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(Prom Gazette, 1903, pages 1279 and 2533.)

Inspector of Weights and Measures, County of Vincent, and Boroughs of Alexandra and Cromwell, appointed. Colonial Secretary’s Office, Wellington, 23rd May, 1903. HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint

Sergeant Martin Rogers

to be an Inspector of Weights and Measures, under “ The Weights and Measures Act, 1868,” and the Acts amending the same, for the County of Vincent and for the Boroughs of Alexandra and Cromwell, vice Constable James Pratt. W. C. WALKER, For Colonial Secretary.

Inspector of Factories appointed. Department of Labour, Wellington, Bth December, 1903. HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased tc appoint William Henry McQuarteks to be an Inspector under “ The Factories Act, 1901.” R. J. SEDDON, Minister of Labour.

By Authority: John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.

Name. Offence. Where tried or sentenced. Date sentenced. Sentence. 1903. Werezier, Andra Solomon Illegally pawning (2 charges) S.G., Auckland .. Sept. 5 12 months’ labour on each (concurrent). 5 years’ labour for breaking Smith, William Breaking, entering, and theft S.C., Auckland .. Sept. 7 (3 charges) and entering; 12 months’ labour for theft (concurrent). Rawiri Paraakiri Forgery and uttering(3 chgs) S.C., Auckland .. Nov. 16 18 months’ labour on each (concurrent). McKeown, Henry Joseph Personation at an election .. S.G., Auckland .. Nov. 16 Fined £10, in default 3 months’ labour. Mangan, Gertrude Susan Theft from a dwelling S.C., Auckland .. Nov. 16 1 year’s probation, and to refund amount stolen. Reynolds, Henry James, alias False pretences S.C., Auckland .. Nov. 16 2 years’ labour. Lloyd, Harry, alias Evans, &c. Yerbury, Joseph Theft from a vessel S.C., Auckland .. Nov. 16 12 months’ labour. Killane, John, alias Killea, alias Theft from a dwelling S.C., Auckland .. Nov. 16 3 months’ labour. Anderson O’Brien, John .. ) Wi liams, Archibald .. ) Theft from a dwelling (2 cbgs) S.C., Auckland .. Nov. 16 (2 years’ labour on eaoh j (concurrent). O’Brien, John Theft from a dwelling (2 chgs) S.C., Auckland .. Nov. 16 2 years’ labour on each (concurrent with above). Hills, George Sly-grog selling .. S.O., Auckland .. Nov. 16 Sentence deferred, pending decision of Appeal Court. Doyle, Henry Theft S.G., Auckland .. Nov. 16 2 years’ probation and to pay costs. Clarke, Ellen False pretences S.G., Auckland .. Nov. 16 6 months’ probation. Thompson, Frank William Theft from a dwelling S.C., Auckland .. Nov. 16 12 months’ labour. Keep, Thomas Unlawfully wounding a horse S.G., Auckland .. Nov. 16 12 months’ probation. Davis, Thomas Theft from the person S.G., Auckland .. Nov. 16 2 years’ probation. Ani Nganiho Makara Murder .. S.G., Auckland .. Nov. 16 Found insane. To be detained during the pleasure of Colonial Secretary. FerrL, Frank, alias Francis False pretences (2 charges).. S.G., Auckland .. Nov. 17 18 months’ labour on each William (concurrent). Smith, Percy .. 1 Sullivan, David Walter j Sullivan, David Walter Assault and robbery S.G., Auckland .. Nov. 20 12 years’ labour. |2 years’ labour. Theft from a dwelling S.G., Auckland .. Nov. 20 1 year’s labour (concurrent with above). Duncan, Thomas, alias Jackson, Rape S.G., Auckland .. Nov. 20 10 years’ labour and two Peter floggings of 15 strokes, j1 years’ labour on each { (concurrent). Williams, Samuel .. j Theft as a servant (2 chgs)) False pretences (2 charges) j S.G., Auckland .. Nov. 20 Evans, Ernest, alias Johnson, Burglary .. S.C., Auckland .. Nov. 21 Acquitted. alius Hopeton, Carl Moses, James, alias Wilson ) Moriehouse, John .. j Theft S.O., Auckland .. Nov. 21 f Acquitted. | Acquitted. Du n, James, alias John Theft from the person S.G., Auckland .. Nov. 23 Acquitted. 3 years’ labour. Ryan, Edward William Attempting to carnally know S.G., Auckland .. Nov. 23 a child Huntley, Percy Assault causing actual bodily harm Theft S.C., Auckland .. Nov. 23 6 months’ labour. Ogara, Charles S.G., Auckland .. Nov. 24 1 year’s labour. 2 years’ labour. White, George, alias Samuel, Forgery and uttering S.C., Auckland .. Nov. 24 alias Hansen, alias Martin, Thomas Acquitted. Grace, John .. Assault causing actual bodily S.C., Auckland .. Nov. 24 harm Herbert, William Theft S.G., Auckland .. Nov. 25 6 months’ labour. Boys, Henry Alfred .. Assault causing actual bodily S.C., Auckland .. Nov. 25 12 months’ probation and harm costs of prosecution. McGill, John Robert .. Attempted rape S.C., Auckland .. Nov. 26 Acquitted. Hills, George Sly-grog selling (2 charges).. S.C., Auckland .. Nov. 26 Acquitted. Falwasstr, Emma Sly-grog selling (2 charges).. S.G., Auckland .. Nov. 27 Bound over in £100, and to come up when called on. McCarten, Daniel Theft (2 charges) .. S.G., Auckland .. Nov. 28 Acquitted. f 3 years’ labour j (concur(3 years’ labour { rent). Harrison, George .. j Breaking and entering | Attempted burglary j S.G., Auckland .. Nov. 30 Hetit, John .. Sly-grog selling S.G., Auckland .. Dec. 1 Acquitted. Ludgreen, Arthur Julius | Winter, Theodore, alias Clarke j False pretences S.C., Auckland .. Dec. 2 (1 year’s labour. ) 1 year’s labour. Huggins, William .. j Forgery (2 charges) ) False pretences .. j S.C., Auckland .. Dec. 5 (3 years’ labour on each { (concurrent). Godfrey, William Freak Theft (3 charges) .. S.C., Auckland .. Dec. 5 1 year’s labour on each. Gaffey, James Percy Sly-grog selling S.G., Auckland .. Dec. 5 Acquitted. Clayton, William Henry Forgery .. S.C., Auckland .. Dec. 5 1 year’s labour. Gardiner, Joseph Sly-grog selling .. S.G., Auckland .. Dec. 5 Fined £50, in default 3 months. Powell, Joseph Sly-grog selling S.C., Auckland .. Dec. 5 Fined £50, in default 3 months. Cameron, William Theft from the person S.O., Auckland .. Dec. 5 2 years’ labour. Heritage, George Sly-grog selling S.C., Auckland .. Dec. 5 Fined £50, in default 3 months. Simmons, David Theft S.G., Auckland .. Dec. 7 Nolle prosequi entered. Wilkinson, Frank Breach of Bankruptcy Act .. S.C., Auckland .. Dec. 9 1 year’s labour.

