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(From Gazette , 1911, pages 2713, 2720, 2721, and 2732.) Prescribing Close Season for Oysters at Nelson. ISLINGTON, Governor. ORDER IN COUNCIL. '' ' : •' At the Government House, at Wellington, this fifth day of September, 1911. Present : His Excellency the Governor in Council. WJ 11EREAS it is provided by the fifth section of the Fisheries Act, 1908 (heremaiter called “ the said Act”), that the Governor may from time to time, by Order in Council, make regulations, which shall have force and effect either throughout New Zealand or. only in such v/aters or places as are specified in the regulations, for, inter alia, prescribing a close season for oysters, over any term not exceeding three years, and, before the expiration of such term, further extending the same : ... .... And whereas it is desirable to prescribe a close, season for oysters, over a term of two years, in the waters and places hereinafter described : Now, therefore, Flis Excellency the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, in pursuance and exercise of. the power and authority conferred upon him by the said Act, and of all other powers and authorities enabling him in that behalf, and acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby make the following regulations.

REGULATIONS. 1. A close season for oysters, for a term of two years from the date of the publication of this Order in Council in the New Zealand Cazette, is hereby prescribed within the area described in the Schedule hereto. During such close season it shall not be lawful to take oysters within the said area. 2. Any person committing a breach of the foregoing regulation shall be liable to a fine of not less than £1 nor more than £2O. Schedule. All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point, at high-water mark on the eastern shore of Tasman Bay, at the south-western boundary of the Wakapuaka Native Reserve.; thence by the northern and western boundaries of Section 36, Block VI, Wakapuaka Survey District (Suburban North), the northern boundary of Sections 1 and 4, Block V, and the western boundary of the latter section to the Wakapuaka Road; thence by the said road to the western boundary of Section 7;' thence by the western boundary of Sections 7, 17, and 16, Block V, again to the Wakapuaka Road; thence by the said road to Section 11a, Block IX; thence by the western boundary of the said Section 11a to the Wakapuaka Road; thence by the said road to a road forming the western boundary of Section 1, Block IX, Wakapuaka Survey District (Suburban North); thence by the said road to the northern boundary of Section H 9, City of Nelson; thejnce by the

said boundary for a distance of 626'2 links; thence by a line bearing 293° 40' 20" a distance of about 4600 links; thence by a line bearing 220° 18' a distance of about 4400 links to a point 50 links outside the railway breastwork, opposite the road lying between Sections 57 and 58, City of Nelson; thence by a line parallel to and 50 links outside the railway breastwork to the south - eastern boundary of Foreshore Lease No. 9; thence by the southeastern boundary of No. 9 to the south-western corner of No. 9; thence by the south-western boundaries of Foreshore Leases N os. 9,8, 7,6, and 5; thence 50 links along the north-western boundary of Lease Ho. 5; thence by lines parallel to and 50 links outside the railway breastwork and the north-eastern and north-western sides of the Kailway Wharf ; thence by a line in prolongation of the line parallel to and 50 links outside the north-western boundary of the Kailway Wharf to a point at which it intersects the prolongation of boundary-line between Sections 18 and 17, City of Nelson; thence to Wakefield Quay opposite the boundary-line between Sections 18 and 17, City of Nelson; thence by a line to form the north-western side of Wakefield Quay distant 1 chain from the north-western boundaries of Sections 17, 16, 15, 14, and 13, City of Nelson, to the Kocks Koad breastwork; thence by the said breastwork to a point 7 chains distant in a northerly direction from the western boundary of the main road to Stoke; thence by high - water mark of Tasman Kay and the Waimea Mud-tiat to a public road forming the southwestern boundary of Section 62, Block 111, Waimea Survey District (Suburban South); thence by a public road forming the boundary of Sections 77, 78, and 79, Block VII (Waimea Bast), to the north-eastern boundary of Section 222 of the said Block VII; thence by the said boundary and by the north-eastern and north-western boundaries of Section 221 again to a public road forming the southwestern boundary of the last-mentioned section; thence by the said public road forming the north-eastern boundaries of Sections 220, 219, 218, 217, Block VII, Sections 2i6, 215, 214, 213, 212, 169, Block VI, Sections 198, 212, 211, 209, 208, and 207, Block 11, to the mouth of the River Waimea; thence by a line across the said river to the northern boundary of Section 10, Block II aforesaid (Waimea West); thence by high-water mark of the Waimea .Mud-flat to the west side of the road forming the western boundary of Section 3, Block II aforesaid (Waimea West); thence by the said road to the northern boundary of Section 13, Block I, Waimea Survey District; thence by high-water mark of the Waimea Mud-flat, Tasman Bay, and the Moutere Mud-flat to a public road forming the north-western boundary of Section 203, Block VIII, Motueka Survey District (Moutere); thence by the said road and a continuation thereof forming the boundary of Section 202, Block VII, to the mouth of the River Moutere ; thence by a line across the said river to the road forming the eastern boundary of Section 172, Block VII aforesaid (Moutere); thence by the said road to the southern boundary of Section 3of 173; thence by the southern, eastern, and northern boundaries of the said section to a public road; thence by the said public road to the southern boundary of Section 3 of 170, Block VII aforesaid (Motueka); thence by the southern and eastern boundaries of the said section to a public road; thence by a public road to Section 144, Block IV; thence by the southern boundary of the said Section 144 to a public road forming the eastern boundary of the said section; thence by the said road forming the eastern boundary of Sections 144, 145, 146, 147, 143, 142, 141, 140, 139, 138, 137, 136, 135, and 132, Block IV, Motueka Survey District (Motueka) to a point on high-water mark of Tasman Bay formed by the production (in an easterly direction) of the northern boundary - line of the last - mentioned section ; thence by a further production of the said section-line for a distance of three miles; thence by a line parallel to the general trend of the coast-line of Tasman Bay, and distant three miles therefrom, to a point made by the production of the south - western boundary - line of the Wakapuaka Native Reserve; and thence by the said produced line to the point of commencement : Excepting and excluding therefrom Section 1132, Town Of Nelson; reserve for lighthouse, Nelson Haven; Sections 1097, 1098, 1099, and 1100, City of Nelson; and Aboukir Battery and Fort Bastia Reserves, all on Haulashore Island ; Oyster and Saxton's Islands; Waimea Islands Nos. 1,2, 3,4, and 5 ; and Section 1, Block 11, Waimea Survey District, all in the Waimea Mud-flat; and. Sections 1 and 2, Block IV, Motueka Survey District (Moutere), known as Giblin’s Island; and all foreshore, mud-flats, and other lands (if any) within the Motueka Electoral District North of Section 90, Block 11, Moutere Survey District.

