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(From Gazette , 1911, pages 2305, 2311, 2326, 2328, 2332, and 2382.) Proclaiming Maori Districts as Districts in which the Provisions of Section J/6 of the Licensing Amendment Art , 1910, shall apply. (1.5.) ISLINGTON, Governor. A PROCLAMATION. WH EREAS by section forty-six of the Licensing Amendment Act, 1910, it is provided that the Governor may from time to time, on the recommendation of the Maori Council of any district under the Maori Councils Act, 1900, proclaim such district as a district in which the provisions of that section shall apply, and may at any time revoke or vary any such Proclamation : And whereas the Maori Councils of the Maori Districts of Takitimu and Arawa have respectively recommended those districts as districts in which the provisions of the said section forty-six should be applied : Now, therefore, in pursuance and exercise of the power and authority conferred on me by the said section fortysix, I, John Poynder Dickson-Poynder, Baron Islington, the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim the following Maori Districts, viz., — The Takitimu Maori District and The Arawa Maori District, as districts in which the provisions of section forty-six of the Licensing Amendment Act, 1910, shall apply. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Right Honourab*- John Poynder Dickson-Poynder, Baron Islington, Governor and Commander-in-Chief in and over His Majesty’s Dominion of New Zealand and its Dependencies ; and issued under the Seal of the said Dominion, at the Government House, at Wellington, this twentysixth day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and eleven. J. CARROLL, Native Minister. God save the King !

Articles or Preparations declared to be Opium which mag be made suitable for Smoking. ISLINGTON, Governor. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government House, at Wellington, this twentyfifth day of July, 1911. Present : His Excellency the Governor in Council. WHEREAS by section two of the Opium Amendment Act, 1910, it is enacted that the Governor may from time to time, by Order in Council gazetted, declare any article or preparation containing opium to be opium which, though not suitable for smoking, may yet be made suitable : Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, in pursuance and exercise of the power so conferred upon him, and acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby declare the articles and preparations hereinafter specified to be opium which, though not suitable for smoking, may yet be made suitable ■ — Opium, crude. Opium, in powder. Opium, solid extract of. Opium, in mixture with other substances (if such mixture may be made suitable for smoking). Opium, liquid extract of. Opium, tincture of. Opium, sedative liquor of. Opium, wine of. Sydenham’s laudanum. Solutions or liquids containing opium, or moist or semi - liquid preparations containing opium, and which are in a form which may be" made suitable for smoking. J. F. ANDREWS, Clerk of the Executive Council.

Regulations under the Opium Act , 1908


IN pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred upon me by the Opium Act, 1908, I, John Poynder Dickson-Poynder, Baron Islington, the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby revoke the regulations hereinafter specified namely, the Regulations under the Opium Prohibition Act, 1901, dated the tenth day of December, one thousand nine hundred and one, and published in the New Zealand Gazette of the twelfth day of December, one thousand nine hundred and one, and the Regulations under the Opium Prohibition Act, 1901, and the Opium Prohibition Act Amendment Act, 1906, dated the twenty-first day of January, one thousand nine hundred and seven, and published in the New Zealand Gazette of the thirty-first day of January, one thousand nine hundred and seven; and do hereby make the following regulations in lieu thereof, and declare that these regulations shall come into force on the date of the first publication thereof in the New Zealand Gazette.

REGULATIONS. 1. In these regulations, if not inconsistent with the context, — “Importer” means the holder of a permit under section 3 of the Opium Act, 1908, and includes a firm or company : “ Minister” means the Minister of Customs : “Opium” means opium which, though not suitable for smoking, may be made suitable for smoking : “The said Act” means the Opium Act, 1908. Importation of Opium in a Form which may be made Suitable for Smoking.

2. Every applicant for a permit under section 3 of the said Act shall apply therefor in writing to the Minister, and shall forward his application to the Secretary of Customs, at Wellington. 3. On the receipt of any such application the Minister shall, if satisfied as to the character of the applicant and as to his fitness to be the holder of a permit, issue to the applicant a permit in the form No. 1 in the Schedule hereto.

4. Subject to the provisions of the said Act and its amendments, and to the regulations for the time being in force thereunder, it shall be lawful for the holder of a permit as aforesaid to import into New Zealand any of the articles or goods hereinafter mentioned, namely :

Opium, crude. Opium, in powder. Opium, solid extract of. Opium, in mixture with other substances (if such mixture may be made suitable for smoking). Opium, liquid extract of. Opium, tincture of. Opium, sedative liquor of. Opium, wine of. Sydenham’s laudanum. Solutions or liquids containing opium, or moist or semiliquid preparations containing opium, and which are in a form which may be made suitable for smoking.

5. The articles and goods enumerated in the last preceding regulation are hereby declared to be opium in a form which, though not suitable for smoking may yet be made suitable for smoking.

6. Every importer shall keep a book in the form No. 2 in the Schedule hereto (hereinafter referred to as the Opium Import Book), and shall enter or cause to be entered therein the particulars indicated in that form with respect to all opium imported by him : Provided that where an importer sells or otherwise disposes of any articles or goods imported by him in pursuance of his permit to a registered medical practitioner, a duly qualified veterinary surgeon, a registered chemist, a manufacturing chemist, a Hospital and Charitable Aid Board, the licensee or manager of a private hospital, or such other person as the Minister may approve, it shall not be necessary to obtain the signature of the purchaser or other person to whom those articles or goods are so sold or disposed of. 7. Before making any other entries in his Opium Import Book the importer shall enter therein the prescribed particulars (so far as applicable) as to all opium which he may have in his possession on the date of the issue of the permit.

8. On the 31st day of March and the 30th day of September in each year the importer shall take stock and shall balance his Opium Import Book; in the event of the amount of opium as shown by the book failing to correspond with the amount actually in stock, the importer shall enter in his book his explanation of the cause of the discrepancy, and shall sign the same. 0. The importer shall at all reasonable times, on request so to do, produce for inspection all books kept by him under these regulations to the Collector or other officer of Customs, or to any constable, or to any other person appointed by the Minister in that behalf; and shall permit any such person to examine and take stock of all opium in his possession ; and shall truly answer any questions put to him with reference to the entries in the said books or as to any opium imported by him or in his possession. 10. If the importer, by himself or his agent, commits any breach of these regulations, his permit may thereupon be cancelled by the Minister, but such cancellation shall not in any way release the importer or agent from any other penalty or liability incurred under the said Act or these regulations. Disposal of Opium purchased from Importers. 11. Every person who, for the purpose of sale or manufacture, purchases or receives opium from the holder of any permit under these regulations shall keep a book in the form No. 3 in the Schedule hereto (to be called the Retailer’s Opium Book), and shall enter or cause to be entered therein the particulars indicated in that form, with respect to all opium so purchased or received by him. 12. Regulations numbered 7,8, and 9 hereof shall, with the necessary modifications, apply to persons who receive opium from importers for the purposes of sale or manufacture.

13. No person (other than an importer who disposes of opium to the persons or classes of persons enumerated in the proviso to regulation 6 hereof) shall during any period of seven days sell opium to any other person in larger quantities in the aggregate than —

Of opium in solution or liquid form not containing more dry extractive matter than 6 per cent., when evaporated for two hours on a steam bath ... ... ... One fluid ounce. Of opium in any other form .. 20 grains. 14. Nothing in the last preceding regulation shall apply to the sale of any medicine containing opium compounded by or furnished to the order of a registered medical practitioner, or a duly qualified veterinary surgeon, in the course of his business.

SCHEDULE. Form No. 1. Permit to import Opium. Tinder Section S of the Opium Act, 1908. I, , Minister of Customs, do hereby issue to , carrying on the business of , at , this permit to import opium into New Zealand, in the following forms, namely : Opium, crude. Opium, in powder. Opium, solid extract of. Opium, in mixture with other substances (if such mixture may be made suitable for smoking). Opium, liquid extract of. Opium, tincture of. Opium, sedative liquor of. Opium, wine of. Sydenham’s laudanum. Solutions or liquids containing opium, or moist or semi-liquid preparations containing opium, and which are in a form which may be made suitable for smoking. This permit is issued subject to the provisions of the Opium Act, 1908, and its amendments, and of the regulations thereunder. Dated at Wellington, this day of , 19 Minister of Customs.

Form No. 2.

* Keep a separate page of the book for the receipt and disposal of each form of opium e.g., crude, in powder, solid extract, tincture, liquid extract, &c. Form No. 3.

* Keep a separate page of the book for the receipt and disposal of each form of opium e.g., crude, in powder, solid extract tincture, liquid extract, &c.

As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this twenty-fourth day of July, one thousand nine hundred and eleven.

r. McKenzie, Minister of Customs

Regulations under Section %6 of the Licensing Amendment Act, 1910. ISLINGTON, Governor. WHEREAS by section forty-six of the Licensing Amendment Act, 1910 (hereinafter referred to as the said Act), provision is made for the taking of polls in certain districts under the Maori Councils Act, 1900, for the purpose of determining whether liquor shall be supplied to Natives in any such district or not : And whereas liy the said section forty-six it is provided that the question as to the supply of liquor as aforesaid shall be submitted to the electors entitled to vote at any such poll in such form, and that the poll thereon shall be taken and the result of such poll declared in such manner, as may be prescribed by the Governor by regulations :

Now, therefore, I, John Poynder Dickson - Poynder, Baron-Islington, the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, in pursuance and exercise of the power and authority conferred upon me by the said section forty-six, do hereby make the regulations hereinafter set forth.


