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(From Gazette, 1909, pages 967, 968, 969, 979, 1054, 1084.) Inspectors of Factories appointed. Department of Labour, Wellington, 3rd April, 1909. HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Constable William McLennan and Constable Robert Henry Moss to be Inspectors under “ The Factories Act, 1908.” The appointments are dated the 2nd day of April, 1909. A. W. HOGG, Minister of Labour.

Inspector op Factories appointed. Department of Labour, Wellington, 13th April, 1909. HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Constable Frederick Wade to be an Inspector under “ The Factories Act, 1908.” The appointment is dated the 9th day of April, 1909. A. W. HOGG, Minister of Labour.

Clerk of Warden's Court , <f;c., appointed. Department of Justice, Wellington, 13th April, 1909. HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Constable Jambs Sellers Willcocks to be Clerk of the Warden’s Court and Receiver of Gold Revenue and Mining Registrar at Whakatane, from the 13th day of April, 1908. JOHN G. FINDLAY.

Prohibiting Trawling within Kaipara Harbour. PLUNKET, Governor. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government Buildings, at Wellington, this thirtyfirst day of March, 1909. Present : The Rjght Honourable Sib, J. G. Ward, K.C.M.G., presiding in Council. WHEREAS it is enacted by the fifth section of “ The Fisheries Act, 1908,” that the Governor may from time to time, by Order in Council gazetted, make regulations, which shall have force and effect either throughout New Zealand or only in such waters or places as are specified in the regulations, for, amongst other things, imposing conditions and restrictions on the taking of fish, and for prohibiting any specified mode of taking fish, or the use of any specified engine, tackle, or apparatus for taking the same : And whereas it is desirable to prohibit the taking of fish by trawling and the use of trawl-nets within Kaipara Harbour: Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, in exercise of the power and authority conferred by the said Act, and of all other powers and authorities enabling him in this behalf, and acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby make the following regulations for the purposes of the said Act: — Regulations. 1. No person shall trawl or use a trawl-net for the purpose of taking fish within Kaipara Harbour inside the Heads thereof. 2. Any person committing a breach of the foregoing regulation shall be liable to a fine of not less than £1 and not exceeding £2O. ALEX. WILLIS, Clerk of the Executive Council.

Land, in the Lillburn Survey District, County of Wallace, to be a Sanctuary for Imported and Native Game. PLUNKET, Governor.

PURSUANT to the powers vested in me by “ The Animals Protection Act, 1908,” I, William Lee, Baron Plunket, the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby notify and declare that the area described in the Schedule hereto shall be a sanctuary for the purposes of the said Animals Protection Act, and that no imported game or native game shall be taken or killed within the said area.

SCHEDULE. All that area, containing about 2,429 acres, situated in the County of Wallace, being Sections 2 and 3, Block VI, Libbum Survey District, the said area being owned by Arthur Struan Gardner, of Clifden. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this thirty-first day of March, one thousand nine hundred and nine. D. BUDDO, Minister of Internal Affairs.

Part of River Avon, Christchurch, to be a Sanctuary for Imported and Native Game. PLUNKET, Governor. PURSUANT to the powers vested in me by “ The Animals Protection Act, 1908,” I, William Lee, Baron Plunket, the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby notify and declare that the area described in the Schedule hereto shall be a sanctuary for the purposes of the said Animals Protection Act, and that no imported game or native game shall be taken or killed within the said area. SCHEDULE. All that part of the River Avon and its tributaries from Dallington Bridge to where such river and its tributaries are respectively crossed by the Main Trunk Railway line to the north. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this third day of April, one thousand nine hundred and nine. D. BUDDO, Minister of Internal Affairs.