Return of Prisoners tried or sentenced at the Supreme and District Courts.

Name. Offence. Where tried or sentenced. Date sentenced. Sentence. 1903. Collins, James, alias Speed, Arthur, alias Jackson, James, &c. Lichfcwark, Theodore Francis .. Breaking, entering, and theft S.C., N. Plymouth Sept. 30 3 years’ labour. Making false declaration S.C., N. Plymouth Sept. 30 12 months’ probation. under “ Post Office Act, 1900” Blane, John George Henry Theft from the person S.C., N. Plymouth Oct. 1 Acquitted. Hitchcock, George Procuring I. J. Salmon to S.C., N. Plymouth Oct. 2 Acquitted. commit arson Allen, Walter Richard Breaking, entering, and theft S.C., N. Plymouth Oct. 2 18 months’ labour. Brandon, Arthur Robert, alias Perjury .. S.C., N. Plymouth Oct. 3 7 years’ labour. Currie, Henry Samuel Roberts, John William Horse-stealing (2 charges) .. S.C., N. Plymouth Oct. 3 18 months’ labour on each (concurrent). Salmon, Isaac John .. Arson S.C., N. Plymouth Oct. 6 2 years’ probation. Suisted, Richard Hicks Fraudulent bankruptcy (5 D.C., Hawera Nov. 3 7 days’ labour on each (concharges) current). Priestly, Josiah Oswald Theft (4 charges) .. S.C., Wanganui .. Sept. 21 12 months’ labour on each (concurrent). Sheehan, Edward Carnally knowing a girl S.C., Wanganui .. Sent. 21 5 years’ labour. Douglas, David James Forgery .. S.C. Wanganui. J Sept. 21 1 month’s labour. Te Kora Ueroa Ngarangi Wounding with intent to do S.C., Wanganui .. Sept. 21 12 months’ labour. grievous bodily harm Harwood, Annie Theft from the person S.C., Wanganui .. Sept. 21 Acquitted. Cottrell, Mary Ellon .. Perjury .. S C., Wanganui .. Sept. 22 Acquitted. Hammington, William Assault causing grievous S.C., Wanganui .. Sept. 23 4 months’ labour. bodily harm Cunningham, Sydney, alias 1 Cecil, alias McKenzie, alias j Wilson ( Theft of bioycle (2 charges) ) False pretences .. ) S.C., Wanganui .. Sept. 23 f 18 months’ lab jur on each ( (concurrent). Birchley, Malcolm Sydney Causing actual bodily harm S.C., Wanganui .. Sept. 24 Jury disagreed, j 12 months’ labour. (10 months’ labour. Cluney, William .. 1 Quinn, William .. j Doing grievous bodily harm S.C., Wanganui .. Sept. 24 Hawkins, Mary Ann .. Perjury .. D.C., Wanganui.. Oct. 19 Acquitted. 6 months’ labour. Nicholls, Joseph, alias Herbert Breaking, entering, and theft S.C.,Palmerston N. Oct. 6 Walls, Frederick Nelso.i False declaration to obtain a S. C.,Palmerston N. Oct. 5 1 month’s probation. marriage certificate Proctor, John William PemberFraudulent bankruptcy S.C.,Palmerston N. Oct. 6 6 months’ probation. Nelson, Thomas Assault occasioning bodily D.C.,PalmerstonN. Dec. 1 Acquitted. harm Hake, Henry Joseph, alias Hico Assaulting a polioe officer .. D.C.,Palmers tonN. Dec. 1 Bound over for 12 months in his own recognisance of £50. Smith, Peter Wallace Perj ury .. D.C., Masterton.. Sept. 30 Nolle prosequi entered. 12 months’ labour. Jakobson, John Indecent assault .. D.C., Masterton.. Oct. 1 Randle, Edward, alias Jones, Breaking, entering, and misS.C., Wellington.. Aug. 27 18 months’ labour. alias McWilliams, James chief Court, Arthur, alias Scott, Arthur Henry, alias Kitchener, G F Forgery .. S.C., Wellington.. Aug. 27 12 months’ labour. Bay, Harold, alias Smith, False pretences (2 charges).. S.C., Wellington.. Aug. 27 2 years’ labour. Reece, John Frederick, alias False pretences (2 charges).. S.C.,Wellington.. Sept. 3 18 months’ labour. Daniels, William, alias Wilson, Attempted housebreaking .. S.C., Wellington.. Sept. 3 6 months’ labour. Wilson, Thomas, alias Ritchie, alias Yeitch Bodily harm S.C., Wellington.. Sept. 30 2 months’ labour. Fowler, John Theft (2 charges) .. S.C., Wellington.. Oct. 13 9 months’ labour. Hartley, Frederick, alias Ewart 1 Curtis, James Theft of sheep S.C., Wellington.. Oct. 9 f 12 months’ labour. 112 months’ labour. Murdock, Robert Theft of horse S.C., Wellington.. Oct. 9 18 months’ labour. Sherwood, Percy John, alias Theft of horse S.C., Wellington.. Oct. 29 6 months’ labour. Smith, alias Smithson Bowe, Jeremiah Indecent assault .. S.C., Wellington.. Oct. 29 5 years’ labour. Coyle, Frank .. 1 Loft, William .. [ Assault and robbery S.C., Wellington.. Nov. 23 j Acquitted. (5 years’ labour. Ogilvie, Robert Attempted sodomy S.C., Wellington.. Nov. 24 5 years’ labour. Moffatt, John ., j Theft .. .. ) Escaping from custody j S.C..Wellington.. Nov. 24 f 12 months’labour ( (concur(6 months’labour j rent). Cooper, George, alias Patrick j Forgery .. S.C., Wellington.. Nov. 25 (3 years’ labour | (concurJames, alias Porter, George ( Sending false telegram J (1 year’s labour j rent). Cooper, Ada L. False pretences (5 charges).. S.C.,Wellington.. Nov. 25 6 months’ probation on first charge, and to come up for sentence on remainder. Trainor, Peter .. 1 Faloon, Sarah .. j Assault and robbery S.C., Wellington.. Nov. 25 f Acquitted. (Acquitted. Stewart, George Donovan Theft S.C., Wellington.. Nov. 26 6 months’ labour. Chasland, Thomas Bodily harm S.C., Wellington.. Nov. 27 6 months’ labour. Clark, John, alias Angus, John Bodily harm S.C., Wellington.. Nov. 27 6 months’ labour. Guilford, James Stewart Hackett, John .. 1 Taylor, Samuel Henry Rape S.C., Wellington.. Nov. 30 Found insane. Detained during pleasure of Colonial Secretary, f5 years’ labour. (Acquitted. Assault and robbery S.C..Wellington.. Nov. 30 Pickering, Horace John Gray, Edwin, alias Harris,! Theft (2 charges) .. S.C..Wellington.. Dec. 1 Acquitted. ( 8 years’ labour. 1 William L Breaking and entering (14 ohgs) S.O./Wellington.. Dec. 3 King, Frank .. j (7 years’ lab