Form of Question. 1. The question to be submitted at any poll taken under section 46 of the said Act shall be submitted in the form No. 1 in the Schedule, hereto. The Poll. 2. There shall be a Returning Officer, appointed by the Governor, for every poll to be taken in any district proclaimed under section 46 of the said Act ; and the said Returning Officer shall have power to appoint, on the occasion of any such poll, such Deputy Returning Officers as he deems necessary for the effective taking of the poll at every polling-booth. 3. Every such Returning Officer or Deputy Returning Officer may, at any time before the close of the poll, appoint (in writing) a substitute to act for him in case and so long as he is prevented by illness or other sufficient cause from attending or continuing to attend to the duties of his office.

4. Every such substitute while so acting shall have all the powers, functions, and liabilities of his principal. 5. Every Returning Officer and Deputy Returning Officer, and every substitute appointed hereunder, shall, before acting in his office, make and subscribe before a Justice or Postmaster the declaration set forth in the form No. 2 in the Schedule hereto.

6. Polling-places shall be appointed in the district by the Returning Officer, and notice of the places appointed shall be published in the Kahiti and Gazette at least fourteen days previous to the day of taking the poll. 7. A polling-place shall not be appointed—(i.) Unless the Returning Officer is first satisfied that the place to be appointed is convenient for at least ten electors to record their votes thereat; or (ii.) In any house licensed for the sale of spirituous or fermented liquors, or in any premises belonging to any such house.

8. The Returning Officer may appoint any primary school to be a polling-place, and in every such case it shall be the duty of the Committee of that school to place the same at the free disposal of the Returning Officer from 4 o’clock in the afternoon of the day preceding the election until 8 o’clock in the evening of the clay of the election.

9. The cost of cleaning such school after use as a polling-place, and of repairing any damage, shall be deemed to form part of the cost of the poll. 10. No additional polling-place shall be appointed later than the fifteenth day before the day appointed for taking the poll, and no change shall be made in the polling-places appointed for any district, unless a polling-place becomes unavailable for the purpose for which it was appointed, or unless such poll cannot be taken without some sucb change being made. 11. The poll shall be taken at the places appointed as aforesaid, and shall commence at 9 o’clock in the forenoon of the day appointed, and shall close at 4 o’clock in the afternoon of the same day, unless otherwise ordered by the Returning Officer. 12. The Returning Officer shall cause to be printed a supply of voting-papers in the form No. 1 in the Schedule hereto, and shall supply to each Deputy Returning Officer a sufficient number of such voting-papers, together with any printed matter, stationery, or writing-materials that he may consider necessary for the efficient conduct of the poll.

13. The Returning Officer may appoint such clerks as are necessary for the effective taking of the poll, and shall arrange that every Deputy Returning Officer shall have associated with him on the day of the poll a Maori or half-caste (hereinafter referred to as an associate), whose duty it shall be to assist the Deputy Returning Officer in the manner hereinafter prescribed, and in any other way if so required by such Deputy. 14. Any ten or more electors who are in favour of the proposal that liquor be supplied to Natives in the district may, by writing under their hands, nominate any two specified persons to appoint one scrutineer to act at each polling-place in the district in the interest of all electors who are not in favour of the said proposal. 15. Any ten or more electors who are not in favour of the proposal that liquor be supplied to Natives in the district may, by writing under their hands, nominate any two specified persons to appoint one scrutineer to act at each polling-place in the district in the interest of all electors who are in favour of the said proposal. 16. The nomination-paper shall be in the form No. 3 in the Schedule Hereto, and-shall be verified by declaration

as therein set forth, made and subscribed before a Justice of the Peace or Postmaster.

17. The nomination-paper shall be lodged with the Returning Officer not later than the seventh day before the day of polling, and shall be open to public inspection. 18. On a day to be publicly notified by the Returning Officer (being not earlier than the fifth nor later than the third day before the day of polling) he shall publicly consider all nomination-papers duly lodged as aforesaid, and, after hearing all objections thereto, select therefrom two fit persons to appoint one scrutineer, and two fit persons to appoint the other scrutineer, to act at each polling-place in the respective interests as aforesaid ; and the persons so selected may appoint accordingly. 19. The selection shall be by writing under the hand of the Returning Officer, in the form No. 4 in the Schedule hereto.

20. The appointment shall in each case be by writing under the hands of the persons selected as aforesaid, and shall be in the form No. 5 in the Schedule hereto.

21. Every scrutineer so appointed to act at a pollingplace shall be entitled to be present only after the closing of the poll at the counting of the votes given at that polling-place; but, except as provided by these regulations, shall have all the powers of a scrutineer under the Legislature Act, 1908. 22. The remuneration (if any) of the scrutineers shall not be deemed to form part of the cost of the poll. 23. Every associate, clerk, and scrutineer shall make and subscribe before the Deputy Returning Officer, or a Justice, or Postmaster the declaration in the form No. 6 in the Schedule hereto; and every such declaration shall, before any such person commences his duties, be delivered to the Deputy Returning Officer at the polling-place for which that person is appointed. 24. On the day of the poll the electors shall enter the polling-booth one by one; and each elector, when requested to do so by the Deputy Returning Officer or his associate, shall state his full name, tribe, hapu, and abode. The Deputy Returning Officer or his associate shall write such information on the counterfoil of the voting-paper, after which the elector shall be requested to answer “Yes” or “No” to the question, “Do you vote that liquor be supplied to the Natives of this district?”; and, the elector having so answered, the Deputy Returning Officer shall write the reply upon the voting-paper, and, having affixed his name or initials thereto, shall pass it to his associate, who shall place his name or initials on the voting-paper as witness. 25. On every such voting-paper the Deputy Returning Officer .shall enter a number (called a consecutive number), which shall correspond to a like number on the counterfoil, and shall, in the case of the first votingpaper dealt with, begin with the number one, and appear consecutively upon every succeeding voting-paper so that no two voting-papers dealt with in any booth shall bear the same number. 26. Before recording any such vote as aforesaid, the Deputy Returning Officer or his associate may put to the person proposing to vote any or all of the following questions : (i.) Are you a bona fide resident of the Maori District ? (ii.) Are you twenty-one years of age, or over that age? (iii.) Have you already voted at this poll, in your own or any other name ? (iv.) Are you registered on any European roll of electors for the election of a member of the House of Representatives ? (v.) Are you disqualified from voting at any such election by reason of any of the provisions of section 59 of the Legislature Amendment Act, 1910 ? 27. If the first two questions are not answered absolutely in the affirmative, and the third, fourth, and fifth questions absolutely in the negative, the person to whom those questions are put shall not be permitted to vote. 28. No person not actually engaged in voting shall be allowed to remain in the polling-booth, except the Deputy Returning Officer and his associate and clerks, and as many constables as the Deputy Returning Officer thinks necessary to keep order. 29. No person shall speak to any voter in a pollingbooth either before or after such voter has given his vote, except only the Deputy Returning Officer or his associate, who may ask the questions he is authorized to ask, and give such general directions as may assist any voter to give his vote. 30. (1.) Every Deputy Returning Officer, at the pollingplace at which he presides, shall, as soon as practicable after the close of the poll, in the presence of such of the scrutineers as choose to be present, and of the associate and clerks (if any), but of no other persons, ascertain the

number of votes recorded for and against the proposal respectively, and shall forthwith announce the result of the voting at the polling-place of which he is in charge.

(2.) Every Deputy Returning Officer shall, as soon as he. has ascertained the result of the voting at the pollingplace of which he is in charge, forthwith transmit by telegraph or other expeditious means such information to the Returning Officer.

(3.) The Deputy Returning Officer shall then make up a statement in writing of the total number of votes recorded for and against the proposal respectively, and every such statement shall be verified by the signatures of the Deputy Returning Officer and associate, and also by the signatures of such of the scrutineers as are present and consent to sign the same.

31. The Deputy Returning Officer shall make up into a parcel all the voting-papers (used and unused), stationery, writing-materials, and documents relating to the poll (including the statement referred to in the last preceding regulation), and, having sealed and addressed such parcel, shall thereupon deliver it to the Returning Officer.

32. (1.) The Returning Officer shall, as soon as conveniently may be after the closing of the poll, and in the presence of such scrutineers as choose to be present, ascertain the numbers polled for or against the proposal submitted to the electors, and shall sign a notice and declaration, in the form No. 7 in the Schedule hereto, (i) stating the number of votes polled for and against such proposal respectively, and (ii) declaring that such proposal is or is not carried, as the case may be. (2.) If the number of votes recorded for the proposal is equal to the number recorded against the proposal, the Returning Officer shall give his casting-vote. (3.) The Returning Officer shall forward to the Native Minister the notice and declaration aforesaid as to the result of the poll, and shall also publish a copy thereof in the Kahiti and Gazette.

