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(From Gazette, 1904, pages 1101,1113, 1120, 1166, and 1167.) —— Prison proclaimed. (1.5.) RANFURLY, Governor. A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS by an Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand intituled “ The Prisons Act, 1882,” it is provided that the Governor may, by Proclamation published in the Gazette, declare any house, building, enclosure, or place to be a prison ; and from and after the gazetting of

any such Proclamation, or from any time later specified in the Proclamation, such house, building, enclosure, or place shall be deemed a prison : Now, therefore, I, Uchter John Mark, Earl of Ranfurly, the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, in pursuance of the above-recited power and authority, do hereby declare that the buildings and huts situated on land known as Run No. 76, being portion of Blocks Y. and VI., Tarawera Survey District, in the Province of Auckland, on the banks of the Waipa Stream, and all enclosures used or occupied therewith, shall, from and after the publication of this Proclamation in the Gazette, be a prison, known as the Waipa Valley Prison, within the meaning and for the purposes of “ The Prisons Act, 1882.” Given under the hand of His Excellency the Right Honourable Uchter John Mark, Earl of Ranfurly; Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George ; Governor and Commander-in-Chief in and over His Majesty’s Colony of New Zealand and its Dependencies ; and issued under the Seal of the said Colony, at the Government House, at Wellington, this fifteenth day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and four. JAS. McGOWAN. God save the King!

Prison proclaimed. (1.5.) RANFURLY, Governor. A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS by an Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand intituled “ The Prisons Act, 1882,” it is provided that the Governor may, by Proclamation published in the Gazette, declare any house, building, enclosure, or place to be a prison; and from and after the gazetting of any such Proclamation, or from any time later specified in the Proclamation, such house, building, enclosure, or place shall be deemed a prison : Now, therefore, I, Uchter John Mark, Earl of Ranfurly, the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, in pursuance of the above-recited power and authority, do hereby declare that the buildings and huts situated on Section 49, Block XVIII., Taylor Pass Survey District, in the Province of Marlborough, and all enclosures used or occupied therewith, shall, from and after the publication of this Proclamation in the Gazette, be a prison, known as the Dumgree Prison, within the meaning and for the purposes of “ The Prisons Act, 1882.” Given under the hand of His Excellency the Right Honourable Uchter John Mark, Earl of Ranfurly; Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George; Governor and Commander-in-Chief in and over His Majesty’s Colony of New Zealand and its Dependencies; and issued under the Seal of the said Colony, at the Government House, at Wellington, this fifteenth day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and four. JAS. McGOWAN. God save the King !

Hares may be killed in Canterbury District. RANFURLY, Governor. IN pursuance of the powers vested in me by “ The Animals Protection Act, 1880,” and the Acts amending the same, I, Uchter John Mark, Earl of Ranfurly, the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, do hereby declare that from and after the date hereof hares shall cease to be within the operation of the said Acts within the area described in the Schedule hereto.

SCHEDULE. All that part of the Provincial District of Canterbury comprised in the Counties of Amuri, Kaikoura, Cheviot, Ashley, Akaroa, Mount Herbert, and Selwyn. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this fifteenth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and four. ALBERT PITT, For Colonial Secretary.

Inspectors of Factories appointed. Department of Labour, Wellington, 18th April, 1904. HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint the undermentioned persons to be Inspectors of Factories under “ The Factories Act, 1901 ” : Constable William Jambs Whatman, as from 16th April, 1904; Constable Patrick Jeremiah Herlihy, Constable Philip Joseph Brown, Constable Frank Pidgeon, and Sergeant Bartholomew Sheehan, as from 15th April, 1904. J. CARROLL, For Minister of Labour.

Clerks of Courts, dfcc., appointed. Department of Justice, Wellington, 19th April, 1904. HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Constable William James Whatman to be Clerk of the Magistrate’s Court at Little River and Clerk of the Licensing Committee for the District of Ellesmere, from the 13th instant, vice Constable P. McCormack, transferred; and Constable Philip Joseph Brown to be Clerk of the Magistrate’s Court at Mercury Bay, from the 6th instant, vice Constable W. J. Rist, transferred. JAS. McGOWAN. Fixing Additional Sittings of District Court of Westland. RANFURLY, Governor. IN pursuance and exercise of the power and authority in this behalf enabling me, I, IJchter John Mark, Earl of Ranfurly, the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, do hereby fix and appoint that sittings of the District Court of Westland shall be held as follows, in addition to those previously fixed and appointed: — In the Courthouse, Westport, for civil and criminal business, on 7th July, 1904.

In the Courthouse, Hokitika, for civil and criminal business, on 14th July, 1904. Provided that in case any of the days so fixed as aforesaid shall happen to be a holiday, then the Court appointed for that day shall be holden on the first day thereafter not being a holiday. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this twenty-first day of April, one thousand nine hundred and four. JAS. McGOWAN.

Licensing Officer under “ The Arms Act, 1880,” appointed. Police Department (Commissioner’s Office), Wellington, 20th April, 1904. HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Constable William Henry McAnerin, of the New Zealand Police Force, to be a Licensing Officer under “The Arms Act, 1880.” JAS. McGOWAN. Inspector of Factories appointed. Department of Labour, Wellington, 22nd April, 1904. HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Constable William Henry McAnerin to be an Inspector under “ The Factories Act, 1901.” J. CARROLL, For Minister of Labour. Inspector of Factories appointed. Department of Labour, Wellington, 26th April, 1904. HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Constable Philip John McCarthy to be an Inspector of Factories under “ The Factories Act, 1901,” as from the 25th instant. J. CARROLL, For Minister of Labour.

