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(From Gazette , 1915, t ages 898, and 901.) Regulations for Sanibur or Ceylon Deer Shooting, Counties of Manawatu, Oroua, and Kairanga. LIVERPOOL, Governor ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government House at Wellington, this twelfth day of day of March, 1915. Present : tlis Excellency tite Governor in Council. IN exercise of the powers vested in him by the Animals Protection Act, 1908 (hereinafter called “ the said Act ”), His Excellency the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby make the following regulations respecting the Sambur or Ceylon deer shooting season within the Counties of Manawatu, Oroua, and Kairanga (hereinafter called “the said district ”).

REGULATIONS. 1. Sambur or Ceylon deer (stags or bucks only) may be taken or killed within the said district from the Ist day of June, 1915, to the 31st day of July, 1915, both days inclusive. 2. Licenses to kill such deer may be issued by the Chief Postmaster at Wellington, and the Postmasters at Palmerston North, Bull’s, Foxton, and Marton, on payment of a license fee of 205., in the form prescribed in the Schedule hereto, and subject to the said Acts and these regulations. 3. No licensee shall be allowed to take or kill more than three stags or bucks; and, further, the said Chief Postmaster and Postmasters shall not issue more than one license to take or kill deer to the same person. 4. No hind or fawn will be allowed to be killed on any pretext whatever; and no dogs will be allowed to accompany either the licensee or any attendant he may have with him. 5. Nothing herein contained shall extend to authorizing any person to sell any deer or portion thereof. Schedule. No. License to take or kill Game (Ceylon Deer). , of , having this day paid the sum of £ , is hereby authorized to take or kill Sambur or Ceylon deer (stags or bucks only) within the Counties of Manawatu, Oroua, and Kairanga, from the Ist day of June, 1915, to the 3lst day of July, 1915 (both

days inclusive), subject to the provisions of the Animals Protection Act, 1913, and the amendments thereof, and the regulations made thereunder. Dated this day of ,19 . Chief Postmaster [or Postmaster]. .1. F. ANDREWS, Clerk of the Executive Council

Inspector of Stock appointed.—Notice No. 1776. Department of Agriculture, Industries, and Commerce, Wellington, 16th March, 1915. HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint George Hamilton Fry to be an Inspector for the purposes of the Stock Act, 1908 The appointment to date from Ist April, 1915. W. F. MASSEY, Minister of Agriculture and of Industries and Commerce

Registrar of Brands appointed.—Notice No. 1777. Department of Agriculture, Industries, and Commerce, Wellington, 16tli March, 1915. HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint George Hamilton Fry to be Registrar of Brands for the Chatham Islands, in terms of the Stock Act, 1908, vice Henry Scott, transferred. The appointment to date from Ist April, 1915. W. F. MASSEY, Minister of Agriculture and of Industries and Commerce.

Registrar of Marriages, Sc., appointed. Department of Internal Affairs, Wellington. 16th March, 1915. HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint the undermentioned person to be Registrar of Marriages and of Births and Deaths for the district set opp< site his name, viz. : Name. District. George Hamilton Fry .. .. Chatham Islands. H. D. BELL, Minister of Internal Affairs.


3— P.G.

By Authority: John Mackay, Government Printer w»Hmcrfcmr

Name of Offender. Where tried. When. Offence 1 Sentence. Native of 1 Trade. a u o W Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. ' Distinguishing Marks, &c. Cleary, William Whangarei .. 8/3/15 illegally on premises ,. to come up if called on England .. labourer 1866 ft 5 in. 8 fair brown blue medium .. Tombstone with IN MEMORIAM on left forearm; Crucifixion, harp, and bracelet on right forearm ; star on right hand. Higgins, Michael, alias Hart Whan gar ei .. 8/3/15 illegally on premises .. to come up if England .. seaman 1875 5 8 fair brown blue medium .. See Police Gazette, 1914, page 59. called on Poroa, Thomas Onehunga .. 13/3/15 theft fined £1 N. Zealand gum-digger 1892 5 6 dark .. black brown .. medium Wade, Joseph Onehunga .. 8/3/15 assault to come up if N. Zealand labourer 1881 5 9 fresh .. fair blue medium Limping gait. (See Police Gazette, 1910, page called on broken 240.) Grupen, John Joseph Onehunga .. 8/3/15 obscene language fined £1 N. Zealand fisherman .. 1870 5 7 sallow .. brown brown .. Gillan, William Te Aroha 8/3/15 drunk while in charge of fined £2 Scotland .. ploughman 1870 5 9 ruddy .. dark grey .. medium a horse See Police Gazette, 1913, page 619. Adams, Thomas Te Aroha 8/3/15 obscene language fined 15s. N.S. Wales miner 1893 5 9 fair dark grey • • medium Russell, Clarence .. Te Aroha 8/3/15 playing “ Two-up ” fined £10 N. Zealand tobacconist 1886 5 9 fair browr. blue medium See Police Gazette, 1914, page 125. Crossey, Alfred, alias GrossTe Aroha 9/3/15 rogue and vagabond to come up if Ireland labourer and 1869 6 04 dark .. dark turning brown .. medium .. Left little finger contracted. F.P. Photoley, alias Crosbie called on ex-publican grey graphed at Wellington, 14/4/05. (See Police Gazette, 1914, page 802.) Timmins, Percy Te Aroha 10/3/15 drunk and disorderly ,. fined £3 N. Zealand labourer and 1891 5 10 dark dark blue medium .. See Police Gazette, 1914, page 282. Bradbury, Frederick Donovan Huntly 12/3/15 supplying liquor to Nafined £5 England .. painter miner 1885 5 8 fresh .. brown grey .. big Face slightly pock-marked. Mahuta, Taipu Huntly 12/3/15 aiding and abetting an offence fined £5 * aboriginal 1890 5 7 copper.. black brown .. medium .. Several boil-marks on neck and on left hand. A son of the late “ King ” Mahuta. Moore, John James Gisborne 12/3/15 cruelty to animals fined £3 England .. carrier 1886 5 7 dark dark brown brown .. medium Priest, Harry Taumarunui 11/3/15 keeping liquor for sale in fined £50 N. Zealand labourer 1890 5 9 fresh .. brown blue medium a no-license area Clark, Stanley Wairoa 11/3/15 theft cautioned and England .. schoolboy .. 1905 4 2 fresh .. fair blue medium Crombie, Stanley Nichols Wairoa 11/3/15 theft discharged to pay costs .. N. Zealand schoolboy .. 1904 4 3 swarthy light brown dark medium .. Sturdy build ; has Maori blood in him. Coskie, Harry Wairoa 11/3/15 mischief to pay damage N. Zealand motor1900 5 4 dark .. dark brown dark .. medium .. Full face. mechanic Sharp features. Hird, Harry Wairoa 11/3/15 mischief to pay damage N. Zealand telegraph1900 5 3 swarthy black dark .. sharp messenger medium Perkins, Cecil Wairoa 11/3/15 mischief to pay damage N. Zealand schoolboy .. 1900 5 3 fait fair blue Rafiol, Maggie May Napier 8/3/15 attempted suicide to rescue home, N. Zealand 1891 5 6 pale dark brown .. thin Wellington, for 12 months Wilson, Thomas .. Hastings 10/3/15 drunk while in charge of fined £3 Scotland .. labourer 1868 5 10 sallow .. brown grey .. medium five horses and a wagon Affleck, David Opunake 25/2/15 threatening behaviour fined 10s. N. Zealand labourer 1895 5 10 fair dark brown grey .. medium Looney, Herbert .. Opunake 25/2/15 threatening behaviour fined 10s. N. Zealand labourer 1895 5 9 fresh .. dark grey .. medium

