bushman .. 1890 6 2 dark .. black blue medium O’Brien, Michael, alias “ Crooked Mick ” Taumarunui 9/9/15 unlawfully keeping liquor for sale fined £50 Australia .. bootmaker .. 1876 5 94 fresh .. dark brown blue hooked .. See Police Gazette, 1913, page 173, and Photographs, page 21.)

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates’ Courts, but not sent to Gaol.

Name of Offender. Where tried, j When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. j Born. _ Height. Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks. &' I Pullen, Oliver Ernest Patrick Taumarunui 9/9/15 unlawfully keeping fined £50 Australia .. bushman .. 1891 ft. in. 5 9 dark .. blaok .. brown .. medium Slightly bow-legged ; walks with a rolling gait; liquor for sale broad shoulders, and slightly stooped. Rutter, Thomas Motu 14/8/15 theft (3 charges) fined £1 on each N. Zealand bushman .. 1885 6 0 sallow .. brown grey .. medium 14/8/15 drunkenness .. fined 103. O’Rourke, Herbert Patrick .. Motu 14/8/15 drunk and disorderly .. fined £1 N. Zealand sawmill hand 1887 5 10 sallow .. brown brown .. medium 2 p.c. not gazetted. Nyman, Tule Motu 30/8/15 obscene language fined £2 Finland .. shepherd .. 1894 5 8 fair fair blue PUg Lambert, Alexander Hastings 11/9/15 theft (2 charges) to come up if N. Zealand schoolboy .. 1901 4 0 sallow.. fair brown .. medium Freokled face. called on Wilson, Toby Hastings 11/9/15 theft (2 charges) to come up if aboriginal schoolboy .. 1900 4 10 copper.. black brown .. flat Scar on forehead. called on Earnshaw, John, alias, Pahiatua 7/9/15 threatening behaviour fined £1 N. Zealand painter 1886 5 5f fresh .. brown blue small Heart and scar on left forearm. (See Police Smithers schoolboy .. Gazette, 1915, page 438, and Photographs, page 32.) French, James Waipukurau 9/9/15 obscene language to come up if N. Zealand 1905 4 9 fair fair grey .. medium Freckled face. called on Ah Sing .. .. Wellington .. 7/9/15 smuggling opium fined £25 China oook 1885 5 10 yellow.. black brown ... medium Scar on left hand. F.P. Joe Sang .. Wellington .. 7/9/15 smuggling opium fined £25 •• China seaman 1880 5 3 yellow.. blaok brown .. medium Woman on forearm. F.P. Yuh Sang.. Wellington .. 7/9/15 smuggling opium fined £25 China seaman 1880 5 5 yellow.. blaok brown .. medium F.P. Keating, Timothy .. Wellington .. 7/9/15 drunkenness .. oonvicted and England .. fireman 1883 5 7 fresh .. dark grey .. medium Clasped hands, hearts, anchor, oross, and bust of obscene language discharged fined £3 woman on right forearm. Parkinson, Cecilia Wellington .. 8/9/15 idle and disorderly to come up if Ireland 1886 5 5| sallow .. dark brown .. medium See Police Gazette, 1910, page 72. called on Wright, Annie Wilson Wellington .. 8/9/15 idle and disorderly to come up if N. Zealand 1880 5 3 dark .. dark grey .. medium called on Ah Lum, alias Joe Lum, Wellington .. 9/9/15 in possession of opium fined £25 China gardener .. 1886 5 3 £ yellow.. black brown .. medium Lump on left wrist. (See Police Gazette, 1909, alias Joe Lim McLaughlin, Harry Wellington .. 9/9/15 indecency fined £2 Channel Islands N. Zealand labourer 1869 5 6 dark .. black brown .. medium page 453.) Barr, William Stewart , . Picton 6/9/15 sly-grog selling fined £2 . , publican 1880 5 10 sallow .. brown, turnblue .. medium Slim build. mg grey Hancox, Charles .. Blenheim 7/9/15 drunk and disorderly .. fined 5s. •• N. Zealand labourer 1876 5 7 dark .. brown grey .. medium Armstrong, James .. Blenheim .. 7/9/15 drunk and disorderly .. fined 5s. England .. labourer 1875 5 10 fresh .. fair, turning grey .. medium Baker Alexander .. Reeffcon 10/9/15 theft fined £1 England .. miner 1886 5 2 fresh .. grey black grey .. medium ERIN GO BRAGH over harp, VIOLET over scroll, angel, FRIENDSHIP over heart, rose, and clasped hands on right arm; five-pointed star on right hand; D.B. in wreath, boy pulling cat’s tail, albatross, and angel on left arm. Tip of right thumb crushed. (See Police Mcllveen, James, alias Lyttelton 3/9/15 assault fined £5 . . Scotland .. labourer and 1887 5 3f fair brown hazel .. small Mitchell, James seaman Gazette, 1913, page 714.)