Ev Authority : John Majlkaaz ftn'rnl'tmwmt Tiwntm. am — u

Name of Offender. i Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. si o PQ h' eight Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, See. Boonstra, William Auckland 7/4/04 theft convicted and N. Zealand boilermaker 1883 ft. in. 5 5 dark .. brown brown .. medium Holt, George discharged Auckland 15/4/04 consorting with reputed to oome up N. Zealand oyster-opener 1875 5 41 dark .. brown grey .. medium Star on right forearm. Roberts, Albert Edward thieves when oalled on Waiuku 3/3/04 horse-stealing •• 12 mo. probat’n N. Zealand butoher 1860 5 7 dark .. black brown .. medium Lacey, Arthur Masterton .. 15/4/04 theft # , convicted and N. Zealand labourer 1876 5 8 dark .. dark dark .. medium Lowe, Cecil Abraham Dashdischarged Dargaville .. 8/3/04 theft •• fine, or 14 days N. Zealand mill-hand .. 1886 5 7 fresh .. brown blue .. medium Square-shouldered; smart-looking. Clark, Thomas Alfred Dargaville .. 8/3/04 theft •• fine, or 14 days N. Zealand mill-hand .. 1885 5 7 fair light blue medium Slight build; active looking. Fisher, David Kenneth Dargaville .. 8/3/04 theft • • fine, or 14 days N. Zealand mill-hand .. 1885 5 7 pale fair blue medium Byrnes, Robert Henry Dargaville .. 8/3/04 theft • • fine, or 14 days N. Zealand mill-hand .. 1886 5 7 pale light brown .. medium Stoops when walking; slight build. Ashhurst, Lorraine Centennial Dargaville .. 9/3/04 obscene language .. fine, or 1 month America .. labourer 1874 5 8 dark .. brown blue .. medium Kershaw, Charles .. Wanganui .. 21/4/04 theft • • fined 5s. N. Zealand labourer 1865 5 7 fair light brown blue medium Lavin, John Wellington .. 16/4/04 no lawful means of to leave the England .. fireman 1874 5 61 fair fair grey .. medium Woman, star, and heart on right arm; rock of Morris, Michael Wellington .. support town ages on left arm. 16/4/04 no lawful means of to leave the Ireland fireman 1875 5 4 very dk. black brown .. medium Pierced heart and two dots on right arm ; dot on support town left arm. (See Police Gazette , 1903, pages 103, 187, 275.) Benn, Arthur Wellington .. 18/4/04 no lawful means of convicted and England .. schoolmaster 1847 5 5 fair fair brown .. medium Adamson, William Norman, support discharged Wellington .. 18/4/04 theft • • to come up N. Zealand labourer 1885 5 9 fair sandy grey .. slightly Ex Burnham boy. alias Burley when called on turned up Harvey, Harold Vincent Wellington .. 13/4/04 theft • . to come up England .. signwriter .. 1886 5 41 fresh .. dark dark .. Trigger, Harris when called on Christohurch 9/4/04 theft •• 3 mo’s probat’n England .. cabinetmalrr 1880 5 51 dark .. dark brown .. medium Richards, Thomas.. Christchurch 14/4/04 theft fined 10s. England .. brickmaker 1853 5 8 swarthy brown blue large See Police Gazette , 1904, page 87. West, Henry Christchurch 14/4/04 grossly indecent act convicted and England .. labourer 1880 5 6 fresh .. fair grey .. medium Wilson, James Samuel discharged Christchurch 12/4/04 grossly indecent act •. convicted and England .. labourer 1852 5 9 fair fair grey .. medium McKenzie, Ethel, alias Cheong discharged Christchurch 18/4/04 obscene language •• fined 40s. N. Zealand prostitute .. 1882 5 5 pale brown grey .. medium Nome, James Cheviot 11/4/04 theft • • fined 20s. N. Zealand wagoner 5 5 fair brown brown .. medium Cumberbeach, John Waikouaiti .. 1/4/04 theft # , convicted and N. Zealand farm labour’r 1887 5 5 sallow .. brown hazel .. medium Large mouth. discharged

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates’ Courts, but not sent to Gaol.

Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. a o ® 'Z X Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose Remarks, aud Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Auckland — ft. in. McKay, Robert .. Auckland 29/3/04 assault 14 days N. Zealand seaman 1878 5 5J dark black dark br. medium Sword, bird, &c., on right arm; star, tree, and snake on left arm; mole on left temple. McKillop, Alexander Auckland 8/4/04 stowaway sent to Sydney America .. miner 1876 5 3J dark black brown .. medium Burn-scar on left hand; scar on forehead. Almieda, Henry .. Auckland 8/4/04 stowaway sent to Sydney America .. marine engineer 1887 5 5 swarthy black dark br. thick DEATH BEFORE DISHONOUR, &c., on right arm ; P.C., P.O., P.C., on left arm. Flan-lagan, Thomas Auckland 8/4/04 stowaway sent to Sydney America .. tobacco strip1887 5 14 fresh .. dark brown grey medium Scar corner of right eye and left temple. Bell, Thomas Auckland 8/9/02 false pretences (3 chgs) 2 years Tasmania.. labourer 1876 5 9J fresh . . brown grey .. prominent Boil-mark behind right ear. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 8/4/04. O’Connor, Thomas Auckland 18/4/04 theft discharged N. Zealand hotel porter 1883 5 8J fresh .. dark brown grey .. medium Dot on left arm ; scar under left eye. Thompson, William, alias Thomson Scotland 7/4/04 wilful damage damaging uniform drunk and disorderly .. fine, or 7 days fine, or 7 days fine, or 7 days Scotland .. fireman 1876 4 114 swarthy dark brown blue large V.W.S. on right arm. F.P. Sentences concurrent. Gray, John Auckland 8/4/04 refusing to quit licensed premises fine, or 7 days Scotland .. fireman 1872 5 7§ fresh .. dark brown brown .. medium Scar on right elbow; bracelet on each wrist. F.P. Lewis, Mary, alias Mary Ann Wilson, Joseph .. Auckland 8/4/04 drunkenness.. 7 days N. Zealand prostitute .. 1854 5 0 fresh .. light brown brown .. medium 60 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette , 1904, page 70.) Wanganui .. 22/9/02 assault with intent to rob 2 years Scotland .. labourer 1883 5 54 fresh .. fair grey .. sharp 3 p.c. Flower and J.W. on right arm ; scar on both knees. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 8/4/04. Perrin, Ellen Auckland 18/2/04 attempted suicide 2 months N. Zealand domestic 1877 5 5 fresb .. light brown blue-gr’y small 2 p.c. F.P. Walker, Cecilia, alias Rowe Auckland 17/2/04 keeping a brothel fine, or 1 month Ireland laundress .. 1829 5 0 faded .. grey grey .. prominent 1 p.c. F.P. Clarke, Henry Auckland 6/3/03 theft (3 charges) 18 months N. Zealand labourer 1885 5 lOf fresb, freckled light brown blue thick 2 p.c. Large scar on left heel ; bullet-scar on left thigh. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 8/4/04. Waugh, Walter .. Coromandel.. 11/2/04 disobeying maintenance order disobeying maintenance order disobeying maintenance order 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1867 5 lOf sallow.. dark brown grey .. medium Anchor on right arm ; blind of left eye. F.P. Holland, Arthur Wellesley Auckland 11/11/03 6 months England .. labourer 1856 5 3 swarthy dark brown blue medium 1 p.c. Varicose veins on right leg. F.P. Smith, Adolphus Horatio.. PalmerstonN. 18/1/04 1 month N. Zealand theatrical agent 1876 5 10| pale dark brown brown .. thin Small brown spot under right eye. F.P. Scott, Florrie Auckland 22/3/04 default of costs 14 days N. Zealand barmaid 1878 5 4 fresh .. black blue medium F.P. Brock, William .. Auckland 11/4/04 theft remanded to Napier England .. seaman 1877 5 5f fresh .. dark brown brown .. medium Dot on left arm ; two boil-marks on neck. Graham, John .. Dargaville .. 21/1/04 indecency .. .. 3 months Ireland labourer 1852 5 3§ swarthy black blue medium 3 p.c. Slightly bald ; small heart on left arm. F.P. Craigie, Barbara.. Auckland 22/2/04 rogue and vagabond .. 2 months N. Zealand prostitute .. 1869 5 3 fresh .. light brown grey .. medium 10 p.c. Slight build ; scar on nose ; JENKS, &c., on left arm ; profusely tattooed. Boreham, Henry Thames — Auckland 23/4/04 receiving stolen property remanded England .. labourer 1873 5 94 fresh .. fair blue long 1 p.c. Emblem, &c., on right arm ; star between right finger and thumb; pile of cannon balls, &c., on left arm ; heart and dagger between left finger and thumb ; shamrock on left foot; wreath above left knee. Bailed. Kelsall, Francis William .. Thames 31/3/04 theft discharged N. Zealand labourer 1884 5 8 fresh .. brown hazel .. medium Fitzroy, Thomas, alias Desmond, alias’^ St. Clair Waihi 2/4/04 drunkenness .. 7 days England .. labourer 1857 5 4 fresh .. dark, turning grey medium See Police Gazette , 1903, page 7. Gisborne — Lundberg, Gus .. Gisborne 8/4/04 drunkenness., obscene language fine, or 48 hours fine, or 3 days Sweden sailor 1875 5 64 fair brown grey .. medium Heart, anchor, cross, and emblem on right arm. Vivian, Henry .. Gisborne 19/4/04 drunkenness.. fine or 4 days Ireland labourer 1849 5 8 sallow .. brown, turning grey hazel .. medium McNamara, Frank Gisborne 21/4/04 drunkenness .. fine, or 4 days Ireland labourer 1847 6 0 dark .. black, turning grey brown .. medium