(4.) Upon receipt of the notification from* the Returning Officer the Native Minister shall notify the Licensing Committee of the licensing district in which the Maori district is situated of the result of the poll, or if the latter district extends into more than one licensing district, then the Native Minister shall notify the Licensing Committee of each licensing district affected. 33, The Returning Officer or his Deputy shall have power to appoint a sufficient number of officers to keep order, and to make and enforce such regulations for insuring the orderly, effective, and impartial conduct of the election as he thinks fit.

34. (1.) Every officer, clerk, scrutineer, associate, and constable in attendance in a polling-booth shall maintain and aid in maintaining the secrecy of the voting in such booth, and shall not communicate to any person, except for some purpose authorized by law, before or after the poll is closed, any information likely to defeat the secrecy of the poll. (2.) No person, except as hereinbefore provided, shall interfere with or attempt to interfere with a voter when engaged in recording his vote, or otherwise attempt to obtain in the polling-booth information as to the manner in which any voter in such booth is about to vote or has voted, or communicate at any time to any person any information obtained in the polling-booth as to the manner in which any voter at such booth is about to vote or has voted.

(3.) Every person in attendance at the counting of the votes shall maintain and aid in maintaining the secrecy of the voting, and shall not communicate any information obtained at such counting as to the manner in which a.ny vote is given in any particular voting-paper.

Cost of taking Poll. 35. The Returning Officer shall, at least three weeks before the taking of the poll, submit to the Chairman of the Maori Council of the district wherein the poll is to be taken an estimate showing as nearly as he can ascertain the cost of taking the poll. •jb. Ihe Maori Council shall pay to the Returning Officer the amount of the cost as so estimated at least two weeks before the date of taking the poll. 37. At the conclusion of the poll the Returning Officer shall submit to the Chairman of the Council a full and complete statement (supported by vouchers) of the cost of taking the poll, and shall refund to the Council any amount received by him in excess of that cost; or if the estimated cost is less than the actual cost, the Council shall defray the amount properly expended in excess of the amount already paid by it as aforesaid,

SCHEDULE. - Form No. 1. Voting-paper at Poll of Maori Electors under Section 46 of the Licensing Amendment Act, 1910. Pukapuka Pooti ( Voting-'paper). Maori District.

Ko te Ingoa Iriiri, Maori hoki, o te Tangata Pooti (Christian name and sur- j name of elector) ~~ Tane, Wahine ranei (Sex) [ [ Iwi (Tribe) Hapu ... ... ... | (Sub-tribe) 1 Kainga (Abode)

Consecutive No. : Consecutive No. : Patai (Question). E pooti ana ranei koe kia hoatu te waipiro ) [Yes] kite Maori o tenei takiwa? j [No] (Do you vote that liquor be supplied to the Natives of this district?) Kai-titiro : (Witness, Maori associate.)

Deputy Returning Officer.

Form No. 2. Declaration by Returning Officer, Deputy Returning Officer, or Substitute at Poll of Maori Electors under Section 46 of the Licensing Amendment Act, 1910. I, [Name in full), Returning Officer [or one of the Deputy Returning Officers, or substitute] for the Maori District, at a poll of electors to be taken under section 46 of the Licensing Amendment Act, 1910, on the day of , 19 ,do solemnly declare that I will faithfully perform the duties of that office to the best of my ability ; that I will maintain and aid in maintaining the secrecy of the voting at that poll; and that I will not communicate to any person, except for some purpose authorized by law, before or after the poll is closed, any information likely to defeat the secrecy of the poll. [Signature of declarant .] Signed and declared at , this day of ,19 , before me,— C. D., Justice of the Peace [or Postmaster],

Form No. 3.

Nomination of Persons to appoint Scrutineers for Poll of Maori Electors under Section 46 of the Licensing Amendment Act, 1910.

For the purposes of a poll to be taken in the Maori District, on the day of ,19 , under section 46 of the Licensing Amendment Act, 1910, we, the undersigned electors of the district, hereby nominate [full names, addresses, and occupations of the two persons nominated ] as fit persons to appoint one scrutineer to act at each polling-piace in the interest of all electors who are in favour [or, as the case may be, not in favour] of the proposal that liquor be supplied to Natives in the said district. And in support of this our nomination we hereby severally solemnly declare that we are and we

verily believe each of the persons nominated as aforesaid to be honestly in favour [or, as the case may be, not in favour] of the proposal that liquoi be supplied as aforesaid. [Signature, address, and occupation.'] 1, 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Severally declared by each of the declarants whose signatures are subscribed hereto, this day of ,19 , before me, — q p Justice of the Peace [or Postmaster].

Form No. 4. Returning Officer’s Selection of Persons to appoint Scrutineers at a Poll of the Maori Electors, in the Maori District, under Section 46 of the Licensing Amendment Act, 1910. Having considered the nominations duly lodged in this behalf, and having heard all objections thereto, I hereby select {Full names, addresses, and occupations of the two persons selected'] as fit persons to appoint one scrutineer to act at each polling-place in the above-mentioned Maori District, at the poll of Maori electors to be taken on the day of ,19 ,in the interest of all such electors who are in favour {or, as the case may be, not in favour] of the proposal that liquor be supplied to Natives in that district. Dated at , this day of , 19 Returning Officer.

Form Flo. 5. Appointment of Scrutineers to act at the Poll of Maori Electors, in the Maori District, under Section 46 of the Licensing Amendment Act, 1910. To the Returning Officer. For the purposes of a poll of the Maori electors of the Maori District, to be taken on the day of ,19 , under section 46 of the Licensing Amendment Act, 1910, we, the undersigned, being duly authorized in this behalf, hereby appoint the persons mentioned in the Schedule hereto to act as scrutineers at the pollingplaces named in that Schedule in the interest of the Maori electors of the said district who are in favour [or, as the case may be, not in favour] of the proposal that liquor be supplied to Natives in that district. schedule. Scrutineer. Polling-place. {Full name, address, and occupa- ... {Name of pollination of scrutineer.] place.] Dated at , this day of , 19 {Signatures of two persons authorized to appoint.]

Form No. 6. Declaration by Associate, Clerk, or Scrutineer at Poll of Maori Electors under Section 46 of the Licensing Amendment Act, 1910. I, {Name in full], associate [or clerk, or scrutineer] at a poll of the Maori electors of the Maori District, to be taken under section 46 of the Licensing Amendment Act, 1910, on the day of , 19 , do solemnly declare that I will maintain and aid in maintaining the secrecy of the voting at that poll; and that I will not communicate to any person, except for some purpose authorized by law, before or after the poll is closed, any information likely to defeat the secrecy of the poll. {Signature of declarant,.] Signed and declared at , this day of ,19 , before me,—C. D., Deputy Returning Officer {or Justice of the Peace, or Postmaster], 2 —P.G.

Form No. 7. Declaration of Poll of the Maori Electors of the MAOur District, taken under Section 46 of the Licensing Amendment Act, 1910. In pursuance of section 46 of the Licensing Amendment Act, 1910, and of the regulations thereunder, I hereby give notice that at the poll of the Maori electors of the Maori District, taken on the day of , 19 , under the provisions of the said section 46, — votes were recorded in favour of the proposal that liquor be supplied to Natives in the said district; and votes were recorded against that proposal. I hereby declare accordingly that the proposal that liquor be supplied to the Natives of the said district is carried {or is not carried, as the case may be]. Dated at , this day of , 19 Returning Officer. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Gothis twenty-fifth day of July, one thousand nine hundred and eleven. J. CARROLL, Native Minister.

Inspector of Factories appointed. Department of Labour, Wellington, 26th July, 1911. HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Constable William Corsie Robertson to be an Inspector under the Factories Act, 1908. The appointment is dated the 24th day of July, 1911. J. A. MILLAR, Minister of Labour.

List of Persons registered as Barmaids. Department of Labour, Wellington, 26th July, 1911. IN pursuance of subsection (7) of section 36 of the Licensing Amendment Act, 1910, I hereby publish the following list of all persons registered as barmaids under that Act. J. LOMAS, Secretary of Labour.

Ackermann, Charlotte. Bergin, Mary. Adams, Annie Amelia. Berton-Pullen, Ivy. Ahearn, Nellie. Bezar, Kathleen Jane. Aitken, Una. Birch, Amy Mabel. Alger, Constance. Black, Agnes Lily. Allan, Jane Elizabeth. Black, Esther. Allan, Margaret. Bond, Marie. Allan, Nellie Philomena. Borlase, Selina Edna. Allen, Ellen. Bowater, Mabel Edith. Anderson, Isabella. Bowden, Alice. Anderson, Mette. Bowden, Lydia. Anderson, Theresa. Bowden, Ruth. Arundel, Emily. Boyd, Mary Ann Graham. Ashby, Clara. Boyes, Eveline Marion. Ashton, Alvina Alma. Boyle, Mary Cecilia. Asquith, Christina. Bradley, Mary. Ayers, Elizabeth. Breen, Julia. Aynsley, Carolina Eva. Brennan, Annie. Brennan, Ellen Bridget. Barlow, Christina. Brennan, Margaret Mary. Barnes, Alice. Brennan, Mary. Barrow, Ethel May. Briggs, Sarah Teresa. Barry, Katherine. Brighouse, Alice Jane. Barry, Susan Margaret. Brimble, Florence Harriet. Bashford, Margaret. Brookman, Ethel May. Bastings, Maggie. Brosnahan, Emma. Bastings, May Theresa. Brosnahan, Kate. Bates, May Rosanna. Brosnahan, Kathleen. Baxter, Catherine. Brosnahan, Mary. Baxter, Sara. Brosnahan, Nora M. J. Bayne, Mary Ann. Brosnan, Annie E. Beaman, Annie. Brosnan, Johanna Cecilia. Bellett, Mary Jane. Brown, Helen. Bergin, Annie. Brown, Honora Emelie. Bergin, Margaret. Brown, Jessie. Bergin, Margaret Theresa, Brown, Sylvia Constance.