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates’ Courts, but not sent to Gaol.

Name of Offender. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. ! Born. |H eight. j Complexion. Hair. Eyes. 1 j Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &c. ft. in. Mare Rahue Opunake 25/2/15 threatening behaviour fined 10s. N. Zealand labourer 1894 5 5 copper.. black brown .. medium .. A half-caste Maori. Hickey, Vernon Opunake 25/2/15 threatening behaviour fined 10s. N. Zealand labourer 1893 5 6 dark dark brown grey .. medium .. Inclined to stoop. Wharemate, Matthew Opunake 25/2/15 theft to come up if aboriginal labourer 1899 5 7 copper.. black brown .. medium called on within 6 month Hodgson, Herbert .. Hawera 8/3/15 false pretences fined £10 N. Zealand painter 1887 5 6 fresh .. brown hazel .. medium .. Anchor and two dots on right forearm; man’s head on left arm. (See Police Gazette, 1909, page 253.) Major, Thomas Edgar Hawera 8/3/15 cruelty to a bull fined £15 England .. cattle-buyer 1877 5 7 fresh .. brown grey .. medium Goodger, Launoelot Hawera 8/3/15 crueltv to a bull fined £1 Australia .. stock-dealer 1882 5 9 dark .. black brown .. medium Genschaw, George .. Marton 8/3/15 illegally on lioensed preconvicted and Switzerland cook 1865 5 10 sallow .. brown blue large Faith, Hope, and Charity and laurels on left mises discharged forearm. obscene language fined £2 resisting police fined £2 Wilson, Charles Carterton 6/3/15 drunk and disorderly .. fined 10s. N. Zealand billiard1887 5 6 sallow .. brown grey .. medium .. See Police Gazette, 1913, page 577. obscene language fined £2 marker resisting police fined £5 N. Zealand Langley, Alfred Carterton 6/3/15 drunk and disorderly .. fined 10s. labourer 1889 5 5 fresh .. fair blue medium obscene language fined £2 resisting police fined £5 assault (2 charges) fined £2 on each assaulting police convicted and discharged Stratford, William Matthew Carterton 11/3/15 procuring liquor while fined £1 N. Zealand baker 1884 5 6J fresh .. brown blue flat See Police Gazette, 1915, page 81. prohibited Pelirs, Thomas Carterton 11/3/15 breach of his prohibition fined 10s. Scotland .. agent 1870 5 9 fresh .. fair blue sharp order Earn, Ah .. Wellington .. 8/3/15 smuggling opium fined £25 China sailor 1879 5 5* sallow .. black brown .. medium .. P.P. Poo Yee, Ah Wellington .. 8/3/15 smuggling opium fined £25 China ship’s 1885 5 5 sallow .. black brown .. medium .. P.P. carpenter Spann, John Wellington .. 8/3/15 drunkenness .. fined 5s. Prussia carpenter .. 1861 5 5i dark dark blue medium .. See Police Gazette, 1914, page 684. resisting police fined £2 Harris, Joseph Wellington .. 9/3/15 • drunkenness .. fined 10s. hlngland .. labourer 1869 5 10| sallow .. grey grey .. medium .. Scar on right little finger. indecency fined 10s. Martin, Frederick Martin .. Wellington .. 10/3/15 drunkenness .. convicted and Prance cook 1S70 5 6 ruddy .. brown blue medium Swiss coat of-arms on left forearm. discharged indecency fined £3 Wilson, John Wellington .. 11/3/15 England .. fireman 1885 5 8 fresh .. fair blue medium Hand, two roses, woman, butterfly, horse’s head, absent from ship withimprisoned and J.L.K.D. on left forearm. Garrett, William ., Wellington .. Wellington .. 11/3/15 " out leave until ship' 1 sails England .. fireman 1887 5 7 fresh .. fair grey .. medium Woman, dagger, and heart on left forearm. Carston, Edward .. 11/3/15 J England .. fireman 1888 5 m dark .. brown grey .. medium Woman, flag, globe, Crucifix, hand, and bird on • left forearm.

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates’ Courts, but not sent to Gaol -continued.