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates’ Courts, but not sent to Gaol -continued.

Name of Offender. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &c. Johnston, William Allan Christchurch 6/9/15 obscene language fined £2 N. Zealand cabinet1895 ft. in. 5 71 fresh .. light brown blue medium maker Helm, Clara Christchurch 6/9/15 idle and disorderly to come up if Tasmania.. prostitute .. 1888 5 4 swarthy dark brown large, medium 3 p.c. Small mole on back of neck; gold-filled Hawthorne, Ellen, alias rogue and vagabond .. called on blue teeth. (See Police Gazette, 1913, page 753.) Christchurch 6/9/15 to come up if N. Zealand prostitute .. 1883 5 5 fresh ., fair blue sharp 4 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1913, page 184.) Armitage rogue and vagabond .. called on Blink, Vilkillimmia or Mary Christchurch 6/9/15 to come up if Australia .. prostitute .. 1875 5 5 dark .. dark brown brown .. medium 1 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1915, page 336.) called on Barrett, Thomas .. Christchurch 7/9/15 idle and disorderly to come up if N. Zealand labourer 1875 5 11 swarthy black blue medium Flag, cross, T.B. born 1875, anohor, and cresent idle and disorderly called on moon on left forearm; woman’s head, star, crown, and crossed flags on right arm. Pearson, John Christchurch 8/9/15 to come up if N. Zealand labourer 1881 5 5| fair brown grey .. large 17 p.c. Scar on left cheek, and on upper and called on lower lips. (See Police Gazette, 1914, page 546.) Numerous p.c. No upper teeth; soar on left Burns, Kate, alias Davis, Christchurch 10/9/15 rogue and vagabond .. to come up if Ireland prostitute .. 18691 5 0i dark .. dark brown brown .. medium alias Burgess, alias Sulcalled on, and wrist. (See Police Gazette, 1915, page 625.) livan, alias O’Connor, alias to Mt. Magdala Bird for 1 year Aikin, William Christchurch 10/9/15 wilful damage to pay damage Ireland labourer 1869 5 7 fresh .. brown, bald blue .. medium McGregor, Frederick Christchurch 11/9/15 theft fined £1 N. Zealand labourer 1885 5 11 fresh .. light brown blue medium Heart and dagger on right forearm ; blue dot on theft left forearm. Gudsell, William Alex Geraldine 13/9/15 fined £1 N. Zealand engine-driver 1885 6 3 fresh .. brown blue medium theft convicted and Stringfellow, William drunk while in charge discharged Geraldine 4/9/15 fined £5 England .. taxi-driver .. 1861 5 8 florid .. fair, turning hazel .. medium See Police Gazette, 1915, page 483. of a motor-car grey Mann, Flora Timaru 9/9/15 idle and disorderly to Army Home N. Zealand domestio .. 1887 5 2 sallow .. brown brown .. thin, Dirty appearance; weak intellect; squeaky Mann, Louisa idle and disorderly for 1 year pointed voice. Timaru 9/9/15 to Army Home N. Zealand domestic .. 1883 5 4 sallow .. brown brown .. medium Slovenly appearanoe ; hollow cheeks. mischief for 1 year Hamilton, Andrew.. Timaru 9/9/15 to pay damage N. Zealand farmer 1868 5 10 fresh .. brown grey .. large See Police Gazette, 1914, page 144. Sharp, Annie McMaster, John Gracie Dunedin 6/9/15 importuning theft fined £1 Scotland .. domestic .. 1868 5 If ruddy .. brown blue .. turned up Birth-mark under right eye. (See Police Gazette, 1911, page 404.) Dunedin 9/9/15 to come up if N. Zealand labourer 1899 5 5 fair fair blue medium called on, and 6 strokes of birch Lance, Johnson Gore 6/9/15 theft to come up if N. Zealand labourer 1897 5 n fair light brown blue long Slight build. oalled on within 12 months Reidy, Michael Invercargill 31/8/15 unlawfully keeping fined £10 N. Zealand labourer 1870 5 9 sallow .. dark brown hazel .. medium liquor for sale Donovan, James Bluff 9/8/15 theft convicted and England .. labourer 1865 5 7 fresh .. reddish blue medium Blind in right eye. Campbell, James .. discharged fair Invercargill 8/9/15 theft to come up if N. Zealand labourer 1895 5 8 dark .. grey .. medium 1 p.c. for breaking, entering, and theft (not called on, and gazetted). Pierced heart on right upper arm. *; ■ • make restitution