J. F. ANDREWS, Qlerk of the Executive Council

Appointing Official Member of Wairoa District Maori Council under the Maori Councils Act, 1900. Native Minister’s Office, Wellington, Ist September, 1911. HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Sergeant James Cotjghlan Griffiths, of Dargaville, to be official member of the Wairoa District Maori Council under the provisions of the Maori Councils Act, 1900, vice Samuel Thompson, retired. .1. CARROLL, Native Minister.

Inspector of Factories appointed Department of Labour, Wellington, 4th September, 1911. HiS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Constable Joseph Keane to be an Inspector under the Factories Act, 1908. Ihe appointment is dated the Ist day of September, 1911. J. A. MILLAR, Minister of Labour.

List of Persons registered as Barmaids. Department of Labour, Wellington, sth September. 1911. IN pursuance of subsection (7) of section 36 of the Licensing Amendment Act, 1910, I hereby publish the following additional list of persons registered as barmaids under that Act, JOHN LOMAS, Secretarv of Labour.

Abbott, Marion C. Croawell, Esther. Ackroyd, Alice. Cronin, Catherine. Aitchison, Millie. Currie, Catherine Hunt. Allan, Ruby Madeline Sophie. Curtain, Teresa. Amal, Catherine Mary. Curtin, Ellen Frances. Arps, Emily. Daniel, Alary F. S. M. Baker, May Ellen. Deegan, Agnes. Balemi, Annie Catherine. Delahunty, Kathleen. Barrett, Eleanor Elizabeth. Delahunty, Rita. Bass, Margaret. Dellacosta, Adelia. Bassett, Alary Ellen. Deverell, Annie. Bate, Phyllis. Devereux, Agnes Kathleen. Berryman, Elizabeth Ann. Dingle, Harriet. Bithell, Elizabeth. Dingle, Ivy. Black, Alay. Donnelly, Rose. Boyd, Lily. Douglas, Augusta. Brayne, Emily. Duckworth, Bessie. Bright, Elizabeth. Dunne, Lily. Brown, Elizabeth Ann. Durham, Eliza Beatrice. Buckley, Gladys Florence. Duxbury, Ada. Bucknell, Alollie. Dwyer, Eileen. Burn, Alay. Dwyer, Jessie May. Burrows, Harriet Susannah. Edwards, Emily. Cahill,[Delia. Enwright, Aileen. Cameron, Nellie. Enwright, Mary. Campbell, Marie Louisa. Carpenter, Amelia. Fitzgerald, Ellen. Carroll, Nora. Flowers, Alyra. Carter, Doris. Flynn, Kitty. Carter, Ella Maud. Foote, Alary. Carthy, Kathleen. Forde, Julia Mary. Catherall, Jessie Lind lev. Forgie, Isabel Gray. Caufield, Agnes. Foster, Fanny. Coffey, Margaret. Fulton, Nancy. Collins, May. Colton, Elizabeth. Gallagher, Alargaret Alary. • Comport, Amy. Gallagher, Winifred GwendoConway, Evaline. line. Conway, Helena. Gauniche, Olga. Cooper, Ivy. Gilloolv, Esther Mary. Cooper, May. Gilroy, Emily Ellen. Corcoran, Amy Alay. Gluson (or Gieeson), Nellie. Cornwall, Jessie. Gourley, Norah. Cowley, Elizabeth Jessie. Gray, Mary. Coy, Mary. Griffin, Lillian.