Gaol, aud Name of Prisoner. j Where tried | When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. 5 s 33 l i Comj plexiou. Hair. | Eyes. Nose Remarks, aud Previous Convictions. (F.P, indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Napier — Burke, Michael, alias Bray, Napier 12/3/04 theft 1 month Ireland labourer 1843 ft. in. 5 6 sallow .. white grey .. large Repeatedly convicted. An old soldier. Full-rigged James, aims Colville, Bernard, &c. Farrell, John, alias WarWaipawa 14/1/04 drunk and disorderly .. fine, or 3 mo’s British sailor and 1871 5 5f swanky brown blue medium ship on breast. F.P. Photographed at Napier, 14/1/04. (See Police Gazette, 1904, page 84.) Repeatedly convicted. F.P. (See Police Gazette , ing, George O’Neil, Martin .. Dannevirke .. 31/3/04 resisting police obscene language fine, or 3 mo’s 14 days Columbia Ireland labourer labourer 1857 5 6 fresh .. grey grey .. medium 1904, page 22.) 2 p.c. MON on right arm ; woman’s bust and E.M. Laurence, John, alias Llewellyn, John Laurence Erickson, Peter .. Napier 19/3/04 theft (2 charges) 1 mo. on each Wales drill instruct’r 1853 5 n tresk .. black grey .. large on left arm ; large wart near left eye. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1903, page 123.) Two flags on right arm ; crucifix on left arm. F.P. Gisborne 8/12/03 unnatural offence corn’d for trial Denmark .. labourer 1868 5 8| very dk. black, turnbrown .. medium Photographed at Napier, 13/4/04. (See Police Gazette, 1897, page 7.) Hollow cheeks ; long scar on belly ; third left finger Carton, Martha .. Napier 6/4/04 indecent language (2 fine, or 14 days England .. domestic 1859 5 04 fresh .. ing grey brown blue broad contracted ; speaks Maori well. Gone to Gisborne for trial. Several p.c. First joint of right index finger conO’Rielly, Jeremiah Dannevirke ,. 8/4/04 charges) assault on each fine, or 2 weeks Ireland seaman 1869 5 64 swarthy black, turnbrown .. prominent tracted. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1900, page 207.) Several p.c. J. O’RIELLY (faint) on right arm; Anderson, Frank, alias Christopher, &o. Wairoa 14/3/04 obscene language 6 weeks Norway sailor 1869 5 64 fair ing grey light brown blue medium upper front tooth out; cross and blue dots on left arm. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 12/6/94. (See Police Gazette, 1902. i age 30.) Several p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1904, page 84.) Yates, John,aims Campbell Napier 25/1/04 illegally on premises .. 3 months England .. blacksmith .. 1843 5 n dark .. grey grey ., large Numerous p.c. Chro> ic sciatica, r .P. PhotoBaker, John, alias Hunter, Dannevirke .. 11/4/04 theft fine, or 14 days N. Zealand labourer 1880 5 n lt.copper black, curly brown .. medium, graphed at Napier, 3/10/03. (See Police Gazette, 1904, page 40.) Half-caste Maori. Scar corner of right eye ; lion’s John McCarthy, Mary Napier 11/4/04 theft 14 days Ireland domestic 1863 5 54 fresh .. black .. It. blue flat medium head, heart, dart, and clasp> d hands on right arm. F.P. Photographed at Napier, 16/3/04. (See Police Gazette, 1903, page 310; 1904, page 97.) Bad teeth. F.P. New Plymouth— 5§ Skelton, Harry .. N. Plymouth 11/4/04 drunkenness.. 24 hours N. Zealand agent 1868 5 fresh .. brown grey .. small Mole on loins. Boys, Henry N. Plymouth 11/4/04 habitual drunkenness.. 7 days England .. labourer 1859 5 6 sallow .. grey brown .. small Large burn-mark on upper part cf left arm. Wanganui — Neary, Maria Gerty Wanganui .. 26/10/03 obscene language 6 months N. Zealand prostitute .. 1873 5 1 freckled dark brown grey .. medium Repeatedly convicted. F.P. (See Police Gazette, O’Connor, Minnie Palmerston N. 21/3/04 vagrancy % 14 days N. Zealand prostitute .. 1883 5 1 fresh .. light brown grey .. aquiline .. 1 1903, page 262.) p.c. F.P. Le Bas, William P. Napier 20/1/04 1 maintei ance 3 months N. Zealand cab-driver .. 1867 5 84 dark, light brown blue large 2 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1903, page 31.) Codings, John William Palmerston N. 11/2/C4 assault causing bodily 2 months N. Zealand labourer 1886 5 6 sallow fresh .. light brown blue pointed .. Scars under right knee and left thigh. F.P. Keen, Joseph PalraerstonN. 24/2/04 harm assaulting police 1 month N. Zealand jockey 1878 5 dark .. brown brown .. medium F.P. Sentences cumulative. (See Police Gazette, O’Brien, Patrick Shannon 26/2/04; 12/3/04! obscene language vagrancy 1 month 1 month Ireland labourer 1853 5 4| fresh .. grey brown .. large, 1904, page 57.) F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1904, page 71.) Taylor, Lawrence Wanganui .. 16/3/04 1 indecency 1 month .. Scotland .. labourer 1861 5 8 fresh .. grey blue broken large,thin F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1904, page 97.) Erimika ,Teoteo, alias NgaMarton 15/3/04 false pretences 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1876 1 5 3 copper.. black .. Drown .. broad 1 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1892, page 161.) mekameka Lyle, John Fox ton 17/3/04 vagrancy & drunkenness 48 hours England .. s’riker 1856 5 94 1 i ale grey olue medium 1 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1903, page 147.)


