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(From Gazette, 1915, pages 815, 840, 844, and 847.) Amending Regulations under the War Regulations Act, 1914. LIVERPOOL, Governor. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this eighth day of March, 1915. Present : The Honourable J. Allen presiding in Council. WHEREAS by Order in Council made and gazetted on the twenty-sixth day of January, one thousand nine hundred and fifteen, regulations were made providing that no goods imported into New Zealand from Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Holland, Switzerland, or Italy should be delivered from the control of the Customs without complying with the said regulations : And whereas it is now deemed expedient to amend the said regulations :

Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, in pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities conferred upon him by the War Regulations Act, 1914, and of all other powers and authorities enabling him hi that behalf, and acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby amend the said regulations by revoking paragraph ( b ) of regulation thirteen, save with respect to* goods which have already left the country from which they are imported before the date of this Order in Council. J. F. ANDREWS, Clerk of the Executive Council.

Regulations as 10 Licenses for the Taking of Toheroa at Kaipara, on the West Coast of the North Island. LIVERPOOL, Governor. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this eighth day of March, 1915. Present : The Honourable J. Allen presiding in Council. WHEREAS it is provided by the fifth section of the Fisheries Act, 1908 (hereinafter termed “ the said Act ”), that the Governor may from time to time, by Order in Council gazetted, make regulations which shall have force and effect either throughout New Zealand or only in such waters or places as are specified in the regulations for, inter alia, imposing conditions and restrictions on the taking of fish : And whereas it is desirable to make the regulations specified in the First Schedule hereto imposing conditions and restrictions on the taking of the shell-fish in the Second Schedule hereto : Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, in pursuance and exercise of the power and authority conferred upon him by section five of the said Act, and of. all other powers and authorities enabling him in that behalf, and acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby make the regulations set forth in the First Schedule hereto, imposing conditions and restrictions on the taking of toheroa from the places respectively specified in the Second Schedule hereto, and doth hereby declare that the said regulations shall come into force on the date of the publication thereof in the New Zealand Gazette.

FIRST SCHEDULE. 1. No person, firm, or company shall take toheroa, for the purpose of canning the same, without a license in writing under the hand of the Minister of Marine (hereinafter referred to as the Minister), and subject to the regulations hereinafter specified. 2. When any of the areas mentioned in the Second Schedule hereto become available for leasing, a notification that applications will be received for licenses in respect of such areas shall be advertised in a newspaper circulating in the Kaipara District. Should there be more than one application for any of the said areas the applicant who has a toheroa canning factory in the district shall be given the preference, and if the owners of two or more of such factories apply for the same area, the applicant who has had his factory in use for the longest time shall be given preference. 3. No person, firm, or company shall be granted a license for more than one of the areas specified in the Second Schedule hereto. 4. The licensee shall have the exclusive right to take toheroa for canning purposes from the area included in his license; provided, however, that any persons who desire to take them for their own consumption shall be allowed to do so without charge. 5. The license shall remain in force for a period of ten years from the date thereof, unless in the meantime such license is cancelled as hereinafter provided, and the licensee shall not dispose of, assign, or charge his interest in the license without the written consent of the Minister first obtained. 6. The licensee shall pay in respect of the license held by him an annual rental of £5 in advance, dating from the date of the license. 7. The licensee shall erect and maintain a properly equipped factory for canning toheroa on or adjacent to the area in respect of which his license is issued, and the factory shall be completed and in full working-order within one year from the date of the issue of the license.

8. The working of the area in respect of which the license is issued shall be under the control of an Inspector of Fisheries, who shall have power to regulate the quantity of toheroa that may be taken, in order to prevent the beds being depleted or injuriously affected; 9. In case the licensee shall—(1.) Commit or suffer a breach of these regulations Or any of them; (2.) Fail to pay the sums specified in clause 6 of these regulations ; (3.) Take toheroa from any area other than that in respect of which his license is issued, without the previous consent of the Minister; or (4.) Work the beds in such a way that they become depleted or injuriously affected,— then and in any of the said cases the Minister may cancel the said license on giving written notice to the licensee; and upon such cancellation the licensee shall forthwith remove all buildings and structures from the area in respect of which the license was issued. SECOND SCHEDULE. Area No. 1. —-All that portion of the beach commencing at a point seven miles north of the North Head of Kaipara Harbour and extending approximately six miles north. Area No. 2. —-Commencing at the northern boundary of Area No. 1 and extending northward to the southern boundary of Glink’s Gap, Camper’s Reserve. Area No. 3. —-Commencing at the northern boundary of Glink’s Gap, Camper’s Reserve, and extending approximately eleven miles to a point about four miles north of Mahuta Gap and abreast of Moeatua; but excluding therefrom one mile of beach at Mahuta Gap, which is to be reserved for persons taking toheroa for sale in the shell to the inhabitants of the district. Area No. 4. —-Commencing at the northern boundary 'of Area No. 3 and extending north for ten miles. As the said areas are respectively delineated on plan marked M.D. 4388, and deposited in the office of the Marine Department at Wellington, the boundaries of the areas being marked by white-painted posts bearing the words “Area No. ,” with the figure for the number of the area after the word “No.” J. F. ANDREWS, Clerk of the Executive Council

Regulations for Deer-shooting , Hawke’s Bay. LIVERPOOL, Governor. IN exercise of the powers vested in me by the Animals Protection Act, 1908 (hereinafter called “ the said Act”), I, Arthur William de Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby make the following regulations prescribing the deer-shooting season in the Hawke’s Bay Acclimatization District, comprising the Counties of Hawke’s Bay, Patangata, Woodville, Waipawa, Dannevirke, Waipukurau, and Weber, and part of the County of Wairoa, and the conditions affecting the same, and also the form of license and the fee payable therefor.

REGULATIONS. 1. Red deer (stags only) may be taken or killed within the Hawke’s Bay Acclimatization District from the 25th day of March, 1915, to the 26th day of April, 1915, both days inclusive. .2. Licenses to take or kill such deer may be issued by the Chief Postmaster at Napier, on payment of a license fee of £3, in the form prescribed in the Schedule hereto, and subject to the said Act and these regulations; provided that not more than one such license shall be issued to the same person. 3. No licensee shall take or kill more than three stags, and no stag shall be killed carrying antlers with less than ten points. 4. No hind or fawn shall be taken or killed on any pretext whatever; and no licensee shall allow any dog to accompany either himself or any attendant he may have with him. 5. Nothing herein contained shall extend to authorizing any person to sell any deer or portion thereof. 6. Any person committing a breach of any of these regulations shall be liable, on conviction, to a fine not exceeding £2O.

Schedule. No. . License to take or kill Game (Deer). , of , having this day paid the sum of £ , is hereby authorized to take or kill deer (stags), of not less than points, within the Hawke’s Bay Acclimatization District, from the day of , 1915, to the day of , 1915 (both days inclusive), subject to the provisions of the Animals Protection Act, 1908, and all regulations thereunder in force within the said district. Dated at this day of , 1915. Chief Postmaster. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this third day of March, one thousand nine hundred and fifteen. W. H. HEEBIES, For Minister of Internal Affairs.

Regulations for Deer-shooting, Otago. LIVERPOOL, Governor. IN exercise of the powers vested in me by the Animals Protection Act, 1908 (hereinafter called “the said Act ”), I, Arthur William de Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby make the following regulations prescribing the deer-shooting season in the Otago Acclimatization District, and the conditions affecting the same, and also the form of license and the fee payable therefor.