Haivke’s Bay Acclimatisation District redefined. PLUNKET, Governor. IN exercise and pursuance of the powers and authorities vested in me by “ The Animals Protection Act, 1908,” I, William Lee, Baron Plunket, the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby appoint those parts of the said Dominion described in the Schedule hereto to be a district under and for the purposes of the said Act, and I do hereby declare that such district shall be known as the “ Hawke’s Bay Acclimatisation District,” and I do hereby revoke the previous notification defining the said district. SCHEDULE. Hawke’s Bat Acclimatisation District. All that area bounded towards the north generally by East Taupo and Whakatane Counties; towards the north-east generally by the Rotorua Acclimatisation District, as defined by Warrant published in the New Zealand Gazette of 14th May, 1908, page 1382; towards the east generally by the sea; towards the south generally by the Akitio and Pahiatua Counties; and towards the west and north-west generally by the Pohangina, Kiwitea, and Rangitikei Counties to the southern boundary of East Taupo County aforesaid. The said area comprises the Counties of Hawke’s Bay, Patangata, Woodville, Waipawa, Dannevirke, Waipukurau, and Weber, and part of the County of Wairoa. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this second day of April, one thousand nine hundred and nine. D. BUDDO, Minister of Internal Affairs.

Auckland Acclimatisation District redefined, PLUNKET, Governor.

XN exercise and pursuance of the powers and authorities vested in me by “ The Animals Protection Act, 1908,” I, William Lee, Baron Plunket, the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby appoint those parts of the said Dominion described in the Schedule hereto to be a district under and for the purposes of the said Act, and I do hereby declare that such district shall be known as the “ Auckland Acclimatisation District,” and I do hereby revoke the previous notification defining the said district.

SCHEDULE. Auckland Acclimatisation District. All that area comprised in the Counties of Rodney, Waitemata, Eden, Manukau, Coromandel, Thames, Ohinemuri, Piako, Raglan, Waikato, Waipa, Kawhia, Awakino, Waitomo, and Ohura, and in that part of each of the Counties of Matamata and West Taupo lying north of a right line extending south-westerly from the summit of Puwhenua Mountain at the easternmost corner of Matamata County to the summit of Rangitoto Mountain. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this third day of April, one thousand nine hundred and nine. D. BUDDO, Minister of Internal Affairs.

Special Regulations and Restrictions as to killing Native Game on Lake Ellesmere, Canterbury. PLUNKET, Governor.

IN exercise of the powers vested in me by “ The Animals Protection Act, 1908,” I, William Lee, Baron Plunket, the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby make the following regulations respecting the killing of native game in the Canterbury Acclimatisation District: — Regulations. 1. No device or structure shall be used from or out of which native game may be taken or killed on or near Lake Ellesmere, in the Canterbury Acclimatisation District, except a cylinder not exceeding 2 ft. 6 in. in length and open at both ends, or a hut made of scrub or rushes, or a mudhole, or a mimi. No such device or structure shall be placed, put, set out, erected, planted, or used in any part of the said lake in which the water is more than 24in. in depth: Provided that boats concealed or hidden in the vegetation growing along the margin of the said lake may be used, but such boats shall not be dressed or covered in any way: Provided also that boats not dressed or covered in any way may be used to recover native game previously shot. 2. No live birds of any species shall be used as decoys on or near the said lake.

3. No person or persons shall pnt or place more than twenty-five decoys on any area of less than one hundred yards square in or upon the said lake. 4, No person shall take or kill more than 150 head of native game in any one season within the Canterbury Acclimatisation District. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this second day of April, one thousand nine hundred and nine. D. BUDDO, Minister of Internal Affairs.

Regulations for Deer-shooting, Grey District. PLUNKET, Governor. IN exercise of the powers vested in me by “ The Animals Protection Act, 1908 ” (hereinafter called “the said Act ”), I, William Lee, Baron Plunket, the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby make the following regulations prescribing the deer-shooting season in the Grey District Acclimatisation Distriot, comprising the County of Grey, and the conditions affecting the same, and also the form of license and the fee payable therefor. REGULATIONS. 1. Fallow-deer bucks may be taken or killed within the Grey District Acclimatisation District from the fifth day of April, 1909, to the 19th day of May, 1909, both days inclusive.

2. Licenses to take or kill such deer may be issued by the Chief Postmaster at Greymouth on payment of a license fee of £2, in the form prescribed in the Schedule hereto, and subject to tbe said Act and these regulations. The number of such licenses shall not exceed fifteen : Provided that not more than one such license shall be issued to the same person. 3. No licensee shall take or kill more than four bucks, and no buck shall be killed carrying antlers with less than four points. 4. No doe or fawn shall be taken or killed on any pretext whatever ; and no licensee shall allow any dog to accompany either himself or any attendant he may have with him. 5. Nothing herein contained shall extend to authorising any person to sell any deer or portion thereof. 6. Any person committing a breach of any of these regulations shall be liable, on conviction, to a fine not exceeding £2O.