Return of Prisoners tried or sentenced at the Supreme and District Courts -continued

Name. Offence. Where tried or sentenced. Date sentenced. Sentence. 1908. Eager, William, alias Oxenham,) Richard Keeping common gaming-1 house } S.C.,Wellington.. Dec. 9 I Tried three times; juries j disagreed. Nolle prosequi Sturgeon, Prank ( entered. Counihan, Edward .. 1 Thomas, Harry .. J Acting in conducting com- j mon gaming-house j S.C., Wellington.. Dec. 9 Nolle prosequi entered. Grossmann, George .. Breaking and entering S.C.,Wellington.. Dec. 10 12 months’ labour. Lindsay, John, alias Newton .. Uttering coin with intent to S.0.,Wellington.. Dec. 10 2 months’ labour. defraud Bock, Walter Theft (5 charges) .. S.Q., Wellington.. Dec. 10 9 months’ labour. Dome, John .. j Theft .. .. 1 Escaping from custody j S.C., Wellington.. Dec. 11 (6 months’ labour) (conour|6 months’ labour} rent). Trudgeon, Thomas Theft S.C., Blenheim .. Nov. 18 4 months’ labour. Gawn, Robert Arson S.C., Blenheim .. Nov. 18 Acquitted. James, William Theft S.C., Nelson Nov. 26 12 months’ labour. Howard, Henry James j Assault causing bodily barm) Escaping from prison S.C., Nelson Nov. 26 J 1 month’s labour. | To come up when called on. 12 months’ probation. 18 months’ labour. Brewer, William Henry Theft S.O., Nelson Nov. 26 Croucher, Thomas Theft S.C., Nelson Nov. 26 De Young, Martha Breaking, entering, and theft S.C., Hokitika .. Sept. 29 Acquitted. Scully, John Watson .. Procuting instruments with S.C., Hokitika .. Sept. 29 Found guilty. Point reintent to procure abortion served for Court of Appeal. AlcCauley, Catherine.. Manslaughter S.C., Hokitika .. Sept. 29 Acquitted. McLoughlin, Bridget Keating .. Concealment of birth S.C., Hokitika .. Sept. 29 Bill ignored. Harding, Louisa Manslaughter S.C., Hokitika .. Sept. 29 Acquitted. 2 years’ labour on each (conHeerdegen, Otto, alias Adams, Breaking, entering, and theft S.C., Christchuroh Aug. 27 J. C. (8 charges) current). Cooper, Frederick, alias Forgery and uttering (2 cbgs.) S.C., Christchurch Sept. 18 5 years’ labour on eaoh (conCameron ,alias Kingsford, Dr., &c. Crook, John, alias Smith current). Breaking, entering, and theft S.C., Christchurch Sept. 25 3 months’ labour. Janson, Karl Evert .. Doing grevious bodily harm S.G., Christchurch Sept. 25 6 months’ labour on each (2 charges) (concurrent). 5 years’ labour on each (conMcCombe, George, alias McGuire Forgery and uttering (2 chgs.) S.C., Christchurch Oct. 7 current). 3 months’ labour. McPherson, William, alias Assault and robbery S.C., Christchuroh Nov. 16 O’Neil, Frederick Sherwood, Percy, alias Smith- J son, J. Horse-stealing (2 charges) ) S.C., Christchurch Nov. 16 (2 years’ labour on each J (concurrent). Theft .. .. J 1 2 years’ labour (concurrent ( with above). Crump, Harry, alias Arden, Forgery and uttering (3 chgs.) S.C., Christchurch Nov. 16 4 years’ labour on each (conalias Blackett, alias Watt, alias Lane, &c. current). Illingworth, Frederick Indecent assault .. S.C., Christchurch Nov. 16 Bill ignored. Dillon, William Assault with intent to rape.. S.C., Christchurch Nov. 16 Bill ignored. Burrell, Adam Guthrie Causing actual bodily harm.. S C., Christchurch Nov. 16 Bill ignored. Diffin, Annie Causing actual bodily harm.. S.C., Christchurch Nov. 16 Acquitted. Blue, Archibald Assault with intent to rob .. S.C., Christchurch Nov. 16 4 years’ labour. Hankins, Charles Hankins, Alice .. 1 Wilfully neglecting a child.. S.C., Christchurch Nov. 17 j 3 months’ labour. 13 months’ labour. Williams, Thomas, alias Daniels Receiving stolen goods S.C., Christchurch Nov. 17 6 months’ labour. Davis, Benjamin Indecent assault .. S.C., Christchurch Nov. 17 12 months’ labour. Moir, Charles Hamilton I Assault with intent to rob .. Carnally knowing a girl) S.O., Christchurch Nov. 17 6 months’ labour. Powell, William .. j under 16 years L Indecent assault .. J S.C., Christchurch Nov. 17 2 years’ labour. Kingdom, James, alias Owen, Breaking, entering, and theft S.C., Christchurch Nov. 17 Acquitted. Frederick Brooks, Albert Herbert ) Brooks, Agnes Emily.. j Wilfully neglecting a child .. S.C., Christchurch Nov. 23 j Acquitted. (Acauitted. Symons, Alfred E. Theft S.C., Christchurch Nov. 23 6 months’ probation. Saunders, Margaret .. Abandoning infant child S.C., Dunedin .. Sept. 8 To come up when called on. Heerdegen, Otto, alias Adams, Theft S.C., Dunedin .. Sept. 30 6 months’ labour (cumuJ. A. lative with sentence now undergoing). Melwood, James Theft from a dwelling S.C., Dunedin .. Sept. 30 12 months’ labour. Storey, William Burn, alias Stuart, Charles Indecent assault .. S.C., Dunedin .. Nov. 23 2 years’ labour. Wood, Charles Breaking and entering a S.C., Dunedin .. Nov. 23 Acquitted. dwelling with intent McCarthy, Harry Assault causing actual bodily S.C., Dunedin .. Nov. 23 Acquitted. harm Grant, Peter Keeping a common bettingS.C., Dunedin .. Nov. 24 Acquitted. Curtis, Benjamin house Keeping a common bettingS.C., Dunedin .. Nov. 24 Acquitted. house Moss, Abraham Keeping a common bettingS.C., Dunedin .. Nov. 25 Acquitted. house Scott, Adam Carnally knowing a girl under S.C., Dunedin .. Nov. 26 5 years’ labour. 10 years Todd, James Assisting in conducting a S.C., Dunedin .. Nov. 26 Nolle prosequi entered. common betting-house Goodman, Henry James Assisting in conducting a S.C., Dunedin .. Nov. 26 Nolle prosequi entered. common betting-house Curtis, Lewis Assisting in conducting a S.C., Dunedin .. Nov. 26 Nolle prosequi entered. common betting-house Green, Thomas Attempted false pretences .. S.C., Invercargill Dec. 1 12 months’ probation. Hamill, Alfred Rape S.C., Invercargill Dec. 1 7 years’ labour & 20 lashes. McRae, William Cattle-stealing S.C., Invercargill Dec. 1 Bill ignored. Black, Archibald Horse-stealing S.C., Invercargill Dec. 1 Sent to lunatic asylum during the pleasure of the Colonial Secretary.