REGULATIONS. 1. Red-deer stags may be taken or killed within the Otago Acclimatization District, except in the area described in the First Schedule hereto, from the Ist day of April, 1915, to the 20th day of May, 1915 (both days inclusive). 2. Fallow-deer bucks may be taken or killed within the said district, except in the area described in the First Schedule hereto, from the 10th day of April, 1915, to the 15th day of May, 1915 (both days inclusive). 3. Licenses to take or kill red-deer stags may be issued by the Chief Postmaster, Dunedin, on the recommendation of the secretary of the Otago Acclimatization Society, on payment of a license fee of £4, and licenses to take or kill fallow-deer bucks may be issued by the said Chief Postmaster, upon a like recommendation, on payment of a license fee of £2; such licenses to be issued in the form prescribed in the Second Schedule hereto, and subject to the said Aot and these regulations. 4. No licensee shall take or kill more than four red-deer stags or two fallow-deer bucks, and no red-deer stag shall be killed carrying antlers with less than ten points, and no fallow-deer buck shall be killed carrying antlers with less than fourteen points (on a palmate of less than 4 in.). Ball cartridge only to be used. 5. The licensee must give notice to the said Chief Postmaster of the date on which it is his intention to stalk deer ; such notice to be posted, or delivered, or telegraphed three clear days before such date. 6. No doe, hind, or fawn shall be taken or killed on any pretext whatever; and no licensee shall allow any dog to accompany either himself or any attendant he may have with him. 7. Nothing herein contained shall extend to authorizing any person to sell any deer or any portion thereof. 8. Regulations as to deer “ tags,” per New Zealand Gazette No. 40, Vol. I, of 20th May, 1909, page 1408, shall be strictly adhered to by each licensee, who, in addition thereto, shall return all unused “ tags ” to the Secretary of the Otago Acclimatization Society immediately he has finished stalking for the season for which such “tags” have been issued. 9. Any person committing a breach of any of these regulations shall be liable, on conviction, to a fine not exceeding £2O. First Schedule. All that area known as the Greenvale, Wart Hill, Upper Pomahaka, and Whitecomb Districts. f^ o Second Schedule. License to take or kill Game (Deer). , of , having this day paid the sum of £ , is hereby authorized to take or kill deer (bucks or stags), of not less than ten points for red-deer stags, and fourteen points on palmate of not less than 4 in.

for fallow-deer bucks, within the Otago Acclimatization District, upon Block No. , from the day of , 1915, to the day of , 1915 (both days inclusive), subject to the provisions of the Animals Protection Act, 1908, and all regulations thereunder in force within the said district. Dated at this day of , 1915. Chief Postmaster. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this third day of March, one thousand nine hundred and fifteen. W. H. HERRIES, For Minister of Internal Affairs.

Regulations for Deer-shooting in the Counties of Featherston and Wairarapa South (Haurangi Reserve). LIVERPOOL, Governor. IN pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred upon me by the Animals Protection Act, 1908 (hereinafter referred to as “ the said Act ”), I, Arthur William de Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby make the following regulations prescribing the deer-shooting season in that part of the Wellington Acclimatization District comprised in the Counties of Featherston and Wairarapa South (excepting that portion of the said counties lying to the westward of the Wellington-Napier Railway line, and excepting also the area described in the First Schedule hereto), and further prescribing the conditions affecting such deershooting, the form of license, and the fee payable in respect thereof.

REGULATIONS. I. Red-deer stags and hinds may be taken or killed within that portion of the Wellington Acclimatization District hereinbefore described from the Ist April, 1915, to the 31st May, 1915 (both days inclusive). 2. Licenses to take or kill such deer may be issued by the Chief Postmaster at Wellington, or by the Postmasters at Masterton, Carterton, Grey town, Featherston, and Martinborough, on payment by the licensee of a license fee of £2. Not more than one such license shall be issued to any one person. Every t uch license shall be in the form in the Second Schedule hereto. 3. No licensee under these regulations shall take or kill more than four stags and six hinds, and no stag shall be taken or killed carrying antlers with less than ten points. 4. No licensee shall allow any dog to accompany either himself or any attendant while stalking in the district to which his license relates. 5. Nothing in these regulations or in any license issued thereunder shall be deemed to authorize a licensee to take or kill any stag in any part of the Wellington Acclimatization District other than that part to which these regulations apply, or in any other acclimatization district. 6. Nothing in these regulations shall be deemed to authorize any person to sell any deer or any part thereof. 7. Every person who commits a breach of these regulations is liable, on summary conviction, to a fine not exceeding £2O. First Schedule. Excluded Area. All that area of land in the Huangarua Survey District, in the Counties of Featherston and Wairarapa South, being Sections 29 to 41 (inclusive), 59, 71, 72, 75, 79, 83, 90, 93, 97, 98, and part of Sections 70, 74, 78, 82, 86, 89, 91, 92, 94, 95, 96, 87, and 84 (in the occupation of Mr. John Martin and Mr. Featherston Johnston, and known as the Puruatanga Estate or Station). Second Schedule. No. License to take or hill Red-deer Stags. , of , having this day paid the sum of £2, is hereby authorized to take or kill four red-deer stags, of not less than ten points, and six hinds, within that part of the Wellington Acclimatization District described in the endorsement hereon, from the , 1915, to the , 1915 (both days inclusive). This license is issued subject to the provisions of the Animals Protection Act. 1908, and to the regulations thereunder in force within the said part of the Wellington Acclimatization District. Dated at this day of , 1915. Chief Postmaster \or Postmaster].

ENDORSEMENT. District to which License relates. The Counties of Featherston and Wairarapa South, excepting therefrom all that part of the said counties lying to the westward of the Wellington -Napier Railway line, and excepting also all that area of land in the Huangarua Survey District, being Sections 29 to 41 (inclusive), 59, 71, 72, 75, 79, 83, 90, 93, 97, 98, and part of Sections 70, 74. 78, 82, 86, 89, 91, 92, 94, 95, 96, 87, and 84 (in the occupa tion of Mr. John Martin and Mr. Featherston Johnston, and known as the Puruatanga Estate or Station). As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this third day of March, one thousand nine hundred and fifteen. W. H. HERRIES, For Minister of Internal Affairs.

j ßegulations for Deer-shooting in the Counties of Hutt and Featherston (Wainui), Horowhenua and Hutt (Paraparaumu), Tararua Forest Reserve, and Taihape. LIVERPOOL, Governor. IN pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred upon me by the Animals Protection Act, 1908 (hereinafter referred to as “the said Act”), I, Arthur William de Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby make the following regulations prescribing the deer-shooting season in that part of the Wellington Acclimatization District described in the First Schedule hereto, and further prescribing the conditions affecting such deer-shooting, the form of license, and the fee payable in respect thereof.

REGULATIONS. 1. Red-deer stags may be taken or killed within the district described in the First Schedule hereto from the Ist April, 1915, to the 31st May, 1915 (both days inclusive). 2. Licenses to take or kill such deer may be issued by the Chief Postmaster at Wellington, or by the Postmasters at Masterton, Carterton, Featherston, Greytown, Eketahuna, Pahiatua, Makuri, Pongaroa, Palmerston North, Paraparaumu, Otaki, Taihape, Mangaweka, and Lower Hutt, on payment by the licensee of a license fee of £2. Not more than one such license shail be issued to any one person. Every such license shall be in the form in the Second Schedule hereto. 3. No licensee under these regulations shall take or kill more than two stags, and no stag shall be taken or killed carrying antlers with less than ten points. 4. No such licensee shall take or kill any hind or fawm on any pretext whatever, nor shall he allow any dog to accompany either himself or any attendant while stalking in the district to which his license relates. 5. Nothing in these regulations or in any license issued thereunder shall be deemed to authorize a licensee to take or kill any stag in any part of the Wellington Acclimatization District other than that part to wdiich these regulations apply, or in any other acclimatization district. 6. Nothing in these regulations shall be deemed to authorize any person to sell any deer or any part thereof. 7. Every person who commits a breach of these regulations is liable, on summary conviction, to a fine not exceeding J2O. First Schedule. District to which License relates. All that area commencing at the Onoke Lake, thence northward along the west side of the Wairarapa Lake to Featherston, thence along the railway-line to Eketahuna, thence eastward in a direct line to the sea at Castlepoint, thence northward along the coast to the Waimata River, thence in a direct line westward to Mangatainoka, thence westward to Palmerston North, thence along the railway-line to Paekakariki, thence south-east to the sea at Petone, thence along the coast to the point of commencement at the Onoke Lake. Also all that area within a line commencing at the mouth of the Kawhatau River, thence westward along the river to its source at the summit of the Ruahine Ranges, thence northward to Motopuha, thence westward to Te Rotoiti, thence southward to Moawhango, thence to the point of commencement at the mouth of the Kawhatau River. Areas excluded therefrom. That portion known as Totara Flat and the Waiohini Valley commencing at Woodside, thence north-west tq