Browne, .Julia. Buckeridge, Minnie. Budge, Isabel Celia. Buisson, Mary Roux. Burke, Nora. Burns, Florence. Burton, Edith. Butler, Effie May. Butler, Ellen Margaret. Butler, Josephine. Cain, Ethel May. Callister, Mary. Callister, Nellie. Campbell, Myra. Campbell, Josephine. Carlin, Margaret. Carr, Margaret Cecilia. Carroll, Margaret Ann. Casey, Margaret Winifred. Casey, Mary. Casey, Nellie. .Casserley, Sarah. Casserley, Sarah Frances. Catherail, Elizabeth Mary. Caver ley, Mary Ann. Chadwick, Rebecca. Charlton, Daisy. Cheesman, Ella Myrtle. Cheesman, Ivy Cornelia. Christmann, Rosa. Christmas, Ruby Cecilia. Clare, Bridget. Clare, Marguerite. Clare, Mary. Clare, Muriel. Clark, Olive. Clifford, Ethel. Clunes, Frances. Coe, Sadie. Coffey, Lavina. Coker, Sophia Cook. Collins, Katherine. Collins, Margaret Ann. Collins, Millicent. Colls, Agnes Elizabeth. Comerford, Annie. Comerford, Catherine. Condon, Mary Acquinas. Connelly, Kate. Connor, Lily Watson. Connor, Winifred. Conway, Delia. Conway, Julia. Copeland, Margaret Emily. Corbett, Annie. Corbett, Florence. Corcoran, Sarah Louise. Corcoran, Margaret. Corcoran, Mary. Cosgrove, Jane. Cotter, Jane. Goughian, Annie. Craig, Clare. Crawcll, Ada Victoria. Crowe, Mary Elizabeth. Crowley, Katherine. Culhane, Bridget Mary. Oullum, Emily. Cunningham, Ada. Cunningham, Florence Elizabeth. Curran, Bridget. Daken, Emma. Daly, Nora. Dalziel, Marguerite. Darnill, Daisy Gladers. Darragh, Rosina. Davey, Elizabeth Mary. Davies, Emma Louisa. Davies, Nellie. Davies, Olive Jane. Davis, Nellie Ada. Day, Annie. Day, Mary. Dealy, Katie. Dealy, Mary Eileen. Dee, Mary Ann. Deere, Katie. Deere, Mary. Devery, Catherine, A. P. Devery, Martha Frances. Devlin, Mamie. Devlin, Rosa.

Dinihan, Joan. Diver, Mary. Dobson, Ellen. Dodds, Mona Florence. Dooling, Mary. Doran, Mary Bella. Dorrington, Ida. Douglas, Maudie. Downey, Elsie. Downs, Ethel. Doyle, Cecilia. Doyle, Mary. Duff, Elizabeth. Duffj-, Mary Catherine. Duncan, Mary Maxwell. Dunn, Julia. Dunne, Catherine. Dunne, Mary. Duske, Ida Caroline. Duske, Wilhelmina Johanna. Dwan, Margaret Ann. Dwyer, Mary Frances. Dyer, Amy. Dyer, Tots. Dyne, Ethel. Ealam, Margaret. Easton, Edith. Ellison, Ellen. Evans, Caroline. Evans, Catherine Elizabeth. Fahey, Katie. Fane, Ellen. Farrell, Ethel. Farrell, Mary. Field, Vivien Eleanor. Fitzgerald, Birdie. Fitzgibbon, Elizabeth. Fitzpatrick, Ellen Veronica. Fitzpatrick, Maggie. Fitzpatrick, Robina Agnes* Fitzpatrick, Rosie, Fleming, Blanche. Fletcher, Grace. Fletcher, Jean. Flood, Gertrude Monica, Flynn, Mary. Flynn, Nora. Forde, Marguerita. Forde, Lena Catherine. Fogarty, Katherine. Fogarty, Minnie. Forsaith, Mona Mildred. Foster, Ruth. Fowkes, Mary Emily Clare. Fox, Ethel. Francis, Catherine Agnes. French, Emily. Frolli, Norah. Gallagher, Cecilia. Gamble, Sarah Annie Elizabeth. Gardiner, Marion. Gardner, Annie. Garland, Ellen Mary Augusta. Garty, Susan Monica. Garvin, Ellen. Gavin, Elsie Kathleen. Geary, Christina Monica. Getty, Emily Nelson. Gibson, Maude. Gilbert, Daisy. Giles, Onyx Gladys. Giles, Sylvia Ethel. Gill, Lucy. Gill, Mary. Gillick, Ruth. Gillies, Margaret. Gillooly, Catherine Frances. Gleeson, Evelyn. Glenn, Mary White. Goodall, Annie Rebecca. Gott, Jane. Gough, Sarah. Goulding, Annie Frances. Goulding, Minnie Josephine. Graham, Ada Jane. Graham, Alice Christina. Graham, Matilda. Grant, Ada Esther. Gray, Dolly. Gray, Minnie. Greaney, Catherine.

Greene, Ellen. Greene, Kate. Gregan, Agnes. Gregory, Ellen Eliza. Gunn, Clara Dvson. Gunn, Mary. Gunn, Nellie. Hackett, Alice Winifred. Hall, Alice. Halley, Mary Kathleen. Hamer, Maud. Hamilton, Madge. Hannan, Kathleen M. Hannan, Nellie Elizabeth. Hannon, Margaret Mary. Hanrahan, May. Hansen, Christina. Haran, Maria. Harbroe, Gwytha. Harding, Gertrude. Hardy, Lillian. Harkin, Martha. Harley, Martha. Harrop, Alice. Hart, Agnes. Hartigan, Minnie. Hawken, Annie Maud. Hawkins, Winifred. Haybittle, Olive Annie. Hayes, Annie. Hayes, Frances Annie. Hayes, Maggie (Wellington). Hayes, Maggie (Timaru). Healey, Rosina. Heath, Mamie. Heffernan, Annie. Heffernan, Margaret. Heffernan, Maria. Heffernan, Winifred. Heil, Margaret. Higgins, Catherine. Hilbury, Alice Wilson. Hill, May. Hill, May Parker Godso. Hinoy, Bessie Cecilia. Hirst, Hilda. Hoare, Margaret. Hobbs, Ethel. Hodge, Jenny. Hodgson, Eleanor Marie. Hoey, Rennie Alberta. Hogan, Annie (Dunedin). Hogan, Annie (Bluff). Hogan, Mary. Hogan, Mary Ellen. Hogan, Nellie Agnes. Hogarth, Violet Ethel. Hogg, Jessie Cathro. Holland, Nellie. Holmes, Alice Florence. Holmes, Ethel. Hood, Louisa Grace. Hore, Miriam. Howarth, Florence. Hunt, Rose Frances. Hunter, Ivy. Hurley, Elizabeth. Hutton, Delia Mary. Hutton, Emily. Hyde, Ethel Maud. Hyndman, Lily. Hyndman, Rose. Hynes, ’Jessie Maud. Isaacs, Maud. James, Isabel Bomford. Jamieson, Euphemia. Jamieson, Violet Elizabeth. Jeffcott, Lillian. Johnson, Agnes. Johnson, Annie. Johnson, Emily. Johnson, Harvey Kavant. Johnston, Christina. Johnston, Ethel. Johnston, Grace Isobel. Johnston, Jessie Agnes. Johnston, Robina Agnes Elizabeth. Jones, Margaret. Joyce, Cora Kathleen. Kane, Anastasia. Keady, Ellen.