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates’ Courts, but not sent to Gaol -continued.

Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. j Sentence. | Native of 'Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Auckland — ft. in. brown hazel .. Murphy, Frank Auckland 31/8/15 stowaway 7 days N. Zealand seaman 1892 5 6 fresh .. medium 6/9/15 Ship, lifebuoy, flags, clasped hands, heart, and leaves on left forearm; small scar on left foreM.C. finger; anchor on left hand ; scar on left forearm. F.P. Thompson, James George Auckland M.C. W ellingtor 31/8/15 stowaway 7 days Scotland . seaman 1893 5 fresh .. fair blue medium 6/9/15 Small scar on left hand. F.P. Maloney, Lawrence John 14/8/11 indeoent assault 7 years’ reforN. Zealand fishmonger.. 1885 5 8 fresh .. brown blue medium 6/9/15 Boil-scar on right side of neck ; one upper tooth S.C. mative demissing. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, tention brown, turn12/8/15. Released on probationary license. Hickey, Joseph Auckland 2/9/15 obscene language 7 days and to England . greaser 1874 5 sallow .. blue medium 6/9/15 Tree, snake, woman, clasped hands, heart, TRUE LOVE, and M on right forearm; M.C. be placed on mg grey his ship brown dagger, snake, woman, and head on left forearm ; anchor, tombstone, and heart on left upper arm ; right middle finger missing. F.P. White, Alexander or Auckland 2/9/15 obstructing police 7 days and to N. Zealand greaser 1887 5 5 sallow .. brown .. medium 6/9/15 Female figure, bust, and leg, shield, flowers, Clarence Alexander or M.C. placed on his snake, horse-shoe, whip, hand with flowers, Clarence Vering ship and other profuse tattooing on right forearm ; woman, head. ISABEL, and W on left forebrown arm; tip of left ring-finger injured. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1911, page 427.) Fulljames, John Taumarunui 10/9/14 breach of Licensing Act fine or 2 months N. Zealand carter 1892 5 4 sallow .. hazel .. medium 7/9/15 Lump on right side of forehead. F.P. Arrested, M.C. 8/6/15. Wilde, William Auckland 9/6/15 breach of Bankruptcy 3 months England . hairdresser 1885 5 n fresh .. light brown hazel .. medium 8/9/15 Mole on forehead; Buffers from skin disease. M.C. Act F.P. Heighway, George Auckland 25/8/15 breach of his prohibition fine or 14 days England . labourer 1852 5 3f sallow .. black hazel .. medium 7/9/15 107 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1915, page 426.) M.C. order Connelly Patrick Auckland 7/9/15 indecency fine or 3 days Ireland . seaman 1867 5 94 fresh .. dark brown hazel .. thick 9/9/15 Harp, shamrock, and P.C. on right forearm ; M.C. light brown two hearts and leaves on right wrist. F.P. Mackie or Maokay, Lucy Auckland 7/9/15 breach of her prohibition fine or 3 days N. Zealand prostitute .. 1879 4 10 fresh .. blue medium 9/9/15 25 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1915, page 222.) M.C, order dark brown Watling, Frank Ernest Auckland 4/9/15 forgery remanded England . journalist .. 1870 5 11 sallow.. grey .. large 10/9/15 1 p.c. Left leg has been broken ; small scar on M.C. dark brown left forearm and cheek. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1912, page 636.) Heart, clasped hands, leaves, and TRUE LOVE Stephenson, James Auckland 7/9/15 default of maintenance remanded N. Zealand fireman 1891 5 54 fresh .. hazel .. medium 10/9/15 M.C. light brown on right upper arm ; J.S. and dot on right forearm ; several scars on right hand ; small scar under right eye and on left forearm. Retfuss, Reinhoid, alias Whangare 11/6/15 rogue and vagabond .. 3 months England . farmer 1875 5 fresh .. brown .. medium 10/9/15 Several p.c. Right forefinger missing at second Reifuess M.C. brown, turnjoint; three scars on head; wears glasses. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1915, page 332.) Kellaway, Percival Henry Auckland 9/9/15 default of maintenance remanded England . labourer 1857 5 6£ sallow .. hazel .. medium 10/9/15 M.C. ing grey Weston, Joseph, alias Auckland 12/8/15 illegally on premises .. 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1863 5 6 fair light brown blue long 11/9/15 12 p.c. Anchor and scar on left forearm. F.P. Smith, John M.C. Photographed at Auckland, 13/5/13. (See Police Gazette, 1915, page 576.) Hall, John P ukeko he M.C. 12/8/15 rogue and vagabond .. 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1888 5 4| sallow .. dark brown brown .. medium 11/9/15 Scac on back of head. F.P.


Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentenoe. j Native of J Trade. Born. Height i Complexion. Hair. Eyes. 1 Nose. When disi charged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Auckland — continued. fo. in. Poulson, Andrew, alias Paulson, alias Poison, alias Anderson Whakatane M.C. 13/7/15 30/6/15 breach of Licensing Act obscene language fine or 2 months fine or 14 days Finland .. labourer 1878 5 5f fresh .. brown brown .. medium 11/9/15 9 p.c. Scar on right forefinger and left thumb. F.P. Photographed at Waiotapu, 26/1/11. Arrested on second charge, 20/7/15. (See Police Gazette, 1913, page 770.) Speight, John David, alias Gleeson, alias Todd, alias Gillespie, James, alias Gusaek, Auckland M.C. 10/9/15 indecency fine or 3 days Ireland labourer 1866 5 7f fresh .. brown, turning grey blue thick 11/9/15 10 p.c. Scar on left wrist; left little finger and tip of middle finger have been injured. F.P. Photographed at New Plymouth, 15/6/14. (See Police Gazette, 1914, page 804.) Alfred Johnson or Johnston, Josephine Auckland M.C. 13/7/15 obscene language fine or 7 days N. Zealand domestic .. 1886 5 H fresh .. light brown blue pointed .. 11/9/15 Four artificial upper teeth. F.P. Arrested, 11/9/15. Fine paid. Rotorua— blue-gr’y medium Goldsmith, Albert Edward Taur anga M.C. 6/8/15 false pretences 30 days England .. labourer 1867 5 74 fresh .. grey 4/9/15 Left middle finger has been broken. F.P. Omitted from previous return. Roto-aira— brown small Burberry, George John, alias Smith, Frederick George Auckland S.C. 6/4/14 26/5/14 theft from a dwelling .. theft 6 months, and declared habitual criminal 6 months England .. cook 1886 5 54 fair grey .. 6/9/15 Scar on bridge of nose. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 8/3/14. Released on probationary license. (See Police Gazette, 1914, page 130.) Golding, Stephen Gisborne— Christchurch S.C. 21/1/14 theft 6 months, and deolared habitual criminal N. Zealand bootmaker .. 1888 5 6J fresh .. dark brown grey .. medium 7/9/15 Lifebelt, flags, and ship on right arm ; flowers, scroll, and MOTHER on left arm. F.P. Photographed at Dunedin, 19/2/08. Released on probationary license. (See Police Gazette, 1913, page 770.) Gray, George .. Gisborne M.C. 6/9/15 drunkenness .. fine or 48 hours Scotland .. labourer 1863 5 24 fresh .. light brown brown .. small 8/9/15 Scar on left wrist. New Plymouth— black brown .. broad Tenara, Rape, alias Tanara, alias King Auckland S.C. 25/5/11 receiving stolen property and forgery and uttering 2 years, and declared habitual criminal aboriginal . labourer 1886 5 54 lt.copper 6/9/15 11 p.c. Deformed feet; cross and dot on right forearm ; clasped hands and heart on left forearm. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 22/3/11. Discharged on probationary license. (See Police Gazette, 1908, page 499.) Brunsdon, Harry N. Plymouth S.C. N. Plymouth M.C. 7/9/15 cattle-stealing aoquitted England .. bushman .. 1890 5 74 dark .. black brown .. medium 7/9/15 Scar under chin and on left wrist. F.P. Batkin, Chandos Richmond 26/8/15 theft 14 days N. Zealand labourer 1889 5 10 sallow .. dark grey .. medium 8/9/15 2 p.c. Small scar at corner of left eye. F.P. Photographed at New Plymouth, 2/9/15. (See Police Gazette, 1913, page 566.) Henderson, Charles Alfred, alias Anderson, alias Tonks, alias Brewer N. Plymouth M.C. 11/8/15 rogue and vagabond .. 1 month N. Zealand cook 1872 5 54 fresh .. brown brown .. medium ' 10/9/15 11 p.c. Four dots on left hand; C.A. on left knee; C.M.C. Q. on right knee. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 22/11/10, and at New Plymouth, 2/9/15. (See Police Gazette, 1911, page 20.) Napier — McCarthy, Florence Peter Napier M.C. 31/8/15 assault sureties or 12 months N. Zealand baker 1891 5 8 fresh .. ! brown blue medium 7/9/15 Scar under right eye, on right side of head, and on left fore and little fingers; right little finger injured ; nude woman and snake on right arm ; arms freckled; varicose veins in left leg. Sureties found.


t Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. 1 a 2 Com T Nose. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When . J o CQ ’© a plexion. Hair. Eyes. charged. [F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.', Wanganui— McClenaghan, James Wanganui 6/9/15 theft 2 years’ proN. Zealand telegraphist 1889 ft. in. 5 74 sallow .. brown brown .. medium 6/9/15 F.P. Fitzpatriok S.C. theft (3 charges) bation To come up for sentence next sitting of the Supreme Court Rata, Pakite .. Wanganui M.G. Wellington 21/8/15 breaoh of by-laws 24 hours aboriginal hawker 1877 5 114 copper.. black brown .. flat 7/9/15 Right forefinger deformed. Arrested, 6/9/15. Wellington— Blackie, James Ford . 31/3/15 theft (2 oharges) 6 months on Scotland . carter 1883 5 H dark .. dark brown hazel .. large 6/9/15 Scar on nose ; two gold and two gold-filled teeth M.C. each in upper jaw ; three-masted ship over clasped ■ theft 3 months 1890 hands on left arm. F.P. Photographed at Wellington, 17/7/15. Page, Arthur William . Reinforoem’nt 12/2/15 absent without leave, 7 days on each Australia . labourer 5 7| fair brown blue .. medium 6/9/15 Scar on right eyebrow. F.P. Camp, Trendrunkenness, conduct tham to prejudice of military dioipline (2 charges), striking his superior officer, offering violence to his superior officer, and using threatening language ■ to his superior officer resisting military escort, 9 months . and drunkenness 1880 black Tucker, Christopher Blenheim S.C. 7/12/14 theft 12 months Bermuda . labourer 5 6i swarthy dark br. wide 6/9/15 Sailor’s head and two flags on right arm ; coatPioton M.C. 20/7/14 theft 2 months 1875 black, turn-of-arms on chest. F.P. Photographed at Wellington, 21/8/15. Coutts, Richard Neave Wellington 9/6/15 default of maintenance arrears or 3 N. Zealand labourer 5 4 dark .. grey .. medium 8/9/15 Scar on back of head and on each wrist. M.C. months ing grey Gledhill, Archibald G. A. Christchuroh 16/6/15 maintenance (3 charg’s) 2 mo’s on each N. Zealand commission 1868 5 10 fresh .. brown, turnblue . . medium 8/9/15 Previously convicted. Scar on right forearm. M.C. breach of Lands Act .. 7 days agent mg grey F.P. Arrested, 9/7/15. Simkins, Thomas Henry, Otaki M.C. .. 9/8/15 theft 1 month N. Zealand bushman .. 1879 5 fresh .. dark brown hazel .. medium 8/9/15 Previously convicted. Scar on nose; coat-of-alias Murtagh, alias Davis. Harry, alias arms, two dots, and Maltese cross on right arm; ship in wreath, and palm on left arm. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1915, page 136.) Simpkins 1887 fair Williams, Mary Irene . Wellington 9/8/15 idle and disorderly 1 month N. Zealand domestic .. 5 3 pale blue .. broad 8/9/15 Previously convicted. Growth on chin. F.P. M.C. breach of her prohibition fine or 3 days (See Police Gazette, 1915, page 482.) order McCallum, Robert or Wellington 10/8/15 indecency 1 month N. Zealand bushman .. 1878 5 8| dark .. black, turnIt. brown medium 9/9/15 Previously convicted. Heart on right arm ; scar on left arm; scar over left eye. F.P. Thomas M.C. mg grey (See Police Gazette, 1909, page 441.) Several p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1914, Barclay, Mary Wellington 10/8/15 soliciting prostitution .. 1 month N. Zealand prostitute .. 1884 5 64 pale light brown grey .. medium 9/9/15 M.C. page 583.) Thomas, John James . Wellington l 24/8/15 default of maintenance arrears or 10 Nova Scotia driver 1871 5 2 fresh . . brown, going blue medium 10/9/15 4 p.c. Faint heart on left forearm. Arrested, M.C. | days bald 1/9/15. (See Police Gazette, 1914, page 210.) Eckardt, Carl Nicolas , Master ton 13/8/15 attempting to communicate with enemy fine or 1 month Switzerland labourer 1861 5 2i fresh .. dark, turning It. brown medium 11/9/15 Ruptured; right arm withered; scar on elbow. M.C. grey F.P.