Mount Reeves, thence westward to Mount Hector, thence north-east to Mount Holdsworth, thence in a direct line to Carterton, thence southward to Woodside. The area within a line commencing at the mouth of the Otaki River, thence following up the stream to a point opposite Mount Crawford on the Tararua Ranges, thence in a direct line to Mount Crawford, thence northward to Mount Dundas, thence northward to Mount Arawaru, thence westward to the sea at the mouth of the Manawatu River, thence southward along the coast to the mouth of the Otaki River. All that piece of land containing 500 acres, being Section 16, Block I, Akatarawa Survey District, which land is shown as an acclimatization reserve on the provisional plan of the Hutt County in the Crown Lands Office at Wellington. Also all that piece of land containing 6,500 acres being parts of Blocks VIII, IX, X, and XVII, Rimutaka Survey District, and shown on the Crown Lands provisional map of the Hutt County as a timber and water reserve (the said land being the catchment area for the Weilington City Council’s reservoir situated at Wainuiomata). Second Schedule. No. License to take or hill Red-deer Stags. , of , having this day paid the sum of £2, is hereby authorized to take or kill two red-deer stags, of not less than ten points, within that part of the Wellington Acclimatization District described in the endorsement hereon, from the , 1915, to the , 1915 (both days inclusive). This license is issued subject to the provisions of the Animals Protection Act, 1908, and to the regulations thereunder in force within the said part of the Wellington Acclimatization District. Dated at this day of , 1915. Chief Postmaster [or Postmaster]. endorsement. District to which License relates. All that area commencing at the Onoke Lake, thence northward along the west side of the Wairarapa Lake to Featherston, thence along the railway-line to Eketahuna, thence eastward in a direct line to the sea at Castlepoint, thence northward along the coast to the Waimata River, thence in a direct line westward to Mangatainoka, thence westward to Palmerston North, thence along the railway-line to Paekakariki, thence south-east to the sea at Petone, thence along the coast to the point of commencement at the Onoke Lake. Also all that area within a line commencing at the mouth of the Kawhatau River, thence westward along the river to its source at the summit of the Ruahine Ranges, thence northward to Motopuha, thence westward to Te Rotoiti, thence southward to Moawhango, thence to the point of commencement at the mouth of the Kawhatau River. Areas excluded therefrom. That portion known as Totara Flat and the Waiohini Valley commencing at Woodside, thence north-west to Mount Reeves, thence westward to Mount Hector, thence north-east to Mount Holdsworth, thence in a direct line to Carterton, thence southward to Woodside. The area within a line commencing at the mouth of the Otaki River, thonce following up . the stream to a point opposite Mount Crawford on the Tararua Ranges, thence in a direct line to Mount Crawford, thence northward to Mount Dundas, thence northward to Mount Arawaru, thence westward to the sea at the mouth of the Manawatu River, thence southward along the coast to the mouth of the Otaki River. All that piece of land containing 500 acres, being Section 16, Block I, Akatarawa Survey District, which land is shown as an acclimatization reserve on the provisional plan of the Hutt County in the Crown Lands Office at Wellington. Also all that piece of land containing 6,500 acres, being parts of Blocks VIII, IX, X, and XVII, Rimutaka Survey District, and shown on the Crown Lands provisional map of the Hutt County as a timber and water reserve (the said land being the catchment area for the Wellington City Council’s reservoir situated at Wainuiomata). As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this third day of March, one thousand nine hundred and fifteen. W. H. HERRIES, For Minister of Internal Affairs.

Certificate and Declaration of Execution of Criminal. Department of Justice, Wellington, 10th March, 1015. r I IHE following certificate and declaration are publi.-hed I in conformity with the provisions of the Crimes Act, 1908. A. L. HERDMAJSi. Minister of Justice.

Certificate. I, Hamilton Andrew Hugh Gilmer, the Medical Officer in attendance at the execution of Arthur Rottrnann at the Prison of Wellington, do hereby certify and declare that I have this day witnessed the execution of the said Arthur Rottrnann at the said prison, and I do further certify and declare that the said Arthur Rottrnann was, in pursuance of the sentence of the Supreme Court, hanged by the neck until his body was dead. Given under my hand this Bth day of March, 1915, at the Prison of Wellington. Hamilton A. H. Gilmer, M.D.


Declaration. We do hereby testify and declare that we have this day been present when the extreme penalty of the law was carried into execution on the body of Arthur Rottrnann, convicted at the Criminal Sittings of the Supreme Court held at Wanganui on the 9th day of February last, and sentenced to death; and that the said Arthur Rottrnann was, in pursuance of the said sentence, hanged by the neck until his body was dead. Dated this Bth day of March, 1915, at the Prison of Web lington. W. A. Hawkins, Sheriff. M. Hawkins, Gaoler. T. Vincent, Chief Warder. E. Arnold, J.P. J. G. Chapman, Methodist Minister. H. E. Boon. J. Chas. Norman.