Keady, Norah. Kearney, Nellie. Keary, Norah. Keith, Isabel Munroe. Kelleher, Dora Veronica. Kelleher, Marie. Kelly, Mary. Kelly, Rosetta. Kelly, Sarah. Kennedy, Elena. Kennedy, Julia. Kennedy, Mary Elizabeth. Kenning, Selina. Kersey, Nora. Kershaw, Margaret. Kinsella, Maude. Kir wan, Ellen. Kir wan, Mary. Knox, Martha Teresa. Kobler, Gertrude. Lagan, Elena Catherine. Lake, Annie. Lally, Honoria. Lang, Joan. Langdon, Mabel. Lange, Alice Augusta Constantia. Lange, May Field. Lamer, Mary. Latto, Mary. La very, Elizabeth A. La very, Theresa. Lawlor, Annie. Lawn, May. Lawrence, Bessie Mary. Lee, Annie. Lees, Amy. Lemon, Minnie. Lenahan, Annie. Lines, Violet. Lloyd, Sarah Amelia. Logan, Annie Kerr. Londen, Sarah Elizabeth. Lord, Ethel. Lorraine, Frances. Loughnan, May Mary. Lucena, Teresa Veronica. Lynch, Johanna Elizabeth. Lynham, Mary Rutherfoul. Lyons, May. Lyttle, Isabella Ann. Macey, Nancy Bartlett. Mackie, Mary Agnes. Magner, Margeret. Maguire, Margaret. Maher, Ellen (Mrs.) Maher, Ellen (Miss). Maher, Veronica. Mahoney, Ellen. Malone, Helena. Mann, Catherine. Manning, Alice Louisa. Manson, Louisa. Markham, Mary. Marquis, Annette. Marquis, May. Martin, Alice. Masciorini, Marguerite. Mather, May. Matheson, Catherine. Mathison, Maggie. Matson, Catherine. Matthews, Ethel. Mears, Annie Teresa. Meehan, Mary Augusta. Meehan, Rose Anna. Meek, Nellie. Miles, Amy Ellen. Miller, Louise. Mitchell, Annie Margaret. Mitchell, Emilia. Moffat, Elizabeth Jane. Mole, Hannah. Monigatti, Isabella. Montgomery, Lilly. Mooney, Ellen. Moore, Mildred May. Moreland Annie. Moriarty, Anna. Morton, Agnes. Morton, Annie. Morton, Annie Isabel. Mouat, Wilhelmina.

Moynihan, Ellen. Moynihan, Mamie. Moynihan, Mary. Murphy, Bridget. Murphy, Catherine Josephine. Murphy, Margaret (Dunedin). Murphy, Margaret(Gisborne). Murphy, Mary. Murphy, Maud Mary. Murphy, Molly. Murray, Linda. Murray, Marguerite Alice. Murray, Rose Catherine. Murray, Sadie. Murtha, Bridget. Murtha, Lizzie. Murtha, Mary. Mac Alpine, Sadie. MacGillicuddy, Delia Mary. MacKechnie, Kathleen Bethel. Mackintosh, Earrny. MacPherson, Violet. McAnualty, Sarah Isabel!. McAteer, Catherine. Mcßride, Minnie. McCarthy, Alice. McCarthy, Catherine. McCarthy, Kitty. McCarthy, Mary. McColl, Emma. McCombie, Alice. McConkey, Caroline Ann. McCuldon, Jessie. McDavitt, Birdie. McDonald, Anna. McDonald, Annie Frances. McDonald, Eileen. McDonald, Margaret. McDonald, Nellie. McDougall, Alice. McElligott, Moira Esme. McEnroe, Katie. McFarlane, Elizabeth. McGarry, Margaret. McGavin, Maritana. McGee, Matilda. McGinley, Mary. McGlone, Lulu. McGlone, Nellie. McGrail, Margaret. McGrath, Maggie. McGrath, Maggie. McGregor, Margaret. McGuinness, Catherine. McGuire, Annie. McGuire, Mary. McGwynne, Agnes Kathleen. Mcllroy, Margaret Alice. Mclnerney, Mary Julia. Mclnroe, Edith. Mclntosh, Elizabeth. Mclntosh, Margaret. Mclntosh, Mary. Mclntyre, Frances. McKenzie, Charlotte Lilian. McKenzie, Mary. McKenzie, Susan. McKenzie, Violet. McKewen, Annie. McLaughlin, Elizabeth. McLaughlin, Helena. McLoughlin, Madge. McMahon, Agnes Margaret. McMahon, Ellen. McMahon, Mary. McMillan, Cathie. McMillan, Dora Ann. McNamara, Margaret. McNeil, Hannah. McNulty, Annie Bedelia. McNulty, Sarah. McPhee, Mary Ann. McPherson, Virginia. McPike, Isabelle. McQuillan, Catherine. Mcßandell, Margaret. McWhirter, Jean. Naesmith, Rose. Nash, Myrtle Louisa. Nesbit, Ethelrida. Nevin, Margaret. Newman, Cecilia. Newsome, Elizabeth Margaret Nicholson, Helen.

Nicol, Elsie. Nielsen, Ellen Frederica. Nimott, Kate. Noble, Ethel May. Nolan, Mary Josephine. Norton, Nellie. O’Brien, Annie. O’Brien, Catherine. O’Brien, Delia. O’Brien, Elizabeth Frances. O’Brien, Julia. O’Brien, Maggie. O’Brien, Margaret. O’Brien, Mary. O’Brien, Meeta Annie. O’Byme, May. O’Callaghan, Olive. O’Connell, Beatrice. O’Connor, Catherine. O’Connor, Frances. O’Connor, Grace. O’Connor, Katie. O’Connor, Margaret Teresa. O’Donnell, Anna. O’Donnell, Mary. O’Dowd, Mary Ann. O’Dwyer, Johanna. Ogg, Isabel Jean. Ogg, Mary. O’Grady, Blenda. O’Grady, Margaret Elizabeth O’Hara, Clara Margaret. O’Hara, Ethel. O’Kane, Susan. O’Keefe, Kitty. O’Leary, Nellie. Oliver, Elizabeth. O’Malley, Margaret. O’Malley, Mary Beatrice. O’Neil, Catherine Bridget. O’Neill, Julia. O’Neil], Mary. O’Neill, Mary Jane. Q’Shannessey, Jane. O’Shea, Nellie. Ourry, Lucy. Owen, Jeanne. Owen, Mary Muir. Page, Mary. Palamontain, Ivy Jane. Palamontain, Olive May. Palmer, Dorothy Mabel. Palmer, Florence May. Palmer, Georgina. Palmer, Gladys Sybil. Palmer, Madeline Gertrude. Parker, Amy. Parker, Sophia. Parker, Virginia Victoria Lilian. Partridge, Adelaide Mona. Patterson, Lily. Paulsen, Florence May. Pearson, Mary Ann. Peck, Daisy Ann Valentine. Pelham, Maud. Perkins, Bridget. Peters, Anita. Phelan, Ellen. Phelan, Hannah Theresa. Phelan, Johanna. Phelan, Kate. Phelan, Nellie (Lower Hutt). Phelan, Nellie (Auckland). Pilcher, Florence Emily. Pilmer, Gertrude Frances. Platt, Nina Josephine. Podjursky, May Jessie. Pollock, Gladys. Poison, Ruby Louisa. Potier, Alice. Power, Annie. Power, Jennie. Power, Nora. Pratt, Helen Jane. Pratt, Madge. Price, Elizabeth. Priest, Adele Jane. Priest, Honoria. Punch, Catherine. Qualter, Ruby May. Qualter, Sabina. Quigley, Johanna.

Quigley, Margaret. Quinn, Elizabeth. Quinn, Kathleen Frances Aloysius. Rae, Catherine. Rae, Violet. Readie, Katie. Rennie, Ruth Ann. Richards, Alice May Gresham. Riley, Emma Elizabeth. Robertson, Cissie. Robertson, Janet Blanche. Robertson, Nellie. Robinson, Ellen Elizabeth. Robson, Fanny Augusta Amelia. Rogers, Violet. Rohloff, Tessa Catherine. Ross, Christina McLean. Roughan, Mary. Roulston, Edna. Russell, Daisy. Ryan, Agnes. Ryan, Eileen Ann. Ryan, Etheldra. Ryan, Isabella Auchterlonnie. Ryan, Susan. Sadd, Kathleen Ida. Sadd, Mary Maud. Salmon, Eva Frances. Sandel, Sarah.Saunders, Margaret. Schubach, Ida. Scott, Henrietta. Scott, May. Scott, Nellie. Seaton, Elizabeth. Sharkey, Mary. Shaw, Theresa. Sheehan, Alice. Sheehy, Mary. Sherlock, Margaret. Sherrilf, Bessie. Short, Gladys Esther. Shughrue, Mary. Siddells, Catherine. Simpson, Emily Elita. Simpson, Hilda Ellen. Simson, Leiley. Sloan, Edith Louisa. Smith, Amelia May. Smith, Amy. Smith, Annie. Smith, Dorothy Win wood. Smith, Elizabeth Williamson. Smith, Ellen. Smith, Helena Maud. Smith, Jessie Catherine. Smith, Margaret. Smith, Martha. Smith, Millie. Smith, Olive. Smith, Vera. Smyth, Mary. Sneade, Lucy Gertrude Ellen. Solomon, Catherine. Spiden, Jessie. Spillane, Mary Catherine. Stack, Margaret. Stack, Nancy. Stafford, Georgina. Standen, Eva. Stenhouse, Myrtle Murray. Stephens, Catherine. Stephens, Martha. Stevenson, Isabella. Stevenson, Phyllis. Stewart, FloraStock, Ruby. Stone, Maisie. Stone, Maud. Storie, Martha Irene. Street, Daisy. Stuart, Molly. Stubs, Alys Maud. Sullivan, Mary. Sullivan, Nora. Sutherland. Catherine. Sweeney, Adeline Maud. Sweeney, Mary. Sweeney, Rita. Swindale, Marie Reioux. Swindley, Catherine. Symons, Alice.