Name of Offender. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. jlleight. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks <£r ! Watson, John Wellington .. | 11/3/15 absent from ship withI imprisoned un-' England .. fireman 1883 ft. in. 5 4 ruddy .. auburn hazel .. medium ,. Scar on forehead; LOVE TO MY DEAR out leave til ship sails MOTHER, heart, and TRUE LOVE on left forearm. Hendry, James Michael Wellington .. 12/3/15 stowaway to come up if Australia .. schoolboy .. 1900 4 11 fresh .. dark brown grey .. medium .. Scar on right elbow. F.P. Wellington .. 12/3/15 called on eautioned and N. Zealand cook 18S5 5 6 fresh .. brown grey .. medium .. Clasped hands, TRUE LOVE, J.B., snake, and Wilkinson, John .. rogue and vagabond .. discharged palm tree on left forearm; full-rigged ship, red sun, hands across the sea, anchor, and dragon on right forearm ; tiger on chest. F.P. West, Archibald Wellington .. 12/3/15 sly-grog selling fined £2 10s. .. Australia .. labourer 1862 5 5 dark .. brown blue medium See Police Gazette, 1912, page 637. sly-grog selling fined £2 10s. sly-grog selling fined £5 Kidner, Jack Ernest Wellington .. 12/3/15 sly-grog selling fined £25 England .. labourer 1877 5 10 fresh .. dark brown brown .. medium See Police Gazette, 1911, page 586. Williamson, John .. Wellington .. 12/3/15 sly-grog selling (2 ch’gs) fined £5 10s. on England .. labourer 1870 5 4f fresh .. brown blue medium See Police Gazette, 1914, page 804. each MoDonald, Thomas Wellington .. 13/3/15 breach of the peace to military au Australia .. labourer and 1890 5 7 fresh .. brown blue medium .. Mole on left hand. thorities soldier Ryan, William Wellington .. 13/3/15 breach of the peace fined £2 Ireland farm labour’r 1890 5 8f fresh .. dark blue medium .. Ring and dot on left arm. Hughes, Martin Wellington .. 13/3/15 breach of the peace fined 10s. Ireland carpenter .. 1888 5 6 fair fair blue medium .. Birth-mark on left forearm. Sands, Arthur Albert Wellington .. 13/3/15 theft fined £1 England .. seaman 1888 5 5 fresh .. auburn blue medium .. G.L.N.L. and heart on right arm ; anchor and dots on left arm. F.P. Tierney, William .. Reefton 11/3/15 breach of the peace fined £1 Ireland miner 1867 5 7 fair brown brown .. large See Police Gazette, 1915, page 106. Gearschawski, John Christchurch 9/3/15 procuring liquor while fined £2 N. Zealand farmer 1877 5 8 fresh .. fair hazel . large Several teeth missing. (See Police Gazette, 1914, prohibited page 212.) Watson, Anthony .. Christchurch 8/3/15 obscene language fined £2 England .. fishmonger.. 1875 5 9 fresh .. fair brown .. medium .. A.W. on right leg. Pierson, Alice Dora Christchurch 8/3/15 theft fined £2 N. Zealand tailoress 1888 5 4 pale fair grey .. thin Webber, Eli Christchurch li/3/15 drunk and disorderly .. fined £1 England .. carpenter .. 1869 5 10£ fresh .. dark brown grey .. medium .. 1 p.c. for drunkenness. McCarthy, John Christchurch 11/3/15 drunk and disorderly .. fined £1 Ireland labouier 1884 5 6£ fresh .. dark blue medium Moy, Fong Christchurch 13/3/15 in possession of opium fined £5 China gardener 1856 5 5| sallow .. dark turning dark br. broad McKay, Andrew Timaru 9/3/15 issuing a valueless to make restiN. Zealand labourer 1884 5 6 fresh .. gtey brown grey .. medium cheque tution Sharpley, Sydney Thomas .. Waimate 9/3/15 attempted suicide to come up if England .. journalist .. 1864 5 6£ fresh .. grey grey .. medium.. Stout build. called on, and prohibited Hagan, George Waimate 9/3/15 assault fined £5 N. Zealand motor1895 5 1 fresh .. fair blue medium mechanic Ryan, James Hampden .. 22/2/15 disorderly behaviour in fined 10s. Ireland labourer 1872 5 9 fair brown blue medium .. Strong build ; square shoulders. a railway-carriage wilfully damaging a railfined 10s. and * way-carriage to pay damage

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates' Courts, but not sent to Gaol-continued

Name of Offender. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height Com- | plexiou. Hair. Byes. Nose. • Distinguishing Marks, &c. Bellam, Robert Hampden .. 10/3/15 wilfully damaging a railfined 10s. and N.S. Wales labourer 1893 ft. in. 5 7 fair fair grey .. medium Greig, Peter Henry Dunedin 12/3/15 way-carriage theft (2 charges) to pay damage to come up if N. Zealand carter 1884 5 5f florid .. light brown grey .. large Several scars on each cheek ; first joint of right Aldred, Christina, alias EdDunedin 8/3/15 drunk and disorderly .. called on within 12 months, and sent to Rotoroa for 12 months to Army Home England .. prostitute .. 1876 5 1 florid .. brown brown .. medium .. forefinger stiff. Photographed at Dunedin, 6/3/15. (8ee Police Gazette, 1913, page 486.) Right little finger contracted. (See Police wards, alias Stewart Beat, Janet Carmelia Dunedin 10/3/15 vagrancy for 12 montbs to Army Home Scotland .. domestic .. 1852 4 llj fresh .. grey grey .. medium .. Gazette, 1915, page 158.) Scar on bridge of nose and on left cheek. Read, Annie Dunedin 10/3/15 drunkenness incorrigible rogue for 6 months convicted and discharge d to Army Home Australia .. charwoman 1861 5 0 pale light brown blue long Upper teeth false; deaf. (See Police Gazette, Coutts, Janet Dunedin 10/3/15 drunkenness .. rogue and vagabond .. for 12 months convicted and discharged to Army Home N. Zealand laundress .. 1861 5 4 swarthy grey hazel .. large 1910, page 43.) Scar on right side of neck ; differently coloured Ramsay, James Henry Dunedin 10/3/15 drunkenness .. for 12 months to come up if N. Zealand labourer 1875 5 7 dark dark dark .. medium .. eyes. (See Police Gazette, 1914, page 790.) Portion of right middle finger missing. (See Belcher, William .. Dunedin 13/3/15 obsoene language assault called on within 6 months to come up if called on within 12 months to keep peace England .. clerk 1857 5 9 grey brown .. medium .. Police Gazette, 1914, page 258.) Five blue dots on left wrist; going bald. Young, Harry Nightcaps .. 8/3/15 obscene language for 6 months fined £1 and Shetland sailor 1885 6 2 fair fair blue medium Very strong build. Bradshaw, Thomas Wyndham .. 9/3/15 wilful damage prohibited to pay damage Islands N. Zealand carpen'er .. 1896 5 7 dark dark brown .. large Stout build. Todd, Alexander Gilbert Wyndham . 9/3/15 wilful damage(2 charges) to pay damage N. Zealand labourer 1897 5 7 fair fair blue medium Jackson, Stanley .. Wyndham .. 9/3/15 wilful damage (2 charges) to pay damage N. Zealand labourer 1899 5 4 dark .. brown dark br. medium Robertson, Murray Wyndham .. 9/3/15 wilful damage to pay damage N. Zealand carpenter .. 1896 5 6 fair fair blue medium .. Stout build. Ah Foot, George .. Riverton 11/3/15 lunacy sent to mental China labourer 1843 5 9£ sallow .. black turnbrown .. flat Ackers, William Invercargill 13/3/15 theft hospital to come up if N. Zealand farm labour’r 1899 5 7 dark ing grey brown grey .. straight Ericksen, Edward, alias Bluff 26/2/15 breach of the peace called on fined 10s. Norway fisherman .. 1879 5 7 fresh ., brown brown .. medium See Police Gazette, 1915, page 68. Alexen Rodrigue, Harry .. Bluff 26/2/15 resisting police assaulting police damaging police uniform obsoene language breach of the peace fined 5s. fined 5s. fined £1 fined £3 fined 10s. N. Zealand fisherman .. 1877 5 8 fair dark grey .. medium