By Authority: John Mackay, Government Printe v Wollincrt-nn

Name of Offender. Where tried. When. Offence Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. i Distinguishing Marks <fcc Heta, Friday Whangaroa .. 27/2/15 theft to pay costs .. N. Zealand bushman .. 1887 ft. in. 5 8 copper.. black dark br. flat McAnulty, Clifford Auckland 1/3/15 assaulting police (2 to pay costs .. N. Zealand butcher 1886 5 94 fresh .. dark brown grey • • small Female head on right forearm. charges) refusing to quit licensed to pay costs premises damaging police uniform to pay costs fresh .. dark brown James, Winifred .. , , Auckland 1/3/15 theft to come up if N. Zealand cook 1894 5 7 blue medium Medium bui'd. called on McGrath, Andrew .. . , Auckland 2/3/15 theft fined £3 Scotland .. cook 1874 5 9 fresh .. dark grey .. medium Star on right hand; blind in left eye; scar on nose. F.P. (See Police Gazette , 1912, page 636.) Purnell, Alfred Clagg , . Auckland 4/3/15 theft fined £5 N. Zealand wharf1872 5 11 fair auburn grey .. medium TRUE LOVE on right forearm; A.C.P. on k*fo labourer forearm. MacKay,Paul # , Auokland 2/3/15 assault fined £5 Scotland .. hawker 1880 5 6 fair auburn blue medium Stout build. assault convicted and discharged dark brown Fitzsimmons, William Auckland 4/3/15 obscene language fined £2 Ireland labourer 1888 5 6 fresh .. bl ue medium Blue dot at base of left thumb. Teddy, Hilda Irene, alias Auckland 2/3/15 soliciting prostitution to come up if N. Zealand prostitute .. 1879 5 24 dark .. black brown .. short Mole at corner of right eye ; scar on abdomen. Lloyd, Margaret called on dark F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1914, page 365.) Simpson, George Nichol . . Auckland 4/3/15; theft (2 charges) to come up if N. Zealand draper's as1887 0 7 dark .. brown .. medium F.P. called on sistant Nicholl or Niccol, Henry Auckland 4/3/15 betting in a public place fined £20 N. Zealand clerk and 1867 5 5 dark brown brown .. medium 3 p.c. for betting. Malcolm, alias Boxer bookmaker Martin, George Peter , , Auckland 5/3/15 failing to provide for his to pay 7s. fid. Australia .. flax-cutter & 1890 5 H fresh .. auburn blue medium Flower on right forearm ; TRUE LOVE, crossed illegitimate child per week bushman flags and heart, M.J., heart, and bean on left forearm. Weber, Ernest Edwin HerAuckland 5/3/15 theft to come up if N. Zealand farm hand .. 1897 5 54 fresh .. brown brown .. medium Large scar oh right wrist. man called on Parata, Amy . . Thames 1/3/15 theft to come up if N. Zealand 1900 5 04 copper.. black brown .. flat called on brown Smith, John Waihi 2/3/15 theft (3 charges) fined £2 on each Australia .. miner 1878 5 10i sallow.. blue-gr’y long, Enlarged joint on left forefinger ; scald-mark at hooked side of right knee and calf; long features; flat chest. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1915, black page 133.) O’Brien, Patrick .. Te Aroha 3/3/15 obscene language fined 10s. N. Zealand jockey 1887 5 4 fresh .. hazel .. long Thin sharp features. De Parry, Harry .. Mercury Bay 23/2/15 wilful damage fined 10s. and Russia gum-digger 1860 5 8 dark .. dark brown .. medium to pay damage Hardgraves, Frederick, alias N. Plymouth 8/3/15 theft to come up if N. Zealand labourer 1899 5 0 fair brown hazel .. medium Scars on right hand ; two small brown marks on Nicholls called on withright forearm ; scar on left wrist and on both in 6 month - knees. Li, Wee .. ■ . . Napier 1/3/15 in possession of opium fined £30 China gardener 1887 5 54 copper.. black brown .. medium Eight vaccination-marks on left upper arm ; mole between eyes and on back of neck. Christie, Tu , . Te Karaka .. 1/3/15 obscene language fined £5 N. Zealand labourer 1891 5 8 swarthy black brown .. medium A half-caste Maori ; soar near left eye. (See Police Gazette, 1915, page 65.) Kingi, Tutare Te Karaka .. 1/3/15 breach of the peace fined £1 N. Zealand labourer 1874 5 9 swarthy black brown .. large, flat A half-caste Maori. Whelan, Simon Mangaweka.. 4/3/15 breach of his prohibition fined £2 Ireland labourer 1878 5 8§ sallow.. black blue medium Star and harp on right hand ; ring on each order middle finger; anchor on left hand.

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates’ Courts, but not sent to Gaol.

1 ( 1 " ‘ Name of Offender. 1 Where tried. < When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. a u o PQ M I Com'S 1 plexion. « Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &c. Mitchell, Charles Richard 1 Dannevirke .. 3/3/15 theft fined £3 England .. farmer 1870 ft. in. 5 10 fresh .. brown brown .. medium Lewis Hemingsen, Claus Peter Dannevirke .. 5/3/15 obstructing police fined £5 Denmark .. labourer 1846 5 8 fair grey grey .. short Numerous p.c. for drunkenness. Simpson, John Dannevirke .. 5/3/15 illegally on premises .. to come up if N. Zealand shop assist1890 5 I sallow .. dark brown grey .. large Scar on each thumb. (See Police Gazette, 1912, called on ant page 154.) Woodfield, John Herbert Palmerston N. 15/2/15 obscene language fined £5 N. Zealand stablekeeper 1867 5 7 fresh .. fair blue medium Wright, James Pongaroa 6/3/15 assault fined 5s. N. Zealand farmer 1872 5 10 fresh .. brown brown .. medium Stroak, Archibald .. Pongaroa 6/3/15 assault fined 5s. England .. farmer 1853 5 8J fair grey blue .. medium Gillard, George Herbert Pongaroa 6/3/15 assault fined 5s. N. Zealand farmer 1875 5 7 fresh .. brown brown .. medium Pepperell, Lilly Violet Featherston 8/3/15 theft to come up if England .. 1892 5 fresh .. dark grey • • medium called on Hendrick, James .. Wellington .. 1/3/15 military desertion to military N. Zealand clerk 1881 5 5 fresh .. dark brown blue medium Five dots on left arm ; left little finger bent. authorities (See Police Gazette, 1910, page 142.) 2/3/15 negligently losing unifined £1 form Jones, James alias Johnston Wellington .. 1/3/15 vagrancy to come up if N. Zealand labourer 1878 5 8 dark .. brown grey . „ sharp See Police Gazette, 1913, page 215. called on Connell, Frank Wellington .. 1/3/15 vagrancy to come up if N. Zealand labourer 1887 5 8|: pale brown blue medium See Police Gazette, 1911, page 365. called on Tobin, Joseph John Wellington .. 1/3/15 vagrancy to come up if N. Zealand painter 1885 5 7 fresh .. brown blue medium See Police Gazette, 1914, page 435. Tobin, George Harold ' - ' called on, and prohibited W ellington .. 1/3/15 vagrancy to come up if N. Zealand labourer 1886 5 7 fair brown blue .. medium F.P. Walsh, Annie . . .. called on, and prohibited Wellington ,. 1/3/15 illegally on licensed preconvicted and Australia .. domestic 1870 5 1 dark .. black bazel .. medium MoMahon, Bernard mises discharged Wellington .. 1/3/15 illegally on licensed fined 10s. England .. cook 1886 5 7 pale black brown .. medium Butterfly on right forearm ; burn-scar on right premises shin ; eyes turned inwards. Pearce, Thomas Clarence .. Wellington .. 2/3/15 theft (3 charges) convicted and N. Zealand schoolboy .. 1902 4 7| fresh .. brown blue medium discharged on each 1 Carlson, Annie, alias Halford, Wellington .. 2/3/15 drunkenness .. convicted and N. Zealand prostitute .. 1865 5 1 fresh .. brown brown .. medium See Police Gazette, 1914, page 423. Mary obscene language discharged fined £3 ! Lemont, Frank Wellington .. 2/3/15 drunkenness .. convicted and France seaman 1869 5 9 fresh .. dark blue medium Right forearm covered with scars. Claery, Joseph 1 * • obscene language discharged fined £3 - , ■ * • Wellington .. 2/3/15 drunkenness .. convicted and N. Zealand labourer 1881 “5 8$ fresh .. dark grey .. blue medium Scar under chin. (See Police Gazette, 1913, pa^e Sampson, Frederick obscene language discharged fined £3 89.) Wellington .. 3/3/15 vagrancy convicted and Australia .. labourer 1886 5 7 fresh .. dark blue medium One little finger deformed F,P. discharged s 1

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates’ Courts, but not sent to Gaol -continued.