imol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. i o « 'Vr. "v X Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Remarks, and Previous ('onvietions. (F.P, indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Wanganui —continued. McDonald, Donald Taihape 18/3/04 vagrancy 1 month .. Scotland .. labourer .. 1853 ft. in. 5 10 fai r grey grey .. medium Wen on forehead; scar on left eyebrow and right shin. F.P. Sentences cumulative. (See Police Gazette, Mathison, Alexander, alias Wanganui .. 21/3/04 drunkenness .. 7 days Scotland .. ship’s car1858 5 7 5 fresh .. brown grey .. pointed, Henderson Fitzgerald, Michael John Wellington .. 22/3/04 resisting police obscene language 21 days 14 days N. Zealand penter labourer 1881 5 84 fair light brown blue broken large 1903, page 262.) 2 p.c. F.P. Sentences concurrent. (See Police Diggs, James Wanganui .. 23/3/04 wilful damage theft obscene language 7 days 7 days 1 month .. S. America labourer 1872 5 8 copper.. black brown .. medium Gazette, 1903, page 245. 2 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1896, page 80.) McGuire, Thomas, alias Taihape 21/3/04 vagrancy 1 month .. Ireland labourer 1852 5 94 fresh .. brown grey .. sharp 2 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1898, page 22.) Doyle 1*4 days .. Dover, John Joseph Shannon 30/3/04 theft England .. fitter 1858 5 6J fresh .. light brown blue .. prominent 1 p.c. F.P. Sentences concurrent. (See Police McDonald, David Palmerston N. 2/4/04 drunkenness.. vagrancy 24 hours 14 days N. Zealand labourer .. 1879 5 5f dark .. dark brown brown .. pointed .. Gazette , 1903, page 295.) Woman’s head, H.L.R.T., and bracelet on left arm. Henderson, John PalmerstonN. 2/4/04 obscene language 14 days N. Zealand labourer 1872 5 1CJ sallow .. brown grey .. pointed .. Scar on left kneecap. Larsen, Joseph .. PalmerstonN. 2/4/04 drunkenness .. 24 hours Norway .. labourer 1874 5 9J fair fair blue pointed .. Cross on right atm. Sentences cumulative. McLaurin, James D. Feilding 6/4/04 assault obscene language drunk and disorderly .. 7 days 14 days remanded Scotland .. cabinetmaker 1850 5 6 fresh .. light brown blue-gr’y pointed .. Small scar on forehead. Simpson, Harry.. Feilding 7/4/04 illegally on premises .. 14 days Ireland horse trainer 1866 5 9§ fresh .. dark brown blue sharp 1 p.c. (See Police Gazette. 1904, page 84.) Shate, John, alias Bloomquest Gray, Edward Feilding 7/4/04 illegally on premises .. 14 days Finland .. labourer 1877 5 9£ swarthy brown hazel .. large 1 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1904, page 98.) PalmerstonN. 12/4/04 drunkenness .. 24 hours N. Zealand blacksmith .. 1849 5 6 fresh .. grey grey .. broken .. Scars on left eyebrow and under lip. Handley, Joseph, alias Thompson Smith, John, alias Wilson, Wanganui .. 14/4/04 resisting police threatening behaviour 7 days 7 days England .. brickmaker 1870 6 74 fresh .. light brown grey .. medium Scar outside of right knee. Sentences concurrent. PalmerstonN. Wanganui .. 11/4/04 18/4/04 drunkenness., drunkenness .. 7 days 24 hours England .. fellmonger .. 1842 5 34 fair light brown grey .. medium F.P. Sentences concurrent. (See Police Gazette, James Bond, William .. Wanganui .. 18/3/04 wilful damage default of maintenance 7 day 2 months N. Zealand labourer 1859 5 7 fresh .. brown blue medium 1901, page 208.) 1 p.c. Case reheard on 12th March, 1904, and Wellington — Adamson, William Norman Wellington .. 11/4/04 thef remanded N. Zealand labourer 1880 5 94 sandy .. red grey .. large prisoner released. (See Police Gazette, 1886, page 54.) Freckled. Condon, James .. Wellington .. 18/3/04 theft 1 month Ireland labourer 1866 5 84 dark .. grey grey .. medium Blue mark on bridge of nose. F.P. Collins, Thomas, alias Eketahuna .. 18/2/04 theft 2 months .. N. Zealand fisherman .. 1876 5 7 fresh .. brown brown .. medium 3 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1904, page 32.) Carney Eketahuna .. Coulter, John 15/4/04 assault causing bodily 12 mo. probat’n Scotland .. baker 1875 5 74 dark .. dark brown grey .. large Large mole ou left shoulder. Enright, Joseph .. Wellington .. 16/1/04 harm idle and disorderly months N. S. Wales labourer 1873 5 Ilf dark .. dar brown brown .. medium 3 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1903, page 10.) Findlay, Alexander Wellington .. 15/1/04 drunkenness.. 3 months Scotland .. shoemaker .. 1859 5 3f florid .. brown brown .. pug 7 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1903, page 296.) Dellar, Gregory, alias Eden, Wellington .. 7/11/03 false pretences 6 months England .. chemist 1853 5 74 fresh .. grey blue thick 9 p.c. F.P. Sentences concurrent. (See Police GaGeorge J., alias Reid, Dr. Brown, James .. Wellington .. 18/11/03 8/4/04 falsely pretending to be a surgeon stowaway 2 months 7 days N. Zealand labourer 1884 5 4 dark .. brown brown .. medium zette, 1903, page 263.) Boil-marks back of neck. F.P. Campbell, Samuel Wellington .. 14/3/04 drunkenness .. 1 month Ireland shepherd 1858 5 04 dark .. dark brown .. large 2 p.c. Thompson, James Wellington .. 14/1/04 vagrancy 3 months Scotland .. cook 1871 5 8f fair light brown hazel .. medium 1 p.c. Left ankle been broken.