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates’ Courts, but not sent to Gaol -continued.

Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. d * 5 00 ComHair. Eyes. Nose. When disRemarks, and Previous Convictions. 1 1 M <D W charged. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Auckland — ft in. Bowden, Elizabeth Jane Auckland M.C. 1/3/15 |vagrancy remanded N. Zealand domestic .. 1866 5 2 sallow .. light brown blue long 8/3/15 1 p.c. Upper front teeth missing. F.P. Warner, Catherine Eunice, alias Wade, Auckland M.C. 2/3/15 obscene language remanded N. Zealand domestic 1883 5 1 sallow .. brown ,. brown .. medium 8/3/15 3 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1913, page 666.) Mabel Kelly, Henry .. Auckland 9/12/14 theft 3 months N. Zealand labourer 1872 5 lOf swarthy dark brown grey .. large 8/3/15 13 p.c. Part of cross on right forearm; H.K. McIntyre, Archibald or M.C. Auckland on left forearm. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1911, page 501.) 9/2/15 assault 1 month Sootland .. seaman 1852 5 5 dark .. dark brown blue .. long 8/3/15 13 p.c. Basket of flowers on right arm, which Alexander M.C. has been broken. F.P. (See~PoZice Gazette, 1913, page 420.) 4 p.c. Tip of left ring-finger missing; scar on Sims, Frederick William Auckland 20/10/14 default of maintenance arrears or 1 N. Zealand labourer 1876 5 104 dark ,. dark brown grey .. large 8/3/15 Crilly, William or Joseph M.C, Auckland month right jaw and on nose. Arrested, 9/2/15. (See Police Gazette, 1914, page 95.) 2/3/15 breach of his prohibition fine or 7 days England .. labourer 1865 5 5 fresh .. brown blue .. medium 8/3/15 2 p.c. Dot on left forearm and wrist; nail M.C. order of left middle finger has been injured ; cut on tips of left ring and little fingers. F.P. Lees, John Auckland 6/3/15 1853 (See Police Gazette, 1914, page 803.) drunk and disorderly .. fine or 3 days England .. labourer 5 5 fresh .. brown turnblue flat 8/3/15 3 p.c. Scar on left thumb; large scar on nose. M.C. mg grey F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1914, page 506.) Potter, Herbert Samuel A u o k 1 a n d 20/2/15 threatening behaviour remanded N. Zealand carpenter .. 1882 5 n sallow .. brown grey .. pointed .. 9/3/15 3 p.c. Birth-mark on left hip ; left little finger M.C. crooked. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1914, Douglas, Bruce Palmerston N. 1/2/15 default of maintenance remanded Australia .. bushman .. 1885 5 9 sallow .. black brown .. large 9/3/15 page 704.) Black mark on left cheek ; mole on right cheek ; M.C. left little and right middle and little fingers Ferguson, William, alias Auckland 27/1/15 theft 6 weeks N. Zealand bushman .. 1867 5 6 fair light brown hazel .. large 9/3/15 8 p.c. Scar over left eye and on right ringToff, alias Davidson Nolan, Edward, alias M.C. Auckland finger and wrist; large mouth. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1913, page 691.) 27/1/15 theft 6 weeks N. Zealand labourer 1849 5 74 swarthy dark brown It. grey medium 9/3/15 25 p.c. Cross on right upper arm; American Gallagher M.C. flag and 1876 on righc forearm ; butterfly on left forearm. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1915, page 105.) 10 p.c. Right wrist has been broken. F.P. Quinn, William Henry.. Auckland 25/9/14 default of costs costs or 7 days Ireland olerk 1851 6 0 fresh .. grey blue large 9/3/15 M.C. 17/11/14 breach of his prohibition fine or 3 days Arrested, 3/3/15 (See Police Gazette, 1914, Bottle, James .. Auckland 11/2/15 order theft 1 month New bath atten1868 5 54 copper.. blaok, curly brown .. broad 10/3/15 page 723.) NOFE, BADA, 20, 1885, and other marks on Thompson, James M.C. Auckland Caledonia dant chest; KOPAL and spear on right upper arm ; profusely tattooed on right forearm ; BATEL on right hand; B.A. and other marks on left upper arm; diamond, F.A., and spear on left forearm ; five dots under left eye. F.P. 4/3/15 breach of his prohibition fine or 7 days Sootland .. labourer 1871 5 84 fresh .. light brown grey .. medium 10/3/15 5 p.c. Scar on forehead and on top of head ; Kobinson, Edward M.C. Huntly M.C. order left hand has been broken. (See Police Gazette, 1914, page 723.) 11/2/15 vagrancy 1 month Ireland labourer 1866 5 2f fresh .. dark brown hazel .. large 10/3/15 2 p.c. Dot between left thumb and forefinger; turning grey scar on forehead. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1915, page 69.)


Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Whore tried. When. Offence. Sentence. j Native of j Trade. 5 Born. | Height Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. j Whendis- j charged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. ( F.P, indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Auckland— continued. Barrett, Joseph John .. Auckland 12/12/14 breach of bis prohibition fine or 14 days England .. seaman ft. in. 1868 5 fresh .. light brown blue medium 11/3/15 6 p.c. Ship on chest; I.H.S over Crucifix on Mackie, Lucy .. M.C. Auckland 9/3/15 order breach of her prohibition fine or 3 days N. Zealand prostitute .. 1879 4 HU fresh .. light brown blue medium 11/3/15 left forearm; bracelet on right wrist; female bust and wreath on right hand. (See Police Gazette, 1915, page 186.) 24 p.c. (See Police Gazette , 1915, page 83.) Harris, George, alias M.C. Auckland 16/2/14 order attempted theft from 2 years’ reforAustralia .. barber 1882 5 7| sallow .. light brown brown .. small 11/3/15 3 p.c. in Australia. Several scars on left foreSmith, Alfred, ali>s Horace, Albert Mathieson, Alexander or S.C. Auckland 11/12/14 the person unlawfully trespassing mative detention fine or 1 month Norway .. seaman 1868 5 8£ fresh .. brown blue medium 12/3/15 arm ; scar on left thumb. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 21/1/14. Committed suicide. 1 p.c. Heart on left forearm; clasped hands, Antonio Ford, Alfred Leonard .. M.C. Auckland 12/6/14 incorrigible rogue 12 months N. Zealand labourer 1877 5 8 fresh .. brown brown .. large 12/3/15 heart, and TRUE LOVE on each wrist; 18, A.M., and S.S. on left hand ; crown, clasped hands andsixcrossed flags with ship in centreon right forearm ; anchor and star between right thumb and forefinger. F.P. Arrested, 13/2/15. (See Notice Gazette , 1901, page 187.) 16 p.c. Grossed flags, cross, three square sails, Haukura, Waka M.C. Auckland 11/3/15 threatening behaviour fine or 48 hours N. Zealand labourer 1889 5 8£ It.copper black, curly brown .. broad 13/3/15 female, and clasped hands on left forearm; female head, E.S. in scroll, crossed flags, anchor, crossed swords, A.E., and clasped bands on rig fit forearm ; ship and six crossed flags on chest. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 3/1/12. (See Police Gazette, 1912, page 73.) 2 p.c. Woman on left upper arm ; right arm, Nesbit, Robert James .. M.C Wellington 5/2/15 default of maintenance arrears or 3 Australia .. painter 1882 5 74 sallow .. brown hazel .. pointed .. 13/3/15 forenead, and nose pock-marked. F.P. Soar over left eye, on left forefinger, and on right Kaingaroa — Maitai Rua M.C. Gisborne S.C. 18/3/14 breaking, entering, and months 2 years’ reforaboriginal labourer 1892 5 11 copper.. black brown .. broad 12/3/15 ring-finger; large scar on left knee. Photographed at Auckland, 5/2/13. Arrested, 11/2/15. Arrears paid. (See Police Gazette, 1913, page 131.) Large scar on right forearm ; scar over left eye. Waikeria— Ludgreen, Arthur Winter Hamilton theft • 10/2/13 theft from a dwelling mative detention 1 year and 2 Norway painter 1874 5 6 fresh .. dark brown hazel .. short 8/3/15 F.P. Photographed at Kaingaroa, 22/4/14. Released on probationary license. Star and six crossed flags on right upper arm ; S.G. Ratcliff, Charles Edward Napier S.C. 12/2/13 15/9/13 (3 charges) attempting to escape .. theft years’ reformative detention on each 1 month 18 months’ reEngland .. hotel em1878 5 84 fair brown brown .. medium 13/3/15 ship, crossed flags, star, and clasped hands on right forearm. F.P. Photographed at Waiotapu, 11/4/10. Released on probationary license. (See Police Gazette, 1912, page 224.) Right little finger has been broken ; dot on right Opotiki — Maniapoto, Wiki Whakatane M.C. Opotiki M.C. 18/2/15 debt formative detention 1 month aboriginal ployee labourer 1875 5 9 copper.. black brown .. medium 10/3/15 arm ; anchor on left arm ; scar on left thigh; slight build. Photographed at Waikeria, 13/3/15. (See Police (-tazette, 1913, page 455.) Stout build. Kohi, Rongo .. 12/3/15 rape committed for trial fine or 24 hours aboriginal labourer 1894 5 7 copper.. black brown .. medium 13/3/15 Gisborne — Kelly, Michael Gisborne M.C. 2/3/15'drunkenness .. England .. labourer 1881 5 3 fair fair blue medium 8/3/15 Drum-sticks and bracelet on right arm ; 150 and obscene language 7 days blue dot on left arm; scar on right eyebrow.


Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. ! When. : Offence. Sentence. Native of j Trade. a ! O « j [Height Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. ( F.P . indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Gisborne —continued ft in. Christy, William Gisborne M.C. 11/3/15 drunkenness .. One or 48 hours England .. carpenter .. 1855 5 6 fair fair turning blue medium 13/3/15 Scar on left cheek ; going bald. Baker, William Henry Herbert Gisborne M.C. 4/3/15 drunkenness .. remanded England .. labourer 1876 5 8 fair g re y light brown grey .. medium 12/3/15 Ring on left middle finger ; scar on left forefinger and on left side of face. Oxley, Edwin New Plymouth — Gisborne M.C. 4/3/15 drunkenness .. fine or 24 hours England .. cook 1880 5 H fair fair blue medium 13/3/15 Numerous small burn-marks on right hand and arm ; scar on left hand and thumb. lOp.c. Clasped hands, two anchors, and rising sun on right arm ; ship on chest ; scar on right elbow. F.P. fSee Police Gazette, 1913, page 537.) Miller, Charles, alias StratfordM.G. Hansen, alias Schmidt, alias Neilsen, alias 12/12/14 vagrancy 3 months Germany ..'seaman 1882 5 4| fresh .. fair blue medium 11/3/15 Johnson, alias Smith Napier— Flanagan, Francis, alias O’Connor Hastings M.C. 9/1/15 vagrancy 2 months N. Zealand labourer 1881 5 11 fresh .. dark brown grey .. pug 8/3/15 2 p.c. Boil-mark on back of neck. F.P. Photographed at Napier, 2/4/08. (See Police Gazette , 1910, page 112.) Burke, Oliver .. Napier S.C. .. 8/3/15 conspiring to defraud .. acquitted born at sea dealer and 1886 5 showman 5 florid .. dark brown blue medium 9/3/15 3 p.c. in Australia. Scar on left forearm; A,0. and W.K. on right forearm; operation-scar on right groin. F.P. Short, Leslie or Leslie Eustace Gordon Napier S.C. .. 8/3/15 conspiring to defraud .. acquitted N. Zealand showman .. 1889 5 7 fresh .. dark brown medium 9/3/15 7 p.c. Lump on right hand; left leg slightly paralysed ; scars on each shin. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1914, page 786.) Fuller, Victor, alias Ward, alias Feltliam, Viotor James, alias Watson, Napier S.C. .. 8/3/15 conspiring to defraud .. acquitted S. Africa .. tailor 1890 5 5£ fresh .. dark brown hazel .. medium 9/3/15 5 p.c. in Australia and South Africa. Shamrock on each instep ; double-star on each shoulder; scar under chin and on left shin. F.P. William or Walter Lynch, Patrick Napier S.C. .. 8/3/15 conspiring to defraud .. acquitted N.S. Wales wool-classer 1886 5 n fresh .. dark brown grey • • medium 9/3/15 Both cheeks disfigured by blackheads; scar on left hand and below left knee. F.P. Miller, Thomas, alias Multer Wanganui— Napier M.C. 15/2/15 • ■ obscene language 1 month Scotland .. seaman 1880 5 fresh .. light brown blue medium 13/3/15 Scar on bridge of nose ; dark spot above each elbow ; going bald. F.P. Challoner, Edward Wellington — Palmerston N. M.C, 13/2/15 obscene language 30 days England .. cook 1875 5 5J sallow .. brown brown .. medium 13/3/15 6 p.c. Scar on left groin ; portion of left forefinger missing. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1915, page 53.) Rottmann, Arthur Wanganui S.C. 9/2/15 murder (3 charges) death Germany .. seaman 1894 5 11J dark .. brown dark br. medium 8/3/15 Right little finger contracted ; lighthouse with DES SEEMANNS GRAB on left arm; small eyes. E P. Executed at Terrace Prison, Hine, Henry Charles .. Wellington M.C. 9/2/15 vagrancy 1 month Australia .. labourer 1868 5 64 dark .. black brown .. medium 8/3/15 2 p.c. Scar on left eyebrow and on nose; piece out, of left ear. F.P. Burns, Bruoe .. Wellington M.C. Masterton M.C. 5/3/15 forgery remanded N. Zealand labourer 1897 5 24 fair brown blue medium 8/3/15 Scar on left thumb. F.P. Connelly, Harry 2/3/15 drunkenness resisting police fine or 48 hours fine or 7 days Ireland .. labourer 1873 5 11 fair grey, curly.. dark br. medium S/3/15 Scar on right cheek and on chin. F.P. Gallagher, James Wellington M.C. 10/2/15 drunkenness .. fine or 1 month Scotland .. fireman 1881 5 1 dark .. brown turning grey blue medium 9/3/15 6 p.c. Four-pointed star with HEAVENS LIGHT OUH GUIDE on right shoulder; Buffalo Bill, cross, IN MEMORY OF MY MOTHER, Scotchman, clasped hands over heart with TRUE LOVE, and wreath on right arm ; pansy on right band ; ship in circle on chest; dancing-girl, American sailor, girl woman in tights, J.G., and flower on left arm, F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1914, page 687 )


Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. ■ Native of Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) W ellington — continued. 1 ft. in. 15 3£ - - -- - Kaimoka, Maka, alias Wilson, Alice Wangan ui M.C. 1/10/14 theft 6 months aboriginal domestic .. 1894 copper.. black brown .. medium 9/3/15 3 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1914, page 489.) McGlarry, Thomas Wellington M.C. 8/2/15 default of maintenance 12 days N. Zealand labourer 1889 5 5£ !dark .. dark brown grey .. medium x 9/3/15 Long scar on left forearm ; scar on nose. F.P. Clayton, James John .. Wellington M.C 11/2/15 resisting police drunk and disorderly .. fine or 1 month fine or 7 days fine or 7 days remanded Australia . soldier 1880 5 74 fair brown grey .. large 10/3/15 Arrested, 26/2/15. Scar on right forearm. F.P. To military Watson, John.. W ellington M.C. 10/3/15 wilful damage absent from ship without leave England .. fireman 1883 5 3 fair auburn grey .. medium 11/3/15 authorities. Scar on right temple; clasped hands over TRUE LOVE on right arm ; shamrock, thistle, rose, L.B.D., I.L.J.T., I.L.B.D., I.L.B.D., and I Wilson, John .. 1 LOVE I.L.B.D. on left arm ; pierced heart with MY HEART and TRUE LOVE TO MY Wellington M.C. 10/3/15 absent from ship without leave remanded England .. fireman 1885 5 7£ fair auburn blue medium 11/3/15 DEAR MOTHER on left hand. F.P. Horse’s head in shoe, bird, J.L, and K.D., hand with rose, woman in tights, flowers, and I LOVE KATE DAVIS on right forearm; bust of woman, horse’s head, woman’s head, horseGarrett, William shoe, clasped hands, GOOD LUCK, ship, FRIENDSHIP FOR EVER, flowers, and K. DAVIS on left arm ; flowers with K. DAVIS Wellington M.C. 10/3/15 absent from ship without leave remanded England .. fireman 1887 5 5£ fair fair hazel .. wide 11/3/15 on left hand. F.P. 1 p.c. I LOVE E.R., I LOVE LIZ GRIGS, coat-of-arms, scroll, cross, match, cigarette, and wild woodbine on right arm; bracelet with I.L.E.R. on rignt wrist; star and wreath on right hand; rings and I.L.L.G. on right fingers; wreath and dagger on chest; woman on left arm; butterfly on left hand; rings and I.L.L.G. on left fingers. F.P. (See Driscol, Michael Wellington M.C. 13/1/15 vagrancy 2 months England .. labourer 1872 5 0£ dark .. brown grey .. pug 12/3/15 Police Gazette, 1914, page 705.) Numerous p.c. for drunkenness. Three fish crossed, M.D., and shamrock on right forearm ; bust of female on right hand; dot on right middle finger; several dots on left foreJohansen, Frederick Masterton M.C. 7/1/15 sly-grog selling fine or 2 months Sweden farmer 1863 5 fresh .. brown going brown .. medium 12/3/15 arm. F.P. Protruding ears; left forefinger missing. F.P. Brady, Patrick W ellington M.C. 11/1/15 drunkenness .. 2 months England .. labourer 1879 5 7 fresh .. bald brown blue thick 10/3/15 Arrested, 13/1/15. Several p.c. Scar on top of head. (See Police McMiohael, James Wellington M.C. 12/2/15 drunkenness .. fine or 1 month Scotland .. fireman 1860 5 5f fair sandy brown .. medium .. 11/3/15 Gazette, 1915, page 71.) Several p.c. Shoulders and legs freckled. Baker, Johnstone Henry Wellington M.C. 12/2/15 obscene language fine or 1 month N. Zealand bushman .. 1880 5 2£ fair light brown blue medium 11/3/15 Blue scar on forehead ; American flag and eagle with LIBERTY on scroll on right arm ; bracelet with heart on right wrist; anchor, heart, cross, and basket of flowers on left arm ; bracelet on left wrist. F.P. Several p.c. Tattoo-mark across left wrist. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1915, page 139.) McGowan, James, alias McEvey, Owen Wellington M.C. 12/2/15 assault obscene language .. j wilful damage fine or 3 days fine or 1 month fine or 7 days Ireland fireman 1 1876! 5 8 fair sandy blue medium 11/3/15


Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. J Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. | (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.] W ellington— continued. Rankin, Patterson James | W anganui 11/1/15 default of maintenance arrears or 2 N. Zealand i baker 1876 ft. in. 5 7J sallow .. brown grey .. 1 medium 11/3/15 Scar on forehead, on nose, and at base of left Anderson, John William M.C. ' Wellington 2/2/15 default of maintenance months arrears or 7 N. Zealand labourer 1875 5 11 fair auburn blue medium 11/3/15 thumb. F.P. Arrested, 12/1/15. 1 d.c. Scar under left eye. F.P. Arrested, Carston, Edward M.C. Wellington 10/3/15 absent from ship withdays Remanded England .. fireman 1888 5 10J dark .. brown grey .. medium 11/3/15 5/3/15. Woman, flags, globe, Crucifixion, hand, bird, Hendry, Michael James M.C. Wellington out leave 10/3/15 stowaway remanded Australia .. schoolboy .. 1900 4 9| Dale black grey .. medium 12/3/15 and butterfly on left forearm. F.P. White scar on right upper arm; mole on right Houston, May M.C. Wellington 13/1/15 drunkenness .. fine or 14 days Australia .. waitress 1888 5 3£ florid .. dark grey .. medium 12/3/15 side of abdomen ; three scars near right knee, and two on right foot. F.P. Inmate of Mittagong Industrial Home, New South Wales. Several p.c. Large scar on left shoulder. F.P. Campbell, Norman M.C. Wellington ivagrancy 15/1/15 breach of his prohibition 2 months fine or 14 days Scotland .. labourer 1852 5 5i fresh .. grey grey .. medium 13/3/15 Numerous p.c. Scar over left ear. (See Police Johnston, Joseph M.C. Wellington M C order obscene language drunkenness .. 3/3/15 forgery and uttering .. fine or 1 month 3 months remanded England .. fitter 1871 6 0^ dark .. dark brown blue medium 12/3/15 Gazette, 1915, page 86.) Scar on upper lip. F.P. Harvey, William Wanganui 1/9/13; theft from the person ,, 2 years N. Zealand labourer 1878 5 8J fresh .. dark brown brown .. sharp 13/3/15 4 p.c. Small growth on back of neck. F.P. Spence, David .. S.C. Auckland 4/3/15 ship-desertion 14 days Ireland seaman 1897 5 3 fresh .. brown grey .. medium 12/3/15 (See Police Gazette, 1913, page 214.) Clasped hands over heart with flags and scroll, i Hyde, Thomas M.C, Auckland | 4/3/15 ship-desertion 14 days Ireland seaman 1895 5 4* fair, freckled dark .. auburn blue medium 12/3/15 bust of woman, two flags, and flower with sailor on right arm ; clasped hands with ship, flag, and Buffalo Bill on left arm. F.P. Placed on board ship. Scar inside left knee and on left forefinger. F.P. Pearce, William Charles M.C. W ellington 13/3/15 theft (3 charges) 15 months’ proN. Zealand labourer 1886 5 3 dark brown dark br. medium 13/3/15 Scar on left side of nose and on right shoulder; Arthur Scoullar, Dorothy, alias S.C. Wellington 13/3/15 theft bation to come up if N. Zealand domestic 1893 5 2f ruddy .. brown brown .. medium 13/3/15 false teeth ; operation-scar on each side of abdomen; soar on right knee. F.P. Scar on right cheek. F.P. Souter Reid, Lesley .. S.C. Wellington 13/3/15 theft called on to oome ud if N. Zealand domestic .. 1895 5 3 fair brown hazel .. medium 13/3/15 Scar on right shoulder and on right knee. F.P. Pryor, Alfred John S.C. Wellington 12/3/15 breach of his prohibition called on fine or 8 days Australia .. labourer 1892 5 5 fair brown blue medium 13/3/15 1 p.c. Pierced heart with J.P. on right arm; Crucifixion on left upper arm ; dot on left forearm. Scar above right eyebrow. F.P. Sass, Emil John M.C. Palmerston N. order drunkenness 6/3/15 attempted suicide fine or 48 hours costs or 3 days Australia .. labourer 1878 5 6f fair fair blue medium 10/3/15 Picton — Barbos, Joe M.C. Picton M.C. 12/2/15 indecency 1 month Greece fisherman .. 1863 5 14 dark .. black dark br. long, thick 11/3/15 Scar on each arm, on bridge of nose, and on Westport — Crosby, Peter .. Westport M.C. 6/3/15 drunkenness .. 48 hours England .. fireman 1881 5 6 dark .. brown brown .. medium 8/3/15 right jaw ; right ring-finger deformed. F.P. Man’s head on right forearm. Brown, Herbert, alias Westport M.C. 10/3/15 false pretences remanded England .. engineer 1873 5 10i fresh .. grey grey .. medium 12/3/15 Large scar on forehead ; defect in roof of mouth Jones Hart, Charles .. Westport M.C. 9/3/15 helpless drunkenness .. remanded fori N. Zealand miner 1884 5 3£ fresh .. brown brown .. medium 13/3/15 causing peculiar speech. Woman’s head on right forearm; C.H. on left medical treat- 1 ment forearm.


Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. 1 Offence, Sentence. j Native of Trade. a o ’© w Complexion, Hair. Eyes. Nose. When discharged. Eemarks, and Previous Convictions. (F. P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Westport — continued. Lumsden, James Westport M.G. 13/3/15 drunkenness .. fine or 24 hours Scotland .. labourer 1851 ft. in. 5 5 fresh .. grey grey .. medium 13/3/15 Bald ; scar on top of head. Greymouth — labourer and 1886 • Stone, David .. Greymouth 10/3/15 assault causing actual to come up if Tasmania.. 5 10J sallow .. brown grey .. medium 10/3/15 Woman in tights, English, American, and JapGibson, Janies s.c. V Kumara M.C 8/3/15 bodily harm theft called on 7 days England .. seaman labourer 1863 5 5 fresh .. brown brown .. thick 13/3/15 anese flags, three stars, and hands across the sea on left forearm ; anchor between left thumb and forefinger; flower on right hand ; clasped hands on right wrist; man, ship, and tombstone with IN MEMORY OF MY DEAR FATHER on right forearm; scar on forehead ; right leg has been broken. F.P. 8 p.c. Ship, female, anchor, and E.L. on left Lyttelton— Y earbury, William Christohurch 4/3/15 drunkenness .. fine or 48 hours England .. cook 1858 5 3 fair fair blue medium 8/3/15 arm; JACK RING and JIM SMITH over crossed flags on right arm ; bracelet on right wrist; cutter on right hand ; ring on right middle finger. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1908, page 507.) 2 p.c. F.P. Sentences cumulative. (See Police Alfred, alias Newbury, William Harris, William Henry M.G. Timaru M.G. 9/12/14 breach of his prohibition order rogue and vagabond .. fine or 48 hours 3 months England .. labourer 1850 5 1J fresh .. grey grey .. medium 8/3/15 Gazette, 1892, page 35.) 2 p.c. Portion of left forefinger missing. F.P. Lindsay, James Timaru S.C. 9/6/14 carnal knowledge 12 months N. Zealand horse-trainer 1888 5 5 fresh .. fair brown .. large 9/3/15 (See Police Gazette , 1913, page 469.) 6 p.c. Scar under chin and on nose. F.P. Ayers, Percy Joseph Christohurch 11/2/15 resisting police fine or 14 days N. Zealand labourer 1876 5 5£ fresh .. dark brown blue medium 10/3/15 Photographed at Lyttelton,. 9/3/15. (See Police Gazette, 1913, page 13.) 4 p.c. Scar on one thumb; collar-bone has Porter, John .. M.C Christchurch 3/3/15 obscene language wilful damage vagrancy fine or 14 days fine or 48 hours remanded Ireland labourer 1848 5 7 fair grey blue large 10/3/15 been broken. F.P. First two sentences cumulative. F.P. (See Police Gazette , 1914, page 557.) Right little finger twisted: scar on left wrist. Farrow, Cecil George .. M.C. Wellington M.C. Christchurch 8/3/15 theft remanded N. Zealand clerk 1889 5 10 fair fair blue medium 10/3/15 F.P. Scar on left palm. F.P. 4 Findlay, Norman 27/1/14 default of maintenance security or 6 N. Zealand clerk 1889 5 7| fresh .. brown blue small 12/3/15 7 p.c. Scar on right thumb. F.P. PhotoLeonard Fanncn, Thomas M.C. Christchurch S.C. Lyttelton 9/2/14 6/3/15 forgery (5 charges) ship-desertion months 18 months 7 days England .. fireman 1881 5 7f fresh .. fair blue large 12/3/15 graphed at Dunedin, 30/12/11. (See Police Gazette, 1912, page 50.) B.O., clasped hands, and heart on left arm ; scar Berry, Andrew James .. M.C. Lyttelton 18/3/14 default of maintenance arrears or 3 N. Zealand labourer 1874 5 6* fresh .. dark brown blue medium 12/3/15 over left eye. F.P. F.P. Arrears paid. Arrested, 10/3/15. Morris, Thomas M.C. Lyttelton 12/3/15 disobedience on board months fine or 2 days England .. fireman 1879 5 5J fresh .. brown blue medium 13/3/15 T.M. on right wrist ; left little finger twisted. Addington — Brown, Kate .. M.C. Christchuroh 6/3/15 ship drunkenness .. .. remanded Ireland prostitute .. 1854 5 2 sallow .. brown turngrey .. medium 8/3/15 F.P. Several p.c. Scar on right arm and lower lip; Buckmaster, Elizabeth, M.C. Lyttelton 13/2/15 vagrancy 1 month N. Zealand prostitute .. 1884 5 1J fresh .. ing grey fair hazel .. wide 12/3/15 left wrist dislocated. (See Police Gazette, 1913, page 654.) Several p.c. Scar on right middle finger. F.P. alias Sylvestor, alias Mudgeway M.C. (See Police Gazette, 1914, page 585.)


Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. ! Where tried. J When. | Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. 2 ! .2? i M Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Ntose. When discharged. Kemarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Timaru — ft. in. Sharpley, Sidney Thomas Waimate M.C. 4/3/15 attempted suicide remanded England .. journalist .. 1864 5 64 fair g*ey hazel .. medium 9/3/15 Front teeth missing ; small scar on right side of neck. McKay, Andrew Timaru M.C. 6/3/15 drunkenness.. remanded N. Zealand labourer 1884 5 6 fair fair grey .. medium 9/3/15 Small scar on right thumb. Newton, John .. Timaru M.C. 11/3/15 theft remanded N. Zealand farm labour’r 1900 5 3 fair fair blue medium 13/3/15 Small scar on left wrist and on left forefinger. Dunedin — Melis, Peter Dunedin M.C. 10/3/15 ship-desertion 7 days Holland .. sailor 1896 5 8 fresh .. brown blue medium 11/3/15 Scar on forehead; P. MELIS, 5th JULY, 1895, on right arm. Placed on board ship. Olsen, Jorgen .. Dunedin M.C. 10/3/15 ship-desertion 7 days Norway .. sailor 1899 5 8 fresh .. brown grey .. medium 11/3/15 Scar over left eye ; heart, flowers, and G.G.I.O. on right arm. Placed on board ship. Invercargill — 24 p.c. Large scar under right eye ; left middle finger has been broken, and is deformed; right little finger bent and deformed. F.P. (See Police Gazette. 1913, page 134.1 Walsh, John or. James, alias Welsh Invercargill M.C. 10/6/14 rogue and vagabond .. theft 12 months 3 months N. Zealand labourer 1869 5 61 fair light brown blue medium 10/3/15


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XL, Issue 12, 24 March 1915, Page 216

Word Count

EXTRACTS FROM NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XL, Issue 12, 24 March 1915, Page 216

EXTRACTS FROM NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XL, Issue 12, 24 March 1915, Page 216

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