Name of Offender. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height i I Comj plexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. j Distinguishing Marks, &r Hannah, James Frederick .. Wellington .. 3/3/15 drunk and disorderly .. fined £1 N. Zealand contractcr .. 1 1847 ft. in. 5 10 fresh .. grey blue medium See Police Gazette, 1914, page 720. Dowrick, Stephen .. Wellington .. 6/3/15 theft fined £1 • • N. Zealand labourer 1885 5 54 fresh .. brown hazel .. medium Small white patch on back of head. Murray, Charles Ahaura 26/2/15 drunk and disorderly .. fined £1 •• N. Zealand labourer 1877 5 9 fresh .. brown It. brown Roman J Kilgour, Henry Ahanra 26/2/15 drunkenness .. fined £1 N. Zealand labourer 1880 5 54 florid .. brown blue broad Soar on forehead, between eyes, on upper lip, illegally on licensed fined £2 and on left forearm. (See Police Gazette, premises 1914, page 685.) Dunick, Joseph Christchurch 3/3/15 assault to keep peace Germany .. farmer 1868 5 9 fresh .. dark blue medium Right middle finger missing. for 6 months Sullivan, Patrick, alias HoiChristchurch 3/3/15 vagrancy to come up if N. Zealand labourer 1879 5 n fresh .. dark brown blue broad See Police Gazette, 1915, page 157. land oalled Dn Edwards, Gordon .. Timaru 21/2/15 obscene language fined £1 N. Zealand carpenter .. 1886 5 8 fresh .. brown blue medium Kaan, Herbert Timaru 4/3/15 obscene language fined £1 Australia .. jockey 1892 5 5 sallow .. brown, wavy grey .. medium breach of the peace fined £1 Ritchie, Douglas Alexander Timaru 1/3/15 illegally on premises .. to come up if Scotland .. labourer 1885 5 7 fresh .. black brown .. medium called on Hill, Herbert Kurow 3/3/15 assault fined £1 N. Zealand labourer 1891 5 9 fair dark hazel .. medium Dasler, Peter Robert Oamaru 20/2/15 obscene language fined £1 N. Zealand labourer 1834 6 0| sunb’rnt dark brown blue medium Strong build; slovenly gait. (See Police Gazette, drunkenness .. fined 10s. 1914, page 45.) McLeod, John Middlemarch 16/2/15 illegally on licensed fined £1 Scotland .. labourer 1871 5 7 fair brown blue medium premises McKay, Andrew Middlemarch 16/2/15 illegally on licensed fined £1 Scotland .. rabbiter 1868 5 84 d ark .. brown brown .. medium premises cheesemakor Johnston, Joseph .. Middlemarch 16/2/15 indecent language fined £1 N. Zealand 1884 5 9 fair red blue medium obstructing police fined £1 Davidson, Thomas.. Middlemarch 16/2/15 inciting to assault police fined £1 Scotland .. labourer 1849 5 8 dark .. grey blue .. medium Farrell, John Dunedin 2/3/15 obscene language fined £2 Australia .. fireman 1876 5 8£ pale dark, thin .. blue medium Cataract on right eye. Hessey, Walter William Dunedin 2/3/15 assault fined £3 N. Zealand coppersmith 1894 5 84 fresh .. dark brown blue medium Left ring and little fingers have been broken ; i three blue dots at base of left thumb, Whyte, Peter Dunedin 4/3/15 obscene language fined £3 Scotland .. painter 1 1879, 5 6| dark .. dark, thin'.. brown .. medium Cockatoo inside right arm.

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates’ Courts, but not sent to Gaol -continued.

Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. j d J-4 A GO Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. When disRemarks, and Previous Convictions. | I M © a (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Auckland ft. in. Thomas, Joseph Taumarunui 22/2/15 theft .. „ remanded N. Zealand labourer 1877 5 7 florid .. black hazel .. medium 1/3/15 Scar on right side of head and on left hand ; M.C. two scars on left forefinger ; left forearm has been broken. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1913, page 389.) Quinlivan, Michael, alias Coromandel 3/12/11 theft 3 months Ireland labourer 1868 5 fresh .. grey grey .. medium 2/3/15 5 p.c. Nail of left ring-finger split. F.P. Quinlan M.C. Photographed at Auckland, 25/5/14. (See Police Gazette, 1914, page 786.) Rowe, Thomas Auckland 25/9/14 theft (2 charges) 6 months on N. Zealand bootmaker .. 1873 5 H sallow .. black Uazel .. medium 2/3/15 13 p.c. One tooth missing from lower jaw. M.C. each F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 17/5/12. theft 3 months (See Notice Gazette , 1913, page 738.) Wills, Charles Frederick Auckland 4/12/14 • embezzling cargo 3 months India seaman 1885 5 6 fresh .. brown, curly brown .. broad 3/3/15 Clasped hands over hears on right forearm; scar on right forefinger; small scar under right M.C. . eye. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 3/3/15. Holt, Gerald Joseph or Auckland 18/2/15 assault 14 days N. Zealand labourer 1875 5 si fresh .. light brown brown . . large 3/3/15 3 p.c. Four dots on left forearm ; large dot on Joseph M.C. left hand ; ring on left middle finger ; scar on nose. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1912, page 84.) Campbell, Mary Auckland 4/2/15 using insulting language fine or 1 month N. Zealand prostitute .. 1877 5 5 sallow .. dark brown blue-gr’y medium 3/3/15 30 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1914, page 702.) M.C. to a Railway officer Cuming grey Wilkie, Margaret Auckland 18/2/15 illegally on premises .. 14 days Scotland .. prostitute .. 1848 4 10 ruddy .. dark brown hazel .. long 3/3/15 94 p.c. Scar on each lip and each side of head. M.C. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1915, page 48.) Halliday, Reginald Whangarei 16/2/15 theft 1 month N. Zealand blacksmith.. 1897 5 4| fresh .. light brown blue medium 3/3/15 Scar on left thumb ; right leg contracted ; right M.C. 19/1/15 theft from a dwelling .. fine or 1 month ankle enlarged. F.P. Transferred to Burnham Industrial School. Warrant executed on second charge, 16/2/15, Simpson, George Nicholl Auckland 1/3/15 theft remanded N. Zealand draper’s as1887 5 n sallow .. black brown .. small, sharp 4/3/15 Tips of left fore, middle, and ring fingers have M.C, sistant been injured ; broad forehead. F.P. Spence, David A u o k 1 a n d 3/3/15 ship-desertion .. remanded Ireland .. seaman 1896 5 3 fresh .. brown blue thick 4/3/15 Scar on top of head ; ship, clasped bands, flower, M.C. flag, and bust of Buffalo Bill on left forearm; D.S. on left hand ; dot between left forefinger and thumb ; clasped hands, flag, ribbon inscribed I CLING TO THEE, sailor, crossed flags, and female bust on right forearm. F.P. Hyde, Thomas .. Auckland 3/3/15 shin-desertion remanded Ireland seaman 1895 5 3f fair fair blue .. medium 4/3/15 Scar on right forefinger and on left knee; two M.C. soars on right foot ; two dots between rignt forefinger and thumb. F.P. McManus, William 1L alen svill e 6/2/15 assault 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1869 5 n fresh .. grey It. grey medium 5/3/15 8 p.c. Dot on right forearm; ring on right James, alias Mannus M.C. ring-finger; five dots on left forearm. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1910, page 17.) Nolan, William Godfrey A ii o k 1 an d 28/9/14 rogue and vagabond .. 6 months N. Zealand painter 1873 5 8 dark .. black brown .. medium 5/3/15 8 p.c. Burn-scar on left forearm ; large scar on M.C. left ring-finger and on left thumb ; face pockpitted. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 2/9/12. (See Police Gazette, 1914, page 582.) Lee, William .. Aackland 7/12/14 theft (3 charge's) 3 months on England .. labourer 1861 5 8 fresh .. fair grey .. long 6/8/15 1 p.c. Scar on left side of jaw. F.P. PhotoM.C. each graphed at Auckland, 3/3/15.


Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. J Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. 3 H Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. When discharged. Kemarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Auc kl and — continued. . ft. in. Spann or Spaan, John, Te Kuiti M.C. 13/10/14 breach of'probationary 1 month Finland .. carpenter .. 1861 5 4§ sallow .. dark brown blue large .. 6/3/15 14 p.c. Large scar on head ; scar on left eyealias Matson, alias license brow, on right thumb, and on left palm ; Johnston, alias Smith, 1. W. S. SPAN, 1882, and coat-of-arms on left alias Anderson forearm ; cast in left eye. F.P. Photographed at Waikeria, 7/10/14. Detained to complete his former sentence of two years’ reformative . detention. (See Police Gazette, 1914, page 684.) Clarke, Thomas Tauranga 8/2/15 obscene language fine or 1 month England .. labourer 1859 5 1 i fresh .. brown turnblue large 6/3/15 Bracelet on right wrist; tip of left ring-finger M.C. i ing grey missing. F.P. Kind, Kohi, alias Kingi Auckland M C 1/3/15 indecency fine or 7 days N. Zealand labourer 1894 5 5i copper.. blaok hazel .. broad 6/3/15 F.P. King, Martha or Violet, A u o k 1 a n d 22/2/15 obscene language 14 days N. Zealand domestic .. 1888 5 SJ fair brown brown .. pointed .. 6/3/15 2 p.c. Scar on right wrist and on left forefinger. alias Roys ton M.C. F.P. (See Police Gazette , 1914, page 130.) Brierly, William Henry, Auckland 1/3/15 incorrigible rogue remanded England .. labourer 1842 5 H fresh .. grey blue hooked .. 6/3/15 37 p.c. Scar on right wrist, on left forearm, alias Williams M.C. on left cheek, and two on left leg. F.P. (See Police Gazette , 1915, page 184 ) Donovan, Mary Auckland 27/2/15 incorrigible rogue remanded N. Zealand prostitute .. 1882 5 0 fresh .. dark brown brown .. medium 6/3/15 11 p.c. Left forefinger contracted. F.P. (See M.C. Police Gazette, 1906, page 15.) Thames — Wilson, Donald, alias Waihi M.C. .. 6/2/15 rogue and vagabond .. 1 month N. Zealand miner 1892 5 8* fair light brown blue long 5/3/15 2 p.c. Operation-scars on left leg. F.P. PhotoForbes graphed at Waihi, 24/7/14. (See Police Gazette, Waikeria— 1915, page 36.) Remmers, Charles Alfred W ellington 17/2/13 breaking, entering, and 3 years England .. labourer 1889 6 1 3 dark .. brown ,. brown .. medium 5/3/15 Six-pointed star on left forearm. F.P. PhotoS.C. theft graphed at Waikeria, 5/3/15. An ex police theft (6 charges) 18 months on conscable. Discharged on special remission. Gisborne— each Carmody, John Gisborne M.C. 20/2/15 drunkenness .. 10 days Ireland contractor .. 1861 5 n fair grey grey .. medium 1/3/15 Arms freckled. (See Police Gazette, 1915, page Carruthers, George Gisborne M.C. 2/2/15 drunkenness .. fine or 48 hours Australia .. jockey 1884 5 fair fair grey .. medium 3/3/15 Scar on right thumb, on left forefinger, and on breach of his prohibition 1 month right leg. Sentences cumulative. i ' ■ order Scott, John Gisborne M.C. 7/12/14 default of maintenance 3 months N. Zealand cook 1879 5 n dark .. dark brown brown .. medium 6/3/15 Leaves and ferns with BELLA’S LOVE and turning grey rose, shamrock, and thistle on right forearm ; cross, and IN MEMORY OF B. SGOTT on , left arm; scar on left side. (See Police Gazette, 1914, page 639.) Parsons, Alphonso Gisborne M.C. 1/3/15 drunkenness and default fine or 7 days N. Zealand labourer 1878 5 10 fair dark brown blue wide 6/3/15 H.R., heart, crossed hands, anchor, fern, and Hughie of medical expences dagger on right arm ; burn-mark on right hip : scar on right ring-finger. Hutchison, John Gisborne M.C. 26/1/15 obscene language fine or 7 days England .. cook 1892 5 54 fair dark brown blue medium 6/3/15 Scar on forehead, on left forefinger, and on right inciting 14 days ■ middle finger; anchor and two dots on left throwing stones 1 month arm. F.P. Portion of fine paid. Sentences New Plymouth— cumulative. Fahey, Denis Hawera M.C. 24/9/14 rogue and vagabond .. 6 months Ireland labourer 1845 5 6 pale grey blue medium 1/3/15 9 p.c. Tip of right ring-finger missing. (See Police Gazette, 1912, page 242.) Terry, Lawrence Stratford M.C. 4/12/14 default of maintenance 3 months Ireland labourer 1862 5 8 sandy .. brown blue medium 3/3/15 2 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1914, page 555.) Connolly, John Stratford M.C. 25/2/15 obscene language 7 days Ireland seaman 1851 5 n fresh .. brown hazel .. medium 3/3/15 Large scar on left forearm flat feet. F.P.


Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. ■ i When. | Offence. Sentence. 1 Native of | Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F .P .indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Napier— ft. in. Harris, Robert, alias Williams, Robert or Barnes, alias Barnes, William, Richard or Robert, alias Wilson, alias Thompson, Hastings M.C. 1/3/15 theft fine or 48 hours N. Zealand labourer 1883 5 71 dark .. black hazel .. medium 6/3/15 7 p.c. Scar on tip of nose; ballet-girl on left forearm. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1913, page 319.) Robert Wanganui— Thom, Edward Sydney Wanganui M.C. 1/3/15 drunkenness .. 48 hours England .. cook 1873 5 8J sallow.. dark brown brown .. long, pointed 3/3/15 3 p,c. Diamond on left forearm flat-footed; walks badly. (See Police Gazette, 191 page Jones, Frederick David Wanganui M.C. 23/2/15 theft and false pretences (2 charges) remanded Victoria .. labourer 1893 5 5 fresh .. dark brown brown .. long, pointed 3/3/15 Scars on forehead and above right elbow; burnscar on left palm. F.P. Coburn, L, alias Howell, Harold Harland Wanganui M.C. 27/2/15 false pretences remanded N. Zealand labourer 1890 5 114 sallow .. dark brown hazel .. medium 5/3/15 3 p.c. for naval offences. Ship and crossed flags in wreath on right forearm. F.P. Bernhard, Philip George alias Walters, George, alias Thorpe, alias Wellington M.C. 1/3/15 theft from the person and escaping from custody remanded N. Zealand labourer and traveller 1884 5 8J fair fair blue large 3/3/15 12 p.c. in Australia. Boil-scar on left forefinger and on nose ; small scar on left ring-finger. (See Police Gazette, 1914, page 177.) Walsterson, Philip or Bernard, alias “ Snowy Gill,” alias Walters, Samuel, alias Story, alias Greigg Hill, Mary Ann Wanganui M.C. 17/2/15 vagrancy remanded England .. charwoman 1873 5 1 sallow .. brown turning grey hazel .. medium 3/3/15 Almost blind; mentally deficient. Watson, Robert Wanganui M.C. 4/3/15 drunkenness .. 24 hours Scotland .. farm hand .. 1886 5 74 fair fair hazel .. long, pointed 5/3/15 Gallagher, Peter Taihape M.C. 6/3/15 indecent exposure 1 month N.S. Wales labourer 1863 5 94 fresh .. grey grey .. large, hooked 5/3/15 Small scar on left forefinger ; large scar on right forefinger ; tip of of one toe of left foot missing, F.P. Burns, William or James Charles, alias Munroe, alias Wilson Wanganui M.C. 5/3/15 drunkenness .. 48 hours Ireland labourer 1844 5 2£ fresh .. grey blue broad 6/3/15 31 p.c. Left forefinger missing; sear on forehead and on nose. (See Police Gazette , 1914, page 704.) Wellington — -<■ :■ 1870 5 114 Harding, Reginald Joseph Wellington M.C. 4/2/15 resisting police assaulting police fine or 7 days fine or 1 month N. Zealand seaman dark .. dark turning grey blue .. medium 3/3/15 Large dent near left temple ; coat-of-arms with NEW ZEALAND and AMERICA on right arm ; man and woman with LOVE on chest; ship on left arm ; woman above right knee ; coat-of-arms above left knee. F.P. Barrett, Thomas Joseph W e 11 in g t on M.C. 4/1/15 rogue and vagabond .. 2 months England .. seaman 1873 5 8f fresh .. brown blue medium 3/3/15 Numerous p.c. Anchor and five-pointed star on right forearm ; bracelet on right wrist; woman in wreath on right hand ; ship on chest 5 Crucifixion with I.H.S. on right arm. McManus, May Wellington M.C. ; 4/2/15 breach of her prohibition order drunkenness .. fine or 3 days fine or 1 month Ireland domestic .. 1879 5 5 ruddy .. dark brown brown .. medium 3/3/15 7 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1915, page 123.) Mitchell, Henry William W e llington M.C. 6/2/15 theft 1 month England .. cook 1865 5 5| fresh .. grey It. blue large 5/3/15 ....... Several p.c; Scar on left palm; P.P. (See Police Gazette, 1911, page 117,)