Gaol, aud Name of Prisonei. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. n « be 3) X Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose 1 Remarks, aud Previous Convictions. 1 (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Wellington — continued. ft. in. Roberts, John Wellington .. 24/3/04 idle and disorderly 1 month England .. labourer 1852 5 7f fair brown grey .. medium Scald-mark on left cheek ; right forefinger injured. McDowell, Joseph Wellington .. 11/4/04 theft 14 days Scotland .. fireman 1868 5 4 fair brown blue medium Tomb with IN MEMORY OF MY DEAR PARENTS on right arm; J. McD. and girl in tights on left arm. O’Brien, John, alias Wellington .. 25/1/04 idle and disorderly 3 months England .. fireman 1850 5 n fair grey grey .. medium 8 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette , 1903, page 263.) Thomas Fitzgerald, Nicholas, alias Wellington .. 25/1/04 idle and disorderly .. 3 months Ireland labourer 1850 5 H fresh .. grey blue .. medium 4 p.c. Scar on top of head and on left forefinger; Joseph bald. Mulvey, Samuel.. Wellington .. 25/1/04 idle and disorderly 3 months England .. seaman 1846 5 6 fresh .. grey grey .. broken .. 3 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1903, page 9.) Carroll, Patrick, alias Wellington .. 25/1/04 idle and disorderly 3 months Ireland fireman 1879 5 9 dark .. dark brown blue medium, 5 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette. 1904, page 41.) Caron pointed Mahoney, Bartholomew .. Wellington .. 12/3/04 drunk and disorderly .. 6 weeks Ireland carpenter .. 1873 5 7| fair dark brown blue medium 7 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1902, page 32.) Scott, Walter Wellington .. 23/1/04 false nretences 3 months N. Zealand hairdresser .. 1882 5 Hi fair dark brown grey .. large Hands freckled. F.P. Lyness, Frederick, alias Wellington .. 22/3/04 drunkenness .. 1 month Ireland draper 1840 5 5f fresh .. auburn grey .. large Numerous p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1904, page Black 72.) Morris, William .. Wellington .. 22/3/04 drunk and disorderly .. 1 month Ireland labourer 1840 5 n fresh .. grey grey .. flat 3 p.c. Crucifix, sailor, &c., on right arm ; eagle, flags, &c., on left arm. Bedford, Alexander, alias Wellington .. 22/1/04 rogue and vagabond .. 3 months Australia .. labourer 1870 5 5 fair brown brown .. medium 6 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1902, page 286.) Cummings, alias King Cut on right palm ; scar on back of head. McKearney, Thomas Wellington .. 21/4/04 robbery discharged Adelaide .. labourer 1884 5 5* black .. black grey .. medium Quinn, George .. Wellington .. 21/4/04 robbery discharged N. Zealand bricklayer .. 1880 5 y* fair red brown .. large 2 p.c. Scar on right wrist and left forefinger ; boilmarks on back of neck. Poole, Timothy .. Wellington .. 11/4/04 absence from ship 14 days England .. cook 1864 5 54 sallow .. brown brown .. large Star on left hand : scar on forehead. F.P. drunkenness .. 48 hours Kelly, Patrick .. Wellington .. 11/4/04 absence from ship 14 days England .. seaman 1867 5 7 fair brown blue medium Flags, &c., on chest; two women, &c., on right arm; bracelet, &c., on left arm ; bald. F.P. Fraser, Thomas .. Wellington .. 7/4/04 assault 14 days England .. seaman 1878 5 34 fair light brown blue large Woman in tights and emblem on right arm ; two rings on left band. F.P. Kerwin, Frank .. Wellington .. 13/11/03 obscene language 6 months N Zealand labourer 1881 5 64 freckled light brown grey .. medium 4 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1903, page 312.) drunkenness.. 48 hours Abscess-markdeft side of throat; scars back of head. Gardener, John .. Wellington .. 21/3/04 drunkenness.. 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1872 5 8 dark .. dark brown brown .. medium Shepherd, Robert Wellington .. 21/3/04 idle and disorderly 1 month Scotland .. seaman 1853 5 n fair grey grey .. medium 4 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1904, page 72.) Arney. Charles .. Wellington .. 12/11/03 obscene exposure 6 months England .. labourer 1862 5 1* fresh .. brown brown .. medium Several p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1903, page 284.) Ross, Leslie Wellington .. 19/3/04 theft (2 charges) 1 mo. on each Australia .. labourer 1880 5 Bi fair brown grey .. medium Woman on wheel throwing a ball on upper left arm. F.P. Sentences concurrent. Porter, Albert Wellington .. 19/3/04 theft 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1883 5 44 dark .. dark brown brown .. medium Scar on lower lip. F.P. Burke, Daniel Wellington .. 5/4/04 d amage 14 days N. Zealand labourer 1881 5 64 dark .. brown grey .. regular .. G.W. on upper right arm ;* cross on lower right arm ; cross, heart, &c., on left arm. F.P. Benn, Arthur Wellington .. 11/4/04 vagrancy remanded England .. clerk 1845 5 5 pale brown blue medium 1 p.c. Scar on left groin. (See Police Gazette, 1888, page 96.) Headley, John Thompson Wellington .. 19/12/03 theft 1 month England .. stockman 1879 5 5 fair red grey .. large Lifebelt, horse-shoe, and F.W. on right arm ; 14/1/04 theft (2 charges) 3 mo’s on each jockey’s cap, &c., on left arm. F.P. Sentences concurrent. Ross, Alfred Charles, alias Nelson 6/11/03 false pretenoes 6 months Sweden cook 1857 5 54 fair fair blue small, sharp 8 p.c. F.P. (Set Police Gazette, 1903, page 221.) Norton, alias Martin, &c. 5 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1903, page 234.) Doyle, Clara Wellington .. 25/3/04 obscene languag 1 month N. Zealand dressmaker 1871 4 11 fair fair grey .. flat assault 7 days • 2 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1904, page 72.) Herdman, Nellie Wellington .. 12/3/04 drunkenness .. 6 weeks Scotland .. prostitute .. 1863 5 2 fair brown blue medium Morris, Hannah .. Wellington .. 22/3/04 drunkenness .. 1 month Ireland prostitute .. 1858 4 11 fresh .. sandy blue large Numerous p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1904, page 98.)


Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. +2 a Complexion. Hair. Eyes. j Nose. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Wellington — continued. • ft. in. Scar on forehead ; partly deaf. Curry, Jane Wellington .. 22/1/04 idle and disorderly 3 months Scotland .. prostitute .. 1869 5 0 fair fair hazel .. small Dunn, Annie W. Wellington .. 18/1/04 drunkenness .. 3 months Born at sea nurse 1862 4 9f fair grey grey .. long 2 p.c. Burn-scars on left side of neck, shoulder, and both wrists. Smith, Annie Wellington .. 13/1/04 idle and disorderly 3 months England .. prostitute .. 1867 5 2 ruddy .. brown grey .. medium Several p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1904, page 32.) Corbett, Carrie Nelson— Wellington .. 14/1/04 drunkenness .. 3 months N. Zealand prostitute .. 1863 5 0 fair dark brown blue small Numerous p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette , 1903, page 284.) Brady, Frank Nelson 19/3/04 theft 1 month N. Zealand sailor 1886 5 74 fair .. brown grey .. medium 1 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1904, page 99.) Hollis, Thomas .. Nelson 19/4/04 lunacy committed to asylum N. Zealand farmer 1849 5 7 fair grey blue medium Lewis, John Nelson 21/4/04 drunkenness .. convicted and discharged England .. carpenter .. 1849 5 5 dark .. grey grey .. Hokitika— Conningham (or Canningham), Arthur Westport 4/11/03 theft (2 charges) false pretences (6 chgs) 6 mo’s on each 3 mo’s on each Victoria .. chemist 1867 5 64 fair light brown It. blue large Scar on each side of right leg above right ankle. F.P. Photographed at Hokitika, 15/3/04. Sentences concurrent. Harkin, James .. Westport 13/1/04 assault 3 months Ireland seaman and fireman 1876 5 10 fair light brown grey .. medium Harp of Erin, &c., on right arm ; woman on left arm; rose between left forefinger and thumb; scars on forehead. Evans, Eliza Hokitika 12/4/04 drunkenness .. 3 days Ireland laundress .. 1838 4 10f blotchy dark brown grey .. large, pug Cancer on right breast; lame. Rothwell, Samuel Reefton 3/2/04 vagrancy 8 months Ireland miner 1852 5 114 fair brown, turning grey grey .. medium Blue dot on forehead; bald; peculiar unsteady gait. Sent to asylum. Lyttelton — 59) F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1904, page 73.) Holland, John .. Christchurch 17/8/04 illegally on premises .. .1 month (For description see page .. • • Wild, Minnie, alias Aldridge Driscoll, Alfred George .. Christchurch 18/3/03 drunkenness .. 1 month (For description see page 99) Numerous p.c. F.P. Lyttelton 18/1/04 vagrancy 3 months N. Zealand labourer 1878 5 4 fair brown blue medium Numerous p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette 1903, page 149 ) Capill, Alexander Christchurch 5/1/04 disobeying order of Court 3 months N. Zealand wheelwright 1858 5 7f sandy .. fair grey .. medium Numerous p.c. Arrested 18th January, 1904. (See Police Gazette, 1903, page 32.) Whit burg, John, alias Whitbury, alias Wilburg Methven 19/1/04 theft 3 months Germany .. labourer 1850 5 5£ fresh .. black blue long, hooked 3 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1902, page 33.) Hamilton, Maud, alias Brooks, &c. Christchurch 23/1/04 soliciting 3 months Wales prostitute .. 1858 4 10 fair brown blue long Numerous p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1903, page 159.) Scott, John Ashburton .. 25/2/04 indecent exposure 2 months N. S. Wales labourer 1882 5 8 dark .. black, curly grey .. large Scar on right leg ; sharp, thin features. King, Herbert B., alias Christchurch 23/3/04 theft 1 month England .. music teach’r 1849 5 7J fresh .. grey grey .. large Several p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1903, page 188.) Henry B. 1 p.c. Scar on right cheek. Arrested 29th March, 1904. (See Police Gazette, 1902, page 226.) Barber, Walter, alias John Christchurch 5/12/03 assaulting police fine, or 14 days N. Zealand labourer 1878 5 81 fresh .. brown grey .. sharp .. McKay, John Christchurch 31/3/04 obscene language 14 days (For description see page 86) medium Numerous p.c. F.P. Leckie, Isabella .. Christchurch 4/4/04 drunkenness.. 14 days England .. prostitute .. 1853 4 104 sandy .. sandy grey .. Numerous p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1904, page 113 ) Hunter, Herbert, alias Albert Christchurch 18/3/04 theft 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1882 5 10 dark .. brown .. blue, deep-set medium 2 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1902, page 32.) English, Patrick Christchurch 12/2/04 assault and robbery .. corn’d for trial Sydney labourer 1882 5 64 fair fair blue .. sharp Slight build. F.P. Bailed. Johnston, Charles Ashburton .. 11/4/04 drunkenness.. 14 days Ireland painter 1874 5 6f sandy .. brown blue small Eczema-marks on left side of face. Jackson, Albert .. Timaru Lyttelton 8/3/04 drunkenness .. obscene language r sisting police fine, or 24 hours fine, or 1 month fine, or 14 days England .. fireman 1880 5 11| fair fair blue medium A.J. and three dots on left arm ; one dot on right arm. Sentences cumulative. Gill, James Waimate Timaru 8/3/04 27/2/04 theft breach of prohibition order drunkenness .. 1 month fine, or 7 days (For description see page 87) * * Several p.c. Heleau, John Timaru 31/3/04 14 days (For description pee page 24) , , medium Several p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1904, page 43.) Barkley, Kate Timaru 20/4/04 drunkenness.. 24 hours Ireland charwoman 1856 5 If fresh .. brown blue