Tailored, Catherine Jean. Tansey, Annie Esther. Tansey, Josephine. Tattersall, Eileen. Taylor, Ethel Essy. Taylor, Maud. Taylor, Thressa. Thomas, Elizabeth. Thomas, Eva. Thomas, Laura Ellen. Thompson, Alice Elizabeth. Thompson, Katherine beth. Thompson, Jean. Thornton, Bridget. Thornton, Perdita. Tlirupp, Margaret. Tilley, Ellen. Tindale, Lucy Gray. Todd, Mary Ann. Toomer, Olive. Towner, Ethel. Traill, Ethel Mary. Treston, Katie. Trudgeon, Louisa Mary. Tubman, Elizabeth. Tunnell. J essie. Turley, Ruby lima. Turnbull, Marion. Turnbull, Nellie. Turnbull, Vida Maureen. Turner, Mary. Twohill, Mary Kate. Dre, Margaret Christie. Vaughan, Gwendoline. Vaughan, Lena. Veint, Mary. Volkel, Louisa. Walker, Ethel. Walker, Margaret. Walker, Rose. Wall, Annie. Wallace, Barbara. Wallace, Josephine. Walsh, Alice. Walsh, Elizabeth. Walsh Madge. Walsh, Mary Julia. Walshe, Ellen. Walshe, Maggie. Ward, Ada Ann. Ward-Allan, Ada. Warner, Emilio Wellman. Wassell, Patience. Watson, Jane. Watson, Margaret. Webb, Ann Hall. Webb, Catherine. Wells, Margaret. Wertheimer, Victoria. Whatman, Saidie Jessica. Whisker, Sadie. White, Louie. White, Mary Gladys. Whiting, Eileen. Wilde, May. Wilkins, Gertrude Mary. Williams, Daisy. Williams, Eliza. Williams, Elizabeth. Williams, Jessica Hilda. Williams, Margaret. Williams, Minnie. Williams, Priscilla. Williams, Winifred. Williamson, Annie. Wilson, Annie. Wilson, Eliza Jane. Wilson, Florence. Wilson, Florence Catherine. Wilson, Louie Mildred. Wilson, Margaret Katherine. Wilson, Robina. W i n c h e s t e r, Winifred Georgina. Winders, Charlotte. Woulfe, Elsie. Wrenn, Nora. Wright, Mary Marcella. Wynne, Winifred. Yates, Laetitia. Yates, Mary.

By Authority : John Macicay, Government Printer, Wellington.

Date. Ship. o Whence. * Name of Shipper. c. CD . Form in which received,* and Quantity. s pj Date. B Form of Opium used, and Quantity. 5. 5B o" O * Manufactured into. 6 W o S3 Date. CO o Form in which sold or disposed of, and Quantity. & o o £ o Name and Address of Purchaser or other Person to whom Opium disposed of. of £ oa* CD C_ Signature of Purchaser where Opium retailed. 02* O 02 Remarks explaining Disposal other than Sale. 1

Opium Import Book.

Date. Opium purchased. From whom. Form in which received,* and Quantity. Date. Used in Manufacture. Form of Opium used, and Quantity. Manufactured into. Date. How disposed of. Sold or otherwise disposed of. Form of Opium sold or disposed of. To whom sold. Address. Signature of Purchaser. Remarks explaining Disposal other than Sale or Manufacture.

Retailer’s Opium Book.

Name of Offender. 1 Where tried. 1 1 When. | 1 Offence. Sentence. 1 Native of j 1 Trade. ' j Born. 2 1 .s? Complexion. Hair. j Eyea. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &c. Buljinbach, Yure .. Whangarei .. 18/7/11 assault to keep peace Austria gum-digger 1876 ft. in. 5 7 dark .. black brown .. medium i for 6 months and pay costs Brady, James Nicholas Auckland 20/7/11 theft to pay costs and N. Zealand fish-curer .. 1874 5 4 fresh .. brown blue medium prohibited ! Beckwith, Kathleen Auckland 21/7/11 theft to come up if N. Zealand domestic 1870 5 2 fresh .. brown brown .. medium called on Milton, John Auckland 21/7/11 attempted suicide to come up if England .. labourer 1854 5 9 fresh .. grey grey .. medium called on Roberts, Cecil Arthur Auckland 21/7/11 illegally on premises .. to Army Home N. Zealand carter 1893 5 5 fresh .. brown brown .. medium Scar on right upper arm. McArthur, George .. Te Awamutu 18/7/11 assault convicted and N. Zealand canvasser .. 1882 5 6 fresh, light brown blue medium Nearly blind ; wears glasses. discharged freckled Ross, Charles Sydney N. Plymouth 20/7/11 theft returned to N. Zealand butcher 1892 5 6 fair, dark brown brown .. broad See Police Gazette, 1910, page 526. Burnham indus. school freckled Hardgrave, Leslie Jaoklin .. N. Plymouth 20/7/11 theft to come up if N. Zealand butcher 1891 5 4 fresh .. brown grey .. medium called on Gempton, William, alias Napier 17/7/11 idle and disorderly to come up if Channel carpenter .. 1840 5 6 dark .. grey hazel .. medium Kapoc Bill called on Islands Wilson, John Eltham 18/7/11 theft fine or 14 days Australia .. canvasser .. 1887 5 fresh .. sandy grey .. medium Scar on nose. F.P. W aaka Paneta Foxton 22/7/11 theft to come up if aboriginal 1896 5 6 copper.. black brown.. medium Scar on right knee. called on Tier, Francis Edwin Wellington .. 19/7/11 assault fined £3 Australia .. wharflabo’rT 1883 5 6£ dark .. dark hazel .. medium See Police Gazette , 1911, page 227. and clicker Owens, Ruby Wellington .. 21/7/11 theft (3 charges) to come up if N.S. Wales waitress 1888 5 1 fresh .. fair blue small called on Carr, Christopher .. Wellington .. 25/7/11 theft to come up if N. Zealand groom 1885 5 8 fair light brown brown .. medium F.P. called on Bruning, Matthew Henry .. Collingwood 19/7/11 theft to Burnham N. Zealand schoolboy .. 1898 4 9 fresh .. fair blue medium Indus. School Ford, Frederick Roberts, James Henry Greymouth .. 13/7/11 obscene language fine or 1 month N.S. Wales coal-miner.. 1884 5 10 dark .. dark grey .. medium Christchurch 15/7/11 idle and disorderly to come up if England .. labourer 1848 5 11 fresh .. dark brown, grey .. medium See Police Gazette, 1911, page 105. called on turning grey medium McDermott, Margaret, alias Christchurch 17/7/11 rogue and vagabond .. Magdala Home N. Zealand prostitute .. 1883 5 4 fresh .. brown blue See Police Gazette, 1911, page 331. Lea for 12 mo’s Tubby, George Henry Christchurch 25/7/11 theft (2 charges) fined £2 & costs N. Zealand packer 1881 5 n dark .. black grey • • medium on each Kennard, George Sydney Christchurch 28/7/11 assault fined £3 & costs N. Zealand labourer .. 1884 5 ii fresh .. brown brown .. long See Police Gazette, 1907, page 277. Armstrong, James Andrew .. Invercargill 30/6/11 insufficient means of to come up if N. Zealand labourer 1876 5 florid .. brown dk. grey medium F.P. support called on short Cox, Basil George McPherson Invercargill 14/7/11 theft sent to Weraroa N. Zealand schoolboy .. 1899 4 6 pale fair 'grey .. Small round scar between eyebrows. Indus. School Brass, Gordon Harold Invercargill 20/7/11 theft sent to Weraroa N. Zealand schoolboy .. 1899 4 8 fresh .. brown grey .. straight .. Large ears. indus. school Shirreffs, James Invercargill 20/7/11 theft 6 strokes of N. Zealand schoolboy .. 1899 4 8 fresh .. fair ■grey .. broad Has been admonished and discharged for theft of birch and to come up if a bicycle. F.P. i called on

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates’ Courts, but not sent to Gaol.