Return of Prisoners tried or sentenced at the Supreme and District Courts— continued.

Name of Offender. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. O PP Height. Complexion. Hair. Eves. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &c. Harper, Claude Auckland 24/11/03 theft (2 charges) convicted and N. Zealand schcolboy 1894 ft. in. 4 7 fair fair blue medium discharged Newman, William.. Auckland 2/12/03 theft (2 charges) to come up Sydney labourer 1887 5 1 fresh .. light brown brown .. medium when called on Capner, Stanley Howard Auckland 4/12/03 theft (3 charges) to come up when called on N. Zealand messenger 1889 4 9 fresh .. dark brown .. medium Cargill, John Paeroa 23/11/03 theft fine, or 14 days N. Zealand labourer 1884 5 5 sallow .. brown hazel .. medium Glynn, James Joseph Waihi 10/11/03 theft to come up when called on N. Zealand labourer 1878 5 5 sallow .. brown hazel. .. medium Slim build. Allen, Henry Napier 4/11/03 theft (3 charges) to come up Scotland .. labourer 1843 5 11 fair fair, turning blue medium when called on grey Kerr, Andrew Foxton 2/12/03 illegally on premises convicted and discharged fine, or 7 days Scotland .. carpenter 1868 5 4f fresh .. brown grey blue medium Scar over right eye ; blue dot on left wrist. Stevenson, Walter .. Palmerston N. 30/11/03 theft England .. cab-driver 1858 5 5 pale dark brown .. medium McCook, Beatrice .. PalraerstonN. 30/11/03 vagrancy sent to Army Home fined 10s. N. Zealand domestic 1858 5 5 fresh .. light brown blue medium Hunt, George William Otaki 19/11/03 theft N. Zealand labourer 1879 5 6 fair light brown hazel .. medium * theft fined 18s. Miller, Jane Upper Hutt.. 4/12/03 theft convicted and Ireland nurse 1840 5 2 pale grey grey .. medium discharged Nankivell, Herbert Wellington .. 13/11/03 theft convicted and N. Zealand boy 1889 5 2 fair fair blue .. discharged fair Ballantyne, Maggie Wellington .. 23/11/03 no lawful means of supconvicted and N. Zealand prostitute 1878 5 4 fair grey .. port discharged Burns, Edith Wellington .. 23/11/03 no lawful means of supconvicted and N. Zealand prostitute 1879 5 2 fresh .. dark grey .. port discharged McDonald, Jane Wellington .. 23/11/03 theft to come up Scotland .. prostitute 1865 5 1 fresh .. dark blue Repeatedly convicted. when called on Thornley, Henry William .. Wellington .. 1/12/03 theft fine, or 7 days England .. fireman 1880 5 9 fair fair grey .. Martinsen, Otto Greymouth .. 28/11/03 theft fined £3 Sweden carpenter 1868 5 9 fair brown grey .. medium Shrimpton, John .. Christchurch 25/11/03 theft 6 mo. probat’n N. Zealand grocer 1886 5 6 fresh .. fair grey .. medium Abel, Charles Beasley Christchurch 24/11/03 attempted suioide surety for 12 England .. labourer 1838 5 9 fair grey blue medium Johnston, Annie Christchurch 25/11/03 no lawful means of convicted and Ireland domestic 1877 5 3 fresh .. brown grey .. medium support discharged McGuinn, Mary Timaru 25/11/03 no lawful means of sent to MagdaTemuka .. 1884 5 4 fair fair blue medium of support len Home McGuinn, Annie .. Timaru 25/11/03 no lawful means of sent to MagdaTemuka .. 1886 5 1 dark .. brown blue .. medium support len Home Dickson, Sydney .. Kaitangata .. 20/11/03 theft fine, or 7 days N. S. Wales labourer 1873 5 11 fresh .. brown brown .. medium Strong build ; military appearance. Drummond, John .. Outram 21/11/03 obscene language • • fined £2 10s. Scotland .. waggoner 1849 5 6 fair light brown blue medium Beard and moustache turning grey. Hoare, John Lawrence 26/11/03 theft fined 40s. N. Zealand labourer 1865 5 11 dark .. dark hazel .. medium

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates’ Courts, but not sent to Gaol.

Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Auckland— Sergeant, Annie, alias Mary Auckland 18/11/03 drunkenness .. fine, or 7 days (For description see ft. in. page 232) .. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1903, page 282.) Howell, Conrad .. Auckland 18/11/03 drunkenness .. 7 days West Indies French1850 5 6i dark .. black dark br. broad 9 p.c. Small cross on right arm ; heart, red line, Sullivan, Patrick Auckland 26/11/03 habitual drunkenness.. 1 month (For polisher description see page 170) .. &c., on left arm. ifp.P. 40 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1903, page 261.) Lloyd, Alfred Auckland 29/10/03 stowaway 4 weeks England .. labourer 1883 5 7£ fresh .. dark brown dark br. large A.L., &c., on left hand; emblem on left arm ; dagger Andrews, Robert Auckland 29/10/03 stowaway 4 weeks England .. labourer 1883 5 5 fresh .. light brown blue wide through flesh, &c., on right atm. F.P. F.P. Gilmour, John .. Auckland 29/10/03 stowaway 4 weeks England .. labourer 1877 5 9£ fresh .. black hazel .. nostrils medium Star between left finger and thumb ; rising sun, &c., Sanson (or Sansom), WilAuckland 29/10/03 stowaway 4 weeks England .. labourer 1879 5 7 swarthy dark brown brown .. short on right arm ; scar on chin. F.P. I LOVE N. LAWLER on right wrist. F.P. Burke, Joseph .. Auckland 29/10/03 stowaway 4 weeks Ireland labourer 1877 5 6 fresh .. brown grey .. large J.B.J.B. (indistinct) on left arm; dot between right Nicholson, Edward Auckland 4/2/03 breaking and entering 12 mo’s on each N. Zealand painter 1881 5 5f fresh .. dark brown hazel .. medium finger and thumb. F.P. Left little-finger nail has been split. F.P. PhotoWilliams, Norah, alias Clegg Parata, Kahi Wi Auckland 27/10/03 (2 charges) theft (2 charges) drunkenness.. 12 months 1 month (For description see page 42) graphed at Auckland, 5/11/03. Sentences concurrent. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1903, page 282.) Auckland 5/5/02 horse-stealing 18 months N. Zealand gum-digger 1879 5 5i) copper.. black dark br. broad I. on right arm ; A. on left arm. F.P. 3 p.c. Scar on first and second right fingers. F.P. Poster, Charles, alias Harry, alias Barton, Henry Bradley, Lexie Jane Auckland 12/8/01 theft (2 charges) 3 years on each N. Zealand school teacher 1878 5 8 dark .. dark brown brown .. medium Te Awamutu 28/10/03 sly-grog selling 1 month Scotland .. domestic 1867 5 1* sallow .. brown grey .. medium Photographed at Auckland, 5/11/03. Sentences concurrent. F.P. Rogers, William Auckland 19/11/00 attempted murder 4 years N. Zealand farmer 1826 5 5f sallow .. grey blue thick Sailor, ship, and crossed flags on left arm ; small Chappell, Thomas Auckland 12/11/03 insulting language fine, or 14 days East Indies labourer 1853 5 7£ fresh .. fair blue medium growth on top of left cheek. F.P. 13 p.c. Very stout; scar on nose and on right Coe, Henrietta .. Auckland 25/9/03 breach of Infant Life fine, or 2 mo’s England .. domestic 1850 4 11 faded .. grey dark .. long cheek. F.P. F.P. O’Donovan (or Donovan), Auckland 17/11/03 Protection Act drunk and disorderly .. fine, or 14 days England .. labourer 1860 5 8£ swarthy black grey .. large 1 p.c. Scar on nose, right eyebrow, and top of head. Edward Follas, William .. Te Awamutu 2/10/03 sly grog selling (6 chgs) 1 mo. on each N. Zealand bootmaker .. 1870 5 9 fair dark brown grey .. large F.P. F.P. First two charges cumulative, others concurrent. A leaf tattooed on right forearm. F.P. First two Thompson, William Te Awamutu 2/10/03 sly-grog selling (4 chgs) 1 mo. on each N. Zealand miner 1873 5 1J dark .. black, curly dark br. medium Fraser, John Auckland 9/2/03 breaking, entering, 12 months Scotland .. carpenter .. 1864 5 6 swarthy dark brown blue medium, charges cumulative, others concurrent. Scar near left knee. F.P. Hipio, Kauhoa,<xKas Matiu, Auckland 9/2/03 theft, and receiving theft and receiving 12 months N. Zealand labourer 1864 5 9§ copper.. black dark br. pointed medium 1 p.o. Small scar near left side of nose. F.P. Hipio, alias Matthews, John Furlong, Jerome Auckland 10/8/03 breaking, entering, 4 months N. Zealand night-watch-1883 5 11 sallow .. dark brown grey .. short 1 p.c. Bugle and J.F. on right arm; anchor and McAllister, William Auckland 4/9/03 theft, and receiving obscene language 3 months N. Zealand man labourer 1879 5 6i fresh .. black dark br. medium bracelet on left arm. F.P. 6 p.c. Scar under right eye; M. on right arm; horse-shoe on left arm ; left thumb crippled. F.P. F.P. Sentences cumulative. Haimona, Tima .. Auokland 15/8/03 breach of prohibition order breach of prohibition order theft and fraudulently 1 month (For description see page 282) .. Agnew, Frederick Moore, alias McPherson Crimmins, James Auckland 9/2/03 21 days 12 months England .. photograph’r 1860 5 4£ fresh .. dark brown, blue-gr’y medium Nail of right thumb split. F.P. Auckland 30/9/03 pawning assault 1 week N. Zealand horse-trainer 1880 5 6 fresh .. turning grey black grey .. medium Scar on left thigh and left little finger. F.P. Dunn, James, alias John .. Auckland 21/11/03 16/11/03 assault theft from the person.. fine, or 14 days acquitted (For description see page 219) .. F.P. Kennedy, Thomas Auckland 16/11/03 theft from the person .. acquitted (For description see page 219) .. • • F.P.


I Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. j Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. a u o « Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Auckland— continued. theft from a dwelling discharged (For ft. in. 101) .. Skiventon, Emma, alias Auckland 27/11/03 description see page .. F.P. (See Police Gazette , 1903, page 310.) Skivington Simmons, David Auckland 16/11/03 theft nolle prosequi entered N. Zealand fisherman .. 1875 5 4J sallow .. dark brown grey .. large Wings, heart, emblem, &c., on right arm ; flowerpot, eagle, &c., on left arm ; anchor and female bust on left knee. McNaugbton, John Auckland 23/11/03 habitual drunkenness.. 14 days N. S. Wales shipwright .. 1843 5 5i sallow .. black blue medium F.P. (See Police Gazette , 1903, page 282.) Makara, Ani Nganiho Auckland 16/11/03 murder fine, or 3 mo’s N. Zealand domestic 1873 5 34 copper.. black dark br. medium Right hand deformed. F.P. Sent to asylum during pleasure of Colonial Secretary. Gardiner, Joseph Auckland 16/11/03 sly-grog selling (For description see page 232) .. . . F.P. Fine paid. Scar on left jaw. F.P. Fine paid. Powell, Joseph .. Auckland 16/11/03 sly-grog selling fine, or 3 mo’s N. Zealand labourer 1877 5 7 swarthy dark brown blue-gr’y large Newman, William Auckland 2/12/03 theft to come up when called on N. S. Wales horse-driver 1887 5 0£ sallow .. brown brown .. medium I.L.M.B.W. on right arm ; I LOVE on left arm. Thames— Anderson, Denis.. Thames 28/11/03 indecent act .. 48 hours N. Zealand bushman 1861 5 11 dark .. black brown .. medium Slight cast in left eye. Carden, Valentine Thames 25/11/03 breach of Probation Act 6 weeks Sydney .. clerk 1884 5 4 dark .. black blue medium See Police Gazette, 1903, page 243. Jones, Arthur Gisborne — Thames 12/10/03 16/11/03 breach of prohibition order obscene language fine, or 48 hours 14 days N. Zealand labourer 1875 5 8| fresh .. dark blue medium Bracelet on right wrist; E.A. J. on right arm ; top of first right finger crushed. Winter, Albert William .. Gisborne 21/11/03 false pretences (2 chgs) theft (2 charges) 14 days on each 14 days on each England .. labourer 1875 5 2 fair sandy It. blue medium Mark of cut across left cheek. F.P. Sentences concurrent. Robertson, Duncan Gisborne 21/11/03 theft 2 mo’s probat’n Australia .. labourer 1879 5 11 dark .. black dk. grey medium F.P. Hanly, Cornelius, alias Gisborne 26/11/03 drunkenness .. 48 hours Ireland labourer 1841 5 4 fresh .. grey brown .. broken .. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1903, page 262.) Manly, alias O’Shea Ritchie, Alexander ThompGisborne 27/11/03 drunkenness .. .. 7 days Scotland .. farmer 1847 5 7J sallow .. brown blue medium Waiotapu — England .. 1872 fresh .. dark brown, curly Payne, Thomas .. N. Plymouth 2/10/01 attempted arson 3 years labourer 5 6 blue medium Small scar on forehead and on right cheek; mole on left breast; second left toe crooked. F.P. Hooper, Herman Auckland 4/2/03 theft 12 months England .. labourer 1880 5 7 sallow .. dark brown hazel .. large Scar on right arm ; stutters when speaking quick. F.P. F.P. Kincaid, Archibald Auckland 4/2/03 breaking, entering, and theft (2 charges) 12 months N. Zealand ship’s stew’rd 1884 5 5f sallow .. brown blue medium Wairoa — N. Zealand dark .. Maihi Heremia .. Wairoa 12/11/03 drunkenness obscene language fine, or 24 hours fine, or 4 days labourer 1853 5 8 black grey .. large Sentences cumulative. Napier — N. Zealand dark .. Wood, William .. Napier 24/11/03 obstructing police fine, or 14 days sailor 1882 5 5J dark brown, curly hazel & grey large Scar on left cheek and right eyelid ; clasped hands, &e., on left arm. Fine paid. Reed, John Dannevirke .. 30/10/03 theft (2 charges) 14 days on each (For description see page 7) Photographed at Napier, 24/11/03. Sentences cumulative. (See Police Gazette , 1903, page 199.) Couper, Andrew .. Wairoa 13/10/03 arson corn’d for trial N. Zealand blacksmith 1875 5 9f dark .. brown brown .. medium Large scar below right knee; upper front teeth out; dimple in chin. On bail. (See Police Gazette , 1894, page 114.) Rynan, Christopher, alias Christie Dannevirke .. 28/10/03 theft 1 month (For description see page 9) Photographed at Napier, 24/11/03. (See Police Gazette, 1903, page 284.) Knight, Edward .. Napier 30/11/03 attempted suicide discharged England .. gardener 1844 5 64 dark, sallow dark brown hazel & grey large, Roman False teeth ; legs and feet injured. Lindsay, John, alias Newton Napier 30/11/03 false pretences remanded to Wellington (For description see page 42) Bad teeth. Photographed at Napier, 23/1/03. (See Police Gazette, 1903, page 102.) New Plymouth — Harlin, William Lewis, alias Harland Hawera 31/8/03 vagrancy 3 months Ireland bootmaker .. 1827 5 7i fair white hazel .. broken .. Numerous p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1903, page 199.) Warren, William Thomas N. Plymouth 27/11/03 vagrancy 7 days England .. labourer 1877 5 6J sallow .. black, worn long brown .. aquiline .. 1 p.c. Jagged scar on left breast. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1903, page 263.)


Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried When. Oifenoe. Sentence. Native of Trade. d o P3 43 1 § v 1 W 1 Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) New Plymouth— contd. ft. in. Humphrey, James Inglewood .. 28/11/03 indecent act .. 7 days France cook 1820 5 1 fresh .. white blue broken .. Scar on left thumb ; squint in left eye. F.P. (See Pire N. Plymouth Police Gazette , 1900, page 28.) 11/11/03 obscene exposure 7 days N. Zealand labourer 1883 5 3 copper.. black brown .. flat Long scar on right arm ; two moles on neck. F.P. Raetihi — Moke Teoro Raetihi 3/12/03 horse-stealing corn’d for trial N. Zealand labourer 1887 5 5 copper.. black brown .. broad F.P. Bailed. Wanganui — Lund, John Frederick Wanganui .. 18/3/03 theft 6 months Sweden engineer 1853 5 n fresh .. brown, turnbrown .. large Repeatedly convicted. F.P. Photographed at Weiing grey lington, 19/12/01. (See Police Gazette, 1903, page 22.) Scars on cbin. F.P. Sentences concurrent. Bunn, Norman Henry Feilding 26/6/03 theft 6 months N. Zealand labourer 1882 5 4J fresh .. dark brown hazel .. large Strain, John, alias Anderson, &c. theft 1 month Wanganui .. 21/8/03 refusing to quit licensed 14 days (For description see page 7) Repeatedly convicted. F.P. Sentences cumulative. PalmerstonN. Palmerston N. premises vagrancy 3 months (See Police Gazette, 1903, page 114.) Hopper, Frederick, alias Hoffer Byre, Thomas, alias Ayers 26/8/03 29/8/03 theft obscene language 3 months 3 months England .. N. Zealand plumber spieler 1863 1875 5 5 4f 74 fair fresh .. light brown brown It. blue brown .. medium pointed Previously convicted. (See Police Gazette, 1902, page 50.) Previously convicted. Burn-mark under chin. F.P. Montague, Thomas Palmerston N. 23/10/03 disobeying order of Court 1 month England .. jockey 1871 5 3 fresh .. grey grey .. sharp Scar over left eye. Cain, William Wanganui .. 23/11/03 breach of Licensing Act fine, or 1 month Victoria .. compositor .. 1843 5 54 fresh .. grey grey .. bent to right medium Scars on top of forehead. Fine paid. Crutchley, William Wanganui .. 27/11/03 breach of by-laws 48 hours England .. boot-finisher 1852 5 64 fresh .. grey grey .. See Police Gazette, 1903, page 147. Murphy, David .. Wanganui .. 28/11/03 assault 24 hours Ireland seaman 1870 5 84 fresh .. brown grey .. medium Scar on left cheek. Powdarley, James Wanganui .. 28/11/03 assault 7 days Ireland seaman 1874 5 8 fresh .. brown hazel .. crooked .. Clasped hands on right wrist. Wellington — Crocker, John Wellington .. 3/11/03 drunkenness .. 1 month Scotland .. carpenter . 1860 5 5 fresli .. grev light br. broad 2 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1903, page 114.) Draper, William Wellington .. 3/9/03 theft 3 months N. Zealand brickmaker 1883 5 6 fair light brown brown .. small 2 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1901, page 12.) Coffman, John .. Wellington .. 1/9/03 trespass 6 months Russia hawker 1868 5 6 dark .. dark brown brown .. large Scar on centre of forehead. F.P. Sureties found. Taylor, Samuel .. Wellington .. 30/11/03 robbery acquitted England .. fireman 1876 5 114 fresh .. brown brown .. medium Blue dot on each arm ; several large scars on back Downey, Daniel .. of head. F.P. Wellington .. 1/9/03 theft 3 months England ., cook and 1867 5 64 fresh .. dark brown blue medium 2 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1903, page 246.) Kane, Patrick steward Wellington .. 29/8/03 drunkenness .. 3 months Scotland .. fireman 1856 5 3| fresh .. grey grey .. medium 9 p.c. F.P. Jackson, George William.. Wellington .. 15/10/03 drunkenness.. 14 days England .. seaman 1848 5 7 fair brown blue large Numerous p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1903, page Hyde, John breach of Licensing Act 1 month 245.) Wellington .. 29/10/03 drunkenness .. 1 month England .. seaman 1866 5 8 fresh .. grey blue medium 4 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1903, page 275.) Emery, Arnold Arthur Wellington .. 20/10/03 default of maintenance 1 month England .. ironmonger 1853 5 n dark .. grey grey .. large Bald. Wilson, Thomas, alias Wellington .. 30/9/03 assault 2 months N. Zealand labourer 1878 5 8 fair brown hazel .. sharp 6 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1902, page 235.) Campbell, Norman Wellington .. 23/10/03 maintenance 1 month Scotland .. labourer 1854 5 5i dark .. dark grey .. large Numerous p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1903, page 245.) Trainer, Peter Wellington .. 25/11/03 robbery acquitted N. Zealand cooper 1876 5 lOf dark .. dark brown .. large Hayes, James Wellington .. 16/11/03 drunkenness .. 3 days N. Zealand labourer 1880 5 84 fair brown brown .. medium 1 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1902, page 125.) Hampson, William, alias Fraser, Thomas G. breach of Licensing Act 7 days Wellington .. 17/6/03 theft 6 months England .. cook and 1862 5 14 dark .. brown brown .. medium F.P. Photographed at Wellington, 15/7/93. (See fireman Police Gazette, 1903, page 43.) Cooper, Harry, alias Thompson, alias Joseph, Levin 25/7/03 theft (4 charges) 2 mo’s on each England .. brickmaker 1872 5 8 fair light brown hazel .. medium 1 p.c. F.P. First sentences concurrent, last cumutheft 2 months lative (See Police Gazette, 1903, page 187.) alias James Coyle, Frank Wellington .. 23/11/03 robbery acquitted N. Zealand labourer 1870 5 104 dark .. dark brown brown .. large Numerous p.c. Scar right side of forehead.


Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Com- 1 plexion, j Hair. Eyes. Nose Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (P.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) VT ellington — continued. Knowles, Maurice Wellington .. 23/11/03 robbery discharged Ireland seaman 1869 ft. in. 5 5 dark .. black brown .. flat Woman’s head on left wrist; scar left side of head. Glendenning, Charles Wellington .. 14/11/03 drunkenness.. 48 hours Scotland .. seaman 1870 5 3£ fresh .. brown blue 1 arge Ring on left middle finger. resisting police 7 days England .. ruddy .. Smethurst, John Wellington .. 24/10/03 drunkenness.. 1 month patternmak’r 1854 5 10i light brown blue .. large 1 p.c. Abscess-mark on left thigh. Huru, Henare, alias Huru, Wellington .. 26/6/03 forgery 6 months N. Zealand farmer 1873 5 9 copper.. black brown .. flat 1 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1897, page 29.) Wiremu Rapata England .. 1882 5 6£ fair brown Monk, Henry William Wellington .. 19/11/03 found in gaming-house 14 days steward blue medium Three dots on left arm. McDugald, Hugh, alias Wellington .. 20/11/03 drunkenness 48 hours Scotland .. machine fitter 1850 5 4 swarthy grey brown .. sharp 12 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1903, page 234.) Adams resisting police 14 days Picton — 1870 swarthy dark Thomas, John Blenheim 31/10/03 obscene language(2 chgs) fine or 30 days N. Zealand labourer 5 4§ grey, hazel thick Female on right arm ; female bust on left arm ; assault fine, or 3 days female on belly and right bip. Profusely tattooed. Nelson— 1862 fair brown, turnWood, Ellen Nelson 3/12/03 drunkenness .. convicted and Australia .. domestic 5 7 brown .. discharged 1855 fair mg grey Cameron, Priscilla Nelson 5/12/03 drunkenness .. convicted and England .. cook 5 3£ grey grey .. First joint of left forefinger off. discharged Hokitika— 1861 dark .. dark brown, Jones, Angelo, alias William Kumara 29/9/03 vagrancy 2 months England .. musician 5 6 blue .. medium 6 p.c. Left eye blind. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1856 sallow .. turning grey 1902, page 130.) Keogan, Margaret Hokitika 19/11/03 drunkenness .. remanded Ireland 5 2* dark brown, turning grey brown .. broad Blomquist, John Westport 31/10/03 assault fine, or 1 month Finland .. seaman 1876 5 9f dark .. dark brown dk. blue large Girl with flag, &c.,on left arm ; T.H.B., &c., on right 58) turning grey arm; H.D.. &o., on chest; scars on right cheek. Grogan, Thomas, alias Greymouth .. 2/11/03 drunkenness .. fine, or 48 hours (For description see page . . . . Several p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1903, page 149.) O’Brien theft fine, or 1 month remanded 285) .. Anderson, Harry Hokitika 28/11/03 assault (For description see page * * Lyttelton — Newman, Jane .. Christchurch 24/8/03 indecency 3 months (For description see page 149) .. brown Numerous p.c. F.P. Renwick, Edwin Robert, Christchurch 16/6/03 theft 6 months N. Zealand labourer 1873 5 8§ fresh .. grey .. medium Burn-scars on left arm; impediment in speech. alias McKay, E. J., alias Reynolds Kirk, William F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1902, page 121.) Christchurch 16/9/02 breaking, entering, and theft drunkenness.. 18 months N. Zealand labourer 1873 5 6f dark .. brown brown .. medium Several p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1902, page 205.) Pearson, William Henry, Christchurch 25/5/03 3 months (For description see page 115) .. Numerous p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1903, page alias Tippin obscene language 3 months fair dark 149.) Thompkins, Leonard E. .. Christchurch 27/8/03 disobeying order 3 months N. Zealand hotel porter 1872 5 6£ blue medium 1 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1902, page 256.) Barker, William, alias Timaru 27/8/03 theft 3 months (For description see page 201) .. •• F.P. Holmes Cox, Charles Henry Auckland 29/8/98 robbery with violence .. 7 years N. Zealand cabman 1878 5 7 fair dark .. brown dark blue brown .. Large scar on upper left arm, on left shin, and on left foot. F.P. Photographed at Wellington, 1/1/02. Blaas, Wilhelm .. Lyttelton 16/11/03 theft 14 days Germany .. seaman 1880 5 7 medium Anchor on right arm ; K. on left arm. F.P. Matthews, William Lyttelton 10/11/03 obscene language fine, or 21 days (For description see page 33) 1 P-c. Sutton, Gharles, alias Christchurch 14/8/01 forgery 3 years England .. groom 1846 5 4J sallow .. grey grey .. medium 4 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1900, page 265.) Watson, Henry McKegny, Mary.. Christchurch 1/9/03 wilful damage 3 months (For description see page 136) .. •• Numerous p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1903, page 235.) Numerous p.c. F.P. Photographed at Dunedin, Kerr, James Christchurch 9/2/03 robbery 12 months N. Zealand plumber 1879 5 6f dark .. brown brown .. long 32) 14/2/01. (See Police Gazette , 1902, page 163.) Richards, Thomas Christchurch 3/11/03 drunkenness .. 1 month (For description see page Numerous p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1903, page 297.)


Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Lyttelton— continued. ft. in. blue Dingledey, Margaret Christchurch 2/9/03 vagrancy 3 months Melbourne matron 1855 5 2f fair fair large Numerous p.c. F.P. Stewart, Alexander Christchurch 4/11/08 vagrancy 1 month N. Zealand baker 1873 5 64 i sandy .. sandy blue medium Scar on left wrist. Bell, Thomas Christchurch 5/11/03 theft 1 month (For description see page 212) .. . . Several p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1903, page 297.) McLennon, Charles, alias Christchurch 7/11/03 breach of the peaoe fine, or 1 month (For description see page 23) • . . . See Police Gazette , 1903, page 297. McLellan, alias Oriss Kennedy, Maria Christchurch 20/11/03 drunkenness.. 14 days (For description see page 246) .. • . 1 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1903, page 246.) Swales, Joseph Henry, alias Wilson Christchurch 17/11/03 27/11/03 breach of Bankruptcy Act defrauding creditors .. detention detention England .. butcher 1866 5 4 fresh .. brown blue sharp Dog-bite on right leg ; scar on first right finger and first left finger. Bailed. Johnson, Oscar .. Lyttelton 27/11/03 damaging a window .. fine, or 14 days Sweden .. seaman 1873 5 5J fair fair blue .. sharp 1 p.c. F.P. Fine paid. Cogle, Lawrence, alias George Hanmer Springs — Christchurch 1/12/03 forgery remanded (For description see page 235) .. • . .. 3 p.c. F.P. Bailed. sharp Rose, Walter Ernest Christchurch 9/2/03 theft 12 months Christch’ch stamp-dealer 1873 5 2f pale fair, curly .. blue .. Sharp, thin features. F.P. Oamaru — Munro, Roderick, alias Oamaru 3/12/03 theft 3 mo’s probat’n N. Zealand labourer 1882 5 8£ dark .. dark grey .. medium Williams Harrison, William Dunedin— Oamaru 2/12/03 default of maintenance surety £50 Victoria .. billiardmarker and labourer 1872 5 9 dark .. dark blue medium Power, Michael .. Dunedin 24/11/02 theft .. .. 18 months Australia .. sailmaker .. 1869 5 6f sallow .. dark grey .. medium 13 p.c. Died in gaol. F.P. Photographed at Dunedin, 23/5/98. (See Police Gazette , 1899, page 131.) Smith, Charles .. Dunedin 24/8/03 theft 3 months England .. bootmaker .. 1868 5 Hi fresh .. light brown brown .. large 15 p.c. F.P. Photographed at Dunedin, 16/3/00. (See Police Gazette, 1903, page 201.) Williams, Margaret, alias “ Opium Mag ” Dunedin 1/9/03 drunkenness .. vagrancy 7 days 3 months (For description see page 23) • • • • 51 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1903, page 150.) Sentences concurrent. Wright, John, alias Wallace Dunedin 2/9/03 theft 3 months (For description see page 247) .. 1 p.c. F.P. Wood, Charles .. Dunedin 23/11/03 breaking and entering acquitted England .. seaman 1879 5 7f fresh .. black, curly brown .. medium Rose and star on left hand; hand, heart, and cross on right wrist. Galloway, James Dunedin 20/11/03 breach of by-law fine, or 48 hours Scotland .. carter 1855 5 n fresh .. dark brown brown .. large Scar on right arm. Robertson, Lizzie Dunedin 4/11/03 drunkenness., obscene language 24 hours 1 month Scotland .. •• 1858 5 1 fair dark brown blue broad Scar on forehead and chin. F.P. Invercargill — medium 7 p.c. Scar on each knee. F.P. Photographed at Invercargill, 24/11/03. (See Police Gazette, 1901, page 81.) Smith, Alfred, alias Norton Dunedin 26/8/02 theft 18 months N. Zealand labourer 1878 5 6i fresh .. light brown grey .. Leonard, Thomas Invercargill.. 28/10/03 disobeying order of Court 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1869 5 5i dark .. dark brown .. medium Varicose veins on left leg ; scar on upper and lower lids of right eye. F.P. Naies, John Frederick Inveroargill.. 2/11/03 attempting to obtain pension certificate by false statement 1 month Germany .. wool-classer 1830 5 2f fair .. grey grey .. broad Left shoulder has been broken ; thumb-nails split; small mole on breast; varicose veins on right leg. F.P. Branty, George .. Bluff 6/11/03 vagrancy 1 month (For description see page 150) .. •• •• •• 2 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1903, page 189.) Black, Archibald Gore 4/11/03 horse-stealing corn’d for trial Ireland ploughman 1870 5 4£ fair dark brown grey .. large Small mole under left eye and one on right cheek. F.P. Sent to asylum. Green, Charles .. Invercargill.. 1/12/03 false pretences 12 mo. probat’n N. Zealand ploughman 1882 5 41 fresh .. dark brown brown .. large


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXVII, Issue 26, 16 December 1903, Page 318

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EXTRACTS FROM NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXVII, Issue 26, 16 December 1903, Page 318

EXTRACTS FROM NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXVII, Issue 26, 16 December 1903, Page 318

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