Schedule. No. License to take or kill Game (Deer). , of , having this day paid the sum of £ , is hereby authorised to take or kill deer (bucks) of not less than points within the Grey District Acclimatisation District, from the day of , 1909, to the day of , 1909 (both days inclusive), subject to the provisions of “The Animals Protection Act, 1908,” and the regulations made thereunder. Dated at , this day of , 1909. Chief Postmaster. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this second day of April, one thousand nine hundred and nine. D. BUDDO, Minister of Internal Affairs.

Closing the Shooting Season for Imported and Native Game in Part of the Marlborough Acclimatisation District, and prohibiting the Taking or Killing of such Game within such Area. PLUNKET, Governor. IN exercise of the powers vested in me by “ The Animals Protection Act, 1908,” I, William Lee, Baron Plunket, the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby notify that the season for taking or killing native game and imported game is absolutely closed within that part of the Marlborough Acclimatisation District described in the Schedule hereto, from the first day of May, one thousand nine hundred and nine, to the thirty-first day of July, one thousand nine hundred and nine (both days inclusive).

And I do further notify and declare that imported game or native game shall not be taken or killed within the area described in the said Schedule.

SCHEDULE. All that area in the Marlborough Land District, bounded towards the north-east by the ocean from the north-western end of the Boulder Bank, at the mouth of the Wairau Biver, to the south-eastern end of the Boulder Bank, at the northeastern corner of Sectinn No. 10 of Block 11, Omaka, situate in Block 111, Clifford Bay Survey District; thence towards the south generally by that section, Section 8 of Block I, Wakefield Downs, and Section 9 of Biock 11, Omaka, both of which sections are situate in Block 111, Clifford Bay Survey District, to a point 5 chains distant from highwater mark of the Big Lagoon; thence by a line parallel to and 5 chains distant from high-water mark of the Big Lagoon through Sections 9 of Block 11, Omaka, and 7 of Block I, Wakefield Downs, both of which sections are situate in Block 111, Clifford Bay Survey District, to the channel between the Big Lagoon and Chandler’s Lagoon; thence towards the west generally by the said channel to a small lagoon in Section 5, Opawa, situate in Block I, Clifford Bay Survey District; thence by the western side of that lagoon and a line parallel to and 5 chains distant from high-water mark of the Big Lagoon through Section 5 Opawa, public road, Crown land, and Section 3 Opawa, all of which sections are situate in Block I, Clifford Bay Survey District aforesaid, to the channel in Section 3 Opawa, situate in Block I, Clifford Bay Survey District; thence by that channel through Sections 3,4, 6,9, Opawa, situate in Block I, Clifford Bay Survey District aforesaid, and a line parallel to and 5 chains distant from high-water mark, through Sections 9 Opawa, public road, 7 Opawa, public road, 8 Opawa, all of which are situate in Block I, Clifford Bay Survey District aforesaid, to the southern side of the estuary of tbe Wairau Biver; thence by a right line across the said estuary in the direction of the pilot-station to the west side of the mouth of the Wairau Biver ; and thence by a right line to the north-western end of the Boulder Bank, the place of commencement: Also all that area in the Marlborough Land District known as Lake Grassmere, and the area within a line running parallel to and 5 chains distant from the margin of the said lake :

Also all that area in the Marlborough Land District situated in Blocks VI and VII, Cape Campbell Survey District, being the lake known as Lake Elterwater, and the area surrounding the said lake included within a line running parallel to and 40 chains distant from the margin of the said Lake Elterwater. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this seventh day of April, one thousand nine hundred and nine. D. BUDDO, Minister of Internal Affairs.

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXXIV, Issue 16, 21 April 1909, Page 166

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EXTRACTS FROM NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXXIV, Issue 16, 21 April 1909, Page 166

EXTRACTS FROM NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXXIV, Issue 16, 21 April 1909, Page 166

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