and Name of Prisoner, j Where, tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. a u S 00 ComHair. Eyes. Nose. When disRemarks, and Previous Convictions. j 1 .. m © a (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Wellington — continued. ft. in. ' dark brown am, Kelly, Michael W ellington 12/8/15 obscene language 1 month Ireland labourer 1891 5 5t tanned blue medium 11/9/15 Scar on right knee; large vaccination-marks M.C. . on left arm ; anchor, lifebuoy, and ship on right forearm. P.P. Higgins, Thomas, alias Wellington 13/7/15 theft 2 months Scotland .. labourer 1885 5 7J fresh .. dark brown dark br. medium 11/9/15 Several p.c. Shield with woman’s head and Andrew, alias MeM.C. enticing a person to 1 month flower in pot on right forearm; dancing-girl Keown, alias McCune pawn Government on left forearm. Photographed at Waipa, property light brown 11/4/07. (See Police Gazette, 1911, page 51.) Lysaght, Henry John Wellington 8/9/15 default of maintenance remanded N. Zealand labourer 1876 5 5| fair blue .. medium 8/9/15 1 p.c. H on right forearm scar on right knee. Joseph M.C. fair Self, Arthur .. Wellington M.C. Wellington 14/8/15 obscene language fine or 1 month England .. cook 1892 5 5£ sallow .. blue .. medium 4/9/15 Mole on right buttock. P.P. Pine paid Holland, Henry, alias 1/9/15 obscene language fine or 14 days N. Zealand labourer 1875 5 6£ fair fair grey .. large 2/9/15 Previously convicted. Soar on left elbow and Simpson M.C. arm. P.P. Photographed at Lyttelton, 20/11/97. Pine paid. (See Police Gazette, Westport - brown 1909, page 299.) See Police Gazette, 1915, page 249. Hartigan, James Westport M.C. 23/9/15 breaoh of his prohibition 14 days N. Zealand labourer 1888 6 1 fresh .. blue .. medium 7/9/15 order breaoh of his prohibition order cruelty to a horse 24 hours Steele, Charles Chari es ton M.C. 3/9/15 7 days N. Zealand miner 1890 5 10 fresh .. fair blue .. medium 10/9/15 Boil-marks on left wrist; scar on right wrist. Greymouth— N. Zealand dark Gully, Prank Vincent .. Reefton M.C. 9/8/15 vagrancy 1 month clerk 1876 5 9f dark .. brown .. medium 8/9/15 2 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1915, page 512.) Lyttelton— labourer fair Pearson, John Christchurch 2/9/15 assault and robbery .. remanded N. Zealand 1881 5 6 fresh .. blue medium 8/9/15 6 p.c. Scar on upper lip. P.P. (See Police M.C. dark brown Gazette, 1914, page 546.) James, Joseph Henry .. Christchurch M.C. Christohuroh 2/9/15 theft remanded N. Zealand labourer 1881 5 10 fresh .. blue medium 10/9/15 Scar on forehead and on left middle finger. P.P. Mills, Edward, alias 11/6/15 idle and disorderly 3 months N. Zealand tailor 1875 5 4 fresh .. brown brown .. sharp 10/9/15 9 p c. P.P. Photographed at Lyttelton, Francis M.C. dark .. 24/5/09. (See Police Gazette, 1914, page 149.) Leahy, Albert Christchurch 7/9/15 drunkenness .. fine or 24 hours Tasmania.. labourer 1875 5 9 grey hazel .. medium 11/9/15 17 p.c. P.P. Photographed at Lyttelton, M.C. indecenoy .. fine or 14 days ...... 25/4/10. Portion of fine paid. (See Police Addington— brown Gazette, 1915, page 487.) Sheehan, Elizabeth, alias Christohuroh 22/3/15 rogue and vagabond .. 6 months England .. prostitute .. 1862 4 11 dark .. brown .. medium 8/9/15 35 p.c. Prominent lower lip; four upper front Evans, alias Simmons M.C. • ■ teeth missing. P.P. (See Police Gazette, 1914, page 553.) Kervall, Mary, alias Christohuroh 22/3/15 rogue and vagabond .. 6 months Wales prostitute .. 1851 5 2J pale grey grey .. aquiline .. 8/9/15 11 p.c. Scars on left eyebrow, on forehead, and Mitchell M.C. on left cheek ; left side paralysed. P.P. Doyle, Minnie, alias Aldridge Christchurch 24/3/15 rogue and vagabond .. 6 months N. Zealand prostitute .. 1865 5 3 sallow .. grey hazel .. medium 10/9/15 53 p.c Nervous twitching in left nostril. (See M.C. • • • • ' . . . , : - > Police Gazette, 1914, page 334.) Paparua — brown Harper, Wilfred Edward Lyttelton 24/3/15 theft 6 months N. Zealand labourer 1886 5 3| freckled blue medium 31/8/15 6 p.c. Grossed flags and fern on right arm. M.C. theft 3 months F.P. Photographed at Lyttelton, 1/6/14. (See Police Gazette, 1915, page 108.) Omitted from last week’s return. Brock, Ernest.. Christohuroh 11/12/14 indecent exposure (2j6 mo’s on each N. Zealand labourer 1887 5 5f fair fair blue medium 11/9/15 E.O. and cross on right hand. P.P. PhotoM.C. charges) , ■ v . 1; . graphed at Paparua, 6/9/15.