Saol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. j Native of j Trade. a u o [Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F. P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.' Wellington — continued. , ft. in. Hardy, Alfred Herbert .. Wellington M.C 20/2/15 stowaway fine or 14 days Tasmania.. labourer 1882 5 7£ sallow .. brown blue oblique .. 5/3/15 Scar on upper lip; mouth disfigured; scar on left forearm ; slight impediment in speech ; ruptured. F.P. Pentland, Albert Well ington M.C. 20/2/15 stowaway fine or 14 days Australia .. labourer 1883 5 10 dark .. dark brown dark br. medium 5/3/15 Scar on left wrist;. brown mole on left buttock. F.P. Mathieson, Donald Wellington M.C. 7/12/14 rogue and vagabond .. 3 months Scotland .. labourer 1874 5 10! dark .. dark brown grey .. medium 6/3/15 39 p.c. Scar on bridge of nose and on right thigh. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1912, page 74.) Several p.c. for drunkenness. Scar on nose and at base of right thumb. F.P. Patterson, John Wellington M.C. 7/1/15 wilful damage 2 months N. Zealand labourer 1872 5 7 fair brown turning grey blue large 6/3/15 Kempton, Elizabeth Wellington M.C. 19/9/14 rogue and vagabond .. 6 months Tasmania domestic .. 1867 5 4 fresh .. auburn grey .. large 1/3/15 Several p.c. Scar on bridge of nose. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1914, page 584.) Schultz, Julia, alias Scholtes, alias Sholtes W ellington M.C. 2/12/14 vagrancy (2 charges) .. 3 months on each N. Zealand prostitute .. 1878 5 2J dark .. brown blue large 1/3/15 Several p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1914, page 789.) Nicholls, Ernest Taihape M.C. 2/12/14 drunkenness .. 3 months Australia .. bricklayer .. 1875 5 4f dark .. dark brown dark br. medium 1/3/15 7 p.c. Scar on side of nose and on neck. (See Police Gazette , 1914, page 772.) Gumm, Claude Anthony Wellington M.C. 26/2/15 forgery and uttering .. remanded England .. bootmaker;.. 1889 5 sallow .. dark brown grey .. medium 1/3/15 6 p.c. Birth-mark on right forearm ; scar on one right finger. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 7/1/13. (See Police Gazette, 1913, page 57.) Hendrick, James W ellingto n M.C. 24/2/15 deserting from Expeditionary Force remanded N. Zealand labourer 1880 5 dark .. dark brown blue medium 2/3/15 Several docs on left arm ;, left little finger contracted. F.P. Mohan, Edward, alias Mahon W ellington M.C. 17/2/15 theft fine or 14 days Ireland fireman 1877 5 dark .. dark brown grey .. large 2/3/15 Several p.c. Left arm has been broken at elbow. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1915, page 139.) Dallas, Ernest Wellington M.C. 10/2/15 obscene language assault resisting police damaging police uniform fine or 21 days fine or 21 days fine or 14 days fine or 48 hours England .. labourer 1890 5 li dark .. dark grey .. medium 2/3/15 Sailor and anchor on right forearm; clasped hands over rose,, woman with TRUE LOVE, and sailor with IN MEMORY OF MY DEAR BROTHER on left forearm. F.P. Fisher, Alfred .. Wellington M.C. 13/2/15 vagrancy 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1897 5 9 fair brown hazel .. medium 2/3/15 Scar on left wrist, on abdomen, and on each knee. Sent to Burnham School. Hamilton, John Walter W e llington M.C. 1/3/15 ■ ■ drunkenness^.. obscene language fine or 48 hours fine or 1 month N. Zealand driver 1881 5 5! florid .. brown dark br. ’ medium 6/3/15 Two gymnasts, woman on fish, butterfly, clasped hands over heart, and clasped hands over heart with TRUE LOVE on right arm ; coat-of-arms with ADVANCE NEW ZEALAND, two flags with rose, clasped hands over heart, ship, two flags, and HANDS ACROSS THE SEA on left arm. F.P. Fine paid. Seoullar, Dorothy, alias Souter Wellington M.C. 20/2/15 theft remanded for sentence N. Zealand domestic 1893 5 2f ruddy .. brown brown .. medium 6/3/15 Scar on right cheek. F.P. Bailed. Ferraro, Phyllis Wellington M.C. 30/9/14 rogue and vagabond .. 6 months N. Zealand domestic .. 1884 5 0! fresh, freckled light brown grey • • medium 6/3/15 4 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1911, page 586.) Picton — 1884 dark brown Bead, James .. Pioton M.C. 25/2/15 drunkenness .. 7 days ... N. Zealand labourer 5 6 fresh .. blue long 3/3/15 See Police Gazette, 1913, page 241. Nelson— Stubbington, James Nelson S.C. 1/3/15 sheep-stealing to come up if called on N. Zealand labourer 1891 5 8 dark .. brown brown .. medium 1/3/15 1 p.c. Stubbington, Frederick Nelson S.C. 1/3/15 sheep-stealing 12 months' probation N. Zealand labourer 1897 5 4 fair fair brown .. medium 1/3/15 Charles, John .. Nelson S.C. 1/3/15 sheep-stealing 12 months’ pro bation N. Zealand labourer 1899 5 8 fair fair blue .. medium 1/3/15


Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. j Native of Trade. | 1 d s JSD ComHair. Byes. ! w Nose. When disRemarks, and Previous Convictions. 1 CQ <D W plexion. charged. ( F. P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Grey mouth — ft. in. Wall, Thomas.. Greymouth 26/2/15 drunkenness .. remanded N. Zealand baker 1875 5 94 sallow .. dark brown hazel .. long 1/3/15 5 p.c. for drunkenness. (See Police. Gazette, Bourne, William Aubrey M.C. 1915, page 72.) Grey mouth 8/2/15 obscene language 1 month India labourer 1862 5 6 dark, dark, curly.. brown .. medium 6/3/15 7 p.c. Eagle on right forearm ; scar on foreTempleton — M.C. copper head, on chin, and on chest; birth-mark on back. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1914, page 437.) Me Masters, Donald Dunedin M.C. 27/3/14 false pretences (4 3 months on N. Zealand labourer 1884 5 6 fresh .. brown blue medium 4/3/15 F.P. Sentences cumulative. IS Police Gazette, Joseph charges) and theft each 1912, page 485, and Photographs, 1912, page 53.) JLyttelton — Leigh, Francis Geoffrey Christchurch 9/2/14 theft (3 charges) and 18 months N. Zealand clerk 1882 5 n fresh .. brown grey .. large 1/3/15 Left eye artificial. F.P. (See Police Gazette, Ryan, William, alias S.G. conspiracy 1914, page 112.) Timaru M.C. 8/12/14 vagrancy 3 months England .. fireman 1878 5 6 florid .. dark brown brown .. short, thiok 2/3/15 11 p.c. Crossed swords on right arm. F.P. Baker, alias Watson, alias Barker, alias McDonald, alias Holmes . Photographed at Waiotapu, 1/5/05. (See Police Gazette, 1914, page 350.) Lyons, George Frederick Dunedin S.C. 25/9/14 falsifying books (6 char6 months England .. clerk 1881 5 fresh .. brown grey .. medium 2/3/15 Scar on left thumb. F.P. Photographed at ges) falling to account for money (2 charges) ‘ v " . Lyttelton, 25/2/15. MoGillvery, James Christchurch 17/2/15 obscene language 14 days Scotland .. baker 1857 5 6| fresh .. brown turnblue medium 2/3/15 6 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette , 1907, page 243.) Sullivan, Patrick, alias Holland M.C. mg grey Christchurch M.C. 25/2/15 vagrancy remanded N. Zealand labourer 1879 5 n fresh .. dark brown blue broad 3/3/15 65 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette , 1915, page 157.) Denniston, Leo Christchurch 25/2/15 theft remanded N. Zealand Burnham 1896 5 7 sallow .. dark brown grey .. medium 4/3/15 1 p.c. Scar on left thumb. Returned to BurnMarchanton, Leonard .. M.C. boy ham. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1914, page 598.) Christchurch 26/2/15 breach of his prohibition fine or 7 days England .. salesman .. 1869 5 84 sallow .. grey blue medium 4/3/15 Two blue dots on left arm; scar on left side of Morgan, Daniel, alias M.C. order t neck. F.P. Christohurch 7/12/14 drunkenness .. fine or 24 hours Ireland labourer 1880 5 5f fair fair blue medium 6/3/15 17 p.c. F.P. Photographed at Lyttelton, 23/4/08. Grey, alias Duncan, alias Brown, John M.C. theft 3 months (See Police Gazette, 1914, page 757.) McCracken, Hugh Christohurch 8/12/14 theft (4 charges) 3 months N. Zealand blacksmith 1883 5 n sallow .. dark brown blue large 6/3/15 Heart and anchor on right arm ; ring on right Kissell, Philip M.C Christchurch ' .. . . \ . middle finger; club and several tattoo-marks on left arm ; ring on left rihg-finger. F.P. Photographed at Lyttelton, 25/2/15. 1/3/12 breaking, entering, and 4 years N. Zealand labourer 1887 5 34 swarthy brown brown .. large 6/3/15 1 p.c. White and vaccination marks on left S.C. theft (3 charges), and arm; white marks on both hips; round theft (3 charges) mouth; thick lips. F.P. Photographed at Lyttelton, 11/6/10. (See Police Gazette, 1910, Patterson, J. .. Lyttelton 6/3/15 disobeying lawful comfine or 2 days Scotland .. seaman 1879 5 44 fresh .. fair blue medium 6/3/15 page 284.) Clasped hands, heart, and TRUE LOVE on Addington— M.C. mands on ship right arm; ring on right middle finger; anchor on left wrist. F.P. Warren, Emma Christchurch M.C. 4/3/15 drunkenness .. 24 hours England .. domestic .. 1863 5 4 dark .. grey brown .. large 5/3/15 3 p.c. Upper teeth missing. Timaru— King, George .. Timaru M.C. 24/2/15 drunkenness.. 7 days England .. labourer 1856 5 64 fresh .. grey blue medium 3/3/15 Wilson, Walter Atkinson WaimateM.C. 24/2/15 drunkenness .. remanded England .. engineer 1861 5 6 dark .. grey brown .. medium 3/3/15 Small scar on forehead.


Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. d u I ComHair. Eyes. Nose. | When disRemarks, and Previous Convictions. 1 « © W charged. (F.P.indicates that finger-impressions have, been taken.) Timaru — continued. ft. in. Millar, Albert, alias Timaru M.C. 3/3/15 drunkenness ..' 48 hours N. Zealand labourer 1889 5 7 fair fair brown .. medium 5/3/15 Scar on right eye; A.P. on left arm; several Pobar 5 10} teeth missing. (See Police Gazette, 1915, page 158.) Walsh, James Geraldine 3/3/15 drunkenness .. remanded for Ireland farmer 1863 fresh .. grey grey .. medium 5/3/15 Small scar on right hand. M.C. medical treatment Dunedin— Smith, Frank .. Dunedin M.C. 26/2/15 sheep-stealing fine or 6 months England .. miner 1872 5 4 fresh .. brown blue .. long 1/3/15 Right thumb-nail split. F.P. Fine paid. Bain, James .. Dunedin M.C. 27/2/15 threatening behaviour fine or 14 days N. Zealand labourer 1881 5 5| fresh .. brown grey .. long 1/3/15 Scar on right palm. Fine paid. Montague, Esther Maria Dunedin M.C. 1/3/15 drunkenness .. fine or 48 hours Ireland prostitute .. 1854 5 4 fresh .. brown blue .. pug 3/3/15 43 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1910, page 272.) Healey, Maurice Dunedin M.C. 4/3/15 drunkenness .. fine or 3 days N. Zealand labourer 1885 5 9J fresh .. brown brown .. large 4/3/15 Scar on right eyebrow. Fine paid. Black, John William .. Dunedin M.C. 5/3/15 drunkenness .. fine or 24 hours N. Zealand labourer 1883 5 3i fresh .. brown grey .. long 6/3/15 Gore, Elizabeth Dunedin M.C. 4/3/15 drunkenness .. fine or 48 hours Ireland prostitute .. 1867 5 0J pale brown blue medium 6/3/15 29 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 3 902, page 142.) Langley, Maurice Dunedin M.C. 8/2/15 assault 1 month N. Zealand carter 1879 5 4 sallow .. black brown .. long 6/3/15 Scar on forehead and on left knee. F.P. drunkenness .. fine or 24 hours 5 7f Newman, William John j Hampden M.C. 22/2/15 disorderly behaviour .. 14 days N. Zealand plasterer 1878 fresh .. brown brown .. large 6/3/15 34 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1914, page 457.) Invercargill— 5 74 Tipene, Robert Invercargill 2/3/15 breaking, entering, and 2 years’ probaN. Zealand labourer 1890 copper.. black brown .. medium 2/3/15 S.C. theft tion 1 Cantrick, John Invercargill 2/3/15 breaking, entering, and 2 years’ probaN. Zealand labourer 1887 5 64 fresh .. brown It. grey medium 2/3/15 S.C. theft tion Stagg, Charles Invercargill 2/3/15 breaking, entering, and 2 years’s probaN. Zealand labourer 1881 5 6 fresh .. light brown It. blue large 2/3/15 F.P. | S.C. theft tion [ Von Tunzelmann, Victor Invercargill 13/11/09 breaking, entering, and 7 years N. Zealand chemist’s 1891 5 9 fresh .. light brown blue long 3/3/15 F.P. Photographed at Invercargill, 27/1/15. Emmanuel S.C. theft, and arson assistant 5 lOf Paulsen, Paul Halftand Invercargill 2/3/15 indecent assault acquitted Norway seaman 1894 fresh .. dark brown grey .. large 3/3/15 Anchor and fish on right arm; Norwegian and S.C. American flags with two hands and P.A. on right arm; scar inside right ear; upper front teeth missing; slight varicose veins in both Invercargill S C 5 6^ legs. F.P. Fosbender, Louis 2/3/15 cattle-stealing acquitted N. Zealand cattle-dealer 1885 fresh .. light brown It. grey medium 5/3/15 1 p.c. Left middle finger amputated. F.P. Fosbender, Joseph Invercargill S C 2/3/15 oattle-stealing acquitted N. Zealand cattle-dealer 1865 5 74 fresh .. turning grey It. blue medium 5/3/15 4 p.c. F.P. Guilford, Francis Henry Wellington 8/3/13 breaking, entering, and 2 years’ reforN. Zealand labourer 1892 5 4 dark .. dark brown blue medium 6/3/15 1 p.c. Clasped hands over heart with TRUE Gordon S.C. theft mative detention LOVE and fern-leaf on right arm ; heart on left arm ; scar under right eye. F.P. Photographed at Wellington, 10/5/13. (See Police Duncan, John Invercargill 5 H Gazette, 1907, page 169.) 2/3/15 incest and attempted acquitted N. Zealand mine 1869 fresh .. fair It. grey large 6/3/15 Sight of left eye defective ; small scar and burni S.C. incest manager mark on right arm; scar on left palm ; upper _ _ teeth missing. F.P.


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XL, Issue 11, 17 March 1915, Page 195

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EXTRACTS FROM NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XL, Issue 11, 17 March 1915, Page 195

EXTRACTS FROM NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XL, Issue 11, 17 March 1915, Page 195

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