Staol, and Name of Prisoner. I Where tried. When. Offence. 1 j Sentence. Native of Trade Born. Height. I Com- | plexion. I Hair. Eyes. J Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Auckland Madden, Fanny Auckland M C 10/7/11 ! incorrigible rogue remanded i England .. 1 prostitute .. 1856 ft 4 in. n* faded .. i I grey 1 blue small 11/7/11 8p.e. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1911, page 249.) Fook Jung .. Auckland M.C. Gisborne S.C. 14/7/11 ship-desertion remanded China fireman 1886 5 5 'sallow .. black dark br. flat 17/7/11 Morris, Patrick, alias 4/3/09 breaking, entering, and 3 years Ireland labourer 1869 5 5f fresh .. fair grey •• large 17/7/11 3p.c. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 4/7/11. McGluskey, alias Gronin, Michael Neilson, Peter, alias Auckland i 11/7/11 theft wilful damage fine or 7 days 1 Norway .. bushman .. 1874 5 8| fresh .. brown blue medium 17/7/11 (See Police Gazette, 1905, page 386.) 3 p.c. F.P. Photographed at Waiotapu, 26/1/11. Nelson, alias O’Berg, Christian Harris, William, alias M.C. Auckland 1 19/4/11 drunkenness theft fine or 48 hours 6 months France cook 1849 5 6 sallow .. grey hazel .. large 16/7/11 (See Police Gazette, 1911, page 74.) 3 p.c. F.P. Died in district hospital. PhotoArinnie Campbell, Alexander, M.C. Taumarunui 14/3/11 breach of Licensing Act fine or 3 mo’s America .. gardener .. 1842 5 n fresh .. black, curly light br. large 18/7/11 graphed at Auckland, 11/6/08. (See Police Gazette, 1910, page 340.) 14 p.c, F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1905, page 302 . alias Brown, John Moore, Edward, alias M.C. Auckland 19/4/11 obscene language 3 months Australia .. labourer 1885 5 s i fresh .. auburn grey .. medium 18/7/11 Arrested 19/4/11. 4 p.c. Photographed at Auckland, 4/11/07. William Evitt, Thomas Ashleigh M.C. Rotorua M.C. 19/6/11 theft 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1876 5 H fresh .. dark brown hazel .. long 18/7/11 (See Police Gazette, 1910, page 419.) Scar between left thumb and finger; J.K., Montgomery, Lily Wellington 19/6/11 default of maintenance arrears or 14 Scotland .. domestic .. 1889 5 5 fair auburn blue-gry medium 18/7/11 pierced heart, and anchor on left upper arm. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 13/7/11. F.P. Arrested 5/7/11. Fitzgerald, Thomas M.C. Auckland 12/7/11 grossly indecent act .. days fine or 7 days Ireland seaman 1877 5 5 dark .. dark brown brown .. medium 18/7/11 Sailor, female bust, clasped hands, and TRUE Downey, J ames M.C. Auckland M C 17/7/11 threatening behaviour fine or 48 hours England .. seaman 1879 5 9 sallow.. dark brown blue medium LOVE on right forearm ; Japanese woman on left forearm. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1907, page 84.) 19/7/11 Mole on left cheek. Grook, John Henry Auckland 20/4/11 theft 3 months England .. labourer 1863 5 4f fresh .. dark brown brown .. medium 19/7/11 Scar on left thumb and middle finger. F.P. McGarry, John M.C. Auckland 12/4/11 breach of a prohibition fine or 7 days England .. seaman 1864 5 4 fresh .. dark brown brown .. drooping.. 19/7/11 Photographed at Auckland, 21/4/11. 19p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1911, page 187. Graham, Madeline M.C. Auckland M.C. Whangarei 21/4/11 order theft 3 months aboriginal domestic .. 1882 5 copper.. black brown .. . medium 20/7/11 Arrested 13/7/11. F.P. Whelan, William 21/6/11 grossly indecent act .. .1 month N. Zealand labourer 1877 5 n fresh .. dark brown hazel .. medium 20/7/11 Scar on left middle finger, on upper lip, and Lacey, Alfred John' .. j M.C. Wellington 16/6/11 default of maintenance arrears or 1 N. Zealand painter 1875 5 3i fresh .. light brown It. blue straight .. 20/7/11 over left eyebrow. F.P. 2 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1909, page 503.) Brady, James Nicholas M.C. Auckland 17/7/11 theft .. .. | month remanded N. Zealand labourer 1873 5 4f fresh .. brown blue-gr’y straight .. 21/7/11 Arrested 21/6/11. 5 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1910, page 377, and Armstrong, Walter .. 1 M.C. Auckland 13/2/11 j receiving .. .. j 6 months Australia .. lumper 1878 5 9 fair light brown brown .. medium 21/7/11 Summary Convictions, this issue.) Cross and anchor on right forearm ; scar on Maddock, John S.C. Auckland 8/7/11 ship-desertion .. 1 14 days Ireland seaman 1883 5 3i 3 fresh .. brown grey .. medium 21/7/11 right middle finger. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 27/2/11. Clasped hands over heart on right forearm ; Beckwith, Kathleen M.C. Auckland 21/7/11 theft .. .. j to come up if! Ireland cook 1868 5 faded .. grey blue small 21/7/11 bust of sailor on right hand. See Summary Convictions, this issue. Moyer, Harry .. .. j M.C. Auckland 23/6/11 ship-desertion called on 1 month America .. seaman 1884 5 44 fresh ., light brown grey .. 1 medium 22/7/11 Mole on right forearm ; dot between left thumb M.C. and finger ; scar on left middle finger and bridge of nose. F.P.


Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. | Where tried. ! When. j Offence. Sentence. Native of. Trade. « i 4= j .a 1 ,£p ‘S a Complexion. Hair. i Eyes. Nose. V\ lien discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicate s that finger-impressions have been taken.) Auckland - continued. ft. in. sallow .. black Fowler, Mary Ann Auckland M.C. Auckland M.C. 15/2/11 obscene language 6 months N. Zealand domestic 1876 5 3i blue small 22/7/11 8 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1910, page 488.) Cody, Timothy James, alias Goady 17/7/11 breach of prohibition order fine or 7 days N. Zealand labourer 1869 5 7| dark .. black, turning grey hazel .. medium 22/7/11 9 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette. , 1911, page 348.) Waipa — 1886 5 11J fresh .. brown Wallace, Andrew Thames — Auckland S.C. 14/5/09 breaking, entering, and theft 3 years America .. labourer grey .. broad 19/7/11 Mole on right upper arm ; bunch of flowers and TAMER in scroll on left forearm. F.P. Photographed at Waipa, 4/6/11. Baylis, William Waiotapu — Thames M.C. 22/7/11 lunacy discharged England .. carpenter .. 1834 5 6 Iresh .. grey blue medium 22/7/11 Luther Martin Gisborne — Napier S.C. . 2/3/08 sheep-stealing (2 chgs) horse-stealing assault with intent to rob 5 years on each 5 years 5 years N. Zealand drover 1878 5 9| fair fair blue medium 20/7/11 7 p.c. Scar on nose; top off left index finger. F.P. Photographed at Waiotapu, 11/4/11. (See Police Gazette, 1908, page 22.) Flanagan, John, alias Grey Gisborne M.C. 19/6/11 illegally on premises .. breach of prohibition order 7 days fine or 23 days England .. fireman 1863 5 4| fair brown blue broad 18/7/11 8 p.c. Scar under right eye ; woman in tights, bracelet, &c., on right arm; large emblems on left arm. (See Police Gazette, 1909, page 42.) Mooney, James Gisborne M.C. 15/7/11 theft fine or 7 days N. Zealand carpenter .. 1850 5 9 dark .. grey blue-gr’y aquiline .. 22/7/11 Mark on left cheek; right eye defective. F.P. Napier — light brown McKenzie, John Te Awamutu M.C. 12/7/11 default of maintenance remanded N. Zealand carpenter .. 1887 5 10 fair blue thick 17/7/11 Two scars on both legs; scar on right cheek; mole on left cheek. McKay, Florence Gisborne M.C. 6/6/11 idle and disorderly 6 weeks N, Zealand domestic .. 1890 4 11| fresh .. light brown grey .. medium 17/7/11 Smal mole on neck. Daniel, Charles, alias Hastings M.C. 19/4/11 grossly indecent act .. 3 months Samoa hawker 1863 5 5| black .. black, curly dark br. broad 18/7/11 11 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1911, page 188.) Daniels Colling wood, James Dannevirke M.C. 20/4/11 illegally od premises .. 3 months England .. fireman 1865 5 6| sallow .. brown grey .. flat 19/7/11 5 p.c. Photographed at Auckland, 9/12/08. (See Police Gazette, 1910, page 513.) Humphries, William Porangahau M.C. Gisborne M.C. 20/4/11 idle and disorderly 3 months England .. labourer 1846 5 2| fair grey grey .. medium 19/7/11 6 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1911, page 104.) Keogh, John, alias Orbell New Plymouth— 21/4/11 theft 3 months N. Zealand wool-classer 1884 5 7| dark .. dark blue medium 20/7/11 6 p.c. Photographed at Wanganui, 16/11/08. (See Police Gazette, 1911, page 43.) Paulson, Paul N. Plymouth M.C. 6/7/11 obscene language assault 14 days 14 days Norway .. seaman 1882 5 7| fresh .. brown grey small 19/7/11 Woman on right arm ; two anchors on left arm. F.P. Hansen, Andreas Nodberg N. Plymouth M.C. 6/7/11 obscene language 14 days Norway .. sailmaker .. 1887 5 6| fresh .. brown brown .. small 19/7/11 Flag, TRUE LOVE, &c., on right arm ; anchor, girl, and ship on left wrist. F.P. Ross, Charles Sydney .. N. Plymouth M.C. 20/7/11 theft sent to Burnham N. Zealand butcher 1892 5 6 freckled brown brown .. broad 20/7/11 1 p.c. Tattoo-marks on left arm ; scar on upper lip. F.P. Hardg reaves, Leslie Jacklyn N. Plymouth M.C. 20/7/11 theft to come up if called on N. Zealand butcher 1891 5 3| fresh .. light brown blue medium 20/7/11 J p.c. Scar on left wrist. F.P. Wellington— 5 p.c. Top off right middle finger. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1908, page 353.) Carton, George, alias Curzon, George Maurice, Auckland S.C. 9/5/10 theft 18 months N. Zealand painter 1879 5 7 f fresh .. auburn hazel .. large 17/7/11 alias Wilson, alias Cartin, James Butterfly, horse’s head in horse-shoe, two hearts, and IN MEMORY OF MY MOTHER on left forearm ; dancing-woman and clasped hands over heart on right forearm. F.P. Cummings, James Welling ton S.C. 9/5/10 robbery 18 months England •. fireman 1881 5 3 ruddy .. red hazel .. medium 17/7/11


Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. Senteace. Native of Trade. Born. | 'Indian i Complexion. Hair. Eyes. I Nose. 1 When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Wellington — continued. Kenny, Joseph, alias Wellington 11/7/11 breach of the peace .. fine or 7 days N. Zealand labourer 1892 ft. in. 5 9^ fresh .. brown blue medium 17/7/11 4 p.c. Heart on left upper arm. F.P. (See Morrissey Connell, Frank M.C. Wellington 11/7/11 breach of the peace .. fine or 7 days N. Zealand labourer 1887 5 8£ pale brown blue medium 17/7/11 Police Gazette, 1909, page 200.) 1 p.c. Mole on back; large scar on left knee. Fennessy, John M.C. W e 11 i n g t o n 9/5/10 robbery 18 months England .. fireman 1886 5 5 dark .. brown grey medium 18/7/11 F.P. Man’s bead and bunch of flowers on right foreReeves, Thomas S.C. Wellington 19/6/11 drunkenness .. 1 month England .. seaman 1865 5 7 dark .. brown brown .. medium 18/7/11 arm ; woman’s head and bird on left forearm ; F.P. 4 p.c. Scar on right side of nose. F.P. (See McEachern, John M.C. Wellington 19/6/11 drunkenness .. 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1870 5 4 dark .. brown hazel .. long 18/7/11 Police Gazette, 1911, page 188.) 4 p.c. Embhms on right forearm; star and Turvey, Frank Frederick M.C. Christchurch 11/4/11 default of maintenance arrears or 3 England .. bricklayer ... 1872 5 10 dark .. fi brown, curly dark br. medium 19/7/11 thistle on right hand ; dancing-girl on ball, crucifixion, and woman’s head on left forearm. 2 p.c. Scar on left wrist. F.P. Arrested 20/4/11. Shannon, John M.C. Wellington 6/7/11 breach of a prohibition months fine or 14 days N. Zealand brickmaker 1881 5 2£ dark .. black brown .. medium 19/7/11 (See Police Gazette, 1905, page 14.) 27 p.c. Woman’s head, flags, and butterfly on McCormack, Jessie M.C. Wellington 21/4/11 order vagrancy 3 months England .. prostitute .. 1864 5 0 fair grey brown .. long 20/7/11 left arm. (See Police Gazette, 1911, page 150.) 11 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1911, page 189.) Riddell, John Hunter .. M.C. Wellington 22/6/11 drunkenness .. ship-desertion fine or 7 days 1 month Australia .. seaman 1883 5 8 dark .. brown hazel .. medium 21/7/11 Flowers in basket and wreath on right forearm ; Hastings, George, alias M.C. Wellington 8/7/11 theft ( 14 days England .. bottlemonger 1880 5 10J dark .. brown brown .. large 21/7/11 bust of Queen Victoria and coat of arms with V.R. on left forearm. F.P. 41 p.c. Cross-eyed. F.P. (See Police Gazette, Taylor Chambers, John M.C. Welling ton 10/7/11 breach of a prohibition fine or 14 days N. Zealand tailor 1872 5 6£ dark .. brown brown .. medium 22/7/11 1910, page 201.) 19 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1910, page 480.) Garvice, Dimetri M.C. Wellington 29/6/11 order vagrancy 3 months Greece hawker 1857 5 0J dark .. grey brown .. large, 19/7/11 1 p.c. Small scar on forehead; stooping gait. Dunning, Samuel Fabey M.C. W ellington 27/6/11 rogue and vagabond .. 6 months England _•. seaman 1864 5 4f fair grey hooked It. brown medium 19/7/11 Sent to Porirua Asylum. 13 p.c. Rose and TRUE LOVE on left forearm; Briggs, Ellen .. M.C. Wellingt on M.C. Christchurch 14/7/11 child-desertion 21 days N. Zealand laundress .. 1891 5 3 fair light brown blue sharp 21/7/11 ring on left index finger; rose on right forearm ; bracelet on right wrist. Sent to Porirua Asylum. (See Police Gazette, 1911, page 251.) Birth-mark on left hand. Sentence remitted. Lyttelton— Smith, Charles Sadler .. 11/7/11 default of fine 3 days N. Zealand carpenter .. 18715 6| fresh .. brown blue medium 17/7/11 Scar on right wrist; mole on neck. F.P. Campbell, Oliver Ernest M.C. Christchurch M.C. Lyttelton 3/12/10 theft 9 months N. Zealand cook 1891,5 9 fair dark blue medium 18/7/11 Arrested 15/7/11. Scar on right hip ; ex-Burnham boy. F.P. Devine, John .. 12/7/11 resisting police fine or 7 days Ireland fireman 1873 5 6J pale grey grey .. medium 18/7/11 ALICE, wreath, and crossed hands over heart Crowley, Julia M.C. Christchurch M.C. Christchurch M.C. Christchurch 26/9/10 rogue and vagabond .. 12 months Ireland prostitute .. 1836 5 H dark .. grey brown .. large 19/7/11 on right forearm; ETHEL and ALICE on left forearm. F.P. 20 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1910, page 409.) Thompson, James 13/7/11 theft 7 days .Scotland .. cook 1871 5 fair light brown hazel .. medium 19/7/11 4 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1909, page 473.) Fitton, Robert 17/7/11 drunkenness .. fine or 48 hours England .. fireman 1881 5 pale brown brown .. medium 19/7/11 Girl and flag, heart, ballet-girl, crossed hands, and heart on right forearm; flower on right hand ; sailor and flag, anchor, bracelet, man, and woman on left forearm. F.P. Fine paid on second charge. M.C. wilful damage fine or 7 days


] Graol, and Name of Prisoner. ■ Where tried, j When. | Offence. j Sentence. Native of Trade. 1 Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. w , hen d , is - charged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Lyttelton —con tinned. ft. in. dark .. j dark | [ Julian, James Kenneth KaikouraM.C. 17/7/11 wife-desertion remanded N. Zealand labourer 1879 5 8 hazel . medium 19/7/11 Scar on nose and left forearm. Stanley, John .. Rangiora M.C. 10/7/11 idle and disorderly 14 days England .. tailor 1860 5 5 fresh .. grey grey . medium 22/7/11 1 p.c. (See Police Gazette , 1911, page 162.) Smith, Charles Christchurch 30/9/10 rogue and vagabond .. 12 months England .. labourer 1868 5 Hi fresh .. brown brown . large 22/7/11 23 p.c. F.P. Photographed at Dunedin, 16/3/00. M.C. fresh .. brown I ' (See Police Gazette, 1909, page 432.) Webb, Josephine, alias Christchurch 24/5/11 idle and disorderly 2 months Ireland prostitute .. 1855 4 11| brown . large 22/7/11 Repeatedly convicted. P.P. (See Police Gazette, 19I‘0, page 46.) Menlove M.C. Dunedin — ' dark brown Grant, William Dunedin M.C. 19/6/11 drunkenness 1 month Scotland .. carpenter .. 1868 5 11 fresh .. dk. grey medium 18/7/11 3 p.c. Long scar on left thumb. Kelly, George Ernest .. Dunedin M.C. 13/7/11 rogue and vagabond .. remanded N. Zealand photographer 1876 5 9 i dark .. dark brown. brown . regular .. 18/7/11 Numerous p.c. Large scar over left eye. curly Photographed at Wellington, 26/10/01. (See fresh .. Police Gazette, 1911, page 162.) Bunyan, James Henry, Dunedin M.C. 18/7/11 theft remanded Scotland .. steward 1892 5 5f light brown grey .. large, 19/7/11 See I J olice Gazette, 1911, page 335, and Inveralias Thomas, alias broad cargill discharges, this issue. James William, alias Scotty, alias McKenzie Invercargill — steward 1893 5 fair fair Bunyan, James William, Invercargill 20/7/11 theft remanded Scotland .. 6i blue large 20/7/11 Slim build. Bailed. (See Police Gazette, 1911, alias Tnomas, alias M.C. page 335, and Dunedin discharges, this issue.) James Henry, alias Scotty, alias McKenzie i 1 i


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXXVI, Issue 30, 2 August 1911, Page 355

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EXTRACTS FROM NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXXVI, Issue 30, 2 August 1911, Page 355

EXTRACTS FROM NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXXVI, Issue 30, 2 August 1911, Page 355

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