(tool, and Name of Prisoner. 1 Where tried. ) When. Offence. Sentence. i Trade. fl i u 1 ■+=» A 3 J ComHair. Byes. N'jse. When disKemarks, and Previous Convictions. Native of | « 1 w 1 plCXiOll. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Timaru — ft. in. Rae, David Temuka M.C. 11/8/15 wilful damage 1 month Scotland .. clerk 1866 5 dark .. grey hazel .. medium 10/9/15 15 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1914, page 532.) Dunedin— Fallon, William Oamaru M.C. 1/9/15 drunkenness .. remanded Ireland labourer 1876 5 fresh .. black grey .. medium 8/9/15 Scar on back of head. Purcell, John .. Dunedin M.C. 9/7/15 theft 2 months N. Zealand bootmaker.. 1867 5 94 fresh .. brown blue .. medium 8/9/15 18 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1915, page 87.) Henry, James.. Dunedin M.C. 2/9/15 drunkenness .. remanded N. Zealand labourer 1878 5 H fair brown grey .. medium 9/9/15 Rendall, John.. Dunedin M.C. 3/9/15 drunkenness .. 7 days N. Zealand labourer 1866 5 4f fresh .. dark brown brown .. large 9/9/15 6 p.c. Sunken features. (See Police Gazette, 1914, page 212.) Reeves, Ernest Henry . Dunedin M.C. 11/9/15 drunkenness .. fine or 24 hours England .. fireman 1867 5 fresh .. black brown .. thick 11/9/15 25 p.c. Anchor, woman’s head, heart, and wreath on left arm. (See Police Gazette, 1913, page 22.) Walsh, Richard Dunedin M.C. 30/8/15 drunkenness.. fine or 14 days N. Zealand labourer 1882 5 24 fresh .. brown grey .. large 11/9/15 Scar on right hand, on bridge of nose, and under breach of his prohibition left ear. (See Police Gazette , 1915, page 448.) Invercargill— order Campbell, James Invercargill M.C. 3/9/15 theft remanded N. Zealand labourer 1895 5 8 fresh .. dark brown grey .. medium 8/9/15 Pierced heart on right forearm. F.P.


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XL, Issue 38, 22 September 1915, Page 645

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EXTRACTS FROM NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XL, Issue 38, 22 September 1915, Page 645

EXTRACTS FROM NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XL, Issue 38, 22 September 1915, Page 645

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