Gaol, and Name of Prisoiner. I Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. O « W Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. 1 (i’.P. indicates tliat finger-impressions have been taken.) Naseby— ft. in. Jones, William .. Naseby 11/4/04 breach of prohibition I fine, or 48 hours Scotland .. labourer 1837 5 54 fresh .. brown grey .. large See Police Gazette , 1901, page 24. Dunedin — Whittaker, Jane.. Dunedin 11/1/04 vagrancy 3 months Scotland .. prostitute .. 1843 5 3 fresh .. iron-grey .. grey .. large 34 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette , 1903, page 88.) McGehan, Gavin Port Chalmers 14/1/04 embezzling cargo 3 months Scotland .. sailor 1875 5 8f fresh .. dark grey .. medium F.P. McGee, Ellen Dunedin 21/1/04 drunkenness.. 3 months (For description see page 34 •• 65 p.c. Woods, Joseph, alias Kench, Lawrence 24/3/04 obscene language 14 days England .. labourer 1851 5 4 fresh .. brown, turnhazel .. large Numerous p.c. Sentences cumulative. (See Police alias “ Cockney Joe ” drunkenness .. fine, or 7 days 48 hours ing grey Gazette, 1903, page 286.) Reid, William, alias Rieves, Mosgiel 6/4/04 drunkenness.. England .. fireman 1866 5 6i fresh .. black brown .. thick E.R., anchor horse’s head,heart, and wreath on left Ernest indecent act .. 7 days arm ; sailor with flag and sword on right arm. F.P. Sentences concurrent. Switalli, Elizabeth (or Suilalla, Eliza) Mosgiel 6/4/04 drunkenness.. 48 hours (For description see page 43) 2 p.c. Sentences concurrent. indecent act .. 7 days Mills, Benjamin Port Chalmers 6/4/04 causing annoyance in fine, or 7 days England .. seaman 1874 5 5* fresh .. brown, turngrey . medium Shield, half-wreath, and bracelet on right, arm ; railway-carriage 6| ing grey cross flags on left arm ; star on wrist. F.P. Johnston, Richard Port Chalmers 6/4/04 drunkenness.. fine, or 48 hours England .. fireman 1878 5 sallow .. brown brown .. sharp Scar on left wrist. F.P. Sentences concurrent. causing annoyance in fine, or 7 days railway-carriage obscene language fine, or 1 month Wallace, David .. Port Chalmers 7/4/04 drunkenness.. fine, or 48 hours Scotland .. fireman 1867 5 3S fresh .. light brown grey • • very large Bracelet on right wrist; star on right hand ; Union Jack, American flag, S.M.O., &c., on left arm. Lynch, Patrick .. Dunedin 8/4/04 drunkenness.. fine, or 48hours Ireland labourer 1872 5 fresh .. brown grey .. large Broad features. Dimmock, William Lawrence 19/4/04 breaking and entering corn’d for trial England .. labourer 1852 5 4± fresh .. grey grey .. large Second finger of left hand deficient. Bailed. McCann, John .. Dunedin 20/4/04 drunkenness.. fine, or 24 hours England .. blacksmith 1872 5 7i fresh .. black brown .. large Woman dancing, &c., on right arm ; scar on right fair eyebrow. Murphy, John, alias Dunedin 8/4/04 drunkenness .. fine, or 48 hours Ireland fireman 1865 5 5£ fresh .. blue large Several p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1903, page 212.) O'Keefe Holt, William, alias Holst, Dunedin vagrancy 3 months Denmark .. labourer 1849 5 9 fresh .. brown grey .. large Numerous p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1903, page 264.) 23/1/04 alias Hulst, &c. Love, Robert Dunedin 23/3/04 drunkenness .. 1 month Scotland .. fireman 1848 5 at fresh .. grey grey .. thick 3 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1903, page 265.) Invercargill — dk. blue Two flags and buoy on left arm; cross and heart on Coyne, William .. Invercargill .. 14/3/04 theft 1 month England .. sailor 1887 5 1 fresh .. brown broad left hand ; sword, &c., on right arm ; scar on right cheek. F.P. Clarke, Walter, alias Grant Invercargill.. 8/4/04 drunkenness .. 7 days Scotland .. bootmaker .. 1875 5 4 swarthy fair grey .. large Several p.c. Lame left leg. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1904, page 101.) Hunter, Hugh .. Invercargill .. 13/4/04 drunkenness .. 48 hours N. Zealand painter 1867 5 4f fresh .. dark brown It. blue medium Several p.o. Six blue dots on left hand ; three dots on left wrist. Photographed at Dunedin, 15/8/86. (See Police Gazette, 1902, page 142.) Ryan, Phillip Campbelltown 13/4/04 breaking, entering, and remanded N. Zealand labourer 1874 5 101 dark .. black brown .. large Sailor with legs crossed and flag on left arm; woman theft with rake, &c., on right arm. Sinolair, Peter .. Invercargill.. 8/4/04 resisting police fine, or 3 mo’s N. Zealand carpenter .. 1868 5 7 pale brown It. blue large 5 p.c. F.P. Fine paid. (See Police Gazette, 1904. page 101.) Hyams, John, alias Hind, Invercargill.. 24/3/04 damaging property 1 month England .. labourer 1862 5 54 fresh .. brown, turnbrown .. large Several p.c. T. and two dots on left arm. F.P. (See alias Hines mg grey Police Gazette, 1904, page 101.) Errata.—Prisoners Clancy, Swanson, Webb, Johnston, Coates, and Jansen: They were not photographed at Lyttelton as appears in page 74 of current Gazette.


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXVIII, Issue 10, 4 May 1904, Page 121

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EXTRACTS FROM NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXVIII, Issue 10, 4 May 1904, Page 121

EXTRACTS FROM NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXVIII, Issue 10, 4 May 1904, Page 121

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