Hallahan, Catherine. Hally, Josephine. Hanna, Ida. Hannan, Catherine Mary Harris, Alice Emily. Harrod, Josephine. Harrod, Sarah. Henderson, Elsie. Henderson, Mary. Higgins, Catherine. Higgins, Margaret. Hodgson, Lily. Hogan, Catherine. Holmes, Emily Margaret Hunter, Jeannie. Hvslop, Minnie. James, Alice. Jameson, Harriette. Jones, Alice. •Tones, Marv Teresa. Kane, Ellen. Kearns, Marie. Keating, Catherine. Keil, Margaret. Keogh, Hannah. Keogh, Mary. Kennedy, Olive. Kerr, Ellen. Ketts, Katherine Louise. King, Lulu. King, Winifred. Kirkwood, Madge. Kivell, Olivia. Laing, Florence. Lang, Catherine. Leherty, Bessie. Leo, Elizabeth. Le Sueur, Millie.

Lohmann, Hilda Mathilda. Loughnan, Catherine. Loughnan, Margaret. Lynch, Daisy. Lynch, Evelyn. Lynch, Kate. Lynch, Mollie. Lyons, Annie. Lyons, Elizabeth. Maginnity, Helen Sinclair. Magner, Annie. Maher, Jean. Mahoney, Nora. Manning, Eliza. Manning, Lily Athena. Martin, Florence. Martin, Jessie Janet. Mason, Cornelia. Massey, Cecilia. Meaney, Annie Kathleen. Meaney, Margaret. Melville, Winifred. Mitchell, Lenore. Molan, Ellen. Moloney, Mart-. Moore, Ellen (Auckland). Moore, Ellen (Brunnerton) Moore, Kate. Morton, Lily. Morven, Eileen. Mulholland, Annie. Mulligan, Elizabeth. Mullooly, Beatrice. Murphy, Annie. Murphy, Ellen Mary. Murphy, Nellie. MeDavitt, Bosina. McDonald, May. MacDonald, Kathleen.

McDonald, Nora. McEnaney, Catherine. Mclntosh, Helena. Mclnnes, Laura Margaret. McKelvie, Christina. MacKenzie, Margaret. McKenzie, Pearl Rubiona. McKeown, Maggie. McLean, Lavinia Rosina. McTaggart, Maggie. Neame, Jessie Catherine. Neilson, Caroline. Nolan, Carlin. O’Brien, Ann. O’Donnell, Catherine. O’Donnell, Lily Bridget. O’Malley, Norrie. O’Rourke, Alice. Osborn, lima. Parlley, Nellie. Partridge, Ethel Reggie. Payn, Elizabeth. Pearce, Caroline. Pearse, Constance. Peters, Elsie Anita. Phelan, Mary Josephine, Polwart, Mary. Pratt, Florence Rose. Prentice, Cecilia. Pr-ice, Joan. Rae, Eliza Seymour. Rae, Elsie. Ross, Annie. Ross, Lily. Ross, Mary. Shaw, Mary. Shea, Alice.

Skelton, Augusta Emily. Slattery, Mary Kate. Smart, Myrtle Gladys. Smith, Florence. Smith, Henrietta Margaret. Smith, Marion S. Smith, Mary. Stack, Mary Ann. Stewart, Nellie. Stone, Alice. Straight, Mahgaretta Stringer, Louie. Sullivan, Annie. Sutherland, Violet. Sweet, Doris. Symons, Elizabeth Louisa. Svms, Amelia Sophia. Svms, Florence Annie. Thomas, Cresena Florence. Thompson, Evelyn. Truscott, Mary Jane. Underwood, Edith. Underwood, Florence. Vantella, Laura. Watson, Muriel. Webb, May Caroline. Weir, Ethel. Wheeler, Ruby. White, Alice Ann. Williams, Margaret. Winter, Ruby EuniceWoodbridge, Stella Violet Wooding, Maud. Wright, Josie. Young, Margaret Florence.

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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXXVI, Issue 36, 13 September 1911, Page 431

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EXTRACTS FROM NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXXVI, Issue 36, 13 September 1911, Page 431

EXTRACTS FROM NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXXVI, Issue 36, 13 September 1911, Page 431

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